HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport #4 7-6-87 Annex 141 REPORTS Inter- Corn TO: FROM: SUBJECT: COI~UIlIT~ DL:'V£LOI~£11T DEPAETHE#T NOTICl/ OF PROTEST IIEARING FOR ANNI/XATION NO. 141 PROSPECT/VANDENBERG RECOI~ENDATION: Receive and ftle. DISCUSSION: Offtctal Nottce of Protest Heartng for Annexation No. 141 (Prospect-Vandenberg) has been given for July 20, 1987. According to Sectton 57025 of the Cortese/Knox Local Government Reorganization Act of 1985, upon receipt from LAFCO of resolution of determination, the c~erk of the conducting authority sha~l, gtve nottce of the heartng to be held on the proposed annexation. The requt.red documents were recetved from LAFCO, and proper nottce has been published tn the T~sttn Ne~s and mailed to al~ landowners and registered voters tn proposed annexation areas. Christine Shtngleton ~/ Dtrector of Community Development CAS:per Attachment: Public.Hearth§ Nottce OFFICIAL NOTZC£ Or PUBLZC HEARI#G ?watts City Council JI(FI'ICEOFPUBLIC HEARING 'JUSTIN CITY COUNCIL The Ctty Counct1 of the Clt~ of Tustla wtll conduct a publlc heartng on ~uly 20, 1987, at 7:00 P.#., tn the Counct1 Chambers, 300 Centennial Hey, Tusttn, California, on the proposed annexation deslgnated Prospect-Vandenberg Annexation No. 141 to the Ctty of Tusttn. On March 16, 1987, the Ctty of Tusttn adopted a Resolutlon of Application to tnlttate annexation proceedings for the subject torrttory with the Local Agency Formation Commission of Orange County, California. After conducting a publlc heartng on ~une 3, 1987 on the proposed annexation, the Local Agency Formetton Cohmi;SSlOfl adopted a Resolution designating the Ctty of Tusttn ss the conducting authority end directing the Ctty Counct1 of the CJty of Tustln to Intttate annexation proceedings ~ompltance wtth satd Resolution. ' ..... The proposed Prospect-Yandenberg Annexation No. 141 conststs of territory bounded by Prospect Avenue on the east, the Orange CoUnty Flood Control DtstrJct Channel on the south, present Ctty boundary on the west, and Yandenberg Lane and the present Ctty boundary on the north. The proposed annexation ts made for the purpose of Increasfng the econonty and efficiency of the full range of government servtces provtded to residents of the proposed annexation torrttory by Incorporating satd territory whtch 11es wtthtn the Cttar of Tustln's sphere of Influence. Any regfstered voter restdlng wtthln the territory, or any owner of landwtthtn the territory may ftle a wrttten protest agalnst the proposed annexation by ftltn9 the protest wtth the Ctty Clerk of the Ctty of Tusttn at any ttme prlor to commencement of the publlc heartng. At the hearing, the Ctty Count11 shall hear end recetve any oral or wrttten protests, objections, or evtdence whtch ts made, presented or ftled. Any person may wtthdraw that protest at any ttme prtor to the conclusion of the hearing. Each wrttten protest must state whether tt ts made by a landowner or registered voter and the name and address of the owner of land affected and the street address or other description sufficient to tdenttfy the locatton of the land, or the name and address of the registered voter es tt appears on the affidavit of the regtstratlon. Each wrttten protest shall show the date that each signature was afftxed to the protest. The Ctty of Tusttn, es applicant, Shall be 1table for and pay all proper expenses tncurred tn conducting proceedings for the subject change of organization. Additional tn¢ormettQn regarding thts heartng my be obtatned by Community Development Department at (714) 544-8890. HARY E. IJYN#, City Clerk PUBLISH: THE TUSTXN IIEHS ~ULY 2, 1987 contacting the