HomeMy WebLinkAboutOld Business #2 7-20-87 Inter Corn ,IULY 20, 19 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAIi HUSTON, CI'l'~ RANAGER CHRISTINE SHINGLETON, COI~NITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTNENT SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY AND ATTRACTIVE NUISANCE LOCATED AT 17592 N~GANSET RECORENDATIO#: Recel ve and ltl e. BACKGROUND: The City Counctl at thetr meettng on July 6th requested that staff provide an additional status report on progress of correcting substandard property conditions at 17592 Amaganset for the Council's meettng on July 20th. [t was also requested that staff dtscuss alternative mechanisms available to the Ctty to ensure continued maintenance of the property in the future once tntttal code compliance was obtained. Resolution No. 85-116 legally nottfted the subject property owner that all public nuisance conditions at the above menttone¢ property would need to be corrected by February 1, 1986. Failure to adequately follow through with these corrections has now resulted in the City issuing a second Notice and Order which was sent to the property owner on July 10, 1987 demanding correction'of a majority of substandard exterior conditions within 10 days. If compliance is not achieved within the time specified, the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Substandard buildings along with the City's previously adopted Resolution No. 85-116 would result in City staff undertaking the following: 1. Recordation of Notice and Order Abatement of Dangerous Buildings Code, Section 402 The Building Official would file in the office of the County Recorder a certificate describing the property and certifying (t) that the building is a dangerous building and (ii) that the owner has been so notified. City C°uncll Report 17592 Amaganset July 20, 1987 Page Abate the'Public. Nuisance , Under Sectton 401 (b) 4 of the Abatement-of D~ngerous Butldtng Code and City Resolution 85-116, the Ctty would undertake necessary corrective work on the property. Recovery of these costs would be attatned through a special assessment against the parcel. After the assessment costs are confirmed, by Ctty Council upon completion of all work, costs Incurred by the City would become a lien on the subject property. Once the property is cleaned up et'ther through, the property owner's cooperation or the City's Notice and Order, there are a number of alternatives available to ensure continued metntenance on the subject property. First, the City can continue to keep on ftle the recorded Notice of Substandard Condition. As long as this document is kept on file, the property owner is legally obligated to maintain all previously substandard conditions mentioned in the notice. If at any time the property owner allows the property to become a nuisance as it was previously, the City would be able to, at any time, immediately abate said condition pursuant to the procedure identified as item No. 2 above. Once a Notice is recorded with the County, the abatement of publjc- nuisance procedure is perhaps the easiest and quickest way of ensuring continued maintenance of the property. The City through this Notice and Order procedure would also have the ability to require demolition of all site improvements if substandard conditions reoccurred.. Another alternative available for enforcement in uncooperatlove circumstances would be the City initiating legal action in the form of a citation or misdemeanor charge. The property owner can be subject to separate charges for each day a violation exists. While the City can't force the property owner to sell the subject property even through.the use of eminent domain (since there would be no proposed use of the property for a public use), there are a number of parties who hav~ expressed interest in purchasing the property and completing all site improvements. I think it would be in the best interest of the existing residential neighborhood for the City to encourage the current absentee property owner to sell the property to a party interested in completing the on-site remodeling that was begun but not completed. Corn munity Development DeparTmen; J City Council Report 17592 Ameganset July 20, 1987 Page three Attached are copies of past resolution and the Notice and Order recently sent to the property owner. Pertinent code sections -are also attached to support actions mentioned above. Lloyd DiCk// Building Official LD:CAS:pef Attachments: Resolution No. 85-101 Resolution NO. 85-116 r st ne htngleton Director of Community De~velopment Community DeveloPment Department 'July 10, 1987 Department ofCommuni~ Development CERTIFIED : P 294 282 277 Hr. Harold Cormann 3272 Kenpton Los Alamitos, California 90720 SUBJECT: NOTICE AND ORDER TO ABATE SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY AND ATTRACTIVE NUISANCE Dear Mr. Cormann: This is a Notice and Order to Abate the substandard property condition which constitutes a dangerous condition and a public nuisance, located at 17592 Amaganset, Tustin, California, also knows as Assessor's parcel No. 401-033-01. This Notice and Order to Abate the substandard property condition is made pursuant to Section 1001 of the Uniform Housing Code and Section 203 of the Uniform Building Code, 1979 Edition, as adopted by the City Council. You are hereby ordered to abate the following substandard conditions on the above located property: e Property including but not ttmited to building exteriors and premises have become unsightly and in such condition of disrepair causing detrtmat to neighboring properties. A. Overgrown weeds.and vegetation B. Unfinished driveway surface C. Broken windows D. Removal of plywood from all windows E. Stockpiling of Junk, debris and equipment F. Unsecured property - removed fencing G. Tree roots uplifting sidewalk Completion of all work.under current building permits within thirty days (30) of this notice. Securing of property to discourage malicious mischief and trespassers within ten days (10) of this notice and corrections of all unsightly conditions of disrepair identified in item No. I within ten (10) days. 300 Centennial Way · Tustin, California 92680 · (714) 544-8890 Mr..Cormann July lO, 1987 Page Two As you know, the above located property has continued to exist in its substandard state of disrepair for several years; although the City staff has attempted to cooperate with you in order to implement the necessary repairs to the property, you have failed to meet previously agreed to time schedules. In the event that the required repairs and work are not completed within the times specified from receipt of this no, ice, the City of Tustin will proceed to cause the work to be done and lien all costs of such work against the property owner pursuant to previously adopted City Council Resolution 85-116 (attached). The City also may be compelled to take legal action. If you should have any questions in regard to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. LD:ts Attachment: Resolution 85-116 cc: City Attorney Jonathan Cox, Attorney Chic H. Huang Respectfully, Lloyd Dick, Building Official 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17~ 18 19 20 21 22 2~ 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION ~0. 85-116 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING THAT CERTAIN CONDITIONS ON THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 17592 AMAGANSET AVENUE (AP# 401-033-01~"CONSTITUTE A PUBLIC NUISANCE AND HEREBY ORDERING THE ABATEMENT OF SAID NUISANCE The City Council of the City of Tustfn hereby resolves as follows: I. The City Council hereby finds and determines as follows: That pursuant to Section 5500 et. seq. of the Tustin Municipal Code, and based upon the recommendation of the Director of Community Development, Resolution No. 85-101 was adopted authorizing a public hearing for the purposes of determining if conditions on the property at 17592 Amaganset (AP~ 401-033-01) constitute a public nuisance. That the property owner of the subject property was duly notified of the date of the public hearing via certified mail and a physical posting of the property. II. C. That the conditions on the property noted in Section I.B. of Resolution No. 85-i01 are still present and are hereby determined to constitute a public nuisance. The City Council h~reby orders .that the following actions be taken by the property owner of the property located at 17592 Amaganset. That all broken windows be replaced, and all doors equipped with new locks and secured. B. That all trash, debris, dead vegetation be removed from the garage, house, and yards of the subject address. That items II.A. and II.B. of this resolution be accomplished by January 1, 1986. 0 That all violations of the Uniform Building Code indicated in Resolution No. 85-101 be corrected and the house made habitable by February 1, 1986. III. The City Council hereby directs that if the order to abate the public nuisance promulgated in Section II of this Resolution has not been completed within the time frame allotted, the city shall immediately cause the same. to be abated by city personnel or private contract. Such personnel or persons under contract are, if the need arises, expressly authorized to enter upon the premises known as 17592 Amaganset for the purposes of abating the public nuisance. The owner 1 3 § ? 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2~ 26 2? 28 Resolution No. 85-116 page two of satd premtses shall'be' 1fable to the city for all costs of such abatement Including all administrative costs. Recovery of these costs wt11 be attafned through a special assessment agaJnst the parcel. After the assessment is confirmed, it shall be a lien:on the parcel. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council held on 16th day of December i, 19B5. FRANK GREINKE, MAYOR ATTEST: ,./ .1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 19- '13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 85-101 A'RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF lq~E CITY OF TUSTIN,' CALIFORNIA, OECLARING THE INTENTION l~) CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER THE CONDITION OF lq~E PROPERTY LOCATEO AT 17S92 AMAGANSET (AP~ 401-033-01) CONSTIlqJTES A PUBLIC NUISANCE The Ctty Counctl of the ctty of Tusttn hereby resolves as follows: I. The Ctty Counctl hereby ftnds and determines the following: That pursuant to Sectton $$00 et. seq. of the Tusttn City Code, and based upon the recommendation of the Otrector of Community Development, a publtc hearing should be conducted to determine whether or not the condition of the property located at 17592 Amaganset (AP# 401-033-01) constitutes a public nuisance. B. That the extsttng conditions of the property are as follows: 1. The butldtng has been vacant for two or more years. 2. Several windows have been broken out in violation of City Code Section 5501. 3. ' Non-conforming construction has been done in that the attic has been converted into habitable space in.violation of city codes. Washer/dryer has been relocated without permits and does not conform to city codes. 5. The water heater has been relocated without permits and does not conform to city codes. 6. Non-conforming electrical wiring is present in several places: washer, dryer, patio, garage areas. There is an accumulation of trash in the garage creating a potential.fire hazard in violation of City Code Sections 550! and 4324. An air conditioner has been installed without permits or inspection and does not conform to city codes. C. That recommended methods of abatement are as follows: 1. That all building code violations be corrected. That the property owner repair all windows in the structure. That all debris be immediately and permanently cleared from the property. FILE COPY 1 2 Resolution No. 85-101 page two 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I Attest: 13 14 15 16 1? 18 19 21 27 28 That items I. C. 1, 2, and 3 of thts resolution be accomplished wtthtn 20 days of adoption of this resoluttono The City Counct1 hereby authorizes a publtc hearing concerning:the property at 17592 Amaganset (AP# 401-033-01) to be conducted on November 18, 1985. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a ~egular meettng of the Tusttn City Counctl, held on the 4th day of November , 1985. FRANK H. GREINKE, Mayor MARY E:. ~N, City ~lerk