HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 1 EXTENSION OF ROAD 7-21-86 NEW BUSINESS NO. 1 JULY 14,, 198~ TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIN~ HUSTON, CITY MANAGER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION MYFORD ROAD/j/U~OREE ROAD EXTENSION BETWEEN EDINGER AVENUE (MO~LTON PARKWAY) AND BARRANCA ROAD FUNDING AGREEMENT RECOMMENDATION: City Council meeting of July 21, 1986. Approve Road Funding Agreement for extension Of Myford Road/Jamboree Road through MCAS-Tustin and authorize Mayor to execute said agreement. BACKGROUND: The Myford Road/Jamboree Road extension through MCAS-Tustin represents eleven years of negotiations by the cities of Tustin and Irvine, and The Irvine Company with the U.S. Marine Corps. Both cities recognize the importance of the completion of this segment of roadway in providing a balanced traffic circulation system in both communities and, as a result of this, have accelerated the engineering design for plans and specifications and are actively pursuing funding sources for this project. The current proposed project for the roadway extension is the initial or short-range concept. .This includes six lanes (three in each direction) with a -raised center median; grade separations over both Moffett Road (MCAS roadway) and Warner Avenue; and soundwalls. Considerations for the final design of the long-range concept are being incorporated in the initial plans or current short-range plan and right of way needs. A previous agreement (Browning Corridor) has been executed by the Marine Corps and both cities in July, 1985.' This proposed Funding Agreement is subject to all the conditions of that agreement and addresses them as required. DISCUSSION: The primary task in formulating the subject Funding Agreement was to determine a fair-share allocation between each of the participating parties. {City of Irvine, Irvine Company, City of Tustin). A consultant {Kunzman and Associates) was utilized to identify trips to be assigned to the roadway exten*sion between Barranca Parkway and Edinger Avenue (Moulton Parkway) through the determination of the associated land uses. These areas of responsibility and benefit were then grouped to reflect the fair-share allocations of the participating parties and resulted in the following: City of Irvine ................ 46% City of Tustin ................ 18% Irvine Company ................ 36% JULY 14, 1986 PAGE TWO A copy of the Kunzman and Associates analysis is available at the Engineering Division. These percentages have been reviewed by representatives of all involved parties and incorporated into the Funding Agreement. Based on current preliminary estimates, the cost to each participant are shown in Exhibit "D" of the agreement and are summarized below: City Of Irvine (46%) ............. $ 8,590,040 City of Tustin {18%) ............. 3,361,320 Irvine Company {36%) ............. 6,722,640 $18,674,0~6 The Funding Agreement also designates the City of Tustin as lead agency for the project. As the lead agency on this project, and with the concurrence of all other participating parties, Tustin has commenced with the preparation of the Environmental Assessment document and the preparation of construction plans and specifications. Both cities are actively ,pursuing F.A.U. funding for this project so as to maintain a September, 1987 construction schedule. Tustin's only practical fundinglsource would be through the use of Federal Aid Urban {FAU) funds, where 86% ($2,890,735) would be FAU and 14% (470,585) local match monies. In the event FAU funding is unavailable, Tustin would have to seek other sources of funding or delay the project several years to accummulate said monies. The subject agreement has been through several reviews and revisions by the staff's of all participants. The City Attorney's office has reviewed this final draft and is in concurrence with the document as presented. Staff requests that the City Council, at their meeting of July 21, 1986, approve said Funding Agreement and authorize the Mayor to execute said agreement. The Irvine City Council has taken action to approve this item at their June 10, 1986 meeting. ndecker Director of Public Works/City Engineer BL:jm lOAD FUNDING AGIEEMENT FOR EXTENSION OF MYFORD ROAD THROUGH 8CAS-TUSTIN THIS AGIiEEIiEMT is made effective , 1986. between the CITY OF TUSTIN (*'Tustin'), the CITY OF IRVINK (*'Irvlne"). and THE IRVINK COMPANY.(t'Company't). with respect to the WHEREAS, Tustln and Irvine (collectlvely referred to as the #Citles*~) have each determined that there is an immediate need to provide an addltiona! re$iona! north-south arteri~ roadway to connec~ Jamboree and Myford Roads throush the United States Harine Corps A~r Stat~on-Tustln ('MCAS- Tustint')~ and WHEREAS, ~f~er havin$ studied various alternative alisnments for such an arterial roadway, Tustln and Irvlne have each determined ~ha~ the best alternative is to extend Hyford Road southerly throush NCAS-Tustin to connect w~h Jamboree Road ~enerally as shown on Exhibit te~e hereto (the and WBEREAS. Tustln. Irvine and Company have entered into that certain ~'AGREEMENT** dated Ju~y 9~ 198~ (the *~Risht-of-May Asreement") with the Un,ted States as represented by the Department of the Navy and the United States Harine Corps (~he "United States") to obtain the right-o£-way £or the and WBEREAS~ in consideration for such r[$ht-of-vay, the United Sta~es w{ll obtain from the Company. amon8 other thinas. (1) dedication o£ aviaa~ion easements over certain o£ the Company's land co,~nonly known as the Brownin$ and;GCA Corridors. (2) dedication o£ easements re~tr[ctin{ the use o£ the land ICD381 -1- in the Bro~,,n~n$ and GCA corridors, (3) dedication in fee of certain other land~ ovned b~ the Company, for develot:~ent of ~illtar~ housin$, end (&) reloce~ion of the Corps Helicopter Exte~nel Lift Trainln$ Facil~tles, as a construction cost of the Project, all as set forth in the Risht-of-Way · A~reement; and ~HEREAS, the value of the risht of ray to be required from the Narine Corps has been appraised by ~he Depar~men~ of ~he Na~; and ~ER~S, the cost of acqu[r~n& ~he rish~-of-~ay for the Projec~ ~hrou&h ~hose dedlcacions and relocation vil[ initially be borne by ~he Company~ and ~EAS the par~ies deslr~ ~o establish a fair share basis allocation of the costs of ~he Project amons ~hemselves, includins the costs of acqu[rin~ ~he right-of-way and of des[shins and cons~ruct[nS the roadway, and ~o develop a pro~ram for overall fundln~ of ~he Projec~ NO~, THEREFORE, [n consideration of ~he premises and mutual promises and covenants herein, ~he parties asree as follows: 1. ~e Projec~ sha~l be d~s~sned in accordance with the criteria contained ~n the "Hyford/Jamboree Extension Projec~ Description" prepared by the firm of ~rry See~n & Associates, a~tached hereto as Zxhib~ (excludin~ ~he ~rade-separatlons described under "Lons-Ranse Concept Plan") and ~he Preliminary Ens[neerins Plan prepared by ~[lldan & Associates, at~ache'd hereto as Exhib[~ 2. Based upon ~raff[c usase, ~urisdictional boundaries and ~he cula~ion benefits of ~h~ Project, it is asreed ~ha~ the Company shall contribute ~hlrty-six percent (36~) of the ~otal costs of ~he Pro~ec~ ~ota[ costs shall include right-of-way acquisition/dedication, ensineer~n~, construction and processin~ costs) as its fair share allocation, and tha~ ~he ICD381 -2- Cities shall each be responsible for their respective fair share of the ren~_inder of such costs. It is agreed that Tustin shall be responsible for eighteen percent (18~) of the total costs of the Project, and Irvine shal! be responsible for forty-six percent (&6~) of the total costs of the Project. 3. As its initial responsibility to the Project, the Company shall (i) provide the consideration demanded by the Corps for acquisition of the risht-of-way for the Project, consistent with the Right-of- Way'Agreement, including dedication of the avlgation easements over the Browning and CCA Corridors, dedication of easements restricting the use o£ the land in the Browning and CCA Corridors, and dedication of land for development of military housing; (ii) upon conveyance of the right-of-way easement for the Project by the 'United States to the Company, convey that right-of-way to Tustin and to Irvine, determined by jurisdictional boundaries, along with such additional easements crossing Company-owned property as may be required for construction and the future maintenance of the Project; and (iii) administer the design and construction required for relocation of the Helicopter Heavy Lift Training F&cility; &. As its initial responslbility to the Project, Tustin shall: (i) Serve as lead agency for the Project for purposes of completing the envlronmental processing, securing FAU Funds, and/or other funds, retaining consultants for the project design, and providing overall management for the Project; and (ii) Accept dedication of those portions of the easements and improvements within the jurisdictional boundaries of Tustin; (iii) Haintaln all improvements constructed within its juris- ' dic~ional boundaries; ICD381 6/5/86 -3- (iv) Pay its appropriate share, as set forth in paragraph 2 above, of the total cost of the Project~ and (v) Take all appropriate measures to support expeditious action by the Corps to remediate the contaminated soils site identified by the California Regional Mater ~uality Control 8oard vlthin the proposed Project right-of-way. 5. As its initial responsibility to the Project, Irvine (i) Cooperate with and provide assistance to completing the environmental processing for, securing FAU and/or other Funds for, and implementing the Project; (ii) Accept dedication of chose portions of the easement and the improvements vithin the jurisdictional boundaries of Irvine; (iii) Nalntain all improvements constructed vithln its jurisdictional boundaries; and (iv) Pay its appropriate share, as set forth in paragraph above, of the total cost of the Project. 6. Exhibit "D" hereto represents an estimate of the costs of the Project, together ~ith a calculation o£ the allocation of each party's cost obligations. Exhibit "D" is provided to illustrate the fair share responsi- bilities of the parties for the Project. Notvlthstanding anything in paragraphs 3 through ~ above to the contrary, once the total costs of the Project have been jointly determined, in the event ~hat the expenses incurred by any party tovard the total costs of the Project exceeds its required contribution as sta~ed by percentage ~n paragraph 2 above, then each o~her party which has incurred expenses toward the total costs of the Project less tha~ its required contribution shall reimburse each such other party proportion to the respective required contributions of each party to the total ICD381 6/5/86 costs of the Project as stated by percentage in paragraph 2 above, except that no obligation for reimbursement shall arise until each party provides an accounting of the expenses ic has incurred, along with supporting docu- mentatlon, to each other party, and the parties agree that the. expenses incurred are project costs. 7. It is understood that the Company's participation in the acquisition of the right-of-way for the Project by asreelng to land use restrictions to accommodate helicopter overflightS of the Bro~n£ng and GCA Corridors, by agreeing to dedicate avlgation easements, by asreeing to dedicate fee title to land for development of military housing and by asreelng to relocate the Helicopter Heavy Lift Training Facilities, is under the threat by Tustin and Irvine to acquire such land, easements and restrictions by condenmation as may be required to acquire the right-of-way for the Pro~ect from the United States. 8. It is further agreed that the execution of the Agreement which requires the Company's financial commitment of 36Z on the pro~ect (Short Range Improvement per Exhibit B) shall fulfill all of the Company's financial responsibilities with respect to £alrshare participation of [he Superstreet (Long Range Improvement per Exhibit B) relating to the development of the community of Westpark (PA 14) in the City of Irvlne per Condition 3.16 to Tentative Tract Map No. 12355. This is based on the Company's decision to apply the total short range improvement cost attributable to other villates as identified in the fair share analysis, against the identified 101 Westpark share of an estimated cost $37 million Superstreet project. No credit shall be given to the Company for further development of other contributing Villages unless it is in excess of the Westpark long range 10% commitment. ICD381 6/5/86 -5- It is further agreed that this agreement does not release the Company's obllgation to restrict develol~nent levels to that specified in condition (i.e. that level that generates 53I trip ends per day) 3.12 of Resolution No. 85-8&8. 9. ~ustln and 'Irvlne agree to take such steps as are necessary to obt&in the funds for their fair share participation in the costs of the Project. All parties agree to cooperate in good faith to carry out the Project in a timely ~anner, with the goal of completing the construction by June 30, 1988, or as soon thereafter as practical, and to execute such documents and subsequent agreements as many be necessary to carry out the intent of this Agreement. 10. It is mutually agreed that the right-ofoway costs, as 'established by independent appraisals, and to be included in the total project costs shall not exceed $7,1&&,000 for lands to be acquired from the Harine Corps and $3,310,000 for lands to be acquired from Company for a total of $10,&S&,O00 unless the amount of right-of-way required increases beyond the area identified in the appraisal report, due to final design changes. The appraisal reports shall be submitted to Irvine and Tustln for review and approval prior to any payment or credits to Company. Said review and approval shat1 be provided in writing by the City Manager within 60 days of submittal o£ the appraisal reports. It is mutually agreed that for purposes of parasraph 6 the right-of-way expenses to be incurred by the Company in sati;£action of its initial responsibilities described in paragraph 3 (i) and (ii) shall be deemednot to exceed the appraised values of the right-of-way set forth above. ICD381 6/5/86 -6- 11. The covenencs~ obligaclons and li&bilities of the parties are intended Co be several end not joint or collectivet and nothing herein contained shell ever be construed to create an assoclatlont joint ven~ure~ trust or pertnership~ or to impose a trust or partnership covenant~ obligation or liability on or with regard to either party. Each party shall be individually responsible for its own covenants~ obligations end llabilit£es as herein provided, Neither party shell be under the control of or shall be deemed to control the ocher party. Neither percy shall be the agent of or have a rlghc of power Co bind the ocher party wlchouc such other parCyts express wrltcen consent. -ICD381 6/5/86 -7- 12. Each party expressly warrants n,~d represents that the person signing this Asreement on their behalf has the authorities ~o execute this Agreement. City of Tuscln DATED: By: City of Irvine By: rae Irvine Company By: ICD381 6/5/86 -8- ExHBrT 'A' CORPS riO% PROJECT Proposed Extension N r~billmi~ FEET 0 1000 ~000 PROJECT L Erlv~ortmergal Commun~ P~annir~ ~YFORD/~AHBOR[E EXTENSION ~ROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed extension of Hyford Road/3amboree Boulevard extends from the Intersection of Barranca Road and the extsttng Jamboree Boulevard to the proposed Intersection of goulton Parkway and Kyford Road for a length of ].3 miles. From 3amboree/Barranca, the proposed centerltne extends north- easterly for approximately ],300 feet p~rallel to, and 60~ feet northwest of, the San 3oaqutn Road centerltne. The alignment then begins a ],700-foot radius curve easterly towards Peters Canyon Wash, with a grade separation passing over Warner Avenue, and providing for a four-lane Warner Avenue. The alignment then parallels Peters Canyon Wish° with a grade separation passing over golfers Road, whtle providing for a four-lane Hoffett Road. North of 14offerS, the road continues generally parallel to Peters Canyon Wish. The alignment connects to in at-grade Intersection with the existing Moulton Parkway. 1he road will then continue over the A1&SF Railroad. The existing Sin Joaqutn Road will' be abandoned and portions reserved for potential use as an access frontage road for existing and future develop- cent of adjacent parcels (Block 47, attached plan). The project plans for the extension call for stx through lanes, three in each direction, with a raised center median all within atyptcal section that varies between ]28 to ]38 feet (see typical cross section, attached plan). 1he varied* typical section ts required to accon~nodate additional turning lanes at the intersections with Houlton Rarkway and Barranca Road. A minimum seven-foot-high concrete block wall will be provided along the southeasterly edge of the roadway north of Warner Avenue extending from the City of lustin/Ctty of %rvtne property boundary northeasterly to the Santa Aha-Santa Fe Channel to provide noise mitigation for the existing Marine Corps Housing. 1he design height of the wall above minimum wtll be deter- mined and verified after completion of the noise analysts studies. On the northwestern side of the roadway a seven-foot-high barrier wtll be provided for base security purposes and Joined to the existing chain-link fence beginning at a point north of Warner Avenue it the City of %rvtne/HCAS property boundary line, extending along the roadway edge to a point approxi- mately ZOO feet north of the beginning of the embankment approaching the Moffett Road overcrossing. Final design of the barrier will be either a seven-foot concrete block wall or a five-foot block wall wtth two feet of barbed wire or other deterrent eater1·1 satisfactory for security purposes. The five-foot-high block wall is requ(red to protect motorists from flytng debrts due to potential helicopter accidents. The area northerly of the potnt approximately ZOO ~ feet north of the beginning of the embankment approaching Moffett Drive and Houlton Parkway shall etther be a seven-foot concrete block masonry wall or a seven-foot chain-link fence Including security wire along the top. A graded and paved Base perimeter and security road eight-feet wtde wtth compacted two-foot shoulders wtll be provtded along the road right-of-way line on the northwestern stde of the roadway from ~oulton Parkway to the Ctty of Irvine/MCAS property boundary line north of Warner Avenue· From that point, the perimeter road will connect into the existing security/perimeter roadand continue along the Base property line. The perimeter road will be relocated (as an eight-foot-wide graded and paved road) as necessary for right-of-way encroachments ~outhwesterly..of Warner Avenue and will be extended to Barrsnca Road along the northerly side of the flood-control ditch tnstde the chain-link fence. ?he project includes relocation of the existing, graded earth, flood-control ditch along San Oo&qutn Road, as necessary for right-of-way encroachments. Landscape treatment for slopes at overcrosst locations Will be provided es an erosion control measure Curbs tt · will provided along the raised median.. Existing traffic signals at Barranca Road and Moulton Parkway will require modification with implementation of the FAd project. LONG-ILANG£ CONCEPT PLAN The Long-Range Concept Plan for t-he extension of Hyford/Jamboree ts similar to the plan described above, with the exception that there wtll be grade-separated interchange overcrosstngs of Barranca Road and 'Houlton Parkway. Turning movements at both locations would be accomplished through diamond interchange designs. No additional right-of-way would be required for the ultimate long-range plan. The median area and all slopes may be landscaped in the future. ~XHIBIT D MYFORD/JAHBOREE ROAD COST AND ALLOCATION II. Project Costs* A. Rights-of-Way 1. Government-owned land to be acquired 2. Irvine Company land required Total Rights-Of-Way B. Design and Construction Costs 1. Road design 2. Road construction 3. Design of helicopter external lift relocation 4. Construction of helicopter external lift relocation 5. Contingencies Total Design and Construction C.* Total Project Cost Cost Allocation A. City of Irvine (46~) B. City of Tustin (1B~) C. The Irvine Company (36~) $ 7,144,000 3~310~000 $10,454,000 $ 220,000 5,000,000 '200,000 1,800,000 1~000~000 $ 8,220,000 $18,674,0D0 $ 8,590,040 3,361,320 6)722~640 $18,674,000 Based on preliminary estimates 6/5/86 // ,///