HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1 MINUTES 07-07-86MIN~ffES OF AN MOURNED REGULAR ME~-~ING OF llmE CITY COUNCIL OF ll4E CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA JUNE 30, 1986 II. III. IV. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor"Saltarelli City Council Chambers, 300 Centennial Way. at 5:04 p.m. in the ROLL CALL Councilpersons Present: Coun~ilpersons Absent: Others Present: Donald J. Saltarelli, Mayor Ronald B. Hoesterey, Mayor Pro Tem John Kelly Ursula E. Kennedy R~chard B. Edgar (Arrived at 5:25 p.m.) William A. Huston, City Manager Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk Robert S. Ledendecker, Dir. of Public Works No Audience Members Present NEW BUSINESS 1. REJECTION OF BIDS - EL MDDENA-IRVINE CHANNEL (FO7) IM~OVEMENTS RF_A~H I FOR A~SSESSMEI~ DISTRICT 85-1 (Pl~m~SE V-A) Bids for subject project were received on June 24, 1986, as fol- lows: K E.C. Company, Corona Belczak & Sons, Orange $5,018,572.00 $5,361,164.00 The low bid was $1,426,172.00 or 39.7% over the engineer's estimate of $3,592,400.00. As recommended in the inter-com dated June 30, 1986, prepared by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division, it was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Hoesterey, that all bids for subject project be rejected and that the project be re-advertised for bids at a later date. The motion carried 4-0, Edgar absent. 25 AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR FAIRHAVEN, YORBA, NEWHAVEN, AND TROPIC LANE WATER HAIN IMPROVEMENTS Bids for subject project were received on June 24, lows: Spear Pipeline Construction, Orange Pacific Desert Cnstruction, Escondido As recommended in the inter-com dated June 24, 1986, 1986, as fol- $191,803.73 $203,288.00 prepared by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division, it was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Kennedy, to award the contract for subject project to Spear Pipeline Construction, Orange, in the amount of $191,803.73. The motion carried 4-0, Edgar absent. 107 AD~IOURNMENT At 5:36 p.m. the Council adjourned to the next Regular -Meeting on July 7, 1986, at 7:00 p.m. b~unanimous informal consent. CITY CLERK MAYOR MIMUT£S OF A REGUU~R MEETING OF ll(E CITY COUNCIL OF ll~E CITY OF ll~STIN, CA~.IFORNIA JUNE 16, 1986 CAJ. L TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/INVOCATION The meeting was called to order by Mayor Saltarelli at 7:03 p.m. in the- City Council Chambers, 300 Centennial Way. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilwoman Kennedy, and the Invocation was given by Mayor Pro Tem Hoesterey. II. ROLL CALL Councilpersons Present: Councilpersons Absent: Others Present: III. PRO, LACtATION Donald J. Saltarelli, Mayor Ronald B. Hoesterey, Mayor Pro Tem Richard B. Edgar John Kelly Ursula E. Kennedy None William A. Huston, City Manager James G. Rourke, City Attorney Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk Edward M. Knight, Senior Planner Robert S. Ledendecker, Dir. of Public Works Charles R. Thayer, Chief of Police Royleen A. White, Dir. of Com. & Admin. Srvcs. Ronald A. Nault, Finance Director Susan Jones, Recreation Superintendent Approximately 50 in the audience IV. 1, TUSTIN AREA HISTORICAl. SOCIETY lOl}m ANNIVERSARY & )~RGARET GREINKE Mayor Saltarelli read a proclamation commending the Tustin Area Historical Society, and General Tea Chairperson Margaret Greinke, on its Tenth Anniversary. Mrs. Greinke thanked the Council. 84 PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. VACATION & ABANDONMENT OF A PORTION OF MYFORD ROAD AT DOW AVENUE - RESOLkF~ION NO. 86-78 Mayor Saltarelli opened the public hearing at 7:08 p.m. There were no speakers on the matter, and the public hearing was closed. As recommended in the inter-com dated June 4, 1986, prepared by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division, it was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kennedy, to adopt the following: RESO~tF~ION NO. 86-78 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING VACATION OF A PORTION OF MYFORD ROAD The motion carried 5-0. 105 2, FISCAk YEAR lg80-87 PRELIMINARY PROGRAM AND FINANCIAL PLAN BUDGET The public hearing was opened by Mayor Saltarelli at 7:09 p.m. Andria Midkiff, 1440 E. First St. #400, Santa Ana, requested $2,822 be appropriated to the Orange County Consolidated Transpor- tation Services Agency (CTSA) for transportation services to Tustin's elderly and disabled. Douglas O'Kieffe, 1440 E. First St. #400, Santa Aha, also spoke in favor of CTSA funding for senior transportation services. Mayor Saltarelli explained that subject request would be considered with Consent Calendar Item No. 4 (see page 3). CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2, 6-16-86 There were no other speakers on the matter, and the public hearing was closed at 7:18 p.m. It was then moved by Kennedy, seconded by Hoesterey, to direct staff to prepare a resolution approving the proposed 1986-87 Budget for governmental funds {net of the Redevelopment Agency}, which includes revenues for all funds of $38,885,904 and appropriation requests of $38,817,533. The motion carried 5-0. ~ PUBLIC INPUT None.. VID CONSENT CALENDAR Item No. 4 was removed from the Consent Calendar by Kennedy. It was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Edgar, to approve the remainder of the Consent Calendar. Motion carried 5-0. APPROV~ OF MINUTES - JUNE 2, 1986, REGULAR MEETING APPROVAL OF OEIWU~NDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $985,751.67 RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL IN THE AMOUNT OF $140,107.91 5O OENIAJ. OF APPLICATION FOR PERMISSION l~) PI~ESENT LATE CLAIM FILED ON BEeF OF RITA BE~S; CLAIM .NO. 86-22 Denied subject application as recommended by the City Attorney, 40 RESOLUTION NO. 86-77 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, UPHOLDING AND MODIFYING PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVAL OF VARIANCE NO. 86-3 FOR THE SHOPPING CENTER KNOWN AS TUSTIN PLAZA Adopted Resolution No. 86-77 pursuant to Council action on June 2, 1986. 106 6. STORI~I DRAIN & Sll~EET INPROVEMENTS IN SDUTHEAST llJSTIN - MINEXATION NO. 135 AREA Approved Contract No. C40258 between the City and County of Orange to transfer $114,696.78 for construction of storm drain and street improvements on Sierra Vista Drive, Karen Way and Jan Marie Place; and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same as recommended by the Community Development Department. 45 86-27 7. RESOLUTION NO. 86-66 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 12759 {North of the Santa Ana Freeway, West of Jamboree, East of E1Camino Real} Adopted Resolution No. 86-66 as recommended by the Community Development Department. 99 8. RESOI. UTION NO. 86-79 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATING PLACEMENT OF CERTAIN STOP SIGNS ("B" STREET AND MITCHELL AVE.} Adopted Resolution No. 86-79 as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. 95 ° 10. RESOLUTION NO. 86-80 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, INFORMING THE ARTERIAL HIGHWAY FINANCING PROGR/~M ADVISORY COMMITTEE OF THE STATUS OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN MASTER PLAN OF ARTERIAL HIGHWAYS Adopted Resolution No. 86-80 as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. 95 ORANGi[ COUtfTY CITIES RISK ~IANAGEMENT AUTHORITY BYLAWS AF1ENDHENT Authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute subject amend- ment allowing for an alternative method of allocating the cost of excess insurance, when warranted, as recommended by the Finance Department. 45 86-28 ]TY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 3, 6-16-86 VII. VIII. RESOI.UTION NO. 86-67 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN PETITIONING THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION TO TAKE PROCEEDINGS FOR A TRANSFER OF TERRITORY FROM THE CITY OF SANTA ANA TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN KNOWN AS ORANGE COUNTY MUNICIPAL REORGANIZA- TION NO. 91 Adopted Resolution No. 86-67 as recommended by the Community Development Department. 24 Consent Calendar Item No. 4 - Fiscal Year 1985-86 Revenue Sharing Fund- )rig Recm~nendations - It was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Kennedy, to: 1) Authorize Fiscal Year 1986-87 Revenue Sharing Funds to Consolidated Transportation Services Agency (CTSA) in the amount of $2,500; and 2) Approve the following: FISCAL YEAR 1985-86 REVENUE SHARING FUNDING RECO~IENOATIONS Ratified the recommendations of the Revenue Sharing Review Com- mittee as follows: ATSC - $4,000; Boys & Girls Club of Tustin $4,000; Feedback Foundation/TLC - $3,000; Bartlett Center/ Meals on Wheels - $2,000; COPES, Inc. - $4,000; Lestonnac Free Clinic - $500; Family Services Association $1,000; South O.C. Volunteer Center - $500; and Tustin Historical Society - $1,000; and authorized the Mayor to execute agreements with successful applicants. The motion carried 5-0. 5O The Mayor noted that applicants will be notifed if Federal Revenue Sharing funds become available next year. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION - None. ORDINANCES FOR ABOPTION SUBDIVISION MAP ACT AMENDMENTS - ORDINANCE NO. 971 It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kennedy, that Ordinance No. 971 have second reading by title only. Carried 5-0. Following second reading by title only of Ordinance No. 971 by the City Clerk, it was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Edgar, that Ordinance No. 971 be passed and adopted as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 971 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN APPROVING-THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION 9311 OF THE TUSTIN CITY CODE AND ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS FOR VESTING TENTATIVE MAPS FOR RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS Roll Call Vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Edgar, Hoesterey, Kelly, Kennedy, Saltarelli None None 99 2o NEWPORT AVENUE UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 7 - ORDINANCE NO. 972 It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kennedy, that Ordinance No. 972 have second reading by title only. Carried 5-0. Following second reading by title only of Ordinance No. 972 by the City Clerk, it was moved by Edgar, seconded ibY Kennedy, that Ordinance No. 972 be passed and adopted as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 972 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 7, NEWPORT AVENUE, AND DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO ORDER THE CONVER- SION Roll Call Vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Edgar, Ho,stet,y, Kelly, Kennedy, Saltarelli None None 104 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4, 6-16-86 IX. 3. HOLT AVENIJE/IRVINE BOULEVARD UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 8 - ORDINANCE NO. 973 It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Hoesterey, that Ordinance No 973 have second reading by title only. Motion carried 5-0~ Following second reading by title only of Ordinance No. g73 by the City Clerk, it was moved by Edgar, 'seconded by Kennedy, that Ordi- nance No. 973 be passed and adopted as follows: OP, DINANCE NO. 973 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 8, HOLT AVENUE/IRVINE BOULEVARD, AND DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO ORDER THE CONVERSION Roll Call Vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Edgar, Hoesterey, Kelly, Kennedy, Saltarelli None None 104 OLD BUSINESS 1. COLUMBUS llJSTIN PARK CONCESSION STAND PROPOSAL Following a question-and-answer period, it was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Edgar, to authorize the Community Services staff, with assistance from the City Attorney's office, to draft an agreement between the City of Tustin and Mr. Dave Ascher for the use and renovation of the Columbus Tustin Park Concession Stand, as recom- mended in the inter-com dated June 10, 1986, prepared by the Com- munity Services Department. The motion carried 5-0. 41 2. APPOINTMIEI{T OF PL~ININO COI~4ISSIONERS Nominations for appointment to the Planning Commission were made as follows: Councilman Edgar nominated Kathy Well, Charles E. Puckett, A. L. Baker, Donald A. LeJeune, and Leslie A. Pontious. Councilman Kelly nominated Edmund Shaheen. Mayor Sal~arelli nominated John McCarthy. After some discussion on the voting procedure, appointments were made by the following votes: Edmund Shaheen - 1 Kathy Well - 4 Donald A. Le~eune - 4 John McCarthy - 2 Charles E. Puckett - 3 A. L. Baker - 3 Leslie A. Pontious - 3 80 Mayor Saltarelli extended congratulations to Kathy Well, Donald LeJeune, Charles Puckett, A1 Baker, and Leslie Pontious on being appointed to the Planning Commission. Councilman Edgar suggested that thank-you letters from the Mayor's office be sent to all applicants. Councilwoman Kennedy noted that she applied three times before being appointed to the Planning Commission. 3. FOOTHILL/EASTERN/I-5 BOI'I1.ENECK ANAJ_YSIS AND TOLL ROAD FEA~SIBILITY STUDY Councilmembers voiced strong objections to alternatives under Scenario I. Specifically, comments were that extending the Garden Grove Freeway down to Seventeenth Street, across Newport Avenue, down through La Colina, Tustin and East Tustin is unacceptable. Secondly, Walnut Avenue is not going to be a super street and Tustin should request its immediate removal from the study. Irvine TY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 5, 6-16-86 Boulevard will not handle more traffic than what it is programmed for in its current capacity. Double decking of freeways is also not an acceptable alternative. It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Saltarelli, to authorize staff to respond strongly to the Orange County Transportation Commission relaying Council comments/concerns in opposition to Scenario I and as outlined in the letter dated June 17, 1986, to Sharon Greene, Project Manager, and request that the SR 133 route be studied as an alternative in the Foothill/Eastern/I-5 Bottleneck Analysis and Toll Road Feasibility Study. In response to Councilwoman Kennedy, the Direc%or of Public Works explained that the 18,000 acres referenced in his June 17 letter is the future annexed area to Orange. That area has not been consid- ered as an augmented land use, only as a very general-type land use. It was felt that that area would possibly help decisions lead into Scenario II, which would be'relocation of the southerly leg of the Eastern Corridor to a more southeasterly location off the SR 133. He stated that Alternative 2A (Santiago Creek) and Alternative 2B (Chapman Avenue) are recommended for elimination because it was 'felt that these particular freeway connectors would not carry the amount of traffic necessary to relieve bottleneck congestion. Staff felt these two alternatives may be viable solutions if used in combination with other alternatives and did not concur that they should be eliminated from the study. The motion carried 5-0. 100 Xe NEW BUSINESS AWARD. OF CONTP~ACT - TRAFFIC SIGNAL & SAFETY LIGI{TING AT INTERSEC- TION OF llJSTIN RA&ICH ROAD & EL CAMINO REAL Bids for subject project were received on June 10, 1986, as follows: Sierra Pacific Electrical Contracting, Riverside Signal Construction Company, Anaheim Steiny and Company, Inc., Fullerton Paxin Electric, Inc., Lancaster C & N Loops and Electric, Alhambra $75,710.00 $84,231.00 $84,500.00 $88,372.00 $90,000.00 As recommended in the inter-com dated June 10, 1986, prepared by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division, it was moved by Edgar, seconded by Saltarelli, to award the contract for subject project'to Si.efta Pacific Electrical Contracting, Riverside, in the amount of $75,710. Carried 5-0. 94 2. AWARD OF BID - REMOVAL OF UNOERGROUND TANK AT 235 EAST I~IN STREET Kamtec Corporation, Compton, was the sole bidder for subject proj- ect. Pursuant to the recommendation contained in the inter-com dated June 10, 1986, prepared by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division, it was moved by Edgar, seconded by Saltarelli, to autho- rize the removal of the 500-gallon underground storage tank located at 235 East Main Street by Kamtec Corporation, Compton, for a cost of $6,230 plus. The motion carried 5-0. 107 3. AUTHORI7_ATION TO PURCHASE ONE 3-WHEEL SCOOTER (GASOLINE) FOR SPECIAJ. IZED ATHLETIC FIELD KUNTE%ANCE Bids for subject project were received on June 3, 1986, as follows: Toro Pacific Equipment Company, City of Industry Frankson, Inc. Norton Nevada $5,840.00 $6,129.98 $7,363.83 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 6, 6-16-86 W~K~N ITB As recommended in the inter-com dated June 9, 1986, prepared by the Community Services Department, it was moved by Edgar, seconded by Saltarelli, to authorize the purchase of one Cushman 3Jwheel Haul- stet from Toro Pacific Equipment Company, City of Industry, in the total amount of $5,840.60. The motion carried 5-0. 87 4. llJSTIN LI~i~TING & LANDSCAPE DISTRICT - R£SOLtFFIONS NO. 86-75 AND NO. 86-76 Following consideration of the inter-com dated June 6, 1986, pre- pared by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division, it was moved by Edgar~ seconded by Kennedy, to adopt the following: R£SOLI~TION NO. 86-75 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR THE ANNUAL LEVY OF ASSESSMENTS FOR THE TUSTIN LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING DISTRICT AND FOR THE ANNEXATION OF ADDITIONAL TERRITORY TO SAID EXISTING DISTRICT R£~tFFIO# NO. 86-76 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO ORDER THE ANNEXATION OF ADDITIONAL TERRITORY TO AN EXISTING DIS- TRICT A~ID TO PROVIDE FOR A~I ANNUAL LEVY OF ASSESSMENT FOR THE IMPROVEMENT, MAINTENANCE AND SERVICING OF PUBLIC LIGHTING FACILI- TIES WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE TERRITORY INCLUDED IN THE TUSTIN LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING DISTRICT AND TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS PURSUANT TO THE lANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972 AND GIVING NOTICE THEREOF Carried 5-0. 25 4A. GREATER EAST ll~STIN AJ~EA A.SSESSME)FF DISTRICT The Director of Public Works presented the staff report and recom- mendation as contained in the inter-com dated June 16, 1986, pre- pared by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. A question-and-answer period followed. It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Hoesterey, to: l) Accept the petition filed by The Irvine Company requesting formation of the Greater East'Tustin Area Assessment District; and 2) Direct staff to initiate the assessment district proceedings. Mayor Pro Tem Hoesterey noted that the purpose of the assessment district is to ensure that the East Tustin area is self-supporting and is not funded from existing community areas. The motion carried 5-0. 25 5. ~SESSNENT DISTRICT 85-1 (EA~ST ll~STIN) - R£SOLlYTIONS NO. 86-81 A~iD NO. 86-83 The staff report and recommendation were presented by the Director of Public Works as contained in the inter-com dated June 9, 1986, prepared .by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. Gary Diesart, assessment engineer from Willdan Associates, responded to Council questions on the Preliminary Engineer's Report. In response to Councilman Edgar, Mike Ellis, representing the Irvine Community Development Company, stated that the Engineer has determined that the west side portion of Myford Road (future Jamboree) shown in the Assessment District can benefit said side and rightfully be included within the Assessment District. The portion outside of that will be built as development proceeds and will be funded by The Irvine COmpany or other districts to benefit the other side of Myford (future Jamboree). ~TY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 7, 6-16-86 Mr. Ellis clarified that more than one-half of the entire road will be built. Construction of curbs and gutters, etc., will be held back until development plans for the easterly side are finalized to eliminate tearing up improvements at a later date. Infrastructure improvements (storm drains and sanitary sewers) in the existing assessment district will be funded by The Irvine Company. Paving will be the only increment left, so costs should be minimal. It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Saltarelli, to adopt the follow- ing: RESOLUTION NO. 86-8! - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO ORDER THE FORMATION OF THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1 AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS THEREIN In response to Mayor Pro Tem Hoesterey, Mr. Ellis reiterated that the road may not initially be built to its ultimate width. At this time, the road is two lanes northbound, five lanes total, holding back on the last lane and curb/gutter on the east side until speci- fic development plans are determined. The road may be wider than that when a final determination is made from the traffic study. The motion carried 5-0. It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kennedy, to adopt the following: RESOLUTION NO. 86-83 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN APPROVING A PRELIMINARY ENGINEER'S REPORT Motion carried 5-0. 81 6. TUSTXN AUTO CENTER LOUDSPEAKER CRITERIA The staff report and recommendation were presented by the Senior Planner as contained in the inter-com dated June 16, 1986, prepared by the Community Development Department. Jim Hughes, 1752 Lance Drive, industrial physicist, made a 15- minute presentation utilizing visual aids entitled, "Tustin Auto Center Noise Study," which he prepared. With the use of three statistical models, Mr. Hughes compared dB(A) noise levels depen- dent on the number of dealers using a loudspeaker paging system. Mr. Hughes offered the following candidate noise mitigations: 1) Use of a combination of loud speakers and voice pagers; 2) Limit sharply the number of speakers and restrict them to the service bay interiors; and 3) Limit sharply the allowed sound levels in the dealership court- yards. Mr. Hughes responded to Council questions. Herbert Huber, 13882 Dall Lane, Santa Ana, owner of property at 13891, 13893 and 13895 Browning Avenue, spoke in opposition to the loudspeaker system. He spoke in favor of individual voice pagers. Hubert Clark, 1942 San Juan, stated that the Planning Commission approval of the loudspeaker system was rushed through. He recom- mended Council carefully consider the recommendations made concern- ing speakers inside the work areas to which they have no objec- tion. However, he recommended Council consider a different system of outside speakers. Bonnie Holmes, The Irvine Company, clarified several points of misunderstanding relative to: zone paging {all speakers in a given lot cannot sound at the same time); the number of dealer lots (a maximum of 11 dealer lots, not 12); the requirement for hand-held pagers in addition to loudspeakers; placement of loudspeakers must be several feet lower than perimeter walls, and must be shielded by CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 8, 6-16-86 XI. XII. buildings whenever possible; there will be major background noise from future traffic on Jamboree; and soundwall construction around future residential areas is scheduled to start in one to one-and- one-half months. Ms. Holmes noted that The Irvine Company has a vested interest in protecting those properties adjacent to the T~stin Auto Center, and have established more stringent criteria than the City's existing sound ordinance. Additionally, once the soundwall is built, it will serve as an additional mitigation measure. Bruce McLean, 17392 Village Drive, stated that McLean Cadillac is most impacted by loudspeakers, they do use voice pagers and por- table telephones, and are constantly looking' at other alternatives and better ways to eliminate loudspeaker use. He noted that com- pany policy states the loudspeaker system is not used unless all · other avenues to contact an individual have been used. He requested approval of the loudspeaker system. It was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Edgar, that opponents of the loudspeaker system meet with representatives of The Irvine Company to review the matter and work out differences and then bring back their recommendations at the July 7, 1986, meeting. Council discussion followed. Councilwpman Kennedy concurred with Mr. Hughes that the City's current noise ordinance is inadequate. The motion carried 5-0. 81 REPORTS 1. PLANNING COI~ISSION ACTION AGENDA - JUNE 9, 1986 It was moved by 'Hoesterey~ seconded by Edgar, to ratify the entire Planning Commission Action Agenda of June 9, 1986. The motion car- ried 5-0. 80 OTHER BUSINESS 1. WINDSOR GARDENS CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION, 1651 MITCHELL AVENUE - PROHIBITION OF SALE OF UNITS - RESOLUTION NO. 86-82 As recommended by the City Manager, it was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kennedy, to adopt the following: RESOLUTION NO. 86-82 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA GIVING PUBLIC NOTICE THAT THE SALE OF INDI- VIDUAL RESIDENTIAL UNITS LOCATED WITHIN THE APARTMENT COMPLEX AT 1651 MITCHELL AVENUE, TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA (ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 432-031-31} IS PROHIBITED The motion carried 5-0. 43 2. ADJOURNED REGULAR ~I~ETING ON JUNE 30, 1986, AT 5:00 The City Manager reminded Council the meeting would be recessed to an Adjourned Regular Meeting on Monday, June 30, 1986, at 5:00 p.m. to award the bid for the E1 Modena-Irvine Channel Project which is part of Assessment District 85-1. 3. COBBLESTONE CROSSWALKS ON EL CAI4INO REAL In response to Councilman Kelly, the Director of Public Works stated that staff is still reviewing his request of May 19 that the crosswalks be painted along the cement separating the asphalt from the cobblestone for more distinction. 4. ORANGE COUNTY ATHLETIC CLUB Councilman Hoesterey requested the City Attorney investigate the sudden closure of Orange County Athletic Club for illegal activ- ity. He reported receiving several complaints that the Orange office closed, directed people to Tustin, and allegedly took deposits and membership fees prior to closing the Tustin facility. ,TY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 9, 6-16-86 XIII. S. Sll~IPING OF RAINTREE LANE TltROUGH AJSR TREE PtJ~CE Mayor Pro Tem Hoesterey requested staff investigate the possibility of double-yellow-striping Raintree Lane through Aha Tree Place to prohibit people from driving on the wrong side of the street on the "S" curve. 95 6. ACKNOWI. EDGEMENT OF TI{ANKS FOR RESOI_IFFION OF NOISE PROBLEM Councilwoman Kennedy acknowledged a letter of thanks from Erich and Alice Geldmacher, Ken and Jessica Curry, Lee Illich, Dorothy Foster, Sam Scalzo, and Wiley Kennedy for the City's positive reac- tion to the noise problem caused by Gries Dynacast at 2652 Dow Avenue. 56 7. RE.ST FOR PROCLAJ(ATIONS - FORMER PtANNING COF~4ISSIONERS Council concurred with Mayor Saltarelli's request that proclama- tions be presented to John McCarthy and Ron White in appreciation of their service on the Planning Commission for presentation at the July 7 meeting. 84 COUNCILMAN EI)GA,R APPOINTED TO SANTA AMA RIVER FLO00 PROTECTION AGENCY As recommended by Mayor Saltarelli, Councilman Richard B. Edgar was appointed as Tustin's representative on the Santa Ana River Flood Protection Agency by unanimous informal consent. 38 COUNCILMAN KELLY APPOINTED TO ORANGE COUNTY OFFICE OF PROTOCOL Council concurred with Mayor Saltarelli that Councilman John Kelly serve as Tustin's City Liaison Committee member to the Orange County Office of Protocol which deals with the sister city program in which most Orange County cities are involved. 38 10. PARENTS ktiO CARE REQUEST FOR WORKSHOP Mayor Saltarelli reported he received a request from Parents Who Care for a workshop on September 29 regarding their desire to establish criteria for'approval of future alcoholic beverage license requests. He requested the City Manager coordinate the meeting date, and perhaps a Council committee could meet with them, understand their concerns, and report back to Council. 81 RECESS - REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - A[kIOURNMENT At 9:04 p.m. it was moved by Hoesterey, seconded .by Edgar, to recess to the Redevelopment Agency; and thence adjourn to an Adjourned Regular Meeting on June 30, 1986, at 5:00 p.m. to award contract for the E1 Modena-Irvine Channel; and thence to the next Regular Meeting on Monday, July 7, 1986, at 7:00 p.m. Carried 5-0. MAYOR CITY CLERK