HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA COMPLIANCE AB 265 08-18-86AGE .... ~I ~ J~ 8-18-86 Inter- Corn DATE: AUGUST 18, 1986 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY NO. 4 - PUBLIC HEARING TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIA~ A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER COWMONITY DEVELOPME#T DEPARTMENT COINPLIANCE WITH AB 265 CONCERNING 'SET-ASIDE' FUNDS FOR LOW/MODERATE INCOWE HOUSING RECOI~ENDATION: That the Redevelopment Agency adopt Resolutions RDA 86-10 and RDA 86-11 adopting statements of existing obligations and programs of the Town Center Redevelopment Project Area. BACKGROUND: As outlined in the attached report from Marilyn Whisenand, Redevelopment Consultant, if the Agency wishes to deposit less than twenty percent (20%) of the Town Center Project's tax increment into a fund for low/moderate income housing certain actions must be taken. The first step in this procedure was accommplished on December 16, 1985 by the adoption of Resolution No. RDA 85-18. On August 4, 1986 the second required step in the process was achieved when the City Council and State Department of Housing and Community Development were forwarded copies of draft Resolutions RDA 86-10 and RDA 86-11. At the writing of this report no comments from either body have been received by the Community Development Department. At this time one final action of the Redevelopment Agency is required. Pursuant to AB 265, the Agency must adopt statements of existing programs and obligations (as established prior to January 1, 1986) following a public hearing relating to said statements. DISCUSSION: Submitted for Agency consideration are Resolutions RDA 86-10 and RDA 86-11 listing existing obligations and programs of the Town Center Project Area. Adoption of these resolutions will enable the Agency to deposit less than the Ctty Counctl Report AB 265 page 1:~o Acting Senior Planner required 20% of tax increment received into a fund for low/moderate income housing. Accordingly, if the Agency desires to deposit less than the 20[ set-aside required, it is recommended that Resolutions RDA 86-10 and RDA 86-11 be adopted as drafted. ROBERT W. BALEN, Planning Consultant JD:do .Attach: Draft Resolution RDA 86-10 and RDA 86-11 Staff Report of 12/10/85 ' Adopted Res. No. RDA 85-18 Community Development Department 1 2 3 4 I. 5 6 ? 8 9 10 ll 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 II. 22 23 24 25 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. RDA 86-10 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A STATEMENT OF EXISTING OBLIGATIONS FOR THE TOWN CENTER PROJECT The Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Tustin, California hereby resolves as follows: That the Agency is engaged in activities necessary .and appropriate to carry out the Redevelopment Plan for the Town Center Project Area; and Be That in order to carry out the orderly completion of the Town Center Redevelopment Plan, the Agency has heretofore 'approved certain specific public and private projects as hereinafter described in various resolutions, agreements, and related documents which are legally binding obligations of the Agency; and That the Agency desires to deposit less than the tax increment amount provided for in Section 33334.6 of the California Community Redevelopment Law into a Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund established for the Town Center Redevelopment Project, as a result of previous obligations incurred by the Agency in implementing the Redevelopment Plan in order to provide for the orderly and timely implementation of the Town Center Redevelopment Project; and That the Agency hereby approves this Statement of Existing Obligations which obligations existed prior to January 1, 1986 and were incurred in the implementation of the Town Center Redevelopment Project; and That the Agency believes that the redevelopment pursuant to the Redevelopment Plan continues to be and is in the best interests of the City of Tustin and the health, safety, morals and welfare of its residents, and in accord with the public purposes and provisions of applicable State and local law and requirements. The following obligations of the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Tustin, California, incurred in relation to the Town Center Redevelopment Project are: A. Town Center Tax Allocations Bonds, Series 1982. 1. Date of Obligation: 2. Amount: 3. Annual Payments: 4. Date of Discharge: November 1, 1982 $22,404,147 $ 933,506 January 1, 2006 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RDA Resolution No. 86-10 page two B. Owner Participation Agreement/Carver Development 1. Date of Obligation: 2. Amount: 3. Annual Payments: 4. Date of Discharge: December 18, 1985 $ 439,069 Not applicable 365 days after commencement of construction C. Tustin Ranch Road (Jamboree) I-5 Interchange. 1. Date of Obligation: 2. Amount: 3. Annual Payments: 4. Date of Discharge: August 20, 1984 $ 500,000 Not applicable July 1986 Undetermined amount of funds required to implement projects approved prior to January 1, t986. E. Owner Participation Agreement/Burnett Ehline 1. Date of Obligation: 2. Amount: 3. Annual Payments: 4. Date of Discharge: July 1, 1985 $ 36,000 Not applicable Upon project completion (Estimated Nov. 1986) III. The Secretary is authorized and directed to send a copy of this Resolution to the Department of Housing and Community Development. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency held on the. day of , 1986. DONALD J. SALTARELLI, Chairman MARY E. WYNN, Secretary 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 II. 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. RDA 86-11 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A STATEMENT OF EXISTING PROGRAMS FOR THE TOWN CENTER REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA The Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Tusttn, California hereby resolves as follows: Ae That the Agency of the City of Tustin is engaged in activities necessary and appropriate to carry out the Redevelopment Plan for the Town Center Project area; and That the Agency desires to deposit less than the tax increment amount provided for in Section 33334.6 of the California Community Redevelopment Law into a Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund as a result of the obligations it has approved in connection with various projects, programs and activities in order to provide for the orderly and timely completion of the Redevelopment Plan as it existed prior to January 1, 1986; and Ce That in order to carry out the orderly completion of the Redevelopment Plan the Agency has heretofor approved certain specific public and private projects, programs and activities, as hereinafter described which constitute evidence of the Agency's intent to implement the Redevelopment Plan; and De That the Agency believes that the redevelopment pursuant to the Town Center Redevelopment Plan continues to be and is in the best interests of the City of Tustin and the health, safety, morals and welfare of its residents, and in accord with the public purposes and provisions of applicable State and local law and requirements. The following projects, programs and activities approved prior to January 1, 1986, by the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Tustin, California, in connection with the Town Center Redevelopment Project are: Ae Potential expansion and rfenovatton of commercial centers to include: expansion of existing lease space; construction of new, mixed use, structures; construction of parking structure{s); and the possible abandonment of public streets; Agency assistance may be required for construction of necessary off-site improvements or other financing assistance and restoration and expansion of an adjacent residential apartment complex. ! 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 Resolution No. RDA 86-11 page two Be Owner Participation Agreement, as approved, committing $439,000 for off-site improvements required in conjunction with the development of a 130,000 + square foot retail/office complex within the Town Center Proje--ct area {Carver Development). C. The five year capital improvement program budget adopted for fiscal year 1985-86, totalling $1,880,100. O. Undetermined costs associated with street improvement plans recommended by the Planning Commission in conjunction with the First Street Specific Plan. E. Negotiations underway for acquisition of real property within the project area for the purposes of redevelopment of non-conforming structures and sites. Such acquisition is consistent with the goals and objectives of the adopted Redevelopment Plan. "Policy of the Redevelopment Agency for the Allocation of Housing Assistance Funds" as adopted on January 7, 1985. G. Agency participation in the construction and operation of a Senior Citizens Center. The committment of Agency funds to the expansion of civic center facilities as recommended by -space needs study commissioned by the Agency. Formulation and implementation of a multi-phase strategy plan for the redevelopment of the downtown business district. Owner Participation Agreement, as approved, committing $36,000 for improvements required in conjunction with the Plaza LaFayette Project (Newport at Irvine). III. The Secretary is authorized and directed to send a copy of this Resolution to the Department of Housing and Community Development. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Redevelopment Agency held on the day of , 1986. DONALD J. SALTARELLI Chairman MARY E. WYNN Secretary REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TO: FROM: $ U BJ ECT: The Honorable Chairman and Members of the Redevelopment Agency Community Development Department Recently Enacted Legislation--AB 265 RECOIqqENDATION It is recommended that the Redevelopment Agency adopt a resolution approving and adopting a Statement of Existing Obligations and a Statement of Existing Programs for the Town Center Redevelopment Project area. ·BACKGROUND The State Legislature has passed and the Governor has signed AB 265 (Hughes). This new statute requires that all redevelopment agencies set aside twenty percent (20%) of their tax increment for the purpose of increasing and improving the supply of low and moderate income housing within redevelopment projects. Previously, this 20% set aside provision applied only to redevelopment projects adopted subsequent to 1977. Since the Town Center Project was adopted prior to 1977, it has not, to date, been subject to tht's 20% set aside requirement. The new legislation requires that all projects, regardless of their adoption date, comply with the requirement. The legislation recognizes that, ih certain project areas, pre-existing obligations and programs could render the 20% set aside infeasible. Thus, the statute allows an agency to set aside less than the 20% if it can show a need to use all or a portion of the 20% set aside funds to carry out existing projects or programs. However, if an agency wishes to set aside less than the 20%, it must take certain actions prior to January 1, I986. The legislation states that an agency may deposit less than the 20% required set aside if, in any fiscal year prior to 1996, the agency finds: (a) that all or a portion of these funds are needed to meet existing obligations, that is obligations incurred prior to January 1, 1986; or (b) that all or a portion of these funds are necessary to provide for the orderly and timely completion of public and private projects, programs FILE COPY Hemorandum--Page 2 December 10, 1985 and activities, on which there is evidence of an tntent to carry out the projects, programs or activities, prior to January 1, [986, In order to utilize the exceptions listed above, the agency must also approve, prior to September 1, 1986, by resolution, a Statement of Existing Obligations or a Statement of Existing Programs, or both. The existing obligations, projects or programs approved prior to September 1, 1986 by resolution, must have been "intended" by the Agency prior to January 1, 1986. In order to meet the requirements of AB 265, a resolution has been prepared adopting a Statement of Existing Dbligattons and Existing Projects and Programs for the Town Center Redevelopment Project. Prior to September 1, [986, the list of obligations, projects and programs will be readopted in as much specificity as is possible at that time. Re deve lo~'.~ent Consultant ~ Community Development Depaumeni J 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. _~ A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE TUSTIN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADOPTING A STATEMENT OF EXISTING OBLIGATIONS AND. A STATEMENT OF EXISTING PUBLIC AND PRIVATE PROJECTS, PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES FOR TEE TOWN CENTER REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan ("Redevelopment Plan") for the Town Center Project ("Project") in the City of Tustin was approved and adopted by the City Council of the City of Tustin on November 22, 1976 by Ordinance No. 701. WHEREAS, Section 33334.6(c) of the California Health and Safety Code provides that unless the Redevelopment Agency, by resolution, makes one of the findings described in paragraphs '(1) to (3) inclusive of subdivision (a) of Section 33334.2, not less than 20 percent of the Project tax increment revenues allocated to the Agency pursuant to Section 33670 for the 1985-86 fiscal year and each succeeding fiscal year shall be deposited into a Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund for the Project established pursuant to Section 33334.3 to be used to the purposes set forth in Section 33334.2, except that: (A) In any fiscal year, the Agency may deposit less than 20 percent of such prOject tax increment revenues into the Project Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund if the Agency finds that the difference between the amount deposited (20 percent of Project tax increment revenues) is necessary to make payments of amounts due or required to be committed, set aside, or reserved by the Agency during the Fiscal Year under existing obligations incurred by the Agency to finance or refinance, in whole or in part, the Project which existing obligations are contained in a statement of existing obligations adopted by resolution of the Agency prior to September 1, ]0986; and (B) In each fiscal year prior to July 1, 1996, the Agency may deposit less than the amount required to be deposited (20 percent of Project tax increment revenues, less payments of amounts due or required to be committed, set aside or reserved during the fiscal year under the existing obligations) into the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund if the Agency finds that the deposit of such less amount is necessary in order to provide for the orderly and timely completion of public and private projects, programs or activities approved by the Agency prior to January 1, 1986 and which are contained in a statement of existing programs adopted by resolution of the Agency prior to September 1, 1986. NOW, THEREFORE, THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE TUSTIN COM- MUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY in order to effectuate and complete the Project in a timely and orderly manner hereby: 1. Finds that the existing obligations, the specific pro- 1 2 3 .4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 jects, programs and activities set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto (the existing obligations) and Exhibit "B" attached hereto (the Existing Programs) are req'uired to complete the Project. 2. The statement of existing obligations is hereby found and determined to be a complete listing of the existing obligations incurred by the Agency prior to Januar.y 1, 1986 to finance or refinance, in whole or in part, the Town Center Redevelopment Project, and such Statement is hereby approved and adopted. Any Project obligations incurred by the Agency on or after January 1, 1986 shall be deemed to be existing obligations as if set forth in Exhibit "A", if the proceeds of such obligations are used to finance or refinance any of the existing obligations contained in Exhibit "A". 3. The statement of Existing Programs is hereby found and determined to be a complete listing of the Town Center Redevel- opment Project's projects, programs and activities approved by the Agency prior to January 1, 1986, which must be orderly and timely completed, and such statement is hereby approved and adopted. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this Decem§er . , 198 5 . 16~h___ day of APPROVED: C~% IRMAN Exhibit A STATEMENT OF EXISTING OBLIGATIONS Town Center Redevelopment Project Description of Existing Obligations Total Amounts of Obligations Annual Payments Date Obligations Will Be Discharged Tustin Com,~nity Redevelopment Agency Town Center Area Pedevelopmen~ Project Tax Allocation Bonds - Series 1982 $ 22,404,147 $933,506 l/l/06 (List each obligation and information shown in the headings.) provide the above column EXHIBIT "B" STATEMENT OF EXISTING PROGRAMS Town Center Redevelopment Project I. PRIVATE PROJECT, PROGRAM, OR ACTIVITY Potential expansion of the Courtyard Shopping Center to include: expansion of existing lease space; construction of new, mixed use, structures; construction of parking structure(s); and the possible abandonment of Holt Avenue. Agency assistance may be required for construction Of necessary off-site improvements or other financing assistance. Potential expansion and renovation of Lucky Shopping Center located at 13224 Newport Avenue which will include a complete upgrading of building facades; the addition of leasable retail shopping area; the improvement and covering of an existing flood control channel; and restoration and expansion of an adjacent residential, apartment complex. A strong potential exists for the use of an Industrial Development Bond program supported by the Agency. Owner Participation Agreement, as approved, committing $439,000 for off-site improvements required in conjunction with the development of a 130,000 + square foot retail/office complex within the Town Center Project ar~ (Carver Development). II. PUBLIC PROJECT, PROGRAM OR ACTIVITY The five year capital improvement program budget adopted for fiscal year 1985-86, totalling $1,880,100. Undetermined costs associated with street improvement plans recommended by the Planning Commission in conjunction with the First Street Specific Plan. Negotiations are underway for acquisition of real-property within the project area for the purposes of redevelopment of non-conforming structures and sites, i.e., the car wash site at 535 Main St. Such acquisition is consistent with the goals and objectives of the adopted Redevelopment Plan. 4. "Policy of the Redevelopment Agency for the Allocation of Housing Assistance Funds" as adopted on January 7, 1985. 5. Agency participation in the construction and operation of a Senior Citizens Center. The committment of Agency funds to the expansion of civic center facilities as recommended by space needs study commissioned by the Agency. Formulation and implementation of a multi-phase strategy plan for the redevelopment of the downtown business district. Community Development Department STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF llJSTIN ) MARY E. WYNN, City Clerk and Secretary Clerk of the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole num- ber of the members of the City Council as the Community Redevelopment Agency is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. RDA 8B-18 was duly and regularly introduced, passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council as the Community Redevelopment Agency held on the 16th day of December, 1985, by the following vote: AYES : NOES : ABSENT: COUNCILPERSONS: COUNCILPERSONS: COUNCILPERSONS: Edgar, Greinke, Hoesterey, Kennedy, Saltarelli None NOne E.~YN*~'~ ~-ler~Secre MARY N, (~y C tary Clerk City of Tustin, California