HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 11 TENT T.M. 12719 08-04-86 CONSENT CALENDAR - ~ - NO. 11 DATE' AUGUST 4, 1986 ~ ]~'nte~'-- COI'B TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY HANAGER COI~IUNITY DEVELOPHENT DEPARTHENT TENTATIVE TRACT HAP NO. 12719/BREN COHPANY (EAST lqJSTIN RESIDENTIAL, PHASE I) RECO~I~ENDED ACTION: That Tentative Tract Map No. 12719 be approved by adoption of Resolution No. 86-95. DISCUSSION: On July 28, 1986, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 2348 recommending to Council approval of Tentative Tract Map No. 12719. A detailed report on the proposed subdivision is attached for Council consideration. As submitted, Tentative Tract Map No. 12719 proposes to create 218 single family residential lots in compliance with East Tustin Residential, Phase I, Planned Community Regulations. The proposed project meets or exceeds all regulations and development standards for the area. Additionally, by reference, all conditions required for previously approved Tract Map No. 12345 have been incorporated into the present submittal. In a separate action, the Planning Commission approved Design Review 86-12 concerning the site layout, common recreation/landscape areas, and unit elevations of the entire subdivision. In that the project submitted meets or exceeds all requirements for the district, the Planning Commission hereby forwards its recommendation tha Tentative Tract Map No. 12719 be approved. BOB BALEN, v Planning Consultant JSD/RB/jm Attachment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ~7 28 RESOLUTION NO. 86-95 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 12719 The City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby resolve as follows: I. The City Council finds and determines as follows: Ae That Tentative Tract Map No. 12719 was submitted to the Planning Commission on behalf of the Bren Company for consideration of the subdivision of certain properties for residential purposes. B. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held before the Commission for said map. Ce That an Environmental Impact Report (EIR 84-3) has been certified in conformance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act for the subject project area. That the proposed division is in conformance with the Tustin Area General Plan and the Planned Community District (East Tustin, Phase I) regulations as they pertain to the development of single family dwellings. E® That the Planning Commission has, by the adoption of Resolution No. 2348, recommended to the City Council approval of Tentative Tract Map No. 12719. II. The City Council hereby approves of Tentative Tract Map No. 12719 subject to the following conditions: 1. All conditions contained in Planning Commission Resolution No. 2348 must be adhered to. ® All applicable conditions must be satisfied as they No. 12719. imposed on Tract map No. 12345 )ertain to Tentative Tract Map Attest: DONALD J. SALTARELLI, MAYOR MARY E. WYNN, CITY CLERK Planning Commission DATE: JULY 28, 1986 SIJBJECT: TENTATIVE TRACT RAP NO. 12719/DESIGN REYIE# 86-12 (SHADO#BROOK) APPLICANT: BREN COHPANY ONE CiViC PLAZA, SUITE 100 NE#PONT BEACH, CA 92660 RONDA HEACOCIC, PRO~ECT HANAGER LOCATION: PROPERTZES BOUNDED BY BRONIIING AVENUE, EL CAHINO REAL, BRYAN AVENUE AND PANICCENTER DRIVE ARE SHO#N ON APPROVED TRACT NO. 12345 (EAST TUSTIN RESIDENTIAL PHASE I, AREA 1) ZONE DESIGNATION: PLANNED COHMUNI'n' RESIDENTIAL ENVIROIBIENTAL STATUS: ENYIROIOIENTAL ZHPACT REPORT 84-3 gAS APPROVED IN CO~PLZANCE ~IITH THE CALIFORNIA ENYIROlgIENTAL QUALITY ACT AND IN CONJUNCTION IJITH ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 938. REQUEST: 1) AUTHORIZATION TO SUBDIVIDE THE SUBJECT AREA PROVIDING FOR THE DEVELOPRENT OF: 218 SINGLE FAHILY DETACHED HOUSING UNITS, COLSON RECREATION AREA, AND PRIVATE STREETS. (PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED) 2) APPROVAL OF DESIGN, SITE PLAN AND ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES OF THE PROPOSED PRO~ECT. (NO PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED) RECOmmENDED ACTION: That the Commission recommend to the Ctty Counctl approval of Tentative Tract Map 12719 and that the Commission approve Design Revtew No. 86-12 by the adoption of Resolutions No. 2348 and 2349. SLAY: Approval of Tentative Tract Rap No. 12719 wtll authorize subdivision of Area 1 wtthtn the boundaries of the East Tusttn, Phase ! project area. As proposed 218 Individual stngle fanflly lots wtll be created as wtll ~ots for common recreation and landscape areas. Also provisions for prtvate streets wtll be Incorporated as conditions of the map. Stte layout and architectural destgn plans for untts lto be butlt are also before the Commission for review and al~p~ol val~_l, rlflpy L Community Development Department Planning CommiSsion Report Shadowbrook page two As proposed, the Shadowbrook project meets or exceeds minimum requirements of regulations governing development within Phase I. Additionally, non-required features such as a common recreation area are included in the project. Accordingly, staff recommends that the Commission recommend to City Council approval of Tentative Tract map No. 12719 and that the Commission approve Design Review 86-12. BACKGROUND AND DTSCU$STON: With the adoption of Ordinance No. 938, Planned Community Regulations and Guidelines for the area known as East Tustin, Phase I, were.established. The project now before the Commission (Tentative Tract Map No. 1271g/Shadowbrook) is proposed for the portion of Phase I indicated as Area 1 on the attached Exhibit A. Development for residential purposes within Area ! is limited to single family detached dwellings at a maximum density of eight (8) units per acre. A total of 264 units are permitted in Area 1. Pursuant to applicable zoning and subdivision regulations and prior to development of any project, the Planning Commission must conduct a public hearing and make recommendations to City Council concerning proposed subdivision maps. In this case, Tentative Tract Map No. 127!9. Additionally, as outlined in Planned Community Regulations for Phase I, the Planning Commission must approve final conceptual development plans prior to submittal of such plans to the Building Department for permit issuance. Conceptual development plans refer to si~e layout, architectural elevations of buildtong exteriors, common area landscape plans and recreational facility plans. The design review process does not require a public hearing. In reviewing the subject project it should be remembered that the entire Phase I area was in essence created by Final Tract 12345. This is important to note in that certain conditions imposed upon Tract 12345 are applicable to and must be incorporated within subsequent projects in the area. PRO~]£CT PROPOSAL The Bren Conl~any has submitted a comprehensive development package for a single family residential project to be called Shadowbrook. The submittal includes a site plan, building elevations, landscape and recreation area plans and the required subdivision map. Specifically, the project consists of a maximum of 218 single family detached units each upon its own individual lot. There are two separate actions the Commission must take in relation to this project, so each will be addressed individually. Community Development Department 15 Planning Commission Report Shadowbrook page three L Tentative Tract Map No. 12719 As Indicated on the exhibtts forwarded to the Commission, Tentative Tract Map No. 12719 would 'create 218 individual residential lots, provide an interior trafftc' circulation system and establish common recreation and landscape areas. By subdividing in this fashion, overall project denstty .ts just under stx units per acre whereas maximum density allowed Is eight units per acre. The 218 unit count is also less than the maximum unit allowed for Area i whtch is 264. In terms of tssues pertaining specifically to the subdivision map outside of standard conditions of approval, discussion ts fairly limited. However, a few points must be made. First, resulting from a requirement of Tract 12345 the area shown as "P" Street (Including lots 204 through 218) cannot be developed at the present time. This area has been reserved to accommodate flood control devices pending the completion of improvements under construction in the E1 Modena Flood Control Channel. Secondly, as a part of an area wide traffic circulation plan, there is the potential that Browning Avenue may be extended over the Santa Ana Freeway. 0nly upon completion of the flood control channel and once a determination on whether or ~ot Browning Avenue will be extended has been made can development of homes tn this area proceed. A second issue relating to Tentative Tract 12719 is the dedication of parkland. Pursuant to Ctty 0rdtnance No. 921 a total of 1.84 acres of parkland must be dedicated as a result of the proposed development. Of this parkland required, .9~ acres must be dedicated to a "community level" park within East Tustin, and .92 acres must be committed to a "neighborhood level" park. At the encouragement of staff, The Bren Company has provided a .32 acre recreation area within Shadowbrook. However, the applicant has in turn requested that this acreage be credited towards the .92 acre requirement for a neighborhood park. Since the recreation area is not mandatory per applicable regulations, and it does meet criteria necessary to receive credit as requested, staff recommends that such £redit for land dedication be allowed. All other issues and recommended conditions of approval for Tentative Tract Map No. 12719 are included tn Resolution No. 2348. DESZGN REYXE14 The destgn review portion of Shadowbrook encompasses the site plan, butldtng elevations and common areas. Each of these topics wtll bve reviewed separately. Site Plan The basic site plan proposed is relatively straight forward. However, there are some aspects that differ from traditional single family subdivisions. The primary difference revolves around lot size and. a "zero lot line" concept. Average lot size within the project is in the 3,700 - 3,800'square foot range. Communizy Development Department Planntng Commission Report Shadowbrook page four As to the zero lot line concept, from the exhtbtts forwarded to t~e Commfsston, tt can been seen that tn certatn areas, yards designated for the use of one property o~ner "overlap" onto an adjacent property. At the same time this property o~ner foregoes use of a port, on of his/her lot to the lot on the opposite slde. Wtth thts concept, useable yard area for each lot ts maximized. For example, instead of providing ~o ftve foot wide areas on each stde of a home, a [0 foot area on one stde of the untt can be employed. A second untque feature to the stte plan ts the interior circulation system. Although private .streets are utilized, they will be constructed with curb to curb widths equivalent to standard street minimums. Also, sidewalks wtll be provided at the city standard of five feet ~n width. The only difference be~een a standard public street and this project ts that a parkway landscape area has not been provided. Ho~ever,'gtven structural setbacks and the fact the developer will tnsl~ll all front yard landscaping (to be maintained by a Homeowner's Association), the proposed street plan is very compatible wtth the type of housing units proposed. In addttton to vehicular circulation, a pedestrian 11nkage be~een porttons of the project separated by "A" Street on Map 1271g has been prepared. Specifically near the intersection of "A'" and "B" Streets a landscaped paseo for pedestrian access is tncluded on the site plan. F~nal detatls of this plan in co6rdtnatton wtth previously approved perimeter landscaping must be reviewed by staff prtor to construction and lnsl~llatlon. The last 1rem in terms of the stte plan concerns parEtng. Mtntmum parking' requirements in Phase ! calls for 2.5 parking spaces for each d~elltng unit, of which must be garages. The balance of required parking can be on-street spaces and/or wtthtn driveways as outlined in the Planned Community Regulations. In staff's revte~ of the site plan it was felt that credit should not be given for all parking spaces sho~n. It is realized that the areas indicated w~ll accommodate vehicles, however in terms of what should be considered for credtt, approximately 155 parking spaces, excluding garages have been Identified. This figure places the approved parking ratto for the project at 2.7 spaces per dwelling untt. However, actual available parking will Jn actuality be about 3.0+ spaces per unit. Elevattons [n keeptng with the Tustln Ranch theme, Shadowbrook homes have been designed wtth the use of traditional butldtng materials. Wood st~tng and embellishments along with wood simulated concrete roof tiles lend a rustic yet contemporary feeling to the project. As to overall project appearance, Integration of units with differing roof schemes, intermittent use of slngle sto~y units and the "Jogging" of structural  setbacks from street frontages, the mass of a large pro~ect has been broken up Community Development Department Planntng Commission Report Shadowbrook page five and distributed making the project a quallty addttton to the area. Ftnally, tn an effort to display the postttve appearance of Shadowbrook to the community at large, extra architectural treatments have been applted to rear elevations of units whtch abutt Browning, Bryan, E1 Camtno Real and the street shown as "8" Street. UNZTTRAN$~ER Although not a particular concern at this point, the issue of unit transfer does have implications that should be noted. As stated tn this report, the maximum unit count permit:ed for Area' [ is 264 while only 2[8 units are proposed. Pursuant to Section 2.[ of the East Tusttn Specific Plan, the 46 units that could be built in Area [ can be transferred into the Specific Plan area provided all conditions of the plan are met. This transfer process is fully detailed in the East Tusttn plan and from this pbtnt forward will be closely monitored by staff. CONCLUSIONS:- Subject to conditions of approval continued in Resolution No. 2348 staff has concluded that the proposed project meets or exceeds minimum requirements of applicable land use regulations. Further, staff ts confident that proposed building elevations and common recreation/landscape areas satisfy the intent of Planned Community Regulations for Phase ! tn that architectural quality treatments have been included tn the package submitted. Accordingly tt is recommended that the Co~ntsston recommend to City council approval of Tentative Tract Map [27[9 and that the Commission approve Design Review 86-12 by the adoptton of Resolution No. 2348 and 2349. ~ SENIOR PLANNER JD:do attach: Full size site plans, elevations and tract map. Community Development Department 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2349 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CI~f OF TUSTIN, APPROVING DESIGN REVIEW 86-12 The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: That a proper application, (Design Review 86-12) has been filed on behalf of The Bren Company in conjunction with Tentative Tract Map 12719. That pursuant to Ordinance No. 938 adopting Planned Community Regulations for East Tustin, Phase I, the Commission hereby approves the site plan and architectural elevations as presented to the Commission in conjunction with Tentative Tract No. 12719 on July 28, 1986 subject to the following conditions: 1. Interior garage dimensions shall be 18' x 20' clear. Specific exterior color schemes and proposed building materials shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for review and approval.. e Architectural treatments and embellishments as shown shall be'constructed so as to give a sense of depth and dimension. Swimming pools and spas will be required in recreation areas. A 6'0" high fence with self-closing and self-latching devices on gates shall be installed around pool and spa areas. Elevations of pool equtpment/restroom building in recreation areas are required. 6. A complete landscape plan for recreation and paseo areas is required with submittal package for structural plan check. PASSED AND ADOPTED.at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission on the day of , 1986. CHARLES E. PUCKETT, Chairman DONNA ORR, Recording Secretary 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 9.2 23 9.5 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2348 A RESOLUTION OF l~E PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN RECOMMENDING TO THE TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 12719 The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as fotlows: A. That Tentative Tract Map No. 12719 was submitted to the Planning Commission on behalf of The Bren Company for consideration. B. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held for said map. Ce That an Environmental Impact Report (EIR 84-3) has been certified in conformance with the requirements of California Environmental Quality Act for the subject project area. That the proposed division is in conformance with the Tustin Area General Plan and adopted Planned Community Regulations (East Tustin, Phase I) as it pertains to the development of single family dwellings. II. The Planning Commission hereby recommends to the City Council approval of Tentative Tract Map No. 12719 subject to the following conditions: .1. All applicable condttins of Tract No. 12345 shall hereby be imposed, by reference, onto Tentative Tract Map 12719. 2. Preparation and submittal of a final grading plan delineating the following information is required: a. Final street elevations at key locations. b. Final pad/finish floor elevations and key elevations for all site grading. All construction within the public right-of-way and/or public easements must be shown on a separate 24"x36" plan with all construction referenced to the applicable City/County/IRWD standard drawing numbers. In~rovements to be shown will include but not be limited to the following: a. Curb and gutter b. Sidewalk c.' Utility connections (gas, electric, telephone, CATY. d. Storm drain connections to public facilities {the storm drain facilities within this tract will be private drains to be maintained by the Homeowners Association) e. Domestic water f. Sanitary sewer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 28 Resolution No. 2348 page two e 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Additional right-of-way shall be dedicated where the private streets join the public streets. The right-of-way line shall follow the back edge of the sidewalk around to the BCR, thereby placing the curb return and adjacent sidewalk within the public right-of-way. No embossed concrete paving will be permitted within this area. Payment of all required Orange County Sanitation District No. 7 sewer connection fees that may be required as a result of the interim connection to the District 7 facilities, will be permitted within this area. Payment of all required fees for the Major Thoroughfare and Bridge Fee Program will be required at the time building permits are issued. Required New Development Tax shall be.paid prior to recordation of any Final Map filed in compliance with the Tentative Map. Pedestrian street markings are required on "A" Street at intersection of "B" Street in conjunction with Paseo linking two sections of the project. A complete phasing and construction schedule must be submitted, including complete improvement plans for model homes. Appropriate documents shall be recorded against property's title for lots lg through 39 inclusive advising buyers of potential development of 19ts 203 through 218 inclusive and/or the development of an overcrossing at Browning Avenue over 1-5 Freeway. CC&R's must be prepared and submitted for review and approval prior to recordation of the final map. The City shall be made a party, for enforcement purposes, of said CC&R's and shall be prepared in accordance with format acceptable to the City. Note 13 on Tentative Tract Map 1271g shall be amended to read: "Approval of this tentative map shall remain in force for a period of twenty-four (24) months." Note 14 on Tentative Tract Map 12719 shall be deleted. Island within the "knuckle" along "M" Street (serving lots 154 through 157) shall be landscaped and equipped with automatic irrigation system. Elimination of certain on-street parking spaces will be required. Final analysis will be conducted at the time of plan check submittal. 16. Interior culdesacs (at turning radius) must be posted "No 1 4 5 6 ? 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 25 26 27 Resolution No. 2348 page three Parking" on designated trash pick-up days. Please verify with Waste Management ensuring adequate turntng maneuvers are possible. 17. All garage units shall be equipped with automatic garage door openers. 18. All private streets shall be constructed to minimum city standards in terms of type and quantities of materials used. 19. A total of 1.84 acres of parkland dedication is required pursuant to provisions of City Ordinance No. 921. For the inclusion of a private common recreation area within Tentative Tract Map No. 12719, a credit for land dedication shall be given in the amount of .32 acres. This credit to be applied to a neighborhood park as defined in Ordinance No. 921. 20. At. such time that lots 203 through 218 are developed, a perimeter block wall shall be installed along Browning Avenue and E1Camtno Real. 21. Water improvement plans shall be approved by the fire chief for fire protection. The adequacy and reliability of water system design, and the distribution of fire hydrants will be evaluated in accordance with Insurance Service Office suggested standard. 22. Prior to the issuance of any building permits for combustible construction, evidence that a water supply for fire protection is available shall be submitted to and approved by the fire chief. 23. The emergency vehicle access Department requirements when commences, Tract 12345. (across Lot G) must meet Fire development of "P" street 24. All front yard landscaping shall be installed by the developer and subsequently maintained by Homeowners Association. 25. That at such locations where the abandoned San Diego Pipeline encroaches into the project area, said pipeline shall be removed. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission on the __day of , 198 CHARLES E.PUCKETT Chairman DONNA ORR, Recording Secretary