HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 1 TIO MOU 05-02-88DATE:
~ ~'.-..~ NEW BUSINESS
...... 5-2-88
APRIL 26, 1988
Inter- Com
That the Tustin City Council at their meeting of May 2, 1988, approve
the attached Memorandum of Understanding between the cities of Tustin,
Irvine, and Orange regarding the implementation of the Foothill/Eastern
Transportation Corridor subject to final approval by the City Attorney.
The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that was previously adopted by
the City Council on February 8, 1988 was not identical to the MOU
adopted by the Cities of Irvine and Orange. The current revised MOU
'attached) reflects resolution of the differences between the three
The County of Orange, Environmental Management Agency, is conducting a
Route Location Study for the Eastern Transportation Corridor (ETC).
Several route alignments have been analyzed for circulation and
environmental impacts. In addition to the County study, the Cities of
Tustin-Irvine-Orange have developed additional corridor alignments that
address issues common to the three cities; Tustin staff as well as the
other city staffs and the Homeowners Coalition Group have been active
participants in the Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor preferred
route selection process.
The Tustin City Council has expressed its support of the ETC on several
occasions; however, a number of issues need resolution before these
facilities are constructed. A coordinated -effort to resolve these
issues among the TIO cities culminated in the previously approved MOU
of February 8, 1988.
The TIO cities' preferred Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor
route as described in the revised MOU continues to attempt to implement
Tustin's policies regarding transportation corridors. The preferred
route incorporates circulation concepts that minimize impacts to
existing residential communities of all the TIO Cities while providing
~ effective circulation system.
APRIL 26, 1988
The Cities of Irvine and Orange are scheduled to take action on the
approval of this revised MOU on April 26, 1988. After approval by all
of the TIO Cities, the executed MOU will be submitted to the
Transportation Corridor Agency as a recommended preferred corridor
route alignment to be considered with the other Foothill/Eastern
Transportation Corridor alternative alignments.
Bob Ledendecker
~irector of Public Works/City Engineer
WHEREAS, .the foregoing Memorandum of Understanding supercedes the
Memorandum of Understanding adopted by the City of Tustin on February 8, 1988 and by
the Cities of h'vine and Orange on February 9, 1988; and
WHEREAS, the residents of Tustin, Irvine, Orange and unincorporated portions of
Orange County within the affected area of the the Foothill/Eastern Transportation
Corridor (F/ETC) have voiced their concerns related to the route location of said
Corridor; and
WHEREAS, the residents of said communities have proposed F/ETC alignments that
are sensitive to environmental and community impacts; and
wHEREAS, the Cities of Tustin, I_,wine and Orange (the "Cities") have identified
specific concerns relating to the nature and location of the F/ETC; and
WHEREAS, the resolution of environmental issues as they relate to Transportation
Corridors is of major importance to the Cities, County, and Transportation Corridor
Agency; and
WHEREAS, the Cities recognize .that concerns identified by residents are an
important consideration in establishing a corridor route location; and
WHEREAS, the Cities have supported the establishment of the Foothill/Eastern
Transportation Corridor Agency (the "Agency") to study and adopt alignments and
implement facilities within the F/ETC area of benefit by adopting the Major
Thoroughfare and Bridge Fee Program and voting to join the Agency; and
WHEREAS, the Cities have conducted cooperative studies regarding the F/ETC
route location as it relates to circulation and environmental issues that are common to
the three Cities; and
WHEREAS, the route location studies conducted up to date by the Cities in
cooperation with the County and the Agency involved citizen participation; and
WHEREAS, the concerns of citizens were a significant criteria in developing
corridor alignment concepts; and
WHEREAS, the Cities have been deeply concerned with traffic impacts related to
the Bottleneck problem; and
WHEREAS, ongoing studies indicate that the Bottleneck problem results in severe
impacts to the Cities as well as other portions of Orange County; and
1HA521-06/PWD(3) 4/18/88. -1-
WHEREAS, the Cities conclude that the foregoing'Memorandum of Understanding
outlines the next best solution to the Bottleneck problem in the development of an
environmentally superior alternative when compared to the Foothill Transportation
Corridor -- Garden Grove Freeway "direct connector" as identified in the Bottleneck
study; and
WHEREAS, the Cities have shared technical information and have otherwise
cooperated with the County in the analysis of route location alternatives for the ETC;
WHEREAS, the County of Orange and the Agency have circulated a draft
Environmental Impact Report and a Route Location Study for the ETC which evaluates
the environmental effects of alternative route locations for the ETC; and
WHEREAS, the Cities have previously recognized the need for and supported the
design and construction of the Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor as a means of
meeting regional transportation demands; and
WHEREAS, the County of Orange and the Agency, in cooperation with affected
cities, have undertaken to conduct certain route location studies of the Foothill/Eastern
Transportation Corridor (F/ETC); and
WHEREAS, the Cities of Tustin and Irvine have executed a Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) on March 13, 1986, regarding the route location of the Eastern
Transportation Corridor within the proximity of I-5; and
WHEREAS, the State Streets and Highways Code paragraph 257 define "freeway"
and "expressway" as follows:
Freeway - "Shall mean a divided arterial highway for through traffic with full
control of access and with grade separations at intersections;"
Expressway - "Shall mean an arterial highway for through traffic which may have
partial control of access but which may or may not be divided or have grade
separations at intersections;" and
WHEREAS, all expressways referred to in this Memorandum of Understanding are
interpreted to be grade-separated.
That this Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") constitutes a portion of the
comments of the Cities on the Eastern Transportation Corridor Draft EIR
(Cleeringhouse No. 85041026), and provides advice to the County and the Agency
regarding the Cities' preferred alignment of the Corridor.
That the adoption of a preferred route location for the F/ETC should be subject to
certification of environmental documentation by the County of Orange and the
Agency. The final plans, specifications, and estimates (PSE) should be subject to
conditions and 'approval by the appropriate agencies.
That the Cities of Tustin, Irvine, and Orange have agreed upon concepts for the
development of the F/ETC that are sensitive to residents' concerns regarding the
1HA521-06/PWD(3) -2-
integrity of established residential communities with respect to visual, noise, and
traffic impacts, and meet the Cities' overall circulation objectives and Cities"-
policies on Transportation Corridors.
That the Cities agree to recommend a common preferred route location for the
F/ETC within their City boundaries and sphere of influence areas. The preferred
F/ETC route strives to reach at a common goal between affected agencies and
affected public.
That the adoption of a preferred route location for the F/ETC by the County of
Orange and the Agency may need concurring action by the respective Cities in
processing General Plan Amendments.
That there is a need for a dual facility corridor, namely the west leg and the east
leg of the F/ETC (see Exhibit A).
That there is a need for the F/ETC to interchange with I-5. The recommended
location of a freeway-to-freeway type interchange is at SR-133. The design and
construction of the interchange should be subject to coordination between the City
of Irvine, the Agency, County of Orange, Caltrans, and FHWA.
That the recommended Loma Ridge alignment for the east leg is the 83-B
alignment. This position is taken in recognition that based on studies, to date, the
Loma Ridge alignment is the least environmentally damaging (noise, visual impact,
etc.) to the communities of Northwood and East Tustin/Cowan Heights, when
compared to the currently Master Planned Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor
alignments. The 83-B alignment assumes the deletion of Foothill Transportation
Corridor segments west of Sand Canyon Avenue.
That the recommended 85-B segment of the Corridor should be designed and
constructed to freeway standards, not precluding provision for High Occupancy
Vehicle (HOV) lanes and truck-climbing lanes as necessary.
That extension of SR-133 from I-5 to link with alignment 83-B at its ]unction with
the Foothill Transportation Corridor is recommended. It is further recommended
that: this segment of the Corridor parallel Sand Canyon Avenue on the east side;
that the east leg should be designed and constructed as a six-lane limited access,
grade separated facility. The roadway should be phased and constructed to provide
the needed capacity, subject to no adverse impact to the arterial highway system.
That the west leg of the Corridor is recommended as a critical link in the regional
circulation system which parallels SR-55 which is needed to provide adequate
capacity to the Irvine Business Complex/John Wayne Airport area. In addition, the
west leg of the Corridor is needed to relieve congestion on SR-55 and adjacent
arterial streets.
That the recommended west icg of the Corridor be designed and ultimately
constructed as a six-lane (general purpose) grade separated expressway from its
junction with alignment 83-B in the vicinity of Chapman Avenue to south of [-5,
linking with the Jamboree Superstreet; and that the final decision regarding the
design criteria be deferred until subsequent environmental, engineering, financing
and phasing studies are prepared by the Agency, with participation from the cities,
affected public, and landowners.
1HA521-06/PWD(3) -3-
That the recommended east and west legs of the Corridor be constructed below
grade or screened with berms where a depressed alignment is infeasible. The intent
is to mitigate visual and noise impacts to adjacent residential communities.
That the initial roadway sizing for the east and west legs of the Corridor should be
based on demonstrated needs as determined by phasing studies. The ultimate
widening to six lanes should not occur until the need is shown. "
That all components of the ETC, including the 83-B alignment, the west leg, and
the east leg, are critically important to serve anticipated regional traffic needs,
and that all components be phased and constructed in concert with those needs as
they evolve.
That the recommended west leg of the Corridor be built in conformance with the
Browning Corridor Agreement between the Cities of Irvine and Tustin, The Irvine
Company, and the Tustin Helicopter Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) which
requires a helicopter emergency landing/clearance zone extending north of I-5
along the proposed Corridor route.
That a single facility through the Peters Canyon area is recommended, to follow
the current alignment for the North-South Road from north of Tustin Ranch Road
to approximately 3,000 feet south of Santiago Canyon Road/ Chapman Avenue
where it would turn easterly to interehange with the 83-B alignment. This position
recognizes that a single grade separated facility through Peters Canyon has less
impacts on the environment and adjacent communities.
That a grade separated "direct connector" of the west leg with the 83-B alignment
is recommended, to include a half-diamond interchange for the East/West roadway
in East Orange with the west leg of the Corridor.
That the west leg of the Corridor may have a grade separated interchange north of
Tustin Raneh Road to provide access to local development in the Peters Canyon
area. The location of interchange or access points should be determined at a future
time, when development occurs. No arterial connection to the Corridor via this
interchange should be extended to other County regional circulation facilities,
including but not limited to'. Foothill Boulevard, Lower Lake Drive, and Raquet
Hill. It is further noted that the County of Orange, EMA is undertaking a study
process that may amend the Master Plan of Arterial Highways for these roads.
That the construction of the North-South Road through Peters Canyon should
continue as scheduled. The upgrade to an Expressway should occur concurrent with
the Corridor development, and that provision be made to install utilities in the
North-South Road, so that they are not in conflict with the operation of any access
controlled facility to which it may be converted at a later date, or any required
future relocations shall be at the cost of the conversion project.
That the recommended west leg of the Corridor from Tustin Ranch Road/Portola
Parkway to Irvine Boulevard should be east of Jamboree Road and at least 3/4
miles west of Culver Drive. From Irvine Boulevard to I-5, the corridor alignment
should be west of Peters Canyon Wash and as close to Jamboree Road as feasible.
The recommended alignment should not require the removal of any historic
structures at the Irvine Agricultural Headquarters.
1HA521-06/PWD(3) -4-
That the City of Irvine should decide the location of access to the west leg from
Tustin Ranch Road to I-5, subjedt to no additional adverse impact to the Tustin
arterial highway system.
That the west leg of the Corridor should connect to Jamboree Road between I-5
and Walnut Avenue. The undercrossing at I-5 should be not less than 1,100 feet
west of the centerline of Pete~s Canyon Wash and 700 feet east of the eentertine of
Jamboree Road. The design and construction of the undercrossing should be
sensitive to noise and visual impacts to affected communities.
That the City of Irvine should decide the location of arterial highways south of I-5
within the transition area, subject to engineering, circulation and environmental
analysis and subject to no additional adverse impact to the Tustin arterial highway
system. The City of Tustin and affected public should participate in a coordinated
effort to develop an efficient circulation system for the transition area that is
sensitive to engineering, environmental and community concerns.
That the City of Orange should participate in a cooperative effort with the Agency
to design arterial interchanges in the Orange Bowl area.
That the Corridor provide adequate access to local arterials and that the
recommended 83-B alignment interchange with the following arterials:
(a) Jeffrey Road
(b) Culver Drive South (h'vine Boulevard to 83-B)
(c) Culver Drive North (83-B to Santiago Canyon Road)
(d) Santiago Canyon Road/Chapman Avenue
(e) Santiago Canyon Road/Katella Avenue -
(f) An east/west unnamed arterial along the north side of Irvine Lake
That the following roads should be constructed or extended to provide an adequate
circulation system and should be subject to the requirements for inclusion in the
County's Arterial Highway Financing Program:
(a) North/south Road extension to SR-91
(b) Jeffrey Road extension from Irvine Boulevard to Santiago Canyon Road and
(c) Culver Drive South (Irvine Boulevard to 83-B)
(d) Culver Drive North (83-B to Santiago Canyon Road)
(e) Portola Parkway extension from the FTC east of Sand Canyon to Tustin
Ranch Road
(f) Myford Road/I-5 overcrossing
(g) Collector-distributor road between Tustin Ranch Road and Jamboree
interchange with I-5
That the Eastern Transportation Corridor be continued from the junction of the
east and west legs in the Orange Bowl area, to SR-91.
That the appropriate right-of-way be preserved to meet future transportation needs
as determined by the Agency in accordance with the Corridor Phasing Study
currently underway.
That the F/ETC be designed and constructed as a well-landscaped scenic-type
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That the data generated by the County of Orange and the Cities' consultants for
the various route locations, be transmitted to the Agency;
That the County and Agency be requested that the pertinent technical data that
has been generated for the Cities preferred corridor route be included in the
Eastern Transportation Corridor Route Location Study Environmental Impact
Report and other related documentation.
That the Cities further agree that the development of the F/ETC is essential to the
circulation needs of the three Cities as well as the County and region. Therefore,
the Cities support expeditious processing of the design and construction of the
F/ETC. It is further supported that the various funding mechanisms be pursued by
the Agency to include financing by tolls, fees, County, State and other funds as
That the reeommendations in this MOU are provided by the Cities subject to the
completion of the EIR process for the Eastern Transportation Corridor Route
Location Study, and any other necessary environmental documentation, and that
these recommendations may be revised and supplemented by the Cities in response
to any new information that may be developed during such EIR process or during
the consideration of the route location alternatives by the Agency. To the extent
that any of the recommendations in this MOU are at a level of detail greater than
is evaluated in the ETC Draft EIR such recommendations are expressly subject to
the eompletion of appropriate environmental documentation which will be
necessary for the construction of the ETC.
That the Cities understand that certain actions of the Cities, the County and the
Agency, including, but not limited to the selection of a route for the ETC, require
compliance with legal procedures, public hearings and discretionary decisions.
Nothing in this MOU shall be interpreted to pre-commit the Cities individually or
collectively in any manner contrary to such legal procedures or requirements,
including, but not limited to all of the provisions of the California Environmental
Quality Act and the National Environmental Policy Act, it being understood and
agreed that all recommendations in this MOU are qualified by the necessity of
compliance with any such applicable legal procedures and requirements.
That the Cities agree to continue their separate and collective efforts to support
the general concepts described in their Memorandum of Understanding and to
assume a leadership role in working with citizens and public agencies through public
meetings, workshops, and the public review process to reach and achieve resolution
of the following pending issues:
(a) Location and intended service area of an interchange with west leg of ETC in
Peters Canyon.
(b) Restriction of truck vehicular use on the Peters Canyon segment of the west
The alignment and configuration of Portola Parkway east of Jamboree Road
and the west leg of the Corridor in their confluence with Tustin Ranch Road
and Jamboree Road.
1HA521-06/PWD(3) -6-
DATED: 1988 DATED: 1988
1HA521-06/PWD(3) -7-
Foothill/Eastern Transportation
Corridor Analysis
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