HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 2 FINAL T.M. 13080 03-21-88i~DATE: TO.~ .. FROM: SUBJECT: · MARCH 21, 1988 WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT FINAL TRACT MAP NO. 13080 NEW BUSINESS NO. m- 3-21-88 Inter- Corn APPLICANT: LOCATION' REQUEST: ZONING: ENV I ROle4EHTAL STATUS: BREN OSGOOD COMPANY LOTS 4, L AND K OF TRACT 12763 AUTHORIZATION TO SUBDIVIDE 14.65 ACRES INTO 100 NUMBERED AND EIGHT (8) LETTERED LOTS FOR SINGLE FAMILY DEVELOPMENT MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL THE PROJECT IS COVERED BY A PREVIOUS EIR (85-2) FOR THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN. NO ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION IS REQUIRED. RECOI~ENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve Final Tract Map No. 13080 by the adoption of Resolution No. 88-30 as submitted or revised. BACKGROUND AND SUMMARY On March 14', 1988, the Planning Commission recommended approval of Final Tract Map No. 13080 for the subdivision of a 14.65 acre site into 100 numbered and eight {8) lettered lots for the purpose of developing 100 single family detached dwelling units with one {1) private community recreation area. The Tentative Map for the project was originally approved by the City Council on December 7, 1987. The project site is bordered by Tustin Ranch Road on the east, the E1 Modena Flood Control' to the south, and Park Center Lane to the northeast. Planned and anticipated development in the vicinity include a proposed church to the east on. City Council Report March 21, 1988 Final Tract Map No. 13080 Page two Lot 15 (subject to future approval of a Conditional Use Permit) and two single family detached developments to the northwest and a Community Park and High School site to the northeast. Multi-family projects are located on properties to the east of the project area across Tustin Ranch Road. CONCLUSION Staff has determined that the Final Map is in conformance wi th the Tentative Map approval, requirements of the East Tustin Specific Plan, Development Agreement, the City's Subdivision Code, the East Tustin EIR and the State Subdivision Map Act. aura 'Cay Pi~,J~up;- ~ Associate Planner ~ JChristine A. Shi~letonw/x/ Director of Community D~elopment LCP'CAS:ts:pef Attachments' Map Resolution No. 88-30 Community Development Department ( ALL ~ TENTATIVE TRACT Ne. 13080 ] DATE OF SURVEY: IN THE CITY OF TUSTIN, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CAL]FORNIA. AUGUST, 1987 ADA~. STREETER CIVIL E~NEERS. [NC. JAN A. ADAHS R.C.£. 2~687 OCTOBER. 1987 NOTE: SEE SHEET 2 FOR rlONLII~NT NOTES. BASIS OF BEARINGS AND BOUNDARY AND INDEX HAP. ! (~INDICATES £AS[I~NT FOR SEVER ANO ~ATER P~P~S ~DICATEO T0 T~ [RV~ RA~ UAT[R DISTRICT. 2 ~ ~ICATE5 3' ~I~ EA~NT F~ UATER e~e~S DEDICATED TO T~ lRVl~ RA~ ~ATER DISTRICT. 3 ~ [~CATES 5' gl~ EA~T RE~RV~D BY T~ IRVI~ F~ FuT~[ UTILITY ~RVI~i. PER TR. NO. 1~763. n.~. 581/16-~. 4 ~ [~ICATES EA~NT ~OlCAT~ T0 T~ C~TY ~ TU~T~N TO ~E JRVINE ~ wATER DI~RI~. DETAIL $CAI~: I~ - ~ L BET~IL'B' ' // / / / / / / / / Cd~V~ 'x @ @ S~ET 4 OF 5 S~ETS I§,212'OOLOTSANDLOTS"A'THRU'L*AcRES TEACT N [ ALL OF TENTATIVE TRACT Ne. 13080 ] DATE ~ SURVEYt A~UST, 1987 13050 IN THE CITY OF TUSTIN, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE 0t~ CALIFORNIA. ADAPI~, STREETER CIVIL ENGINEERS, INC. OCTOBER, 1987 NOTE; SEE SHEET E FOR I~ONUtIENT NOTES, BASIS OF BEARINGS . Al,ID BOUNDARY AND INDEX I'tAP. -__,--,. ..:.. .,~ ' ~:, -- ,,~': ~ DETAIL "F" ,DETAIL JAN A. ADAHS R.C.E. 21587 INDICATES [ASEr't£NT FOR SE~ER AND WATER PURPOSES DEDICATED 8 (~ INDIC4IT_.S 5' W{D~ EASEMENT FOR TO TH[ IRVINE RANCH WATER OISFRICT. V~TER PURPOSES DEDI~TED 70 TO T~ IRVIN[ RANCH WATER 0ISTRICT. INDICATES 5' vIDE EASE~ENT RESERVED BY THE [RVINE C0~ANY FOR FUTURE UTILITY SERVICES. PEH TH. Ne. 1~3. ~.~. INOICATES EASE~r4T DEDICATED TO T~ CITY OF FUSTIN FOR SiDE'ACK PURPOSES. P[~ TR. No. ~2763. ~.n. T0 T~ IRVINE RANCH ~AT[R 01STRICT. I~ICATES I0' ~lO[ [ASE~NT FOP ~ATER PURPOSES INDICATES 1~' WIOE PR{VAT[ EASE,[NY FOR STOR~ ~RA{N PURPOS[~. ,I AUGUST, 19~7 ADAMS, STREETER CIVIL ENGINEERS, INC. JAN A. ADAMS R.C.E. 21587 OCTOBER, 1987 NOTE: SEE SHEET 2 FOR MONUMENT NOTES. BASIS OF BEARINGS AND BOUNDARY AND INDEX MAP. / / I / I Ct- BRYAN /~ ~.41,z4.j5· ~. 2o' ~-/4 -/De. az. INOICATE$ EA~EI'~NT FOIl S[WER ANO UATER P~PO~S ~DICATED TO T~ IRV[~ RA~ MAT[R DISTRICT. I~1~S 3' il~ EA~NT FOR VATER P~POS[S ~DICATED TO T~ IRVI~ R~ ~ATER DISTRICT, I~iCATES 5' ~!~ EA~NT ~VED BY T~ IRVI~ C~ANY F~ FUT~E UTILITY SERVI~S. I~I:ATE$ ~T ~DI~AT~ TO T~ CITY ~ T~TIN F~ Sl~g~ ~S. PER TR. I~ICAT[S IS' gl~ PRIVA~ EA~NT F~ STeM DRAIN P~POSES. · - * c , ~ . ...,.,~ ,, ,, AVENUE 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 88-30 A RESOLUTION OF ,THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN APPROVING FINAL TRACT MAP NO. 13080 The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows' I. The City Council finds and determines as fol 1 ows: A. That Final Tract Map No. 13080 has been submitted by Bren-Osgood Company. B. That a Public Hearing was held by the Planning Commission on November 9, 1987. At this hearing the Planning Commission recommended approval of Tentative Tract Map 13080 to the City Council. Subsequently, the City Council approved Tentative Tract Map 13080 on December 7, 1987. C. That the proposed subdivision is in conformance with the Tustin Area General Plan, adopted East Tustin Specific Plan, Development Agreement and Subdivision Map Act as it pertains to the development of single family dwellings. D. That the City has reviewed thJ status of the School Facilities Agreement between The Irvine Company and the Tustin Unified School District,. the East Tustin Specific Plan, EIR 85-2, the impacts of Tentative Tract Map 13080 on School District facilities, and reviewed changes in State law, and finds and determines that the impacts on School District facilities by approval of this map are adequately addressed through the reservation of a high school site and elementary site in conjunction with Tentative Tract Map 12763, and imposition of school facilities fees as a condition of approval of Tentative Tract Map 13080. E. That the site is physically suitable for the type of development ~ proposed. F. That the site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development. G. That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife in their habitat. H. That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements proposed will not conflict wi th easements acquired by the public-at-large, for access through or use of the property within the proposed subdivision. 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2~ Resolution No. 88-30 Page two I. That the design of the subdivision or the. types of improvements proposed are not likely to cause serious public health problems. J. That the Final Map is in substantial conformance with the Tentative Map. II. The City Council approves Final Tract Map No. 13080 subject to the final approval of the City Engineer. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council, held on the m day of , 1988. Ronald B. Hoesterey, Mayor Mary Wynn, City Clerk