HomeMy WebLinkAboutOB 2 TRANS CORR JT PWR 10-6-86· TO: WILLIAN HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION SUBJECT: EASTERN/FOOTHILL ll~ANSPORTATION CORRIDORS JOINT POWERS AGENCY At their last meeting, the Tustin City Council requested staff to assemble all available pertinent data pertaining to the City of Irvine's actions as they relate to the Eastern/Foothill Transportation Corridors Joint Powers Agency. The City Clerk's office has assembled the attached data which is detailed below for the Council's reference: 1. Irvine City Council meeting minutes dated June 24, 1986 (pages 7 and 8) Item 10 - Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridors and San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor Joint Powers Agencies Activity Policy Issue Inventory Staff report dated June 24, 1986 pertaining to Item 10 Item IOA - Draft final report - Foothill/Eastern/I-5 Bottleneck Analysis 2. Irvine City Council meeting minutes dated July 8, 1986 (pages 11, 12 and 13) ° Item 21 - Transportation Corridors (Freeways Policy Review) 3. Irvine City Council meeting minutes dated July 22, 1986 (pages 1, 2 and 3)* ° Committee reports 4. City of Irvine letter dated July 22, 1986 to San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor Joint Powers Authority City of Irvine letter dated July 22, 1986 to Foothill/EasterQ Transportation Corridor Joint Powers Authority 5. Irvine City Council meeting resume (draft) dated September 9, 1986 (page 8) ° Item 20 - Irvine's position regarding joint powers authorities. There was no staff report on this item OCTOBER 1, 1986 PAGE TWO This was the available data collected to date. Staff will continue to assemble any upcoming material available on this item. Bob Ledendecker Director of Public Works/City Engineer BL:jm Attachments City Council Minutes June 24~ 1988 C.2 Approved the agreements .and accept the security guaranteeing improvements (Standard Pacific Corporation). C.3 Authorized the Mayor to sign and the City Clerk to attest to the agreements, subject to the approval of the City Attorney. 9D. CONCERT ON THE GREEN FUNDING ALLOCATION D.1 Allocated $600 for traffic control at the Concert on the Green on July 4, 1988 at UCI from the In-Kind Services Funds (001-4-901-360-7113) for Fiscal Year 1985-86. COUNCIL BUSINESS FOOTHILL/EASTERN TRANSPORTATION CORRIDORS AND SAN JOAQUIN HILL8 TRANSPORTATION CORRIDOR JOINT POWER8 AGENCIES ACTIVITY- POLICY ISSUE INVENTORY Manager of Transportation Services Dennis Wilberg, introduced the staff report. Mayor Baker called for questions from the Couneilmembers. It was moved by Mayor Baker, seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Miller to.' 10.1 Receive, comment, and file the summary of lrvine Policy issues related to the subject corridors and Joint Powers Authorities. The motion carried unanimously. It was moved by Councilwoman Wiener, seconded by Mayor Baker to: 10.2 Amend Policy Issues Inventory Regional Issues as follows: San Joaquin Hills Corridor - Item 19: "Impact on existing residential areas should be given priority consideration over other existing and future development." Foothill/Eastern Corridors - Item 17.' "Access to Bee Canyon Landfill site which minimizes truck traffic on arterial streets and other local impacts needs to be mitigated according to the MOU between the City and the County on Bee Canyon." Item "Impact on existing residential areas should be given priority consideration over other existing and future development." The motion carried unanimously. 10. -7- City Council Minutes June 24~ 1986 10A. DRAFT FINAL REPORT - FOOTHILL/EASTERN/I-5 BO~I'LENECK ANALYSIS Manager of Transportation Services Dennis Wilberg, introduced Sharon Green from the Orange County Transportation Commission who presented a slide presentation relative to the Bottleneck Study. It was moved by Mayor Baker, seconded by Councilman Catalano to: A.1 Authorize the Mayor to sign the letter to the Orange County Transportation Commission (OCTC) which documents lrvine's comments. The motion carried unanimously. 11. UNIVERSITY DRIVE LE~r-HAND POCKET (CHURCH AT CULVER/ UNP/ERSmTY) 12. Mayor Baker reported that he had received a request from the church Minister to speak on this issue and that he had requested a continuance of this item to July 8, 1986. It was moved by Mayor Baker to continue the item to July 8. The motion died for lack of a second. By consensus, this item was delayed until later in the agenda to give staff an opportunity to contact the Minister to invite him to come to 'this meeting. ADOPTION OF FISCAL YEAR 1986-87 ANNUAL BUDGET It was moved by Mayor Pro Tern Miller, seconded by Mayor Baker 12.1 Established the Fiscal Year 1986-87 allooation of revenue sharing funds as per the recommendations contained in the body of this report. 12.2 Adopted the following Fiscal Year 1986-87 budget and personnel resolutions, incorporating action taken by City Council during the June 18, 1986 public hearing entitled: CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 86-84 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF IRVINE ADOPTING AND APPROVING THE BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF IRVINE FOR THE 1986-87 FISCAL YEAR AND CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 86-85 Be A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF IRVINE AUTHORIZING REGULAR AND SPECIAL POSITIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE BASIC SALARY RESOLUTIONS AND OPERATING BUDGET ~OR THE FISCAL YEAR -8- City Council Minutes July 8~ 1986 Councilwoman Miller expressed appreciation to the staff and commissions for their work on this project. RECESS Mayor Agran declared a recess at 8:12 p.m., and reconvened the meeting at 8:25 p.m. All members present. 21. TRANSPORTATION CORRIDORS (FREEWAYS) POLICY REVIEW This item was placed on the agenda at the request of Mayor Agran. It was moved by Mayor Pro Tern Catalano, seconded by Councilman Dornan to: REQUIREMENT OF VOTER APPROVAl'. Direct staff to prepare letters, for the Mayor's signature, to participants in the Eastern/Foothill Corridor and San Joaquin Hills Corridor JPA's. These letters will report that Council policy, as of July 8, 1986, is that the City cannot Join either of the Authorities until the citizens of Irvine approve the imposition of fees required for JPA Membership. This policy will be implemented through a legally binding vote or through an advisory vote that the Council will honor. Which of these voting procedures is pursued depends on the outcome of litigation now pending before the California Supreme Court. REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION FUNDING PRIORITIES The letters will also report that the City Council regards the enhancement of the 405 and 5 freeways to be the highest priority for regional transportation funding. These enhancements include the provision of sound-attenuating walls and landscaping. The letters should further report that Irvine's participation in the JPA's requires that mechanisms be developed that would provide for full funding of the improvements of the 405 and 5 Freeways. EASTERN/FOOTHILL FREEWAY The letter to the Eastern/Foothill JPA Members will report that the City of Irvine will not participate unless the following policies are adopted: 1. The environmental analyses for the Route Location Study should include alignments other than the currently adopted route through Irvine. Among these should be an alignment of Foothill Freeway north of the Lomas Ridge. The letter should also note that if the Foothill Freeway is not deleted from regional road plans, Irvine's favored alignment is one north of Lomas Ridge (unless environmental documentation demonstrates that other alignments have fewer adverse effects on the City of Irvine). 2. The JPA must agree to study the below-grade construction of the Eastern Freeway to reduce adverse effects on lrvine neighborhoods. 3. Members of the JPA will allow future development to proceed only when there is sufficient capacity in the transportation system. -11- City Council Minutes July 8~ 1986 SAN JOAQUIN HILLS FREEWAY The letter to the members of the San Joaquin Hills Corridor JPA should report that h'vine will not participate unless the ultimate right-of-way were constrained to accommodate a roadway no wider than that of University Drive in Irvine. The road must also be desigued to have the functional characteristics of an arterial highway rather than a freeway. The road should not, for example, have grade separations without compelling environmental documentation that demonstrates that such separations reduce adverse effects on Irvine neighborhoods. The letter should also report that JPA adoption of the policy regarding the balancing of new .entitlement with road capacity (Policy 3 above) would be a precondition for Irvine's participation in the San Joaquin Hills Corridor JPA. After Council Discussion, it was moved by Councilwoman Miller, seconded by Councilman Baker to continue this item to the Council meeting of July 22, 1986. The motion failed by the following roll call vote: AYES: 2 COUNCILMEMBERS: Baker and Miller NOES: 3 COUNCILMEMBERS: Catala.no, Dornan, and Agran ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None The main motion carried by the following roU call vote: AYES: 3 COUNCILMEMBERS: Catalano, Dornan, and Agran NOES: 2 COUNCILMEMBERS: Baker and Miller ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS:. None During discussion, the following spoke in support of the main motion: Irwin Alber, 12 Mountain View, Irvine, Committee of Seven Thousand Toni Ollvera, 6102 Sierra Siena, Irvine~ Committee of Seven Thousand The following spoke in opposition to the main motion: Soott Perley, 43 Cypress Tree Lane, Irvine, Co-chairman of [rvine Traffic Solutions Baldwin Keenan, 15231 Marne, [rvine, representative of the Carpenters Union Local 1815 (in favor of increasing eapaeity on existing freeways) Steve McArthur, 23 Yorktown, lrvine, Co-chairman of [rvine Traffic Solutions Barbara Pape, 11 Longstreet, lrvine Rich Steinhoff, 17 Alba Way, Irvine, Vice-President of [rvine Chamber of Commerce -12- 22. City Council Minutes July 8, 1986 Mark Bregman, 46 Redhawk, Irvine Richard Munsell, 3 Palos, [rvine Councilwoman Miller noted for the record and read from a prepared statement her thoughts on what would happen if Irvine declines to participate in the JPA's. It was moved by Mayor Agran, and' adopted by consensus of the Couneilmembers to direct the City Attorney to review for Council any liability the Council may have as a result of the ruling in the Munsell v. City of Irvine matter. OPEN SPACE PRESERVATION Councilman Dornan read a prepared statement relative to the City's Land Use Policy and how it relates to open space. It was moved by Councilman Dornan, seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Catalano to: 22.1 Direct the Open Space Task Force to prepare for City Council considera- tion an amendment to the General Plan of the City of Irvine providing for a major increase in land designated as permanent open space or permanent agriculture. Priority shall be placed on the permanent preservation of open space and agrleultural lands in close proximity to current residential development. The proposed General,Plan amendment shall include, but not be limited to the following: The Quail Hill Planning Area (Village 16), a 654-acre area that includes all of the inland hillsides along the San Diego Freeway from University_ Drive/Jeffrey. Road to Sand Canyon Avenue; an area that is currently designated for residential development. This area shall be redesignated permanent open space. In addition, the proposed Michelson Drive extension to Sand Canyon Avenue shall be deleted from the General Plan. Furthermore, special consideration shall be given to placing extraordinary limits on agricultural operations to safeguard the Quail Hill area as a wildlife habitat for Canada Geese and other migratory birds. Substantial center-city agricultural lands~ including row crops__~n_d- orchards located between the San Diego and Santa Ana Freeways, as well as additional acreage adiacent to the Village of Northwood; laa(~s that are currently designated for residential and commeroial development. These lands shall be redesignated permanent open space. Until such time as a General Plan Amendment on open space is adopted by the City Council, there shall be a moratorium on the further cutting or removal of citrus trees. The City Attorney shall prepare such ordinance for Council adoption within 15 days. preparing the Amendment to the General Plan, the Open Space Task Force shall give special attention to the establishment of cteari~ defined open space adjacent to Jeffrey Road and stretching from the San Diego Freeway up to and across the Santa Ann Freeway, including lands adjacent to the Village of Northwood. -13- MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE IRVINE CITY COUNCIL HELD JULY 22, 1986 A regular meeting of the h'vine City Council was called to order at 6:36 p.m., in the Irvine City Council Chambers, Interim Civic Center, 17200 Jamboree Boulevard, Irvine, California; Mayor Larry Ag'van presiding. PRESENT: $ COUNCILMEMBERS: Baker, Catalano, Dornan,'Miller and Agran ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None A~so present were City Manager William Woollett, Jr.; City Attorney Roger Grable; and Clty Clerk Nancy C. Lacey. The audience was led in the Pledge of Allegiance by Mayor Agran. PRESENTATIONS Ralph Rodheim, President, Irvine Historical Society, introduced Ann Davis Johnson, commissioned artist, who unveiled a painting of the City. Councilwoman Miller presented a proclamation to Robert Sto~,chheim, Manager of Inspection Services who introduced inspection Services staff. The proclamation was in recognition of the divisions 10th AnniversazT. George Ferroni, President of California State Municipal Finance Officers A~sociation, presented State Municipal Finance Officers Association Award foe Excellence in Financial Reporting to Manager of Fiscal Services, Jeff Niven. INTRODUCTIONS There were none. ANNOUNCEMENTS There were none. COMMITTEE REPORTS Councilman Baker commented on the negative reactions from the members of the Eastern/Foothill and San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridors Joint Powers Authoritfes regarding the City's presentation of preconditions of joining that agency. It was, moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilwoman Miller: That the City of [rvine join unconditionally the Eastern/Foothill and San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridors, Joint Powers Authorities at the earliest possible date as a full member with ail corresponding voting rights and committee membership. Request the City Attorney to develop thd following concept as a charter amendment to be submitted to the voters in November 1986: Citlr Council Minutes Jul}, 22~ 1986 The voters of the City of Irvine shall be required to approve any freeway agreement for the proposed Eastern/Foothill or San Joaquin Transportation Corridors. e After joining the JPA's, the City's representative to the JPA's shall be dire,ted to pursue adoption by the JPA's of all City of lrvine policies and transmit to the JPA's as part of Il'vine's design additional goals for the project that: The San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor shall be designed to assure compatibility with the circulation master plan in the City of Irvine. Consistent with that goal, the facilities should contain no more than six lanes and a minimum number of interchanges and grade separations to fulfill h-vine's scenic highway objectives. The Joint Powers Authorities should develop voluntary recommendations to its respective members to assure that land use remains in balance with transportation faqilities. Should the California Supreme Court rule that the C.O.S.T. initiative is valid, the required elections would be held as soon as practical after the rulings. Mayor Pro Tern Catalano offered a substitute motion to: Direct that Councilman Baker's su~,~estions be sent to the Transportation Policy Committee for review, to be' worked on, and to attempt to find ways to further articulate the policies which will be returned to Council. The motion was seconded by Councilman Dornan. Mayor Agran read copies of draft letters to be sent to both the San Joaquin Hills and Eastern/Foothill Transportation Corridors JPA's stating the City's position on the Corridors. Mark Bregman, 46 Redhawk, lrvine, spoke in favor of full City participation in the Joint Powers Authorities. Steve McArthur, 23 Yorktown, Irvine, representing h-vine Traffic Solutions, supported the City's participation in the Joint Powers Authorities. The discussion ensued with Council coneernin~ the City's position with the Joint Powers Authorities and the merits of the Citizens-Right-to-Vote Initiative Ordinance. Mayor Pro Tern Catalano's substitute motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: 3 COUNCILMEMBERS: Catalano, Dornan, and Agran NOES: 2 COUNCILMEMBERS: Baker and Miller ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None -2" City Council Minutes July 22~ 1986 Mayor Pro Tern Catalano*s motion as substituted carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Baker, Catalano, Dornan, Miller and Agran NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None It was moved by Councilman Baker, seconded by Councilwoman Miller to approve the draft letters to the San Joaquin Hills and Eastern/Foothill JPA's as accurately reflecting the formal action of the Council The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Baker, Catalano, Dornan, Miller and NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS'-. None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ADDITIONS AND DELETIONS Hearing no objections from other Couneilmembers, Mayor Agran added the following items to the Consent Calendar: 22D. SELECTION OF COMMUNITY PARKS MASTER PLAN CONSULTANT 22E. PROPOSED POLICY RF~ PRESENTATIONS OF PROCLAMATIONS AT CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Catherine Peters, 5341 Plum Tree, lrvine, addressed issues facing the new Council and commended the Councilmembers for their dedication. CONSENT CALENDAR Hearing no objections from other Councilmqmbers, Mayor Agran announced the removal of the following items from the Consent Calendar for separate discussion: 3. RESOLUTIONS - SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD NOVEMBER 4, 1986 10. 12. 16. ORANGE COUNTY BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC STUDIES PROJECT OFFICE OF TRAFFIC SAFETY GRANT ACCEPTANCE YALE AVENUE RAILROAD OVERCROSSING - APPROVAL OF CITY/STATE FUNDING AGREEMENT, CIP 2106 CITYWlDE PARKING/TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY FEASIBILITY STUDY AUTHORIZATION -3- July 22, 1986 Mr. Stan Oftelie, Acting Executive Director San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor Joint Powers Authority ORANGE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION 1055 North Main Street, Suite 516 Santa Ana, CA 92701 Dear Mr. Oftelie:. The purpose of this letter is to info~, you of the July 8, 1986 Irvine City Council action, which affects City policies regarding the proposed San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor. The Council has directed me as Mayor to communicate these poli- cies to you. It is the new policy of the City Council, adopted on a 3-2 vote, that the City of Irvine will not join the San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor Joint Powers Authority.(JPA) until there is an election at which the citizens of Irvine approve the imposition of the development fees required for JPA membership. Subject to the outcome of litigation now pending before the State Supreme Court (Munsell et al. v. City of Irvine),. it remains to be determined whether the election will be a legally binding vote or an advisory vote. With regard to the design aspects of the San Joaquin Hills Corridor, it is the City of Irvine's policy that this road must be designed to have the functional characteristics of an arterial highway rather than a freeway; for example, there should not be grade separations at intersections unless there is compelling documentation that such grade separations would reduce adverse effects on Irvine neighborhoods. This also means that the ultimate right-of-way shall be constructed to accommodate a roadway that is no wider than University Drive through Irvine. It is further the position of the Irvine City Council that these policies be adopted by the Joint Powers Authority as a condition of Irvine's joining the Authority. July 22, 1986 Mr. Stan Oftelie, Acting Executive Director San Joaguin Hills Transportation Corridor JPA Page Two It is important to note that the City Council took no action to repeal the City's development fee ordinance. Accordingly, the City continues to collect developer fees for the San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor pursuant to Ordinance 85-35, Section V.F-904 of the Irvine Municipal Code. The fees collected to date total $103,249.60. Staff advises me that the accumulated fees should reach $3,851,776.50 by July 1, 1987. Finally, consistent with the policies adopted by the City Council on July 8, it is the desire of the Irvine City Council to parti- cipate with the Joint Powers Authority and to work with the County and all of the member cities to resolve regional transpor- tation issues. We believe it is possible to do so while at the same time remaining faithful to our own commitment to achieve the fullest measure of citizen participation in the formation of transportation policies. Sincerely, LARRY AGRAN Mayor LA:ih c: The Honorable Thomas F. Riley, Supervisor, Fifth District The Honorable Bruce Nestande, Supervisor, Third District City Council City Manager Director of Public Works ' OF July 22, 1986 Mr. Stan Oftelie, Acting Executive Director Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Joint Powers Authority ORANGE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION 1055 North Main Street, Suite 516 Santa Aha, CA 92701 Dear Mr. Oftelie: The purpose of this letter is to inform you of the July 8, 1986 Irvine City Council action, which affects City policies regarding the proposed Foothill/Eastern Corridor. The Council has directed me as Mayor to Communicate these policies to you. It is the new policy of the City Council, adopted on a 3-2 vote, that the City of Irvine will not join the Foothill/Eastern Joint Powers Authority (JPA) Until there is an election at which the cit&zens of Irvine approve the imposition of the development fees required for JPA membership. Subject to the outcome of litigation now pending before the State Supreme Court, (Munsell et al. v. City of Irvine), it remains to be determined whether, the election will be a legally binding vote or an advisory vote. At its July 8 meeting, the Council clarified and reaffi~n~ed its existing position regarding several other issues. Specifi- cally: 1. The environmental analyses for the ongoing Eastern and 'Foothill Transportation Corridor studies should evaluate alignments other than the currently adopted route for the Foothill Corridor through Irvine. Among these alternatives should be an alignment north of the Lomas Ridge. Furthermore, if the Foothill Freeway is not deleted from regional road plans, Irvine's favored alignment is one north of the Lomas Ridge unless environmental documentation demonstrates that other, alignments have fewer adverse effects on the City of Irvine. 2. The JPA should agree to study the below-grade construction of the Eastern Freeway to reduce adverse effects on Irvine neighborhoods. . ......... July 22, 1986 Mr. Stan Oft,lie, Acting Executive Director Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor JPA Page Two The members of the JPA should allow future development to proceed only when there is sufficient capacity in the transportation system. These three policies have previously been expressed by the City and discussed by the JPA Operations Committee on several occasions. In fact, it is my understanding that agreement on JPA action relative to these three policies has been achieved at the staff level in the form of a draft resolution. It is the position of the Irvine City Council that these policies be adopted by the Joint Powers Authority as a condition of Irvine's joining the Authority. It is important to note that the City Council took no action to repeal the City's development fee ordinance. Accordingly, the City continues to collect developer fees for the Foothill/ Eastern Freeway pursuant to Ordinance 85-35, Section V.F-904 of the Irvine Municipal Code. The fees collected to date total $1,128,813.90. Staff advises me that the accumulated fees should reach $5,871,623.00.by July 1, 1987. Finally, consistent with the policies adopted by the City Council on July 8, it is the desire of' the Irvine City Council to parti- cipate with the Joint Powers Authority and to work with the C.ounty and all of the member cities to resolve regional transpor- tation issues. We believe it is possible to do so while at the same tame remaining faithful to' our own commitment to achieve the fullest measure of citizen participation in the formation of transportation policies. Sincerely,' LARRY AGRAN Mayor LA.. jh C: The Honorable Thomas F. Riley, Supervisor, Fifth District The Honorable Bruce Nestande, Supervisor, Third District City Council City manager Director of Public Works City Council Resume September 9r 1986 19. PUBLIC HEARING - EXTENSION OF INTERIM ORDINANCE REGARDING MORATORIUM ON FORTUNE-TELLING 20. 19.1 Introduced for a first reading and adopted an urgency ordinance entitled: CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE NO. 86-16 AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF IRVINE EXTENDING ORDINANCE NO. 86-14 PERTAINING TO FORTUNE-TELLING extending the ordinance for 45 days and to extend the ordinance in the City of Irvine for 22 months and 15 days. 19.2 Directed that a report be returned to Council on October 14, 1986, prepared by a joint committee from Community Development and Public Safety addressing land use and law enforcement issues. IRVINE'S POSITION RE: JOINT POWER AUTHORITIES .~/~.~{"" Motion regarding Eastern/Foothill JPA %~%% 20.1 That the City of Irvine participate in the Eastern/ Foothill Joint Powers Agency subject to the approval of amendments proposed by the City Attorney to pursue established City Council policy related to the Corridors. 20.2 That' once the Eastern Transportation Corridor Route Location Study EIS is certified, the City Council will make the JPA Corridor men~bership the subject of a citywide vote. The nature of the vote, whether binding or advisory, will depend on the outcome of the appeal of the court decision on the Citizen's Right To Vote Initiative. 20.3 That the City of Irvine finds the draft resolution currently being reviewedby the Eastern/Foothill Corridor JPA Operations Committee consistent with City of Irvine policies with regard to these corridors. 21. DESIGNATION OF VOTING DELEGATE AND ALTERNATE FOR LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES ANNUAL CONFERENCE 21.1 Designated Mayor as voting representative and an alternate to the League of California Cities Annual Conference. Alternate - any other Councilmember present, in absence of those persons, City Manager to act as alternate. JUNE 24, 1986 BY THE CiTY CiTY OF JUN g & 986 TO: FROM: FOR: SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 24, 1986 FOOTHIT.T~EASTERN TRANSPORTATION CORRIDORS AND SAN JOAQUIN HILLS TRANSPORTATION CORRIDOR JOINT POWERS AGENCIES ACTIVITY-POLICY ISSUE INVENTORY RECOMMENDATION: Receive, comment, and file the summary of Irvine Policy issues related to the subject Corridors and Joint Powers Authorities. HISTORY: The Joint Powers Agencies have begun a policy issue inventory in an effort to identify and address all the issues raised during their formation. Being an active participant in the creation of the Joint Powers Agencies, the City has adopted a number of policies which will be addressed. DISCUSSION: Inventory sheets summarizing policy concerns by member agencies have recently been distributed. City staff is now reviewing these sheets for completeness. The Transportation Commission has also provided additional input at their June 9, 1986, meeting. Interviews have been held between each agency and the representatives of the Joint Powers Agencies conducting this effort to discuss contents of the inventory sheets. Attached is a summary of issues raised by Irvine for each Joint Powers Agency. Under the column heading of "Disposition", there is an indication when an issue was modified or added by the City. Also included are the various issues which concern the other members. These issues/policy statements have been developed after numerous public meetings conducted by the City Council and City Commissions and reflect the policy statements adopted with the Joint Powers Agreements for the Corridors. It is requested that the Council review these policy statements and provide any comments or clarification and direction prior to any formal action of the Joint Powers Agency. City Council June 24, 1986 Page Two CONCLUSION: Staff is preparing two graphic exhibits which will categorize the issues and their timing. These exhibits will be transmitted to you on Friday, June 20, 1986. Report prepared by: Gregory K. Aldrich, Associate Transportation Analyst, X6159 Reviewed by George Divine, Principal Transportation Analyst, X3638 ~, $ T. D BY: Director of Public Works APPROVED BY: WILLI~ WOOLLETT, JR.! City Manager GBM: km Attachments ISSUE CATEGORY CITY OF IRVINE SAN JOAOUIN MILLS CORRIDOR POLICY ISSUES INVENTORY REGIONAL ISSUES POLICY SOURCE DISPOSITION 1. ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE 2. NUMBER OF LANES PRESERVE RIGHT-OF-HAY 4. ~ELL LANDSCAPED, SCENIC HIGHNAT S. CONSTRUCTION PHASING STATE, FEDERAL FUNDING 7. LONG-RANGE FINANCING PLAN 8. EXCLUSIVE USE OF FEES FEES ON NEW DEVELOFMENT ONLY lO.TOLL FINANCING 'CONSTRUCT AN ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE FACILITY' 'SHALL NOT BE MORE THAN 4 TO 6 THROUGH TRAVEL LANES IH THIS CENTURY AND A HAXIMUM OF 8 LANES THEREAFTER, INCLUDING NOV LANES' 'PRESERVE THE RI~T-OF-WAY REQUIRED TO MEET FUTURE TRANS- PORTATION NEEDS' 'CONSTRUCT THE SAN JOAQUIN HILLS CORRIDOR AS A NELL LANDSCAPED, GRADE SEPARATED SCENIC HIGHWAY" 'DEVELOP A CONSTRUCTION PHASING PLAN WHICH STRIVES TO IMPROVE MOBILITY AND REDUCE TRAFFIC CONGESTION AND WHICH IS MINDFUL OF LOCAL TRAFFIC NEEDS AND MINIMIZES ADVERSE IMPACTS" 'OVERSEE THE EXPENDITURE OF REVENUES RAISED BY CORRIDOR FEE PROGRAM AND AGRESSIVELY SEEN STATE AND FEDERAL REVENUES' 'DEVELOP AND IMPLEMENT A FAIR AND COMPREHENSIVE LONG RANGE FI))AUCING PLAN FOR THE SJHTC' 'PREPARE ADEQUATE SAFEGUARDS TO GUARANTEE ALL REVENUES RAISED ARE USED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THIS NEEDED NEEDED TRAHSPO~TATION FACILITY" 'NOT PLACE NEW TAXES DR HEW FEES ON EXISTING HOMES OR BUSINESSES AS PART OF THE MT&BF PROGRAM. ALL FEES SMALL BE PLACED ON NEW DEVELOPMENT ONLY.' 'INVESTIGATE FEASIBILITY OF TOLL FINANCING ON SJHTC' JPA - ATTACHMENT A (RI) JPA - ATTACHMENT A (Ri) ~PA - ATTACMMENT A JPA - ATTACHMENT JPA - ATTACHMENT JPA - ATTACHHENT A (RS) JPA - ATTACHMENT A (RG) JPA - ATTACHMENT A (RT) JPA - ATTACHMENT A MODIFIED ~Y TC ADDED BY TC iSSUE CATEGORY !i. FOLIC¥/PlA~;NING ISSUES IN IRVINE 12.SCENIC DESIGN ELE!!ENTS iz. TRUCK TRAFFIC iS.~:OHMER CANYON iMPACTS L=.HOItE I~?!,CT ,UII.'.,SATION !:.CONSISTE)(T LAND USE DECISIONS :/~:ULVER D~IVE ALIGH?.EN? CITY OF IRVINE SAN JOAOUIN HILLS CORRIDOR POLICY ISSUES INVENTORY LOCAL ISSUES POLICY 'THE CITY OF IRVINE SHOULD TAKE THE LEAD ON POLICY AND PLANNING ISSUES WITHIN THE CITY LIN!TS AND SPHERE OF INFLUENCE OF IRVINE.' 'SCENIC DESIGN ELEHEHTS, SUCH AS THOSE INCORPORATED INTO I-2BO NEAR SAN FRANCISCO, SHOULD RE IMPLEMENTED SO AS TO FOLLOW THE NATURAL CONTOURS OF THE LAND AND TO HINIMI2E THE ANOUNI OF CUT AND FILL. STATE DESIGNATIOn) AS A SCENIC HIGHWAY SHOULD ALSO BE REOUI~ED.' 'HOV LANES ))AY BE CONSIDERED IN CONJUNCTION WITH CONSTRUCTION OF GENERAL PURPOSE LANES IN ORDER lO PRONOTE GREATER VEHICLE OCOUPAND~ AHDREDUDE PEAK HOUR VEHICLE TRIPS.' 'NO TRUCK TRAFFIC SHOULD GE ALLOWED AS THROUGH TRAFFIC, BECAUSE OF THE SIX PERCENT GRADES. TRUCKS CAN AND SHOULD USE THE SAN DIEGO AND SANTA ANA FREEWAYS HORE READILY.' 'BOMMER CANYON HUST BE IHPACTED AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE AND ANY ADVERSE INPACTS INAT DO EXIST ~UST BE HITIGATED THROUGH WHAT- EVER LANDSCAPE REOUIRE~ENIS ARE NECESSARY.' 'Ally POTENTIAL NEGATIVE NOISE IMPACTS SHOULD BE MITIGATED THROUGH TH~ USE OF NATURAL SOUND ATTENUATION ~EASURES.' 'THE COUNTY AND AFFECTED CITIES SHALL HAKE FUTURE LAND USE DECI- SIONS CONSISTENT WITH THE CAPA- CITY OF THE LIHITED REGIONAL F~ILITY CALLED FOR ABOVE.'(R]) 'CULVER DRIVE ~UST EITHER ~E RE- ALIGNED AWAY FROM TURTLE ROCK HOMES OR NOT E~TENDED TO ~HE SA!( JOAOUIN HILLS CO~I~OR." SOURCE 3PA - ATTACHHEHT A (L!) JPA - ATTACHMENT A (L2) JPA - ATTACHNENT A (LS) ~PA - ATTACHMENT A (L4) JPA - ATTACHNENT A (LS) JPA - ATTACHMENT A (L6) · )PA - ATTACHMENT A (L7) JPA - ATTACHMENT'A (L~) DISPOSITION ISSUE CATEGORY CITY OF IRVINE SAN JOAOUIN NILLS CORRIDOR POLICY ISSUES INVENTORY . LOCAL ISSUES POLICY SOURCE DISPOSITION 19.E×ISTING ~ESIDENFIAL AREAS 'EXISTING P~SIDENTIAL AREAS SHOULD BE GIVEN PRIORITY CONSIDERATION OVER OTHER EXISIING AND FUTURE DEVELOPMENT' ADDED BY TC I0 CITY OF IRVIHE FOOTHILL/EASTERN CORRIDORS POLICY ISSUES INVENTOfiY REGIONAL ISSUES ISSUE CATEGORY POLICY SOURCE DISPOSITION 1. ~OTTLENEC~ SOLUTION 'RESOLVE AND ADOPT A SOLUTION TO THE BOTTLENECK PROBLE)I AS PART OF THE ORANGE COUNTY WASTER PLAN OF ARTERIAL HIGHHAYS PRIOR TO ADOPT- ION OF A FINAL ALIGNHEHT FOR THE EASTERN CORRIDOR. THE CIRCULA- TION PROBLEH IN THE BOTTLEHECK AREA HILL HAVE SIGN!FICAHT AD- VERSE INPACTS ON THE ~ESIDEHT!AL AREAS THAT NUST BE HITIGATED.' JPA - ATTACHMENT A (RI) 'CO)!STRUCT AN EHVIRON~fE)iTALLY FACILITY' ~PA - ATTACHMENT A LR~J 3. )~Ui~ER OF LAPE~ 'SHALL NOT GE WORE THAH 4 TO 6 THROUGH TRAVEL LANES i~ THIS CE!I?URY A~(D A HA~IHUN OF ~ LA~ES THEREAFTER, INCLUDING HOV LANES" JPA- ATTACHHEHT A (,,,,~o~ MODIFIED ~Y TC FRESERVE RIGHT-OF-HAY 'PRESERVE THE RIGHT-OF-HAY REQUIRED TO NEET FUTURE TRANS- PORTATION NEEDS' JPA - ATTACHMENT A (R3) S. ~ELL L~)IDSCAPED, SCEHIC HIGHWAY 'CONSTRUCT THE FOOTHILL/EASTERN CORRIDOR AS A WELL LANDSCAPED, GRADE SEPARATED SCEHIC HIGH!4AY' ~PA - ATTACHMENT A 6. COHSTRUCTIO)( FHASI)~G 'DEVELOP A CONSTRUCTION PHASIHG PLAN WHICH STRIVES TO INPROVE MOBILITY AHD REDUCE TRAFFIC CONGESTION AND WHICH IS MINDFUL OF LOCAL TRAFFIC NEEDS AND MINIMIZES ADVERSE IHPACTS' JPA - ATTACHMENT ,,. 5TATE, FEDERAL FUNDi,qG 'OVERSEE THE EXPEHDITURE OF REVENUES [AIRED BY CORRIDOR FEE PROGRAM A)ID AGRESSIVEL¥ SEE~ STATE A)!D FEDERAL REVEHUES" JPA - AITACHME~tT A (R6) LONG-RANGE FINANCING PLAN 'DEVELOP AND IMPLEMENT A FAIR AND COMPREHENSIVE LDNG RANGE FI,qA,NCING FLAN FOR THE F/ETC' JPA - ATTACHMENT A (R7) ....... IVE USE OF FEES 'PREPARE ADEOUATE SAFEGUARDS TO GUARANTEE ALL REVENUES RAISED ARE U~D E×CI.USIVELY FOR THIS ~EFDED TRANSFORTATiOH FACILITY' JPA - ATTACHMENT iL.FEES OH iiE~ DEVELUFMEHT O!!LY 'NOT FLACE HEW TAXES OE tl£[.I FEES OH E:(ISTI)iG HOMES UR BU$1)(ESSES A~ FART OF THF ,",T"~F F~C~G~A,~i. ALL FEES SH~.LL ~DE P. LACED U)! )iEW JPA - A!TACHME!(T A ISSUE CATEGORY !!.POLICY/PLAMNI)IG ISSUES IN IRVINE i2.ETC ALIGHMEMT AND TRANSIT!O!i 13.1RV!NE/TJSTIH COOPERATIYE EFF6RTS RIDGE IMPACTS !S.!HTERCHANGE DESIG)I I~.PARALLEL ARTERIALS 17.ACCESS TO ~EE CAHYO)( L,~)iDFILL .SITE 18.I-S/ETS INTERCHANGE .y. SR-133 EXTENSION TO FTC 20.CONSISTE~(F L~ND USE DECISIONS CITY OF IRVINE FOOTHILL/EAS~RN CORRIDORS POLICY ISSUES INVENTORY LOCAL ISSUES POLICY 'THE CITY OF TRVINE SHOULD TAlE THE LEAD ON POLICY AND PLANNi)~G ISSUES NITHIH THE CITY LIHITS ANO SPHERE OF INFLUENCE OF IRVINE.' 'ROUTE ALIGNMENT FOR THE ETC AND ITS TRANSITION TO THE LOCAL ART- ERIAL STREET SYSTE~ SHALL MINIH!iE THE NEGAI!VE iMPACTS ON EXISTI);G RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT.' 'COOPERATIVE EFFORTS EETBEEH THE CITIES OF iRVINE AND TUSTIN TO DETERHINE A MUTUALLY ACCEPTABLE ALIGNHENT FOR THE ETS SHALL BE A COHSiDERATION IN ROUTE SELECTION AND DESIGN ACTIVITIES.' 'ALIGNHEHTS THAT CREATE LARGE CUTS IN LOHA RIDGE ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE' "INTERCHANGE LOCATIONS AND CON- FIGURATIONS SHOULD ~E CAREFULLY DESIGNED TO MINIHIZE DISRUPTION OF ARTERIAL TRAFFIC AND PROVIDE ADEQUATE ACCESS TO THE CORRIDORS.' 'ALIGNMENF AND NEED FOR PARALLEL ARTERIALS AS WELL AS THEIR RELA- TIONSHIP TO ~NO INTERFACE ~ITH THE FOOTHILL AND EASTERN CORRI- DORS, NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED.' 'ACCESS TO BEE CANYON LANDFILL SITE WHICH MINIMIZES I~UC~ TRAFFIC ON ARTERIAL STREETS At:D OTHE~ LOCAL IHP~CTC NEEDS TO ~E tDE)~TI- FIED.' 'INTERRELATIONSHIP OF EXISTING AND FUTURE INTERCHANGES ALONG SANTA AHA FREENA~ NEEDS TO BE STUDIEO PRIO£ TO ADOPTION OF AN ETC ALIGNHEHT.' 'CONSIDER THE EXTENS!OH OF THE LAGUNA F~EEWAY TO THE FTC AS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THESE "THE COUNTY AND AFFECTED CITIES SHALL ~AXE FUTURE LA[ID USE DECI- OF THE LIMITED REGit!f)AL FACILITY SOURCE JPA - ATTACHMENT A (LiT JPA - ATTACHMENT A (L2) JPA - ATTACHMENT JPA - ATTACHMENT A (L2) JPA - ATTACHMENT A (LiT ~PA - ATTACHMENT A {L4) JPA - ATTACHNENT A ATTACHMENT A (L6) JPA - ATTACHHENT A (LT) JFA - ATTACHMFNT ~ (LO) DIS?OSITIO)i ISSUE CAIEGOR¥ 21.EXISTING RESIDENTIAL AREAS 22.BOTTLENECX SOLUTION 23.SCENIC DESIGN ELENE~(TS CITY OF IRVINE FOOTHILL/EASTERN CORRIDOR POLICY ISSUES INVENTORY LOCAL ISSUES POLICY 'EXISTING RESIDENTIAL AREAS SHOULD BE GIVEN PRIORITY CONSIDERATION OVER OTHER EXISTING AND FUTURE DEVELOPNENT' 'VIABLE SOLUTION TO BOTTLENECK PROBLEH HUST BE IDENTIFIED AND ADOPTED PRIOR FO [~PLEHENFATION OF THE FTC' 'SCENIC DESIGN ELEHENTS, SUCH AS THOSE INCORPORATED INTO 1-280 NEAR SAN FRANCISCO, SHOULD BE IHPLE~ENTED SO AS TO FOLLOW THE NATURAL CONTOURS OF THE LAND AND TO ~INIHIZE THE AMOUNT OF CUT AND FILL. STATE DESIGNATION AS A SCENIC HIGHWAY SHOULD ALSO BE REOUIRED.' SOURCE HOU WITH TUSTIN -3/19/86 DISPOSITION ADDEO BY TC ADOED BY TC ADDE9 BY TC