HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes of 08-17-87 MINUTES OF A R~6ULAR ~£TI~ CITf OF ~STIN, ~IF~IA AUGUST 17, 1987 -.. The meeting was call~ to order by Mayor Edgar at 7:00 p.m. tn the City Council Cha~er~, 300 Centennial Way. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman ~elly, aha ~e Invocation was given by Councilman Councilpersons P~sent: Richard B. Edgar, Mayor Ursula E. Kennedy, ~yor Pro Tam Ronald B. Hoesterey Jo~n Kelly Earl J. Prescott Council pe~ons ~sent: None Others Present: William A. Huston, City Manager James G. Rourke, City Attorney ~ Ma~ E. Wynn, City Clerk Christine Shingleton, C~. Dev. Director Charles R. Thayer, Chief of Police Roba~ Ledendeckar, Otr. of Public Works Ronald A. Nault, Finance Director Royleen ~(te, C~. & A~nin. Srvcs. Director ) Susan Jones, Recreation Superintendent ~proximately ~O in the Audience 1. E~LISHI~ ~E ~LIO ~E ~ECTION ~E F~ 1987-~ & A~ORIZ- The Ftnance Otrector gave the staff report. Thts ts a contfnuatlon of ~e trash fees m the tax bill as was created last year. The tnc~ase Js bas~ upon the weight~ factor that was agre~ to four years ago ~t~ ~r current trash haulers. Those factors Increased 3.34~. The overall Increase to the soltd waste collect~ fee as propos~ ts actually ~out 2.25~. T~ere are two elements that make up the collection fee. One ts the cost for ¢estdential pickup, and t~en the~e ts the dtsposal fee ~ich the County ~arges at the landfill stte at $1.50 per residential untt. The prospos~ fee ts $5.48 per ~sldenttal fee and the annual fee ts $65.76. There ~ill be appcoxtmately 5,000 residential units affect~ by t~is fee. .... The public hearing was open~ at 7:04 p.m; The~ we~ no speakers On t~e ~tter, and the publlc hearlng was closed. ~', It was ~ved by Hoesterey~ seconded by Kennedy, to adopt the RE~L~ION ~. 87-93 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ~E CITY OF ~ST[N, ~LZFORN[A, ~OPTED PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SEC- T[ON 5473 ~ SEQ. OF THE HEALTH ANO SAFE~ CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, F[~LLY APPROV]NG ~D ADOPTING A REPORT RELATIVE TO P~CELS OF RE~ PROPERTY RECEIVING SOLID gASTE COLLECT[ON SERVICES, DETERMINING ~E ~ARGE5 FOR SOL~D ~STE ~LLECT]ON TO ~ ~SESSED AGAINST THE RESPECTIVE LOTS OR PARCELS OF LAND ~ THEY APPE~ ON THE ~RRENT ~SESSMENT ROLL The ~tton carried S-O. 97 2. ZON~ ~D[~CE ~ ~. 87-3 - ON-SITE & O~-SZTE ~DEMPT~ON CEN~ ~ ~CYC~ ~GE ~A[~ - ORD[~N~ ~. 993 The Sentor Planner, present~ the staff report. This it~n is a zoning o~t~ance ~en~ent ~ich would add ~o our Municipal Code, CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2, 8-17-87 provisions for dealing with the California Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act which was passed by State Legis- lature in 1986. Tht~ Act establishes six convenient zones in the City which are determined by the State Department of Conservation. A convenience zone qualifies as an area that lies within a half, mile radius o~ a supermarket which does $2,000,O00/year. or more in gross annual sales. Commencing September l, all beverage con- tatners will be marked with a redeemable value. These are for con- tainers made of aluminum, glass, or plastic. There are al so some provisions in soma areas for bi-metal, meaning steel and aluminum. Provisions of State Law prohibit the City from denying approval of ~ small collection facility or reverse vending machine. However, they do not prohibit the City from placing reasonable controls on these facilities. The Planning Commission adopted a resolution which recommends approval of Ordinance gg3 which provides for three different types of collection facilities within the convenience zones in Tustin. The first one is a reverse vending machine, which is similar to a soda machine or a water vending machine. The 'second type of machine is known as a bulk vending machine or a small collection facility. This is the type of facility that would be located in a parking lot where material would be deposited and the redemption is given out based on weight. The third type of facility is a large collection facility which would occupy a free-stahding building or a store front in an existing shopping center. In dealing with these three types of facilities, staff has attempted to address issues of location, design, and signage. The reverse vending machine is a small simple facility that staff has proposed to be dealt with on an administrative permit basis...A bulk vending machine and the large collection facility would be subject to a Conditional Use Permit. . Councilwoman Kennedy was curious as to who enforces the Health Code Sanitation Standards. Senior Planner Rubin responded that staff included in the standards that the area be kept clean, free of litter, and free of pests and vermin. We would have the ability -to have the supermarket or the supplier company to keep the.facility clean. Councilwoman Kennedy said that we have such a difficult time enforcing health and safety in the City that she would like to see it in the system before we have the problem, if we can look at the Conditional Use Permit wording. Councilman Prescott had problems with the bulk vending machines. It would seem that they have the right to operate 24 hours within 30 feet of residential usage with noise levels up to 60 dba. Senior Planner Rubin responded that the noise level standards were taken from the City's noise ordinance and the hours of operation and the distance were standards that were recommended by the Department of Conservation in what they call a model ordinance. Those are flexible. They do not have to be open 24 hours a day. The minimum is 30 hours a week, and they are required to be open a certain number of hours past or beyond that which the host user supermarket is open for convqnience. Councilman Hoesterey suggested opening the public hearing before the Council had further discussion. The public hearing was opened at 7:19 p.m. Seeing no one, the public hearing was closed. Councilwoman Kennedy felt sound tones should be reduced. The Community Development Director said that the 65 dba is the limit for commercial uses. Larger setbacks might be a better solu- tion. She suggested perhaps 50-75 foot setbacks. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES "~ge 3, 8-].7-87 Councilman Prescott suggested coupltng the setbacks wit. h limitation on hours of 'usage. It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Kelly, that Ordinance No. 993 have first reading by title only with addition of a 75-foot setback ,, i'~ limitation. A substttut, e mo[ton was made by Prescot. t~ seconded by Edcjar, that the hours of operation be ltmited to between 6:00 a.m. to midnight and with a 7S-foot setback limitation. Councilman Hoestarey satd we have the option to implement the hours as problems artse. Substitute mo[ton carried 3-2, Kennedy and Hoesterey opposed. [t was moved b.v.Hoestere~ seconded b,v Kenned)', that Ordinance No. 993 have first reading by' t~t. le only. Motion carried 5-O.. Following first raadtng by tttle only of Ordinance No. 993 by the Ctty Clerk, it was moved by Prescot, t~ seconded by £dcjar, that. the _- amended Ordinance No. 993 be Introduced as follows: ORO[NANC£ NO. 993 - Alt ORDINAl[CE OF 1TIE C[TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN APPROVING ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 87-3 THEREBY AMEND- ING SECTIONS 9232.a:2, gg32.b, 9233.c, 92~,4.d, 9244.e.2 AND 9297 OF · THE TUST[N MUNICIPAL COOE, TO PERMIT REDEMPTION CENTERS FOR RECYCLABLE BEVERAGE CONTAINERS IN THE C-1, C-2 & PC, ZONING DIS- . TRLCTS, SUBJECT TO AOMZN[STRATIVE ANO CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS ,. '. The mo[ton carried 4-1, Hoesterey opposed. 81 ,, ,~ ,'. Mayor Edgar asked for a time limit for a staff report regarding any probl ems*. · .-:, ;~ Councilman Hoesterey recommended that we handle problems on an exception besls and If wa have a problem, It wtll come back ,. : ::~ Counctl. Mayor Edgar agreed. IV.. PUBLIC INPUT .~ Joseph Herzfg, 1751 Ratnbow Ortve, requested petttton statistics on ' Annexations No. 139 and No. 140. He sent matlgrams to the 5 Councilmembers ~nd one to City Hall and has not received an ,~' answer. Me read the matlgram. Mayor Edgar responded that copies of the petitions are in your possession and the analysis that the City Attorney performed was an analysis regarding those copies. I)ased upon that analysis, he wrote an opinion to the City Council, of which you have a copy, and based on that opinion, Council determined that an election was' appropriate. To direct the City Attorney to do more work than he has interpreted is not something Council is electing to do. The City Attorney said that he had received a copy of the mailgram this date and had a letter sent to Mr. Herztg which says, "Please find enclosed copies of our letters to your attorney Roger Grable. All the records of the City relative to Annexation No. 140 are in the office of the City Clerk and may be inspected by you or anyone else anytime during regular working, hours of the City Hall. Copies of these records may be obtained by you upon request. The City. Council after reviewing the facts and considering staff reports and recommendations, adopted Resolution 87-71 finding and determining :hata majority protest was not made and set an election for November 3, 1987, for the voters of the annexation territory to vote on whether they wanted their territory to be annexed to the City of Tustin. The election will be conducted by the Registrar of Voters pursuant'to the request of the Council's Resolution 87-81." The City Attorney thought thi's an adequate response to Mr. Herzig's inquiries. The Council had no further comments. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4, 8-17-87 2. TRAFFI~ PROBLEM ON ACACIA DRIVE · Ed Son~rath, 14581 Acacia Or., said his problem is an unbearable traf- fic situation. The stop signs are just not adequate. He requested the City survey the situation in unmarked cars as people are on their best behavior men they see a marked Police car. People are ignoring the stop signs. The City Engineer and Chief of Police said they would study the situ- ation and possibly put .signs warning of a stdp sign ahead. They said they would do as much as they could to remedy the problems. 94 V. CONSENT CALENDAR Item No. ! was removed from the Consent Calendar by Councilman Prescott. It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Hoesterey, to approve the remainder of the ~onsent ~al~ndar. Ihe motion carried 5-0. 2. APPROVJU. OF DEt4ANDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $950,828.62 RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL IN THE AMOUNT OF $151,146.94 50 3. REJECTION OF CLAIM NO. 87-20; CLAIMANT: SVETLARA C~IZHIK; DATE OF LOSS: 12-~ 86; BATE FILED WITM CITY: 7/20/87 Rejected Claim No. 87-20 fqr indemnification as recommended by the City Attorney. 40 4. ~ESSt4ENT DISTRICT NO. 85-1 I~TILITY AGREEMENTS WITH IRVINE Ib~NOI WATER DISTRICT t Approved agreements for construction of water, sanitary sewer and reclaimed water facilities for A.D. 85-1 PPoject No. 6 (Tustin Ranch Road between Bryan Ave. and Irvine Blvd.) in the amount of $3,294.50, and Project No. 9 {Myford Road between E1 Camino Real and Irvine Blvd.) in the amount of $14,488.50; and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same as recom- mended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. 45 87-39; 87-40 $. JN480EEE EON) BETWEEN 1-5 & IRVINE B~VO. FUNDING AGEEEMENT WITH THE IRVINE CO~A~r Approved subject agreement which provides for the AssessmeQt District to fund 71.51% and The Irvtne Company to fund 28.49% of the totai project cost; and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same as recommended by the Public Works Oepartmeflt/Engtneering Division. 45 87-41 6. ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENT DEEDS ON ALLENAN PLACE FOR FIRE HYDRANT PURPOSES Accepted easement deeds for fire hydrant purposes on Alleman Place south of 17th Street from Robert and Linde Hitchens and from Richard and Rosemary Hernandez; and authorized recording with the County Recorder as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. 49 7. DECLARATION AS SURPLUS, ONE PITNEY BOWES SCALE/POSTAGE I~C141WE, AND ONE 8ASIC FOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM Declared one Pitney Bowes Scale/Postage Machine, Model #5600, and one Basic Four Computer System as surplus; and authorized the Finance Director to dispose of same at the highest return to the City as recommended by the Finance Department. 87 Consent Calendar Item No. 1 - Minutes of August 3, 1987 - Councilman Prescott requested that Redevelopment Agency Minutes of the August 3, 1987, meeting reflect that he abstained on the votes regarding Ruby's Restaurant. It was moved by Edge% seconded by Kennedy, to approve the Minutes with the above correction. 1. APPROVAJ. OF MINUTES - JULY 27, 1987, ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 3, 1987, REGULAR MEETING Carried 5-0., CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 5, 8-1~-87 VI. OPJ}II(~C£$ FOR INTROOUCTIOI( None. ORDII~(C~ FOR ADOPTION 1. Z~ ~ 87-1 - ORI)INA~IC£ NO. gBg ' ' Subject ordinance had first reading and introduction at the '~' August 3, 1987, City Council meeting. It was moved by Kennedyt seconded by Kelly, that Ordinance No. 989 have second reading by title only. Carried 5-0. Following second reading by title only of Ordinance No. 989 by the City Clerk, it was moved by Kennedyt seconded by Hoasterey, that Ordinance No. 98g be passed and adopted as follows: OI~J)IIIAliCE NO. 989 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF 'THE CITY OF TUSTIN, APPROVING ZONE CHANGE 87-1 TO REZONE PROPERTIES GENERALLY LOCATED EAST OF NEWPORT AVENUE BETWEEN ~IN STREET AND SAN JUAN FROM (CG) COMMERCIAL GENERAL AND (CG-PUD) COMMERCIAL GENERAL- PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT TO (PC-C) PLANNED COII~tUNITY~ COMMERCIAL '' Roll Call Vote: AYE~ Edgar, Hoesterey, Kelly, Kennedy, Prescott NOES: None ABSENT: None ~ ., 2. ZONE CHAMGE 87-2 - OIU)INANCE NO. 990 Subject ordinance approves Zone Change B7-1 which rezones proper- ties west of Newport Avenue between the I-5 Freeway and Mitchell Avenue from Multiple Family Residential (R-3) and Retail Commercial (C-l) to Planned Coat, unity Commercial (PC-C). It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Hoesterey, that Ordinance No. 990 have second reading by title only. ~arried 5-0. Following second reading by title only of Ordinance No. 9go by the City Clerk, it was moved by Hoesterey) seconded by Kennedy, that Ordi- nance No. ggo be passed and adopted as follows: OIU)IN/UICE NO. 990 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, APPROVING ZONE CHANGE 8.7-2 TO REZONE PROPERTIES GENERALLY LOCATED WEST OF NEWPORT AVENUE BETWEEN THE I-5 FREEWAY AND MITCHELL AVENUE FROM MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (R-3) AND RETAIL COMMERCIAL . +; (C-1) TO PLANNED COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (PC-C) Roll Call Vote: AYES:' Edgar, Hoesterey, Kelly, Kennedy, Prescott NOES ~ None ABSENT: None 110 ~ , ,~jN°neo IX;'-? N~W BU~IMES$ . 1.. R£q~£ST FOR ST~T NAJ~£ C~U~NI~E - WA~MUT STREET A request from Ms, Jocelyn H, Edwards to change the name of Walnut Street between Newport Avenue and Orange Street to "Old Walnut." Councilman Hoesterey said that since he brought this change to the Council's attention about four years ago, he thought it might be beneficial that instead of having staff take a poll each time, that as wa receive a request from people in the area, that they carry a petition to the neighborhood so that they can interact with the people they are asking to sign the petition for a street name CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 6, 8-17-87 Mayor Edgar responded that he thought that was an excellent idea and perhaps a list of the people who live in the area could be pro- vided to Mrs. Edwards so that she could make that contact. The City Engineer said staff had recommended a name change t~) Sizth Street. There was Council consensus to direct staff to contact Mrs. Edwards to see if she would be willing to make the survey. 96 2. APPROVAL OF SUPER CO~ITTEE TRANSPORTATION PRO,~ECTS The Chairman of subject committee has requested each city review its list of project submittals and confirm same with Council act t on. It was moved by Ed!)ar~ seconded by Hoesterey, to confirm the following project submittals in the order of priorttization as shown: ~ Local - 1. Eastern Transportation 1. ~'-~mino Real ~identng Corridor Construction :>. Jamboree Road Construction :~. Santa Aha (I-5) Freeway 3. Edinger Avenue Widentng Widening. 4. Newport Ave. Extension to Edtnger Avenue The motion carried 5-0. 10! 3. REQUEST FOR STOP SIGNS 'AT THE INTERSECTIONS OF bEAI:VO00 LANE/ LOREi IA OR]VE NiO LAURIE LANE/LORETTA DR[YE The City Engineer responded that staff' has no additional informa- tion ~cher than the triter-rom dated duly :>4, 1987, prepared by the Public Works Department/Engineering Oivlsion. Not Included were the actual warrants or the workout sheets for the warrants. Mayor Edgar said he thought the staff report was clear. The issue is similar to the one presented earlier in the meettng bn Amaganset and Acacia. The residential street, through many circumstances, has been and continues to be mtsused. Unfortunately, Loretta Drive has a dtstance of well over I/C-mile of stratght good road and some people choose to drive on it very fast. There was a serious acci- dent a few ~eeks ago that could very eastly have been fatal. Unfortunately, he saw no alternatives to the stop sign to inhibit the number of people who choose to speed. He was In favor of installing a stop stgn at Loretta Drive and Laurie Lane with the hope that it wtll slow down the speeders on Loretta. Helen Edgar satd the police were out three nights tn a row about :>-1/2 weeks ago in the middle of the night because of accidents and cars betng driven across two lawns just two houses south of her. She and her neighbors are asking for a three-way stop at Laurie Lane and Loretta Drive going north, south, and coming .,~,off of Laurt nda Way. · · It was moved by Edgar~ seconded by Kelly, to authorize staff to put a three-way stop sign at Laurie Lane and Loretta Drive. The motion carried 5-0. ~ 4. II(S~rALLATION OF ~ M~LqBELITE I~RNNER POLES - RESOLUTION NO.-87-g2 A prpposal to install two poles at a cost of $2,000 in the sidewalk area of 235 and 220 East Main Street to promote City functions. As recommended in the inter-corn dated August 6, 1987, prepared by the Community Services Department, it was moved b), Kenned)% sec- onded by Hoesterey, to adopt the following: RESOLUTION NO. 87-gZ - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN APPROVING THE INSTALLATION OF TWO MARBELITE STREET LIGHT POLES FOR THE PURPOSE OF POSTING BANNERS TO PROMOTE PUBLIC EVENTS AND ESTABLISHING POLICIES FOR REGULATING THE USE FOR DISPLAY CITY COUNCIL MINUTES ~ge 7, 8-17-87 The motion carried 4-1, Kelly opposed. 41 REPORTS ,,1.;-PLANNING COBI~ZSSION ACTIONS - AUGUST 10, 1987 All actions of the Planning Con~isslon.become final unless appealed by the City Council or member of the public. It was moved by Hoesterey~ seconded by Kennedy, to ratify the ~ entire Planning Comission Action Agenda of August 10, 1987. The motion carried 5-0. I 2. 1988-89 ARTERIAL HIGIWAY FINANCING PROGRAM (AHFP) PROJECTS , ~ An infomational report on staff's intention to submit three candi- date projects for fiscal year 1988-89. It was moved by Hoesterey, seconded .by ,Kennedy, to receive and file subject inter-corn dated August 10, 1987, prepared by the , ~: Public .Works Department/Engineering Division. Mayor Edgar requested staff contact the Edison Company to see what *, the cost would be to underground Yorba Street between Irvine Boulevard and First Street. The Publtc Works Oirector said he thought the only poles there were telephone poles and one street light that is wired overhead. He said he weuld check with the Edison Company. When 'staff reports back in Oecember with the formal applications to the County, a .. feasibility report will be included. Motion carried 5-0. 95 3. NOEI'It 1USTIN SPECIFIC PLAN It was moved by Hoesterey~ seconded by Kennedy, to continue subject item to the Septe~er 8 Council meeting. Motion carried 5-0. 81 4. ~ATUS REPORT ON REQUEST FOR CROSSWALK O~ ~t~IN STREET, ANO A ll~RF- FIC SIG/IAL AT 1HE INTERSECTION OF FIRST STREET/'B' STREET A status report on requests by Council to evaluate possible instal- lation of a crosswalk on Main Street between Centennial Way and the library building; and possible installation of a traffic signal on First at "B# Streets. It was moved by Hoesterey~ seconded by Edgar, to receive and file subject report dated August 10, 1987, prepared by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. The motion carried 5-0. 46 ~ :~ 5.. IMVEST~NT SCMEOULE AS OF JULY 31, 1987 A report listing vartous investment schedules for the City and Redevelopment Agency with maturities 12 months or less and in excess of 12 months. It was mo~ed by Hoesterey, seconded by Edgar, to receive and file subject report dated August 11, 1987, prepared by the Finance Department. The morton carried 5-0. 50 II. OTHER BUSINESS 1. UPGRADII~ OF SOUTHWEST CORNER OF ~RIN AND WILLINiS Councilman Kelly inquired if staff could do something to upgrade the southwest corner of Main and Williams. The Public Works Director responded that the property is in the future street right-of-way. He said that staff would come back with suggestions for upgradi rig. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 8, 8-17-87, 2. AIRART SOUNO MONITORING EQUIPMENT Councilman Kelly request~ that the matter of the airplane sound · onitoring equipment, the consultant's contract regard~n~ t~e ~nfo~at~on Counct] requested, and a t~ ]~t for the repo~ ~e agend~zed for the next ~t~ng. lOI ~. R~RT ~ CITY ~ IO~IFIUTION SIGNS Counc~]w~an Kenn~y request~ a repo~ for t~e next meet~n~ on the entrance s~gns that ~re to ~ Installed at various locations the City. 4. U~ATE ~ ~ITION ~ ~OP~TY AT 17592 .. The Co.unity Oevelop~nt Director repo~ that over the last few ~eks staff has undertaken a ~od deal of work ~ the property. The~ has been a n~ driveway poured, the exterior has been cleared of all overgrown debris and trees and shrubs. Everything is now tn place to co~ back with the lien against the property to be imposed on the property ~ner. We have had very good ~sponses from the surrounding neighbors. At this point the record~ nuisance filed with the County Recorder is going to be a continual enforcement it~ that ~ will ke~ regular tab on. We will co~ back to the Council ~th the proposed lien if ~ can't ~t a payment up front fr~ the ~roperty owner. In response to Mayor Edgar, the Co.unity Development Director s~id t~at t~e work was done by the City under Nuisance Abatement. which amount~ to approximately $5,000. A "Notice of Subs~ndard Condi- tion" ~its the City to continue to do this as needed until the prope~y ts In a state of continued ~tntenance. 81 S. ~l~ ~0~ Councilman Prescott request~ that the City adjourn in memory of the ~ople ~o lost their lives in the Northwestern airplane crash. 6. ~EE ~ ~.1-5 Mayor Edgar ask~ if the Jamboree to I-5 project would be on the Sept~ber 8 agenda. The Public Works Director ~sponded that it was schedul~ for this meeting but the plans were not receive. Staff hopes to receive them in time for the next ~eting. The Mayor ask~ that the April repo~ be updated, with a precise time line of contracts and completions of all t~e proj~ts so that we can monitor as a c~untty, the completion of Jambor~ Road Chapman Avenue to the 405 freeway. XI %. RE.SS - R~E~LOP~ ~NCY - A~OU~ At 8:26 p.m., it was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Edgar, to recess to a ~ettng of the R~evelopment Agency; and thence adjourn to the next Adjourned Regular Meeting on Tuesday, September 8, ~987, at 7:00 p.m. Carried 5-0. MINUTES OF A REGUIJ~R MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF IUSTll(, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 17, 1987 1. CAkL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 8:26 p.m. by Chairman Edgar in the City Council Chambers, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California. 2. ROLL CALL Agency Members Present: Richard B. Edgar, Chairman Ursula E. Kennedy, Chairman Pro Tem Ronald B. Hoesterey John Kelly Earl J. Prescott Agency Members Absent: None Others Present: Wi 11t am A. Huston, Exec. Dt rector/City Managen dames G. Rourke, City Attorney Mary E. Wynn, Recording Secretary Christine Shingleton, Corn. Dev. Director Charles R. Thayer, Chief of Police, Robert Ledendecker, Dir. of Public Works Ronald A. Nault, Finance Director Royleen White, Com. & Admin. Srvcs. Director Susan Jones, Recreation Superintendent Approximately 15 in the Audience 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - AUGUST 3. 1987, REGULAR MEETING' It was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Kennedy, to approve the Minutes of t)~e August 3, 1987, Regular'Meeting. The motion carried 5-0. 4. COMPLIANCE IJIltl AB 265 CONCERNING "SET ASIDE" FUNDS ~ LOW AND NOOEPd~TE INCOME HOUSING - RESOLUTION NO. RDA 87-11 AND RESOLUTXOfl NO. RI)A 87-12 AS reco~mnended in the inter-cam dated August 17, 1987, prepared by the Community Development Department, it was moved by Moestereyt seconded by Kennedy, to adopt the following: RESOLUTIO# NO. RDA 87-11- A RESOLUTION OF THE CO.UNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN REGARDING THE READOPTION OF A STATEMENT OF EXIST[NG OBLIGATIONS OR PROGRAMS OR BOTH IN CONNECTION WITH THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE TOWN CENTER REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT RESOLUTION NO. RDA 87-12- A RESOLUTION OF THE COR4UNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN MAKING A FINDING RELATING TO THE TOWN PRO,[ECT AREA LOW AND MODERATE INCOME HOUSING FUND DEPOSITS PURSUANT TO SECTION 33334.6 OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT LAW The motion carried 5-0, 60 5. APPROVAl. OF OF_HANDS - JULY, 1987 It was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Kennedy, to approve the Demands for the month of duly, 1987, in the amount of $135,124.41. Carried 5-0. 60 6. OlliER BUSINESS Agency Member Prescott was informed by the Executive Director that there would not be another Budget Workshop, but a public hearing for same is scheduled for the September B meeting. 29 7. ADOOURNNENT It was moved by Hoestereyt seconded by Kennedy, to adjourn at 8:28 p.m. to the next Adjourned Regular Meeting on Tuesday, September 8, 1987. Carried