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RPT 1 P.C. ACT AGENDA 04-18-88
TUSTIN PLANNING CO~ISSION REGULAR H£ETING APRIL 11, 1988 CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m., City Council Chambers PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/INVOCATION ROLL CALL: Present: Puckett, Wetl, Baker, Le Jeune, Ponttous PUBLIC CONCERNS: (Limited to 3 minutes per person for items not on the agenda) IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO THE COMMISSION ON A SUBJECT, PLEASE FILL OUT THE CARDS LOCATED ON THE SPEAKER'S TABLE. ALSO, PLEASE GIVE YOUR FULL NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. CONSENT CALENDAR: APPLICANT: LOCATION: ZONING: REQUEST: Minutes of the (ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER CONSENT CALENDAR ARE CONSIDERED ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME OF THE VOTING ON THE MOTION UNLESS MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION, STAFF OR PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED AND/OR REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE ACTION.) March 28, 1988 Planning Commission Meeting Final Vesting Map No. 13094 BRAMALEA CALIFORNIA, INC. LOTS 1,2,D,F,G & H OF TRACT 12763 EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN - LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO SUBDIVIDE A 20.47 ACRE SITE INTO 103 NUMBERED AND FOUR (4) LETTERED LOTS FOR SINGLE FAMILY DEVELOPMENT. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council approval of Final Vesting Map 13094 by the adoption of Resolution No. 2486, as submitted or revised. Commissioner Le 3eune moved, Ponttous seconded to approve the consent calendar. Motion carried $-0. PUBLIC HEARING Zoning Ordinance Amendment 87-4 Cultural Resources District Recommendation: It is recommended that the Planning Commission continue the public hearing on this matter until April 25, 1988. Presentation: Christine Shlngleton, Director of Community Development Planntng Commission Action ~genda ~April 11, 1988 %ge two Cmmtsstoner Baker ~oved, ·atter to the April 25, 1988 Planning Comgsston meeting. 4. Use Permtt 88-3 APPLICANT: OWNER: LOCATION: ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: Recommendation: Presentation: Le Jeune seconded to continue the public hearing on this Motion carried 5-0. RANDY WOLFE/RICHARD MAIDEN ON BEHALF OF SOUTH COAST CHRISTIAN CENTER, INC. JUNE PERFIT 193 EAST MAIN STREET CENTRAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT (C-2); EL CAMINO REAL SPECIFIC PLAN NEGATIVE DECLARATION AUTHORIZATION TO OPERATE A CHURCH USE It is recommended that the Planning Commission deny Use Permit 88-3 by the adoption of Resolution No. 2476. Christine Shingleton, Director of Community Development deune moved, Pontious seconded to deny Use Permit 88-3 by the adoption Commtssoner Le of Resolution #o. 2476. Morton carried 5-0. Environmental Impact Report 88-01, Conditional Use Permit 88'01 and Design Review 88-10 88-01 SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT-REPORT,~88-O1, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND DESIGN REVIEW 88-10 APPLICANT/PROPERTY OWNER: CONTINENTAL MEDICAL SYSTEMS P.O. BOX 715 MECHANICSBERG, PA 17055 LOCATION: 165 N. MYRTLE AVENUE AND 14581YORBA STREET ZONING: PUBLIC AND INSTITUTIONAL (P & I) AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICE - YORBA STREET SPECIFIC PLAN ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT HAS BEEN PREPARED FOR USE PERMIT 88-01 AND DESIGN REVIEW 88-10. REQUEST: AUTHORIZATION TO PERMIT: 1. RECOMMENDATION: 1 CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW DETACHED HOSPITAL BUILDING OF 56,000 SQUARE FEET WITH A TWO (2) STORY UNDERGROUND PARKING STRUCTURE TO INCLUDE 40 NEW BEDS AND APPROXIMATELY 9,750 SQUARE FEET OF OFFICE SPACE; AND 2. REMODELING OF AN EXISTING 17,180 SQUARE FOOT 57 BED HOSPITAL FACILITY TO MATCH THE PROPOSED ARCHITECTURE OF THE 56,000 SQUARE FOOT HOSPITAL BUILDING. It is recommended that the Planning Commission: Certify Final Environmental Impact Report 88-01 by the adoption of Resolution 2485 as submitted or revised. Approve Use Permit 88-01 by the adoption of Resolution 2484 as submitted or revised. Approve Design Review 88-10 by the adoption of Resolution 2483 as submitted or revised. Presentation: Laura Cay Pickup, Acting Senior Planner Planntng Commission Actioh Agenda _April 11, 1988 age three Commissioner Puckett moved, Baker seconded to certify Ftna] Environmental Impact RePort 88-01 by the adoptton of Resolution #o. 2485 as revtsed. Norton carried 5-0. Commissioner Le Jeune moved, Pontious seconded to approve Use Pen,tt 88-01 by the adoptton of Resolution No. 2484 as revised. Morton carrted 5-0. Commissioner Ponttous moved, Baker seconded to approve Destgn Review 88-10 by the adoption of Reso]utton No. 2483 as submitted. Motion carrted 5-0. 6. Use Permtt 88-9 APPLICANT: LOCATION: ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: nEQUEST: THE IRVINE COMPANY 550 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA. 92660-9959 SOUTHWEST CORNER OF JAMBOREE ROAD AND IRVINE BOULEVARD PORTION OF LOT 13, TRACT 12763 EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL (NC) A NEGATIVE DECLARATION HAS BEEN FILED FOR THIS PROJECT ACCORDING TO THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT TO INSTALL A HOME FINDING CENTER ON LOT 13 OF TRACT 12763 OF EAST TUSTIN DEVELOPMENT Recommendation: 88-9 by the adoption of-Resolution No. 2487. Presentation: Christine Shingleton, Director of Community Development Comtsstoner Pontlous moved, Baker seconded to approve Use Per.it adoption of Resolution No. 2487 as revised. Motion carried 5-0. 7. Use Permit 88-7 It is recommended that the Planning Commission approve Use Permit 88-9 by the APPLICANT: OWNER: LOCATION: ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: Recommendation: INNOVATIVE GRAPHICS, INC. 833 N. ELM STREET ORANGE, CA 92668 CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY 4833 FOUNTAIN AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CA 90029 1451 IRVINE BOULEVARD AT THE INTERSECTION OF RED HILL AVENUE PROFESSIONAL OFFICE (PR) CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT CLASS 11 TO PERMIT MODIFICATION OF PREVIOUSLY APPROVED CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS AUTHORIZING PLACEMENT OF A TENANT IDENTIFICATION MONUMENT AND WALL SIGN That the Planning Commission approve Use Permit 88-7 by adoption of Resolution 2479 as submitted or revised. Presentation: Joel Slavit, Assistant Planner Planning Commission Acttoh Agenda April 11, 1988 ~ge four Commissioner Le Jeune moved, Baker seconded to conttnue the public hearing on Use Permit 88-7 to theN ay 23, 1988meeting. Norton carrted 5-0. NEgJ BUSINESS 8. Design Review 88-14 APPLICANT: THE IRVINE COMPANY LOCATION: TRACT 12763 OF EAST TUSTIN DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: THE PROJECT IS COVERED BY A PREVIOUS EIR (85-2) FOR THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN. NO ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION IS REQUIRED. REQUEST: APPROVAL OF DESIGN CHANGES FOR PERIMETER BLOCK WALL, TRACT 12763. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Planning Commission approve Design Review 88-14 by adoption of Resolution No. 2488. Presentation: Christine Shingleton, Director of Community Development Co.~isstoner Puckett moved, Le Oeune seconded to approve Design Revte~ 88-14 by the ---doptton of Resolution No. 2488. Hotion carrted 5-0. STAFF CONCERNS 9. Report on City Council Actions taken*at'April 4, 1988 meeting Presentation: Christine Shingleton, Director of Community Development No Com=isstofl action necessary. CONNISSION CONCERNS Co~nisstoners Baker and Wetl noted concern regarding the parking situation in the City Hall parking lot. Con~tsstoner Puckett noted concern regarding a vacant house located at Red Hill Avenue and Garland. Commissioner Ponttous noted that she would not be able to attend the April 25, 1988 meeting. ADJOURI~qENT At 10:05 p.=. Cmmtssioner Le Jeune moved, Ponttous seconded to adjourn to the next regular scheduled moettng on April 25, 1988 at 7:30 p.m. Notion carried 5-0. AGENDA TUSTIN PLANNING COHMISSION REGULAR HEETI#G APRIL 11, 1988 C~L TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m., Cl~ Council Chambers PL~GE OF ALLEGIANCE/IN¥OCATION ROLL CALL: Puckett, Wetl, Baker, Le 3eune, Pontious P~LIC CONCERNS: (Limited to 3 minutes per person for items not on the agenda) IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO THE COMMISSION ON A SUBJECT, PLEASE FILL OUT THE CARDS LOCATED ON THE SPEAKER'S TABLE. ALSO, PLEASE GIVE YOUR FULL NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. CONSENT CALENDAR: (ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER CONSENT CALENDAR ARE CONSIDERED ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME OF THE VOTING ON THE MOTION UNLESS MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION, STAFF OR PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED AND/OR REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE ACTION.) 1. Minutes of the March 28, 1988 Planning Commission Meeting e Final Vesting Map No. 13094 APPLICANT: LOCATION: ZONING: REQUEST: BRAMALEA CALIFORNIA, INC. LOTS 1,2,D,F,G & H OF TRACT 12763 EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN - LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO SUBDIVIDE A 20.47 ACRE SITE INTO 103 NUMBERED AND FOUR {4) LETTERED LOTS FOR SINGLE FAMILY DEVELOPMENT. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council approval of Final Vesting Map 13094 by the adoption of Resolution No. 2486, as submitted or revised. PUBLIC HEARING e Zoning Ordinance Amendment 87-4 Cultural Resources District -Recommendation: It is recommended that the Planning Commission continue the public hearing on this matter until April 25, 1988. resentation: Christine Shtngleton, Director of Community Development Planning Commission Agenda Aprtl 11, 1988 Page two 4. Use Permit 88-3 APPLICANT: OWNER: LOCATION: ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: RANDY WOLFE/RICHARD MAIDEN ON BEHALF OF SOUTH COAST CHRISTIAN CENTER, INC. JUNE PERFIT 193 EAST MAIN STREET CENTRAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT (C-2); EL CAMINO REAL SPECIFIC PLAN NEGATIVE DECLARATION AUTHORIZATION TO OPERATE A CHURCH USE Recommendation: It is recommended that the Planning Commission deny Use Permit 88-3 by the adoption of Resolution No. 2476. Presentation: Christine Shtngleton, Director of Community Development 5. Environmental Impact Report 88-01, Conditional Use Permit 88-01 and Design Review 88-10 SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT AND DESIGN REVIEW 88-10 PPLICANT/PROPERTY WNER: CONTINENTAL MEDICAL SYSTEMS LOCATION: ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: 88-01, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 88-01 P.O. BOX 715 MECHANICSBERG, PA 17055 165 N. MYRTLE AVENUE AND 14581 YORBA STREET PUBLIC AND INSTITUTIONAL (P & I) AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICE - YORBA STREET SPECIFIC PLAN AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT HAS BEEN PREPARED FOR USE PERMIT 88-01 AND DESIGN REVIEW 88-10. AUTHORIZATION TO PERMIT: RECOMMENDATION: 1. CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW DETACHED HOSPITAL BUILDING OF 56,000 SQUARE FEET WITH A TWO (2) STORY UNDERGROUND PARKING STRUCTURE TO INCLUDE 40 NEW BEDS AND APPROXIMATELY 9,750 SQUARE FEET OF OFFICE SPACE; AND 2. REMODELING OF AN EXISTING 17,180 SQUARE FOOT 57 BED HOSPITAL FACILITY TO MATCH THE PROPOSED ARCHITECTURE OF THE 56,000 SQUARE FOOT HOSPITAL BUILDING. It is recommended that the Planning Commission: 1. Certify Final Environmental Impact Report 88-01 by the adoption of Resolution 2485 as submitted or revised. 2. Approve Use Permit 88-01 by the adoption of Resolution 2484 as submitted or revised. 3. Approve Design Review 88-10 by the adoption of Resolution 2483 as submitted or revised. resentation: Laura Cay Pickup, Acting Senior Planner Planning Commission Agenda Apr11 Il, 1988 Page three 6. Use Permit 88-9 APPLICANT: LOCATION: ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: THE IRVINE COMPANY 550 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA. 92660-9959 SOUTHWEST CORNER OF JAMBOREE ROAD AND IRVINE BOULEVARD PORTION OF LOT 13, TRACT 12763 EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL (NC) A NEGATIVE DECLARATION HAS BEEN FILED FOR THIS PROJECT ACCORDING TO THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT TO INSTALL A HOME FINDING CENTER ON LOT 13 OF TRACT 12763 OF EAST TUSTIN DEVELOPMENT Re comme ndati on: It is recommended that the Planning Commission approve Use Permit 88-9 by the adoption of Resolution No. 2487. Presentation: Christine Shtngleton, Director of Community Development 7. Use Permit 88-7 tPPLICANT: OWNER: LOCATION: ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: INNOVATIVE GRAPHICS, INC. 833 N. ELM STREET ORANGE, CA 92668 CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY 4833 FOUNTAIN AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CA 90029 14511RVINE BOULEVARD AT THE INTERSECTION OF RED HILL AVENUE PROFESSIONAL OFFICE (PR) CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT CLASS 11 TO PERMIT MODIFICATION OF PREVIOUSLY APPROVED CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS AUTHORIZING PLACEMENT OF A TENANT IDENTIFICATION MONUMENT AND WALL SIGN Recommendation: That the Planning Commission approve Use Permit 88-7 by adoption of Resolution 2479 as submitted or revised. Presentation: Joel Slavit, Assistant Planner NE~i BUSXNESS 8. Design Review 88-14 APPLICANT: OCATION: ENVIRONMENTAL TATUS: REQUEST: THE IRVINE COMPANY TRACT 12763 OF EAST TUSTIN DEVELOPMENT THE PROJECT IS COVERED BY A PREVIOUS EIR (85-2) FOR THE TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN. NO ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION IS REQUIRED. APPROVAL OF DESIGN CHANGES FOR PERIMETER BLOCK WALL, TRACT 12753. EAST Planning Commission Agenda Aprtl 11, 1988 Page four Recommendation: Presentation: STAFF CONCERNS It is recommended that the Planning Commission approve Design Review 88-14 by adoption of Resolution No. 2488. Christine Shingleton, Director of Community Development 9. Report on City Council Actions taken at April 4, 1988 meeting Presentation: Christine Shingleton, Director of Community Development COMMISSION CONCERNS AOJOURIIIE#T Adjourn to the next regular scheduled meeting on April 25, 1988 at 7:30 p.m. MZNUTES TUSTIN PLANNING COI~qISSION REGULRR IIEETING NARCN 28, 1988 CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m., Ctty Council Chambers PLEDGE OF ALLEGZANCE/ZNYOCAT[0N ROLL CALL: PUBLIC CONCERNS: Present: Puckett, Nell, Baker, Le Jeune, Pontious (Lfmited to 3 minutes per person for Items not on the agenda) IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO THE COMMISSION ON A SUBJECT, PLEASE FILL OUT THE CARDS LOCATED ON THE SPEAKER'S TABLE. ALSO, PLEASE GIVE YOUR FULL NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. Mr. Richard Vtning, 400 W. Main Street, referred to Resolution No. 2474 for Use Permit 88-5 - Vineyard Christian Fellowship noting that it was his recollection that the hours and the number of people were not the same as that discussed at the March 14, 1988 meeting. Director referred to page six of the minutes where the numbers were changed. The )mmissioners agreed with the minutes. Mr. Vtning noted that he stood corrected. CONSENT CALENDAR: (ALL MAITERS LISTED UNDER CONSENT CALENDAR ARE CONSIDERED ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME OF THE VOTING ON THE MOTION UNLESS MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION, STAFF OR PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED AND/OR REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE ACTION.) Comtssioner Weil asked that the issues on the Consent Calendar be voted on separately. 1. Minutes of the March 14, 1988 Planning Commission Meeting Commissioner Pontious moved, Le Jeune seconded to approve the minutes of 14, 1988 meeting. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Well abstained). the March Plannning Commission Minutes March 28, 1988 Page two 2. Permit to Operate a Large Family Day Care Home APPLICANT: OWNER: LOCATION: ZONING: REQUEST: CLEATUS ANN POTTS 1862 PENNINGTON AVENUE TUSTIN, CA 92680 FRED KINNER 14792 RIDGEBORO PLACE TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 92680 1862 PENNINGTON AVENUE TUSTIN, CA 92680 PLANNED COMMUNITY RESIDENTIAL-SINGLE FAMILY AUTHORIZATION TO OPERATE A LARGE FAMILY DAY CARE HOME RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Chairman inquire if any person in the audience wishes to submit a protest, and then accept any protests submitted. If a protest is lodged, then the matter should be continued to the next regularly scheduled Commission meeting in order for staff to evaluate the protest. If a protest is not filed, the Commission should approve the subject application without further discussion by Minute Order subject to compliance with all requirements of Ordinance ggl. resentation: Mary Ann Chamberlain, Associate Planner ~ommtsstoner Puckett moved, Le Jeune seconded to issue a permit to operate a Large Family Day Care Center at 1862 Pennington, by Minute Order. Motion carried 5-0. 3. General Plan Conformity for Peters.Canyon Regional Park RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution No. 2480 Presentation: Mary Ann Chamberlain, Associate Planner Commissioner Puckett moved, Pontlous seconded to adopt Resolution No. 2480 finding that the proposed Peters Canyon Regional Park is in conformance with the Tustin Area General Plan. Motion carried 5-0. PI,mL]C HEARING 4. Use Permit No. 87-29 APPLICANT: LOCATION: ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL TATUS: REQUEST: STEELCASE 1123 WARNER AVENUE TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 92680 PC-M (PLANNED COMMUNITY INDUSTIAL) AN APPLICATION FOR A NEGATIVE DECLARATION HAS SEEN FILED FOR THIS PROJECT IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT. CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING ON USE PERMIT NO. 87-29 TO MAY 23, 1988. Planntng Commission Minutes March 28, 1988 Page three RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission continue the public hearing on subject project until the May 23, 1988 meeting. Presentation: Christine Shingleton, Director of Community Development Commissioner Puckett moved, Baker seconded to continue the public hearing for Use Permit 87-2g to the May 23, [988 meeting. Motion carried 5-0. 5. Variance 88-3 APPLICANT: OWNER: LOCATION: ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL _STATUS: 'QUEST: INNOVATIVE GRAPHICS, INC. 833 N. ELM STREET ORANGE, CA 92668 CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY 4833 FOUNTAIN AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CA 90029 14511RVINE BOULEVARD AT THE INTERSECTION OF RED HILL AVENUE PROFESSIONAL OFFICE (PR) CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT CLASS 11 TO PERMIT A TENANT IDENTIFICATION MONUMENT AND WALL SIGN .COMMENDATION That the Planning Commission table this matter. Presentation: Christine Shingleton, Director of Community Development Commisisoner Puckett moved, Pontious seconded to table this matter as it will return to the Commission on the April 11, 1988 meeting as Use Permit No. 88-7. Motion carried 5-0. 6. Variance No. 88-4 APPLICANT: LOCATION: REQUEST: SIGN ARTS, INC. 2900 E. SATURN BREA, CALIFORNIA 92621 SOUTHWEST CORNER OF BRYAN AVENUE AND JAMBOREE ROAD APPROVAL OF A 19 FOOT HIGH, 144 SQUARE FOOT "FUTURE FACILITIES" SIGN ADVERTISING OPENING OF THE TUSTIN MARKET PLACE, PHASE I. ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: THE PROJECT IS CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT {SECTION 15303, CLASS 3) FROM THE PROVISIONS OF CEQA. RECOMMENDATION Pleasure of the Commission. mresentation: Steve Rubin, Senior Planner ~mmissoner Pontious clarified that this sign will be temporary. ~he public hearing was opened at 7:49 p.m. Karen Pavlowski, representing Sign Arts, noted that there will be only two 10' by 6' signs. She offered to answer any of the Commissioner's questions. Planning Corr~mission Minute° March gS, 1988 Page four Commissioner Le Jeune noted that there was no time limit for the sign. Commisioner Puckett noted that the sign could remain only until the opening of Phase I. Commissioner Baker asked for clarification of "the sign will be removed no later than the opening of Phase I" He asked if that was the opening of the first store? The Director noted that "the opening of Phase I" referred to when the shell buildings are finalized before the Certificate of Occupancy is issued. The public hearing was closed at 7:53 p.m. The Director added that on Resolution No. 2482, to: page two, Item E should be changed Said sign shall be removed no later than the final approval of building improvements (shells) for Phase I. Commissioner Puckett moved, Pontious seconded to approve the temporary sign at the southwest corner of Bryan Avenue and Jamboree Road by the adoption of Resolution No. '484 as revised. Motion carried 5-0. Zoning Ordinance Amendment 87-4 - Cultural Resources District RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning modification to Zoning Ordinance Amendment 87-4 and recommending the proposed changes to the 'City Council. Commission review proposed adopt Resolution No. 2481, Presentation: Christine Shingleton, Director of Community Development Commissioner Weil asked staff to explain why the E1 Camino Real Specific Plan was not effective. The Director noted that the E1 Camino Real Specific Plan was not consistent with State law for specific plan. The current E1 Camino Real Specific Plan is no more than minor development standards. In essence, the plan is operating just like an overlay district. Proposed amendments being considered by the Commission and City Council would reinforce this and result in no new standards. Commissioner Well asked if the Cultural Resources District is not just another layer o--F approval. The Director noted that the proposed District has the same standards as the E1 Camino Real Specific Plan. ~mmissioner Le Jeune asked if the E1 Camino Real Specific Plan should be eliminated. ~e Director noted that with adoption of the Cultural Resources District, ~amino Real Specific Plan would be repealed as there would be no need for it. Commissioner Baker clarified that the new District does not include Marshall s. the E1 Planning Commissto Minutes March ZS, 1988 _Page five The Director noted that one alternative in the staff report was the deletion of areas south of Sixth Street that aren't in the E1 Camino Real Specific Plan since most historical sites are in the vicinity of E1 Camino Real and Main Street. The public hearing was opened at 8:08 p.m. Mr. Richard Vintng, 400 W. Main Street, noted that he agreed with the City Council's purpose but disagrees on how to accomplish that purpose. He asked if the new changes meet the State criteria of an historic area, if the new changes met State regulations and building codes and if there would still be the same opportunities available regarding investment credits. The Director summarized the State requirements for an Advisory Committee: 1) the Committee must have a role in the inventory process; 2) the Con)nittee must meet a minimum of four times per year; 3) the Committee must be appointed for a minimum of two years; and 4) the Committee must be involved in land use matters. The City will still have to apply to the State for the local certification process. The tax incentive credits might also be available through Federal tax law whether the area is in a designated district or not. The District must be adopted and the building designated as a designated structure before the State Historical Building codes can a ppl y. r. Vining noted that those things should be implemented. Mr. John Sauers, 515 S. Pacific, requested that the District be adopted as it is and that one year from now the deleted parts can be reviewed and re-evaluated to see if the parts that are removed should be replaced. Mr. Bob Edgell, 345 W. Main Street, noted that Zoning Ordinance Amendment 87-4 has undergone extensive redrafting to remove the powers that were sought for. He stated that he felt the changes weaken the Advisory Committee. Considering the cooperation and political compromises made, the Planning Commission should send this to the City Council and the members of the community should keep the grass roots effort going. Margaret Greinke, 230 A Street, representing the Historical Society, noted that a member of the Historical Society would be a most logical inclusion. The Society has one common interest, the preservation of Tustin and its heritage - the future of Tustin. She noted that the latest revisions in the amendment are more desireable but she still has some reservations. The public hearing was closed at 8:21 p.m. Commissioner Well read the following chronology of meetings and notices: Town Hall Meeting on May 27, 1987 to discuss Amendments to Zoning Code to preserve character/historical resources in Old Town notice was published on 5-22-87 and mailed 5-12-87. Public hearing to extend building moratorium on June 1, 1987, justification for the moratorium was explained - to permit study of Zoning Ordinance Amendments, notices were published and mailed on 5-21-88. Planning Commission Minutes March 28, 1988 Page six Community Workshop on December 14, 1987 to discuss proposed Draft ordinance - summary of major ordinance provisions and map, copy of draft ordinance dated 11-22-87, notices were published and mailed 12-3-87. Planning Commission public hearing on February 8, 1988 on draft ordinance, summary of major provisions and map were published and mailed on 1-25-88. City Council public hearing on March 7, 1988, summary of major provisions and map was published and mailed on 2-18-88. Planning Commission public hearing on March 28, 1988 on City Council requested modifications was published and mailed on 3-17-88. City Council public hearing on April 4, 1988 on modifications was published on 3-24-88 and notices were mailed on 3-22-88. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Weil, the Director noted for the Commission that the reason for not mailing the complete ordinance prior to City Council's meeting was that the cost for the mailing is over $1,000. This figure was not budgeted for and a request for additional funds was denied. ~mmissioner Le Jeune noted that he had received the handouts and all of the notices ~ntioned, being a resident of the Old Town area. Commissioner Weil noted that she had mixed emotions on the subject. Commissioner Le Jeune noted that he fully supported A1 ternative No. 1. Commissioners Puckett and Pontious agreed. The Director clarified the different options. Com,Hssioner Baker asked if the people along Pasadena, that City Council want include in the District, were aware of this hearing and if they had been noticed. There was a 10 minute break called at 8:40 p.m. At 8:50 p.m. the meeting resumed. The Director stated that the list had not been modified, therefore along Pasadena had not been noticed. The modifications, however, required a Planning Commission review and report. She recommended hearing be continued until April 11, 1988. the residents still would have that the public Commissioner Weil asked how many people were involved. )e Director responded that there were approximately 20 properties involved. All -operty owners within 300 feet were noticed, including these property owners, were Jticed prior to the District boundaries being set. At that time, only the owners within the District were noticed. She noted that staff would be happy to send a copy of the Ordinance to residents within the proposed expanded boundaries. Planning Commission Minute~ March 28, 1988 ?age seven Clark Ide, representing the City Attorney requested that the public hearing be closed and be continued to the next meeting. Commissioner Baker moved, Pontious seconded to continue Zoning Ordinance Amendment to the April 11, 1988 Planning Commission meeting. Motion carried 5-0. Commissioner Puckett moved, Le Jeune seconded to direct staff, by Minute Order, to renotice, identify issues, and concurrently notice the continuance of the City Council meeting to April 18, lg88. Motion carried 5-0. OLD BIJSZ#ESS 8. Outdoor Dining Areas Presentation: Joel Slavit, Assistant Planner Commissioner Pontious indicated that it would be beneficial to adopt formal guidelines regarding outdoor dining areas. Commissioner Well noted that the City needs to standardize alcohol related criteria ._for outdoor dining. Number three option was the most comprehensive approach. ~wever, it seems to her that number one alternative would be the simplest and most 1equate if done in house. Commissioner Le Jeune asked if we were having any enforcement problems. The Director noted that Chirman Well had expressed concerns about the continuity of the criteria used by staff. She also noted that there are a lot of illegal situations that are enforcement issues. Commissioner Baker noted that there will be a greater need for this type of standardization with the building out of the East Tustin area. Commissioner Le Jeune moved, Baker seconded to continue establishing Outdoor Seating Guidelines using Alternative No. 2 as a guide. Motion carried 5-0. 9. Comments on Draft EIR 88-1 for Western Neuro Care Center Presentation: Christine Shingleton, Director of Community Development Commissioner Well stated that she felt that the projected traffic generated from this traffic is relatively minor, that the public benefit by increasing the hospital facility would far outweigh any negative impacts. Commissioner Pontious noted that she would like to see that the shift change times be -offset to reduce traffic at peak hours. here was no further Commission action necessary. Planning Commission Minut March 28, 1988 Page eight NEW BUSINESS 10. Santa Ana Planning Commission Tour Presentation: Christine Shingleton, Director of Community Development Mr. Richard Vining asked if our Planning Commission could tour Santa Aha and make comments on their buildings. STAFF CO#CERNS 11. Report on City Council actions of March gl, 1988 meeting The Director noted that an action agenda for the March 21st City Council meeting will be provided at the April 11, 1988 meeting. She did note there was an appeal on the Vineyard Christian Church. COMMISSION CONCERNS Commissioner Le Oeune asked that if, in their training sessions, staff could review what prompts an EIR. ,ommisstoner Baker thanked staff for following up on the pipeline problems. Commissioner Puckett noticed that the chairs were recovered. Commissioner Well thanked staff and members of the Commission for the flowers sent to her husband during his hospitalization.' She also asked that materials she received when the Commission was originated be revised and that the Commission receive an up to date zoning map and telephone list. AD,IOURNMEliT At 9:20 p.m. Commissioner Le Jeune moved, Puckett seconded to adjourn to the next regular Planning Commission Meeting on April 11, 1988 at 7:30 p.m. Motion carried 5-0. Kathy Well Yenni Foley ~ecretary Report to the Planning Commission DATE: SUBJECT: APRIL 11, 1988 ZONING ORDINANCE ANENOMENT 87-4 CULTURAL RESOURCES DISTRICT Item 3 RECO~ENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission continue the public hearing on the matter until April 25, 1988. BACKGROUND The Planning Commission at their regular meeting on March 28, 1988 continued heir discussion of proposed modifications to Zoning Ordinance Amendment 87-4 as ~quested by the City Council to permit noticing of property owners within ,'oposed extended boundaries of the Cultural Resource Overlay District between Main and First Street west to the 1-55 Freeway. While the Commission continued the matter until their meeting of April 11th, additional staff time was needed for such noticing. Staff is currently, iff the process of preparing new maps and mailing lists to reflect all of the latest changes in the project boundaries. The revised mailing will be sent out to all property owners within the revised District boundaries, as well as those within a 300 radius of those boundaries. Staff is, therefore, requesting that the matter be continued until April 25, 1988. 'Christine A. Shingleton, Director of Community Development CAS:ts Community Development Department -.eport to the Planning Commission Item 2 DATE: APRIL 11, 1988 SUBJECT: FINAL VESTING MAP NO. 13094 APPLICANT: BRAMALEA CALIFORNIA, IMC. LOCATION: LOTS 1,2,D,F,G & H OF TRACT 12763 ZONING: EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN - ' LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: THE PROJECT IS COVERED BY A PREVIOUS EIR (85-2) FOR THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN. NO ADOITIONAL DOCUMENTATION IS REQUIREO. £QUEST: TO SUBOtVIDE A 20.47 ACRE SITE INTO 103 NUMBERED AND FOUR (4) LETTERED LOTS FOR SINGLE FAMILY OEVELOPMENT. RECOI~ENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council approval of Final Vesting Map 13094 by the adoption of Resolution No. 2486, as submitted or revised. BACKGROUND & SUltRY On October 12, 1987 the Planning Commission recommended to the City Council the approval of Vesting Tentative Tract Map 13094. The proposed subdivision provides for the construction of 103 two-story single family detached units ranging in size from approximately 2,573 sq.ft, to approxiately 2,914 sq.ft. The overall density of the project is five dwelling units per acre. The City Council subsequently approved the Vesting Tentative Tract Map at a meeting on November 2, 1987. The Vesting Tentative Tract I~p has been revised to incorporate all currently applicable conditions and is ready for recordation with the Orange County Recorders Office. Prior to this recordation, the Final Map must be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission and City Council. Community Development Department Planning Commission Report ~pril 11, 1988 /esting Tentative Tract Map 13094 Page two The project site is bounded by Browning Avenue to the west, a Southern California Edison Substation and Lot 15 of Tract 12763 to the south, Park Center Lane to the east, an existing single family development to the northwest, and Lot 3 of Tract 12763 to the northeast. CONCLUSION The Tentative Map approved for this project included various conditions of approval which required adjustments to the map. All of the required revisions are reflected upon the final map and the required conditions of approval have been met. Staff has determined that the Final Map is in conformance with the Vesting Tentative Map approval, requirements of the East Tustin Specific Plan, Development Agreement, the City's Subdivision Code, the East Tustin EIR and the State Subdivision Map Act. Based upon this conformance, staff suggests that the Planning Commission recommend approval of Final Map 13094 to the City Council by adoption of Resolution No. 2486. Planner Christine A. Shingleton, Director of Community Development PM:CAS:ts Attachments: Resolution No. 2486 Vesting Tentative Tract Map 13094 Final Vesting Map 13094 Corn munity Development DeparTment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12~ 13 14 15 18 19 ~ 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2486 A RESOLUTION OF THE 'PLANNING COMMISSION OV THE CITY OF TUSTIN RECOMMENDING TO THE TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF FINAL VESTING MAP NO. 13094 The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as fol lows: I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: Ae Ce De That Final Vesting Map No. 13094 has been submitted by Bramalea California, Inc. ~o subdivide 20.47 acres into 103 numbered and four (4) lettered lots for single family development. That the Public Hearing was held by the Planning Commission on October 12, 1987. At this hearing the Planning Commission recommended approval of Vesting Tentative Tract Map 13094 ~o the City Council. Subsequently, the City Council approved Vesting Tentative Tract Map 13094 on November 2, 1987. That the proposed subdivision is in conformance with the Tustin Area General Plan, adopted East Tustin Specific Plan, Development Agreement and Subdivision Map Act as it pertains to the development of single family dwellings. That the City has reviewed the status of the School Facilities Agreement between The 1trine Company and the Tustin Unified School District,- the East Tustin Specific Plan, EIR 85-2, the impacts of Vesting Tentative Tract Map 13094 on School District facilities, and reviewed changes in State law, and finds and determines that the impacts on School District facilities by approval of this map are adequately addressed through the reservation of a high school site and elementary site in conjunction with Vesting Tentative Tract Map 13094, and imposition of school facilities fees as a condition of approval of Vesting Tentative Tract Map 13094. That the site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed. That the site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development. That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife in their habitat. That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements proposed will not conflict with easements acquired by the public-at-large, for access through or use of the property within the proposed subdivision. 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 1, 13 14 1.5 17 18 19 21 24 25 27 28 Resolution No. 2486 Page two I. That the design of the subdivision or the types of improvements proposed are not likely to cause serious pub]lc hem]th problems. That the Fina] Nap ts tn substantial conformance with the Tentative Nap. II. The Planning Commission hereby recommends to the City Council approval of Final Vesting Map No. 13094. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the' Tustln Planning Commission, held on the day of , 1988. Kathy Well, Chairman Penni Foley, Secretary ,e, CR~AGE = 19.9g? NO. LOTS=lO3 ANDA,B,C.D BLOCK TRACT NO. 13094,,.~ IN THE CITY OF TUSTIN, COUNTY OF ORANGE, MODULE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. CROSBY AND ASSOCIATES INC. JAME~ F_ CROSBY R.C.E. 13557 ~"IEET 2 OF 5 SLEETS ':::~::~'~=°','- T R AC T N O. 13094 iN THE CiTY OF TUSTIN, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. CROSBY AND ASSOCIATES INC. JAMES E. CRO~BY R.C.F- 13557 / SHEET INDEX MAP ~' SHEET 4 OF 5 SI-EETS ~'"'""' TRACT N~~; 'iO 13094 NO. LOTS' ~03 AND A,B,C.0 ............. BROWNING PORTION O~ LOT AVENUE s ~ 62 ~ ~ j- ~a 61 9 66 60 59 SEE SHEET NO. 5 SHEET 3, OF 5 SHEETS -~"'""~ TRACT NO, LOTS.- [0'4 AND A,B,C.D IN THE CITY OF TUSTIN, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. CRO~BY AND ASSOCIATES ~IC. JAMES F_ CRO~BY R.C.E. 13557 NO. 13094 ./ ,eport to the Planning Commission Item No. 4 DATE: APRIL 11, 1988 SUBdECT: APPLICAET: ONNER: LOCATION: ZONING: USE PERgIT 88-3 RANDY #OLFE/RICHARD MAIDEN ON BEHALF OF SOUTH COAST CHRIST[AN CENTER, INC. OUNE PERFIT 193 EAST MAIN STREET CE#TRAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT (C-2); EL CAMINO REAL SPECIFIC PLAN ENVIRO#MENTAL STATUS: NEGATIVE DECLARATION ~QUEST: AUTHORIZATION TO CONDUCT CHURCH SERVICES IN THE CENTRAL COMMERCIAL O[STR[CT RECI]I~ENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission deny Use Permit 88-3 by the adoption of Resolution No. 2476. BACKGROUND The Planning Commission at their regular meeting on March 14th continued the public hearing on Use Permit 88-3 to permit the applicant to submit proposed building alterations for plan check and signed releases from property owners guaranteeing that required off-site parking spaces would be available for the life of the proposed church use. Since the Planning Commission's March 11th meeting, the following events have occurred: The Building Official and Fire Department plan checker met with Michael Rahlston, representing the church, to discuss building plan submittal requirements. The Fire Department, at the meeting, indicated that a fire sprinkler system would be required in the building based upon the proposed square footage of the church occupancy. The applicant submitted an amendment to the site plan for the project on Monday, April 3rd. No building alteration plans were submitted. (A more detailed description of the revised plan is discussed below.) Corn munity Development Deparl ment anning Commission Report ~e Permit 88-3 April [[, [988 Page two Members of the church on two recent Sundays were assembled for related activities on the site in the rear parking lot. The Director communicated with Mr. Rahlston that any assemblage was illegal and not authorized. In addition, she reminded him of the commitment the church had made to the Planning Commission not to meet on the site until a Conditional Use Permit was aproved. Mr. Rahlston responded that the only thing that South Coast Christian had agreed to at the Planning Commission meeting on March 14, 1988 was that no services or occupancy would occur in the building. DISCUSSION Revised plans submitted by the applicant propose to significantly reduce the maximum number of persons utilizing the proposed assembly area from 100 to 50 persons and to increase the size of the proposed retail bookstore into an area previously identified as lobby space. In their general notes which accompany their plans the applicant has argued that the assembly area should be classified net the Uniform Building Code as a B-2 occupancy if worship or training sessions ivolve groups of less than 50 persons {see attached notes provided by plicant). The applicant has also argued that only [7 parking spaces would be required at any one time on the site for all uses since retail and general office activities will not coincide with worship or training sessions. Staff have reviewed the current status for conformance with the Tustin City Code and do not feel comfortable at this time in recommending approval of the revised project. Salient issues which support staff's position are as follows: Required Parking The applicant proposes the placement of 19 parking spaces at the rear of the existing building. Only 15 of these spaces currently meet City requirements and would be approved under design review procedures (the three northwesterly angled spaces would require hazardous backing out and one 90 degree space adjacent to the angled parking does not have the required 26 foot turning radius. The applicant argues that only 17 parking spaces would be required for the proposed uses because not all activities on the site will be conducted at one time. However, there are no provisions in the C-2 District or E1 Camino Real Specific Plan for joint use parking. Development criteria in the Tustin City Code require the following parking: one parking space for every 200 square feet of gross retail space; one parking space for every 250 square feet of gross office space; and one parking space for every three seats for assembly uses. Based on the above criteria, required parking should be as follows based on plan revisions: Corn rnunlty Development DeparTment 'lanning Commission Report ~se Permit 88-3 April 11, 1988 Page three Sq. ft./or Use Area Number of Seats Required Spaces office 1677.5 6.67 retatl bookstore 1534 7.67 assembly area (Maxtmum of 50 persons) 50 16.67 Total 31.0I Since the required nubmer of parking spaces would be 31 spaces, and additional 16 spaces must be obtained to meet the City's parking requirements. However, the applicant would still have the following options for provision of off-site parking. 'a) Additional on-site parking requirements may be waived upon the presentation to the City of a long term lease, running with and as a condition of the business license, for private off-site parking accommodations within 300 feet of the business or activity to be served. (b) All or a portion of required number of parking spaces may be satisfied by depositing with the City an amount, to be used for public parking accommodations within the area equal to four times the assessed value determined from the latest assessment roll of the County Assesor, of 200 square feet of land within the area, for each required parking space not otherwise provide. The applicant has provided no additional information to indicate they have commitments for off-site parking from adjacent property owners. Occupancy Classification of Use and Needed Building Improvements The Building Division has reviewed the revised submitted site plan and general notes for the proposed church use and have conferred with the Fire Department and would classify the proposed assembly area as a Group A-3 despite the request of the applicant to classify the use as a B-2 occupancy {see attached correspondence from the Building Official). The revised plans submitted are also still inadequate. The proposed change of ~se to assemblage would also require verification of compliance with seismic ~rovisions of the Code on that portion of the building believed to be ,nreinforced masonry. Corn rnunlty Development Departrnent J 'anning Commission Report ~e Permit 88-3 April 11, 1988 Page four CO#CLUSIO# Based on the above information, the proposed project is found to be not in conformance with the City's existing zoning and building codes. Staff would therefore, recommend denial of the subject request. ~S :pef Attachment: Resolution No. 2476 Letter from applicant Memorandum from Building Official Corn munity Development Department 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17" 18 19~ 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2476 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, DENYING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION 88-3 SUBMITTED BY SOUTH COAST CHRISTIAN CENTER, REQUESTING AUTHORIZATION FOR ESTABLISHING A CHURCH AT 193 EAST MAIN STREET. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as fol 1 ows: I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: Ae That a proper application, (Use Permit No. 88-3) has been filled on behalf of Randy Wolfe/Richard Maiden requesting authorization for establishing a church at 193 East Main Street. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held for said project. Ce That establishment, maintenance and operation of the use will be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort and general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed ~se, as evidenced by the following findings: The use applied for is not in conformance with the general purpose of the E1 Camino Real Specific Plan No. 1 in that the E1 Camino Real Specific Plan encourages those uses which will encourage a commercial village atmosphere. The proposed land use is not compatible with the future plans for the downtown area in keeping it a retail/special services area. The building is not in conformance with the building code and by allowing the establishment to operate under the circumstances of this particular case, may be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort and general welfare of the persons meeting in the building and detrimental to the general welfare of the City. 3. The proposed project does not meet the required parking standards for a proposed use. That the establishment, maintenance and operation of the use applied for with the current conditions of the existing building 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 27 Resolution No. 2476 Page two will be injurious or detrimental to the property and tnq~rovements in the neighborhood of the subject property and to the general goals and objectives of the E1 Camino Real Specific Plan No. I and the Tustin City Code and should not be granted. II. The Tustin Planning Commission hereby denies Conditional Use Permit 88-3 to authorize the establishment of a church at 193 E. Main Street, Tustin. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held on the day of , 1988. Kathy Well, Chairman Penni Foley, Secretary 28 COMMUNITY DEVELO'PMENT DEPARTMENT Tustin City Hall 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA. 92680 attn Ms. Christine Shingleton RE: Conditional Use Permit #88-3 South Coast Christian Center, Inc. April 4, 1988 Dear Ms. Shingleton: Attached are our ammended plans for the establishment of retail, general assembly and non-concentrated assembly utilization of 193 E. Main in old town Tustin. As you will note, all anticipated utilization of the property is in accordance with UBC B.2 for which the building is currently zoned for. No variance is required at this time. Upon subsequent meetings with Planning Department personnel since the March hearing, we have learned that a sprinkler system shall be required, irregardless of the fire rating of separation walls. If the market indicates moderate growth in the area, we shall consider the required modifications to the building. However at this time, we shall operate with existing zoning for the building in order that the primary retail and commercial activities of the corporation be pursued. Thank you for your attention to our Conditional Use Permit request. Sincerely, Pastor Randy Wolf SEATING PLAN, ASS~.,~L¥ ROOM, 193 E. Nafn, Tustin EGRESS TO I~$TRUHENr STORAGE ©O0OM D~wo~ .------.~IN. 36' SEA T/NO NOT TO EXCEED SO E;ENERAL NOTES 'TO GENERAL PURPOSE PLAN, REV,, :t, DD. AF'RIL. 3, 198B SOUTH COAS'T []HR I S]" I AN CENTER, INC, Submission is ~:~sr obtainance o{: []:(snditional Use F'ermi'[ c:)oerati(:]n o~ a fetal 1 establ i sh(~:.r~iei'1~ (bookstc)re) ,, general DESCR I P T I Ret. ail Bookstore General 0~'~: :L c es Training Assembl Storage The F~eta:il Books'~ore shall be the primary actiw, ty on the prc:,perty. ;['~ems .For sale shall be Christian bool.:;s~ tapes~ music, ar'b,;ork as welt as a religious computer sc){t.~,,;are retailer,, Our ~el ec'!~i on o.F books and or. her retai]. J. 't~em~. sh~l I at~rac~ cus'[omel'-'s ~:rom '~hroughout Orange County~ -Fh:~) tc:)ok~sL£sr"e shall be opec, normal weekdav and Saturday businms:~; h~ours. Employees and shop volunteers shall be cgmpr:ised o.F inc~i'v:i, duals a.FF The [i~en~.?l'-al O¥.fice are]~i shall be resident, cs~:~:ice o'~ t.~]~c:, c~sr p c~r a't: e c-,~: ~ icers and their st: a.F -F ,, or g an :i. z at i c,n spon sc]? ed c:,pened £Juring r'~oi-'mal weekdav hours. The assemblv area shal 1 be LIt:i. I :i zed '[ r'i (7 £?r'n at :L c,n a ] pti mar:i. 1 y on Sundav ~,",c)r n :i. n q ~. sc:',"m'.dul ed ['ne,.~c,t.J. rigs,, ) Orgal"ii .,z~:?(::l ~,,toi,- ~hl ~:::. ,:'~r~(::~ Li."',:':~i ',"i n(:~ groups o~ l ~,ss thai] 50 pE, o[:,l ~ ~haJ. ] r]~:')'~ t]O (/J.~ .;2].t:rac~ ~F"O[T~ Cfi- J. I5~:E,F'~:F~r.::' N:~. ~:~"~ (::}ut.~ide ~: the n~rmal business he, uts,, F ~ ~..I. r](] r'eqi..t:i, r(?f71E, r'y(:~; based for" retail and q!eneral office activities, the activities of which do not coinc:~de with HFI activities, are as follows: USE SQ. FT'. Retail Bookstore 1~ General Offices 167,. "' -~" '- mr- ACE.o KF:t:.U I RED o. ~", -,~ '7.67 6.71 14.38 4. During the hours that the General Ofiices, Retail Bookstore, and Assembly areas are open, doors A,B and C shall be unlocked respectively. A readily visible, durable sign on or adjacent to the doors shall state THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED DURING NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS. The sign shall be in letters not less 'than i" high on a contrasting background. er- Corn L. --': APRIL S, 1988 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CHRISTINE SHINGLETON. DIRECTOR OF COIMIUNITY DEYELOPtlENT LLOYD DICK, BUILDING OFFICIAL CONDITIONAL USE PEP, HIT 88-3; PROPOSED CHURCH USE AT 193 E. HAIN STREET The Building Divtston has reviewed the revised submitted site plan and general notes submitted for the proposed church use at 193 E. Hain Street and havln§ conferred with the Fire Department, I have made the following determinations. Classification of Proposed Use as an Assembly Use - The assembly area "Organized Worship" defined in the applicant's letter would classify the proposed assembly shown on plans as a church. It is our opinion that the use should be defined as a Group A, Division 3 occupancy. The following information supports this finding. Code definition of Group A.3 - "Any building or portion of a building having an assembly room with the occupant load of less than 300 without a stage, including such buildings used for educational purposes and not classed as a Group E, or Group B, Division 2 occupancy." Be The definition of Assembly Building - is a building or portion of a building used for the gathering together of 50 or more persons for such purposes as deliberation, education, instruction, worship, entertainment, amusement, drinking, dining or awaiting transportation. The definition of a Group B.2 occupancy - Buildings or portions of buildings having rooms used for educational purposes beyond the 12th grade or retail stores only. There is no mention of worship. To be classified as a Group B, Division 2, the classificaion specifically defines the use for educational purposes beyond the 12th grade with less than 50 occupants in any room. To meet this occupancy group the use would be confined to only education use beyond the 12th grade. No children would be allowed to attend the site or classes and the word "church" or "worship" should not have been used on any descriptions for the use area or on signs on the building. 2. Requirements for Seismic Compliance Site investigation has revealed that there may be one wall at the rear of the building which may be unreinforced masonry. 'emorandum: Use Permit 88-3 pr11 5, 1988 Page two Per Section 104 (d) of the Untform Administrative Code, buildings in existence at the ttme of adoption of the Buildlng Code may have their existlng use or occupancy continued tf such use or occupancy was legal at the ttme of the adoption of the Butldfng Code, provided such continued use is not dangerous to 11re, health and safety. However, the proposed assembly use would be considered a change of use based on Information In [rem 1 above. Thts would require seismic compliance on that portion of the building which is unretnforced masonry due to the assembly use within the existing building. 3. Inadequate Plans The plans submitted with the new proposal are still not adequate for a final determination of any use or for plan check purposes. Plans and information should be submitted detailing the following: A. All proposed alterations and improvements. The storage areas at the rear of the proposed assembly area cannot be classified for storage but must be considered as part of assembly area since there is not a cetltng to floor separating wall. C. Required fire separation between B and k occupancies. O. Required fire suppression because of new use of building. E. Restroom facilities be upgraded per Plumbing Code and State Handicap requirements. Fe Engineering analysis, plans and calculation be provided to determine structural integrity of suspected unreinforced masonry wall at the rear of the building and any needed structural reinforcement. G. All Fire Department requirements including but not limited to: 1. Fire sprinkler plans; 2. Location of extinguishers and ratings; 3. Size and location of building address numbers (minimum six inches high) to be plainly visible from any roadway; 4. All drapes and decorative materials must be flame retardant with a certification provided. Exits, exit lights, fire alarm stations and extinguisher locations shall not be concealed by decorative material; 5. Interior finish shall conform to Title 19, CAC, Section 2-42-4; Corn rnunity DeveloPment Department ,morandum: Use Permit 88-3 pr11 5, 1988 Page three LD:pef 6. An occupancy capacity sign with minimum of one inch letters must be posted; 7. Extt signs will be required on exit doors; 8. Approved panic hardware must be provided on extt doors (exterior extts); Fire rated corridor from lobby to outstde. Exits required on each side of assembly room. All exit doors shall be the requtred width, swtng out, have Illuminated exit signs and pantc hardware. Cornrnunl~y DeveloPmen~ Depar~rnen~ ,eport to the Planning Commission Item No. 5 DATE: SUBJECT: APRIL 11, 1988 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT 88-01, AND DESIGN RE¥IEW 88-10 CONDITIONAL USE PEIOIIT 88-01 APPLICANT/PROPERTY OMIER: CONTINENTAL MEDICAL SYSTDIS P.O. BOX 715 MECHARICSBERG, PA 17055 LOCATION: ZONING: 165 N. RYRTLE AVENUE AND14581 YORBA STREET PUBLIC AND INSTITUTIONAL (P & I) AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICE - YORBA STREET SPECIFIC PLAN 'NVIROI~qENTAL TATUS: AN ENVIROBIENTAL IMPACT REPORT HAS BEEN PREPARED FOR USE PERIqIT 88-01 AND DESZGN REVIEW 88-10. REQUEST: A~THORIZATION TO PERMIT: 1. e CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW, DETACHED HOSPITAL BUILDING OF 56,000 SQUARE FEET WITH A 'PdO (2) STORY UNDERGROUND PARKING STRUCTURE TO INCLUDE 40 NEW BEDS AND APPROXIMATELY 9,750 SQUARE FEET OF OFFICE SPACE; AND REMODELING OF AN EXISTING 17,180 SQUARE FOOT 59 BED HOSPITAL FACILITY TO MATCH THE PROPOSED ARCHITECTURE OF THE 56,000 SQUARE FOOT HOSPITAL BUILDING. REC0PIIENDATION It Is recommended that the Planntng Commission: 1. Certtfy Hnal Environmental Impact Repot: Resolution 2485 as submitted or revtsed. 88-01 by the adoption of Approve Use Permtt 88-01 by the adoption of Resolution 2484 as submitted or revtsed. Approve Design Review 88-10 by the adoptton of Resolution 2483 as submitted or revised. Com munity Development Department lanning Commission Report ,pril 11, 1988 Environmental Impact Report 88-01 Page two BACKGROUND Western Neurocare Center currently operates a 59 bed, neurological care hospital owned by Continental Medical Systems. The hospital and a separate support office structure are located on two separate parcels which are in the process of being consolidated into one lot by Tentative Parcel Map 87-412 {the Map was approved by City Council on March 21, 1988). The applicant is now requesting approval of Design Review 88-10 and Use Permit 88-01. If approved, the following actions would be authorized: demolition of an existing office building (no discretionary approvals required); construction of a new, 56,000 square foot hospital and office building with a two-story underground parking structure; and remodeling of the facade of the existing 59 bed facility to match the proposed architecture of the new 56,000 square foot building. 'he site is bounded by an existing office project to the north, Yorba Street to the east, the 55 (Costa Mesa) Freeway to the west and existing single and multi-family residential projects to the south. A focused, project level Environmental Impact Report (EIR) has been prepared to address anticipated impacts of the proposed project pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The Draft EIR has been circulated for public review and all responses received during the review period have been included in the final document attached to this report. Staff will be prepared to orally respond to any additional comments on the document received at the Planning Commission hearing on this matter. The EIR has evaluated potential land use, noise and traffic impacts of the project. Even with mitigation measures proposed in the report, there will remain culmulative traffic impacts. Traffic related impacts require substantial improvements to the circulation system in the area, the costs of which are beyond the fiscal means of the applicant. According to Sections 15091-3 and 15093, a Statement of Overriding Considerations must be adopted if the Commission wants to approve the project without requiring mitigation of significant impacts of the project. This Statement and all necessary findings, including mitigation measures which are appropriate, are contained in Resolution 2485 which is attached to this report. Jue to the complexity of the applications, each discretionary action is liscussed separately in the next section which follows. Corn rnunity DeveloPrnent Department -,Y 'lannlng Commission Report april ii, 1988 Environmental Impact Report 88-01 Page three D]SCUSSZON 1. Comtttlonal Use Permit 88-01 The P & I District of the Zoning Code requires adoption of a Use Permit prior to any change in use or construction on a property in this District. Pursuant to Section 9291 of the Tusttn City Code, the Planning Commission in reviewing a Conditional Use Permit application must determine the following: whether or not the establishment, maintenance or operation of the proposed use will be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort and general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use; or, whether the intended use will be injurious or detrimental to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. Staff have reviewed the subject application for conformance with the Tustin Zoning requirements and feel that there are several issues the Commission should consider in their review of the proposed application. General Use Information The applicant proposes operation of a 99 bed neurological care facility in two buildings for treatment of long term neurological disorders. This type of facility is similar to a convalescent home as opposed to an acute care hospital. In addition, the applicant is also proposing office area for their corporate headquarters in the facility. The hours of operation for the facility will be 24 hours a day for the hospital with some use of the office areas occurring beyond 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. since the hospital runs 24 hours a day. The applicant has projected a maximum of 150 employees for the project. These employees will be scheduled on regular eight {8) hour shifts. Shifts will allow for even disbursement of traffic throughout the day as opposed to all employees arriving and leaving at the same time. Site Design - The subject 2.49 acre site will contain two seplarate structures. These structures will total 73,180 square feet of building area and a maximum of 67~ lot coverage. The existing one-story structure is a 17,180 square feet and holds 59 beds. Submitted development plans propose construction of an additional 56,000 square foot, two-story building with a maximum height of 35 feet. This proposed structure will hold 40 of the proposed hospital beds and a 9,750 square foot office area. The structure also includes a two-story underground parking structure with 91 parking spaces. Corn rnunity DeveloPment DeparTment lanning Commission Report ,pril 11, 1988 Environmental Impact Report 88-01 Page four The only setback required on the new structure is ten feet along Yorba Street. Actual required setbacks on other property lines are established by the approved development plan for the project. As proposed on the plans, significant building setbacks will be provided including: 95 feet from Yorba; 10 feet adjacent to the southeast corner of the property; 25 feet at the rear of the property along the 55 freeway; and ten feet adjacent to Myrtle Avenue. A ten foot landscape strip is also proposed along Yorba Street. The two structures will be located in a fashion which will create an interior courtyard. This courtyard will be landscaped and includes tables and chairs for patient, employee and visitor use. Although City Code only requires 89 parking spaces for the proposed project (both structures), the proposed project will provide 102 parking spaces which will include 91 spaces to be included in the proposed parking structure and 11 surface parking spaces. Six of the proposed surface spaces will be provided facing Yorba Street and be utilized primarily for drop-off and temporary parking. The design of this front parking area accommodates adequate turnaround area to avoid back up. The remaining surface spaces will be located at the rear of the site. A total of 2g of the total number of spaces will be for compact cars and five spaces are designed for handicap use. The primary access point for the project will be from a 27 foot wide driveway at the end of Myrtle Avenue where access will be provided to the underground garage. Secondary access is proposed from a 27 foot driveway along Yorba Street. Additional site features include: A 20 foot wide fire lane which will be blocked to through traffic along the northerly property line. To the rear of the property next to the 55 Freeway, a trash enclosure and an oxygen tank enclosure are provided. These enclosures provide 6'8" masonry block walls for screening of all trash bins and oxygen tanks. The oxygen tank enclosure has been designed to meet all Fire Code requirements and is located away from any residential uses. The north, south and west facing property lines will be enclosed by a 6'8" block wall. Corn munity Development Department ~lanntng Commission Report prtl 11, 1988 Environmental Impact Report 88-01 Page five Signs - The project proponent has identified a monument sign location on the site plan. This sign and any other wall mounted signs have not been specifically addressed in the application. Staff suggests that the project contain standard signs, typical to the professional office district. This would allow: one (1) - twelve (12) square foot monument sign per street frontage (one on Yorba Street and Myrtle Avenue); one (1) - twelve (12) square foot wall mounted sign per street frontage. The design, colors and installation requirements can be designed in a fashion which incorporates the architectural features of the buildings. These signs must be presented as a package and the necessary permits issued prior to Installation. ~. Design RevJew 88-10 The Tustin Zoning Code (Section 9272) requires consideration of remodeling and new construction projects for their impact on the surrounding area. This consideration includes architectural compatibility with the surrounding area, landscaping and site design. Each of these considerations are discussed in more detail below. Architecture - The design of the proposed new building includes elements of a spanish mission style. These elements are also being incorporated into the remodel of the existing one-story facility. The key architectural elements include: covered pedestrian arcades with arches; raised towers with gradually sloped roof pitches; 'corniced' or 'detail' column bases and pilaster treatments; and ornamental details with insets at towers and other prominent locations. The focus of the structure is its Yorba Street entrance where special attention is paid to the tower treatments and pedestrian entrance. Staff has reviewed this project for its compatibility to its surroundings and similar spanish styles are found along First Street and in a new office building being constructed directly across the street on Yorba. Staff suggests that all four (4) faces of the existing structure be treated to match the new building. Corn rnuni~y DeveloPmen~ Departmen~ 'lanning Commission Report ,pril 11, 1988 Environmental Impact Report 88-01 Page si x Materials - The project incorporates colors and materials which further emphasize the spanish style of the building. These materials and colors include: terra cotta colored barrel roof tile; apache color stucco walls with aqua reveals; aqua canvas awnings; and ornamental exterior lighting fixtures strategically placed guarantee that rays of light do not shine on adjacent properties. tO These elements are similar to structures found in the office, commercial and residential districts which surround the project site. As the attached elevation plans show, special detail to architectural style, and quality of materials has been provided. Landscaping - The Tustin Landscaping Requirements establish standard criteria for all new development projects. In this case, the project incorporates a minimum of ten (10) feet of street facing, landscape screening of all surface parking areas. Additionally, interior landscaping along the northerly and southerly property lines, as well as the interior courtyard, is provided. The major landscaping elements include: magnolia, cypress, eucalyptus and palm trees; tobira, shiny zylosma, and other flowering ground covers; indian hawthorne, camllias, bamboo and other flowering shrubs. Detailed landscaping plans are required for review prior to issuance of building permits; The specific number, spacing, size and irrigation system requirements will be determined at this stage. However, the above listed elements shall remain for securing a proper aesthetic compatibility for the project. Site Design - As discussed in the use permit section of this report, the project incorporates adequate parking facilities. Additionally, all height, setback and development standards have been complied with. Corn rnunity Developrnen~ Depar~rnen~ Olanning Commission Report April 11, 1988 Environmental Impact Report 88-01 Page seven CO#CLUSXON Staff has reviewed the requirements of CEQA, the Tustin Area General Plan and Zoning Code in relation to the requests of the applicant. The EIR and Statement of Overriding Considerations are adequate under CEQA and proper mitigation measures for noise impacts have been incorporated. The conditions of approval for the Use Permit as contained in Resolution 2484 include measures for provision of land use restrictions, architectural compatibility and site design. With these conditions, staff recommends that the Planning Commission certify EIR 88-01 and approve Use Permit 88-01 and Design Review 88-10. Y ~P, // ~cttng Sent~Planner ~CP:CAS:pef Attachments: Enclosure: Site Plan Elevations Resolutions: 2483, 2484 & 2485 EIR 88-01 Christine A. Shingleton, Director of Community Development Corn munity DeveloPment Dcpar~r~en~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 9.1 ~2 24 25 RESOLUTION NO. 2483 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CONDITIONALLY APPROVING THE DESIGN REVIEW NO. 88-10 FOR A FACADE REMODEL OF AN EXISTING 17,180 SQUARE FOOT HOSPITAL FACILITY AND THE ARCHITECTURAL STYLE OF A 56,000 SQUARE FOOT NEW HOSPITAL BUILDING AT 165 N. MYRTLE AVENUE AND 14851YORBA STREET, TUSTIN. The Planntng Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: A proper application, Design Review No. 88-10 was filed by Continental Medical Systems requesting approval of the facade remodel of a 17,180 square foot hospital facility and architectural style of a new 56,000 square foot hospital facility at 165 Myrtle Avenue and 14851Yorba Street. B. A public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application on April 11, 1988. Pursuant to Section 9272 of the Tustln Municipal Code, the Commission finds that the location, size, architectural features and general appearance of the proposed development will not impair the orderly and harmonious development of the area, the present or future development therein, or the occupancy as a whole. In making such findings, the' Commission has considered at least the following items: 1. Height, bulk and area of buildings. 2. Setbacks and site planning. 3. Exterior materials and colors. 4. Type and pitch of roofs. 5. Size. and spacing of windows, doors and other openings. 6. Towers, chimneys, roof structures, flagpoles, radio and television antennae. 7. Landscaping, parking area design and traffic circulation. 8. Location, height and standards of exterior illumination. 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1(;,i 17 18 10 20I: 28 Resolution No. 2483 Page two I0. 11. 12. 13. 14. Location and appearance of equipment located outside of an enclosed structure. Location and method of refuse storage. Physical relationship of proposed structures to existing structures in the neighborhood. Appearance and design relationship of proposed structures to existing structures and possible future structures in the neighborhood and public thoroughfares. Proposed signing. Development Guidelines and criteria as adopted by the City Council. II. The Planning Commission conditionally approves Design Review No. 88-10 authorizing a facade remodel of a 17,180 square foot hospital facility and the architectural style of a new 56,000 square foot hospital facility at 165 N. Myrtle Avenue and 14851 Yorba Street subject to all conditions contained in Exhibit A of Planning Commission Resolution 2484. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held on the day of , 1988. KATHY WELL, Chairman PENNI FOLEY, Secretary 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12i 13 14 15 17 19~ 20 ~ 21 22 23 24 25 271 RESOLUTION NO. 2484 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, APPROVING USE PERMIT 88-01 TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OF A 56,000 SQUARE FOOT HOSPITAL BUILDING AND TWO-STORY UNDERGOUND PARKING STRUCTURE AND A FACADE REMODEL OF AN EXISTING 17,180 HOSPITAL FACILITY AT 165 N. MYRTLE AVENUE AND 14851 YORBA STREET, TUSTIN. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as fol 1 ows: I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: A. That a proper application, {Use Permit No. 88-10) has been filed on behalf of Conttnential Systems requesting authorization to: 1. Construct a new 56,000 square foot building with a two-story underground parking structure for hospital use; 2. Remodel the facade of an existing 17,180 square foot hospital facility. B. A public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on April 11, 1988. Ce That establishment, maintenance, and operation of the use applied for will not, under the circumstances of this case, be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, as evidenced by the following findings: 1. The use applied for is in conformance with the requirements of the Tustin General Plan. 2. The use applied for is in conformance with the requirements of the Tustin Zoning Code. The conditions contained in Exhibit A attached to this Resolution are necessary to avoid incompatible elements of the proposed project and compliance wi th these conditions shall be guaranteed for the life of this Use Permit. 4. The project has been designed to be architecturally compatible with the Old Town Area of Tustin. 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 10 gO ~5 27 Resolution No. 2484 Page two De Fe Ge That the establishment, maintenance, and operation of the use applied for will not be injurious or detrimental to the property and improvements in the neighborhood of the subject property, nor to the general welfare of the City of Tustin, and should be granted. Proposed development shall be in accordance with the development policies adopted by the City Council, Uniform Building Codes as administered by the Building Official and State of California, Fire Code as administered by the Orange County and State Fire Marshal, and street improvement requirements as administered by the City Engineer. The Environmental Impact Report No. 88-1 has been certified in conformance with the requirements of California Environmental Quality Act for the subject project as adopted in conjunction with this project by Resolution No. 2485. Final development plans shall require the review and approval of the Community Development Department. II. The Planning Commission hereby approves Conditional Use Permit No. 88-01 to authorize construction of a new 56,000 square foot hospital facility and remodeling of the facade of an existing hospital building at 165 N. Myrtle Avenue and 1485! Yorba Street subject to the conditions contained in Exhibit A attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tusttn Planning Commission, held on the day of , 1988. KATHY WEIL, Chairman PENNI FOLEY, Secretary 28 ~solutton 2484 EXHIBIT A APRIL 11, 1987 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 88-01 GENERAL (1) 1.1 The proposed project shall substantially conform with the submitted site plan for the project date stamped April 11, 1988 on file with the Community Development Department, as herein modified, or as modified by the Director of Community Development Department in accordance with this exhibit. A final plan check of construction level drawings is required to verify this conformance. (1) 1.2 Unless otherwise specified, the conditions contained in this exhibit shall be complied with prior to the issuance of any State issued building permit for the project, subject to review and approval by the Con~nunity Development Department. (1) 1.3 Design review approval shall be become null and void unless building permits are issued within eighteen (18) months of the date on this Exhibit. l) 1,4 All conditions of approval as contained in Resolution No. 2469 for the adoption of Tentative Parcel Map 87-412 shall be complied with prior to issuance of any structural building permits. 1.5 A maximum of 99 beds are authorized in both structures (40 beds in the new structure and 59 beds in the existing facility). Issuance of proper permits and certification from the State of California is required prior to occupancy of the new structure. 1.6 Use Permit 88-01 authorizes 99 hospital beds for neurological or convalescent care only. Should at any time the nature of the hospital use change in any way, additional parking spaces and an amendment to this Use Permit must be secured prior to installing any changes of use. 1.7 Parking for the proposed neurologicial care facility shall be maintained as follows: 1 parking space per 2 beds; 1 parking space per 250 square feet of office use. 1.8 The Community Development Department shall inspect the project and approve final construction and conformance to this Use Permit prior to occupancy of the new structure. '~URCE CODES (1) STANDARD CONDITION (2) EIR MITIGATION (3) UNIFORM BUILDING CODE/S (4) DESIGN REVIEW *** EXCEPTION (5) SPECIFIC PLAN (6) RESPONSIBLE AGENCY REQUIREMENT (7) LANDSCAPING GUIDELINES (8) PC/CC/ POLICY 'xhibit A .esolutlon No. 2484 Page two PLAN SUBMXTTAL 2.! At butldtng plan check, submit three sets of construction level plans as follows: (3) Construction plans, structural calculations, and title 24 energy calculations shall be submitted for all improvements. Requirements of the Uniform Building Codes, State Handicap and Energy Requirements shall be complied with as approved by the Building Official. Plans should reflect architectural details and elevations for all structures, walls, enclosures and any other construction level drawings necessary to accurately reflect all proposed construction. (3) Provide preliminary technical detail and plans for all utility installations including cable TV, telephone, gas, water and electricity. Additionally, a note on plans shall be included stating that no field changes shall be made without corrections submitted to and approved by the Community Development Department. (3) Final grading and specifications consistent with the site plan and landscaping plans and prepared by a registered civil engineer for approval of the Community Development Department. (3) O. A precise soils engineering report provided by a soils engineer within the previous twelve (12) months. (1) (6) Information, plans and/or specifications to ensure satisfaction of all Public Works Department requirements including but not limited to conditions contained in Resolution No. 2469 shall be provided including the following: (6) * Dedication of all required street and flood control right-of-way, vehicular acess rights, sewer easements and water easements defined and approached as to specific location by the City Engineer and other responsible agencies. (6) * The Yorba Street entrance minimum curb radius is 20 feet. Additional right-of-way dedication per City standard 118E must be provided. (6) * The construction of new on-site fire hydrants will require a detector check within an easement per City Standard No. 129. A legal description and sketch of the easement areas along with a copy of the latest vesting for this property shall be submitted to the Engineering Division for review and preparation of an easement deed. Said deed must be executed .by the property owner prior to any approvals/permits from the Engineering Division. Exhibit A 'esolution No. 2484 ,'age three (6) Ge (6) (6) (J.) (2) '2) Note on plans that a qualified paleontologist/archealogist, as appropriate shall be present during rough grading operations. If resources are found, work shall stop in the affected area and all resources shall be excavated or preserved as deemed appropriate or as recommended by the paleontologist/archealologist subject to review and approval by the Department of Public Works and Community Development. All "finds" shall be reported immediately to the Department of Community Development. The paleontologist/archealogtst shall attend the pregrade construction meeting to ensure that this condition and necessary procedures in the event of a "find" are explained. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of the Orange County and State Fire Marshall, including required fire flow, installation where required of fire hydrants subject to approval as to location by the Fire Department, City of Tustin Public Works Department, Tustin Water Works and compliance with all requirements pertaining to construction. Prior to issuance of building permits for combustible construction, evidence that adequate water supply and operational fire hydrants are available for fire protection shall be submitted and approved by the Orange County and State Fire Marshall. The applicant shall also submit water improvement plans for approval of the Fire Marshal. Note on plans that the interior on-site loop road shall be posted "No Parking- Fire Lane" in accordance with all applicable Orange County Fire Department requtrments. All required Orange County Fire Department signs shall be posted and designed in accordance with the Orange County Fire Department requirements. 3.1 All construction operations including engine warm up shall be subject to the provisions of the City of Tustin Noise Ordinance and shall take place only during the hours of 7:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday unless the Building Official determines that said activity will be in substantial conformance with the Noise Ordinance and the public health and safety will not be impaired subject to application being made at the time the permit for the work is awarded or during progress of the work. 3.2 Should any noise related complaints be filed with the Community Development Department regarding the construction at the project site, the applicant shall install noise mufflers on construction equipment. esolutton No. 2484 .xhlblt A Page four FEES (1) (6) 4.1 Prtor to Issuance of any butldtng permtts, payment shall be made of a11 required fees Including: A. Major thoroughfare and bridge fees to Tustin Public Works Department. B. Sanitary sewer connection fee to Orange County Sanitation District. C. Grading planchecks and permit fees to the Community Development Department. D. All applicable Building plancheck and permit fees to the Community Development Department. E. New development fees to the Community Development Department. F. School facilities fee to the Tustin Unified School District. AND BUILDXNG CONOITZONS ').) t4) 5.1 All improvements, materials and colors shall remain as proposed on the approved plans, date stamped April 11, 1988 any changes shall be subject to review and approval of the Director of Community Development Department. All exterior treatments must be coordinated with regard to color, materials and detailing and noted on submitted construction plans and elevations shall indicate all colors and materials to be used. 5.2 Note on plans that a six foot high chain linked fence shall be installed around the site prior to building construction stages. Gated entrances shall be permitted along the perimeter of the site for construction vehicles. (~) (4) 5.3 All rooftop mechanical or electrical fixtures and equipment shall be screened from view. All telephone and electrical boxes must be indicated on the building plans and shall be completely screened. Electrical transformers, where provided and wherever possible shall be located toward the interior of the project maintaining a sufficient distance from the frontage of the project. (4) 5.4 Submit detail for all on-site walls to be contructed by developer. Show type of wall cap and type of color, exterior materials and decorative treatment of all exposed walls. Design of walls/fences shall be subject to final approval of the Community Development Department and should be consistent with main building treatments. '1) ,3) (4) 5.5 Provide a final master sign plan to be approved by the Community Development Department for project to include: a) project identification; b) on-site address signs. Provide generalized location, sizes, design and colors subject to review and approval of the Tustin Police Department, Orange County Fire Department and Community Development Department. Signs authorized include: 'esolution No. 2484 xhl bi t A Page five two (2) twelve square foot monument signs two (2) twelve foot wall signs (3) (4) 5.6 Provide details on lighting scheme for project. Note final locations of all exterior lights and types of fixtures. Lighting fixtures shall be of ornamental design and shall be located or designed so to direct rays of light so they do not shine on adjacent properties. (6) 5.7 The 'fire lane' shall be blocked to through traffic by use of gates which are subject to review and approval of the Community Development Director and Orange County Fire Department. (~) (4) 5.8 The trash enclosure and oxygen tank enclosure shall be architecturally treated to match the buildings and shall have solid metal gates. 5.9 During construction phases of. this project the applicant shall provide either temporary on-site or off-site parking facilities within 300 feet of the project for employees and visitors. The location and design and access to said parking shall be subject to approval of the Department of Community Development. * 5.10 All elevations of the existing hospital facility shall be remodeled. (4) 5.11 All roof drains on new construction shall be internal and not visible on building elevations. All roof drains shall be designed so that run-off is properly drained into concrete swales. No direct run-off over any sidewalk will be permitted or allowed to continue. 5.12 Provide details for labeling compact and handicap parking spaces. (1) (4) LANDSCAPXNG, GROUNDS AND HARDSCAPE ELEMENTS (7) 6.1 At final plan check a completely detailed landscape and irrigation plan must be submitted for landscaping with whatever scale necessary to depict adequately what is occurring. Provide summary table applying indexing identtfictton to plant materials in their actual location. The plan and table must list botanttcal and common names, sizes, spacing, actual location and quality of the plant materials proposed. Show planting and berming details, soil preparation, staking, etc. The irrigation plan shall show location and control of backflow prevention devices, pipe size, sprinkler type, spacing and coverage. Details for all equipment must be provided. ~solutton No. 2484 xhlblt A Page six 6.2 (7) (7) (7) 7) (7) (7) (7) (7) (7) (*) The submitted landscaping plans at plan check must reflect the fo]lowing requl rements: a) Turf is unacceptable for grades over 25~ a combination of planting materials must be used, ground cover on large areas alone is not acceptable. b) Provide a minimum of one 15 gallon size tree for every 30 feet of property line on the property perimeter and five-5 gallon shrubs. c) Bermtng shall be provided wherever possible. 6.3 All newly planted trees shall be staked according to City standards. 6.4 Shrubs shall be a minimum of 5 gallon size and shall be spaced a minimum of 8 feet on center when intended as screen planting. 6.5 Ground cover shall be planted between 8 to 12 inches on center. 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.11 When ! gallon plant sizes are used the spacing may vary according to materials used. Up along fences and or walls and equipment areas provide landscaping screening with shrubs, and or vines and trees on plan check drawings. All plant materials shall be installed in a healthy vigorous condition typical to the species. Landscaping must be maintained in a neat and healthy condition, this will include but not be limited to trtming, mowing, weeding, removal of litter, fertilizing, regular watering, or replacement of disease or dead plants. In irrigation areas controller to be enclosed in lockable housing. Design irrigation systems to provide sufficient coverage as well as avoiding water overspray on buildings and sidewalks. Note of this requirement to be on plan check drawings. Interior property lines to the north and south shall have a minimum five (5) foot landscaped planter area. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 10 ~0 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2485 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA CERTIFYING FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT NO. 88-01 FOR THE PROPOSED 56,000 SQUARE FOOT EXPANSION OF THE WESTERN NEUROCARE CENTER HOSPITAL FACILITY AT I65 N. MYRTLE AND 14851 YORBA STREET, AS REQUIRED BY THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: Ae That an application was filed on behalf of Continental Medical Systems (Use Permit 88-01 and Design Review 88-10) requesting authorization to expand an existing hospital facility. That an Initial Study was prepared during the preliminary review process which determined that significant environmental impacts could occur as a result of the proposed construction and that an Environmental Impact Report was required for this project. C. That an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) No. 88-01 was prepared by the City of Tustin. That distribution of the Draft EIR was made to interested public and private agencies with a solicitation of comments and evaluation. That the public review period, for the Draft EIR ended on April 11, 1988. That incorporated within the EIR are comments of the public. Planning Commission, staff and other agencies, and responses thereto. F. That a public hearing for the EIR was duly called, noticed and held on April 11, 1988. Ge That the Draft EIR was prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act, State Guidelines, and the policies of the City of Tusttn. That the Draft EIR including comments and responses has been reviewed by staff, and represents their independent evaluation and analysis. 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ~3 14 15 17 18 ~2 ~3 ~5 Resolution No. 2485 Page two That the Draft EIR was distributed to the Plannlng Commfssfon and that they reviewed thts document, received publlc testimony and considered comments and responses thereto in their review of the Project Involving the East Tusttn Area, as shown tn adopted Planntng Commission Resolution No. 2300. That the Draft EIR comments, responses, and attachments have been reviewed and considered, and that mitigation measures have been incorporated Into the Project that eliminate or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects thereof as Identified tn Draft EIR, comments, responses, and attachments; and it Is determined that any remaining significant effects on the environment found to be unavoidable have been balanced against the benefits of the Project and agatnst the Project alternatives and those beneftts have been found to be overriding. Thfs Statement of Overriding Considerations and all environmental effects and mitigating measures are listed in the attached document, Exhfbtt "A". Mitigation measures are specified as conditions in this resolutfon. K. That the Draft EIR 88-01, plus comments, responses and attachments, constltute Ftnal EZR 88-01. II. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby certify that Final EIR B8-01 has been completed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held on the day of , 1988. KATHY WEIL, Chairman PENNI FOLEY, Secretary 28 ,~esolutton 2485 EXHIBIT A APRIL 11, 1987 CEQA FIND[#GS AND STATEitE#T OF FACTS EZR 88-01 SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT, FINDINGS WITH RESPECT TO SAID EFFECTS, AND STATEMENT OF FACTS IN SUPPORT THEREOF, ALL WITH RESPECT TO THE PROPOSED EXPANSION OF WESTERN NEURO CARE CENTER. Back§round The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the State EIR Guidelines (Guidelines) promulgated pursuant thereto provide: "No public agency shall approve or carry out a project for which an Environmental Impact Report has been completed and which identified one or more significant effects of the project unless the public agency makes one or more written findings for each of those significant effects, accompanied by a brief explanation of the rationale for each finding" (Section 15091). The finding and statements of facts delineated herein are organized in the following manner: Significant Effect - Each finding is prefaced by a brief description of the relevant significant effect which is identified within EIR 88-01. - Specific to the significant effect is a finding made pursuant to Section the CEQA Guildlines. Facts in Support of Finding - Following each finding is a brief explanation of the rationale of each finding. The order in which the significant impacts are identified herein follows the order in which issues are addressed within the EIR. The City of Tustin proposes to approve Conditional Use Permit 88-01 and Design Review 88-10 for the 56,000 square foot expansion of Western Neuro Care Center at 14851 Yorba Street and 165 N. Myrtle Avenue. Because the proposed actions consftute a project under CEQA and the Guidelines, the City of Tustin has prepared an Environmental Impact Report (EIR). EIR 88-01 has identified certain significant effects which may occur as a result of the project proposal. The Planning Commission has reviewed and considered the information contained in the EIR and desires to approve the project with the following findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations. (esolutton No. 2485 Exhibit A Page two NOISE Significant Effect - This project could have a significant impact in relation to increasing the noise levels in the area. This noise is created by the construction activities necessary to grade and build the proposed facilities. Ftndln9 I - The noise related impacts are temporary and can be mitigated to a level of insignificance as identified in the EIR. Facts in Support of Findings - The conditions of approval for Use Permit 88-01 and the Tustin Noise Code, (Section 4600) require that certain measures be taken to reduce the noise related impacts associated with the project. The conditions of approval contained in Resolution 2484 include: Should noise related complaints be filed with the City which identify the project construction as the source, the applicant will be required to install noise muffling devices on the construction equipment. As required by the Tustin Noise Code, all construction activities will be limited to the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on weekdays only. All significant effects can be feasibly mitigated by the actions required of the applicant as identified above. TRANSPORTATIO#/CIRCULATZON Significant Effect - The project alone does not specifically create a significant adverse impact upon the transportation/circulation systems in the area. However, this project, in conjunction with other past, present and reasonably foreseeable future projects, will have a significant adverse impact on traffic and circulation. Finding I - That the required mitigation measures for the transportation/circulation impacts as listed in EIR 88-01 are beyond the fiscal/economic means of the applicant and pursuant to Section 15901-3 of the California Environmental Quality Act, a Statement of Overriding Considerations must be adopted. Facts in Support of. Findings - Kunzman and Associates has prepared a detailed traffic study for the project which identifies the following mitigation measures for the cumulative impacts identified in the EIR. These mitigation measures include: Improve Irvine Boulevard to 6 lanes east of Yorba Street. · Improve Yorba Street to 4 lanes between Irvine Boulevard and 1st Street. ,. Provide an additional through lane on 1st Street at Tustin Avenue and at Yorba Street. ~esolutton No. 2485 Exhibit A Page three 4. At Tustln Avenue/4th Street provide an additional through lane on Tustin Avenue and right turn on 4th Street. 5. Provide a second northbound left turn lane on Yorba Street at Irvtne Boulevard. Installation of these improvements requires substantial monetary investment by the applicant. Additionally, Mitigation Measure No. 4 requires improvements in an are outside of the Tusttn city limits. Due to the nature of the alternatives identified in the EIR, these impacts cannot be avoided and eventual mitigation must occur. As identified by Section 15091-3 of CEQA a Statement of Overriding considerations must be adopted for these impacts. Planning Commission Item No. 6 DATE: SUB3,r. CT: APPLICANT: LOCATION: ZONZNG: APRIL 11, 1988 USE PERNZT 88-9 THE IRYINE COflPANY 550 NEWPORT CENTER DRIYE NE~'PORT BEACH, CA. 92660-9959 SOUTHIJEST CORNER OF JAMBOREE ROAD AND IRVZNE BOULEVARD PORTION OF LOT 13, TRACT 12763 EAST TUSTIN SP£CIFZC PLAN NEZGHBOP. HOOD CONHERCIAL (NC) ENV ZRONMENTAL - *~TATUS: RECOIIIIENDATION A NEGATIYE DECLARATION HAS BEEN FILED FOR THIS PRO~IECT ACCORDII~ TO THE CALI'FORNTA EN¥IROII4ENTAL QUALITY ACT TO TNSTALL A HOHE FINDING CENTER ON LOT 13 OF TRACT 12763 OF FAST TUSTTN DEVELOPMENT It is recommended that the Planning Commission approve Use Permit 88-9 by the adoption of Resolution No. 2487. BACKGROUND The applicant proposes to install a temporary Home Finding Center on the southwest corner of Irvine Boulevard and Jamboree Road on a 33,880 square foot portion of lot 13, Tract 12763 (a 13.76 square foot parcel). The East Tusttn Specific Plan (ETSP) designates lot 13 for Neighborhood Commercial (NC) uses. This land use designation authorizes limited retail, business service and office uses for the convenience of residents of the immediate area provided such uses are compatible with the adjoining residential development. While the proposed use is not specifically listed under the Neighborhood Commercial {NC) category, the East Tustin Specific Plan provides that unlisted uses are subject to determination by the Community Development Department to be -otther permitted, subject to a Conditional Use Permit, or prohibited (Section ,7). Staff determination was that subject project should be subject to a ~ndittonal Use Permit so that conditions can be imposed to ensure compatibility ,th the adjoining development. ~ Corn munity Development Deparxment "~ Plannlng Comttsston Report Home Ftndlng Center Apr11 11, 1988 Page t~o Lot X3 ts bounded by proposed Medtum Density residential pro~ects to the west and south, Medium Oenstty residential designated property to the north across Xrvine Boulevard and vacant property to the east in the Ctty of Irvine across Jamboree Road. DISCUSSION The proposed Home Finding Center will serve a function as a public directory to residential developments promoted by the Irvtne Company. No sales are anticipated to take place at the facility. Sales would occur on individual development sites in conjunction with model homes. The Irvlne Company proposes partial use of the subject site for a period of two to five years. It was originally anticipated that approxtmetely 10 acres of property in the Neighborhood Commercial (NC) land use category would be butld in X989 (Fiscal Impact Analysts for the East'Tusttn Specific Plan). Zt is now estimated, however, that the Neighborhood Commercial Center proposed on lot ~3 would not be butld before Z990 in conjunction wtth the phasing of residential development. The Community Development Oepartment wtll continue to monitor the East Tusttn Development Agreement to ensure compliance with butldtng permit ltmtts based on commercial development occurring in the entire East Tusttn area. The proposed Nome Finding Center Will be relocated to a different location at the time the Neighborhood Commercial Center is butld, and the site will be cleared and regraded. The proposed facility has a stucco finish which w111 blend well with the architectural theme of Tusttn Ranch. A canvas accent structure wtll define the publtc entry with canvas awnings used to accent the two front windows. A front deck or access ramp with a wide entry staircase is designed to facilitate access. It wtll also serve to anchor the building and minimize the modular aspect of the structure. The proposed Home Finding Center wlll be a 2,X60 square foot custom designed three unit modular facility (each unit w111 be 720 square feet tn size). The factltty wtll be setback approximately 72 feet from Xrvtne Boulevard and 97 feet from Jamboree Road with on-site parktng to be placed in front of the facility. The proposed parking lot would accommodate X7 standard size parking spaces and one handicap space. Xn addition, a separate delivery, storage and trash ptck-up area is proposed at the rear of the facility. Landscape and irrigation plans for the proposed project have also been submitted. Approximately X7,$$0 square feet or*52Z of the site wtll be landscaped. A combination perimeter strip of landscaping and berm treatment wtll be used to soften the Center's visual appearance. Additionally, the Community Development Department Planntn9 Commission Report Ho~e Ftndtng Center Apr11 11, 1988 Page three applicant has proposed to provtde a ten foot temporary landscaping treatment along the enttre perimeter of lot 13 along Jamboree Road and Xrvlne Boulevard to enhance the appearance of the stte and ensure greater Integration with adjacent proposed residential developeenta. CONCLUSION Xt ts recommnded that the Planntng Commission approve Use Permtt 88-9 subject to conditions stated tn Resolution No. 2487 attached. rasst Planner Otrector of Coemntty Developnent CAS:PM:per Attactunents: Resolution No. 2487 Correspondence Full Stze Architectural Pl~ans. gegattve Declaration Community DeveloPrren~ Depar~men~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2487 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COHMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTZN, CALIFORNIA APPROVING USE PERMIT 88-9 TO ALLOH THE INSTALLATION OF A HOME FINDING CENTER AT THE SOUTNgEST CORNER OF IRVINE BOULEVARD AND JAMBOREE ROAD, NEIGHBORHOOD COMHERCIAL AREA The Planning Co~sston of the C~ty of Tusttn, California does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Planntng Commission ftnds and determines that: That a proper app;lcatton (Use Permtt 88-9) has been filed on behalf of the Irvtne Company to allo~ the Installation of a Home Finding Center at the southwest corner of Irvtne Boulevard and ~a~boree Road. B. That a publlc heartng was duly called, notlced and held on satd application. Ce A Negattve Declaration has been prepared and ts hereby certified for the project according to the California Envlronmental Quality Act. De That esteb]tshment, maintenance, and operation of the use applied for wtll not, ~under the circumstances of thts case, be detr~mentel to the health, safety, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the persons restdtng or worktng tn the neighborhood of such proposed use, evidenced by the following findings: The East Tustln Spectftc Plan - Neighborhood Commercial (NC) category allows for bustness services and office facilities for the convenience of residents of the immediate area, provided such uses are compatible wlth adjofning residential development. The proposed Home Flndtng Center with conditions wtll be compatible wlth adjoining development, and wtll be of a temporary nature. The Condttfonal Use Permft provtdes the abflity to mttfgate any potential impacts of the proposed project through Imposition of appropriate conditions. II. The Planntng Commission hereby approves Conditional Use Permit No. 88- 9 subject to the following conditions: The proposed project shall subsequently comply with submitted plans for the project, date stamped Aprtl 4, 1988 and on file with the Community Oevelopment Department, as herein modtfted or as modtfted by the Otrector of Community Development In accordance with these conditions. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 Resolution No. 2487 Page ~o Unless otherwise specified, conditions contained In thts resolution shall be complled with prtor to tssuance of a butldtng pe~atts for the project, subject to ~evtew and approval by the Orange County Ftre Department and the Community Development Department. Applicant shall comply wtth all requirements of the Orange County Ftre Marshal. Provtde the name of shrubs proposed to be planted along the rear elevation. Provlde 11ghttng plan for parktng lot areas to meet Ctty Securtty Ordinance. Applicant shall sattsfy all Publlc gorks Department requirements durtng plan check Including: 1. A separate street Improvement plan wtll need to be prepared sho~ing all . proposed construction within the publtc right-of-way. 2. All changes in extsttng curbs, gutters, sidewalks and other publlc lmprovemeats are applicant's ~esponstbtltty. 3. Any damage to extsttng street Improvements shall be repatred prior to tssuance of a Cert!ftcate of Occupancy. 4. Prtor to any work tn the publlc ~lght-of-way an excavation permit must be obtained. Submit final grading and specifications consistent with the site plan and landscaping plans prepared by a registered ctvtl engineer for approval of the Community Development Department. The Issue of dratnage from the north stde of Zrvtne Boulevard shall be addressed on grading/erosion control plans for the project. The butldtng shall comply wtth the Untform Butldtng Code, Ct~j Ordinances, State Energy Conservation and Handicapped Regulations, Tttle 24. 28 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ~5 27 28 Resolution No. 2487 Page three J. At bulldtng plan check submtt technical plans for all uttltty Installation. K. Submit structural calculations and solls report stgned by respective structural/clvt 1 engineer. L. Provtde for butldtng address numbering consistent wtth the Ctty's Securtty Code. H. Payment shall be made of all required fees Including: 1. Major thoroughfare and brtdge fees to Tusttn Public Works Oepartment; 2. Sanitary Sewer connection fees to Orange County Sanitation District; 3. Gradtng plan check and per,dr fees to the Community Oevelopment Department; 4. All applicable butldtng plan check and per~tt fees to the Community Development Oeparment; 5. Ne~ Development Fees to the Community Development Oeparment; 6. Irvtne Boulevard widening, Ctvtc Center and Ftre Statton fees to the Co,,,untty Oevelopment Oeparment; 7. School facility.fee to the Tusttn Untfted School Oistrtct. Thts Use Permit shall become null and votd ftve years from the date of approval of thts resolution unless an extension request ts approved by the Planning Commission. Upon termination of the Use Per~tt per Condition No. H or at the request of the applicant, the stte shall be returned to it's ortgtnal undeveloped condition wtth underground fatlittes excavated and re~oved from site. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Co~mtssion of the Ctty of Tustin at a regular meettng held on the 11th day of Aprtl, 1988. KATHY WEIL, Chairman Penni Foley Secretary INT ROFFIC6 MEMORANDUM Confirming our recent conversations, IRPC does not object to the Homefinding Center being temporarily located on the retail site at J~boree Boulevard and Irwin. Boulevard on the terms set forth in your January 11, 1987 memo to me (copy attached), with the following specific additional understandings: The site would be made available to Residential Marketing until such time as retail development is ready to begin. Due to the ~lrrent development in TuettnMarket Place, we anticipate that ~his will not be earlier than mid 1990. However, as we have discussed, this schedule is subject to being advanced in the event that growth in the area indicates that earlier development of the retail site is warranted. The site pIan yo~'provided shows certain paved and lan~caped areas. .In addition, you indicated that min~l utility service would be installed for the modular unit. As I mentioned in our conversation, the site would be redelivered to IRPC in developable condition, meaning with all asphalt and other paving materials, lendscaping a~d underground utilities and irrigation systems excavated and removed from the site. David Mudgett has indicated his approval by signature below. Please let me know if you have any questions concerning the foregoing. President, IRPC KCE:nle Enclosure A D~,~ c~ The ltv,ne Coral=any NEGATIVE DECLARATION CITY OF TUST1N ' 300 CENTENNIAL WAY, TUSTIN, CA..' 92680 Pro~ect Tttle: Use ?er.~tt 88-9 . File ~o. P~o~ect Location: Southwest corner It-vine Blvd. & Jamboree Rd. ' Project Description:-Home Findins Center Project P~oponent: Irvine Company (714) Con,act Person: Pacrizia Macerassi Telephone: 544-8890 The Community Development 0eparl3nent has conduct_~d an tntttal s~udy for ~he above project tn accordance wt~h the Ct~y of Tusttn's procedures regarding implementation of the California £nvtFonmenTA1 Quality Act, and. on the basis of that s~udy hereby find:. That ther~ ts no substantial evidence that the project may have a significant effect on the environment. DThat potential significant affec~ were Identified, but revisions have been tncluded in the p~oJect plans and agreed to by the applicant that would avotd or mtttgate the affects to a potnt whe~ clearly no significant effects would occur. Said ~evlstons are attached to and hereby made a parc of this ~egattve Declaration. Therefore, the p~p~ratton of an Environmental Impact Repo~ fs not required, The initial s~udy which provides the basis for this determination is on ftle at the Community Development Dep&r~ment, Ct~y of Tusttn. The publlc ts tnvlted to comment on the appropriateness of thts gegattve Declaration during the revte~ period, which begins with the public notice of a gegattve Decla~atton and ex~ands for seven calendar days. Upon revte~ by the Community.Development Director, this revte~ period may be ex~ended ~f deemed necessary. REVIEW PERI00 EMD$ 4:30 p.m. on l~arch 12. 1988 DATED: March 5, 1988 Commnl~y Development Director CITY OF TUSTI~ C~mmuntty Development Oe~rtment ~VIRO~4M.~J{T.~J.. INITUd. $1'UD¥ F{3PJ~ Ti~ ~tm, c:mNl'ing (:r modlfk:~lan ~ ~ ~i~,Jm ~JOiaJii~ ~' ph~cpcd f~itunu? ~ lr~-~mm in wind (:r wa:fl' ~ of mil:l, eith~' afl ar off fbi {it,? in d.lx~itlm inlet a~ Will the pn~ m~,~it im (s,, Sul~,..;~J ~r em~s~m~ ~r W(:rmton ~ (m, nbklnt ,aLt quail1',/? Aitis~ttcn of ~ ,,~r ,. d, moLltUm, ar cludlng I~ nM limited t~ ~,, cB~olv~i ~ m' turbidity? Alterotl(m of ~ d~m~kx'~ m' ~ o~ flow CDYzxji In the quattfty of eithM, 111mu(jh direct ,'-~_Jtkm~ drmmL~ (z' throu~ ~nt~lm of Sub~tcl~mt r~ctt~ in tt~ ,~n~unt ~f ~ oll,.r~iaa ,~v(iliclOle fa' I~biic ~ [cried I'KZZCZ~ ~ c~ f;~i~j ~ tict~l ~,~v~? ....¥ ~. Pilaf I. Jt~, Will the p ,r~Omai ~Jit im C2x~Te In the diwr~t~ ~f meci~, ~r numb~ ~f m~ ~cie, of pimps (including d. l~.ducflm In ~-eoge ~f m~ ~grlcul~J~l crag? .<. ~4dmai U~. Wlff the ~l)cdal result ir. cl,' (~el, k. dlim ~ ~lsting'f~d~ ~r wtldllf~ habitat?. ~, Ndm, Wlll ~ Ix'qxl<lal ~"Ult ir. OI~ In mi~ levels? ~ ~d ~ Wlll f/fie I~r~x~sal new light ~ gm? l.md U.~ Mil the I~.al ~lt in a ~ ~tlal altm~tlan a~ the prms~t or pk:mned Ired um of ~n arm~? ~. ~ ~ Will the pr~=l~m31 sit im a, Incmme in the r~fe of u.e of my natural ..© b. Sub.~'rtlal d~l~'ton of ~y II. F'Qputati~n, Will 1t~ I:)rc~mal =lt~,' ~ [cx='llm, ~. ~ ~l..,Ik~ of ~l~tlai c~lcli~tc~al ~teukar. ,,~,. Altw~ti~a to ~ ~ of tim ~ .... .n ~t of I:ma~le and/ar goodl? I~J)lle ~ Will the i~mpami ~ m eff~-? u;~n, ar msul? in a n~ad fez n~w ar a. ~'lr~ I~rOt~tion? d. Pcrks a' othe' rmnatiQnal fa:illtles? EnraC. Will the. Ix~q~m! rmult im Use of ed:~stantla! an,cunts of fuel ar enes~j~ Sd~tmttai in~eam in dmnmd ~OQn ecist- ing ~aur~m of mes~y, ar r~quim trw clmmtagment Qf new saur~m .of mergy? I& Ufllitlm. Will the ~ result in a nmd Far n~w sy~ ar ~.~mttai ait~r~tt~m t~ b. C~mn~ni~aH~m s~n=? 17. l-btam I-ladtt~ Will tt~ ~ m~it ira b. ~:q)amm of l:~,~ie m ~l hazarci? 18. ) '1 ~I~.~ WTII the I~ result in ~ ~fm of any scenic: vista or ~ ~ to ~m of ~ ~~ ~ eite ~ m ~l~ vi~? F~' 'i~ Will the prenatal rmuit in an irr~ ~ the quality ar quantity of mi~ing r~a~timai ~itt~? Will ~ ~ re. It in tt~ ,~lte. etio. of or tl~ d~n.~ of a r.~,.~i, lroJic or ~ ,.,.,.I f jk.~l .~it~? Oa~ tt~ project have ewirmm~Mi offices w~k:~ will _,~;m sut~;~,,,tfai advers~ effects an Yuman I~eingz, eitt~, directly ~ indire~rly? !11. l~l~cullian dr E,,.;ro,.,. ,1~ ~uatian IV. }~_ |~..,, ,~{',,,~l |crl (To be cor~let~ct I:~ the L~c/ Agency) III Discussion of Environmental Evaluation "No" determinations were based on tnformtlon submitted by the applicant. "Maybe" or "Yes" determinations are explained below: Item lb Maybe. Prectse gredlng wtll result In some temporary disruption to earth conditions. However, all requirements of Building Code wtl] have to be met and no prectse gredtng wtll be permitted without approval of a precise gredtng plan prepared by a ctvtl englneer and aproved by the Community Development Department. Item 3b Maybe. The proposal may result tn changes in drainage patterns. However, all potential adverse impacts will be mitigated/avoided as a result of the review and approval of a required drainage/erosion control plan by certified civil engineer and the Community Development Department. Item 3f Refer to Item 3b. Item Maybe. Project may result in minor temporary increases of existing noise levels during construction phase. However, there are no residents to be affected by such an increase of noise at the site at this time. The site is currently vacant, and all planned development for the adjacent area will take place at a later date. Item 8 Land Use Maybe. The proposal may re)ult in an alteration of planned land use of the area. Proposed proJet is to be located on lot 13 of Tract 12763, which is zoned Neighborhood ~ommerctal (NC). Per the East Tusttn Specific Plan, the NC District does not specifically list proposed use. However, it allows for retail business service and office facilities installed for the convenience of residents of the immediate area provided they are compatible with adjoining residential development. Proposed project is compatible with adjacent development and is temporary in nature. Furthermore, the required Conditional Use Permit procedure would condition the project to avoid any potential adverse impact to the environment. Item 13b Yes. Proposed project will result in increase in demand for parking facilities and new parking. However, proposed project provides all parking needed and meets the City Code requirements. /~ ~U~LU zJed~)Q ZU;~LUdOI;)^gQ ,'tZ!unt..U Luo~ , -~ · s3,.Lm,~d esn L~UO.L3~.Lpu03 L~U.tfi.taO eLI3 JO pU~ paJap.LSUO3 /;Lsno.tAe,~d 3, ou efi~uS~s pul~ suo.t3~,~e3, t~ e3.LS ,(U~ UO.LSS.LatUO3 §U.LUU~L(t aa.Lnbaa 6I-/./. pu~ g-SL 3.Lmaad esr aoj [~Aoadd~ ~o SUO.L3~.puoa L~U.Lfi.LaO '(6~-// 3~.taaad eSR) tl3anq3 ~ pu~ (~-SL 3.Lmaed esR) [ooq3s ~ q3oq e3eaedo o3 s3.tmaed esr pe3uea~ XLsno.L^ead s~ 3,hq euoz (ad) e3.tJjO [~UO.LSSejOad ~ u.t pe3~3o[ S.L 3U~Ua3 aq.L 'US.LS [[e~ 300J ca,nbs ~g ~ pu~ :eZ.LS Ut 300J ca,nbs ~t? eq [[.L~ q3.Lq~4 3, UauJnUOU~ UOJ.3~3tJ~3, uep.L 3U~ue3 §uo[ 3ooJ ~'S Xq qS.Lq ~'1~ e :enue^v LL.[H pe~ pu~ paeAeLno8 eU.LAaI JO ,Jeuaoo 3se~q3aou eq3 3~ Pe3~OOL 03, X6OLO3Ue[3S ~.o q3anq3 aq3 aoj SU~.LS o~3 3,3nJ3. suo3 03 sesodoad 3Ul~O.Ltddl~ gllllO)lg)13V8 'paS.L~eJ aO pe33.LLUqns se 6zt?3 uo.L3n[osea Jo UO.L3dop~ Xq L-88 3.LmJed esfl e^oadde UO.LSS~UJm03 fiU[UU~Ld eLI3 3'~q£ NOII¥ON~O~H N)IS llVM ONV iN~WONON NOIIV3IJIIN3aI INvNlm V JO iN3W33Vlg 5NIZIHOHU1V $£Ik~3d 3S~ qVNOIZION03 03AOHddV /qS~OIA3~d JO 'NOIIV3IJlOON £Ii~3d Oi Il SSVl3 .I. dW3X3 ,Vl'lV3IaOV'-JJ. V3 (ad) 3313J0 ~V#OlSS'440ad 3Itt J¥ O~¥A3qfl08 3NIA~I ISt! 6Z006 V3 'S3'139NV SOq 3flN3AV NIVZNflOJ 899?6 V3 '39NVIfO J.33~15 Nq3 'N ££8 '3NI 'S3IHdVlJ~ 3AIIVAONNI /-88 llN~13d 61~6! 'Il qI~d¥ :J.~3nO3B : SfllV. LS 'IVIN3HNOHI At' - : 9NINL :NOIIV30I : B3 NRO :XNVOllddV :133Pgfls :31Vg Z maaI uo! !u.z uJoz) u!uuelcI t ~lanning Commission Report 'il 11, 1988 ~oe Permit 88-7 Page two The Church of Sctentology is the sole tenant at 1451 Irvine Boulevard and occupies over 22,000 square feet of building space. The surrounding land uses and zoning in the immediate vicinity are as follows: Single family residential unincorporated County area to the north, east and west; and professional office and public and institutional uses along the southside of Irvine Boulevard west of Red Xill Avenue. The existing non-residential uses (Red Hill Office Plaza, First Christian Church and the Cooksey, Howard, Martin & Toolen Law Building) and the Church of Sctentology all have rich landscaping combined with earthtone building colors to blend into the residential areas to the north and east. ANALYSIS The applicant has worked with the Planning staff to propose signs that are compatible with the character of the area. The proposed monument sign uses earthtone materials and colors and consists of a grey stoneface base with -~olished bronze letters. A sign cabinet sits on top with a brown background and luminated yellow letters. The wall sign consists of 18" and 3" polished onze letters with bronze logo strips and a green and bronze 6 square foot pyramid" logo. The color, size and materials of these signs are utilized in a manner that is consistent with the are~. Additionally, the First Christian Churc~ located directly to the southwest on Irvine Boulevard, has both a monument sign anU a wall sign which are approximately the same size as the signs that are proposed for the Church of Scientology. Therefore, the proposed signs are a reasonable request for a church use in the immediate area. CONCLUSION Based upon the findings in the attached resolution and the compatibility of the of the proposal with the area, the Planning staff recommends approval for Use~ Permit 88-7 with the conditions contained in Resolution No. 2479. · _,~~anner Christine A. Shingleton, Director of Community Development ;tachment: Resolution No. 2479 Corn munity DeveloPment Depanmen~ 1 2 4 6 ? $ 9 10 11 19. 13 14 15 17 18 2(I : 21 23 24 25 2'/ RESOLUTION NO. 2479 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, APPROVING USE PERMIT NO. 88-7 AUTHORIZING A 42 SQUARE FOOT MONUMENT SIGN AND 23 SQUARE FOOT WALL SIGN AT IRVINE BOULEVARD AND RED NILL AVENUE, TUSTIN. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: Ae That a proper application, (Use Permit No.88-7) has been filed on behalf of Church of Scientology requesting modification of previously approved Conditional Use Permits (75-3 and 77-19) to authorize the installation of a 42 square foot monument sign and a 23 square foot wall sign. B. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application. Ce That establishment, maintenance, and operation of the use applied for will not, under the circumstances of this case, be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, as evidenced by the following findings: That the proposed signs are compatible with the character of the uses in-the immediate vicinity in regards to color, size and materials. The proposed use is in conformance with the Tustin General Plan and Zoning Code. De That the establishment, maintenance, and operation of the use applied for will not be injurious or detrimental to the property and improvements in the neighborhood of the subject property, nor to the general welfare of the City of Tustin, and should be granted. Proposed development shall be in accordance with the development policies adopted by the City Council, Uniform Building Codes as administered by the Building Official, Fire Code as administered by the Orange County Fire Marshal and street improvement requirements as administered by the City Engineer. F. That this project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (Class 11). Final development plans shall require the review and approval of the Community Development Department. Resolution No. 2479 page two 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12i 13 14 15 16!! 17 18 20t~ 2] 22 23 II. The Planning Commission hereby approves Conditional Use Permit No. 88-7 a modification to previously approved Conditional Use Permits 75-3 and 77-10 to authorize the installation of a 42 square foot monument sign and a 23 square foot wall sign subject to the following conditions: The proposed project shall substantially conform with the submitted site plan for the project on file with the Community Development Department, as herein modified, or as modified by the Director of Community Development. Unless otherwise specified, the conditions contained herein, shall be complied with prior to the issuance of any building permit for the project, subject to review and approval by the Community Development Department. At building plan check, construction plans and structural calculations must be submitted. Requirements of the Uniform Building Codes must be complied with as approved by the Building Official. That the proposed signs shall be installed within 12 months of the date of approval of this resolution. If the signs are not installed after such time, the Use Permit shall become null and void. That any modifications including size, shape, col or and materials of these signs shall require an amendment to this Use Permit. That the Church of Scientology continue to comply with all the conditions listed in Use Permit 75-3 and 77-19. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held on the day of , 1988. 24 ~ I PENNI FOLEY, 27 Recording Secretary l~WEIL, Chairman 2~ lUOLU.tJedaO luauudol@^aO ,,41!unuJ mod -.% : (s [.LeO. ep ~0~ su~[d I.~Jn~,oe0..t4oJV e~s) dZZHZ euo~t.~euJV 'dOl.OO [uee.~o e pe~.u.ted eq o~, )looLq d.,nts edo~ e Xq do[oo [eJn~eu pue 4s.tut~ qSnoJ ~o )tooLq eoe~-:t.[l, ds :~o :tstsuoo saSueq~ ~asodo,~d °LL~ eq~ =~o uS.tsep aq~ 'e~ueq~ o:t 5U.LSOdodd ~ou s.[ :tue~.rLdde aqJ. NOIJ.dlH3S3O .L3qt~OBd · a[uaq~ Ledn:me:r~q~,~e q3ue~ u.L:~snl aq:~ q~ luals~suo~ pue 3uamdoLa^ap 3uaoe.Cpe q3.L~ eLq.L3~dmo3 eq o3 s~ kLe~ 43otq ae:tarU.LJad aq.L ONflOHgY3V9 '8~ 'oN uo~ntose~ ~o uo~dope Xq ~T-~8 ~a~Aaa uS~seo aAo~dde'uo~ss[mmo~ §u~uueLd aq~ =eq= papuammo3aJ s~ ~I NOIIVON31~i033~ '~SL~ 13VB.L '99VR N309B B3.L3HIB3d aOJ S39NVlO NDIS3O 30 9VAOadd¥ '03BIfl~3B SI iOllYLIOHI1300 9VNOIIIGOV ON 'NV'Id 31~133d$ NILSfll ISV3 3H/ BO3 (Z-S8) BI3 SflOlA3Bd V AB 03B3A03 SI 133POad IN"-JI~dOq3A30 NIl$flJ. 15V3 JO £gLZT 13VaJ. ANVditO0 3NXAB! 31U. DT-BB R3IA3B N9IS3O BB6! '~! 9IBdV : IS3flb3B :SflIVIS 9V£N3#NOBIAN3 :NOIlV309 :lNV3Iqdd¥ :133~8flS :31V0 ~ ma~I u!uueld u oD ol Planning Commission Report Design Review 88-14 April 11, 1988 Page two mortar joints will not be tooled in order to emphasize the horizontal and rustic character of the wall; monarch red (4 x 2 1/2 x 8) standard brick cap, by Davidson Brick or equivalent, will be maintained but be placed a little more irregularly. Brick accent will provide a common element with the walls already intalled on Phase I Residential, south of Bryan; and size and dimensions of wall will be maintained. However, brick sizes will be reduced from 8" to 6". Proposed changes will provide continuity with wall of Phase I Residential, and will blend well with the Tustin Ranch Early Californian architectural style currently being utilized in Phase II projects. Pa~izia Materassi, P1 anner PM: CAS: ts Attachments: Architectural plans Resolution No. 2488 ~,.':',~,~ i~',.,... ,,~ , Christine A. Shingleton, Director of Community Development Community DeveloPment Department 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 1.5 17 18 RESOLUTION NO. 2488 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA APPROVING DESIGN REVIEW 88-14 TO ALLOW DESIGN CHANGES FOR A PERIMETER BLOCK WALL AT TRACT 12763 OF EAST TUSTIN DEVELOPMENT. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: Ae That a proper application has been filed on behalf of the Irvine Company for the proposed design changes of perimeter block wall. That the Planning Commission has reviewed the project and determines that the changes will provide architectural continuity and will be compatible with the Tustin Ranch Early Californian Architectural style. That proposed design changes are consistent with East Tustin Specific Plan, Final Tract Map 12763, and Conceptual Landscape Plan for the area. D. That the final development and structural plans for the wall shall require approval of the Community Development Department. E. Proposed perimeter walls shall accommodate required paseo's conditioned in conjunction with tentatively approved builder tract map in Phase II. F. That the project i~ covered by Environmental Impact Report (85-2) for the East Tustin Specific Plan area, and that no further documentation is required, according to the California Environmental Quality Act. 1911' II. The Planning Commission hereby approves proposed design changes for the perimeter block wall of Tract 12763 by adoption of Resolution 2488 hereby attached. 21 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, 22 held on the day of , 1988. 23 KATHY WEIL, 24 Chairman 27 I PENNI'FOLEY, 28 Secretary Report to the Planning Commission Item 9 DATE: APRIL 11, 1988 SUBJECT: REPORT O# COUNCZL ACTXO#S - ApPtl 4, 1988 Oral presentation. pef Attachments: City Council Action Agenda - April 4, 1988 Community Development Department ACTION AGENDA OF A REGULAR MEETING OF TRE TOSTIN CITY COUNCIL APRIL 4, 1988 7:00 P.M. 7:01 I. CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/INVOCATION ALL PRESENT II. ROLL CALL TO BE PRESENTED AT BANQUET III. PROCLAMATION - Tustin High School Basketball Team IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS ADOPTED RESOLUTION 88-36 AS M~I'I'[EN 1. APPEAL OF USE PERMIT NO. 88-5 - THE VINEYARD CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP, 330 W. FIRST STREET Recommendation: That the City Council uphold the decision of the Planning Commission conditionally approving Use Permit 88-5, by adoption of Resolution No. 88-36 as recommended by the Community Development Department: RESOLUTION NO. 88-36 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, UPHOLDING THE DECISION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION CONDITIONALLY APPROVING USE PERMIT 88-5 TO ALLOW A CHURCH USE IN THE PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT (PM) AT 330 W. SIXTH STREET CL PUBLIC REARING A~ SOLUTION TO BE BROuaRT BACK AT NEXT MEETING ® PROPOSED FAIRHAVEN AVENUE ANNEXATION NO. 144 TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Recommendation: That the City Council take action as deemed appropriate. CLOSED PUBLIC REARING AND RESOLUTION TO BE BROUGHT BACK AT NEXT MEETING PROPOSED PROSPECT AVENUE ANNEXATION NO. 145 TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Recommendation: That the City Council take action as deemed appropriate. STAJCF TO SEND SUI~J%RY 4. ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT 87-4 - CULTURAL RESOURCES DISTRICT OF NOTICES TO EVERYONE IN THE DISTRICT INFORMING Recommendation: That the City Council continue the Public Hearing THEM ~ THE REARING ON until April 18, 1988, as recommended by the Community Development MAY 2NO AND THAT THE Department. ORDINANCE IS AVAILABLE AT CITY HALL. MR. KINOER FROM V. PUBLIC INPUT ~0 ICART I~CII~ SAIO HE HAD BEEN WORKING WI1}l THE POLICE STAFF. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR REGARDING THE EVENT AND IS WAITING FOR A REPORT FROM APPROVED 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - MARCH 21, 1988, REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 29, 1988 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING APl rD 2. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,318,357.61 RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL IN THE AMOUNT OF $174,631.78 CITY COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA PAGE 1 4-4-88 ADOPT~EO RESOLUTION NO -37 APPROVED STAFF RECOI~ENDATION 3. RESOLUTION NO. 88-37 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, TERMINATING LA COLINA/BEVERLY GLEN ANNEXATION PROCEEDING NO. 142 Adopt Resolution No. 88-37 as determined by the number of protests filed and recommended by the City Attorney. 4. APPROVAL OF CONSULTANT SERVICES FOR PREPARATION OF CULTURAL RESOURCES INVENTORY OF CITY Approve the proposed scope of work (option 3) with the firm of Thirtieth Street Architects and authorize the City Manager to execute a contract for said services. APPROVED STAFF RECO~4ENDATION APPROVED STAFF RECOI~ENDATION APPR___OVEO STAFF REr ~ENDATION VII. INTRODUCED ORDINANCE NO. 1006 e ROLLING STOCK REPLACEMENT Authorize solicitation proposals for replacement of rolling stock authorized in the 1987-88 fiscal budget as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. ® NARCOTIC ARREST ASSET FORFEITURE FUNDS - PURCHASE OF COMPUTER PRINTERS Utilize $4,474.28 of our current on-hand narcotic arrest asset forfeiture monies to purchase one laser jet 500 forms printer and one HP 2235 desk top printer as recommended by the Police Department. FUEL PLANAGEMENT SYSTEM REPLACEMENT Authorize solicitation for proposals for replacement of Fuel Management System authorized in the 1987-88 fiscal budget as recommended by the Public Works Department/Field Services. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION ORDINANCE NO. 1006-- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, AMENDING SECTION 1515 OF CHAPTER 5, ARTICLE 1, OF THE TUSTIN MUNICIPAL CODE, CHANGING THE STARTING TIME OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEETINGS. M. O. - That Ordinance No. 1006 have first reading by title only. M. O. - That Ordinance No. 1006 be introduced. ADOPTED ORDINANCE NO. 1005 IX. RECL.¢ED AND FILED VIII. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION ORDINANCE NO. 1005 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES FOR REGULATION OF LAND USE AND CONSTRUCTION IN FLOOD PRONE AREAS BY ADDING SECTION 9800 ET. SEQ., CHAPTER 8, TO ARTICLE 9 OF THE TUSTIN MUNICIPAL CODE ENTITLED, "FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT REGULATIONS" M. O. - That Ordinance No. 1005 have second reading by title only. M. O. - That Ordinance No. 1005 be passed and adopted. (Roll Call Vote) OLD BUSINESS 1. JWA NOISE MONITORING PROGRAM - STATUS REPORT Recommendation: 1988. Receive and file subject report dated April 4, CITY COUNCIL ACTION AGENOA PAGE 2 4-4-88 CITY ATTORNEY TO TAKE 2. ABANDONED PROPERTY AND ATTRACTIVE NUISANCE LOCATION AT 1472 GARLAND STRnm: AC'~ION l~) A~)ATE lltE AVENUE, TUSTIN CO~ ~N Recon~nendation: Receive and file as recommended by the Community Development Department. CREATE A PARK COI~qXS- 3. FOLLOW UP TO PARK WORKSHOP SION WITH 5 MEMBERS AT $25 PER MEETING TO Recommendation: Pleasure of the City Council as recommended by SERVE AT THE Iq_EASURE Community Services Department. OF THE CITY COUNCIL X. NEW BUSINESS CONTINUED TI) 21~) 1. THE ROLE OF THE CITY IN ENFORCING CC&R'S MEETING IN MAY Recommendation: Pleasure of the City Council. APPROVED STAJ:F 2. AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS ON WALNUT STREET, RECOI~IENDATION ORANGE STREET, PROSPECT AVENUE AND LOCKWOOD PARK PLACE Recommendation: Award the contract for subject project to Zagros Company of Irvine, California, in the amount of $146,590.50 as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. APPROVED STAFF 3. AWARD ANNUAL PAVEMENT MARKING PROGRAM CONTRACT RECOMMENDATION Recommendation: That the City Council award the contract for the Annual Pavement Marking Program to Safety Striping Service, Inc., of Fillmore for an estimated annual cost of $26,558.00 as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. APPROVED STAFF 4. AWARD ANNUAL ASPHALT. CONCRETE PAVEMENT REPAIR PROGRAM CONTRACT RECOPl4EROATION Recommendation: That the City Council award the contract for the Annual Asphalt Concrete Pavement Repair Program to Hardy and Harper Inc. of 1trine for an estimated annual cost of $22g,875.00 as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. XI. REPORTS RATIFIED 1. PLANNING CO~IISSION ACTION AGENDA - MARCH 28, 1988 All actions of the Planning Commission become final unless appealed by the City Council or member of the public. Recommendation: Ratify the Planning Commission Action Agenda of March 28, 1988. RECEIVED AND FILED 2. RESPONSE TO INQUIRY OF MR. COX ON STEVEN'S SQUARE PARKING STRUCTURE Recommendation: Receive and file as recommended by the Community Development Department. RE(. .'D AND FILED 3. PROPOSED PRE-ANNEXATION AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SANTA ANA AND SANTA ANA HILLS PROPERTY OWNERS Recommendation: Receive and file. CITY COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA PAGE 3 4-4-88 CONT[pUED TO APRIL 18~ ~8 REPORT ON REQUEST FOR ENGINEERING STUDY AT THE INTERSECTION OF EL CAMINO REAL AND SIXTH STREET Recommendation: Continuance to the April 18, 1988 meeting. K~Y ASKED THE XII. OTHER BUSINESS POLICE DEPT. TO O4ECK THE CONDITIONS AT THE BEL AIR HOTEL. KENNEDY REQUESTED SUME TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT ON 6TH STREET KENNEDY SAID SHE ATTENOED THE PARKS AgO RECREATION BANQUET AT IItICH MRRGARETE THOMPSON WAS HONORED /elD SHE WAS PROUO OF THE RESPECT GIVEN TO ROYLEEN k~ITE ANO SUSAN JONES BY THEIR PEERS. PRESCOTT REQUESTED STAFF TO LOOK INTO A~ATING THE 14~EDS Off THE CITY LOT ON EL CAMINO. PRESCOTT ASKED FOR AN UPDATE ON CITY ENTRANCE SIGNS. PRESCOTT SUGGESTED AGENDIZING FOR MAY 2ND THE CREATION OF AN INTERN PROGRAM FOR HI~ SCHOOL STUOENTS TO SPENO TIME IN THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS WITH POSSIBILITY OF RECEIVING CREDITS FOR GRADUATION. XIII. CLOSED SESSION The City Council will recess to Closed Session to confer with the City Attorney regarding pending litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9{b)(1), and to consider personnel matters pursuant to Government Code Section 54957. REC..?O TO THE XIV. ADJOURNMENT - To the next regular meeting on April 18, 1988, at 7:00 ABOVE CLOSED SESSION, p.m. AT 10:46 P.M., THENCE TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING, THENCE TO 6:00 P.M. SESSION TO INTERVIEW ALmOIT COI~4ITTEE CANDIDATES ON HAY 2ND, AND THENCE TO THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING AT 7:OO P.M. ON l~Y 2)10. CITY COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA PAGE 4 4-4-88 ACTION AGENDA OF AN REGULAR ~ETING OF THE TUSTTN REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APRIL 4, 1988 7:00 P.M. 10:46 1. ALL PRESENT 2. APPROVED 3. NONE 4. 10:47 5. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES - MARCH 21, 1988, REGULAR MEETING Recommendation: Approve. OTHER BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT To the next Regular Meeting on Monday, April 18, 1988, at 7:00 p.m. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ACTION AGENDA PAGE I APRIL 4, 1988