HomeMy WebLinkAboutRPT 1 P.C. ACT AGENDA 08-18-86- I ~J~-' ACTION AGENDA TUST'~N PLANNING COI~U'SSION REGULAR I~:ETING AUGUST 11, 1986 RE PORTS NO. 1 8-18-86 CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m., City Council Chambers PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/INVOCATION ROLL CALL: Present: Puckett, Baker, Le Jeune, Pontious, Absent: Wetl PUBLIC CONCERNS: (Limited to 3 minutes per person for items not on the agenda) IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO THE COMMISSION ON A SUBJECT, PLEASE FILL OUT THE CARDS LOCATED ON THE SPEAKER'S TABLE. ALSO, PLEASE GIVE YOUR FULL NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. CONSENT CALENDAR: (ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER CONSENT CALENDAR ARE CONSIDERED ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME OF THE VOTING ON THE MOTION UNLESS MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION, STAFF OR PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED AND/OR REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE ACTION.) Minutes of July 28, 1986 Planning Commission Meeting. Commissioner Baker moved, LeOeune second to approve the Consent Calendar. carrled 4-0. )4orion PUBLIC HEARINGS Appli cant: Locati on: Request: USE PERMIT 86-19 Ronnie and Dina Lee 14311 Newport Avenue Authorization to operate a Palm Reading business Jeff Davis, Associate Planner Presentation: Chairman Puckett opened the public hearing at 7:41 p.m. speak, he closed the hearing at 7:42 p.m. Seeing no one wishing to Commission discussion ensued with questions of staff and Suzanne Atktns regarding signage, proximity to R-1 and R-3 residential zones, and limits imposed by Ordinance No. 960. Planntng Commission Action Agenda August [1, [986 Page two Chairman Puckett explained his opposition to this Use Permit is due to the proximity to residential areas and wants to adhere to the limits imposed by Ordiance No. 960. Chairman Puckettmoved denial of Use Permit 86-[9. The motion died for lack of a second. C~Isstoner Le Jeune moved, Baker second to approve Use Permit 86-19 by the adoption of Resolution 2351. Motlon carrted 3-1, Puckett opposed. 3. USE PERMIT 86-24 Applicant: Frank Wu on behalf of Cal Pac Development Location: 14572 - 14592 Holt Avenue Request: To construct 19 townhomes in accordance with Specific Plan No. 6. Presentation: Laura Cay Pickup, Assistant Planner Chairman Puckett opened the public hearing at 8:00 p.m. speak, he closed the hearing at 8:01 p.m. Seeing no one wishing to Commission discussion ensued with questions of staff regarding entry to the recreation area, parking and homeowner association. Commissioner Baker requested item 3 in Exhibit "A" to Resolution 2350 be corrected to reflect "or" instead of "of". C~sstomer Ponttous moved, LeJeune second to approve Use Permit 86-24 by the adoption of Resolution No. 2350. Motion carried 4-0. OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS 4. Construction Status in Communitg Presentation: Laura Pickup, Assistant Planner Commission discussion and concurrence is for a tour and dinner break prior to the September 22, 1986 Co, mission meeting. The Cmmtsston also requested monthly status reports on construction projects. 5. Sign Review - Tustin French Quarter Pavilion Presentation: Laura Pickup, Assistant Planner Cc_~__lsstoner Baker moved, LeJeune second to approve exposed neon signage for tenants ~f the Tusttn Pavilion Cafe building. L.~tton carried 4-0. Planning Commission Actionn Agency August 11, 1986 page three 6. Design Revtew Amendment - Tusttn French Quarter Pavlllon Presentation: Laura Ptckup, Assistant Planner Commissioner Ledeune moved, Ponttous second to deny hot ptnk neon trtm on the Tusttn Pavtllon Cafe building. Norton carrted 4-0. STAFF CONCERNS 7. REPORT ON COUNCIL ACTIONS AUGUST 4, 1986. 8. INFORMATION ITEM - PENDING PUBLIC HEARING ON TENTATIVE TRACT 12763, BREN CO. TOWNHOMES 9. STATUS OF AINSLIE DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL. Staff recommended the Commission amend the zoning regulation for certain properties fronting on Sixth Street between B and Pacific. Commissioner Ponttous moved, Legeune second to authorize staff to advertise for a publlc hearing to amend the zoning regulation for certatn properties fronting on Sixth Street between B and Pactftc. Motlon carrted 3-1, Baker opposed. CONCERNS Commissioner Le Jeune expressed concern with temporary banners around town and requested staff forward a copy of the city's policy to him. Commtssionner Baker questioned the status of the development agreement on East Tustin and requested staff forward a copy to the Commission for review prior to consideration. Commissioner Baker questioned the status on acquisition of the car wash property. Commissioner Ponttous requested staff guidelines on neon signage. Commissioner LeJeune would like the guidelines to contain use inside of windows and whether they blink. Commissioner Baker expressed concern if our ordinance regulating palm reading is adequate. AD~OURI~ENT Commissioner Le Jeune moved, Baker second to adjourn to the next regularly scheduled Planntng Coamdsslon meeting. Motion carried 4-0. AGENDA TUSTIN PLANNING COFgqlSSIOll REGULAR HEEi'ING AUGUST 11, 1986 CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m., City Counctl Chambers PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/INVOCATXON ROLL CALL: Puckett, Wet1, Baker, Le Jeune, Pontious, PUBLIC CONCERNS: (Limited to 3 minutes per person for items not on the agenda) IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO THE COMMISSION ON A SUBJECT, PLEASE FILL OUT THE CARDS LOCATED ON THE SPEAKER'S TABLE. ALSO, PLEASE GIVE YOUR FULL NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. CONSENT CALENDAR: (ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER CONSENT CALENDAR ARE CONSIDERED ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME OF THE VOTING ON THE MOTION UNLESS MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION, STAFF OR PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED AND/OR REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE ACTION.) 1. Minutes of July 28, 1986 Planning Commission Meeting. PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. USE PERMIT 86-19 Applicant: Ronnie and Dina Lee Location: 14311 Newport Avenue Request: Authorization to operate a Palm Reading business Presentation: Jeff Davis, Associate Planner 3. USE PERMIT 86-24 Applicant: Location: Request: Frank Wu on behalf of Cal Pac Development 14572 - 14592 Holt Avenue To construct 19 townhomes in accordance with Specific Plan No. 6. Presentation: Laura Cay Pickup, Assistant Planner Planning Commission Agenda August 11, 1986 Page t~o OLD BUSINESS None. NEY BUSINESS 4. Construction Status in Community Presentation: Laura Pickup, Assistant Planner 5. Sign Review - Tustin French Quarter Pavilion Presentation: Laura Pickup, Assistant Planner 6. Design Revtew Amendment - Tusttn French Quarter Pavilion Presentation: Laura Pickup, Assistant Planner STAFF CONCERNS 7. REPORT ON COUNCIL ACTIONS AUGUST 4, 1986. 8. INFORMATION ITEM - PENDING PUBLIC HEARING ON TENTATIVE TRACT 12763, BREN CO. TOWNHOMES COMMISSIO# CONCERNS ADJOURNMENT Adjourn to the next regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting. MZNUTES TUSTTN PLANNTNG COll4TSSTON REGULAR ~.ETT NG ,)ULY 28, 1986 ~_- _- -__- CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m., Ctty Counctl Chambers PLEDGE OF ALLEGZAIICE/ZNVOCATION ROLL CALL: Puckett, Wet1, Baker, Le 0eune, Pontlous, PUBLIC CONCERNS: None. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. Minutes of ~uly 14, 1986 Planntng Commission Meeting. Commissioner Well moved, Baker second to approve the Consent Calendar. carried 5-0. Motion PUBLTC HEARTNGS 2. USE PERMIT 86-22 Applicant: Request: Location: Mr. Ty Pak Authorization for off-stte beer and wtne wtth a proposed flower shop 646 E. 1st Street sales tn conjunction Presentation: Laura Ptckup, Assistant Planner Commission discussion ensued concerning the age requirements for supervision at the store, dellvery people and people receiving the alcohol/bouquet. Chairman Puckett opened the public hearing at 7:37 p.m. Seeing no one wishing to speak, he closed the. hearing at 7:37 p.m. Commissioner Wetl moved,' Baker second to approve Use Permit 86-22 by the adoption of Resolution No. 2347 with an addition at II. B. to require 21 year old supervision at all times. Motion carried 5-0. Planning Commission Mint July 28, 1986 page two 3. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 12719 AND DESIGN REVIEW 86-12 Applicant: Request: The Bren Company To subdivide creating 218 single family detached residential units. Locati on: Property bounded by Browning Avenue, E1 Camino Real and Parkcenter Drive. Presentation: Jeffrey S. Davis, Associate Planner Commission discussed ensued with questions and answers of staff concerning, the need for private streets, sound attenuation for units near the freeway, 20' driveway requirement and the development of the vacant strip along Browning. Chairman Puckett opened the public hearing at 7:55 p.m. Ronda Heacock, The Bren Company, presented a slide presentation and answered Commission questions regarding the size of trees, lighting along the paseo, solar heating in the pool and parking in front of the recreation area. Seeing no one further wishing to speak, Chairman Puckett closed the public hearing at 8:07 p.m. Commissioner Well moved, Pontious second to recommend to City Council approval of Tentative Tract Map 12719. Motion carried 5-0. Commissioner Wetl moved, Le Jeune second to approve Design Review 86-12 by the adoption of Resolution 2349 with an a--d-d-(~lon B. 5. to add plumbing for future solar heating at the pool. Motion carried 5~0. Pursuant to staff's request the Commission considered the Variance 86-4 before Tentative Tract Map 12833. 5. VARIANCE 86-4 Applicant: Request: Location: Mark Atnslte Authorization to vary with the lot size requirement in order to develop eight single family homes 405, 415 and 425 Sixth Street Presentation: Jeffrey S. Davis, Associate Planner Chairman Puckett opened the public hearing on both Variance 86-4 and Tentative Tract Map 12833 for consideration at 'the same time at 8:25 p.m. The following people spoke: Mark Atnslte, applicant, explained the problems with lot size and configuration. Richard Vtnin~, 440 W. Main, opposed because this project will be the trend setter for the rest of the street. John Sauers, 515 S. Pactftc, opposed due to sub standard lot size and parking problems. Barbara Cox, 450-1/2 South "B" St., opposed due to inadequate access for fire and trash. Planning Commission Mtnu July 28, 1986 page three Jack Mason, 455 W. 6th, opposed due to the density and traffic problems. Mr. and Mrs. Don Smith, 470 S. Pacific, submitted a letter in favor of the proposed plan. Seeing no one further wishing to speak, Chairman Puckett closed the hearing at 8:45 p.m. Commission discussion ensued with questions and answers of Suzanne Atkins concerning CC&R's regulating parking, fire hazards, and lot configuration. Commissioner Wetl moved, LeJeune second to continue Variance 86-4 to September 8, 1986. Motion carried 5-0. 4. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 12833 Applicant: Mark Ainslte Request: To subdivide the proposed project into eight (8) separate lots. Location: 405, 415 and 425 Sixth Street Presentation: Jeffrey S. Davis, Associate Planner Commissioner Well moved, LeJeune second to continue Tentative Tract Map 12833 to September 8, 1986. Motion carrted'5-O. Chairman Puckett called for a 5 minute recess at 9:05 p.m. to allow part of the audience to leave. Reconvened at g:lO p.m. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS 6. VARIANCE NO. 86-5 Applicant: Integrated Sign Associates on behalf of Home Federal Savings & Loan Request: Authorization to vary with the Tusttn Sign Ordinance as pertains to tenant Identification and allowable sign area. Location: 18231 Irvtne Blvd. Presentation: Jeffrey S. Darts, Associate Planner Chaiwflan Puckett opened the public heartng at 9:17 p.m. The following people spoke: Ron Jenktns, Home Federal, explained that the sign ts to identify that they have an ATM. Curt Bauer, Integratod Signs, proposed to reduce the logo on the south elevation to 24"; reduce the sign to Robert Atari, attorney, presented a sltde presentation of sign exceptions the Commission has made tn the past and explained there is a hardship due to the building location. Seeing no one further wishing to speak, Chairman Puckett closed the hearing at 9:35 p.m. Planning Commission Mint July 28, 1986 page four Pursuant to Rob Balen's suggestion, applican.t withdrew the' variance request and submitted a request for a sign code exception. Commissioner Weil moved, LeJeune second to accept the applicant's request to withdraw Variance 86-5. Motion carried 4-0, Baker abstained. Commissioner Well moved, Pontious second to accept the new sign as proposed with the reduced logo which does not exceed the sign code of 64 square feet and deletion of one of the originally proposed signs on the west side. Motion carried 4-0, Baker abstained. OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS None. STAFF' CONCERNS 7. DEPARTMENT STATUS ON AUTO CENTER FREEWAY SIGN Presentatt on: Laura Pi ckup, Assistant P1 anner 8. REPORT ON COUNCIL ACTIONS JULY 21, 1986 COI~I$$ION CONCERNS Commissioner LeJeune expressed concern over the elimination of the bike lane on Walnut Avenue in the industrial area. Well explained the Council eliminated the lanes to allow the traffic to move more safely. Commissioner Wetl expressed concern over the Tusttn Garage being used for storage and a warehouse. AD~IOURI~ENT Commissioner Le Jeune moved, Wet1 second to adjourn at 10:00 p.m. to the next regularly scheduled 'Planning Commission meeting. Morton carried 5-0. CHARLES E. PUCKETT, CHAIRMAN DONNA ORR, RECORDING SECRETARY Planning Commission DATE: SUB4ECT: AUGUST 11, 1986 OSE PEI~IT 86-19 APPLICANT: LOCATION: ZONING: RONNIE AgO DINA LEE 5675 FRANKLIN AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CA 90028 14311 NEgPORT BLVD. RETAIL COf~RCIAL (C-1) ENYIROI~ENTAL STATUS: CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT REQUEST: AUTIIORIZATION TO OPERATE A PALM READING BUSINESS AT THE SUBJECT ADDRESS RECOI~EliDED ACTION: That the Commission approve Use Permit No. 86-19 subject to conditions and findings contained In Resolution No. 2351. SUMMARY: Pursuant to recently adopted Ordinance No. 960, Palm Reading or Fortune Telling businesses may be authorized tn the C-1 district subject to a Conditional Use Permit. In conjunction wtth the use permtt certain spectftc ftndtngs must be made by the Commission in either approving or denying businesses regulated by Ordinance No. 960. Use Permit Application No. 86-19 contains all necessary information and the applicants meet all minimum requirements. However, the proposed site is within 500 feet of property zoned for residential use necessitating special consideration of the Commission. In reviewing the circumstances peculiar to the subject site, staff considers location, traffic counts, arterial roadways, and the fact that the entry point to the nearest single family zoned properties is more than 700 feet away, as grounds to approve the subject request. BACKGROUND: Ordinance No. 960 provides that Fortune-Telling type businesses are authorized in C-1 or C-2 zones subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit. The Ordinance further provides that such uses should be at least 500 feet from sensitive areas such as residential zones, churches and/or schools. Community Development Department Planning Commission Report Fortune Telling page two However, this restriction may be lifted by the Commission if a determination is made that the location of a proposed business will not be detrimental to the public health and welfare. The site the applicant has chosen is within 500 feet of residentially zoned property. In addition to zoning' and distance requirements, individual applicants are subject to background investigations and must post a surety bond in the amount of $10,000. Background checks have been satisfactorily completed and the proposed bond format has been approved by the City Attorney's office. Finally, if all other applicable conditions are mat, Orfdinance No. 960 mandates that: "The Planning Commission shall approve the issuance of a permit if they find: 1) All the information contained in the application and supporting data is true. 2) The applicant has not, within the previous one (1) year been convicted of any violation of this poart or any law relating to fraud or moral turpitude. 3) The applicant appeared in person at the hearing. 4) The applicant agrees to abide by and comply with all conditions of the permit and this part. D[SCUSSIO#: Eventhough the applicant has submitted all required documents Ordinance qualifying for approval of a Conditional Use Permit, distance from residentially zoned property must be addressed. pursuant to the issue of As shown on the attached Exhibit "A", the center in which the proposed business is to be located is within 500 feet of residential zones. However, given the orientation of the storefront (onto arterial roadways); that the center is effectively buffered from residential zones by other commercial properties; and, the applicant is willing to limit hours of operation; the location of the proposed business should not be detrimental to the public health and welfare. Accordingly, it is recommended that Use Permit 86-19 be approved by the adoption of Resolution No 2351 with all conditions contained therein. S, ROBERT BALEN, PLANNING CONSULTANT JD:do attach: Exhibit "A" Community Development Department ~PM . R3 .f.; ~-*~ 1500 .~. MHP, R3~ - -., 1750 . R3 R3 :PC ~COMM ./ EXHIBIT "A" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 · 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2351 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, APPROVING USE PERMIT 86-19 AUTHORIZING A PALM READING BUSINESS AT 14311 NEWPORT AVENUE The Planning Commission of the City of Tusttn does hereby resolve as follows: The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: That a proper application (Use Permit No. 86-19) has been filed on behalf of Ronnte and Dina Lee requesting authorization to operate a Palm Reading business at 14311 Newport Avenue. B. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application. That establishment, maintenance, and operation of the use applied for will not, under the circumstances of this case, be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, evidenced by the following findings: That the commercial use is in compliance with the Tusttn' Zoning Code and the Tustin Area General Plan. e That resulting from storefront orientation, center location and surrounding commercially zoned properties, the proposed use is adequately buffered from residential zones within 500 feet. e That the subject site is bounded by arterial roadways with traffic counts in excess of 20,000 average daily trips further emphasizing the commercial characteristics of the immediate vicinity. That hours of operation of the subject business shall be restricted. That all requirements of Tustin Ordinance No. 960 have been met. That a. the following mandatory findings have been determined: All information contained in the application and supporting data is presumed to be true. The applicant has not within the previous one {1) year been convicted of any violations listed in Section 3800 et. seq. of the City Code, nor of any law relating to fraud or moral turpitude. c. The applicant appeared in person at the hearing. 1 2 5 6 ? 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 ~0 21 22 23 2~ 25 26 27 28 Resolution rio. 235]. page two Id. The applicant will agree to and comply with all conditions of approval contained in this resolution. De That the establishment, maintenance, and operation of the use applied for will not be injurious or detrimental to the property and improvements in the neighborhood of the subject property, nor to the general welfare of the City of Tustin, and should be granted. Proposed development shall be in accordance with the development policies adopted by the City Council, Uniform Building Codes as administered by the Building Official, Fire Code as administered by the Orange County Fire Marshal and street improvement requirements as administered by the City Engineer. F. This project is categorically exempt from the requirements of California Environmental Quality Act. II. The Planning Commission hereby approves Conditional Use. Permit No. 86-19 to authorize a Palm Reading business at 14311 Newport Avenue subject to the following conditions: A. That hours of operation at the proposed location shall be from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. If at such time the applicant wishes to alter said hours, a formal request to the Planning Commission must be submitted, reviewed and approved. That signing for the subject business shall comply with the Tustin Sign Ordinance and the approved Master Sign Plan for the subject center. Ce That all requirements of Section 3800 et. seq. of the Municipal Code must be adhered to at all times. Any violations thereof will be grounds for initiation of proceedings to consider revocation of Use Permit 86-19. De That the Commission reserves the right to review operations at the subject site at a public hearing within one year of date of approval. That the applicant will not'commence business until after an "Agreement to Conditions Imposed" form is completed, signed and returned to the Community Development Department. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held on the day of , 1986. DONNA ORR, Recording Secretary CHARLES E. PUCK£TT, CHairman Planning Commission DATE: SUBgECT: AUGUST 11, 1986 USE PERMIT 86-24 APPLICANT/ PROPERTY OWNER: MR. FRANK WU ON BEHALF OF CAL PAC OEVELOPMENT 14151 NEWPORT AVENUE TUSTIN, CA 92680 LOCATION: ZONING: 14572-92 HOLT AVENUE R-3-3000: MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIOENTIAL IN SPECIFIC PLAN AREA NO. 6 (ONE UNIT FOR EVERY 3,000 SQ. FT. OF LOT AREA) ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: A NEGATIVE DECLARATION HAS BEEN FILED FOR THIS PROgECT. TO CONSTRUCT NINETEEN NEW TONNHOUSE UNITS WITHIN THE AREA OF SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 6 RECOI~ENDED ACTION: That the Planning Commission approve Use Permit No. 86-24 by the adoption of Resolution No. 2350. SUlelARY: In 1981 the Planning Agency approved Specific Plan No. 6. The Specific Plan was adopted to ensure orderly development of townhouse type units with an integral circulation system. At this time, the applicant is proposing to develop lots 6, 7 and 8 as shown in the attachment of Exhibit A which includes the guidelines and requirements of Specific Plan No. 6 along with a map calling out the lot numbers. Mr. Wu's application includes the request to construct 19 townhouse units within an overall lot size area of 60,400 square feet with a density of one unit for every 3,178 square feet of lot area. The minimum density requirement is one unit for every 3,000 square feet, therefore the overall density of this particular project is somewhat less than Specific Plan No. 6 allows. Community Development Department Planning Commfssion Report Wu Townhouses page BACKGROUND: Back in 1981 an original request to develop lots 5, 6 and 7 was processed by Mr. Arnold Hamala. A Tentative Tract Map was approved for the project; this tract map included the development of 20 townhouse units on lots 5,6 and 7 of the Specific Plan. Unfortunately, due to problems with land acquisition Mr. Hamala was only able to develop the first phase of 10 townhouse units on lot 5. Since 1981 and the adoption of the Specific Plan, lots 6, 7 and 8 have remained as single family residences. Mr. Wu has been fortunate to obtain these properties and is proposing development of nineteen townhouse dwelling units on all three parcels. ANALYSIS: In reviewing this particular request, certain items of interest are considered by staff. These items include, site and parking requirements, set back requirements, architectural design, circulation, common area ownership and maintenance, and compatibility with adjoining properties. These items are discussed further as follows: Site and Parking Requirements: According to Specific Plan No. 6 the only site requirement is that a minimum of 40% of the land area be maintained for private and common open space. Common open space includes recreation areas, front landscape areas, landscape strips along Holt Avenue and some areas which are paved for access including driveway areas. Other requirements specifically related to this particular site are parking requirements. The minimum is the provision of one attached garage space and a covered carport space. Mr. Wu is proposing to provide a two car garage for each individual unit. Also, in order to prepare for guest parking Mr. Wu is providing a 19' double wide driveway for each unit. This would allow for an additional two parking spaces, therefore four parking spaces per unit have been provided. In this application, the drive width for the interior circulation pattern is only 24' wide. All streets will have to be posted for fire lanes and no on-street parking will be allowed. Staff considers that since four parking spaces per unit have been provided that any needs for guest parking can be provided on each individual lot and therefore on-street parking will not be necessary. This is an option provided by the Specific Plan. Setbacks According to the Specific Plan certain setback requirements have been outlined. These setbacks are: (1) from Holt Avenue a minimum of a 20' structural setback shall be provided; (2) side yard setbacks will be a minimum of 5'; (3) the side ard setback is. in accordance to a. ~inimum side yard setback of 5' from each uilding and aojoining property; (4) the rear yard setback is in line with Community Development Department Planning Commission Report Wu Townhouses page three a 15' structural setback from the E1Modena Flood Control Channel, therefore all buildings shall be setback structurally 15' from the rear property line. In this project, the southerly property line is also abutting the Tustin channel which also has a minimum requirement of 15' structural setback. The site plan provides for a minimum of a 20' setback along Holt Avenue. All side yard setback requirements are the minimum 5'. The rear yard setback is the minimum 15' and the southerly structural setback is 15'. All of these requirements according to the Specific Plan for structural setbacks, have been met and are considered acceptable by staff. All development standards and site design elements are outlined in the attached Development Review Summary. {Exhibit B) Architectural Design Specific Plan No. 6 has certain architectural design guidelines which shall be imposed upon each of the townhouse buildings constructed within the area. These requirements include the use of gabled roofs. The roofing material is to be of a heavy textured dark material such as wood shake, shingle or thick butt composition shingle. Mr. Wu's request includes the use of all gabled roofs and a dark wood shake shingle in accordance with the plan. The exterior materials and colors shall be of a horizontal wood siding with a minimal use of plaster elements. Earth tones are also encouraged and in this particular application, wood siding is used on both the fences and walls of all buildings and chimneys. The colors proposed are of a light coco brown and a beige or white trim. Therefore, all earth tone colors have met the requirement of the Specific Plan and the exterior wood siding is compatible with existing structures in the area. Certain design details area also incorporated into the Specific Plan. As required, each window or sliding glass door shall be a french paned type as opposed to single slide windows. The facia and barch boards of each particular window, door or roof element shall be emphasized and fireplace chimneys are sheeted in the horizontal wood siding. Mr. Wu's application incorporates all of the architectural design guidelines incorporated into the Specific Plan. To further emphasize the design of the project, Mr. Wu's has proposed attractive landscape elements. These landscape elements include a landscaped strip along Holt Avenue which is planted with ground cover or lawn materials and a planting of six (6) city street trees. On the interior a minimum of 3' perimeter landscaping is provided and also included is a recreation area. This recreation area includes amenities such as a spa, barbeque and lawn area. In the interior of the project, each particular unit has its own landscaped front planter area. Planting materials include ground cover and trees as per city standards. Circulation lSpecific Plan No. 6 provided for an interior circulation system to be useable by 1 townhouse projects within the plan. According to Mr. Wu's project a slight Community Development Department Planning Commtssfon Report Wu Townhouses page four deviation of the circulation pattern has been incorporated. This is due to the requirement of the 15' structural setback from the southerly flood control channel. This deviation in the plan has been incorporated to move the actual access point to Holt Avenue to the very southerly llne of the property. The Specific Plan incorporates a a more northerly position for this access point to Holt Avenue. Staff contends that this particular location of the drive aisle does not propose a problem for the project and is considered acceptable. Common Area Ownership and Maintenance This project proposes many areas to be considered in common ownership by all the of the 19 townhome owners. These areas include a landscape lot along Holt Avenue, all front yard landscape planter areas and a recreation area towards the southerly portion of the lot. The most interesting amenity provided by this project is the recreation area. Provided that the lot has an unusual shape, this is proposed as the best location for a recreation area. The recreation area includes a spa, barbeques and lawn area. This is to be held in Common, as with all mother landscape lots and front yard planters,.and routinely maintained by 'the association. A CC&R document will be filed with the Tentative Tract Map which will be'brought to the Planning Commission at a later date. CONCLUSIONS: In considering'this request the item of most importance is to consider the compatibility of the project with the surrounding community. In essence, this particular project builds out a Specific Plan that had a particular goal in mind: to provide a unique property ownership Opportunity with compatible architectural styles and land use. This particular request meets or exceeds all of the requirements of the Specific Pla~, provides recreational opportunities and is considered to be an asset to the area. In completing the final build-out of Specific Plan No. 6 the City can assure that piecemeal development of the area is not encouraged. An overall project of this type ensures that the three lots remaining in the Specific Plan will be developed to their potential and the goals and foresight of the community are preserved. Staff has considered certain conditions of approval as included in the attached exhibit to the resolution of approval. The Resolution of Approval 2350 includes certain conditions such as the requirement of the filing of a Tentative Tract Community Development Department Planntng Commission Report Wu Townhouses page five Map. This tract map includes the document to be ftled which includes the CC&R's for the maintenance and ownership of the common areas located within the project. All landscape areas shall be maintained by a homeowners association and shall also help to preserve the maintenance of the common circulation road. Seeing that all requirements of Specific Plan No. 6 have been met or exceeded, staff contends that this particular project would be an asset to the community and therefore appropriate for Planning Commission approval. ~LAUR~A CAY PI Assistant~ ROB BALEN, Planning Consul rant LP:do attachments: Exhibit A Specific Plan No. 6 Development Review Summary Resolution No. 2350 Site. Plan Elevations Community Development Department SI~CIFIC ~ ~. 6 ~ Ff ~Clq* ~.. 81-52 TABLE OF CONT£NTS II. III. IV. V. SECTION I: Objectives Stat1 sttcal Data ~4otes Definitions' Genera1 . Development Standards A. Permitted Uses and Architectural Crtterta B.* St~ Requ4rements C. Setbacks O. Butldtng Hetgh~ E. Landscaping F. Parking Requirements G. Fences and Walls H. Storages and Refuse ~ollect~on Areas %. Circulation Criteria OBJECTIYES A. Preserve and protect the public health, safety, and general welfare of the area by encouraging the orderly development of the subject property. Plan for a consistent neighborhood development which conforms with the General Plan for the City of Tustin and goals of the community. Develop standards that will be uniformly applied to all lots within the specific pl'an area, regardless of ownership. II. ~'~ATI STICAL DATA The specific plan area is bounded by Warren Avenue to the north; the North Tusttn Channel to the south, Holt Avenue to the west, an.d the E1 Modena Channel to the east. The total acreage for the site Is approximately five (5) acres. III. 1. Within the specific plan area, the continued use of the land as a single family structure, as defined as a Residential Estate Oistrict (E-4), Tusttn C!ty Code Section 9222 la, thereto shall be permitted. 2. No building permits shall be allowed~ for any pr.o. ject which does not conform to the general development standards of this. plan. 3. Wher~ 'conflicts between these general development standards and other zoning regulations exist, the provisions of the specific plan shall prevat 1. 4. Review'of any pr~pqsed project shall be by Usa Permit, as outlined in Tustin City Code Section' 9291, 9293, 9294, 9296. 5. Within the specific plan. area, water services will be provided by Tustin Water Wor~s, sewerage facilities by the County Sanitation District Ho. 7, electrical services by Southern California Edison, and gas services by SoUthern California Gas. These service facilities are provided along Holt Avenue. Drainage plans shall be reviewed by the Building Official and conform to the requirements of the Orange Count7 Flood Control District. 6. Excess public land may be incorporated into the project without necessity for plan amendment. 7. Upon application for m use permit for development, CC&R's shall be submitted for review and approval that permit the incorporation of subsequent development projects within the plan area. IV. DEFINITIONS 1. Where applicable, definitions contained in Tustin City Code Section 9297 shall be utilized for these specific plan-regulations. Townhouses: For the purposes of this specific plan, a townhouse shall be defined as a multiple family dwelling with a private attached garage and each dwelling unit. shall be located on an indtvidul lot of record and there shall be no more than one dwelling unit on any lot. Open Space: Common open space and pti A. Private Open Space: Uncovered pati owners or tenants of the dwelling. vate open space. o areas for the exclusive use of the Bo Common Open Space: Landscaping; lawn area, non-commercial outdoor recreational facilities incidental to the residential development, walkways, or necessary fire-fighting equipment and installations. Each dwelling unit shall be guaranteed right of use to commonly owned and maintained open space. Said common open space shall be designed so as to be useable and suitable for recreational purposes and/or as a visual amenity. GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS A. Permitted Uses and Architectural Criteria This specific plan is for the development of residential uses, with the permissible type of building being a townhome dwelling as defined in Section IV, No. 2. 2. The ~ntmum land area ~er dwelling unit shall be ~00 square feet. Proposed projects are encouraged to utilize no more than two to three units per building, but in no case shall any development proposal have more than four dwelling units per building. 4. Exterior Design: A. Roofs - Dominant roof for~ should be a conventional gable with minimum use of shed or flat elements. Eaves should not be chipped. B. Roofing - A heavy textured dark material, such as wood shake, single or thick butt composition shingle. Ce Exterior Materials and Colors - A combination of horizontal wood siding with minimal use of plaster elements is encouraged. Earth tones will be used for the basic building exterior color. Buildings may be trimmed with contrasting paints and stains. De Design Details -The following details are encouraged for incorporation into the building elevation. Doors and windows should be trimmed, with the use of multiple parted windows. Fascia · and barge board should be en~hasized as a design element. Fireglace' chimneys should be sheeted in horizontal siding and trimmed. Site Requtremeflts 1. A minimum of 443% private and comon open space shall be provided for each proposed project. C. Setbacks 3,.Setback from Holt Avenue - 20 feet. Setback from Warren Avenue- ~5 fee~. 3. Std, Yard - Side ~a~ sa~bac~ shall be a mtnt~ of f~ve feet. Eee~ Yard - Eea~ ~a~d setbac~ shall be a mtnt~m of ~5 fee~, se~a~ f~ ~e E1 ~odana Flood Control Channel and ~o~h TusCan Channel shall be a minima of ~5 feet. 5. A~i~turml fea~re5 may proJ~t as foll~s: a. Roof overhang, subject ~ the a~proval of the Co~unt~7 Development Dt~ctor ~7 proj~t six (6) feet into ~e ~ent7 (~0) feet ~a~ac~ area and ~r~ (3) feet in~ a ftf~en (~5) foot ~ac~ a~a. O. Butld~ng Height""' Uniess o~e~tse sp~tfted ~n ~s plan, a3~ but~dtng helgh~ sha~3 no~ exc~ ~ 'stories or 35 feet. E. Landscaping Generol Statements. a. Landscaping shall consist of an effective combination of street trees, trees,' ground cover, and shrubbery, provided with sut tabl · t rrt gati on. b· Any undeveloped areas will be mai ntai ned tn a weed free condi ti on. c. Where feasible, preserving and maintaining existing mature trees will be a priority. Hol a. Avenue Landscape Treataent A minimum five foot landscape setback from property lines to fences or walls shall be planted with trees, shrubs and ground cover. Fences shall be periodically off-sat at a greater depth for aesthetic purposes. Ge Conmon Ownership Areas . a. Such portions of the site shall be adequately landscaped with trees or ground cover to provide both visua) amenity and variety. Landscape Maintenance a. Property owners, individually and collectively through an association shall be responsible for the,maintenance of private and common open space and landscaped areas. b. Lawn and ground covers are to be kept trim~ed and/or moved regularly. All plantings in planting areas are to be kept free of weeds and debris. c. All plantings are to be kept in a healthy and growing condition. Fertilization, cultivation, and tree pruning are to be apart of regular maintsnanca. d. Irrigation will be provided and adequately maintained to provide an effective system of irrigation for plantings and .trees throughout all areas. e. Stakes, guys and ties on trees will be checked regularly for correct function. Ties will be adjusted to avoid creating abrasions or girdling to the stems. '.i Parkin~ 1. Requirements Each dwelling unit shall provide a minimum of two parking spaces per unit, one o7 which shall be an enclosed attached garage. If a carport is utilized for the second space, it shall also be attached to the untt. If a minimum.nineteen (lg) foot drive apron is provided per unit, no additional guest parking is required. In lieu of the drive approach, one-half parking space per dwelling unit for guest pa~ing shall be provided; 3. Parking Space Dimensions a. Enclosed spaces shall be a. minimum of ten by twenty feet. b. Open spaces shall'be a minimum of g x 29. Fences and Walls ~. All fences facing Holt Avenue, Warren Avenue, and the North Tustin Channel shall match the materials and colors of the building exteriors. They shall be limited to enclosing the private patio area, and shall not exceed six (6) feet in height. 2'. A sol4d masonr~ wall six feet eight inches (6'-8") in height shall be constructed along 'the E1 Modena Channel frontage. Storage and Refuse Collection Areas 1. All outdoor storage areas and refuse collection areas shall be enclosed and visuall7 screened so that materials stored within these areas shall not be visible from access streets and adjacent propertT. Circulation Crtterta 1. ' The number of access points to Holt Aveue shall be limited to two locations, with one additional access allowed to Warren Avenue, per Exhibit B. Precise locations for access points shall be approved by the City Engineer. 2. Circulation within the specific plan area shall be a private street , with a minimum width of twenty-four (2¢) feet with a nineteen (lg) feet drive approach, and twenty-seven (27) feet with a shorter drive approach, per Exhibit B. 3. Ortve approaches shall be a minimum of five feet and a maximum of seven feet. To allow for par~ing in the drtye approach, a minimum length of ni.neteen feet is required. 4. No on-site per, lng spaces shall-be designed that will require a vehicle to bac~ onto Holt Avenue or Warren Avenue. 4 5 EXHIBIT Bp AMENDED EXHIBIT B DEVELOPMENT REVIEW SUMMARY Project: Holt Avenue Townhomes; Proponent: Cal Pac Development Location/District: 14572-92 Holt Avenue; R-3 3000, Specific Plan No. 6 Action: Use Permit No. 86-24 to approve construction of 19 townhomes. Building: Front Setback Side Setback Rear Setback Gross Square Footage Net Floor Square Footage Height Number of Stories Materials/Colors Lot Size Lot Coverage Parking: Number of Spaces Ratio (space/square footage) Percent of Compact Spaces Type Uses: Number of Public Notifications (Owners): Environmental Status District Requirement 20' from Holt Ave. 5' from project 15' from Flood Channel * 35' 2 Wood Shake Earth Tones,and Trims 3000 sq. ft per d.u. 60% 2.25 per d.u. * * Townhouses Propose~ 20' from Holt Ave, 5' from project 15' from flood channe 60,400 sq. ft. 27,518 sq. ft. 27' 2 Wood Shak, Earth Tones,and Trims 3179 sq. ft. per d.u. 45% 4 per d.u. I per 362 sq.ft. 0 all standard Townhouses * 109 Negative Declaration Filed * No Standard EXHIBIT B 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 REsoLuTION NO. 2350 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, AUTHORIZING CONSTRUCTION OF 19 TOWNHOME UNITS IN SPECIFIC PLAN AREA NO. 6 LOCATED AT 14572-92 HOLT AVENUE. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: A. That a proper application, (Use Permit No. 86-24) has been filed by Mr. Frank Wu on behalf of Cal Pac Development requesting authorization to construct 19 new townhome units at 14572-92 Holt Avenue. Bo That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application. That establishment, maintenance, and operation of the use applied for will not, under the circumstances of this case, be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, as evidenced by the following findings: 1. All development requirements contained in Specific Plan No. 6 have been met or exceeded. 2. As required by Specific Plan No. 6, a Use Permit must be authorized prior to development in the Specific Plan Area. Development of this property as 19 attached townhome units is in conformance to the district zoning of R-3-3000 (Multi-family Residential, one unit for every 3000 square feet of lot area). 4. All conditions as set forth in the attached Exhibit A shall be required and conformed with. D. That the establishment, maintenance, and operation of the use applied for will not be injurious or detrimental to the property and improvements in the neighborhood of the subject property, nor to the general welfare of the City of Tusttn, and should be granted. E. Proposed development shall be in accordance with the development policies adopted by the City Council, Uniform Building Codes as administered by the Building Official, Fire Code as administered by the Orange County Fire Marshal and street improvement requirements as administered by the City Engineer. F. A negative declaration has been filed for this project in conformance with the California Environmental Quality Act. G. ~Jnal develgpm~nt @lans ~h~ll require the review and approval of the ~ommunl~y uevemopmen~ uepartment. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Resolution t~O. 2350 page t~o II. The Planning Commission hereby approves Conditional Use Permit No. 86-24 to authorize construction of 19 townhome units in Specific Plan Area No. 6 at 14572-92 Holt Avenue subject to the conditions in Exhibit A. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held on the day of , 198 CHARLES PUCKETT Chairman DONNA ORR, Recording Secretary DO:gt Resolution No. 2350 page three Exhibit A Resolution No. 2350 e Be 10. 11. 12. All landscaped 'common' areas shall be maintained by the homeowner's association. All paved 'common' areas and including the recreation area shall be maintained by the association. All garages shall have an interior dimention of 20' x 20' minimum and shall be maintained as permanent parking areas. No excess storage of conversion of garages to another use will not be allowed. All landscaped areas shall be planted per city requirements and a final landscape plan shall be submitted and approved prior to issuance of Building Permits. A fire hydrant shall be installed on site per requirements of the Orange County Fire Department. A Tentative Tract Map shall be approved and filed prior to submittal of plans to the Building Department and this Use Permit shall be null and void if said Tract Map is not approved. The final site plan shall be standardized and reflect all appropriate City standard drawing numbers. The developer shall construct all missing or damaged street improvements to said development per the City of Tustin "Minimum Dsign Standards of Public Works" and "Street Improvement Standards". This work shall consist of, but is not limited to, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, drive apron, and street pavement. All streets located within the project shall be a minimum 24' in width and shall be marked as fire lanes per the Orange County Fire Department Standards. All window and door treatments shall have depth in order to provide authenticity to the paned window requirements of Specific Plan No. 6. All standards and requirements of Specific Plan No. 6 shall be met or exceeded. A CC&R document shall be filed with the Tentative Tract Map. An Agreement to Conditions Imposed form shall be signed and returned to the Community Development Department. Resolution No. 2350 page four 13. All garage doors shall be equipped with electrical garage door openers. 14. Basic color scheme of exterior building treatments shall be of earth tones and subject to the approval of the Community Development Department. Pl nnin Commission DATE: AUGUST 11, 1986 SUBJECT: STATUS ON CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS ITEM NO. 4 · RECI~9~ENDEO ACTION: Recelve and fi*le. BACKGROUND AND S~RY: On July 14, 1986 the Planning Commission had expressed interest in obtaining informaiton on the status of current construction projects within the City. At the end of each month, the Building Department prepares a Building Activity Report. This document contains various information on current projects and those which have been completed since the first of the year. Attached to this report is Exhibit A and B. Exhibit A is the Building Activity Report which summarizes all permits issued in the month of June and compares them with the~permtts issued since the first of the year. This report breaks down the permits into type of construction so that further analysis can be made by the Butldtng Official. Exhibit B lists all current construction projects for the month of June. This exhibit provides the project type, valuation in dollars, and the approximate percentage of construction completed. Each project and its current status is listed in this chart. This report is currently forwarded to all Commission and Council members as well as all department heads. Should you wish to schedule these reports for routine Commission review, please advise staff accordingly. LP:gt attach: Exhibit A Exhibit B ROBERT BALEN Planning Consultant , Corn rnunity Developmenl Deparlment CITY OF TUSTIN 300 Centennial Way "A" Tustln, Calif. 92680 EXHIBIT BUILDING ACTIVITY REPORT Month of JUW~ : FY 1986 -87 NEW RESIDENTIAL Numl)er Vllu~fle~ Year to O~te CONSTRUCTION (Family) Permits I Units PIrmlta Units Valuation 1. Slngl~f~mily(detm=he~ '~1 1 49,000 2. Condominiums& 2 6 292,290 Townt~,,,,,-~ (SF-altache~ 3. OuiV4x 1 i 63,800 4, ~ & four fim#y Al~rlmlnt Buildlngl 2 8 146. 880 5. Five or more family Ao~nment _~'_'!~!'~s 7 60 2,199,282 Total Firefly Units 13 76 2,751,252 NEW RESIDENTIAL (Group & Transient) 3. c~oup Q~dem 1 97 2,300.000 Total Non-Family NEW NON-RESIOENTIAL Num=er Vmu~tio~ (Commercial/Ind.) P~mlt~ SUuctur~ Ne, Permits Vilumion z Churc~ a .~ ]. 400,000 ~,,~t-gl *PKESCROOL 4. Rlealrch & Development Buildings ?. ~ ~. Structum~ Other ~.~:~ ~ 4,900 37 400,877 Total Non-Residential 2 ~ 4,900 68 30,0].7,811 RESIDENTIAL ADDITIONS NumbS' Vllultlo~ AND ALTERATIONS Permits Stmcturea No. Permits Valuation 1. Room Additions 3 ~ 25,000 25 426,460 5. ~ ?~ 85.500 45 411. :t62 Total Residential 14 ~ 120,340 124 1,047,438 INON-RESIDENTIAL ADOl- Numar viluat~o~ Year to Date TIONS & ALTERATIONS Permits Stmcture~ No~ Permits Valuit~on z Comme~cml eldg& 11 ~:~f~,.~ 510,899 72 1,622, 152 Total Non-Residential 2.5 ~ .:~, ~ 861 t 379 292 11,913,912 TOTAL MONTH AND Unit~ Units 173 YEAR TO DATE 41 986,619 Pa~mlt~98 48,030,413 ,/ EXHIBIT "A''~ CONVERSIONS Permit. Units Add~:l ~ Viluat~ (No~fle~ntial Bldg.) To~I ~nversions Redeve~nt A~ea Ye~ To D~te Numar ' Units T~n ~nter (TC) ~mi~ Units Removed'J DEMOLITIONS ~mi~ ~ ~t~ntral (~ Total Demolitions PERMIT~ INSPECTION~ I N~ Pe~its N~ Pe~iti I~ti~ In~i~l FEES COLLE~IONS ~ ~M M~th Y~ to Olte ~M M~th YI~ lo Dill ~ll M~th Yea~ to Dale B~I 50 478, 72 1,605 2,167.76 27,649.11 ~ 38 338 , 64 1,277 1,250.00 16,681.00 M~inM 20 21~ ~ lt09~ 878.00 8,704.25 Gr~ 26 4 24 146.00 3,929.73 ~ 178 1,879 398 7,271 15,289.56 427,647.'30 TOTAL M~OR PERMIT A~IVI~ OVER $1~,~ RDA ~M~ ~te ~reM 1. Hey Shov Room ~5551 ~d H$11 5eccy ~e~$~A 140~000 2. ge8cau=a~c ~.t 1368~ ~e~o=~ Gcock & ~ck 1~000 ~/C 3. Taco ~ell ~.t 17502 17ch Sccee~ Taco Bell Co=u. 190,000 6. 7. 8. 9. (714) 544-8890 ROGER E. HARRIS Building Official Planning Commission DATE: SUBdECT: APPLICANT: AUGUST 11, 1986 DESIGN REVIEW OF RASTER SIGN PLAN FOR TUSTIN PAVILLION CAFE gR. BARRY WATKINS #ATKIIiS CONNERCIAL PROPERTIES 17251 E. 17th STREET, UNIT D TUSTIN, CA 92680 PROPERTY OgRER: LOCATION: ZONING: gR. GEORGE BROO~ELL 440 PACIFIC STREET TUSTIN, CA 92680 17245 E. 17th STREET, TUSTIN, CA 92680 CG-CORHERCIAL GENERAL ENVIROI~qENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: CATEGORICALLY EXEHPT, CLASS II USE OF EXPOSED NEON TUBING TENANT IDENTIFICATION SIGNS ON THE TUSTIN PAVILLION CAFE BUILDING RECOI~ENDED ACTION: That the Planning Commission approve the use of exposed neon stgnage for the tenants to be located in the Tusttn Pavillion Cafe building. SUGARY: The applicant, Mr. Barry Watktns, is proposing to use exposed neon tubing signs for the individual tenants located within the Pavtllion Cafe. The use of the tenant signage would be located in specific areas which are restricted in their size due to the nature of the Sign Code Tustin currently enforces. Therefore, staff is recommending approval of the limited exposed neon signs for the tenants at this location. Community Development DeparTment Planntng Commission Report Pavtllton sign page t~o BACKGROUND AND ANALYSZS: This request Involves the use of exposed neon tubing signs for three tenants within the Tustln Pavilion Cafe building. Each individual tenant is allowed stgnage by code. This stgnage is ltmtted to [5~ of the store front area for primary signs. As proposed, the stgns meet the code requirements in terms of size and location. According to the Tustin Sign Code tt is necessary for the Planning Commission to give prior approval for any use of exposed neon signs. All the signs shall be located on walls directly adjacent to each individual user. No variance In stze or other requests wtll be necessary at this time. Staff considers that the signs, although exposed neon tubing in nature, are limited to restricted areas on the building and the size can be somewhat restricted. The use of this type of neon signing has been approved for other local businesses such as Coco's Restaurant, located approximately 1/2 mile away. Each individual tenant is allowed signage based upon 15~ of the primary store front and $~ of each adjoining secondary wall. Seeing that the Pavilion Cafe is of a modern concept and architectural design, the use of exposed neon signing further emphasizes this image. Recent approvals of other neon signs in the area provide for some local continuity while allowing individual identity to the businesses located in the Pavilion. This proposal meets all requirements of the code in regards to size and location of signage. Therefore, based upon the conditions discussed in this report, staff considers the use of exposed neon signs appropriate at this location. LAURA CAY PICKUP Assistant Planner Planning Consultant LP:do attach: elevations Community Development Department Pl nnin Commission · DATE: AUGUST 11, 1986 S~JE~: DESIGN REVIEW FOR TUSTIN PAVILLION CAKE APPLICANT: HR. BARRY WATKINS #ATKXNS COI~ERCIAL PROPERTIES 17251 E. 17th STREET, UNIT D TUSTZN, CA 92680 PROPERTY OWNER: HR. GEORGE BROO~ELL 440 PACIFIC STREET TUSTIN, CA92680 LOCATION: 17245 E. 17th STREET ZONING: CG-COMMERCIAL GENERAL ENVIROMqENTAL STATUS: CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT, CLASS I REQUEST: AUDITION OF EXPOSED NEON TRIM ON PERIMETER OF RESTAURANT BUILDING TO BE LOCATED IN THE TUSTIN FRENCH QUARTER RECO~qENDED ACTION: That the Plannin9 Commission deny the request to apply hot pink colored neon trim on the Tusttn Pavtllion Cafe building located at 17245 E. 17th Street, Tustin. SU#lqARY: On February 11, 1985, the Tustin Planning Commission approved an amendment to the original use permit number 84-14 which authorized the construction of the Tustin Pavtlljon Cafe. This amendment to the use permit approved the design of the building, an alcoholic beverage license for beer and wine, and addition of outdoor seating for the restaurants. The applicant Mr. Barry Watkins is proposing an addition to the original design review of the Pavlllton Cafe building. This addition is in the form of a hot pink colored exposed neon tubing to be an accent trim located on the perimeter roof line of the building. Due to the lack of continuity of this proposed addition to the center, staff is recommending denial for this particular request. Community Development Department Planning Commission Report Tusttn French Quarter page two BACKGROUND & ANALYSIS: In February, 1985, Planning Commission had approved the amendment to the original use permit. This amendment included the approval for the turquoise blue roof, outdoor seating with table umbrellas which included generic food names and the approval for one alcoholic beverage establishment for beer and wine on site sales. Currently, the applicant is requesting that the Planning Commission review and approve an addition to the exterior building which was not previously approved. This addition includes the use of exposed neon tubing to be a trim placed on the exterior facia trim of the roof located on all four sides of the building. This exposed neon tubing is to be a hot pink type color which is considered to'match the indoor accent trim of the building. Unfortunately, the use of exposed neon tubing is only to be approved by the Planning Commission through design review process according to Tustin Sign Code. The use of tht~ particular type of neon trim is consistent with buildings typically located in downtown Santa Ana, near South Coast Plaza and in certain areas of Costa Mesa. However, staff considers .that this particular type of architectural detail is not consistent within the local area of the shopping center. Recently other local businesses have requested approval for exposed neon tubing however, these requests have been limited to slgnage only and are used as an accent to the building in limited areas. This particular request requires the approval of the trim all along the perimeter of the buildlng at the roof-top level. The overall concept and design of the Pavillton is very visually striking without the use of the neon trim. The architectural type, although somewhat similar, stands out. Due to the inconsistency with surrounding architectural features and the fact that the building proposes to be very noticeable, staff recommends that the Planning Commission deny this request. LP:do P,1 anning Consul rant attach: site plan and elevations Community Development Department Pl nnin Commission DATE: August 11, 1986 SUBOECT: REPORT ON COUNCIL ACTIONS - August 4, 1986 Oral presentation. do Attachments: City Council Action Agenda - August 4, 1986 , Community Development Department A~FION ADENDA OF A REGULA~R ~ETING OF THE llISTIN CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 4, 1986 7:00 P.M. 7:03 I. CALL TO ORDER ALL P~ESENT II. EXCE~ ~ENNEDY III. ROLL CALL PUBLIC HEARING ADOPTED R~SOUF~ION 1. PROPOSED ANNEXATION NO. 137 - DIAMOND NO. 86-87 86-87 HEAD/GARLAND RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION NO. 86-87 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CIlIF COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, MAKING APPLICATION FOR THE ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY KNOWN AS DIAMOND HEAD ANNEXATION NO. 137 TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Reco,,,,endation: Conduct a public hearing to receive testimony from affected residents; and adopt Resolution No. 86-87 at conclusion of the hearing. KEN BRYAN IV. PUBLIC INPUT ASKED k~IEN A MOVIE THEATRE WOULD BE COMING TO TUSTIN AND MAYOR SALTARELLI RESPONDED THAT THE CITY IS WORKING WITH THE IRVINE COMPANY FOR ONE AT HYFORD ROAD AND THE FREEWAY, I~AYBE IN 18 MONTHS OR TWO YEARS. Ye At,ROVED APPROVED APPROVED STAFF RECO~NDATION APPROVED S~AFF RECOm~NDATION ADOPTED RESO. br~ION 5. NO. 86-97 APPROVED STAFF RECONI~ENDATION ADOPTED RESOUF~ION 7. NO. 86-98 CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - JULY 21, 1986, REGULAR MEETING 2. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,167,252.97 RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL IN THE AMOUNT OF $138,834.83 3. REJECTION OF CLAIM NO. 86-36; CLAIMANT: COURTNEY SPECK; DATE OF LOSS: 4/1/86; DATE FILED WITH CITY: 7/14/86 Reject subject claim as recommended by the City Attorney. 4. REJECTION OF CLAIM NO. 86-24; CLAIMANT: ROBERT MICHAELS; DATE OF LOSS: 5/17/86; DATE FILED WITH CITY: 6/2/86 Reject subject claim as recommended by the City Attorney. RESOLUTION NO. 86-97 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, FIXING AND DETERMINING THE AMOUNT OF REVENUE REQUIRED FROM PROPERTY TAXES OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN AND FIXING THE RATE OF TAXES ON THE TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF TUSTIN TO SERVICE THE DEBT OF THE GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS OF THE CITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1986-87 Adopt Resolution No. 86-97 as recommended by the Finance Department. 6. DECLARATION OF SURPLUS EQUIPMENT & AUTHORIZATION TO AUCTION SAME Declare the rolling stock/vehicles listed in the staff report as surplus; and authorize the sale of same by Porter Auction as recom- mended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. RESOLUTION NO. 86-98 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, FINDING THAT NO CHANGES HAVE OCCURRED WITH RESPECT TO THE PROPOSED NEWPORT AVENUE GRADE CROSSING Adopt Resolution No. 86-98 as recommended by the City Manager. PAGE I CITY COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA 8-4-86 ADOPTED RESOLUTION 8. ~. 8~-94 RESOLUTION NO. 86-94 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE LOUDSPEAKER CRITERIA FOR THE TUSTIN AUTO CENTER Adopt Resolution No. 86-94 pursuant to City Council action on July 21, 1986. ADOPTED RESOLIFFION 9. RESOLUTION NO. 86-92 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NO. 86-92 TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING A FEE SCHEDULE FOR ANIMAL SHELTER AND ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES AS PROVIDED BY THE COUNTY OF ORANGE Adopt Resolution No. 86-92 as recommended by the Community Develop- merit Department. ADOPTED 10. RESOLUTION NO. 86-88 ADOPTED 11. RESOLUTION NO. 86-95 APPROVED 12. STAFF RECOIw~ENDATION VI. RESOLUTION NO. 86-88 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN APPROVING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 86-201 LOCATED AT 2472, 14451 AND 14471 CHAMBERS ROAD Adopt Resolution No. 86-88 pursuant to City Council action on July 21, 1986. RESOLUTION NO. 86-95 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 12719 Adopt Resolution No. 86-95 as recommended by the Community Develop- ment Department. AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR EL MODENA-IRVINE CHANNEL {FACILITY FO7) IMPROVE- MENTS, REACH I AND REACH II, FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 85-1 {PHASE V-A) AND {PHASE V-B) Award the contract for subject project to K.E.C. Company {sole bidder}, Corona, in the amount of $8,294,078.50 as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION - None VII. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION - None VIII. OLD BUSINESS TABLED IX. 1. CONSOLIDATION OF GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS Recommendation: Pleasure of the City Council. NEW BUSINESS APPROVED STAFF RECOM~ENDATION 1. PREPARATION OF SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT - EAST TUSTIN DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FIED X® Recommendation: Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute contracts and agreements between the City and The Irvine Company necessary for the firm of Michael Brandman Associates, Inc., to prepare the subject Sup- plemental Environmental Impact Report. REPORTS CITY COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA 1. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTIONS - JULY 28, 1986 All actions of the Planning Commission become final unless appealed by the City Council or member of the public. PAGE 2 8-4-86 MANAGER XI. OTHER BUSINESS ESTED A CLOSED SESSION FOR PERSONNEL MATTERS. THE CITY I~GER REQUESTED THAT THE COUNCIL ADJOURN TO AN ADJOURNED )EETING ON MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 1986, AT 6:00 P.M. REGARDING ASSESSIqENT DISTRICT 85-1. ROURKE RESPONDED TO I~)GAR THAT THE CITY COUNCIL WOULD HAVE TO APPROVE THE SALE OF COMMUNICOM BEFORE THE SALE COULD BE FINAL. HOESTEREY THANK~ STAFF FOR STRIPING THE STREETS IN PEPPERTREE. KELLY REPORTED THAT HE HAD BEEN Ill CONTACT WITH CITIZENS kq40 ARE OPPOSED TO THE ACTION A~D OPERATIONS OF THE JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT. THEY ARE CONSIDERING TAKING THE MATTER TO THE SMALL CLAINS COURT. HE FELT THE CITY SHOULD CHANGE THE NOISE LEVELS OF THE NOISE ELEMENT. THE ATTORNEY SAID THAT THE STATE AND FEDERAL GOVERNMENT HAS PREEMPTED THE CITY FROM DOING THAT. THE MAYOR ASKED HIM TO GIVE THE COUNCIL A REPORT ON MJAT SPECIFICALLY HE IS ASKING THE COUNCIL TO DO. KELLY REQUESTED STAFF TO ASK CANDIDATES TO REMOVE THEIR CAMPAIGN SIGNS MIICH ARE STILL UP FROM THE olJgE ELECTION. SALTARELLI REQUESTED THAT WE CONSIDER POLICY OF I)RUG liSTING FOR CITY EMPLOYEES. ROURKE TO LOOK INTO WHAT WE CAN DO UNDER THE LAW. RP~KE RESPONDED TO HOESTEREY THAT A NEETING WAS HELD EANLIER TDOAY REGARDING ACTIONS TO BE REGARDING THE PROPERTY ON ANAGANSET WAy. 8.,4 XII. ADJOURNMENT To the Redevelopment Agency, thence to a Closed Session regarding Personnel matters, thence To an Adjourned Regular Meeting on August 11, 1986, at 6:00 p.m., regarding Assessment District bond financing and thence to the next Regular Meeting on Monday, August 18, 1986, at 7:00 p.m. CITY COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA PAGE 3 8-4-86 ACTION AGENDA OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TUSTIN REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUGUST 4, 1986 7:00 P,M, 8:14 1. CALL TO ORDER ALL 2. ROLL CALL PRESENT EXCEPT KENNEDY APPROVED 3. APPROVAL OF #INUTES - JULY 21, 1986, REGULAR HEETING Recmmendatton: Approve. APPROVED APPROVAL OF ~HANDS - JUNE, 1986 Recommendation: Approve Demands in the amount of $191,172.93 for the month of June, 1986, as recommended by the Finance Department. HUSTON 5. OTHER BUSINESS REPORTED THAT HE HAD DISTRIBUTED TO COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. RDA 86-10 AND RDA 86-11 REGARDING A HEARING ON AUGUST 18. SALTARELLI REPORTED THAT HE HAD HET WITH THE CITY HANAGER AND MAYOR OF SANTA ANA AND HAD SOLICITED THEIR HELP ON THE NEgPORT AVENUE AND EDINGER RAILROAD CROSSING. 8:16 6. ADJOURNMENT To the next Regular Meeting on August 18, 1986, at 7:00 p.m. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ACTION AGENDA Page i 8-4-86 Planning Commission DRTE: SUB~IECT: AUGUST 11, 1986 IIIFORIqATION ITEM/PENDZNG PUBLIC HEARING - 011 TENTATIVE TRACT 12732 RECGI~E#DED ACTIO#: Receive and File. If the Commission wishes that specific issues be addressed at the hearing scheduled for August.25, lg86, now would be the appropriate time to express your concerns. DISCUS~IO#: In conformance with East Tusttn (Phase. I) Planned Community Regulations, the Bren Company has filed Tentative Tract Map 12732 with the Community Development Department. The hearing is scheduled for Commission consideration on August 25, 1986. In order to familiarize the Planning Commission with the project and provide you with an adequate review period, we have scheduled a preliminary review/study session' for'the August 11 meeting. Jeff Davis is the staff planner assigned to present this case to the Planning Commission. If you have any questions regarding the design, please call Jeff or me at 544-8890. As proposed, the project is in substantial conformance to the site design criteria and parking requirements set up by PC regulations. Staff intends to recommend approval of the project. Since its filing a few months ago, the project has been redesigned to satisfy all of staff's concerns. The study session review scheduled for this meeting is to solicit comments from the Planning Commission about the project.- This will afford the applicant and staff adequate time to respond to concerns prior to the public hearing August 25, 1986. ROB BALEN, Planning Consultant JD:do attach: Site plan Tentative Tract Map 12732 Elevati ons Community Development Department