HomeMy WebLinkAboutConsent Calendar #7 7-6-87 A~J~ ~ ,~ ~ N ~ CONSENT CALENDAR ~ J i~,:~?~ ii)~i) !( l~ ,~!~, /~,'~c~ ~ N O. 7 DATE: ~UNE 29, 1987 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WIllIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER COPIqUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT AMENDMENT TO FOP, MA AGREEI~NT - RESTROOM DESIGN RECOMMENDATION: To approve addendum to agreement for architectural services to design park restroom building, and authorize Mayor to execute same. BACKGROUND: The original Agreement for park design was approved by Council in January 1987. The original architectural firm selected by FORMA to do the design was unable obtain the necessary liability insurance. Another firm had to be selected. The $11,500 fee for design and construction documents has been budgeted; the total cost will not change. Susan M. Jones (Y Recreation Superintendent SM,.I:RAW:jm Director of Con~nunity and Administrative Services AHEN~2NT NO. 1 TO CONS~LTII~ SEM(~S AGI~I~TT THIS AI~ENDNENT NO. I TO AGREENENT, is made and entered into, to be effective , 1987, by and between THE CITY OF TUSTIN, hereinafter referred to as 'City' and FORMA, located at 190 New~ort Center Drive, Newport Beach, California 92660, hereinafter referred to as 'Consultant'. WHEREAS, City and Consultant have previously hereto entered into an Agreement dated February 17, 1987 ('Original Agreement') for consulting services in connection with landscape architec- tural and related park planning services for the Tustin Phase I Park Site (Lot 6 of Tract 12345), located in City (hereinafter the 'Park Site'); and WHEREAS, the parties have agreed that additional archi'tec- tural services are required for design of the restroom building at the Park Site~ and WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 7 of the Original Agree- ment, the City has agreed that said restroom building design services may be subcontracted by Consultant as set forth in Consultantts letter to City, dated May 20, 1987, attached hereto as Exhibit WA' and incorporated herein by this reference. NON, THE~E~OHE, T~ PA~TIES HERETO AGREE AS FOLLOWS: ~UT~: Ail the terms and provisions contained in the Original Agreement, except as are herein modified, shall continue in full force and effect. ~: Section i of the Original Agreement, dated February 17, 1987, respecting. 'Scope of Consulting Services', is hereby modified to add the following: 'Consultant agrees to furnish to City neces- sary professional architectural and related park planning services to accomplish the design of a restroom building at the Park Site as more specifically set forth in Ex- hibit 'A' hereto.' ~ect~on 3: Section 4 of the Original Agreement, dated Febrtuary 17, 1987, respecting 'Compensation', is hereby modifed to add the following: Restroom Building Design $ 3,750.00 Restroom Buil d~ng Construction Documents $ 7,7 50.00 TGTA~ FOR REST2~OON BUILDING: $11,500.00" .~L~L'~L.~I--~: Consultant shall require the subcontractor to carry worker's compensation insurance for the protection of its employees during the progress of work. In addition, Consultant shall require the subcontractor to provide proof of errors or omissions insurance in an amount and in a form approved by City's City Attorney prior to the subcontractor commencing work for design of the restroom building at the Park Site, and a certifi- cate of said insurance shall be provided to City. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Amendment to Agreement on the day and year .first above written. CITY OF TUZTIN lqa~yo~ ~tty APPROVED AS TO. FOI~: JAI~S G. ROURKE CITY ATTO~E.Y SDA:cj :D: 06/15/87 (C3) May 20. 1987 Susan Jones Recreation Superintendent CITY OF TUSTIN 300 Centennial Way Tustin. CA 92680 RE: City of Tustin Park MAY ?. 1987 New~3rt Beach Dear Susan: Per our phone conversation, listed below is the requested fee schedule to provide architectural design services for the restroom building at Tustin Ranch Neighborhood Park. Design Construction Documents 3.750.00 7~750.00 TOTAL $11 , 500.00 As discussed, this service will be performed by 30th Street Architects of Newport Beach and administered and contracted by FORMA. This addi- tional Scope of Work and Fee will be included as an addendum to the Tustin Ranch Neighborhood Park contract and Consulting Service Agrcc.-nent dated 17, 1987. Please note that .these figures include not only architectural design services but also Structural Engineering, Plumbing Services, and project administration time for this work effort. Also attached is a copy of the architects professional liability statement as requested. It is our intent the architectural documents for the restrooms will be complete and submitted with the rest of the park construction documents, at eight weeks from notice to proceed with Phase II. We are prepared to begin work immediately. Feel free to contact me with any question you might have. Sincerely, FORMA Mark G. Lorge Senior Director MGLIdcb Enclosure 190 Newport Center Drive, Upper Gallery, Newport Beach, California 92660 (714) 644-8001 .... LEXINQTON INSURANCE CDMP~ ~'. '" .... '- Wilmington, Delamare (A Stock Insurance Companu) ~dministrative O~ices; 200 State Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02109 THIS IS A CLAIMS MADE POLICY - READ IT CAREFULLY ITEM ! Named Insured THIRTIETH STREET ARCHITECTS, INC.; THIETIETH STREET ARCHITECTS Address 2812 NEWPORT BOULEVARD NEWPORT BEACH CA 92&&3 Policu No. PC5591&57451 Renewal o~ No.: NEW PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY POLICY Architects And Engineers DECLARATIONS Item 2 Po.lieu Period: F~om 03/19/87 To 09113/88 ¢12:01 AM S~andard Time a~ the address stated herein) Limits o~ Liabilit~ ltem 4 Deductible Item 5 P~emium: 1,000,000.00 1,.000,.000.00 $20,000.00 $52,662.00 .0581 $52,662.00 Each Claim Annual Aggregate Each Claim Deposit Premium Minimum Peemium Audit Rate Estimated P~emium Item & Insu~ed's P~o~ession ARCHITECTURE Item 7 Retroactive Date: MARCH 3, 1980 BU acceptance o~ this Policu the Insured agrees that the statements in ~:he · Declarations and the application and anu attachments hereto a~e the Insured~s agreements and ~epresentations and that ~his PolicU embodie~ all agreements existing between the Insured and the CompanU o~ an~ o~ its ~epeesenta~ives relating to.this insurance. Cou~tersigned bu . -- t -*~ ~0-853-3[~-A-23 DC 3/1&/87 .) 7015...-55405.-o