HomeMy WebLinkAboutNew Business #1 7-20-87DATE: JULY 20, 1987
Appoint Voting Delegate and Alternate.
As described in the attached memorandum, The League of California Cities has
asked that the City of Tusttn designate a Voting Delegate and an Alternate
represent Tustin at the Annual League Conference to be held in October, 1987.
Wfllliam A. Hutton
City Manager
WAH :ih
League of California Cities
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CaWomia Cities r
Work Together ~[1.'~)~ C~
July 80 1987
Dear City Official:
This year's League Annual Conference is scheduled for October 4-7 in San Francisco.
The most important aspect of the Annual Conference is the General Business Session at
which time the _me__.~bership cakes action on conference resolutions. It is important for
California cities to take the initiative in developing positive programs for the
future. Annual Oinference resolutic~s will guide cities and the League in our efforts
to iml~rove the quality, responsiveness and vitality of local government within this
state. Ail cities should be represented at the Business Session on Tuesday afternoon,
October 6, at .2:00 p.m. in San Francisco's Moscc~e Center.
TO ex. dj. 'te the cc~duct of business at this important ~olic~-makin~ mestin~, each City
._Council should desi~ate a ~otin~ representative and an alternate who will be present
: the BuSiness Session. ~Te League (kx,~titution provides that each city is entitled
-O c~e vote in matters 'affecting municipal or League policy. A voting card will be
given to the city official designated by tb~ City Oouncil on the enclosed "voting
delegate form." If the Mayor or a member of the City ODuncil is in attendance at the
C0~ference, it is expected that c~e of these officials will be designated as the voting
delegate. F&m~er, if the City Co~uil will ~t have a registered delegate at the
Cc~ference but will be represe~ted by other city officials, one of these officials
should be designated the voting delegate ~r alternate.
Please forward the e~closed "voting delegate form" to the Sacramento office of the
League at tb~ earliest possible time, so that the proper records may be established for
the __¢k/~ference. ~le voting delegate may pick up tb~ city's ~oting c~d in the League
Begistration Area at tb~ M0sccne Center in San Francisco.
If neither the ~oting delegate nor alternate is able to attend the Business Session,
the voting delegate or alternate may pass tb~ voting ~d to another official from the
same city by appel_ ring in person before a representative of the Credentials O'_,,_,~,~ttee
to make the e. xd"lange.
An outline of the voting procedures that will be followed at this conference is printed
on tb~ reverse side of this memo. It is suggested that the May(x and all Council
Members from a given city try to sit together at the Business Sessio~ so that, if
amendments are considered, there may be an c~l~xtunity to exchange points of view and
arrive at a ommensus before the city's ~ote is cart.
~ur cooperation in returning the attached "~)ting delegate form" as soon as possible
will be appreciated.
E~mcutive Director
League of California Cities
Annual Conference Votin~ Procedures
Fach member city with City officials registered at the Annual Conference has a
right to cast cne vote on matters pertaining to League policy.
2. To cast the city's vote a city official must have in his or her possession the
city's voting card and be registered with the Credentials Core'tree.
3. Prior to the Annual Conference, each city should designate a voting delegate and an
alternate and return the Voting Delegate Form to the League for use by the
Credentials (kmm~ittee.
The voting delegate or' alternate may pick up the city's voting card at the voting
delegate's desk in the confere~'e registration area.
Free exchange of the voting ~rd bet~n the voting delegate and alternate is
If neither the voting delegate nor alternate is able to attend the Business
Session, the voting delegate or alternate may pass the voting card to another
official from the same city by appearing in pers(a~ before a representative of the
Credentials ODmmittee to make the exchange.
Qualification of an initiative resolution is judged in part by the validity of
signatures. (l~ly the signatures of city officials who, according to the records of
the Credentials Co, m,~ittee, are authorized to use the city's voting card and who
have left a sample of their signatures on the Credentials .Committee's register will
be approved.
In case of dispute, the Credentials Committee will determine the right of a city'
official to vote at the Business Sessionl
discdr ft .policy