HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES 08-18-88· ' CITY OK' YUSTIN, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 18, ~.986 CJ~LL TO ORDER/PLEDGE (~ ALLGIAILT/INVOCATIOM The meeting was cal~ed to order by Mayor Salta'relli at 7:0q. p.m. ,~n, the City Council Chambers, 300 C&ntennial Way. The Pledge of A11egiance~ was led by Councilwomen Kennedy, and the Invocation was given by~Mayo~, Pro Tee Hoesterey. Counctlpersons Present: Oonald d. Saltarelli, Mayor Ronald B. Hoestere~, Mayor Pro Tem Richard B. Edgar , Ursula E. Kennedy Counc~lpersons Ause~t: None Others Present: Willtee A. Huston, City Manager dames G. Rourke, City Attorney Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk Robert S. Ledecdecker, Otr. of Public Worgs Charles R. Thayer, Chief of Police · Ronald A. Nault, F~nance Director ' Rob Baler, Planning Consultant Susan Jones, Recreation SuperintendenC~ Tim Tucker, dun~or Civil Engineer danet Hester, Administrative Secretary Approximately 25 in the audience III. PUBI. I¢ IMPUT IV. ~#SENT CALEm~ Itmm No. 13 was ren~ved rrm the Consent Calendar by Kennedy. Kennedy registered an abstention on Ite~ No. 1. It was moved by ~d9ar, sec- onded by Hoesterey, to approve the remainder of the consent ~alendar. Hotion carried 5-0. 1. APPROVAL OF I~NUTES - AUGUST 4, 1986, REGULAR ~EETING AUGUST il, 1986, AU~OURNED REGULAR ~ETING (Kennedy abstained.) Z. A~%'~LtVAL OF gEP_a_m~S IN THE ANOUNT OF $592,483.3t RAT/FIrATIOII OF PMll~J. IN THE AMOUNT OF $140,859.42 $0 3. REaIF..CI'IQII OF Q.AIM NO. 86-38; CLAIIM/fl': LINIM LEE HRNZIOI; OATE OF LOSS: 617186; MTE FILED ¥ITH cITY: 7/22/86 Rejected subject claim as recommended by the City Attorney. 44) 4, REJECTI(Xl OF CLAIM NO. 86-~J1CLAII~JIT: JULI£ GYOR; OATE OF LOSS: 3/14/86; MTE FILED ~ZTH CZTY: ~/9/86 Rejected subject claim as recoam~eflded by the City Attorney. 40 S. RESOLUTXO# NO. 06-~ - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE PLAY STRUC- TURE AT LAMBERT SCHOOL ANO OIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR 8IDS Adopted Resolution No. 86-96 as recommended by the Community Services Oepartment. 41 ~. P,F. SOI.UI'XOll NO. 86-~00 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY ~F' llJSTIN, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATING PLACEMENT OF CERTAIN STOP SIGNS (SAN JUAN STREET & ORANGE STREET) Adopted Resolution No. 86-100 as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. ~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page ?, 8-18-86 7. RF. SOI.Lrr%ON NO. 86-101- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF llJSTIN, CALIFORNIA, OECLARING THE INTENTION TO CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING TO OETERMINE WHETHER OR NOT TO CHANGE THE DESIGNA- TION OF ~ JOAQUIN ROAO, BETWEEN BARRANCA ROAD AND WARNER AVENUE, TO JAMBOREE ROA4); AND NYFORO ROAD, BETWEEN EDINGER AVENUE AND BRYAN AVENUE, TO dAFIliOREE ROAD Adopted Resolution No. 86-101 as recon~ended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. ~ 8. DECLARATION OF ~URPL05 & AUTHORIZATION TO ~EI.L UNIT ~402 Oeclared Police Department Patrol Unit 3402 as Surplus; and authorized staff to sell same as salvage as recofl~ended by the Publtc Works Department/Engineering Division. 87 9. AUTHORIZATION TO NEPf. ACE URIT $620 Authorized replac~nt of Unit 5620 with funds from the Vehicle Leasing Fund as reco~m~ended by the Public Works Departn~nt/ Engineering Olvtsion. 87 [0. ~UTXOR NO. 8~-1~- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI~ OF llJSTIN ACCEPTING WORKS OF IMPROVEMENT ANU AUTHORIZING RECOROATIOR OF NOTICE OF COMPLETION (Bell Ave. Storm Drain Exten- sion, Glllespie Const.) Adopted Resolution No. 86-103; and assuming no claims or stop payment notices are filed 30 days after recordation, authorized payment of final 10% retention amount as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. 91 1[o RE$OI.UTXON NO. 86-~ - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, CONFIRMING THE APPLICATION OF THE ~STER PROPERTY TAX TRANSFER AGREEMENT TO THE PROPOSED DIAMOND HEAD/ G/~qLN(O ANNEXATION NO. 137 Adopted Resolution No. 86-99 as recmm~ended by the Community Development Department. 24 12. ~ OF IFJILTIt S~RVICE$ coImu~ Approved the Health Services Contract with the County of Orange; and authorized the Mayor and City Cle~ to execute same as recommended by the Commentty Development Department. 45 86-51 Coas~ Calendar It-- No. 13 - Audit Services for Three Fiscal Years - Mayor Pro Tee Hoesterey responded to Councilwoman Kennedy that Dtehl Evans and Co~any does have experience with local municipalities and through the California Governmental Association. It was then moved Kennedyt seconded by Edgar, to approve the following: 13. AUOIT ~IWIC~$ FOR ~ FI.~I. ~ GEGINNIN6 JULY 1, 1986, ~l) ENOIN~ JUI~ 30, Authorized the Finance Director to sign the acceptance letter appointing Oiehl Evans and C~any as the City Auditors for the three-year period covering Fiscal Years 1986, 1987 and 1988 as reco~maended by the Finance Oepartment. )lotion carried 5-0. 45; 86-B~ V. OROINNICES FOR INIllOOUCTION - None. VI. ORDINANCES R)R llXFrlOll - None. 1. ~BATEI~NT OF PUBLIC NOISAWCE AT 17592 A/~AGANSEI' AVENUE - RESOLUTION NO. 86-105 As recommended in the inter-corn dated August 11, 1986, prepared by the City Attorney, it was moved by Kennedy~ seconded by Edgar, to adopt the following: VllI. ~¥ 1. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 3, 8-18-86 IIESOUJTXOM NO. 8E-10~ - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO OBTAIN A COUNT ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ABATEMENT OF THE PUBLIC NUISANCE LOCATED AT 17592 AMAGANSET AVENUE (AP NO. 401-033-01), TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA Mayor Saltarelli requested staff notify the adjacent neighbors of Council action on subject matter. The motion carried 5-0. 8~ APIqi~III~ Ol~qll~l~ l~F.~5~ FOR ~ ~ ~S, ~ DIS- Pursuant to the recommendation contained in the Inter-eom dated August 13, 1986, prepared by the Finance Department, it was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Edgar, to adopt the following: RF.S~)UIi'XO# RI). 8E-192 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF $50,650,000 OF AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF CITY OF TUSTIN ASSESSMENT OISTRICT NO. 85-! IMPROVEMENT BONOS, ANO AUTHORIZING CERTAIN OTHER RELATED ~ATTER$, The City Attorney stated that adoption of Resolution No. 86-102 is the final action Council will have to take. It authorizes all the various documents needed to consureaate the bond sale to be executed by appropriate City officers. A pre-closing will be held on August 22 at which time the Mayor, the City Clerk and the Treasurer will sign all the various documents. The bond closing is expected to be held on August 25. The motion carried 5-0. S~ 921 BICYClE/PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES PRtXIECT APPLICATION FOR FISCAL VENt lgS&-87 o RESOLUTION NO. 86-104 It was moved by Hoestereyt seconded by Edgar, to adopt Resolution No. 86-104; and direct staff to submit the application for sidewalk construction along Prospect Avenue, Newport Avenue, and Red Hill Avenue as reco~nded by the Department of Public Works/Engineering Division. The Otrector of Public Works responded to Councilwoman Kennedy that approximately three years ago, COuncil acted as a body not to sub- mit anymore handicap ramp applications. Subject application is basically to complete those intersections where one mOre corner is needed to fill in. The recommended locations are basically clean- up areas near public-type facilities such as a park. The Director stated that handicap ra~s are required by law under new construc- tion. They are installed under all new or reconstructed projects. Followlng Council discussion, a substitute motion was made by Edgart seconded by Kennedy, to: 1) Adopt the following; and RF. SCUJI'IOR NO. 86-104 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF llJSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR BICYCLE AND/OR PEDESTRIAN FUNOS UNDER SB 82! 2) Direct staff to submit the application for sidewalk construc- tion along Prospect Avenue, Newport Avenue, and Red Hill Avenue with the amendment that if any funds are left over from the three sidewalk projects, that they be directed to handicap ramps at locations to be determined by staff. The substitute motion carried 5-0. 92 THE tilt (IF TUSTIN, CN. IFORNIA AUGUST 18, 1986 1. C~LL TO ORIIER The meeting was called to order at 7:24 p.m. by Chaiman Saltare111 in the City Council Chambem, 300 Centennial Way, Tusttn, California. Agency Members Present: Agency Hmebers ~sent: Others Present: Donald J. Saltarelli, Chalman Ronald B. Hoestarey, Chal~man Pro Tam Rtchard 8. Edgar John Kal ly Umula E. Kennedy None Wtlllam A. Huston, Exec. Dtrector/C~ty Manager James G. Rourke, City Attorney Mar~ E. Wynn, Recording Secretary Robert S. Ledendeckar, Director of Public Works Charles R. Thayer, Chief of Police Ronald A. Nault, F~nance O~rector Rob Balen, Planning Consultant Susan Jones, Recreation Superintendent T~m Tucker, Junior C~vfl Engineer Janet Hester, Administrative Secretary Apprextmately 25 ~n the audience 3. ~N. OF I~IIRES - AU~U~'r 4, 198~, RE~UI.AR ~LrTING It was meved by Hoesterey~ seconded by Edgar, to approve Minutes of the August 4, 1986, Regular Meetlng. ~otlon carried 4-0, Kennedy abstafned. PUBLIC tlF. N~IN~ - CONIR.[AII~ UITH ~ 265 (3]NC£R#IN6 "~'r-ASIDE" FUNOS FOR LOM/NGIIERATE I1~01~ HOUSING - RESOLUTIONS RI). RI)A 86-10 NIO R~A 86-11 The Executive Director noted that the resolutions clartfy that 1ncr~ent funds fra the To~ C~er Project area are n~ed to pay off current and future obltgattbns, and 20S of the ~ncrement funds will not be set aside for housing projects. [n the South Central Project Area, 20[ of the increment is set aside for housing. Chal~aan Saltarellt open~ the pub1~c hea~ng a~ 7:26 p.m. There were no speakem ~ ~he ~t[e~, and ~he pubHc hes~ng was closed. It was ~,yecl by Edgart seconded by Kennedy, to adopt the following: EE~I. UT]OII I1). I~A 8~-10 - A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (IF THE CITY OF THSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A STATEMENT OF EXISTING 08LIBATIONS FOR TNE TOWN CENTER PROJECT RE~X. UTIOR ~. RI)A 8~-11 - A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AOOPTING A STATEMENT OF EXISTING PROGRAMS FOR THE TOWN CENTER REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA )lotion carried 5-0. 5. CI1~ FAM. LAROSCAPII~ AS recommended in the Inter-cam dated August 18, 1986, prepared by the C~nity Oevelop~nt Depart~t, it was ~ved b~ Hoestere~ seconded ~ Edgar, to authorize advertisement of formal bids to secure contract ser- vices for upgrading of landscape and irrigation systems in the City Hall courtyard area and in an ares adjacent to the employee parking lot. Car- tied 5-0. 39 6. OIliER _m_~_INESS None, REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES Page 2,.8-18-86 At 7:27 p.m., it was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Edgar, to adjourn to the next Adjourned Regular Meeting on Tuesday, September 2, lg86, at 7:00 p.m. Carried 5-0. AGENDA OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 300 CENTENNIAL WAY AUGUST 18, 1986 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/INVOCATION II. ROLL CALL III. PUBLIC INPUT {For City of Tustin Residents and Businesspersons on any matter, and for Water Service Customers having a concern unresolved by Administrative procedures.) IV. CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items prior to the time of the,voting on the motion unless members of the Council, staff or public request specific items to be discussed and/or removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - AUGUST 4, 1986, REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 11, 1986, ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING 2. APPROVAl. OF DEMANDS IN THE AJvlOUNT OF $592,483.31 RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL IN THE AMOUNT OF $140,859.42 3. REJECTION OF CLAIM NO. 86-38; CLAIMANT: LINDA LEE HANZICH; DATE OF LOSS: 6/7/86; DATE FILED Will( CITY: 7/22/86 Reject subject claim as recommended by the City Attorney. REJECTION OF CLAIM NO. 86-29; CLAIMANT: JULIE GYOR; DATE OF LOSS: 3/14/86; DATE FILED WITH CITY: 6/9/86 Reject subject claim as recommended by the City Attorney. RESOLUTION NO. 86-96 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE PLAY STRUCTURE AT LAMBERT SCHOOL AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS Adopt Resolution No. 86-96 as recommended by the Community Services Department. e RESOLIFrION NO. 86-100 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATING PLACEMENT OF CERTAIN STOP SIGNS (SAN JUAN STREET & ORANGE STREET) Adopt Resolution No. 86-100 as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. RESOLUTION NO. 86-101 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING THE INTENTION TO CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING TO DETERMINE WHETHER OR NOT TO CHANGE THE DESIGNATION OF SAN JOAQUIN ROAD, BETWEEN BARRANCA ROAD AND WARNER AVENUE, TO JAMBOREE ROAD; AND MYFORD ROAD, BETWEEN EDINGER AVENUE AND BRYAN AVENUE, TO JAMBOREE ROAD Adopt Resolution No. 86-101 as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Page 1 8-18-86 Ve DECLARATION OF SURPLUS & AUTHORXZATION TO SELL UNIT 3402 Declare Police Department Patrol Unit 3402 as Surplus; and authorize staff to sell same as salvage as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Oivision. AUTHORIZATION TO REPLACE UNIT 5620 Authorize replacement of Unit 5620 with funds from the Vehicle Leas- ing Fund as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. 10. RESOLUTION NO. 86-103 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN ACCEPTING WORKS OF IMPROVEMENT AND AUTHORIZING RECORDATION OF NOTICE OF COMPLETION {Bell Ave. Storm Drain Extension, Gillespie Const.) Adopt Resolution No. 86-103; and assuming no claims or stop payment notices are filed 30 days after recordation, authorize payment of final 10% retention amount as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. 11. RESOLUTION NO. 86-99 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, CONFIRMING THE APPLICATION OF THE MASTER PROPERTY TAX TRANSFER AGREEMENT TO THE PROPOSED DIAMOND HEAD/GARLAND ANNEXATION NO. 137 Adopt Resolution No. 86-99 as recommended by the Community Develop- ment Department. 12. RENEWAL OF HEALTH SERVICES CONTRACT Approve the Health Services Contract with the County of Orange; and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same as recommended by the Community Development Department. 13. AUDIT SERVICES FOR THREE FISCAL YEARS BEGINNING JULY 1, 1986, AND ENDING JUNE 30, 1988 Authorize the Finance Director to sign the acceptance letter appointing Diehl Evans and Company as the City Auditors for the three-year period covering Fiscal Years 1986, 1987 and 1988 as recommended by the Finance Department. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION - None. VI. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION - None. VII. OLD BUSINESS 1. ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE AT 17592 AIqAGANSET AVENUE NO. 86-105 RESOLUTION RESOLUTION NO. 86-105 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO OBTAIN A COURT ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ABATEMENT OF THE PUBLIC NUISANCE LOCATED AT 17592 AMAGANSET AVENUE (AP NO. 401-033-01), TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 86-105 as recommended by the City Attorney. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Page 2 8-18-86 VIII. NEW 1. APPROVING DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR SALE OF BONDS, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-1 AND OETERMINING UNPAIO ASSESSMENTS - RESOLUTION NO. 86-102 RESOLUTION NO. 86-102 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF $50,650,000 OF AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF CITY OF TUSTIN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-1 IMPROVE- MENT BONDS, AND AUTHORIZING CERTAIN OTHER RELATED MATTERS Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 86-102 as recommended by Bond Counsel and Co-Bond Counsel. BUSINESS Si) 821 BICYCLE/PEOESTRIAN FACILITIES PROJECT APPLICATION FOR FISCAL YEAR 1986-87 - RESOLUTION NO. 86-104 RESOLUTION NO. 86-104 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR BICYCLE AND/OR PEDES- TRIAN FUNDS UNDER SB 821 Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 86-104; and direct staff to submit the application for sidewalk construction along Prospect Avenue, Newport Avenue, and Red Hill Avenue as recommended by the Department of Public Works/Engineering Division. AMENDMENTS TO~' JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT & BYLAWS OF THE ORANGE COUNTY CITIES RISK MANAGEMENT AUITIORITY (OCCRMA) Recommendation: Adopt amendments to the OCCRMA Joint Powers Agreement and Bylaws, allowing the creation of a risk sharing pool and dissolve- ment of the buffer fund as recommended by the Finance Department. IX. REPORTS 1. PLANNINO COMMISSION ACTIONS - AUGUST 11, 1986 All actions of the Planning Commission become final unless appealed by the City Council or member of the public. 2. INVESTMENT SCHEOULE AS OF JULY 31, lg86 Recommendation: Receive and file. X. OTHER BUSINESS 1. CITY MANAGER CITY ATTORNEY 3. CITY COUNCIL XI. AOJOURNMENT To the next Adjourned Regular Meeting on Tuesday, September 2, 1986, at 7:00 p.m. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Page 3 8-18-86