HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES 08-04-86II. III. IV. MINUTES OF A REGtILRR I~LrTIN6 OF THE CllT COUNCIL OF THE CIT/ OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 4, 1986 ~ TO OI~ERI~EilGE OF ~LL£GIANCE/IEfOCATION The meeting was called to order by Mayor Saltarellt at 7:03 p.m. in the City Council Chem~ers, 300 Centennial Way. The Pledge of ,Allegiance was led by Mayor Pro Tam Hoesterey, and the Invocation wa~ given by Mayor Saltarellt. ROLL CALL Counct 1persons Present: Counctlpersons Absent: Others Present: PUBLIC HEN~IN6 1. Donald J. Saltarellt, Mayor Ronald B. ~oesterey, Mayor Pro Tea ,, Richard B. Edgar \ John Kelly Ursula E. Kennedy Wtlltaa A. Huston, City Manager James G. Rourke, City Attorney Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk Robert S. Ledendecker, Oir. of,Public Works Charles R. Thayer, Chief of Polt~ Rob Balen, Plann~.ng Consultant Jeff Davis, Asse~ate Planner Janet Pester, Administrative Secretary Approximately 40 in the audience Iq~POS~D ~I~XATIOg NO. 137 -~ HEAD/GNILNI) - RE~OLUTIOR NO. Mayor Saltareilt opened the public hearing at 7:05 p.m. Nancy Gamson, 1542 Kalua Lane, stated she did not see any advan- tages in being annexed to Tusttn. Mr. Mcgally, 1541 Kalua Lane, was informed that he would need to obtain a City business license to operate a photography st~to in his hoee. Bob Johnson, 13222 Woodland Drive, spoke In favor of subject annexation. Jerry Well, 1702 Su~eervtlle, was informed that there is no 11mtt to how ~any acres can be annexed to the Ctty w~thou~, a vote of existing residents. There were no other speakers, and the publ~ hearing was%clos'~d at 7:15 p.m. It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kelly, to adopt the following: RF. SOLUTXOR NO. 86-87 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, MAKING APPLICATION FOR THE ~NEXATION OF TERRITORY KNOWN AS OIAMOND HEAD ANNEXATION NO, 137 TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN After Council discussion, the motion carried 4-0, Kennedy absent. PUBLIC INPUT 1.. IqWIE THEA~rr.R IN TUSTIN e ' Tim Bryan, Clarissa Lane resident, questioned when a movie theater would be constructed in Tustin. He was informed that the City is currently working with The Irvtne Company for construction of an Edwards Cinema complex in the vicinity of Myford Road and the Santa Aha Freeway, hopefully within 18 months to two years. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2, 8-4-86 V. COGENT C/IU[NOAR Item No. 11 was removed from the Consent Calendar by Kelly; Item No. 12 · was remeved by staff for consideration under New Business (see Page 4). It was then moved by Hoesterey~ seconded by Edgar, to approve the remainder of the Consent Calendar. Carried 4-0, Kennedy absent. 1. APPROVAL OF MXlluTES - JULY 21, 1986, REGULAR MEETING 2. Arr'PROVAL OF OEI~S IN THE ANOUNT OF $1,167,252.97 RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL IN THE AMOUNT OF $138,834.83 50 3. REJECTION OF ~LAIM NO. 86-36; CLAIMAMT: COURTHEV SPEC](; OATE OF LOSS: 411/86; O~ FILm WITH CITY: 7/14/8~ Rejected subject claim as recommended by the City Attorney. 40 LOSS:$/17/86; IX~ p~t_~ WITH CITY: 5/29/86 Rejected subject clatm as recommended by the City Attorney. 40 $. RESOLUTION NO. 8~-g7 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, FIXING AND OETERMINI~ THE AMOUNT OF REVENUE REQUIRED FROM PROPERTY TAXES OF THE CITY OF THSTIN AND FIXING THE RATE OF TAXES ON THE TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF TUSTIN TO SERVICE THE OEBT OF THE GENERAL OBLIGATION BONUS OF THE CITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1986-87 Adopted Resolution No. 86-97 as recommended by the Finance Department. 97 6o OECLARATION OF SURPLB$ EQUIPI~JIT & AUTHORIZATION TO ANCTION SAME . Oeclared the rolling stock/vehicles listed in the staff redort as surplus; and authorized the sale of same by Po~er Auction as recommended by the Public Works Oepartment/Engtneertng Otvt- sion. 87 7. RESOLUTION NO. 86-98 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, FINOING THAT NO CHANGES HAVE OCCURRED WITH RESPECT TO THE PROPOSED NL~dPORT AVENUE GRABE CROSSING Adopted Resolution No. 86-98 as recommended by the City Manager. 95 8. RES~__UTION NO. 8~-94 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE LOUOSPEAKER CRITERIA FOR THE TUSTIN AUTO CENTER Adopted Resolution No. 86-94 pursuant to City Council action on July 21, 1986. 81 9. RESOLUTION NO. 8E-9~ - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING A FEE SCHEDULE FOR ANIMAL SHEL- TER AND ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES AS PROVIDED BY THE COUNTY OF ORANGE Adopted Resolution No, 86-92 as .recommended by the Community Development Department. 22 10. RESOLUTION NO. 86-88 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF llJSTIN APPROVING TENTATIVE PARCEL HAP 86-201 LOCATED AT 2472, 14481 AND 14471 CHAMBERS ROAD Adopted Resolution No. 86-88 pursuant to City Council action on duly 21, 1986. g9 Co~se~t Calemdar ltea No. 11 - Tentative Tract Map No. 12719 - Council- man Kelly referenced Item No. 11 of Planning Commission Resolution No. 2348 which states that "CC&R's must be prepared and submitted for review and approval prior to recordation of the final map. The Cit,y, shall be made a party, for enforcement purposes, of said CC&R's . . . He was opposed to the City's role at enforcing CC&R's (Covenants, Con- ditions & Restrictions). At Mayor Saltarellt's request, the City Attorney stated that typically the City has the right, in the manner that CC&R's are required to be written, to enforce same. He did not recall any instance where the CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 3, 8-4-86 City has ever done so, The purpose in being a party to the CC&R's is so that the City has know.ledge of how they're structured to begin with, and so that they can't be revised without the City's a~proval. That has been the extent of the City's involvement in the CC&R's histori- cal ly. Councilman Kelly indicated his concerns were answered satisfactorily. It was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar, to adopt the followlng: tX. RESOLUTXON NO. 86-95 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPNOVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 12719 Adopted Resolution No. 86-95 as recommended by the Community Development Department. The motion carried 4-0, Kennedy absent. 99 VI. OItDIN~ICES fi)it IlflltOOU~ION Nofle. VII. OIIOIMA/~F.S FO~ R)OFTION None. VIII. OLD 1. COMSOLIDATION OF 6EN~It.~L ~ICIP~ ~E~IO~ Mayor Saltarellt revt~ the background on subje~ itm a~ enu- ~rat~ the ~sponses ~eiv~ fr~ Or=ge C~nty Mayors on their vt~ pe~aining to consolidat~ el~tions. Counctl~n Kelly express~ dtsappoint~nt that ~re responses were n~ ~e~v~ and that not ~ough info.etlon ~s provtd~ by some responding cities. ~ felt l~s ~phasis should be plac~ on the increas~ cost to ~ltttcal candidates in consolidat~ ~ections. ~ spoke on the merits of consolidating the City's general munici- pal elections ~th the County voter turnout; and ~) tr~end~s cost savings to the City. It was ~v~ by Kelly~ s~ond~ by Saltarelli, to consolldate Tusttn's General Municipal Elections in Nov~er. Mayor Pro T~.Hoesterey suggest~ ~ittng untll the State's decl- sion ~ ~ tt will conduct the prtma~ elections. He1~ Edgar, ~362~ Loretta Drive, r~o~ that the O~ocrettc State convention ~s held ~o ~eks ago tn Anaheim. They are r~nding to the State Legislatu~ to change the June prlma~ to either March or April. She also suggest~ waiting unttl the legis- lature ~kes a decision. Jer~ Wet1, X70~ Su~ille, spoke tn opposition to consolidating the City's ~neral ~nictpal election. He Clt~ ~od local govern- me~ accountable to concern~ vote~ through the City conducting its ~ elations. Councilman Edgar acknowl~ged t~at consolidation ~uld result in higher voter tu~out and decreas~ election costs. However, he suggest~ continuance of the ~tter until ~re data is obtained. Councilman Kelly urg~ Council to ~te In favor of the ~tton. Council d~ate follow~, Richard Vtntng, 400 West Main Street, spoke In defense of Tustin v~ers a~ stat~ that he considers each issue independently. A substitute ~tton was made by Saltarellt~ seconded by Edgar, to table consolidation of General Municipal Elections. The motion carri~ 4-0, Kenn~y absent. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page ¢, 8-4-86 IX. NEll BUSI#E$$ MOVED TO M~d ~lNr~i 12. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~IRVI~ ~N~ (F~ILI~ FO7) (~ V-A) & (~E V~) B4d opting ~o~ sub3~ pro3~ wes July ~9, 1986, a~ one b~d was c~e~vK as ~ollo~: K.K.C. C~pany, Corona ~8,~g4,078.50 As ~nd~ ~n %~e tn%a~-c~ da~K Augus~ 4, 1986, p~epacK by %~e ~bl~c Works Oepa~mon%/[ng~n~ng Division, ~% was ~ p~o3~ ~o K.~.C. C~any <sole b~dde~), Corona, ~n %~e a~un% o~ $8,~94,078.50. The ~on cacr4~ 4"0, Kenn~y ~sen~. ~5 Xe 1. PREPARATION OF SUPPI.~NTAL ENVI~MHENTAL IMPRCT R~PORT - ~ ,TUSTIll ~VELOPIENT ~E)qEIlT It was moved by Saltarellt~ seconded by Edgar, to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute contracts and agreements between the City and l"ne %trine Co~any necessary for the f~m of Michael 8randmon Associates, Inc., to prepare the subject Supplemental Environmental Inq)act Report as recommended in the inter-corn dated August 4, 1986, prepared by the Community Development Oepartment. Carried 4-0, Kennedy absent. 45 86-39; 8~ 1, ItNIIIING ax~IS$lOll ACTIONS - ,Nt.Y- 28, 1986 It was moved by Hoestereyt seconded by Edgar, to ratify the entire Planning Commission Action Agenda of July 28, 1986. The motion carried 4-0, Kennedy absent. ~ XI. OT~ER 8~INE~S The City Manager requested the City Council recess to a Closed Ses- sion to d~scuss personnel matters pursuant to Government Code Sec- tion 54957. 2e NMOURNED REGIIAR lEErING 011 AUGUST 11, 19~6 - AS~_$_~IENT OISTRICT NO. 85-1 The City Manager requested that the City Council adjourn to an Adjourned Regular Meeting on Monday, August 11. 1986, for final approval of the bond sale. He stated that representatives from Merrill Lynch (the underwriter for the bond issue), Bartle Wells (financial consultent), and Mudge, Rose & Guthrte (co-bond counsel) were present to respond to Council questions. A brief discussion period followed. 25 3. CH~gs~ OF OWIERSHIP - C0~V~NIC0N C~SLE TELEVISION FRAN~ISE The City Attorney responded to Councilman Edgar that CommuntCom's franchise requires that no change in ownership can be effected without prior approval of the City Council. When it was learned that a sale was in progress, CommuniCom was contacted, staff was advised, and a lot of material was received indicating a proposed sale was in the process of being consummated. It ~ll be a very lengthy proceeding, involving bankruptcy court, all creditors, etc. Before the sale is actually consummted, approval of the City and all other Jurisdictions where CommuniCom has a francht~ will have to be procured. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page S, 8-4-86 ST~IPIII~ OF STIEU$ Ill lfPPfRTREE Mayor Pro T~ Hoesterey thank~ staf~ ~oe double-ye11~ s:r~p~ng the "s" curve ~ Ratntr~ Lane through Ana Tree Place in Peppe~ree per his r~uest of ~une 16, 1986. ~ dOHg ~111E AIRPORT NOISE Councilman Kelly tnfor~ed Councll he has ~e~un ~rk~ng ~th a grcup of c~tlzens ~o a~e ~rk~ng ~ organlz~ng a c~.~ttee veh~en~ly oppos~ ~o operations of ~ohn gayne Atrpo~ relative ~o no~s~ l~els and safe~y hazards. He co~ela~ ~he C~y's successful battle against the Bull~ Train threat to his desire to ~dify ~er~ttons at John Wayne Ai~o~. Council acknowl~g~ receipt ~ p~pos~ letter distrtbut~ by Councilman Kelly on t~e matter. Mayor Salta~lll ftmly stat~ that the Council's steadfast posi- tion has not ~en to close John ~yne At~o~, but to ~courage a sl~ly-phas~ increase of flights, to ke~ those flights limit~ n~er, to ke~ ~tght Mths ~thtn one degree (tri~ to another one-half degree) over the N~o~ Freway ~ere th~ would have less i~mct in the City of Tustin. a~ to suppo~ the con- tinu~ operation on the basis that flights take off over N~po~ Beach a~ ~t ~er Tusttn. He stat~ he ~uld ~nt time for very serious study of what Counctlmn Kelly ts proposing before he ~uld be ~lllng to c~it his ~te for taking anything to the Board of Supe~tso~ a~ attacking operations of the airport, Counctl~n Edgar stat~ that until the~ is clearly identift~ evi- dence that. there ts ~vtatton rrm State~ndat~ noise standards, he ~uld be reluctant to pa~icipmte In any kind of lawsuit. He add~ that he has not seen ~tdence that State scandals ~re ~lng violate, ev~ though tt may be a distasteful situation. Council- ~n EdMr ~platn~ ~y the Council was successful tn its fight against the Bullet Train b~auSe tt was not In c~pllance with envtro~ental law, ~ereas John Wayne At~o~ is In cmpltance. Mayor Saltarelll suggest~ that If Council desires, the mtter be agendlz~ tn the future for proper staff input. Mayor Pro T~ Ho~terey stat~ that once the noise mnitors are ~locat~, suffi- cie~ data can be collate, aed it would then be proper for Coun- 'cil to take a position. The City Attorney responded to Council that the City Is pre~pt~ by State and F~eral law fr~ regulating noise levels caus~ by at.lanes flying overhead. The ~yor asked Councilman Kelly to prepare a ~o to Council r~uesttng s~cific action he muld like on the Mtter. 101 R~MOVA~ OF POt. ITIC~L SIG#$ FR~M JURE ~II~V n ;CTIOM Councilman Ke)ly requested that staff enforce removal of campaign signs w~Ich have been posted since the June primary election. 93 ORU6 TESTIN6 OF cITY EHPLOYEES Council concurr~ with Mayor Saltarellt that the City Attorney's office pursue the ~ssibtlity of ~tablishing a ~llcy on drug testing of public ~ployems, tncludln~ elect~ officials, both as a r~uir~ent for mplo~ent and for existing ~ployees. 79 8. PUBLIC NUISNICE .~ATE)iE~T AT 17592 ~GAIISET In response to Mayor Pro Tem Hoesterey, the City Attorney reported on a meeting ~htch was held earlier in the day regarding legal actions to be taken regarding the public nuisance abatement at 17592 Amaganset. 81 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 6, 8-4-86 XII. RECESS - REi)EVELOP~NT; CI.OSED ~___~$I011 - RECORVENED At 8:14 p.m. it was moved by Hoestereyt seconded by Edgar, to recess to the Redevelopment Agency and thence to a Closed Session for discussion of personnel matters pursuant to Government Code Section 54957. Motion carried 4-0, Kennedy absent. The meeting was reconvened at g:15 p.m. with Councilwoman Kennedy absent. It was moved by Hoesterey~ seconded by Edgar, to authorize the follow- ing classifications to be added to the City's Job Classification Plan: Position City Planner Mechanics Helper Property Aide Senior Public Works Inspector Personnel Assistant Engineering Services Manager Field Services Manager The motion carried ~0, Kennedy absent. Monthly Salary Range $Z,962 - $3,600 $1,357 - $1,649 $1,301 - $1,581 $2,520 - $3,063 $2,321 - $2,821 $3,428 - $4,167 $3,428 - $4,167 79 It vas mved by Hoesteroy~ seconded by Edgar, to authorize the City Manager to retain Hughes, Helss & Associates to perform the recruitment for the positions of Engineering Services Manager and Field Services Manager. Motion carried 4-0, ~ennedy absent. 79 It vas meved by Hoesterey~ seconded by Edgar, to authorize the City Manager to retain ~aipn Anuerson & ASSOCiates to perform the recruit- merit for the Director of Community Oevelopment. Carried 4-0, Kennedy absent. 79 It vas moved by Hoesterey? seconded by Edgar, to notify Earl Rowenhorst and Reed Jansen that thelr current employment agreements will not be renewed or extended upon their expiration. Carried 4-0, Kennedy absent. 79 XlV. AIMOI~NM~MT At 9:17 p.m. the meeting was adjourned by unanimous informal consent to an Adjourned Regular Meeting on Monday, August 11, 1986, at 6:00 p.m. regarding Assessment District NO. 85-! bond financing; and thence to the next Regular Meeting on Monday, August 18, 1986, at 7:00 p.m. MINUTES OF AN ,M),JQORNE~ RE6UI..AR PLrE'TING OF TH~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIT~ OF llJSl'IN, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 11, 1986 The meeting was adjourned due to lack of a quor~ to the ne~ Regular Meeting on August 18, 1986, at 7:00 p.m. MINUTES OF A REGULAR I~ETINU OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF llJSTIg, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 4, 1986 1. CALL TO OI~ER The meeting was called to order at 8:14 p.m. by Chairman Saltarelli in the City Council Cha~ers, 300 Centennial Way, Tusttn, California. ROLL Cq.L Agency MeanDers Present: Agency Members Absent: Others Present: Donald J. Saltarelli, Chairman Ronald B. Hoesterey, Chairman Pro Tem Richard B. Edgar John Kelly Ursula E. Kennedy William A. Huston, Exec. Director/City Manager James G. Rourke, City Attorney Mary E. Wynn, Recording Secretary Robert S. Ledendecker, Otrector of Public Works Charles RD Thayer, Chief of Police Rob Balen, Plannlng Consultant Jeff Davis, Associate Planner Janet Hester, Administrative Secretary Approxtmetely 20 in the audience 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - dULY 21, 1986, REGULAR I~ETING It was moved by Hoesterey~ seconded by Edgar, to approve Minutes of the July 21, 1986, Regular Meeting. Motion carried 4-0, Kennedy absent. APPROVAL OF OE)IAMDS - oqJllE, 1986 It was moved by Hoesterey~ seconded by Edgar, to approve Demands in the amount of $191,172.93 for the month of June, 1986, as recommended by the Finance Department. The motion carried 4-0, Kennedy absent. 60 Se RESOLUTZONS OF EXXSTIN6 PROORNqS ~lfl) ~BLIGATIOIIS - TOWN C~NTER P~OJECT AREA The Executive Director noted that as required by law, he distributed to Agency men,)ers copies of Resolution NO. RDA 86-10 and RDA 86-11 two weeks prior to the August 18 public hearing on subject items. 60 6e NEIIPORT AVENUE EXTENSIO# The Chairman noted that he and the Executive Director met with Santa Ana's Mayor and City Manager to solicit their assistance in securing the Newport Avenue extension to Edtnger. They have agreed to support that request, and both City staffs are coordinating a program in that regard. 95 RECOP~NG SECRE'T~,RY ADdOORMI~MT At 8:16 p.m., it was moved by Hoesterey~ seconded bayt Saltarelli, to adjourn to the next Regular Meeting on August 18, 1986, 7:00 p.m. Car- ried 4-0, Kennedy absent.