HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA 07-21-86AGENDA OF A REGULAR ~ETING OF THE TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 300-CENTENNIAL WAY JULY 21, 1986 7:00 P.M. II. III. CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/INVOCATION ROLL CALL SPECIAJ_ PRESENTATION 1. DONATION BY REAI_lltCARE I~EDICAL CEK[ER OF TUSTIN TO TUSTIN AREA SENIOR CENTER FUND, Ill(:. IV. PUBLIC HEARING 1. EAST IIJSTIN ASSESSI~ENT DISTRICT NO. 85-1 Recommendation: No. 85-1 should actions: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) After Council determines be confirmed/finalized, that the Assessment District proceed with the following Approve Confirm Certify Approve Approve Approve Approve the Bond Purchase Agreement; Assessments CEQA Documents; Final Engineer's Report; Collection Period Waiver (if required); the Paying Agent; Utility Agreements (if required); Approve the Official Statement; Issue and Sell Bonds; Determine Unpaid Assessments; and Adopt Resolution of Foreclosure. V. PUBLIC INPUT (For City of Tustin Residents and Businesspersons on any matter, and for Water Service Customers having a concern unresolved by Administrative procedures.) VI. CONSENT ~ENOAJ~ All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items prior to the time of the voting on the motion unless members of the Council, staff or public request specific items to be discussed and/or removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - JULY 7, 1986, REGULAR MEETING JULY 14, 1986, ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING 2. APPROVAL OF BE)~U~NDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,002,559.84 RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL IN THE AMOUNT OF $135,208.45 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Page 1 7-21-86 e e 7e ge 10. REJECTION OF CI~RIH NO. 86-27; CLAII~RNT: STATE .FARM/ROBERTS; DATE OF LOSS: 3/14/86; DATE FILED WITH CITY: 615186 Reject subject claim as recommended by the City Attorney. REJECTION OF CLAIM NO. 86-31; CLAIMANT: JOE B. COYKENDALL; DATE OF LOSS: 4/7/86; DATE FILED WITH CITY: 6/23/86 Reject subject claim as recommended by the City Attorney. REJECTION OF CLAIM NO. 86-32; CLAIIIANT: CATHERINE BANKSTON; DATE OF LOSS: 4/22/86; DATE FILED WITH CITY: 6/23/86 Reject subject claim as recommended by the City Attorney. REJECTION OF CLAIM NO. 86-33; CLAIMANT: NARK BANKSTON; DATE OF LOSS: 4/22/86; DATE FILED WITH CITY: 6/23/86 Reject subject claim as recommended by the City Attorney. REOECTION OF CLAIM NO. 86-34; CLAIIIRNT: ABEL CASTILLO; DATE OF LOSS: 3/16/86; DATE FILED WITH CITY: 6/24/86 Reject subject claim as recommended by the City Attorney. REJECTION OF CLAIM NO. 86-35; CLAIMANT: JOSEPH CAVALLO; DATE OF LOSS: 3/19/86; DATE FILED WITH CITY: 6/27/86 Reject subject claim as recommended by the City Attorney. HOLT AVENUE/IRVINE BOULEVARD UTILITY UNOERGROUNO DISTRICT NO. 8 Approve subject agreement with the Southern California Edison Com- pany pursuant to Section B of the Utility's Rule No. 20; authorize the Mayor to execute same; and authorize the payment of funds' in the estimated amount of $35,603 to Southern California Edison Company as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. PROPOSED DIAMOND HEAB/GARLAJiD ANNEXATION NO. 137 Authorize staff to advertise a public hearing for August 4, 1986, on the City Council's intent to adopt a resolution as application for subject annexation to the City of Tustin as recommended by the Com- munity Development Department. 11. RESOLUIION NO. 86-88 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, APPROVING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 86-201 LOCATED AT 2472, 14451 AND 14471 CHAMBERS ROAD Adopt Resolution No. 86-88 as recommended by the Community Develop- ment Department. VII. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION - None VIII. ORDINANCE FOR ADOPTION 1. SOLID WRSTE COLLECTION FEES PLACED ON TAX ROLLS - ORDINANCE NO. 974 ORDINANCE NO. 974 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 5473 ET SEQ OF THE HEALTH & SAFETY CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FINALLY APPROVING AND ADOPTING A REPORT RELATIVE TO PARCELS OF REAL PROPERTY RECEIVING SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICES, DETERMINING THAT A MAJORITY PROTEST HAS NOT BEEN MADE, AND DETERMINING THE CHARGES FOR SOLID WASTE COLLECTION TO BE ASSESSED AGAINST THE RESPECTIVE LOTS OR PARCELS OF LAND AS THEY APPEAR ON THE CURRENT ASSESSMENT ROLL. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Page 2 7-21-86 IX. XI. OLD 1. NEW 1. Recommendation: M.O. - That Ordinance No. 974 have second reading by title only. M.O. - That Ordinance No. 974 be passed and adopted. (Roll Call Vote) BUSINESS TUSTIN AUTO CENTER LOUDSPEAKER CRITERIA Recommendation: Pleasure of the City Council. BUSINESS HYFORO ROAD/OAINBOREE ROAO EXTENSION BETWEEN EDINGER AVENUE (MOULTON PARKWAY) ANO BARRANCA ROAO FUNOING AGREEMENT Recommendation: Approve the Road Funding Agreement between the City and the City of Irvine and The Irvine Company for extension of Myford Road/ Jamboree Road through MCAS-Tustin; and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same. PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON WEST SIDE OF CENTENNIAL BETWEEN FIRST AND SECOND STREETS Recommendation: Restrict all curb par~ing on the west side of Centen- nial Way between First and Second Streets. Also, given the findings of the City Traffic Engineer, parking prohibitions should be directed to the east side of Centennial Way as well (same limits). REPORTS 1. e PLANNIN~ CO~ISSION ACTIONS - JULY 14, 1986 All actions of the Planning Commission become final unless appealed by the City Council or member of the public. INVESTMENT SCHEDULE AS OF JUNE 30, 1986 Recommendation: Receive and file. TRAFFIC SIGNAL MOOIFICATION (LEFT-TURN PHASING) AT 17TH STREET & YORBA STREET (NORTH)/ENOERLE CENTER WRY Recommendation: Receive and file. XII. OTHER BUSINESS 1. CITY NANAGER 2. CITY ATTORNEY 3. CITY COUNCIL XIII. AO~OURN~ENT To the next Regular Meeting on Monday, August 4, 1986, at 7:00 p.m. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Page 3 7-21-86