HomeMy WebLinkAboutOTHER BUSINESS 1 08-04-86 ~ '~' OTH~k' _ J$INESS
DATE: AUGUST 4, Inter Corn
$ U Bd EOT:
Attached is a memorandum from Ron Nault regarding various documents
pertaining to the Assessment District bond issue.
Representatives of the bond counsel, financial consultant and underwriters
will be at the City Council's August 4, 1986 meeting to provide a statu~
report on the bond issue. Action by the City Council on the attached
documents is not required on August 4; however, there is a possibility that
the City Council will be requested to adjourn to August 11, 1986 for the
purpose of giving final approval of the bond sale.
As the City Council will recall, the bond sale needs to be completed before
September 1, 1986 in order to avoid the implications of new tax laws that
would otherwise complicate the sale of the bonds.
William A. Huston
City Manager
JULY 31, 1986
The rather large packet attached contains copies of all the documents
required for the referenced bond financing. You should find:
1. Indenture of Trust
2. Reimbursement agreement and letter of credit
3. Purchase contract
4. Remarketing agreement
5. Official statement
These documents should all be considered as drafts. No action will be
taken by Council at this time. Lora Stovall of Barge Wells has prepared a
summary of the bond process from the first days of discussion to the
present. Her summary and the attached documents pull all the pieces of
this puzzle together.
It is my understanding that there will be representatives of the key
members of the financing team available Monday evening to respond to
Finance Director
RAN: s kr
Battle IYells Associates
Municipal Hnancing Consultants
1636 Bush Street
San Francisco 94109
415 775-3113 L16-G
William Huston, City Manager
City of Tustin
William A. Sinsky
Lora I. Stovall
Bartle Wells Associates
Tustin Assessment District No. 85-1
1915 Act Improvement Bonds
July 28, 1986
a U g Z 9 1986
This memo reviews the current status of the Tustin Assessment District
No. 85-1 bond issue and the actions to date by the participants in the
The assessment district includes approximately 522 gross acres bounded
by Interstate 5, Browning Avenue, Irvine Boulevard, and Myford
Road. All property in the assessment district is owned by The Irvine
Company. The bonds will finance the acquisition and construction of
street, freeway, and drainage improvements and traffic signals within
the assessment district. The cost of the improvements is estimated at
about $42.2 million including engineering and utilities. The total
bond issue size is $50,650,000.
In an assessment district financing, the city basically allows private
property owners access to the tax-exempt bond market for the con-
struction of public improvements which benefit private properW. The
city bears no financial responsibility for the bonds. All debt service
and other expenses are billed to the property owners. If a property
owner becomes delinquent in his assessment installment payments, his
property is subject to superior court foreclosure within 150 days.
At the request of the sole property owner, The Irvine Company, the
Tustin Assessment District bonds have been structured as a variable-
rate transaction. In a variable-rate issue, the interest rate on the
bonds changes at specified, short-term intervals. Each time the
interest rate is adjusted, the holder of the bonds has the right to
resell the bonds at par back to the underwriter. Thus, to the
holder, variable-rate bonds are short-term instruments and thus bear
interest at short-term rates, which are lower than long-term rates.
Portions of the bonds will be converted to fixed-rate as residential
property is sold, so that property owners other than The Irvine
Company will have fixed liens on their properties.
Beginning in early 1985, a team of city staff, Willdan Associates
(consulting engineers), bond counsel, the city attorney, Battle Wells
Associates, and representatives of The Irvine Company have been
working on this financing. We have helped draft legislation amending
the 1915 Assessment Bond Act to allow a general law city to issue
variable-rate 1915 Act bonds.
With the property owner and other participants, we reviewed the pros
and cons of fixed- and variable-rate financing. The property owner
asked that we proceed toward a variable-rate issue. Variable-rate
bonds require an underwriter, a paying-agent bank, and a letter-of-
credit bank, and are best sold by a negotiated sale.
William Huston
July 28, 1986
Page 2
In May 1986 we went through a proposal process to select an under-
writer for the bonds. We received proposals from six underwriting
groups; three were interviewed by a panel including the city finance
director and representatives of bond counsel, The Irvine Company,
and Battle Wells Associates. As a result of this process, the team of
Merrill Lynch and Stone & Youngberg was chosen as underwriter for
the bonds.
Since the underwriter was chosen, proposals have also been received
from paying agents and letter-of-credit banks, and Citibank and
Mitsubishi Trust, respectively, were selected.
Legal documents and the official statement are in nearly final form.
All of the parties have been meeting frequently to finalize the docu-
ments necessary to effect the sale of the bonds. The council approved
the engineer's report and confirmed the assessments on July 21.
Closing is expected about August 20.
As the property is developed for for-sale residential uses, an amount
of bonds equivalent to the assessment liens on those properties will
be converted to fixed-rate bonds at the interest rates in effect at the
time of conversion. Thus, the individual homeowners will have fixed
payment schedules for their assessments. Interest rates on the fixed-
rate bonds at conversion should be favorable within the market at the
time of conversion, because they will reflect the additional investment
in the property made by the developer between now and the approval
to sell residential property.
Draft of 7/28/86 1518
as Tzustee
Dated as of August 1, 1986
~4691.3.2771.02:36 $16
~ection 1.01.
~ection 1.02.
~ection 1.03.
Definitions; Equal Security
Definitions ...... 2
Authority for ih; ln~e~t&r; ..... 16
Indenture to Constitute Contract . . .16
~ection 2.01.
~ection 2.02.
~ection 2.03.
~ection 2.04.
~ection 2.05.
~ection 2.06.
~ection 2.07.
~ection 2.08.
~ection 2.09.
~ection 2.10.
~ection 2.11.
~ection 2.12.
~ection 2.13.
~ection 2.14.
~ection 2.15.
~ection 2.16.
Conditions and TeLls of Bonds
Authorization of Bonds . . .16
Denominations, Medium, M;t~O~ ~n~
Place of Payment and Dating of
Bonds ................ 17
Payment of Bonds ........... 17
Calculation and Payment of
Interest ...... 18
Determinatio~ of'A~j&s&eA }n&erest
Rates and Unit Pricing Interest
Periods ....... 19
Oeterminatio Af'vlriaAiA Interest
Rate .......... 2i
DeterminAtioA Af Fix&d Interest
Rate ................. 21
Alternate Rate for Interest
Calculation ..... 22
Interest on Ba kiO n;d'B;nAs
Additional Interest on Bank-Owned
Bonds .............. 22
Changes in M~de ........... 23
Form of Bonds .... 2~
Zxecution and Au[h;n[i~a[i;n'o~
Bonds .24
Transfer'a;d'E~c~a;g; &f'B;n3s' [ [ [ .24
Registration Books .......... 25
Temporary Bonds ........... 25
Bonds Mutilated, Destroyed, Lost
or Stolen .............. 26
i 92988
~ection 3.01.
~ection 3.02.
~ection 3.03.
~ection 3.04.
~ection 3.05.
~ection 3.06.
~ection 3.07.
~ection 3.08.
Redemption of Bunds
Mandatory Redemption ...... 26
Optional Redemption of'U~i~
Pricing Bonds .... 30
optional Redemptio of'B;n s'i
the Demand Mode ........... 30
Optional Redemption of Bonds in
the Fixed Rate Mode. . _ . . . . .31
Selection of Bonds for'RedemPtion . .31
Notice of Redemption ......... 31
Partial Redemption of Bonds ..... 32
Effect of Redemption ......... 32
~ection 4.01.
~ection 4.02.
~ection 4.03.
~ection 4.04.
~ection 4.05.
~ection 4.06.
~ection 4.07.
~ection 4.08.
puzchase of Bonds
Optional Tender of Unit Pricing
Bonds .... 33
tional'T;n e; 6f'B;n s'i ih;
Demand Mode ......... 33
Mandatory Purc~,i,'o} Bonds ..... 34
Tender and Purchase of Bonds . .35
Mandatory Purchase Upon Expira[i;n'
or Termination of Letter of Credit . .36
Letter of Credit; Alternate Letter
of Credit . .
No Sales After'C;r[ain'D;f ult : : .37
Purchase Fund ............ 39
Pledge of the Xndentuze; Funds and Accounts
~ection 5.01.
~ection 5.02.
~ection 5.03.
Pledge Effected By Indenture ..... 41
Pledge of Assessment Installments;
Assessment Fund ........... 41
Collection of Assessment
Installments ............. 41
=ii- $2988
~ection 5.04.
~ection 5.05.
~ection 5.06.
~ection 5.07.
~ection 5.08.
~ection 5.09.
Deposit of Moneys .......... 43
Fixed Rate Reserve Fund ....... 46
Reserve Earnings Fund ........ 47
Use of Money in the Construction
Fund .......... 47
IntereSt R~s~r~e F~n~ ........ 48
Investments ............. 49
~ection 6.01.
~ection 6.02.
~ection 6.03.
~ection 6.04.
~ection 6.05.
~ection 6.06.
~ection 6.07.
~ection 6.08.
Compliance with this Indenture . .50
Observance of Laws and Regulations' . .50
Other Liens ......... 50
Prosecution of'S~i~s' . · . .51
Accounting Records and'Statement; . .51
Recordation and Filing ........ 51
Further Assurances .......... 51
Arbitrage Covenant ......... 51
~ection 7.01.
~ection 7.02.
~ection 7.03.
~ection 7.04.
~ection 7.05.
~ection 7.06.
~ection 7.07.
~ection 7.08.
Default and Limitations of Liability
Events of Default .......... 52
Action on Default ........ 52
Remedies of the Trus~e~ ....... 53
Non-Waiver ......... 54
Remedies Not E c u;i;e' . ....... 54
No Liability by the City to the
Owners ..... 54
No Liabih[y'b [h; r s[e; &o the
Owners ................ 55
Action by Owners ........... 55
:iii- $2988
The Trustee and the Remarketing Agent and the
Paying Agent
~ection 8.01.
~ection 8.02.
~ection 8.03.
~ection 8.04.
~ection 8.05.
~ection 8.06.
Employment and Duties of the
Trustee ..... 55
Removal an~ ~e~i~nltio~ ;f't~e
Trustee .... 55
of the Trustee . .
Protection of the ~r~s[e; ] ] ] ~ ] .56.57
Appointment of Remarketing Agent . . .58
Appointment of Paying Agent ..... 58
A~end~ent of oz Supplement to the Indent=e
~ection 9.01.
~ection 9.02.
~ection 9.03.
~ection 9.04.
Amendment of Supplement by Consent
of Owners ............ 59
Disqualified B;n~s ...... 60
Endorsement or Repla~e~ent'o~
Bonds After Amendment of
Supplement 'S~p~l~m~n~ ~y'M~t~ai ' ' .60
Amendment or
Consent ............... 61
~ection 10.01.
~ection 10.02.
Discharge of Bonds and Indenture . . .61
Unclaimed Money ........... 62
:iv- $2988
~ection 11.01.
~ection 11.02.
~ection 11.03.
~ection 11.04.
~ection 11.05.
~ection 11.06.
~ection 11.07.
~ection 11.08.
~ection 11.09.
~ection 11.10.
~ection 11.11.
~ection 11.12.
~ection 11.13.
~xhibit A
~xhibit B
Schedule I
Benefits of this Indenture Limited
to Parties ...... 63
successor Deemed I ciu e in'ail'
References to Predecessor ...... 63
Execution of Documents by Owners . . .63
Waiver of Personal Liability . . .64
Acquisition of the Bonds by City' . . .64
Notice by Mail ............ 64
Funds ..... 64
Gender and References ........ 65
Partial Invalidity .......... 65
California Law ............ 65
New York Time ............ 65
Notices ............... 66
Effective Date ............ 67
Form of Improvement Bond ........ A-1
Form of Landowner Election Notice . . .B-1
Initial Adjusted Interest Rates .... S-1
iv- %2988
THIS INDENTURE OF TRUST dated as of August 1, 1986 by _and %43,44
between the City of Tustin and Citibank, N.A., a national banking %(44)
~ssociation organized under the laws of the United States of America; %45
~HEREAS, the City intends to finance the costs of certain %52
works ~nd improvements through the issuance of bonds under the Act; %53
and %(53)
_WHEREAS, the City desires to provide for the securing of %55
the Bonds as provided in this Indenture; %56
_WHEREAS, the Trustee has accepted ~he trust created and %58,59
established ~y this Indenture and in evidence thereof has joined in %60,61,
the execution hereof; %(62)
SOW, THEREFORE, ~n consideration of the premises, 9f the %64,65,
acceptance by the Trustee of the trust hereby created, and of the %(66)
~urchase and acceptance of the Bonds by the owners thereof, _and for %67,68
other valuable consideration, _the receipt of which is hereby acknowl- %69
edged, ~nd to fix and declare the terms and conditions ~pon which _the %70,71,
Bonds are to be issued, authenticated, ~elivered, secured and %73,74
accepted ~y all persons wh~ shall from time to time ~e or become %75,76
owners thereof, ~nd to secure the payment of all the Bonds at any Z~77,78
time issued and Outstandinq hereunder and ~he interest thereon
~ccording to their tenor, purport and effect, ~nd to secure the per- %80,81
formance and observance of all of the covenants, ~greements and con- %82
ditions therein and herein contained, _the City by these presents does %83
grant, ~argain, sell, release, convey, assign, ~ransfer and pledge %84,85
~nto the Trustee all right, ~itle and interest in and to ~he 986,87,
Assessments and other funds as more fully described in Section 5.0]
9f this Indenture, and any additional property _that may fro~ time to %90,91
time, ~y delivery or by writing of any kind, _be subjected to the lien %92,93
hereof by the City 9r by anyone in its behalf and the Trustee is %94,95
hereby authorized to receive the same at any time as additional ~ecu- %96
rity hereunder, ~ubject to such permitted encumbrances under this %97
~ndenture as may be superior /by operation of law or otherwise) ~o %98,99,
the lien hereof. %(100)
To have and hold ~11 of the above _unto the Trustee ~nd its %101,1(
successors ~nd assigns forever ~or the equal and ratable benefit of %105,1£
the owners ~rom time to time 9f all the Bonds, if any, authenticated %108,1£
~4691.3.2771.02:36 %16
hereunder and issued by the City and Outstanding ~ithout any priority ~%111,]
of any one Bond over any other except as expressly provided herein #112.1
~pon the trusts and subject to t~e covenants and conditions hereinaf- %113
ter set ~orth. %114
~ECTION 1.01. ~. Unless the context otherwise
requires, the terms defined in this ~ection 1.01 shall for all pur- %123
poses hereof and of any amendment hereof or ~upplement hereto and of 9124
the Bonds and of any certificate, 9pinion, request or other document %125
mentioned herein or therein have the meanings defined herein, the #126
following definitions ~o be equally applicable to both the singular #127
and plural forms 9f any of the terms defined herein: %128
Act %130
"Act" means the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913 %(130)
(Division 12 of Streets ~nd Highways Code), as amended, and the %131
Improvement Bond Act of 1915 (Division 10 of the Streets and Highways %132
Code), as amended. - %(132)
Adjuste.d Interest Rate %134
"Adjusted Interest Rate" means, for any Unit Pricing %(134)
Bond, that annual rate of interest, expressed as a percentage ~nd %135
rounded to the nearest one thousandth of one percent determined by %(135)
the Remarketing Agent 9n a Rate Adjustment Date, which would, in the %136
judgment of the Remarketing Agent lhaving due regard to the prevail- %137
ing market conditions), enable such Bond to be sold at par in the %138
secondary market on such Rate Adjustment Date for the Unit Pricing %(138)
~nterest Period commencing on such Rate Adjustment Date. %139
Alternate Letter of Credit %141
"Alternate Letter of Credit" means a letter of credit or %(141)
other security device issued in accordance with Section 4.06 hereof %142
which shall have a term of not Less than one year and shall have the %143
same material terms as ~he Letter of Credit. %144
% (37.1)
Alternate Rate
"Alternate Rate" means ~s of the first day of an Alternate !%147,]
Rate Calculation Period[ during a Demand Mode, the annual interest 1#(148~
rate, not[ in excess of the Maximum Rate, equal to 75% of the inter-
est rate applicable to 90-day United States Treasury bills or during i#(150j
a Unit Pricing Mode, the annual interest rate, not in e~cg~s of the
Maximum Rate, equal tQ 68% of the interest rate applicable to 90-day 1%150.~
United States Treasury bills, determined 9n the basis of the yield at I%151
which such 90-day Treasury bills shall have ~een sold at the most %152
recent Treasury auction conducted during the preceding ~hirty (30) %153
days, or if there shall have been no such auction within the preced- %(153)
ing thirty !30) days, the rate of interest borne by the Bonds for the %154
immediately preceding Unit ~ricing Interest Period or Variable Rate %155
Interest Period, as appropriate, ~hall remain in effect for such Unit t156
Pricing Interest Period or Variable ~ate Interest Period. #157
Alternate Rate Calculation Period
"Alternate Rate Calculation Period" means I (i) for a ~162
~ond[ in the Unit Pricing Mode, each Purchase Date, and (ii) fora ~163
Bond[ in the Demand Mode, each Tu.esda~ I 1~(163:
Assessment %171
"Assessment" means the assessment levied by the City con- #(171)
stituting a first lien ~nd charge upon the real property within the %172
District. %(172)
Assessment FgRd
"Assessment Fund" means the fund by that name established #(174)
in Section 5.02 hereof. %(174)
Assessmen~ Installments
"AsSessment Installments" means the Assessment install- 1#(1761
ments of ~ interest ~nd ~ncidental expenses to be paid b_y 1%177
the owners of property within the District. %(177)
Authorize~ Denominations
"Authorized Denominations" means (i) with respect to Unit %(179)
Pricing Bonds with Unit Pricing Interest Periods of less than one %(179)
year, $100,000 and any integral multiple of $1,000 in excess of %180
$100,000; (ii) with respect to Unit Pricing Bonds with Unit Pricing %(180)
Interest Periods 9qual to or greater than one year, $5,000 and any %181
integral multiple thereof; liii) with respect to Bonds in the Demand %182
Mode, $100,000 and any integral multiple of $1,000 in excess of #(182)
~ (37.1:
$100,000; and (iv) with respect to Bonds in the Fixed Rate Mode, $(182)
$5,000 and any integral multiple thereof. Prior to any Mandatory [$183
Tender Date, an Owner of a Bond may 91ect to retain ownership of a 15184
Bond notwithstanding the denomination ~hereof and such principal $185
amount shall thereafter be an 'Authorized ~enomination" until such $186
Bond is tendered pursuant hereto. $(186)
Automatic Conversion Date
'Automatic Conversion Date' means the date so selected by %(186.2
the Remarketing Agent in accordance with a Landowner's Election #186.3
Notice. $(186.2
Bank 15188
'Bank' means The Mitsubishi T~ust and Bankinq Corporation, ~%(188]
LoB Anqeles Aqencv, ~nd its successors and assigns or any issuer of ~#188.]
an Alternate Letter of Credit. $(189)
Bank Interest Rate
"Bank Interest Rate' means the interest rate payable to %(191)
the Bank and determined pursuant to ~he Reimbursement Agreement. %192
Bank-Owned BQnds
'Bank-Owned Bonds' means any Bonds held by the Bank pursu- %(194)
ant to the ~eimbursement Agreement. $195
Bond Counsel
'Bond Counsel' means any firm of nationally recognized $(197)
municipal bond attorneys selected by the City and experienced in the $(197)
issuance of municipal bonds and the exemption of the interest ~hereon %198
from federal income taxation. $(198)
Bonds 15202
'Bonds' means the $50,650.000 principal amount of Bonds !%(2021
~uthorized hereby ~nd at any time Outstanding hereunder that are %203,2(
authenticated _and delivered by the Paying Agent under and pursuant to $205
Article II. %(205)
Business Day $207
'Business Day" means a day of the year on which the $(207)
Trustee, ~aying Agent, Tender Agent, ~emarketing Agent or banks or $208,2(
trust companies in New York, New York, or in California are not %210
authorized or required to remain closed. $(210)
% (37.1'.
"City" means the City of Tustin, California, a municipal %(212)
corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the %213
Constitution ~nd laws of the State of California. %214
Construction Fund
"Construction Fund" means the fund by that name estab- %(216)
lished in Section 5.07 hereof. #(216)
Conversion D~te
"Conversion Date" means any date on which a Bond begins to ~219,;
bear interest at the Fixed Interest Rate. %(220)
Demand Bond %222
"Demand Bond" means a Bond in the Demand Mode.
Demand Date %224
"Demand Date" means the Business Day on which a ~ond %225
begins to bear interest at the Variable ~nterest Rate. %226
Demand MQde %228
"Demand Mode" means that period of time during which a %(228)
Bond bears interest at the Variable ~nterest Rate in accordance with %229
Section 2.06 hereof. %(229)
District ~%231
"District" means the City of Tustin Assessment District {%(231]
NO. 85-1, 1~(2313
Election Notice
"Election Notice" means a [telephonic notice to th9 ~%234
Remarketinq Aqe~t and the Tender AGent confirmed by a written notice~ ~%(234~
to th9 Tender~ AGent, stating (i) the principal amount of Unit 1%(234]
Pricing Bonds ~o be purchased, iii) the certificate number of each Z%235,;
such Bond, liii) the name of the Owners of such Bonds, and liv) the %237,21
Purchase Date on which such Bonds are to be purchased. %(238)
Event ~f Default
"Event of Default" means any occurrence or event specified %(241)
in and defined by ~ection 7.01 hereof. %242
% (37.1'.
Expiration Date
"Expiration Date" means the stated expiration date of the %(244)
Letter of Credit, or such stated expiration date as may be 9xtended %244.1
from time to time as provided in the Letter of Credit. %(244.2
Favorable Opinion of Bond Counsel
"Favorable Opinion of Bond Counsel' means, with respect %(246)
to any action the occurrence of which [equires such an opinion, an #247
unqualified opinion of Bond Counsel to the 9ffect that such action is %248
permitted under the Act and this Indenture ~nd will not impair the #249
exemption of interest on the Bonds ~rom Federal income taxation or %250
taxation under the laws of the State lsubject to the inclusion of any %251
exceptions contained in the opinion delivered upon original issuance %252
of the Bonds). %(252)
Final Pricinq Date
'Final Pricing Date' means the fourth (4th) Business Day %(254)
following the Preliminary Pricing Date. %(254)
Final Scale 1%256
"Final Scale' means the Final[ Scale posted by the
Remarketing Agent at or before ~1=30 a.m. on each Rate Adjustment [%257
Date occurring during each Unit Pricing Interest Period for any Unit %(257)
Pricing Bond. %(257)
Fixed Interest Rat~
'Fixed Interest Rate' means the rate to be borne by a ~ond %260
after a Conversion Date with respect thereto, ~hich shall be deter- %261
mined in accordance with Section 2.07 hereof. %(261)
Fixed Rate Bonds
'Fixed Rate Bonds' means any Bond Outstanding bearing %(261.1
interest at Fixed Interest Rate ~ursuant to Section 2.07 hereof. %261.3
Fi.x.ed.Ra~e M0.~e
"Fixed Rate Mode' means that period of time during which a %(263)
Bond bears interest at ~he Fixed Interest Rate. %264
Fixed Rate Rg~e~ve Fund
· Fixed Rate Reserve Fund' means the fund by that name %(264.
established in Section 5.05 hereof. %(264.1
% (37.1
Fixed ~at9 Reserve Requirement
"Fixed Rate Reserve Requirement" means an amount equal t9 ~%(264
six months' debt service on the Bonds being converted to a Fixed ~#264.~
Interest Rate, !#(264
Indenture 9266
"Indenture" means this Indenture of Trust dated as of %(266)
August 1, 1986 by ~nd between the City and tb~ Trustee, ~s it may !%267,1
from time to time be ~upplemented or amended pursuant to the provi- %270
sions hereof. %(270)
Interest Fund
"Interest Fund" means the fund by that name established in %(272)
Section 5.04 hereof. %(272)
Interest Fund Reserve Amount
"Interest Fund Reserve Amount" means an amount equal to ~%(274
the interest payable on the aqqreqate p~incipal amount of Unit Priced |~(274.
or Demand Bonds then OGtstaadinq ~or a period of thirty-five (3~) 1%275
days atl the Maximum Rate. ~%276
Interest Payment Date
"Interest Payment Date" means (i) with respect to Unit %(278)
Pricing Bonds with Unit Pricing Interest Periods of less than %(278)
180 days: the Purchase Date thereof; iii) with respect to Unit %279
Pricing Bonds with Unit Pricing Interest Periods equal to or greater %(279)
than 180 days: 9ach March 2 and September 2 prior to the Purchase %280
Date and the Purchase Date; (iii) with respect to Demand Bonds: ~he %281
first Wednesday of each calendar month (whether or not a Business %(281)
Day); and (iv) with respect to Bonds in the Fixed Bate Mode; each %282
March 2 and September 2. "Interest Payment Date" shall also mean any %(282)
Mandatory Tender Date. %283
Interes~ Period
"Interest Period" during a Demand Mode means the period %(285)
from and including ~he first day of a Demand Mode with respect to a %285.1
Bond ~nd continuing to, but not including, ~he next succeeding ~%286,
Wednesday, [ 1%(287
Interest R~serve Fund
"~nterest Reserv~.F.un~" means the fund by that name %(295)
established in Section 5.08 hereof. %(295)
% (37.1
Landowner Election Notice 9297
"Landowner Election Notice" means an executed notice in %(297)
substantially the form set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto[= !%298
Letter of cr~.~
"Letter of Credit" means the irrevocable letter of credit %(300)
issued by the Bank ~ontemporaneously with the original delivery of %301
the Bonds, 9xcept that upon the issuance of an Alternate Letter of %302
Credit in accordance with Section 4.06 hereof it shall mean such %303
61ternate Letter of Credit. %304
Mandatorily Tendered BQnds
"Mandatorily Tendered Bonds" means{ Bonds required to be !%(306]
tendered for purchase @n a ~roposed Conversion Datea any Aut~natic !%307
Conversio~ Dater ~ny Substitution Date, ~ny Demand Date, ~ny Unit !%308,2
Pricing Date, the Termination Date or the Expiration Date{. !%(3093
IMandatory Tende~ Date
"Mandatory Tender Date" ~ny Proposed Conversion Date, any Z%(311]
Automati~ Conversio~ Date,.anv Demand Date, any Unit Pricina Date, !#(311]
lany SubstitutioR Date, th~ date of ~9~ination of the Letter of ~%312
Credit or five (5) days prior to th9 ExpiratioB Date. 1%(312]
Maturity Date
"Maturity Date" means September 2, 2011.
Maximum Rate %316
"Maximum Rate" means the maximum rate of interest the %(316)
Bonds may bear under the laws of the ~tate at such time of calcula- !%317
tionL..Drovided however that if such maximum rate of interest i~ !%(3171
qreater than 12% per annum, the{ Maximum Rate{ ~all e~ual the rate $%317.~
of interest per annum covered by the L~tter of Credit then in !%317.2
effect. ~#(317.
Minimum Fixed I~terest R~e
"Minimum Fixed Interest Rate" m e a n s ~ 5 % o f t h e %320
Preliminary Interest Index and in no 9vent will the Minimum Fixed %321
Interest Rate exceed the ~aximum Rate. %322
% (37
MOOdy's #324
"Moody's" means Moody's Investors Service, a corporation #(324)
duly organized and 9xisting under and by virtue of the laws of the #325
State of Delaware, ~nd its successors and assigns, except that if ~326
such corporation §hall be dissolved or liquidated or shall no longer ~327
perform ~he functions of a securities rating agency, then the term #328
~Moody's" shall be deemed to refer to any other nationally recognized #329,33
securities rating agency selected by the City and ~pproved by the ~331
Bank (who shall not be under any Liability by reason of such #332
approval). #(332)
Opinion of Counsel
"Opinion of Counsel" means a written opinion of counsel of ~(334)
recognized national §tanding in the field of law relating to munici- #335
pal bonds and the exemption from taxation of the interest thereon, ~(335)
~ppointed and paid by the City and satisfactory to and approved by #336
~he Bank (who shall not be under any Liability by reason of such #337,33
approval). 9(338)
{Optional Tender Da~
"Optional Tender Date" means the day stated in the
Optional Tender Notice delivered by any Owner of a Bond to the
Tenderl Aqent and to th~ Remar~e~g Aq~nt with respo..ct to a Bond,
which day shall be the seventh calendar day after the date of the
delivery of th~ Qptional Tende~ Notice (or the first ~usiness Day
thereafter, if such seventh calendar day is not a Business Day).
l{ (340)
Optional Tender Notice
"Optional Tender Notice" means the notice from any Owner
of a Bond{ to the Tender{ Agent and the R~arketinq Agent of an
Optional Tender Date in accordance with the provisions hereof consti-
tuting the Tender Notice in the Demand Mode or an Election Notice{ in
the Unit Pricing Mode.
Outstandi~q #348
"Outstanding," when used as of an particular time with #(348)
reference to Bonds, ~eans (subject to the provisions of Section 9.02 #349
hereof) all Bonds ~elivered hereunder except -- #350
il) Bonds cancelled by the Paying Agent or sur- ~352
rendered to the ~aying Agent for cancellation; #353
# (37.1)
(2) Bonds paid or deemed to have been paid #355
within the meaning of Section 10.01 hereof; and #356
!3) Bonds in lieu of or in substitution for #358
which replacement ~onds shall have been executed by #359
the Trustee and delivered ~y the Paying Agent 9360
hereunder. #(360)
~otwithstanding the foregoing, Bonds purchased or redeemed #362
and held b_y the Bank pursuant to the Reimbursement Agreement shall %363
remain Qutstanding in the hands of the Bank until the Bank is paid %364
~11 amounts due under such Bonds an~ the Reimbursement Agreement. %365
Qwner %368
"Owner" means the registered owner of a Bond.
Paying Agent
"Paying Agent" means Citibank, N.A., a corporation duly ~#(370)
9rganized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the United 1%371,]
States of America and havina its principal office in New York, Kew ~#373
York, or any other bank or trust company having an office in New %374
York, New York, which may be substituted in its place ~s provided in %375
Section 8.06 hereof. %(375)
Permitted Investments
"Permitted Investments" means any of the following to the #(377)
extent then permitted by law: #(377)
il) United States of America Treasury notes, #379
bonds, bills or ~ertificates of indebtedness, for %380
which the faith and ~redit of the United States of #381
America are pledged for the ~ayment of interest and ~382
principal; ~(382)
!2) Obligations issued by banks for coopera- %384
tires, federal land banks, ~ederal intermediate credit #385
banks, federal home loan banks, _the Federal Home Loan #386
Bank Board or the Tennessee Valley Authority 9r obli- %387
gations, participations or other instruments of or #(387)
issued by, 9r fully guaranteed as to interest and #388
principal by, the ~ederal National Mortgage #389
Association, or guaranteed portions of ~mall Business %390
Administration notes, or obligations, participations %(390)
9r other instruments of or issued by a federal agency ~391
or a ~nited States of America government-sponsored #392
enterprise; #(392)
!3) Bills of exchange or time drafts drawn on #394
and accepted by a ~ommercial bank (including the Bank, %395
the Paying Agent and the Trustee), 9therwise known as #396
bankers acceptances, which are eligible for purchase %397
by members of the Federal Reserve System; %(397)
!4) Commercial paper 9f the highest letter and %399,4(
numerical rating as provided by _Moody's or S&P, which %401
commercial paper is limited to issuing ~orporations %402
that are organized and operating within the ~nited %403
States of America and that have total assets in excess %(403)
of ~ive hundred million dollars ($500,000,000) and %404
that have an ~A" or higher rating for the issuer's %405
debentures, other than ~ommercial paper, as provided %406
by Moody's or S&P; provided that purchases of eligible %407
commercial paper may not exceed two hundred seventy ~%408
(270) days' maturity nor ~epresent more than ten per- 1%409
cent (10%) of the outstanding ~ommercial paper of an %410
issuing corporation; and ~(410)
15) Certificates of deposit issued by a state or #412
national bank !including the Paying Agent and the ~413
Trustee) or savings and loan ~ssociation whose depos- #414
its are insured by either the Federal Deposit #(414)
~nsurance Corporation or the Federal Savings and Loan #415
Insurance ~orporation, as the case may be, and the 1%416
short-term debt pbli~ations of which have the hichest
short-term ratinq IQ~I the debentures of which have an
"A" or hiqhg~ ratin~l or the Bank or a Qtate-licensed
branch of a foreign bank in which the ~ity is autho-
rized by law to deposit its funds; and
16) The Local Agency Investment Fund 9stablished
pursuant to Section 16429.1 of the ~overr~ent Code of
the State of California.
Preliminary Interest Index
"Preliminary Interest Index" means ~he annual interest #421
rate or rates which in the judgment of the Remarketinq Aqent and ~%422
Stone ~ YouDqbe~q will ~nable th~ Bonds to be rema~keted in accor- ~%(422]
dance with Section 2,07 hereof oD a Conversion Date, but no greater ~423
than the Maximum Rate. %(423)
Preliminary ~ricing Date
"Preliminary Pricing Date" means ~ date ~etermined by the #426,4:
Remarketing Agent which will be at least five (5) but no ~ore than #428
fifteen (15) Business Days prior to a Proposed Conversion Date or an %428.1
Automatic Conversion Date. %(428.]
Preliminary Scale
"Preliminary Scale" means the Preliminary Scale posted by %(430)
the Remark,ting Agent at or about 9:30 a.m. on the Rate Adjustment %(430)
Date occurring during each ~nit Pricing Interest Period for a Unit %431
Pricing Bond. ~ 1#(431]
Principal Fund
"Principal Fund" means the fund by that name established #(440)
in Section 5.04 hereof. %(440)
Principal Payment Date
"Principal Payment Date" means (beginning in __) the %(442)
September 2 9f each year, and, as to any Bank Owned Bondsz any date 1%443,~
for the payment of principal prescribed by the Eeimbursement #445
Agreement. %(445)
Proposed Conversion D~e
"Propq~ed Conversion Date" means the Business Day indi- 1#(445.
cared in the written notice of the City qiven pursuant to the ~#(445~
Indenture. o~ which the City intends to effect a conversion of all or ~%445.~
a Portion of the~ Bonds to the Fixed Rate Mode. 1%(445.
Purchasg. Date
"Purchase Date" means, ~ith respect to Unit Pricing Bonds, %448
~ Business Day determined by the Remark,ting Agent on a Rate %449
~djustment Date as the date on which such Bonds may be tendered for %450
purchase to the Tender ~gent, which may include the maturity date %451
thereof. ~(451)
Rate Adjustment Date
"Rate Adjustment Date" means a Business Day on which an %(453)
Adjusted Interest Rate and a Unit Pricing Interest Period for Bonds %(453)
in the Unit Pricing Mode are determined by the ~emarketing Agent. %454
Record Date I%456
"Record Date" means (i) with respect to Uoit Pricinq 1%(4561
Bond~ if the Interest Payment Date is a Purchase Date: clQse of ~%(456]
busines~...gn one Business Day prior to such Interest Payment ~ate; 1%457
(ii) with respect to Unit Pricing Bonds if the Interest Payment _Date 1#458
is a September 2 or March 2: close of business the fifteenth day of I#(458)
the calendar month preceding such Interest Payment Date; provided Z%459
that if a Rate Adjustment Date is between the ~5th day of the calen- %460
dar month and an Interest Payment Date, the Record Date ~hall be the #461
Business Day immediately preceding such next ~nterest Payment Date; %462
!iii) with respect to Bonds in the ~emand Mode: the Business Day %463,4(
immediately preceding the Interest Payment Date; ~nd (iv) with %465
respect to Bonds in the Fixed Rate Mode: the fifteenth day of the %(465)
~alendar month preceding each Interest Payment Date. %466
Redemption. Fund
"Redemption Fund" means the fund by that name established %(468)
in Section 5.04 hereof. %(468)
Reimbursement Agreement
"Reimbursement Agreement" m e a n s t h a t c e r t a i n %(470)
Reimbursement Agreement dated as of August 1. 1986, by and between 1%471
the Bank and the City ort if an A%~ernate Letter of Credit has beeD ~%(471]
issued, the reimbursement agreement in connection with such ~lternate ~%472
Letter of Credit. %(472)
Remarketinq Agent
"Remarketing Agent" means Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & %(474)
Smith Incorporated, or any other investment banking firm which may at %475
any time be substituted in its place as provided in Section 8.05 %476
hereof. %(476)
Remarketinq Agreement
"Remarketing Agreement" means that certain Remarketing %(478)
Agreement dated as of August 1, 1986, b_y and between the City and the %479
Remarketing Agent. %(479)
Remarketin~ Cost Account
"Remarketing Cost Account" means the account by that name %(481)
created in Section 4.08 hereof. %(481)
Remarketinq Cgst A~ount Requirement
"~emarketin~ Cost Account Requirement" means $ , ~(481.
less any transfers from the Remarketing Cost Account r~quired Dursu- ~%481.]
~nt tQ Section 4.08 hereof~ other than transfers to the Reserve ~%481.~
Earnings Fund. 1%(481
Reserv~ Earninqs Fund %483
"Reserve Earnings Fund" means the fund by that name estab- %(483)
lished in Section 5.06 hereof. ~ I%(483)
S&P %489
"S&P" means Standard & Poor's Corporation, a corporation %(489)
duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the %490
State of New York, ~nd its successors and assigns, except that if %491
such corporation ~hall be dissolved or liquidated or shall no longer %492
perform ~he functions of a securities rating agency, then the term %493
~S&P" shall be deemed to refer to any other nationally ~ecognized %494,49
securities rating agency selected by the City and ~pproved by the %496
Bank (who shall not be under any liability ~y reason of such %497
approval). %(497)
Stone..& Younqberq
"Stone & Youngberg" means Stone & Younqberq, a California 1~(497~
limited partnership, and its successors and assiqns including its 1%497.3
successors in interest under th9 Remarketinq Aqreement. 1%(497.
Substitutio~ Date
"Substitution Date" means the date following five Business %(499)
Days prior to the date upon which an ~lte~nate Letter of Credit is to %500
be substituted for the Letter of Credit then in effect. %(500)
Tende~ Aqent %502
"Tender Agent" means the Paying Agent.
Tende~ Notice
"Tender Notice" means a notice ~tating (i) the principal %505
amount of Demand Bonds to be purchased, (ii) the certificate number %(505)
of each such Bond, liii) the name of the Owners of such Bonds, and %506
(iv) the Optional Tender Date 9n which such Bonds are to be %507
purchased. %(507)
Tende~ Price
"Tender Price" on any Optional Tender Date means 100% of %(509)
the principal amount of a Bond 91us accrued and unpaid interest %510
thereon; provided however that on any Purchase Date or Mandatory %(510)
Tende~ Date, "Tender ~r$ce" means.~00% 9~ the principal amount 1~511
thereof plus premium if any. !#(511)
Termination Date
"Termination Date" means the date specified in a notice %(511.1
from the Bank of termination of ~he Letter of Credit pursuant to %511.3
Section __ ~f the Letter of Credit. %511.4
Trustee ~%513
"Trustee" means Citibank, N, A., a corporation association ~%514
duly organized and existing under ~nd by virtue of the laws of the ~%515
United States of America, land having its principal[ !office in New
Y0rk~..NeW Ygsk, pr any other bank or trust company bavinq an office ~518.~
in NeW York, NeW York, ~hich may[ be substituted in its place as pro- !#519
vided in ~ection 8.02 hereof. ~%520
Uni~ Pricinq Bond
"Unit Pricing Bond" means any Bond Outstanding while in a %(522)
Unit Pricing Mode. %(522)
unit Pricinq
"unit Pricing Date" means a Business Day on which Bonds %(524)
begin to bear interest at the Adjusted Interest Rate. %(524)
Uni~ Pricing Interest Period
"Unit Pricing Interest Period" means, with respect to a %(526)
Unit Pricing Bond, that period of time beginning on a Rate Adjustment %(526)
Date and ending on ~he day preceding the Purchase Date, determined by %527
the Remarketing Agent and selected by the purchaser of such Bonds by ~#5.28
reference to the P~e~iminaryl Scale and ~Bal SGale, ~o Unit Pricing ~%529
Interest ~eriod shall exceed one year ~n length; provided that _the %530,51
Unit Pricing Interest Periods may exceed one year. in ~ength upon %532
receipt by the City of a Favorable Opinion 9f Bond Counsel. %533
Unit Pricina Mode
"Unit Pricing Mode" means that period of time during which %(535)
a Bond bears interest at an Adjusted Interest Rate in accordance with %(535)
the provisions of this Indenture. %(535)
Variable ID~gr.est Rate
"Variable Interest Rate" means that annual rate of inter- %(537)
est, expressed as a percentage and rounded to the nearest 9ne thou- %538
sandth of one percent, determined by the Remarketing Agent on the %(538)
Business Day preceding the Variable Rate ~justment Date, ~hich, in %539
the judgment of the Remarketing Agent would be the interest rate %(539)
% (37.1
necessary to produce as nearly as practicable a par bid (disregarding #540
any accrued interest) on a Demand Bond, on the Variable Rate $(540)
Adjustment Date. $(540)
Variable Rate Adjustment Date
"Variable Rate Adjustment Date" means the first day of $(542)
each Variable Rate Interest Period. $(542)
Variable Rate Reserve Fund
"Variable Rate R~serve Fund" means the fund by that name 15(544]
established in Section 5.04 hereof. 1#(544]
Variable Rate R~0erve Reauirement
"Variab~9 Rat~ Reserve Requirement" means $ . !5(545
I 15(545
~ECTION 1.02. Authority for the Indenture. This
Indenture is authorized pursuant to the Act.
~BCTION 1.03. Indentuze to Constitute Contzact. In con- $549
sideration of the acceptance of the Bonds by the Owners, ~his $550
Indenture shall be deemed to be and shall constitute a ~ontract 15551
between the City, the Bank and the Owners to secure the full and 15552
final payment of the principal of and premium, if any, and interest $553
on the Bonds, subject to the pledge made in this Indenture and the $(553)
~onditions, covenants and ~erms contained herein required to be $554,5!
observed or performed by or 9n behalf of the City and the Trustee $556
shall be for the equal _benefit, protection and security of all Owners $557
~ithout distinction, preference or priority 9f any Bonds over any $558,5~
other Bonds by reason 9f the number or date thereof or the time of $560
authentication or ~elivery thereof or otherwise for any cause whatso- %561
ever, 9xcept as expressly provided herein. S562
N~I~E II S563
~ECTION 2.01. luthozization of Bon4s. The issuance is 9565
hereby authorized of Bonds in the aggregate principal amount of ~ifty 15566
million, six. ~undre. d..a~d, iifty thousand~ dollars ($50,650,000) to be |~(566~
desiqnated a~ "CitY..Of Tustin Assessment District No. 85-1 15566.[
Improvement Bonds". There is hereby created, in the manner and to $567
the extent provided herein, a continuous pledge and lien to secure $568
the full and final payment of the principal of, premium, if any, and $569
interest on the Bonds. _The Bonds shall be limited obligations of the S570
City payable from the items pledged for the payment therefor Rursuant %571,5[
to Section 5.01 hereof. The Paying Agent is hereby authorized to %573
authenticate and to deliver ~he Bonds ~pon written direction of the #574,5,
City, and upon the Trustee's receipt of the ~etter of Credit, duly %576
executed by the Bank and upon the City's receipt of _the proceeds of %577
sale thereof. %(577)
~ECTION 2.02. Denominations, Medium, ~ethod and Place of $579
Payment and Dating of Bo~ds. The Bonds shall be prepared in the %(579)
form of fully registered Bonds in Authorized Denominations. The %580
interest and principal and redemption premiums, if any, on the Bonds %581
shall be payable in Lawful money of the United States of America. %582
The interest on the Bonds ~hall be payable on the Interest Payment %583
Dates by check mailed bY the Paying Agent to the respective Owners %584
thereof at their addresses as they appear on the Record Date in the %585
books required to be kept by the Paying Agent pursuant to the provi- %586
sions of Section 2.14 hereof, 9xcept that in the case of an Owner of %587
Bonds evidencing ~500,000 or more in aggregate principal amount, upon %588
the written request 9f such Owner to the Trustee, specifying the %589
account or accounts ~o which such payment shall be made, payment %590
shall be made by wire transfer 9f in~ediately available funds on such %591
Interest Payment Date. ~he principal and redemption premiums, if %592
any, on the Bonds shall be payable 9n the Principal Payment Dates or %593
on redemption prior thereto Rpon surrender of the Bonds called for %594
redemption at the office of _the Paying Agent. _The Paying Agent, the %595,5!
Tender Agent and the ~rustee may treat the Owner of a Bond as the %597
absolute owner 9f a Bond for all purposes, whether or not such Bond %598
shall be overdue, ~nd the Paying Agent, the Tender Agent and the %599
Trustee ~hall not be affected by any knowledge or notice ~o the con- %600,61
trary; and payment of the Rrincipal of, premium, if any, and interest %602
on such ~ond ~hall be made only to such Owner, which payments shall %603,61
be valid and effectual to satisfy and discharge the liability of such %605
Bond ~o t~e extent of the sum or sums so paid. ~11 Bonds paid pursu- %606,61
ant to the provisions of this Section 2.02 shall be ~ancelled by the %608
Paying Agent and shall not be redelivered. %(608)
The Bonds shall be dated the date of authentication thereof %609
~nd shall bear interest from the Interest Payment Date to which 9610
interest has been paid 9r provided for 9r if such date of authentica- %611,61
tion is prior to ~th9 initia% R~cord Date for a B~nd, ~rom the date ~%614,~
of original authentication and delivery of the Bonds. %(615)
~ECTION 2.03. Payment of B~~lS. The interest on the Bonds %617
shall become due and payable on ~he Interest Payment Dates in each %618
year, beginning on the Interest Payment Date following their date and %619,61
continuing to and including _the Maturity Date, 9r on redemption prior %621,61
thereto. %(622)
% (37.1
The principal of the Bonds shall become due and payable on %623
~he Maturity Date, 9r on redemption prior thereto. ~otwithstanding #624,6:
the foregoing, Bonds held by the Bank shall be due and payable as %627
provided in the Eeimbursement Agreement, the terms of which are %628
hereby incorporated ~y reference herein as if fully set forth. %629
~ECTION 2.04. Calculation and Payment of Intezest.
iA) Interest on each Unit Pricing Bond _shall be calculat- 9633,61
ed, in the case of a Unit Pricing ~nterest Period less than or equal 9635
to one year in length, on the ~asis of a 365/366 day year for the %636
actual number of days 9lapsed, and, in the case of a Unit Pricing %637
Interest Period lreater than one year in length, on the basis of a 9638
360 day year ~omposed of 12 30-day months. ~nterest on each Demand 9639,6.
Bond ~hall be calculated on the basis of a 365/366 day year for the 9641,6.
actual number of days elapsed. From and after a ~onversion Date with %643
respect to a Bond, interest 9n such Bond _shall be calculated on the #644,6.
basis of a 360-day year ~omposed of twelve 30 day months. At no time %646
may the rate of interest on the Bonds exceed the Maximum Rate. %(646)
!B) The Bonds, as initially issued, will be in the Unit 9648
Pricing Mode at the adjusted Interest Rate set forth in Schedule 1 9649
attached hereto. Each ~ond will bear interest at its applicable 9650,6!
Adjusted Interest Rate, Variable ~nterest Rate or a Fixed Interest 9652
Rate, according to the mode then in 9ffect with respect to such 19653
Bond. All Bonds in the Unit Pricing Mode may be converted to the 19(653
Demand MQde and all or a portion of the Bonds in the Unit P~icinq ~9653.1
MOde may be converted to the ~ixed Interest Model If Unit Pricing ~9654
Bonds are converted to the Demand Mode all such BQnds may be con- 19(654
verted Lo the Unit Pricing Mode add a~l ..or a pQ~ti~n of such Bonds 19655
may be converted to a Fixed Interest Mode. A Fixed Interest Rate 19655.1
§hall be in effect until the ~aturity Date, and no Bond may be con- 9656,6
vetted to lany other model after__a Conversion Date with respect t9 1#65~
such Bond. IPrior to any conversion to ~ Demand Mode. a Unit Pricing 19659
Mode or ~ny Proposed Conversion Date, the City must deliver to the 1#660
Tender agent a Favorable Opinion of Bond Counsel~ 19661,
NQ~withstanding the foregoing, Bank-Owned B~nds will bear 1%662..
interest at the rate ldescribed in Section 2.09 hereof. 19664
~he determination by the RemarketingAgent of each Adjusted 9665
Interest ~ate, Variable Interest Rate and Fixed Interest Rate for any 9666
Bond, if in accordance with the provisions hereof, shall _be conclu- 9667,6
sire and binding upon the City, the Paying Agent, the Tender Agent, 9669
~he Trustee, the Bank and the Owners. 9670
9 (37.1
SECTION 2.05. DeteminatiOn of ~ljusted Interest Rates ,and ~673
Unit Pzicinq Tntezest Pe~iocts. Bach Bond will initially bear inter- #674
est in the Unit _Pricing Interest Period at the rates set forth in #675
Section 2.04(B) hereof. Thereafter each Unit Pricing Bond _shall bear %676,6~
interest at the Adjusted Interest Rate for such Unit Pricing Interest %679,6~
Period, established as follows: %(680)
ia) At or about 9:30 A.M. New York City time, on the Rate I%682
Adjustment Date occurring during iach Unit ~icinq Interest Period 1%683
for any Unit Pricinq Bopd,I ~he Eemarketing Agent will post the 1%684,(
Preliminary[ Scale ~or such Rate Adjustment Date. _The information in 1%686,(
such Preliminary Scale shall be made available ~o any prospective %688
purchaser requesting such information. The Adjusted Interest Rate %(688)
for each Unit Pricing Interest Period indicated on ~he Preliminary %689
Scale shall be the minimum rate of interest ~er annum which, in the %690
sole opinion of the Remarketing Agent, without consultation with the %(690)
City, would be Becessary on and as of the Rate Adjustment Date to %691
remarker each Unit Pricing Bond having such Unit Pricing ~nterest %692,6!
Period in a secondary market transaction at a price equal to the %(693)
principal !mount thereof; ~rovided, however, that the Adjusted %694,6!
Interest Rate indicated ~or any Unit Pricin~ Interest Period shall in 1%696
no event exceed ~he Maximum Rate. !%697
lb) The registered owner of any such Unit Pricing Bond who %699
does not elect to ~ender any portion of such Unit Pricing Bond for %700
purchase in accordance with Section 4.01 hereof shall have the right ~(700)
to _select a new Unit Pricing Interest Period by telephonic notice to %701
the Eemarketing Agent no later than 10:00 A.M., New York City time, %702
on the Rate Adjustment Date. ~n that event, !rc~ and after such Rate %703,7(
Adjustment Date such Unit Pricing Bond shall have the Unit Pricing %(704)
Interest Period _selected by the owner of such Unit Pricing Bond and %705
bear interest at the Adjusted Interest Rate indicated for such [nit %706,7(
Pricing Interest Period on the Preliminary Scale, subject to adjust- %(707)
ment is provided in paragraph (d) below. ~f the registered owner of %708,7(
a Unit Pricing Bond [etains such Bond as described above, the new %710
Purchase Date, ~djusted Interest Rate and Unit Pricing Interest %711
Period shall be inserted by the Trustee in the ~rid provided therefor 1%712
on the reverse side 9f each Bond. 1%713
lc) In the event that on the Rate Adjustment Date the reg- %715
istered owner of any such ~nit Pricing Bond neither tenders such Unit %716
Pricing Bond for purchase in accordance with Section 4.01 hereof nor %717
_selects a new Unit Pricing Interest Period in accordance with para- %718
graph (b) ~bove, then, commencing with such Rate Adjustment Date, %719
_such Unit Pricing Bond shall have a Unit Pricing Interest Period %720
which shall extend to but not include the next succeeding ~usiness %721
Day and shall ~ear interest at the Adjusted Interest Rate indicated %722
for such Unit Pricing Interest Period 9n the Preliminary Scale, %723
subject to ~djustment as provided in paragraph (d) below. #724
% (37
id) In the case of any Unit Pricing Bond which has been %726
tendered for purchase on a Rate Adjustment Date pursuant to ~727
Section 4.01 hereof and remarketed b_y the Remarketing Agent pursuant %728
to Section 4.04 hereof, such Unit Pricing Bond ~hall, commencing with %729
such Rate Adjustment Date, have the ~nit Pricing Interest Period %730
selected by the purchaser to whom ~he Unit Pricing Bond has been %731
remarketed and bear interest at the Adjusted Interest Rate indicated %732
for such Unit Pricing Interest Period 9n the Preliminary Scale, %733
subject to ~djustment as herein provided. The first prospective ~ur- %734,72
chasers willing to buy all or any of the Unit Pricing Bonds being %736
remarketed at any of the rates indicated on the Preliminary ~cale #737
will be awarded such remarketed Unit Pricing Bonds. ~n the event %738
that a prospective purchaser selects a Unit Pricing Interest Period %739
for any ~nit Pricing Bond but indicates that it will purchase ~uch %740,7~
Unit Pricing Bond only if such Unit Pricing Bond bears an interest %(741)
rate for ~uch Unit Pricing Interest Period which is higher than the %742
rate indicated ~herefor in the Preliminary Scale, such information %743
will be Boted by the Remarketing Agent. ~t the end of the remarker- %744,7~
ing period, if all the Unit Pricing Bonds have not been sold in %746
accordance with the foregoing, and information of the nature %747
described in the preceding sentence has been Roted by the Remarketing #748
Agent, ~hen, in order to effect a complete remarketing of the Unit %749,7!
Pricing Bonds, the unremarketed Unit Pricing Bonds shall be sold to #(750)
those prospective purchasers who have indicated a willingness to put- %751
chase such Unit Pricing Bonds bearing interest for Unit Pricing %752
Interest Periods closest, in terms of basis points, to the Adjusted %(752)
Interest Rates indicated therefor in the Preliminary Scale. ~n that %753
event, the Remarketing Agent shall post at or before ~1:30 A.M., New %754
York City time, on the Rate Adjustment Date, a Final ~cale Hhich ~ill %755,7!
be the same as the Preliminary Scale 9xcept that the Adjusted #758
Interest Rate indicated for any Unit Pricing Interest Period ~ill be %759
the highest Adjusted Interest Rate for such Unit Pricing Interest %(759)
~eriod at which any Unit Pricing Bond was remarketed in accordance %760
~ith this paragraph; ~rovided, however, that the Adjusted Interest %761,7~
Rate shall in Ro event exceed the Maximum Rate. The information on %763
the Final Scale shall be made available to any ~rospective purchaser %764
requesting such information. All Unit Pricing Bonds for which an %(764)
Adjusted Interest Rate is determined on the Rate Adjustment Date %765
shall ~ear interest at the Adjusted Interest Rate indicated for the %766
applicable ~nit Pricing Interest Period on the Final Scale even if %767
the ~urchaser ~hereof had stated a willingness to purchase Unit %768
Pricing Bonds at a lower [%djusted Interest Rate for such Unit Pricing %769
Interest Period. %(769)
!e) Upon selection of a D~mand Date~ a Proposed Conversion ~#771
Date or an Aut~__atic Conversion Date, or uDon notice of a Termination ~%771.]
Date~ Bo Unit Pricing ~nterest Period will extend beyond the ~%772,'
effective date established for such changex ~In no event shall a ~%775
% (37
Unit Pricing Interest Period extend beyond the[ fifth Business Day ~%776
prior to the Expiration Date[ of the L~tter of Credit. 1#(776]
~ECTION 2.06. Determination of Variable Interest Rate. %778
Bonds in the Demand Mode shall bear interest at the Variable Interest %(778)
Rate. ~he Variable Interest Rate shall be determined by the %779
Remarketing Agent prior ~o 3:00 p.m., New York City time, on the %780
Business Day next preceding the Variable _Rate Adjustment Date (which %781
shall be a Wednesday) for such Variable Rate ~nterest Period. _The %782,7~
Variable Interest Rate shall become effective on such Variable _Rate %784
Adjustment Date and shall be applicable through the following %(784)
Tuesday. On or before the Business Day next succeeding the date on %785
which the Variable Interest Rate for any Variable Interest Rate %(785)
~eriod is determined by the Remarketing Agent, the Remarketing Agent %786
shall ~ive notice to the Tender Agent of the Variable Interest Rate %787
~pplicable to such Variable Rate Interest Period. %788
~he Variable Interest Rate for each Variable Rate Interest %789
Period will be equal ~o that interest rate which, if borne by the %790
Bonds, would in the judgment 9f the Remarketing Agent be the interest %791
rate necessary to produce as nearly ~s practicable a par bid %792
(disregarding any accrued interest) on the Bonds 9n the Variable Rate %793
Adjustment Date, provided that in no event shall the [ariable %794
Interest Rate be in excess of the Maximum Rate. ~nterest on Bonds in %795
the Demand Mode is payable on the first Wednesday of each calendar %796
month. %(796)
~EC~ION 2.07. Det~K~inatig~ of Fix~d,,inte~est Rate. The %799
City shall mail a written notice ~o all owners of Bonds to be con- #800
vetted to ~he Fixed Rate Mode not later than the thirtieth calendar %801
day Bext preceding a Proposed Conversion Date or ~ut~natic Conversion #802,8(
Date, as the case may be. Such notice shall specify the ~reliminary %803
Pricing Date, the Proposed Conversion Date or ~utomatic Conversion %803.1
Date, as the case may be, indicate that ~uch Bonds are required to be %804
tendered for purchase to the Tender ~gent on the Proposed Conversion %805
Date or Automatic Conversion Date, as the case may be, at the Tender X%805.~
Price and set forth %he date by which notice of election to retain ~%806
must be submitted to the Tender Agent, which date shall be two %807
Business Days after the ~relimiDmry Pricing Date. ~f such conversion %808,8(
is pursuant to Section 2.10(C) hereof, ~uch notice shall be accom- %808.2
panied by a copy of the Favorable Opinion 9f Bond Counsel required by %808.3
Section 2.10(C). ~ny.~pc~ Bond which is not tendered on the Proposed X%809
Conversion Date or the Automatic Conversion Date, as the case may be~
shall be ~eemed purchased and may be cancelled by the Tender Agent. ~%810
In the event that less than all Dg~and BQnds or UBit Pricing BQnds
are to be converted to a Fixed Interest Rate on such Proposed
Conversiop Da%9 or A~omatic Convgrsion Date, the Trustee sball~
cause to be selected (i) in the event of Demand Bonds,~ the Demand ~%810.~
Bonds to be so converted by lot or (ii) in the case of Unit Pricin~
# (37.1',
Bonds, Unit Pri.cing Bonds to be so converted in order of their ~810.!
Purchase Date~, and by lot amonq Bonds with the same Purchase Date. 15810.~
Qn the Preliminary Pricing Date, the Remarketing Agent will $811
make available ~ Preliminary Interest Index and Minimum Fixed $812
Interest Rate. ~ot more than two ~usiness Days following the $813,8]
Preliminary Pricing Date, an owner of a Bond to be converted to the $815
Fixed Rate Mode may notify ~he Remarketing Agent by telephone $816
(promptly confirmed by written notice to such Tender Agent) if such $817
Owner wishes to retain such Bond in the F~xed Rate Mode. $(817)
Qnl the FiBal Pricing Dater ~he Remarketing Agent will 1S818,~
establish the ~ixed Interest Rate which will be borne by such Bonds $820
after the Conversion mate. A Fixed Interest Rate will be an annual ~$821
rate of interest which in _the sole judgment of the Remarket~g Agent 15822
under then prevailing market ~onditions will allow such Bonds to be 15823
sold at par: provided however, such Bonds may bear a Fixed Interest 1}(823!
Rate which results in a sale at less than par so lonq as there is on 1#823.]
deposit in the Rem&rk~t~g Cost Account Qn such d~e an amp~t equal ~S823.~
to such discount, ~$(823.
~ECTION 2.08. Alternate Rate for Interest ~alculatio-. $825
In the event (i) the Remarketing Agent fails to determine the $(825)
Adjusted ~nterest Rate or the Variable Interest Rate or (ii) the $826
method of determining the Adjusted Interest Rate or the Variable $827
Interest Rate shall be held to be unenforceable b_y a court of law of $828
competent jurisdiction, such Unit Pricing Bonds or Demand Bonds shall #(828)
thereupon, ~ntil such time as the Remarketing Agent again makes such 9829
determination or ~ntil there is delivered an opinion of Bond Counsel $830
to the effect that the method 9f determining such rate is enforce- $831
able, bear interest from the last date on which interest was legally $832
paid, at the Alternate Rate for the Al[ernate _Rate Period from time $833
to time in effect. $(833)
~BCTION 2.09. Interest on Bank-O~ned Bonds; Additional 15835
Interest on Bank-0~ne4 B~~!~. Notwithstandinq anythinq to the,con- ~$(835~
trar¥ contained in Section 2.04 hereof, each Bank-Owned B~d shall 15835.1
bear interest on the outstanding ~rincipal amount thereof for each 15836
day from and including the date such Bond is purchased to but not $837
including ~he date such Bond is paid in full at maturity or upon $838
redemption or is remarketed ~t a rate per annum 9qual to the Bank ~#839,~
Interest Rate. 15(840)
I~nterest on Bank-Owned Bonds shall be payablel on the 15844,~
first Business Day of each week, and upon payment or redemption of 15846
all or part of a Bank-Owned Bond and on the date of r~marketing 9f $847
such Bank-Owned Bonds. ~nterest shall be calculated based upon a 360 $848
day year and actual days elapsed. ~(848)
~ECTIOI~I 2.10. C, hanqes in gode.
iA) During any Unit Pricing Interest Period, the City may 9852
~ive written notice at any time to ~he Bank, the ~emarketing Agent 9853,8!
and the Tender Agent that it intends to effect ~ conversion of the !#856
interest rate on all of~ the Bonds to a Variable Interest Rate on the 19857,1
Demand ~ate or Dates specified in such written notice, the earliest ~859
of which ~emand Dates shall be Rot less than 30 days fr~n the date of ~859.1
such notice. !Together with such notice, the City shall also ~ile 1~865,1
with the Tender Agent ~ Favorable Opinion of Bond Counsel lwhich #867,8~
opinion nay be based on a ruling or rulings of the Internal ~evenue ~869,8'
Service) to the effect that the conversion of ~uch Bonds to ghe #871,8'
Variable Interest Rate on such Demand Date or Dates will not #(872)
adversely affect ghe validity of the Bonds or the 9xemption of the #873,8°
interest on the Bonds ~rom Federal income taxation. ~o change in the ~875,8'
Variable Interest Rate shall become effective Rnless the City shall #877
file, ~ith the Tender Agent, such an opinion ~ated the first such ~878,8'
Demand Date. ~he Tender Agent shall give notice of such ~onversion 1#880,~
to each Owner of Unit P~icinq Bonds not later than the fifteenth 1#(8811
~usiness Day preceding the relevant Demand Date ~hich notice shall #882,8~
specify the Demand Date selected by the City and indicate that such ~884
Bonds are required to be tendered to the _Tender Agent on the Demand ~885
Date for mandatory purchase at the ~ender Price. The owner of any ~886
such Bond may retain ownership by giving written notice go the ~887
Remarketing Agent and the Tender Agent by 10:00 a.m. New ~ork time on 9888
or before the date falling seven calendar days prior lot if such day ~889
is not a Business Day, the next preceding ~usiness Day) to the rele- 1#890
vant Demand Date (which notice will be irrevocable) _that it wishes to ~891
retain ownership of all or a portion of such Bonds in denominations #892
which will be Authorized Denominations ~or Demand Bonds. ~ ~#893
~B) During any Demand Mode. the City may give ~ritten ~898,~
notice at any time to ghe Bank, the R~narketing ~gent and the Tender
Agent that it intends to effect a ~onversion of the interest rate on #902
all~ of such Demand Bonds to a Unit Pricing Mode on the Unit ~ricing 1~903,!
Date specified in such written notice, which shall be not ~ess than ~905
30 days from the date of such notice. ~ogether with such notice, the 9906
City shall file ~ith the Tender Agent a Favorable Opinion of Bond ~907
Counsel lwhich opinion may be based on a ruling or [ulings of the
Internal Revenue Service) to the effect ghat the conversion of the ~910
Bonds go the Adgusted Interest Rate will not adversely ~ffect the ~911,!
validity of the Bonds or the 9xemption of interest on the Bonds ~rom ~913,91
Federal income taxation. ~o change to the Unit Pricing Mode shall 19915
become effective ~nless the City shall file, with the ~ender Agent, ~916,!
such an opinion dated the Adgusted Interest Date. _The Tender Agent 1~918,!
shall give notice 9f such conversion to the owner of such Bonds Rot ~920,91
later ~han the tenth Business Day next preceding the ~nit Pricing ~922,91
Date. _The City may not so convert the interest rate ~nless a Letter #924,91
of Credit will be in effect on ghe date of such conversion. #926
lC) The City may give written notice at any time ~o the %928,9]
Bank, ~he Remarketing Agent and the Tender Agent ~hat it intends to %930,9~
effect a conversion of the interest fate on all of the Bonds or a %932
portion of the Bonds designated in such notice ~o a Fixed Interest %933
Rate on the Proposed Conversion Date ~pecified in such written %934
notice, which Proposed Conversion Date §hall be not less than 30 days %935
from the date of such notice. IT be Fixed Interes~ Rat~ shall be ~%940
determined as set forth in Section 2.07. The City shall also file ~%941,!
with the Tender Agent a Favorable Opinion of Bond Counsel lwhich %947,9,
opinion may be based on a ruling or rulings of the ~nternal Revenue %949
Service) to the effect that the conversion of ~uch Bonds to the Fixed %950
Interest Rate ~ill not adversely affect the validity of the Bonds 9r $951,9!
the exemption of the interest on the Bonds from ~ederal income $953
taxation. No such conversion to the Fixed ~nterest Rate shall become %954
effective unless the City shall ~ile, with the Tender Agent, such an $955
opinion dated the Proposed Conversion Date. %956
iD) Upon receipt by the Trustee of Landowner Election $958
Notices [the interest rate on the principal amount of BQnds equal to [%961
the amount Q£ Assessments set forth as item (2) in such Landowner ~%962,]
Election Notice shall automatically ~onvert to a Fixed Interest Rate ~%963
on the Automatic Conversion Date ~pecified in such notice, which $963.1
Automatic Conversion Date shall Bot be less than 30 days from the $963.2
date of such notice. The Fixed Interest Rate shall be determined and ~t963.~
such conversion shall Occur as set forth in Section 2.07. Z$963.,
~ECTION 2.11. F~rm of .~O~]S. The Bonds and the assignment $968
to appear thereon shall each be in substantially the forms respec- $969
tively set forth in Exhibit A ~ttached hereto and incorporated $970
herein, with appropriate or necessary insertions, omissions and vari- %971
ations as permitted or required hereby; ~rovided, however, if use of $972
a book entry form of Bonds becomes feasible in the opinion of the $973
City, Trustee, Paying Agent, Bank and the Eemarketing Agent, then the %974
appropriate Sections herein shall be deemed to permit the use of a $975
book entry form of Bond without ~urther amendment of this Indenture. %976
~ECTION 2.12. Execution and Authentication of Bonds. The $978
Bonds shall be signed by facsimile signature by the Treasurer of the 15979,]
City ~nd the City Clerk, and the City Clerk shall also affix by fac- ~$980
simile ~he corporate seal of the City to the Bonds. _The Bonds shall $981,91
be authenticated by the Paying Agent by the manual signature 9f an $983
authorized officer of the Paying Agent. $(983)
~ECTION 2.13. Tzansfez and Exchange of Boris. All Bonds %985
are transferable or exchangeable by the Owner thereof, in person or $986
by the Owner's attorney duly authorized in writing, at the office 9f $987
the Paying Agent in the books required to be kept by the Paying Agent $(987)
~ursuant to the provisions of Section 2.14 hereof, upon surrender of $988
such Bonds ~ccompanied by delivery of a duly executed written $989
instrument of transfer 9r exchange in a form approved by the Paying #990
Agent. Whenever any Bond or ~onds shall be surrendered for transfer %991
or exchange, the Paying Agent ~hall execute and deliver a new Bond or #992
Bonds 9f Authorized Denominations of the same aggregate principal %993
amount, 9xcept that the Paying Agent may require the payment by any #994
Owner requesting such transfer or exchange of any tax or other gov- #995
ernmental _charge required to be paid with respect to such transfer or ~996
exchange. All Bonds surrendered pursuant to the provisions of this %997
Section 2.14 ~hall be cancelled by the Paying Agent and shall not be %998
redelivered. All Bonds issued in exchange for Bonds shall be in the %999
game mode as the Bonds in exchange for which such Bonds were issued. %1000
The Paying Agent shall not be required to transfer or %1001
exchange §ny Bond selected for redemption in whole or in part from %1002
and after ~he date of mailing the notice of redemption of such Bond %1003
or ~ortion thereof. %1004
~EC~ION 2.14. Reqistzation BOoks. The Paying Agent will #1006
keep at its office sufficient books for ~he registration of the %1007
ownership, transfer or exchange of the Bonds, ~hich books shall be %1008
available for inspection by ~he City and ~he Trustee ~t reasonable #1009,~
hours and under reasonable conditions; ~nd upon presentation for such %1012
purpose the Paying Agent shall, ~nder such reasonable regulations as %1013
it may prescribe, ~egister the ownership, transfer or exchange of the %1014
Bonds in such books as hereinabove provided. ~he ownership of any %1015,~
Bonds may be proved by the books required Lo be kept by the Paying %1017
Agent pursuant to the provisions of Section 2.14 hereof. ~(1017]
~ECTION 2.15. Tomporarv BOnC~. The Bonds may be initially ~1019
delivered in temporary form exchangeable ~or definitive Bonds when #1020
ready for delivery, which temporary Bonds shall be printed, litho- %1021
graphed or typewritten, shall be of such denominations ~s may be %1022
determined by the Trustee, shall be in fully registered form ~nd #1023
shall contain such reference to any of the provisions hereof as may ~(10231
be appropriate. ~very temporary Bond shall be authenticated and #1024,[
delivered by the Paying Agent ~pon the same conditions and terms and #1026
in substantially the same manner ~s definitive Bonds. ~f the Paying %1027,[
Agent authenticates and delivers temporary Bonds, %he Paying Agent %1029
will prepare and authenticate definitive Bonds without delay, ~nd in %1030
that case upon demand of the Owner of any temporary Bonds ~uch de_fin- %1031
itive Bonds shall be exchanged without cost to such Owner ~or tempo- %1032
rary Bonds at the office of the Paying Agent upon surrender 9f such %1033
temporary Bonds, and until so exchanged such temporary Bonds ~hall be %1034
entitled to the same benefit, protection and security hereunder ~s %1035
the definitive Bonds executed and delivered hereunder. Ail temporary %(10351
Bonds ~urrendered pursuant to the provisions of this Section 2.15 %1036
shall be cancelled bY the Paying Agent and shall not be redelivered. %1037
9 (37.1'.
SECTION 2.16. Bonds Mutilated, Destzoved, Lost or Stolen. $1039
If any Bond shall become mutilated, the Paying Agent shall authenti- $ (1039'.
cate and deliver a new Bond of like tenor and number in lieu of the $1040
mutilated Bond, but only upon surrender to the Paying Agent of the $1041
mutilated Bond, and every mutilated Bond surrendered to the Paying $1042
Agent shall be cancelled ~y it and shall not be redelivered. _If any $1043,1
Bond shall be destroyed, lost or stolen, evidence of such destruc- $(1044
tion, loss or theft may be submitted to the Paying Agent, and if such $1045
evidence is _satisfactory to the Paying Agent, the Paying Agent shall $1046
authenticate and deliver a new Bond of like tenor and number in sub- #1047
stitution for the destroyed, lost or stolen Bond. The Paying Agent $1048
may require payment of a sum not exceeding the actual cost of prepar- $1049
lng each new Bond authenticated and delivered by it under this $1050
Section 2.16 and of the expenses w_hich may be incurred by it under $1051
this Section 2.16. Any replacement Bond authenticated and delivered $1052
under the provisions of this Section 2.16 hereof in lieu of or in $1053
substitution for any mutilated, destroyed, lost or stolen Bond ~hall $1054
be equally and proportionately entitled to the benefit, protection $(1054
and security hereof with all other Bonds executed and delivered here- $1055
under; and the Paying Agent shall not be required to treat both the $1056
original Bond and any replacement Bond as being Outstanding for the $1057
purpose of determining the principal amount of Bonds which may be $1058
authenticated and delivered hereunder or for the purpose of determin- $1059
ing any Percentage of Bonds Outstanding hereunder, but both the orig- $1060
inal and the replacement Bond shall be treated as one and the same. $1061
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section 2.16, rather than $1062,
authenticating and delivering a new Bond for a mutilated, destroyed, $1064
lost or stolen Bond which has been called for redemption, the Paying $1065
Agent may make payment of the principal of such mutilated, destroyed, $1066-
lost or stolen Bond directly to the Owner thereof under such regula- $1067
tions as the Paying Agent m_ay prescribe. $1068
SECTION 3.01. ~andatogy Redemptior~.
ia) Prior to conversion to a Fixed Interest Rate, ~
Bond is subject to redemption on any Interest Payment Date ~pon
notice as hereinafter provided, as a whole, or in part in ~uthorized
Denominations from moneys ,transferred from the Construction Fund ~o
the Redemption Fund pursuant to Section 5.07 hereof, ~rom ~oneys
derived from foreclosures under Section 7.02 hereof'or from prepaid
Assessment Installments, ~nder the circumstances and upon the condi-
tions and terms prescribed herein at a redemption price equal to the
sum of the principal amount ~ the Bonds redeemed plus accrugd
S (37.1
interest thereon to the date fixed for redemption p%us the redemption !%(108
premium, if any, set forth below: I#1082
(Both Dates Inclusive. l)
(Expressed as a
Percentaqe of
Principal A~unt)
lb) After conversion to a Fixed Interest Rate, a Bond
is subject to redemption in whole or in part on any Interest Payment
Date, upon notice as hereinafter provided, in an integral multiple of
$5,000, from moneys transferred from the Construction Fund to the
Redemption Fund pursuant to Section 5.Q/ hereof, from moneys derived
from foreclosures under Section 7.02 hereof or from prepaid
Assessment Installments, under the circumstances and upon the condi-
tions and terms prescribed herein at a redemption price _equal to the
sum of the principal amount of the Bonds redeemed,., plus accr. ued iDter-
est thereon to the date fixed for redemption plus the redemption p~e-
mium. if any, set forth below:
% (1092
(Both Dates Inclus.i~9~
(Expressed as a
Pgrcentaqe of
Principal Amount)
% (37.1
!c) The Bonds are subject to mandatory redemption on %1108
and each Principal Payment ~ate thereafter, upon notice as %1109
hereinafter provided, in part in an integral multiple of the then %1110
minimum Authorized Denomination 9f the Bonds, from Assessment 1%1111
Installments[ Land upon the conditions and terms prescribed herein, !%1112
~t a redemption price equal to the sum of the principal amount of the %1113
Bonds ~alled plus accrued interest thereon to the date fixed for %1114
redemption, ~nd in the years and principal amounts as follows: %1115
principal %1119
~ear Amount #1120,~
~n the event of conversions of all or a portion of the %1125
Bonds to a Fixed Interest ~ate pursuant to Section 2.10 hereof, the %1126
Finance Director of the ~ity is hereby directed to establish a sepa- %1127
rate schedule 9f redemptions for the Bonds bearing a Fixed Interest #1128
Rate commencing 9n the I followin~ such ConversiQp Datel 1%1129
which, as nearly as practicable, will result in 6ssessment 1%1130
Installments with respect to such ~onds bpinq equal in amount for 1%1131
each 9f the years following such Conversion Date(s), after crediting 1%1132
a pro rata portion of moneys Qn deposit in the Intere~ Reserv~ Fund 1%1133
pursuant to Section 5.08 and the moneys withdrawn from the Variable 1%1134
Rate Reserve Fund, as ~rovided in Section 5.04(ii). 1%1134
~n the event of redemption of ~onds pursuant to subsections 1%1135
(a) or (b) hereof or purchase 9f Bonds from moneys derived from pre- %1137
paid Assessments lother than prepayments and redemptions associated %1138
with a ~onversion of less than all Outstanding Bonds to a Fixed %1139
~nterest Rate), the Construction Fund or the proceeds of ~oreclosure, %1140,~
as the case may be, in the twelve months ~receding each of the above %1142
Principal Payment Dates (not including the immediately preceding %1143
Principal Payment Date), ~he Finance Director of the City is hereby %1144
directed to annually ~djust the amounts set forth above by deducting %1145
from that year's ~rincipal _amount the amount of Bonds which would 1%1146
have otherwise been redeemed had such redemptions or ~urchases not %1147,~
taken place, as adjusted: (i) to deduct any ~ortion of such prepaid %1149
Assessment which is credited ~oward the principal due on the next %1150
Principal Payment ~ate as provided in Section 5.04(C); and (ii) to 1%1151
round ~he amount due in any year to the nearest lowest integral 1%1152
~ultiple of the minimum Authorized Denomination of the Bonds then ~
permitted. 1%(115.
id) In the event of redemption of Bonds pursuant to $1156
paragraphs (a) or (b) of this Section 3.01 or purchase of BQnds pur- ~#1157
suant to Section 5.07 hereof f~om moneys..~erived from prepaid ~$1158
Assessments, the Construction Fund or the proceeds of foreclosure $(1158]
~nder Section 7.02 hereof, as the case may be, ~he Finance Director $1159,~
of the City is hereby directed to annually adjust ~he amounts set $1161
forth above by deducting therefrom the amount of Bonds ~hich would $1162
have otherwise been redeemed had such redemptions or purchases not $1163
taken place, go as to maintain the same proportional relationship $1164
between ~he amount of Outstanding Bonds redeemed pursuant hereto ~nd #1165,~
the amount of unpaid Assessments, as adjusted: ii) to deduct any $1167
portion of such prepaid Assessment which is credited ~oward the prin- $1168
cipal due on the next Principal Payment Date as provided in $1169
Section 5.04(c) hereof; and iii) to round the amount due in any year $1170
to an integral multiple 9f the then minimum Authorized Denomination $1171
of the Bonds. _The Finance Director of the City shall promptly notify $1172
the ~aying Agent and Trustee of all such adjustments. In ~aking the $1173,Z
foregoing adjustments for such redemptions, ~he Finance Director of $1175
the City shall adjust the amounts of ~onds to be redeemed in accor- #1176
dance with the ~bove provisions only with respect to amounts attrib- $1177
utable to [edemptions of such Bonds, if less than ~11 of the #1178,~
Outstanding Bonds have been converted to the Fixed ~nterest Mode. $1180
~ECTION 3.02. Optional Redemption of Unit Pricinq Bo~ds. $1183
The Bonds in the Unit Pricing Mode ~re subject to optional redemption $1184
bY the City, in whole or in part, on any Business Day, at a redemp- $1185
tion price equal to 100% 9f the principal amount thereof being ~#1186
redeemed plus accrued interest to the redemption datek[ provided how- [$1186.
ever, that such redemption ma¥.Qnl¥ be effected in connection with [#1187
the payment of such Bonds pursuant to S~tion 10.01(c). hereof. ~$1188
~f such redemption is in part, Bank-Owned Bonds shall be redeemed $1199
first, and thereafter Bonds shall be redeemed in the order of their ~$1200
Purchase Dates&[ ~nd by lot among those Bonds with the same[ ~urchase ~#1204~
Date~ ~The amount of Bonds to be ~edeemed shall, if required, be ~$1206
adjusted downward to the extent necessary ~o result in Bonds being $1207
redeemed only in Authorized Denominations. $(1207]
~ECTION 3.03. O~tional Redemption of Bonds,~ th~ Demand #1209
~__~. Demand Bonds are subject to optional redemption by the City, $(1209]
in whole or in part from ~ime to time, on any Variable Rate $1210
Adjustment Date, at a redemption price equal to 100% 9f the principal $1211
amount thereof being redeemed plus accrued interest to such redemp- $(1211]
tion date, ~ithout premium; provided however that such redemption may ~$1212
only ~e effected in connection with the Payment of such Bonds pursu- ~
ant to Section 10.01(c) hereof. If such redemption is in part, ~$(121:
Bank-Owned Bonds shall be redeemed first, and all Qther Bonds shall ~$1213
be redeemed by lot in such manner as shall be determined by the $(1213)
City. ~ny such redemption shall be in Authorized Denominations. $1214
~BCTION 3.04. Qptional Redemption of Bonds in the Fixed S1216
Rate Mode. The Bonds in the Fixed Rate Mode are subject to redemp- $(1216
tion ~y the City in the minimum principal amount of $5,000, in whole $1217,1
on any date or in part on any ~nterest Payment Date, commencing on $1219
the date as set forth below at the following redemption prices $1220
(expressed as percentages of the-principal amount of Bonds called for $1221
redemption), plus accrued interest to the ~ate fixed ~or redemption: $1222
Conversion Date
RedemptiQB Date
RedemptiQ~ Date
Notwithstanding any of the foreqoinq, Bank-Owned BQnds shall be 151231
selected for redemption by the Trustee prior to selectinq any other 15~23]
Bonds. 15(123[
~ECTION 3.05. Selection of Bonds foz Red~.~q~ion, Except 151234
as otherwise p~ovided i~ Sections 3,02 and 3.04, whenever less than 151234
all the Outstanding Bonds are to be redeemed 9n any one date, the 151235
Trustee shall select the Bonds to be redeemed in whole or in part $1236
from the Outstanding Bonds by lot in any manner ~hat the Trustee #1237
deems fair; provided however, that if Bonds are to be redeemed from $(1237]
~repaid Assessments, the Trustee shall select for redemption Bonds $1237.2
bearing interest in the same mode ~s such Assessment. The Trustee $1237.~
shall promptly notify ~he Bank, ~he City and the Paying Agent in $1238,]
writing of the numbers of the Bonds so selected for redemption ~n $1241
whole or in part on such date; provided, however, ~hat if on the $1242
Record Date for the redemption, the Bank is ~he Owner of any of the $1243
Bonds, such Bonds shall be selected for redemption ~y the Trustee #1244
~rior to selecting any other Bonds. $1245
~E~TION 3.06. Notice of Redemption. Notice of redemption $1247
shall be given by mail by the Trustee ~o the Remarketing Agent, the $1248
Paying Agent and to the Owners 9f any Bonds designated for redemption $1249
in whole or in part prior to ~he redemption date. ~ach notice of $1250,]
redemption shall state the redemption date, the redemption Dlace and ~1252
the redemption price, shall designate the numbers 9f the Bonds to be $1253
redeemed if less than all the Bonds Outstanding are to be [edeemed, $1254
~hall (in the case of any Bond called ~or redemption in part only) $1255,]
state the portion of the principal amount ~hereof which is to be $1257
redeemed, and shall state that the interest thereon 9r portions $1258
thereof designated for redemption shall cease to accrue from and $1259
after such redemption date and that on such redemption da~e ~here $1260
will become due and payable on each of the Bonds or portions thereof $(1260)
$ (37.1)
designated for redemption the redemption price thereon. The failure
of any Owner to receive such notice will not affect the ~alidity of $1263
the redemption of any Bonds. %(12631
The Trustee shall give notice of redemption of any Bonds to %1264
be redeemed immediately upon receipt of notice fr~n the City (which %1265,~
notice shall be given to the Trustee ~t l~ast thirty (30) days prior %1267
to the date fixed for redemption; provided however that notice of %1268
redemption from moneys derived from ~repai~ Assessments shall be %1269
given at least sixty (60) days prior ~o the date fixed for %1270
redemption). %(12701
~ECTION 3.07. Partial Redemption of B~_.-~-. Upon surren- $1272
der of any Bond redeemed in part only, the Paying Agent shall authen- %1273
ticate and deliver to the Owner thereof a new Bond or-Bonds [epre- %1274
senting the unredeemed principal amount of the Bond so surrendered. %(1274]
~ECTION 3.08. Effect of Red~m. ption. If notice of redemp- %1276
tion has been duly given as aforesaid and money ~or the payment of %1277
the redemption price of the Bonds or portions thereof ~o be redeemed #1278
is held by the Paying Agent, then on the redemption date designated %1279
in such notice the Bonds or portions thereof so called for [edemption %1280
shall become payable at the redemption price as specified in such %1281
notice; and from and after the date so designated interest thereon or %1282
portions thereof so called for redemption shall cease to accrue, ~uch %1283
Bonds or portions thereof shall cease to be entitled to any benefit, %(1283]
~rotection or security hereunder and the Owners of such Bonds or ~or- %1284,]
tions thereof shall have no rights in respect thereof except to %(1285]
[eceive payment of the redemption price. ~otwithstanding the forego- %1286,]
ing, any Bonds held by the Bank ~ursuant to the Reimbursement %1288
Agreement by reason of unreimbursed drawings ~nder the Letter of %1289
Credit shall remain Outstanding ~ntil the Bank is paid all amounts 91290
due under such Bonds 9r the Reimbursement Agreement. The Paying %1291
Agent shall, upon surrender for redemption of any of the Bonds or %1292
portions thereof t~ be [edeemed on their redemption dates, pay such %1293
Bonds or portions thereof ~t the redemption price. #1294
~11 Bonds redeemed pursuant to the provisions of this %1295
Article III 9r purchased pursuant to Section 5.05 hereof shall be %1296
cancelled bY the Paying Agent and shall not be redelivered, ~nless %1297,]
such Bonds are paid by unreimbursed drawings under the Letter of %(1298)
Credit, in which case the Paying Agent shall register and deliver %1299
such Bonds ~s shall be directed by the Bank. ~fter payment to the %1300,]
Bank of all amounts due by reason of such ~nreimbursed drawings, the %1302
Bank shall surrender such bonds ~o the Paying Agent for %1303
cancellation. %(1303)
~%RTX CLK IV %1304
~ECTION 4.01. Optional Tender of unit Pricinq Bonds. (A) %1306
The registered owner of any Unit Pricing Bond ~ay demand that such %1307
Bond, or any portion thereof in a principal amount equal to an %(1307)
Authorized Denomination (so long as the principal amount not pur- %1308
~hased is an Authorized Denomination), be ~urchased in accordance $1309,1
with th~ terms of Section 4.04 hereof on any Purchase Date ~t a price %1311
equal to the principal amount thereof bY (a) giving 2n Election %1312,]
Notice and (b) delivering such Bond duly endorsed in blank for trans- %1314,]
fer at [he ~rincipal corporate trust office of the Tender Agent at or $(1316)
~rior to 12:30 P.M., New York City Time, on such Purchase Date. Such %1317
notice may be ~iven by delivering to the Tender Agent 2n Election %1318,]
Notice on any Business Day but no later than ~0:00 A.M. on the $1320
Purchase Date or such notice may be given by ~elephone to the 1%1321
Remarketing Agent and the Tender Aqent on any Business Day but no 1%(132]
later than 10:00 A.M. on the Purchase Date. Any such notice given by 1%1322
telephone shall be confirmed with _an Election Notice delivered to the %1323
Tender Agent with the ~ond on the Purchase Date. Any Unit Pricing %1324,]
Bond, or portion thereof, for which a ~emand for purchase has been %1326
made in accordance with this Section 4.01 _shall be purchased with the %1327
funds described in Section 4.04. %(13271
~ECTION 4.02. OD%lo"al Tender Qf Bon4s in the De~an~ ~ode. %1329
The registered owner of a Demand Bond shall, upon proper ~elivery of %1330
a Tender Notice and upon delivery of the Bond to the Tender Agent by 91331
12:30 P.M. on the Optional Tender Date, have the right ~o have such %1332
Bond purchased on such Optional Tender Date, at a purchase ~rice of S1333
100% of the principal amount thereof ~lus accrued interest, if any, %1334
to the date of purchase. ~uch Bonds will be subject to purchase only %1335
if delivered to the Tender Agent in conformance in all respects with %1336
the description thereof in the Tender Notice, ~nd if delivery %1337
(together with necessary endorsements) is made to the Tender Agent ~t %1338
or prior to 3:00 p.m., New York City time, on the Optional Tender %(13381
Date ~pecified in such Tender Notice. The right of any owner to have %1339
Bonds ~urchased pursuant to Section 4.02 shall terminate on the con- %1340
version of the ~onds to the Unit Pricing Node or on the Conversion %1341
Date. %(1341
The delivery of a Tender Notice to the Tender Agent and the %1342
Remarketing Agent is irrevocable and binding on the Owner and cannot %1343
be withdrawn. AnY Bond with respect to which a Tender Notice is %1344
given but which is not tendered on the Optional Tender Date stated in %(1344
such Tender Notice ~hall be deemed purchased and interest thereon %1345
shall cease to accrue. A n~w Bond shall be issued to the purchaser 1%1346
thereof~ The owner of such a Bond shall be entitled solely to ~%1347
~ayment of the Tender Price for such Bond. An owner of a Bond who %1348,
:33- $37.1
94691.3.2771.02:36 % (37.1
gives a Tender Notice with respect to ~uch Bond may repurchase such %1350
Bond if the Remarketing Agent agrees to sell any such Bond so %(1350)
tendered back to such owner. ~n such event, the delivery requirement %1351
described above shall be waived. %(1351)
~ECTION 4.03. Mandatory Purchase of Bonds. Unit Pricing %1353
Bonds and Demand Bonds are subject to mandatory tender and purchase %(1353)
9n any Mandatory Tender Date ~t the Tender Price. %1354,1
The Tender Agent shall provide written notice ~o all Owners %1357,1
that Unit Pricing Bonds and Demand Bonds will be subject to mandatory %1359
Tender for purchase on the applicable Mandatory Tender Date, (i) in ~%1360,
the event of al conversion to the Fixed Rate Mode not later than the ~%(1361
thirtieth calendar day next preceding the Proposed Conversion Date or ~%1362
the AutomaTic Conversion Date, as the case may be;iii) in the event %1363
of a change from the Unit Pricing Mode to the Demand ~ode, not later %1364,1
tha~ the thirtieth calendar day next preceding the Demand Date; %1366
(iii) in the event of a change from the Demand Mode ~o the Unit %1367,1
~ricing Mode, not later than the seventh Business Day Bext preceding %1369
the Unit Pricing Date; (iv) in the event of the Expiration Date or ~%1370
the Termination Date, not.later than the 30th day next preceding the ~%1371
Expiration D~te or the Termination Date as the case may be; ~nd ~%1372
(v) in the event of a Substitution Date, not later than the fifth %(1372)
Business Day next preceding the Substitution ~ate. %1373,]
~n the case of a cban~e from a[ ~emand Mode to a Unit ~#1375,
Pricing M~de or from a Upit Pricing MOde to a Demand Mode such notice ~%(137(
must state that the Owner may elect to retain ~uch Bond ~y giving %1377,]
~ritten Botice of such election to the Remarketing Agent Bo later %1380,]
than the fifth Business Day preceding such Mandatory Tender Date. %1382
~pon the filing of such notice such Bond ~hall not be subject to %1383,]
optional tender pursuant to ~ection 4.01 or 4.02 hereof on or prior %1385
to the ~emand Date or the Unit Pricing Date, as the case may be. In ~%1386.~
the case of a conv~.rsion to a Fixed Interest Rate~ ~uch notice shall ~%1386~
conform, to the requirements Qf Section 2.07 hereQf. ~%(138(
[Qn any Mandatory Tender Date, unless the Owner thereof has ~%1387
elected to retain ownership of a Unit Pricing Bond or Demand Bond, %(1388]
such Bond will be ~eemed to have been purchased, whether or Rot actu- %1389,2
ally delivered for purchase. ~nterest on such Bond will cease to %1391
accrue and ~uch ~ond shall no longer be entitled to the security pro- %1392,~
vided by this Indenture. The Owner of such BQnd shall be entitled ~%1395
only to receive the Tender Price, together with interest ~ccrued to ~%1396
such Mandatory Tender Date and ~olely from the funds deposited pursu- %1398
ant to ~his Indenture for such purpose. #1399
~ECTION 4.04. Tender and Purchase of Bonds. (A) Promptly #1401
upon its receipt of any Optional Tender Notice, the Tender Agent %(1401)
shall give telephonic notice to the Remarketing Agent of its ~eceipt #1402,1
~f such Optional Tender Notice, confirmed in writing, which written #(1403)
Gonfirmation shall contain a copy of such Tender Notice. %1404
~onds subject to purchase pursuant to Section 4.01, %1405
Section 4.02 or Section 4.03 shall be purchased ~rom the owners %1406,1
Thereof on any Optional Tender Date or any Mandatory Tender Date, as %1408
the case may be, at the Tender Price which shall be payable solely %1409
from the following sources in the order listed: %(1409)
il) Proceeds of the remarketing of Bonds pursu- %1411
ant to the Eemarketing Agreement; #1412
12) Amounts received from the Bank pursuant to
the Letter of Credit; and
13) Other funds provided by the City lawfully
available therefor.
lB) At or prior to 12:30 ~.M. New York time, on each %1419,]
Optional Tender Date and each Mandatory ~ender Date, the Remarketing [%1421
Agent (1) will cause to be delivered to the ~ in immedi- ~%1422
ately available funds the proceeds of the remarketing, 12) will %1423
deliver to the Tender Agent instructions for delivery and registra- %1424
tion of the Bonds remarketed ~hereof in accordance with paragraph %1425,]
(C) b~low, and (3) will give Rotice to the ~1~9~_~, specifying[ ~%1427
~he aggregate principal amount 9f[ ~onds ~ot remarketed and which ~%1431~
must be purchased by the Bank on such date. if any. lIf such notice ~%1433,
from the Remarketing Agent indicates ~hat Bonds are required to be ~%1437
purchased by the Bank, ~he Tender Agent shall give immediate Rotice %1438,]
to the Bank and the City at or prior to 1:00 P.M. New York time on #(1439]
such Optional Tender Date or Mandatory Tender Date ~pecifying the %1440,~
information set forth in !the preceding sentence. The aggregate ~%1442
~mount of Bonds specified in such direction to be Rurchased by the %1443,2
Bank shall not be reduced. %(14441
lC) On each Optional Tender Date and Mandatory Tender %1446
Date, all ~onds which (i) have been remarketed shall be delivered ~nd %1447,1
registered as directed by ~he Remarketing Agent or iii) are required %1449,1
to be purchased by the Bank ~hall i~ediately register in the Bame of %1451,1
the Bank. ~he Tender Agent shall ~eliver all such Bank-Owned Bonds %1453,1
in accordance with the instructions 9f the Bank. %1455
iD) The Tender Agent shall take any action reasonably %1457
~equested by the Remarketing Agent to facilitate the remarketing of %1458
Bonds lincluding without limitation Bank-Owned Bonds) on Optional %1459
Tender Dates and on Mandatory Tender Dates. %1460
% (37.1
IE) The Tender Agent shall pay the Tender Price for each #1462
~ond at or prior to 4:00 P.M. New York time on the Optional ~ender #1463,1
Date or Mandatory Tender Date, as the case may be, only after receipt #(1464)
of §uch Bond, properly endorsed either in blank 9r to the Tender #1465,1
Agent. Payment of the Tender Price 9f any Bond tendered for purchase #1467
shall be made in immediately ~vailable funds or in such manner as #1468
such Owner and the Tender Agent ~hall agree. #1469
IF) Notwithstandinq any prgvision contained in this 1#1471
Article IV, all Bank-Owned Bonds shall be deemed tendered to the 1#(1471
Remarketinq Aqent on each Busine~ Day without the need for any 1#1472
notice of tender or delivery of .~uch Bonds. The Remarketing Aaent ~%1473~
shall remarker such Bank-Qwned Bonds in accordance with .the Indenture [#1475
and the RemarketingAq~eement provided however that the Bank shall be |#1475,
deemed to repurchase such Bonds without any further payment therefor 1#(1475
i__f such Bonds are not remarketed, all in accordance wit~ ~ ~#1475,
her_~ 1#(1475
~ECTION 4.05. Ma,2datorv Purchase Upon Expiration or #1477
Termination of ~etter of Credit. #(1477)
iA) On the 180th day prior to the Expiration ~ate, the #1479,]
Trustee shall give written notice to the City, the Eemarketing Agent #1479.~
and the Bank that the Letter of Credit 9xpires on the Expiration #1479.2
Date. Unless the term of the Letter of Credit shall have been #(1479.
extended or there shall have been delivered an Alternate Letter of #1480
Credit in-substitution therefor as provided in Section 4.06 hereof 9r 1#1481,
unless ~n or before five days prior to t~ae ExDiration_P_~J ~11 Bonds 1#1483
shall have been converted to the Fixed Interest Rate ~s provided in #1484
Section 2.10 hereof, ~ll_~L~L~ Bonds or Demand Bonds shall be 1#1485
purchased by the ~ender Agent on ~he fifth Business Day prior to the 1#1486,
Expiration Date, ~t a purchase price equal to one hundred Ret cent #1488,]
(100%) of the principal amount of the Bonds. J(1489]
lB) Unless there shall have been delivered an Alternate #1491
Letter of C~edit as provided in Section 4,06 hereof or unless on or 1#149~.
before five days prior to a Term#Dm#ion Date ~11 Bonds have been con- ~#1493
vetted to the ~ixed Interest Rate as provided in Section 2.10 hereof, ~1494
all Unit Pricinq Bonds or Demand B~nds shall be purchased by the ~#1495
~ender Agent on such Termination Date at a purchase price 9qual to J1496,~
one hundred percent (100%) of the principal _amount of the Bonds. #1498
lC) Notice of purchase of such Bonds pursuant to this ~1500
Section 4.05 shall be ~iven by the Trustee by mail to all Owners of 1#150%.
Demand Bonds or Unit Pricina Bonds at least thirty (30) days prior to ~J(150
the Expiration Date or Termination Date. ~uch notice shall 1~1502
ii) specify the Expiration Date or Termination Date, iii) specify, if #1504,1
applicable, the last times and dates prior to ~uch expiration on #1507
which such Bonds must be delivered, or on which notice ~ust be given, #1508
# (37.1
for the purchase of such Bonds pursuant to the Owner's 9ption under $1509
Sections 4.01 and 4.02 hereof, !iii) state that after the fifth $1510
Business Day prior to the Expiration Date or after the Termination $(1510)
Date such Bonds will Bo longer be purchased at the option of the $1511
Owner, and /iv) state that such Bonds shall be subject to purchase by $1512
the Tender Agent ~t the principal amount thereof on the date speci- $1513
fled in such notice land where the Bonds shall be tendered). 611 $1514,1
such Bonds purchased with a drawing on the Letter of Credit ~hall be $1517
deemed purchased by the Trustee on behalf of the Bank 9n such date, 151518
and from and after[ ~uch date the interest on such Bonds so purchased ~$1519
~hall accrue solely for the benefit of the Bank and its assigns ~s $1520,1
owner of such Bonds. Qn the fifth Business Day prior to the $1522
ExpiratioB D~te or on th~ Termination Date, as the case may.be, the 151522.
Trustee shall draw on the Letter of Credit, in accordance with the ~$1523
terms thereof, ~n amount equal to the unpaid principal of all $1524
Outstanding Bonds lother than Bonds held by the Bank). [ 151525
~f subsequent to the commencement of the giving of such $1530
notice, ~he term of the Letter of Credit shall have been extended or $1531
there ~hall have been delivered an Alternate Letter of Credit in ~ub- $1532,1
stitution therefor as provided in Section 4.06 hereof, then the $(1533)
Trustee ~hall discontinue giving the aforementioned notice and shall $1534
give Botice by mail to all Owners of such extension of the term of $1535
~he Letter of Credit or the delivery of an Alternate Letter of $1536
Credit, ~hich notice shall specify ii) that the giving of notice of $1537,1
the expiration of the term of or termination of the ~etter of Credit $1539
has been commenced, iii) that subsequent to the commencement of the $1540
giving of such notice ~he term of the Letter of Credit has been $1541
extended or that an ~lternate Letter of Credit has been delivered to $1542
the Trustee in accordance ~ith this Indenture, liii) the rating of $1543,1
the Bonds by Moody's or S&P by reason of such 9xtension or delivery, $1545
!iv) the date that the term of the Letter of Credit or Alternate $1546
~etter of Credit will expire; and iv) that the prior notice of put- $1547,1
chase and any proposed conversion to a ~ixed Interest Rate are %1549
cancelled. ~uch notice of the term of the Letter of Credit has been $1550
extended or ~hat an Alternate Letter of Credit has been delivered $1551
shall be liven not more than five (5) days following such extension $1552
or delivery. $(1552)
SECTION 4.06. ~etter. ~ Credit: Alternate Letter ~f Credit. $1553
iA) On the first Business Day of each calendar month _the $1555,1
Trustee shall by draw on the Letter of Credit in $1557
accordance with the terms thereof so as to receive thereunder by $(1557)
9n such date an amount _equal to ii) the amount of money $1558,1
withdrawn from the Interest Reserve Fund to pay interest on Unit ~$1561
pricin~ Bonds a~ Demand Bonds 0u~nq such calendar month and 15(156]
iii) the amount of interest accrued on the Unit Pricing Bonds and the $1562
~emand Bonds during such calendar month but not due ~nd payable on $1562.1
the Unit Pricing Bonds and Demand Bonds. ~uch money shall be #1564
deposited in the Interest Reserve Fund. %(1564)
!B) (i) Qn each Principal Payment Date and each date Unit |%1566
Pricinq BQnds or Dejnand Bonds are redeemed pursuant to Sections 3.01, ~%1566.
7.02 and 3.03..hereof the Trustee shall by draw on the ~
Letter of Credit in accordance ~ith the terms thereof so as to %1568
receive thereunder by on such date an amount sufficient to %1569
enable the Trustee to pay principal then payable on the Unit Pricing %1570
Bonds and Demand Bonds, whether at maturity or [edemption thereof %1571
(except any payment of principal on Bonds from the 9riginal proceeds %1572
of the Bonds as provided herein). %(1572]
lC) On any Business Day, the Trustee shall by draw ~%1574
on the Letter of Credit in accordance with the terms thereof so as to ~%1575
~eceive thereunder by __ on such date an amount equal to the _amount %1576,1
certified by the Remarketing Agent pursuant to Section 4.04(B)(3) ~%1578
hereof to pay the Tender P~ice of UNit Price Bonds or Demand Bonds.[ ~%1578
iD) If at any time there shall have been delivered to the %1581
Trustee ii) an Alternate Letter of Credit in substitution for the %1582
Letter 9f Credit then in effect, iii) an Opinion of Counsel stating %1583,1
that the delivery of such Alternate Letter of Credit to the Trustee %1585
is authorized under this ~ndenture, will not adversely affect the %1586
exemption from Federal income taxation of interest on the Bonds, and %1587
complies with the ~erms of this Indenture, liii) written evidence %1588,1
from Moody's, if the Bonds are rated by ~oody's, and S&P, if the %1590
Bonds are rated by S&P, in each case to the 9ffect that such rating %1591
agency has reviewed the proposed ~lternate Letter of Credit and that %1592
the substitution of the proposed ~lternate Letter of Credit for the %1593
Letter of Credit then in effect ~ill not, by itself, result in a %1594
reduction, suspension or withdrawal of the fating(s) of the Bonds %1595
from those which then prevail, and (iv) written evidence satisfactory %(1595
to the Bank of the provision for purchase from the Bank of all Bonds %1596
held by it a~d payment of all amounts due it under ~he Reimbursement %1597,
Agreement o~ or before the effective date 9f such Alternate Letter of ~1599
Credit, then the ~rustee shall accept such Alternate Letter of Credit %1600
and promptly ~urrender the Letter of Credit then in effect to the %1601
Bank in accordance with its terms for cancellation. ~ritten notice %1602,
of the s~bstitution of such Alternate Letter of Credit _shall be given %1604
by the Trustee to the Remarketing Agent and the Owners. ~f at any %1605
time there shall cease to be any Unit Pricing Bonds or Demand Bonds %(1605
Outstanding hereunder, the Trustee shall thereafter surrender the %1606
Letter of Credit ~hen in effect to the Bank in accordance with the %1607
terms thereof ~or cancellation. %1608
(E) The Trustee shall not sell, assign or otherwise %1610
transfer the Letter of Credit, _except to a successor Trustee hereun- %1611,1
der and in accordance with _the terms of the Letter of Credit and this %1613
Indenture. $ (1613)
iF) Whenever payments of principal are made on a Bond from $1615,1
proceeds of a draw on the Letter of Credit, such Bond shall be deemed %1617
to remain Outstanding until the Bank shall be paid all amounts due on $1618,1
suc~ Bond and under the Reimbursement Agreement by reason of such %(1619)
drawing. % (1619)
[SECTION 4.07. NO Sales After Certain Defaults. There 151623
shall be no remarketing of Bonds pursuant to Sections 4.01, 4.02 or ~#1624
4.03 hereof if there shall have occurred and _be continuing an Event %1625
of Default; provided, that if any such Event of Default shall there- %1626
after be cured, as evidenced by a certificate of the City _satisfac- $1627,1
tory tm and approved by the Bank (who shall not be under any liabil- ~%1629,
ity by reason of such approval or disaDDroval), then such remarketing ~%(1630
of Bonds pursuant to Sections 4.01, 4.02 or 4.03 hereof shall be %1631
reinstated. % (1631)
~ECTION 4.08. ~[~,_~- There is hereby established $1633
and there shall be maintained with the Tender Agent _a separate fund %1634
to be known as the "Purchase Fund." The Tender Agent shall further %1635,1
establish a separate account within the Purchase Fund to be known as %1637
the 'Letter of Credit Account,' a_ separate account within the ~%1638,
Purchase Fund to be known as the "Remarketing Purchase Accountz" {a ~S164!
separate account within the Purchase Fund to be known as the ~91642
"Remarketing Cost Account," and a separate account within the
Purchase Fund to be known as the "Discount Account.' ~%1642.
UPOn receipt of the proceeds of a remarketing of Optionally ~%1643,
Tendered Bonds on an Optional Tender Date or Mandatorily Tendered %1645
Bonds on a Mandatory Tender Dat~, the Tender Agent shall deposit such %1646
proceeds in the Remarketing Purchase Account for application to the
Tender Price of the Bonds. Notwithstanding the foregoinG, uDon the [%1647..
receip~ of the proceeds of a remarketinG[ of Bank-Owned Bonds. the
~ ~hall ~mmediatelv DaY such proceeds to the. Bank to the ~%1647.
extent of any .amount owing to the Bank. ~%(164~
[Upon receipt of moneys from the Bank for payment of all or ~S1647.
a portion of the Tender Price for the Bonds, the Tender Agent shall %1649,]
deposit such money in the Letter of Credit Account for application to %1651
the Tender Price of the Bonds to the extent that the moneys on %1652
deposit in the Remarketing Purchase Account shall not be sufficient. %1653
Any amounts deposited in the Letter of Credit Account and not applied %1654,]
on any Optional Tender Date or Mandatory Tender Date to the payment %1656
for any Bonds shall be paid to the Bank on such date in immediately ~%1657.
~vailable funds. ! %(165~
% (37.1~.
[Upon receipt of moneys d~ignated to be used to pay dis- Z%1661~
count in accordance with section 2.07 hereof, the Trustee shall ~#(1661
deposit such amgunts in the Discount Account. On the 1~
Conversion Date the Trustee sha~l apply such amounts to the payment ~%1661~
of the Tender Price of the.~andatorily Tendered Bonds. ~#(1661
Amounts held in the Letter of Credit Account, the I#1668
Remarketi~g Purchase Account or the Discount A~count by the Tender[ Z%1668.
Agent[ shall be held uninvested or shall be invested in direct obli- ~%1669,
gations-of the United States 9f America with a maturity date not #1670.]
later than 30 days subsequent ~o the date of purchase. Investment %1670.~
earnings in each respective account shall be retained therein. %1671
~oneys on deposit in the Remarketing Cost Account _shall be %1675,]
used solely for the purpose of paying, from time ~o time, remarketing #1677
costs consisting of discounts 9n the resale of Bonds to the Bank, #1678
which discounts are certified by the ~emarketing Agent as necessary %1679
or advisable in connection ~ith such remarketing. ~ayment of such %1680,~
costs, upon such certification, shall be made by feimbursing 'draws %1682
therefor under the Letter of Credit or by ~irect payment to the owner %1683
of the Bonds so remarketed, as directed by the Remarketing Agent. [#1684
Upon conversion of all or a portion of the Bonds to a ~ixed 1~1688
Interest Rate, the amount on deposit in the ~emarketing Cost Account #1688.]
equal to the ratio of the principal ~mount of the Bonds so converted %1688.~
to the original principal amount of Bonds issued hereunder shall be %1688.~
withdrawn from the Eemarke~ing Cost Account for application as pro-
vided in the ~econd paragraph of Section 3.01(c) hereof, n~ 1_~
ment of all of the Bonds, the City may apply amounts on deposit in 1%168~
the Remarketinq COSt Account for any Purpose permitted under the /_~
~ ~(168,
[Investment-~o come from Bank] If on the first Business Day ~168~
of any month the amount on deposit in the Remarketin~ Cost Account
exceeds the Re~arketing Cost Account Re~uirementl, such,excess shall ~168~
be transferred to the Reserve Earnings Fund, ~1688
IOn any Optional Tender Date or Mandatory Tender D~te, the ~1688
Tender A~ent shall transfer on the books ~equired to be kept b~ the ~#1688
Pa¥in~ Agent purs,,-nt to the provisions of Section 2.14, ownership o~ ~%1688
all of the Bonds tendered or regui~ed to .be tendered to the n~m~ of ~168~
the purchaser thereof, includin~ without ]~mftation, registration of ~168~
Bank-Owned Bonds in the name of the Bank Qn any Optional Tender Date ~%1688
or the Mandatory Tender Date. I ~(168
_ARTICLE V %1689
~ECTION 5.01. Pledqe Effected By Indenture. Pursuant to %1691
this Indenture there is pledged ~or the payment of the principal of %1692
and redemption premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds, and .0~1~ ~
~ations under the R~imbursement Aureement in accordance with their [%1694
terms and the provisions of this Indenture, ~ubject only to the pro- %1695,1
vision~ of this Indenture ~ermitting the application thereof for the %1697
purposes and on the terms and conditions set forth in this Indenture %1698
ii) all right, title and ~nterest of the City ~n the Assessment %1699,]
Installments, iii) the proceeds of the sale of the Bonds, liii) to %1701,]
the Fixed Rate Bonds, the Fixed Rate Reserve Fund, (iv) to the Unit
Pricioq Bonds and the Demand B~nds, the Variable Rate Reserve Fund,
~nd iv) all other funds, accounts and sub-accounts, if any, createo %1701.]
hereunder (except the Purchase Fund). %(1702)
~ECTION 5.02. Ple~ue Of A--e_~nt Tngtsllm~,r~gt Assessment %1704
Fund. The Assessment Installments pledged pursuant to ~ection 5.01%1705
hereof ~hall be used for the punctual payment of the interest and %1706
principal and redemption premiums, if any, on the Bonds, and the %1707
~ssessment-Installments shall not be used for any other purpose ~hile %1708,]
any of the Bonds remain Outstanding. %(17091
All Assessment Installments shall be ~ollected by the City %1710,[
from the ~wners of real ~roperty within the District ~ither through %1712,]
the real property tax bills administered by the Orange ~ounty Tax %1714
Collector-Treasurer or by ~irect collection by the City or its agent~ %1715
provided, however, that following conversion to a Fixed ~nterest Rate %1716,[
the City shall only collect Assessment ~nstallments on such tax %1718
bills. Ail Assessment Installments received by the Trustee shall be [%1719
held ~n ~rust by the Trustee and shall be deposited by the City as
and when received in the Assessment Fund, which fund the City hereby ~%1721
~grees to establish and maintain so long as any Bonds are %1722
Outstanding. ~rior to conversion to~ Fixed Interest Rate~u_pf~l~2~
Bonds, not later than the ~irst Business Day of each month, the
Trustee shall advise the ~ity of the amount of Assessment %1725
Installments due ~nd payable for the preceding month with respect to ~%1726.
Assessments bearing interest at a rate egual to the ~djusted Interest 1%1728
Rate or the Variable Interest Rate and ~hall collect the same from %1730
the owners of ~uch real property within the District. %1731
~ECTION 5.03. Collection of Asses-~ent Installments. %1734
iA) Collection of unpaid Asses~ents shall commence i~e- %1736
diately following ~he first Interest Payment Date in which interest %1737
on the ~onds is paid from the Interest Reserve Fund. ~ ~%173~
Pricing Mode or a Demand Mode, ~ssessment Installments[ on real 1%174~
property with Assessments bearin~ interest equal to the Variable ~%1748~
Interest R~te or Demand Rate. shall be directly collected in the ~#(1748
amount of interest ~ccrued on the Bonds whether or not paid, or due ~%1749
under the ~eimbursement Agreement during the ~receding month, less ~#1750,
any applicable credits provided herein, includinq but nQt limited to, ~1752
Section 5.04(C) hereof. Additionally, on each direct collection due ~%1753
(and, in the ca~e of principal due under the Reimbursement %1754
~greement, on each on and before and on any %1755,1
other similar billing date after which _the principal shall become due #1757
by reason of purchase or redemption of Bonds) commencing on and after %1758
, ~he Assessment Installment shall also include the amount %1759
of ~rincipal, if any, to be paid on such Principal Payment Date ~%1760
l(excluding any prepaid Assessments) Rursuant to this Indenture or ~%1762,
the Reimbursement Agreement, less any applicable credits provided %1764
herein. ~n addition, the City shall also cause to be collected ~1765
through the tax bills or direct collections the continuing ~osts of %1766,]
~he Bonds including but not limited to the fees, losts and indemnifi- %1768,]
cations du~ the Trustee, Paying Agent, ~ity, and Tender Agent, ~hich %1770,]
costs shall be allocated in proportion to ~he Assessment levied %1772
against each parcel and collected with _Asses~nent Installments until %1773
the Assessment against such ~arcel is paid in full. _The fees, costs %1774,]
and indemnifications of the Bank and the Remarketing Agent in excess %1776
of the costs and indemnifications paid from the Reserve Earnings %(1776]
Account ~hall also be collected through the tax bill or direct col- %1777
lections from owners of property with Assessments bearing interest at %(1777]
other than the Fixed Interest Rate. ~11 moneys collected with %1777.[
respect to such fees, costs and indemnifications shall be deposited %1777.1
in the Construction Fund and disbursed in accordance with the provi- %1777.1
sions relating thereto. ~11 amounts collected hereunder shall be %1778
secured by the lien of th~ Assessment and, if not ~aid, collection %1779,1
shall be enforceable in ~he manner set forth in the Act and herein. %1781
(B) Any Assessment may be prepaid at any time by paying %1783
the unpaid ~mount thereof less the amounts transferred to the #1784
Redemption ~und (i} from the V~iable Rate Reserve F~nd pursuant to [%1785
Section 5.04(D)(ii) hereof if ~he Assessment bears interest at a rate ~%1785
other than the Fixed Interest Rate or iii) from the Fixed Rate %1785.
Reserve Fund pursuant to Section 5.05(ii) hereof, if the Assessment %1785.
bears interest at a Fixed Interest Rate, ~ogether with the redemption %1786
premium set forth in Section 3.01/~(b) hereof if a_RR~ ~nd
the estimated amount of interest' to be paid to the ~ate of redemption %1789,
~f the Bonds representing the ~ortion of such Assessment which ~annot %1791,
be applied for redemption on the next available redemption date~_but [%1793
not to exceed one year's interes~ on such portion of the prepaid [~1794
Assessment at[ the Maximum-Rate, which amounts shall be deposited in ~%1795
~he Redemption Fund. #1796
!C) Ail unpaid Assessments shall bear interest at ~hese #1797,1
respective interest rates hereunder or ~nder the Reimbursement #1799
Agreement. The amount of delinquent Assessment Installments ~dvanced ~#1801,
by the City ~rom the Variable R~te Reserve Fund shall be ~ayable as ~#1803
to principal and shall bear interest as provided in ~he Bonds, #1804
together with penalties as provided in the ~ct and, to the extent #1805
applicable, if such delinquencies ~nd the Bonds representing such #1806
delinquent ~ssessmept Installments are paid by the Bank by draws on ~#1807
the Letter 9f Credit, such Assessments shall be payable as to ~rinci- ~%1808,
pal and shall bear interest as provided in the Reimbursement #(1809)
~greement which is hereby incorporated by [eference as if fully set %1810,]
forth. %(1811)
~EC~ION 5.04. Deposit ..of MoneYs. The proceeds received #1813
from the sale of the Bonds !except for an amount equal to the Reserve ~1814
Requirement ~hich shall be deposited in the V~riable Rate Reserve ~#1815
Fund created hereunder, except for the sLnn of repre- ~91816
senti~g ~he interest on the Bonds estimated to become payable Rrior #1817,]
to August 1, 1987, ~hich shall be deposited in the Interest Fund, #1819
except for the sum of which shall be deposited in the ~1820
Interest Reserve Fund and except for the sum of $ which #(1820]
shall ~e deposited in the Remarketing Cost Account) ~hall be depos- #1821,~
ired by the City in the Construction Fund. #(1822]
The City shall deposit the money contained in the ~1823
Assessmen~ Fund and in the Construction Fund, as appropriate, at the #1824
following respective ~imes in the following respective funds in the #1825
manner hereinafter provided, 9ach of which funds the Trustee hereby ~#1826
agrees to establish and maintain §o long as any Bonds are Outstanding ~#1827
and each such fund shall constitute ~ trust fund for the benefit of #1827.1
the Owners of the Bonds ~nd the Bank, and the money in each of such ~1827.1
~unds shall be disbursed only for the purposes and uses ~ereinafter ~#1828
authorized~ Thgse funds collectively shall constitute the ~#1829.
"redemption fund" as described in the Act. ~#1829
iA) ~k~9~L~. ~he City, on the first Business Day of ~1831,
each calendar month lbeginning on the c~nmencement of collection of ~1833
Assessment Installments Rursuant ~o Section 5.03 hereof), shall 91834,
deposit in the Interest Fund ~rom money in the Assessment Fund ~he #1836,
amount of interest collected in the preceding ~ssessment Installment, ~1838
which deposit, together with the amount of any required transfer from #1839
~he Variable Rate Reserve Fu~d or the Fixed Rate Reserve Fund, shall ~1840
be at least sufficient ~to pav (1) interest on F~xed Rate BQnds, ~184~
~2~ all a~ounts paid from the Interest Reserve Fund durin~ ~uch cal- [~1842
endar month, and (2) all ~mou~ts accru{n~ but not vet pavable bv the ]_~
B_~ on Unit Pricin~ Bonds and D~mand Bonds during such calendar ~184{
month in fulfillment of its obligations pursuant to Section o~ ~
~he Reimbursement A~reement. ~o long as a Letter of Credit is in ~%1845
effect, money in the Interest Fund shall be used and withdrawn by the #(1845
~ity on such Interest Payment Date solely for the purpose 9f (i) #1846,1
paying interest on Fixed Rate Bonds and (ii) reimbursing the Bank for %(1847)
draws on the Letter 9f Credit. Following expiration of the Letter of %1848
Credit or any Alternate Letter of Credit and the ~ayment in full of %1849,1
~11 amounts due to the Bank hereunder, money in the Interest Fund #1851
shall be issued and withdrawn by the ~ity on such Interest Payment %1852
Date solely ~or the payment to the Paying Agent of interest on the %1853
Qutstanding Bonds. %1854
lB) ~t~~- _The City, on the Business Day preced- %1856,1
ing each Principal Payment Date, ~hall deposit in the Principal Fund %1858
from money in the Assessment Fund 9r, if moneys in the Assessment %1859
Fund are insufficient therefor, ~he Variable Rate Reserve Fund an ~%1860
amount equal to the principal bec~ning due on each ~rincipal Payment ~#1861
Date. Ko long as a Letter of Credit is in effect money in the %1862
Principal Fund shall be used and withdrawn bY the City on each %1863
Principal Payment Date solely ~or the purpose of (1) paying the prin- %1864
cipal of Fixed Rate Bonds and (2) reimbursing the Bank for draws on %1865
the Letter of Credit. Following expiration of the Letter of Credit %1866
or any Alternate Letter of Credit ~nd the payment in full of all %1867
amounts due to the ~ank hereunder, money in the Principal Fund shall %1868
be issued and withdrawn by the ~ity on such Interest Payment Date %1869
solely for the payment to the Paying Agent of the ~rincipal of %1870,1
Outstanding Bonds. _The amount of any prepaid Assessments transferred %1872
to the Principal ~und pursuant to Section 5.04(C) hereof ~hall be ~#1873,
used fo~ the reimbursement of the Bank or _the payment of principal, %1875
as the case may be, on the next succeeding Principal ~ayment Date and %1876
the amount of any such transfers shall also be applied as a credit %1877
against the amount of ~rincipal otherwise due on the Assessment %1878
Installment immediately preceding such Principal Payment Date. %1879
lC) R~demption Fund. The City, on the redemption date %1881,]
specified in a notice from the City filed with the Trustee at the %1883
time ghat any p~epaid Assessment is paid to the City shall deposit in %1884
~he Redemption Fund that amount of money constituting prepaid %1885
Assessments. Money in the Redemption Fund shall be ~sed and with- %1886,]
drawn by the C~ty on such redemption _date solely for the purpose of %1888
(1) the redemption of Fixed Rate Bonds if the Assessment bore inter- %1888.]
est at a Fixed Interest Rate and (2) reimbursing the Bank for draws %1889
on the Letter of Credit if the Assessment bears interest at other %(1889]
than a ~ixed Interest Rate. Following the 9xpiration of the Letter #1889.2
of Credit or Alternate ~etter of Credit and the payment in full of %1891
all amounts due to the Bank hereunder, money in the Redemption Fund %1892
shall be used and withdrawn ~y the City solely for payment to the %(18921
Paying Agent for redemption of Qutstanding Bonds. _The portion of any %1893,]
prepaid Assessment which is less ~han an integral multiple of the %1895
then minimum Authorized ~enc~ination of the Bonds and which cannot be %1896
applied 9n the next available redemption date for the ~edemption of %1897,1
% (37.1
Bonds shall be ~,uuediately transferred to the Principal Fund and used %1899
as provided in Section 5.04 hereof. %1900
iD) variabl~ Rate Reserve Fund. IThe Variable Rate ~
Reserve Fund shall[ ~e maintained, Rsed, transferred, reimbursed and 1%1912,
liquidated as follows: %(1913)
(i) Whenever there are insufficient funds in
the Interest Fund or Principal Fund as a result of a
failure of an owner of property to pay an Assessment
bearing interest at other than a _Fixed Interest Rate
or the interest thereon to reimburse the Bank for
draws on the Letter of Credit, an smount necessary to
pay such deficiency shall be advanced from the
variab__~Reserve Fund to such funds. _The amounts
so advanced shall be reimbursed to the Variable R~te
Reserve Fund from the proceeds of redemption or sale
of the parcels for which payment of delinquent
Assessment Installments has been made from the
Variable Rate Reserve Fund.
(ii) In the event Assessments not bearing inter-
est at a Fixed Interest Bate are prepaid, in whole or
in part, the Assessments thus paid shall be[ reduced
by an amount equal to the ratio of the balance on
deposit in[ the Variable Rate Reserve Fund to the
total amount originally assessed in the proceedings
for the issuance of the Bonds~ l~SS any previous
credit with respect to such Assessment~ _and the amount
thus determined shall be transferred from the a__~
Rate Reserve Fund to _the Redemption Fund.
(iii) If on the first Business Day of each month,
commencing the amount of any income rea-
lized from the investment of the money in _the_~
Rate Reserve Fund PlUS the remaining principal amount
thereof exceeds the Variable Rate Reserve Requirement,
such excess shall be transferred to (i) first,., to th9
~emarketina Cost Account to the extent the ~ount on
deposit therein is less than the Remarketinq Cost
Account Requirement and (ii) second, to ~
(iv) If at any time -the balance in the Variable
Rate Reserve Fund is sufficient to retire all of ~he
Unit Pricing Bonds and Demand Bonds, whether by
redemption or at maturity, _collection of -the
Assessment Installments not bearing interest at a
Fixed Interest Rate ~hall be discontinued or reduced,
% (37.1
as appropriate and ~he Variable Rate Reserve Fund
shall be transferred to ~he Principal Fund and
~nterest Fund ~t the times and in the amounts required
~or the payment of the principal of and interest on
~uch Bonds.
SECTION 5.05. Fixed Rate Reserve Fund. The Trustee hereby 1%1960:
agrees to establish and maintain, $o long as any Bonds. are [%1960:
Outstand[nq the Fixed Rate Reserve Fund which fund shall constitute a 1%1960.
trust fund for the benefit of the Owners of the Bonds and the Bank. ~%1960.
[Upon conversion of all or a part of the Bonds to a _Fixed Interest 1%1960.
Rate, there shall be transferred from the V~riable Rate Reserve Fund Z%1960,
~o the Fixed Rate Reserve Fund a pro rata share of the amount on 1%1960.
deposit in the Variable Rate Reserve Fund, such amount not to exceed |}(.1960.
the FixeO Rat.~ Reser¥~ Requirement with respect ~o said Bonds. 1%1960.
ii) Whenever there are insufficient funds in
the Interest Fund or ~rincipal Fund ~s a result of a
failure by an owner of property to pay an ASSessment
bearing a ~ate of interest eoual to a Fixed Interest
Rate 9r the interest thereon ~o pay the next maturing
installment of the principal 9f or interest on the
Fixed Rate Bonds, an amount necessary to pay such
deficiency ~hall be advanced from the Fixed Rate
Reserve Fund to such funds. _The amounts so advanced
shall be reimbursed to the Fixed Rate Reserve Fund
~rom the proceeds of red~ption or sale of the parcels
for which ~ayment of delinquent Assessment
Installments has been made from _the Fixed Rate Reserve
iii) In the event Assessments bearing interest
at a Fixed Interest Rate are prepaid, in whole or in
part, ~he Assessments thus paid shall be proportion-
ately reduced by an amount equal to that portion of
the balance on deposit in the Fixed Rate Reserve Fun~
~qual to the ratio of the prepaid principal ~eceived
by such prepa~nt to the total amount of principal of
all Fixed Rate Bonds then Outstandin~,[ I~nd the
amount thus determined shall be transferred from _the
Fixed Rate Reserve Fund to ~he Redemption Fund.
!iii) If on the first Business Day of each month,
commencing ~he amount of any income rea-
iized from the investment of the money in ~he Fixed
Rate Reserve Fund ~lus the remaining principal amount
thereof exceeds ~he Fixed Rate Reserve Requirement,
such excess shall be transferred ~first. to the
Remarketing Cost Account ~f the amount on deposit
therein is less than the Remarketina Cost Account
Requirement and ~second, to the [In~eres~ Fund as a
credit aqainst interest on Assessments bearinq inter-
est at Fixed Interest Rate~
!iv) If at any time ~he balance in ~he Fixed
Rate Reserve Fund is sufficient to retire all of _the
Fixed Rate Bonds, ~hether by redemption or at maturi-
ty, ~ollection of ~he Assessment Installments _bearing
interest at a Fixed Interest Rate ~hall be discontin-
ued or reduced, as appropriate and ~he Fixed Rate
Reserve Fund §hall be transferred to ~he Principal
Fund and Interest Fund ~t the times and in the amounts
required ~or the payment of the principal of and
interest on the ~ixed Rate Bonds.
~ECTION 5.06. Resezve Eazninos Fund. Tb ~ ~.e i s h er eby 1%1962
established and there shall be maintained by the Trustee ~ separate 1%1963
fund to be known ~s the "Reserve Earnings Fund." ~uch fund shall %1964,:
constitute a trust fund for the ~enefit of the Owners of the Bonds %1964.:
and the Bank. Money ~2 deposit in. the Reserve Earnings Fund ~hall be 1%1965
withdrawn solely for ~he payment of fees, expenses and indemnifica-
tions of the Remarketing Agent and the Bank in ~ccordance with the %1968.1
terms of the Reimbursement Agreement ~nd the Remarketing Agreement. %1968.1
Upon conversion of all Bonds to a Fixed Interest P~te or on the date ]_~
on which nQ Bonds are Outstandin~ and ~Q lon~ as all fees, expenses ~%1968.
and indemnifications of the Ba~k and the R~marketinq A~ent are Daid, ~%1968
amounts on deposit in the Reserve Earnina Fund shall be transferreo ~%196~
to the Inte~es~ Fund and applied in accordance therewith. 1%1968
~ECTION 5.07. Use of #oney in the Construction Fun~. The %1970
City hereby agrees to establish and maintain a Construction Fund %(1970
until ~he completion of the construction of the works of improvements %1971
within ~he District. %1972
~11 moneys on deposit in the Construction Fund shall be %1973
held by the City in trust and shall be applied by the Trustee ~or the 1%1974
~ayment of costs of the construction of the works of improvements %1976
within the District and expenses incidental thereto, including the %1977
payment of the costs of the issuance ~nd delivery of the Bonds and %1978
the fees and expenses of the Bank, _the Paying A~ent, ~he Remarketing %1979,
Agent, %he Trustee, Hoody's and S&P incurred prior to the completion %1981,
of such works of improvement. %(1982
~hen the construction of the works of improvement have been %1983
completed, 9r upon the decision of the City to terminate such con- %1984
struction the City shall deliver to the Trustee and the Bank ~ %1985,
certificate-of the City stating the fact and date of such completion %(1986
9r termination 9f such construction and stating that all the costs of %1987,
such construction and equipment and expenses incidental thereto ~ave 91989
been determined and paid (or that all such costs and expenses have 91990
been'paid less specified claims which are subject to dispute ~nd for 91991
which a retention in the Construction Fund is to be maintained in the 91992
full amount of such claims until such dispute is resolved or that %(1992)
such ~osts are fees, costs or indemnifications of the Bank, ~aying 91992.1
Agent or Remarketing Agent). ~pon the delivery of such certificate, 91993
the City shall transfer ~ny remaining balance of money in the 91994
Construction Fund lbut less the amount of any such retention or such 91995
fees, costs or indemnifications) first to the Variable Rate.Reserve [%1995.
Fund if the amount contained therein is less than the amount required 1#1996
to be-maintained on deposit therein, and thereafter to ~he Redemption 91997,]
~und to be applied by the City for the redemption of ~onds or put- 91999
chase of Bonds for cancellation pursuant to Section 3.08 hereof. %(1999)
~ending use of such moneys in the Redemption Fund for _the %2000,2
redemption or purchase of Bonds, such moneys shall not be invested ~t %2002
a yield, within the meaning of Treasury Regulations Section %2003
1.103-13(c), ~hat exceeds the yield on the Bonds. ~nvestment income #2004,2
from such moneys may be used to pay interest on the Bonds 9r to pay %2006
the redemption or purchase price of such Bonds. ~otwithstanding any- 192007
thing in this Section ~.07 to the contrary, §uch moneys may be used ~92008
and invested in any manner permitted b_y an Opinion of Counsel which 92009
provides that such use of investment sill not affect the exemption 92010
from Federal income taxes of interest on the Bonds. 9(2010]
~ECTION 5.08. Interest Reserve Fund. The Trustee hereby |92014
agrees to establish and maintain, so long as any BQnds are ~#2014=
Outstanding, the Interest Reserve Fund which fund shall constitute a
trust ~und for the benefit of the Owners of th9 Bonds and the Bank. ~%2014
IThe Trustee is hereby instructed to apply amoup~s Qn deposit in _the ~#2015
Interest Reserve Fund on each Interest ~ayment Date (beginning o,~ the 92017
Interest ~ayment Date on which capitalized interest ~eposited pursu- 92018,:
ant to Section 5.04 hereof is exhausted) tO advance to owners of Unit
Pricing Bonds and Demand Bonds amounts owed to such Owners by the ~92020.
Bank ~ to Section of the Reimbursement A~reament 9n suc~[ ~92020
Interest P~yment Dates. ~uring the period prior to the conversion of ~92020
all Bonds to a Fixed Interest Rate, ~he Interest Fund Reserve Amount 92022
shall be reduced following the [edemption of Unit Pricing Bonds and %2023
Demand Bonds, so ~hat ~he Interest Fund Reserve Amount shall always 92024,1
be equal to the interest payable on the Qutstanding Unit Pricing 92026
Bonds and Demand Bonds as set forth above. The amount of any such %2027
reduction shall be applied as a credit against the interest due in %2028
the immediately succeeding ~ss~ssment Installments relating to Unit %2029
Pricing Bonds and Demand Bonds. %(2029
Upon conversion of all or a portion of the Bonds ~o a Fixed 192029
Interest Rate, there shall be transferred ~rom the Interest Reserve ~%202~
Fund to the Interest Fund to be applied as a credit rovided in 19202~
# (37.1
Section 3,01(c) a pro ra~a §hare of all amounts in the Interest ~92029.
Reserve Fund. ~ollowing conversion of all Bonds to the Fixed #2030
Interest Rate, the Interest ~und Reserve Amount shall be reduced to #2031
zero and the entire ~mount of the reduction applied as a credit ~2032
against the interest due on the immediately succeeding Assessment #2033
~nstallment. ~n addition to such credit~ %he amount of any interest ~#2034,
earnings or profits from investment of the Interest Fund Reserve #2037
Amount and amounts require~ herein to be transferred to the Interest ~2038
Eund~ shall-be applied as credit against the amount of interest due ~92039,
on the next Assessment Installment. ~(2040)
~ECTION 5.09. ~nvest~ents. Any money held by the City in ~2042
the Construction Fund, or by the T~ustee in the Assessment Fund, ~he I#2042.
Interest Fund, ~he Principal Fund, ~he Redemption Fund, ~he Reserve #2045,2
Earnings Fund, the Interest R~serve Fund. the Variable Rate Reserve 1#2046.
Fund. the Remarketinq Cost Account 9r the Fixed Rate Reserve Fund 1#2047.
~hall be held in demand or time deposits lincluding certificates of ~2048,2
deposit) of any bank (including the Trustee) ~uthorized to accept #2050,2
deposits ~f public funds~ ~nd shall be secured at all times by such ~2052
obligations as are required by law _and to the fullest extent required #2053
by law, except that such money may be invested _by the City or th9 ~2054~
Trustee, as the case may be, in Permitted Investments which will, ~s 1t2056
nearly as practicable, mature on or before the dates on which such t(2056)
money is anticipated to be needed for disbursement hereunder. _Ail t2057,2
such money deposited or invested shall be deposited 9r invested so as t2059
to obtain the highest yield which the City deems ~racticable, having 1%2060,
due regard for the safety of such money, and the City or Trustee may 1#2062
commingle any of the money held by it hereunder, except money derived ~2063,2
~rom draws under the Letter of Credit and on deposit in the Purchase ~(2065)
Fund or the Interest Reserve Fund, ~hich shall not be commingled ~2066
under any circumstances. _The City or Trustee may present for redemp- 1#2079
tion or sell any such deposit or investment whenever it shall be nec- 1%2080
essary in order to provide ~o~ey to meet any payment of the money so #2081
deposited or invested, ~nd the Trustee shall not be liable or respon- ~2082
sible for any losses ~esulting from any such deposit or investment #2083
presented for redemption or sold. ~(2083)
~ny interest or profits on[ deposits and investments 1~2084
received by ~he City (other than interest or profits on the Pc_P~ l~
Fund, the variable Rate Reserve Fund or the Fixed Rate Reserve Fund 1~(208~
which shall b9 r~tained therein ~xcept as provided in Section 4.08, L~.
Section 5,04 and Section 5.05 hereof, respectively) shall be depos- 1~(208~
ired in the Interest Fund, except that prior to completion of the 1~2086
works 9f improvement and the filing of the certificate of the ~ity as %2087,~
required by Section 5.05 hereof, all interest or profits on invest- ~2089
ments of moneys held in the Construction Fund shall remain in said ~2090
Fund. %(2090]
The Trustee shall establish an escrow account 9r fund in %2090.1
which it ~hall deposit and hold any ~oneys derived from drawings on %2090.3
the ~etter of Credit which are Rot immediately applied ~o payment of %2090.4
principal, interest or premiums on the ~onds other than moneys on %2090.7
deposit in the Interest Reserve ~und representing interest accrued %2090.8
but not yet due and payable. ~ending the use of the moneys for such %2090.9
payment, the City shall invest moneys in direct obligation~ ~f the ~2090.1
United States of America which will mature on or before the ~ates on %2090.1
which the moneys are anticipated to be required. %(2090.
~ny moneys held by the City in the Interest Reserve Fund %2091
shall be held uninvested, invested in direct obligation of the United ]_~
States Q~ America or invested in repurchase agreements with any bank 1%2093~
or trust company organized under the laws of any state of the United 1%2093.
States of America or any national banking association (including the [%2093~
Trustee) or government bond dealer repo~tinq to, trading with, and |#2093~
recognized as ~ primary dealer by the ~ederal Reserve Bank of New 1%2093:
York, which agreement is secured by any one or more of the securities ~%2093.
described above[ ~which will mature on or before the dates in which ~%2093.
the moneys are anticipated to be required. !REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS - %2095.]
~d~TICLE VI %2096
% (2096',
~ECTION 6.01. ¢~pliance with this Indentuze. Th e City %2098
will faithfully observe and perform all the agreements, ~onditions, %2099,:
covenants and terms contained herein required ~o be observed and per- %2101
formed by it. #(21011
SECTION 6.02. ~bservance of Laws and Requlations. The %2103
City and ~he Trustee will faithfully observe and perform all lawful %(21031
~nd valid obligations or regulations now or hereafter imposed on them %2104
b_y contract, or prescribed by any state or national law, 9r by any %2105,1
officer, board or commission having jurisdiction or control, ~s a %2107
condition of the continued enjoyment of each and every franchise, %(2107
~ight or privilege now owned or hereafter acquired by them, including %2108,1
their right to exist and carry out their respective businesses, %o %2110
the end that such franchises, rights and privileges ~hall be main- %2111
tained and preserved and shall not be abandoned, forfeited 9r in any %2112
manner impaired. %(2112
~ECTION 6.03. O_~Le=~9~. So long a s any Bonds are %2114
Outstanding, ~he City will not create or suffer to be created ~ny %2115,
pledge of or lien on the items set forth in Section 5.01 hereof 9ther %2117
than the pledge and lien hereof. 9(2117
~ECTION 6.04. Prosecution of Suits. The City will within %2119
sixty (60) days of the request of the Bank, the Trustee 9r any Owner, %2120
take such action from time to time as may be necessary or proper ~o %2121,2
~emedy or cure any default in the payment of ~ssessment Installments %2123
~nd will prosecute all actions, suits or other proceedings ~s may be %2124,2
appropriate for such purposes, including a judicial foreclosure %2126
action as set forth in ~he Act and Section 7.02 hereof. %2127
SECTION 6.05. Accountinq Records and Statements. The %2129
City will-keep proper accounting records in which c~plete and cor- %2130
rect entries shall be made 9f all transactions relating to the %2131
receipt, deposit and disbursement of ~he Assessment Installments, _and %2132,2
such accounting records shall be available for inspection by _the Bank %2134
or any Owner or such Owner's agent duly authorized in writing at rea- %2135
sonable hours and under reasonable conditions. ~ot later than the %2136
twenty-fifth (25th) day of each month, ~ommencing on ~ 192137
1987 ~nd continuing so long as any Bonds are Outstanding, _the City 1%2138,
will, upon request, furnish to the Bank, the TNustee and any Owner 1%2140
!but at the expense of such ~wner) ~ complete statement covering the %2141,2
receipts, deposits and disbursements 9f the Assessment installments %2143
~or the preceding monthly period. %2144
~ECTION 6.06. Recordation al~d Filinq. The City will file, 1%2146
record, register, renew, refile and record ~11 such documents,
including financing statements lot continuation statements in connec- %2148
tion therewith), ~s may be required by law in order to maintain at %2149
all times a security interest in ~he Assessment Installments under %2150,:
and pursuant to this Indenture, ~11 in such manner, at such times and %2152
in such places ~s may be required in order to fully perfect, preserve %2153
and protect ~he benefit, protection and security of the Owners ~nd %2154,~
the rights of the Trustee hereunder, and the City ~ill do whatever 92156
else may be necessary or be reasonably required in order to perfect %2157
and continue the pledge and lien on ~he Assessment Installments ~s %2158,:
provided herein. %(21591
~ECTION 6.07. Further Assuzanoes. Whenever and so often %2161
as requested to do so by the Trustee, ~he Bank or any Owner, the City 92162
will promptly execute and deliver or cause to be executed and deliv- %2163
~red ~11 such other and further assurances, documents or instruments %2164
and promptly do or cause to be done all such other and further things %2165
~s may be necessary or reasonably required in order to further _and %2166,
more fully vest in the Trustee and the Owners ~he benefit, protection %2168
and security conferred or intended to be conferred. %(2168
~ECTION 6.08. Azbitza~e Covenant. The City shall not %2170
make, or give its consent to, any use of the proceeds 9f the Bonds or %2171
of any moneys on deposit to the credit of any ~und or account %2172
established under the Indenture ~hich may be deemed to be ~he %2173,
proceeds of the Bonds pursuant to Section 103(c) 9f the Internal %2175
Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, ~nd the applicable regulations %2176
thereunder which would cause any of ~he Bonds to become ~arbitrage %2177,2
bonds" ~ithin the meaning of said Section 103(c) ~nd the applicable %2179,2
regulations thereunder. $(2180)
[~RTICLE VII $2181
~ECTION 7.01. Events of Default. If any of the following $2183
events occur, it is hereby declared ~o constitute an "Event of $2184
Default"~ $(2184)
ia) Default in the due and punctual payment of $2186
interest on any Bond, ~hether at the stated Interest $2187
Payment Date thereof, 9r upon proceedings to redemp- $2188
tion thereof or upon purchase ~hereof pursuant to %2189
Article IV hereof; $(2189]
lb) Default in the due and punctual payment of
the principal of 9r premium, if any, on any Bond,
~hether at the stated maturity thereof, 9r upon pro-
ceedings for redemption thereof, 9r upon purchase pur-
suant to Article IV hereof;
lc) Receipt by the Trustee of notice from the
Bank that ~n Event of Default under ~he Reimbursement
Agreement shall have occurred and be continuing; or
id) Default in the due and punctual payment of $2201
any ~ssessment Installment due hereunder. $2202
~ECTION 7.02. Action on Defa"lt. So long as the Letter of $2204
Credit is in effect, ~ithin sixty (60), and if the Letter of Credit $2206
is not in effect, within one hundred fifty (150) days, of the occur- 152207
fence of an Event of ~efault under Section 7.01(d) and upon the 152208
direction of ~he Trustee and the Bank, the City shall forthwith $2209
undertake foreclosure ~roceedings in the manner prescribed in ~ection $2210,:
8830 et sga. of ~he Streets and Highways Code to collect the amount $2212
of ~ny delinquent Assessment Installment. ]pon the redemption or %2213,
sale of the real property responsible ~or such delinquent Assessment S2215
Installment, ~he City shall: ia) deposit to the Fixed Rate Reserve %2216,
Fund if the ASSeSsment bears interest at a Fixed Interest Rate or to
the Variable Rate Reserve Fund if the ~ssessment bears interest at ~#2217
other than a Fixed Interest Rate, [espectively, the amount of any $2217.
~elinquency advanced therefrom to the Interest Fund or Principal ~und S2218,
for payment of interest on or principal of Bonds; and lb) in the S2220
event of the exhaustion of the amounts held in the V iabl Rte
Reserve Fund and the consequent inability to reimburse _the Bank for ~#2222
draws on the Letter of Credit, forthwith remit to the Bank any moneys %2223
received on account thereof, up to the amount due to the Bank as an %2224
Owner of Bonds or pursuant to the Reimbursement Agreement. In the %2225,2
~vent that such real property is neither redeemed by the owner #(2226)
thereof or sold to a third party purchaser at such foreclosure sale, #2227
the City-shall cause a credit bid on behalf of and in the name of _the #2228,2
~ity and the Bank to be entered in the amount due the City and/or the %(2229)
Bank pursuant to the Reimbursement Agreement and shall cause a #2230,2
sheriff's deed for said real property to be executed in the name of ~%2232,
the City and/or the Bank, as appropriate. The proceeds from any #(2233)
resale of such real property on which there is an Assessment bearing #2234
interest aT other than a Fixed Interest Rate _shall be applied first #2234.0
to any amounts due to the Bank hereunder or under the Reimbursement %2235
Agreement, and Thereafter any excess shall be applied by the City in ~%2236,
the following order: (i) to restore the V riable Rte Reserve Fund ~#(2237
to the Variable Rate Reserve Requirement, iii) to the payment of any ~#2238
continuing costs of the Bonds, ~nd (iii) as a pro rata credit against %2239
the unpaid principal of the Assessments and for redemption of Bonds %2240
pursuant to Section 3.01(a), (b) or (c) hereof. The excess proceeds_ ~#2241~
remaining after deposits to ~he Fixed Rate Reserve Fund or Variable ]_~
Rate Reserve FuDd required in clause (a) above from any resale of ~%2241:
.~uch real property on which there is an Assessment bearing interest ~#2241.
at a Fixed Interest RaTe shall be applied in the following order: #2241..'
(i) to restore the Fixed Rate Reserve Fund to the Fixed Rate Reserve #2241.~
Requirement, (ii) to the payment of any continuing costs of the #2241.~
Bonds, and (iii) as a pro rata credit against the unpaid principal of #2241.(
the Assessments and for redemption of Bonds Pursuant to #2241.~
Section 3.01(a), (b) or (c) hereof. %(2241.
SECTION 7.03. Remedies of the TruStee. The Trustee shall %2243
have the right-- %(2243'~
ia) by mandamus or other action or proceeding or #2245
suit at law or in equity ~o enforce its rights against %2246
the City 9r any supervisor, officer or employee there- #2247
of, ~nd to compel the City or any such supervisor, %2248
officer or employee thereof ~o observe or perform #2249
their duties Rnder applicable law and the conditions, #2250
covenants and terms contained herein [equired to be #2251
observed or performed; #(2251
~b) by suit in equity to enjoin any acts or #2253
things which are unlawful 9r violate the rights of the #2254
Trustee; or #(2254
# (37.1
lc) by suit in equity upon the happening of any $2256
default hereunder to require ~he City and its supervi- $2257
sots, officers and employees ~o account as the trustee #2258
of an express trust. $(2258)
anything to the contrary contained herein notwithstanding, $2260
so long as the Letter of Credit is in effect and the Bank is not in ~$2261
~efault under ~he Letter of Credit, ~he Trustee shall not exercise ~$2262,
any of the foregoing rights ~ithout the prior written consent of the $2264
Bank and shall, upon the Bank's offer to the Trustee of [easonable $2265,2
security and indemnity against costs, expenses ~nd liabilities to be $2267
incurred by it, exercise such lights at the direction of the Bank. $2268
SECTION 7.04. Non-Waiver. A waiver of any default hereun- $2270
der or breach of any obligation by ~he City or Trustee hereunder $2271
shall not affect any subsequent default hereunder 9r of any subse- $2272,2
~uent breach of an obligation by ~he City or Trustee hereunder or $2274
impair any rights or remedies 9n any such subsequent default hereun- $2275
der or breach of an obligation b_y the City or Trustee hereunder. ~o $2276,2
delay or omission by the City or Trustee ~o exercise any right or $2278
remedy accruing upon any default hereunder ~hall impair any such $2279
right or remedy or shall be construed to be ~ waiver of any such $2280
default hereunder or an acquiescence therein, ~nd every right or $2281
remedy conferred upon the City or Trustee ~y applicable law or by $2282
this article may be enforced and exercised ~rom time to time and as $2283
often as shall be deemed expedient b_y the City and Trustee. $2284
If any action, proceeding or suit to enforce any right or $2285
to exercise ~ny remedy is abandoned or determined adversely to the $2286
City or Trustee, ~he City and the Trustee shall be restored to their $2287
former positions, ~ights and remedies as if such action, proceeding $2288
or suit had not ~een brought or taken. $2289
SECTION 7.~5. ~emedies Not Exclusive. No remedy conferred $2291
herein upon or reserved herein to the City or Trustee is intended to $2292
be exclusive of any other remedy, ~nd every such remedy shall be $2293
cumulative and shall be in addition ~o every other remedy given here- $2294
under or now or hereafter existing Rnder applicable law or equity or $2295
by statute or otherwise and may be 9xercised without exhausting and $2296
without regard to any other remedy ~onferred by any other applicable $2297
law. $ (2297[
~E~ION 7.06. NO Liability by the City to the Owners. $2299
Except for the collection of ~he Assessment Installments an~ the $2300
observance and performance 9f the other conditions, covenants and $2301
terms contained herein or in the Act [equired to be observed or per- $2302
formed by it, ~he City shall not have any obligation or liability to $2303
the Owners ~ith respect to this Indenture or ~he preparation, $2304,
authentication, delivery, transfer, exchange or cancellation 9f the $2306
Bonds or with respect to the performance by the Trustee of any %2307
obligation contained herein required to be performed by it. Pursuant 1%2308,
tQ ResolutiOn No. 86-81, the City has determined that no funds of the ~#2308.
City will be available ~o pay principal of, premium, if any, or %2308.3
interest on the Bonds. %(2308.
SECTION 7.07. No Liability by the Trustee to the O~ners. %2310
Except as-expressly ?rovided herein, the Trustee shall not have ~ny %2311
obligation or liabllzty to the Owners with respect to the collection %(2311)
~nd payment, when due, of the Assessment Installments b_y the City, or %2312,2
with respect to the observance or performance by the City of the %2314
other conditions, covenants and terms contained herein required-~o be %2315
observed and performed by it. %(2315)
~ECTION 7.08. Action by Owners. In the event the Trustee %2317
fails to take any action to eliminate an Event of Default under %2318
Section 7.01 hereof, the Qwners of a majority in aggregate principal %2319
amount of Outstanding ~onds may, with the consent of the Bank if a $2320
Letter of Credit is outstanding and the Bank is not in default there- %2320.1
under, institute any suit, action, mandamus or other proceeding in %2321
equity or at law for the protection or 9nforcsment of any right under %2322
this Indenture, but only if such Owners have first made written $2323
request of the TrUstee after the right to exercise such powers, of %2324
fight of action shall have occurred, and shall have afforded the %2325
Trustee a reasonable opportunity either to proceed ~o exercise the %2326,~
~owers granted therein or granted under law or to institute such %2328
action, suit or proceeding in its name and ~n~ess also, the Trustee %2329
shall have been offered reasonable ~ecurity and indemnity against the %2330
costs, expenses and liabilities ~o be incurred therein or thereby, %2331
and the Trustee ~hall have refused or neglected to comply with such %2332
request within ~ reasonable time. %2333
~BCTION 8.01..~nnlovment an4 Duties of the ustee. The %2336
City hereby appoints and employs the Trustee to perform the _obliga- $2337
tions contained herein; _all in the manner provided herein and subject %2338
to the conditions and terms hereof. %(2338
~ECTION 8.02. R--~-~val and Resianation of the Xustee. #2340
The City may at any time direct the removal of the Trustee initially I(2340
appointed hereby ~nd any successor thereto b_y giving written notice %2341,
of such removal to the Trustee ~nd by giving notice by mail of such 92343
removal to the Owners, _and the Trustee initially appointed hereby and %2344
any successor thereto ~ay at any time resign by giving written notice %2345
% (37.1
of such resignation ~o the City and by giving notice by mail of such %2346
resignation ~o the Owners. ~pon giving any such notice of red, oval or %2347,2
upon receiving any such notice 9f resignation, the City, with the #2349
consent of the bank (which consent ~hall not be unreasonably %2350
withheld), shall promptly appoint a successor Trustee b_y an instru- #2351
ment in writing; provided that in the event the City does not appoint %2352
a successor Trustee within sixty (60) days ~ollowing the giving of %2353
any such notice of removal or the receipt of any such notice of res- %2354
ignation, the removed or resigning Trustee may petition any appropri- %2355
ate court having jurisdiction to appoint a successor Trustee. _Any %2356,~
successor Trustee shall be a bank or trust company doing business and $2358
having a principal corporate trust office in either ~ew York, New #2359,~
York or Los Angeles, 9r San Francisco, ~alifornia, having a combined $2361,~
capital (exclusive of borrowed capital) and surplus of at least two %2365,~
hundred fifty million dollars ($250,000,000) and subject to supervi- $2367
sion or examination by state or national authorities. ~f such bank $2368
or trust company publishes a report of condition at least annually, %(2368)
~ursuant to law or to the requirements of any supervising or examin- $2369
ing authority above referred to, then for the purposes of this $2370
Section 8.02 ~he combined capital and surplus of such bank or trust %2371
company ~hall be deemed to be its combined capital and surplus as set $2372,~
forth in its most recent report of condition so published. %(2373)
~ny removal or resignation of a Trustee and appointment of %2374
a successor Trustee ~hall become effective only upon the acceptance %2375
of the appointment by the successor Trustee. $2376
~BCTION 8.03. Compensation and Indemnification of the S2378
Tzustee. The City shall from time to time, subject to any agreement S(2378)
then in effect ~ith the Trustee, pay the Trustee compensation for its $2379,~
services and reimburse ~he Trustee for all its advances and expendi- $2381
tures hereunder, including but not limited to advances to and fees $2382
and expenses of accountants, agents, appraisers, consultants, counsel #2383
or other experts ~mployed by it in the o~servance and performance of %2384
its rights and 9bligations hereunder; provided that the Trustee shall $2385,~
not have any lien ~or such compensation or reimbursement against any %2387
money held by it in any of the funds established hereunder, although $2388,1
the Trustee may take whatever legal actions are available to it #(23891
~irectly against the City to recover such compensation or %2390
reimbursement. %(2390]
To the extent permitted by law, the City does hereby assume #2391
liability for, and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Trustee $2392,~
from and against any and all claims, damages and losses (including %2394
legal fees and expenses) arising out of ii) the condition, manage- $2395,]
ment, maintenance or use of _or frum any work done in connection with %2397
the works of improvement within the District, iii) any act of $2398,~
negligence of the City or of any of its agents, ~ontractors, %2401
employees, invitees, licensees, officers or supervisors in connection S2402
with the works of improvement within ~he District, 9r liii) the $2403,2
payment of any costs or expenses of ~he acquisition and construction $2406
of the works of improvement within ~he District; provided, that no $2407,2
indemnification will be made for ~illful misconduct or negligence $2409
hereunder by the Trustee. $(2409)
~he City also agrees to indemnify the Trustee for, _and to $2410,2
hold it harmless against, ~ny loss, liability or expense incurred $2412
without negligence 9r bad faith on the part of the Trustee, ~rising $2413,2
out of or in connection with the acceptance 9r administration of the $2415
trust or trusts hereunder, ~s well as the costs and expenses of $2416
defending itself ~gainst any claim or liability in accordance with $2417
the exercise 9r performance of any of its powers or duties $2418
hereunder. $(2418)
~ECTION 8.04. Protection of the Trustee. Th e T r u s tee $2420
shall be protected and shall incur no liability in acting or proceed- $2421
lng in good faith upon any affidavit, bond, ~ertificate, consent, $2422
notice, request, requisition, resolution, ~tatement, telegram, vouch- $2423
er, waiver or other paper or document ~hich it shall in good faith $2424
believe to be genuine ~nd to have been adopted, executed or delivered $2425
by the proper party or Dursuant to any of the provisions hereof, _and $2426,2
the Trustee shall be under no duty to make any investigation 9r $2428
inquiry as to any statements contained or matters referred to in any $2429
such instrument, but may accept and rely upon the same ~s conclusive $2430
evidence of the truth and accuracy of such statements. The Trustee $2431
may consult with counsel, who may be counsel to the City, ~ith regard $2432
to legal questions arising hereunder, ~nd the opinion of such counsel $2433
shall be full and complete authorization ~nd protection in respect to $2434
any action taken or suffered by it hereunder in good faith in accor- $2435
dance therewith. $(2435)
~henever in the observance or performance of its rights and $2436
obligations hereunder the Trustee shall deem it necessary or desir- $2437
able ~hat a matter be proved or established prior to taking or suf- $2438
feting ~ny action hereunder, ~uch matter lunless other evidence in $2439,2
respect thereof be herein specifically prescribed) ~ay be deemed to $2442
be conclusively proved and established by ~ certificate of the City, $2443
and such certificate shall be ~ull warrant to the Trustee for any $2444
action taken or suffered under ~he provisions hereof upon the faith $2445
thereof, ~ut in its discretion'the Trustee may, in lieu thereof, $2446
accept other ~vidence of such matter or may require such additional $2447
evidence ~s to it may seem reasonable. $2448
~he Trustee may buy, sell, own, hold and deal in any of the $2449
Bonds ~nd may join in any action which any Owner may be entitled to $2450
take ~ith like effect as if it were not a party hereto. The Trustee, $2451,2
either as principal or agent, ~ay also engage in or be interested in $2453
any financial or other transaction ~ith ~he City ~nd may act as $2454,2
$ (37.1)
agent, depositary or trustee for any c~ittee or body 9f Owners or %2457
of owners of obligations of the City ~s freely as if it were not the %2458
Trustee hereunder. #(2458)
_The Trustee shall not be answerable for the exercise of any #2459
of its rights hereunder or for the performance of any of its obliga- %2460
tions hereunder 9r for anything whatsoever in connection with the %2461
funds established hereunder, 9xcept only for its own willful miscon- %2462
duct or gross negligence. #(2462)
~ECTION 8.05. ApPointment of R~arketinq Aqent. The City #2464
hereby appoints the Remarketing Agent ~o remarker Bonds pursuant to #2465
this Indenture hereof, ~nd to keep such books and records as shall be %2466
consistent with prudent industry practice and to make such books and #2467
records available for inspection by the Bank, the City, the Paying %2468
Agent and the Trustee ~t all reasonable times, and~ Rromptly con- [#2469,
firmed by a written notice to the Trustee, who shall then DromDtlv J#(247~
notify the Bank and~ perform all other duties required hereunder and 1%2471L
in th~ Remarketing Aqreement.
[The Remarketing Agent may at any time resign and be dis- [#2476
charged 9f the duties and obligations created by this Indenture ~y [%2477,
giving at least ~ days' notice to the Bank. the Trustee, the ~#(247~
City, ~he Paying Agent and the Trustee. _The Remarketing Agent may be [%2479,
removed at any time, at the direction of ~he Bank and the City, by an %2481
instrument filed with ~he Remarketing Agent and the Paying Agent. %2482
~ny successor Remarketing Agent shall be selected by the City ~ith %2483,~
the consent of the Bank (who shall be under no ~iability by reason of %2485
such consent) ~nd shall be a member of the National Association of #2486
Securities Dealers, Inc., ~hall have a capitalization of at least %2487
fifteen million dollars 1515,000,000) or have a line of credit with a #2488
commercial bank in the amount of at least fifteen million dollars #2489
!515,000,000), and shall be authorized by law to perform all the #2490
duties ~et forth in this Indenture. #2491
~ECTION 8.06. Appointment of Pavfnq A~ent. T h e C i t y %2493
hereby appoints the Paying ~gent to authenticate and deliver the %2494
Bonds as provided ~erein and to hold ~11 Bonds delivered to it ~ursu- #2495,:
ant to this Indenture in trust for the benefit of ~he respective #2498
Owners who shall have so delivered such Bonds until money represent- 92499
ing the purchase price of such Bonds ~hall hav~ been delivered to or %2500
for the account of or to the order of ~uch Owners, ~o hold ~11 money %2501,1
delivered to it for the purchase of Bonds in trust for the benefit of %2504
the person or entity which shall have so-delivered such money until %2505
the Bonds purchased with such money ~h~ll have been delivered to or %2506
for the account of such person or entity, ~o ~eliver to the Bank, the %2507,
City, the Remarketing Agent and the Trustee ~ copy of each notice %2509
delivered to it in accordance with Section 4.01 ~ereof ~nd, %2510,
immediately upon the delivery to it of Bonds in accordance with 9(2511
# (37.1
~ection 4.01 hereof, to give telephonic or telegraphic notice to the $2512
City, ~he Remarketing Agent and the Trustee specifying the principal $2513
amount 9f the Bonds so delivered to it. $2514
~he Paying Agent may at any time resign and be discharged $2515
of the duties ~nd obligations set forth in this Indenture by giving $2516
at least ~ixty (60) days' notice to the Bank, the City, ~he $2517,2
Remarketing Agent and the Trustee. The Paying Agent may be removed $2519
at any time, ~t the direction of the Bank and the City, b_y an instru- $2520,2
ment filed with the Paying Agent and the Trustee. any successor $2522
Paying Agent shall be a bank 9r trust company doing business and $2523
having an office in New York, New York and shall be appointed by the $2524
City, ~ith the consent of the Bank (who shall not ~e under any $2525,2
liability by reason of such consent), in the same manner provided in $2527
Section 8.02 hereof for ~ppointment of a successor Trustee. $2528
~ECTION 9.01. Amendment of Supplement by Consent of Owners. S2531
This Indenture and the rights and obligations of the City, the $(2531)
Trustee, ~he Remarketing Agent and the Owners hereunder may be $2532
amended 9r supplemented at any time kY an amendment hereof or supple- $2533,2
ment hereto ~hich shall become binding when the written consents of $2535
~he Owners of a majority in aggregate principal amount of ~he Bonds $2536,2
then Outstanding, 9xclusive of Bonds disqualified as provided in $2538
Section 9.02 hereof, ~nd the written consent of the Bank, I~0 lonq aS 152539,
th~ Bank is not in default on its Letter of CreditlL are filed with !#(2539
the Trustee. ~o such amendment or supplement shall il) reduce the 152540,
rate of interest on any Bond or extend the time of payment thereof 9r $2542
reduce the amount of principal or redemption premiums, if any, 9n any $2543
Bond or extend the Principal Payment Date thereof ~ithout the prior $2544
written consent of the Owner of the Bond so affected, or 12) reduce $2545
the percentage of Owners whose consent is required for _the execution $2546
of any amendment hereof or supplement hereto, or !3) modify any of $2547
the rights or obligations of the Trustee without its prior written $2548
consent thereto. #(2548)
This Indenture and the rights and obligations of the City, $2549
~he Trustee, the Remarketing Agent and the Owners hereunder may also $2550
be amended 9r supplemented at any time by an amendment hereof or sup- $2551
plement hereto ~hich shall become binding upon execution without the $2552
written consents of ~ny Owners, but with the written consent of the $2553
Bank, ~ut only to the extent permitted by law ~nd after receipt of an $2554,2
approving Opinion of Counsel ~nd only for any one or more of the %2556
following purposes - $(2556)
S (37.1)
ia) to add to the conditions, covenants and
terms contained herein [equired to be observed or per-
formed by the City 9ther conditions, covenants and
terms thereafter ~o be observed or performed by the
City, 9r to surrender any right reserved herein to or
conferred herein on the City, _and which in either case
shall not adversely affect the interests of ~he
Owners; or
lb) to make such provisions for the purpose of
curing any ambiguity or of ~orrecting, curing or sup-
~lementing any defective provision ~ontained herein or
in regard to questions arising hereunder which ~he
City may deem desirable or necessary and not inconsis-
tent herewith, and which shall not adversely affect
the interests of the Owners.
~ECTION 9.02. Disqualified Bgnds. Bonds held for the $2572
account of the City lbut excluding Bonds held in any pension or $2573
retirement fund of the City) ~hall not be deemed Outstanding for the $2574
purpose of any consent 9r other action or any calculation of $2575
Outstanding Bonds provided herein, and shall not be entitled to con- $2576
sent to or take any other action provided herein, ~nd the Trustee may $2577,2
adopt appropriate regulations to require each Owner, before such $2579
Owner's consent provided for herein shall be deemed effective, ~o $2580
reveal if the Bonds as to which such consent is given ~re disquali- $2581
fied as provided in this Section 9.02. $(2581)
~BCTION 9.03. ~ndozsement or Replacement of Bonds After $2583
Amendment of Supplement. After the effective date of any action $(2583)
taken as hereinabove provided, ~he Trustee may determine that the $2584
Bonds may bear a notation kY endorsement in form approved by the $2585
Trustee ~s to such action and in that case upon demand of the Owner $2586
9f any Outstanding Bond and presentation of such Owner's Bond for $2587
such purpose ~t the office of the Trustee ~ suitable notation as to $2588,2
such action shall be made on such Bond. ~f the Trustee shall so $2590
determine, Dew Bonds so modified as in the opinion of the Trustee $2591
shall be necessary ~o conform to such action shall be prepared, ~nd #2592,~
in that case upon demand of the Owner of any Outstanding Bonds ~uch $2594
new Bonds shall be exchanged without cost to each Owner ~or Bonds $2595
then Outstanding at the office of the Paying Agent u_pon surrender of $2596
such Outstanding Bond. All Bonds surrendered to the Paying Agent $2597
pursuant to the provisions of ~his Section 9.03 shall be cancelled by $2598
the Trustee and shall not be redelivered. $(2598)
~ECTIOM 9.04. Amendment or Supplement by Mutual Consent. $2600
The provisions of this Article IX shall not prevent any Owner from $(2600)
accepting ~ny amendment or supplement as to the particular Bonds $2601
owned by such Owner, provided that due notation thereof is made on $2602
such Bonds. $(2602)
_ARTICLE X #2603
~ECTION 10.01. Discharqe of Bonds and Inderrkur-.
ia) If the Trustee shall pay or cause to be paid
or there shall otherwise be paid ~o the Owners of all
Outstanding Bonds the interest, principal and Kedemp-
tion premiums, if any, ~t the times and in the manner
provided herein and therein, ~hen such Owners shall
cease to be entitled to the pledge and lien ~escribed
in Section 5.01 hereof ~s provided herein, ~nd all
agreements and covenants of the City and the Trustee
~o such Owners hereunder shall thereupon cease, ~ermi-
hate and become void and shall be discharged and
_(b) Any Outstanding Bonds shall on their
Principal Payment Dates _or their dates of redemption
prior thereto be deemed to have been paid within the
meaning of and with the effect expressed in subsection
(a) of this Section 10.01 if there shall ~e on deposit
with the Trustee m_oney which is sufficient to pay the
interest and principal on such Bonds Rayable on and
prior to their Principal Payment Date or their dates
of redemption.
lc) Any Outstanding Bonds shall prior to their
Principal Payment Dates ~r their dates of redemption
prior thereto be deemed to have been paid within the
meaning of and with the effect 9xpressed in subsection
(a) of this Section 10.01 if 11) in case any of such
Bonds are to be redeemed on any date prior to ~heir
Principal Payment Dates, the City shall have given to
the Trustee in form satisfactory to it irrevocable
instructions to give notice by mail ~o the Owners of
such Bonds of the redemption of such Bonds on such
redemption dates, 12) there shall have been deposited
with the Trustee either money in an amount ~hich shall
be sufficient or United States of America Treasury
bills, Rotes, bonds or certificates of indebtedness,
S (37.1)
or obligations for which ~he full faith and credit of
the United States of America are pledged ~or the pay-
ment of interest and principal, ~hich are not subject
to redemption except by the Owner thereof ~rior to
9aturity lincluding any such securities issued or held
in book-entry form 9n the books of the Department of
the Treasury of the United States of America) ~he
interest on and principal of which when paid will pro-
vide money which, ~ogether with money, if any, depos-
ited with the Trustee ~t the same time, shall be suf-
ficient to pay when due the interest 9videnced and
represented by such Bonds on and prior to their
~rincipal Payment Dates or their dates of redemption
prior thereto, ~s the case may be, and the principal
and redemption premiums, if any, on such Bonds, and
13) in the event such Bonds are not by their terms
subject to redemption ~ithin the next succeeding sixty
(60) days, ~he City shall have given the Trustee in
form satisfactory to it irrevocable instructions to
give notice by mail to the Owners of such Bonds ~hat
the deposit required by clause (2) above has been made
with the Trustee ~nd that such Bonds are deemed to
have been paid in accordance with ~his Section 10.01
and stating their Principal Payment Dates or redemp-
tion dates ~hDon which money is to be available for the
payment of ~he interest and principal of such Bonds.
id) After the payment of the interest, redemp-
tion premium, if any, and principal on all Outstanding
Bonds ~s provided in this Section 10.01, ~he Trustee
shall execute and deliver to the City all such instru-
ments ~s may be necessary or desirable to evidence the
discharge ~nd satisfaction of this Indenture, _and the
Trustee shall pay over or deliver to the City all
money or ~eposits or investments held by it pursuant
hereto which are not required ~or the payment of the
interest and principal on such Bonds.
le) Bonds purchased or redeemed by the Bank put- %2668
suant ~o any provision of this Indenture or the %2669
Reimbursement ~greement shall not be deemed paid here- %2670
under until ~he Bank is paid all amounts due under %2671
such Bonds or the Eeimbursement Agreement. ] ~%2672
~ECTION 10.02. Un¢laime~ Konev. Anything contained herein %2691
to the contrary notwithstanding, ~ny money held by the Trustee in %2692
trust for the payment and discharge 9f the interest or principal or %2693
redemption premiums, if any, 9f any Bonds which remains unclaimed for %2694
six (6) years after the date when ~he payments on such Bonds have %2695
become payable, if such money was held by the Trustee on such date, $2696
or for six (6) years after the date of deposit of such money if $2697
deposited with the Trustee _after the date when the interest and prin- #2698
cipal on such Bonds have become payable, ~hall upon written notice #2699,2
from the City be repaid by the Trustee to the City as its absolute $2701
property free from trust, and the Trustee shall thereupon be released $2702
and discharged with respect thereto and the Owners shall look only to $2703
the City for the payment of the interest and principal and redemption #2704
premiums, if any, on such BUnds; provided that before being required $2705
to make any such payment to the City, the Trustee shall, at the $2706
expense of the City, give notice by mail to the Owners that such $2707
money remains unclaimed and that after a date named in such notice, #2708
~hich date sha~l not be less than sixty (60) days after the date of $2709
giving -such notice, the balance of such money then unclaimed will be #2710
returned to the City. #2711
~TICLE XI $2712
SECTION 11.01. Benefits of this Xndentuze Limited tO t2714
~. Nothing contained herein, expressed or implied, is intended $2715
to give to any person other than the Bank, the City, _the Paying #2716,2
Agent, the Remarketing Agent, the Trustee and the Owners any claim, $2718,~
remedy or right under or pursuant hereto, ~nd any agreement, condi- $2722
tion, covenant or term contained herein required to be observed or $2723
performed by or on behalf of the City _shall be for the sole and $2724
exclusive benefit of the Bank, the Paying Agent, the Remarketinq #2725,]
Agent and the Trustee and the Owners. $2727,2
SECTION 11.02. Successor Deemed Included in All References t2730
to Pr~4ecessor. Whenever either the Bank, the City, the Paying $2731,2
Agent, the Remarketing Agent, the Trustee or any officer thereof is 92734,~
named or referred to herein, -such reference shall be deemed to $2737
include the successor to -the powers, duties and functions that are $2738
presently vested in the Bank, the City, the Paying Agent, the #2739,~'
Remarketing Agent or the Trustee or such officer, and all agreements, $2743,~
conditions, covenants and terms contained herein required to be #2745
observed or performed by or on behalf of the Bank, the City, the 92746,~
Paying Agent, the Remarketing Agent or the Trustee or any officer $2749,2
thereof shall bind and inure to the benefit of ~he respective succes- 92752
sors thereof whether so expressed or not. #(2752)
~ECTXON 11.03. Execution of Documents by Owners. Any $2754
declaration, request or other instrument which is permitted 9r 92755
required herein to be executed by Owners kay be in one or more 92756
instruments of similar tenor ~nd may be executed by Owners in person #2757
9r by their attorneys appointed in writing. The fact and date of $2758,:
$ (37.1]
their execution by any Owner 9r such Owner's attorney of any %2760
declaration, request or other instrument 9r of any writing appointing %2761
such attorney may be proved bY the certificate of any notary public #2762
or other officer authorized ~o take acknowledgments of deeds to be %2763
recorded in the state or territory in which such notary public or %2764
other officer purports to act that the person signing such declara- %(2764)
tion, [equest or other instrument or writing acknowledged to such %2765
notary public or other officer the execution thereof, 9r by an affi- %2766
davit of a witness of such execution duly sworn to before such notary %(2766)
public 9r other officer, or by such other proof as the Trustee may %2767
accept ~hich it may deem sufficient. %2768
6ny declaration, request or other instrument in writing of %2769
the Owner 9f any Bond shall bind all future Owners of such Bond ~ith %2770,2
respect to anything done or suffered to be done bY the City or the %2772
Trustee in good faith and in accordance therewith. %(2772)
~ECTION 11.04. Waivez of Personal Liabili~7. No supervi- %2774
sot, officer or employee .of the City shall be individually or person- %2775
ally liable for the payment of the interest 9r principal or redemp- %2776
tion premiums, if any, on the Bonds, but nothing contained herein %2777
shall relieve any supervisor, 9fficer or employee of the City from %2778
the performance of any 9fficial duty provided by any applicable pro- %2779
vision of law or hereby. %(2779)
IECTION 11.05. Acquisition of the Bonds by City. All %2781
Bonds acquired by the City, ~hether by purchase or gift or otherwise, %2782
shall be surrendered ~o the Trustee for cancellation. %2783
~ECTION 11.06. Notice by ~a/1. Any notice required to be %2785
given hereunder by mail to the Owners thall be given by mailing a %2786
copy of such notice, first class postage prepaid, ~o the Owners of %2787
all the Bonds at their addresses appearing in the books ~equired to %2788
be kept by the Paying Agent pursuant to the provisions of !ection %2789
2.14 hereof not less than fifteen (15) days nor more than thirty (30) %(2789)
days ~ollowing the action or prior to the event concerning which %2790
notice thereof is required to be given unless a different notice #2791
period is specified 9lsewhere herein; provided that receipt of any %2792,1
such notice shall not be a condition ~recedent to the effect of such %2794
notice and failure to receive any such Botice shall not affect the #2795
validity of the proceedings taken in connection ~ith the action or %2796
the event concerning which such notice was given. 9(2796)
~E~TION 11.~7~ Fun4s. Any fund required to be established %2798
and maintained herein ~y the Trustee may be established and main- %2799
tained in the accounting records 9f the Trustee either as an account %2800
or a fund, and may, for the purpose of !uch accounting records, any %2801
audits thereof and any reports or statements ~ith respect thereto, be %2802
treated either as an account or a fund; but all such records with %2803
respect to all such funds shall at all times ~e maintained in %2804
accordance with sound accounting practice and with ~ue regard for the %2805
protection of the security of the Bonds ~nd the rights of the %2806
Owners. %(2806)
~ECTION 11.08. Article and Section Readinqs, Gender and #2808
References. The headings or titles of the several articles and sec- %(2808)
tions hereof ~nd the table of contents appended hereto ~hall be %2809,2
solely for convenience of reference ~nd shall not affect the meaning, %2811
construction or effect hereof, ~nd words of any gender shall be %2812
deemed and construed to include all genders. _All references herein %2813
to "Articles," "Sections" and other subdivisions 9r clauses are to %2814
the corresponding articles, sections, subdivisions or ~lauses hereof; %2815
~nd the words "hereby," "herein," "hereof," "hereto," "herewith," %2816
~hereunder" and other words of similar import refer to this Indenture %2817
~s a whole and not to any particular article, section, subdivision 9r %2818,2
clause thereof. $(2819)
~ECTION 11.09. Partial Invalidity. If any one or more of #2821
the conditions, covenants or terms contained herein iequired herein $2822
to be observed or performed by or on the part of the City, ~he Payinq. %2823
Agent or the Trustee !hall be contrary to law, then such condition or %2824
conditions, !uch covenant or covenants, or such term or terms shall $2825,2
be null and void and shall be deemed separable from the remaining $(2826)
~onditions, covenants and terms hereof and shall in no way affect ~he $2827,2.
validity hereof or of the Bonds, _and the Owners shall retain all the %2829
benefit, protection and security _afforded to them hereunder and under %2830
all provisions of applicable law. ~he parties hereto declare that $2831
they would have executed and delivered this Indenture 9ach and every %2832
other article, section, paragraph, subdivision, ientence, clause and $2833
phrase hereof and would have authorized ~he issuance and delivery of %2834
the Bonds pursuant hereto irrespective of the fact that any one or $2835
more of the articles, sections, paragraphs, fubdivisi~ns, sentences, $2836
clauses or phrases hereof 9r the application thereof to any person or %2837
circumstance ~ay be held to be unconstitutional, unenforceable or %2838
invalid. %(2838)
~ECTION 11.10. California Law. This Indenture shall be $2840
construed and governed in accordance with the laws 9f the State of %2841
California. $(2841)
~ECTION 11.11. New York Ti~e. Unless otherwise expressly %2843
stated, all times referred to in this Indenture ~hall be New York $2844
City time. $(2844)
~ECTION 11.19-. Notic~~. All written notices to be given $2846
hereunder shall be given by mail to the party entitled thereto at its $2847
address set forth below, or at such other address as such party may $2848
provide to the other parties hereinafter listed in writing from time $2849
to time, namely: $(2849)
~f to the Trustee:
~itibank, N. A.
120 Wall Street
Sort 850
New York, New York
~f to the Paying Agent:
Citibank, N, A,
120 Wall Street
Sort 850
New York, N~w..¥0rk
If to the Tender AGent:
Citibank~ N. A.
120 Wall Street
Sort 850
New York, N~W Yo~k
~f to the City:
~ity of Tustin
~00 Centennial Way
Tustin, California 92680
6ttention: Finance Director
~f to the Remarketing Agent:
~errill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith
~errill Lynch World Headquarters
~orth Tower
~orld Financial Center
~ew York, New York 10281
~ttention: Tax Exempt Money Markets
~f to the Bank:
The Mitsubishi T~ust and Banking Corporation
Los AnGeles AagOcy
911 Wilshire Blvd., Suite ~650
Los AnGeles, ~alifornia 90017
1%2892 ~,
~ECTION 11.13. ~ffective Date. This Indenture shall %2894
become effective upon its execution and delivery by the parties %(2894)
hereof. % (2894)
~N WITNESS W~ERBOF, the City has caused these presents to %2896,2
be signed in its name and on its behalf by its Mayorr and its corpo- 1%2898
rate seal to be hereunto affixed amd ~ttested by its City Clerk, I%2899
thereunto duly authorized, and ~o evidence its acceptance of the %2900
trusts hereby created, the ~rustee has caused these presents to be %2901
signed in its name ~nd on its behalf by its duly authorized officers, %2902
and its 9fficial seal to be hereunto affixed. %2903
~ayor of the City of Tustin %2907
~ity Clerk of the City of
!Trustee] %2915
iTrustee] %2920
E_XH IBIT B %2970
The undersigned hereby certifies that:
(1) He is the owner of the following real prop-
erty which is located in the City of Tustin Asse..ssment
District NQ, 85-~:
IDescription of real property]
(2) The assessment on such real property is %2971.1
- %(2971.
pursuant to this notice the undersigned hereby elects to %2971.1
convert ~he assessment on such real property to a Fixed Interest Rate %2971.1
~as such term is defined in the Indenture of Trust dated as of %2971.1
August 1, 1986 by and between the City of Tustin ~n~ Citibank, %2971.1
N. A. (the "Indenture") on , 19__; provided, however, %2971.2
that such ~onversion shall not occur unless the requirements 9f %2971.2
Section 2.10(D) (i) or (ii) are met. ]pon the requirements of %2971.2
Section 2.10(D) (i) or (ii) having been ~et, ~his notice shall be %2971.2
irrevocable. %(2971.
iName of Owner]
mY: %2971.2
ITitle] %2971.2
~nitial Adjusted Interest Rates
iTo come]
% (2973)'
as Account Party
as Issuing Bank
Dated as of August 1, 1986
Relating to the $ Improvement Bonds of
the City of Tustin, Assessment District No. 85-1
Draft No. 2
Graham & James
MTRS 2.101
Page No.
Section 1.1.
Section 1.2.
Section 2.1.
Section 2.2.
Section 2.3.
Definitions .........
OTW~ PAYMENTS .......................
Issuance of Letter of Credit .........
Reimbursements and Other Payments ....
(a) Reimbursements ..................
(b) The Letter of Credit Fees .......
(c) Manner of Payments ..............
(d) Late Payments ...................
(e) Obligations Unconditional .......
(f) Waivers, Etc ....................
(g) Increased Costs .................
Certain Provisions with Respect
to Bank Bonds · .
(b) Interest.
(d) Prepayments. .
(e) Sael of Bank'~]]]]]]]]][]][.
(f) Bank as Owner of Bonds ..........
(g) Custodial Arrangement ...........
(h) Rate and Price Notification .....
(i) Subrogation as to Interest
Payments ........................
Section 3.1
Section 3.2.
Section 3.3.
Section 3.4
Changes in Stated Amount of Letter
of Credit ............................
Remarketing of Bonds Owned by
the Bank .............................
Separate Purchase Arrangement;
UsuryPayment ..... ~ 6~i.~ ~. ~~'~'~ ........
of Credit ............................
Section 4.1
Representations and Warranties of
the City .............................
(a) Existence .......................
(b) Power and Authorization .........
(c) No Legal Bar ....................
(d) Consents ........................
(e) Litigation ......................
(f) Enforceability ..................
(g) Changes in Law ..................
(h) Financial Statements ............
(i) Disclosure of Information .......
(j) The Assessment District,
Liens and Installments ..........
Page No.
Section 5.1
Section 5.2.
Section 6.1
COVENANTS ............................
Affirmative Covenants of the City ....
(a) Compliance with this Agreement
and Other Financing Documents...
(b) Laws, Permits and Obligations...
(c) Use of Proceeds .................
(d) Maintenance of Existence ........
(e) Annual Statements ...............
(f) Visitation and Examination ......
(g) Maintenance of Tax-Exempt
Status of the Bonds .............
(h) Enforcement of the Irvine
Company Agreement ...............
Negative Covenants of the City .......
(a) No Change in Indenture or
the Irvine Company Agreement ....
(b) Conversion to Fixed
Interest Rate ...................
(c) Amendment of the Irvine Company
Agreement.. ·
OF CREDIT ............................
Conditions To Issuance and Delivery
of Letter of Credit ..................
(a) The Financing Documents .........
(b) The Indenture ...................
(c) City Proceedings, etc ...........
Page No.
(d) Certificate .....................
(e) City's Attorney's Legal
Opinion .........................
(f) Bond Counsel's Legal Opinion ....
(g) Representation and Warranties
True; No Default ................
(h) Other Requirements ..............
EVENTS OF DEFAULT ....................
Definition of Events .................
Notice of Events .....................
MI SCELLANEOUS ........................ 23
No Waiver; Modifications in Writing.. 23
Payment on Non-Business Days ......... 24
Further Assurances ................... 24
Survival of Representations and
Warranties ........................... 24
Notices, etc ......................... 25
Costs, Expenses and Taxes ............ 26
Execution in Counterparts ............ 26
Binding Effect; Assignment ........... 26
Governing Law ........................ 26
Severability of Provisions ........... 26
Headings ............................. 27
Right of Setoff ...................... 27
Actions Relating to the Financing
Documents; Indemnity ................. 27
Limited Liability of City ............ 30
Security ............................. 30
Successor Trustee .................... 31
Extension of Term .................... 31
Advances .......... 31
Right of First ~i~.~.~i~ 31
Exhibit "A" Form of Irrevocable Letter of Credit
1986, is ~ade by the City of Tustin, California (the "City"),
in favor of The Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation, Los
Angeles Agency (the "Bank").
WHEREAS, to obtain funds for the construction and
acquisition of certain public improvements in the City of
Tustin Assessment District No. 85-1 (which improvements and
assessment district are described in Resolution of Intention
No. adopted by the City Council of the City
on (the "Resolution")), to meet debt service
during construction of those improvements, the City proposes
to issue and sell not to exceed U.S.$ aggregate
principal amount of its Improvement Bonds, Assessment
District No. 85-1; and
WHEREAS, in order to provide funds for redemptions prior
to maturity of the Bonds (as hereinafter defined), to provide
funds for the purchase of Bonds tendered and not remarketed
pursuant to the Indenture (as hereinafter defined) and to
insure the timely payment of the principal of and interest on
the Bonds, the City is requesting the Bank to issue to the
Trustee under the Indenture for the account of the City a
letter of credit (the "Letter of Credit"); and
WHEREAS, the parties hereto, by all necessary action,
have duly authorized the execution and delivery of this
NOW, THEREFORE, in order to provide for and to evidence
the obligation of the City to reimburse any drawings under
the Letter of Credit, and in consideration of the premises
and of the commitments made hereunder and for other good and
valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which
are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:
Section 1.1. Definitions. Unless otherwise defined
herein or the context otherwise requires, certain capitalized
terms used herein shall have the meaning set forth in
Section 1.01 of the Indenture. In addition, the following
terms as used in this Agreement shall have the following
meanings, unless the context otherwise requires. These
definitions shall be equally applicable to both the singular
and the plural forms of the terms so defined.
"Agreement" shall mean this Reimbursement Agreement, as
the same may be amended or supplemented from time to time.
"Bank Bond Principal Payment Date" shall mean as to each
Bank Bond the earliest of (i) a Principal Payment Date [or
date of a redemption under Indenture], (ii) the maturity
date, (iii) the fifth anniversary of the Termination Date,
(iv) in the event that the funds in the Remarketinq Cost
Account are insufficient to permit the Bank to purchase Bonds
at the Bank Purchase Price and the Bank is nQ~ reimbursed for
the amount in excess of the Bank Purchase Pricer the date of
payment under the Letter of Credit with respect to such
Bonds, or (v) the date Of any event which adversely ~imDacts
~he ~ax exempt status o~ the Bonds.
"Bank Bonds" shall mean all Bonds owned by the Bank
acquired pursuant to the terms of Articles III or IV of the
Indenture and held by the Bank or by Trustee as custodian for
the Bank.
"Bank Interest Rate" shall mean, at any date of
c=%ermination, the lesser of (i) the Base Rate then in effect
and (ii) the Maximum Rate in effect from such date of
determination to the next succeeding Business Day.
"Bank Purchase Date" shall mean any Business Day on
- which Bonds are purchased pursuant to Section 2.03(a) hereof.
"Bank Purchase Price" shall mean, with respect to Bonds
to be purchased on any Bank Purchase Date under Section
2.3(a) hereof:
(1) if, on such Bank Purchase Date, the Base Rate
is less than or equal to the Maximum Rate, (i) accrued
interest (without regard to the Bank Rate) on the Bonds
to be purchased to the Bank Purchase Date, plus (ii) the
principal amount of the Bonds to be purchased; or
(2) if, on such Bank Purchase Date, the Base Rate
is greater than the Maximum Rate, the amount calculated
with respect to such purchase in accordance with
Appendix A hereto (using the Bank Rate and the Base
Rate in effect on such Bank Purchase Date, the amount of
accrued interest (without regard to the Bank Rate) on
the Bonds to the Bank Purchase Date and the number of
days until the next succeeding Business Day);
"Base Rate" means the following (provided that in no
event shall the rate of interest payable with respect to any
Bank Bond exceed the Maximum Rate):
(1) with respect to Put Bonds, except as
otherwise provided in clauses (3) and (4) below, for
each of the first sixty (60) days that a Bond is a Bank
Bond the Bond shall bear interest at a rate per annum
equal to the Federal Funds Rate for such day plus three-
eighths of one percent (3/8%),
(2) with respect to Put Bonds, except as
otherwise provided in clauses (3) and (4) below, for
each day thereafter that a Bond is a Bank Bond the Bond
shall bear interest at a rate per annum equal to the
Prime Rate for such day,
(3) except as otherwise provided in clause
(4) below, for each day that any sum due to the Bank on
any Bank Bond remains unpaid, such Bond shall bear
interest at a rate per annum equal to the Prime Rate for
such day plus two percent (2%), and
(4) in no event shall any Bank Bond bear
interest at a rate less than the average rate applicable
to thirty (30) day tax-exempt commercial paper as
reported by the Munifacts Wire System Inc., or, if such
index is no longer reported, a substitute approximating
as closely as possible such rate, as selected in good
faith by the Bank and approved by the City, or, if the
City shall fail to act, by the Trustee.
"Bankruptcy Law" shall mean Title 11, U.S. Code, as
amended or supplemented, any successor statute thereto, or
any similar federal, state, or foreign law for the relief of
"Bond Counsel" shall mean a firm of recognized bond
counsel familiar with the transactions contemplated under the
Indenture and acceptable to the City and, for the purpose of
Section 6.01(f) hereof, the Bank.
"Bonds" shall mean the City of Tustin Improvement Bonds,
Assessment District No. 85-1 in the aggregate principal
amount of $ issued by the City pursuant to the
Indenture, other than Fixed Interest Rate Bonds.
"Bonds Payment Date" means any Purchase Date, Conversion
Date, Demand Date, Optional Tender Date, Unit Pricing Date,
or Principal Payment Date, as those terms are defined in the
Indenture, the first Business Day of each week as to Bank
Bonds and any other date on which the principal of, or
interest on, the Bonds is to be paid to the Owners thereof,
whether upon redemption or at maturity of the Bonds.
"Business Day" shall mean a day which is not a Saturday
or a Sunday or a bank holiday under the laws of the United
States or the States of California or New York.
"City Attorney" shall mean Rourke & Woodruff.
"Effective Date" shall mean the date on which the Letter
of Credit is issued by the Bank.
"Event of Default" shall have the meaning set forth in
Section 7.1 hereof.
"Federal Funds Rate" shall mean, for any day, the
average rate charged to the Bank for such day on overnight
federal funds transactions with member banks of the Federal
Reserve System arranged by federal funds brokers, as
determined by the Bank.
"Financing Documents" shall mean this Agreement, the
Letter of Credit, the Bonds, the Indenture, the Remarketing
Agreement and any other document or instrument required or
stated to be delivered hereunder or thereunder.
"Indenture" shall mean that certain Trust Indenture
relating to the Bonds, dated as of August 1, 1986, by and
between Citibank N.A. and the City, as the same may be
amended or supplemented from time to time.
"Interest Draw" shall mean a payment with respect to
interest made by the Bank pursuant to a demand under the
Letter of Credit in the form of Annex 1.
["Irvine Company Agreements" shall mean that certain
Cash Advance Agreement for Improvements in Proposed
Assessment District No. 85-1 dated and
entered into by the City and The Irvine Company, as the same
may be amended or supplemented or extended from time to time
and the Protocol Agreement entered into by the City and The
Irvine Company, as the same may be amended or supplemented or
extended from time to time.]
"Issuer" shall mean the City.
"Letter of Credit" shall mean the letter of credit
issued pursuant to Section 2.1 hereof, as the same may be
amended from time to time.
"Letter of Credit Fee" shall mean all fees set forth in
Section 2.2 hereof.
"Participant" shall mean a person that acquires a
participation in the Bank's rights and/or obligations under
this Agreement and the Letter of Credit.
"Prime Rate" shall mean, for any day, the fluctuating
rate announced publicly by the Bank from time to time at its
Los Angeles Agency office as its "prime rate", said rate to
change on and as of the date of any change in the announced
"prime rate".
"Principal Draw" shall mean any payment by the Bank with
respect to a drawing by the Trustee under the Letter of
Credit other than an Interest Draw or an Unpaid Drawing.
"Put Bonds" shall mean any Bonds purchased pursuant to /
Sections 4.01, 4.02, 4.03, 4.05(A) or 4.05(B) of the
"Reimbursement Account" shall mean the Bank's account
with Security Pacific National Bank in Los Angeles,
C~liforniar Account No. 0000-8422 or such other account as
may be designated by the Agent in writing to the City and the
"Stated Amount" shall mean the amount available to be
drawn under the Letter of Credit, which initially shall be
$ , as from time to time decreased and/or
increased in accordance herewith.
"Termination Date" shall mean the tenth (10th)
anniversary date of the issuance of the Letter of Credit, as
such date may be extended pursuant to an amendment of the
Letter of Credit, or any earlier date on which the Letter of
Credit shall terminate, expire or be cancelled.
"Unpaid Drawings" shall mean, at any time, the aggregate
amount of payments made by the Bank pursuant to demands under
the Letter of Credit~for the purchase of Put Bonds to the
extent theretofore not reimbursed by the City pursuant to the
terms of this Agreement.
Section 1.2. Accounting Terms. Ail accounting terms not
specifically defined herein shall be construed in accordance
with generally accepted accounting principles consistently
applied, except as may be otherwise stated herein.
Section 2.1. Issuance of Letter of Credit.
On at least two (2) Business Days' prior notice
from the City and at the request and for the account of the
City, the Bank hereby agrees, on the terms and subject to the
conditions hereinafter set forth, to issue to the Trustee a
Letter of Credit (in the form of Exhibit A hereto) dated the
date of issuance thereof in the initial amount of
$ , which shall create the obligation of the Bank
to honor drawings in accordance with the terms of the Letter
of Credit in amounts equal to: (1) the principal amount of
the Bonds, (2) an amount (up to $ ) available for
interest accrued on the Bonds at or before the Termination
Date, and (3) an amount (up to $ ), available for
premium upon redemption [or purchase] of the Bonds. The
Letter of Credit shall be issued for a term expiring on the
tenth (10th) anniversary date of the Effective Date, subject
to extension or earlier termination as provided in this
Agreement, the Indenture and/or in the Letter of Credit or
cancellation. The Banks' obligation to issue the Letter of
Credit shall expire at 4:00 p.m., Los Angeles time,
on , 1986.
Section 2.2. Reimbursements and Other Payments.
(a) Reimbursements. Except as otherwise provided
in Section 8.14 hereof, the City agrees to reimburse the
Bank, at the times, in the manner and otherwise as provided
in this Agreement and the Indenture, for each payment made
under the Letter of Credit honoring any drawing made by the
Trustee thereon. The City shall reimburse the Bank for each
Interest Draw, Principal Draw and for each other payment
(other than an Unpaid Drawing) under the Letter of Credit, no
later than the close of business of the banking office where
the Reimbursement Account is then maintained, on the day such
Interest Draw, Principal Draw or other payment is honored.
The obligation of the City to reimburse any Unpaid Drawings
shall be evidenced by and subject to the terms and conditions
set forth in Section 2.3 of this Agreement. Whenever the
Bank pays interest on a Bond pursuant to an Interest Draw,
the Bank shall be subrogated to the rights of the Owner of
the Bond to payment of such interest. The Bank shall be the
Owner of each Bond purchased or paid with moneys drawn under
the Letter of Credit, and shall be entitled to all of the
rights, benefits and protections of the Indenture with
respect to each such Bond and the obligations of the City
under this Agreement (for the purpose of this provision the
Indenture shall be deemed to continue in full force and
effect notwithstanding any earlier termination thereof so
long as any obligation of the City under this Agreement shall
remain unpaid).
(b) Advance Deposits for Certain Draws. Prior to --/
any draw under the Letter of Credit with respect to (i) any
optional redemption pursuant to Section 3.02 or 3.03 of the
Indenture, or (ii) any premium whatsoever, the City shall pay
or cause to be paid, and the Trustee shall have in its
possession, immediately available funds in the amount equal
to such draw.
(c) The Letter of Credit Fees. Except as
otherwise provided in Section 8.14 hereof, the City shall pay
to the Bank in advance (i) on the Effective Date and on each
January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1 thereafter a Letter
of Credit Fee at the rate of three-tenths of one percent
(.3%) per annum during the first five years after the
Effective Date, (ii) at the rate of four-tenths of one
percent (.4%) per annum during the second five-year period
following the Effective Date to , 1996, and (iii)
thereafter on each January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1
to the Termination Date at the rate agreed by the parties
upon any extension of the Letter of Credit pursuant to
Section 8.17 hereof (computed on the basis of a 360-day year
and actual days elapsed) (each such date, a "fee payment
date") on the average daily Stated Amount during the period
beginning on such fee payment date and ending on the date
next preceding the next fee payment date thereafter (each
such period, a "payment period"). The Letter of Credit Fee
payable on the Effective Date for the payment period ending
October 1, 1986 shall be based on the assumption that the
average daily Stated Amount for that payment period will be
the Stated Amount on the Effective Date, and the Letter of
Credit Fee for each payment period thereafter shall be
calculated based on the assumption that the average daily
Stated Amount for such payment period will be the Stated
Amount on the date which is thirty (30) days prior to such
fee payment date. On the last Business Day of each payment
period (in the case of the last payment period, the
Termination Date), the actual Letter of Credit Fee for the
payment period ending on such date shall be calculated and
(i) if the amount paid for such payment period exceeded the
actual Letter of Credit Fee payable, the excess shall (at the
direction of the Bank) be repaid to the City by the Bank or
credited against the Letter of Credit Fee payable for the
next payment period and (ii) if the amount paid for such
payment period was less than the actual Letter of Credit Fee
payable, the deficiency shall (at the direction of the Bank)
be paid by the City to the Bank or added to the Letter of
Credit Fee payable for the next payment period. Except as
otherwise provided in Section 8.14 hereof, the City shall, in
'addition to the Letter of Credit Fee, pay to the Bank for its
own account within two (2) Business Days following each
drawing on the Letter of Credit a fee of $250 for each such
drawing. In addition, the City shall pay to the Bank (i) a
fee of $10,000 upon the substitution of a letter of credit
for the Letter of Credit pursuant to Section 4.06 of the
Indenture or upon early termination of the Letter of Credit
accompanied by cancellation of all Outstanding Bonds other
than Fixed Interest Rate Bonds; and (ii) a transfer fee of
$1,500 with respect to each transfer of the Letter of Credit
pursuant to the terms of Section 4.06 of the Indenture.
(d) Manner of Payments. Ail payments to be made
by or on behalf of the City or the Trustee to the Bank on
account of amounts at any time owing hereunder or in
connection herewith shall be made, and shall not be
considered made until received, in U.S. dollars in the
Reimbursement Account in immediately available funds. All
such payments shall be made to the Bank not later than the
close of business of the banking office where the Reimburse-
ment Account is then maintained, on the date due.
(e) Late Payments. For each day that any sum due
to the Bank hereunder or under the Indenture remains unpaid
such sum shall bear interest at a rate per annum equal to the
Prime Rate for such day plus two percent (2%) (computed on
the basis of a 360-day year and actual days elapsed).
(f) Obligations Unconditional. Except as
otherwise provided in Section 8.14 hereof, the City's
obligation to reimburse the Bank for each payment made under
the Letter of Credit honoring any drawing made by the Trustee
thereon and all of its other obligations under this
Agreement, except as provided in this paragraph below, shall
be absolute and unconditional under any and all circumstances
and irrespective of any setoff, counterclaim or defense to
payment which the City may have against the Bank or against
any beneficiary of the Letter of Credit (or any other person
for whom such beneficiary may be acting), or any other
person, including, without limitation, any defense based on
the failure of any drawing on the Letter of Credit by the
Trustee to conform to the terms of the Letter of Credit or
based on invalidity, inaccuracy, falsity, or lack of
genuineness, whether by forgery, fraud or otherwise, of any
document, demand, or statement presented under the Letter of
Credit or any failure of the City to receive all or any part
of the proceeds of the sale of any Bonds with respect to
which such drawing on the Letter of Credit was made by the
Trustee or any non-application or misapplication by the
Trustee of the proceeds of such drawing, and irrespective of
the legality, validity, regularity or enforceability of all
or any of the Financing Documents, and notwithstanding any
amendment or waiver of (other than an amendment or waiver
explicitly reciting the release or discharge of any such
obligation), or any consent to departure from, all or any of
the Financing Documents or any exchange, release, or non-
perfection of any collateral securing the Bonds or the
obligations of the City hereunder or any expiration of the
Letter of Credit pursuant hereto; provided, however, that the
City shall not be obligated to reimburse the Bank for any
wrongful payment or disbursement made under the Letter of
Credit as a result of acts or omissions constituting willful
misconduct or gross negligence on the part of the Bank or any
of its officers, employees, or agents.
(g) Waivers, Etc. To the full extent permitted by
law: (i) the City hereby waives (a) presentment, demand,
notice of demand, protest, notice of protest, notice of
dishonor and notice of non-payment; (b) except as provided in
and subject to the Indenture, the right, if any, to the
benefit of, or to direct application of, any security
hypothecated to the Bank until all obligations of the City to
the Bank hereunder, howsoever arising, shall have been paid;
(c) the right to require the Bank to proceed against the City
hereunder, or against any person under any guaranty or
similar arrangement, or to pursue any other remedy in its
power; (d) all statutes of limitation; and (e) any defense
arising out of the election by the Bank to foreclose on any
security by one or more non-judicial or judicial sales; (ii)
the Bank may exercise any other right or remedy, even though
any such election operates to impair or extinguish the City's
right to reimbursement from, or any other right or remedy it
may have against, any person, or any security (it being
understood that this clause (ii) does not confer upon the
Bank any right or remedy it would not have otherwise); and'
(iii) the City agrees that the Bank may proceed against the
City or any person directly and independently of any other,
and that any forbearance, change of rate of interest, or
acceptance, release or substitution of any security,
guaranty, or loan or change of any term or condition
hereunder or under the Letter of Credit or any Financing
Document shall not in any way affect the liability of the
City hereunder.
(h) Increased Costs. If any change in any law or
regulation, domestic or foreign, in the interpretation
thereof by any court or administrative or governmental
authority charged with the administration thereof, or in any
generally accepted regulatory or accounting principles on or
after the date hereof shall (i) impose, modify or deem
applicable any reserve, special deposit or similar require-
ment against letters of credit issued or participated in by,
or assets held by, or deposits in or for the account of the
Bank or any Participant, (ii) impose on the Bank or any
Participant any other condition or requirement regarding this
Agreement or the Letter of Credit or any participation
therein or any collateral therefor or (iii) subject the Bank
or any Participant to any tax, charge, fee, deduction or any
withholding of any kind whatsoever, and the result of any
event referred to in clause (i), (ii) or (iii) above shall be
to increase the cost to the Bank or any Participant of
issuing, participating in or maintaining the Letter of Credit
or of holding any collateral therefor or reduce the amount of
any fee or any other amount receivable by the Bank or any
Participant with respect to the Letter of Credit or any
participation therein or this Agreement (which increase in
cost or reduction in fee or other receipt, as the case may
be, shall be determined by the Bank's or Participant's
reasonable allocation of the aggregate of such cost increases
or fee reductions resulting from such events), then, upon
demand by the Bank, the Letter of Credit Fee set forth in
Section 2.2(b) hereof shall immediately be increased by the
additional amounts that are reasonably necessary to
compensate the Bank or such Participant for such increased
costs incurred or reduced receipts suffered thereby, provided
that the participation of one or more Participants shall not
cause the Letter of Credit Fee to exceed the amount it would
have been without the participation of such Participant or
Participants. A certificate of the Bank or any Participant
as to such increased costs incurred or reduced receipts
suffered by any of them as a result of any event mentioned in
clause (i), (ii) or ~iii) above submitted to the City
specifying the event causing such increased cost or reduced
receipt and setting forth in reasonable detail the
calculation made to determine the amount of such increased
cost or reduced receipt shall be presumptively correct as to
the amount thereof, absent demonstrable error. The Bank and
each Participant shall exercise reasonable efforts to
minimize such increased costs or reduced receipts. The
participation of one or more Participants shall not reduce or
alter the Bank's obligations under this Agreement or affect
in any way the rights or obligations of the City hereunder or
under the Bonds and the City shall have the right to continue
to deal solely with the Bank, and no such participation shall
cause any national rating agency to lower its rating on the
Section 2.3. Certain Provisions with Respect to Bank
Bonds. Bank Bonds shall be subject to all applicable
provisions of this Agreement and to these provisions:
(a) Purchase of Bonds. The Bank will purchase
with funds drawn under the Letter of Credit, on the terms and
conditions contained in this Agreement and the Indenture and
at the applicable Bank Purchase Price, all Bonds other than
Fixed Rate Bonds (i) that are Put Bonds purchased and not
resold by the Remarketing Agent by [time] on the same dayAor
(ii) that become due, whether by acceleration, redemptiod'or
otherwise. Bonds purchased by the Bank for any reason other
than Put Bonds will be due and payable immediately, and the
City will immediately pay, or cause to be paid, to the Bank,
as owner of such Bonds, the principal amount of such Bonds
and interest accrued to the date of payment.
(b) Interest. Interest on Bank Bonds shall be
paid in arrears to the Bank on the first Business Day of each
week and on each Bonds Payment Date. Each Bank Bond shall
bear interest on the outstanding principal amount thereof for
each day from and including the date such Bond is purchased
to but not including the date such Bond is paid in full at
maturity or upon redemption or is remarketed at a rate per
annum equal to the Bank Interest Rate.
The Bank Interest Rate shall be computed on the basis of
a 360-day year and actual days elapsed. Accrued interest
received by the Bank on any Bank Bond shall be credited
against the City's obligations under this Section 2.3(a).
(c) Principal. Ail Bank Bonds shall be subject to
payment, redemption and purchase pursuant to the Indenture.
In addition, the City on each Bank Bond Principal Payment
Date shall pay to the Bank the full principal amount of the
Bonds to be redeemed or, in the case of Bank Bonds which have
reached maturity, pay the principal owing with respect to all
such matured Bonds, as applicable, plus accrued and unpaid
interest thereon to the date of such payment. All other Bank
Bonds shall be paid or redeemed by the City by payments in
accordance with Section 2.2(a) hereof.
(d) Prepayments. The City may prepay without
premium or penalty any Bank Bond at any time. Principal
prepayments shall be accompanied by interest accrued thereon
to the date of prepayment.
(e) Sale of Bank Bonds. Any sums received by the
Bank on account of any sale or other transfer of Bank Bonds
to a third party (whether by reason of termination of the
Letter of Credit and substitution of an Alternate Letter of
Credit, remarketing of the Bank Bonds, or otherwise) shall
reduce, in an equal sum, the reimbursement obligation of the
City hereunder.
(f) Bank as Owner of Bonds. Upon its purchase of
any Bond pursuant hereto, and for so long as it shall
continue to hold such Bond, the Bank shall be the owner of
such Bond for all purposes of such Bond, the Indenture and
the Resolution.
(g) Custodial Arrangement. The Bank shall be
entitled to participate in any custodial arrangement in
effect at any time with respect to the Bonds.
(h) Rate and Price Notification. By
[time] on any day on which the Bank holds Bonds or is
requested to purchase Bonds pursuant to Section 2.03(a)
hereof, the Bank shall notify the Remarketing Agent of the
Prime Rate, Base Rate and Bank Purchase Price then in effect;
except that no such notice shall be required with respect to
any Bond due and payable immediately as provided in Section
2.03(a) hereof. The Bank will inform the City of the Prime
Rate, Base Rate and Bank Purchase Price from time to time as
requested by the City.
(i) Subrogation as to Interest Payments.
Whenever, pursuant to an Interest Drawing, the Bank pays
regularly scheduled interst on Bonds not owned by it, the
Bank shall be subrogated to the rights of the owners of Bonds
to payment of such interest.
Section 3.1. Changes in Stated Amount of Letter of
Credit. The Stated Amount of the Letter of Credit shall be
decreased and increased as provided in the Letter of
Credit. In no event shall any such increase cause the sum of
(i) Unpaid Drawings and (ii) the Stated Amount to exceed
$ ·
Section 3.2. Remarketing of Bank Bonds. ASo long as
the Bank is the Owner of Put Bonds, they shall be subject to
remarketing pursuant to t~'Remarketing Agreement and the
City shall cause the the Bank to be named in the Remarketing
Agreement as a beneficiary of that agreement. The Bank shall
deliver any such Bonds, and a due-bill check if required, at
the direction of the Trustee against receipt in the
Reimbursement Account, as provided in Section 2.2(~) hereof,
of the principal amount of, and any accrued interest on, such
Section 3.3. Separate Purchase Arrangement; Usury.
The Bank shall have the option, in lieu of purchasing any
Bonds hereunder, to arrange to loan the purchase price of
such Bonds to a third party which shall purchase, hold and
tender such Bonds as Bank Bonds on the terms and conditions
provided herein and in the Indenture; provided that no such
arrangement shall in and of itself reduce in any respect the
Bank's obligations under this Agreement or the Letter of
Credit or affect in any way the rights or obligations of the
City hereunder or under the Bonds or the Trustee's rights
under the Letter of Credit, that the City and the Trustee
shall have the right to continue to deal solely with the Bank
and that no such arrangement shall cause any national rating
agency to lower the rating on the Bonds.. No such arrangement
shall result in a reduction of the Stated Amount. In no
event shall any purchaser of Bonds hereunder be entitled to
receive payments hereunder in excess of those permitted by
any usury or similar law applicable to it. If any third
party purchases any Bonds pursuant to an arrangement
contemplated-in this Section, the Bank shall promptly notify
the Trustee and the Paying Agent of (a) such purchase,
(b) the identity of the Bonds so purchased, and (c) the
identity of the third party purchasing the Bonds.
Section 3.4. Payment of Drawings on Letter of
Credit. The Bank agrees that (a) drawings on the Letter of
~ will be paid from funds of the Bank and not directly
or indirectly from funds or collateral on deposit with or for
the account of, or pledged with or for the account of the
Bank by the City and (b) the Bank will seek reimbursement for
each payment under the Letter of Credit only after such
payment has been made.
Section 4.1. Representations and Warranties of the
City. The City represents and warrants to the Bank as
(a) Existence. The City is a municipal
corporation duly organized, existing and in good standing
under and by virtue of the Constitution and laws of the State
of California.
(b) Power and Authorization. The City has all
requisite power and authority (i) to execute, deliver and
perform its obligations under the Financing Documents to
which the City is a party and (ii) to issue and sell the
Bonds in the manner and for the purposes contemplated by the
Indenture and this Agreement. The City has taken all
necessary action to authorize the issuance and sale of the
Bonds and to authorize the execution, delivery and
performance of the Financing Documents to which the City is a
(c) No Legal Bar. The City is not in default
under any of the provisions of the laws of the State of
California which would affect its existence or its powers
referred to in the preceding paragraph (b). The execution,
delivery and performance by the City of this Agreement, the
adoption and performance by the City of the Indenture, the
issuance and the sale of the Bonds in the manner and for the
purposes contemplated by this Agreement and the Indenture,
and the execution, delivery and performance by the City of
all other Financing Documents to which the City is a party
(i) will not violate any provision of any applicable law or
regulation or of any order, writ, judgment or decree of any
court, arbitrator or governmental authority, (ii) will not
violate any provisions of the Charter or the Code of
Ordinances of the City or any other document constituting,
regulating or otherwise affecting the operations or
activities of the City, and (iii) will not violate any
provision of, constitute a default under, or result in the
creation or imposition of any lien, mortgage, pledge, charge,
security interest or encumbrance of any kind on any of the
assets of the City pursuant to the provisions of, any
mortgage, indenture, contract, agreement or other undertaking
to which the City is a party or which, to the best knowledge
of the City, purports to be binding upon the City or upon any
of its assets.
(d) Consents. The City has obtained all consents,
permits, licenses and approvals of, and has made all
registrations and declarations with, governmental authorities
required under law to authorize the sale and issuance of the
Bonds and the execution, delivery and performance by the City
of this Agreement and the Indenture.
(e) Litigation. Except as disclosed in the
Official Statement of the City delivered in connection with
the offering of the Bonds, there is no action, suit,
investigation or proceeding to which the City is a party and
which is pending or, to the best knowledge of the City,
threatened in connection with any of the transactions
contemplated by this Agreement, against or affecting the
assets of the City, the result of which could, if decided
adversely to the City, have a materially adverse effect on
the operations of the City or its ability to perform its
obligations under the Financing Documents.
(f) Enforceability. This Agreement and the
Indenture have each been duly executed and delivered by the
City and constitute, and, when executed by the City and
authenticated (where required) and delivered by the Trustee,
the Bonds, and each other Financing Document to which the
City is or is to be a party will each constitute, the legal,
valid and binding obligation of the City, enforceable against
the City in accordance with its terms (except as such
enforceability may be limited by bankruptcy, moratorium or
other similar laws affecting creditors' rights generally and
provided that the application of equitable remedies is
subject to the application of equitable principles).
(g) Changes in Law. There is not pending any
change of law which, if enacted or adopted, could have an
adverse effect on the City's power to issue or its ability to
pay in full in a timely fashion the principal of and interest
on the Bonds or the obligations'of the City under Section 2.3
of this Agreement.
(h) Financial Statements. The balance sheets of
the City as of , and the related
statements of income, changes in equity and changes in
financial position for the year then ended (copies of which
have been furnished to the Bank) present fairly the City's
financial position at , and the
results of its operations and the changes in its financial
position for the year then ended, in conformity with
generally accepted accounting principles applied on a
consistent basis, and there has been no material adverse
change in such condition or operation, the business
properties, or conditions (financial or otherwise) of the
City since that date.
(i) Disclosure of Information. The information
relating to the City contained in any Official Statement
issued by the City in relation to the issuance of the Bonds,
including any exhibits, appendices or attachments thereto, as
such statements may be amended or supplemented from time to
time, is true and correct and does not contain an untrue
statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact
necessary to make the statements contained therein, in light
of the circumstances under which they were made, not
misleading. There are no facts that the City has failed to
disclose to the Bank that, individually or in the aggregate,
could have a materially adverse effect on the assets,
financial condition, business or operations of the City or
its ability to perform its obligations under the Financing
(j) The Assessment District, Liens and
Installments. Assessment District No. 85-1 is duly formed
and validly existing. The Bonds are secured by valid and
enforceable liens upon the lots and parcels of land within
Assessment District No. 85-1, which constitute a first lien
and charge against such properties (including all present and
future improvements thereon comprising part of such
properties) coequal with the lien securing real property
taxes. The Indenture validly and enforceably pledges, in
Section 5.01 thereof, the Assessment Installments (as defined
in the Indenture) to the payment of all amounts due under the
Bonds and this Agreement and such pledge constitutes a first
lien and charge against such Assessment Installments.
Each representation and warranty on the part of the City
contained in any Financing Document shall be deemed to be
reaffirmed by the City on each drawing on the Letter of
Section 5.1. Affirmative Covenants of the City. The
City covenants and agrees that so long as any Bond or any
obligation of the City under this Agreement shall remain
unpaid or the Bank shall have any liability under or in
respect of the Letter of Credit:
(a) Compliance with this Agreement and the Other
Financing Documents. The City will observe and perform each
term, covenant, condition and agreement on its part to be
performed or observed under this Agreement and/or the other
Financing Documents.
(b) Laws, Permits and Obligations. The City will
comply with all valid acts, rules, regulations, orders and
directions of any legislative, executive, administrative or
judicial body applicable to the Financing Documents,
violations of which would have a material adverse effect on
the City, its financial condition, its assets, or its ability-
to perform its obligations under the Financing Documents.
(c) Use of Proceeds. The City will use or cause
to be used the proceeds of the sale of the Bonds in
accordance with the provisions of the Indenture and this
Agreement and in accordance with the statements pertaining
thereto in the Official Statement of the City delivered in
connection with the offering of the Bonds.
(d) Maintenance of Existence. The City will at
all times maintain its existence and good standing under the
laws of the State of California.
(e) Annual Statements. The City shall furnish to
the Bank (i) as soon as possible but in any event within one
hundred eighty (180) days following the end of each Fiscal
Year, its balance sheet as of the end of such fiscal year and
the related statements of income, changes in equity and
changes in financial position for the year then ended
certified by independent auditors of recognized standing,
(ii) within sixty (60) days after the end of each of the
first three (3) quarters of each fiscal year, its unaudited
income statement for the last month of such quarter
presenting the results of its operations in such month and
for the year to date, (iii) as soon as available a copy of
any report to the City of any auditors of the City, (iv) to
the extent permitted by law, as soon as available a copy of
any other periodic report of its activities or condition
submitted to any governmental agency and any other audit
report prepared with respect to its activities or condition
for delivery to a third party and (v) as soon as available
but in no event later than thirty-one (31) days after the end
of each fiscal quarter, a financial statement with respect to
each of the Assessment Fund, Reserve Fund, Construction Fund,
Principal Fund, Interest Fund, Fixed Rate Reserve Fund,
Interest Reserve Fund, Reserve Earnings Fund, Purchase Fund
and Redemption Fund [other funds].
(f) Visitation and Examination. Unless otherwise
prohibited by law, the City will permit any person designated
by the Bank to visit any of the offices of the City to
examine the books and financial records, including minutes of
meetings of the City Council, and make copies thereof or
extracts therefrom, and to discuss the affairs, finances and
accounts of the City with its principal officials, all at
such reasonable times and as often as the Bank may reasonably
request, to the extent such information and material relate~
to the transactions contemplated by the Financing Documents.
(g) Maintenance of Tax-Exempt Status of the
Bonds. The City will not take any action or omit to take any
a-~-~n which, if taken or omitted, would adversely affect the
exemption of interest on the Bonds from federal income
taxation or from State of California personal income taxes.
[ (h) Enforcement of Irvine Company Agreements.
City shall take such action to enforce the Irvine Company
Agreements as the Bank may reasonably direct.]
Section 5.2. Negative Covenants of the City. The City
covenants and agrees that so long as any Bonds or any
obligation of the City under this Agreement shall remain
unpaid or the Bank shall have any liability under or in
respect of the Letter of Credit:
(a) No Change in Indenture or the Irvine Company
Agreements. The City will not cancel, terminate, amend,
supplement, modify or waive any of the provisions of the
Indenture or the Irvine Company Agreements, and will not
consent to any such cancellation, termination, amendment,
supplement, modification or waiver, without the prior written
consent of the Bank.
(b) Conversion to Fixed Interest Rate. The City
will not cause the Bonds to bear interest at the Fixed
Interest Rate unless the City (1) will be able to reimburse
the Bank for any related or res--'~ting payment under the
Letter of Credit on the day of such payment, as provided in
Section 2.2 hereof, and (2) has entered into an aqreement
with Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated and
Stone & Youngberg or other national firm or firms reasonably~
acceptable to the Bank for the sale of Fixed Rate Bonds on a~
"firm commitment" basis upon such terms and conditions ~
reasonably acceptable to the Bank.
[(c) Amendment of the Irvine ComDany Agreements.
City shall not amend the Irvine Company Agreements without
the prior written consent of the Bank, which consent may not
be unreasonably withheld.]
(d) Residential Property. The City will not
permit residential property,,within Assessment District No.'
85-1 to be conveyed to a residential user, including a
lessor, thereof while an Assessment on such property secures
payment of any Bond covered by the Letter of Credit, and the
City shall record a notice to such effectr in form an~
substance reasonably satisfactory to the Bank~ with the
Orange County Recorder. IRestrictions on sale to developers)
Section 6.1. Conditions To Issuance and Delivery of
Letter of Credit. The obligation of the Bank to issue an~
deliver the Letter of Credit to the Trustee shall be subject
to the fulfillment, at or before the issuance of the Letter
of Credit, of each of the following conditions:
(a) The Financing Documents. The Financing
Documents shall have been duly executed and delivered by each
of the respective parties thereto and shall not have been
modified, amended or rescinded, shall be in full force and
effect on and as of the Effective Date and executed original
or certified copies of each thereof shall have been delivered
to the Bank.
(b) The Indenture. The Indenture shall have been
duly adopted and shall be in full force and effect on and as
of the Effective Date.
(c) City Proceedings, etc. The Bank shall have
received a certified copy of all proceedings taken by the
City authorizing the transactions hereunder and the
execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement, the
Indenture, and the Bonds, together with such other
certifications as to matters of fact as shall be reasonably
requested by the Bank, all in form and substance satisfactory
to the Bank.
(d) Certificate. The Bank shall have received a
certificate signed by an authorized representative of the
City, dated the Effective Date, to the same effect as
paragraphs (a) through (c) of this Section 6.1, and to the
further effect that (i) the City has obtained all consents,
permits, licenses and approvals of, and has made all
registrations and declarations with, governmental authorities
required under law to authorize the issuance and sale of the
Bonds and the execution, delivery and performance bY fhe City
of this Agreement; (ii) to the best knowledge of the City, no
Event of Default or event which, with the giving of notice,
the passage of time, or both, would constitute an Event of
Default, has occurred or is continuing; and (iii) to the best
knowledge of the City, there is no action, suit,
investigation or proceeding to which the City is a party and
which is pending or threatened (A) in connection with any of
the transactions contemplated by the Indenture or this
Agreement or (B) against or affecting the City or its assets,
the result of which could have a materially adverse effect on
the financial condition, assets, business or operations of
the City or its ability to perform its obligations under the
Financing Documents. Such certificate shall cover such other
matters incident to the transactions contemplated by the
Indenture and by this Agreement as the Bank may reasonably
request, and shall be in form and substance satisfactory to
the Bank.
(e) City Attorney's Legal Opinion. The Bank shall
have received an opinion of the City Attorney dated the
Effective Date in form and substance satisfactory to the
(f) Bond Counsel's Legal O~inion. The Bank shall
have received an opinion of Bond Counsel dated the Effective
Date in form and substance satisfactory to the Bank.
(g) Representations and Warranties True; No
Default. The Bank shall be satisfied that on the Effective
Date each representation and warranty on the part of the City
contained in any Financing Document is true and correct in
all material respects and no Event of Default, or event
which, with the giving of notice, passage of time, or both,
would constitute an Event of Default, has occurred and is
continuing; provided, however, that issuance of the Letter of
Credit shall not be deemed to constitute a determination by
the Bank that this condition has been satisfied or to
constitute waiver of, or estoppel, to the Bank's right to
enforce remedies as provided herein should such conditions
later be determined not to have been satisfied on the
Effective Date.
(h) Other Requirements. The Bank shall have
received such other certificates, approvals, opinions and
documents as shall be reasonably requested by the Bank, all
in form and substance satisfactory to the Bank.
Section 7.1. Definition of Events. If any of the
following events, acts or occurrences (herein called "Events
of Default") shall occur:
(a) the issuance of any Bonds shall result in a
violation by the City of any law, rule or regulation, or any
order of any court, governmental agency or regulatory body,
or any indenture or loan or'credit agreement (including the
Financing Documents), or any other agreement or instrument,
applicable to the City or to such issuance by the City which
impairs the ability of the City to perform its obligations
hereunder or any of the Financing Documents; or
(b) default in the payment when due of principal
or premium owing or interest on any Bond which continues for
a period of five (5) Business Days (except to the extent that
such default is solely attributable to the wrongful failure
by the Bank to honor a conforming drawing made by the the
Letter of Credit) or default in the payment when due of any
amount owing by the City under this Agreement or under the
Indenture; or
(c) any representation or warranty on the part of
the City contained in any Financing Document shall at any
time prove to have been incorrect in any material respect
when made or when effective or when reaffirmed, as the case
may be; or
(d) the City shall default in the performance or
observance of any term, covenant, condition or agreement on
its part to be performed or observed hereunder or under the
Indenture (and not constituting an Event of Default under any
other clause of this Section 7.1), and such default shall
continue unremedied for thirty (30) days after written notice
thereof shall have been given to the City by the Bank; or
(e) an "Event of Default" under Section 7.01(a) or
(b) of the Indenture (as such term is defined in the
Indenture) shall have occurred and be continuing, except to
the extent that such "Event of Default" is solely
attributable to the wrongful failure by the Bank to honor a
conforming drawing made by the Trustee under the'Letter of
Credit (for the purpose of this provision the Indenture shall
be deemed to continue in full force and effect
notwithstanding any earlier termination thereof so long as
any obligation of the City under this Agreement shall remain
then, in any such event, the Bank may, at the same or
different times, so long as such Event of Default is
continuing (i) notify the Trustee that an Event of Default
has occurred and is continuing, (ii) accelerate all amounts
owing pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, whereupon the
same shall be and become immediately due and payable, and/or
(iii) exercise any one or more of the rights and remedies
available to the Bank under the Financing Documents or
otherwise, or to exercise any other right or power provided
to the Trustee in the Indentur~
Section 7.2. Notice of Events. The City shall give
notice to the Bank of the occurrence of any Event of Default,
or event which with the giving of notice, the passage of
time, or both would constitute an Event of Default, in each
case within two (2) days after becoming aware thereof.
Section 8.1. No Waiver; Modifications in Writing. No
failure or delay on the part of the Bank in exercising any
right, power or remedy hereunder shall operate as a waiver
thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any such
right, power or remedy preclude any other or further exercise
thereof or the exercise of any other right, power or
remedy. The remedies provided for herein are cumulative and
are not exclusive of any remedies that may be available to
the Bank at law or in equity or otherwise. No amendment,
modification, supplement, termination or waiver of or to any
provision of this Agreement, nor consent to any departure by
the City therefrom, shall be effective unless the same shall
be in writing and signed by or on behalf of the Bank. Any
amendment, modification or supplement of or to any provision
of this Agreement, and any consent to any departure by the
City from the terms of any provision of this Agreement, shall
be effective only in the specific instance and for the
specific purpose for which made or given. No notice to or
demand on the City in any case shall entitle the City to any
other or further notice or demand in similar or other
circumstances. The Bank shall notify the Trustee of each
amendment to this Agreement.
Section 8.2. Payment on Non-Business Days. Unless
otherwise provided herein, whenever any payment shall be
stated to be due on a day which is not a Business Day, such
payment may be made on the next succeeding Business Day, and
such extension of time shall in such case be included in the
computation and payment of the amount due.
Section 8.3. Further Assurances. The City agrees to
do such further acts and things and to execute and deliver to
the Bank such additional assignments, agreements, powers and
instruments as the Bank may reasonably require or deem
advisable to carry into effect the purposes of this Agreement
or to better assure and confirm unto the Bank its rights,
powers, and remedies hereunder.
Section 8.4. Survival of Representations and
Warranties. Ail representations and warranties made in this
Agreement and in any certificates delivered pursuant hereto
shall survive the execution and delivery of this Agreement
and the issuance and delivery of the Letter of Credit.
Section 8.5. Notices, Etc. Ail notices, demands,
instructions and other communications required or permitted
to be given to or made upon any party hereto or any other
person shall be in writing and shall be personally delivered
or sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, or
by prepaid telecopier, telex, TWX or telegram (with messenger
delivery specified in the case of a telegram) and shall be
deemed to be given for purposes of this Agreement on the day
that such writing is delivered to the intended recipient
thereof in accordance with the provisions of this
Section 8.5. Unless otherwise specified in a notice sent or
delivered in accordance with the foregoing provisions of this
Section 8.5, notices, demands, instructions and other
communications in writing shall be given to or made upon the
respective parties hereto at their respective addresses (or
to their respective telecopier, telex or TWX numbers)
indicated below:
If to the City:
City of Tustin
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, California 92680
Attention: Finance Director
Tel. No.
If to the Bank:
The Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation
Los Angeles Agency
911 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles, California 90017
Attention: Manager
Tel. No. (213) 488-9003
Telex No. 677187
With a copy to:
Graham & James
725 South Figueroa St.
34th Floor
Los Angeles, California 90017
Attention: William W. Wells/MTRS 2.101
Tel. No. (213) 624-2500
Telecopier No. (213) 622-8221 (Rapicom 6100)
Telex No. 69-1383
If to the Trustee:
Citibank N.A.
120 Wall Street
New York, New York 10043
Tel. No. ( )
Telex No. ( )
Section 8.6. Costs, Expenses and Taxes~ The City
agrees to pay all reasonable costs and expenses of the Bank
in connection with the negotiation, preparation, execution,
delivery, administration and enforcement of this Agreement
and any amendments or modifications hereof (or supplements
hereto), including the reasonable fees and out-of-pocket
expenses of Graham & James, counsel to the Bank, or such
other counsel as may be appointed by the Bank, and
independent public accountants and other outside experts
retained by the Bank in connection with any of the
foregoing. In addition, the City shall pay any and all
present or future stamp or documentary taxes or any other
excise or property taxes, charges or similar levies which
arise from any payment made hereunder or under the Letter of
Credit or any other instrument delivered hereunder or from
the execution, delivery or registration of, or otherwise with
respect to, this Agreement or the Letter of Credit or any
other instrument delivered hereunder.
Section 8.7. Execution in Counterparts. This
Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which when
so executed and delivered shall be deemed to be an original
and all of which counterparts, taken together, shall
constitute but one and the same Agreement.
Section 8.8. Binding Effect; Assignment. This
Agreement shall be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of,
the City and the Bank and their respective successors and
assigns; provided, however, that the City may not assign its
rights or obligations hereunder (except to the Trustee,
provided that such assignment will not affect the City's
primary liability therefor) without the prior written consent
of the Bank and the Trustee. This Agreement shall not be
construed so as to confer any right or benefit upon any
person other than the parties to this Agreement, and their
respective successors and assigns.
Section 8.9. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be
deemed to be a contract made under the laws of the State of
California and for all purposes shall be construed in
accordance with the laws of said State, without regard to
principles of conflicts of law.
Section 8.10. Severability of Provisions. Any provi-
sion of this Agreement which is prohibited or unenforceable
in any jurisdiction shall, as to such jurisdiction, be
ineffective to the extent of such prohibition or
unenforceability without invalidating the remaining
provisions hereof or affecting the validity or enforceability
of such provision in any other jurisdiction.
Section 8.11. Headings. Article and Section headings
used in this Agreement are for convenience of reference only
and shall not affect the construction of this Agreement.
Section 8.12. Right of Setoff. In addition .to any
other right or remedy that the Bank may have by operation of
law or otherwise, the Bank shall be entitled to exercise its
right of setoff or banker's lien to the fullest extent
permitted by law; provided, however, that the Bank hereby
irrevocably waives such right of setoff or banker's lien in
order to appropriate and apply to the payment of Unpaid
Drawings, Principal Draws, Interest Draws and interest
thereon any balances, credits, deposits, accounts or moneys
of the City at any time with the Bank when and if there shall
be a drawing under the Letter of Credit during the pendency
of any proceedings by or against the City, seeking relief in
respect of the City under the Bankruptcy Law; provided
further, however, that the Bank may exercise such right of
setoff or banker's lien if (a) it is determined by a court of
competent jurisdiction that such exercise would not lead to
the Bank being released, prevented or restrained from or
delayed in fulfilling its obligations under the Letter of
Credit, and (b) the exercise or existence of such right of
setoff or banker's lien would not constitute any payment
(including pursuant to the Letter of Credit) to holders of
the Bonds in respect of amounts payable thereunder a voidable
preference payment under the Bankruptcy Law.
Section 8.13. Actions Relating to the Financing
Documents; Indemnity.
(a) Any action taken or omitted by the Bank under
or in connection with the Financing Documents, if taken or
omitted in good faith, shall be binding upon the City and
shall not put the Bank under any resulting liability to the
City. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the
Bank shall be protected in relying upon a duly executed
instrument of transfer in the form attached as Annex 5 to the
Letter of Credit.
(b) The Bank may, under the Letter of Credit,
receive, accept and pay any demands or other documents and
instruments signed by, or issued to, the receiver, trustee in
bankruptcy, custodian, executor, administrator, guardian or
conservator of anyone named in the Letter of Credit as the
person by whom demands and other documents and instruments
are to be made or issued.
(c) The Bank shall not have any liability to the
City, and the City assumes all risk and responsibility for
(i) the form, sufficiency, correctness, validity,
genuineness, falsification and legal effect of any demands
and other documents, instruments and other papers relating to
the Letter of Credit, (ii) the general and particular
conditions stipulated therein, (iii) the good faith acts of
any person whosoever in connection therewith, (iv) failure of
any person (other than the Bank, subject to the terms and
conditions hereof) to comply with the terms of the Letter of
Credit; (v) errors, omissions, interruptions or delays in
transmission or delivery of any messages, by mail, cable,
telex, telegraph, wireless or otherwise, whether or not they
be in code, (vi) errors in translation or errors in
interpretation of technical terms, (vii) any failure or
inability by the Bank or anyone else to perform in accordance
with the foreign laws, customs or regulations or by reason of
any control or restriction rightfully or wrongfully exercised
by any government or group asserting or exercising
governmental or paramount powers, and (viii) for any other
consequences arising from causes beyond the Bank's control.
(d) The City waives any right to object to any
payment made under the Letter of Credit against a demand and
accompanying documents as provided in the Letter of Credit
varying in punctuation, capitalization, spelling, or similar
matters of form. The Bank may accept any demands and other
doc-ments that appear on their face to be in order in
accordance with the procedures for presentation set forth in
the Letter of Credit, without responsibility for further
investigation, regardless of any notice or information to the
(e) Subject to Section 8.14 hereof, the City
agrees at all times to protect, indemnify and save harmless
the Bank to the full extent lawful from and against any and
all claims, actions, suits and other legal proceedings, and
from and against any and all losses, claims, demands,
liabilities, damages, costs, charges, counsel fees and other
expenses which it may, at any time, sustain or incur by
reason of or in consequence of or arising out of the issuance
of the Letter of Credit or the purchase and sale of Bonds as
contemplated in this Agreement, all of which risks are hereby
assumed by the City, including, without limitation, any and
all risks of the acts or omissions, whether rightful or
wrongful, of any present or future d__e jure or de facto
government or governmental authority; provided that the City
shall not be required to indemnify the Bank for any claims,
damages, losses, liabilities, costs or expenses to the
extent, but only to the extent, caused by (i) the wilful
misconduct or gross negligence of the Bank in determining
whether a demand or statement presented under the Letter of
Credit complied with the terms of the Letter of Credit or
(ii) the Bank's wilful or grossly negligent failure to pay
under the Letter of Credit after the presentation to it by
the Trustee of a demand strictly complying with the terms and
conditions of the Letter of Credit. Nothing in this Section
is intended to limit the obligations of the City contained in
Sections 2.2 and 2.3 hereof. The Bank shall not be liable to
the City for any failure by the Bank of them or anyone else
to pay any draft under the Letter of Credit as a result of
any governmental acts or any other cause beyond the control
of the Bank. The obligations of the City hereunder shall
survive cancellation or expiration of the Letter of Credit
and payment of the Bonds.
(f) Recognizing that transactions such as the
issuance and sale of the Bonds sometimes result in threatened
or actual litigation and that the Bank's role under the
Financing Documents is limited to acting solely as the issuer
of the Letter of Credit to enhance the credit quality of the
Bonds and to provide for an efficient mechanism for the
payment of principal and interest thereon and the purchase
price thereof, subject to Section 8.14 hereof, the City
agrees to indemnify the Bank (and its agents, employees and
controlling persons) (the Bank and its agents, employees and
controlling persons being hereinafter collectively referred
to in this paragraph (f) as the "Indemnitees") to the full
extent lawful against any and all claims, losses and expenses
incurred (including all reasonable fees and disbursements of
the !ndemnitees' legal counsel and all of the Indemnitees'
reasonable travel and other out-of-pocket expenses incurred
in connection with investigation of and preparation for any
such pending or threatened claims and any litigation and
other proceedings arising therefrom) arising out of or based
upon the issuance, sale and distribution of the Bonds,
including without limitation, the inclusion of any untrue
statement or alleged untrue statement of a material fact
contained in any offering statement made available to
purchasers of the Bonds, or any amendments or supplements
thereto, or the omission or alleged omission to state therein
a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to
make the statements therein, in light of circumstances under
which they were made, not misleading, except insofar as any
such claims, losses and expenses arise out of or are based on
an untrue statement or alleged untrue statement in, or
omission or alleged omission from, such offering statement
(or any amendments or supplements thereto) made in reliance
upon and in conformity with information furnished in writing
to the City by the Banks. The obligations of the City under
this Section 8.13(f) shall be in addition to any rights that
any Indemnitee may have at common law or otherwise and shall
survive the Termination Date. If indemnification pursuant to
this Section 8.13(f) shall be found to be unlawful or invalid
for any reason, then the City and each Indemnitee shall make
contributions in payment of any liabilities incurred pursuant
to the above-referenced issuance, sale and distributions and
statements or omissions in accordance with the respective
fault of the City and each Indemnitee.
Section 8.14. Limited Liability of City. Except for
the collection of and payment to the Bank, when due, of the
Assessment Installments and the observance and performance of
the other conditions, covenants and terms contained herein,
in the Indenture and in any Bank Bonds required to be
observed or performed by it, the City shall not have any
obligation or liability to the Bank (as Owner or otherwise)
with respect to this Agreement, the Indenture or any Bank
Bond, and all amounts payable under this Agreement shall be
payable only from the proceeds from the sale of the Bonds,
the Assessment Installments collected by or for the City
pursuant to the Indenture, either as due or by collection by
foreclosure of the delinquency, and all interest earnings on
the foregoing amounts.
Section 8.15. Security. The security interest granted to
the Bank pursuant to the terms of the Indenture is hereby
incorporated herein by this reference, and shall extend to
and secure all obligations of the City to the Bank hereunder,
notwithsfanding any termination or discharge of the Indenture
and shall, survive until all sums owing hereunder are paid in
full. The City shall not grant to the Bank, and it shall not
accept, any additional security interest in or lien on any
collateral for the City's obligations under this Agreement
unless such lien and/or security interest is for the pari
passu benefit of the holders of the Bonds.
Section 8.16. Successor Trustee. Promptly following the
appointment and qualification of any successor Trustee
pursuant to the Indenture, the Bank shall effect a transfer
of the Letter of Credit to such successor Trustee upon
presentation to the Agent of a duly executed instrument of
transfer in the form of Annex 5 attached to and otherwise as
set forth in the Letter of Credit and upon receipt of the
transfer fee set forth in Section 2.2 above. The Bank may
conclusively rely upon an executed instrument of transfer in
the form of said Annex 5 in connection with any such transfer
of the Letter of Credit.
Section 8.17. Extension of Term. At the request of the
City at any time within 90 days before the eighth anniversary
of the Effective Date and within 90 days before the end of
each subsequent one year period, while the Letter of Credit
is outstanding, the parties hereto may in their discretion
agree to extend the term of this Agreement and the
Termination Date of the Letter of Credit for an additional
one year, provided that the Termination Date shall not occur
later than the anniversary date of the Effective
Date. This provision is not intended to limit the ability of
the parties hereto to agree at any other time or any other
terms to extend the term of this Agreement and the
Termination Date of the Letter of Credit.
Section 8.18.
of its obligations under this Agreement or the Indenture the
Bank may in its discretion at any time and from time to time
make advances to effect performance of any such obligation on
behalf of the City. The City shall reimburse the Bank for
each advance upon demand. Each advance shall bear interest
from the date of the advance until paid at the Bank Interest
Rate. Section 8.14 shall not apply to this Section.
Advances. If the City fails to perform any
Section 8.19. Right of First Refusal. In the event of
an optional redemption pursuant to Section 4.01 or 4.02 as a]
result' of a refunding, in whole or in part, of the
Outstanding Bonds, the Bank shall have the right of first
refusal to issue a letter of credit with respect to such
refunding on equal or more favorable terms as those offered
in writing by any other bank.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this
Agreement to be executed by their respective officers
thereunto duly authorized, as of the date first above
· Mayor
City Clerk of the City of Tustin
Calculation Pursuant to Clause Cb) 6,
D~Finition of =Rank Purchase Pric~"
Aaount under Clause (b) of definition of
· Bank Purchase Price" - C - ((p + a) x (A/B))
A- (P + a) + CCP + a) x n/360 z 1)
B - (P + a) + ((p + a) x n/360 x Z)
P - principal amount of Bonds being purchased
a = accrued interest to the Bank Purchase Date
n · number of dams f:oB Bank Purchase Date to next
succeeding Business Day
t · Bank Rate in effect on Bank Purchase Date
i · Base Rate in effect on Bank PuEchase Date
Let P- ;1,000,000; a - ;1,000; n - 1; i - 12%;
then: A - (;1,001,000) + (;1,001,000 x 1/360 x
B - (;1,001,000) + ($1,001,000 x 1/360 x
C- (;3,,001,000) x
I ' 14%.
' $J,000~944.41
The Mitsubishi Trust and
Banking Corporation
Los Angeles Agency
911Wilshire Boulevard
Suite 1650
Los Angeles, California
Irrevocable Letter of
Credit No.
Citibank N.A.
as Trustee under the Trust Indenture
dated as of August 1, 1986 by the City of
Tustin, California
· 1986
Ladies and Gentlemen:
At the request and for the account of the City of
Tustin, California (the "City"), we hereby jointly and
severally establish in your favor as Trustee under that
certain Trust Indenture By and Between Citibank N.A. and
the City of Tustin, California dated as of August 1, 1986
relating to $ City of Tustin, California
Assessment District No. 85-1 UPDATESTM Improvement Bonds
(the "Indenture") this irrevocable letter of credit in
the aggregate amount of
United States Dollars (U.S.$ ), of which
$ (the "Principal Portion") is available with
respect to principal of, $ (the "Interest
Portion") is available with respect to interest on, and
{the '~Premium Portion"~ is availab~ w~h
respect to premium on, the Improvement Bonds· Assessment
District No. 85-1 in the aggregate principal amount of
$ issued by the City.
This Letter of Credit is established pursuant to a
Reimbursement Agreement (the "Agreement") dated as of
August 1, 1986 by and between the City and us. Unless
otherwise provided or defined herein or the context
otherwise requires, capitalized terms used in this Letter
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MTRS 2.101
Citibank N.A.
, 1986
Page 2
of Credit shall have the meaning set forth in the
Agreement or the Indenture.
Funds shall be available hereunder to make any
payment to the owners of outstanding Bonds with respect
to (i) interest on Bonds, other than Bank Bonds and Fixed
Rate Bonds, to a maximum amount calculated
as (__) days interest at twelve
percent (12%) per annum on the then-outstanding Bonds
other than Bank Bonds, and Fixed Rate Bonds, upon one or
more telegraphic or telex demands by you in the form of
Annex 1 hereto on the fifth calendar day of each month or
the next preceding Business Day if such calendar day is
not a Business Day; (ii) the ~rincipal Aamount of the
purchase price of Bonds on any date on which Bonds are to
be purchased from the Owners thereof pursuant to
Sections 4.01, 4.02, 4.03, 4.05(A) or 4.05(B) (to the
extent a drawing hereunder is required by Section 4.06(_)
of the Indenture upon presentation of one or more telex
or telegraphic demands by you in the form of Annex 2
hereto; (iii) the principal~ of Bonds on any date
on which Bonds at,to be red--or paid at maturity or
the_~rincipal~amount of the purchase or acquisition price
of ~he Bond~ ~-~rchased or acquired pursuant to
Sections 2.03, 3.01(a), 3.01(c), 3.02 or 3.03~of the
Indenture upon presentation o~one or more telegraphic or
telex demands by you in the form of Annex 3 hereto; or
(iv) the amount of~premium on any date on which Bonds are
to be redeemed from the owners thereof pursuant to
Sections 4.01 o__r 4.02a(to the extent a drawing hereunder
is required by Section 4.06( )) of the Indenture upon
presentation of one or more t~-legraphic or telex demands
by you in the form of Annex 4 hereto, all of the
foregoing Annexes to be 'completed and in compliance with
the instructions in brackets in each respective Annex.
Each presentation shall be made at the office of The
Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation, Los Angeles
Agency, presently located at 911 Wilshire Boulevard,
Suite 1650, Los Angeles, California, 90017.
Each such presentation must be made on or before the
close of business on a Business Day prior to the
expiration of this Letter of Credit. This Letter of
Credit shall expire at the close of business of the Bank
on the earliest of (a) the tenth anniversary date
following the date of issuance of this Letter of Credit,
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MTRS 2.101
Citibank N.A.
, 1986
Page 3
(b) the dale on which the Trustee certifies to us that
all Outstanding Bonds (other than Bonds owned by the Bank
and Fixed Rate Bonds) have been paid or will be paid with
funds deposited with the Trustee, or (c) the date on
which the Trustee certifies to us that it has received an
Alternate Letter of Credit meeting the requirements of
the Indenture.
The amount of each telex or telegraphic demand
presented hereunder will be the amount inserted in
numbered paragraph (3) of said telex or telegraphic
We hereby agree with you that each telex or
telegraphic demand presented hereunder in the form of
Annex 1 hereto in full compliance with the terms hereof
will be duly honored by payment to you in immediately
available funds (a) no later than 10:00 a.m. Los Angeles
time on the Business Day next succeeding the day such
demand is presented as aforesaid if such presentation is
made at or before 3:00 p.m. Los Angeles time or (b) no
later than 12:00 noon Los Angeles time on the Business
Day next succeeding the day such demand is presented as
aforesaid, if such presentation is made after 3:00 p.m.
Los Angeles time.
We hereby agree with you that each telex or
telegraphic demand presented hereunder in the form of
Annex 1, Annex 2, Annex 3 or Annex 4 hereto in full
compliance with the terms hereof will be duly honored by
payment to you in immediately available funds (a) no
later than 12:00 noon Los Angeles time on the day such
demand is presented as aforesaid if such presentation is
made at or before 10:00 a.m. Los Angeles time or (b) no
later than 12:00 noon Los Angeles time on the Business
Day next succeeding the day such demand is presented as
aforesaid, if such presentation is made after 10:00 a.m.
Los Angeles time. You shall endeavor to give telephonic
notice to us no later than one-half hour prior to the
deadlines set forth above for presenting telex or
telegraphic demands, but your failure to do so shall not
relieve us of the duty to honor a d~mand otherwise
conforming to the terms and conditions of this Letter of
£..~ft No. 2
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MTRS 2.101
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, 1986
Page 4
The Stated Amount is comprised of the Principal
Portion,~the Interest Portion and the Premium Portion, as
they may vary from time to time.
Upon each payment hereunder with respect to
principal of the Bonds, the Principal Portion shall be
decreased by the amount of the payment and the Interest
Portion and the Premium Portion shall be decreased
proportionally. Upon each conversion of a Bond to a
Fixed Rate Bond, the Principal Portion shall be decreased
by the principal amount of each such Fixed Rate Bond and
the Interest Portion and the Premium Portioq shall be
decreased proportionally. Upon any sale or transfer by
us of Bonds purchased by us upon payment hereunder
pursuant to a demand in the form of Annex 3 hereto, the
Principal Portion, the Interest Portion and the Premium
Portion shall be automatically reinstate~ Dy the amounts
by which they were decreased upon such payment.
The Interest Portion shall be decreased upon, and to
the extent of, each payment hereunder with respect to
interest pursuant to a demand in the form of Annex 1 or 2
hereto and shall be increased upon, and to the extent of,
our being reimbursed for that payment; in any event, the
Interest Portion shall be reinstated automatically and
irrevocably by the amount of that payment on the close of
business on the date of such payment.
[Reduction of Premium Porton to correspond with /
reduction of obligations as per Indenture. Reinstatement~
of Premium Portion if necessary.]
Any change in the Principal Portion,^the Interest
Portion or the Premium Portion may be confirmed in an
amendment to this Letter of Credit issued by us and
delivered to the Trustee in person or by telex or
telecopier, but no failure to confirm an increase or
decrease will affect the validity of the change.
Except as otherwise provided herein, this Letter of
Credit shall be governed by and construed in accordance
with the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary
Credits (1983 Revision), International Chamber of
Commerce Publication No. 400 (the "UCP") and, to the
extent not inconsistent therewith, the laws of the State
rf California. Anything to the contrary in Article 45 of
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, 1986
Page 5
expires or terminates in accordance with its terms. Any
failure by the Trustee or any successor trustee to draw
upon this Letter of Credit with respect to an interest
payment on, or purchase price of, the Bonds in accordance
with the terms and conditions of the Indenture shall not
cause this Letter of Credit to be unavailable for any
future drawing in accordance with the terms and
conditions of the Indenture.
This letter of credit may be transferred more than
once but only in the amount of the full unutilized
balance hereof to any single transferee who has succeeded
you as trustee under the Indenture and in compliance with
the terms and conditions of the Indenture governing such
transfer. Transfers may be effected only through the
Agent and only upon presentation to it of a duly executed
instrument of transfer in the form attached hereto as
Annex 5 and payment of our transfer fee in the sum of
U.S.$1,500. Any transfer of this letter of credit as
aforesaid must be endorsed by Mitsubishi Trust and
Banking Corporation, Los Angeles Agency on the reverse
hereof and may not change the time or place of expiration
specified above.
Faithfully yours,
ANNEX 1 to
SUITE 1650
ANNEX 2 to
SUITE 1650
SECTIONS 4.01, 4.02, 4.03, 4.05(A) OR 4.05(B)
TO S 4.06(_) THEREOF.]
4.01. 4.02, 4.03, 4.05(A) OR 4.05(B)] OF THE INDENTURE, OF
ANNEX 3 to
SUITE 1650
SECTIONS 2.03, 3.01(A), 3.01(C), 3.02, OR 3.0L
ANNEX 4 to
SUITE 1650
TO ~ 4.06(_) THEREOF.]
ANNEX 5 to
SUITE 1650
Letter of Credit No. issued by
The Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation, Los
Angeles Agency
Ladies and Gentlemen:
For value received, we hereby irrevocably assign and
Transfer all of our rights under the above-captioned Letter
of Credit, as heretofore and hereafter amended, extended or
increased, to:
[name of Transferee]
[Address of Transferee]
By this transfer, all of our rights in the Letter of
Credit are transferred to the transferee, and the transferee
shall have sole rights as beneficiary under the Letter of
Credit, including sole rights relating to any amendments, and
whether now existing or hereafter made. The Letter of Credit
may hereafter be amended, extended or increased without our
consent or notice to us and you will give notice thereof
directly to the transferee.
By its signature below the undersigned transferee
(i) acknowledges that it has duly succeeded to
, as trustee under that certain Trust Indenture
relating to those certain Improvement Bonds, Assessment
District No. 85-1 in the aggregate principal amount of
$ issued by the City of Tustin, California, which
Trust Indenture is dated as of August 1, 1986 and entered
into by and between Citibank N.A. and the City of Tustin,
California as amended or supplemented from time to time (the
"Indenture") and (ii) consents and agrees to perform and
comply with all the terms, covenants and conditions on its
part to be performed or complied with under the Indenture.
The original Letter of Credit is returned with all
amendments to this date accompanied by payment to you of your
transfer fee in the sum of US$1,500. Please notify the
transferee in such form as you deem advisable of this
transfer and of the terms and conditions of the Letter of
Credit, including amendments, as transferred. A copy of this
instrument of transfer has been furnished to the City of
Irvine for its information.
Very truly yours,
[Insert Name of Transferor]
[Insert name and title]
[Insert Name of Transferee]
[Insert name and title]
ANNEX 2 to
SUITE 1650
64/JAC ~586Annexes
Auqus% __, 1986
City Council
City of Tustin
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, California 92680
Dear Members of the City Council:
The undersigned, Merrill Lynch Capital Markets,
Group, Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated and
Stone & Youngberg (collectively, the "Underwriters"), offer
to enter into the following agreement with the City of Tustin
(the "City"), which, upon the City's acceptance of this of-
fer, will be binding upon the City and upon the Underwriters.
This offer is made subject to the City's acceptance of this
Purchase Contract on or before 7:30 p.m. Los Angeles time on
Au~s~ , 1986, and, if not so accepted, will be subject to
withdrawal by the Underwriters upon written notice delivered
to the City at any time prior to the acceptance hereof by the
1. Upon the terms and conditions, and upon the
basis of representations set forth herein, the Underwriters,
jointly and severally, hereby agree to purchase from the
City, and the City hereby agrees to sell and deliver to the
Underwriters, $54,000,000 aggregate principal amount of the
City of Tustin Improvement Bonds, Assessment District No.
85-1 (the "Bonds"). The Bonds shall be dated and shall ma-
ture as set forth in Schedule 1 hereto. The Bonds shall
initially bear interest at the Adjusted Interest Rate'deter-
mined as set forth in the hereinafter defined Indenture. The
Adjusted Interest Rate for each Bond as of the date of sale
of the Bonds for the initial interest period, is also set
forth in Schedule 1 hereto. The purchase price for the Bonds
shall be 99.5% of the aggregate principal amount of the
Bonds. Payment for and delivery of the Bonds, and the other
actions contemplated hereby to take place at the time of such
payment and delivery, are herein sometimes called the
2. The Preliminary Official Statement, including
the cover page and appendices thereto, dated Auqust __,
1986, relating to the Bonds (the "Preliminary Official State-
ment''), as amended to conform to the terms of this Purchase
Contract, and with such other changes and amendments as are
mutually agreed to by the City and the Underwriters, is here-
in~fter called the "Official Statement."
3. The Bonds shall be as described in the Offi-
cial Statement and shall be issued and secured under the
provisions of an Indenture (the ".Indenture"), dated as of
August 1, 1986, between the City, and Citibank, N.A., as
trustee (the "Trustee"), authorizing the issuance of the
Bonds. The Bonds and interest thereon will be payable in
accordance with the Indenture, from unpaid assessments (the
"Assessments") levied and collected with interest, and from
other monies as provided for in the Indenture. Proceeds of
the sale of the Bonds will be used by the City in accordance
with the terms of the Indenture. The Indenture, the Resolu-
tion of Intention (the "Resolution of Intention") relating to
the establishment of the East Tustin Assessment District
No. 85-1 (the "District") and the levying of the Assessments,
and all actions, agreements and proceedings related thereto
(collectively, the "Proceedings") were or will be taken pur-
suant to the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913, as amended
(the "1913 Act"), the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, as amend-
ed (the "Bond Law"), and all other applicable laws.
4. Any action under this Purchase Contract taken
by the Underwriters, or either of them, including payment for
and acceptance of the Bonds, and delivery and execution of
any receipt for the Bonds and any other instruments in con-
nection with the Closing, shall be valid and sufficient for
all purposes and binding upon each of the Underwriters, pro-
vided that any such action shall not impose any obligation or
liability upon the Underwriters other than as may arise as
expressly set forth in this Purchase Contract.
5. It shall be a condition to the City's obliga-
tion to sell and deliver the Bonds to the Underwriters, and
to the obligations of the Underwriters to purchase, to accept
delivery of and to pay for the Bonds, that the entire
$50,650,00~ aggregate principal amount of the Bonds author-
ized by the Indenture shall be sold and delivered by the
City, and purchased, accepted and paid for by the Underwrit-
ers, at the Closing. The Underwriters agree to make a bona
fide public offering of all of the Bonds at a price of par.
6. The City hereby authorizes the Official State-
ment and the information and documents therein contained or
described to be used by the Underwriters in connection with
the public offering and sale of the Bonds. The City ratifies
and confirms the use by the Underwriters prior to the date
07/28/86 2
hereof of the Preliminary Official Statement in connection
with the public offering of the Bonds.
7. The City represents and warrants to each of
the Underwriters that:
(a) The City is a general law city duly or-
ganized and existing under the Constitution and laws of
the State of California, and has, and at the date of the
Closing will have, full legal right, power and authority
(i) to execute, deliver and enter into this Purchase
Contract, (ii) to execute, deliver and enter into the
Indenture (iii) to issue, sell and deliver the Bonds to
the Underwriters as provided herein, (iv) to undertake
the Proceedings, and (v) to carry out and consummate the
transactions contemplated by this Purchase Contract, the
Resolution of Intention, the Indenture and the Official
(b) The City has complied, and will at the
Closing be in compliance in all respects, with the In-
denture, the 1913 Act, the Bond Law and all other appli-
cable law;
(c) By official action of the City prior to
or concurrently with the acceptance hereof, the Cit~ has
duly adopted the Resolution of Intention, has duly au-
thorized and approved the Preliminary Official Statement
and the Official Statement, has duly authorized and
approved the execution and delivery of, ~and the perfor-
mance by the City of the obligations contained in the
Bonds, the Indenture and this Purchase Contract, and has
duly authorized and approved the performance of its
obligations contained in the Proceedings and the consum-
mation by it of all other transactions contemplated by
the Official Statement, including, without limitation,
the levy and collection of the Assessments and the As-
sessments constitute valid and binding liens on the
properties on which they have been levied;
(d) The execution and delivery of this Pur-
chase Contract, the Indenture, the Remarketing Agent
Agreement (as hereinafter defined) the Reimbursement
Agreement (as hereinafter defined) and the Bonds, the
adoption of the Proceedings relating to the issuance of
the Bonds, the levy and collection of the Assessment,
and the establishment of the District, and compliance
with the provisions of each thereof will not conflict
with or constitute a breach of or a default under any
applicable law or administrative regulation of the State
of California or the United States, or any applicable
07/28/86 3
judgment, decree, agreement or other instrument to which
the City is a party or is otherwise subject;
(e) Promptly after the Official Statement is
available in final form, the City shall deliver or cause
to be delivered to the Underwriters two copies of the
Official Statement manually signed by the Mayor of the
City. The Underwriters shall furnish or cause to be
furnished to the City, as soon as available, copies of
the Official Statement, and all amendments and supple-
ments thereto, in such quantities as the City may rea-
sonably request;
(f) ~ the time of the City's acceptance
hereof and at all times subsequent thereto up to and
including the time of the Closing, the Official State-
ment ~ith respect to the information therein~other than
the information therein under the caotions ~he Bank
add "The Remarketina Aaent". does not and will not con-
tain any untrue statement df a material fact or omit to
state a material fact required to be stated therein or
necessary to make the statements therein, in the light
of the circumstances under which they were made, not
(g) There is no action, suit, proceeding or
investigation before or by any court, public board or
body pending or, to the best knowledge of the City,~
threatened, wherein an unfavorable decision, ruling or
finding would: (i) affect the creation, organization,
existence or powers of the City or the District, or the
titles of its Council members and officers, (ii) enjoin
or restrain the issuance, sale and delivery of the
Bonds, the levy and collection of the Assessments or any
other monies or properties pledged or to be pledged
under the Indenture for the payment of the Bonds, (iii)
in any way question or affect any of the rights, powers,
duties or obligations of the City with respect to the
monies pledged or to be pledged to pay the principal of,
premium, if any, or interest on the Bonds, (iv) in any
way question or affect any authority for the issuance of
the Bonds, or the validity or enforceability of the
Bonds or the Indenture, or (v) in any way question or
affect this Purchase Contract or the transactions con-
templated by this Purchase Contract, the Official State-
ment, the documents referred to in the Official
Statement, or any other agreement or instrument to which
the City is a party relating to the Bonds;
(h) The City will furnish such information,
execute such instruments and take such other action in
cooperation with the Underwriters, as the Underwriters
may reasonably request, to qualify the Bonds for offer
and sale under the Blue Sky or other securities laws and
regulations of such states and other jurisdictions of
the United States as the Underwriters may designate, and
will assist, if necessary therefor, in the continuation
of such qualifications in effect as long as required for
the distribution of the Bonds; provided, however, that
the City shall not be required to qualify as a foreign
corporation or to file any general consents to service
of process under the laws of any state;
(i) The City has not been notified of any
listing or proposed listing by the Internal Revenue
Service to the effect that the City is a bond issuer
whose arbitrage certifications may not be relied upon;
(j) Any certificate signed by any official of
the City authorized to do so shall be deemed a represen-
tation and warranty by the City to the Underwriters as
to the statements made therein; and
(k) The City shall apply the proceeds of the
Bonds, including the investment earnings thereon, in
accordance with the Indenture and the Resolution of
Intention and as described in the Official Statement.
8. The City covenants and agrees with each of the
Underwriters that it will advise the Underwriters promptly of
any proposal to amend or supplement the Official Statement or
any part thereof. If between the date of this Purchase Con-
tract and the date ninety (90) days after the Closing an
event occurs which is materially adverse to the purpose for
which the Official Statement is to be used which is not dis-
closed in the Official Statement, the City shall notify the
Underwriters; and if in the opinion of the Underwriters such
event requires a supplement or amendment to the Official
Statement, the City shall supplement or amend the Official
Statement in a form and in a manner approved by the Under-
writers and counsel to the Underwriters.
9. At 9:00 a.m., Los Angeles time, on Auqus%
1986, or at such other time or on such other date as is
mutually agreed by the City and the Underwriters, the City
shall deliver the Bonds to the Underwriters in definitive
form, duly executed and authenticated, together with the
other documents hereinafter mentioned, and, subject to the
terms and conditions hereof, the Underwriters shall accept
such delivery and pay the purchase price of the Bonds as set
forth in paragraph 1 hereof by certified or bank cashier's
check or checks payable in immediately available federal
funds to the order of "City of Tustin, California." Delivery
and payment, as aforesaid, shall be made at the office~ of
07/28/86 5
Mudge Rose Guthrie Alexander & Ferdon, Los Angeles, Califor-
nia, or such other place as shall have been mutually agreed
upon by the City and the Underwriters. The Bonds shall be
printed or lithographed on steel engraved borders, shall bear
CUSIP numbers and shall be prepared and delivered as fully
registered Bonds without coupons in authorized denominations
specified by the Underwriters at least two (2) business days
before the Closing for purposes of inspection and packaging;
provided, however, that the Underwriters shall not reject
delivery of the Bonds solely because the Bonds do not bear
CUSIP numbers.
10. The Underwriters have entered into this Pur-
chase Contract in reliance upon the representations, warran-
ties and agreements of the City contained herein and to be
contained in the documents and instruments to be delivered at
the Closing, and upon the performance by the City of its
obligations hereunder, both as of the date hereof and as of
the date of the Closing. Accordingly, the Underwriters' obli-
gations under this Purchase Contract to purchase, to accept
delivery of and to pay for the Bonds shall be subject to the
performance by the City of its obligations to be performed
hereunder and under such documents and instruments at or
prior to the Closing, and shall also be subject to the fol-
lowing conditions:
(a) The representations and warranties of the
City contained herein shall be true, complete and cor-
rect on the date hereof and on and as of the date of the
Closing, as if made on the date of the Closing;
(b) At the time of the Closing the proceed-
ings relating to the authorization and issuance of the
Bonds and the establishment of the District (including
but not limited to the Proceedings) shall be in full
· force and effect, and shall not have been amended, modi-
fied or supplemented, and the Official Statement shall
not have been amended, modified or supplemented, except
in either case as may have been agreed to in writing by
the Underwriters;
(c) At the time of the Closing, there shall
have been taken all such actions as, in the opinion of
Mudge Rose Guthrie Alexander & Ferdon, and Rourke &
Woodruff (collectively "Bond Counsel"), shall be neces-
sary or appropriate in connection with the levying of
the Assessment, the formation of the District, or of the
issuance of the Bonds, and the transactions contemplated
(d) The Underwriters shall have the right to
terminate the Underwriters' obligations under this
Purchase Contract to purchase, to accept delivery of and
to pay for the Bonds by notifying the City of their
election to do so if, after the execution hereof and
prior to the Closing: (i) the marketability of the Bonds
or the market price thereof, in the opinion of the Un-
derwriters, has been materially and adversely affected
by any decision issued by a court of the United States
(including the United States Tax Court) or of the State
of California, by any ruling or requlation (final, tem-
porary or proposed) issued by or on behalf of the De-
partment of the Treasury of the United States, the
Internal Revenue Service, or other governmental agency
of the United States, or any governmental agency of the
State of California, or by a tentative decision or an-
nouncement with respect to legislation contemplated by a
committee of the House of Representatives, the Senate of
the United States or a Joint Committee of the Senate of
the United States and the House of Representatives, or
by legislation enacted by, pending in, or favorably
reported to either the House of Representatives (other
than H.R. 3838 in the form adopted by the House of Rep-
resentatives on December 17, 1985) or the Senate of the
United States (other than H. R. 3838 in the form adopted
by the Senate on June 24, 1986), or either House of the
Legislature of the State of California, or formally
proposed to th~ Congress of the United States by the
President of the United States or to the Legislature of
the State of California by the Governor of the State of
California in an executive communication, affecting the
tax status of the City, its property or income, its
bonds (including the Bonds) or the interest thereon, or
any tax exemption granted or authorized by the Bond Law;
(ii) the United States shall have become engaged in
hostilities which have resulted in a declaration of war
or a national emergency, or there shall have occurred
any other outbreak of hostilities, or a local, national
or international calamity or crisis, financial or other-
wise, the effect of such outbreak, calamity or crisis
being such as, in the reasonable opinion of the Under-
writers, would affect materially and adversely the abil-
ity of the Underwriters to market the Bonds (it being
agreed by the Underwriters that there is no outbreak,
calamity or crisis of such a character as of the date
hereof); (iii) there shall have occurred a general sus-
pension of trading on the New York Stock Exchange or the
declaration of a general banking moratorium by the Unit-
ed States, New York State or California State authori-
ties; (iv) there shall have occurred a withdrawal or
downgrading of any rating assigned to (a) any securities
of the City or (b) any debt instruments of the Bank, by
a national municipal bond rating agency; (v) any of the
proposed developments described in the Official
07/28/86 7
Statement shall have been repudiated by the applicable
developer, or any litigation or proceedings shall be
pending or threatened questioning proposed developments
or seeking to enjoin the development thereof, or the
City shall have received notice from the applicable
developer that it will be unable to proceed with the
development as described in the Official Statement; (vi)
any Federal or California court, authority or regulatory
body shall take action materially and adversely affect-
ing the ability of a developer to proceed with the de-
velopment as contemplated by the Official Statement; or
(vii) an event occurs which in the opinion of the Under-
writers requires a supplement or amendment to the Offi-
cial Statement, and such supplement or amendment is not
prepared by the City; and
(e) At or prior to the Closing, the Under-
writers shall have received each of the following
(1) The Official Statement, executed on
behalf of the City by its Mayor;
(2) An opinion, in form and substance
satisfactory to the City and the Underwriters,
dated as of the date of the Closing, of Bond Coun-
sel, approving, without qualification, the validity
of the Bonds and the exemption of the interest
thereon ~rom federal and state personal income
taxation, as described in the Official Statement;
(3) A supplemental opinion, dated the
date of the Closing and addressed to the Under-
writers, of Bond Counsel to the effect that (i)
this Purchase Contract, the Reimbursement Agree-
ment, the Remarketing Agent Agreement and the In-
denture have been duly authorized, executed and
delivered by the City, and, assuming due author-
ization, execution and delivery by the other par-
ties thereto, constitute legal, valid and binding
agreements of the City enforceable in accordance
with their respective terms, except as such en-
forceability may be limited by the application of
equitable principles if equitable remedies are
sought; (ii) the Bonds are not subject to the reg-
istration requirements of the Securities Act of
1933, as amended, and the Indenture is exempt from
qualification under the Trust Indenture Act of
1939, as amended; (iii) the Bonds conform as to
form and tenor to the description thereof contained
under the caption "The Bonds" in the Official
Statement, and the statements contained therein
07/28/86 8
under the captions "The Bonds"; "Summary of Inden-
ture''; "Introduction":~"Pending Federal Tax Legis-
lation''; and "Tax Exemption" insofar as such
statements purport to summarize certain provisions
of the 1913 Act, the Bond Law, the Bonds, the In-
denture, the Resolution of Intention, the Proceed-
ings present a fair and accurate summary of such
provisions; and, in connection with Bond Counsel's
participation in the Proceedings relating to the
establishment of the District and the issuance and
authorization of the Bonds, and the preparation of
the Official Statement, but without undertaking
independently to verify the accuracy or complete-
ness of the statements in the Official Statement,
Bond Counsel has no reason to believe that the
Official Statement, as of the date of Closing,
contained any untrue statement of a material fact
or omitted to state a material fact required to be
stated therein or necessary to make the statements
made therein, in the light of the circumstances
under which they were made, not misleading;
(4) A certificate dated the date of the
Closing, addressed to the Underwriters and signed
by the Mayor of the City and by the Finance Direc-
tor of the City to the effect that:
(i) The representations and warran-
ties of the City contained herein are true and
correct in all material respects on and as of
the date of the Closing as if made on the date
of the Closing;~
(ii) The City has complied with all
agreements, covenants and arrangements, and
satisfied all conditions, on its part to be
complied with or satisfied at or prior to the
Closing; and
~(iii) To the best of their knowledge,
no event affecting the City has occurred since
the date of the Official Statement which
should be disclosed in the Official Statement
in order to make the statements therein not
misleading in any respect;
(5) An opinion, dated the date of Closing and
addressed to the Underwriters, of Rourke &
Woodruff, as City Attorney, that there is no ac-
tion, suit, proceeding or investigation before or
by any court, public board or body pending or, to
the best of their knowledge, threatened, wherein an
07/29/86 9
unfavorable decision, ruling or finding would: (i)
affect the creation, organization, existence of
powers of the District or the City, or the titles
of its Council members and officers; (ii) enjoin or
restrain the issuance, sale and delivery of the
Bonds, the collection of any other monies or prop-
erty pledged or to be pledged under the Indenture
for the Bonds; (iii) in any way question or affect
any of the rights, powers, duties or obligations of
the City with respect to the Assessments or the
monies and assets pledged or to be pledged to pay
the principal of, premium, if any, or interest on
the Bonds; (iv) in any way question or affect any
authority for the issuance of the Bonds, or the
validity or enforceability of the Bonds; or (v) in
any way question or affect this Purchase Contract
or Contract, the Official Statement or the docu-
ments referred to in the Official Statement;
(6) A Certificate dated the date of
Closing, addressed to the Underwriters and signed
by an authorized principal of the appraisal firm
named in the Official Statement, to the effect that
the~Appraisal Report~fairly and accurately de-
scribes the minimum or "not less than" market val-
ues of the properties subject to the Assessment._~.
(7) A Certificate dated the date of
Closing, addressed to the Underwriters and signed
by the "Engineer" named in the Resolution of Inten-
tion to the effect that the statements and informa-
tion in the Official Statement as set forth under
the caption~'The District" and in Appendix ~ there-
to - "Assessment Diagram" and Appendix_~ thereto -
~"Description of Work and Method of Assessment,"
fairly and accurately describe the matters intended
to be described therein and that, in connection
with his participation in the preparation of the
Official Statement, he has no'reason to believe
that the Official Statement, as of the date of
Closing, contained any untrue statement of a mate-
rial fact or omitted to state any material fact
necessary in order to make the statements contained
therein, in the light of the circumstances under
which they were made, not misleading;
(8) A Certificate dated the date of
closing, addressed to the Underwriters and signed
by an authorized officer of The Mitsubishi Trust,
and Banking Corporation, Los Angeles Agency (the
"Bank"), to the effect that the information con-
tained in the Official Statement under the headings
07/28/86 10
"The Bank", "The Letter of Credit", and "The Reim-
bursement Agreement'~fairly and accurately summa-
rize the information purported to be presented
or summarized therein and that such information is
included in the Official Statement with the consent
of the Bank and that, in connection with his par-
ticipation in the preparation of the Official
Statement, he has no reason to believe that the
Official Statement, as of the date of Closing,
contained any untrue statement of a material fact
or omitted to state any material fact necessary in
order to make the statements contained therein, in
the light of the circumstances under which they
were made, not misleading;
(9) An opinion, dated the date of Clos-
ing and addressed to the Underwriters, of Graham &
James, counsel for the Bank, to the effect that (A)
the Bank is a banking corporation duly
organized and validly existing under the
(B) the Bank has the power to execute and deliver
the Reimbursement Agreement (the "Reimbursement
Agreement") and the Letter of Credit (the "Letter
of Credit") referred to in the Official Statement,
(C) the execution and delivery of the Reimbursement
Agreement and the issuance of the Letter of Credit
have been duly authorized by, and the Reimbursement
Agreement and Letter of Credit have been duly exe-
cuted and delivered by the Bank, (D) the Reim-
bursement Agreement and the Letter of Credit
constitute the legal, valid and binding obligations
of the Bank enforceable against the Bank in accor-
dance with their respective terms, except as such
enforceability may be limited by applicable insol-
vency, reorganization, liquidation, moratorium,
readjustment of debt or other similar proceedings
of or affecting the Bank, and (D) the Letter of
Credit is not subject to the registration require-
ments of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended;
[(10) An opinion, dated the date of Clos-
ing and addressed to the Underwriters, of ~
& Ohno, counsel for the Bank, to the effect that
(A) the Bank has the power to execute and deliver
the Reimbursement Agreement and the Letter of Cred-
it, (B) the execution and delivery of the Reim-
bursement Agreement and the issuance of the Letter
of Credit have been duly authorized by the Bank,
(C) when executed and delivered for the Bank, the
Reimbursement Agreement and the Letter of Credit
will have been duly executed and delivered by the
Bank, (D) were the Reimbursement Agreement and the
07/29/86 11
Letter of Credit governed by the laws of Japan, the
Reimbursement Agreement and the Letter of Credit,
when duly executed and delivered by the Bank, would
constitute the legal, valid and binding obligations
of the Bank enforceable against it in accordance
with their respective terms except as such enforce-
ability may be limited by applicable insolvency,
reorganization, liquidation, moratorium, readjust-
ment of debt Or .other similar laws affecting the
enforcement of creditor's rights generally, as such
laws may be applied in the event of an insolvency,
reorganization, liquidation, moratorium, readjust-
ment of debt or other similar proceedings of or
affecting the Bank, (E) when duly executed and
delivered by the Bank, the Reimbursement Agreement
and the Letter of Credit (assuming that such in-
struments are legal, valid and binding under the
laws of the State of California to which they are
expressed to be subject and, to the extent they may
be applicable, under the laws of the United States)
shall constitute the legal, valid and binding obli-
gations of the Bank enforceable against it in ac-
cordance with their respective terms except as such
enforceability may be limited by applicable insol-
vency, reorganization, liquidation, moratorium,
readjustment of debt or other similar laws affect-
ing the enforcement of creditor's rights generally,
as such laws may be applied in the event of any
insolvency, reorganization, liquidation, moratori-
um, readjustment of debt or other similar proceed-
ings of or affecting the Bank; and (F) under
Japanese law, the obligations of the Bank under the
Reimbursement Agreement and the Letter of Credit
rank pari passu in priority of payment and in all
other respects with all other unsecured obligations
of said Bank subject only to mandatorily preferred
obligations under applicable law of which the only
material preferred obligations are its liability
for national and local taxes and said Bank's em-
ployees' rights for wages and other claims arising
from employment relations;]
(11) Evidence satisfactory to the Under-
writers that the Bonds have been given the
"Aaa/VM1G 1" rating by Moody's Investors Service,
or the "NR/A-I+" rating by Standard & Poor's Corpo-
ration and that no such rating has been withdrawn
or lowered;
(12) An opinion of O'Melveny & Myers,
dated the date of Closing and addressed to the
07/28/86 12
Underwriters, as to such matters as the
Underwriters shall reasonably request; and
(13) Such additional legal opinions,
certificates, instruments and documents as the
Underwriters may reasonably request to evidence the
truth and accuracy, as of the date hereof and as of
the date of the Closing, of the City's representa-
tions and warranties contained herein and of the
statements and information contained in the Offi-
cial Statement and the due performance or satisfac-
tion by the City on or prior to the date of the
Closing of all agreements then to be performed and
all conditions then to be satisfied by the City.
In addition to the foregoing, the City shall pro-
vide the Proceedings relating to the authorization and issu-
ance of the Bonds and the establishment of the District and
the levying of the Assessment certified by authorized offi-
cers of the City under its seal as true copies and as having
been adopted or executed (as applicable), with only such
amendments, modifications or supplements as may have been
agreed to by the Underwriters.
All of the opinions, letters, certificates, instru-
ments and other documents mentioned above or elsewhere in
this Purchase Contract shall be deemed to be in compliance
with the provisioqs hereof if, but only if, they are in form
and substance satisfactory to the Underwriters. Receipt of,
and payment for, the Bonds shall constitute evidence of the
satisfactory nature of such as to the Underwriters. The
performance of any and all obligations of the City hereunder
and the performance of any and all conditions contained here-
in for the benefit of the Underwriters may be waived by the
Underwriters in their sole discretion.
If the City shall be unable to satisfy the condi-
tions to the obligations of the Underwriters to purchase,
accept delivery of and pay for the Bonds contained in this
Purchase Contract, or if the obligations of the Underwriters
to purchase, accept delivery of and pay for the Bonds shall
be terminated for any reason permitted by this Purchase Con-
tract, this Purchase Contract shall terminate, and neither
the Underwriters nor the City shall be under further obliga-
tion hereunder, except that the respective obligations of the
City and the Underwriters set forth in paragraphs 11 and 13
hereof shall continue in full force and effect.
11. (a) The Underwriters shall be under no obliga-
tion to pay, and the City shall pay the following expenses
incident to the performance of the City's obligations hereun-
der: (i) the cost of the preparation and printing of the
07/28/86 13
Bonds Preliminary Official Statement and the Official State-
ment; (ii) the fees and disbursements of accountants, advis-
ers and of any other experts or consultants retained by the
City, including the fees and expenses of the Engineer respon-
sible for the preparation of the Report relating to the Dis-
trict, the Financial Consultants to the City and the
(b) The Underwriters shall pay all expenses (in-
cluding'out-of-pocket expenses and regulatory expenses) in-
curred by them in connection with the public offering and
distribution of the Bonds, including the fees and disburse-
ments of counsel retained by them.
12. Any notice or other communication to be given
to the City under this Purchase Contract may be given by
delivering the same in writing at the City's address set
forth above, and any notice or other communication to be
given to the Underwriters under this Purchase Contract may be
given by delivering the same in writing to Merrill Lynch
Capital Markets, Municipal Securities Division, 400 South
Hope Street, Suite 2020, Los Angeles, California 90071-2821,
Attention: Samuel B. Corliss and to Stone & Youngberg, One
California Street, Suite 2800, San Francisco, California,
Attention: David Hartley.
13. This Purchase Contract is made solely for the
benefit of the City and the Underwriters (including their
successors and assigns), and no other person shall acquire or
have any right hereunder or by virtue hereof. All of the
City's representations, warranties and agreements contained
in this Purchase Contract shall remain operative and in full
force and effect regardless of: (i) any investigations made
by or on behalf of the Underwriters or (ii) delivery of and
payment for the Bonds pursuant to this Purchase Contract.
The agreements contained in this paragraph and in paragraph
11 shall survive any termination of this Purchase Contract.
14. (a) To the extent permitted by law, the City
shall indemnify and hold harmless each of the Underwriters,
each of their respective officials, officers, directors,
employees and agents and each person who controls the Under-
writers within the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933, as
amended, or the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended
(collectively, the "Securities Act"), against any and all
losses, claims, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses
(including without limitation fees and disbursements of coun-
sel and other expenses) incurred by them or any of them in
connection with investigating or defending any loss, claim,
damage, liability or any suit, action or proceeding, joint or
several, to which they or any of them may become subject
under the Securities Acts, or any other federal or state law
07/28/86 14
or regulation, at common law or otherwise, insofar as such
losses, claims, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses (or
any suit, action or proceeding in respect thereof) arise out
of or are based upon, (i) any untrue statement or alleged
untrue statement of fact contained in the Official Statement
or in any amendment or supplement thereto approved by the
City (which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld), or
arise out of or are based upon the omission or alleged omis-
sion to state therein a fact required to be stated therein or
necessary to make the statements therein, in'light of the
circumstances under which they were made, not misleading,
(ii) the breach by the City of any representation or Warranty
of the City contained in this Purchase Contract or contained
in any document or certificate delivered, provided or re-
quested at the Closing pursuant to this Purchase Contract
(the "Closing Documents"), or (iii) the breach by the City of
any of its covenants, agreements or undertakings contained
herein or in the Closing Documents; provided, however, that
the City shall not be liable in any such case to the extent
that any such loss, claim, damage or liability arises out of
or is based upon, any untrue statement or omission or alleged
untrue statement as omission made in the Official Statement
with respect to the Bank. This indemnity agreement shall be
in addition to any liability which the City may otherwise
(b) The Underwriters shall indemnify and hold
harmless the City, its officials, employees and agents, to
the same extent as the foregoing indemnity from the City to
the Underwriter but only with reference to written informa-
tion furnished to the City by or on behalf of the Underwrit-
ers specifically for use in the preparation of the documents
referred to in the foregoing indemnity. This indemnity
agreement shall be in addition to any liability which the
Underwriters may otherwise have. The City acknowledges, and
the Underwriters represent, that the statements set forth in
and under the heading~"Underwritinq"Ain the Official State-
ment constitute the only information furnished in writing by
or on behalf of the Underwriters for inclusion in the Offi-
cial Statement.
(c) Promptly after receipt by any party entitled
to indemnification under this Section 14 of notice of the
commencement of any suit, action or proceeding, such indemni-
fied party shall, if a claim in respect thereof is to be made
against the indemnifying party under this Section 14, notify
the indemnifying party in writing of the commencement there-
of; but the omission so to notify the indemnifying party
shall not relieve it from any liability which it may have to
any indemnified party otherwise than under this Section 14 or
from any liability under this Section 14 unless the failure
to provide notice prejudices the defense of such suit, action
07/28/86 15
or proceeding. In case any such action is brought against
any indemnified party, and it notifies the indemnifying par-
ty, the indemnifying party shall be entitled to participate
in, and to the extent that it may elect by written notice
delivered to the indemnified party promptly after receiving
the aforesaid notice from such indemnified party, to assume
the defense thereof, with counsel satisfactory to such indem-
nified party; provided, however, if the defendants in any
such action include both the indemnified party and the indem-
nifying party and the indemnified party shall have reasonably
concluded that there may be legal defenses available to it
and/or other indemnified parties which are different from or
additional to those available to the indemnifying party, the
indemnified party or parties shall have the right to select
separate counsel to assert such legal defenses and to other-
wise participate in the defense of such action on behalf of
such indemnified party or parties. Upon receipt of notice
from the indemnifying party to such indemnified party of its
election so to assume the defense of such action and approval
by the indemnified party of counsel, the indemnifying party
shall not be liable to such indemnified party under this
Section 14 for any legal or other expenses subsequently in-
curred by such indemnified party in connection with separate
defense thereof unless (i) the indemnified party shall have
employed separate counsel in connection with the assertion of
legal defenses in accordance with the proviso to the next
preceding sentence (it being understood, however, that the
indemnifying party shall not be liable for the fees and ex-
penses of more than one separate firm of attorneys at any
point in time representing the indemnified parties to such
action), (ii) the indemnifying party shall not have employed
counsel satisfactory to the indemnified party to represent
the indemnified party within a reasonable time after notice
of commencement of the action, or (iii) the indemnifying
party has authorized the employment of separate counsel for
the indemnified party at the expenses of the indemnifying
15. This Purchase Contract shall become effective upon
the execution of the acceptance hereof by an authorized
07/28/86 16
officer of the City, and shall be valid and enforceable as of
the time of such acceptance.
Very truly yours,
Vice President
day of
Authorized Officer
07/28/86 17
Dated as of August 1, 1986
Parties .................................................... 1
Recitals ................................................... 1
Section i.1. Remarketing Agent ........................... 1
Section 2.1.
Section 2.2.
Section 2.3.
Section 2.4.
Section 2.5.
Section 2.6.
Representations, Warranties and Covenants ... 2
Duties and Obligations of Remarketing Agent 2
Disclosure to Purchaser of Tendered Bonds
and Qualification of Bonds ................ 3
Conditions to Remarketing Agents'
Obligation ................................ 4
Remarketing Agent Books and Records ......... 4
Events of Default ........................... 4
Section 3.1.
Section 3 2.
Section 3 3.
Section 3 4
Section 3 5
Section 3 6
Section 3 7
Section 3.8
Section 3.9
Section 3.10.
Section 3.11.
Remarketing Agent Not Acting as Underwriter . 5
Removal of Remarketing Agent ................ 5
Resignation of a Remarketing Agent .......... 5
Appointment of Successor Remarketing Agent .. 5
Remarketing Agent Compensation .............. 5
Remarketing by the Issuer ................... 6
Amendments .................................. 6
Governing Law ............................... 6
Notices ..................................... 6
Indemnification ............................. 6
Miscellaneous ............................... 8
Exhibit A
Addresses for the Giving of Notice
1986, is made and entered into between Merrill Lynch, Pierce,
Fenner & Smith Incorporated (the "Remarketing Agent"), and
the City of Tustin, California (the "Issuer"), in connection
with the city of Tustin Improvement Bonds Assessment District
No. 85-1 (the "Bonds") authorized pursuant to an Indenture
(the "Indenture") dated as of August 1, 1986 between the
Issuer and Citibank, N.A., as trustee (the "Trustee").
WHEREAS, the Issuer has issued and sold the Bonds
in order to better provide financing for certain improve-
ments; and
WHEREAS, the Remarketing Agent has agreed to accept
the duties and responsibilities as the Remarketing Agent
under the Indenture and this Remarketing Agreement;
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises,
the Issuer and the Remarketing Agent do hereby covenant and
agree as follows:
Ail terms not otherwise defined herein shall have
their respective meanings as provided in the Indenture.
SECTION 1.1. Remarketing Agent. Merrill Lynch,
Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated is hereby appointed by
the Issuer as the initial Remarketing Agent as provided for
in the Indenture for the remarketing of Repurchased Bonds and
Tendered Bonds (as such terms are hereafter defined). Suc-
cessor Remarketing Agents, if any, are to be appointed as
provided for in the Indenture. In addition, Merrill Lynch,
Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated and Stone & Youngberg
shall be appointed as co-remarketing agents with respect to
the remarketing of Bonds, from time to time, upon conversion
of all or a portion of the Bonds to a fixed interest rate in
accordance with the terms of the Indenture. The terms and
conditions, and the representations of the remarketing agents
in connection with such remarketing will be set forth and
established at or prior to the time of the initial conversion
of all or a portion of the Bonds to a fixed interest rate.
SECTION 2.1. Representations, Warranties and
Covenants. The Remarketing Agent hereunder represents, war-
rants and covenants as follows:
(a) Such firm is a member of the National Associa-
tion of Securities Dealers, Inc. (the "NASD");
(b) Such firm is authorized by law to perform all
of the duties imposed upon it by the Indenture and this
Remarketing Agreement;
(c) Such firm will comply with the Federal securi-
ties laws, state Blue Sky laws (to the extent applica-
ble) and the rules and regulations of the NASD in
performing its duties hereunder; provided, however, that
the Remarketing Agent may rely solely upon the advice of
its counsel as to the application of such laws, rules
and regulations; and
(d) The Remarketing Agent has been duly incorpo-
rated and is validly existing and in good standing under
the laws of the State of Delaware; has full power and
authority to enter into and perform its obligations
under this Agreement; and this Agreement constitutes the
legal, valid and binding obligation of the Remarketing
Agent enforceable against the Remarketing Agent in ac-
cordance with its terms, except as the enforcement
thereof may be limited by applicable bankruptcy, insol-
vency, reorganization, moratorium or other laws relating
to or affecting the enforcement of creditors' rights
generally and by general principles of equity.
SECTION 2.2. Duties and Obligations of Remarket-
ing Agent. The Remarketing Agent has received and reviewed a
copy of the Indenture and hereby accepts, subject to Section
2.4 of this Agreement and only so long as this Agreement
shall remain in full force and effect, all the duties and
obligations specified in the Indenture to be undertaken by
the Remarketing Agent with respect to Bonds in the Unit
Pricing Mode and with respect to the Bonds in the Demand
Notwithstanding anything herein or in the Indenture
to the contrary, with respect to its duties hereunder and
under the Indenture the Remarketing Agent shall not be liable
for any action, failure to act or error of judgment made in
good faith by any of its officers or employees unless it is
established that the Remarketing Agent was grossly negligent
with respect to such action, failure to act or judgment.
SECTION 2.3. Disclosure to Purchaser of Tendered
Bo~ds and Repurchased Bonds and Qualification of the Bonds.
(a) The Remarketing Agent, upon advice of its
counsel and in view of the circumstances and laws in effect
at the time of remarketing, may in its sole discretion deter-
mine what disclosure documents, if any, are to be prepared in
connection with the remarketing of Bonds in the Demand Mode
tendered for purchase to the Trustee ("Tendered Bonds") and
Bonds in the Unit Pricing Mode tendered for repurchase to the
Trustee ("Repurchased Bonds"), and whether and to what extent
the remarketing of such Bonds in the manner contemplated
hereunder and under the Indenture requires registration under
the Securities Act of 1933 or other federal or state securi-
ties laws. If for whatever reason the Remarketing Agent
shall determine that it is unable to obtain the information
concerning the Owner, the Issuer, the Bank or other parties
or circumstances necessary to prepare appropriate disclo-
sures, if any, or if the Remarketing Agent shall be unable to
procure the necessary cooperation of the Issuer, the Owner or
the Bank in order to comply with applicable law, including
federal or state securities laws in connection with the mar-
keting of Tendered Bonds and Repurchased Bonds, then this
Agreement shall terminate and the Remarketing Agent shall be
under no obligation to perform any of its duties under this
Agreement other than to return any Tendered Bonds, Repur-
chased Bonds or funds for the purchase thereof to the appro-
priate parties. The Remarketing Agent shall have no
obligation to bear the cost of obtaining such information but
shall be only required to notify the parties which it be-
lieves have such information that such information is re-
quired. In addition, if, at any time during the term of this
Agreement, any event known to the Issuer relating to or af-
fecting the Issuer, the Indenture, the Reimbursement Agree-
ment, the Letter of Credit, the Bank, this Agreement or the
Bonds shall occur which might affect the correctness or com-
pleteness when made of any statement of a material fact con-
tained in the Official Statement, the Issuer shall promptly
notify the Remarketing Agent in writing of the circumstances
and details of such event.
(b) The Issuer shall cooperate with the Remar-
keting Agent in, and the Issuer shall pay all out of pocket
(as opposed to overhead) costs associated with, the qualifi-
cation of the Bonds for offering and sale and the determina-
tion of the eligibility of the Bonds for investment under the
laws of such jurisdictions as the Remarketing Agent shall
designate and shall use their best efforts to continue any
such qualification in effect so long as required for the
distribution of the bonds by the Remarketing Agent, provided
that the Issuer shall not be required to qualify to do busi-
ness in any jurisdiction where it is not now so qualified or
to take any action which would subject it to general service
of process in any jurisdiction where it is not now so sub-
ject; and provided further that if the Remarketing Agent
anticipates costs in an aggregate amount in excess of $5,000
during any calendar year, the Remarketing Agent may notify
the Issuer and the Issuer may elect not to pay any such costs
in an aggregate amount during any calendar year in excess of
$5,000. If such election shall be made by the Issuer, the
Remarketing Agent may immediately resign and be relieved of
all duties and obligations under this Agreement.
SECTION 2.4. Conditions to Remarketing Agents'
Obligations. Notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement
or the Indenture to the contrary, there shall be no duty of
the Remarketing Agent to remarket Tendered Bonds or Repur-
chased Bonds pursuant to this Agreement unless (i) there
shall not have occurred and be continuing an Event of Default
under and as defined in the Indenture, and (ii) the In-
denture, the Reimbursement Agreement, the Letter of Credit
and all other instruments and documents to be entered into in
connection with the delivery of the Bonds shall be in full
force and effect and shall not have been amended, modified or
supplemented in any way which would materially and adversely
affect the Bonds, except as may have been agreed to in
writing by the Remarketing Agent, and there shall be in full
force and effect such additional resolutions, agreements,
certificates (including such certificates as may be required
by regulations of the Internal Revenue Service in order to
establish the tax-exempt character of interest on the Bonds)
and opinions, which resolutions, agreements, certificates and
opinions shall be reasonably satisfactory in form and
substance to counsel for the Remarketing Agent. In the event
that the Remarketing Agent determines, after consultation
with such persons as it deems advisable, that it has no
obligation to remarket Tendered Bonds or Repurchased Bonds
pursuant to this Section 2.4 the Remarketing Agent will
immediately provide written notice to that effect to the
Bank, the Issuer, and the Trustee.
SECTION 2.5. Remarketinq Agent Books and Records.
The Remarketing Agent agrees to keep such books and records
as shall be consistent with prudent industry practice and to
make such books and records available for inspection by the
Issuer, the Owner, the Paying Agent and the Trustee at all
reasonable times.
SECTION 2.6. Events of Default. The failure by
the Issuer to make any payment required by this Remarketing
Agreement when due Shall constitute an "event of default"
hereunder and shall entitle the parties hereto to take what-
ever action at law or in equity, including specific perfor-
mance, that is necessary or desirable to collect the amounts
then due and thereafter to become due to them or to enforce
observance or performance of any covenant, condition or
agreement of the Issuer hereunder.
SECTION 3.1. Remarketing Agent Not Acting as
Underwriter. It is understood and agreed upon by all the
parties hereto that the Remarketing Agent is only obligated
hereunder to act as agent for the Issuer. The Issuer agrees
that, while this Agreement is in effect, the Remarketing
Agent shall be the exclusive remarketing agent for the Ten-
dered Bonds and the Repurchased Bonds. The Remarketing Agent
is in no way obligated to advance its own funds to purchase
any Bonds.
SECTION 3.2. Removal of Remarketing Agent. The
Remarketing Agent may be removed at any time by an instru-
ment, signed by the Issuer and filed with the Remarketing
Agent, the Paying Agent, the Bank and the Trustee. Such
removal shall be effective immediately upon receipt of such
instrument by the Remarketing Agent.
In the event of the removal of the Remarketing
Agent, the Trustee shall give notice thereof by mail to all
Bondholders and the Remarketing Agent shall pay over, assign
and deliver this Agreement to its successor.
SECTION 3.3. Resignation of a Remarketing Agent.
The Remarketing Agent may at any time resign and be dis-
charged of all duties and obligations hereunder and under the
Indenture by giving notice, in writing, 60 days prior to the
date set for resignation, to the Bank, the Issuer, the Trus-
tee and the Paying Agent.
SECTION 3.4. Appointment of Successor Remarket-
lng Agent. If the Remarketing Agent shall resign pursuant to
Section 3.3, or be removed pursuant to Section 3.2, the
Issuer shall appoint a successor Remarketing Agent in
accordance with the Indenture.
SECTION 3.5. Remarketing Agent Compensation. For
Bonds in the Unit Pricing Mode with Unit Pricing Interest
Periods of one year or less and for Bonds in the Demand Mode,
the Issuer will pay to the Remarketing Agent a quarterly fee
payable in arrears on the 1st day of January, April, July, and
and October commencing on January 1, 1987 of each year equal
to 1/24 of 1 percent of the principal amount of such Bonds
outstanding as of 5:00 P.M., New York City Time, on the day
preceding each such date. For Bonds in the Unit Pricing Mode
wi%h Unit Pricing Interest Periods over one year such fee
shall be negotiated between the Remarketing Agent and the
SECTION 3.6. Remarketin9 by the Issuer. The Issu-
er shall have no right to remarker any Bonds except pursuant
to the terms and conditions imposed on the Remarketing Agent
under this Agreement and the Indenture.
SECTION 3.7. Amendments. This Agreement may be
amended from time to time by an instrument in writing execut-
ed by the parties hereto, so long as such amendment is not
inconsistent with the Indenture, without the consent of the
Bondholders, unless such consent is required under the
SECTION 3.8. Governing Law. This Agreement shall
be governed by the laws of the State of California.
SECTION 3.9. Notices. Any notices, requests,
directions, instruments or other communications given or made
hereunder or pursuant thereto shall be in writing and shall
be deemed to have been validly given or made when delivered
personally or by courier or mailed by registered or certified
mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, to the re-
spective addresses set forth on Exhibit A hereto, or if ad-
dressed to any other party at such other address as such
party shall hereafter furnish to the parties hereto in writ-
ing. All such notices, requests or other communications may
be made by telephone promptly confirmed by writing.
SECTION 3.10. Indemnification. (a) To the extent
permitted by law, the Issuer agrees to indemnify and hold
harmless the Remarketing Agent and its officers, directors,
shareholders, agents and employees (collectively, the "Indem-
nified Persons" and individually an "Indemnified Person")
from and against any losses, claims, damages or liabilities,
and any actions in respect thereof, to which any Indemnified
Person may become subject insofar as such losses, claims,
damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) arise
out of, or are based upon, (i) any untrue statement or al-
leged untrue statement made in the Official Statement or the
omission or alleged omission to state therein any fact neces-
sary to make the statements made therein, in light of the
circumstances under which they were made, not misleading;
(ii) the breach by the Issuer of any representation or war-
ranty of the Issuer contained in any of the documents deliv-
ered, provided or requested at the closing (the "Closing
Documents") pursuant to the Purchase Contract relating to the
Bonds; or (iii) the breach by the Issuer of any of its cove-
nants, agreements or undertakings contained herein or in the
Closing Documents, and will reimburse each Indemnified Person
fo~ any legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by such
Indemnified Person in investigating, defending or preparing
to defend any such action or claim; provided, however, that
the Issuer shall not be liable in any such case to the extent
that any such loss, claim, damage or liability arises out of,
or is based upon, any untrue statement or omission or alleged
untrue statement or omission made in the Official Statement
with respect to the Owner, any Underwriter or any Indemnified
The indemnity agreement in this paragraph shall be
in addition to any liability which the Issuer may otherwise
have to any Indemnified Person and shall extend upon the same
terms and conditions to each person, if any, who controls any
Indemnified Person within the meaning of the Securities Ex-
change Act of 1934, as amended.
(b) In case any such action shall be brought
against any Indemnified Person, the Issuer shall be entitled
to participate therein and, to the extent that it wishes, to
assume the defense thereof, with counsel satisfactory to such
Indemnified Person, and after notice from the Issuer to such
Indemnified Person of their election to assume the defense
thereof and the acceptance by such Indemnified Person of the
counsel chosen for such defense, the Issuer shall not be
liable to such Indemnified Person under this Section 3.10 for
any legal or other expenses subsequently incurred by such
Indemnified Person in connection with the defense thereof
other than reasonable costs of any investigation; provided,
however, that if the named parties to any such action (in-
cluding any impleaded parties) include both the Indemnified
Persons and the Issuer, the Indemnified Persons shall have
the right to select separate counsel to assume such legal
defense and to otherwise participate in the defense of such
action on behalf of the Indemnified Persons; provided, fur-
ther, however, that the Issuer shall not, in connection with
any one such action or separate but substantially similar or
related actions arising out of the same general allegations
or circumstances, be liable for the fees and expenses of more
than one separate firm of attorneys at any point in time for
the Indemnified Persons.
(c) The indemnity agreements contained in this
Section 3.10 shall remain operative and in full force and
effect, regardless of any investigation made by or on behalf
of the Remarketing Agent, or the delivery of and any payment
for any Bonds hereunder, and shall survive the termination or
cancellation of this Agreement.
(d) Notwithstanding the foregoing, no Indemnified
Person shall be indemnified hereunder for any losses, claims,
damages or liabilities resulting from the gross negligence or
willful misconduct of such Indemnified Person.
(e) To the extent permitted by applicable laws if
the indemnification provided for in Section 3.10(a) is un-
available to an Indemnified Person other than on account of
paragraph (d) above or similarly is insufficient in respect
of any losses, claims, damages or liabilities referred to
therein, then the Issuer in lieu of indemnifying such Indem-
nified Person, shall contribute to the amount paid or payable
by such Indemnified Person as a result of such losses,
claims, damages or liabilities in such proportion as is ap-
propriate to reflect the relative fault of each of the par-
ties in causing such losses, claims, damages or liabilities,
as well as any other relevant equitable consideration.
SECTION 3.11. Miscellaneous. Nothing herein shall
be construed to make any party an employee of the other or to
establish any fiduciary relationship between the parties
except as expressly provided herein.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Issuer and the Remarketing
Agent have caused this Agreement to be executed in their
respective names all as of the date first above written.
Acknowledged and Agreed to:
If to the Issuer:
City of Tustin, California
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, California
Attn: City Treasurer
with a copy to:
James Rourke
City Attorney
Rourke & Woodruff
701 S. Parker St., Suite 700
Orange, California 92668
If to the Owner:
The Irvine Company
550 Newport Center Drive
Newport Beach, California 92660
Attn: Richard E. Moran, Jr.
with a copy to:
If to the Remarketing Agent:
Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner
& Smith Incorporated Inc.
Merrill Lynch World Headquarter
North Tower
World Financial Center
New York, New York 10281
Attn: Tax-Exempt Money
Markets Department
(TICACTIVE)92248A, O02,002 St. 9224RA Fret. 92248A JEFFRIE$ C.P.Y. COMPANY (213)742-B800 Comic. 30o~-86 1~40 Sc-q: 1.
TUST]N /OS T.R./CHEA N Chic 154211 177047 Output (CO) 30-~ui-86 10:.41 PHA
Proof of Ju[y 30, 1986
Standard & Poor's:
NEW ISSUE (See "Ratings" herein)
In the opinion of Bond Counsel, interest on the Bonds is exempt from all present Federal income taxes and from State of
California personal income taxes under existing statutes, regulations and court decisions, and the Bonds are exempt from all
UPDATESTMCalifOrnia taxes, except franchise taxes. See, however, the section entitled "Pending Federal Tax Legislation" herein.
Dated: As descrll~l herein Price: 100% Du~ S~ptember 2, 2011
The Bonds are issued pursuant to provisions of the Improvement Bond Act of 1915 (Division 10 of the California Streets
Highways Code), as amended, and an Indenture of Trust dated as of August 1, 1986, between the City of Tnstin and Citibank, N.A.,
as Tmst~ (the "Tr~t~").
Thc Bonds will initially be issued in the Unit Pricing Mode. Each Bond in the Unit Pricing Mode will bear interest at the
Adjusted Interest Rate determined fey such Bond, as of the time of its most recent Rate Adjustment Date. The Rcmarketing Agent
is to determine each such Adjusted Interest Rate, on the basis of market conditions, as described bercin. Bonds in thc Unit Pricing
Mode may be tendered for purchase to Citibank, N.A., New York, New York, in its capacity as tender agent (the "Tender Agent"),
by 12:30 p.m., New York City time, on the Purchase Date established with respect to each Bond at the time of the most recent Rate
Adjustment Date for each such Bond. Bonds in thc Unit Pricing Mode so tendered for purchase will be purchased at a price equal to
the principal amount thereof. The Purchase Date for a Bond in the Unit Pricing Mode is also an Interest Payment Date for such
Bond. The determination of the Adjusted Interest Rate, Unit Pricing Interest Period and Purchase Date for each Bond in thc Unit
Pricing Mode may be made independently of such determination for any other Bond in the Unit Pricing Mode. All of the Bonds in
thc Unit Pricing Mode may be converted to the Demand Mode or all or a portion of the Bonds in the Unit Pricing Mode may be
converted to thc Fixed Rate Mode, all as described herein.
Bonds in the Demand Mode will bear interest at thc Variable Interest Rate determined weekly by thc Rcmarkcting Agent.
Wben in tbe Demand Mode, BOnds may be tendered for purchase on the Optional Tender Date which is the seventh calendar day
next succec~ding thc delivery of a Tender Notice to thc Tender Agent and to the Rcmarketing Agent, as marc fully described herein.
Each Bond in the Demand Mode tendered for purchase will be purchased at a price of par plus accrued interest to (but not
including) the Optional Tender Date. AIl of thc Bonds in thc Demand Mode may be converted to thc Unit Pricing Mode or all or a
portion of thc Bonds in the Demand Mode may be converted to the Fixed Rate Mode, all as described herein.
The Bonds are subject to redemption prior to maturity as described herein.
Bonds in the Unit Pricing Mode and Bonds in the Demand Mode (collectively, the "Adjustable Rate Bonds"), are secured by an
irrevocable direct-pay letter of credit (the "Letter of Credit") and certain other moneys pledged therefor. The Letter of Credit will
permit the Truste~ to draw certain amounts equal to the principal of and up to 40 days of interest on the Adjustable Rate Bonds
determined at the maximum annual interest rate of 12% per annum, as described herein. The Letter of Credit will expire on August
21, 1996, unless terminated or renewed and will be issued by
The Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation, Los Angeles Agency.
Assessment installments (thc "Assessment Installments") suiTicicnt to make debt service payments on the Bonds and to pay
other related expenses will be billed to thc owners of thc property within the District. Assessment Installments corresponding to
Adjustable Rate Bonds (thc "Adjustable Rate Assessments") will be billed directly to the owners of thc property subject to thc
Adjustable Rate Assessments. Assessment Installments corresponding to BOnds bearing a Fixed Interest Rate (the "Fixed Rate
Assessments") will be included on the regalar county tax bills to all owners of property subject to the Fixed Rate Assessments. The
Ass~sment Installments will be used to pay debt service on the Bonds as it becomes due; provided, however, that to the extent draws
have be~n made on thc Letter of Credit to pay debt service on thc Adjustable Rate Bonds, thc Assessment Installments shall be used
pro rata to reimburse the Bank for such drawings under the Letter of Credit and to pay debt service on the Fixed Rate Bonds. To
provide funds for payment of the Bonds and thc interest thereon as a result of any delinquent Assessment Installments, the City will
establish a reserve fund with respect to the Bonds, as described herein. Additionally, the City has covenanted to initiate judicial
foreclosure within 60 days of the nonpayment of an Adjustable Rate Ass~sment (I 50 days as to a Fixed Rate Assessment). Under
certain circumstances, the City may have the duty to transfer tbe ammmt of any delinquency in the Imyment of Assessment
Installments out of any available funds of the City. It is not expected, however, that any such funds will be available. Funds available
under the Letter of Credit will be available to Imy principal of and interest mt the Adjustable Rate Bauds to the extent described above
to theNeither the faith and credit nor the taxing power of theCity, tbe State of Calif~r~tia or any political subdivision thereofis pledgedpayme~t of the Bomis.
The Bonds are offered when, as and if issued and delivered to the Underwriters, subject to the approval of legality by Mudge
Rose Outhrie Alexander & Ferdon. Los Angeles, California, and Rourke & Woodruff, Co. Bond Counsel. and certain other
conditions. Certain legal matters will be passed upon for the Underwriters by O'Melveny & Myers. It is expected that the Bonds in
definitive form will be available for delivery in New York, New York on or about August 21. 1986.
Merrill L h Capital Markets
* UPDATESTM is a service mark of Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.
Stone & Youngberg ',
(TICACTIVID92248A, O03,003 St: 92248A Fret: 92248A JEFFRIES C.P.Y. COMPANY (213)742-8800 Com~ 29-Jui-86 1~.54 Seq: 1
TUSTIN /05 T.R./CHEA N Chic 024037 132:117 Output (CO) 29-Jul-86 19:.55 PHA
UMt Prle~ Mode Demasd Mede lq,xed Rate Mode
Interest Rate Adjusted Interest Rate Variable Interest Rate Fixed Interest Rate
Interest For Unit Pricing Interest Pcrieds of le~s First Wednesday of each cai- Each March 2 and
Payment Date than 180 days: interest paid on the Put- endar month (whether or not September 2
chase Date; for Unit Pricing Interest a Business Day); to accrue
Periods equal to or greater than 180 from thc first Wednesday of
days; interest paid on each March 2 each month through the
and September 2 prior to thc Purchase Tue~lay preceding the first
Date and on thc Purchase Date Wednesday of thc following
Record Date If Interest Payment Date is a Purchase One Business Day preceding The fifteenth day of
Date: one Business Day prior to such each Interest Payment Date thc calendar month
Interest Payment Date; if Interest Pay- preceding each Inter-
ment Date is a March 2 or September est Payment Date
2, thc fifteenth day of the calendar
month preceding each Interest Payment
Date; provided that if a Rate Adjust-
ment Period falls between the 1Sth day
of the calendar month and an Interest
Payment Date, the Record Date shall
be thc Business Day immediately pre-
ceding thc next Interest Payment Date
Authorized For Unit Pricing Interest Periods of less $100,000 and any integral $$,000 and any in*
Denominations than 1 year; $100,000 and any integral multiple of $1,000 in excess tcgral multiple thereof
multiple of $1,000 in excess thereof; for thereof
Unit Pricing Interest Periods equal to
or greater than I year; $$,000 and in-
tegral multiples thereof
Tender Option Optional tender on each Purchase Date Optional tender on any Busi- Not Available
if the Bondholder notifies the Remar- ness Day upon 7 days' notice
kcting Agent and thc Tender Agent by to the Rcmarkcting Agent
10:00 A.M. on Purchase Date of intent and thc Tender Agent and
to tender delivery of the Bonds by
12:30 P.M. on the Optional
Tender Date
Preliminary By 9:30 A.M. on each Rate Adjustment Not Applicable Not Applicable
Interest Rate Date, the Remarketing Agent will
Scale make available to Bondholders and pro-
spective Bondholders a scale of interest
rates applicable to periods from 1 day
to 1 year (or longer upon receipt of
Favorable Opinion of Bond Counsel)
Final Interest Determined by 11:30 A.M. on each Determined each Tuesday, cf- Determined prior to
Rate/Period Rate Adjustment Date for a period fective Wednesday (whether Conversion Date and
Determination from I day to 1 year (or longer upon or not a Business Day) effective until matu-
receipt of Favorable Opinion of Bond through the following Tues- rity
Counsel) day
Interest For Unit Pricing Interest Periods less 365/366 day year for actual 360 day year eom-
Calculation than or equal to I year: 365/366 day number of days elapsed posed of twelve 30-day
year for actual number of days elapsed; months
for Unit Pricing Interest Periods
greater than I year: 360 day year com-
posed of twelve 30-day months
(TICACTIVE)q2248A,004,008 St: 92248A Fret: 92248A JEFFRIE$ C.P.Y. COMPANY (213)742-8800 Comp; 28-Jul-86 22:45 Seq: 1
TU~'IN /05 T.P./CHEA N Chic 152701 104460 Output (CO) 28-Jui-86 22:47 PHA
No dealer, broker, salesnum or other person has been aut.harized' by .the ~Ci?y, the .B.ank..or ~t..he
Underwriters to ~ive any informatioo or to mke .a~.y rep.r?enmtions ot~lte?, titan m?~e_c, onm.t~e? in mis
OfficiM Statement, and, if ~iven or made, such other m!o...rn?u_an ?r repro?man,ns mu~.~ ~no~ oe re_u~, upon. o~rr
having been authorized by any of the foregoing. This ~nciai Stacm_ent.o .ucs not tonsure, re an on.er .~.o ..sell .0
the solicitation of an offer to buy, nor shall there be any sale o.f t..he Bonds?y~a.uy ~e.rsan m.. any j~ .m. ls~..g.tlOll !n
which it is nnlnwful for such person to make such o.ff.er, soli?~.tian_or .sate..t.n.e.m? .t~,..non ~et mnn.e~e~m
hes been obtained from the ¢it~ and other sources which ale Deneved to ne r. en..ame: DUP..It ts..no.~ gua..mnteea~as
to accuracy or completeness and is not t.o be co?,trued .os a rep. r..ese~.um?.n Dy t. ne .~nuc.,rwn?,rs. the,
infonnation and expressions of opinion berem are s?o]ect to ¢~n~e. Mmo.ut nonc~, a.n. ll netmer me. aes!.ve~, o,
this Ofliciai Statement nor any sale md.e hereunoer, under any csrcumsmq_ces,.sn~q., cr~te any smpflcau..on
that there has been no change m the affairs of t.he Bank or any other part~ descrtbed t~erem sunsequent to me
date as of which such information is presented.
Pap Pqe
Summary Stetemcnt ....................................................... ii
Location Map .................................................................. v
Introduction ..................................................................... 1
The Bonds ........................................................................ 2
Authority for Issuance ................................................ 2
Gtneral Provisions ....................................................... 2
Unit Pricing Mode ...................................................... 2
Demand Mode ............................................................. 4
Alternate Rate ............................................................. 5
Fixed Rate Mode ........................................................ 6
Mandatory Purchas~ of thc Bonds ............................ 7
Interchangcabllity ........................................................ 7
Rod~nption .................................................................. 7
Purpo~ of the Bonds .................................................. 9
Security for the Bonds ................................................ 9
Payment of Property Taxes ........................................9
Obligation of the City Upon Delinquency ................ 10
Covenant to Commenen Superior Court
Foreclosure ............................................................... 10
The Bank ......................................................................... 10
The Remarkctin$ Agent ................................................. ! 1
The Letter of Credit ....................................................... 12
Summary of thc Reimbursement Agreement ............... 11
Summary of the Indenture ............................................ 12
Provisions Applicable Prior to Elfeetivene~ of
Fixed Interest Rate ................................................... 00
Denominations ......................................................... 00
Interest Rates .......................................................... 00
Redemption .............................................................. 00
Owner Option To Require lhtrchnse of' Bonds ..... O0
Ma.nd~_to.~ Purchase Upon Expiration of Letter
of cremt ............................................................... 00
Mandatory Purchase Upon Conversion to Fixed
Interest Rate ........................................................ 00
Mandatory Purchase Upon Event of Default
under the R~imbureement Agreement ............... 00
Limit on Renmrketing ............................................ 00
Conversion to Fixed Interest Rate ......................... 00
Provisions Applicable From and_After
Effeetivene~ of Fixed Interest Kate ........................ 00
Denominations ......................................................... 00
Interest Payments .................................................... 00
Redemption .............................................................. 00
Prav~ion~ No Longer Effective ............................. 00
Provisions Applicable Generally ................................00
Registration. Transfer and Exchange of Bonds .... 00
Proc~_____, of the Bonds ............................................ 00
Assessment Installments ......................................... 00
Flow of Funds ......................................................... 00
Interest Fund ....................................................... 00
Principal Fund ..................................................... 00
Redemption Fund ................................................00
Reserve Fund ....................................................... 00
Effects of Partial Conversion ................................ 00
Investments .............................................................. 00
Letter of Credit ....................................................... 00
Covenants ................................................................. O0
Events of Default .................................................... O0
Foreclosure ~___~_ ings ..........................................O0
Action by Owners ................................................... O0
Tmstee's Remedies .................................................. O0
Limitations on Liability .......................................... O0
The Trustee ............................................................. 00
The Paying Agent ................................................... 00
The Remnrketing Agent ......................................... 00
Amendments and Supplements .............................. 00
Summary of the R~narketing Agreement ................... t2
The Improvement Project ............................................... 12
The District ..................................................................... 18
Dns~ption ................................................................... 00
Factors Which May Affect Land Development ....... 00
Propony Ownership .................................................... 12
Legal Opinion .................................................................. 14
The Financial Advisor .................................................... 14
Tax Exemption ................................................................ 14
Pending Federal Tax Legislation ................................... 14
No Litigation ................................................................... 15
Ratings ............................................................................. 1
Undorwriting ................................................................... 15
Additional Information ................................................... 16
Appendix A: .a~se~ment Diagram (index Map) ......... A-I
Appendix B: Description of Work and Method
Asse~ment ................................................................... B- 1
(T]CACTIVED92248A,O04,008 St: 92248A Fmc 92248A JEFFR[ES C.P.Y. COMPANY (213)742-8800 Comp: 30-Julo86 11:15 Seq: 2
TUST[N /OS T.R./CHEA N Chic 0S1].6~ 066512 Output (CO) 30-Jul-86 ].1:16 PHA
Pm'i~me ............................. Proceeds from the $50,650,000 principal amount of City of Tustin [Unit
Priced] Improvement Bonds, Assessment District No. 85-1 ("the Bonds"), will
be used to finance the construction and acquisition of certain public improve-
ments as more fully described herein.
Security for the Bonds .... The Bonds are issued upon and secured by the unpaid Assessment Installment
together with interest thereon, and said unpaid Assessment Iustallmcnts
together with interest thereon constitute a trust fund for the redemption and
payment of thc principal of thc BOnds and thc interest thereon and certain costs
and expanses related tbercto. Thc unpaid Assessment Installments rcprescnt
liens on the lots and parcels assessed. They do not, however, comtitute a
personal indebtedness of the respective owners of said lots and parcels. If the
lots and parcels are transferred to another owner, the ability of the new owner to
meet assessment obligations therefor will become relevant. The information
under the Section herein entitled "Property Ownership" should be considered in
light of this fact.
Assessment Installments sufficient to meet debt service payments on thc Bonds
and to pay other rclated expenses will be billed to the owners of the property
within thc District. The Adjustable Rate Assessments billed against each
property represent a pro rata share of thc debt service coming duc with respect
to the Adjustable Rate BOnds and certain expenses related thereto, based on
the percentage which the unpaid Adjustable Rate Assessments against that
property bears to thc total of unpaid Adjustable Rate Assessments levied to
repay the Adjustable Rate Bonds. Thc Fixed Rate Assessments billed against
each property owner represent a pro rata share of debt service coming due with
respect to the Fixed Rate Bonds and certain expenses rclated thereto. In thc
event insufficient monies are deposited in the Principal and Interest Funds from
the Assessment Fund, the owners of the Bonds shall be entitled to a pro rata
portion of such monies; provided, however, that to the extent draws on thc
Letter of Credit are used to pay debt service on the Adjustable Rate Bonds, thc
Bank shall be entitled to a pro rata portion of such monies.
A Rcscrvc Fund in an amount equal to $ .................. will be established from
Bond proceeds. The Reserve Fund will be a source of moneys to advance to thc
Principal and Interest Funds in the event of delinqucnt Adjustable Rate
Assessments. As Bonds in the Unit Pricing Mode or Demand Mode arc
converted to a Fixed Interest Rate, a pro rata portion of moneys in the Reserve
Fund will be transferred to thc Fixed Rate Reserve Fund. Additionally, thc
City has covenanted to institute judicial foreclosure proceedings within 60 days
of the non payment of any Adjustable Rate Assessment (150 days of thc
nonpayment of any Fixed Rate Assessment and to prosecute such proceedings
diligently to completion.
Under certain circumstnnees, the City may have the duty to transfer into the
Principal and Interest Funds the amount of any delinquency in the payment of
Assessment Installments out of any available funds of the City. It is not
expected, however, that any such funds will be available. Funds available under
the Letter of Credit described below will be available to pay principal and
interest on the Adjustable Rate Bonds (See "The Letter of Credit").
From the date of issuance of the Adjustable Rate Bonds until all the Bonds are
redeemed or converted to a Fixed Interest Rate, thc Adjustable Rate Bonds
will be payable from an irrevocable direct-pay Letter of Credit issued by Thc
(T[CACTIVID92248A, 004,008 St: 92248A Fmt: 92248A JEFFRIES C.P.Y. COMPANY (213)742-8800 Comp: ;0-J~-86 11:15 ~'q: ;
TUSTIN /05 T. RdCHEA N ChE 055745 032501 Output (CO) 30-J~-86 11:16 PHA
Redempti(m .......................
The District ......................
Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation, Los Angeles Agency. The Letter of
Credit will expire on August 21, 1996 unless otherwise terminated or extended
as described herein.
Fully registered form in minimum denominations of $100,000 or any integral
multiple of $I,000 in excess thereof for Bonds in the Unit Pricing Mode with
Unit Pricing Interest Periods of less than 1 year and for Bonds in the Demand
Mode; Bonds in thc Unit Pricing Mode with Unit Pricing Interest Periods
equal to or greater than 1 year and Bonds in the Fixed Rate Mode may be in
denominations of $5,000 or integral multiples thereof.
The Bonds arc subject to redemption and mandatory purchase as described
Assessment District No. 85-1 ("the District") is comprised of 19 assessed
parcels totalling approximately 522 net acres located in thc southeastern
portion of thc City. Thc District is adjacent to thc Santa Aha Freeway (I-5).
All of thc assessable land in thc District is currently owned by Thc Irvine
Company, a privately owned land development corporation.
The City of Tustin is located in the central part of Orange County, about 40
miles southeast of thc City of Los Angeles and about 80 miles north of the City
of San Diego. Tustin includes over 11 square miles adjacent to the Cities of
Orange, Santa Ana and Irvine. Thc State Department of Finance estimates the
city's January 1, 1986 population at 42,750, a 33% increase since 1980.
('I/CACT[ViD92248A, 004,008 St: 92248A Fmt: 92248A JEFFR[E$ C.P.Y. COMPANY (213)742-8800 Comp: 28-Jui-86 20:04 Seq: 4
TUSTIN /05 T.P~CHEA N Chic 1751~.1 026561 Output (CO) 28-Jul-86 2~05 PHA
Donald J. Saltarclli ........................... Mayor
Ronald B. Hoe~tcrcy ........................... Mayor Pro Tern
Richard B. Edgar ........................... Councilmember
Ursula E. Kennedy ........................... Councilmember
John Kelly ........................... Councilmember
William A. Hutton ........................... City Manager
Jamos G. Rourk¢ ........................... City Attorney
Mary E. Wynn ........................... City Clerk
Robert S. Ledendecker ........................... Director of Public Works and Superintendent of Streets
Ronald A. Nault ........................... Director of Finance/City Treasurer
CO-BOND COUNSEL ...........................................................
CO-BOND COUNSEL ...........................................................
Mudge Rose Guthrie Alexander & Ferdon
Los Angel~, California
Rourk¢ & Woodruff
Orange, California
CITY ATTORNEY ................................................................. Rourke & Woodruff
FINANCIAL ADVISOR .........................................................
Orange, California
Willdan Associates
Anaheim, California
Citibank, N.A.
New York, New York
Battle Wells Associates
San Francisco, California
(TICACT]VID92248A,004,008 St: 92248A Fmf: 92248A JEFFRIES C.P.Y. COMPANY (213)742-8~00 Comic. 08-Jui-86 22:16 Seq: 5
TUSTIN /05 T.R./CHEA N Chic 037247 013056 Output (CO) 08-Jul-86 22:18 PHA
/ i
(TTCACT/VIED92248A, O09,029 St: 92248A Fmt: 92248A JEFFR[ES C.P.Y. COMPANY (213)742-8800 Com~ 30-Jul-86 1(~4~. ~ecl: 1
TUb'FIN /OS T.P~/CHEA N Chic 123476 067760 Output (CO) 30-Jd-86 10:.47 PHA
$so,6 o, ooo
The City of Tustin (the "City") is located in the central part of Orange County, about 40 miles
southeast of Los Angeles and about 80 miles north of San Diego. Tustin covers, over 11 square miles and
adjoins the Cities of Orange, Santa Aha, and Irvine. The State Department of Finance estimates the City's
January 1, 1986 population at 42,750, a 33 percent increase since 1980.
A~ment District No. 85-1 (the "District") comprises 19 assessed parcels covering a total of about
522 net acres. The District is located in the southeastern portion of the city, bounded by the Santa Aha
Freeway (Interstate 5), Browning Avenue, Irvine Boulevard, and Myford Ro~d. About ......... acres of the
District will be developed with low- to medium-high-density residential uses. The Tustin Autocenter covers
about ......... acres, and about ......... acres include commercial and retail development.
Proceeds of the issue will used to fund the design, construction, inspection, and administration of public
improvements within the District. The improvements consist of the backbone facilities to provide for traffic
aoce~ and control, drainage and utility service for the properties. Appendix A, entitled "Assessment
Diagram," shows the configuration of the District and the various assessed parcels, and indicates the
location of the public improvements to be constructed. For a more detailed description of the improvement
project, including a description of the methodology used by the Engineer of Work to spread the assessment,
refer to Appendix B hereof, entitled "Description of Work and Method of Assessment."
All of the asse~able land in the District is currently owned and being developed by The Irvine
Company. The Irvine Company is the largest landowner in Orange County, and is responsible for significant
residential, commercial, and office development in Orange County. The Irvine Company's land holdings
extend along the coast from Newport Beach to Lagnna Beach, and inland approximately 22 miles to the
Riverside County line.
Assessment Installments sufficient to make debt service payments on the Bonds and to pay other related
expenses will be billed to the owners of the property in the District. Adjustable Rate Assessments will be
billed directly to the owners of the property subject to the Adjustable Rate Assessments. Fixed Rate
Assessments will be included on the regular county tax bills sent to owners of property subject to the Fixed
Rate Assessments. The Assessment Installments are to be pa!d into an Assessment Fund ("the Assessment
Fund"), which will be held by the City and transferred to the Principal and Interest Funds for the payment
of principal and interest, respectively, on the Bonds, provided, however, that to the extent that draws on the
Letter of Credit are used to pay debt service on the Adjustable Rate Bonds, moneys in the Principal and
Interest Funds will be used pro rata to reimburse the Bank for drawings under the Letter of Credit and to
pay principal and interezt with respect to the Fixed Rate Bonds.
A R~rve Fund, initially in an amount equal to $ .................. will be established from Bond proceeds.
The R~rve Fund will be used to advance moneys to the Principal and Interest Funds in the event of
delinquent Adjustable Rate Assessments. Upon conversion of all or a part of the Adjustable Rate Bonds to
the Fixed Rate Mode, a pro rata portion of moneys in the Reserve Fund will be transferred to the Fixed
Rate Reserve Fund. Monies in the Fixed Rate Reserve Fund will be used to advance moneys to the Principal
and Interest Funds in the event of delinquent Fixed Rate Asse~ments. Additionally, the City has
covenanted to commence court foreciozure proceedings within 60 days of the non-payment of an Adjustable
(T~CACTIVE)92248A,009,029 St: 92248A Fmt: 92248A JEFFRIES C.P.Y. COMPANY (213)742-8800 Comp: 29-Jul-86 23:0~ ~eq: 2
TUSHN /OS T.R./CHEA N Chic 075630 147220 Output (CO) 29-Jui-86 23:11 PHA
Rate Assessment (150 days with respect to a Fixed Rate Assessmcnt) and to prosecute such proceedings
diligently to completion.
If there are additional delinquencies with respect to Assessment Installments, after depletion of the
Reserve Fund with respect to the Adjustable Rate Bonds and the Fixed Rate Reserve Fund with respect to
Fixed Rate Bonds, the City under certain circumstances may have the duty to transfer into the Principal and
Interest Funds the amount of any such delinquency out of any available funds of the City. It is not expected,
however, that any such funds will he available. Funds available to he drawn under the Letter of Credit will he
used to pay principal and interest, however, on the Adjustable Rate Bonds ns further described under the
section herein entitled "The Letter of Credit."
Pursuant to thc Remarketing Agreement, dated as of August 1, 1986, by and between the City and
Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated ("Merrill Lynch") (the "Remarketing Agreement"),
Merrill Lynch will serve initially as Remarkcting Agent (the "Remarketing Agent") for the remarketing of
Adjustable Rate Bonds.
Authority for Issuance
The improvement proceedings for the City of Tustin Assessment District No. 85-1, have been
conducted pursuant to the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913, as amended ("the 1913 Act"). The Bonds,
which represent the unpaid Assessment Installments levied against property in the District, are issued
pursuant to the provisions of the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, as amended (the "Bond Law") and an
Indenture of Trust (the "Indenture") dated as of August 1, 1986 between the City and Citibank, N.A., as
trustee (the "Trustee"). Unless otherwise defined herein, all capitalized terms used herein shall have the
'meaning set forth in the "Summary of the Indenture -- Definitions".
General Provisions
The Bonds, as initially issued, will be in the Unit Pricing Mode and will initially hear interest at the
applicable Adjusted Interest Rate. All of thc Bonds in the Unit Pricing Mode may be converted to thc
Demand Mode or all or a portion of thc BOnds in thc Unit Pricing Mode may be converted to thc Fixed
Interest Mode, and if converted to the Demand Mode, may be thereafter converted to the Unit Pricing
Mode or thc Fixed Interest Mode. No conversion to any mode may be made for Bonds in the Fixed Interest
Mode. Prior to any Demand Date, any Unit Pricing Date or any Proposed Conversion Date (except as
indicated herein), thc City must deliver to the Trustee a Favorable Opinion of Bond Counsel. Notwithstand-
ing thc foregoing, Bank-Owned Bonds will hear interest in addition to that berne by other Bonds.
The BOnds are dated the date of their authentication, shall bear interest from the Interest Payment
Date to which interest has been paid or provided for, or if such date of authentication is prior to thc initial
Record Date for such Bond, from thc date of original authentication and delivery of the Bonds, at the rates
as described herein, and will mature on September 2, 2011 or prior redemption thereof. The principal and
redemption price of thc Bonds shall be payable at thc principal oi~ce of Citibank, N.A., New York, New
York, as thc paying agent (the "Paying Agent').
Unit Pricing Mode
The Adjusted Interest Rate for each Bond in the Unit Pricing Mode (other than Bank Bonds) will be
det~'mined on the Rate Adjustment Date for such Bond in accordance with the following procedures.
(a) At or about 9:30 A.M., New York City time, on each Rate Adjustment Date, the Remarkct-
lng Agent will post the Preliminary Scale for such Rate Adjustment Date. The information in such
Preliminary Scale will be made available to any prospective purchaser requesting such information.
The Adjusted Interest Rate for each Unit Pricing Interest Period indicated on the Preliminary Scale
will be the minimum rate of interest per annum which, in the sole opinion of the Remarketing Agent,
without consultation with the City, would be necessary on and as of the Rate Adjustment Date to
remarket each Unit Pricing Bond having such Unit Pricing Interest Period in a secondary market
(T]CACTIVE)92248A,009,029 St: 92248A Fmc 92248A JEFFR]ES C.P.Y. COMPANY (213)742-8800 Comp; 29-Jul-86 21:5'1 Seq: 3
TUSTIN /05 T.R./CHEA N Chic 0~2654 04~204 Output (CO) 29-Jui-86 21:.54 PHA
transaction at a price equal to the principal amount thereof; provided, however, that the Adjusted
Interest Rate indicated for any Unit Pricing Interest Period will in no event exceed the Maximum Rate.
(b) The registered owner of any such Bond in the Unit Pricing Mode who does not elect to tender
all or any portion of such Bond for purchase will have the right to select a new Unit Pricing Interest
Period by telephonic notice to the Remarketing Agent no later than 10:00 A.M., New York City time,
on the Rate Adjustment Date. In that event, from and after such Rate Adjustment Date, such Bond
will have the Unit Pricing Interest Period selected by the owner of such Bond and bear interest at the
Adjusted Interest Rate indicated for such Unit Pricing Interest Period on the Preliminary Scale,
subject to adjustment as provided in paragraph (d) below. If the registered owner of a Bond in the Unit
Pricing Mode retains such Bond as described above, thc new Purchase Date, Adjusted Interest Rate
and Unit Pricing Interest Period shall be inserted in the grid provided on the reverse side of each Bond.
(c) In the event that on the Rate Adjustment Date the registered owner of any such Bond in the
Unit Pricing Mode neither tenders such Bond for purchase nor selects a new Unit Pricing Interest
Period in accordance with paragraph (b) above, then, commencing with such Rate Adjustment Date,
such Bond will have a Unit Pricing Interest Period which will extend to but not include the next
succeeding Business Day and will bear interest at the Adjusted Interest Rate indicated for such Unit
Pricing Interest Period on the Preliminary Scale, subject to adjustment as provided in paragraph (d)
(d) In the case of any Bond in the Unit Pricing Mode which has been tendered for purchase on a
Rate Adjustment Date upon election of the holder thereof and remarketed by the Remarketing Agent,
such Bond will, commencing with such Rate Adjustment Date, have the Interest Period selected by the
purchaser to whom such Bond has been remurketed and bear interest at the Adjusted Interest Rate
indicated for such Unit Pricing Interest Period on the Preliminary Scale, subject to adjustment as
herein provided. The first prospective purchasers willing to buy such Bonds being remarketed at any of
the rates indicated on the Preliminary Scale will be awarded such remarketed Bonds. In the event that
a prospective purchaser selects a Unit Pricing Interest Period for any Unit Pricing Bo, nd but indicates
that it will purchase such Bond only if such Bond bears an interest rate for such Unit Pricing Interest
Period which is higher than the rate indicated therefor in the Preliminary Scale, such information will
be noted by the Remarketing Agent. At the end of the remarketing period, if all Bonds to be
remarketed on such Rate Adjustment Date have not been sold in accordance with the foregoing, and
information of the nature described in the preceding sentence has been noted by the Remarketing
Agent, then, in order to effect a complete remarketing, the unremarketed Bonds will be sold to those
prospective purchasers who have indicated a willingness to purchase such Bonds bearing interest for
Unit Pricing Interest Periods closest, in terms of basis points, to the Adjusted Interest Rates indicated
therefor in thc Preliminary Scale. In that event, thc Remarkcting Agent will post at or before 11:30
A.M., New York City time, on the Rate Adjustment Date, a Final Scale which will be the same as thc
Preliminary Scale except that the Adjusted Interest Rate indicated for any Unit Pricing Interest Period
will be thc highest Adjusted Interest Rate for such Unit Pricing Interest Period at which any Bond was
remarketed in accordance with this paragraph; provided, however, that thc Adjusted Interest Rate will
in no event exceed thc Maximum Rate. The information on thc Final Scale will be made available to
any prospective purchaser requesting such information. All Bonds for which an Adjusted Interest Rate
is determined on the Rate Adjustment Date will bear interest at thc Adjusted Interest Rate indicated
for the applicable Unit Pricing Interest Period on the Final Scale even if thc purchaser thereof had
stated a willingness to purchase such Bonds at a lower Adjusted Interest Rate for such Unit Pricing
Interest Period.
(c) For those Bonds selected to be converted to thc Demand Mode or the Fixed Rate Mode, no
Unit Pricing Interest Period would be thereafter available which would extend beyond thc effective date
established for such conversion to the Demand Mode or thc Fixed Rate Mode.
The determination of each Adjusted Interest Rate and Unit Pricing Interest Period in accordance with
the foregoing will be conclusive and binding upon the holders of the Bonds.
(TZCACT[VE)92248A, OOC),029 St: 92248A Fret: 92248A JEFFRIES C.P.Y. COMPANY (213)742-8800 Com~ 29-Jul-86 21:51 Sc, q:
TUSTIN /OS T.R./CHEA N Chk: 033320 075425 O~tput (CO) 29-Jui-86 21:54 PHA
Upon certain conditions as described below, thc Bonds in the Unit Pricing Mode will bear interest at
the Alternate Rate.
Bonds in the Unit Pricing Mode shall initially include Unit Pricing Interest Periods of no greatcr than 1
year. Unit Pricing Interest Periods may exceed periods of 1 year upon receipt of a Favorable Opinion of
Bond Counsel.
For any Unit Pricing Interest Period of less than 180 days, interest will be paid on thc Purchase Date
even if not purchased on such date. For any Unit Pricing Interest Period equal to or longer than 1 $0 days,
interest will be paid on the Purchase Date and on each March 2 and September 2 prior to thc Purehasc
Date. For any Bond having a Unit Pricing Intcrest Period of leas than or equal to 1 year, interest will be
computcd on the basis of a 365/366 day year for the actual number of days clapped. For any Bond having a
Unit Pricing Interest Period of greater than 1 year, interest will be computed on thc basis of a 360-day year,
composed of twelve 30-day months.
Thc registered owner of any Bond in thc Unit Pricing Mode may demand that such Bond or any portion
thcrcof in a principal amount equal to an Authorized Denomination (so long as thc amount not purchased is
an Authorized Denomination) be purchased on any Purchase Date thereof at a price equal to thc principal
amount thereof by (A) giving telephonic notice to thc Rcmarkcting Agent and the Tender Agent and
written notice to thc Tender Agent which (i) states the principal amount of such Bond to be purchased, (ii)
states the Purchase Date on which thc Unit Pricing Bond is to be purchased, (iii) irrevocably demands such
purchase and (B) delivery of such Bond duly endorsed in blank for transfer at thc principal corporate trust
office of the Tender Agent at or prior to 12:30 P.M., New York City time, on such Purchase Date. Any
Bond, or portion thereof, for which a demand for purchase has been made in accordance with this paragraph
will be purchased from any funds derived from remarketing such Bond or funds supplied by thc Bank
pursuant to the Letter of Credit.
At thc option of the City, all of thc Bonds in the Unit Pricing Mode may be changed to thc Demand
Mode in accordance with certain provisions of thc Indenture. Upon receipt from the City of written notice
requesting a change to the Demand Mode and upon compliance with the various provisions therefor as set
forth in the Indenture, including receipt by the Tender Agent of a Favorable Opinion of Bond Counsel, thc
Trastcc shall give notice by first class mail to all holders of such proposed change and the Demand Date or
Dates selected by thc City. Such notice shall be given not less than 15 Business Days prior to such Demand
Date or Dates selected and shall indicate that such Bonds are required to be tendered to the Tender Agent
on the relevant Demand Date for mandatory purchase at the Tender Price and shall further indicate that the
owners of thc Bonds may elect to retain tbeir Bonds by giving written notice to such effect submitted to thc
Tender Agent not less than 7 Business Days prior to the relevant Demand Date. (Any Demand Date shall bc
a Wednesday which is also a Business Day).
All or a portion of thc Bonds in the Unit Pricing Mode may, and under certain circumstances, will be
converted to bear interest at thc Fixed Interest Rate as provided in the Indenture and as further described
Denmnd Mode
Bonds in the Demand Mode (other than Bank Bonds) shall bear interest at the Variable Interest Rate.
The Variable Interest Rate shall be determined by the Remarketing Agent prior to 3.-00 P.M., New York
City time, on the Business Day next preceding the Variable Rate Adjustment Date (which shall be a
Wednesday) for such Variable Rate Interest Period. The Variable Interest Rate shall become effective on
such Variable Rate Adjustment Date and shall be applicable through the following Tuesday. On or before
the Business Day next succeeding the date on which the Variable Interest Rate for any Variable Interest
Rate Period is determined by the Remarketing Agent, the Remarketing Agent shall give notice to the
Paying Agent of the Variable Interest Rate applicable to such Variable Rate Interest Period.
The Variable Interest Rate for each Variable Rate Interest Period will be equal to that interest rate
which, if borne by the Bonds, would in the judgment of the Remarketing Agent be the interest rate
necessary to produce as nearly as practicable a par bid (disregarding any accrued interest) on the Bonds on
(TXCACTIVE)92248A, OOg, 0Z9 St: 9224~A Fret: 9224~A JEFFRIES C.P.Y. COMPANY (2:1~)742-8800 Comp~ 29-Jul-86 01:40 5eCl: 5
TUSTIN /05 T.R./CHEA N Chic 021204 102072 Output (CO) 29-Ju1-86 0~'43 PHA
the Variable Rate Adjustment Date, provided that in no event shall thc Variable Interest Rate be in excess
of the Maximum Rate. Bonds in thc Demand Mode will accrue interest at thc Variable Interest Rate,
calculated on thc basis of a 365/366 day year for thc actual number of days elapsed. Interest on Bonds in
the Demand Mode is payable on thc first Wednesday of each month.
Thc determination of thc Variable Interest Rate for Bonds in thc Demand Mode, if in accordance with
thc Indenture, shall be conclusive and binding.
The owner of a Bond in thc Demand Mode shall, upon proper delivery of a Tender Notice, as described
below, have thc right to have such Bond purchased on any Optional Tender Date, at the applicable Tender
Price. "Optional Tender Date" means thc day stated in the Tender Notice delivered by a holder to the
Tender Agent and to thc Rcmarketing Agent with resin'ct to such Bond, which day shall be the seventh
calendar day after the date of the delivery of thc Tender Notice (or the first Business Day thereafter, if such
seventh calendar day is not a Business Day). The Tender Notice must state (i) thc principal amount of each
such Bond to be purchased, (ii) the certificate number of each such Bond, (iii) the name of thc registered
holder of each such Bond, and (iv) the Tender Date on which each such Bond is to be purchased. In any
event, Bonds will be subject to purchase only if delivered to thc Tender Agent, conforming in all respects to
thc description thereof in thc Tender Notice, and if delivery (together with necessary endorsements) is made
to the Tender Agent at or prior to 3:00 P.M., New York City time, on the Optional Tender Date specified in
such Tender Notice. The right of any owner to have Bonds purchased shall terminate on thc change of such
Bonds to thc Unit Pricing Mode or the conversion of such Bonds to thc Fixed Rate Mode.
The delivery of a Tender Notice to the Tender Agent and the Remarketing Agent is irrevocable and
binding on the owner and cannot be withdrawn. Any with respect to which a Tender Notice is given but
which is not tendered on the Optional Tender Date stated in such Tender Notice shall be deemed purchased
and interest thereon shall cease to accrue. A new Bond shall be issued to the purchaser thereof. Thc prior
owner of such Bond shall be entitled solcy to payment of thc Tender Price for such Bond. An owner of a
Bond who gives a Tendar Notice with respect to such Bond may repurchase such Bond if the Remarketing
Agent agrees to sell any such Bond so tendered back to such owner. In such event, the delivery requirement
in connection with such tender shall be waived.
If the City elects, all of the BOnds in the Demand Mode may be changed to the Unit Pricing Mode in
accordance with certain provisions of the Indenture, including notice of the change to the owners of the
Bonds and delivery to the Tender Agent of a Favorable Opinion of Bond Counsel. Thc Tender Agent shall
thereupon give written notice to ali Bondholders not later than the tenth Business Day next preceding the
Unit Pricing Date, which notice shall specify thc Unit Pricing Date or Dates selected by thc City and shall
indicate that such Bonds are required to be tendered to the Tender Agent on the relevant Unit Pricing Date
for purchase at thc Tender Price and shall further indicate the date by which thc owners of thc Bonds may
elect to retain their Bonds by written notice to such effect submitted to the Tender Agent. Any Bond which
is not tendered on or prior to the proposed Unit Pricing Date shall be deemed purchased and may be
cancelled by the Tender Agent. All or a portion of the Bonds in thc Demand Mode may also be converted to
bear interest at thc Fixed Interest Rate, as provided berein.
All or a portion of the Bonds in the Demand Mode may, and under circumstances, will be converted to
thc Fixed Rate Mode as provided in the Indenture and as further described herein.
Under certain conditions, as described below, Bonds in the Variable Rate Mode shall bear interest at
the Alternate Rate.
Alternate Rate
In thc event (i) the Remarketing Agent fails to determine the Adjusted Rate or thc Variable Interest
Rate or (ii) the method of determining the Adjusted Rate or the Variable Interest Rate shall be beld to be
unenforceable by a court of law of competent jurisdiction, thc Bonds shall thereupon, until such time as the
Rcmarkcting Agent again makes such determination or until there is delivered an opinion of Bond Counsel
to the effect that the method of determining such rate is enforceable, bear interest from the last date on
which interest was legally paid, at the Alternate Rate for the Alternate Rate Period from time to time in
(T]CACT[VE)92248A,009,029 St: 92248A Fret: 92248A JEFFR]ES C.P.Y. COMPANY (213)742-8800 Comp.' 30-Jul-86 10:.41 Seq: 6
TUSTIN /OS T.P. YCHEA N Chic 1:1105~ 002177 Output (CO} ~O-Jul-86 10.47 PHA
effect. "Alternate Rate" means, as of the first day of an Alternate Rate Calculation Perod, the annual
interest rate not in excess of the Maximum Rate, equal to 75% of the interest rate applicable to 90-day
United States Treasury bills for Bonds in the Unit Pricing Mode and 68% of the interest rate applicable to
90-day United States Treasury Bills for Bonds in the Demand Mode, determined on the basis of the yield at
which such 90-day Treasury bills shall have been sold at thc most rcccnt Treasury auction conducted during
the preceding thirty (30) days, or if there shall have been no such auction within the preceding thirty (30)
days, the rate of interest borne by the Bonds for the immediately preceding Unit Pricing Interest Pcriod or
Variable Rate Interest Period, as appropriate shall remain in effect for such Unit Pricing Interest Period or
Variable Rate Interest Period. "Alternate Rate Period" means (i) if Bonds are in the Unit Pricing Mode,
from the last Purchase Date to but not including the first Business Day of the next succeeding month, which
day shall be the Purchase Date or (ii) if Bonds are in the Demand Mode from each Wednesday to thc next
Tuesday. "Alternate Rate Calculation Date" means (i) if Bonds are in the Unit Pricing Mode, each
Purchase Date, and (ii) if Bonds arc in the Demand Mode, each Tuesday.
Fixed Rate Mode
Thc Indenture provides that the City may, under certain circumstances, elect to convcrt all or a portion
of the Bonds in the Unit Pricing Mode or the Demand Mode to the Fixed Rate Mode. In addition, the
Indenture provides that Bonds in the Unit Pricing Mode or the Demand Mode are subject to automatic
conversion [describe automatic conversion process -- when finalized]. Bonds in the Fixed Rate Mode will
bear a fixed annual rate of interest to maturity determined as provided in the Indenture and no conversion
may be made back into the Unit Pricing Mode or Demand Mode. In the event of a Proposed Conversion
Date or Automatic Conversion Date of all or a portion of the Bonds to a Fixed Rate Mode, thc Trustee shall
mail written notice to all holders of the Bonds subject to conversion not later than thc thirtieth calendar day
next preceding thc Proposed Conversion Date or Automatic Conversion Date, as the case may be, which
notice shall specify the Preliminary Pricing Date, the Proposed Conversion Date or Automatic Conversion
Date as the case may be, indicate that such Bonds are required to be tendered for purchase to the Tender
Agent on the Proposed Conversion Date or Automatic Conversion Date as the case may be, at the Tender
Price and set forth thc date by which notice of election to retain must be submitted to thc Tender Agent,
which date shall be two Business Days after the Preliminary Pricing Date. If such conversion date is not an
Automatic Conversion Date, such notice shall be accompanied by a copy of the Favorable Opinion of Bund
Counsel. The Preliminary Pricing Date will be a date determined by the Rcmarketing Agent and will be at
least five (5) but not more than fifteen (15) Bnsiness Days prior to thc Proposed Conversion Date. Any Bond
which is not tendered on the Proposed Conversion Date or Automatic Conversion Date, as the case may be
shall be deemed purchased and may be cancelled by the Tender Agent.
On the Preliminary Pricing Date, thc Remarketing Agent will make available a Preliminary Interest
Index and a Minimum Fixed Interest Rate. The Preliminary Interest Index will be the annual interest rate
or rates which in the sole judgment of the Rcmarketing Agent will enable the Bonds to be remarketed at par
on the Conversion Date, but such rate shall not be greater than the Maximum Rate. The Minimum Fixed
Interest Rate will be 95% of thc Preliminary Interest Index. Not more than two Business Days following the
Preliminary Pricing Date, a Bondholder may notify the Remarketing Agent by telephone (promptly
confirmed by written notice to the Tender Agent) if the Bondholder wishes to retain such Bond in the Fixed
Rate Mode.
On the fourth (4th) Business Day following the Preliminary Pricing Date (the "Final Pricing Date"),
thc Rcmarkcting Agent will establish the Fixed Intcrest Rate which will be borne by thc Bonds after the
Conversion Date. The Fixed Interest Rate will be thc annual rate(s) of interest which in thc sole judgment
of the Remarketing Agent under then prevailing market conditions will allow such converted Bonds to be
sold at par on the Conversion Date.
(TICACTIVE)92248A, O09,029 St: 92248A Fmt: 92248A JEFFR[ES C.P.Y. COMPANY (213)742-8800 Comp 29-~-86 2].:51 ~1:7
TUSTIN /OS T.P~CHEA N Chic 16~725 112577 Output (CO) 29-,Id-86 21:~4 PflA
Mnmiatory Purclume of the Bonds
Bonds in thc Unit Pricing Mode or Demand Mode are subject to mandatory tender and purchase on
any Mandatory Tender Date which includes any Proposed Conversion Date, any Automatic Conversion
Date, any Demand Date, any Unit Pricing Date, the date of termination of thc Letter of Credit, any
Substitution Date and any Expiration Date.
The Tender Agent shall provide written notice to all holders of Bonds in the Unit Pricing Mode or
Demand Mode, subject to Mandatory Tender that such Bonds will be subject to mandatory tender for
purchase on the applicable Mandatory Tender Date, (i) not later than the thirtieth calendar day next
preceding any Proposed Conversion Date or Automatic Conversion Date, as the case may be; (ii) not later
than the thirtieth calendar day next preceding a Demand Date; (iii) not later than the seventh Business Day
next preceding a Unit Pricing Date and (iv) not later than the thirtieth day next preceding the Expiration
Date; and (v) not later than the fifth Business Day next preceding the Substitution Date.
In the case of a Mandatory Tender Date involving a Demand Date or a Unit Pricing Date, such notice
must state that the Bondholder may elect to retain such Bond by giving written notice of such election to the
Remarketing Agent and the Tender Agent, no later then the fifth Business Day preceding such Mandatory
Tender Date. Upon the filing of such notice, any Bond with respect to which the owner has elected to retain
notwithstanding a conversion to the Demand Mode and the Unit Pricing Mode, shall not be subject to
optional tender on or prior to the Demand Date or the Unit Pricing Date, as the ease may be.
On any Mandatory Tender Date, unless the owner thereof has elected to retain ownership of a Bond in
the Unit Pricing Mode or Demand Mode, as applicable, such Bond will be deemed to have been purchased,
whether or not actually delivered for purchase, and on that day, interest will cease to accrue and such Bond
will no longer be entitled to the security provided by the Indenture. Such owner will be entitled only to
receive the Tender Price, together with interest accrued to such Mandatory Tender Date, solely from the
funds deposited pursuant to the Indenture for such purpose.
The Bonds, upon surrender thereof at the principal office of the Paying Agent with a written instrument
of transfer satisfactory to the Trustee, duly executed by the registered owner or the registered owner's duly
authorized attorney, may be exchanged for an equal aggregate principal amount of Bonds of the same
maturity and of any other Authorized Denomination.
In all cases in which the privilege of exchanging or transferring the Bonds is exercised, the City shall
execute and the Trustee shall authenticate and deliver the Bonds in accordance with the provisions of the
Indenture. For every such exchange or transfer of the Bonds, the Paying Agent may require the payment of
a reasonable sum for such transfer or exchange plus a sum sufficient to pay any tax, fee or other
governmental charge required to be paid with respect to such exchange or transfer. The Paying Agent shall
not be required to transfer or exchange any Bond selected for redemption in whole or in part after the
mailing of the notice of redemption of such Bond.
(T[CACTTV~D92248A, O09,029 St: 92248A Fmt: 92248A JEFFR[ES C~P.Y. COMPANY (213)742-8800 Con~ 30-Jul-86 0{~42 ~'q: 8
TUST/N /OS T.P~/CHEA N Chic 052174 042260 Output (CO) 30-Ju1-86 0{~45 PHA
Mm~htor~ Redemption
Thc Adjustable Rate Bonds arc subject to redemption as a whole or in part, as the case may be, at any
time as follows:
(1) Bonds in the Unit Pricing Mode are subject to redemption at any time, upon notice as
hereinafter described, as a whole or in part such that all BOnds remaining will be in Authorized
Dcnomiuations, in order of Purchase Dates, from moneys in the Interest Reserve Fund (as to interest)
and the proceeds of a draw upon the Letter of Credit (as to principal and premium, if any) (i) to the
extent of prepaid Adjustable Rate Assessments, and (ii) to the extent monies are transferred from the
Construction Fund to the Redemption Fund, under the circumstances and upon the conditions and
terms described herein, at a redemption price calculated in accordance with the following (each price
being stated as a percentage of the principal to be redeemed, to be paid on the redemption date together
with interest accrued to the redemption date):
(a) If the Interest Period is less than or equal to one year, the redemption price will be
calculated as follows: (i) if the number of days between the date selected for redemption and the
Purchase Date for such Bond (the "Remaining Interest Period") is less than or equal to 30 days,
the redemption price will be 100%; and (ii) if the Remaining Interest Period is more than 30 days
on the date the Trustee mails the redemption notice, thc Trustee will request the Remarkcting
Agent provide a Unit Pricing Rate for a Unit Pricing Interest Period equal to the Remaining
Interest Period (the "Replacement Rate"), and if the Replacement Rate is greater than or equal to
thc rate on the Bonds called for redemption (thc "Bond Rate"), the redemption price will be 100%,
but if the Replacement Rate is less than the Bond Rate, the redemption price will be calculated by
dividing the number of days in the Remaining Interest Period by 365 or 366 days (as applicable)
and multiplying the quotient by the difference between the Bond Rate and the Replacement Rate
and rounding thc product to thc nearest 1/100th and adding the result to 100, as shown in the
following formula:
Days Remaining in
Redemption Price ,, Unit Pricin~ Interest Period x I + 100,
365 (or 366)
where I -, (Bond Rate - Replacement Rate);
provided that in no event will the redemption price exceed 101% for a Unit Pricing Interest Period
less than or equal to one year.
(TZCACTIVID92248A, 009,029 St: 92248A Fret: 92248A JEFFRIE$ C.P.Y. COMPANY (213)742-8800 Comp: 30-Jul-86 11:15 Seq: 9
TUSTIN /OS T.R./CHEA N Chic 062557 176552 Output (CO) 30-Jul-86 11:17 PHA
(b) If thc Unit Pricing Interest Period for such Unit Pricing Bond is more than one year, thc
redemption price will be determined in accordance with thc following table:
Unit ~ Interest Period
more than 1 but less than or equal to 3 years ..............
more than 3 but less than or equal to 6 years ..............
more than 6 but less than or equal to 10 years ............
more than 10 years ..........................................................
~ from tl~ n~at
reemat Rnt~
Adjmtmeut Date m
R~ rote ~l)
0 to I year 101%
1 to 2 years 100.5
2 to 3 years 100
0 to 2 yca~ I01.5
2 to 3 y~rs 100
3 to 4 yea~ 1~.5
after 4 y~ 1~
0 to 4 years 102
4 to 5 y~ 101.5
5 to 6 y~ 101
after 6 years 100
0 to ~ y~ 102.5
7 to 8 y~ 102
8 to 9 yea~ 101
after 9 years 100
Notwithstanding thc foregoing sections (a) and (b), Bonds in thc Unit Pricing Mode arc redeemable at
par plus accrued interest on their Purchase Date and all Bonds held by the Bank are redeemable at par.
(2) Bonds in thc Demand Mode are subject to redemption on any Interest Payment Date as a
whole, or in part such that all Bonds remaining shall be in Authorized Denominations, by lot, from
moneys in the Interest Reserve Fund (as to interest) and the proceeds of a draw upon the Letter of
Credit (as to principal) (i) to thc extent of prepaid Adjustable Rate Assessments, and (ii) to thc extent
monies are transferred from the Construction Fund to the Redemption Fund, under the circumstances
and upon thc conditions and terms described herein at a redemption price equal to the sum of the
principal amount of the Bonds plus accrued interest thereon to the date fixed for redemption. See
"Summary of the Indenture -- Redemption Procedures."
(3) Subject to the following, thc Adjustable Rate Bonds are subject to mandatory redemption on
each September 2, commencing September 2, 1992, from moneys in the Interest Reserve Fund (as to
interest) and the proceeds of a draw upon the Letter of Credit (as to principal), to thc extent of
Adjustable Assessment Installments and foreclosure proceeds deposited in the Principal Fund and upon
the conditions and terms described herein, at a redemption price equal to the sum of the principal
amount of the Bonds called plus accrued interest thereon to the date fixed for redemption, and in thc
(TICACTIVE)92248A, O09,029 St: 92248A Fmt: 92248A JEFFR[E$ C.P.Y. COMPANY (213)742-8800 Coml~ 30-Jul-86 11:15 St, q: 10
TUSTIN /OS T.I~/CHEA N Chic 073125 042621 Output (CO) 30-Jui-86 11:17 PHA
years and principal amounts (subject to reduction as described under "Summary of thc Indenture
Redemption Procedures") as follows:
Year Pri~ip~i Am~nt
1992 ......................................................................................................................... $ 990,000
1994 .........................................................................................................................
1995 .........................................................................................................................
1996 .........................................................................................................................
1997 .........................................................................................................................
1998 .........................................................................................................................
1999 .........................................................................................................................
2008 .........................................................................................................................
2010 .........................................................................................................................
2011 .........................................................................................................................
* Final Maturity
The procedures governing the selection of Bonds to be redeemed and notice of redemption are described
below under "Summary of the Indenture -- Redemption Procedures."
Opflotmi Redemption
The Adjustable Rate Bonds arc subject to redemption as a whole or in part, as thc case may be, at thc
option of thc City, at any time as follows:-
(1) Bonds in the Demand Mode are subject to redemption on any Business Day, as a whole, or in
part such that all Bonds remaining shall be in Authorized Denominations, by lot, from moneys in the
Interest Reserve Fund (as to interest) and thc proceeds of a draw upon thc Letter of Credit (as to
principal), to the extent monies are legally available therefor under thc circumstances and upon thc
conditions and terms described bercin at a redemption price equal to the sum of the principal amount
plus accrued interest thereon to thc date fixed for redemption. Sec "Summary of thc Indenture --
Redemption Provisions."
(2) Bonds in thc Unit Pricing Mode are subject to redemption on any Business Day, as a whole, or
in part such that all Bonds remaining shall be in Authorized Denominations, in order of Purchase
Dates, from moneys in thc Interest Reserve Fund (as to interest) and the proceeds of a draw upon the
Letter of Credit (as to principal and premium, if any), under thc circumstances and upon thc conditions
and terms described herein at a redemption price calculated in the same manner as set forth above with
respect to thc Mandatory Redemption of Bonds in thc Unit Pricing Mode. Sec "Summary of thc
Indenture -- Redemption Provisions."
Thc procedures governing the selection of Bonds to be redeemed and notice of redemption are described
below under "Summary of thc Indenture -- Redemption Procedures."
Puqm~e of the Bonds
Proceeds from thc sale of thc Bonds will be used to finance thc construction and acquisition of certain
public improvcments as described in thc scction hcrcin cntitlcd "Thc Improvement Projcct' and Appendix
B, "Description of Work and Method of Assessment."
(TICACT~VE)92248A, O09,029 St: 92248A Fret: 92248A JEFFRIE$ C.P.Y. COMPANY (213)742-8800 Comp; 30-Jul-86 01:42 Seq: 11
TUSTZN /OS T.R./CHEA N Chk: 115423 015246 Output (CO) ~o-Jul-S6 01:45 PHA
Security for the Bonds
Upon issuance of thc Bonds, there will be delivered to the Trustee an irrevocable direct-pay Letter of
Credit issued by The Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation, Los Angeles Agency. During the term of
the Letter of Credit, the Trustee will draw amounts in accordance with the terms thereof to pay the
principal of and up to 40 days interest on the Adjustable Rate Bonds at thc maximum rate of 12 percent per
The Bonds are issued upon and secured by the unpaid Assessment Installments together with interest
thereon, and the unpaid Assessment Installments together with interest thereon constitute a trust fund for
the redemption and payment of thc principal of thc Bonds and the interest thereon. All of thc Bonds are
secured by the moneys in thc applicable accounts of the Assessment Fund, the Principal Fund, thc Interest
Fund and the Redemption Fund created pursuant to the Indenture. In addition, principal of and interest on
the Adjustable Rate Bonds arc payable from draws on the Letter of Credit, from moneys in such funds,
from moneys in the Interest Reserve Fund and from moneys in the Reserve Fund. To the extent that draws
on the Letter of Credit are used to pay principal and interest on the Adjustable Rate Bonds, however, the
Bank shall be entitled to reimbursement for such drawings from monies in the Principal Fund and Interest
Fund. The principal of and interest on the Bonds in the Fixed Rate Mode are payable exclusively out of such
funds and out of the moneys set aside in the Fixed Rate Reserve Fund.
The City will establish a Reserve Fund out of Bond proceeds in an amount of $ ................... The
Reserve Fund will be a source of money to advance to the Principal and Interest Funds in the event of
delinquent Adjustable Rate Assessments. As Adjustable Rate Bonds are converted to a Fixed Interest Rate,
a pro rata portion of moneys in the Reserve Fund will be transferred to the Fixed Rate Reserve Fund. In
addition, the Interest Reserve Fund will bc funded from Bond proceeds in an amount equal to 35 days
interest on the Adjustable Rate Bonds at 12% per annum. Upon a conversion of a portion of the Bonds to the
Fixed Rate Mode, the amount therein shall be reduced pro rata in order to maintain a reserve therein at all
times during which Adjustable Rate Bonds are outstanding equal to 35 days interest at 12% per annum on
the amount of Adjustable Rate Bonds outstanding. Moneys in the Interest Reserve Fund shall be used to
pay interest on the Adjustable Rate Bonds as such amounts become due. On the first Business Day of each
month the Trustee shall draw on the Letter of Credit, for deposit in the Interest Reserve Fund, an amount
equal to the interest accrued (whether or not paid) during the prior month. See "Summary of the Indenture
-- Flow of Funds."
Although the unpaid assessments constitute liens on the lots and parcels assessed, they do not constitute
a personal indebtedness of the respective owners of said lots and parcels. There is no assurance that thc
owners will be financially able to pay the Assessment Installments or that they will pay such installments
even though financially able to do so.
Failure by owners of the parcels to pay Adjustable Rate Assessments when duc, depiction of the
Reserve Fund and thc inability of the City to sell parcels which have been subject to foreclosure proceedings
for amounts sufficient to cover the delinquent Adjustable Rate Installments levied against such parcels
would, in the absence of sufficient funds under the Letter of Credit, result in the inability to make full or
punctual payments of debt service on the Adjustable Rate Bonds. However, the proceeds of draws under the
Letter of Credit are expected to be sufficient to pay such debt service on the Adjustable Rate Bonds to the
extent described under *'The Letter of Credit."
Payment of Property Taxes
The Assessor of the County of Orange recently renssessed thc real property of The Irvinc Company duc
to a transfer of stock among The Irvine Company shareholders. Thc Irvine Company has paid its tax bill for
fiscal year 1984/85 and both installments for fiscal year 1985/86 under protest and is disputing the
reassessment. Pending resolution of thc tax protest the disputed portion of the tax collections will be held in
an impound account by the County Auditor-Controller. Undisputed property taxes and special assessments
will not be impounded and will be disbursed to the City and other public entities.
(T~CACT[VE)92248A,O09,029 St: 92248A FmC 92248A JEFFRIES C.P.Y. COMPANY (213)742-8800 Comp: 30-Jul-86 00:42 Seq: 12
TUSTIN /05 T.I~/CHEA N C~tlc 061642 ~.73~67 O~t~Jt (CO) 30-J~1-86 00:45 PHA
Obligttioa of the City Upon Delinquency
If a delinquency occurs in thc payment of any Adjustable Rate Assessment, the City has the duty to
transfer the amount of such delinquent installment from thc Rcsorvc Fund into thc Principal and Interest
Funds. Under certain circumstance~ the City my have duty to transfer into the Principal and Interest Funds
the ammmt of any delinquency in the payment of Assessment Installments out of any available funds of the
City. It is not expected, however, that any such funds will he available.
The enactment of Article XIIIA of the California Constitution and subsequent legislative enactments
effectively repealed thc otherwise mandatory duty on thc part of the City, under thc Bond Law, to levy and
colloct a special tax (in an amount necessary to mect delinquencies, but not to exceed ten cents on each $100
of assessed value of all taxable property within thc City in any one year) if surplus funds are not available to
cover delinquencies.
Covenant to Commence Superior Court Foreclosure
The Bond Law provides that in the event any assessment or iustallmcnt or any interest thereon is not
paid when duc, the City may covenant to order thc institution of an action in thc Superior Court of thc State
of California to foreclose the lien of thc unpaid assessment. In such action the real property subject to thc
unpaid assessment may be sold at a court foreclosure sale.
Such court foreclosure sale procedure is not mandatory. However, thc City will covenant to commence
foreclosure proceedings no later than 60 days after an occurrence of delinquency of an Adjustable Rate
Assessment (150 days with respect to a Fixed Rate Assessment) and to diligently prosecute thc foreclosure
to final judgment and sale. Sec "Summary of thc Indenture -- Provisions Applicable Generally -- Events of
Default" and "-- Foreclosure Proceedings."
A judgment debtor (property owner) has at least 140 days from the date of service of thc notice of levy
to redeem the property to be sold. If a property owner falls to so redeem and thc property is sold, his only
remedy is an action to set asida the sale which must be brought within six (6) months of the date of sale. If,
as a result of such an action, a foreclosure sale is set aside, the judgment is revived and the judgment
creditor is entitled to interest on thc revived judgment as if thc sale had not been made. (Section 701.680 of
thc Code of Civil Procedure of the State of California.) The constitutionality of the aforementioned
legislation (which repeals thc one-year redemption period) has not been tested and there can ba no assurance
that, if tested, such legislation will bc upheld.
Until further development takes place in the District, and along with it the anticipated further
diversification of ownership, payment of thc Assessment Installments is largely dependent upon thc timely
payment by The Irvine Company or other future landowners within thc District. If The Irvine Company or
any future major landowner files bankruptcy, absent available funds, there could be a delay in payment of
Ass~smcnt Installments, as such bankruptcy filing would delay the City's Superior Court foreclosure
proceedings. Moreover, amounts received upon foreclosure sales may not be sufficient to fully repay
delinquent Assc~smcnt Installments.
The Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation
The Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation was founded in Tokyo, Japan on March 10, 1927. The
Bank is the largest of Japan's seven trust banks engaged in general banking and trust operations. In terms of
total funds, it hus been Japan's leading trust bank every year since 1958. As of March 31, 1985, its total
assets stood at more than US$68 billion (based on a then-current exchange rate of 250.65 Japanese Yen to
the U.S. Dollar and determined in confofaiity with accounting principles generally accepted in Japan), an
increase of approximately 24 percent over the previous fiscal year end. It is ranked as the 20th largest bank
in the world, based on assets, as reported by American Banker as of December 21, 1984.
The Bank is one of the core members of the Mitsubishi Group, which is the largest Japanese industrial
group, repre~nting a cross section of Japanese industry from manufacturing to trade and finance.
(TICAGTIVE}92248A,009,029 St: 92248A Fmt: 92248A JEFFRIE$ C.P.Y. COMPANY (213)742-8800 Con~ 30-Jul-86 0~.42 ~.Cl: 1~
TUSTIN /OS T. RJCHEA g C~lc ].52631 067677 0u~0ut (CO) 30-Ju1-86 0~.45 PHA
The Bank's Los Angeles Agency (the "Agency") has been licensed by the California Superintendent of
Banks and conducts business as permitted by the California Financial Code. As of March 31, 1985, the
Agency had total assets of approximately US$3,047 million. The Agency is subject to examination
periodically by the California Superintendent of Banks and the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. In
addition, the agency is required to file financial reports with the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
The Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation will provide to any person to whom this Official
Statement is delivered, upon written request of such person, a copy of the most recent Annual Report of the
Bank. Written requests should be directed to Mr. Kohzo Sohma, Chief Manager, or Mr. Takao Ishimaru,
Manager, The Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation, Los Angeles Agency, 911 Wilshire Boulevard,
Suite 1650, Los Angeles, California 90017.
The following is a brief outline of certain provisions of the Letter of Credit issued by the Bank and is
not considered a full statement pertaining thereto. Reference is made to the Letter of Credit for the full
text thereof. Copies of said document are available from the City.
Upon issuance of and receipt of payment for the Bonds, the Bank shall issue and deliver the Letter of
Credit to the Trustee for the account of the City. The Letter of Credit will be an irrevocable obligation of
the Bank to pay to the Trustee in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Letter of Credit,
in an aggregate amount not exceeding $51,316,083, of which an aggregate amount not exceeding
$50,650,000 may be drawn upon with respect to principal of the Adjustable Rate Bonds (other than Bank
Owned Bonds) and of which an aggregate amount not exceeding $666,083 may be drawn upon with respect
to interest on the Adjustable Rate Bonds (other than Bank Owned Bonds).
The Letter of Credit will permit the Trustee to draw certain amounts for the payment of the principal
and interest on the Adjustable Rate Bonds (other than Bank Owned Bonds), as described in the Indenture.
In addition, under the terms of the Letter of Credit the Trnstee is entitled to obtain funds to pay the
principal amount of the purchase price of Adjustable Rate Bonds tendered for payment and not remarketed
to the extent other moneys are not available therefor. The Letter of Credit will expire as described under
"The Reimbursement Agreement."
[Copy to come]
The initial Remarketing Agent with respect to Adjustable Rate Bonds will be Merrill Lynch, Pierce,
Fenner & Smith Incorporated ("Merrill Lynch"). Merrill Lynch's principal o~ce is at Merrill Lynch
World Headquarters, North Tower, World Financial Center, New York, New York 10281.
Solely for purposes of remarketing any Bonds upon conversion to the Fixed Rate Mode, "Remarketing
Agent" shall collectively refer to Stone & Youngberg and Merrill Lynch.
The following is a brief outline of certain provisions contained in the Remarketing Agreement and is
not considered a full statement pertaining thereto. Reference is made to said agreement for the complete
text therof. Copies of said agreement are available from the City.
Under thc Rcmarketing Agreement, the City will appoint Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith
Incorporated as the initial Remarkcting Agent in connection with the rcmarketing of Adjustable Rate
Bonds which are tendered to the Tender Agent in connection with a demand for purchase. The Remarketing
(T~CACT/VE~92248A,009,029 St: 92248A Fret: 92248A JEFFR[E$ C.P.Y. COMPANY (213)742-8800 Comp: ~0-Jul-86 00:42 Seq: 14
· TUST~N /OS T.P./CHEA N Chic 14076~ 154221 Output (CO) )0-~1-86 0~.45 PHA
Agent must use its best efforts to remarket tendered Bonds. The Remarketing Agent, may upon 60 days
written notice to the City, the Bank, thc Trustee and the Paying Agent resign as the Remarketing Agent for
the Adjustable Rate Bonds. In addition, the Remarketing Agent shall have no obligation to remarkct
Adjustable Rate Bonds tendered for purchase in the event (i) an Event of Default shall occur under thc
Indenture, (ii) the Indenture, the Reimbursement Agreement, the Letter of Credit or any other document or
instrument entered into in connection with the delivery of the Bonds shall not be in full force and effect or
shall have been modified, amended or supplemented in any way which would materially adversely affect the
markctability of thc Adjustable Rate Bonds, or (iii) the Rcmarketing Agcnt determines that it is unable to
obtain the information necessary to prepare adequate disclosure documents with respect to the Adjustable
Rate Bonds.
Proceeds of the issue 'will be used to fund the design, construction, inspection, and administration of
public facilities which will provide for traffic access and control, drainage, and utility service for properties
in the District. The improvements are located within and adjacent to the District, which is bounded by the
Santa Aria Freeway (Interstate 5), Browning Avenue, Irvine Boulevard, and Myford Road. For a more
detailed description of the Improvement Project, including a description of the method used by the Engineer
of Work to spread the assessment, refer to Appendix B herein entitled "Description of Work and Method of
Assessment". Appendix A herein entitled "Assessment Diagram" shows the configuration of the District
and various assessment parcels and indicates the location of the public improvements to be constructed
under the Improvement Project.
Estimated Improvement Project Costs
The following are the estimated Improvement Project Costs as set forth in thc Engineer's Report.
Estimated Construction Costs ........................................................... $42,200,893.18
Estimated Incidental Costs and Expenses ....................................... 13,939,402.78
Total Estimated Cost ......................................................... 56,140,295.96
Less Contributions and Earned Interest .......................................... 45,490,295.96)
Assessment Amount ........................................................... 50,650,000.00
Property Ownership
The Assessment Installments arc not personal obligations of the property owners within the District;
however, the ability and willingness of such owners to pay the Assessment Installments could affect the.
payment of debt service on the Bonds. Although The Irvine Company is currently the major owner of land
within the District, it will not be restricted in transferring its land to others.
The Irvine Company is a privately held corporation founded by James Irvine in 1876, 12 years after he
assembled the Irvine Ranch through purchase of Spanish and Mexican land grant ranchos. Thc Irvine
Company is engaged in the long. term, economic utilization of its 68,000 acre land resource in central
(TTCACl'TVF~92248A, O09,029 St: 92248A Fmt: 92248A JEFFRIE$ C.P.Y. COMPANY (213)742-8800 Comp:. 30-Jul-86 0'1:42 Sc.q: 15
TUSTIN /OS T.R./CHEA N C~lc 136247 101003 Outout (CO) 30-Jul-gb 01:45 PHA
Orange County. The Irvinc Company is developing its property into a scries of urban communities which
~nciudc centers of employment -- office, research, industrial and retail -- and a diversity of residential
opportunities for sale and for rent. Within this urban environment, The Irvine Company is developing high
quality income producing properties which it owns and operates. Land not currently planned for develop-
ment is being farmed.
Battle Wells Associates is thc Financial Advisor to the City of Tustin for thc issuance of thc Bonds. A
California Corporation, Battle Wells Associates is an independent municipal consulting firm providing
financial advisory services to public agencies since 1964. Thc firm has experience in other financing tools in
addition to the issuance of bonds, including short term borrowing and the use of cash reserves.
Legal matters incident to the authorization and issuance of the Bonds are subject to the unqualified
approving opinion of Mudg¢ Rose Guthrie Alexander & Ferdon, and Rourke & Woodruff, Co-Bond
Counsel. The opinion will be dated and given on and speak only as of the date of original delivery of the
Bonds. Certain legal matters will be passed upon for the Underwriters by O'Melveny & Myers and for the
City by Rourke & Woodruff as City Attorney.
In the opinion of Mudge Rose Guthrie Alexander & Ferdon and Rourke & Woodruff, Co-Bond
Counsel, under existing laws, regulations, rulings and judicial decisions, interest on the Bonds is exempt
from present Federal income taxes and from present personal income taxes imposed by the State of
California. See "Pending Federal Tax Legislation" below.
[To Come]
According to Mudge Rose Guthrie Alexander & Ferdon, and Rourke & Woodruff, Co-Bood Counsel,
there is no controversy or litigation of any nature now pending to restrain or enjoin the issuance, sale,
execution or delivery of the Bonds or in any way contesting or affecting the validity of the Bonds, the
proceedings of the City taken with respect to the issuance or sale thereof, the existence or powers of the City
or the title of any officers of the City to their respective positions.
A no-litigation certificate executed by the City Attorney will be required to be delivered to the
Underwriters simultaneously with the delivery of the Bonds.
Moody's Investors Service has assigned its municipal bond rating ". ........ "to thc Bonds. Standard &
Poor's Corporation has assigned its municipal bond rating ". ........ "to the Bonds. Such ratings reflects only
the views of such organization, and an explanation of the significance of such ratings may be obtained from
each rating agency. There is no assurance that such ratings will continue for any given perod of time or that
such ratings will not be revised downward or withdrawn entirely by such rating agency, if in the judgment of
such rating agencies circumstances so warrant. Neither the City, the Underwriters nor the Bank have
(TICACTlVID92248A,009,029 St: 92248A Fmt: 92248A JEFFR[E$ C.P.Y. COMPANY (2:13)742-8800 Comp: .~0-Jul-86 00:42 S~q: ].6
TUSTIN /OS T.~/CHEA N C~lc 060326 ~.76747 Output (CO) 30-Jul-86 0~45 PHA
undertaken any responsibility to bring to thc attention of the owners of the Bonds any proposed change in or
withdrawal of thc ratings or to oppose any such proposed revision or withdrawal. Any such downward
revision or withdrawal of such ratings may have an adverse effect on the market price of thc Bonds. In
addition, upon conversion of thc interest rate on any of the Bonds to a Fixed Rate under thc circumstances
described in thc Indenture, such Bonds will not have the benefit of the Letter of Credit and, consequently,
the ratings on such Bonds may be reduced or withdrawn.
Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated and Stone & Youngberg (collectively thc
"Underwriters"), have purchased the Bonds from the City at an aggregate discount of $ .................. from the
total par value of Bonds as set forth on thc cover page of this Preliminary Official Statement. Thc public
offering price may be changed from time to time by the Underwriters. The Underwriters may offer and sell
Bonds to certain dealers and others at a price.
Any statements in this Official Statement involving matters of opinion, whether or not expressly so
stated, are intended as such and not as representations of fact. This Official Statement is not to be construed
as a contract or agreement between the City and thc purchasers or owners of any of thc Bonds.
The execution and delivery of this Official Statement by the Mayor of the City has been duly
authorized by the City. Concurrently with the delivery of the Bonds, the City will furnish a certificate
executed on behalf of the City by the City Treasurer to the effect that this Official Statement does not
contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state any material fact necessary to make the
statements herein, in light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading.
Dated: August ...... 1986
Donald J. Saltarelli, Mayor
(T[CACTZVE)922488,002,010 St: 922488 Fret: 92248B JEFFR[ES C.P.Y. COMPANY (213)742-8800 Comp:. 24-Jul-86 22:40 Seq: 2
TUST~N /OS TR N Chic 007336 064370 Output (CO) 24-Jul-86 22:42 PHA
Description of Work:
A. The construction of certain grading, paving, base, curbs and gutters, parkway, drainage, intersec-
tion work, street lights, signing, striping, landscaping, and utilities, together with appurtenances and
appurtenant work for the following roadways:
· Irvine Boulevard ~ the improvement of Irvine Boulovard to its ultimate section along the south
side, easterly of Ranchwood to Myford Road, including the construction of drainage facilities and
· Bryan Avenue ~ the widening of Bryan Avenue to its ultimate street section between Browning
Avenue and approximately 450 feet east of Tustin Ranch Road and the full-width improvement
of Bryan Avenue between 450 feet east of Tustin Ranch Road to Myford Road including
drainage facilities and utilities
· El Camino Real -- the full-width improvement of El Camino Real between Browning Avenue
and approximately 400 feet east of Auto Center Drive including drainage facilities; the widening
from two lane roadway to full-width improvement between approximately 400 feet east of Auto
Center Drive and Myford Avenue including drainage facilities and utilities
· Browning Avenue -- the widening of Browning Avenue along its east side between the Santa
Aha Freeway and approximately 1,400 feet north of Bryan Avenue including drainage facilities
and utilities
· Tustin Ranch Road ~ the full-width improvement of Tustin Ranch Road between the Santa
Aha Freeway and Irvine Boulevard including drainage facilities and utilities
· Myford Road -- the widening of Myford Road along the west side to ultimate width section
between Santa Aha Freeway and Irvine Boulevard, including the realignment of Myford Road
between Bryan Avenue and Irvine Boulevard including drainage facilities and utilities
· New Myford Road -- the full-width improvement of New Myford Road between El Camino
Real and Irvine Boulevard including drainage facilities and utilities
B. The construction of traffic signal improvements at the following intersections:
· El Camino Road at Browning Avenue
· El Camino Road at Tustin Ranch Road
· El Camino Road at Myford Road
· Browning Avenue at Bryan Avenue
· Bryan Avenue at Myford Road
· Myford Road at Irvine Boulevard
· Tnstin Ranch Road at Irvine Boulevard
· Tustin Ranch Road at Bryan Avenue
· Tustin Ranch Road at Auto Center Drive
· Tustin Ranch Road at Loop Road
· Myford Road at Sector II Access
· New Myford Road at h'vine Boulevard
· New Myford Road at Bryan Avenue
· New Myford Road at Loop Road
· New Myford Road at El Camino Real
(TICACTIVE)92248B, O02,010 St: 92248B Fret: 922488 JEFFR[ES C.P.Y. COMPANY (213)742-8800 ComK 30-Jul-06 03:04 Seq: 3
TUSTIN /OS TR N C~lc 055262 107163 Output (CO) 30-Jul-86 03:05 PHA
C. Jamboree Road interchange at Santa Ana Freeway -- full improvement of thc Jamboree Road
interchange at the Santa Ana Freeway including the bridge overcrossing of the Santa Ana Freeway
and traffic signals
D. Flood Control Facilities -- the improvement of the following drainage facilities:
* El Modena Channel between Browning Avenue and the Santa Ana Freeway
e F07-S04 Channel
* F07-S02 Channel
Method of Assessment:
The law requires, and the statutes provide, that special assessments, as levied pursuant to thc 1913 Act,
must be based on the benefit properties receive from the work of improvements. Thc statutes do not specify
the method or formula that should be used to apportion the assessments in any special assessment district
proceedings. The City has retained the firm of Willdan Associates for the purpose of assisting the City in
making an analysis of the facts in the Distric{ and recommending to thc City thc apportionment of thc
assessment obligation.
In making the analysis, it was necessary to identify the benefits that thc public improvements rendered
to the properties within the boundaries of thc District and to determine that the properties receive a direct
and special b~ncfit distinguished from that of thc general public. It was determined that the improvements
are necessary and required for the development of thc properties within the District to full potential,
consistent with the City's General Plan, thc adopted East Tustin Specific Plan, the East Tustin Phase I
Residential Plan, and the Tustin Auto Center Plan; that such improvements are necessary and required for
the orderly development of the properties within the District; that such improvements would be necessary
and are required as a condition of approval of approved tentative tract maps and parcel maps for the area;
and, therefore, that the improvements are, for the most part, of direct and special benefit to the properties in
the District.
The public improvements in the District generally consist of the backbone facilities which will provide
for traffic access and control, drainage, and utility service for the properties. Certain public improvements
proposed for installation will convey public benefit beyond the properties within the District. Therefore, it is
not proper to assess said properties for all of thc costs; and such costs will be offset by cash contributions
from The Irvinc Company.