HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport #3 7-6-87 17592 Amaganse · '' REPORTS ""- ' NO. 3 TO: #ILLZAR A. HUSTON, CZTY HANAG£R FROM: COIlIUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. SUBJECT: STATUS REPORT - 17592 AHAGANSET RECOIt~ENDATION: Receive and file. BACKGROUND: In response to an inquiry from Councilwomen Kennedy and complaints from surrounding neighbors of the Amaganset property, a review of the file on the subject property has revealed the presence of substandard conditions on the subject property as far back as early 1985 with a number of specific actions previously taken by the City including initiation of public nuisance proceedings (See Exhibit attached). While some minor work has been inspected on the site over the last several months, there are- still numerous substandard corrections on the site which constitute* a condition of deterioration and disrepair unsightly to the community. The Building Official has, therefore, drafted a new Notice and Order declaring the property to be a public nuisance under Section 203 of the Uniform Building Code, which is currently being reviewed by the City Attorney's office. The notice demands that all work under current permits be ftnaled within thirty days along with cleaning up the outside premises. Construction activity at the property has progressed slowly and now appears to be abandoned again. Staff would recommend that the new notice be served and if not .complied with, the City take immediate action to perform needed work of securing and cleaning the property. The Council has already approved past resolutions and staff has notified all parties on many occasslons in the past. Staff will continue to keep the Council apprised of this matter as events unfold. LI): CS: ts Attachment: Exhibit City Council Minutes, December 16, 1985 EXHZBTT 03/22/73 Inspection of the property being done without permits. 01/09/85 City notified owner that tresspassers. 02/22/85 03/08/85 04/11/85 04/11/85 07/09/85 11/14/85 12/16/85 02/13/86 08/27/86 10/10/86 10/15/86 11/13/86 12/29/86 .02/13/87 03/24/87 04/0g/87 found that extensive alterations were property is unsecured and warranting Building Division notified owner that property for last two years has been abandoned and dilapidated. Demanding that action be taken to correct problems or proberty be declared as public nuisance. Notice and Order served to owner. Follow-up letter - a appeal period passed. Building Division notified utilities to be discontinued. City Attorney's office notified owner that a public hearing notice will be scheduled on 7-24-85 if no action is taken. Initiation of Abatement of Public Nuisance proceeding. City Council adopted Resolution 85-116. Building permits issued. Notice and Order sent to lender. Job site meeting with owner, City and owner's attorney. Agreement of work to be completed. Owner and his attorney agreed to start work and complete work within 60 days. Inspection of roof. Framing inspection. Mechanical and insulation inspection. Drywall inspection. ibm #tNUTT~ OF A flfGtZ. A~ O~ I~E C~T~ COUNCIL OF 1~ IT. The ~eettng was -called to order by lqayer G~tnke it 7:04 p.m. tn City CounclT Chad)ers, 30Q Castlnnt&l Way. .the ¥~las' Oen Cub ~C Pi~ ~. ~ P~ SC. C~t~ti's Church. abase leader t$ 0ennts Oo 14lhQn~,. The In~lrt. Craap vis r~lUeftad to s~and and r~Cltved recognition vtth a~pliuse. The tflvQcatton ~as ~lven by Co~nct1~in Edgar. Nelbers of Pack No. 638 frml ?ust'ln NoidM ver~ also pment, stood, lad r~cltvd r~'.ognttlen vt~h at)~l&use. 0anild J. SIicare111, Hayer Pro Tm Itlchard B. {dglr Ursula ir. Kennedy Count1 llm~o~ Absent: Nme Others Prtsint: ¥t111&m A. )klstofl, City 14lnager ' /.. ~ G. Itourl~e. Ct~y A~Tern~/ Ill. ' FI~G.m~TIONS .NoI? {. Vynfl, C1~ Cleft - t)l--er~ Ommld O. LMm, CO.. OeveTotmenc Robert. S. Lldendecker, 0lt. of Publtc Worts lloylien A. ~ttl. ~r. ~ b. i ~tn. S~cs. ~sln d~, R~atl~ Su~flClfldKt Jeff 0arts, ~s~tite Plier ~ 9~14y, ~ntst~ttve Asststi~ ~mlmtely SO tn ~e Et~ce lQlle. 1. trlttvl Astltr. en~ u ~aln~ In her IKer~ ~CK 0~er 3, Page 3e Mayor Gretnke agened ~e ~ubllc hea~1ng at 7:LO p.m. Jeff Jolley, ~ae~tcafl flestoratlon & C~s~c~4ofl, [ftc., 3~00 ~est ~er, Sutte 8, S4~ Aha, general conC~acCo~ e~y, ~o~ ~ac Hnal ~lans ~rt fo~all~ submt~c~ for ~lan a~g~xt~tal~ 90 days ~ br~n~ the p~ge~y taro C~e can~omance. s~e n~lss~ry ~1~ (such as broken ~ndovs) ~h~ch ~111 cotnclde ~e~ ~ no ~her speeke~ on the ~er, [~ ms ~ mv~ by S41Care111~ sKond~ b~ Hoescerey, ~) ~t the fo11~ng; and ~ ~. 8~116 - A RE~OLUTTON ~ CI~ ~ ~STTfl, ~ZFORNIA, O~INI~ ~T ~flTAIfl ~NOITTONS ~ ~ PROPER~ LO~T~ AT ~TSg~ ~ANS~ AVENUE (AP! 40T- 033-01) CON~T~ A ~8LZC ~IS~C~ ~0 H~EBY ASA~M~ OF SAXO Z) ~d Se~lon II of R~olutton NO. 85-L~6. ordertnq abacme~ of ¢o~ttl~s ~thtn a ~asonable pe~od of time at the dtsc~tton of ~e C~ntty Oevelo~enC Oteectoe prior any l~ml ~tion a6alnst ~e prope~y ~er or as~ess~nt of 1t~ agatns~ the.property: ~e ~tton carrd~ S-~. ~ C~fltty OIYITO~C 0trKCor presenC~ the st~ff repo~ and rK~aCton as ~taln~ In the I~ec-c~ ~e public hee~ng ~s oP~ by ~ayo~ Gretnke et 7:L6 ~.m. There ~ee ~ sgeake~ ~ the ~CCer, and the gublfc heartn~ was close. Tt ~S C~ ~v~ b7 Hoeste~eZ~ second~ b7 ~ennedz, ChaC Ordinance NO. gS7 have rl~C readin9 by title oniy. Hot,on carr~ Foiling ft~t ~4dtng b~ title ~1~ of Ordinance City Clerk, tt vas ~v~ b~ Ed~ar~ s~ond~ O~tnance No. 957 be t'n'Croduc~ as ~o]lo~s: ~[~ ~. 9~ . AN ~O[flA~C[ ~ ~E C[~ C~NCZL ~ ~[ CiTY OF ~[~ ~P~V[~ ~g[~6 ~O[~AgC[ ~. 85-6 AU~OR[Z[g6 ~ [~U~Z~ (~) O[~[CTS The ~tton carrt~ S-O. ~e Staff rapo~ a~ P~,,-endaCton ~e~ present~ by the C~untt~ O~elog~C 0trKtor as ~ntain~ fn the t~er-c~ prepared by the C~n~Cy OeveJo~C Oepa~m~C dated O~er L6, [9B5. In response to Counc~lw~an ~enn~y, the C~nity Oevelo~m~c O~r~or s&at~ tt ts the Ctty At=omey's optnfon thaC the Clty has a rgghc to t~ co prohibit ce~atn types ~dlnance No. 954 state thac industrial zones res~d~C~a1 areas. B~ause of th~s staff ?eels tt has go~ 5~d- trig to t~ to prohibit toxtc ~s&e transfer stations. [? chat- 1eng.. the City could uphold su~ ?~nd~ngs a~ haYe ve~ good defense tn ~u~s ~ law. [? the o~fnance Is nat adoptS, the CI[y ~11 haYe greater exposure and greater chance of losing aC~cs to prohlbtt toxtc ~ste transfer stations.