HomeMy WebLinkAboutPH 2,3,4, Z.C. USE PERMIT 10-6- NOS. 2, 3, and 4 . _. 10 86 Inter Corn ..)ATE 0CT0 ER 6, 1986 TO: FROM: SU BJ ECT: WILLIAH A. HUSTON, CI'FY MANAGER COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARllRENT ZONE CHANGE 86-1, SPECIFIC PLAN NO. COlq#ISSION APPROVAL OF USE PERMIT 86-26 11, APPEAL OF PLANNING .J RECOMIqENDED ACTIONS: The Planning Commission recommends to Council approval of Zone Change 86-1. M.O. First reading by title only of Ordinance No. 976. M.O. That Ordinance No. 976 be introduced. The Planning Commission recommends to Council approval of Specific Plan No. 11. M.O. First reading by title only of Ordinance No. 977. M.O. That Ordinance No. 977 be introduced. That Council uphold the findings of the Planning Commission and affirm approval of Use Permit 86-26 by the adoption of Resolution No. 86-121. SEIqlqARY: On September 8, 1986, the Planning Commission considered and recommended approval of Zone Change 86-1 and Specific Plan No. 11. Also, the Commission approved Use Permit 86-26, however,that action has been appealed to Council. Detailed reports concerning each action are attached for Council consideration. Essentially, the end result of each of the subject items if approved, would be as follows: The Zone Classification for properties located at 335, 345, 355, 365, 405, 415, 425, 435 and 445 Sixth Street would be changed from Single Family Residential (R-l) to Planned Community Single Family Residential. This action would allow development of single family residential, (detached) units on 6,000 square foot lots in lieu of the R-1 standard of 7,200 square feet. City Council Report October 6, 1986 Page two Precise development standards would be imposed upon the properties located at 335, 345, 355, 365, 405, 415, 425, 435 and 445 Sixth Street by the implementation of Specific Plan No. 11. Affirmation of Planning Commission approval of Use Permit 86-26 would authorize consolidation of properties located at 405, 415 and 425 Sixth Street and the development of eight (8) one-story single family detached dwellings in accordance with proposed Specific Plan No. 11. To facilitate discussion and to permit an overall view of the implications of pending actions all three items will be presented in one report. Again, back-up data is included in the attachments to this transmittal. DISCUSSION: Zone Change 86-1: Zone Change 86-1 is the first in a series of land use actions that would allow alternative development within the subject area. Specifically single-family homes would be allowed upon 6,000 square foot lots rather than 7,200 square foot minimum lot sizes currently permitted. Subsequent to the proposed Zone Change, a Specific Plan will be required as will, in some cases, a conditional use permit prior to development. The. proposed Zone Change is precisely the same in nature as land use actions taken for properties elsewhere in the community. In addition to plans for Tustin Meadows, Peppertree, Laurelwood and East Tustin, more project specific oriented changes have been approved.. For example, upon annexation, the area on Holt Avenue {just south of Warren) was changed from a single-family estate zone to a multiple-family residential zone. As a result, density in an area regulated by a Specific Plan, was changed from 1:10000 square feet (single family) to 1:3000 square feet (townhomes). Some of the same issues on Holt are also concerns of Sixth Street. (eg. traffic, lot consolidation, reduction of access points into public streets and on site parking) In sum, Zone Change 86-1 would have the following affect on the subject properties: Only Single Family detached dwellings, each upon its own lot will be authorized. The minimum lot size requirement will be reduced from 7,200 square feet to 6,000 square feet. A Specific Plan outlining development standards will be required prior to any development. The overall increase in units (above existing zoning) within the Specific Plan area of 3.56 acres will be a total of four (4) units. By using a gross square footage method of calculation, presently a density of 6.05 units per acre is allowed while a 7.26 units per acre figure would be Community Development Department City Council Report October 6, 1986 Page three permitted by ~one Change 86-1. In short, currently a maximum of 21.53 units is authorized for the plan area while 26.84 would be allowed with the Zone Change. With the relatively small increase in unit count and the positive factors associated with the proposed Specific Plan, staff supports the Commission recommendation of approval of Zone Change 86-1. Specific Plan No. 11 As required by a Planned Community designation, a development plan is to be implemented prior to construction of any project within the area. Specific Plan No. 11 would serve as this development plan. In most basic terms, Specific Plan No..il is the implementation tool putting into effect Zone Change 86-1. WithoUt repeating the text of Specific Plan No. 11 here, implications of the document can be summarized as follows: 1. Only single family detached dwelling units will be authorized. 2. Only one (1) unit will be permitted on any lot with less than a 115 foot lot width. All current uses of the subject properties will be permitted to remain pursuant to existing non-comforming regulations of the Municipal Code. For consolidated lots with a combined lot width equal to or greater than liS'lineal feet, single family units may be constructed at a density of 1 unit/6,000 square feet of land area. A conditional use permit will be required for all multi-lot subdivisions. For multi-lot subdivisions, each home must be situated upon its own lot, and homes will be limited to one (1) story in height. With Specific Plan No. 11 in effect several goals of the Housing Element would be attained. Specifically, promotion of owner occupied housing and lot consolidation as well as a plan that assists in the reduction of costs of housing construction. With these benefits in mind, and given that overall density limits imposed by Zone Change 86-1 will be implemented, the Planning Commission forwards a recommendation of approval, for Specific Plan No. 11. USE PER~IT 86-26: Use permit appliciation 86-26 was approved by the Planning Commission authorizing development of eight (8) single family dwellings upon the properties at 405, 415 and 425 Sixth Street. The Commission action has been appealed to Council. Community Development Deparlment City Council Report October 6, 1986 Page four As approved Use Permit 86-26 would permit a development plan including eight (8), one-story single family dwellings upon the subject properties. Each unit will be provided access to Sixth Street via a private drive which is to be maintained by a homeowner's association. A total of 43 parking spaces have been provided equalling more that 5 spaces for each unit {current single family standards require only two per unit). As approved, the project meets all minimum standards of proposed Specific Plan No. 11 and Zone Change 86-1. Additionally, the proposed project is consistent with the Tustin Area General Plan. Specific findings demonstrating that all minimum standards are met and the project is consistent with the General Plan are as follows: All setbacks, building heights, parking, and lot coverage requirements have been met. A private drive, to be maintained by a homeowner's association, has been provided. The project accomplishes lot consolidation, promotes owner occupied housing and implements a plan that can assist in the reduction of housing costs. These items are stated goals of the Housing Element. e The project consists of single-family detached dwellings on individual lots in conformance with Specific Plan No. 11. Since the project meets all of the requirements of Specific Plan No. 11 and Zone Change 86-1 and staff supports each of these actions, it is recommended that the decision of the Planning Commission be upheld and Use Permit 86-26 be approved. CONCLUSIONS: As stated, staff is recommending that each of the actions before Council approved. be Community Development Department City Council Report October 6, 1986 page five It is concluded that an overall increase of four dwelling units upon the subject properties is not a significant increase. Additionally, by adopting the Specific Plan issues such as on-street parking, lot consolidation and building height limitations can be addressed and potential problem situations resolved. Finally, approval of each land use item before Council implements several policy goals of the Tustin Area General Plan while maintaining single . family ~e affected area. /~, ROBERT W. BALEN, Planning Consultant Attachments: Project Area Map Reports to the Planning Commission Zone Change 86-1 Specific Plan No. 11 Use Permit 86-26 Resolution No. 86-121 Ordinance No. 976 Ordinance No. 977 Full size site plan/elevations (UP86-26) Community Development Department EXHIBIT A U M,A. IN STREET S I XTH STREET L_ r- Pl nnin Commission DATE: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: LOCAT!ON: SEPTEMBER 8, 1986 ZONE CHANGE 86-1 INITIATED BY THE TUSTIN PLANNING COPg4ISSION 335, 345, 366, 365, 405, 415, 426, 435, AND 445 SIXTH STREET. PRESENT ION I NG: SINGLE,FAHILY RESIDENTIAL (R-l) DISTRICT PROPOSED ZONING: PLANNED COI414UNITY-SINGLE FAI4ILY RESIDENTIAL (P.C.RES.) DISTRICT. ENVIRONiqENTAL STATUS: A REGATIYE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONPENTAL IHPACT HAS BEEN PREPARED IN CONFORIqANCE HITH THE CALIFORNIA ENYIRONFIENTAL QUALITY ACT. RECOI~4ENDED ACTION: That the Commission recommend to City Council approval of Zone Change 86-1 by the adoption of Resolution No. 2368. BACKGROUND:' Over the past year several items have been before the Commtsion concerning land use designations for the subject properties. Consideration was given to a General Plan amendment and development proposal that would have authorized two story, multi-family dwellings at a density of 16 dwelling units per acre. However, at that time the Commission as well as the neighboring community considered the proposed development to be too dense, and therefore out of character with surrounding single family dwellings. On July 28, 1986, an alternative development proposal featuring an eight (8) unit single-family subdivision was presented to the Commission. Because of a strict interpretation of the code, the subdivision submitted did not conform to various applicable zoning regulations. As such, a variance would have been required for development. However, based upon staff's analysis and a recommendation of the City Attorney, the Commission had difficulty making the mandatory finding of hardship needed to approve the variance. Accordingly, consideration of Variance appltcptton No. 86-4 was continued pending additional information justifying hardship or revision of the subject site plan. It should be noted that conceptually staff could have supported the eight unit development, and that the recommendation of denial for Variance 86-6 was based upon legal parameters rather than the project's merits. Planning Commission Report Zone Change 86-1 page two In working with the applicant and taking into consideration Commission and community concerns, another alternative proposal has been prepared for Commission review. This third Scenario calls for the re-zoning of certain properties on Sixth Street; the implementation of a specific plan for properties within; and the imposition of a requirement that a conditional use permit must be approved by the Commission prior to any development in the affected area. Authorization for publlc hearing to consider this zone change was given by the Commission on August [, [986. The remainder of this report will address zone change 86-[ only. DISCUSSION: Staff's position in recommending the proposed zone change is based primarily upon 13vo factors. First, the developfnent plan that is recommended provides an opportunity to meet a number of goals and objectives of the Tustin Area General Plan. SpecifiCally, the Housing Element states the following as some of the policies of the City: The promotion and encouragement of owner-occupied housing for the purpose of correcting the imbalance be~3veen rental and owner-occupied units. The availability of a variety of housing accommodations and housing values to enable economic integration of neighborhoods and communities. 3. The conservation and improvement of existing residential neighborhoods. 4e Promote cluster housing within the land use density standards of the General Plan for the purpose of reducing the costs of housing construction. Owners of rental housing units which are determined to be substandard, in need of repair and a hazard to the health and safety of the occupants will be encouraged through financial incentives to remove and replace or rehabilitate the structures. Planned Community Districts and Specific Plans will be utilized to authorize and promote a variety of lot sizes and housing types within subdivisions. Additionally, the Housing Element, as a catalyst to housing development, encourages recycling of properties by lot consolidation. Lot consolidation provides larger sites giving designers flexibility to increase density and still afford a quality living environment. Developing lot by lot is piecemeal, with a result of developable space being lost due to setback requirements and driveways in each lot. Lot consolidation will help prevent this~ while providing  opportunttles for a cohesive development. ~ Community Development DeparTment Planning Commission Report Zone Change 86-1 page three While not a mandatory direction of the General Plan, the proposed zone change {with the adoption of Specific Plan No. 11) would be consistent with the Single · Family Residential land use designation defined in the Land Use Element. This classification is related to the character of residential land use rather than to precise zoning classifications or density patterns. Within the parameters of the General Plan, single-family homes may range in type from four acre hillside estates to patio homes on a 3,600 square foot lot. The ~econd general area staff considered in reviewing the zone change is the type of project that would be authorized presuming Specific Plan No. 1! is adopted. As proposed, zone change 86-1 would enable development of what staff considers to be a quality residential ~oncept. Not only would a desirable product type be permitted, but issues of concern of the neighborhood can be addressed and problems resolved. For example, by the use of private drives and up to five on-site parking spaces per unit, parking on the north side of Sixth Street (in front of particular projects) could be prohibited. O~ as an alternative, it might be an appropriate time, given conditions in the area, to i~lement a "resident only" parking program. Details of such a program are currently being reviewed by city staff. AIIA~.YSIS: Zone Change 86-1 by itself would only authorize development of single family dwellings at a density of one unit for each 6,000 square feet of land area. Particular development standards and guidelines must be adopted via a development plan. In this case Specific Plan No. 11. Reduced to most basic terms, Zone Change 86-1 authorizes the potential for a maximum of 25 units. within the project area. *Practically, however, it is anticipated that given actual property configurations, only 21 units would be built. In comparison, under current code, a total of 18 units could be built on existing parcels, and if all properties were under single ownership, a total of 21 units could theoretically be constructed. With such comparisons in mind, staff has concluded that the adoption of Zone Change 86-1 would not have a significantly adverse impact on the area in terms of density, population, parking and/or traffic. In fact, with implementation of a comprehensive development plan present parking problems may be alltveated. In terms of traffic, using an accepted trip generation formula of 11 trips per household, the maximum increase in daily trips (above existing zoning) can be expected to be be 44 trips per day. This is equal to only 2% of existing traffic on Sixth Street {See Exhibit "A"). A traffic comparison table is also included with this report (See Exhibit "B"). Community Development Department Planning Commission Report Zone Change g6-1 page four CO#CLUS[O#S: Based upon the analysts conducted and referenced in this transmittal, staff concludes that Zone Change 86-[ should be given a positive recommendation. The subject zone change would set the groundwork for implementation of a development plan that will provide for alternative single-family housing product types while still addressing issues of concern in the area. Accordingly, tt is recommended that the Commission recommend to City Council approval of Zone Change 86-1 by the adoption of Resolution No. 2358. Acting Senior Planner 3SD:gt Attach: Exhibit "A"- "B" Street/Sixth Street Traffic Counts Exhibit "B"- Traffic Comparison Table Resolution No. 2358. Community Development Department O'R~ TC-9 MACHINE CC)UN"I' FFIC COUNTING MANUAl,. SUMMARY CHECKED BY ..... DATE ........ TYPE OF COUNT= D DIRECTIONAL 1~3 2-WAY DATE BESUN.,,~:~"'//-'~-~>~: DAY A.M ~oRM TC-9 TRAFFIC COUNTING MANUAL CONDUCTED ON= M ACI--II N E. COUNT SUMMARY MADE BY -/~-~& DATE ....... CHECKED BY ..... DATE ........ A.M DIRECTION: DATE DAY ~-~ 2-3 M. ,-~ ~-~ /~ ~-~ ~.: ~-~ ~, T~'.E O~ COUNT= O D,.ECT,ON'L [] 2-Wa~' DATE .eGU" .P"/9 '?/~ EXHIBIT B TIU~FFIC COM~ARI$OII TABLE Street/Intersect¶ on Sixth Street East of Pacific "B" Street south of Main Oxford ~ Walnut Sycamore ~ Redhi11 Main ~ Pacific Main g "B" Street "B" Street between 1st & Main Paclflc between 1st & Main "B" Street between 1st & Irvtne Browning between E1 Camfno & San 3uan Browning between San Juan & Bryan Average Oatly Yehtcular Trtps 1834 1400 5700 7600 13100 11100 1150 4450 1550 2250 3900 ! 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 9.5 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2358 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, RECOMMENDING REZONING CERTAIN' PROPERTIES ON SIXTH STREET BETWEEN "B" STREET ANO PACIFIC AS SHOWN ON THE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" FROM SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL R-1 TO PLANNED COMMUNITY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (P.C.RES.) The Planning Commission of the City of Tusttn does hereby resolve as follows: The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: Ae That a proper application, (Zone Change No. 86-1) has been inttia:ed by the Planning Commission for the purposes of rezontng certain properties on Sixth Street between "B" Street and Pacific from Single-Family Residential to Planned Community Residential. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on ~atd application. C. That a zone change should be granted for the following reasons: That by adoption of a Planned Community designation implementation of a comprehensive development plan for the area in the form of a Specific Plan can be achieved. That through implementation of a development plan, diversification of dwelling types, encouragement of lot consolidation, reduction in traffic oriented access points, and imposition of specific design and land use regulations in conformance with goals and objectives outlined in the Housing and Land Use Elements of the Tustin Area General Plan can be achieved. The proposed zone change is also in conformance with all other elements of the Tustin Area General Plan. e That the adoption of a specific plan as defined by Section $$450 et. seq. of the California ~overnment Code will be required prior to development of any properties within the subject area. That for new development, any specific plan will permit single family residential units only and will establish minimum lot sizes of 6,000 square feet. Development of subject property shall be in accordance with the policies adopted by the City Council; Uniform Building Codes as administered by the Building Official; Uniform Fire Code as administered by the Orange County Fire Marshal; and street improvement requirements as administered by the City Engineer. Final develooment olans shall require the review and approval of the CommunttyDevelopment Direc:or. FILE Oi' Y 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Resolution No. 2358 page Fe That a Negative Declaration of Envtronmantal Impact has been prepared in conformance with the California Environmental QualttyAct. II. The Planning Commission hereby recommends to the City Council approval of Zone Change No. 86-1 from Single Family Residential R-1 to Planned Community Single Family Residential (P.C. Res.) PASSEO.J~D ADOPTED at'regular maet~Ing of the P1)nning Commission, held of 15 Recording Secretary 16 17 18 19 2O 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 CHARLES CKETT, Chairman EXH IB IT A M,A. IN STREET SIXTH STREET L. ZONE CHANGE NO. RESOLUTION No,: DATED: .86 -1 STAT~ OF CALIFORNIA'~ COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF lqJSTiN I, DONNA ORR, t~a undersigned, here:y caf'oily ~at I am the Recording Secret~ry of ~e Pl~nn~n~ Co~s~iofl Of =he Ci~ of Tub:in, California; ~t Resolu:ton ~o, ~was duly pas~ed ~nd adopted ~ rmgulac/~ of~ ~e Tu~nl~g Co~ission, held on ~e ~ day of~ ~ L9 ~. / DONNA .ORR Re¢ording Pl .nnin Commission DATE: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: LOCATION: PRESENT ZONING: PROPOSED ZONING: ENVIRONHENTAL STATUS: SEPTIg~ER 8, 1986 SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 11 INITIATED BY THE TUSTIN PLANNING COHHISSION 335, 345, 355, 365, 405, 415, 425, 435, AND 445 SIXTH STREET. · SINGLE-FA#ILY RESIDENTIAl. (R-l) DISTRICT PLANNED COBI4UNITY SINGLE-FAHILY RESIDENTIAL (P.C. RES.) DISTRICT WTTH THE IPIPLEHENTATION OF A SPECIFIC PLAN. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF EN¥IRONHENTAL IPIPACT HAS BEEN PREPARED TN CONFORf4ANCE #ITH CEOA. RECOII4ENDED ACTION: That the Com~tsslon recommend to Clty Council approval of Specific Plan No. 11 by the adoption of Resolution No. 2358. SL~4JU~Y: Provided that the Commission recommends tO City Council approval of Zone Change 86-1, consideration must be given to a development plan for the subject properties. In this instance, the proposed development plan is in the form of a Specific Plan as authorized by Section 65450 of the California Government Code. As drafted, Specific Plan No. 11 would serve as the development plan for Sixth Street. Additionally, said plan upon implementation would result in the attainment of several goals of the Tusttn Area General Plan {See staff report on Zone Change 86-1 dated September 8, 1986). Finally, Specific Plan No. 11 is merely the tool that would put into effect density limits and development types authorized by Zone Change 86-1. Accordingly, staff recommends approval of the Sixth Street Specific Plan. P]annlng Coamrisston Report Spectftc Plan No. 1! page 1~o DISCUSSION: In general, specific plans are instruments that implement the general plan and zoning regulations of a jurisdiction. Authority for such plans is given in Section 65450 of the California Government Code. The purpose of such plans is to allow diversity in development standards while retaining the integrity of density and land use regulations for particular properties. In this manner issues of traffic, site planning, and development type can be addressed adequately when unusual circumstances (i.e. irregular lot sizes or shapes) exist in an identified area. In other words, the specific plan process recognizes that not all zoning regulations for a certain type of development can necessarily be imposed uniformly in all areas of a jurisdiction. AHALY$I$: Specific Plan No. 11 is a development plan for Sixth Street that attempts to balance the pressures for development with neighborhood and community goals, resulting in an orderly growth pattern for the area. In the most basic terms, Specific Plan No. 11 is the implementation' tool putting into effect Zone Change 86-1. Without repeating the text of. Specific Plan No. 11 here, implications of the document can be summarized as follows: e Only single family detached dwelling units will be authorized. Only one (1) unit will be permitted on any lot with less than a 115 foot lot width. All current uses of the subject properties will be permitted to remain pursuant to existing non-conforming regulations of the Municipal Code. For consolated lots with a combined lot width equal to or greater than 115 lineal feet, single family units may be constructed at a density of 1 unit/6,000 square feet of land area. 5. A conditional use permit will be required for all multi-lot subdivisions. 6. For multi-lot subdivisions, each home must be situated upon its own lot, and homes will be limited to one (1) story in height. Given criteria outlined in the proposed specific plan anJ the configuration of parcels in the area, it is anticipated that the following development pattern will occur: 1. For single parcels, only one (1) dwelling unit will be permitted. 2. Where two lots are consolidated, four (4) units would be authorized. Community Development Department Planntng Commission Report Specific Plan No. 11 page three 3. Where three lots are consolidated, eight (8) units would be authorized. Although an analysis of development of four or more lots has not been conducted, the maximum unit count (assuming single ownership) for the entire project area is a potential of 25 homes. For further analysis of the implications of development under the proposed density, see Report to Planning Commission: Zone Change 86-1 dated September 8, 1986. Based upon information gathered, including review of previous Commission hearings on projects in the area, staff has concluded that a very appropriate way to balance all issues concerned is to implement a Specific Plan for Sixth Street. Accordingly, it is recommended that the Commission recommend to City Council approval of Specific Plan No. 11 by the adoption of Resolution No. 2359. Acting Senior Planner 3SD:gt Attach: Res. No. 2359 Draft Specific Plan No. 11 Community Developmen~ Department 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2359 A ~ESOLUTION OF THE PLANNZNG COMHISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN RECOMHENDING TO THE CITY COUNCZL THE ADOPTION OF SPECZFZC PLAN 'NO. 11 INCLUDING CERTAIN PROPERTIES ON SIXTH STREET BETNEEN "B" STREET AND PACIFIC AS INDICATED ON EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO The Planning Commission of the city of Tustln does hereby resolve as follows: The Planning Commission hereby finds and determines as follows: Ae That an action was initiated by the city of Tustin to adopt a Specific Plan for single family residential uses upon certain properties on Sixth Street between "B" Street and Pacific. Specific properties are indicated on the attached Exhibit "A". That a-public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application. Ce That the establishment of a specific plan would be in the interest of the public health, safety, and general welfare, for persons residing or working in the immediate vicinity as evidenced by the following findings: ¸1. Development standards contained in the text of Specific Plan Regulations have been established to mitigate potential adverse impacts of development by addressing lighting, traffic circulation, maximum building heights, minimum setbacks of structures, minimum lot sizes, and the encouragement of lot consolidation. e That the proposed Specific Plan serves as a tool implementing goals of the Tusttn Area General Plan and therefore is consistent with the same. II. De That a Negative Declaration was prepared in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. The Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the City Council that Specific Plan No. 11 be adopted, subject to the following conditions: Ae All projects within the project area shall comply with the specific plan regulations, as drafted in the attached Exhibit FILE COPY 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12: 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Resolution 2359 page ~o PASSED AND ADj3~IFED at. a _~e~lar _~tn~_of the Tusttn Planning Commfssfon held on l:he_.~L.day o~, 1986. Recording Secretary Chaq r~an EXHIBIT A MA I N STREET S I XTH ST REET ~ ~ F S'P'ECIFI'C RESOCLFFION NO,: DATED: ORD;NANC~ NO,: DATED: PLAN NO', 11 ~ EXHIBIT "B" SPECIFIC PLAN NUMBER 11 SIXll4 STR££T I. OBJECTIVES Preserve and protect the public health, safety and general welfare of the area by enCouraging the orderly development of the subject properties. Plan for a consistent neighborhood development which conforms with the General Plan for the Ci~ of Tustin and goals of the community. Develop standards that will be uniformly applied, to all lots within the specific plan area, regardless of ownership. D. The active encouragement of lot consolidation within the specific plan area. E. Reduction in the number of curb-cuts and drive aprons currently providing ingress and egress onto Sixth Street. II. STATISTICAL DATA The specific plan shall include the parcels indicated on the attached exhibit, and constst~ of a total area of approximately 3.56 acres. III. GENERAL NOTES/PERMII'FED USES Within the specific plan area, only single-family dwellings, each upon its own lot fronting on a private drive or public street will be permitted. Approval of a Conditional Use Permit is required for a project consisting of more than one (1) dwelling unit. Be The continued use of existing structures as single family dwellings, as defined in Tustin Ci~ Code Section 9223(a)! shall be permitted. C. No building permits shall be issued for any project which does not conform to the general development standards of this plan. Where conflicts between these general development standards and other zoning regulations exist, the provisions of the specific plan shall prevail. Within the specific plan area, water services will be provided by Tusttn Water Works, sewerage facilities by the County Sanitation District No. ?, electrical services by Southern California Edison, and gas services by Southern California Gas. Drainage plans shall be reviewed by the Building Official and conform to the requirements of the Orange County Flood Control District. Sixth Street Specific Plan page two IV. DEFINITIONS Where applicable, definitions in Tusttn City Code Section g297 shall be incorporated into this specific plan by reference. V. GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS To meet the objective of lot consolidation outlined in this plan, two sets of development standards shall be in effect: A.. Stn~le Lot Development - The following criteria shall apply to any single parcel with, at the adoption of this plan, a lot width of less than 115 linear feet. 1. Single Family Detached :)wellings: a. Maximum height: two stories, 30 feet maximum height. b. Minimum front yard setback: 20 feet c. Minimum side yard setback: $ feet d. Minimum rear yard setback: 1S feet e. Parking: Two car garage plus a minimum 20'x20' driveway. f. Maximum lot coverage (building footprint): 40 per cent B. Multiple Lot Development - The following criteria shall apply to any group of existing parcels with a combined lot width at the adoption of this plan in excess of, or equal to 115 linear feet. 1. Single Family Detached Dwellings: a. Maximum height: one story, 24 feet maximum height. b. Minimum front yard setback: 20 feet measured from curb face on private drive. c. Minimum side yard setback: 5 feet d. Minimum rear yard setback: lS feet e. Parking: two car garage plus minimum 20'x20' driveway. Additionally, one (1) guest space for each unit in a particular subdivision is required. f. Minimum lot size: 6,000 square feet. Each lot must front upon and have access to a prtvta drive or public street. g. Maximum lot coverage (building footprint): 40 per cent h. Minimum setback from Sixth Street: 20 feet. VI. GENERAL REGULATIONS Dedication of land and construction of public improvements as required by the Tusttn City Code must be achieved prior to occupancy of any structure in the Specific Plan area. Improvements include, but are not limited to: Sixth Street Specific Plan page three Construction or replacement of all missing or damaged street improvements such as curbs and gutters, sidewalks, drive aprons, street pavement, street trees and street lights. Be Co~liance with the general development and landscape standards as adopted by the City Council is required unless otherwise specifically stated within the specific plan. Final landscape plans subject to review and approval of the Director of Community Development. Elevations of any proposed structure shall reflect a style compatible with the surrounding area. The use of earthtone colors and materials such as brick, wood, and stucco shall be required. All final site plans, elevations, colors and materials shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Community Development prior to the issuance of building permits. Prior to the issuance of building permits a detailed exterior lighting plan shall be submitted indicating, but not limited to the following: Location, intensity and orientation of parking lot or private drive lighting; Location, intensity and orientation of lighting; 3. Mechanisms provided to ensure that lighting does not adversely t~act abutting residential properties. An appropriate Tract or Parcel map shall be filed in conjunction with any lot consolidation and subsequent subdivision within the Specific Plan area. Any single project will be permitted only one (1) ingress-egress access point. Where possible, the mutual use of access points between adjacent projects will be encouraged. Private drives shall be a minimum of 28 feet in width. Parking will be permitted on one side only of any private drive less than 36 feet wide. VII. STATEMENT OF RELATIONSHIP OF SPECIFIC PLAN NUMBER 11 TO THE TUSTIN AREA GENERAL PLAN. By the adoption of this plan, the development permitted upon the properties within the project area will be consistent with all elements of the Tustin Area General Plan. STAT~ OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANG?. ) CITY OF TUS'rlN ) I, DONNA ORR, ~e undersigned, hereby cer%ify ~9at I am the Recording Secre:r~'. of ~e Planning Cotillion of the Ci~ of Tustin, C~liforni~; ~: Resolution ~o. ~ w~s duly passed ~nd ~ r!tul~r~et~ o~ ~e Tulip Plannihg Comission, held / Racordi ng Secrmtar'y Planning DATE: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: LOCATION: Commission SEPTEIqBER 8, 1986 USE PERRIT APPLICATION NO. 86-26 HARK AINSLIE ON BEHALF OF AZNSLIE DEYELOPHENT 13641 FtALENA DRIVE TUSTIN, CA 92680 405, 415 AND 425 lEST 6TH STREET PRESENT ZONING: SINGLE FAI4ILY RESIDENTIAL (R-l) DISTRICT PROPOSED ZONING: PLANNED COI4HUNITY SINGLE FAIqXLY RESIDENTIAL NITH SPECXFIC PLAN NO. 11. ENYIROIO[NTAL STATUS: REQUEST: A REGATIYE DECLARATION OF ENYIRONflENTAL IMPACT HAS BEEN PREPARED IN CONFORIRANCE HI'IH THE CALIFORNIA ENYIRONPIENTAL QUALITY ACT TO DEVELOP EIGHT (8) SINGLE FAJqILY DETACHED HOUSING UNITS UPON INDIVIDUAL LOTS, IN CONFORIqANCE WITH SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 11. RECOHNENDED ACTION: That the Commission approve Use Permit Application No. 86-26 by adoption of Resolution No. 2360. SUI~tARY: Use Permit Application No. 86-26 if approved would authorize development of eight (8) single family homes, each on individual lots in conformance with all provisions of proposed Specific Plan No. 11. A use permit is required pursuant to the specific plan. The project would result in construction of single story homes of between 1300 and 1480 square feet upon 6,000 square foot lots. Each lot would front upon a private drive. Since the proposed project meets all requirements of proposed Specific Plan No. 11, staff recommends Use Permit 86-26 be approved. PROJECT ANALYSIS: The subject project site is a 58,941 square foot area which if approved would consolidate and re-subdivide three existing lots. Eight (8) single family lots would be established as well as a separate lot deliniating a private drive and common area serving the project. Planning Commission Report Use Permit Application No. 86-26 page two As mentioned, the proposed project meets all requirements of Specific Plan No. 11 which in turn is con~atible with standard R-1 regulations with the exception of lot size. In fact, Specific Plan No. 11 is in some ways more restrictive than the R-1 zone. For exa~le, five (5) parking spaces per unit are required instead of four (4). The subject project provides 5.37 spaces per .unit. Further, in the R-1 District, two-story, 30 foot high homes are permitted. Within the Specific Plan Area for multiple lot projects, the maximum height is one-story not to exceed 24 feet. Finally, rear yard. setbacks are to be at least 15 feet, where in the R-1 District only a 5 foot setback is required. A positive factor of the site design is that with a 28 foot driveway and 20 to 25 foot setbacks, a substantial open area between structures has been provided. Also, most of the features of traditional single family homes have been provided. Architecturally, proposed units are compatible with the surrounding area. The use of wood siding, large front window areas and pitched roofs is consistent- with the type of architecture predominant in the vicinity. Finally, since a subdivision map is required for the project, appropriate conditions concerning maintenance of the private drive, enforcement of applicable regulations, and the establishment of a Homeowners Association will be )n~osed upon the associated tentative tract map {Tentative Tract 12833). CONCLUSIONS: Since the project meets all requirements of Specific Plan No. ~1 and architecturally the design is compatible with the surrounding aera. Staff recommends that Use Permit 86-26 be approved by. the adoption of Resolution No. 2360. JSO:gt Community Development Department 1 2 3 4 5~ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2360 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, APPROVING USE PERMIT APPLICATION NO, 86-26 AUTHORIZING DEVELOPMENT OF EIGHT (8) SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL HOMES IN CONJUNCTION WITH SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 11. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: That a proper application, (Use Permit No. 86-26) has been filed on behalf of Ain$1ie Development requesting authorization to develop an eight-unit single family subdivision on the properties located at 405, 415, and 425 Sixth Street in conformance with Specific Plan No. 11. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application. Ce That establishment, mmtntenance, and operation of the use applied for will not, under the circumstances of this case, be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, evidenced by the following findings: 1. That the proposed project is in conformance with Specific Plan No. 11.and the Tustin Area General Plan. That single-family dwellings only will be permitted within the subject project. That all required parking for the project will be accommodated upon private property. That all .units within the subject project will be limited to one-story in height. That the establishment, maintenance, and operation of the use applied for will not be injurious or detrimental to the property and improvements in the neighborhood of the subject property, nor to the general welfare of the City of Tustin, and should be granted. Ee Proposed development shall be in accordance with the development policies adopted by the City Council, Uniform Building Codes as administered by the Building Official, Fire Code as administered by the Orange County Fire Marshal and street improvement requirements as administered by the City Engineer. FILE OOPtF 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 Resolution No. 2360 page II. That a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact has been prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act and'is hereby approved. Final development plans shall require the review and approval of the Community Development Department. The Planning Co~mission hereby approves Conditional Use Permit No. 86-26 to authorize development of eight (8) single family dwellings at 405, 415, and 425 Sixth Street subject to the following conditions: The final site. plan shall be standardized and reflect all appropriate City standard drawing numbers. The developer shall construct all missing or damaged street improvements to said development per the City of Tusttn "Minimum Design Standards of Public Works" and "Street Improvement Standards". This work shall consist of, but is not limited to, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, drive apron, and street pavement. Payment of Orange County Sanitation District No. 7 sewer connection fees will be required prior to issuance .of a building permit. Ce Payment of East Orange Cunty Water District fees will be required prior to issuance of & building permit. Payment of the required fees for the Major Thoroughfare and Bridge Fee Program will be required prior to issuance of a building permit. A separate street improvement plan will be required for all construction within the public right of way with all improvements referenced to applicable City standard drawing numbers. This will include but not be limited to the following: a. Curb and gutter b. Sidewalk c. Drive apron d. Street light (if required) e. Street trees f. Domestic water services g. Sanitary sewer service h. Fire protection line/hydrant Orange County Fire Marshal) (if required by the 1 2 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 ~5 27 28 Resolution No. 2360 page three Re A grading plan must be submitted for review and should be based on the Orange County Surveyors bench mark datum. Impact of potentta~ drainage onto adjacent properties must be addressed and mitigated. On-site fire hydrant is required with a minimum flow of 1000 GPM at 20 lb. Private drive and turnaround shall be posted "No Parking-Fire Lane" and comply with the requirements of the Vehicle Code and Fire Code. Curbs along private drive shall be vertical curbs built to current city standards for public improvements. Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC & Rs) will be required for the subject project and a. homeowners association established. CC & Rs 'will be submitted in a format approved by the City Attorney.. The City shall be, for enforcement of public, health and safety requirements, made a party to a CC & Rs. Provisions in CC & Rs shall .be made for the maintenance of, and funding sources for, the private 'drive created by Lot "A" on Tentative Tract Map 12833. All development within the subject tract shall comply with Specific Plan No. 11. Private drive shall be constructed to current city standards for public streets. A 6'0" to 6'8" wood fence shall be constructed along the side and rear perimeter property lines of the subdivision. Said fence shall be constructed such that all support posts and cross supports are on the side facing the subject subdivision. Payment of New Development Tax shall be remitted at the time of building permit issuance. Parkland Dedication Fees in an amount prescribed by Ordinance 921 shall be paid at the time of building permit issuance. 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 15 15 16 18 19 ~0 22 23~ 24 25, 26 27 28 Resolution No. 2360 page four A complete landscape plan for front yards and areas adjacent to publtc rtght.-of-~ays shall be submJtted to the Community Oevelopment Depart~nent for rev~e~ and app~ova~ p~qo~ ~o ~ssuance o~ building pe~s. Landscaping shall be ~ns~lled according to sa~d plan prior to release of uttlft~es for any unit ~n the project. Extst~ng trees shall be sh~n on the landscape p]an and re~fned where possible.  a regular ~eettng of the Planning Comtss~on held on , 19S.~o Recording Secretary Chair=an gt STAT~ OF CALI~'ORNIA) COUNTY O~ ORANG~. ' ) CITY O~ TUSTIN ) I, DONNA ORR, ~e undersigned, hereby cer%if7 ~&l: I ~m the Recording Secretary of California; ~at Resolu:ton ~o. ,~5~was ~u~y passe~ ~n~ a~o~:e~ .~/ 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 23 25 ~6 28 ORDINANCE NO. 9?6 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTIES ON SIXTH STREET BETWEEN "B" STREET AND PACIFIC STREET AS SHOWN ON ll4E ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" FROM SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL R-1 TO PLANNED COMMUNITY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (P.C. RES.). The City Council of the City of Tustln does hereby ordain as follows: 1. The City Council finds and determines as follows: Ae That a proper application, {Zone Change No. 86-1) was initiated by the Planning Commission for the purposes of rezoning certain properties on Sixth Street between "B" Street and Pacific Street from Single-Family Residential to Planned Community Single Family Residential. B. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application. That the Planning Commission determined and the City Council agrees that a zone change should be granted for the following reasons: That by adoption of a Planned Community designation implementation of a comprehensive development planning for the area in the form of a Specific Plan can be achieved. That through implementation of a development plan, diversification of dwelling types, encouragement of lot consolidation, reduction in traffic oriented access points, and imposition of specific design and land use regulations in conformance with goals and objectives outlined in the Housing and Land Use Elements of the Tustin Area General Plan can be achieved. The proposed zone change is also in conformance with all other elements of the Tustin Area General Plan. That the adoption of a specific plan as defined by Section 65450 et. seq. of the California Government Code will be required prior to development of any properties within the subject area. That for new development, any specific plan will permit single family residential units only and will establish minimum lot sizes of 6,000 square feet. That a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact has been prepared in conformance with the California Environmental Quality Act and is hereby approved. E. That the Planning Commission has by the adoption of Resolution No. 2358 recommended to Council approval of Zone Change 86-1. 1 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ~3 25 ~6 27 Ordinance 976 Page two II. The City Council hereby approves Zone Change 86-1 rezonlng certain properties on Sixth Street between "B" Street and Pacific Street as shown on the attached Exhibit "A" from Single Family Residential to Planned Community Single Family Residential subject to the following: Ae That all findings and determinations of the Planning Commission contained in Resolution No. 2358 be incorporated herein by reference. That minimum lot sizes within the affected area will be 6,000 square feet. That a Specific Plan as defined by Section 65450 et. seq. of the California Government Code will be required prior to development of any properties within the subject area. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council held on the day of , lg86. MARY E. WYNN, City Clerk DONALD J. SALTARELLI, Mayor 28 EXH IB IT A M,A. IN STREET SIXTH STREET ZONE CHANGE NO, RESOLUTION NO,: DA'DaD: DATED: _86-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO. 977 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN ADOPTING SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 11 REGULATING DEVELOPMENT UPON CERTAIN PROPERTIES ON SIXTH STREET BETWEEN "B" STREET AND PACIFIC STREET AS INDICATED ON EXHIBIT "A" All'ACHED HERETO. The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby ordain as follows: I. The City Council hereby finds and determines as follows: That an action was initiated by the City of Tustin to adopt a Specific Plan for single family residential uses upon certain properties on Sixth Street between "B" Street and Pacific Street. Specific properties are indicated on the attached Exhibit "A". That a public hearing before the Planning Commisssion was duly called, noticed and held on said Specific Plan and the Commission determined that the establishment of a specific plan would be in the interest of the public health, safety, and general welfare for persons residing or working in the immediate vicinity as evidenced by the following findings: 1. Development standards contained in the text of Specific Plan Regulations have been established to mitigate potential adverse impacts of development by addressing lighting, traffic circulation, maximum building heights, minimum setbacks of structures, and the encouragement of lot consolidation. That a public hearing before the City Council was duly called, noticed and held concerning Specific Plan No. 11. That a Negative Declaration has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act and is hereby approved. 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 9.1 ~5 ~6 ~? 28 OrdJnance No. 977 Page 'cwo E. That the City Council hereby concurs with the findings of the Planning Commission as contained in Resolution No. 2358. II. The City Council does hereby approve Specific Plan No. 11 for the properties shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto subject to the following condition: That all projects within the Specific Plan area shall comply with the Specific Plan regulatons as drafted in Exhibit "B" attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council held on the day of , 1986. DONALD J. SALTARELLI Mayor MARY WYNN, City Clerk EXHIBIT A MAIN STREET L SIXTH STREET ZONE CHANGE NO, RESOLUT I ON NO,: DAI'E]): OF~ ~.,',¢¢c..E No, DATED: .86-1 EXHIBIT "B" SPECIFIC PLAN NUMBER 11 SIXTH STREET I. OBJECTIVES Preserve and protect the public health, safety and general welfare of the area by encouraging the orderly development of the subject properties. Plan for a consistent neighborhood development which conforms with the General Plan for the City of Tustin and goals of the community. C. Develop standards that will be uniformly applied to all lots within the specific plan area, regardless of ownership. D. The active encouragement of lot consolidation within the specific plan area. E. Reduction in the nun~er of curb-cuta and drive aprons currently providing ingress and egress onto Sixth Street. II. STATISTICAL DATA The specific plan shall include the parcels indicated on the attached exhibit, and consists of a total area of approximately 3.56 acres. III. GENERAL NOTES/PERMII'FED USES Ae Within the specific plan area, only single-family dwellings, each upon its own lot fronting on a private drive or public street will be permitted. Approval of a Conditional Use Permit is required for a project consisting of more than one (1) dwelling unit. B. The continued use of existing structures as single family dwellings, as defined in Tusttn City Code Section 9223(a)1 shall be permitted. Ce No building permits shall be issued for any project which does not conform to the general development standards of this plan. De Where conflicts between these general development standards and other zoning regulations exist, the provisions of the specific plan shall prevail. Within the specific plan area, water services will be provided by Tusttn Water Works, sewerage facilities by the County' Sanitation District No. 7, electrical services by Southern California Edison, and gas services by Southern California Gas. Drainage plans shall be reviewed by the Building Official and conform to the requirements of the Orange County Flood Control District. Sixth Street Specific Plan page two IV. DEFINITIONS A. Where applicable, definitions in Tusttn City Code Section 9297 shall be incorporated into this specific plan by reference. V. GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS To meet the objective of lot consolidation outlined in this plan, two sets of development standards shall be in effect: Single Lot Oevelopment - The following criteria shall apply to any single parcel with, at the adoption of this plan, a lot width of less than 115 linear feet. Single Family Detached Dwellings: a. Maximum height: two stories, 30 feet maximum height. b. Minimum front yard setback: 20 feet c. Minimum side yard setback: $ feet d. Minimum rear yard setback: 15 feet e. Parking: Two car garage plus a minimum 20'x20' driveway. f. Maximum lot coverage (building footprint): 40 per cent Multiple Lot Development - The following criteria shall apply to any group of existing parcels with a combined lot width at the adoption of this plan in excess of, or equal to 115 linear feet. Single Family Detached Dwellings: a. Maximum height: one story, 24 feet maximum height. b. Minimum front yard setback: 20 feet measured from curb face on private drive. c. Minimum side yard setback: S feet d. Minimum rear yard setback: lS feet e. Parking: two car garage plus minimum 20'x20' driveway. Additionally, one (1) guest space for each unit in a particular subdivision is required. f. Minimum lot size: 6,000 square feet. Each lot must front upon and have access to a prtvta drive or public street. g. Maximum lot coverage (building footprint): 40 per cent h. Minimum setback from Sixth Street: 20 feet. VI. GENERAL REGULATIONS Dedication of land and construction of public improvements as required by the Tustin City Code must be achieved prior to occupancy of any structure in the Specific Plan area. Improvements include, but are not limited to: Sixth Street Specific Plan page three Construction or replacement of all missing or damaged street t~rovements such as curbs and gutters, sidewalks, drive aprons, street pavement, street trees and street lights. Co~liance with the general development and landscape standards as adopted by the City Council is required unless otherwise specifically stated within the specific plan. Final landscape plans subject to review and approval of the Otrector of Community Development. Elevations of any proposed structure shall reflect a style compatible with the surrounding area. The use of earthtone colors and materials such as brick, wood, and stucco shall be required. All final site plans, elevations, colors and materials shall be reviewed and approved by the Oirector of Community Development prior to the issuance of building permits. Prior to the issuance of building permits a detailed exterior lighting plan shall be submitted indicating, but not limited to the following: Location, intensity and orientation of parking lot or private drive lighting; Location, intensity and orientation of lighting; 3. Mechanisms provided to ensure that lighting does not adversely t~act abutting residential properties. An appropriate Tract or Parcel map shall be filed in conjunction with any lot consolidation and subsequent subdivision within the Specific Plan area. Any single project will be permitted only one (1) ingress-egress access point. Where possible, the mutual use of access points between adjacent projects will be encouraged. Ge Private drives shall be a minimum of 28 feet in width. Parking will be permitted on one side only of any private drive less than 36 feet wide. ¥II. STATEMENT OF RELATIONSHIP OF SPECIFIC PLAN NUMBER 11 TO lq~E TUSTIN AREA GENERAL PLAN. By the adoption of this plan, the development permitted upon the properties within the project area will be consistent with all elements of the Tustin Area General Plan. 1 3 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 .91 ~3 25 26 ~7 RESOLUTION NO. 86-121 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA UPHOLDING PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVAL OF USE PERMIT 86-26 AUTHORIZING DEVELOPMENT OF EIGHT (8) SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS IN CONFORMANCE WITH SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 11. (405, 415, 425 SIXTH ST.) The City Council of the City of Tustln does hereby resolve as follows: I. The City Council finds and determines as follows: That a proper application (Use Permit No. 86-26) was filed on behalf of Atnslie Development requesting authorization to develop an eight-unit single family subdivision on the properties located at 405, 415 and 425 Sixth Street. B. That said application is in conformance with proposed Specific Plan No. 11. C. That a public hearing before the Planning Commission was duly called, noticed and held on said application. D. That the Commission did by the adoption of Resolution No. 2360 approve Use Permit No. 86-26. That upon appeal, a public hearing before the City Council to consider Commission approval of Use Permit 86-26 was duly called noticed and held. That a Negative Declaration ~of Environmental Impact has been prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act and is hereby approved. Ge That based on testimony received and the facts presented in the staff report, the findings and determinations, contained within Planning Commission Resolution No. 2360 are appropriate, and Commission approval of Use Permit 86-26 should be upheld. II. The City Council hereby upholds Planning Commission approval of Use Permit 86-26 subject to the following: A. That all conditions of approval continued in Commission Resolution No. 2360 remain in full force and effect. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council held on the day of , 1986. MARY E. WYNN, City Clerk DONALD J. SALTARELLI, Mayor