HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES 09-02-86II. III. IV. OF THE CZTY COUNCIL CF THE CITY gl: 11JSTIN, CN. IFORNIA sEPTEmBER 2, [986 CJILI. TO (]IOF. RIIX Knee CF ALLEGZAII:E/INVOCATION The meeting was called to order by Nayor Saitareill at 7:0[ p.m. tn the Ctty Counctl Chadme~s, 300 Centennial NOy. The Pledge of Allegiance was 1nd by Counctlmon Hoestarey, and the Invocation was given by Councilman Kal ly. Counctlpe~sons Present: Counct~pe~son$ Absent: O~her$ Present: Oonald J. Saltare11 t, Hayor Ronald 8. Noesterey, Mayor Pro Tern Richard B. Edgar John Kelly Uesula E. Kennedy None gtlltaa A. HusCon, City )tanager James G. Rourke, City Attorney Mary E. Idynn, City Clerk Robert S. Ledendecker, Oir, of Public tdorks Charles R. Thayer, Chief of Police Royleen ~htte, Dtr. of Cam. & Admtn. Services Susan Jones, Recreation Superintendent Jeff Oavts, Acting Senior Planner Jane~ HesCer, Administrative Secretary Agpeoxtamtely 40 in the audience ~ ~ ~ - SAIl ~AI))Ill I)OAI) TO JN~MEE I)OAD AND ~I ~ltC H~rt~ ~s op~ ~y ~yor Saltarellt at 7:03 p.m. There ~ ~ speakers a~ t~e public hearing ~s close. It ~s ~v~ b~ Edtlrt s~ond~ by Kelly, to ~ogt t~e ~o11~tng: ~l~ ~. ~1~- A RESOLUTION ~ ~i CITY ~U~IL ~ THE CI~ ~ ~STIN, ~IFORNIA, ~A~IN~ OESIGNATION ~ SAN R0~, 8~ 8~R~A RO~ A~ WARNER AVENUE, TO J~OR~E ROAD, A~ ~FORO R~, BE~EN ~I~iR AVENUE ~ BRYAN AVENUE, TO J~REE RO~ The mtion carr~ 5-0. 96 James H. May, 14642 Pepper Tree Circle, repo~ced that Congressman Oanneaeyer said he would llke to see the helicopters aC Los Alamttos moved to the Tusttn Marine Base. The City Nenager respended that the City Council had forTnally con- veyed that the City was opposed to such action and the E1 Toro and Tusttn Ma~tne bases oppose it. Staff will check on the status. Councilman Hoes~er~/ reported that this month the flight pattern of the helicopters will be moved further east and aw&y from the homes. Councilman Kelly reported that he had about 250 signatures on a petition about atrpo~ noise and commerciat flights from John Wayne Airport. He said that he was going to send the petitlon wttha letter to the Board of Supervisors. In response to Councilman Saltaralli's question about the content of the petition, Councilman Kelly said that they were asking for some procedural changes on Kli phc patterns, CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2, g-g-86 Jane Hayes, 1329! Ntxon Circle, was concerned that the requirements for a commercial pilot are only 10 hours of solo flight. She urged the Council to do something at a higher level regarding more strin- gent requirements. Councilman Saltarelli said that he and Mr. Huston would send a let- ter to the Orange County Airport and the Marine Corps about flight patterns Of the airport and the Marine Base because of their close proximity, untrained pilots, and numar of small planes stored at the airport. 101 Richard Vtntng, 400 W. Main St., requested information on the sub- ject parking structure. Mayor Saltarelli responded that the City had notified the owner and previous owner that it is their responsibility to repair it. The City Manager advised that this should 'not be discussed publicly because of the l~al implications. It is repairable. 60 3. TO,Z-Z~_.~ 9~INg AT FRONTIER PAPJC David McMann, 1409 Woodlawn Avenue, requested that the City replace the toddler swing at Frontier Park that was removed over six months ago, The City Attorney responded that staff should make a recomendation to the City Council and thee the City Council take action for spe- cific location and equipment. 77 Ye It was ~ved by Kennedyr seconded by Edgar, to approve 811 of the Con- sent Calenaar. Carried A.oPI)OVAL OF NINOTES - AUGUST 18, 1986, REGULAR MEETING /u~n~l~lfN. OF I)EI~MJII)S IN THE ~IOUNT OF $1,853,403.81. RATIFI~TION OF PA/ROU. IN THE A~)UNT OF $138,219.77. 5O AUTIlgRIZATIOII TO R)VERTISE BIDS - TlbkCFlC SI61~1. INSTALLATION AT STREET MO PACIFIC STREET, RI) ~IN STREET Alto "B" STREET RESOkUT%01I NO. 8&.,110 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF llJSTIN, CN. IFORNIA, APPROVING Pi. ANS ARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSll~UCTION OF TRAFFIC $IGNN. AND SAFETY LIGHTING AT THE INTERSECTION OF ~IN STREET AND PACIFIC STREET AND AT THE INTER- SECTION OF MAIN STREET ANO "8" STREET AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTZSE FOR BIDS Adopted Resolution No. 86-110 as recommended by the Otr. of Public Works. 94 4. RUSTY ~ FIG TR~ R~IOVAL AT 188~ SNIi)M)GO IR.ACE Authorized staff to remove subject Fig Tree. 86.1 5. FILIAL PARC~ ~ 8~01 - 2472, 14461, AJI) 14471 O(AMBERS ROAD RESOLUTION NO. 86-107 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, APPROVING FINAL PARCEL MAP 86-201 LOCATED AT 2472, [4451 AND 14471 CXAMBERS ROAD Approved Final Parcel Map 86-20! by the adoption of Resolution No. 86-[07 as recommended by the Cu,m,unity Development Department. ~ e VI. VII. CIT~ cOUNCIL MINUTES Page 3, 9-2-86 6. TENTATIVE ~ 12856 - 14572, 1 -4r~--, & 14592 HOlT AVENUE R~UTION NO. 8&-lO~- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF IIISTIN APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 12855 LOCATED AT 14572, 14582, & 1459~ IiO~T AVENUE Approved Tentative Tract No. 12855 by the adoption of Resolution NO,86-108 as recommended by the Community Development [:)epartment.99 7, $]61 COEE E]I;~PT]OR FOIl TUSTTN PAVTL]OII CAFE, 17246 E. 17TH STREET Approved sign code exception for the Tust~n Pavilion Cafe permit- t~ng an additional well sign for butldlng identification as racom- mended by the Community Development Department. 93 8. ~PTM~ ~F R~LIC INPRO~NERT$ ~ R~.ASE OF BONOS FOR TRACT NO. ]Z273 - E~ST SZO( ~ ~B' STREET, NORTHERLY OF ~TCHEU. AVENU£ Accepted all publtc tnt~rov~tS and authorized release of Faithful Performance Bond JOIHAA024310 in the amount of $1g,000.00, Labor and Haterials Bond JQINRA024310 tn the amount of $9,600,00, and Honumentation Bond #01NAA024311 in the amount of $600.00 as recom- mended by the D~rector of Public ¼orks. 99 None. None. ¥III. OLD 1. a~SINESS POi~TTAL STRIPTNO NGOIFICATIONS ~LONG THE I~IN STP. iET/BRYAN AVENUE COiUtlOOIt (BilIgiEN NE¥1KX~ NlO 6ROYNING AHENUE$) It was moved by Ediart seconded by Kennedy. to authorize the restrtptng of Bryan Avenue frei about lOO feet west of Red Hill Avenue ~o Bro~ntng Avenue as racom,ended by the City Engineer. Motion carried 5-0. 95 ml~ T/~ TEST%NG It was moved b~ Kennedy~ seconded by Kelly to authorize Hekimtan and Associates of Huntlngten Beach to perfo,,,~ tasting on the under- ground storage tanks located at 1472 Servtce Road as required California Legislation in the amount of $~.3Z5.00 as recommended ~y the City Engtn~r. ~otton carrted 5-0. PROFESSIONAl. ASSISTARC~ TO ~NlOlt C~NTER FUND RAISING C/~PAIGN It ~as moved by Hoastere~ seconded bY Edgar, to authorize staff to execute an agreement ~lth Gary ~. Phillips and Associates to serve as fund rats~ng counsel for the Senior Center caapafgn, and to a~proDrlace $17,0OO for Phase One of the fund rat$tng campaign. Royleen ~tte, OtrecCor of Aci~tntstrat~ve and Co,~untt~ Services, reported that Phase T~o ~ould include the management of the cam- patgn and ~ould ~e ~re costly than Phase One. Councll~om&n Kennedy reposed ~haC this ~s the same co~uany did the fund raiser for the Performing A~cs. She said the com- nrlttee ~as reaching ouC to the cona~untty to help to build Senior Center. They anticipate receiving another million dollars. The motion carried 5-0. 45; 85-54 c~TY COUNCIL MINUTES Page ¢, 9-2-86 X® REPORTS 1. Pr. AM#lNG CIJ~IS$IOM ACTIONS - AlPP_t_qT iS, 1986 It was moved by Kenned~t seconded by Edgar, to ratify the entire Planning Cmm~sslon Actlon Agencla o1' August 25, 1986. The motion carried 5-0. 80 L~FT 'IIIRN PHASIN~ STUDY - ~L~LNIIT AVENU~ AT CHERRYlJO~q~ LANE Mayor Saltarellt expressed that the speed is so fast on Walnut Avenue that only one car can turn left off the green ltght. The City Engineer responded that he would ~e~ort back on the overall timing of the stop light and see if they could build in additional timing and would also ret~ort on the number of accidents at Raintree and Cherr~vood as requested by Councilman. ~4oesterey. 94 R~NILL AVEMI~ - ~ UrlLITI I~LES It was moved by Saltarellt, seconded by Edgar, to receive and file subject report. '~otlon carfare ~-u. 104 4® receive and file sub- CITIZ~# COIICEJifIS - CENTENIIIAL PARE LAIIO~APINg It wes moved byKenned~, seconded by Edgar, to receive and file sub- Ject regorCo Motlon carried 5-0. 77 IMCREJ~ TO SOLID tAq~ CIX.I~CTION FEES It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Edgar, to receive and file sub- ject regort. Motion carried 5-0. #8I# ~ I~DIAII XSLANO I#STKLATIO# Councilman Kelly coaemnted that the report stated that these islands would restrict the number of travel lanes in each direction. He felt that this might slow down the traffic and be an advantage. The islands would beautify the street and would also be a safety advan- tage. He has spoken to a lo1: of the residents and they have all spoken in favor of the medians. The City Engineer said that if the medians were put in, the best time would be at the same time as the reconstruction project in order to get the best cost break. Mayor Saltare11~ felt we should poll the people to see if the major- try are in favor of the islands. The tslanos would prohibit left turns into driveways. The City Engineer said that he had some preliminary cost estimates. The f~rst one is from Myrtle to "8" St. and is $70,600. The second one is fram 200 ft. west of ~yrtle to 'C" St. and ts Maintenance would be approximately 35~ a square foot. Councilmon Hoesterey suggested that we have a layout of the islands for an attachment to the letters for pOlllng of the ~estdents. Counctl waman Kennedy thought the medians would beautify the area but she felt the costs were high. The City Engineer commented that there would not be enough room ~or "U" turns w'tthout the car backing up. He will poll :he residents. g5 8e XI. CITY C~ IL t~INUTES Page 5, g-2-86 YOIISA ~ ~DEllZN~/UTILITY U~IgUND[~6 8ETYEEN FIRST STREET AND ~VlNE 8INJLEVAII~ Councilmen Edgar spoke In 1'avor of the pro]ec~ and l'elt professional ofl'tce zoning mould develop more rapidly. He was thinking of next year for this project. The City Henager potnted out that our gas tax a}locatlon is com- mitted ~or sometime ~lth the heavy captta] program of ~yford Rd. through the Hartne Base. The money would have to be allocated from the genera] ~'und. ~ayor Saltarellt felt tt ~s a good project but that we have to be sure that the AHFP funding and the gas tax Is available for the major projects for traffic relief. It ~$ moved by Edgar, seconded b}~ Kennedy, to keep subject project o~ our long tern plenntng aha look at tt tn the next f'Iscal year. lqoC~ofl carried 5-0.. tO4 C(ty Eng~n~ satd that Ch~ hM made venal conCac~ w~h ~n ~th Rr~f Co~oreClon. They have had a change ~n pe~onnel a~ a~ tn ~be p~c~s of upda~ thetr ~las. Counc~lwn K~n~y sa~d ChaC ~. M~n wes no ~onger w~ She ~ourag~ staff to follom up ~ the pro, KC. 95 ~ ~ l~ ~ ~l~ ~v~ byK~n~t s~ond~ by Edqar, to rKetve a~-~e sub- ~o~. ~clon car~ 5-0. 53 tX. 12. IIATE ~ ~5i CI)I~UIIICOll CMLg TELEVISION It was moved byKennedyt seconded by Edgar, to receive and file sub- ]ect re~orC. ]~otlon carrlH 5-0. 53 Councilman Kelly suggested that the City send letters to the Historical Society and the Auto Center deslers to see i~ they would be interested tn funding the bells. Staff' to wrlte the.~ltstor~cal Society to see tf they would be inter- eeCed tn raising the mney for the bells. The cost ~s $Z,200 per bell based on the fac~ that we would be buying 20 bells. Counctlman Kelly requested that the downtown area signs have a mes- sage put on the bac~ side. Counctlwam~n Kennedy suggested we put the same sign on the back side. Staff' ~tll check on the signs to see t~ they can be lettered on the beck side. Councilman Hoesterey suggested that we go ahead with ~edotng both sides of the signs. Council concurred. 93 (]mir 91ISINES$ I. CLOSF. D S~SSION The City ~anager requested the City Council recess to a Closed Session to discuss personnel mottari pursuant to Government Code Section No. 54957. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 6, 9-2-86 OEFENSEPLAN In light of the airplane crash in Cerrltos, Councilman Hoesterey felt we should prepare ourselves if we ever have such an accident in the City. The City Manager responded that we do have a State approved Defense Plan but it is an item that we need to update annually and train our personnel. We are looking at what kind of materials, factlt- tles, etc., that we need to make the plan work and that could include things like the use of voluntemrs, etc. [03 3. RED#ELL RAILROAD Councilwoman Kennedy reported that the gates ac the Redhtll crossing were down for a~proxtmately [6 minutes thts morning and two para- medtcs could not get across. She felt we should apply pressure prevent this. [01 4. CLOSED RX6lfi' liRNO LAME ON REOHILL AT EDINGER Counctl~aan Kennedy asked when the right hand lane at Redhill and Edtnger would be opened. The City Engineer responded that it wes supposed to be open three weeks ago. He said we have to do the work in stages to keep the intersection open. We are at the mercy of the contractor. We feel that it should be completed by the middle of next week. In response to Councilman Xoesterey, the City Engineer said Chat we do have penalties in our City contracts, however, Chis is not a City contract. 9S $. REId CITY ~1311PIl~ Counctlaan Kennedy noted that she had seen new City street striping and wondered if it had been done at night. Most of the lane lines and some of the crosswalks are done by contract striping crews. They do all the work at night and it makes much less of an impact. Some of the striping will have to be done at night. 95 Counctlwman Kennedy reported that Kenneth Fleagle, our former Com- munity Oevelopmont Director, is very tll in the Santa Mortice St. John Hospital. 7. AGNES B~CON'$ BZR'F~I)AY Councilman Edgar recognized that today was Agnes Bacon's birthday. 8UEM PNIK'S REqIJF. ST R)R /,elBEP.~ZP [N THE SMi'A MA RZVFJ~ FLiXX) P~ui~,'T[ON ~NCY It was moved by Edgar, seconded b~ Saltare111. to pass and adopt the following resolution: I~.SOLUT]OII NO. 8~-liS - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RATIFYING THE CITY OF BUENA PARK'S REQUEST FOR MEMBERSHIP IN THE SANTA ANA RIVER ;LO00 PROTECTION AGENCY Motion carried B-O. 73 9. REal'IN6 Rs:_~r.J.qoINO T~t~:IC Pl~St.l~5 Mayor Saltarellt, Mr. Huston, Mr. Agran and Mr. Willett will meet for lunch next week to discuss traffic problems. XXI. RECESS; RECONVENED The City Council recessed to a Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section No. 54957 at 8:23 p.m. The City Council reconvened at 9:14' p.m. with all mefl/oers present. CIT UNCIL MINUTES Page /, 9-2-86 10. ~ T'r. STXN6 It was moved by Hoestereyt seconded by Edgar. that in the process of new employees being interviewed for positions in the City o! Tustin. ChaC drug testing be incorporated as part of the physical examina- tion that Is given. Motion carried 5-0. Nayor Saltarelli said that the City Attorney would provide whatever direction is necessary to implement the policy. It was moved by Edgart seconded by Hoestere~, to direct the City Attorney to came back with a resolution addressing probable cause as a Justification to have a drug test. Motion carted 5-0. Mayor Saltarellt coll~nted that as part of the publicity relatlve to drug testing, the idea of mandatory testing or testing for all employees has been a topic of discussion. He wanted to make it clear that the Council has not been and continues not to be on a "wttr~ hunt" for any employee w,~ might be taking drugs on private time or trying to invade anyone's privacy. ~owever, as a matter of attempting to keep a good drug free environment, which he thinks we already have in the City of Tusttn, it wes moved by Saltarellit .sec- onded by Edgar, that staff be directed as part of the meet and con- fer process to meet with the Employee Associations and discuss methods and moans by w~tch we could come to another conclusion to see to it that Tusttn has a drug-free work environment. Councilman HoesCerey clarified that there is a national a~areness regarding drug use and we wont to work together to address a prol31em that is a national problem and does have national htghllgnt. We weot to ge~ help to anyone who might need help and to create a better onvironment for e~erybody. The intent is to work together as a team with the employees to bring a drug free work environment to our city. Councilman Edgar stated that to any of the Council's knowledge, there is no drug problem tn ?ustin. However, if there should be a problem, it is essential for us to have the openness to seek help and to have a willing support in our City to get help and be a better e~loyee because of it. Councilwomen Kennedy said that she had concerns ~out it and actually so does all the Council. She is concerned about the unreliability of drug testing in general and the invasion of pri- vacy. She said they all respect our employee-public very much but they carry the dual burden of having to redresent our constituents, too, and are going very cautiously as they should. She said she was anxious to hear what the eeployees have to tell them about solving any possible problee that could exist. Motion carried 5-0. 79 11. ~ OF BEER BY JAY~-~I~-5 N~ LIORS CLUB AT TILLER OAY$ FAIRE Councilman Edgar said that the Jaycees cooperatively with the Lions Club have requested to sell beer at the Tustin Tiller Days Faire and they can be under the Jaycee Umbrella National pollcy. Therefore, it mas moved by Ed~ar~ seconded by Kennedy, that upon confirmation that the Jaycee National Umprella Policy will cover the Tusttn Jaycees aed the Lions Club for sale of beer at the Tusttn Tiller Oays Faire, the Jaycees and the Lions Club will be permitted coop- erettvely to sell beer at the Tustin Tiller Oays Street Faire. Carried 5-0. 34 Xlllo I~.C~ & AI~IOtlUIM~IIT The meeting was recessed to the Redevelopment Agency at 9:24 p.m., and thence adjourned to the next regular meeting on September 15, 1986, at 7:00 p.m. by unanimous informal consent. , .' CCFY'CLERK #IIIKE$ OF All AdOI~NEB REIgILA~ ~ETIN6 OF THE RE~EVELOPI~iNT A~NCY OF TXE CITY OF I~ISTIN, CALIFORNIA SEPTENBER 2, 1986 The meeting was called to order at 9:24 p.m. by Chairman Saltarelli in the City Council Chambers, 300 Centennial Way. Tustin, California. 2. ROLL ~ Agency Mm~ers Present: Agency Men,)ers Absent: Others Present: Oonald J. Saitarelll. Chairman Ronald B. Noestorey, Chairman Pro Tam Richard B. Edgar John Kelly Ursula E. Kennedy None William A. Huston, Exec. Olrector/¢tty Manager James $. Rourke, City Attorney Mar~ E. Wynn, Recording Secretar~ Robert S. Ledendecker, Olrector of Publlc Works Charles R. Thayer, Chief of Police Susan Jones, Recreation Superintendent Royleen White, Olr. of Com. & Admin. Services Jeff Oavis, Acting Senior Planner Janet Hester, Administrative Secretar~ Approxtmmtaly 25 in the audience It wes moved by Kennedy. seconded by Edgar, to approve Minutes of the August 18, 1986, Regul!r ~leetlng. Motion carried 5-0. 4. A.ag~oWL OF ~ I{I ~ ~{l{tlN'r OF It was moved by Edgart seconded by Hoesterey, to approve demands in the amount of $3ZZ,30Z,50, Motion tattled 5-0. 60 ~IC Sl~ INSTALLATIONS AT ~f%XN b"TREL~ ~0 PN~ZFXC STREET It was moved b~ Kenned~ seconded by ;dqar, to authorize the City of Tustln to administrate the construction contract for the installation of traffic signals and safety lighting at the intersections of Main Street at Pacific Street and Main Street at "B" Street as recommended by the City Engineer. Motion carried 5-0. None. The meeting was adjourned at 9:26 p.m. to the next Regular Meeting on September 15. 1986. at 7:00 p.m. by unanimous informal consent. ~'~q\.~ ~- .~y_._. RECOil) ING SB~qETARY