HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA D.R. 88-19 05-16-88AGENDA=-, -? DATE: ~IAY 16, I988 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY NO. 5 5-16-88 Inter- Corn TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPflENT DEPARTMENT S U BJ ECT: DESIGN REVIEW 88-19 - AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT AN OVERHEAD CANOPY AT 13918 - 13922 NEWPORT AVENUE RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Redevelopment Agency approve Design Review 88-19 with the adoption of Resolution No. RDA 88-3. BACKGROUND Pursuant to the South Central Redevelopment Plan, the Community Redevelopment Agency must approve all site plans and architectural design of projects proposed within the redevelopment project area. he applicant, Southern Counties Oil, has requested approval to construct an approximate 17.5 foot high overhead canopy structure in conjunction with their self service card lock fuel facility. The proposed canopy would be centered over the most westerly fuel pump island utilized for automobiles. The structure would be setback approximately 32 feet from the Bond ta Avenue property line, 12 feet from the Newport Avenue property line, 40 feet from the easterly property line, and 83 feet from the southerly property line. To be compatible with the surrounding area and existing site-improvements, the applicant proposes the use of red brick around support poles for the Canopy. The final colors ofwall surfaces of the canopy areaare proposed to be the same as applied to the central building and property walls on the subject site. The canopy wall also contains a 36.9 square foot business identification wall sign along the Newport Avenue frontage which is consistent with maximum wall sign area provisions contained in the Sign Code. ~ O i~~e~cS ~C~y°D~n~vel opment -CAS:ts Attachments: Si te Plan Elevation Resolution No. RDA 88-3 Planning Commission (5-9-88) Resolution No. 2496 .0-.6~ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 RESOLUTION-NO. RDA 88-3 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DESIGN REVIEW 88-19 TO AUTHORIZE CONSTRUCTION OF AN OVERHEAD CANOPY AT A COMMERCIAL PUMPING FACILITY ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 13918-13922 NEWPORT AVENUE The Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Tustln, California hereby resolves as follows: That pursuant to the South Central Redevelopment Plan, the Community Redevelopment Agency shall approve all site plans and architectural design of projects proposed within the Redevelopment area. That a proper project submittal has been transmitted to the Agency on behalf of Southern Counties Oil for a proposed overhead canopy at 13918-13922 Newport C. That the Agency has reviewed :he proposed project and makes the following findings: 1. The design of structures an site are compatible with other structures in the immediate area. Conditions of approval imposed by Tustin Planning Commission Resolution 2496 ensure compliance with design and site criteria established in the South Central Redevelopment Plan. That the Negative Declaration in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act has been approved for the project. Final development plans shall .require the review and approval of the Community Development Department. II. The Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Tustin does hereby approve Design Review 88-19, a request to permit construction of an overhead canopy at 13918 - 13922 Newport Avenue. 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2O 21 22 23 27[ 28 Resolution No. RDA 88-3 Page t~o That all conditions of approval contained Planning Commission Resolution No. 2496 are included herein as conditions of approval of Design Review 88-19. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Community Redevelopment Agency at Tusttn, California, h~ld on ~the~ day of , 1988. Mary E. Wynn City Clerk Rona~d B. Hoesterey Chairman Repor to Planning the Commission Item No. 3 DATE: SUBJECT: APPLICMIT: LOCATION: ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: MAY g, 1988 MOOIFICATION OF USE PEIU4IT 87-14 SOUTHERN COUNTIES OIL 13918-13922 NEWPORT AVENUE AT NEWPORT AVENUE, . . C-1 RETAIL COI~.ERCIAL SOUTHEAST CORNER OF BONITA AND A NEGATIVE DECLARATION HAS BEEN PREPARED IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT MODIFICATION OF USE PERMIT 87-14 TO AUTHORIZE CONSTRUCTION OF AN OVER,lEAD CANOPY RECOI~ENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt Resolution approving modification to Use Permit 87-14, as submitted or revised. No. 2496 BACKGROUND The Planning Commission at a regUlar meeting on July 27, 1987 approved Conditional Use Permit 87-14 authorizing a self-service card lock commercial fuel facility at the subject site and installation of an eight foot block wall. In conjunction with the Use Permit for the project, the Planning Commission also approved Variance 87-04 authorizing placement of a sign and freestanding control building within a required setback area. Conditions of approval for the project required substantial conformance with submitted site plans for the project. Pursuant to the original conditions imposed on the project as well as provisions c '~ined in the Tustin Zoning Code, any modification to the original proposal ~ J require a modification of the original use permit for the project. The subject self-service facility was completed in December of 1987. Applicant is now requesting a modification to the original use permit to permit the construction of a canopy structure for the facility. Cornrnufiity Develoornem Department ,.anning Commission Report Modification of Use Permit 87-14 May 9, 1988 Page two The subject site is bounded on the east by a residential use, on the north by a re:ail shopping center across Bonita, to the south by an abandoned service station, and the wes: across Newport Avenue by commercial uses within the Tustin Plaza project. DISCUSSION Submitted plans propose construction of an appropriate 17.5 foot high overhead canopy structure on the subject site. The proposed canopy would be centered over the most westerly fuel pump island utilized for automobiles. The structure would be setback approximately 32 feet from the Bonita Avenue property line, 12 feet from the Newport Avenue property, 40 feet from the easterly property line, and 83 feet from the southerly property line. T9 be compatible with the surrounding area and existing site improvements, the' 'icant proposes the use of red brick around support poles for the canopy. . final colors of wall surfaces of the canopy area are proposed to be the same as applied to the central building and property walls on the subject site. The. canopy wall also contains a 36.9 square foot business identification wall sign along the Newport Avenue frontage which is consistent with maximum wall sign area provisions contained in the Sign Code. Christine A. Shing~ton, Director of Community Development CAS:ts At:achments Community Development Department CITY OF TUSTIN Community Deve]opment Department ENVIRONMENTAL INITIAL STUDY FORM Io Name of Pro~cnent Southern Counties Oil 2. Address and Phone Number of Proponent 3. Date of Checlclist Submitted a,. Agency Requiring Cheakilst 5. Nart~ of ProPosal, if a~licable April 25., 1988 Communi:y Development Modification of Use Permit Nh. 87-14 II. Env~/,a',..,utd Imlxcts (Explanations of ali '"yes"-ond ~' 'answers are' reclbired on °'rt'c~ched Sheets.) Yes Me/be, No I. Eatfl, Will the prol~os~l result in:~l a. Unstable earth conditions or in chang~ in geologic substructure? b. Disr~tiam, dL~lacamen~s, corr~action ar overeovering of the soil? '¢. Chcmge;in' tc~ocjrmhy c~ ground surface relief features? cL The destructian, covering or modification of any unique geologic or physical features? X e. Any increase in wind ar water-erosion of soils, eitheron or off the site? ....... - X me Changes in deosition or erosion of beach sands, or changes in siltation~ de13osition or erosian which may modify the channe{ of river or stream or the bed of the ocean or ony bay, inlet ar lake? ~q~mum of PeOPle or prc~erty to geolo-- mudslldes, ground failure, or simil~r I~zcrds? 2,, Air. Will ~ pr~i m~ult ire Substantlei air emissions or deterioration of arteient air quality? The creation of objectionable odors? Altoratlm of air ~, 'molstur~, or temperature, ar cmy change in climate, either locally ar regicmally? t~ater. Will the progeml result Ir~ (::}~mg~s In currenta,-or the ~rse of C11£- reetlen of wcrl~ mov~meflt~, in either m~tne ar fresh w~ters? me (::~mges in absorption rates, drainage pat- terns, er the rate'and amount-of ~rface ' runoffT Altemtla~s to the c~um or fl~w of flood waters? Chmge in the amaunt of ~urface wete~ in my w~t~r bed),? [D i~dxa~je into surface waters, ar in my aiteratlen of surface w~ter quality, cJudlng but not limited to temPeral~re, cllsmlved a~gen or ~Urbidity? Alteratien of the directian or' ram of flow of ground waters? Cha~ge in the ClUentity of ground either through direct ~dditions or with- tire.mis, .c~' through intea'ceotian of an aquifer by cuts or excavcrti~ns? Substantial reductian Tn the amount of w~er other#ise available fc~ public water sta0oiies? ~pasure of people ar praoer~ to water Icrted hazards such as flooding ar tidal w~ves? z~. Plcmt Life. Will the proposal resedit im C~cnge in the diversity of species, or number of ~ species of pletts (|ncludi~j trees, st~ubs, gm_~: crags, a~d aClucrtl¢ plants)?. Redu~tien of the numbem of ~y unique, mm or endangered sl~ecies of plants? c. Introduetlen of new mecies of plants into an ore~ or-in a bca'rier-to-the normal ..... replenishmem' of existing species? cL Reduetlee in ocreacje of my agricultural Animal I. ife~ Will the prepomi re~lt im ® Change in the dlve~it~ of mecles, c~ numbem of any species of anirncis (birds, Icmd m~irnals including re,tiles, fish ~ shellfish, benthic-- c~ganiame~or insects,. ..... b. Reductlan of the numbers of cmy unique, ram or encim~, emd mecie~ of mime[s? ¢. lntroductlan of new speclm of mlma-Is into m ~e~ e~ result in a barrier 1o the mlgmtim or movement of animeis? cL IDeteric~rtian 10 existing fish or wildlife habitat? ~ Will the prol~eal _result ira: * :- =- =; := c~ Inc~eas~ in ex[siing noise levels? b. Ex~oaure of peoole to severe noise levels? Light exl Glare. Will the Pm~°Sal produce_ _ new light or glare? ,, Land U~. Will the p~a~osal result in a sub- stantial altercstian of the pre~.:t or planned Iced use of an area? ~. ~ Reseurces. Will the pro!oos~l result ~n: Increase in the rate of use of my n~uml I0. II. 12. 13. Subst~tla! de~letio~ of cr~ nonrenewable A flak of ~ e~t~ie~ a~ tt~ reteaae of ~ sul~.~__~_ (including, but not Popuk~tk~. Will tl~ pmpaml alter the dkt~utim, cl~sity, or growt~ rate of fl~ ~ populaticm of cm mae? - ~ Will the propa~l affect e~istincj hau~ lng, or orera a clemend for c~ctltienel heusing? T~.~. hdk~Clmuletle~. - Will the prc~os21 mault im ~. Genemtlcm of a~rtmtlai ~dcliti~i v~hicuior.,,~,.~nt?. Effect~ m e~isting p~kimj fc~illttes~ or cl~nmcl f~ ne~ p~ki~j? ct. Altemtlem to:present ~. of cirC~io. tim or ,,,~....,.n[ of peeOle and/or e. Altemtl~ t°~at~ix.,.:, mil ee air v~icie~_~ bicl~liats ar peclestri~_ . ~ Public S ~,- Wlil the prcemel have ~ effect ulx~, ee result in a need fee new ee altered g~vc,,,,,,ent~i services in c~y of the following arec~ Fire protectim? b. Polim protection? Scho°is? x x x x x x x x 15. cL. ' PorRS ar other recreational facilities? Maintenance of public fa~ilities~ including roads? f. Othe~ govemmentoi services~ ~ms~Jy. Will the pr~osai result in: b. Utilities. Will the progosal result I~ a need for new sy~tettut or substantial ,~lt~ratior~ t9 . the following utilities~ Use of substantial amounts of ~uel or energy? Sul~tantfal ir~re,~ ~n demor~ upon exist- ing sources of energy, or require the development of new murces of energy? a. Powe~ or natural gas? · b. Cammunicatiam systems? . Water? ~1, Se~e' ar ~tJ¢ tord~? - e. Stain ~rte~ c~inacje? f. Solid waste and dL~_,~__i? 17. ~ l-lmllh. Will the pra~)c~al result im 18. a. Creatian of cref 'health hazard or potential. I'~aith ~ard (e~¢'ludlng mentaj'health~ b. Exposure of people to potentiai~heaith hazcrds? Aesthetics.-~ill the p~esai result in the obstt~"tian of o~, s~ni¢ vista or view c~en to - the publi¢,-or will the proposal result in the c~.eatlan of c~ aesthetically offensive site open to public view? I~_~'~'eatien. W|ll the pro!~osal r~sult in m irt~act m the quality or quantity of existing rem-eational o~portunit les? 20. Cultural Resaurc~. ~'ili the prOlx~ai r_m-__~lt ;n the aiteratim of ar the destructian of; prehistoric or historic= archamlogicai site? X X X X ,. X X X X X 21. M..~I~; Findings of Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the envirmmem, substmtlaily mcluce the habitat of a fish ar wildlife ~ecie~s ¢~e a f~ ar wild- life l)agulatian tQ dr~ below self sus- taining IMbt threaten to eliminat~ a picot ~r min~l c~unif~, reduce the number ar mslz'l~t the ~ of cz rar~ ar .~J,~&d IHaW ar animal ar eliminate irngortc~ e~,.;,im of. ttm majar geriac~ of Califarnla ~istary ar prehbtory? Daes the pmjecf hcwe the I~otentlal to. achieve short-term, to the disadvmtage of lamj-term, envir~,.,,antal goals? (A short--. term iml~-t an the environment is one which accurs in a relatively brief, definitive periad of time while lang-term imgacts will enclum well into the future.) Does the project hcr~ h-~.,..~;~ which a~ individually limited, but cumulatively ~ siderc~ie? (A project may irr~ac? c~ t~o ar mare segaz~te re~ourc~ whes~ the irr~act an each r~aurc~ is relatively small, but where the effect of the total of thom irma~ts an the envirmment is significc~t.) O~ the project have ~nviranmentai effects which will cause substantial adve~ effects an humm beings, either directly c~ inclir~ctly? Yes Me~e No x X x x III. Otscu~ian of ~iren~,..~tai E.~iuatian (See Noise below) (To be completed by the Lead Agency) NOISE Short term minor increases in noise levels may result during construction of the proposed canopy. However, any potential impacts will be mitigated by the fact that all site activity will be restricted by provisions of the Tustin Noise Ordinance. On the basis of this initial evaluation: I find that fha prolx=ed pi~ject COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. J__ J- I find that although the prol~ project' could have a skjnificant effect on the environment, them will not be a significant effect in this case I--I because the mitigation measum~ cJe~c~'ibed on ~n attached sheet have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION WILL BE PREPARED.. I find the pml3ased project MAY have a significant effect on the environ- merit, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. J__ J Date $ignotum A.tI:~OIX J NO'I'iCE ~ ~AP. ATION TO; ' I=ROM~ (~esl~nsible Agency) will be the Lead Agency and will prepare a~ environmental irr~cX:l' repc~? for the project identified below. We need to know the views of your oge~-"y ~ to the sc~:~e and content of the environmental information which is germane to your agerm~ statutory re~pansibilltie~ in .connectio~ with the prq3osed project..Your agency will need to u~e the F_]R prepared by our agency when ¢a~siderincj your permit or other alx)ro~i for the project. The project deserigtion, laeation, ami the pmbc~ie environmental effects are contained in the attached materials,. A copy of the Initial Study __ is, -- is not. attached.. r, . to the time Iknit~ mcmdated by State law, yeur respeme must be sent at the earliest ible-date but nit later than ~15 days after receipt of 11~is nitJce~ Plebe send your remonm to at the c.:ldtes shown above, We will need the name for a .contact per__~,~_ in your agency. Project ~thm 'l:~qect Amih:mt, if ony~ DATE Signmure Title Reference. Califomla Administrative Code, Title I~,, Sections 15035.7,. 1505z,.3, 1 2 3 4 5 RESOLUTION NO. 2496 A RESOLUTION OV THE PLANNING COMMISSION OV THE CITY OV TUSTIN, APPROVING A MODIFICATION OF USE PERMIT 87-14 AUTHORIZING CONSTRUCTION OF A CANOPY STRUCTURE FOR A 24 HOUR CARD LOCK SELF-SERVICE STATION ON PROPERTY KNOWN AS 13918-13922 NEWPORT AVENUE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF NEWPORT AND BONITA. The Planning Commission"of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as fol 1 ows: I. .The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: That a proper application (Modification to Use Permit No. 87-14) has been filed by Southern Counties Oil for authorization to construct a canopy structure at a 24 hour self service commercial fuel facility known as 13918-13922 Newport Avenue. That a .public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application. That establishment, maintenance, and operation of the use applied for will not, under_ the circumstances of this case, be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, evidenced by the following findings: 1. That the uses applied for are consistent with the land use element of the Tustin Area General Plan as 'it pertains to con~rcial uses in areas given the General Plan Designation of Commercial. 2. That the' proposed canopy applied' for is'-consistent 'with the C-1 zoning regulations as it pertains to service stations in that a Conditional Use Permit is required prior to operation or alteration of such use. 3. That the architectural treatment of necessary structure will be consistent with the surrounding area. That the establishment, maintenance, and operation of the canopy applied for will not be injurious or detrimental to the property and improvements in the .neighborhood of the subject property, nor to the general welfare of the City of Tustin, and should be granted. Resolution No. 2496 Page two 4 E. 5 6 7 8 9 I~. 10 11 12 1. 14 15 2. 16' 17 3. 18 19 4. 2O 21 22 23 25! 261 ..... 27~, PENNI FOLEY, Secretary 2,~ Proposed development of the canopy will be in accordance with the development policies adopted by the City Council, Uniform Building Codes as administered by the Building Official, Fire Code as administered by the Orange County Fire Marshal and street improvement requirements as administered by the City En gt neet. F. That a Negative Declaration in conformance with the California Environmental Quality Act has been prepared and is hereby approved. The Planning commission hereby approves a Modification of Conditional Use Permit No. 87-14 to authorize construction of a 17 foot, 5 inch high canopy at a 24 hour self service commercial fuel facility at the properties known as 13918-13922 Newport and 1016-1022 Bonita, subject to the following conditions: The proposed project shall substantially comply with submitted plans for the subject property, date stamped May 4, [987 and on file with the Community Development Department, ~as herein modified or as modified by the Director of Commuhity Development in accordance with this exhibit.' At building plan check, construction plans and structural calculations must be submitted and all requirements of the Uniform Butlding Codes must be complied with as approved by the' Building Official. Submit color sample for proposed brick treatment and exterior colors and surface materials on canopy subject to review and approval of the Director of Community Development. Prior to issuance of any building permits for the canopy, all applicable building plan check and permit .fees shall be paid. meeting of Tustin Planning Commission, PASSED AND ADORTED at a regular the held on the (-Jrt-- day of ,,)~c ~.- , 1988. KAIHY WEIL', Chairman :?-:_ :, <./ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF. ORANGE ) CITY OF TUST[N ) [, PENN[ FOLEY, the undersigned, hereby certify that ! am the Recording Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Tusttn, California; that Resolution No. .~/~/~ was duly passed aQd adopted at a regular meeting of the Tusttn Planning Commission, held on the C~c-day of ~'~J~.~. , 198/~__~_- :? )ENNI FOLEY // Recording Secre tar'.~