HomeMy WebLinkAboutConsent Calendar #1 6-22-87CUHSEH I I~ALLN UAK NO. 1 6-22-87 Inter- Com TO: · FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAN HUSTON, CI'l'~ HA#AGER CONNUIIIT~ DE~ELOPNE#T DEPARTNENT FINAL TRACT NAP 12763 RECOI~IENDED ACTION: That the City Council approve Tract 12763 by the adoption of Resolution No. 87-64. ~ACKGROUND: On December 8, 1986, the Planning Commission r~viewed and recommended to the City Council approval of Tentative Tract Map 12763 by adoption of Resolution No. 2376. The City Council subsequently approved Tentative Tract 12763 as recommended by the Commission on December 15, 1986. The subject map created 16 numbered and 28 lettered lots for residential, school and public uses in Sectors 10 and 11 of the East Tustin Specific Plan. Provisions for public streets and accommodations for public utilities were also established. The applicant has now submitted a Final Tract Map for City Council consideration. The Planning Commission at their regular meeting on June 8, 1987 adopted Resolution No. 2409 recommending to City Council approval of Tract 12763 and determining that conditions contained in Resolution No. 2376 which are required prior to recordation of the final map had been met. In the case of public improvements yet to be constructed, appropriate bonds have been secured. The configuration, number of lots and roadway alignments shown on the map are in substantial compliance with the approved Tentative Map. Ctty Council Report Ftnal Tract ~lap 12763 June 15, 1987 Page t~o Attached to this report ts correspondence the Commission recetved from the School Dtstrtct whtch the Commission tnformed the Dtstrtct tt would pass onto the Ctty Counct 1. Christine Shingler?/ Dtrector of Community Development 3SD:per Attachment: Resolution No. 87-64 Ftnal Tract Map 12763 Commission Resolution No. 2376 Commission Resolution No. 2409 Correspondence from TUSO on 6-8-87 '~-~- ,,, Community Development Department 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11.. 12 13 14 15 .16 17 18 19' 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 RE$OLUTIOH riO. 87-64 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, APPROVING.FIHAL TRACT HAP 12763 The Ctty Counct1 of the Ctty of Tusttn does hereby resolve: I. The Ctty Counct1 ftnds and determines as follows: A. That Ftnal Tract Hap 12763 was submitted to the Ct ty Counctl on. behalf of The [rvtne Company for the purpose of creattng 44 lots (16 numbered and 28 lettered), a subdivision from a portton of Blocks 43, 44 and 64 of Irvtne; subdivision as shown on a map thereof ftled tn Book 1, page 88 of Htscellaneous Haps tn the offtce of the County Recorder of the County of Orange, State of Ca1 tfornta. B. That a. publlc heartng concerning Tentative Tract Hap 12763 was duly called, nottced and held considering said map. Ce That Environmental Impact Report 85-2, as supplemented, has previously been prepared, considered, approved and certified whtch adequately addresses the general environmental setttng of the project, 1ts significant environmental tmpacts, and the alternatives and mitigation measures applled to each significant environmental effect for the proposed project and no additional environmental document need be prepared. The Planntng Commission has revtewed and considered the Information obtained tn the preVtous environmental tmpact report prlor to approval of the project. D. That Tentative Tract Hap 12763 was found by the Planntng Co,,,t sst on and Ctty Councll to be tn conformance wtth applicable zontng and subdivision regulations and. the Tusttn Area General Plan by the adoptton of Resolutions 2376 and 86-142 re spectt ve ly. E. That Ftnal Hap 12763 was determined by the Planning Commission to be tn substantial compliance wtth the approved Tentative Hap and In conformance wtth applicable zontng and subdivision regulations and the Tusttn Area General Plan by the adoptton of Resolution No. 2409 at thetr regular meettng on June 8, 1987, Further, by the adoptton of satd resolution, the ,,~ommt sst on has recommended to Ctty Counct 1 approval of FI nal Hap ~'12763. II. The Ctty Counctl ftnds Ftnal Tract Hap 12763 to be tn substantial compliance wtth the approved Tentative Hap and hereby approves Ftnal Tract Hap 12763. PASSED AND ADOPTED at 'a regular meeting of the Ctty Counctl of the Ctty of Tusttn on the 15th day of June, 1987. Hary E. ~lynn Ct ty Clerk chard B. i=.dgar Hayor ! i~ ~,mtm:r~t ar to m II. LOll .4fl~ LOIrA NO, 127'63 ts. ~..mmm. n.G.m., m I/~ till dll I., I Imllllllllll~- , · I0 mil mm ammmm~ m ~ ~ ~ lis ~v. mlll~ delOe II CatIMC'I~V - :~ ' mi ~ II WRA { { POll{IN Illlellll wml ~, mm i m {mlm, I m MmJm m i m ilim~, ~.L ! ---mssmmm~mmsmm~mmmm. sm 1 m iLlmm lm L. ~m ! .t e. IrI, ll,~I i,;~I-, 1iii Z Mil ./ e III ~I e ~ w - ,w. ~ .I. I,~,.iI. ___~I-- f '.~ .---- il ~llIil~ "· l ' '.. ' II ' lIII ~ I~i Ii III III ' ' III II i : "-. I I II ~~ ~--~l'--l:~ l I I i .. . I II -. xll; 8 l I~ t ., ' . ~ ~I~ I .~ ' ·----_ =-.. ~ .. III, I I I't I.I II - . . .. · ~IImi~.IlII IIIIL If,.& leO. ~-10:30 ~, J.I NO. 1Z,7'~;~ '3' I I ~L III ' I I! * It I, I I .g mmmmmm m / / / . I 2. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 ~3 ~5 16' ~7 18 19 20 21 22' 24 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2376 A RESOLUTION OF THE. PLANNING COHHI$$ION OF THE CITY* OF TUSTIN, RECOHHENDING TO THE TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE TRACT I~P 12763 AND APPROVING THE CONCEPT LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR TE)ITATIVE TRACT )10. 12763 The Planntng Commission of the Ctty of Tusttn does hereby resolve: I. The Planntng Co;mission ftnds and deterMnes as follows: A. That Tentative Tract I~ap 127'63 was submitted to the Planntng Commission on behalf of The Irvtne Company for the purpose of creattng 44 lots (16 numbered and 28 lettered), a subdivision from a portton of Blocks 43, 44, and 64 of Irvtne's subdivision as. sho~n on amp thereof ftled tn Book 1, page 88 of Iqtscellaneous I~aps .tn the offtce of the County Recorder of the County of Orange, State of California. B. That a Publlc heartng was duly called, nottced and held considering satd rap. C. That Environmental Impact Report 85-2, as supplemented, has previously been prepared, considered, approved and certified whtch adequately addresses the general environmental setttng, of the project, 1ts significant environmental tmpacts, and the al.ternattves and ~ittgatton* masures applted to each significant .* environmental effect for. the proposed project and no addltlonal envtronmntal document nee~l be prepared. The Planntng Co;wlsston has rev-tewed and considered the tnformtlon contained tn the prevtous environmental, tmpact report prtor to approval of the project. D. The proposed subdivision ts tn conformance wtth applicable ordinances, poltctes and standards Of the C.lty of Tusttn, as evidenced by the following findings: 1. That the proposed mP ts consistent ~tth the Tusttn Area General Plan tn that: Proposed densities and land uses are Identified tn accordance ~tth the Land Use Element; b. Parkland has been Identified and allocated tn accordance ~ith the Recreation Element; c. Provisions for affordable houstng as outltned In [IR 85-2 and the Houstng Element ~tll be considered at subsequent, project level, subdivision map processing. 1 2 5 $ ? 9 10 11 15 15. 17 lg 19 20 21 Resolution go. 2'376 Page tv. d. Necessary acttons to wittgate notse Impacts wtl I be requlred pursuant to the llotse Element, and pursuant to conditions of the Brovnlng Corrtdoe. 2. Th'at the proposed map ts consistent wtth the East Tusttn SPectftc Plan tn that: - a. Pr.visions of Sector processing requirements concerning circulation, gradtng','dratnage, and medtan and parkway landscape plans relattve to Sectors 10 and 11 have been met. (Sectlon 3.5) b- The number of' rest denttal un1 ts proposed t s wt th1 n the established l'tmtts stated tn the East Tusttn Spectftc Plan' (Sectton 3.4.3.) C,. That Identified 1'and uses upon the subject map are const.stent'wtth permitted land uses outltned tn the East Tusttn Spectflc Plan (Sectlon 3.4) t d. That school and park sttes have been Identified tn accordance. ~tth the Spectftc Plan (Sectton 3.4) That the' pro~lect as subMtted ts consistent ~tth the adopted Deve]opment Agreement between the Ctty of Tustl n and The Zrvtne Company d~ted danuary 27, 1986. 4. That the proposed map ts tn conformance ~tth an agreement between the Tusttn Untfled School Dtstrtct and The Irvlne Company. 0 That approval and recordation of Tract 12763 ts not the ftnal discretionary approval for development ~tthtn the subdivision. Subsequent subdivision maps wtll be requtred prtor to development of any lot created by Tentative Tract Flap ]~2763. E. That the stte ts physically suttable for the type of development proposed. F. That. the stte ts physically suttable for the proposed denstty of development. ! '2 · o Resolution No. 2376 Page three 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11' 12 115 15 17 18 Th'at the destgn of the subdivision or the proposed Improvements are not ltkely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably ln~ure ftsh or wtldllfe tn thetr habttat.· H. That the deslgn of the subdivision or the ~jpe of Improvements proposed wt11 not confltct wt~h easements acqutred by the public-at-large, for access ~hrough or use of the property wtthtn the proposed subdivision. I. That the destgn of the subdivision or the ~jpes of Improvements proposed are not 11kely to cause sertous publlc health problems. II. The Plannlng Commission hereby, recommends to the Ctty Counctl approval of Tentative Tract l~ap !~o. 12763 subject to the following conditions: ~eneral 1.1 ~/tthtn l~enty four months from Tentative Tract ~lap approval, the Subdivider shall ftle wtth appropriate agencies, a Ftnal prepared tn accordance wtth subdivision requirements of the Tusttn. Huntctpal Code, the State Subdivision ~lap Act, and applicable conditions contained heretn. 1.2 A note shall be placed on r~p that untt counts and Identified land uses Indicated on Tentative Tract 12763 are for Information purposes only. These ftgures do not constitute ftnal untt counts and ftnal untt counts are subject to approval of subsequent Subdivision Naps. 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1.3 Butldtng Permtts may not occur upon any lot created by Tract 12763 unttl such ttme that subsequent, project level, Subdivision Raps are approved for Individual lots. l~tth l~e exception of Lot 13 sho~n for net ghborhood commercial use or any lot as applicable provtded that no additional subdivision ts destred or requtred pursuant to requirements, of the Tusttn ~luntctpal Code and/or State Subd.t vt st on Flap Act. Lots established by Tract 12763 may be further subdivided Independent of each other. 1.4 Subdivider' shall adhere to all applicable requirements outltned tn the East Tusttn Spectftc Plan, Environmental Zmpact Report Ilo. 85-2 as supplemented and Development Agreement as adopted. 1.5 Access potnts on curves of publlc streets may pose stte visibility or pedestrian ortented constraints. Each access potnt ts conceptually approved but exact locatton must be revtewed Individually as development occurs at either the subsequent ftltng of an additional tract or parcel map or as a part of a stte plan revte~ when a tract or parcel map ts not required. .. 1 2 $ $, ? $ 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 Resolution No. 2376 page four 1.6 Subdivider shall submit a duplicate mylar of the Ftnal Map, or 8 1/2 tnch by 11 tnch transparency of each map sheet and "as bullt" gradlng, landscape and Improvement plans. 1.7 All lettered lots pertaining to the E1 Modena-Irvtne Channel will requtre ulttmate dedication to the County of Orange for flood control purposes. 1.8 The Ranchwood Storm Drain (Facility FO7P08) located_along "A' Street and Lot 2, shown as betng part of proposed development, · wtll need to. be constructed pursuant to Agreement No. 085-153 dated 24 ~une 1986 between the City of Tusttn and Orange County Flood Control Otstrict to enable acceptance of E1 Modena-Irvine Channel (Facility FO7) for maintenance by the Agency. 1.9. The Subdivider shall pay all costs related to the calculation of the revtsed parcel assessments, the preparation of the revtsed assessment dtagre, and other requtred administrative duttes related to Assessment 0tstrtct No. 85-1 as a result of the subdivision of parcels of land previously established wtthtn the boundaries of Assessment Otstrtct No. 85-1 confirmed by the Tusttn Ctty Counct1 on Ouly 21, 1986. Prtor to Ftnal Map Recordation 2.1 Prtor to recordation, Subdlvfder. shall submit a current title report~ 2.2 Prtor to recordation of a Ftnal Map the Subdivider shall provtde the following Information and/or corrections to the submitted map: A. The Browntng Corrtdor Avtatton Easement and the G.C.A. Easement as outltned tn the Memerandua of Understanding dated ~uly 1985 between the Untted States Martne Corps, the Ctty of Irvtne and the Ctty of Tusttn shall .be Indicated on Tract Map 12763 and all subsequent subdivision maps. Be Street 'C' as a publlcly dedicated street must be revtsed to show the following dimensions: Half street-. 28 feet Center line to curb- 20 feet Parkway - 8 feet SJdewalk - 5 feet and adjacent to curb C. At discretion of subdivider landscaped lots 'S' and '0' adjacent to Street C may be Increased 'by 2 feet. 5 6' ? 8 9 10 11 12 14 115 17 18 19 ~0 ~./ 26 27 28 Resolution tto. 2376 page flve D. M1 major ar~erla] Intersections may require additional street wtdth to accommodate dual left turn movements and free rtght turn movements. Subdivider sba11 provtde Intersection · analysts to the satisfaction of the Ctty £ngtneer for all subject Intersections wtth flnal' street wtdths subject to the approval of the City Engineer. £. An engineering-destgn shall be prepared for submittal and approval of the Ctty Engtneer addressing potential verttcal stte dlstance constraints that may artse from locattng the southerly extension of ~lew ~lyford Road at Bryan Immediately adjacent to the E1 I~odena-:[rvtne Flood Control Channel. F. The Tttle Block for Tract ~tap 12763 shall be amended to delete reference that saJd map ts for "slngle famtly detached and condomtntum purposes". sheet 3, typtcal sections, of Tract 12763 shall be mvtsed as follows: (1) Bryan Avenue (Sectton A-A). Stdewalk on northstde wtll requtre an easement. Stdewalk locatton wtthtn Edtson Easement must be approved by Southern Cal lfornta Edt son Company. (2) Bryan Avenue (Sect16n C-C). Stdewalk locatton wtthtn Edison £asemant must be approved by Southern Ca11 lorn1 a Edlson Company. Parkway wtdth must be a ,rlntmum 8 feet not 3 feet and can be satisfied by etther dedicated land or an easement on Southern California Edtson Company property. 2.3 Prior to recordation of final map, the Subdivider shall prepare plans for and construct or post securtty guaranteeing construction of all publlc and/or prtvate, Infrastructure tmprovemants wtthtn the boundary of satd tract map tn conformance wtth applicable Ctty standards, Including but not 11mlted to the following: A. Curb and gutter/cross gutters B. Stdewalk C. Drlve aprons D. Street pavtng E. Street stgntng and strtptng F. Landscapt ng/factl ttles G. Santtary sewer servtce facilities H. Domestlc water servlce fact 1 tttes Reclaimed water servtce facilities Gas, electric, telephone, cable T.V. facilities K. Trafftc stgnal systems and other trafftc control devtses 1 $ $ 7' 8 9 10 11 1:2. 14: 15 16 17 18 19 21 27 Resolution rio. 2376 page stx L. Street 11 ghttng Storm dra t ns #. Undergroundtng of extsttng and proposed uttllty distribution 1'tries. 2.4 Placement of all above ground facilities, such as stgntng, street 11ghts, ftre hydrants shall be behtnd the stdewalk when sald sidewalks are constructed ad~lacent to the curb pursuant to Condt tt on 2. 3. - 2.5 Preparation of plans for and construction of a11 santtary sewer facJlttles must be subMtted as requtred by the Ctty Engineer. These facilities shall tnclude a gravtty flo~ system per standards of the Zrvtne Ranch Hater District. 2.6 Preparetton of plans for and construction of a domesttc water system to. the standards of the Irvtne Ranch 14ater District/City of Tusttn 14ater Servtce, whlchever ts applicable at the ttme of plan preparation ts required. Any requtred reclaimed water systems shall be to the standards as requlred by the Irvtne Ranch ~later District. 2.7 Preparation of plans and construction of Improvements along the easterly st de of Jamboree Road between the Santa Ana Freeway and Zrvtne Blvd. as requtred and approved by the-Ctty Engtneer and condt tJons of thts Map and cons'tructod pursuant to Condttton 2..3. 2;8 Preparetton of a hydrology and hydraulic study of the tributary area Impacting the proposed development shall be prepared and submitted. Preparation of plans for and construction of all storm dratn facilities as requtred by the City Engineer, Orange County E~A and Caltrans when appl t cable and pertaining to thetr fact 11ttes sba11 also be subnd tted. 2.9 The Ranchwood storm dratn (Facility FO7-P08) shall be destgned In accordance wtth Orange County E.M.A. - Flood C~ntrol Dtstrtct standards and crtterta and/or as approved by dtstrtct and wtth the provision of all County requtred easements for same Inclusive of all Ingress/egress to the facility. 2.10 Prtor to recordation of any Ftnal Hap, Subdivider shall pay plan check and Inspection fees for all publlc and/or prtvate Infrastructure Improvements wtthtn Ctty's responsibility' excluding those ftnanced by Assessment District. 2.11 The Subdivider shall sattsfy dedication- and/or reservatt, on requirements as applicable, Including, but not 1trotted to the following: 28 A. Oedtcatton of all requlred street and flood control right-of-way, deftned and approved as to spectftc locatlon by the Ctty Engtneer and other' responsible agencies. 1 2 5 $ ? 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 ~0 21 2~ :26 Resolution go. 2376 page seven B. Dedication 'of a11' veht'cular aCcess rtghts to Tusttn Ranch Road, Bryan Avenue, Bro~nlng Avenue, Zrvlne Boulevard, Jamboree (Hyford. Road), "A", "B", and "C" Street except at designated street openlngs ts requtred deftned and approved as to spectftc locatton by the Ctty £ngtneer. C. Subdivider shall provtde for dedication of a mtntmum of 19 ac~e~ of land for park purposes. Lot 7 shall be a mtntmum of 16.0 acres for a community park stte, and Lot_9 shall be a M ntmum of 3 acres for a neighborhood park st tr. The following 1terns must be provtded and conditions met prtor to acceptance of park st tes by the Ct ty. (1) Subwltted and approved by the Department of Planntng and Community Development of a sotls report and rough g~adtng plans submitted by Subdlvtder's registered sotl and ctvt I engineers. In add1 tton to a standard sot 1 report,' Subdivider shall also provtde sotl testlng for fertility/agronomy wtth *any recommendations-for soll amendments.. (2) Each lot to be dedicated for park purposes sh&11 be rough graded or bonded for per an approved rough gradtng plan free of obvtous rock or construction by-product m terta 1'.- (3) Full publlc' ImProvements must be Installed or bonded for by .the developer around the perimeter of each park stte subject to approva] of' Ctty Engineer. (4) Publlc uttllty laterals of a sufficient stze Including water, electricity, se~er, store dratn, natural gas and telephone com,untcatton shall be Installed or bonded for to the park sttes' proper~y 1tries wtth actual designated locations subject to ap~oval of Ctty Engineer. (5) Any Jotnt use of park sttes adjacent, to proposed schools shall be subject to agreement between the Ctty of Tusttn and Tust~n Untfted School Dtstrtct as to the effect of Jot'nt use, type of facilities, thetr use, development, and maintenance. For purposes of negot.t att on between the Ctty and Tust~n Untfted School Dlstrlct tt shall be assumed that a mtntmum of 6 acres of the Community Park st're and a portlon of the 3 acre neighborhood park stye may be ut111zed for posstble Jotnt use. 1 Resolution No. 2376 page eight ,4 5 6. .. 8. 9 10' 11 I2 14 15 ]6 17 (6) Subdivider shall provtde concepts for any Jotnt use as required by condition 4.8 of this resolution. · F'.. Reservation of Lots-8 and 10 Identified as e]ementary and. high school locations, subject to acceptance by the Tusttn Unified School District, provided that Lot 10 shall be Increased tn size to a minimum of 9 acres. No elementary school i s required t n SeCtor 10. .. 2.12 Street sweeping on both public and private streets will be the responsibility of the Subdividers/developers. Prior to recordation, of the Final map, Subdivider or developer shall post with the Community Development Department a minimum $2,500 cash deposit or letter of credit *to guarantee the sweeping of these streets. In the event this/these deposit(s) are depleted prtor to completion of' development or City acceptance of public streets, an additional incremental deposit will be required. 2.13 Prior to the recordation of a Final Map and/or grading permits at the dtscrett'on of the Director of Community Development, an acoustt.cal analysis report shall be submitted to the Tustin Community Development Department for approval. The report shall describe in detail the exterior noise environment and preliminary mitigation measures necessary to bring the proposed projects into conformance with any City Noise Standards and Policies in effect at the time of project revte~. The acoustical analysis shall be prepared by an expert or authority in the Yteld of acoustics. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Preliminary plans shall be submitted for review and approval regarding noise-attenuation of units located near arterial highways or. freeways or under the Browning Corridor which insure that interior and exterior noise levels do not exceed the City of Tusttn Not se Ordt nance. 2.14 Prior to recordation of a Final Map, any well sites to be abandoned located within the Tract shall be removed to standards of the State Health Department and all applicable agencies. Prior to Issuance of Grading Petal. ts 3.1 Prtor to tssuance of gradtng permtts, a sot'l.s engt neert ng report conforming to the Ctty requtrements sba11 be submitted to and approved by the Department of Community Develqpment. 28 Resolution No. 2376 page n1 ne 3 5 $ 7 8 9 10 1I 12 14 15 3¸.2 Preparation and submt'ttal of a Ftnal Gradtng Plan sub~ject to approval of the Department of Community Development delineating the following Information ts required: A. Ftnal street elevations at key locations. B. Ftnal pad or ftntsh floor elevations, as applicable, and key. elevations for all stte grading. All ftnal pad elevations to be a mtntmum of :~.0 feet above the base flood elevation as deft ned by ~r~A. C. All flood hazard areas of record. 3.3 Preparation ot' a sedimentation and eroston control plan for all construction work related to Tract 12763. 3.4 The gradtng plan shall provtde secondary, surface rellef to the E1 Modena-Irvtne Channel as requtred by the Ctty Engtneer at determined potnts on "A" and "B" Streets. 3.5- Gradtng plans shall provtde a secondary type surface rellef to the E1 Modena-Irvtne Channel at the Intersection of "B" Street and "A" Street. Such re.11ef shall be provfded as requtred by the Ctty Engineer. 16 Prt'or to Issuance of Butldtng Permtts 17 18 '4.1 Prtor to. tssuance of butldtng permtts wtthtn the Tract, .Subdivider shall record a Ftnal Map tn accordance wtth the approved Tentative Map and conditions heretn. '19 20 21 22 23. 25 26 27, 28 4.2 Prtor to the tssuance of any butldtng permtts, an acoustical analysts report describing the acoustical destgn features of the structures requtred to sattsfy the extertor and tntertor notse standards shall be submitted to the Tusttn Community Oevelopment Oepartment for approval along wtth satisfactory! evtdence whtch Indicates that the. sound attenuation measures specified tn the approved acoustical report(s) have been Incorporated tnto' the destgn of the pro~lect. 4..3 Pr1 or to .t ssuance of any bui ldt ng perm1 ts for City pro~lect that falls under the Brokntng Corridor, a complete notse study shall be conducted and submitted to the Ctty for revtew. In addttton to Community Notse 'Equivalency Levels (CNEL) satd study provtde Information on stngle event notse measurements as generated by helicopter flyovers for Information purposes only. All residential lots and dwellings shall be sound attenuated agatnst present and pro~lected notses, whtch shall be the sum of a'11 not se tmpacttn'g the pro~lect, so as not to exceed an extertor standard of 65dba. CNEL tn outdoor 11vtng areas and an tntertor . o 1 2 Resolution No. 2376 page ten 3 4 $ ? $ 9 10 11 14 15 standard of 45 dba CtJEL tn all habitable rooms. Evtdence prepared under the supervtst'on of an acoustical consultant that these standards wtll .be satisfied, tn a manner consistent wtth appl tcabl, e zontng .regul att ons. 4.4 Prior to tssuance of any butldtng permtts, wtthtn the tract, Subdivider shall confer with and prepare for review by the Community Development .and Tustln Untfted School Dlstrlct preliminary stte plan and activity concepts for the development of Joint use areas on_Lots 7/8 and Lots 9/:10. 4..5 Prior to tssuance of project level butldtng permtts recordation of pro~lect level Ftnal Iqaps, whichever occurs ftrst, the Subdivider shall provide a mechanism for landscaped maintenance and o~nershtp of all lettered .lots uttllzed for landscape purposes by adjoining community associations within the tract. Said agreement shall be subject to approval of the Ctty Attorney, City Engtneer and Director of Communtty Development. 4.6 Prior to tssuance of butldtng permtts, 'Subdivider shall comply with all requirements of the Orange County Ftre Harshal Including adequate fire flo~, Installation, where required of fire hydrants subject to approval of the Ftre ~rshal an& Irvtne Ranch ~/ater Dtstrtct or Ctty Engtneer as applicable. 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 / 25 Prior to Issuance of Certificates of Use or Occupancy .o '5.1. Prior to tssuance of any Certificates of Use or Occupancy, fte.ld testing Jn accordance wtth the Title 25 regulations may be requlred by the Butldtng Dtvtston to 'verify compliance wtth STC and IIC destgn standards. · III. The Planning Commission approves a concept landscape plan and a Sector perimeter Tract wall destgn for Tentative Tract 12763 subject to the following conditions: :, 1. Approval of the concept plan as' herein modtfted does not commit the City to the extension of satd landscape plan to the remainder of the East Tusttn Specific Project Area. Future submittal s she11 substantial ly conform to' the submttted landscape concept plan on ftle with the Department of Community Development, as heretn modtfted or as modtfted by the Dtrector of Community Development pursuant to the City's destgn revtew procedures. 27 28 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ·1'5 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 27. 28 Resolution No. 2376 page eleven 3. A completely detatled landscape and Irrigation plan must be submitted wtth detatl .at whatever scale necessary to. deptct adequately what is occurring. Provtde a summary table applying. an tndextng Identification to plant materials and thetr actual location. The plan and corresponding table must 11st botanical and common names, slzes, spa.ctng, actual location, and quantities of all matertals proposed. o Show planttng and bernrlng detatls, sotl preparation, staktng, etc. The Irrigation plan shall be submitted prtor to butldtng per,tr, and ~ust show locatton of control and backflo~ prevention devtces, pipe stze, sprinkler Wpe, spactng, and coverage. Detatls for all equtpmant must be provided. Planttng and Irrigation tn publlc rtght of way should also be shown where proposed. Appropriately show. all proper~y ltnes, publlc rtght of way areas, sidewalk widths, parkway areas and wall locations on landscaping and Irrigation .plans. The Deparl~nent of Community Development my request minor substitutions of plant mtertals, or request additional sizing or quantity of materials during plancheck. Place note on landscaping plans, that "adequacy of coverage of landscaping and irrigation materials is subject to fteld inspection of the Department of Planning and Community Development. Upon completion of inspection, the Department reserves the* rtght to request installation of additional landscaping pursuant to the approved landscaping plans. The submitted · landscape plans should reflect the following requirements. A. Tree plantings should be planted, wherever posstble in tnformal drtfts and groupings tn staggered triangulations. B. Any landscaping within numbered landscaping lots should be coordtn&ted wi th parkway landscapt rig. Ce Prtmary eucalyptus tree plantings should be ~., combination of $ gallon and 15 gallon, and shall be p"lanted in the fol.lowt ng propor, t!ons. (1) $0% shall be a minimum of.5 gallon (2) 40% shall be a minimum of 15 gallon D. One additional vartety of tree (evergreen) In addt tion to the proposed accent and eucalyptus treatments proposed along street frontages shall be planted (an aleppo pine or a stmilar alternative matertal would be acceptable) In the following proportions: ,/ ! Resolution No. 2376 2 3 4 5 $ ? 8 10 11 12 page twelve (1) 30S shall be a mtnlmum of 15 gallon (2) 505 shall be a mtntmum of 24" box (3) 20[ shall be a ,rlnJmum of 36" box 5. The actual tree stze, locatton and number of paseo accent and comuntty accent l~ees shall be subject to revtew and approval by the Depar13,ent of Community Development. .. $. l~hen posstble and to add vtsual tnterest bermtng along landscape lot frontages shall be provtded whtch ts creattve and done not only to flow to walls, but be sltghtly horizontally undulated (broad rolling a wavelike free-flowing appearance) maintaining visibility at, entrances to projects. Bermtng slopes shall be less than 3:1 and planted wtth drought resistant turf and coordinated wtth shrubs and groundcovers. Any detatls on bermtng shall be shown on landscaping and gradtng plans. 13 7. .Spactng of all groundcover shall be at 8" - 10" on center. 15 16 17 18 20 21 0 Perimeter walls should be provtded wtth vtnes tn order to elJmtnate large expanses ot= wall by addtng greenery and color. ¥tnes should also be Informally grouped wtth ~ratntng devtces Installed wtth .the actual locatton noted on p~ans. 9. Entry~ays to th~-project stte should be focal potnts. In addttton to the larger tree treatments, these areas should be provtded wtth a varteW of color and treatment of landscaping. 10. A complete detatled subdivision stgn program Including location, stzes, colors and materials shall be submitted subject to mvtew and approval of the Depar13,ent of Community Davelopment. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meettng of the Tusttn Planntng Commission held the day of , 1986. t 24 25 · CHARLES E., PUCKETT, Chatrman 26 27 28 DONNA ORR, Recording Secretary ; I I ;, ! £' 1 2 $ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12' 14 15 16 17 18 19' RESOLUTION NO. 2409 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COHHI$SION OF THE CITY OF TUSTZN, RECOFtHENDINGTO THE TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL APPROVALOF FINAL TRACT HAP NO12763 The Planntng.¢omtsslon of the CI~y of Tusttn does hereby resolve: The Planntng Comrlsston finds and deter,fines as follou,: A. That Ft.nal Tract Map 12763 was subwltted to the Planntng Comrlsston on behalf of The Irvtne Company for the purpose of creatlng 44 lots (16 numbered and 28 lettered), a subdivision from a portton of Blocks 43, 44'and 64 of %rvtne; subdivision as shown on a map thereof ftled tn Book 1, page 88 of Htscellaneous Raps tn the offtce of the County Recorder of the County* of Orange, State of Ca 1 t f ornl a. B'. That a publlc heartng concerning Tentative Tract Hap 12763 vas duly called, nottced and held considering satd rap. Co That. Envlronmntal Impact Report 85-2, as supplemented, has preFlously been prepared, considered, approved and certified whtch adequately addresses the general envtronmntal setttng .of the pro,fact, t~s significant environmental tmpacts, and the altern&ttves and mitigation measures applled to each significant environmental effect for the proposed pro,fact and no additional environmental document need be prepared. The Planntng Comdsston has revte~ed and considered the tnformtton obtatned In the prevtous envlronmntel tmpact report prlo~ to approval of the project. o. D. That Tentative Tract Map 12763 ~s found by the Planntng Conmtsston and Ctty Counctl to be t n conformance wtth appllcabl · zontng and subdivision regulations and the Tusttn Area General Plan by the adoptton of Resolutions 2376 and 86-142 respectively. 20 21 22 23 E. That Ftnal Hap 12763 as subwltted ts tn substantial compliance wtth the approved Tentative Hap and ts tn conformnce wtth applicable zontng and subdivision regulations and the Tusttn Area General Plan. ' The Planntng Comwlssto hereby recommends to ~he Ctty Counctl approval of Ftnal Tract Hap 12763. 24 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meetlng of ~he Pla_nntng Comt./~on of me City of Tusttn on the 8th day of June, 1987, /~/1 // / ' Penn1 Foley 28 Recording Secretary · STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANG[ ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) %, PENN! FOLEY, the un'derstgned, hereby certlfy that ! am the Rec.ordlng Secretary ot' the ?].anrj.lng Comslsst.on of the Ctty of Tustln, Caltfornta, tha~ Resolution Ho. ~~¥ vas duly passed a~_adoptad at ~._.~g=ular meettng of ~he T~T_us~ln Plann'T'ng ~omatsslon, held on ~he ,j:~ day of ...~.~,,~ , ~'-7-' ' ~ / -' ............ (.~.cordtng Secre~ar~ -~ Ll i ie/ 5chooo£ Dis/ ic/ sou/ h C si eeC l ustir , catll:o nia 9 6fi0 714 750 7501 Chris Layton's Address to Tustin Planning ~Commission June 8, 1987 The Tustin Unified School District Board of Education has asked me to make it explicitly clear that Tract Map 12763, which is before you, does not adequately provide for the needs of the school children of the City of Tustin. The identified needs, which are supported by the State Department of Education, would include elementary school sites of 10 acres and high school sites of 40 acres. The Tract Map provides for neither of these. This map.does not comply with the original land/use diagram because it does not provide for sufficient sites in accordance with the Tustin Unified School District requirementS. .~e conditions of approval on the tentative tract map have not been satisfied because there is no agreement between the City of "Tustin and the Tustin Unified School District as to the effect of joint use of the high school site and the adjacent community park or the elementary site and the adjacent neighborhood park. The proposed .map is not in conformance with the Agreement between the Tustin Unified School District and The Irvine Company because said Agreement provides for necessary school facilities to meet the demands created by the development as outlined. The Tustin Unified School District was not properly notified of the original filing of the tentative tract map. Official notification was received on May 28, 1987. In accordance with Government Code Section 66455.7, 'the District has twenty working days in which to respond to Tract Map 12763, and it is the ~ intent of the Tustin Unified School District Board of Educat'ion to provide sueh a response within that 'time period. It is important you be fully aware that if you approve Tract Map 12763, you are doing so in violation of all statutes, statements and agreements, and you are preparing to short-change the school children of the City of Tustin. BOARD OF EDUCATION Chris Layton, President · Barbara Benson, Vice President/Clerk Jane Bauer · Joyce Hanson · Gloria F. Tuchman Maurice A. Ross, Ed.D., Superintendent DECLARATION OF BRUCE LOWREY · I, Bruce Lowrey,' hereby declare as follows: 1. I am the consultant for Orange County in the School Facilities Planning Division, California State Department Educationf. My business address is 721 Capitol Mall, Sacramento, California, telephone number (916) 322-1452. I have held the position .of Consultant for.-three, years and ha~e been otherwise affiliated with the Department of Education for sixteen years in the curriculum division. I have a'doctorate degree in education from the University of San Francisco and my background includes teaching, counseling and administration. 2. Pursuant to Education Code section 39000, the State Department of Education has a statutory duty to "establish standards for school sites." Moreover, Education Code section 39101 requires the State Department of Education to advise the governing board of each elementary, high school, and unified school district on the application of new school sites, and after review of available plots, give the governing board of the district in writing a list of approval locations in the order of their merit. The State Department on.' Education in rendering this order must take into consideration matters of educational merit, reduction of traffic hazards, and conformity to the organized regional plans as presented in the master plan of the planning commission having jurisdiction. · 3. In complying with the statutory duty under the Education Code, the State Department of Education has compiled and' distributed a manual entitled "school site Analysis and Development ." This manual sets forth minimum site recommendations for elementary',-junior high and high schools. 4. It is my understanding that in order to accommodate the students that will live in the East Tustin Specific Plan, the Tustin Unified School District intends to build, in addition to several elementary schools, a high school to house approximately 1800+ students. The instructional program of the high school will include a physical education program and provisions for intramural activities and athletics. 5. According to the School Site Analysis and Development manual, the recommended minimum school site size for a high school which expects to house 1800+ students is 41.6 acres. 6. I have reviewed Tract Hap No. 12763 of the City of ' Tustin. This tract map contains a site that has been reserved for the Tustin Unified School District~s proposed high school. The dimensions set forth on the tract map reveal that t,he acreage of the proposed site is approximately 34 acres. 7. It is'my opinion that .34 acres is undersized for the .hightschool that the Tustin Unified School District intends to ~.b_uii'.l~d) on this. site. Moreover, the School Site and Analysts Development manual mentioned above, on page 20, recommends 41.6 . · acres for a 1800+ student, high school. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct and .within my personal knowledge-and that I can testify competently thereto if require~. Executed at Sacramento, California, 1987. this ~ day of ~-Z~~ _-/ BRUCE LOWREY, Ed~.D. S' E" ' F:' G:,A"_'S 1~ m ml mm mm mm m Enrollment Up 40~ to to 400 600 Type of Outdoor Facility NOTE.. If the school pfoKram is to include aquatics and both' swimmin8 and divinK pools Ire required, increase the site re- quirement .6 oi an acre Any Combination of Grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 601 801 1001 1201 1401 1601 1801 2001 2201 to tO tO to to to tO tO tO 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 Number Required . . G Field Area 260' x 260' I Field Area 260' x 460' I I K HardcourtArea ]00'x ]20' 2 2 3 3 3 L Field Area 360' x 360' I 1 1 I 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6- 6 7. 7 7 8 1 1 1 1 2 2 5 5 6 6 7 7 M Field Area 300' x 750' N Hardcourt Area 10W x 110' 3 4 5 5 6 O Field Area 200'x 360' 1 I I 1 P Apparatus Area (1000 Sq. Ft.) 2 ~ ~ 4 4 Percent Factor for Layout 25 20 20 20 20 15 15 15 !15 10 10 Area Use Number of Useable Acres Required PhysicalEducation 11.9 13.8 16.2 17.7 18.0 19.0 19.0 20.7 20.8 22.0 22.2 Buildings and Grounds Parking and Roads Total Acreage 3.3 4.0 5.1 6.2 7.3 8.4 9.5 10.6 11.6 12.6 13.5 2.1 3.6 4.4 5.2 6.0 6.8 7.6 8.4 9.2 10.0 10.8 17.3 21,4 25.7 29.1 31.3 34.2 36.1 39.7 ~41!~6' 44.6 46.5 Resolution No. 86-29 of the Ctty Counctl of the Ctty of Tusttn, &dopttng General Plan Amendment 86-1a (East Tustln) states tn part: 'The land use dtagram vt11 provtde for sufficient school and park $ttes tn Iccordance wtth *the Ctty of Tustln ordinances and Tusl:tn Untfted School Dt strt ct. requirements. ' · · December 11, 1986 D,'pnrtm('~l (~! C~mmumty Dn,clopmcnl Hr. Larry Sutherland Tustin Unified School District 300 South "C" Street Tustin, Ca. 92680 SUB3£CT' CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL / TENTATIVE TRACT RAP 12763 Dear Mr. Sutherland' As we discussed in your office on December B, 1986, the following. items were included as recommended conditions of approval for Tentative Tract Map 12763 and were adopted by the Planning Commission' · Condition Il 2.11 C5: Any joint use of park sites adjacent to proposed schools shall be subject to agreement between the City of Tustin mhd Tustin Unified School District ms to the effect of Joint use, type of facilities, their use, development, and maintenancc. For purposes of negotiation between thc City and lustin Unified School District it shall be assumed that a minimum of 6 acres of the Community Park site and a portion of th(, 3 acre neighborhood park site may be utilized for possible joint usc*. · Condition II 2.11 F: Reservation of Lots 8 and 10 identified as elementary and high school locations, subject to acceptance by the lustin Unt(ied School District, provided that Lot 10 shall he increased in size to a minimum of 9 acres. No element@ry school is required in Sector lO. ' 0 3 I.-I I ri h I.IS r:l .~()¢) ¢ chtr~mi~l W~.V · 7u.(h~. C~li[(,,,~ 926,N() · (?74) · School F&ci:litJes Agreement. Is eat.areal Into as of .January 27t 191~6, mhd between The 2rvfne Company (TLC) · ~Jchjga~ corporo~Jon, mad the ItecJ t.a~ls TIC proposes .to develop property tn the East ~'ustfn Specific (L~TSP) area shown as I~xhibit A and vithin t. he :Jurisdiction of the reputation of exce~]ence Jn education and facilities con~nue~ ~du~s ~nd children. .' TIC acknovledges that providing ?U~;D early information regarding the 'development Is necessary to facilitate TUSD decision-making process. and ?~C desire to establish a ~nethod of f~nancjng schoo! facilities necessary to serve the student population generated by '~ and ?UiD acknow3edge anc] agree that schoo! facilities plan~ and ~.~gation ac~reement or agreement.s are necessar~ and should~ be base~ upon sound demographic data~ consideration of a number of fJnancJn~ opt~ons~ studies of current fac~tjes~ and pro~ected development I~h'as~ng. Agreement , consideration of the above premises and the following ,ndit~on$~ ~C and ?USD agree a~ fo~ovs: Aqreement ~o ~Provide Necessary Fac~lttfes &oreement to Seek FundJnc~ and ?USD acknowledge that at the current t:ime state not be available to fun~ school fac:ii:it:les when they needed for ~zo~ecte~ 9zo~th~ ho~evez~ ~1] touzce~ of revenue including Irate funding viii be ex~ioze~ to fun~ the ~cqut~ttjo land and facilities. Notwithstanding the present uncertatnt TUSD and 73C vii2 cooperate in preparing applications for 9ra~t funding from the State of Califlornis~ ?:lC: visit ~t its cost with grant applications. ~usD ~J]l provide &pproprJ'ate exportJse fro~ the educatJoha2 p~rspectJve. Hay 27, 1987 Department o! Community Deuclopme.t Mr. Hollts Grtfftth Tusttn Unified School District 300 S. "C" Street Tustin, Ca. 926B0 SUI~IECT: TRACT MAP 12763/RESOLUTXON 2376 & RESOLUCTION 86-142 . .. ~ar Mr. Grtffith: C.,,closed please find a copy of proposed Tract Map 12763 along wtt. h Resolution 2376 recommending approval and Resolution No. B6-142 approving Tentative Tract Map 12763. To date, formal consideration of the final map has not been scheduled for Commission or Council action. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Si rice ,r.e4~, .. 8elf Davis, Senior Planner enclosure JO:ts 300 Centennial Way · Tusfin, California 92680 · (7]4) 544-8890 § ~C)4~.7. Schools &nd school distrleU: notice: written report: time Within 10 da~-s of the riling of a tentative map as pro~-lded in Section 6 52, the clerk of' the legislative body or advisor~ agencY shall send a notice of the filing of the tentative map to the governing board of any elementary, high school, or unified school district within the boundaries of which the subdivision is proposed to be located. Such notice shall also contain JnforTnation about the location of' the proposed subdivision, the number of units, density, and any other dqsd~d~ Div. 2 PROCEDUi~E fi 66456 forrrmtion which would be relevant to the affected school district. Such govel-ning board may review the notice and may send a vrritten report thereon to the.agency required by law to approve such tenta- tive map..If* a written report is made by the governing bcmrd, the port shall Indicate the impact of the proposed subdivision on the fected school district and shall make such recommendations Rs the governing board of' the district deems appropriate. If a w~tten por~ is made by the goveFTfing board, such report shaU be. FeturTted ~_.~.h...i.n~.20.*.~o.?.kifig:i, da)~s of the date off which the notice was mailed to the school district for comment. In the event that the Koverning board of any such district fails to respond within the 20-day period, such failure to respond shall be deemed approval of the proposed sub- division. (Added b.v Stnt.q.19?6, c. 5, p. 3, § 1.) Munieitm! (',)rlmrnt tonN (~:~43. Zoning nmi I'l#uning Llbrory References t%J.g..%lunh41mJ P. orporn~ious t'.J..q. Zi)ninK to 34,