HomeMy WebLinkAboutOB 2 VACANT WTR BLDG. 03-07-88 ~ ~ ~ ;~ ~.~ .....: ~:.~ ~.~ ~ OLD BUSINESS ~ 3-7-88 Inter- Com DATE: ~ARC~ FROM: S~!BJECT: WILLIAM HUSTON, CITY MANAGER CHRISTINE SHINGLETON, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT REQUEST FROM TUSTIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY FOR USE OF VACANT WATER DEPARTMENT BUILDING AT 245 MAIN STREET RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council receive and file the staff report on this matter. BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION The Tustin Historical Society at a regular meeting on January 18 requested that the' City explore the feasibility .of donating the currently, vacant Water Department building at 245 Main Street to permit relocation of the Historical Society's 'useum. In evaluating the Historical Society's request, information and input was requested from a number of City departments (responses by individual departments are-. attached). In summary, there are a number of concerns that .staff would currently have with utilizing the current vacant Water Department residence at 245 Main Street for other than water service operations or related uses for the following reasons: 1. A museum on the site would not be a safe location nor conducive for public use in connection with other Water Department operations and facilities on the site. Water Operations traffic/activity would not be compatible with outside activities generating high pedestrian activities on the site or requiring an intense parking need. City work vehicles moving around a shared use facility would be dangerous and would create an increase in liability exposure for the City. This could increase the City's liability insurance when the OCCRMA underwriter looks at adding this to the City's coverage. The noise and dust from heavy equipment use in this area would also distract from a museum. 2. The extsting water service site is currently being expanded to include a de-nitrification plant on the westerly portion of the site. The addition of this plant will require the temporary parking of certain additional construction equipment and motor vehicles in the vicinity of 245 East Main. Street. 3.' There may be a potential need to rehabilitate and expand the water reservoir on the Water Department site. In which case, the movement of the existing home would be needed. City Council Report Water Service Building March 7, 1988 Page two 4. The City is currently negotiating with the Irvine Ranch Water District to acquire the Retail Water Service within the East Tustin Area, which will ultimately increase the size of the Water Service by approximately 9,000 services. This acquisition will require an increase in staff and equipment which will most likely require the use of the structure for City use. 5. The existing structure may be needed for use by the City once permanent City Hall expansion/modifications are underway {approximately 12 months from now). 6. Extensive site and building modifications would be needed to convert the building to a museum use in complying with Uniform Building Codes. 7. There is already a shortage of parking on the site for Water Department operations. While there should be adequate on-site parking for the public for a museum use, any property owner would have the right to apply for a Variance. In the event that staff determines over the next several years that the existing Water Department building at 245 East Main Street.is not needed for permanent Water Department operations or there is a need to move the building for a water reservoir rehabilitation, or the facility is needed for temporary use by the City during the expansion of City Hall, we would recommend donation of the house provided that the house could be relocated to another site at Historical Society expense. However, before such a donati.on could be approved it would need to be approved by the Water Board. As requested by the Historical Society, staff met with a representatives from the Historical Society, Tony Coco and Margaret' Greinke, on February 2gth to discuss the above issues. While they felt that the residential building could be fenced off to prevent potential conflicts or liability concerns regarding existing Water Department operations, the City's Public Works Department and Finance Departments' do not believe this would provide for all potential needs of the Water Department. It would al so be inappropriate for the City to divide its current facility into pieces. In the event the facility was not needed by the City, the Historical Society indicated that they would not be prepared to bear any cost of moving the residence if it was donated to them. Additionally, since they have no available land or the resources to acquire such land they would be anxious to turn to the City or Redevelopment Agency for our acquisition or donation of land to them. ~hri sti nd-SBi~gleton~ -- Director of Community Development .... Community Deve. IoPmen~ Depar~rnen~ DAT£: February 22, 1988 TO: christine shingleton, Director of Community Development Dept. FROM: Bob Ledendecker, Director of Public Works/City Engineer SU83ECT: City of Tustin Water Service Structure at 245 Eas~ Main Street The following comments are in response to your requests! regarding the use of the structure at 245 East Main Street for that other than a City water services operations-related use. In order to accurately respond to a joint use of the property, it would be necessary to identify the exact intended uses with respect to existing site area requirements, required number of parking spaces, the amount of potential user traffic, and the specific hours of operation. The existing site is currently being expanded to include a de-nitrification plant on the westerly portion of the site. The addition of this plant will 'require the parking of certain construction .~quipment and motor vehicles in the vicinity of 245 East Main street. The Water Operations traffic/activity would not be compatible with outside activities generating high pedestrian activities on the site or requiring an intense parking need. The City is currently negotiating with the Irvine Ranch Water District to acquire the Retail Water Service within the East Tustin Area, which will ultimately increase the size of the Water Service by approximately 9,000 services. This acquisition will require an increase in staff and equipment which will most likely require the use of the structure for City use. The Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency (Town Center Project area) is currently considering the enlargement of a water reservoir at the 235-245 E. Main Street facility. The implementation of this reservoir at the site would require removal of the house and use of the site as a reservoir. One additional comment on the 245 East Main Street structure is the potential need for its use by the City once the City Hall modification/expansion operations are under way. B~ob Leden~ecker Director of Public Works/City Engineer BL/mv V I 'ounty Oit~es ~tsk Management Autl~ority David Barrett President (7'14) 828-2200 Robert A. Graham Risk Manager (714) 784-1287 February 22, 1988 Mr. Ron Nault, Director of Finance City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, Ca. 92680 Dear Ron N:aul t: At the request of the City, i have crone a Ri 5k Management Survey of Water Department fa'CJI ities in connection with converting the Water District Manager house into a Museum. It is my opinion that a museum at this site would not be a safe location for public use. The roi lowing are .some ot the reasons for my negative opinion: 1. This facility is surrounded by City facilities that are not conducive to a pub'l ic building that has the public visting o-n a regular basis . 2. There is. not adequate parking for' the publ lc. · City work vehicles moving, around a shared use foci I ity would, be dangerous anct would create an increase in I iabi i i ty exposure for the city· This coulcl increase the c i t y~ ~, I i ab i I i t y i ns ur ance when the OCCRMA underwriter looks at adding this to the city's coverage. · The noise and dust from heavy equipment use in this area would distract from the museum. Ex tens ive up-grading protection, handicap dr iveway woulo be the .outside of building. of walks, parki ng, wal I s for access i b i I i ty and changing the minimum work to be done on the Sincerely, Robert A. Graham OCCRMA Risk Manager RAG / wU 0C8010 5275 ORANGE AVENUE · CYPRESS · CALIFORNIA 90630 D,A'r,.T]~: FROM!: WILLIAR HUSTON, CITY RANAG£R CHRISTINE SHINGLETON AND LLOYD DICK --'" SUBJECT: INSPECTION OF PROPERTY AT 245 MAIN STREET, TUSTIN inspection was performed on February 4, 1988 at the subject property to d]e~termine if the building could be converted for use as a museum. The findings . · · were% as follows' The subject property is zoned public institutional (P&I). Pursuant to Municipal Code Section 9245 {b) the Planning Commission would have to make a determination that a museum was similar to other uses authorized under a Conditional Use Permit in the P & I Dist-rict. Assuming a positive determination, a Conditional Use Permit would also have to be filed and approved by the Commission. Zoning requirements for development would be as specified and approved by the Planning Commission. However, it should be noted that there is according to the Water Department a shortage of parking on the site to adequately handle even-Water Department employees. Additional parking would, therefore, seem to be a necessity to accommodate a museum' use. Parking. for staff members and future guests, along with at least one handicapped stall should be considered. The following are requirements for handi capped spaces i n the Bull ding. Code. Ae Parking Lots - (Section 2-7102) 1. Assessible spaces near facility. 2. Identification for use by physically handicapped. 3. Spaces open one side on level surface. · 4. Spaces minimum 14'0" wide. 5. Physically handicapped not compelled to wheel or walk behind parked cars. 6. Clear path of travel to entrance from transit stop or vehicular arrival point. Handicapped access to the building entrance must be provided. All primary entrances to buildings and facilities shall be made accessible, to the physically handicapped. {Section 2-3301 (m) T-24.) Xe Ramps Section 2-3306 · 2. 3. 4. ,, 5. 6. Maximum slope 1:12. Handrail on at least one side of ramp. Handrail 2'8" high {measured from the ramp surfaces). Handrail surface smooth. Handrail extend 1'0" beyond top and bottom of ramp. Nonslip surface. February 8, 1988 245 Main Street Page two · 7. Platforms comply with Items A-5 and A-6 and are 5' long. 8. Minimum 6'0" straight clearance at bottom. . 9. 5' long level rest platforms at 30'0" intervals maximum. 10. Level platforms at turns at least 5' long. B. Walks Section 2-3323 !. Minimum 4'0" wide. 2. Gradient 5 percent maximum. 3. Continuing common surface not interrupted by steps or abrupt changes in level. 4. Blend to a common level wherever they cross other walks, driveways, or parking lots.. 5. Level platform at the top which is at least 5'0" X 5'0" if door swings out, or 3'0" deep by 5'0" if door does not swing in to . walk. 6. Platform extends at least 1'0" beyond doorway on knob side. All doors and hardware must be converted to meet the State's Handicap Code· A · Doors, (Section 2-3303 T-24.) 1. Hand activated door opening hardware to be mounted 30" to 44" above the floor and be operable with a single effort by lever type hardware. 2-3303(c)3. 2. Maximum effort to operate doors shall not exceed 8.5 pounds for exterior doors and 5 pounds for interior doors, 2-3303(1)2. 3. The bottom 10" of all doors {except sliding and automatic) shall have a smooth uninterrupted surface. 2-3303(m). 4. All required exit doorways shall have a minimum 32" clear opening with the door at 90° to the closed position. 3-3303(e)1. 5. One door of a pair of doors shall meet the minimum width requirements. 2-3303(e)2. 6. Maximum height of threshold to be 1/2". Maximum vertical change at edge is 1/4" wi th a maxi mum bevel of 45°. 2-3303(i)3. Restrooms must be converted to meet handicapped requirements. Sanitary facilities - (Section 2-1711 T-24.) A. Where sanitary facilities are located on accessible floors of a building, they shall be made accessible to the physically handicapped. 2-1711(b). Entry to sanitary facilities: 1. 44" clear aisles or corridors where occupant load is 10 or more. UBC 3304(b)1. 2. Doorways to have a 32" clear opening. 2-1711(d). 3. On approach si'de, provide a 60" clear level space when door swings away from approach. 2-1711(d)2. --- Comrnunity Developmem Department ~uary 8, 1988 245 Main Street Page three B · C · Provide a 12" equilateral triangle (vertex pointing up) on doors to men's facilities and a 12" diameter circle on door to women's facilities. These symbols should be of contrasting color 1/4' thick and centered on the door 60" high. 2-1711(d)3. Si ngl · accommodati on roi 1 et faci 1 i ty: 1. Water closet to have a 28" clearance from a fixture and 32" from a wall. 2-1711(f)1. '2. Minimum clear space in front of water closet to be 48". 2-1711(f)1. - 3. A space 36" X 48" is permitted in front of existing water closet accessible to the handicapped. 2-1711(g). Grab bars are to be located on each side or on one side and back of water closet. 2-1711{h). 1.. Grab bars to be 33" above and parallel to the floor. 2-1711{h). 2.· Side grab bars to be 42" long and project 24" in front of water closet stool. 3. Grab bars at back to be 36" long. 2-1711(h). 4. Diameter of grab bars to be 1 1/4" to 1 1/2". 2-1711{h)1. 5. Provide 1 1/2" clearance between grab and wall. 2-1711(h)1. 6. Grab bars {including connectors, fasteners, support backing, and etc.) sh~ll be designed to support a 250# load. 2-1711(h)2. 7. Grab bars shall not rotate within their fittings. 2-1711(h}2. D · Water closets' · 1. The height Of the water closet {top of seat) shall be between 17 and 19 inches. 5-P1502. 2. Flush controls to be operable by an oscillating handle with a maximum force of 3 pounds. 5-P1502. E. Toilet room accessories (where provided). 1. Bottom edge of mirrors to be no higher than 40" from the floor. 2-1711(i)1B. 2. Toilet tissue dispensers to be mounted within 12" from the front edge of the toilet seat. 2-1711(i)3. 3. ' Operating parts of dispensin~ and disposal fixtures (towels, sanitar~ napkins, waste, coin sl.ots, etc.} are to be within 40" from the floor. 2-1711(i)2. F. Lavatori es: 1. Provide a clear floor space 30" by 48" in front of lavatory to permit a forward approach. 2-1711{i)1A. 2. Proide a clear space beneath the lavatory 25" high by 30" wide by 8" deep at the top and 9" high by 30" wide by 17" deep at the bottom. · 5-P1504(a). Community Development Depar;men~ February 8, 1988 245 Main Steer Page four 3. Hot water and drain pipes under lavatory to be insulated or covered and be fre.e of sharp or abrasive surfaces. 5-P1504(b). 4. Faucet controls and operating mechanisms {operable with one hand) shall be of the type not requiring tight grasping, pinchin.g or 'twisting of the wrist, or an operating force exceeding 5 pounds. 5-P1504(c). 5. Self closing valves permitted if faucet remains open for at least 10 seconds. 5-P1504(c). G. Water fountains (drinking) 2-1712 ® 0 e Water fountain shall not encroach into pedestrian ways. 2-1712. Locate water fountain in alcove not less than 32" wide and 18" deep. 2-1712(a). Projected water fountains a. Provide a textured floor area extending 1 foot beyond the front and side of the water fountain, or b. Provide wing walls 32" apar.t and extending even with the front of the water fountain and within 6" of the floor. 2-1712{b). Provide a space 2?" high and 18" deep under the drinking fountain. P1507(a). Bubbler control' {level operated, etc.) to be located within 6" of the front of the drinking fountain and withi~ 33" above the floor. P1507(b). Bubbler outlet oriface to be located within 6" of the front of the drinking fountain and within 33" above the floor with the water stream parallel to the front edge of the drinking fountain, P1507(b). H · Public telephone 2-1713 1. Provide accessible {forward or parallel approach) clear space 30" by 48" in front of the telephone. 2-1713(b,c). 2. Maximum height of operating equipment to be 48" for front reach and 54" for side or dia~jonal reach. 2-1722(c,d), 2-1713(f). 3. Full height enclosures to have a 30" minimum width. 2-1723{g)2. 4. For partial enclosures: a. Minimum 30" width required when projection exceeds 12". 2-1713(g}. b. Maximum projection is 19". 2-1713(g). c. Minimum 27" clearance from floor/ground surface to lowest point of projection. 2-1713(g). 5. Telephone to have a receiver that generates a magnetic field in the area of the receiver cap. 2-1713(h). 6. Telephone shall have push button controls. 2-1713(i). 7. Length of cord from telephone to the handset to be 29". 2-1713(j). CAS :LD:pef Community Development DeparTment