HomeMy WebLinkAboutRPT 4 MRKD PATROL UNIT 05-02-88,., ~ ~. DATE:' APRIL 26, 1988 REPORTS  NO. 4 5 -2 -88 inter - C om FROH: SUBJECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY NANAGBR CAPTAIN FRED VAKEFIELD COMPETITIVE BID PROCESS - NARKED PATROL UNIT PURCHASE In the Council meeting of April 18, 1988, Councilman Prescott requested copies of the competitive bid process utilized by Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department for purchase of police patrol vehicles. Attached please find the specification sheet for the Los Angeles County Sheriff patrol vehicles, request for quotation on cost for these vehicles, and a copy of the accepted quotat.ion as submitted by Sopp Chevrolet. The accepted low bidder quoted a price of $11,559.36 per police unit. This was the base price for our purchase. Our purchase price was computed as follows: $11,559.36 - Base Price (173 00)- Less for white only paint $11,386 36 669 00 -Added options for TPD use $12,055 36 723 32 - Tax $12.778 68 - Purchase price If we can be of any further assistance, please let me know. Fred Wakefield, Captain Acting Chief of Police FW:dh ~/~j~QUE~T FOR. CUQTATION · , 'r~ ~S NOT AN OR~ER \ TO [ ~OU~ GARFIELD AVENUE, ~OOM 1~ ~AUR[CE ). SOPP ~ ~ 5S01 PACIFIC BLVD ~0-2~-87 : S~CS ............ ,--,,o-,',-' "." i ?URC:"] STD ].].-30--"37 7 20-6834 ?635 CARS-SHERIFF PATROL ($9) YOUR SIGNATURE HEREON CERTtFIESTHAT QUOTED PRICE~ ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL ~LI~BLE FEDERA~ 9~ICE CONTROL REGULAT~ SINCE ~CH BID ~AG; WZ~L B~ S~A~T~D ~OR ~.%ST~;G I~TO ~2~ ABST.~%CT FCX?,, IMPORT~ TF~T YOU SHOT; YOUR FI~M NAM~ ON ~L ~AGZS. ~SO, 9L~SZ IDgS:TiFY A~AC~4~S, LITS~TU~, S~PLE$, ~C. WITH YOUR FIRM NAM~ AND OUR BID NO, Z: Unless o=he~ise qualified, Ins~ctions and Conditions (last page R~uest for Quotation) is chang~ to read: "Quotations are sub, eot accep~ce a~ ~y ~ime within one hundred twenty (120) calendar days after opening." ( 5 ) BIDS SUBMITTED WITH INSUFFICIENT POSTAGE WILL BE RETURNED O T L AS INDICATED IN BID R WE;IIHE~EEY AGREE TO FURNISH THE ARTICLES ANCIOR SERVICESLISTEOHEREIN, AT THEPRICESAN0 TERMS STATED & SON ~OE CO~ FO~G~ARD IF YOU OO NOT CARE TO EtD ON ANY ITEMS HEREIN. PLEASE CHECK MERE. $11~N AND RETURN THIS PAGE CASH DISCOUNT OF LE~ THAN 30 DAYS OR 25th PROX. WILL BE lNG THIS QUOTATION. J NOTE: SEE BACK OF LAST PAGE (~OUNTY PROCUREMENT NOTICE. c,,~o,,c .... 8%%,. 30 DA ~o.m. DELZV~:~D 150 EUl}LQV~R'~ t~)ENTIFICA?iON NUMnEI~ i_SXAD 98-01-'8~ LIST ~ 635 1 01-039 QUOTATION NO. PAGE N ',QUEST FOI QUOTATION j~CHA~ING AGZN?.'COUNTY OF' LOS ANGZt£S The following items are for delivery to: FCI~ITIE$ ~1ANAGEMENT DEPAKTMENT 1100 N. ESTERN AVE. ~OS ANGELES, CA 90063 SHERIFF SEDANS-Patrol Interceptor type- Color: black/White-Per Specifications for L.A. Couty Sheriff's Patrol Vehicles 1987/1988 attached. SHERIFF SEDANS-Solid Color-Per Specifica- tions for L.A. County Sheriff's Solid Color Vehicles 1987/1988 attached. * Colors to be selected ak time of purchase 191 EA *49 EA .~$11,559.36 Ea..~ $10,978.76 Ea. STATE ],.AKE AND MODEL YOU OFFER ........ CHEVROLET CA~RICE DELIVERY TO BE MADE VIA FULL MOUNT TRUCK X OR PAIL STATE LOCATION OF FACTORY .................... (CHECK ONE) ATLANTA QUOTE PRICE PER UNIT DELIVERED ............... ("'~4) CRIFF- 956639 & 956640 SEE ABOVE / ,.o.8.. ..... P635 5/L REQUEST FQI::I QUOTATION THIS S NO,7 AN QROER SUBMIT TO PURCHASING AGENT COUNT~ OF LOS ANGELES 2E00 SOUTH GARF1ELD `AVENUE. ROOM 100 P.O. EQX 222~J9 PLEASE READ iNSTRUCTIONS ~JN LAST PAGE BEFORE QUOTING. 10-2g-87 .:URCH STD 11-30-87 USE OF A BRAND N,AME AS A SPECIFICATION IS NOT INTENDED TO RESTRICT COMPETITION. QUOTE IN AC COR~',ANCE WITH SPECIFICATION OR ON YOUR ALTERNATE. `ALTERN,ATE OF;ERE TO MEET ;UNCTION,aL REQUIREMENTS. ADEQUATELY SU~RTED 8W LITERATURE AND YOU~ STATEMENT WHEREIN SPEC~FICA- IC[.OS]N~ OATZ AND CARS-SHERIFF PATROL (SP) YOUR SIGNATURE HEREON CERTIFIES THAT (3UOTE0 PRICES ARE IN COMffLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE PEOERAL PRICE CONTROL REGULATIO~ 5I:;C~ ~%CH BID PAG~ W~'B~ S~A~T~D FOR PA~TI:;G I:~TO ~.; A=S~.:~C~ IMPORTanT TF~T YOU $HO$~ YOUR PI~M NAME ON ALL ~AG~5. AL30, PL~SZ IDE>:TIiY AL A~AC}~4LNTS, LITE~TU~, SAMPLES, ETC. WITH YOUR FIRM =.,A~ AND OUP. ~ID Unless otherwise qualified, Instructions and Conditions (last page of Request for Quotation) is changed to .read: "Quotations are subject acceptance at a~y time within one hundred twenty (120) calendar days after opening." (5) BInS SUBMITTED WITH INSUFFICIENT POSTAGE WILL BE RETURNED 0 T E 0 L I V E. AS INDICATED IN ~'~(I}HEREBY AGREE TO FURNISH THE ARTICLES AND/OR tCES LISTED HERE N ATTHE PRICE,AND TERMS STATED ECT TO T~E INSTRUCTIONS AND CONDITIONS ON THE C~RM NAM[ FOX;fARO NOTE: SEE BACK OF LAST PAGE FOR COUNTY PROCUREMENT NOTICE. II= YOU OO NOT CARE TO BIO ON ANY ITEMS HEREIN. PLEASE CHECK HERE. SIGN AND RETURN THIS PAGE 9NLY CA,iH OI$COUNT Q; LES~ THAN ~00AYS OR 25m PROX, WIlL 8E CONSIDERED AS NET IN EVALUAT. lNG THIS QUOTATION. LIST i ~ P635 01-03q , QUOTATION NO 1 PAGE NO REQUEST FOR QUOTATION I ~AM P~JRCNASING AGENT. COUNTY OF ~.08 ANGEl. ES I NAME PURCHASE STANDARD: In addition to conditions on this request for quotation, it is understood your quotation, unless otherwise qualified, is entirely in accordance with County of Los Angeles Purchase Standard 908-2. (6) Quote prices exclusive of Federal Excise Tax. If tax is not applicable, so state in your bid. (8) DELIVERY: (42) Quote F.O.B. Delivered. (47) SURETY: (60) Surety is waived for bidding purposes. Successful bidders will be required to furnish certified check or surety bond guaranteeing faithful performance in an amount of not less than 10% of the estimated value of the award. (61) NOTICE TO BIDDERS - - - In line with our Energy Conservation Program, consideration will be given to equipment that uses fuel or energy in the most efficient manner, consistent with the operational needs of the using department. r LUATION AND AWARD: (110) Unless ~therwise qualified, the County of Los Angeles reserves the right to make one award or a co~bination of awards, whichever is in the best interests of the County. (124) Equipment offered must be new unused current models. (97) NOTE': Specifications of equipment described have been deemed adequate to s-~sfy the performance requirements of the requisitioning department. The County of Los Angeles reserves the right to make an award on equipment which meets functional needs and is suitable for the service required. (~9) BIDDERS SHALL RETURN SPECIFICATION SHEET FULLY COMPLETED STATING ANY EXCEPTION TO SPECIFICATION IN SPACE PROVIDED. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH INSTRUCTIONS t.~Y ~E CONSIDERED SUFFICIENT REASON 'FOR REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. (100) BIDDER MUST COMPLETE RIGHT HAND COLUMN OF ANY ATTACHED SPECIFICATION SHEET WHEN TAKING EXCEPTION TO A SPECIFIC ITEM. INDICATE SUCH EXCEPTION IN THE SPACE PROVIDED. IF QUOTING "AS SPECIFIED" ON AN ITEM, INDICATE IN THE SPACE "AS SPECIFIED" (101) DELIVERY TIME IS TO BE STATED IN CALENDAR DAYS. ~WARD EXC~:PT AS NOI'~D ON INDIVIDUAL Jl~MS. THE FOLLOWING WILL APPLY 'TO ALL iTEMS ON THIS PAGer: CASH DISCOUNT ,, % IN __ 0AYS F.O.B. DAYS FOR COMPtETE DELIVERY AFTER RECEIPT OF OROER REQUEST FOR (~UOTATION From expressed a desire to purchase their police vehiicles under ~he same~' specifications covered by this bid from the successful biddelrs. Servic~ woulc include delivery by the successful bidder :o .each of the age!ncies patti ipating. The County of Los Angeles will issue purchase oirders covering its requirements as specified on the following pages. Each public agency electing to participate in t~is bid order its own re.~uire- ments. There would be no change in the specifications of tke unit supplied participating agencies: however, the agency issuing order w!ll make paynent and issue Federal Excise Tax Exemption Certificate as appli able. The County of Los Angeles will not guarantee paymen~ on any units sold to a participating agency, any will you extend prices offered herein to agency in Southern California area that elects to par{icipate in the purchase of police vehicles meeting these specifications? Answer Yes Or No ......................................... If your answer is YES, state the minimum quantity on any order by a participating agency .......... St ; latest date in the 1988 model year that you would accept an order from Los Angeles County covering additional units, if required, at prices offered herein .............................. If you .will accept orders from participating agencies, would this date also apply to their purchases? Answer .Yes or No ......................... NOTE: Prices on all vehicles in this "Request for Quotation'~ are ~o. inc_ude al-~-i--~osts for parts and equipment if needed to upgrade vehiqles models meet Sheriff Department specifications. It is the bidders ~esponsibi!i:y to aware of any modifications made during testing. TESTING ~rior ~o selection of the successful bidder, a :ar dealer, manufacturer or his representative will be required to furnish m vehicle fo~ test purposes. Test vehicles will be equipped with the engine, brakes, springs, sheck absorbers, steering gears, tires, wheels stabilizer bars, and all other special equipment as called for as part of the ~pecif~catio~s required on al! vehicles in this Request for Quotaticn. ! I T~ 'ehicles furnished by the successful bidder must e identical to v% :les submitted for testing. FORWARD F.O.B. P635 Iil~UEST FOR QUOTATION · ~.I~C~AS]NO AG~'NT. COUNTY OF I.OS ANGel'S, SS :~s.e test vehicles will be subject to an eight ~cetability test series. County of Los Angeles will not be responsik or the condition of the vehicle when retur :e~ting and evaluation. -phase perfo'lmance and le for any da, mage d~rin~ ned to 'the submitted aft the :~thermore, all cars tested will be at the owner's r;sk for any damaget ~rc~rring to the vehicles for any reason. automobile manufacturer shall furnish the tires and whe~ls used for :e~Cing at the track. ~l~icles will ~e tested and' driven under the supervislon ofllthe Los Anoeles U~-nty Sheriff s Department and will be testedland driven b~~' employees'of the ~rtment or personnel designed by the Department. / le~icles testing to be completed according to he schedule established by the ~eriff's Department. ~k~fter the necessary components are removed and limpounded, the test vehicle(s · ~i. ll be returned to the manufacturer. [~RWARD REQUEST FOR QUOTATION · IIIH~CHASJNG AGI~'N'i'. COUNT'Y OF' ~Oe he following items are for delivery to: CILITIES MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT 100 N. ESTERN AVE. OS ANGELES, CA 90063 HERIFF SEDANS-Patrol Interceptor type- olor: black/White-Per Specifications. for .A. Couty Sheriff's Patrol Vehicles 1987/1988 ttached. HERIFF SEDANS-Solid Color-Per Specifica- ions for L.A. County Sheriff's Solid Color 'ehicles 1987/1988 attached. Colors to be selected at time 'f purchase 191 *49 ~ NAM~' EA EA ~TATE MAKE AND MODEL YOU OFFER ........ )ELIVERY TO BE MADE VIA FULL MOUNT TRUCK ;TATE LOCATION OF FACTORY .................... )UOTE PRICE PER UNIT DELIVERED ............... 294) SHERIFF- 956639 & 956640 OR P.A.Z L (CHECK ONE) ExcEl,,"'? AS NOT~'D ON iNDIVIDUAL I'I'£MI. TH[ FOLLOWING WII.~. APPLY TO ALL IT~MI ON THml PAGE: CASH DISCOUNT F.O.B.: % IN ?DAyc_ INSTRUCTIONS and CONDITIONS --" Reeimd JamJety 19~4" .. All prices and na~.etione must be typewritteo or written in ink. NO erasures 24. All sales items awarded to bidder must be completely removed from County must be initialed in ink bY pemon$ signing quotation. 2. State brand0 or make, on each item. If quoting on other Than the rn~ke, model 3. QuoteoneKhi~Eately. Pti~s~ouldbeKat~ in unizs~ifi~he~. 4. ~h quo~tion mu~ be in ~aqte seel~ enwlo~ with ~ the q~t~ion numa ~d closing me on t~ outside, a~ ~ ~ei~ by the CounW Submit b~s to the Counw Pu~h.i~ A~t. ~o~ 1~, 2~ S. Ga~ieid A~n~. P.O. Box 22259, ~W of Com~e, CA 9~. 5. Ti~ of dMiw~ is a ~ of the ~nsideration e~ must ~ st~ in definite not~, "d~s for dMi~" or "days from ~eipt of o~" shall mean ~len~r d~s. ~ di~ount ~ri~ will be com~t~ either fr~ me d~e of dMiww ~d a~ep~nca of the ~s o~ or the daw of rKeipt of ~ a~ p~ d~e is lair. 7. All quomions must be si~ with the fi~'s n~e a~ by a ~n~ble officer or employer. Obli~tion. ~um~ by su~ si~um m~t ~ fulfillS. 8. Unle~ otbe~iM defini~ly s~ifi~, t~ pric~ quot~ he,in do not incl~e 11. S~tion ~73 of the ~ifomia StYe ~ C~ pr~ibi~ the ~un~ of consid~ cenifi~t~n of ~ll com~ie~ with the ~iifomM Stm Panel and t~ pric~ plid by the Counw of bos An~l~ shall ~ conside~ the 15. ~e ~or ~alt hold the Coun~ of ~os An~ies, its officers, ~tl. ~ants, 6ond (Fo~ 76A550) or Continuous Bid and Perfo~ance 8ond (Form premises within fifteen(15)calendar da~s after notice of award is received bv SUCCes4ful bidder. In event items are not removed, or suitable arrangements made for a longer period, title to the material or property will revert to the County, 25. The County of Los Angeles hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in any contract entered into pursuant to th~s request for quotation, minority' business enterprises will not be discriminated against on the grounds of rice, color, sex, or national origin in consideration for an award. 26. If you do not quote, return this sheet and state reason. Otherwise your name will be removed from the mailing list. 27. Failure to examine any drawings, specifications, an,d instructions, or inspect samples or jobsites will be at bidder's risk. 28. Specifications Changes: Changes or modifications to specifications or condi- tions.est.,of this Request for Quotationcan be made only by the Purchasing Agent by issuince of official amendment. Consideration of bids may be ieopar- dized if submitted upon reliance of oral or unofficial change or modification. 29. Purchase order Changes: Changes or modifications to specifications or condi- tions, etc.. of purchase orders issued as i result of this Request for Quotation can be m~cle only by the Purchasing Agent by issuance of official change no- tice. Vendor warrants that he/she will not bill the County for one product and deliver another. For breach or violation of this wtrranty, the County shall have the right to terminate the contract, either in whole or in part, and mly loss or damage Sustained by the County in procuring on the open market any ;teens which the vendor agreed to supply shall be borne and paid for by the vendor. The rights and remedies of the County provided in this clause shall not be exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies pro- vided by the law or under the contract. 30. Prevailing Wages: Where ~abor is required for public work as a part of any quiremeflts covered by this Request for Quotation, pursuant to the provi- sions of the Labor Code of the State of Californii, contractor shall pay no less thin those minimum wages. Copy of prevailing wage rates is available for persual on request at the office of the "Public Works" buyer. 31. Labor Requirements: Union labor requirements shall be the responsibility of the bidder. Any costs incurred to satisfy union labor requirements to fulfill i contract will be for the account of the vendor. Labor disputes shall be. promptly settled so Il to not delay completion of the contract. 32. Covenant Againlt Gratuities: The vendor shall warrant that no gratuities (in the form of entertlinment, gifts, or otherwise) were offered or given by the vendor, or any agent or representative of the vendor, to any officer or em- ployee of the County with a view toward securing the contract or securing favorable treatment with respect to any determinations concerning the perform- ance of the contract. For breach Or violation of this warranty, the County shall have the right to terminate the contract, either in whole or in part, and any toll or damage sustained by the County in procuring on the open market and any item which the vendor agreed to supply shall be borne and paid for by the vendor. The rights and remedies of the County provided in this clause shall not be exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies pro- vided by law or under the contract. 33. Conflict of Interest: Your signature hereon certifies that no County emptovee whose position in the County service enables him/her to influence any award of your offer or any competing offer, and no County employee, spouse or economic dependent of such employee, shall be employed in any capacity by thl bidde~ herein, or have any other direct or indirect financial interest in any transaction resulting from this request for quotation. 34. The County of Los Angeles reserves the right to designate the transportation carrier when common carriers are used in delivery, or make pickup by County trucks if point of origin is within the County of Los Angeles. 35. Your signature hereon certifies that all items offered conform to the require- mints of all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules, ordinances and regulations concerning hazardous materials and toxic substances. To the extent that such laws. rules, ordinances and regulitions apply (such as, but not limited to, the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act and the Toxic Sub- stances Control Act) bidder represents and warrants to County of Los Angeles that bidder will fully comply with all the requirements thereof· 36. All purchase Agreements, Purchase Orders and Contracts will be deemed to be made and entered into in the State of California under the Constitution and laws of this State and are to be so construed. 37. Discrimination -- County Code. Chapter 4.32: The County Code requires that avery contract or agreement between the County and any independent contractor, supplier or vendor shall contain provisions as follows: C)iscrim- ination: The following provisions are required by the County Code. Chapter 4.32, Affirnlative Action in County contracts: By signature to the Request for Quotation, bidder/vendor certifies and agrees that all persons employed by such firm, its affiliates, subsidiaries, or holding companies are and will be treated equally by the firm without regard tO or because of race, religion. ancestry, national origin, or sex and in compliance with all anti-discrimination laws of the United States of America and the State of California. Bidder/ vendor further certifies and agrees that it will deal with its subcontractors, bidders or vendors without regard to or because of race, religion, ancestry, national origin or sex. Bidder/vendor shall allow the County access to its employment records during the regular business hours to verify compliance with these provisions when so requested by the County. If the County finds that any of the above provisions has been violated, the same shall constitute a material breach of contract upon which the County may determine to clncel, terminate, or suspend the contract. The parties agree that in the event The bidder/vendor violates the anti-discrimination provisions of the contract, the County shall, at its option, be entitled to a sum of ten(lO) percent of i;he contract amount or one thousand dollars ($I000), whichever is greater, as damages in lieu of cancelling, terminating or suspending the contract. OUNTYOF LOS ANGELES PURCHASE STANDARD RETAIN I:OR F-t,,rTURE I INSTRUCTIONS: ~uote all prices per unit delivered. ~uote all prices exclusive of Federal Excise Tax. 9574001~K. IV£M: PASSENGER CARS & TRUCKS-VARIOUS SIZES & TYPES~m- '908-2 (11-76) PURCHASING ASTORES DEPT. 2~OO S. Garfield Ave. ,City. of Co-~erce, 6~ 900~0 Exemption Certificate Partial payment will be allowed as units are delivered. Identical invoice numbers for separate deliveries will not be acceptable. Lnvoices are to be mailed to the department and ad~ress as shown on the LOWER LEFT cox-,er of the Purchase Order even though such address might differ from the "Ship To" address. ~omotlve equipment by Caravan Delivery from the factory will not be considered. Delivery to be full mount truck away or rail from factory. Vehicles may be driven in from the dealership provided such dealership is located within a LO mile radius of the delivery point. The successful bidder or bidders will be required to furnish the using County department with 'a certified copy of Bill of Lading~ SPECIFICATIONS Al! vehicles will be serviced, when delivered. cleaned, and ready for immediate operation The intent of the attached specifications is to obt~tn a unit suitable for the service demands of the department involved. All installations shall be made in a neat and workmanlike manner and all equipment furnished shall be of a standard manufacture. All work and material furnished shall be subject to the approval of the Purchasing Agent and t~e using department. Ail deviations from the specifications (brands, weights, dimensions, etc.) are to be clearly stated on the specifications sheets. Failure to submit comparative literature on alternate offers may be sufficient cause for rejection of offer. ~der's specifications must be filled in completely by bidder and retu~-ned the Purchasing Agent. Terms such as "As Specified", "To Meet Specifications", "Per Your Specifi- cations'', or omission of detailed iruformation will be interpreted as being in complete compliance with specifications and brands requested. SECTIO# I DEPARTMENT SHERIFF'S BUDGET PERIOD 86/87 DATE SPECIFICATIONS FOR SHERIFF INTERCEPTORS, BLACK AND WHITE PATROL VEHICLES Si[ffl'IOll I 1.00 .01 · O3 It is the intent of these specifications to obtatn a vehtcle that will meet the needs of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department in the area of offlcer safety and usefulness as a police vehicle. BID NUMBER SPECIFICATION MAKE Cost effectiveness as determined through life cycle costing will also be evaluated. All installations will be made in a neat workmanlike manner· ~ODEL FIPJ~ NAHE ADDRESS All equipment furnished will be subject to the approval of the Purchasing Agent, Director of Facilities Management Department, arid the using Department. Bid prices must be guaranteed for the 1987 Model Year. 2.00 .01 .O2 .03 .04 SELECTION OF SUCCESSFUL BIDDER Data obtained from the actual field performance of vehicles currently utilized either by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department or Police Department or Departments wi th which the Sheriff's Department exchanges information will also be considered in the selection of a successful bidder. Warranties offered by vehicle manufacturers, for the replacement and installation of component parts, will be evaluated by the using and servicing departments. All warranties expressed or implied must be submitted in writing, and will become a part of the vehicle manufacturer's formal bid offering. The evaluation of the vehicle component warranties will be a determining factor in the acceptance/~ejection of all vehicles considered for purchase 7/15/86wpc 60-126 3.00 .01 .O2 .O3 .O4 .O5 .O6 .O7 .O8 .O9 .10 .11 .12 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS SECTION I The body, finish, and fittings shall be the latest model, shall not have been used in demonstrator or other service, and shall be factory standard in all respects not in conflict with specific requirements. The design of the vehicle must be such that it does not hamper or restrict subsequent installation and use of emergency equipment, and light bar/siren configuration, to the satisfaction of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department and Facilities Management Department. Vehicles not capable of transporting five (5) persons comfortably may be disqualifed. Determination as to this specification to be made by the user deparlmmnt. When specifiction for particular items are not defined, manufacturer's standards are either satisfactory, or they are not applicable to this vehicle. All standard equipment is to appear on the vehicle as listed in the 1987 brochure. All parts furnished on the vehicle(s) will be listed in the parts book, a supplemental heavy duty parts book and/or a supplemental special parts listing or letter.* Twenty-six (26) copies of each of the 'above and twenty-six (26) copies of the Maintanance Manual must be furnished by the successful bidder(s) within 45 days of the receipt of the purchase order or payment will be delayed. In addition 100 copies of all Technical Bulletins pertaining to selected vehicle to be provided in a timely manner. Bidders shall submit detailed literature of the vehicle they propose to furnish. Bidders are requested to specify the frequency of on-site visits by Manufacturers Representatives. Commencing with the delivery of the first group of vehicles, it is preferred that the Facilities Management Department and Sheriff Fleet Coordinator be contacted a minimum of once each thirty-day period by factory service representatives for minimum of twelve (12) consecutive months. Failure to submit this information is suffecient cause for refection of bid. Dealer to furnish Dealer's Bill of Sale in the name of Los Angeles County, 1100 North Eastern Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90063. An updated service manual is to be provided with each test car. This service manual is to be delivered at the time of vehicle delivery and will be retained by Los Angeles County. 7/17/86wpa - 2 - 60-126 3.00 .13 .14 GENERAJ. SPECIFICATIONS AND S~F~iDARDS (Cont'd) SECTION I Training is to be provided at no cost to the County of Los Angeles. The successful bidder shall provide the County of Los Angeles with notification of any/all product changes pertinent to the vehicle(s) delivered. Successful bidder is required to include job-site training/instruction for vehicle maintenance and repair for County of Los Angeles service personnel. Training is to be provided when requested by the County of Los Angeles. The County of Los Angeles shall have access (at no cost) to all training aids as provided to dealerships by the vehicle manufacturer. Dealer to furnish list of all specialized tools and equipment needed for the repair of the vehicle. Vendor will provide prices and availability to Los Angeles County, Automotive Crafts Fleet Manager within 30 days after awarding of bid. Exception: Special items for radio and other special equipment requested supplied by the County. 4.00 .01 .O2 .O3 .O4 EMISSION STANDARI)S Manufacturer's Standard Equipment and all devices necessary to comply with the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards will be included. Vehicle must comply with all Federal Emission Standards on crankcase, exhaust, and applicable California State laws on crankcase and fuel emissions. In compliance with the Los Angeles County Board Order ~126, every new model vehicle' with a 6,000 #GVW or less shall be tested for exhaust emissions by the manufacturer before delivery. The results of the test will be furnished, showing the concentration of hydro-carbons (HC), carbon monoixide (CO), and nitrous oxide (NOX) at time of delivery to Los Angeles County. 5.00 WARP~ANTY .01 Warranty work will be performed at a dealership in the area in which the vehicle is working. Warranty period will start on the day that the vehicle is put into service by Los Angeles County~ not date'o~hicle deliver~: .03 Use of other than Original Equipment parts will not void warranty. .04 Warranty card to be delivered to Sheriff Automotive Section. 7/17/86wpa - 3 - 60-126 5.00 .05 · O6 .O7 SECTION I WARRANTY (Cont' d) All vehicles purchased by the County of Los Angeles will be identical in every respect to the vehicle(s) as described in the specifications· All vehicle components, substitued or changed, after testing is completed and any component deviations initiated at the discretion of vehicle manufacturer must be warranted by the manufacturer for parts replacement and part installation. The warranty shall be effective from the day the vehicle is put into service by Los Angeles County, Component change notification must be sent to the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Oepartment and the Los Angeles County Facilities Management Department prior to component change or delivery to the County of Los Angeles. 8.00 .01 .O2 .O3 .04 .0~ LIQUIDATEO. DAMAGES All time limits stated in the Purchase Order are of the essence. Should the delivery not be completed on or before the time stipulated, it is mutually agreed by and between the successful bidder and the County of Los Angeles that: A delay would seriously affect the public and the operation of the Los Angeles County; that a reduction in the unit price of twenty-five ($2S) per calendar day for' each and every day for each unit which exceeds the delivery time set forth in the Purchase Order is the nearest measure of damages for each delay that can be fixed at this time; therefore, the County and the successful bidder hereby establish said reduction in the unit price of twenty-five par calendar day for each and every day of delay for each unit as liquidated damages and not as a penalty or forfeiture for the breach of agreement to complete delivery by the successful bidder on or before the time specified in the Purchase Order. Liquidated damages shall not apply to time and date of notification to the successful subspeci fication material. elapsing between date of delivery bidder of rejection of The above conditions may be invoked if deliveries exceed the specified time or if replaced of material not meeting specifications exceeds the specified time. Should the successful bidder be obstructed or delayed in the work required to be done herewith by changes in the work or by any default, act, or omission of the County, or by strikes, fires act of God, or by the inability to obtain materials, equipment or labor due to Federal Government restrictions arising out of the defense or war program, then the time of completion shall be extended for such periods as may be agreed upon by the County and the successful bidder· 7/i5/86wpc 60-126 -4- 6.00 .06 .O7 SECTION I LIQUIDATED DAMAGES (Cont'd) If the~e is insufficient time to grant such extensions prior to comple- tion date of the contract, the County may, at the time of acceptance of t~e work, waive liquidated damages which may have accrued for failure to complete the work on time, due to any of the abo~e, after hearing evidence as to the reasons for such delay and making a finding as to the cause of same. In the event that the successful bidder is on strike at the time of the award of the bid, the County reserves the option to accept the first acceptable bid from a manufacturer that is not on strike. 7.00 .01 .03 .04 .05 .06 DELIVERY The vehicles delivered to the county of Los Angeles by the successful bidder will be identical in every respect with the vehicle called for specifically in the specification. Modifications made to the vehicles by authorized manufacturer representaives during testing must be included on the vehicles delivered. Cars will have the dealer preparation service work normally performed by the dealer completed before delivery. Cars, upon delivery, will be ready for service. It will be the dealer's responsibility to return them to the agency for proper preparation. Delivery site of vehicles to be determined at a later date. 8.00 .01 .O2 .O3 TEST VEHICLE Prior to awarding of the bid, a car dealer, manufacturer, or his representative will be required to furnish a vehicle for testing. Delivery of the test vehicle to be coordinated wi th the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deparbnent. All testing to be completed according to the schedule established by the Sheriff Department. Test vehicle to be available for 20 days for equipping purposes following completion of testing. 9.00 .01 .O2 PRE-DELIVERY INSPECTION Vendor to provide for vehicle inspection by one representative of the Los Angeles County Sheriff Department and one representative of the Los Angeles County Facilities Management Department. All related costs of vehicle inspection will be the responsibility of the vehicle manufacturer. Inspection to confirm vendors compliance to vehicle specifications. 7/17/86wpa 60-126 -5- 1.00 .01 .02 .O3 SECTION II BIDDER INSTRUCTIONS: Los Angeles County Purchasing Standard, Attachment ~1. Bidders will use area in parenthesis provided at left margin. A check mark therein will be considered by Los Angeles County as indication that bidders are meeting or exceeding that portion of the specification. Any deviations of specifications are to be noted by the bidder to right of specification form under "Bidder £xceptions". 2.00 .01 VEHICLE SPECIFICATIONS Bidders may use check boxes provided at left margin. 3.00 .01 .02 .O3 .04 .O5 ENGINE ( ) Not to exceed 360 C.I.D. ( ) Pulley sizes and arrangements identical on all vehicles delivered. ( ) Oil filter to be manufacturer's standard. ( ) Performance requirements, minimum 0-60 MPH/12 seconds 6Q-gO MPH/16 seconds 0-75 MPfl/1/¢ mile ( ) Accessories to be identical on all vehicles delivered. Bidder £xceptions 4..00 .01 .O2 .O3 COOLING SYSTEMS () Radiator must be heavy-duty and a minumum of three (3) rows of cooling tubes, of sufficient capacity to pass all heat tests during the testing process. ( ) Coolant recovery system is required and identical on all vehicles delivered.* () All radiator/coolant hose to be silicone type, two (2) ply preformed contruction, to include by-pass and heater hose. *Recovery system must be factory install ed type. Dealer installed after market systems will not be accepatable. Bidder Exceptions 7/17/86wpa 60-126 -6- SECTION II 5.00 .0! · 02 .03 TRANSMISSION ( ) 3-speed (minimum fully auto- matic heaviest duty available. ( ) Must be equipped with a suit- able low range lock-out.* ( ) Transmission must be identical on all vehicles delivered. Particular attention, wil 1 be paid during testing and possible subsequent service to the behavior of this com- penent. Anticipated t~ans- mission problem due to heat will be cause for rejection of vehicle. NOTE: Floor-mounted shift selector not acceptable. *Lock-out device to prevent driver from manually shifting into lowest range, or a device which guarantees prevention of either manually or automatically shifting into low range at any speed over 35 MPH. such a device must operate in both acceleration, deceleration or over-rev downhill· Bidders Exceptions 6.00 REJ~ AXLE .O1 ( ) Heaviest duty available. .02 ( ) Ratio as tasted. Bidders Exceptions 7.00 WHEELBASE .01 ( ) 116 inch maximum Bidders Exceptions 8.00 .O1 SUSPENSION, FRONT AND REAR () .O2 ( ) 7/14/86wpc 60-126 A suspension system to be of the best possible combination to minimize body roll and provide flat cornering. Stabilizer bars must not extend below lowest point of vehicle chassis. -7- Bidders Exceptions 9.00 .0! .02 .O3 STEERING ( ) Power steering required.* ( ) Power steering unit must be factory Installed. ( ) Tilt steering wheel. *1101~: Particular attention will be paid during testing and posstble subsequent service to the behavior of this component. Anticipated steering problems due to heat wtll be cause for rejection of vehicle. SECTION II Bidder Exceptions 10.00 .01 ,02 ,03 · 04 .OS ,06 .07 TIRES Ail) WHEELS ( ) $ each, tires and wheels per vehicle.* ( ) Tire size not smaller than P205 X 14. ( ) Tires must conform to Los Angeles County Purchase Standard 939 (See appendix). ( ) Police spectal type only, ( ) Blackwa11 tires only, whitewall is not acceptable. ( ) Wheel color, black with standard wheel caps. ( ) Vehtcle to have two-way heavy-duty shock absorbers. *"Space saver" type spare tires not acceptable. Bidder £xcepttons 11.00 .01 .02 .03 BRAKES ( ) Power disc front required. ( ) Power drum or disc on rear. ( ) Brake performance capacity.** *Semi-metallic lining or their wet and dry performance equivalent must be furnished. *Must be of sufficient capacity to meet test parameters as outlined in the test procedures. Bidder Exceptions 7/15/86wpc 60-126 -8- 12.00 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .O8 SECTION II ELECTRICAL Bidder Exceptions () Battery, 360 C.C.A. at 0 degree F, reserves capacity 100 mtn/80 degree F. ( ) Alternator, 80 amp output, minimum. ( ) Alternator 40 amp output at 700 engine RPM. ( ) Ignition, electronic type ( ) Ignition high tension wiring, required to be silicone type. ( ) Wiring on all vehicles to be identical. () Vehicles to have spotlights, 2 each Unity Model 250, 12 volt, with Halogen bulb, 100,000 candle power minimum, mounted on left and right door post, as low as possible with no impairment of steering wheel operation or driver's vision. () Spotlight to be factory installed. Installation to be at same time and site of vehicle production; no after-market installation is acceptable. Spot- lights must be wired to fuse panel with separate fuse for each spotlight or tn-line fuse readily accessible for maintenance. Fuseable link is not acceptable. 13.00 .01 .02 .03 .04 BODY STYLE ( ) Four door sedan required. ( }- Black and white coler scheme.* ' ( ) Framed door windows required. ( ) Gas tank utilized as floor of trunk will not be acceptable. *Paint lay-out will be provided to successful bidders. Bidder Exceptions 7/15/86wpc 60-/26 -9- 14.00 .01 .OZ .03 .04 .OS .06 .07 .08 .09 INTERIOR, FRONT & REAR: (Unless specified otherwise) () ( ) Floor mat in trunk. ( ) Ash trays -fron:: Rear: SECTION II Bidder Exceptions Heavy-duty rubber floor mats. on doors only Standard installation. Cigarette 11ghter, front only. Oome light.* Factory installed electric clock and guages. Padded dashboard, non-reflective. Rear view mirror, inside (day/night type). Rear door handles** *Ooee light not be operative when opening doors. **Rear.door handles will be furnished but wtll not be operative from the inside. 15.00 .01 .02 SEATS ( ) Heavy duty spllt bench fro~t seats requfred. ( ) Heavy-duty foa~ rubber in seats required. Bidders Exceptions 16.00 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 7/15/86wpc 60-126 UPHOLSTERY () () () () () 81dders Exceptions Composition formed headliner.* Soltd vtnyl side panels.* Cloth front vinyl rear. Solid vinyl arm rests (front only). Color of seats to be selected by Los Angeles · County Sheriff°s Oepar=aent and will be dame color in all black and white vehicles. *Cloth not acceptable. 17.00 .01 ACCESSORIES () Multiple speed electric wind- shield wipers with intermittent feature. .02 ( ) Air conditioning, factory installed. .03 ( ) Heater, integral with air conditioning. .04 ( ) Dual outside rear view mirrors, non- glare, door mount not less than 15 square inches of mirror area. Convex type is acceptable on right side only. .08 ( ) Parking brake Indicator light. .O6 ( ) Speedometer head 1= indicate speeds to 1ZO MPH and be accurate , Z MPH at 80 MPH.* .07 ( ) Ttnte~ glass thoughout. .08 ( ) Radio frequency suppression.** .09 ( ) Gas tank capacity to provide a minimm cruising range of 300 miles, based on most recent edition of Gas Mileage Guide (DOE/CS-OOZ4/8) published by the U.S. Department of Energy. SECTION II Bidders Exceptions *Certification of speedometer calibration to be furnished. **Suppressors to eliminate interference generated as the result of vehicle Z-way radio operation, does not exceed the limits established in SAE Standard J $$1 entitled 'Measurement of Vehicle Radio Interference (30 to 400 Mega Hertz)". Manufacturer shall supply certification of compliance with AS[ Standard J 551 at time of dellver7 of test vehicle. NOTE: Units tested at the track will be equipped as specified. 18.00 .01 SPECIALTY ITEMS: () Single key locking system all vehicles, including trunk and glove compartment. The key code will be selected when pruchase order is awarded. Bidder Exceptions 7/15/86wpc 60-126 - 11 - 18.00 .02 .03 .04 .05 .O6 .07 .08 .09 S£CTION II SPECIALTY ITEMS: (Cont'd) () () () () () () () () All vehicles keyed identical. all vehicles provided with four keys.. Aluminum~notacceptable. Hood tn be controlled by an inside release located on the driver's side.* Deck ltd release tn be electrically controlled through a remote control button. To be installed by vendor, exact location of control button to be dertarmined by Los Angeles County at later date. Deck lid, when opened remotely, must be. restrained from opening completely in order to prevent d~mage to the hinges. Deck ltd must remain in the full open position, when opening mmnually. Trunk light to be installed and connected to turn on autumatlcally when deck ltd ts opened. Vehicle to be equipped with a heat shield between catalytic converter and floor ~n. (Temperature of floor pan not to exceed temperature of surrounding floor pan area above c~talyttc converter. *There must be sufficient difference of the hood control from the brake release that there can be no confusion between the two under &ny circumstance or condition. 7/15/86wpc 60-126 o 12 - Sco~e A~ItMENT Page 1 of 2 SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE PURCilAS£ OF TIRES TO BE U~I) 011 LOS ~1~i/S COUNT/ EJ~.~rJCY YF. HIC~/S These specifications pertatn to htgh speed tires tntended for use of Los Angeles County Sheriff Department patrol vehicles and othe~ emergency vehicles in extremely heavy duty applications. Yehtcles range f~om fu~l stze ~o compact and are occasionally operat_~ at speeds in excess of 100 m~les per hour and under a wide range of conditions, including ambient temperatures Ttres are to be certified by manufacturer for operation at speeds of 125 miles per ~ur, or greater. B. Spec1 ft cat1 ons 3. 4. 5. Ttres supplled under thts set of specifications shall be new, standard production tires expressly designed for heavy-duty, high-speed operation. They must feature exceptional safety, stability, hendltng and stopping cheractertstics durtng all types of maneuvers. Tire construction shall be of the radial belted ~ype. Regardless of contruction, any tire submitted must be certified for police use by the tire manufacturer. Tires requiring tn excess of 3-1/2 oz. of counter-balance wetghts to attatn proper belance will be deemed unacceptable. Ttre stze wtll vary to accommodate the needs of the Shertff Department's Testi n~ All bidders will be expected to submit, at no cost to the County, no less than ftve (5) tires of each size or type being offered. All submitted tires will be tested by the Los Angeles County Sheriff Oepartment and approved by the Purchasing and Stores Oepartment, Facilities Management Department, and Sheriff Oepertment. 2. Tire .testing will be conducted at the test track in Pomon~ or at any other suttable location designated by the Sheriff Oepartment. 3. Ttres w111 be tasted for cornering, steering, and all handllng characteristics. e Testing will be conducted by two or more Los Angeles County Sheriff Oepartment drivers who will drive sixteen (16) timed laps over the dtsignated course in increments of four laps, alternating drivers after each four lap segment. Preceding each set of timed lapes, the testers will drive two to four warm-up laps. 7/15/86wpc 60-~26 C. Testtn~ (Cont'd) A~A~MENT Page 1 of 2 Each d~iver will independently evaluate the t~re for ~urnlng and cornering abtllty, stebtli~' at htgh speeds, ease of con='ol at low speeds and general road handling characterts=ics. Durlng these tesl~, tires ust not tear ~ ~row rubber, show stgns of l~ead separation or cracking In the ~ooves, or blow out. 7. An Instrumented performance test on a vehicle will be conducted to determine the handling characteristics of vehicle. Los Angeles Coun~ reserves the right to reject any or all tires which fail to meet the outlined specifications or 40 not successfully complete the testing phase. 7/15/86wpc 60-126 LOS A#I~LES CI]tll[l~ OPTIO# LIST The equlpmeflt ltsted on this page Is considered optional equipment by Los Angeles County. [t ts not required as part of the specifications. The price for this. equipment Is required for the purpose of equipping a portion of the vehicles for specialized use. A flexible waterproof conduit with an inside diameter of not less than 1-1/2 inches will be installed.*** Such installation shall not interfere with the positioning of the rear seat cushion, the operation of the doors, or mounting of equipment on the tunnel between the front seat and the dash board. The conduit to be adequately secured to the moor with suitable clamping devices. The entire installation must be by the Los Angeles County, Facilities Management Department. ~Conduit to be installed inside the vehicle, starting from the center of the trunk-forward along the right side of the drive line tunnel. Installation to be floor mounted, starting with a 10-inch length in the trunk, proceeding forward under he seats, and terminating approximately 8 inches from the engine firewall. 7/17/86wpa 60-126