HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES 04-18-88NI~$ ~ A ~L~ ~IMG OF ~ CITY COUNCIL OF CITY D(: TOSTIN, CN. IFORNIA APRIL 18, 1988 CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/IIIVOCATION II. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hoesterey at 7:01 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 300 Centennial Way. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Prescott, and the Invocetion was given by Mayor Hoesterey. ROLL CALL councilpersons Present: Counctlpersons Absent: Others Present: III. PUBLIC HEAJ~I NG$ 1. UIIOERGROUND UTILITY Robert Ledendecker, Ronald B. Hoesterey, Mayor Ursula E. Kennedy, Mayor Pro Tem Richard B. Edgar John Kelly Earl J. Prescott None- William A. Huston, City Manager James G. Rourke, City Attorney Nary E. Wynn, City Clerk ~hristine Shingleton, Oir. of C~. Development Fred Wakefield, Police Captain Robert tedendecker, Director of Public Works Royleen White, Dtr. of Comm. & Adm. Services Ronald A. Nault, Finance Director Valerie Whiteman, Deputy City Clerk Susan Jones, Recreation Superintendent Approximetely 40 in the audience DISTRICT NO. 10 FOR NEI~}RT/NCFADOEN AVENUES Director of Public Works, gave a staff report Indicating that a second Public Heartng was set to reconsider the source Of funding for the three properties in Underground Utility District No. lO. The original engineer's report previously suggested that private property service conversions be funded by the Redevelopment Agency. At the first Public Hearing, the Council requested that other methods of funding be explored. The second Public Hearing would allow property o~ners to voice their opinions On the potential change in funding. The Public Hearing was Dp&ned at 7:06 p.m. Roger O'Oell, 17341 Mcfadden Street, spoke on behalf of his mother, Wanda O'Oell, ~ho had written a letter to the Council. She felt that Pacific Bell should provide the funding, rather than someone on Soclal Security. At Mayor Hoesterey's suggestion, Mr. 0'0ell agreed that hts mother's letter would become part of the public record.. There were no additional speakers on the matter and the Public Hearing was closed at 7:08 p.m. Mayor Hoesterey asked Mr. O'Dell if it would be easier for his mother to have the assessment placed on the property to become due when the property was sold. Oifficulty could arise from expenditure of City funds on private property. Councilwoman Kennedy explained that property values increase when undergreunding projects are implemented. If the assessment was done when the property was sold, Mrs. O'DeIl would not be impacted because the increase in property value would hopefully offset the charge. Robert Ledendecker indicated that this item did not have to be finalized at this meeting. It could be continued at another meeting and Mr. O'Oell could consult with his mother regarding her wishes. Page 2, 4-18-88 Councilman Prescott. asked- if the telephone service was from a utiltty pole located on McFadden and was there a utility pole at the rear of the property that could be used. Robert Ledendecker will investigate this possibility and report back to the Council. The Public Hearing was clesed at 7:13 p.m. It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Kelly, to continue this matter to the .May 2, [988, meeting. The ~tion carried 5-0. 104 APPEAL OF PLANNING CON~ISSION OENIAL OF VARIANCE 88-2 {HOME FEDERAL MONUMENT SIGN) Christine Shingleton reported that the Planning Co~lssion, on March 21, 1988, denied a request by Home Federal for a 12 sq.ft, tenant identification sign at the corner of Irvine Blvd. and Holt Ave. The Planning Commission denied the request based on the following: (I) proposed variance did not meet the required conditions of State law and local City code, (2) that special consideration had already been granted to allow Home Federal more sign area .than is typically allow~ by sign codes and (3) granting of the variance could result in adverse effects in the immediate area by creating a precedent. The Public Hearing was opened at 7:16 p.m. Tom Hunter, 625 8roadway, San Otego, representing Hone Federalo stated that the company's need was to identify the property for traffic on Irvine Blvd. traveling iran east to west. Home Federal realizes they are over the maximum allowed for signs. When teller machines became popular, Fl~lm Federa) roquesCc~ thaC A~ Ti,lm Fell~)r be added to their already existing sign and tha: request pu: them over the maximum. Mr. Hunter said that both the Owner as well as the tenants had agreed to identify the building as the Home Federal Building, Mayor Hoester~ asked staff if this was a building identification sign versus a tenant Identification sign would Home Federal be within the limits. :hristine Shingleton indicated that tenant signs cannot be used on the center identification sign. Mayor Hoesterey stated that generally it is due to some particular hardship this the case with Home Federal. in the granting of a variance that can be exhibited and was Mr. Hunter ~sponded that immediate identification of the bull~ing would assist their elderly rust.ers from a traffic standpoint. Curt Bower, speaking as a consultant for Home Federal, stated that when the exception was granted on building signage, the Planning Oepa~ment recognized that although it is a multi-tenant building with professional uses, that a savings and loan would have special needs. He felt that by contrast to other surrounding financial institutions, Home Federal's sign was modest. The special circumstances exist because it is not primarily a professional office building but has heavy cmnmercial use as well. Mayor Hoesterey asked if it would be acceptable to Home Federal to have the sign exclude the company logo. Mr, Bower stated that if the word "building" had to be added they preferred that the logo remain. No one else wished to speak and the Public Hearing was closed aC 7:2S p.m. COUNCIL MINUTES 3, 4-18-88 IV. Councilwoman Kennedy stated the Council had done a good job in the past to make Tustin a beautiful city by restraining uses of signs. As a result, the City attracts business and is financially successful. Home Federal had chosen to go i'nto a professionally zoned building and now, in addition to the previously allowed exception, is requesting to also have the advantage of a commercial sign. This will become a precedent and other tenants in professional buildings will want the same consideration. If a conq)any wants commercial signing, they should be in a commercial zone. [t. ~as moved by Kennedyt seconded by Hoest~rey, to adopt Resolution No. 88-38(b), upholding the Planning Commission s denial. Councilman Edgar spoke in opposition to the motion. He shared Council- woman Kennedy's dialogue, however, the building is al ready surrounded by businesses with monument signs and the only difference is, one area is zoned for professional and the othe~ is zoned for cmmnercial. He felt that every tenant has the right to be identified and it would be appropriate for a small, discreet monument sign. He would support Resolution No. 88-38(a). Councilman Kelly spoke in opposition to the motion feeling that the applicant's request was modest and he was upset with the attitude towards signs displayed by some Council members. Mayor Hoesterey was conceded that three-quarters of the sign was logo and felt the sign. was for attracting new customers in the area. He suggested scaltng the ~tgn down with a Smaller logo to bring it into accordance with the ordinance. He added that professional zo, fng increases the value of property. A substitute'motion was made by Edqar, seconded by Ke1)~, to approve Resolution No. 88-38(a), reversing the Planning Con~nission's denial. Mayor Hoesterey stated that as long ~s the conditions are for this particular site for these particular reasons and there is a waiver of the building sign that would be part of the record, he would be in favor of' the substitute motion. The substitute motion carried 4-1, Kennedy opposed. 106 I~JSLIC I#PUT ANNEXATIO#S NO. 144 ANO 145 The following extended their appreciation to Mr. Joseph Herzig for his work regarding Annexations No. 144 and Elva Woodland, 13132 Fairmont Way, Tustin Harv~-y Roll, 17711 Laurie Lane, Santa Ana Mr. Joe Herzig asked Council if any action on Annexations 144 and 145 had been taken since April 4, 1988. Mayor Hoesterey said there had not. 24 2. LAUREL HOUSE IEIG)IBURHO01) CONCERNS Sarah Schweitz, 13611 Faimont Way, spoke on behalf of residents on Fairmont Way, Carol Way and Laurie Lane regarding the safety in their neighborhood and the large density of State facilities thdt are within one block of each other, These facilities include Laurel House, a shelter for runaway teenagers on Fairmont way; a board-and- care facility on Laurie Lane; a halfway house for alcohol and drug rehabilitation on Yorba; and Yorba House No, 4, She submitted a petition to the Council requesting their intervention with the proper authorities to revoke the Laurel House license. The residents were concerned about safety for their children and the declining property values in their neighborhood. Mayor Hoesterey stated that the State had usurped the City's authority in this area and advised her to contact her State Senators. 81 CITY COUHCIL MINU,-- Page 4, 4-18-88 3.' GODFATHER BAR ON FIP.~'r S~REET Joseph Neglia, 12578 Wedgwood Circle, representing John Siegel and the residents of Pickwick Manor Apartments, spoke about tile disturbance caused on the weekends by the Godfather Bar. Approximately 17 complaints had b&en received by the Police Oepart~nt, six of those com4)laints were for disturbing the peace. He asked the Council if it was possible to declare the back door available for emergency use only. Mayor Hoesterey asked that the Police Department check on the matter and report back to the Council. 81 4. GO-KART RAC~S Jim Kinder, of Championship Kart Racing Assn., stated his need to have specific direction from the Council regarding the amount of liability insurance required. William Huston, City Manager, stated that $10 million was the requirement and the Council had approved that amount. If Mr, Kinder made application for that amount and was unable 'to obtain it, the City's underwriters would assist him. Mayor Hoesterey asked Mr. Kinder to apply for $10 million worth of insurance and report back to the Council the results of his application., Councilman Prescott expressed concern about having an a¢coranodative attitude to insure that the event goes forward. Councilman Kelly voiced his concern about what was adequate insurance and gave the Chili Cookoff as an example of an event involving alcohol that did not require this amount of coverage.. Mr. Kinder expressed his frustation with obtaining this amount of insurance and working within this 'red tape". Councilwoman Kennedy stated her support of the event, but stated that the City most be financially protected. After further discussion, Mr. Kinder agreed to try and obtain $10 million of liability insurance and report his findings to the Council at the next meeting. 96.1 V. CONSENT CALENOAR Item 10 was pulled from the Consent Calendar by Councilman Kelly and Item 11 was pulled by City Manager Huston. It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Kelly, to approve the remainder of the Consent Calendar. The motion carried 5-0. 1. APPROVAL OF MZNUTES - APRIL 4, 1988, REGULAR MEETING APPROVAl. OF ~NOS IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,352,782.64 RATIFICAT[ON OF PAYROLL IN THE AMOUNT OF $190,051.89 5O 3. RESOLUTION NO. 88-39 -A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF TuSTIN APPROVING FINAL VESTING MAP NO. 13094. Adopted Resolution No. 88-39 as recommended by the Community Development Department. 99 4. EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT REQUEST Authorized solicitation of proposals for replacement of equipment authorized .in the 1987-88 Fiscal Budget as recommended hy the Public Works Department/Field Services. 86 MEW EQUIPMENT REQUEST Authorized solicitation of proposals for new equipment authorized in the 1987-88 Fiscal Budget as recommended by the Public Works Department/Field Services. 86 r--y COUNCIL MINUTES .' 5, 4-18-88 6~' RESOLUTION NO. 88-40 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF T1JSTIN REQUESTING THE ORANGE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION TO INCLUDE WITHIN THE FEDERAL AID URBAN PROGRAM THE IMPROVEMENT OF JA)fl)OREE ROAD. Adopted Resolution No. 88-40 as recon~nended by the Public 44orks Department/Engineering Oivfsion. g5 7. RESOUffION NO. 80-41 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF T1JSTIN REQUESTING THE ORANGE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COIIxIISSION TO INCLUDE WITHIN THE OCUTT PROGRAM THE IMPROVEMENT OF MAIN STREET (PHASE. III). Adopted Resolution No. 88-41 as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. 95 8- RESOLUTION NO. 01)-42 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF EL CAMINO REAL FRON MYFORD ROAD TO JAMBOREE ROAD AND AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS. Adopted Resolution No. 88-42 as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. 95 9. RESOLlYrxoM NO. 88-~$3 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN ACCEPTING WORKS OF IMPROVEMENT AND AUTHORIZING RECORDATION OF NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR INSTALLATION OF STREET LIGHT CONOUIT ON "C" STREET FROM MAIN STREET TO THIRD STREET Adopted Resolution No. 88-43 as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. 63 Co~sent Calendar Item Ne. lO - Marked Unit Replaceamnt Councilman Kelly felt that the marked Rolice units should go out for bid. City Manager Huston' said that under City Code and Resolution the city is authorized to accept the bid of another agency that bids out police cars. Tilts Wpe of bidding enables the city to bid at a much higher unit count. Instead of bidding on 4 cars, the same agency may be bidding o~ 200-300 cars allowing the City to receive a much lower price for police vehicles. It was moved by Kennedy,-seconded by Edgar, to adopt the following: 10. IM.RKED UNIT EPLACEIqENT Authorized purchase of four (4) new marked Rolice units at a cost of $12,778.68 each, for a $51,114.73 total, from Morris d. Sopp and Son, 580[ Pacific Blvd., Huntington Park, California, as recommended by the Police Department. The motion carried 5-0. 82 Consent Calendar Item No. 11, P~ltce Motorcycle Replacement - At the request of City Manager Huston, this item was removed from the Consent Calendar and no action was taken. 82 VI. ORDII%~NCES ~ INTR~CTIO# - None VII. ORDINAMCE FOR .el)OPTION 1. CHAMGE SI'ARTING TIME OF PLANNING COF~IISSION I~[ETINGS - ORDINANCE NO. 1006 Ordinance No. 1006 had first reading by title only and introduction on April 4, 1988, following a public hearing on the matter. It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Edgar, that Ordinance No. 1006 have second reading by title only. The motion carried 5-0. Following second reading by title only of Ordinance No. LOU6 by the City Clerk, it was moved by Edgar, seconded by Hoesterey, that Ordinance No. I006 be passed and adopted as follows: CITY COUNCIL MINUTr Page 6, 4-18-88 ORDI#RNCE NO. 1006 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, AMENDING SECTION 1515 OF CHAPTER 5, ARTICLE 1, OF THE TUSTIN MUNICIPAL CODE; CHANGING THE STARTING TIME OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEETINGS. The motion carried 5-0. {Roll call vote) 8O VIII. OLD BUSINESS 1. JWA NOISE ~EASUREMENT PROCRAft'- UPI)ATE It was moved by Kelly, seconded by Kennedy, to receive and file subject report. The motion carried 5-0. 101 IX. 2. APPi~)¥N. OF CONIULTANT ~ERVICES FOR PREPARATION OF CULTURAL RESOURCES INVENTORY OF CITY Councilman Prescott requested that Carol Jordan, of the Historical Society, participate in the preparation of the Cultural Resources Inventory. No action was taken. 109 NEw BUSINESS AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR ~&~TER SIN INPROVEFIENTS ON EDINGER AVENUE, WINDSOR LANE,, CATAI. INA DRIVE, OEL REY DRIVE,, AND LA 8ELLA ORIVE It was moved by. Edgar, seconded by Kelly, to award the contracC for subject project to Coast Pipeline Corporation of Laguna Hills, California, in the amount of $163.011.61 as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. The motion carried ?0. io7 2. COLU~US 1USTIN ORA.I~ STUOY It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kennedy to appropriate $1,500 for the Storm Drain Study of Columbus Tustin Park as recommended by the Con~nunity Services Department. Councilman Edgar complimented the staff on a job well done. He was amazed at the minimal cost for completion. He asked staff what the timeline was for completion. Susan Jones, Recreation Superintendent. estimated it would be a month to a month and one-half. Councilman Prescott stated that he was anxious to have t~e report the first meeting in June so that some of the plans for Columbus Tustin Park could be finalized. The motion carried 5-0. 3. AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR 'rRA]:FIC SIGNAL NOOIFICIATIONS AT WALNUT & O4ERRYWOUO LANE It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Edgar, to (1) award a contract to )axter-Griffin Company in the amount of $9,350 and (2) approve an additional appropriation of $2,000 from the General Fund as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. The motion carried 5-0. 94 4. PAJ~K ADVISORY COV~IISSION It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kennedy, lo adopt the following: (1) That the Commission have seven (7) m~nbers, all Tustin residents. {2) That the Commission be an advisory body to the City Council in all matters relating to policy in the areas of park design, development and recreation. COUNCIL MINUTES 7, 4-18-88 '(3) That the tom,mission serve at the pleasure of the City Council, and be named the Community Services Coa~ission. (4) That the Commission meet as often as is necessary to carry out its responsioility, but a minimum of once each quarter regular session. (5) Th'at the Co~mntssion be compensated for attendance at Con~nission meetings and that Council set compensation at $25.00 per meet i rig. (6) That the City Counctl meet with the Commission at leas% once per year to give the Commission direr%Ion regarding Council policy as ~econ~ended by the Coeanuntty Services Department. Councilman Edgar's motion was made stipulating the following changes to the original staff recommendation: (1) number of members be changed from five to seven, {2) area of responsibility to include recreation and (3) compensation be set at $25.00 per meeting. Selection of members would be through interview process. Councilwoman Kennedy asked about the possibility of selection by district. Councilman Edgar stated that he was supportive of that, but did not want to restrict the selection process by initially establishing that criteria. He was very supportive of selecting applicants that represent different areas. Mayor Roesterey stated that he still felt an Ad )loc C~lll)ittee would better serve the City. He felt a Commission would increasingly grow and require staff time when there were not specific needs to be addressed. In addition, some members in certain residential areas may not be interested in parks fr'~l other areas of the City. Councilman Kelly felt that the concern about districting was nonsense and politically motivated. Councilman Edgar stated he was against formalized districting of the Commission. The opportunity for area representation will be available to the Council during the selection process. The motion carried 4-1, Hoesterey opposed. 76 5. EASTERN TRANSPORTATION CORRIOOR ORAFT ENVIRONI~NTAL IMPACT REPORT NO. 451 Robert Ledendecker gave staff report asking Council to review a response letter on a Oraft Environmental Impact Report that is due back to the County on April 21, 1988. It was moved by Edqar, seconded by Kennedy, to approve the City's concerns/comments for the Eastern Transportation Corridor and authorize Staff to forward these comments to the County of Orange by the response deadline date of April 21, 1988. The motion carried 5-0. Councilman Edgar con~nended the staff for their professional job in reaching the consensus required for a Tustin, ()range and [rvine M~norandum of Understanding. Staff c~mnents on this memorandum were included with the subject report and Council will receive the menorandum for action on May 2, 1988. 101 REPORTS ,~. PLANNING COI~ISSION ACTION AGENDA - APRIL 11, 1988 It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kelly, to ratify the Planning Commission Action Agenda of April 11, 1988. The motion carried 5-0. CITY ENTRANCE SIGN PROGRAM STATUS Christine Shingleton gave a status report on the designing of the monument entrance signs to the City. Staff is now refining the CITY COUNCIL MINU' Page 8, 4-18-88 · schematics before starting on the working drawings. She asked for comments from the Council. Councilman Kelly voiced his approval of maintaining heritage with the "Wis~ing Well" theme. Councilman Prescott suggested that a subcommittee be formed and he volunteered to serve on the subcommittee. Councilwoman Kennedy also volunteered to serve, It was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Kelly, to appoint Councilman Prescott and Councilwoman Kennedy to serve on the subcommittee for this matter. The motion carried 5-0. 93 3. I#VESTNEIfT SOtEDULE AS OF )~,RCH 31, lg~8 It was moved b~ Edgar~ seconded by Kelly, :o receive and file subject report. The motion carried 5-0. 50 4o UPOATED REPORT ON REQUEST FOR ENGINEERING STUDY AT T~E INTERSECTION OF EL CN4INO REAL ~ SlX"l)l STREET It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Kelly, that the existing red curb on all intersection approaches should remain as is, however, forty (40) feet of existing red curb on the south side of Sixth Street (east of E1 Camino Real) can be eliminated. The motion carried S-O. 92 Xl. OTHER BUSINESS 1. COI, flENTS IH 111E "COttON TALK" RE~SPAPER Councilman Kelly commented on ~rticle in the Common Talk regarding some of his recent comments. He wanted to exercise his right to speak and asked that those who editorialized about the Council, pay attention during the meetings. He also asked that they refrain from smoking in the Council Chambers. STEVEN'S SQUARE PARKING STRUCTURE Councilman Kelly asked for an update on the action that has been taken on the Steven's Square Parking Structure. City Manager Huston responded that the City, in accordance with Council direction, will erect additional signage giving direction to the structure and change the "CUSTOMER PARKING" signs to "PUBLIC PARKING" signs. The City will defer action on the ramp. Councilman Prescott felt that the "CUSTOMER PARKING" signs shoulJ be removed. He was also informed by Mr. Cox ~hat the signs citing Civil Code No. 22658(a) only applies to private parking structures, not public ones. Christine Shingleton stated that it is considered a private structure maintained by a private association. The Redevelopment Agency has an interest in 105 spaces of the 247 spaces in the structure. A letter fron staff has been sent to the Steven's Square Association requesting that the signs be modified to read "PUBLIC PARKING". Staff will report back to the Council on the results of that letter. 74 3. LIABILITY INSURANCE Councilwoman Kennedy thanked City Manager Huston and Ronald Hault, Finance Director, for their guidance to the Council in establishing participation in a risk sharing pool. Councilwoman Kennedy also asked staff for a confirmed report requiring the $10 million liability insurance for the go-kart races. She did not want Mr. Kinder to withdraw without proper documentation for the $10 million quote. 59 0'~¥ COUNCIL MINUTES ; : g, 4-18-88 4. PETER'S CANYON REGIONAL PARK Councilwoman Kennedy asked for a staff report on the Peter's Canyon Regional Park. .She wanted to insure that the City does not lose development money from the Irvine Company. 79 5. COALITION NO. 95 - PROTECTION OF COAST LINE Councilman Kennedy asked the Council to appoint her to Coalition 95. This matter is to be agendized for the May 2, 198B, meeting. 28 UTILITY POLES AT NEWPORT AVENUE/HOLT AVENUE Councilman Edgar was pleased to see all of the utility poles down at the corner of Newport and Holt Avenues. 104 7. glS~ING WELL ON FIRST STREET Councilman Prescott had noted that the tiles on the Wishing Well in front of Marie Callendini's were falling off and .requested that the Maintenance Department make the necessary repairs. 8. SCHEDULING OF BUDGET WORKSHOPS Councilman Prescott asked when the budget workshops were scheduled. City Manager Huston stated that the budget workshop is targeted for the end of May. He recommended agendizing the setting of the exact date at the May 2, 1988, meeting. 29 g. POSTING OF CAMPAIGN BANNERS/POSTERS Councilman Prescott asked if an accelerated approval could be granted allowing Councilman Kelly to keep his campaign banners in place. Mayor Hoesterey pointed out that the law applies to everyone and all citizens have to comply with the sign codes. Councilwoman Kennedy asked City Attorney Rourke to check on the political sign ordinance and report back to the Council. g3 XII. RECESS - REDEVELOPMENT - ADJOURNMENT At 9:01 p.m., it was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Edgar, to recess to the Redevelopment Agency; thence to the Capital Improvement Workshop on Thursday, April 21, 1988, at 5:30 p.m., in the City Manager's Conference Room; and thence adjourn to the next Regular Meeting on Monday, May 2, 1988, at 7:00 p.m. The motion carried 5-0. MINUTES OF A REGULAR I~ETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY 0F 'nJSTIN, CALIFORNIA APRIL 18, 1988 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Hoesterey at 9:02 p.m. in the City.Council Chand)ers. 300 Centennial Way. Tustin. California. Agency Members Present: Agency Me~bers Absent: Others Present: Ronald B. Ho,stet,y. Chairman Ursula E. Kennedy. Chairperson Pro Tem Richard B. Edgar John Kelly Earl d. Prescott None William A. Huston. City Manager James G. Rourke, City Attorney Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk Christine Shingleton, Dir. of Comm. Development Fred Wakefield, Police Captain Robert Ledendecker, Director of Public Works Royleen White, Otr. of Comm. & Adm. Services Ronald A. Nault, Finance Director Valerte Whit,man, Oeputy City Clerk Susan Jones, Recreation Superintendent Approximately 15 in the audience 3. APPROVJ~. ~F #INl.r~S -. APRIL 4, 1988, REGULAR ~ETING It was moved by £dqar. seconded by Kennedy. to approve the Minutes of the April 4. L988. Regular Meeting. The motion carried 5-0. APPROVAL OF DEJ~NIOS IN T~ ~OUMT OF $197,718.87 It was moved b~ Edqar, seconded by Kennedy, to approve the demands in the amount of $197.718.87 as recommended by the Finance Department. The motion carried 5-0. 50 5. OTIIER B~I~F.~ A. REL AER Councilman Kelly requested that the conditions at the Bel Air Hotel be agendlzed for the next Redevelopnent Agency Meeting. These conditions include prostitution and drug abuse. B. PORTRAITS ON DISPLAY Al' CITY HRU. Councilman Prescott requested that a portrait of all City employees be taken and displayed in the City Hall. Mayor Hoes~erey felt that t~e portrait would be outdated by the ~ime the portrait could be taken and displayed. Councilman Prescott had also requested previously that a portrait of the Police Oepartment be displayed in City Hall. City Manager Huston was unsure of why the portrait had not been displayed and would take care of the matter in~ediately. 6. C~OEED SESSION Mayor Horst,fey announced the the Redevelopment Agency would recess to Closed Session to confer with the City Attorney regarding pending llttgatton pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.g(b)(1). (In the reasonable opinion of the Redevelopment Agency. based on an existing set of specific facts and circumstances, the threat of litigation against the Agency is likely or would be likely if discussed in an open and public meeting). REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Page 2, 4-18-88 7. A~)OU~NMENT At 9:06 p.m., it was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kelly, to recess to Closed Session to confer witil the City Attorney regarding pe~tding litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54g56.g(b)(1) and thence to the next regular meeting on May Z, 1988. The motion carried 5-0.