HomeMy WebLinkAboutRPT 1 PC ACT AGENDA 11-03-86 '*~.=~A C T I 0 N AGENDA REPORTS TUSTIN PLANNING COI~ISSION NO. 1 ,_ ~ ~/ REGULAR MEETING 11-3-86 · OCTOBER 27, 1986 CAI. L TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m., City Council Chambers PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/INVOCATION ROLL CALL: Present: Puckett, Well, Baker, Le Jeune, Pontious, PUBLIC CONCERNS: (Limited to 3 minutes per person for items not on the agenda) IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO THE COMMISSION ON A SUBJECT, PLEASE FILL OUT THE CARDS LOCATED ON THE SPEAKER'S TABLE. ALSO, PLEASE GIVE YOUR FULL NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. CONSENT CALENDAR: (ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER CONSENT CALENDAR ARE CONSIDERED ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME OF THE VOTING ON THE MOTION UNLESS MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION, STAFF OR PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED AND/OR REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE ACTION.) 1. Minutes of October 27, 1986 Planning Commission Meeting. Commissioners Weil and Puckett commended the Recording Secretary on the Minute content and preparation. Commissioner #etl moved, Baker second to approve the Consent Calendar. Hotion carrled 5-0. PUBLIC HEARINGS Applicant: Location: Request: USE PERMIT 86-32 AND VARIANCE 86-8 Deborah Crane 333 E1Camino Real Authorization to vary with the off-street parking requirements to allow more than 50% of office uses. Presentation: LAURA CAY PICKUP, Assistant Planner Commissioner #etl moved, Baker second to approve the applicant's request for a four week continuance. ~otton carried 5-0. 3. VARIANCE 86-7 Applicant: Location: Request: Presentation: San Juan Partners 1421 San Juan Street Authorization to vary with the lot width requirement in the R-3 multiple family residential district in order to allow three apartment units. MARY ANN CHAMBERLAIN, Associate Planner Co,mtsstoner Net1 moved, Pontious second to approve staff's request for a bdO week continuance. Motion carrled 5-0. P]anning Commission Action Agenda October 27, 1986 page 1~o OLD BUS[NESS None. NEW BUSINESS 4. SIGN CODE REVISIONS/WORKSHOP Presentation: MARY ANN CHAMBERLAIN, Associate Planner After Mary Ann Chamberlain reviewed the staff's suggested Sign Code revisions with the Commission, Chairman Puckett appointed Commissioners LeJeune and Pontious to a sub-committee to work with staff on the Sign Code revisions. After review and recommendations are formulated, the matter should be set for public hearing. 5. SITE PLAN/DESIGN REVIEW, DOW AVENUE AT MYFORD ROAD Presentation: PATRIZIA MATERASSI, Planner Coamtsstoner LeJeune moved, Wet1 second to approve the following Resolution: RESOLUTIO# #0. 2368: A RESOLUTIO# OF TIlE PLA##I#G COI~IISSIO# OF THE CITY OF THSTI#, APPROVING SIl~E PLAN AND ARCHITECTURAL DESIG# OF 192,125 SQUARE FOOT INDUSTRIAL/OFFICE BUILDING TO BE LOCATED AT THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF DON AVENUE AT HYFORD ROAD Notion carried 5-0. 6. FINAL TRACT MAP, THE BREN COMPANY Presentation: JEFFREY S. DAVIS, Acting Senior Planner Commissioner Wetl moved, Baker second to recomflend to Ctty Council approval of the following Resolution: RESOLUTION #0. 2370: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING CO#HISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN RECOHlqENDING TO THE TUSTI# CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF TRACT HAP #0. 12868. Notion carried 5-0. STAFF CONCERNS 7. Report on Council Actions of October 22, 1986. Presentation: ROB BALEN, Planning Consultant CO~INISSIOM CONCERNS Commissioner LeJeune commended the Police Department. They contacted him regarding the door knob on his office which appeared to have been tampered with and he was impressed they would take the time to notice it and notify him. Planning CommJsston Actton Agenda October 27, [986 page three Commissioner Wet1 requested staff provide her wtth the Resolution wherein the Council officially relaxed the criteria on sidewalks tn Industrial areas. She is concerned with setttng precedents tn approving projects wtth 5' sidewalks rather than 8' sidewalks. Commissioner Baker questioned when the strtping would be tn place on Bryan Avenue. Rob Balen wtll request the Information from Public Works. Commissioner Ponttous expressed concern with a large sign placed tn front of a real estate office located at I4145 Redhtll Avenue. Mary Ann Chamberlain responded staff is aware of the sign and wtll follow up wtth enforcement. ADdOURI~qE#T Comaissloner lie11 mved, Baker second to adjourn to the next regularly scheduled Planntng Co..[Isston .eettng, ~onday #oveaber 10. 1986 at 7:30 p.e. Morton carrted AGENDA TUSTIN PLANNING CO~91ISSION REGULAR I~ETING OCTOBER 27, 1986 CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m., City Counctl Chambers PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/INVOCATION ROLL CALL: Puckett, Wetl, Baker, Le Jeune, Ponttous, PUBLIC CONCERNS: (Limited to 3 minutes per person for items not on the agenda) IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO THE COMMISSION ON A SUBJECT, PLEASE FILL OUT THE CARDS LOCATED ON l~E SPEAKER'S TABLE. ALSO, PLEASE GIVE YOUR FULL NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. CONSENT CALENDAR: (ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER CONSENT CALENDAR ARE CONSIDERED ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME OF THE VOTING ON THE MOTION UNLESS MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION, STAFF OR PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED AND/OR REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE ACTION.) 1. Minutes of October 27, 1986 Planning Co,,,idsston Meeting. PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. USE PERMIT 86-32 AND VARIANCE 86-8 Applicant: Locatt on: Deborah Crane 333 E1Camino Real Request: Authorization to vary with the off-street parking requirements to allow more than 50~ of office uses. Presentation: LAURA CAY PICKUP, Assistant Planner 3. VARIANCE 86-7 Applicant: Location: San'Juan Partners 1421 San Juan Street Request: Authorization to vary with the lot width requirement in the R-3 multiple family residential district in order to allow three apartment units. Presentation: MARY ANN CHAMBERLAIN, Associate Planner Planning Commission Agenda October 27, 1986 page t~o OD) BUSINESS None. NB BUSINESS 4. SIGN CODE REVISIONS/WORKSHOP Presentation: MARY ANN CHAMBERLAIN, Associate Planner 5. SITE PLAN/DESIGN REVIEW, DOW AVENUE AT MYFORD ROAD Presentation: PATRIZlA MATERASSI, Planner 6. FINAL TRACT MAP, THE BREN COMPANY Presentation: JEFFREY S. DAVIS, Acting Senior Planner STAFF CONCERNS 7. Report on Council Actions of October 22, 1986. Presentation: ROB BAL£N, Planning Consultant CI)MMISSION CONCERNS ADJOUR~ENT Adjourn to the next regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting. MINUTES TUSTIN PLANNING C~ISSION REGUL~kR ~ETI NG OCTOBER 13, 1986 · ~A ~ '- ~, CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m.,-Ctty Council Chambers PLEDG£ OF ALLEBIAN~/INVOCATION ROI~ C&LL: Present: Puckett, Well, Baker, Le Jeune Absent: Ponttous PUBLIC CONCERNS: CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. Minutes of September 22, 1986 Planning Commission Meeting. Moved by Commissioner Baker, Well seconded to approve the Consent Calendar. carried 4-0. PUBLIC HEARINGS - 2. USE PERMIT 86-30 Applicant: Tri State Engineering on behalf of Exxon Co. USA Location: 14082 Redhill Avenue Request: Presentation: Authorization to demolish an existing service station and reconstruct a mini market service station. LAURA CAY PICKUP, Assistant Planner Motion Chairman Puckett opened the public hearing at 7:38 p.m. Engineering, made himself available for questions. Ron Baker, Tri State Commissioner Wetl commented this is one of the most uncontroversial use permits to come before the Commission, congratulated the applicant on a good project proposal and saw no problems with approval. Commissioner LeOeune questioned if detsel fuel would need a separate sign. Ron Baker responded it isn,t usually advertised, just a small sign on the island depicting availability. P1 ann1 ng Corem1 sst on Mi nutes October 13, 1986 page two Commissioner Puckett complimented Exxon for not asktng for a liquor license. Commissioner Baker questioned the condition of the fuel tanks in the ground: Ron Baker responded they used to use steel tanks with 10 to 20 year life spans. This location will have new fiberglass tanks with a built in alarm system for leaks. Seeing no one further wishing to speak Chairmen Puckett closed the hearing at 7:45 p.m. Commissioner LeJeune expressed concern with the outdoor storage areas at gas stations and if they will be restricted in the future. Rob Balen explained that according to our service station guidelines they are already restricted, but it is a difficult enforcement problem. Commissioner Well moved, Baker second to approve Use Permit 86-30 by the adoption of Resolution 2366. Motion carried 4-0. 3. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 86-1 Applicant: Location: City of Tustln East Tusttn Specific Plan Area Issue: .The City of Tusttn Development Agreement with The Irvine Con, any in relation to development of the East Tustin Specific Plan area. Presentati on: ROBERT W. BALEN, Planning Consultant 4. SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Applicant: Locati on: Issue: Presentation: City of Tustt n East Tustln Specific Plan Are~ Consideration of a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report; impacts that would result from the proposed Development · Agreement will be considered JEFFREY S. DAVIS, Acting Senior Planner Robert Balen recommended the Chairman co~tne the public hearings for both the Development Agreement 86-[ and the Supplemental Environmental Impact Report. Mr. Balen informed that the Development Agreement implements the Specific Plan and the mitigation measures required in the EIR 85-2 and the Supplemental EIR. The levelopment Agreement is consistent with the East Tusttn Specific Plan and the General Plan of the City. Jeff Davis gave the staff presentation on the Supplemental EIR and explained that the EIR addresses issues related to transportation, circulation, water and hydrology, public services, andotherctvl¢ needs. Planning Comndsston Mtnu%~; October 13, 1986 page three Tom Smith, Michael Brandman & Assoc,, explained that the Supplemental EIR had a 30 day public review period which concluded September 26th; seven agencies responded {6 governmental and 1 advisory council); there were no environmental questions raised at the Sept. 22nd Planning Commission workshop. The content of the comments on the environmental document basically clarifies and corrects the draft. The SEIR will be forwarded to the City Council for certification on their next agenda. Montca Flortan, The Irvine Con, ny, concurred with staff's analysis that the Development Agreement embodies and further clarifies the objectives and commitments made during the Specific Plan process. She further urged Commission recommendation of approval to the City Council. Chairman Puckett opened the public hearing on Development Agreement 86-t and Supplemental Environmental Impact Report at 7:54 p.m. Michael Caruso, 1841 Bent Twig, was concerned with park planning and that adequate team sports facilities be provided, specifically baseball. Jeff Davis responded that East Tustln has several areas designated for parks. In addition there are plans and negotiations for a regional park which includes multi purpose facilities. Chairman Puckett advised Mr. Caruso to make an appointment with Rob Balen to make all of his concerns known to the staff. Janine Harmon, Foothills Community Association, acknowledged Klm Luce and Cora Lee Newman of The Irvine Company for their assistance to FCA during the East Tustin approval process and the City staff in responding to concerns of the community. Seeing no one further wishing to speak Chatrmn Puckett closed the hearing at 8:00 p.m. Commissioner Wetl ~ommented that she received a phone call from Pat Semen, NTMAC, extending the MAC's concurrence with staff's recommendation on the Development Agreement and £IR. Chairman Puckett complimented staff and The Irvine Company for the excellent job on the Supplemental [IR and the Development Agreement. Co~mrissloner Baker commented that everybody involved has worked to negotiate to make this a workable project and expressed his excitement that it has come together with little or no discussion. Commissioner Wetl requested correction be made to the Development Agreement page 19 paragraph 3 to add "ndxed use" after and/or .... and to Resolution 2367 I. to add an "S" before £IR. Co~mrisstoner Wetl moved, Baker second to recommend to the City Council adoption of an ordinance approving the Development Agreement between the City of Tustin and The Irvine Company for the East Tustin. SPecific Plan. Motion carried 4-0. Planning Commission Mtnu~=s October 13, 1986 page four Commissioner Wetl moved, LeOeune second.to recommend to the City Council, through the adoption of Resolution 2367, that S£IR be forwarded to the City Council for certification. Motion carried 4-0. OLD ~SlNESS None. NE]~ BIJSI#ESS None. STAFF CONCERNS 5. Report on Council Actions of October 6, 1986. Presentation:' ROB BALEN, Planning Consultant 6. DOW/MYFORD INDUSTRIAL. PLANS Rob Balen presented plans for a proposed industrial project located at Dow and Myford Road for the Commission's preliminary review. He requested initial feedback for the developer who is on an escrow deadline to understand if there would be any major problems with the site plans or elevations. Mr. Balen noted that the item would be on the agenda at the next meeting for a formal site plan review. Commissioner Baker was concerned with the sidewalk width requirement; 5' or 8'. Commissioner LeJeune was concerned with the space between, buildings and if the parking is to code. Commissioner Wetl ~as concerned with adequacy of landscaping and requested landscape plans be"clarified. Mr. Balen responded that these items would be taken care of prior to the October 27th meeting. COMMISSION CONCERNS Commissioner Wei~.'questioned if staff had done any research concerning a specific plan for the Old Town area. Mr. Balen responded there are other alternatives for addressing disinvestment in properties. A Specific Plan for Old Town may be. appropriate at a future date, but, the neighborhood sentiment Is such that staff is not in a position to initiate any planning or zoning solutions in the Old Town area. Other remedies can be investigated including use of Redevelopment funds for housing ~rojects or housing rehabilitation to address property conditions and disinvestment in housing in the area. It. was noted that some properties in the area do not comply with zoning and/or building codes and should be fixed up. Mr. Balen added that it was staff's intent to preserve the Old Town and protect the quaint character of the area and that this could be done through special preservation provisions in a Specific Plan. Mr.. Balen. further pointed out this was not being recommended at this time. Planning Commission Minutes October 13, 1986 page five Commissioner LeJeune expressed concern with the water company's equipment betng vtstble from the street. He suggested screening. Rob Balen will bring It to the attention of the Director of Public Works. Commissioner LeJeune further questioned how the freeway widentng would affect the 6th Street area. Eob Balen explained that properties south.of 6th St. and east of "B" Street are potentially affected by the freeway widening. Commissioner Well would like to add more specifics in the minutes of the Planning Commission and also reflect any corrections made from a previous meeting. Commissioner Baker asked if any restrictions or formal commitments were made by the Council concerning the 6th Street area. Rob Balen responded negatively. ADdOURI~E#T Commissioner Wetl moved, Baker second to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. to the next regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting. Motion carried 4-0. CHARLES E. PUCKETT, Chairman DONNA ORR, Recording SecretarF APPLICANT: RS. DEBORAH CRANE ON BEHALF OF EL CAIqINO PARTNERSXTP 5200 ]R¥INE BLVD., t505 IRVIllE, CA 92720 PROPERTY OIINER: LOCATION: ZONING: ENV TBOIIIENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: HR. RAYMOND SALPII 148 ii. HAIN S'{3tEET TUSTIN, CA 92680 333 El. CAHINO REAL C-2 CENTRAl. COI~IERCZAL SPECIFIC PLAN AREA NO. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION HAS BEEN FILED Iii CONFORMANCE iii'iH THE CALIFORNIA ENYIRONI4ENTAL QUALITY ACT. UP 86-32: TO AUTHORIZE OFFICE USES IN OVER 5OS OF A BUILDING LOCATED IN THE C-2 CENTRAL COPB~:RCIAL ZONE. VAR 86-6: TO ALLOM A REDUCTION IN THE REQUIRED tF, JIqBER OF PARKING SPACES FROM 14 SPACES TO 11 SPACES. RECOI~IENDED ACTION: Approve Use Permit No. 86-32 and Variance No. 86-8 by the adoption of Resolution No. 2369. SUI~IARY: This application involves two separate requests. The first is a Use Permit that, if granted, would allow the applicant to lease over 50% of the building to professional office users. The second is a request to vary from the C-2 parking requirements by a total of three spaces. On July 11, 1983 a Variance and Use Permit (No. 86-3) was approved for a similar project in the same building. The Variance was conditioned similar to that which is being proposed. However, this request is necessary because of updated Corn rnunity Development Department Planning Commission Report Use Permit 86-3Z/Variance 86-8 page two parking standards for office uses. Seeing that the Planning Commission previously approved a similar project and that findings were made to support its approval, staff is recommending that this revised request be approved. BACKGROUND AND ANALYSIS: Staff has identified issues concerning the Variance and Use Permit requests as discussed below: Variance No. 86-8 As previously mentioned, a Variance was conditionally approved for the same request in 1983. The staff report and resolution of approval for that project are attached for reference and review. A time limit condition, Section II-B. of the resolution, was imposed w~th the parking Variance approval. Although lease agreements were discussed with th~ property owner, a formal document was never signed and the building was not occupied. Both the time limits imposed on the previous Variance and Use Permit have expired. Therefore, a new Variance and Use Permit must be obtained. The applicant is proposing to use the building as office or retail use on the ~ground floor, office use on the second floor and to leave the basement for storage. Under current parking standards, the number of parking spaces required are as follows:. 5.76 spaces for second floor offices (1440 sq.ft./250) 7.62 spaces for first floor retail area (1523 sq.ft./200) 0 spaces for unused basement ~ Total parking required Specific Plan No. [ was adopted in 197[ to encourage revitalization of the Old Town area. Tht~ Specific Plan allows parking Variances if certain conditions can be met. The applicant has agreed to provide for seven (7) off-site parking spaces in addition to the four (4) on-site spaces currently available. Therefore, a Variance for only three (3) spaces is needed. The Specific Plan for the Old Town area addresses parking requirements. As stated in Section g-3 of the attached Ordinance No. 510 (Specific Plan No. 1), parking requirements may be waived or modified if certain measures are taken. The Specific Plan does not state the proportion of parking that shall be provided. Therefore, staff has used the previous Variance as guidance. Previously, five {5) off-site spaces were required. Since the parking requirement change in [985, staff considers seven (7) spaces to be appropriate. These seven (7) spaces will be acquired by one of the options provided in the Specific Plan. These options include leasing spaces from nearby properties or Community Development Department Planning Commission Report Use Permit 86-32 page three the public parking structure, or paying into the parking district established by the Specific Plan. Whichever option the applicant chooses, all requirements, fees and lease agreements will be reviewed and approved by the City. Staff recommends the following conditions of approval for this Variance: 1. The building shall not be occupied or building permits for construction/renovation issued until an acceptable parking lease and/or agreement is approved by the City. 2. The applicant shall purchase or lease a minimum of .seven (7) surplus off-site parking spaces. An agreement shall be signed by the property owner to identify and guarantee the availability of all eleven (11) parking spaces for the life of this Variance and Use Permit. 3. The basement shall remain unoccupied for the life of this Use Permit and Variance. Certain changes from the previous project have been made in regards to the number of total spaces required and their location. This is due to the change in parking requirements from one per 300 to one per 250 for office users as adopted in [gBS. The location of the spaces provided may, as previously allowed by the Commission, be farther than 300 feet from the property so that spaces may be leased from the public parking structure once it has been repaired. Use Pern~t No. 86-32 The applicant wishes the opportunity to lease the ground floor to an office user. Although this area may be leased to a retail user, a certain degree of flexibility in the leasing of the ground floor is desired by the project proponent. Parking for the ground floor has been computed at the retail requirements which are more restrictive. All future users will be appropriately accommodated. Should an office user occupy the first floor, the parking requirements for that use would be less than applied for and the overall parking needs reduced by up to two (2) spaces. As previously grant~d, the Use Permit allowed office uses in over 505 of the building when approved in [983. Therefore, no negative impacts have been identified in consideration of this request. COMCLUSXOIIS: Plans submitted with this application indicate renovation of the building and parking area to meet present codes where possible. Both the interior and exterior of the building will be remodeled as proposed in the attached plans. The Specific Plan and the current appearance of. the structure encourage the proposition of renovation and occupancy of this building.' This project is k'~ Corn reunify Development Depariment J Planning Commission Report Use Permit 86-32 page four considered to have a positive influence on the downtown in that a building which has been vacant for over seven (7) years will be upgraded and occupied. Therefore, achieving the goals and encouraging the success of the Old Town area. Staff recommends approval of Variance 83-6 and Use Permit 86-32. Should the Commission concur, findings must be made to justify the granting of a Variance in accordance with the following (City Code Section 9292): The Variance granted shall not constitute granting of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and district in which the subject property is situated and Specific Plan No. I provides measures for off-site parking and encourages rehabilitation of structures in the vicinity. That because of special circumstances applicable to subject property, including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings, the strict application of the Zoning Ordinance is found to deprive subject property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under identical zone classification and the parking options-provided in Specific Plan No. 1 apply to all properties within the Plan area. LP:do attach: Resolution 2369 Variance 83-6 Report Resolution 210! Specific Plan No. 1 Site plan Floor plan Elevations Community Development Department 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2369 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN AUTHORIZING A VARIANCE OF THE PARKING REQUIREMENTS AND A USE PERMIT ALLOWING OVER 50% OFFICE IN A BUILDING LOCATED IN THE C-2 ZONE AT 333 EL CAMINO REAL The Planning Commission of follows: the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: A. That a proper application (Variance No. 86-8 and Use Permit 86-32) has been filed on behalf of E1 Camino Partnership requesting authorization to vary from the C-2 parking requirements and to allow over 50% office use in a building in the C-2 zone. B. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application· C. That because of special circumstances applicable to the subject property, relative to size, shape, topography, location or surroundings, a strict application of the Zoning Ordinance is found to deprive subject property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under identical zone classification, evidenced by the following findings: 1. The use is in conformance with the land use element of the Tustin Area General Plan· 2. This project is located in the C-2 zone Specific Plan Area No. 1. 3. The use applied for is an allowed use in the C-2 zone and Specific Plan No. 1. 4. The Variance granted shall not constitute granting of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and district in which the subject property is situated and Specific Plan No. provides measures for off-site parking and encourages rehabilitation of structures in the vicinity. $. That because of special circumstances applicable to subject property, including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings, the strict application of the Zoning Ordinance is found to deprive subject property of privileges ~enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under identical zone classification and the parking options provided in Specific Plan No. I apply to all properties within the Plan area. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 Resolution No. 2369 page two II. That the establishment, maintenance, and operation of the use applied for will not be injurious or detrimental to the property and improvements in the neighborhood of the subject property, nor to the general welfare of the City of Tusttn, and should be granted. Proposed development shall be in accordance with the development policies adopted by the City Council, Uniform Building Codes as administered by the Building Official, Fire Code as administered by the Orange County Fire Marshal and street improvement requirements as administered by the City Engineer. That the granting of the Variance as herein provided will not be contrary to the intent of the Zoning Ordinance or the public safety, health and welfare, and said Variance should be granted. Proposed development shall be in accordance with the development policies adopted by the City Council; Uniform Building Codes as administered by the Building Official; Fire Codes as administered by the Orange County Fire Marshal; and street improvement requirements as administered by the City Engineer. That the granting of a Variance as herein provided will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and district in which the subject property'is situated. i. A Negative Declaration has been filed for this project in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act. J. Final development plans shall require the review and approval of the Community Development Department. The Planning Commission hereby approves Variance No. 86-8 and Use Permit No. 86-32 to allow a Variance of three of the required parking spaces and installation of over 50~ office use in a building located in the C-2 zone, subject to the following conditions: A. The building shall not be occupied or building permits for construction/renovation issued until an acceptable parking lease and/or agreement is approved by the City. B. The applicant shall purchase or lease a minimum of seven (7) surplus offrsite parking spaces. An agreement shall be signed by the property owner to identify and guarantee the availability of all eleven (11) parking spaces for the life of this Variance and Use Permit. ' C. The basement shall remain unoccupied for the life of this Use Permit and Variance. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 Resolution No. 2369 page three D. The applicant shall complete and return an agreement to conditions imposed form as required by the Director of Community Development. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held on the day of , 1986. CHARLES E. PUCKETT Chairman DONNA ORR, Recording Secretary COHTIN! 9 PUBLIC HEARING NO. 1 TO: SUBJECT: June 27, 1983 Inter-Corn Honorable Chairman & Planning Commission Members Community Development Department Variance 83-6 Architect's Office with Retail Commercial 333 E1Camino Real APPLICATIO# This variance application is a request from Mr. Raymond Salmi to vary from the parking standards of the Zoning Ordinance by allowing re-occupancy of his vacant non-conforming building which has less off-street parking than required by code. Specifically, where sixteen (16) parking spaces would be required for new construction, Mr. Salmi can only provide the four (4) existing spaces due to the proper~'s~age and configurat!~n. Secondly, included with this variance is a/~se/p~rmit request to a/iow an office use in the C-2 (Central-Commercial) z'6ne.'~ In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, this project has been determined categorically exempt from environmental consideration. ANALYSIS Mr. Salmi approached department staff approximately four years ago at the time Gerding Photography Studio vacated the subject building. Since the property was developed prior to City enactment of the 1961 Zoning Code, the property became legal non-conforming in that parking provided did not meet code requirements for either retail or office usage. Therefore, Mr. Salmi had one year to re-occupy the building to maintain legal non-conformity. Staff favorably responded to Mr. Salmi's request at that time; however, four years have now passed while the property still remains vacant. The property today may not be occupied without a parking variance since the required number of spaces for either retail commercial or office have not been provided on site. Plans submitted with this application indicate renovation of the building and parking area to meet present codes where possible. Both the interior and exterior of the building will be remodeled as proposed in the attached plans. Specifically, the buil dtng's second floor, totaling 1,¢42 squar? will be used for office space, the first floor, at street grade, totalinb 1,$23 square feet will be used for retail commercial and the basement totaling ~,170 square feet will also be used for office and storage. Based upon this usage, sixteen (16) parking spaces are required by present codes. Honorable Chairman & Commission Members June 27, 1983 Page 2 While staff encourages upgrading of this deteriorating property, we are concerned about the lack of adequate off-street parking and the potential lengthy schedule for the property owner to con~lete this restoration project. The building has remained vacant for the past four years and become detrimental to the surrounding properties. It is staff's hope the building will not remain vacant for four more years. Staff believes that a variance request is justified since it is necessary for virtually any land use to occupy this building. However, to vary from the sixteen required spaces to only four as presently available would not be in the community's best interest. Staff believes the Commission should require the applicant to lease five (5) usable parking spaces within 300' of the property or consider totally eliminating usage of the basement area. Secondly, tile Commission should consider a time limitation for restoration of the building to ensure conformance with the Commission's approval. RECOI~JDATIO# Staff recommends an amended approval of Variance 83-5 and the included use permit for office usage in the C-2 (Central Commercial) zone. Should the Commission concur, findings ~ust be made to justify the granting of a variance in accordance with the following (City Code Section 9292): 1. The variance granted shall not constitute granting of special priviledge inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and district in which the subject property is situated. 2. That because of special circumstances applicable to subject property, including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings, the strict application of the Zoning Ordinance is found to deprive subject property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under identical zone classification. The following conditions of approval are recommended: 1. Final building elevations, including color scheme and complete signing details shall be submitted for staff approval prior to issuance of any permits for this property. 2. Reconstruction of the subject building exterior shall be complete as proposed within one year from issuance of this variance or said variance will expire unless extended by the Planning Commission. Honorable Chairman & Commission Members June 27, 1983 Page 3 3. The applicant shall purchase or lease a minimum of five (5) surplus off-site parking spaces within 300' of this property or eliminate usage of the basement area. An agreement shall be signed by the property owner to identify and guarantee the availability of all nine (9) parking spaces for the life of this variance and use permit. DON-A%D O. LAMM DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OOL:jh Attachments: Development Review Summary Plan Reductions Full-size Plans RESOLUTION NO. 2101 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING AUTHORIZATION TO VARY WITH THE PARKING R£QUIREMENTS OF THE CENTRAL CO~I~ERCIAL DISTRICT ON TH£ APPLICATION OF VARIANCE NO. 83-6 FOR 333 EL CAMINO REAL 24 25 3 The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California does hereby resolve as follows: 4 I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: 5 a. That a proper app]icatton (Variance No. 83-6) has been M led by Raymond Salmt to authorize the redevelopment and operation of an office building 7 at 333 E1Camino Real by granting a variance to the parking standards of the Central Commercial District. 8 b. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and 9 held on said application. 10 c. The Planning Commission hereby makes the following findtugs of fact: ....... 11 1. That establishment, maintenance, and/or operation 12 of the use applied for will not be detrimental to the heal th, safety, or morals of the persons residing or 13 ~orking in the neighborhood of such proposed use, in that: a) the proposed activity is in compliance with the use restrictions and application procedures of City Code; b) the project is in conformance with the intent 15 of the development standards of the City. 16 2. The establishment, maintenance and/or operation of the use applied for will not be detrimental to the 17 comfort and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use in that 18 the activity is proposed for the correct land use and zoning classification and shall be developed in a manner 19 prescribed by the City's development and zoning 20 provisions. 3. That the establishment, maintenance and/or 21 operation of the usa applied for will not be injurious or detrimental to prbperty, improvements in the 22 neighborhood, or general welfare of the City in that the project will improve and enhance the site and structural 23 features of the development as evidenced by the visual improvement of the structures and the repair and upgrading of surrounding features. I 4. That the project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act as specified in Section 15101, Title [4 of the State Administrative Code. 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 24 26 27 28 Resolution ~1o. July 11, 1983. Page 2 II. 5. That because of special circumstances applicable to the subject property, relative to size, shape, topo- graphy, location or surroundings, a strict application of the Zoning Ordinance is found to deprive subject property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under identical zone classification, evidenced by the following findings: [. The use is in conformance with the land use element of the Tustin Area General Plan. 2. The property was initially subdivided and developed prior to the enactment of current zoning code provisions. 6. That the granting of a variance as herein provided will not constitute a grant of special privilege in- consistent with the limitations upon other properties im the-vicinity and df'sthict in which the subject property is situated due to the constraints placed upon project by existing facilities and existing property 1 i nes. 7. That the granting of the variance as herein provided will not be contrary to the intent of the Zoning Ordinance or the public safety, health and welfare, and said variance should be granted as evidenced by the existence of the structure and its previous authorized uses. 8. Proposed development shall be in accordance with the development policies adopted by the City Council, Uniform Building Code as administered by the Building Official, Fire Code as administered by the Orange County Fire Marshal, and street improvement requirements as administered by the City Engineer. 9. Final development plans shall require the review and approval of the Community Development Department. The Planning Commission grants authorization to vary with the Central Commercial parking provisions to redevelop and use the building at 333 E1 Camtno Real, as 'submitted, subject to the fol 1 owtng condttions: A. Final building elevations, including color scheme and complete signing details shall be submitted for staff approval prior to issuance of any permits for this property. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 Resolution No. July 11, 1983 Page 3 B. Reconstruction of the subject building exterior shall be complete as proposed within one year from issuance of this variance or said variance will expire unless extended by the Planning Commission. ¢. The applicant shall purchase or lease a minimum of five (5) surplus off-site parking spaces. An agreement shall be signed by ~he property owner :o identify and guaran%ee the availabili:y of all nine (9) parking spaces for t~e life of this variance and use permit. O. That the use of the building is authorized ~o have retail commercia1 on the first floor and office uses on the second t"1oor and an improved basement level. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular me,ting of the Planning Commission, held on the // day ~4~ ~_J~Y , 1983. James B. Sharp, Chairma~ Janet Hester Recording Secretary 4 ? 8 9 10 14 15 18 z0 zl .%o ORDINANCE HO. 510 A~i ORDINANCE OF TIlE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIF0.~NIA, ~ENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE, ORDINA~NCE NO. 157, AS A-qENDED, ADOPTING TI{~ EL CA~IINO REAL DEVELOP?!ENT PLAN (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 1) The City Council of the City of Tustin, does ordain as follows: The Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance No. 157, as amended is hereby amended by the addition thereto of Section 4.17. SECTION 4.17 E1 Camino Real - Specific Plan :~o. 1: a) In order to promote the goals and objectives of the General Plan and to encourage the orderly develoomen~ and redevelopment of commercial and profess~onal" land uses in the Town Center area, there is hereby establisaed by ~his Ordinance, The E1 Camino Real Commercial Area Specific Plan No. t. b) Plan Boundaries: The area encompassed by Specific Plan No. i, depicted by Figure 1, shall be bounded by a line starting at a 90iht at the center-line of the inter- section of "C" Street wi~h Sixth Street; eas~erty on Sixth Street to a point 400 feet easterly of the centerline of the intersection of Sixth Street and E1 Camino Real; thence northerly on an alignment with the easterly boundary of Prospect Avenue to the centerline of ~he intersection of Prospect Avenue and First Street; thence ~esterly to the point of beginning. c) Permitted Uses: Subject to the. general provisions, exceptions and restrictions as' herein provided, all uses shall be permitted in the Dowhtown Comraerciai Area as are authorized in the Retail Commercial District (C-l) . d) Limitations on Permitted Uses: Ail uses in the E1 Camino Real Commercial Area shall be subject to the following limitations: 1) No structure other than motels and hotels shall be permitted mixed residential and comr, ercial uses · 2) No merchandise shall be displayed nor advertised for sale on Or Over public right-of-way. This section is not to be construed as restricting nor limiting ~he outside display and sale of merchandise on p=ivate property within the dis=tic:. 1 9 10 11 14' 15, 17 ~.§ e) Authorized and Encouraged Uses: The following uses are authorized and encouraged for this area with the interest of creating a Commercial Village Atmosphere: Pipe & Tobacco Shops Wine Tasting Rooms Leather Goods Candle Shops Boutique Coffee Shops Ethnic Restaurants (Spanish, Mexican, French, GezTaan) Hobby Shops Delicatessens Lamp Shops Yardage Goods Knit Shops Ice-Cream Parlors Jewelry Shops Wrought Iron Ware Art Galleries General Offices Photogra~hers's Studios Gift Shops China and Crystal The above list of potential uses is not all encompassing but typifies the character of uses that illustrate the desired image. f) Site Plan and Elevations Required: Prior to the issuance of a building permit for any building, structure, or structural altera=ion, and prior to the improvement or modification of any parking lot, a site plan and/or building elevation plan shall be approved by the 0evelopment Previe:; Commission as set forth by Ordinance No. 439. g) Site Development Standards and Exceptions: In order to provide maximum flexibility in design and development for various lot sizes, consistent with a concept of village environment, the following criteria and exceptions shall become applicable: Front building set. backs may be established at the property line except for corner properties requiring a five foot (5') line of sight clearance. Rear yard setbacks shall be established at fifteen (15) feet from the rear property line, Or in the event the development extends to the next intervening street, the rear setback line shall be construed as the frontage on "C" or Prospect Btreets. As an exception to the general sections of this chapter and other provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, when co~ercial and professional properties are developed or converted to per- mitred uses under the provisions of this Ordinan¢ on-site parking r~quirements may be modified under any one or a combination of the following provisions. 4 ? 9 10 11 lZ 14 17 ZO 5O (a) Pro,arty or properties that lie in toro within a V~hicle Parking Assessment District or Business Improvement Area shall be exempt from ~he requirement for on-site parking accom~.odations, subject to the provisions of the parking or improvement district ordinance. (b) (c) On-site parking requirements may be waived upon the presentation to the City of a long term lease, running ~sith and as a condition of the business license, for private off- site parking accommodations within 300 feet of the business or activity to be served. All or a portion of required n=Tber of parking spaces may be satisfied by deoositing wit/-, the City an amount, to be used f~r · public parking accor~odations within the area. equal to 4 tires the assessed value as determined from t~e latest assessment roll of the Count~, Assessor, of 200 sruare fee.t Of land within t_he area, for eac~ required parking space not otherwise urc- vided. ' ~rchitectural styles shall be authorize~ b': the Devo!c~m~nt ~review Co~ission u~on a fin~ng ~hat "reposed developments are c~m~atible ~ith and complementary to the villace m~tlf. Renovatio~ of existing victorian and western style buildLngs and construction of others of eimila~ style and compatible Spanish motif are encouraged. Landscaping plans for areas exoosed to public view shall be required as an i~tegral of site development plans. Signs shall be of uniform., size, color and style limited'to twenty (20%) percent of the front wall area of any'one single business or office plus one free-standing complex or r'all identification sign not to exceed 200 square feet with permitted identification of the business or ~rofeesions within the complex of twenty (20) square feet maximum for each such occupant. h) ~ublic Improvements: Public improvements contributing to the motif of the area and the intent of this ordinance are to consist of t.he following: 1) Street furniture for convenience of ~he pedestrian! shopper to consist of benches and trash recep- tacles. 2) Street lighting with the use of stanchions and fixtures that contribute to the development theme. 31 Street portals to create an identity of approach to the area for vehicle and pedestrian traffic. 1 2 § 6 ? 8 10 !1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 4) The use of wishing %cells as theme and area i de n ti ty. 5) Street and traffic patterns that segregate vehicle from pedestrian traffic by providing rear access to parking accommodations, delivery services, and through traffic, with frontage accommodations for pedestrians and short term convenience parking. PASSED A.ND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin, City Council, held on the 6th day of Julv , 1971.' ATTEST: c Ty CLEm Report to the Planning Commission ITEM NO. 3 DATE: OCTOBER 27, 1986 SUB,]ECT: VARIANCE 86-7 APPLICANT: SAN OUAN PARTNERS LOCATION: 1421 SAN dUAN NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SAN dUAN AND GREEN VALLEY ZONING: R-3'2700 (NULTIPLE-FARILY RESIDENTIAL) I UNIT PER 2700 SQUARE FEET OF GROSS LAND AREA ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: THIS PROdECT IS CATEGORICALLY EXEHPT FROH THE REQUIREHENTS OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONNENTAL QUALITY ACT. (CLASS 3(b)). REQUEST: AUTHORIZATION TO VARY WITH THE LOT WIDTH REQUIREJqENT IN THE R-3 I~JLTIPLE FAIqILY, RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF TWO NEW APARTHENTS AND THE REHABILITATION OF AN EXISTING STRUCTURE. RECOI~qENDED ACTION: Staff recommends that the public hearing, be continued to the November 10, 1986 meeting due to late changes with the proposed project and a subsequent decision to revert to the original site plan. RffSERT N. 8ALEN, Planning Consultant MAC:do ........ ~,, Com m~nity Deve!opment Department Planning Commission DATE: SIJB,1ECT: OCTOBER 27, 1986 ~RKSHOP ON PROPOSED SIGN CODE RI[VISIONS RECOI~ENDED ACTION: Discuss the proposed changes and direct staff to place the item on a future agends for further discussion and/or public hearing. BACKGROUND: Ordinance 684 was adopted in 1976 as the Tustln Stgn Code. Since that time, only t~o (2) minor changes have been made to the sign code. The section on political stgns was amended and the section on advertising benches was added. AgALYSIS: Attached to thts memo are proposed changes which have been suggested by staff members who have worked with the code and encountered problems. Most of the stgn variances that have been approved tn the past few years were either for larger signs for large tenants in shopptng centers or shopping center identification signs. We have made an attempt to rectify both these situations. Please study the changes and suggest your own ideas at the workshop session. This workshop session is for discussion purposes only and later a public hearing will be held by the Planning Commission to make recommendations to the City Council. The City Council will then hold a public hearing and adopt any changes by ordinance. Associate Planner ~BERT W. BALE)F, Planning Consultant MAC:do attach: Suggested sign code changes Community Development Department SUGGESTED SIGN CODE CHANGES Part i INTRODUCTION Section 9412 d Appeals Change City Council to Planning Commission Section 9412 b Sign Plan Review Add sentence to this section: The design review criteria shall be adopted by Resolution. {See Exhibit A for design review criteria) Part 3 DEFINITIONS Section 9430 Add the following definitions: "MASTER SIGN PLAN" means a plan which consists of a text and sign plan to provide information regarding the entire center: signage types, sizes, materials, colors, illumination, and tenant options. The master sign plan shall be approved by the Community Development Director of the Planning Commission when directed. "AWNINGS" awning signs are restricted to 7" high letter(s) installed on the valance of the awning. No signs shall be installed on the body of the awning. "ADVERTISING SURFACE" strike out rectangle or circle and replace with line "Advertising Surface" means the total area of the face or faces of the sign structure designed to carry copy, whether or not there is a copy on all surfaces. Architectural design embellishments and structural elements are not construed to be defined as advertising surface. In the case of a sign of irregular shape, the total area is defined to be that of a line, circumscribing the advertising surface. "CENTER IDENTIFICATION SIGN" delete 2nd sentence. Add: Center Sign may include a tenant. "Center Identification Sign" means a sign identifying a center or complex. Center sign may include a tenant. "IDENTIFICATION SIGN" strike the second sentence .... "Identification Sign" means any sign referring to the name, service or trade of a business. "ROOF SIGN" add to the end of the sentence: or is higher than the eave of the structure served. "Roof Sign" means a sign installed wholly upon or above the roof of a building or structure or is higher than the eave of the structure served. page two PART "SIGNS" add to the end of the second sentence: such as posters, plastics, cards, menus, decorating trim made of any electrical contrivance. "Signs" means any structure, device or contrivance and all parts thereof which are installed or used for advertising purposes upon or within which any poster, bill, billeting, printing, lettering, painting, device or other advertising of any kind whatsoever is used, placed, posted, tacked, nailed, pasted or otherwise fastened or affixed. This definition also includes electric signs and signs directly applied to a building surface such as posters, plastics, cards, menus, decorating trim made of any electrical contrivance. "TEMPORARY SIGN" add to end of the sentence: requires approval of a temporary use permit. "Temporary Sign" means any sign, banner, pennant or advertising display constructed of or applied to any material, with or without frames, or any sign which does not require a structural sign permit under the terms of this Ordinance, and for the purposes of this Ordinance, requires approval of a temporary use permit. 4 UNSAFE, PROHIBITED, UNLAWFUL AND ABANDONED SIGNS Section 9442 REMOVAL OF ABANDONED SIGNS Change Building Official to Community Development Director 9442 REMOVAL OF ABANDONED SIGNS Any conforming sign abandoned, not operational, or not used for a period of ninety {gO) days, or any sign which was used to advertise that which has been moved or discontinued, shall be removed along with its supporting sign structure by the owner within thirty (30) days after having been given notice in writing by the City. If said sign is not removed within said thirty (30) days, the City may cause said sign to be removed and the cost thereof shall become a lien against the property on which the sign was located. Extensions for thirty (30) day periods may be granted by the Community Development Director. Section 9443 MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS Change Section B Corrections: Building Official to Community Development Director or his designee. b Corrections If after inspection, any advertising sign or any portion thereof is found to violate any provisions of this Chapter, the corrections required shall be made promptly and the sign shall be made to conform in all respects and another call for final inspection shall be made. No person shall continue or proceed with any sign installation work in violation of this Chapter, or any other code or ordinance of the Page three City regulating such signs after receipt of any notice from the Department of Building Regulation to "STOP WORK". The work must be made to comply with the provisions of this Chapter and any other codes or ordinances of the City. Orders given by the Department of Building and Safety to make safe such signs must be complied with promptly. STOP WORK NOTICES" and "CORRECTION NOTICES" affixed to a sign by the Community Development Director or his designee while installation work on a sign is in progress shall be considered as having been delivered to permittee. d Intensity of Lighting Change the Intensity of Lighting No illuminated sign shall have an intensity of light exceeding .... No illuminated sign shall have an intensity of light exceeding. It shall be the responsibility of the manufacturer or owner of the sign display or device to have labeled or lettered thereon that said sign shall not exceed the lighting intensity equivalent to the above specification: i Light Bulb Strings and Exposed Tubing Add to the last sentence - when in conformance with the adopted neon guidelines. External displays, which consist of unshtelded light bulbs, festoons, strings of open light bulbs, and open, exposed neon or gaseous light tubing are prohibited. An exception hereto may be granted by the Community Development Director when the proposed lighting is an integral part of the design and character of the use and building structure. (Ord. No. 684, Art. IV Sec. 5) When in conformance with the adopted Neon Guidelines. j. Painted Wall Signs Add section j - Sign area painted directly upon the surface of any exterior wall of the building served is prohibited. Page four PART 5 CONSTRUCTION Section 9450 DESIGN Change U.B.C. to Resolution All design criteria shall conform to the current Resolution as adopted by the City. Section 9451 CONSTRUCTION Change U.B.C. to Uniform Sign Code All construction shall conform to the current Uniform Sign Code as adopted by the City. PART 7 ADMINISTRATION Section 9470 EXCEPTIONS a Authorization The code reads that the City Council may grant these exceptions - discuss if this should be changed to read the Planning Commission. Also discuss if the % should be changed from 15% to 25%. The City Council may grant authorization for signs which are not within the purview of the standards and criteria established by this Chapter, due to unusual circumstances related to the development, activity, or locaton of the proposed signing, subject to any of the following criteria: (1) (2) (3) (4) Subject property is developed with structural setback more than two times the minimum front setback requirement of the district. Subject property frontage is at least 75% of the minimum frontage requirements for like signing. Proposed signing does not exceed more than one in number nor more than 15% in area of the aggregate size of signs authorized by the criteria of the district. The proposed signing would be in substantial conformance with the purposes and intent of this Chapter and would not constitute a health or safety violation as described in Part 4 of this Chapter. Section 9471 VARIANCES When May be Granted Part 4 should be changed to read Part 9 (Part 9 delineates the sizes of signs in the various district. the word "prohibited" should be changed to: that deviate from Signcode page five Applications for variances for signs that deviate from Part 9 of this Chapter may be made to the Planning Commission when the following conditions are found to apply: Section 9473 HEARINGS ON VARIANCES AND USE PERMITS a Hearing Date delete: filing of the application and add . . . application is deemed complete in writing to the applicant and .... Upon receipt of an application for a Variance or Use Permit, the Planning Commission shall set a date for a public hearing on said application; said hearing shall be held within forty-five {45) days after the application is deemed complete in writing to the applicant and .... PART 8 COMMON REGULATIONS Section 9481 CONDITIONAL SIGNS b Public Information Signs Change to: Time and temperature signs require a conditional use permit. c Searchlights .... Shall we delete section from code or put requirements on the issuance of a temporary permit, i.e. only issue for grand openings. Also discuss section as it presently exists. As a condition of the Use Permit, the applicant shall present evidence of clearance from the Orange County Airport and the U.S. Marine Corps Helicopter Station. d Banners, Bunting, etc. This section should either be deleted or revised to limit the duration of a permit and only twice a year and delete flags and balloons entirely Banners, bunting, advertising or decorating or similar contrivances, in addition to a Temporary Use Permit, shall require a Sign Permit from the Community Development Department, limited to thirty (30) days duration. e Portable, Supplemental and/or Temporary Signs This section should either be deleted (too difficult to enforce) or allowed only twice a year for a 14 day period, maximum. This also covers A frames which the staff feels should be deleted. Signcode page si x Section 9442 EXEMPTED SIGNS a Exemption from Area, Permit and Fee (6) Temporary Window Signs This part of the code is a continual enforcement problem. Staff suggests that only I sign be allowed in an interior window surface which cannot exceed 25[ of that window area. and add Section 10 {10) Temporary Construction and Real Estate Signs exempt from fee but shall follow size requirements as specified in Part 9. This section shall .not be construed to mean banners, flags or A frames. PART 9 Section 9494 ALLOWED SIGNS IN COMMERCIAL DISTRICT (SHOPPING CENTER) b. Business Identification . . . Wall Signs . . . maximum Number and Size This part of the code has been a continual problem for larger-size tenants. For instance, a business moved into six proposed units and made it one large unit. If 6 separate tenants had occupied those units, each one could have 30 square feet of signing for their main identification sign. For six tenants they would have had 180 square feet of signing. Instead the larger tenant is being penalized for being a large tenant and thus can have only 75 square feet regardless of size. Staff proposes that the ratio of 15[ of the front wall area be retained and allow a maximum size of up to 125 square feet. Section 9495 Signs in Professional District a. Building or Center ID b. Monument sign delete (1) single face and add double face exclude c under REMARKS page seven Section 9496 Industrial District c. Tenant Identification Maximum size - change 5 square feet to 6 sq.ft. Remarks delete a. Individual letters shall not exceed six (6) inches in height Section 9499 SIGNS ALLOWED FOR SERVICE STATIONS Business Identification: 1. Monument Sign 2. Wall Sign Permitted Signs: 1. Window Sign 2. Supplemental Signs 3. Gasoline Pricing Signs Conditionally Permitted Signs: 1. Freeway Identification 2. Pole Signs Guidelines: Monument Sign 1. One double-face sign per site. 2. Maximum 32 sq.ft, per face. page eight Pole 1. 2. 3. 3. Maximum height - 6 ft. above grade 4. Must be located in a planter or landscape area equal to or greater than the area of one face of a sign. 5. The sign shall not be located so as to create a traffic hazard for driveway or corner cut-off as determined by the City Engineer. Sign One double-face sign per side Maximum height of building. Pole sign must be located in a planter or landscape area equal to or greater than the area of one face of a sign, and must have a pole cover. 4. Subject to Conditional Use Permit 5. The sign shall not be located so as to create a traffic hazard for driveway or corner cut-off as determined by the City Engineer. Wall Sign ~. One single-face per building frontage. Square footage of the sign shall not exceed 25~ of the front wall area but in no event larger than 64 sq.ft. 2. One single-face on a side wall facing a street or parking lot. Square footage shall not exceed $~ of the wall area upon which the sign is located but in no event larger than 25 sq.ft. 3. Wall signs may be located on parapet, but must be completed below the roof line. Window Sign 1. One sign per window 2. May only cover 25) of the glass area of the window on which the sign is located. Supplemental Sign ~. Two portable sleeve signs per site. 2. Maximum square footage per sign not to exceed 20 sq.ft. Gasoline Pricing Signs 1. Any sign on the premises advertising the price of gasoline, diesel, liquefied petroleum gas or any motor vehicle fuel must include the following requirements which are consistent with state law: a. The brand name of the product shall be in letters one-third the size of the numerals indicating price and each letter to be at least half as wide as the height. b. The actual net price, including taxes, at which it is being sold, in figures of uniform size and color, and at least six inches in height but no greaterthan eight inches. c. The words "GASOLINE" or "MOTOR FUEL" in letters one-third the size of the numerals indicating price, but the height of such letters shall not be more than twice the dimension of the width. d. The grade designation must be shown in letters one-sixth the size of the numerals indicating price. The height of such letters or numerals used shall not be more than twice the dimension of the width. page nlne If gasoline or other motor fuel is sold by the liter and advertised, the word "liter" shall be displayed on such sign in letters one-third the size of the numerals designating the price and the height of such letters shall not be more than twice the dimension of the width. 2. All provisions of the State Law pertaining to price signs must be met. Freeway Identi fi cart on 1. Subject to conditions of a Use Permit. 2. Must be within 500' of the center line of a freeway. Section 9500 AUTO CENTER SIGNING See Tustin Auto Center Planned Community Master Development Plan as adopted by Ordinance No. g27 by the City of Tustin. EXHIBIT "B" Neon Sign Guidelines All permanent wall, window, or monument neon signs require approval by the Planning Commission or Community Development Director. All exterior signs posted lower than 8 feet in height shall be covered by clear plexiglass to avoid breakage and vandalism. All neon signs shall be limited to one sign per street frontage (including permanent window signs) All neon signs should be limited in the number of colors used and are subject to all regulations of the Sign Code (should be limited to business name or basic trade only.) Shopping Centers - Maximum size of 10% of store front area. Single Buildings - Maximum 15% of storefront area. - Any neon 'trim' devices shall be calculated as part of the allowed sign areas at 6" x each lineal foot of trim. EXHIBIT "A" SIGN DESIGN REVIEW CRITERIA A. Signs will be evaluated according to the'following criteria: Be 1. Sign itself simplicity clarity/objectivity of message colors compatibility {not more than 3 colors; excluding black & white) quality of materials and structure proportion of letters/spacing/details contemporaneity Sign in relation to the building (and/or to surrounding structures when applicable) appropriateness/harmony with building design, scale and setting style compatibility of colors and materials visibility (no clutter) proportionlity Signage plans shall be complete, clear, contain all information necessary to evaluate the criteria listed above and presented in a professional matter. (Refer to required sign plans in The Sign Application) Pl nnin Commission DATE: SUB,1ECT: APPLICANT: LOCAT! ON: ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: OCTOBER 27, 1986 SITE PLAN/DESIGN REVIEW TUSTIN BUSINESS PARK, SOUTHERLY SIDE OF DOW AVENUE AT NYFORD ROAD (COT 1, TR. NO. 8451) HIMES, PETERS ARCHITECTS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ON BEHALF OF BEDFORD PROPERTIES/IRVINE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF DOM AVENUE AT NYFORD ROAD PLANNED COPIqUMITY' INDUSTRIAL (PC, H) IRYINE INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT )lAS PREVIOUSLY CERTIFIED FOR THE TUSTIN IRVINE INI)USTRIAL r~)MPLEX, EXR 73-1. COMMISSION APPROVAL OF SITE PLAN AND ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN OF A PROPOSED 192,125 SQUARE FOOT INDUSTRIAL/BUSINESS PARK BUILDING RECOI~ENDED ACTION: It is recommended that the site plan, landscaping and architectural design of the proposed project be approved by the adoption of Resolution No. 2368 with all conditions of approval contained therein. SUMIURY: The Community Development Department has completed a review of the site plan, landscaping and architectural design of the proposed industrial/office building. However, pursuant to the adopted Planned Community Development Plan for the area, the final site plan and design is subject to review and approval of the Planning Commission. With the exception of conditions noted in the draft resolution of approval, staff considers the submittal to be complete and recommends that the Commission approve the project as presented. PROJECT ANALYSIS: The project's proponent and staff have met on several occasions to revise and refine the design of the project. Special emphasis was given to: * screening of parking and service areas by careful and strategic use of landcaping; ~ Community Development DeparTment Planning Commission Report Dow Avenue Deslgn Review Page two diminishing the mass/bulk of such large structures which by nature are ortented towards internal spaces through detatled architectural treatment of proposed elevations. facilitating pedestrian circulation by the use of lighted pathways and special paving; * upgrade the project in order to be compatible with surrounding development. SITE PLAN REYIE¥: Parking is more than adequate to meet development standards. The project would provide a total of 640 stalls. A total of 548 stalls are required. Out of 'the total number of stalls provided 384 would serve offices, 138 manufacturing, research and assembly, and 28 would serve the warehousing uses. A total of 109 {17%) compact stalls are provided. The compact parking is well distributed around the site and there is no such type parking in the loading/service area. LANDSCAPING: Landscaping plans for the proposed parking lot surpass minimum requirements and function as a screening for service and parking areas. Appropriate plant materials such as conifers (Pinus Canariensts) would be planted along southerly property line to screen mechanic equipment on the roof from Myford Road view. A series of climate resistant and decorative trees are also proposed. Trees provide a pinkish/wine/lavender blue color theme which enhances the color scheme of proposed structures. Proposed pathway with special paving and lighting purposes) would facilitate pedestrian circulation. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN: (security and aesthetics After several revisions to the elevations, landscaping, site plan, materials and colors, the design of proposed project has been upgraded to meet city standards. A. Description of Surroundings: Immediately to the north of the site is a one-story tiltup concrete building occupied by medical manufacturing companies. To the east across a vacant parcel is Myford Road elevated at approximately 35 feet from site grade. To the south and west is the Santa Fe railroad tracks. Further to the west is a painted precast concrete building, beige and brown in color occupied by "FDR Field Service Co." (computer maintenance) and "Datatron Inc." (microcomputer electronic manufacturing). These buildings are nicely landscaped and well maintained. Community Development Department Planning Commission Report Dow Avenue DesJgn Review page three B. Description of Building The applicant proposes to erect five rectangular-shaped structures set in an unusual manner which maximize lease space. The design of structures is softened by somewhat architecturally-articulated exterior facades and horizontal moldings and accent colors on the rear elevations. Following are the architectural features: *painted precast concrete * butjoined (no mullions) black gra¥1ite 14" vision glass * natural sandblast concrete surrounding windows and doors openings * 1 1/2" recessed horizontal trims, wrapping-up the structures * light tone accent colors in rear elevations * graylite 14 spandrel (opaque glass) sign display (black) * painted roof screen to match building parapet * signage would consist of light colored plexiglass letters glued on the' graylite spandrel sign display Proposed architectural treatment would diminish the mass of the structures and would provide improved view of rear elevations from adjacent properties. CONCLUSIONS: Staff and the project architect have spent a' considerable amount of time refining the proposed center. As submitted, the site plan, landscaping and building design address staff's major concerns and it is recommended that the Commission approve the project design by the adoption of Resolution No. 2368 with the conditions of approval contained therein. PATEIZIA MATEEASS I, Planner PM:do attach: Full size site plan/elevations/landscaping Resolution No. 2368 ROBERT W. BALEN, P.lannt ng Consu 1 rant Community Development Department 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2368 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, APPROVING SITE PLAN AND ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN OF A 192,125 SQUARE FOOT INDUSTRIAL/OFFICE BUILDING TO BE LOCATED AT THE SOUTHERLY SIDE O? DOW AVENUE AT MYFORD ROAD The Planning Commission of the City of Tustln does hereby resolve as follows: II. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: That a proper application, Design Review No. 86-27 has been filed on behalf of Bedford Properties/Irvine, to request approval of a proposed 192,126 square foot industrial R&D project to be located at the southerly side of Dow Avenue at Myford Road, within the Tustin Irvine Industrial Complex. B. An Environmental Impact Report was previously certified for the Tustin Irvine Industrial Complex (EIR 73-1). Ce That the Commission has reviewed the proposed project and determines that the proposed project will be compatible with the surrounding area. Ee Proposed development shall be in accordance with the development policies adopted by the City Council, Uniform Building Codes as administered by the Building Official, Fire Code as administered by the Orange County Fire Marshal and street improvement requirements as administered by the City Engineer. Final development plans shall require the review and approval of the Community Development Department. The Planning Commission hereby approves Design Review No. 86-27 to authorize construction of a 192,125 square foot industrial/Research & Development building to be located at the southerly side of Dow Avenue at Myford Road, subject to the following conditions: Ae A final grading plan must be submitted for review and approval and should be based on the Orange County Surveyor's bench mark datum. The finished pad elevation must be set at a minimum elevation of 59.00 which is one foot above the base flood elevation of 58.00. A separate street improvement plan will be required for all construction within the public right of way with all construction items referenced to the applicable city standard drawing numbers. Said construction items to include but not be limited to the following: 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18, 19 2O 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Resolution No. 2368 page two Ce Et 1. Curb and gutter 2. Five foot wide sidewalk 3. Drive aprons 4. Street lights (if required) 5. Domestic water/fire service 6. Sanitary sewer laterals 7. Removal of the curb return and modified knuckle at Dow and Myford the construction of a Payment of the Orange County Sanitation District No. 7 sewer connection fees at the time a building permit is issued. Payment of the required fees for the Major Thoroughfare and Bridge Fee Program at the time a building permit is issued. Public and on-site fire hydrants will be required prior to issuance of building permits for combustible construction. The east driveway at the corner of Myford and Dow may appear to traffic as being a through street. Revised driveway location shall be approved by City Traffic Engineer prior to grading permit be issued. Continuous 6" concrete curbs shall be provided between landscape planters, parking spaces and drive aisles. All roof equipment and vents must be screened from view and be painted to match the most dominant building color. Where possible, equipment should be screened by parapet wall. Separation walls shall be installed on Building A, so that it won't be over the allowable building area for type V construction. All roof scuppers shall be installed with a special lip device so that overflow drainage would not stain the walls. Detailed description and dimensions of horizontal trim of rear elevations shall be submitted to complete the file. Paint colors of light tones shall be submitted for staff review and approval at a later date. Tenant improvements and Master Sign Plan shall be submitted for zoning and design review and approval prior to issuance of related building'permits. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 28 Resolution No. 2368 page three A final landscaping plan shall be submitted and approved prior to issuance of any building permits. Landscaping plans shall include: One 15 gallon tree for each 1,500 square feet of parking area. Specification of lighting fixtures and intensity of light proposed for security and aesthetic purposes. * Specifications of pedestrian circulation pathway paving. A complete irrigation plan is required which should indicate the following: Points of connection Backflow prevention device(s) Location and types of valves Location and sizes of piping Sprinklerhead types and location. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held on the day of , 1986. CHARLES E. PUCKETT Chairman DONNA ORR, Recording Secretary Report to the Planning Commission ITEH NO. 6 DATE: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: LOCATION: OCTOBER 27, 1986 FI#AL TRACT MAP NO. 12868 (SHADOgBROOK) ADAMS, STREETER CIVIL ENGINEERS, INC. OR BEHALF OF THE BRE# COMPANY SOUTHEAST CORNER OF BROBBING & BRYAN MENUE (EAST TUSTIN RESIDENTIAL, PHASE ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: ENVIRONMENTAL 'II, PACT REPORT 84-3 gAS APPROVED I# COMPLIANCE t~ITll THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL OUALITY ACT FOR THE PROJECT AREA. APPROVAL OF TRACT MAP NO. 12868 FOR SINGLE FA~IILY RESIDENTIAL PURPOSES I# CONFORMANCE NITH PREVIOUSLY APPROVED TENTATIVE TRACT MAP RO. 12719. RECOI~IENDED ACTION: That the Commission recommend to City Counctl approval of Final' Tract 12868 by the adoptton of Resolution No. 2370. BACKGROUND: On July 28, 1986 the Planntng Commtsstpn approved Tentative Tract Hap 12719. Said map was deemed to be fn conformance wtth all applicable subdivision regulations, environmental documents and the £ast Tusttn Phase ! Planned Community Regulations. As permitted by the Subdivision Hap ACt, and appropriately noted on Tentative Tract Hap 127.19, the developer may submtt multiple ftnal maps providing each such map ts tn compliance wtth the approved Tentative. Final Hap 12868 has been submitted for a portton of the project approved by Tentative Tract 12719. Community Development Department Planning Commission Report Final 12868 page two DISCUSSION: Final Map 12868 would grant final subdivision authorization for development of the area bounded by Browning Avenue, Bryan Avenue, Parkcenter Lane and Parkvi~w Way. Said map is in con~liance with the approved tentative and staff accordingly is recommending that the Commission recommend to Council approval of' Final Map 12868. JD:do attach: Reso. No. 2370 Tract Map 12868 ROBERT W. BALEN, Planning Consultant Community Development Department 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14. 15 16 17 18 19 20 ~3 ~5 ~6 :27' 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2370 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN RECOMMENDING TO THE TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF TRACT MAP NO. 12868 The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows:. I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: A. That Tentative Tract Map No. 12719 was submitted to the Planning Commission on behalf of The Bren Company for consideration. B. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held for said map. C. That an Environmental Impact Report (EIR 84-3) has been certified in conformance with the requirements of California Environmental Quality Act for the subject project area. D. That the Commission recommended to City Council approval of Tentative Tract Map 12719. E. That City Council approved Tentative Tract Map No. 12719. F. That, in conformance with Note 8 of Tentative Tract Map 12719, Final Map 12868 has been submitted. This Final Map would grant final subdivision authorization for the area shown on that attached Exhibit "Tract Map No. 12868". G. That Tract Map 12868 as submitted is in conformance with Tentative Tract Map !2719 as approved by Resolutions 234g and 86-95. H. That the proposed division is in conformance with the Tustin Area General Plan and adopted Planned Community Regulations (East Tustin, Phase I) as it pertains to the development of single family dwellings. II. The Planning Commission hereby recommends to the City Council approval of Tract Map No. 12868 subject to the following conditions: A. That all applicable conditions of Tract 12345 and Tentative Tract 12719 shall hereby be imposed by reference onto Final Map No. 12868. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission held on the day of , 1986. CHARLES E. PUCKETT, Chairman DONNA ORR, Recording Secretary iii ii TRACT NO. 12868 m PORTION'OF 'TT:NT&TI¥~ Plannin Commission DATE: OCTOBER 27, 1986 SUBJECT: REPORT ON COUNCIL ACTIONS - October 22, 1986 Oral presentation. do . Attachments: City Council Action Agenda - October 22, 1986 ~ ~ Community Develooment Deparlment 6:S9 I. ACTION AGENDA OF AN AD,)OURNED REGULAR ~ETING OF THE TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 22, 1986 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER AU~ PRESENT II. ROLL CALL III. PROCLAMATION PRESENTED TO 1. "RED RIBBON WEEK" - OCTOBER 27 THROUGH NOVEMBER 3, 1986 ETHEL REYNOLDS FROM "PARENTS ~ CARE' IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS INTRODUCED 1. ORDINANCE NO. 978 ')OPTED RESOLUTION 2. 1. 86-126 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF TUSTIN & THE IRVINE COMPANY RELATING TO DEVELOPMENT OF THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN PROJECT AREA - ORDINANCE NO. 978 ORDINANCE NO. 978 - AN ORDINANCE 'OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN ADOPTING A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO), AS DEFINED BY SECTION 65865.2 OF THE CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT CODE, BETWEEN THE CITY OF TUSTIN AND THE IRVINE COMPANY PERTAINING TO DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN PROJECT AREA SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL EIR TO FINAL EIR 85-2 CONSIDERING ENVIRON- MENTAL IMPACTS OF A PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT RELATING TO DEVELOP- MENT OF THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN PROJECT AREA - RESOLUTION NO. 86-126 RESOLUTION NO. 86-126 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY ~OUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, CERTIFYING FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR) 85-2 AS SUPPLEMENTED, AS REQUIRED BY THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT FREOERICK J. V. PUBLIC INPUT HELLING ASKED ABOUT THE CREDITS ON HIS TAX BILL FOR TRASH COLLECTION. EDGAR AgO NOESTEREY TO IqEE'r WITH STAFF AND HAVE A RECOI~qENUATION ON HOW TO SETTLE THIS FOR THE 2NO ~ETING IN NOV~ER. MaRY dANE STEPHENS OF 49 VIA ENTNAOA REQUESTED THRT THE SUNUAY ~)AN SESSIONS IN FRONT OF THE ITALIAN R~RKET BE ALLOWED TO CONTINUE. STRFF RESPONUEO THAT A USE PERMIT ANO OUTOOOR CONCERT PERMIT WOULD HAVE TO BE OBTAINED. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR APPROVED 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - OCTOBER 6, 1986, REGULAR MEETING APPROVED 2. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,322,057.48 RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL IN THE AMOUNT OF $148,526.79 ADOPTED RESOLUTION 3. -'~. 86-127 RESOLUTION NO. 86-127 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR "B" STREET AND "C" STREET WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS Adopt Resolution No. 86-127 as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. CITY COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA PAGE i 10-22-86 APPROVED STAFF 4. RECOi~IENDATION APPROVED STAFF 5. RECOI~ENDATION ADOPTED RESOLUTION 6. NO. 86-128 APPROVED STAFF 7. RECOMMENDATION APPROVED STAFF 8. RECOPtiENDATION APPROVED STAFF 9. RECOI~ENDATION ADOPTED 10. RESOLUTION NO. 86-125 ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES AGREEMENT - CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION PROJECT Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement with John Bates Associates, Inc., for preparation of working drawings for the Civic Center Expansion Project as recommended by the City Manager. YOUTH SPORTS - LIGHT FEE WAIVER Adopt the proposed criteria as contained in the inter-com dated October 14, 1986, regarding light fees for youth sports programs as recommended by the Community Services Department. RESOLUTION NO. 86-128 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, DETERMINING AND ADOPTING AN APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1986-87 IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE XIIIB OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND SECTION 7910 OF THE GOVERNMENT CODE Adopt Resolution No. 86-128 as. recommended by the Finance Depart- ment. ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC STREET IMPROVEMENTS AND REDUCTION OF BOND AMOUNTS IN TRACT NO. 12345 Accept street, storm drain, water, sewer and other public utilities within Parkview Way, Parkcenter Lane, and related easements within Tract No. 12345; and authorize reduction of the following bonds: Performance Bond No. 5241-00-68 {reduced $510,150 [75%]); Labor and Materials Bond No. 5241-00-68 (reduced $255,075 [75%]); and Monumen- tation Bond No. 5241-00-69 (reduced ($6,800 [100%]) as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. AUTHORIZATION TO REMOVE TREES AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS Authorize staff to remove trees at following locations: Ficus at 14751 Foxcroft; Ficus at 17532 Medford; Silk Floss at 13331 Coral Reef; Ficus at 2002 Nantucket; and Ficus at 13432 Cindy Lane as recommended by Public Works Department/Engineering Division. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 12833 (Sixth Street) Accept applicant's request to continue consideration of Tentative Tract Map No. 12833 and table the item at this time as recommended by the Community Development Department. RESOLUTION NO. 86-125 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, OVERTURNING PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVAL OF USE PER- MIT 86-26 THEREBY DENYING SAID PROJECT (405, 415 & 425 Sixth Street) Adopt Resolution No. 86-125 pursuant to Council action on October 6, 1986. VII. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION - None. VIII. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION - None. IX. OLD BUSINESS - None. ' ~PPROVED STAFF · :COpliI~NOATI O# NEW BUSINESS TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION AT MAIN STREET & PACIFIC STREET, AND AT MAIN STREET & "B" STREET Recommendation: Award the bid for traffic signal installation at Main Street and Pacific Street, and at Main Street and "B" Street to the low bidder, Steiny and Company, Fullerton, in the amount of $131,000 as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. CITY COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA 'Page 2 10-22-86 ,,,'PROVED STAFF RECOI~ENDATION APPROVED STAFF 3. RECOI~ENDATION AND INCLUDE SOUND AI-rENUATION AND BEJUJTIFICATION IN THE LETTER APPROVED STAFF 4. RECOI~ENDATION 2. MISCELLANEOUS PUBLIC FACILITY MODIFICATIONS Recommendation: Authorize the modification of miscellaneous public facilities for handicapped access as detailed in the text of subject report dated October 15, 1986; and appropriate $10,000 from the unappro- priated reserves of the Revenue Sharing Fund for their completion. SANTA ANA FREEWAY WIDENING BETWEEN ROUTE 1-405 AND NEWPORT AVENUE Recommendation: Authorize staff to send the letter of concurrence attached to subject report dated October 15, 1986, to CalTrans for the widening of the Santa Aha Freeway between Route 1-405 and Newport Avenue. REQUEST FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT WARNER AVENUE AND PULLMAN STREET Recommendation: Program the traffic signal installation at Warner Avenue and Pullman Street for the 1986-87 fiscal period subject to recommended funding pariticpation from City of Santa Aha and Steelcase, Inc. APPROVED STAFF 5. RECO~NDATION AWARD OF BID FOR THE PURCHASE OF A CUSHMAN SCOOTER FOR WATER METER READ- ING Recommendation: Authorize the purchase of a Cushman Scooter for water meter reading from Pacific Irrigation and Equipment, Inc., Industry, in the amount of $7,018.76. XI. RATIFIED RECEIVED AND FILEO 2. RECEIVE]} AND FILED 3. RE~ORTS 1. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTIONS - OCTOBER 13, 1986 All actions of the Planning Commission become final unless appealed by the City Council or member of the public. EXPANDED EVALUATION OF WALNUT AVENUE AT CHERRYWOOD Recommendation: Implement no changes to the signal's operation at sub- ject intersection. EL CANINO REAL MISSION BELL THEME RECEIVED AND FILED 4. Recommendation: Receive and file. SEPTEMBER INVESTMENT REPORT Recommendation: Receive and file. RECEIVED Alii) FILED 5. CEIVED AND FILED 6. CITY COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA FICUS TREE REMOVAL ON WHEELER DRIVE Recommendation: Receive and file. TUSTIN HEIGHTS SHOPPING CENTER DRIVEWAY MODIFICATION AT IRVINE BOULEVARD/OLD IRVINE BOULEVARD PAGE 3 10-22-86 STAFF TO ~/U~T A 7. INFLUENTIAL SQUARE STORM DRAIN PROBLEMS RESPONSE TO FLORENCE t~GALLON AND SEND IT THROUGH THE A'n'ORNEY. Recommendation: Pleasure of Che City Council. STAFF TO ~ Will4 8. SOLID WASTE COLLECTION FEES - TAX ROLLS EDGAR AND HOESTEREY AND HAVE A RECOMHENDATION ON HOW TO SETTLE THIS FOR THE 2ND I~ETING NOVEMBER. IN HUSTON XII. OTHER BUSINESS REQUESTED A CLOSED SESSION FOR Iq~RSOIINEL I~ITERS. HOESTEREY REPORTED THAT THE CITY RECEIVED HONORABLE FI~NTIO# AT THE LEAGUE ~ETING FOR THE POLICE COMHUNITY IHPROVE~ENT PROGRAN. STAFF TO SEND LEll'ER TO EACH OF THE PEOPLE INVOLVED IN, THIS PROGRAM. KELLY EXPRESSED HIS THANKS TO THE CITY I~IL~.GER FOR RESOLVING CONPLAINTS THAT HE HAD BROUGHT TO HIS ATTENTION. KENNEDY REQUESTED PROCLAMATION FOR THE /LRTIST ~ DESIGNED THE TILLER DAYS LOGO. STAFF TO SEND LETTER TO HELICOPTER BASE REGARDING FLIGHTS OVER RESIDENTIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREA. 8:21 XIII. ADJOURNMENT To the next Regular Meeting on Monday, November 3, 1986, at 7:00 p.m. CITY COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA Page ~ 10-22-86 ACTION J~ENDA OF ~ ADJOURNED REGULAR ~ETING OF THE TUSTIN REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OCTOBER 22, 1986 7:00 P.M. 8:21 1. CALL TO ORDER ALL 2. PRESENT APPROVED 3. ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES - OCTOBER 6, 1986, REGULAR MEETING Recommendation: Approve. APPROVED 4. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS Recommendation: Approve demands for the month of September, amoun: of $121,873.84 as recommended by the Finance Department. 1986, in the 90PTEO 5. DESIGN REVIEW - 1311 VALENCIA INDUSTRIAL BUILDING - RESOLUTION NO. RDA 86-12 SSOLUTION NO. .~A 86-12 AND RESOLUTION NO. RDA 86-12 - A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STAFF TO CREOC OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE DESIGN OF AN INDUSTRIAL BUILD- WIll~ FIRE ING TO BE LOCATED AT2311 VALENCIA DEPARTMENT TO SEE IF THEY NDULO ALERT US OF ANY PARKING PROBLEMS AT THIS LOCATION WHEN THEY ARE MAKING INSPECTIONS AS THIS COULO BE AN INGICATION THAT THEY MIGHT BE EXCEEDING THE 50% LIMIT OF OFFICE USE. STAFF TO 6. OTHER BUSINESS PREPARE APPROPRIATE COMMENDATION FOR TILLER DAYS PARADE COIeqlTTEE AND TILLER DAYS COIqqITTEE. 8:21) 7. ADJOURNMENT To the next Regular Meeting on Monday, November 3, 1986, at 7:00 p.m. REDEVELOPMENT A~ENCY ACTION AGENDA Page i 10-22-86