HomeMy WebLinkAboutOld Business #2 8-03-87DATE: ~ AUGUST 3, 1987 Com ~
Direct staff to follow-up on any preferred alternative proposals.
At a regular meeting of the City Council on July 20, 1987, representatives from
the John Wayne Airport (JWA) and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Flight
Control Office were present to answer questions relating to recent noise
problems associated with flight approaches at JWA. In response to concerns
expressed by residents in attendance at the meeting, the City Council requested
that staff report back with the following information: {1) costs for possible
purchase of* noise testing equipment; (2) monitoring of flight approach
altitudes; and (3) proposed regulations and enforcement guidelines for reduction
of single event noise problems usually associated with aircraft. Information
requested on legal options available to the City Council will be made available
from the City Attorney's office in the near future.
1. Purchase of Noise Testing Equipment
Staff have contacted a number of public agencies and consultants in an
attempt to determine the type and costs for purchase, maintenance and
operation of aircraft noise testing equipment (i.e. Orange County Health
Department, Cities of Newport Beach, Long Beach, Inglewood, the JWA Noise
Abatement Office, noise consultants - Bolt, Beranek & Newman, Inc. and
Mestre Greve Assoc.) while our contacts indicated that noise testing
equipment was available from numerous firms with the actual type and class
of equipment varying from manufacturer to manufactureer, two major
manufacturers provide testing units which have a higher degree of
recognition and credibility in any court hearing.
Portable testing units manufactured by Larson Davis and B & K can range in
base price from $10,000 to $40,000. In addition to portable units,
permanent noise monitoring stations can be installed but can range in base
price from $120,000 to $250,000. Base prices for portable units or
City Council Report
August 3, 1987
Page 2
permanent stations do not include additional costs for computer software
and hardware for interpretation of test results nor any personnel required
to operate and maintain the systems. Information obtained indicated that
computer costs can easily exceed base equipment costs. Calibration of
equipment is also necessary at least once a year and can also be quite
expensive. The operation and maintenance of these units also require very
specialized technical knowledge and expertise in the field of acoustical
engineering for proper placement of testing equipment and interpretation of
test results. The minimum level of expertise is generally found to be an
individual possessing a State of California professional engineering
certification {P.E.) with a specialty in civil, electrical or mechanical
engineering and a minimum of four (4) years of experience in noise
acoustics or a combination of experience and exam certification by the
Institute of Noise Control (a 8 hour exam certification).
Other than those jurisdictions that actually operate their own airports
such as the County of Orange and the Cities of Los Angeles and Long Beach,
most communities contacted by staff did not feel it efficient or cost
effective to purchase their own noise testing equipment but rather have
chosen to contract for noise testing services.
There are numerous firms in the Orange County and Los Angeles area which
provide noise testing and interpretation services. Generally, these firms
can be hired on an hourly basis or fixed rate annual service fee providing
the personnel, equipment and computer assisted interpretation of test
results. In terms of cost, hourly rates for firms with noise expertise'
range from $30.00 to $70.00 per hour. This fee fluctuates from firm to
firm and in accordance with the experience of the noise technician hired.
Noise testing firms are experienced in preparing legally acceptable noise
tests and have been used in cities such as Newport Beach, Long Beach and
An additional alternative available to the City Council would be to
consider the purchase of noise testing equipment and use of an outside
consultant firm to conduct the actual tests and interpret test results.
This alternative would still require purchase of computer software and
hardware and the portable testing unit as well as any consultant costs.
Should the City Council wish noise testing in addition to testing proposed
by JWA in the near future, staff would recommend that the City employ the
use of a noise test consultant in lieu of purchasing its own equipment.
This approach offers noise testing capabilities and the required personnel,
computers and testing equipment without significant capital outlay costs to
the City. The minimum capital outlay for the City's own purchase of
computer hardware and software and also the use or hiring of any additional
staff support for technical interpretation would run quite high and would
require continual payment of maintenance fees and salaries needed for
Community Development Deparirnent
City Council Report
August 3, 1987
Page 3
Use of consultant services would allow flexibility In cost and services.
The City would pay only for the time needed to conduct the studies
necessary or to respond to specific complaints as opposed to paying fees
indefinitely for personnel, equipment and maintenance. This would also
place the City in a much better position to benefit from changes tn
technology (which occur frequently in the computer/noise field) and also
provide consistent and reliable information tn the event that information
is needed for future legal actions.
2. Altitude Honitortn~
As requested, staff has checked tnto the availability of altitude
monitoring equipment. At this time, there Is no device available other
than the instruments located in a FAA Flight Control Tower. As suggested
by Hr. Jay Haag of the FAA, the City can monitor altitudes from the JWA
tower as long as arrangements are made with his offtce. [n further
discussion with Hr. Haag, the City could station someone at the tower
Honday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. for as long as the City
wishes to do so.
The staff would suggest that as part of any contractual notse testing
service, that a consultant representative could be selected to sit in the
tower and to monitor the fltght altitudes for at least one week and for a
few additional days throughout the month on a somewhat random basis. This
wtll help to get a full range of monitoring and yet provide for some
subsequent random checks for back-up Investigation. Staff would also be
prepared to plot the locations of any altttude violations based on
collected information.
3. Single Event Noise Incidents
At this time, JWA utilizes five primary tools for regulating airport noise:
State Airport Noise Standards (Title 2[)
State standards regulate sensitive land uses within 65 dba CNEL
contours. Up to [986, this State standard was based on a 70 CNEL
contour with JWA achieving [005 compliance in [984. With reduction
of the CNEL maximum to 65 dba CNEL contours, approxtmatgely [4-[8
homes were tmpacted necessitating that JWA obtain a variance from the
State for continued operation. The most recent variance granted
several weeks ago by the State is valid for three (3) years.
Noise Insulation Standards (Title 24)
Title 24 establishes noise attenuation regulations for new
construction requiring that interior noise levels in residential
development not exceed 45 dba tntertor noise level.
Community DeveloPment DeparTrnen~
City Counctl Report
August 3, 1987
Page 4
County Noise Element
The Orange County General Plan Noise Element requires that extertor
noise levels not exceed 65 dBa's CNEL. New construction projects are
requtred to submit detatled noise acoustical studtes wtthtn 65 CNEL
contour, areas to ensure that appropriate destgn and construction
mitigation measures w111 adequately meet TiNe 24 requirements and 65
dba exterior noise ltmtts.
JWA Access Plan
The JWA Access Plan classifies commercial planes Into three groups
with the following Single Event Noise Exposure Levels ($ENEL)
Class "A" under 100 dba at any monttor.
Class "AA" under 89.5 dba at any monitor.
Class "E" under 86 dba at any monttor.
Tha Airport Noise Abatement office reviews each carrier's noise
readouts on a quarterly basis; If a carrier exceeds any of the SENEL
standards, airport management would take whatever necessary action it
deems appropriate tn terms of penalties (e.g. reduction In ADDs to
expulsion from JWA).
County Ordinance No. 3505
County Ordinance No. 3505 primarily serves to regulate stngle event
noise exposure levels ($ENEL) for purposes of 11mtttng noise at John
Wayne Airport (see attached Ordinance). The maximum permissible
SENEL for airport operations at night recorded at any monitoring
station either on take-off or landing is limited to under 86 dB(a)
SENEL. Airport operations at night are defined by take offs between
the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. (8 a.m. on Sundays) and landings
between the hours of 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. (8 a.m. on Sundays).
Commercial airline operations are also restricted from operating at
the airport if they generate SENEL levels averaged over a quarterly
period as measured from monitoring station M1, M6, and M7 at noise
levels of 98.5, 100 dba and 100 dBa's respectively. No general
aviation operations are permitted which exceed the SENEL levels
established for commercial aircraft. However, there is no mention in
the County Ordinance of averaging SENEL levels over a quarterly
period of time for general aviation operations.
The Airport Noise Abatement office instituted curfew watches in
April, 1986. Personnel from that office position themselves at the
Corn rnunity Development Department .~
City Council Report
August 3, 1987
Page 5
runway to identify any lane tn violation of Ordinance No. 3505.
Upon the flrst violation, by a commercial airline or general avtatton
aircraft, a strong warning ts sent to the violator. Upon a second
violation, the Orange County Dlstrlct Attorney files crlmtnal charges
against the violator.
The Ctty's authority is extremely limited in regulated SENEL levels for alrcraft
operation, particularly for an atrport that is not o~ned and operated by the
City. Even the County's authority as an atrport operator In regulating SENEL
levels can be tmpacted by federal Intervention. A recent example is the
considerable efforts by the Ctty of Long Beach. The City after preparing a part
150 noise study had attempted to establish notse crtterta based solely on SENEL
standards rather than also utilizing 65 CNEL criteria. The Ctty also attempted
to impose restrictions that would actually reduce the number of flights of a
commercial airline for each recorded violation of SENEL ltmtts. Both the FAA
and subsequently the California Courts have determined that atrport noise
regulation wtth overly restrictive SENEL criteria alone was an unacceptable
At thts ttme, staff would recommend that the City pursue the following actions
In addressing the issue of stngle event notse.
- A mitigation measure contained tn EIR 508 states: "A study shall be
conducted to tdentlfy the optimum descent pattern that would ensure
aircraft safety while reducing residential noise impacts. As
recommended by the City, the County was to have requested that the
study be performed by FAA, the Agency responsible for regulating
aircraft approach procedures." According to County officials, the
initial request was made to the FAA. However, the FAA has declined
to perform this study, and has indicated that they would
review/critique such a study upon its completion by some other party.
At this time, the County intends to make a second request to the
FAA., The City could also seek to apply pressure on the FAA through
our Congressmen and Senators.
- Through the use of a noise consultant firm, as recommended earlier in
this agenda report, the City should monitor single noise incidents
and recommend acceptable SENEL regulations (standards and enforcement
policies) which could be legally defensible. Upon completion of this
analysis, recommendations could be presented to the County, FAA and
airlines with political influence applied where necessary.
Corn rnuni~y Developrnen~ Deparirnen~ ~
City Council Report
August 3, 1987 _
Page 6
- The City should continue to actively attend and participate in the
Orange County Noise Abatement Committee. This is a committee made up
of airport, FAA and airline officials, as well as other interested
agencies and organizations. It is presently in the process of
adopting by-laws to establish its purpose. This committee might be
an appropriate forum to present any proposed SENEL regulations, as
well as implementation of the £IR 508 mitigation measure discussed
Christine Shingl~con j/
Oi rector of Communi ty ~D~vel opment
Corn rnunity DeveloPment Department
CALIFORNIA,ADDING ARTICLE 3 TO DIVISION 1, Genernl Aviation Airc~ as sue# are defined in this
Sec. 2-1-30.10. Exclusion of violation-prone aircraft.
able notification as to tho~e aireraR presumptively incapable of meeting
County. California. held on the ~9th day of March. ~5. the foregoing ord,-
Clerk of the Board o~ Supe~isors
~ublisbed: Saddleback Valley News
March ~, l~ ~0~
A G E N D A 8-3-87
~ULY 27, 1987
CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m., City Council Chambers
ROLL CALL: Puckett,. Wetl, Baker, Le Jeune, Pontlous
REORGANIZATZON: (The Chairman will open the meeting up to 'nominations from the
Commission for Chairman. Upon election of a Chairman, new
Chairman will open nominations and hold election of
Vi ce-Chat rman. )
Commissioner Le 3eune moved to nominate A1 Baker as Chairman. Commissioner Puckett
nominated Kathy Wet1 for Chairman. Commissioner Baker moved that nominations close,
Pontlous seconded. Vote for Chairman: Baker - 1, Wet1 - 4.
Chairman #etl opened nominations for Chatrm~n Pro-rem. Commissioner Ponttous moved,
Puckett seconded to nominate A1 Baker. ~mmtsstoner Well asked that Commissioner
~aker be be elected unantmousl) as Chairman Pro-rem. All unanimously agreed.
PUBLIC CONCERNS: (Limited to 3 minutes per person for items not on the agenda)
1. Minutes of June 29, 1987 Plannin9 Commission Meettn9
Commissioner Le Jeune moved, Puckett seconded to approve the consent calendar.
Motion carried $-0.
2. USE PERMIT 87-13
Owner: Mr. Dusktn Keller and Mr. Tim Keller
18826 Wlndwood Lane, Santa Aha, Ca 92705
Location: 210 S. Pacific Street
Planning Commission Action Agenda
July 27, 1987
Page two
Request To build a 2360 Square foot second single family unit
Resolution No. 2417 Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin
authorizing construction of a 2360 square foot second single
family unit at 210 S. Pacific Street
Presentation: Laura Cay Pickup, Associate Planner
Commissioner Puckett moved, Baker seconded to approve Use Permit 87-13 by the
adoptton of Resolution No. 2417. Morton carrted 5-0.
3. Zone Change 87-1, 87-2 General Plan Amendment 87-1
Applicant: City of Tustin
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, California 92680
Location: Properties located on the west side of Newport Avenue between
the 1-5 Freeway and Mitchell Avenue and on the east side of
Newport Avenue between Main and San Juan Streets
Resolution No. 2413 A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin,
California, recommending that the City Council amend the Land
Use Element of the General Plan (General Plan Amendment 87-1)
for properties generally located on the east side of "B" Street
south of the I-5 Freeway from {M-F) Multi-family and (C)
Commercial to the (PC-C) Planned Community Commercial Distict
Resolution No. 2412 A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin,
recommending Zone Change 87-1 to rezone properties generally
located east of Newport Avenue between Main Street and San Juan
from (CG) Commercial General and (CG-PUD) Commercial General
Planned Unit Development to (PC-C) Planned Community Commercial.
Resolution No. 2414 A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin,
recommending Zone Change 87-2 to rezone properties generally
located west of Newport Avenue between the I-5 Freeway and
Mitchell Avenue from Multiple Family Residential (R-3) and
Reta(1 Commercial (C-1) to Planned Community Commercial (PC-C)
Resolution No. 2411 A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin,
establishing guidelines for review of Conditional Use Permit
applications and proposed development plans on properties
located in the Planned Community Commercial District.
Presentation: Laura Cay Pickup, Associate Planner
Commissioner Puckett moved, Baker seconded to recomend to City Council an amendment
of the Land Use Element of the General Plan by the adoptton of Resolution No. 2413.
#orlon carried 5-0.
Commissioner Puckett moved, Baker seconded to recommend Zone Change 87-1 by the
aGoptlon o? Kesolutlon No. Z41Z. notion carried 5-0.
Planning Commission Action Agenda
July 27, 1987
'age three
Commissioner Puckett moved, Baker seconded to recommend Zone Change 87-2 by the
adoptlon of Resolution #o. 2414. #otton carrted: 5-0.
Commissioner Puckett moved, Baker seconded to established guidelines for revtew of
Conditional Use Permit applications and proposed development plans on properties
located tn the Planned Community Commaerctal Dtstrtct by the adoptton of Resolution
No. 2411. Morton carrted 5-0.
4. Use Permtt 87-14 and Vartance 87-04
Applicant: Mr. Don Gretnke on behalf of Southern Counties Otl
Location: 13918 - 13922 Newport Avenue and
1016 - 1022 Bonita Avenue, parcels are continguous
Request: Use Permit 87-14 to authorize a self-service, card-locking
commercial fuel facility at the subject address and to install
an eight (8) foot block wall at the subject address; and
Variance 87-04 to authorize the placement of a sign in the front
setback area and to authorize placement of a freestanding
control building within a side yard setback area.
· 'esolution No. 2420 A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin,
approving Use Permit 87-14 authorizing a 24 hour self-service
commercial fuel pumping opertton and an eight (8) foot high
block wall on the properties known as 13918-13922 Newport Avenue
and 1016-1022 Bonita Avenue
Resolution No. 2421 A resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin,
approving Variance application 87-04 authorizing placement of a
business identification sign in a 15' highway setback area and
authorizing a free-standing building within the required
side yard setback area for the properties located at 13918-13922
Newport Avenue and 1016-1022 Bonita Avenue
Presentation: Jeffrey S. Davis, Senior Planner
Commissioner Puckett moved, Le 3eune seconded to approve Use Permit 87-14 by the
adoptton of Resolution No. 2410 with some minor changes to the o~tglnal resolution.
Motion carried $-0.
Commissioner Le Jeune moved, Baker seconded to approve Variance No. 87-04 by the
adoption of Resolution No. 2421 with some minor changes to the ortgtnal resolution.
Morton carried: 5-o.
Planning Commission Actton Agenda
July 27, 1987
Page four
5. Use Per~tt NO. 87-15 & Variance No. 87-03
Applicant: 30th Street Architects on behalf of Ruby's Restaurant
Owner; John Prescott
Location: Ruby's Restaurant
205 E1 Camtno Real - SE Corner of E1 Camtno Real and Second
Request: Authorization for an On-stte beer and wine license, Type 41.
Parking Vartance permtt ntne (9) tnstead of the requtred 35
parktng spaces.
Resolution No. 2418 A resolution of the Planntng Commission of the Ctty of Tusttn,
authorizing a beer and wtne 11cerise for on-stte sales at 205 E1
Camlno Real
Resolution No. 2419 A resolution of the Planntng Commission of the Ctty of Tusttn,
approving Variance No. 87-03, allowing an existing
non-conforming restaurant at 205 E1Camtno Real to vary with the
parking requirements in the C-2 zone.
Presentation: Patrtzta Materasst, Planner
Commissioner Le Jeune moved, Baker seconded to approve Use Permit No. 87-15 by the
adoption of Resolution No. 2418 with some minor changes. Hotlon carrted: 5-0.
Commissioner Le Jeune moved, Baker seconded to approve Vartance No. 87-03 by the
adoption of Resolution No. 2419 with some minor changes. Hotton carrted: 5-0.
6. Amendment No. i to Use Permit 87-7
Applicant: Mr. Mark Ootta on behalf of Red Htll Lutheran Church
Location: 13200 Red Htll Avenue
Owner: Red H111 Lutheran Church
Request: Authorization to add 2,100 square feet of storage space In a
Resolution No. 2422: A Resolution of the Planntng Commission of the City of Tusttn,
California, approving Amendment No. 1 to Use Permit 87-7
authorizing 2,100 square feet of basement storage at 13200 Red
Hill Avenue.
Presentation: Jeffrey S. Davis, Senior Planner
Commissioner Puckett moved, Le Jeune seconded to approve Amendment No. I to Use
Permit 87-7 by the adoptton of Resolution No. 2422. Rotton carrted 5-0.
Planning Commission Action Agenda
July 27, [987
age five
7. Neon Sign for Saba's Market
Presentation: Laura Cay Pickup, Associate Planner
Comtsstoner Ponttous moved, Baker seconded to issue a Minute Order to deny the
destgn of the neon slgn. Motion carried 5-0.
Co, mtsstoner Puckett moved, Ponttous seconded to approve the Sign on Exhibit B by
Mtnute Order. Flotlon carrled: 5-0.
8. Report on Actions Taken at ~u1¥ 6, [987 City Council Meettn9
Presentation: Christine Shtngleton, Director of Community Development
g. Report on Actions Taken at July 20, 1987 City Council Meeting
Presentation: Christine Shtngleton, Director of Community Development
Commissioner Le aeone noted concern-regarding large truck parking on Pacific and 5th
Commissioner Puckett requested that staff agondtze shorter items first.
Chairperson Well suggested that the Comdsston might be able to keep a list of
banners they notice within town.
Commissioners Ponttous and Le Jeune are attending the Joint South Orange County
Plaflntflg Commissioners ,eettng tn September.
Commissioner Puckettmoved, Baker seconded to Adjourn to the next regularly scheduled
Planning Comflsston ~eettng on August 10, 1987 at 7:30 p.m. Motion carried by
unanimous consent.