HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA #6 7-20-87 TAX Increment~A "- REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DATE: July 15, t987 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Willia~ .Huston, City Manager Ronald~.~..~]~ector of Finance CURRENT STATUS: 1982 TAX INCREMENT BOND RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. DISCUSSION: The Agency's underwriter, E.F. Hutton and Company, marketed our Refinancing Bonds on Tuesday, July 14. The final coupon rates range from a low of 4.40% in 1987/88 to a maximum of 7.50% in 2005/06. The net interest cost to the Agency will be 7.09% over the life of the bond issue versus 9.77% on the 1982 Bonds. At this time, the preliminary closing is scheduled for Tuesday, August 4, with the actual close to be conducted on Wednesday, August 5. The final documents are being prepared and will be sent to you by Wednesday July 29. I will be conducting a mandatory Public Hearing on Thursday, July 23, 1987 at 4 p.m. in the Council Chambers .to receive any comments regarding the Bonds on the project area. This hearing is similar in nature to the old proposed use hearings required by the Department of Revenue Sharing and is required by the IRS Code to qualify for the exempt status under the 1986 Tax Reform Act. RAN:is DATE T~r[N COHHUNITY REOEVELOPHENT AGENCY TOMN CENTER AREA REDEVELOPHENT PROJECT REFUNO[N6 BONOS SAVINGS REPORT ........ PROPOSEO OEBT PRINCIPAL COUPON 25,000.00 ~.~00000 255,000.00 ~.600000 270,000.00 &.900000 285,000.00 5.200000 . SERVICE ........ INTEREST TOTkL 155,875.00 272,$25.00 751,200.00 271,775.00 271~775.00 798,550.00 265,910.00 265,910.00 801,820.00 259,295.00 259,295.00 805,590.00 251,885.00 PRIOR DIS 509,270.00 898,852.50 90~,002.50 910,602.50 911,165.00 SAVINGS 509,2~0.00 1&7,652.50 10~,~52.50 108,782.50 107,575.00 CUHULATIVE SAVINGS 509,270.00 656,922.50 761,~75.00 870,157.50 977,752.50 11/ 1/92 ~00,000.00 5.400000 -251,885.00 803,770.00 920,015.00 116,245.00 1,093,977.50 5/ 1/9~ 245,785.00 11/ 1/95 $15,000.00 5.700000 245,785.00 802,570.00 921,202.50 118,6~2.50 1,212,610.00 5/ 1/9{ 25~,807.50 11/ 1/94 S$5,000.00 5.900000 25&,807.50 80&,615.00 925,052.50 120,437.50 1,$$$,0~7.50 5/ 1/95 224,925.00 11/ 1/95 $55,000.00 6.200000 224,925.00 80~,850.00 951,152.50 126,282.50 1,~59,$$0.00 5/ 1/96 215,920.00 11/ 1/96 575,000.00 6.400000 215,920.00 802,840.00 959,162.50 1~6,$22.50 1,595,652.50 5/ 1/97 201,920.00 11/ 1/97 ~O0,O00.OO 6.700000 201,920.00 8~5,8~0.00 945,612.50 159,772.50 1,755,425.00 5/ 1/98 188,520.00 11/ 1/98 425,000.00 7.000000 188,520.00 802,040.00 949,412.50 147,$72.50 1,882,797.50 5/ 1/99 17~,645.00 11/ 1/99 455,000.00 7.100000 175,645.00 802,290.00 950,412.50 148,122.50 2,050,920.00 157,~92.50 157,492.50 80~,985.00 189,852.50 1~9,852.50 80~,705.00 120,690.00 A90,O00.O0 7.200000 525,000.00 7.$00000 152,527.50 160,052.50 5/1/o 111 1/o 81 11 1 11/1/ 1 5/ 11 2 957,512.50 964,757.50 2,185,4&7.50 2,$45,480.00 11/ 1/ 2 560,000.00 7.~00000 120,690.00 801,$80.00 971,600.00 170,220.00 2,515,?00.00 5/ 11 $ 100,250.00 11/ 1/ $ 605,000.00 7.400000 100,250.00 805,500.00 977,612.50 172,112.50 2,685,812.50 5/ 1/ 4 77,865.00 11/ 1/ 4 645,000.00 7.400000 77,865.00 800,750.00 987,287.50 186,557.50 2,872,$70.00 5/ I/ 5 5&,O00. O0 111 1/ 5 695,000.00 7.500000 54,000.00 805,000.00 994,650.00 191,650.00 $,064,020.00 5/ 1/ 6 27,957.50 11/ 1/ 6 745,000.00 7.500000 27,937.50 800,875.00 1,00&,212.50 205,$$7.50 $,267,$57.50 A.'-I.I OAT[ TUSTIN COMHUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TOWN CENTER AREA REDEVELOPMENT PRO3ECT REFUNDING BONDS SAVINGS REPORT ........ PROPOSED DEBT SERVICE ........ PRINCIPAL COUPON INTEREST TOTAL PRIOR O/S SAVINGS CUMULATIVE SAVINGS ACCRUED 8,060,000.00 8,060,000.00 7,143,150.00 15,203,150.00- 18,470,507.50 51,439.17 51,439.17 7,091,710.83 15,151,710.83 18,470,507.50 DATED 7/ 1/87 WITH DELIVERY OF 8/ 5/87 BOND YEARS 100,686.667 AVERAGE COUPON 7.094 ' AVERAGE LIFE 12,492 N I C t 7.094435 t USING 100.0000000 T I C t 7,022206 ~ From Delivery Date BOND INSURANCE: ... 0.400000 t OF (TOTAL DEBT SERVICE - ACCRUED - CAP. INT.) 60,606.84 3,267,357.50 51,439.17 3,318,796.67 NET PRESENT VALUE SAVINGS AT: 7.1181~ EOUALS 1,93S,$41.35 OR 24.0117~ OF PAR OF THE CURRENT ISSUE OR 23.8784~ OF PAR OF THE PRIOR ISSUE PREPARED BY E.F. HUTTON & COHPANY INC. PUBLIC FZNANCE DIVISION - LOS ANGELES RUNOATE: 07-14-1987 ! 16:25:38 FILENANE: TUSTIN . KEY: NEWP7 A.'f. 2.