HomeMy WebLinkAboutOB 1 T AUTO CTR LDSPKR 7-21-86fD~~ NO. 1 .. 7-21-86 Inter- Corn 21, 1986 ~ TO: FROM: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: LOCATION: REQUEST: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY ~IANAGER COP,~JNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTNENT TUSTIN AUTO CENTER LOUDSPEAKER CRITERIA THE IRYINE CO#PANY TUSTIN AUTO CENTER APPROVAL OF THE TUSTIN AUTO CENTER LOUDSPEAKER CRITERIA RECOI~ENDED ACTION: Pleasure of the Council. BACKGROUND: This item was appealed to the City Council and first heard at the June 16, 1986 meeting. At that time, the local residents presented their own noise study and discussion ensued regarding the use of a loudspeaker system. The item was continued by the Council to allow the citizens and the Company to meet and discuss the new noise study and the overall loudspeaker system criteria. DISCUSSION: Representatives from The Irvine Company and the local citizens have met to discuss this issue; in addition, a member of Community Development staff was present at this meeting. The noise consultant {Marshall Long, Assoc.) reviewed the citizens' noise study. According to the noise consultant, the citizen noise study was valid, but lacking information, was incorrect in several key areas that would skew the noise data. Those areas included: 1. The study assumed a speaker noise level of 83 dba, instead of the mandatory 75 dba limit. The study assumed all 36 speakers would be used at once; the consultant used the 16 speakers nearest the residential units, with the remaining speakers creating no appreciable effect. e The study stacked all twelve dealers at one location (McLean site), and did not take into account that dealers located further away would have a noise drop-off from a combination of distances and obstructions. City Council Report Loudspeakers page ~o Taking these items together, the overall sum of noise reduction from the ctttzen study would be 22 dba. This puts the noise impact to adjoining residents along Jamboree at approximately 35.2 dba to 46.3 dba. Regardless of the amount of "technical fog" generated as a result of numerous studies on either side, the attempt of the meeting was 'co understand the basic criteria and if possible, improve on lt. After a three hour discussion, it is hoped that the local citizens understand that the criteria that was generated by the consultant, amended and recommended by staff, and approved by the Planning Commission, represents a more restrictive set of regulations than the current City's noise ordinance. That the tntent of the c~tteria is to authorize a loudspeaker system that is used at times when it will not impact or disturb the residents of the City of Tustin. Additionally, from the Company's standpoint, it is in their own interest to avoid any potential impacts along Jamboree since they own the housing units adjacent to the McLean dealership. One additional criteria that came out 'of the meeting was restricting the use of loudspeakers on holidays. ~Staff supports this addition, and encourages the Council to add this criteria.~ + ~' No loudspeakers can be used on is determined to be the official list of holidays the City of Tustin recognizes. A summary of the approved Planning Commission criteria includes: 1. Hours and days of operation 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. 2. A volume level no higher than 75 dba for outdoor speakers. 3. Dealers must have a combination of pagers and loudspeakers. 4. Dealers must use a "zone" loudspeaker system. 5. Whenever possible, loudspeakers must be placed in service buildings. 6. Prior to installation, systems require a review and approval of Community Development. 7. Prior to actual use, system will compliance. 8. Periodic random inspections will Senior Planner be tested by the City to ensure be conducted to ensure on-going EK:do Community Development Department " ~' "'-- '~ ", /'~ ,--~-~ . - NEW BUSINESS NO. 6 -.- ~ i 6-16-~6 0UNE 16, 1986 ~~/ Inter- Corn DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT': WILLIAN A. NUSTON, CITY HANAGER CORIUNITY DEYELOPHENT DEPART~NT TUSTIN AUTO CENTER LOUDSPEAKER CRITERIA APPLICANT: LOCATION: REQUEST: THE IRYINE COHPANY TUSTIN AUTO CENTER APPROVAL OF THE TUSTIN AUTO CENTER LOUDSPEAKER CRITERIA REC01~ENDED ACTION: Pleasure of the Council. SUMMARY: On April 28, 1986, the Irvfne Company presented the Tustin Auto Center Paging Impacts Study to the Planning Commission. At this time, the Commission requested that the item be noticed in the Tustin News and that certain concerned residents be notified through the mail. On May 27, t986, a public hearing was conducted to consider the Loudspeaker Criteria. Numerous revisions were made to the original request and public input was given. Staff recommended that the amended criteria be adopted and the Commission by a vote of two ayes to one noe, adopted Resolution No. 2334 approving the amended criteria {attached). At the June~2nd meeting of the City Council, this item was appealed by the Council for further study. As a part of this report, an acoustical engineer will present a computer analysis of the loudspeaker impacts. ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSIONS: The original Loudspeaker Criteria for the Auto Center was presented to the Planning Commission in July 1985. This criteria was not adopted by the Commission due to a lack of information regarding the use of handheld paging systems. The Irvine Company prepared the attached Paging System Study and this was presented to the Commission on April 28, 1986. Staff recommended the "Pleasure of the Commission" and to direct preparation of an appropriate Resolution. Loudspeaker Crfterta June 16, 1986 Page t~o The Commission requested that this item be advertised in the Tusttn News and that nottces be mafled to interested citizens. On May 27, 1986, staff presented Resolution No. 2334 to the Commlssion. This Resolution contained numerous revisions to the orfgtnal criteria as outlined in the attached staff report dated May 27, 1986.' The publtc hearing was conducted and numerous citizens spoke on the item. Further revisions were made to' the Resolution of approval and 1ts ftnal adopted form is attached. The Planning Commission followed staff's recommendation and confirmed that the revised Loudspeaker Crtterta was appropriate for adoption and approved the criteria by adoption of Resolution No. 2334. On June 2, 1986, during the City Council meettng, further concerns were raised regarding the Planning Commission's adoption of .this crtterla. The Ctty Council appealed this Item for further study.. Staff has mailed notices to the same citizens who were previously notified. This list is attached in the May 27, 1986, staff report to the Planntng Commission. As part of thls hearing, the Irvlne. Company will present'a computer analysis of the loudspeaker tmpacts. Attached is a.copy of the Pagtng Systems Study which includes all pertinent information re:gardfng this issue. LAURA CAY P~I~UP- ~ Assistant Planner E[TWARD M. RI4IGHT Senior Planner EMK:LCP:em Attachments: April 28, 1986 Staff Report May 27, 1986 Staff Report Resolution No. 2334 Enclosure: Tusttn Auto Center Paging Impacts Study Corn munity Development Department 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 ~5 16 17 ~8 19 ~0 ~3 ~4 ~5 ~6 ~7 ~8 RESOLUTION NO. 2334 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN,' CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE LOUDSPEAKER CRITERIA FOR THE TUSTIN AUTO CENTER The Planning Commission of the City of Tusttn, California, does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Planning Commission finds'and determine as follows: The Planning Commission adopted the revised Master Development Plan for the Tustin Auto Center on April 28, 1986, this approval did not include the Loudspeaker Criteria. B, The Planning Commission, reviewed and considered the revisions to the Loudspeaker Criteria on May 27, 1986. Ce The Loudspeaker Criteria as proposed by the Irvtne Company has been revised as shown in Exhibit "A", Sound System standards, which shall be the approved Sound System Standards. De The establishment, maintenance and operation of the loudspeaker systems will not be injurious or detrimental to the property and improvements in the neighborhood of the subject property, nor to the general welfare of the City of Tustin, and should be approved for use under the standards outlined on Exhibit "A". II. The Planning Commission of the City of Tusttn does hereby approve the revisions to the Loudspeaker Criteria for the Tustin Auto Center based upon the following findings: The Loudspeaker Criteria as revised in Exhibit "A" will not, under the circumstances of this case, be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use. All noise created by the use of loudspeaker systems in the Tustin Auto Center shall not exceed the noise levels allowed by Tusttn's Noise Standards, Sections 4600-4625 of the Tustin Municipal Code.' ~ASSED AND ADOPTED at a reg~ula~r ~meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held On the ~7~ay of ~, 1986. Resolution tio. 2334 Page two Exhibit "A" SOUND SYSTE~ STANDARDS Any sound system 1nstellation within the Tustfn Auto Center shall conform to the following standards: Se All dealers are encouraged to use a hand held pagtng system. In the event that use of outdoor loudspeakers ts necessary, no dealer wtll be authorized for an exclusive-use of outdoor loudspeakers, a combination of loudspeakers and hand held paging may be authorized upon review of the system by the City of Tusttn. In the event that loudspeakers must be used, a dealer's lot shall be covered by multiple zones so that enunciation through a loudspeaker occurs on a controlled area of the parcel rather than across the entire lot. Should a dealer choose to use some outdoor loudspeakers, the use of this system is limited to operation between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Should a dealer wish to either expand these hours or days of use, approval of the Planning Commission must be obtained. In no event shall any use of outdoor speakers be authorized for operation on Sundays. All loudspeakers shall be mounted at a 75 degree angle facing the ground to avoid voice travel. All loudspeakers mounted on perimeter walls shall be located at least two (2) feet below the ~op of the wall. All loudspeakers shall be directed toward the interior of each lot. Each speaker layout system shall .be subject to review and approval by the Community Development Oepartment. Whenever possible, loudspeakers shall be placed within service buildings'rather than on the outside of the structure. Whenever possible, loudspeakers shall be placed in such a manner to prevent "bouncing" of sound off a nearby building. All outdoor loudspeakers shall be set at a volume level no louder than 75 dB(A). Prior to installation of a loudspeaker system, each dealer shall obtain any necessary building permit(s) from the City of Tustin. Upon installation of the system and as a condition of final approval of work authorized by these permit(s), sound readings shall be taken of that dealership's loudspeaker impacts on adjacent land uses, and the speaker volumes shall be adjusted so that they do not exceed the impacts stipulated below. Further, the speaker installer or sound engineer shall advise the City in writing that the loudspeaker volume adjustment has been mechanically or electrically locked off at 75 dB(A) or lower, to preclude arbitrari.ly increasing the volumes at a later date. Community Development Department Resolution No. 2334 Page three 10. Prior to the actual use of any loudspeaker system, an Inspection shall be made by the C~ty of Tustin to ensure that the system ts operating according to all sound system crttarta, both on and off s~te. Perfodtc random inspections may be conducted by the Ctty 'to ensure maintenance of the maximum ~dB(A) sound level ltmtt. Should any system be found In vtolattSnof thts requirement or any of the standards stated above, the ctty may require that the. use of the loudspeaker system be discontinued unttl all standards have been satisfactorily complted with. Maxtmum sound levels at adjacent property ltnes shall be: a. 35 dB(A) to any residence along Browntng Avenue; b. 50 dB(A) to the outside of the soundwall along the property line of any residence abutting Jamboree Road; and 60 dB(A) to any adjacent commercial uses which occur outside of the Auto Center. (Thts level ts 11m~ted to ftve (5) ~inutes tn any hour, overall a maxtmum of &O dBA ts allowed). Corn munity Development Department STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, PENN[ FOLEY, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Recording Secretary of the Plannlj)~9~misston of the City of Tustin, California; that Resolution No. ~was duly passed and adopted at~/ a regular. Feting of the Tusj;~nlFT~g Commission, held on the~7_~~ day of ~]~~, 19 r~.. Report. to Planning DATE: SUBJECT: PROPERTY O~liERS: the Commission RIW 27~ 1986 TUSTI# AUTO CENTER LOUDSPEAKER CRITERIA THE IRVI#E COMPA#¥ 550 #EtJPORT CE#TER DRIVE #EHPORT BEACH, CA. 92660-9959 ITEM ~ 7 RECOI~E#DEDACTIO#: That the Planning Commission approve the revised Loudspeaker Criteria for- the Tustln Auto Center by the adoption of Resolution No. 2334. $~WdlARY: On April 28, 1986, the Planntng Commission revtewed The Tusttn Auto Center Loudspeaker Crl'terta. At thts time, the ]rvtne Company presented a computer analysts and paging system study for the Commission's consideration. Staff had r~commended 'chat the Commission dtrect staff to prepare an acceptable resolution of approval for the Criteria. However, the Commission had requested that this item be noticed for public hearing In the Tusttn News and also that nottces be sent to interested parties. A list of the public nottce circulation has been attached for your review. At this time, the Loudspeaker Criteria ts presented as' a public hearing. Another presentation will be made by the Irvtne Company and the sound analyst, David Dubbtnk Associates. Both public and Commission comments will be taken to ensure proper coverage of all issues involved in this matter. As requested by the Commission, staff has prepared Resolution No. 2334. This resolution includes numerous revisions to the previously presented criteria as outlined below. The proposed revisions were presented to The Irvtne Company prior to this hearing. ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSION: As covered in Exhibit No. 1, the revisions to the Loudspeaker Criteria are found in the sound system standards section of the previously submitted cri tera (Exhibit No. 2). The revisions to the sound system standards include: P1 ann1 ng Commission Report May 27, 1986 · Page 13~o Dealers are encouraged to use' either a hand held paging system or a combination of loudspeakers and hand held pagers. Exclusive use of loudspeakers is prohibited. The hours of operation of the loudspeakers have been 11mired to 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. An expansion of the days or hours of operation must be approved by the Planning Commission. In no event shall any loudspeaker system be used on Sundays. All loudspeakers shall be mounted at a 75% angle facing the ground to avoid noise travel. e No speakers shall face Auto Center Drive unless blocked by another building. All loudspeakers shall be set at 75 db(A) as opposed to the previously proposed 80 db(A) level. The City shall inspect all louUspeaker systems for compliance to all Sound'System Standards and to ensure that the volume level is "locked-off". The City may make random periodic inspections of all loudspeaker systems used in the Auto Center. Should any violations be found, the use of loudspeakers shall be discontinued until all standards have been met. Staff contends that these revisions will reduce the overall impact of the loudspeaker systems on the existing and future Tustin residents. As revised, the Loudspeaker Criteria, will provide for an acceptable mix of pagers and loudspeakers considered appropriate for the Tustin Auto Center. LCP:pef Attachments: Resolution No. 2334 Exhibit 1 Exhibit 2 Public Hearing Mailing List Notice of Public Hearing Senior Planner Com muniW Develooment Deonrtrnem sO! _ ID SYSTEM REVI[ ONS SOUND SYSTEI~ STANDARDS Any sound system instalTatton within the Tusttn Auto Center shall conform to the following standards: All dealers are encouraged to use a hand held paging system. In the event that use of outdoor loudspeakers is necessary, no dealer will be authorized for an exclusive use of outdoor loudspeakers, a combination of loudspeakers and hand held paging may be authorized upon review of the system by the City of Tusttn. e In the event that loudspeakers must be used, a dealer's lot shall be covered by multiple zones so that enunciation through a loudspeaker occurs on a controlled area of the parcel rather than across the entire lot. 3. Should a dealer choose to' use some outdoor loudspeakers, the use of this system is limited to operation between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Should a dealer wish. to either expand these hours or days of use, approval of the Planning Commission most be obtained. In no event shall any use of outdoor speakers be authorized for operation on Sundays. 4. All loudspeakers shall be mounted a~ a 75 *degree angle facing the ground to avoid voice travel. All loudspeakers mounted on perimeter walls shall be located at least two (2) feet below the top of the wall. All loudspeakers shall be directed toward the interior of each lot. In no 'event shall any speakers face Auto Center Drive, unless shielded by another building. 6. Whenever possible, loudspeakers shall be placed within service buildings rather than on the outside of the structure. 7. Whenever possible, loudspeakers shall be placed in such a manner to prevent "bouncing" of sound off a nearby building. 8. All outdoor loudspeakers shall be set at a volume level no louder than 75 dB(A). Prior to installation of a loudspeaker system, each dealer shall obtain any necessary, building permit(s) from the City of Tustin. Upon. installation of the system and as a condition of final approval of work authorized by these permit{s), sound readings shall be taken of that dealership's loudspeaker impacts on adjacent land uses, and the speaker volumes shall be adjusted so that they do not exceed the impacts stipulated below. Further, the speaker installer or sound engineer shall advise the City in writing that the loudspeaker volume adjustment has been mechanically or electrically locked off at 75 dB(A) or lower, to preclude arbitrarily increasing the volumes at a later date. Sound System Standards Page Two 10. Prior to the actual use of any loudspeaker system, an inspection shall be made by the City of'Tusttn to ensure that the system is operating at a level of 75 dB(A) or lower, and to check that the systems volume h&s been "locked-off." Periodic random inspections may be conducted by the City to ensure maintenance of the maximum 75 dB(A) sound level limit. Should any system be found in violation of this requirement or any of the standards stated above, the city may require that the use of the loudspeaker system be discontinued until all standards have been satisfactorily complied with. Maximum sound levels at adjacent property lines shall be: 35 dB(A) to any residence along Browning Avenue; 55 dB(A) to the outside of the soundwall along the property line of any residence abutting Jamboree Road; and 65 dB(A) to any adjacent commercial uses which occur outside of the AUto Center. (This level is limited to five (S) minutes in any hour, overall a maximum of 60 dBA is allowed). TUSTIN AUTO CENTER LOUDSPEAKER CRITERIA In light of the City's and the Developer's mutual concern to protect nearby residents and future land users from undue noise intrusion by the Tustin Auto Center, the following Criteria has been developed for the use of any amplification system(s) within the project. The Criteria is based on an acoustical analysis prepared by Marshall Long S Associates for the McLean Cadillac paging system, which will be the dealership located nearest to any existing or future residences. A copy of this report is attached for reference, and is summarized as follows: Per Tustin Noise Ordinance adopted July :21, 1980, noise impacts to any residential area shall not exceed 55 dB(A) from the hour's of-7-=.00 =..~m. - 10:00-p,m. Any speech or simple tone noise shall require a further noise level reduction of 5 dB(A). Conversely, the allowable noise level shall be increased by 10 dB(A) for any sound impacts which occur 5 minutes or less per hour, as is typical for auto dealers' paging systems. Cumulatively, these standards allow a maximum noise impact from a typically operated amplification system of 60 dB(A). 2. The analysis is based on the following conditions and is thereby considered "worst-case": ae No allowance has been made for future background traffic noise along Jamboree Road, which will eventually reduce impacts of noise generated within the Auto Center. No allowance has been made for any sound *attenuation measures which will be taken by the future residential project to be built between Browning and Jamboree Roads. Due to major noise impacts to that project from traffic on the freeway, on Jamboree Road, and on Laguna Road, the residential development will be enclosed by a sound wall and will include other noise attenuation measures which cumulatively serve to reduce noise levels by at least 7 dB(A) to the nearest backyard along Jamboree Road and at least 25 dB(A) inside the nearest unit. These noise reductions are not taken into account in the noise limits established by this Criteria. The noise analysis assumes that loudspeakers on the project's perimeter are located 2~ below the perimeter wall, are directed away from the perimeter wall, and are set at 80 dR(A). Computer analysis establishes that in light of the above conditions, worst-case impact of loudspeakers placed along the Jamboree Road dealer's property line will be as follows: 35 dB(A) to the nearest Browning Avenue resident prior to the construction of any housing units within the future resi- dential project which separates Browning Avenue from the Auto Center. According to the "Typical Noise Levels (A-Weighted Scale)" exhibit which was prepared under the project's EIR in 1984, 35 dB(A) is equivalent to the sounds, to be heard inside a library or during a quiet rural night. Noise measurements which were taken on September 17, 1984 by John Hillard S Associates of Tustin indicated' that at three points measured along Browning Avenue between Bryan Avenue and Laguna Road, the present daytime sound levels range from the Iow - high 60 dB(A) levels. Consequently, 35 dB(A) impacts from the Auto Center will be perceived as insignificant. 0 60 dB(A) maximum impact to the nearest residential property line along Jamboree Road prior to the construction of the residential sound wall or other attenuation measures. By law the noise impacts to this property cannot exceed 65 CNEL, which is a 24-hour averaged noise measurement. The Auto Center's maximum impa~:t of 60 dB(A) occurring for five minutes per hour between 7:00 a.m. and 10;00 p.m. is the equivalent of a CNEL level of 48.6 dB, and is consequently well below allowable limits and below the traffic impacts created along Jamboree Road or the freeway. Table #10 of'the Marshall Long analysis represents specific test data under which a paging system set at 80 dB(A) was measured at the nearest residential property line at levels which ranged between 49.3 and 54.6 dB. This further confirms that the 60 dB(A) impact would be both a maximum and a worst- case condition. SOUND SYSTEM STANDARDS In light of the above data, any sound system installation within the Tustin Auto Center shall conform to the following standards: 1. Whenever possible, dealers are encouraged to use hand-held paging devices rather than loudspeaker systems for maximum sound attenuation. In the event that loudspeakers must be used, a dealer's lot shall be covered by multiple zones so that enunciation through a loud- speaker occurs on a controlled area of the parcel rather than across the entire lot. Loudspeakers may not be used prior to 8:00 a.m. or after 7:00 p.m. If, at any time, a dealer shall deem it critical to his/her business operation to use any loudspeakers at an earlier or later hour, specific Planning Commission approval must first be obtained. #. Loudspeakers along the perimeter of the project or that are not directly shielded by a building shall be placed at least 2' below the top of the perimeter wall which surrounds that dealer's property. 5. Ail loudspeakers shall be directed toward the interior of the project and away from the perimeter property line(s}. Whenever possible, loudspeakers shall be placed within service buildings rather than on the outside of the structure. Whenever possible, loudspeakers shall be placed in such a manner to prevent "bouncing" of sound off of a nearby building. Prior to installation of a loudspeaker system, each dealer shall obtain any necessary building permit(s) from the City of Tustin. Upon installation of the system and as a condition of final approval of work authorized by these permit(s}, sound readings shall be taken of that dealership's loudspeaker impacts on adjacent land uses, and the speake~ volumes shall be adjusted so that they do not exceed the impacts stipulated below. Further,' the speaker installer or sound engineer' shall advise the City in writing that the loudspeaker volume adjustment has been mechanically or electrically locked off' to preclude arbitrarily increasing the volumes at a later date. Maximum sound levels at adjacent property lines shall be: a. 35 dB[A] to any residence along Browning Avenue. b. 55 dB(A) to the outside of the soundwail along the property line of any residence abutting Jamboree Rd. c. 65 dB(A) to any adjacent commercial Uses which occur outside of the Auto Center. 110 100 90 80 7O 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 COMMON INDOOR NOISE LEVELS COMMON OUTDOOR NOISE LEVELS ROCKBAND CHAIN SAW AT 2 FEET GAS LAWN MOWER AT $ FEET FOOD BLENDER AT 3 FEET GARBAGE DISPOSAL AT B FEET VACUUM CLEANER AT 10 FEET CONVERSATION AT 8 FEET LARGE BU$1NEB$ OFFICE QUIET OFFICE LIBRARY 2-ENGINE PROP TAKEOFF (1000') DIESEL TRUCK AT 50 FEET 1-ENGINE PROP TAKEOFF (1000'~ AUTOMOBILE AT 50 FEET HEAVY TRAFFIC AT 300 FEET QUIET URBAN DAYTIME QUIET RURAL NIGHTTIME THRESHOLD OF HEARING TYPICAL NOISE LEVELS (A-WEIGHTED SCALE) CITY OF TUSTIN EXHIBIT 20 Art knox. ~71 ;almouth Pl. tin, CA 92680 :~Clarance Oalen Pl. 1921 Burnt Mill Rd. Tusttn, CA 92680 Eudora I. Avey 1912 Burnt Mill Rd. Tusttn, CA 92680 Clark Marks 1672 Lear Lane Tusttn, CA 92680 £rn4e Julian 1702 Saybrook Ln. Tusttn, CA 92680 Edward Retntg 1792 Andrews St. Tusttn, CA 92680 Hubert Clark 1942 San Juan St. Tusttn, CA 92680 Darlene Jones 13120 Hickory Branch Rd. Tusttn, CA 92680 Parker Hart 13042 Ranchwood Rd. Santa Ana, CA 92705 Matra Coon/os 1831 Stonehenge Dr. Tusttn, CA 92680 Mrs. Jackte Haney 13352 Ntxon Cir. Tusttn, CA 92580 Oscar Barnhart 13872 Karen Way Tusttn, CA 92680 Charles Larktn 1802 Andrews Pl. Tusttn, CA 92680 Donald Robbtns 13502 Falmuuth Dr. Tusttn, CA 92680 Robert Moberg 13541Falmouth Dr. Tusttn, CA 92680 Robert Clevenger 1761 Andrews Pl. Tustin, CA 92680 Drake Hawkins 1741 Andrews Pl. Tustln, CA 92680 Fredrtck Wetshar 13512 Farmtngton Tustin, CA 92680 James Nlemtec 1841 Stonehenge Dr. Tustin, CA 92680 John Lundy 1731Saybrook Ln. Tusttn, CA 92680 Albert Worthing 1881 Bryan Ave. Tustin, CA 92680 James Hughes 1752 Lance Dr. Tusttn, CA 92680 Robert Greene 13166 Wtckshire Ln. Santa Aha, CA 92705 Robert Dawson 13022 Ranchwood Rd. Santa Aha, CA 92705 James Stone 13302 Chirping Sparrow Tusttn, CA 92680 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Caruso 1842 Bent Twig Ln, Tusttn, CA 92680 Mrs. Bonnie Perkins 13382 £pptng Way Tusttn, CA 92680 Samuel Francis 1792 San Juan Tusttn, CA 92680 Charles Shoemeker 1962 Sierra Vista Dr. Tusttn, CA 92680 Stanley Taylor 13532 Farmtngton Rd. Tusttn, CA 92680 Donald Marsh 1791 Lance Dr. Tusttn, CA 92680 Helen Jensen 1922 Red Mill Tusttn, CA 92680 OFFICIAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TtJSTIN 'PLANNING COMMISSION NOTIC~ OF PUBLIC HEARING TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION Nottce ts hereby given that the Planning Commission of the Ctty of Tusttn, California, will conduct a publtc hearing on May 27, [986 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber, '300 Centennial Nay, Tustin, California, to consider the following: 2. TUST[N AUTO CENTER: LOUDSPEAKER CRITERIA: The Irvtne Company has prepared a loudspeaker/paging study for the notse impacts to the residential areas adjacent to the Tusttn Auto Center. This study and the actual loudspeaker criteria, will be presented to the Planning Commission for thetr revtew. This project ts categorically Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (Section 15321). Information relative to these items'is on file in the Community Development Department and is available for public .inspection at City Hall. Anyone interested in the above he,rings may appear and be heard at the time and place noted above or may call the Community Development Department at (714) 544-8890 ext. 250. Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk' Publish: Tusttn News May 15, 1986 Reporl lhe Planninlg Commission ITDI //8 SUB,CT: APRIL 28; 1986 'I1JSi'IN AUTO (:i:NTER LOOOSPr:.AICrdl ~:R%TF. RIA THE %l~l#E (:ZI#PA#~~ SO0 ~ Ci[#TER DRIYE NEWPORT Br:A~ll, CA REClIP~EIIDED ACTION: Pleasure of the Comtsston. Otrect staff to prepare an appropriate resolution. DISCUSSION: Last July, the Tusttn Auto Center crtterta was presented to the Planntng Comrlsston. One sectton of the ortglna] 'c~tterta tncluded the proposed noise t~acts of the loudspeaker systems that ~ay be used. The ¢om!sston had raised concerns over the actual Impact to the extsttng and future' residents near the Auto Center. Subsequently. the :omission did not approve the proposed crtterta and requested that the Irvtne Co, any Investigate the use of a paging system and to prepare further tnfor~tton on revtsed loud speaker criteria. The Irvtne ¢oapany, as requested, has tnves~ctgated the use 'of paging systems. As outlined in the attached report, the study determined that the exclusive use of a paging system would not be effective. Therefore, according to the study. soae use of loud speaker systeas is considered necessary. Attached is the original loud speaker criteria as previously proposed. The Irvtne ¢o~pany is not proposing to change this criteria, however additional studies have been prepared. Also. attached is a copy of a letter to Bonnie Hol~es froa a resident who lives next to Chic Iversen Porsche/Audt. This resident lives adjacent to this dealership which currently uses an outdoor loudspeaker systea. All reports and attach~ente are included in the enclosed Tusttn Auto Center Paging Impacts Study. Planntng Commission Report Page ~o The Zrvlne Company, tn association ~tt~ ~avld ~ubblnk Associates, has prepared de~atled computer analysts whtch vt11 Illustrate the actual notse effects. Thts analysts ~111 be'presented to the Commission tn hopes of further explanation of the actual notse tmpac~ 1= the' extsttng residents along 8ro~ntng and to the future residents of the Phase One Restdental Area. LCP:pef I~DgARD H. ~iTGflT~ t A Senior Planner £nclosure: Tusttn Auto Center Paging Impacts Study