HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 5 CLAIM #88-10 06-06-88~AT[: MAY [8, 1988 CONSENT CALENDAR NO, 5 6-6-88 Inter-Corn FROH: S U6J £CT: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITYCOUNCIL CITY ATTORNEY CLAIMANT: GOLON, RAYMOND; D/L: 1/18/88; DATE FILED W/CITY: 2/16/88'; CLAIM NO: 88-10; CARL WARREN FILE NO: S§3098PRC After investigation and review it is recommended that the above- referenced claim be rejected and the City Clerk directed to give proper notice of the rejection to the claimant and to the claimant's attorney. Assistant City Attorney JGR(F4.se) Enclosure: Copy of Claim · ~'~ AGAZNST THE CiTY OF TUSTIN (?or Damages ~o Persor r Personal Proper~y) ~eived by ~.S. Mail Inte~-office Mail Over the Counter via · The law prov~es generally =~a= a claim must De ~l!ed the City of Tus:in-within !00 days after which ~he in¢iden~ or even~ Be sure your claim is agains= the City of Tus~in, not another public en~i~y. Where space is insufficient, please use additional paper and identify informa- tion by paragraph number. Completed claims must be mailed or delivered' to ~h¢ City Clerk, The City of Tustin, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California 92680 TO ,..E HONORABL~ MAZSR AND CiTY COUNCIL, City of Tus=in, CaLifornia The undersigned respectfully submits the following claim and information re!a= tire to damage to persons and/or, personal proper=y: a. ADDRESS OF CLAIMANT: NO: c. SOCIAL DATE OF BIRTH: DRIVERS LICINSE NO:' .Name,. te!eDhone and post office address to which claimant desires notices to be sent, if other than above: This claim is submitted against: a. / The City of Tustin-only. b. The following employee(s) of the City of Tustin only: The Ciny of Tus=in and =~e following employee(s) of ~ne City of Tustin only: Occurrence or event from which the claim arises: d. How and under what circumstances did damage or injury occur? Specify the particular occurrence, event, act or omission you claim caused the injury or damage (Use additional paper if necessary). e. What particular action by the City, or its employees, caused the alleged damage or injury? ire a descrip:ion of the inju.'"Z, ?roper:y .~ama9e or loss so far as is known aa the time of this claim. ~f there were no injuries, s.~ate "no injuries". Give ~he name(s) of ~e 'City empioye~(s) :~using the damage or inju~: 7. Name and address of any o=her person injured: 8. Name and address of the owner of any damaged property: 9. Damages claimed: a. Amount claimed as of this date: ~l ~) ~ (/£~f ,~ ~ .~ F~/ b. ~stima~ed amount of fu~urm c. To=al ~oun= claimed: d. Basis for com~uta=ion of amounts claime~ (lnc!ude copies o= al! ~I~ invoices, estimates, et=.: 10. Names and addresses o~I! wi~nesses,"hos:ita!s, docto~, etc.: !1. ~Y additional info~ation =ha= migh= be he!pfu! in considering ~his WARblING ': iT IS A CRIMINAL OFFEIqS-~ ~£O fi'~,E A ?ALSE CLAIM[ Section 7~; Insurance Code Sec=ion 556.0) (Penal Code I have read the matters and ~.=a-=amen'~s made in ~he above claim and I know ~he same to be ==aa of my own knowledge, except as ~o those matters stated to be uDon information or. belief and as =o such matters I believe the same ~o be =rue I'cer=ify under pena!T/ of perju~! Chat the foregoing is TRUE ANp COPd~ECT. Zxecuted this /5' day of ~~/ , 19 ~ ~ , at Tustin, California~ O~ .ce of the City Clerk, Tustin, California CLAIM NO: ~: ? - / ~ Revised 8/05/81 JGR:se:R:8/5/81 (A) B.A.R.) AA-71-N ,ME )O~ESS DATSUN aUS. PHONE NO.__OF SHEETS PHONE COOE LABOR PARTS LIST 12 . A39~ ................. AM ~ ~ ............................ AMOUNT ............................ OPEN ITEMS (net) PARTS PAINT MAT'L I~;SURANCE DEDUCTIBLE MUST BE SUBLET NET SALES TAX ESTIMATE TOTAL AOv, Charqe$ TOTAL $ I "ST 'E OF REPAIRS 30.o<. 30 days only qSURANCE CO. ~-'RONT OF CAR :~I.IMPER CALIFORNIA CLASSICS PAINT & BODY SHOP 1650 E. ED~NGER. SANTA ANA, CA 92705 ~, .?../~ ~ (714) 542-9811 ~.~, ~ ~ ~,f ~2 ~., ~ ,~ ~ PHONE ~.-~ ~ .. ~.. -- Pro0aDle ADJUSTER Oown Time Lal3or I Hours ! Pans Sublet LEFT SIDE I ~NOER t Fender Skil~ PHONE NO. HoursLaD°r Parts i I C~ille Mldg. ! { i * Gdlle 8r~t, [ Raoiitor ,mud 8fade ,-'an H~ Mldg. LaOor Sublet i Hours Ps~s RIGHT SIOE { i i I Fender Ext. Fender MId~. I i [ I Fender Midg. w.o. ~,dg.~ I ~ ~ w.o. Hemalamp ( I ( ) Hea~lam~ Heedlam~ Oeor I ~ I d Hemalamo ODOr Sealed ~leem Part<. Lidnt Side Mart(. Lamo 0OaR. FRONT ODor Rein f. ODor ,~ld ,d. ODor Handle ODOR. RF_.AR Door Midg. I i Seaie<t Seam I Pa~. t.ignt REAR OF CAR Side MarK. Lama ODOR, FRONT Ooor Hinge ODOr MIdg. Door Handle Door, Glass A.C. CONDENSOR I · I -- QUAR. PANEL ,q~-~,~e A.C. i. i ' r't ! Ouar' '~xt'.r ~ ~,ir Cam3. Line I ~' I I Qusr, Wheel Hsd. / m ~ r X I ..... " a,,~.aid, ~ t , ~ Side Ma~. Lame I~umoer Ralnf. Bumper Gua~ ~ latch Name Prate SPINDLE Tire ~,~ Worn Hut) CaD bio ~t. Shaft ~ow Cont, Arm Low Cont. Shaft WINL~SHIELD Adheswe Kit OOOR, ~EAR Door Mldg. Center Post BodN Panel Gravel Shield Floor I Rocxer Mldq. I QUAR. ~ANEL TRUNK LIO Truna Lid Mldq, T nj nt~ Hinge Trunk Loci< Llc Light Ouar ,Nlid~. Wheel. aden Midg. Tail Lamp Side Ma~. Limo MISC. ITEMS Quar. Ouar, Wheel Hsd. Ooq Le~ 8a[ter~ Oas Frame U~dercoaf & Storage Relinisn Ae Nec. BacK-up Light RECAPITULATION 'Moulding ! , I Ii Open Items if the customer wishes to claim used and/of damaged Darts. pteaae cnecl< this bOX Tax $ <',~'~'- Material $ ~r ''~ ' V Subie! S TOTAL S / _/ '_~