HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 12 CLAIM #88-31 06-06-88TO: FROM: S USJ ECT: cr.AIMA.NT: PACIFIC Rl;~'3'.; D/L: 2/3.9/88; 11~ FTT.FD W/CITY: 5/10/88; Ct-AIM NO: 88-31; ~ He~v. Hq Frr.;. NO: S54731PIq3 After investigation and review it is recommended that the above- referenced claim be rejected and the City Clerk directed to give proper notice of the rejection to the claimant and to the claimant ' s attorney. ~ L./ WOODI~3FF / Assistant City Attorney JGR(F4.se) Enclosure: CLAIM AGAINST THE C'ITY OF" TUST',N (Fo, Damages to Persons c 'ersonal Property) C~SE NO. JF846-0265 f Received By ',$. Mail · ,[er-offic~ Mail Over the Count.=r ,via Clerk'a Time Stamp The [aw provides generally that a ctaim must be filed with the Ci~.y Clerk ~," ~n~ I of Tustin within !00 days after which the incident or even~: occum:~=d. Be sure >,our c!aim i~ agai,%~ City of Tustin~ not another public entity. Where spec~ is insufficient, please use add[tithe! pa~er identify information by p~'agraph number. Completed ciaims must be mailed or deiiwred [o the ( Clark, The City of Tusdn, .~00 Centennial Way~ Tusdn~ California ~80. TO THE iZ:ONORAOLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNC~, City of Tustin, California The undersigned ~speci:fully submits the following claim and information persons and/or personat property: I. NAME OF CLAIMANT: A. ~.oach ~ A~ORE$$OFCLA~ANT: than above= Name, tatephone and post offic-, addre~ to which claimant desiz~es notices to be :ant, [f .~ Pacific Bell (Attention: H. A. Roach), !010 Wi!shir=- Boulevard, ~.os ~geles, ~ailzOJnia ~uu~ y Occu~-~nce ~ ~vent f~m ~ich the ctaim a~ise~ a. ~, DATE: ~-t9-~ b. TIME: ! r00 ~.m. c. PLACE (exact and spe~ d. ~ ~ unde~ what cir~mstanc~s did damage o~ injury oc6u~? Specify the part~c oc~emce~ event, ac~ o~ omisio~ you claim caused t~ inju~ or damage (use additi pap~ [f nece~y). storm Inc., 1826 Pomona Road, Room 621, Our buried cable was damage by a backhoe while placing ara~ns :or cna ~i~y o~ ~£us~n. General Contractor - Byrum L. Crume, ~o~ona, ~/2u tYi~ - 77i-i',~0. j' Work beinq done for - Irvine Company, Newport Beach, 92660 (714 - 720-2000) What particula- action by the City, or its emptoyee~, caused the alleged damag injury? Cive a description of this claim. If [her~. were no injuries, state "no injuries". injury, pro0erty damage or lc Buried cable (4-inch plastic conduit~ . ,< SO CASE NO. JF$46-0265 far as is known a[ ~.he [[~ Give the name(s) of [he CH:y employee(s) causing the damage or injury: Name and addres~ of any other person injuced: Name and addi~.sa of [he owner of any damaged p~operW: Pacific Be!! Oamage~ c~aimed: a. Amount claimed as of th['. date: b. Estimated amount of futur~ coal:s: C. d. Total amount claimed: $1,323..6.q Basis fo:' computation of amount~ claimed %incluOe copies of ail Oills, invoice-s, esCirr !0. , Names and addr~es of ail witne~, hospitals, doctors, etc. bo Co d. Any additional infatuation ~cha[ might be helpful in considering this claim: believe CORRECT. Executed this ~ day of WARNING: iT IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE TO FILE A FALSE CLAIM! (P~nal Code Section 7!; Insurance Code 5action I have read [~ ma[tars and statements made in the above claim and [ know the same ia be own knowledge, except as ~o thee matters stated [o be upon information or belief as ~o such the same [o be true. I certify under pematty of perjury that the foregoing is Office of the City Clerk, Tustin, California CLAIM NO. May ,1~ 88 ,at Los Anq~les PACIFIC BELL J. W.-"J~_nes, .C[aiman('cS[gnature Re~£'o~al Claims Manager ., California. HAR: as DATE FILED: ,4, FIELD REPORT OF PLANT DAMAGE I. b,,,eof Damage /.~,AJ,~-_ Time PM Rover NameTract 'Tu.5 Tlzd /~ore ~.;/)r~" Arrival: Mao Ref ~ , , (Date) (Time) FACILITIES DAMAGED Bu. Ca. [] Ug. Ca. ~ Aer. Ca. ~ Cond. [-~Other Size W ~C,, ~Nork,ne: Yes ~ No ~ Oeo~. St. ~ Sdwk. ~ Pkwv.~ ~riv. Pro~. ~ Other Co~t Plu~ Re~'d: Ye~ ~ No ~ Picture~ Taken: Yes O-~sq ~ LOCATION SERVICE REQUESTE~: YES~ NO~ / If Yes - How Marked ~ / ~ / ~v Whom 1. Who Rec~uested Location: Name/Co. I. Damaged Facilities in place as,j, nd~cated by: 3. Tetco Fid. Markings: Yes ¢. If Either No, Explain Meas. To --~";n~=~'"1z-'~- Tetco Records; Yes [~'~ No [--~ Other Warnin9 Cable on Contr. Prints: Yes ~ No ['~ . ~. LITIES DAMAGED BY (See below) A [] R F-} C [] 7. A. Developer .~,q~ ./.~j/iV,~_~ {1 ~ . Address UNKNOWN Name,' Name/ Name/ ]. C. Sub. Contr· Title Address ~. E~uio. lnvoived ~D~ ~C~ Tel. / Sketch on Reverse [-] Al[ached [] ,// / Rewewed ~¥ Tllle Operated 13v 1. What Happened (include persons contac:ed · w!~at was said - damag§r's reaction - opinions - e~ By onL. Crume, 187.6 POMONA~OAO'COn'-. .4, CA,3 -~ S:A:E L~CF. NS~ NO. 2~9549 (213'~ 945-6,J00 771.7'780 {714~ 737.2G,50 April 27, 1988 PACIFIC BELL 1010 Wi!shire Blvd. Los Angeles, Ca. 90017 Attn: Hal Roach Re: ~nc!osed invoice C~BO ~46CH080255JF846-0255 Dear Mr. Roach, After repeatedly tr7ing to get a hold of you by 9hone '~ simply returning this bill to you. Byron L. Crume, inc. was not at, or near the location you have staued the damage was caused to your conduit. We hav~ also con~ac=ed the owner and the developer of ~he 9roper~y The Irvine Company and they can verify ~he fac~, that our company was no~ any ~here near this location as s~ated ia your latter. We w~ll .assume that if we do not hear from you [n the future tha~ this matter is closed. Sincerely, Les S 9ea.~man Secretary L$/tmg