HomeMy WebLinkAboutConsent Calendar #9 6-15-87TO:
For the City Council meeting of June 15, 1987.
It is recommended that the City Council adopt a resolution approving plans and
specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids.
This project provides for the-construction of street and utility improvements on
Tustin Ranch Road and Myford Road between Bryan Avenue and Irvine Boulevard.
The estimated cost for this contract is about $2,514,539.75 and will be paid out
of assessment district bond financing.
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Authorize advertising for bids
1st legal advertisement
2nd legal advertisement
Opening of bi ds
Award of contract
June 15, 1987
June 25, 1987
July 2, 1987
July 14, 1987
July 20, 1987
B~ Led~n'decker
Director of Public Works/City Engineer
Assistant Civil Engineer
SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the. City Clerk, Tustin
City Hall, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California 92680 until 10:00 A.M. on
the 14th day of July, 1987 at which time they will be publicly opened and
read,' 'for performing work as follows:
Construction of: Assessment District 85-1 Improvements on
Tustin Ranch Road and Myford Road
Bids are required for the entire work described herein:
No. Descri pti on Unit Qu anti tN
Tustin Ranch Road
lA 0.40' thick AC base course TN 7,249
lB 1.65' thick CL. II aggregate base TN 28,706
2. Type A-2 curb and gutter LF 5,071
3. Type A median curb LF 4,818
4. Embossed concrete median paving SF 3,361
5. PCC median nose EA 5
6. Local depressi on EA 2
7. PCC drive apron SF 506
8. Adjust sewer M.H. to finished grade EA 7
9. Adjust W.V. to finished grade EA 20
10. 12" ACP CL. 200 drain pipe LF 27
11. Medi an grate i nl et EA 3
12. 6" perforated PVC median drain LF 150
13. 9.5" X 16" meter box.for irr. sleeving EA 4
14. 4" PVC sleeve LF 2,488
15. Signing and striping LS 1
16. 8" VCP sewer LF 909
17. 48" dia. sanitary sewer M.H. EA 1
18. 60" dia. sanitary sewer M.H. EA 2
19. Concrete sewer encasement LF 13
20. Sheeting/shoring/bracing for sewer const. LS 1-
21. 2" reclaimed water service LF 709
22. Type OS 'catch basin EA : 1
23. Type OL catch basin EA 4
24. Junction structure Type II EA 2
25. Junction structure Type III EA 1
26. Junction structure Type V EA 1
27. Junction Structure Type VI EA 3
28. 8" thick brick and mortar plug EA 5
29. Transition structure W/M.H. shaft EA 1
30. Installation of City furnished 18" RCP LF 228
31. Installation of City furnished 24" RCP LF 224
32. Installation of City furnished 48" RCP LF 1,995
34 Sheeting/shoring/bracing for S.D. const. LS 1
35 Concrete coll ar EA 1
36 Misc. removals/disposals for S.D. const. LS 1
37 Edison conduit and appurtenances LS 1
38 Telephone conduit and appurtenances LS I
No. Descri pti on Unit Quantity
39 Cable T.V-. and appurtenances LS 1
40 Sheeti ng/shori ng/braci ng for Edi son/Tel/CATV LS 1
Myford Road
41A 0.35' thick AC base course TN 4,587
41B 1.45' thick CL. II aggregate base TN 18,243
42 Type A-2 curb and gutter LF 5,665
43 Local depression EA 1
44 PCC drive apron SF 207
45 Adjust sewer M.H. to finished grade EA 6
46 Adjust W.V. to finished grade EA 37
47 Remove/di spose exi st. AC SF 1,593
48 Adjust M.H. to finished grade w/PVC lined EA 1
grade ri ng
49 Signing and striping LS 1
50 48" dia. sanitary sewer M.H. EA 3
51 10" VCP sewer LF 1,121
52 Sheeti ng/shori ng/braci ng for sewer const. LS 1
53 4" AWWA C-900 PVC CL 150 reclaimed water main LF 792
54 4" C.I. ring-rite plug and thrust block EA 1
55 2" reclaimed water service LF 568
56 sheeting/shoring/bracing for reclaimed water LS 1
57 8" ACP CL. 150 water main LF 3,260
58 8" gate valve EA 17
59 Fi re hydrant assembly EA 10
60 8" C.I. plug and thrust block EA 10
61 Temp. blow-off assembly EA 1
62 Sheeting/shoring/bracing for water main const. LS 1
63 Edison conduit and appurtenances LS 1
64 Telephone conduit and appurtenances LS 1
65 Cable T.V. and appurtenances LS 1
66 Sheeting/shoring/bracing for Edison/Tel/CATV LS I
FO7P35 Drainal~e Facilities
67 Type OS catch basin EA 4
68 Junction structure Type I EA 3
69 Junction structure Type II EA 6
70 Junction structure Type III EA : 2
71 Junction structure Type IV EA 1
72 Junction structure Type VI EA 1
73 8" thick brick & mortar plug EA 8
74 Misc. removals/disposals for FO7P35 S.D. LS 1
75 Installation of City furnished 18" RCP LF 92
76 Installation of City furnished 24" RCP LF 78
77 Installation of City furnished 30" RCP LF 104
78 Installation of City furnished 36" RCP LF 3g
79 Installation of City furnished 42" RCP LF 1,002
80 Installation of City furnished 48" RCP LF 1,475
81 Install ation of City furni shed 54" RCP LF 499
82 Sheeti ng/shori ng/braci ng for FO7P35 S.D. Const.LS I
Traffic Signalization
83 Traffic signal conduit/pull boxes LS I
The foregoir, u quantities are approximate onlj being given as a basis
for the comparison of bids, and the City of Tustin does not, expressly or
by implication, agree that the actual amount of work will correspond
therewith, but reserves the right to increase or decrease the amount of any
class or portion of the work or to omit portions of the work as may be
deemed necessary or advisable by the Engineer.
Plans, specifications and proposal forms to be used for bidding on
this project can only be obtained by prospective bidders at the office of
the City Clerk, Tustin City Hall, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California,
92680, upon payment of $50.00 per set, or will be mailed out upon payment
of $65.00 per set, which amounts are not refundable. .
In conformance with Section 37931 of the Government Code, all bids
shall be presented under sealed cover on the proposal form provided and
accompanied by bidder's security in the form of cash, cashier's check,
certified check or bid bond executed by an accredited surety. The security
shall be for an amount no less than 10% of the amount of the bid. A bid
shall not be considered unless one of the forms of bidder's security is
enclosed therewith.
A Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of 100% and a Labor and
Materials Payment Bond in the amount of 50% in the form attached to the
contract documents shall be provided. Said bonds shall be issued by a
surety company rated Grade A or better and Class IV or better by the latest
edition of Best's Key.Rating Guide.
City of Tustin reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and/or
waive any informality on a bid. No bidder may withdraw his bid for a
period of thirty (30) days after the date set for the opening thereof.
Prior to bid opening, Bidder may withdraw his bid. Bids received after the
bid opening time & date stated herein will be returned to bidder unopened.
Pursuant to California Government Code Section 4590, the contractor
will be entitled to post approved securities with the City or an approved
financial institution in order to have the City release funds retained by
the City to insure performance of the contract.
Prior to contract award the successful bidder shall possess a valid
State of California Contractor's License in the classification of A.
The City Council of the City of Tustin has obtained from the Director
of Industrial Relations the general prevailing rate of per diem wages and
the general prevailing rate for legal holiday and overtime work in the
locality in which the work is to be performed for each craft, or type of
work needed and a copy of the same is on file in the office 'of the City
Not less than said prevailing rates shall be paid to workers employed
on this public works contract as required by Labor Code Sections 1771 and
1774 of the State of California.
Ordered by the City Council on June 15, 1987.
Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk