HomeMy WebLinkAboutRPT 1 P.C. ACT AGENDA 06-06-88ACTION AGENDA REPORTS NO. 1 6-6-88 TUSTIN PLANNING COHHISSION REGULAR NEE'TING HAY 23, 1988 CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 .p.m., City Council Chambers PLEDGE OF ALLEGZANCE/TNVOCATION ROLL CALL: Present: Wet1, Baker, Le Jeune, Pontious Absent: Puckett PUBLIC CONCERNS: (Limited to 3 minutes per person for items not off the agenda) IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO THE COMMISSION ON A SUBJECT, PLEASE FILL OUT THE CARDS LOCATED ON THE SPEAKER'S TABLE. ALSO, PLEASE GIVE YOUR FULL NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. CONSENT CALENDAR: (ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER CONSENT CALENDAR ARE CONSIDERED ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME OF THE VOTING ON THE MOTION UNLESS MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION, STAFF OR PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED AND/OR REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE ACTION.) -. 1. Minutes of the May 9, 1988 Planning Commission meeting 2. Final Tract Map No. 13161 APPLICANT: LDM DEVELOPMENT INC. LOCATION: LOT 5 OF SECTOR TRACT 12763 REQUEST: 1) AUTHORIZATION TO SUBDIVIDE 11.3 ACRE SITE INTO TWO (2) LETTERED AND FOUR (4) NUMBERED LOTS FOR THE PURPOSES OF CONSTRUCTING 145 CONDOMINIUM UNITS. ZONING: MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL; EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: THE PROJECT IS COVERED BY A PREVIOUS EIR (85-2) FOR THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN. NO ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION IS REQUIRED. Commtstoner Le Jeune moved, Ponttous seconded to approve the consent calendar. Notion carried 4-0. PUBLIC HEARING 3. Vesting Tentative Tract Map 13096 and Design Review 87-19 APPLICANT: BREN COMPANY 5 CIVIC PLAZA, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 Planning Commission Action Agenda May 23, 1988 Page ~wo LOCATION: .LOTS 11 AND 16 OF TRACT 12763 REQUEST: 1) AUTHORIZATION TO SUBDIVIDE 13.14 ACRES INTO EIGHT (8) NUMBERED AND EIGHT (8) LETTERED LOTS FOR THE PURPOSE OF CREATING A CONDOMINIUM PROJECT WITH 237 UNITS, 2) APPROVAL OF THE SITE PLAN AND ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN FOR THE PROPOSED PROJECT. ZONING: MEDIUM HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: THE PROJECT IS COVERED BY A PREVIOUS EIR (85-2) FOR THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN. NO ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION IS REQUIRED. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Planning Commission take the following actions: 1. Approve Environmental Determination for project by adoption of Resolution No. 2499, as submitted or revised. 2. Approve Design Review No. 87-19 by adoption of Resolution No. 2497, as submitted or revised. 3. Recommend to City Council approval of Tentative Tract Map 13096 by adoption of Resolution No. 2498, as submitted or revised. Presentation: Laura Cay Pickup, Acting Senior Planner At 7:25 p.a. Com,tsstoner. Puckett arrtved prtor ~o publtc hearing on this mat~er being opened. Commissioner Pucker loved, Pontlous seconded to approve the Environmental Determination for the project by the adoption oT Resolution #o. 2499 as sub,fitted. Hotlon carrted 5-0. Col.tsstoner Baker loved, Le Jeune seconded to approve Destgn Review 87-19 by the adoptton of Resolution No. 2497 as revised.' Hotton carrted 5-0. Colmtsstoner Ponttous loved, Baker seconded to recol.end to City Council the approval of Ten~ttve Tract Map 13096 by the adoption of Resolution #o. 2498 as revised. Hotion carried 5-0. APPLICANT: OWNER: LOCATION: ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: Tentative Parcel Map 88-179 K.W. LAWLER AND ASSOCIATES 2832 WALNUT AVENUE, SUITE A TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 92680 COLCO LTD. 1400 DOVE ST., #120 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92660 SOUTH SIDE OF SEVENTEENTH STREET, APPROXIMATELY 370 FEET EAST OF ENDERLE CENTER WAY. PC-C PLANNED COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL THIS PROJECT IS CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT (CLASS '15) FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT. TO SUBDIVIDE ONE PARCEL INTO TWO PARCELS. Planning Commission Action Agenda May 23, 1988 Page three Recommendation: It is recommended that the Planning Commission recommend approval of Tentative Parcel Map 88-179 to the City Council' by adoption of Resolution No. 2500 as submitted or revised. Presentation: Laura Cay Pickup, Acting Senior Planner Comatsstoner Puckett coved, Pontious seconded to recoaeend to City Counctl the approval of Tentative Parcel Nap 88-179 by the adoption of Resolution #o. 2500 as sub~itted. )lotion carried 5-0. 5. Use Permit 87-29 APPLICANT: LOCATION: ZONING: STEELCASE 1123 WARNER AVENUE TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 92680 PC-M (PLANNED COMMUNITY INDUSTRIAL) ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: A NEGATIVE DECLARATION HAS BEEN FILED FOR THIS PROJECT IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT REQUEST: INSTALLATION OF ONE UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK AND ONE ABOVE GROUND STORAGE TANK IN A CONTAINMENT BUILDING Recommendation: It is recommended that the Planning Commission, by the adoption of Resolution No. 2501, authorize installation of one underground tank to contain xylene solvent and one above-ground tank in a containment building to contain water-soluble acrylic resin. Presentation: Christine Shingleton, Director of Community Development Co...tsstoner Baker ~oved, Puckett seconded to approve Use Permit 87-29 by the adoption of Resolution No. 2501 as subelttod. Motion carried 5-0. 6. Variance 88-05 APPLICANT: LOCATION: ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: BURNETT-EHLINE 2050 S. SANTA CRUZ ANAHEIM, CA. 92805 13011 - 13051 NEWPORT AVENUE THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF NEWPORT AVENUE AND IRVINE BOULEVARD C-2 (CENTRAL COMMERCIAL) DISTRICT A NEGATIVE DECLARATION WILL BE FILED FOR THIS PROJECT IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT REQUEST: A REQUEST BY BURNETT-EHLINE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY TO ALLOW THE PLAZA LA FAYETTE PROJECT (A MIXED USE COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT) TO HAVE 50 PARKING SPACES LESS THAN WOULD BE REQUIRED, TO ACCOMMODATE PROPOSED RESTAURANT USES WITHIN THE PROJECT. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Planning Commission continue the Public Hearing on this matter until June 13, 1988. Presentation: Christine Shingleton, Director of Community Development Planning Commission Action Agenda qay 23, 1988 .'age four C_n~m__tsstoner Baker moved, Le Jeune seconded to conttnue the publtc hearing on Vartance 88-05 untt] the June 13, 1988 P]anntng Comdsston meettng. Hotton carried 5-0. 7. Use Permit 88-7 APPLICANT: OWNER: LOCATION: INNOVATIVE GRAPHICS, INC. 833 N. ELM STREET ORANGE, CA 92668 CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY 4833 FOUNTAIN AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CA 90029 14511RVINE BOULEVARD AT THE INTERSECTION OF RED HILL AVENUE ZONING: PROFESSIONAL OFFICE (PR) ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT CLASS 11 REQUEST: TO PERMIT MODIFICATION OF PREVIOUSLY APPROVED CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS AUTHORIZING PLACEMENT OF A TENANT IDENTIFICATION MONUMENT AND WALL SIGN Recommendation: That the Planning Commission table Use Permit 88-7 and direct staff to readvertlse the public hearing after an amended application is submitted. Presentation: Mary Ann Chamberlain, Associate Planner C_m~__tsstoner Puckett moved, Le Jeune seconded to table Use Permit 88-7 and direct staff to readvertlse after a completed appltcaLion is submitted. Notion carried 5-0. NEN BUSINESS OLD BUSINESS 8. Outdoor Seattn~ Guidelines .Presentation: Laura. Cay Pickup, Acting Senior Planner CA,missioner Puckettmoved, Baker seconded to instruct staff to prepare and return to the Conmdsston a draft resolution establishing guidelines for outdoor seating establishments. Notion carried 5-0. STAFF CONCERNS 9. Report on actions taken at the May 16, 1988 City Council meeting Presentation: Christine Shtngleton, Director of Community Development COPIHISSION CONCERNS Commissioner Baker inquired if staff had received the graphics package for the Market Place. He also asked if it were possible to have an annual revie~ of conditional use permits. Planntng Commission Action, Agenda May 23, 1988 Page ftve Commissioner Le deune apologized for ,dsstng the jotnt vorkshop vith the Council due to 111ness. Commissioner Puckett apologized for betng late to the meettng. Commissioner Well noted that the flags were dewn at the old #ew West Llghttng building. She also noted her concern over the Ctty's tnvolvment tn the CC&R's of the new tracts requesting wtth concurrence of Ctty Counct1 one modification of drtveway parktng restrictions to add 'trailers'. ADdOURI~4ENT At 9:45 p.m. C__~mtsstoner Le deune moved, Ponttous seconded to adjourn to the next regular meettng of the Tustln Planning Conmisston on dune 13, 1988 at 7:00 p.m. Hotton carrted 5-0. AGENDA TUSTZN PLANNING CO~ISSION REGULAR MEETING HAY 23, 1988 CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 pom,, Ci~ Council Chambers PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/INVOCATION ROLL CALL: PuckeCt, Nell, Baker, Ce Jeune, Ponttous PUBLIC CONCERNS: (Limited to 3 minutes per person for items not on the agenda) IF YOU NISH TO SPEAK TO THE COMMISSION ON A SUBJECT, PLEASE FILL OUT THE CARDS LOCATED ON THE SPEAKER'S TABLE. ALSO, PLEASE GIVE YOUR FULL NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. CONSENT CALENDAR: (ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER CONSENT CALENDAR ARE CONSIDERED ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME OF THE VOTING ON THE MOTION UNLESS MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION, STAFF OR PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED AND/OR REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE ACTION.) 1. Minutes of the May g, 1988 Planning Commission mee. ti.~ 2. Final Tract Map No. 13161 APPLICANT: LDM DEVELOPMENT INC. LOCATION: LOT 5 OF SECTOR TRACT 12763 REQUEST: 1) AUTHORIZATION TO SUBDIVIDE 11.3 ACRE SITE LETTERED AND FOUR (4) NUMBERED LOTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTING 145 CONDOMINIUM UNITS. INTO TWO (2) PURPOSES OF ZONING: MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL; EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: THE PROJECT IS COVERED BY A PREVIOUS EIR (85-2) FOR THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN. NO ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION IS REQUIRED. PUBLIC HEARING 3. Ves~iqg Tentative Tract Map 13096 and Design Review 87-19 APPLICANT: BREN COMPANY 5 CIVIC PLAZA, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 Planning Commission Agenda May 23, 1988 Page two LOCATION: REQUEST: LOTS 11 AND 16 OF TRACT 12763 1) AUTHORIZATION TO SUBDIVIDE 13.14 ACRES INTO EIGHT (8) NUMBERED AND EIGHT (8) LETTERED LOTS FOR THE PURPOSE OF CREATING A CONDOMINIUM PROJECT WITH 237 UNITS, 2) APPROVAL OF THE SITE PLAN AND ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN FOR THE PROPOSED PROJECT. MEDIUM HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: THE PROJECT IS COVERED BY A PREVIOUS EIR (85-2) FOR THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN, NO ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION IS REQUIRED. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Planning Commission take the foll~ing actions: 1. Approve Environnmntal Determination for project by adoption of Resolution No. 2499, as submi:ted or revised. 2. Approve Design Review No. 87-19 by adoption of Resolution No. 2497, as submitted or revised. 3. Recommend to City Council approval of Tentative Trac: Map 13096 by adoption of Resolution No. 2498, as submitted or revised, Presentation: Laura Cay Pickup, Acting Senior planner Tentative Parcel Map 88-179 APPLICANT: OWNER: LOCATION: ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: K.W. LAWLER AND ASSOCIATES 2832 WALNUT AVENUE, SUITE A TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 92680 COLCO LTD. 1400 DOVE ST., ~120 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92660 SOUTH SIDE OF SEVENTEENTH :iSTREET, ENDERLE CENTER WAY. PC-C PLANNED COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL APPROXIMATELY 370 FEET EAST OF (CLASS 15) FROM THE the Planning Commission recommend the City Council by adoption of THIS PROJECT IS CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT. REQUEST: TO SUBDIVIDE ONE PARCEL INTO TWO PARCELS. Recommendation: It is recommended that approval of Tentative Parcel Map 88-179 to Resolution No. 2500 as submitted or revised. Presentation: Laura Cay Pickup, Acting Senior Planner 5. IJse Permit 87-29 APPLICANT: LOCATION: ZONING: STEELCASE 1123 WARNER AVENUE TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 92680 PC-M (PLANNED COMMUNITY INDUSTRIAL) Planning Commission Agenda May 23, 1988 Page three ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: A NEGATIVE DECLARATION HAS BEEN FILED FOR THIS PROJECT IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT REQUEST: INSTALLATION OF .ONE UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK AND ONE ABOVE GROUND STORAGE TANK IN A CONTAINMENT BUILDING Recommendation: It is recommended that the Planning Commission, by the adoption of Resolution No. 2501, authorize installation of one underground tank to contain xylene solvent and one above-ground tank in a containment building to contain water-soluble acr¥1.ic resin. Presentation: Christine Shingleton, Director of CommUnity Development 6. Variance 88-05 APPLICANT: LOCATION: ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: BURNETT-EHLINE 2050 S. SANTA CRUZ ANAHEIM, CA. 92805 13011 - 1305l NEWPORT AVENUE THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF NEWPORT AVENUE AND IRVINE BOULEVARD - . ...... C-2 (CENTRAL COMMERCIAL) DISTRICT A NEGATIVE DECLARATION WILL BE FILED FOR THIS PROJECT IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT REQUEST: A REQUEST BY BURNETT-EHLINE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY TO ALLOW THE PLAZA LA FAYETTE PROJECT (A MIXED USE COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT) TO HAVE 50 PARKING SPACES LESS THAN WOULD BE REQUIRED, TO ACCOMMODATE PROPOSED -- RESTAURANT USES WITHIN THE PROJECT. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Planning Commission continue the Public Hearing on this matter until June 13, 1988. APPLICANT: OWNER: LOCATION: ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: Use Permit 88-7 INNOVATIVE GRAPHICS, INC. 833 N. ELM STREET ORANGE, CA 92668 CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY 4833 FOUNTAIN AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CA 90029 1451 IRVINE BOULEVARD AT THE INTERSECTION OF RED HILL AVENUE PROFESSIONAL OFFICE (PR) CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT CLASS 11 TO PERMIT MODIFICATION OF PERMITS AUTHORIZING AND WALL SIGN PREVIOUSLY APPROVED CONDITIONAL USE PLACEMENT OF A TENANT IDENTIFICATION MONUMENT Planning Commission Agenda Hay 23, X98~ Page foup Recommendation: That the Planning Commission table Use Permit 88-7 and direct Staff to readvertise the public hearing after an amended application is submitted. Presentation: Mary Ann Chamberlain, Associate Planner NEW BUSINESS OLD BUSX#£SS 8. Outdo,~c,Seatin~ Guidelines Presentation: Laura Cay Pickup, Acting Senior Planner STAFF CONCERNS 9. Report on acttqq~__taken at the May 16, 1988 City Council meeting Presentation: Christine Shingleton, Director of Community Development COMMISSION CONCERNS ADJOURIOIENT Adjourn to the next regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission on June 13, lg88 at 7:00 p.m.