HomeMy WebLinkAboutConsent Calendar #11 6-15-87 CONSENT CALENDAR 6-15-87 Inter- Corn TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM HUSTON, CITY MANAGER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION CITY OF TUSTIN LIGHTING OISIRICT RECOMMENDATION: For the City Council meeting of June 15, 1987. Approval of and authorization for Mayor to execute the following contracts: ° Street lighting service Utility-Owned System Schedule No. LS-1 ° Street lighting service Customer-Owned System Schedule No.'s LS-2, LS-3 and Optional SChedule No. LS-4 BACKGROUND: The City recently assumed the administrative and operational duties of the City of Tustin Lighting District from the County of Orange. This district covers only that portion of the former Orange County Street Lighting District that was located within the unincorporated City limits of Tustin. Current Southern California Edison Company policy on street lighting provides that a contract must be in place between the Edison Company and the customer. In Tustin's particular case, as a result of the City's assumption of the administrative and operational duties of the district, the City is identified as the customer in lieu of the County of Orange. The City is currently designated as the customer for the Tustin Landscape and Lighting District which primarily covers the East Tustin area as well as other various locations throughout the City. The City has previously executed identical agreements for the Tustin Landscape and Lighting District in February, ,1986. DISCUSSION: The attached agreements are an application and contract for street lighting service for a Utility-Owned System Schedule No. LS-1 and for a Customer-Owned System Schedule No.'s LS-2, LS-3 and Option Schedule No. LS-4. Schedule LS-1 is designated as an Edison Company owned unmetered system with designated rates as determined by the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) for energy and system maintenance. Schedule LS-2 is designated as a customer-owned unmetered system with designated rates as determined by the PUC; customer maintains the system. JUNE 9, 1987 PAGE TWO Schedule LS-3 is designated as a customer-owned metered system with charges determined on useage; customer maintains the system. Schedule LS-4 is designated as a customer-owned metered system with charges determined on useage; Edison Company maintains the system. All of Tustin's existing street lighting in the City of Tustin Lighting District is designated as Schedule LS-1. Most of our existi, ng safety lighting on traffic signals are designated as Schedule LS-2. It is suggested that both contracts be executed as presented so that the City will have flexibility to select whichever schedule that would be the most adaptable for future installations. The Edison Company will not provide any additional street light installations unless they have an executed contract for street lighting service with the City. These proposed contracts are standard format documents and do not obligate the City to any unreasonable requirements or terms. The City Attorney's office has reviewed these documents for format/content and has approved same. It is requested that the City .Council take an action, to approve these contracts at their meeting on June 15, 1987. This action will allow street light installations within the district to proceed as needed on a routine basis. Director of Public Works/City Engineer BL:jm Attachment cc: Pat Buttress, Southern California Edison Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 APPLICATION AND CONTRACT FOR STREET LIGHTING SERVICE UTILITY-OWNED SYSTEM SCHEDULE NO. LS-1 THIS AGREEMENT, is made this day of , 19 , by and between the SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY, a California public utility corporation, hereinafter designated as "Company", and the CITY OF TUSTIN, a California municipal corpora- tion, located in the County of Orange, State of California, herein- after designated "Customer". Customer hereby requests the Company to deliver electric energy and to supply street lighting, which includes the street light poles for attachment of luminaires, equipment, and pertinent electric service connections, ko and for the facilities and locations within the City of Tustin Lighting District, as shown in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made part of this contract by this reference. CUSTOMER AND COMPANY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. The parties hereto agree that the initial term of this contract shall be for a period of five (5) years commencing , 19 . Upon the expiration of the initial term of this contract, it shall be extended automatically thereafter for successive terms of five years each, provided that this contract may be terminated at the end of the original or any extended term by either party upon not. less than sixty (60) days written notice prior to the expiration of such term. 2. Customer agrees to take and pay for said service under /// 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 the rates and provisions of Schedule No LS-1, marked Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof, commencing on the date Customer requests the individual light or street light system to be energized, or as soon thereafter as the Company is reasonably able to supply said service subject also to the provisions of Condition 6 hereof. 3. Company agrees to furnish street l~ghting service in accordance with Schedule No. LS-1 and Exhibit "A", and other exhibits which may form a part of this contract. The ownership of said street light poles, equipment, and electric service connections shall at all times be and remain the property of the Company. 4. Should Customer elect to have other than a standard installation, Customer shall pay the estimated difference in cost installed between such installation and a standard installation. The difference in cost installed for such an installation is determined annually by the Company, effective July 1. Where mutually agreed upon, and in accordance with Company's specifications, the excavating, backfilling, and restoring of pavement for an underground installation may be furnished by the Customer in lieu of payment therefor. 5. Customer agrees to acquire, as may in Co'mpany's discretiOn be required, the necessary exclusive easements for the Company from owners of private property at Customer's cost and expense when such easements are required to provide street lighting service. 6. Customer agrees to pay such rates, and to be governed /// -2- 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 by the terms, set forth in the ComPany's tariffs, including but not restricted to, Schedule No. LS-1, on file with the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California, and any changes or modifications thereof as may be authorized by said Commission. 7. This contract shall at all times be subject to such changes or modifications by the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California as said Commission may direct, from time to time, in exercise of its jurisdiction. 8. Termination of this contract shall not affect the obligations or liabilities of either of the parties hereto accruing at such date of termination. Company shall have the right to remove or abandon in place Company-owned street lighting facilities, wholly or in part, upon expiration of this contract or of any extension thereof. 9. The parties hereto agree that any changes, deletions, modifications or additions to the street lighting provided under this contract shall mutually be agreed upon in writing. All other provisions of this contract shall remain in effect. 10. All poles, wires and electrical appurtenances installed by Company in furnishing service under this agreement, shall be so placed as to work the least possible public and private inconvenience. : 11. If Company shall be prevented by strikes, by order of court, by public authority, by order of the Commission or other causes beyond the control of the parties hereto, or any of them, from furnishing the service herein provided for, it shall not be liable in damages to Customer for such failure but a proportionate /// -3- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 reduction in the amounts payable to Company by Customer for street lighting service hereunder, based on the Reriod of suspension of such service, shall be made in case of such failure. 12. Customer agrees to hold harmless and indemnify Company, its successors and assigns, from and against all claims, liens, encumbrances, actions, loss, damage, causes of action, expense and/or liability arising from or resulting from loss or damage to property or injury to or death of persons resulting in any manner whatsoever, directly or indirectly, by reason of any interruption or modification of service requested by Customer. This provision shall not excuse Company from liability to Customer for any breacf of this agreement. 13. Company agrees to hold harmless and indemnify Customer, its successors and assigns, from and against all claims, liens, encumbrances, actions, loss, damage, causes of action, expense and/or liability arising from o~ resulting from loss or damage to property or injury to or death of persons resulting in any manner · whatsoever, directly or indirectly, by reason of any construction or installation of facilities, including, but not limited to, pertinent electric service connections, meters, poles, and wires, undertaken by Company, its contractors, agents or employees in furnishing service under this Agreement. : IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed for and on behalf of each by their duly authorized agents, partners, municipal or corporate officers, as of the day and year first above written. /// /// -4- 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 CUSTOMER: CITY OF TUSTIN By: Richard B. Edgar Title: Mayor, City of Tustin ATTEST: Title: DATE: Names and address to which billing(s) will be mailed: City of Tustin Lighting District 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 COMPANY: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY T i t 1 e: Title: -5- .L- I ? i · i ' $outhem California Edison 2244 Wllnul Grove Avenue. Rosemeaa. Calilomia 91770 Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 91Zl-[ Cancelling Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 9057-E Schedule No. LS-I L~I GHTINC - STREET AND HI CHWAY UT I L I TY-OWNED SYSTEH APPLICABILITY Applicable to street and highway lighting service where the Company o, ns and maintains the street lighting equipment. TERRITORY Within the entire territory served. RATES _ Nominal Lamp Rating kwh Per Month Per Lamp Per Month Average All Midnight or "' AIl Energy Lamp Initial Night Equivalent Night Curtailment Wattage Lumens Service Service Service Service ~idnight or Facilities Incandescent Lamps * Equivalent Charqe 103 1,000 37 18 $ 5.80 $ ~.37 $ 2.25 202 2,500 72 36 8.85 6.25 3.00 · 327 ~,000 116 59 12.02 7.85 2.80 4&8 6,000 159 80 15.k~ 9.62 3.00 690 10,000 2~5 12# 22.23 13.33 3.30 Mercury Vapor Lamps * 100 #,000 ~7 .2~ $ 9.20 $ 7.30 $ 5.00 175 7,900 77 39 11.13 8.2k 5.00 250 12,000 107 S# 13.75 9.92 5.65 400 21,000 168 85 18.00 12.25 5.95 700 #1,000 285 lA# 26.66 16.85 6.25 1,000 55,000 ~03 20~ 35.22 21.25 6.30 High Pressure Sodium Vapor Lamps SO k,.OO0 21 11 $ 8.16 $ 7.10 $ 5.15 70 5,800 31 15 8.92 7.34 5.25 100 9,500 48 24 10.15 8.15 5.~0 150 16,000 68 3k 12.12 9.31 5.90 200 22,000 90 45 13.85 10.31 6.20 250 27,500 112 56 15.33 11.17 6.25 mOO SO,O00 173 88 19.58 13.63 6.55 Low Pressure Sodium Vapor Lamps 35 4,800 22 11 $16.21 $15.10 $12.80 55 8,0OO 30 15 17.02 ) S. S~ 12.80 90 13,500 51 26 22.49 20.09 16.05 135 22,500 75 38 25.19 21.6~ 16.1S 180 33,000 83 42 26.75 22.82 16.~0 * Closed to new installations. Charges are calculated for customer billing using the Rate Components shown below. (Continued) Advice Letter No. 752-E Michael R. Peavey Dect sion No. Nlml CE36( 1 ) ExeCutive Vice President Date Filed December 26~ 1986 Effective January 1~ 1987 Resolution No. E-3Olk .EXHIBIT 'B' ,..~~~ Southern California Edison .2244 WIIIlul Gro~e Avenue, Ro~ad. Califorma 91770 Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 9122-E Cancelling Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 9058-E Schedule No. LS-1 LIGHTING - STREET AND HIGHWAY UTILITY-OWNED SYSTEH (Continued) RATE COMPONENTS Base Rates: -'. Nominal Lamp Rating kwh Per Month Average Ail Midnight or Lamp Initial Night Equivalent Wattage Lumens Service Service Incandescent Lamps * 103 1,000 37 18 202 2,500 72 36 327 4,000 116 59 ~48 6,000 159 80 690 10,000 2~5 124 Mercury Vapor Lamps * 100 ~,000 47 24 175 7j900 77 39 250 12,000 107 S4 400 21,000 168 85 700 41 j000 285 14~ 1,000 55,000 403 204 High Pressure Sodium Vapor Lamps 50 ~ ,000 21 11 70 5,800 31 15 100 9,500 48 24 150 16,000 68 3k 200 22,0OO 90 45 250 27,500 112 56 mOO SO ,000 173 88 Lcm Pressure Sodium Vapor Lamps 35 ~. ,800 22 11 SS 8,000 30 1 S 90 13,500 S 1 26 135 22,500 75 38 180 33,000 83 42 * Closed to ne~ installations. Per Lamp Per Month All Energy Night Curtaiiment Service Service Midnight or Facilities Equivalent Charge . $ 4.10 $ 3.55 $ 2.25 S.SS 4.60 3.00 6.70 5.15 2.80 8.1S 5.95 3.00 11.00 7.65 3.30 $ 7.05 $ 6.20 $ S.00 7.60 6. ~S 5. O0 8.85 7.45 5.65 10.30 8.35 S.95 13.60 10.25 6.25 16.75 11.90 6.30 $ 7.20 $ 6.60 $ 5.15 7.50 6.65 5.25 7.95 7.05, 5.40 9.00 7.75 S.90 9.70 8.25 6.20 10.20 8.60 6.25 11.65 9.60 6.55 $15.20 $1~.60 $12.80 15.65 14.85 12.80 20.15 18.90 16.05 21.75 19.90 16.15 22.95 20.90 16.40 Adjustment Rates: : Energy Cost Adjustment Billing Factors .................................. Annual Energy Rate ...................................................... Per kwh 3.382¢ 0.000¢ Conservation Load Management Adjustment Billing Factor .................. 0.030¢ Electric Revenue Adjustment Billing Factor .............................. -0.183¢ Major Additions Adjustment Billing Factor ............................... 1.270¢ Annual Major Additions Rate ............................................. 0.000¢ Interim Major Additions Adjustment Billing Factor ....................... 0.072¢ PUC Reimbursement Fee ................................................... 0.012¢ Total Adjustment Rates .................................................. 4.583¢ The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule No. RF-E. The Adjustment Rates are described in Parts G, I, J, K, and L of the Preliminary Statement. (Continued) Advice Letter No, 752-E Decision No. CE36(2) MichaelR. Peavey Date Filed December 26~ 1986 Name Effective January 1 ~ 1987 Executive Vice President ~rm~J~ E-301 ~ Title SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY 2244 Walnut Grove Avenue, Rosemead, California 91770 Cancelling Schedule No. Revised Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 8008-E Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 709~-E I~rILII*~-OINEI) ~ CC~atinued) ~pECIAL CONI)ITION$ 1. Standard Install&tton: The above rates are based upon a standard overhead multiple service installation where the Company furnishes bracket or mast arm construction and standard lumtnatre attached to a wood Pole. 2. Ot~er Tbaa Standard Installatlom: · a. Whore the applicant requests the Installation of other than a standard installation and his request is acceptable to the Company, the Company will install the requested equipment provided the applicant agrees to advance the estimated difference in cost installed between such equipment and a standard overhead Installation. If, in the opinion of the Company, an existing wood pole could be utilized for said installation, the difference in cost installed shall include no allowance for a wood pole. For an underground service installation, cost installed shall include, but is not limited to, the cost of any necessary conduit, excavating, backfilling and restoring of the pavement in accordance with the Company's specifications. b. Advances made for other than a standard installation will not be refunded. c. All facilities installed shall become and remain the sole property of the Company. 3. He, rs of Ser~lce: Under the Company's standard all night operating schedule approximately 4,140 hours of service per year will be furnished.' Under the Company's midnight or equivalent service operating schedule approximately 2,0gO hours of service per year will be furnished. 4. Energy C~rtallmeat Service= a. Where the customer requests the installation and/or removal of equipment in order to obtain Energy Curtailment Service and such request is acceptable to the Company, the Company will comply with such request provided the customer first agrees to pay to the Company' the estimated cost installed of any additional equipment required and/or the removal cost of equipment currently installed. Such payments will not be refunded and shall be paid in advance or in installments acceptable to the Company over a period not to exceed three years. Facilities installed tn connection with such requests become and remain the sole property of the Company. b. Facilities charges shall be applicable under this schedule when the Company has been requested to discontinue the existing service by the customer and the customer has stipulated that the facilities are to be left in place for future use. (Continued} (To be m~ed by ulilily) Issued by Advice Letter No. 657-E Michael R. Peeve~, (To be .~i,i~ied by CoL P U C.} Date Filed April 2). 1984 Decision No. Effective ~a¥ 2). 198~ EXHIBIT 'B' Vice President Resolulion No. · SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY 2244 Walnut Grove Avenue. Rosemead. California 91770 Revised' Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 7095-E 5881-E, 5882'E & Cancelling Revised Cal. P.U.C. 5h,et No. 7037-E Schedole No. LS-1 LIGHTINC - STREET AND HIGHWAY UTILITY-OWNED SYSTEM (Continued) SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Continued) .. 5. Removal, Relocation or Modification of Faciltt$es: a. be Where street lighting service and facilities are ordered removed by a customer and such facilities, or any part thereof, were in service for a period of less than 36 consecutive months, the customer shall pay to the Company a nonrefbndable amount equal to the total estimated cost installed less any customer contribution, plus the estimated cost of removal less the estimated salvage of the facilities. Where street lighting service and facilities were ordered removed or modified by a customer and such service and facilities, or their equivalent, are ordered reinstalled within 36 months from the date of the order to remove or to modify, the customer shall pay to the Company, in advance of the r,installation, a nonrefundable amount equal to the cost of removal or modification of the prior facilities and the estimated cost of such r,installation. Ce de Requi a. b® Ce de e, Where street lighting facilities are ordered modified and/or relocated by a customer, the customer shall pay to the Company~ in advance of such modification -and/or relocation, a nonrefundable amount equal to the estimated cost of such modification and/or relocation. This includes, facilities that now serve street light load only, but that may have been installed originally to serve other than street light load. Facilities removed or installed remain the sole property of the Company. rements and Restrictions= The applicant for street light service shall specify the type of service, lamp size, and location of street lights. Service shall not be furnished under this schedule where location, moqnting height, and/or other considerations are unacceptable to the Company. The installation of street lighting equipment and facilities hereinunder is contingent upon the Company obtaining easements, rights of way, and highway permits satisfactory to the Company for the required poles, lines~ equipment~ and facilities. In accordance with Rule No. q, a written contract for a term of not less than one year and not more than five years is required in order to receive street light service under the provisions of this schedule. Should lihe applicant not commence using the street lighting in a bona fide manner within ninety (90) days after date of completion and installation of a street light or street lighting system requested by the applicant, the Company will bill, end the applicant shall pay, the applicable facilities charge(s). (Continued) Advice Letter No. 60q-E ~dward A. ~vers. ~r. Date Filed Dec,bet 30~ 1982 Decision No. 82-12-055 ~,me Effective January la 19~3 82-12-115 Resolution No. HIBIT "B" T~ie Southern California Edison 2244 Walnut Grove Avenue. Rosemead. California 91770 Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 9059-E Cancelling Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. $836-E Schedule No. LS-1 LI CHT INC - STREET AND HI CH1NAY UTILITY-OWNED SYSTEM (Continued) SPECIAL CONO. ITIONS (Continued) 7. Maintenance: The Company shall exercise re&sonable care and diligence in maintaining its street light facilities. Where ~he Company experiences, or expects to experience, maintenance costs exceeding its normal maintenance expense resulting from, but not limited to, vandalism, the Company may require the customer to pay the excess maintenance expense. 8. Liability of Company: The Company shall not, by taking action pursuant to its tariffs, be liable for any loss, damage, or injury, established or alleged, which may result, or be claimed to result, therefrom. (To ~ ~ ~ u~! Advice Letter. No. 750-E Michael R. Peevey Dec i s i on No. 'Name CE36( S ) Executive Vice President Title (To ~ m~N ~t Cai Im U.C ) Date Filed December 19~ 1986 Effective Janua~ 1~ 1987 Resolution No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 APPLICATION AND CONTRACT! FOR STREET LIGHTING SERVICE CUSTOMER-OWNED SYSTEM SCHEDULE NOS. LS-2, LS-3 AND OPTIONAL SCHEDULE NO. LS-4 THIS AGREEMENT, made this day of , 19. , by and between the SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY, a corporation · hereinafter designated as "Company", and the CITY OF TUSTIN, a California municipal corporation, located in the County of Orange, State of California, hereinafter designated "Customer". Customer hereby requests the Company to enter into an agreement to supply and deliver electric energy from Company's distribution system to illuminate the Customer-owned street lights within the City of Tustin Lighting District, as shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made part of this contract by this reference. CUSTOMER AND COMPANY HERETO AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. This agreement shall be for a period of five (5) years, commencing 19 . Both parties hereto agree that upon expiration of the initial term of this agreement, it shall be extended automatically thereafter in successive terms of five years each, provided that this contract may be terminated at the end of the original or any extended term by either party upon not less than sixty (60) days written notice prior to:the expiration of such term. 2. Customer will by means of street lighting circuit maps and a summary thereof, periodically report number, location, size and type of Customer-owned street lights to Company for billing statistical reporting and load information. A copy of said maps /// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 and summary thereof is marked Exhibit "B" and attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. 3. Customer agrees to take and pay for said service so supplied at each point of delivery under provisions of Schedule Nos. LS-2 and/or LS-3. A copy of said schedule(s) is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "C" and made a part hereof. 4. Customer agrees to pay such rates, and to be governed by the terms set forth in the Company'.s tariffs, including, but not restricted to, Schedule Nos. LS-2 and/or LS-3, on file with the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California and and changes or modifications thereof as may be authorized by said Commission. 5. This contract shall at all times be subject to such changes or modifications by the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California as said Commission may, from time to time, direct in exercise of its jurisdicton. 6. Company agrees to install any and all required meters in accordance with provisions of Schedule No. LS-3. Upon approval by the applicable agency, said meter(s) shall be set in Customer's meter cabinet(s) or other places acceptable to Company at location(s) mutually agreed upon. 7. It is understood and agreed that all po~es, wires and other appurtenances supplied and used by the Company in furnishing the service herein provided for, shall at all times be and remain the property of the Company, and the Company shall have the right to remove the same upon expiration of this contract or any renewal thereof. /// -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 li 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 9.6 9.7 28 8. Ail poles, wires and electrical appurtenances installed by Company in furnishing service under this agreement, shall be so placed as to work the least possible public and private inconvenience. 9. Customer agrees to acquire as may, in Company's discretion, be required at Customer's cost and expense, necessary exclusive easements for Company from owners of private property when required to provide street lig.hting service to Customer. 10. If Company shall be prevented by strikes, by order of court, by public authority, by order of the Commission or other causes beyond the control of the parties hereto, or any of them, from furnishing the service herein provided for, it shall not be liable in damages to Customer for such failure. In case of such failure, a proportionate reduction in the amounts payable-to Company by Customer for street lighting services hereunder, based on the period of suspension of such service, shall be made in case of such failure. 11. Optional maintenance service to Customer under the rates and provisions of Schedule No. LS-4 is available upon written request. Customer taking service under this schedule shall provide circuit maps and a summary thereof indicating the number, location, type and size of those street lights to ~e maintained by Company. A copy of said Schedule No. LS-4 is attached hereto marked Exhibit "D" and by this reference made a part hereof. 12. Customer agrees to hold harmless and indemnify Company, its successors and assigns, from and against all claims, liens, encumbrances, actions, loss, damage, causes of action, expense /// -3- 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 19. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 9.0 9.1 23 2~ 25 9.6 27 28 and/or liability arising from or resulting from loss or damage to property or injury to or death of persons resulting in any manner whatsoever, directly or indirectly, by reason of any interruption or modification of service requested by Customer. This provision shall not excuse Company from liability to Customer for any breac~ of this agreement. 13. Company agrees to hold harmless and indemnify Customer, its successors and assigns, from and against all claims, liens, encumbrances, actions, loss, damage, causes of action, expense and/orliability arising from or resulting from loss or damage to property or injury to or death of persons resulting in any manner whatsoever, directly or indirectly, by reason of any construction or installation of facilities, including, but not limited to, pertinent electric service connections, meters,.poles, and wires, undertaken by Company, its contractors, agents or employees in furnishing service under this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed for and on behalf of each by their duly authorized agents, partners, municipal or corporate officers, as of the day and year first above written. /// /// /// /// /// /// /// l// -4- 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 CUSTOMER: CITY OF TUSTIN By: Richard B..Edgar Title: Mayor, City of Tustin ATTEST: Title: DATE: Name and address to which billing(s) will be mailed: City of Tustin Lighting District 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Lois E. Jeffrey Deputy City Attorney COMPANY: SOUTHERN CALIFORIA EDISON COMPANYI By: MANA~OF CUSTOMEr{ $~KVI~ j Title: ADMINISTRATION ' DA' S: I" AR 2 6 i98 ' -5- " I " I · o. // ,, £XHIZ~/T -Z " m Southem California Edison 2244 Wainu! Grove Avenue. Rosemead. Californma 91770 Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet: No. 9123-,_¢ Cancelling Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 9060-E Schedule No. LS-2 LIGHTING - STREET AND HIGHWAY CUSTOMER-OWNED INSTALLATION UNNETERED SERVICE APPLICA81LITY Applicable to service for the lighting of streets, highways, other public thoroughfares, and publicly-owned and publicly-operated automobile parking lots which are open to the general public, where the customer owns the street lighting equipment, and the service is unmetered. TERRITORY Within the entire territory served. RATES Type of Service: All Night Service Multiple I'nstallatton ................................ Series Installation .................................. Midnight or Equivalent Service Multiple Installation .......... ~. .................... Series Installation ............................. · ..... Per kW of Lamp Load * Per Month $3~. 19 ~.37 $20.63 2~.60 * Lamp load shall be determined in accordance with Special Condition Nos. 8 and 9 below. Charges are calculated for customer billing using the Rate Components shown below. RATE COMPONENTS Per kW of Lamp Load * Per Month Sase Rates: Type of Service: All Night Service Multiple Installation ........................... Series Installation ............................. Midnight or Equivalent Service Multiple Installation ........................... Series Installation ............................. $17.90 23.20 2.~0 3.90 * Lamp load shall be determined in accordance with Special Condition Nos. 8 and 9 below. (Continued) Advice Letter No. 75'2-E Decision No. CE37(1) I$~ue(I I)v (To t~ MichaelR. Peevey Date Filed Oece~er 26~ 1986 Name Effective Januar~ 1~ 1987 Executive Vice President Resolution No. E-301~ EXHIBIT ../" Southern California Edison ~ 2244 Walnut Grove Avenue. Rosemeacl. Callforma 91770 :. Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 9061-E Cancelling Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 5973-E Schedule No, LS-2 LIGHTING - STREET AND HIGHWAY CUSTOMER-OWNED INSTALLATION UNMETERED SERVICE (Continued) RATE COMPONENTS (Continued) ' Per kwh Adjustment Rates: Energy Cost Adjustment Billing Factors .................................. 3.382¢ Annual Energy Rate ...................................................... 0.000¢ Conservation Load Nanagement Adjustment 8illing Factor .................. 0.030¢ Electric Revenue Adjustment Billing Factor .............................. -0.183¢ Major Additions Adjustment Billing Factor ............................... 1.270¢ Annual Major Additions Rate ............................................. 0.000¢ Interim Major Additions Adjustment Billing Factor ....................... 0.072¢ PUC Reimbursement Fee ................................................... 0.012¢ Total Adjustment Rates .................................................. 4.583¢ ** The applicable kWh shall be determined in accordance with Special Condition No. 10 below. The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule No. RF-E. The Adjustment Rates are described in Parts G, I, J, K, and L of the Preliminary Statement. SPECIAL CONOITIONS 1, Ownership of Facilities: For multiple systems the Company will deliver service at 120, 120/2q0 volts, or, at the option of the Company, at 2~0/~80 volts, three wire, single phase. For existing series systems the Company will furnish and maintain constant current regulating transformers and deliver serVice at the secondary side of such transformers. be Ce de The customer will furnish and maintain all utilization equipment beyond' the point Of delivery except for optional maintenance service provided by the Company in accordance with Schedule No. LS-#. New or modified installations normally shall be multiple service installations. Ne~ or modified series installations shall be made only where, in the opinion of the Company, it is practical to supply series service. For naa or modified series installations requiring a ne~ constant current regulating transformer, the customer shall furnish and maintain the transformer; and service will be delivered at the primary side of the transformer. 2. Switching and Related Facilities: For All Night or Midnight Service under the Company's standard operating schedules, the Company will furnish, maintain, and operate the necessary switching facilities. All auxiliary relay equipment, irrespective of voltage, not furnished by the Company, but required in connection with providing street lighting service, shall be furnished, installed, and maintained by the customer in accordance with the Company's requirements. 3. Hours of Service: Under ~he Company's standard All Night Service operating schedule approximately ~,1~0 hours of service per year will be furnished, and under the Company's standard Midnight Service operating schedule approximately 2,090 hours of service per year will be furnished. Service for other operating schedules is not available under this schedule. (Continued) Advice Letter No. 750-E Michael R. Peavey Oeci sion No. Nam . CE37 ( 2 ) Executive Vice President (ToOe,nsen~l~Ca~ ~ U C.) Date Filed December 19~ 1986 Effective Januar), 1~ 1987 Resolution No. EXHIBII "C" SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY 2244 Walnut Grove Avenue Rosernead, California 91770 Revised Canccllin§ Revised Cal. PJU.C. Sheet No. Cal. P.U.C Sheet No. 598~.E 5886-E Schedule No. LS-2 LIGHTING--STREET AND HIGHWAY CUSTOMER-OWNED INSTALLATION UNMETERED SERVICE (Continued) SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Continued) 4. Removal of Equipment: Where street lighting service and facilities wcrc ordered removed by a customer and such service and facilities, or their equivalent, art' ordered reinstalled within 36 months from thc date of thc order to remove, thc customer shall pay to thc Company in advam:c of rcinstallation a nonrcfundahic amount cqual to thc cost of removal of thc prior facilities and thc estimated cost of such rcinstailition. Comlmny-owncd facilities removed or installed rcmain thc s~ie property of thc Company. 5. Modification of Facilities: Where thc customer requests a modification ot' Company-owned facilities serving customer-owned street light facilities, and such modifications arc acceptable to the Company, the Company will perform thc rcqucstGd modifications, provided thc, customcr agrees to pay thc cost of said modifications. 6. Energy Curtailment Service: Where thc cuslomcr requests thc installation and/or removal of cquipment in order to curtail energy requirements, and such request is acccptablc to the Company. thc Company will comply with such rcquest providcd the customcr first agrees to pay to thc Company thc cstimatcd cost installed of any additional equipment rcquircd and/or thc removal cost of any equipment currently instilled. Such payments will not be rcfundcd and shall be paid in advance or in installments acceptable to thc Company over a pcri(xl not to exceed three years. Facilities instaiicd in conncction with such rcqucsts becomc and rcmain thc sole property of thc Company. 7. Contract: In accordancc with Rule No. 4. a written c.ntract for a term of not icss than one ycar and not more than five years is rcquircd in order to rcccivc strcct light service undue thc provisions of this schcdulc. Should thc customer terminate service within 36 months ol' thc date service is first supplied, thc customer shall pay to thc Company the cost of installation plus th(: cost of removal less sah'agc for any Cumpany.uwncd facilities installed to supply the customer's street liKht service. 8. Lamp Load: a. Lumen Rated Incandescent Lamps: The lamp luad in watts for lumen rated incandescent street lighting lamps shall he as follows: Average Multiple Service Serlee Service Initial Group E x tended Group Lumen~ R®gula,r Rel~lecement' Service Regular Replacement Watt~ Watte Watts Watts Watta 600 55 58 - 42 80O - 57 - .ooo 2.500 ~?s 189 202 4,ooo 268 295 327 213 226 6.000 370 4.05 448 316 332 10.000 575 620 690 525 565 15.ooo 800 8~ - ;ss 822 2s.ooo - - _ - Extended Service Watta 164 248 .t47 578 (Conllnued) (To be m~,,~ed bT milky) issued by Advice Letter No. 583-E Edward A. Myers~ Ir. ., Name · Decision No. 93895 Vice President . ('To be imaged bT C~. P.U.C) Dice Filed December Effective Resolution No. January 5, t982 XHIBIT "C" SOUTHERN CALIFORI EDISON COMPANY 2244 Walnut L=rove Avenue Rosemead, California 91770 .._~vised Cancelling R~v 1.5-2 ) Cai. P.U.C. Sheet No. Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 7293-E 8. Lmp Loed~ CO0a~laued) Average ~_ i,~ Inll'/li N~ll'lple Serl~ I O0 175 250 400 700 1,000 Pressure Sod l~ Tel)or Lamps 90 135 180 Hlgll Pl'i~lltl Sodlm Ylpcm' Leaps 50 7O 100 150 200 2~0 ~10 400 The lamp load 4,000 131 125 7,900 216 207 I2,000 301 285 21,000 474 445 41,000 803 760 55,000 1,135 1,070 4,800 63 51 8,000 84 74 13,500 144 130 22,500 210 190 33,000 233 223 4,000 60 64 5,800 86 85 9,500 136 ~ 121 .16,000 191 174 22,000 252 233 27,500 314 - 37,000 383 - 50,000 488 - lamps shall be the manufacturerts I Nldltloaal ~ Load= Additional i provided upon request. for regular (general purpose) multiple Incandescent amp rating In vatts. amp I o ad ratings not specified above viii be 9. Tcffal Leal) Laedz The total connected lamp I o ad for each account ~hall be computed as the sum of oil the connected lamp loads in va~ts for each type of service. The total connected lamp I o aCs for each type of service shall be rounded to the nearest 1/10 kW. (C~rtl nee4) rTo be ,nsened by u.li~y) Issued by ITo be m~e~ed by .(.aL PUC) Advice Letter No. 621-E Edward A. Myers. Ir. Date Filed June 20, 1983 Decision No. Effective J_ulv 20. lC:J~'~ ,, .. Vice President Resolution No. · T~le EXHIBIT "C" _ Southern California Edison 2244 Walnut Grove Avenue. Rosemeacl. Californ~ 91770 Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 9062-{ Cancelling Revised Ca]. P.U.C. Sheet No. 8837-E Schedule No. LS-2 LIGHTING - STREET' AND HIGHWAY CUSTOMER-OWNED INSTALLATION UNMETERED SERVICE {Continued) SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Continued) 10. Kilowatthours: The total monthly kWh usage for each type of service shall be computed by applying the following kwh per kW billing factors tO ~he appropriate lamp )Dad as determined according to Special Condition No. 9 above: Type of Service: All Night Service Multiple Service ................................ Series Service ................. j ................ Midnight or Equivalent Service Multiple Service ................................ Series Service ....... ' ........................... Per kW of Lamp Load 355.~ ~62.0 179.6 233 .~ Advice Letter No. 750-E Decision No. CE37(S) Micl~ael R. Peevey Nmm~ Executive Vice President (1'o I~e ~e~ef~ee ~y C~. e U.C.) Date Filed _December 19j 1986 Effect(ve Januar), lm 1987 Resolution No. ~Vtll~l~ f;~ff CAt I1~. · - Southern California Edison 2244 Walnut Grove Avenue. Rosemeaa, Califorma 91770 Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. Cancelling Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. Schedule NO. LS-3. LIGHTING - STREET AND HIGHWAY CUSTOMER-OWNED INSTALLATION METERED SERVICE APPLICABILITY Applicable to service for the lighting of streets, highways, other public thoroughfares, and publicly-owned and publicly-operated automobile parking lots which are open to the general public, where the customer owns the street lighting equipment, and the service is metered. TERRITORY Within the entire territory served. RATES Per Meter [nergy Charge: Per Month All kWh~ per kwh .......................................................... 9.S92¢ Minimum Charge: The 8asa Rate portion of the Energy Charge shall be subject to a monthly Minimum Charge of $&.SO for Multiple Service and $12.O0 for Series Service. Charges are calculated for customer billing using the Rate Components shown below. RATE COMPONENTS Base Rate: Per kwh All kwh ................................................................. 5.009¢ Adjustment Rates: Energy Cost Adjustment Billing Factors .................................. 3.382¢ Annual Energy Rate ...................................................... 0.000¢ Conservation Load Management Adjustment Billing Factor .................. 0.030¢ Electric Revenue Adjustment 8tlling Factor .............................. -0.183¢ Major Additions Adjustment 8illing Factor ............................... 1.270¢ Annual Major Additions Rate ............................................. O.O00e Interim Major Additions Adjustment Billing Factor ...................... '. 0.072¢ PUC Reimbursement Fee ................................................... 0.012¢ Total Adjustment Rates ............................................. h .... ~.S83¢ The PUC Reimbursement Fee is described in Schedule No. RF-E. The AdjUstment Rates are described in Parts G~ I~ J~ K~ and L of the Preliminary Statement. (Continued) Advice Letter No. 752-E Decision No. CE38(1) Micliael R. Peevey Name Executive' Vice President (To be ,nserted Oy CaLIm UC.) Oat:'e Filed December 26a 1986 Effective Januar;~ 1~ 1987 Resolution No. E-3Ola EXHIBIT "C" SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY 2244 Walnut Grove Avenue Rosemead. California 91770 Revisqd Cancelling Rev |sed Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. _ 7294-E ? 101 -~ ~ETEREO SER~ZCE ~-. Onersklp of Fictlltte~s facilities. S~ltcklng. Feel1 lttess a. For multtple systems the Company wtll deltver servlce at [20, [20/240 volts, or, at the option of the Company, at 240/480 volts, three-wire, stngle phase. For extsttng sertes systems the C~epany w111 furnish and matntatn constant current regulating transformers and deliver servtce at the secondary side of such transfomers. b. The cust~er wtll furnish and matntatn all utilization equipment beyond the point of dellVery except for opttonal maintenance servtce provtded by the Company tn accordance wtth Schedule No. LS-4. c. Meter locations for multiple systems shall be at peters mutually agreed upon. Meter loc&tlons for series systems shall be on the prtmary supply ctrcult to the constant current regulating transfomer at.a potnt acceptable to the Company. d. Ne~ or mod1¢led Installations nomally shall be multiple service Installations. New sertes Installations shall be made only where, in the oplnton of the Company, It Is practical to supply this servtce. · e. For ney or modtfled series Installations requiring a new constant current regulating transfomer, the customer shall furntsh and matntatn the transformer; and servtce wtll bt delivered at the prlmary stde of the transformer. The customer shall furnish, maintain, and operate switching J. Rail of Eqel~eats Where street ltghttng service and facilities were ordered removed by a customer and such service and facilities, or thetr equivalent are ordered reinstalled wtthtn 36 ·onths Ira the date of the order to remove, the cust~er shall pay to the Company In advance of relnstallatton a nonrefundable amount equal to the cost of removal of the prlor facilities and the estimated cost of such. retnstallatlon. Company-owned facilities removed or Installed remain the sole property of the Company. 4. Ne~tfl~atle~ ef Fa~tllttms Where the customer requests a modification of Company-owned facilities servtng custoaer-oened street ltght faclltfes, and such modifications are acceptable to the Co~pany, the C~apany wtll perfom the requested modifications, provided the cus(omer agrees to pay the coat of satd modlflc&tlons. So ~ Chartallmmet Ser~tc~s Where the customer requests the Installation and/or removal of equipment In order to curtatl energy requirements, and such request ts acceptable to the Company, the Company wtll co~ply with such request provtded the customer-ftrst agrees to pay to the Company the estimated cost test&lied of any additional equipment required and/or the removal cost of any equipment currently Installed. Such payments will not be refunded and shall be patd tn advance or tn tnst&llments acceptable to the Company over a perlod not to exceed three years. Facilities Installed In connection wtth such requests become and rematn the sole property of the Company. (Coatleeed) (To be immed by miliry) Issued by (To be ,nsened by Cal. P.U.C.) Advice Letter No. 621-E Edward A. Myers~ Ir. Date Filed June 20. 198~J .Name Decision No. Effective July 20. 1983 Vice President Resolution No. ×HIBIT "¢" Tkle " Southem California Edison 2244 Wamut Grove Avenue. Rosemea~. Calmlornma 91770 Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 906~-£ Cancelling Revised Cal. P.U.C.~Sheet )(o. 8838-E Schedule No. LS-3 LIGHTING - STREET AND HIGHWAY CUSTOMER-OWNED INSTALLATION METERED SERVICE (Continued) SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Continued) 6. Contract: In accordance with Rule No. ~ a written contract for a term of not less than one year and not more than five years is required in order to receive street light service under the provisions of this schedule. Should the customer terminate service within 36 months of the date service is first supplied~ the customer shall pay to the Company the cost of installation plus the cost of removal less salvage for any Company-owned facilities installed to supply the cust~ner's street light service. (To De m~e~ea ~ u~/) )$~ue~l Dy (1'o ~ ,nse~ea ~ Cm. ~ U C) Advice. Letter No. 7SO-E MichaelR. Peavey Date Filed 0ecember 19~ 1986 Decision No. Name Effective January 1~ 1987 CE38( 3 ) Executive Vice President · n~ ... Resol uti on No. XHIBIT "C" SOUTHERN CALIFORNI~ ~DISON COMPANY 2244 Walnut Grove Avenue Rosemead. California 91770 Cancelling, nevised Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 7103-E 59U9-E & 5990-E Sc~edale Ie. L5-4 - ~lrrI~L I~.I~ SEZVIC[ · APPLICABILITY Applicable to service for the lighting of streets, highways, other public thoroughfares, and publicly-owned and publicly-operated automobile parking lots which are open to the general public, where the customer owns the street lighting equipment, and the customer elects this optional maintenance service. Ti~IT~Y Within the entire territory served. The following rates for maintenance service are in addition to the applicable'rates set fo-th on Schedule No. LS-2 and Schedule No. LS-3. #tgb I~essure Sedttm Vipar Lmm~s: LB Average Initial Per Lm~ Wa~ Lams Per Nonth 50 4,000 ' 70 5,800 100 g,500 150 !6,000 200 22,000 250 27,500 4OO 50,0OO ~EClAL CglIDITI~IS ......................................................... $0.8i ...... ~ .................................................. 0.7i oeeooeoeeee®eoeoeeooomeeeeeeeeee®eoeeeJeeeeoeeeeeeeeoee.e 0.73 · ®eeeeeeeemoeoeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelooeeoeeeeeeeeeeemeoeeeeee. 0.69 .................................. ~ ...................... 0.70 .................. ....................................... 0.7i ......................................................... 0.81 under this schedule shall include the following: a. Renewal of laaq~s after the original installation by the customer. b. Regular inspection.. c. Periodic cleaning of refractors. d. Labor of replacing lamps and refractors. High pressure sodium vapor lamps furnished will be as specified by the Company. renewal shall be furnished by the customer. Company, reasons. ~'~tces Fmltsbed: Maintenance service furnished by the Company for the lamps specified Refractors for ~estrtcttms: Maintenance service will be furnished only where, in the opinion of the no undue hazard or expense will result because of location, mounting height, or other 670 be mas,tied by u,da?) l~ed by Advice Letter No. 604-E Edward A. Myers. Jr. 82-12-055 Decision No. 82-12-115 Vice President Tmqe (To be ,m~fled b).' Cal. PL' C) Date Filed December' 30, 1982 ~anuary. 1, 1983 EEec, tive3-,-~.. ..... -.- -. ..................... · . - ~ .... .