HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Hearing #2 8-17-87 NO. 2 8-'17-87 · Inter- Com : AUGUST 17, 1987 HONORABLE HAYOR AND HEFIBERS OF THE 'CITY COUNCIL TO: , .. COI~HUNITY DEVELOPHENT DEPARTHENT FROM: ZONING ORDINANCE /L~ENIMEBT NO. 87-3; SUBJECT: BEVERAGE CONTAINER RECYCLING FACILITIES RECgI~ENDATION It is recommended that Ordinance Ho. 993 have its first reading by tttle only. It is recommended that Ordinance No. 993 be Introduced. INTRODUCTION The California Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act Has passed by the State Legislature in 1986. This Act establishes requirements for recycling facilities located within "Convenience Zones", as determined by the -- State Department of Conservation. A "Convenience Zone" is defined as an area within a one-half mile radius of a supermarket. A "Supermarket", for the purposes of the Act, is defined as a full-line, self-service retail store with gross annual sales of $2,000,000 or more and which sells a line of dry grocery, canned goods 'or non-food items and some perishable items. The Department of Conservation has determined that there are sfx (6) "Convenience Zones" in the City of Tustln. They are: Alpha Beta Acme Market 14551 Red Hill Avenue Lucky Food Center 13270 Newport Avenue Ralph's Grocery 1140 Irvtne Boulevard Safeway 17662 E. Seventeenth Street Starer Brothers Market 14171 Red Hill Avenue Von's Market 550 East First Street Commencing September 1, 1987, beverage container manufacturers must properly label any containers (aluminum, glass or plastic) intended for sale or distribution in California with the redemption value determined by the Depar~ent of Conservation. Beginning January 1, 1988, redemption facilities must be operable to accept containers. The City cannot deny a recycling collection facility in a "Convenience Zone". However, it can control the types of such facilities and impose reasonable regulations and conditions. In order to properly address the future need for redemption facilities as established by state law, a Zoning Ordinance Amendment needs to be approved and in place by October 1, 1987, or as soon thereafter as possible. On August 10, 1987, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 2424 which recommends approval of Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 87-3. Definitions and development regulations and criteria were also recommended by Resolution No. 2424. The staff report and Resolution No. 2424 are attached for review. City Council Report August 17, [987 Page two ANALYSZS The stx (6) "Convenience Zones" 11sted above are located In the C-[ (Retail Commercial), C-2 (Central Commercial) and PC (Planned Con~nunity Commercial) zoning districts. As proposed, Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 87-3 includes a ltst of definitions and provtdes for three (3) types of redemption facilities: ([) Reverse Vending Machines, (2) Bulk Vending Machines and (3) Large Collection Facilities. each instance, staff focused on the tssues of location, design and stgnage. A brief summary of each type of facility and its proposed criteria follows: Reverse Vending Machines: These are automated, mechanical devices which accept at least one (1) or more types of empty beverage containers and issues a cash refund or redeemable credit slip. Typically,. Reverse Vending Machines accept containers one at a time (stngle feed), and measure 50 square feet or less In size. They are comparable to the water vending machines commonly found near supermarket entrances (see attached illustrations, tn Exhibit Proposed development criteria Include: - Administrative approval - located within 30 feet of host use (supermarket) store entrance - cannot occupy required parking spaces - cannot occupy more than 50 square feet per Installation - 8 foot maximum height - constructed with durable, rustproof material - must be clearly marked for type of container it will accept, as well as operating Instructions, etc. - maximum sign area of four (4) square foot per machine (excluding Instructions) - operating hours at least the same as the host use - outdoor storage of any kind is prohibited Reverse Vending Machines are anticipated to be the most common or prevalent type of redemption facility due to their convenient location and ease of operation. Bulk Vending Machines: As wtth Reverse Vending Machines, Bulk Vending Machines are automated mechanical devices which accept one (1) or more types of empty beverage containers, Issuing cash refunds or redeemable credit slips. These machines accept more than one container at a time (bulk-feed) rather than stngle feed. Payment is based on weight. Such machines are larger than 50 square feet and are typically located In parking areas (see illustration in Exhibit II). Community Development Deparirnen~ City Council Report August 17, 1987 Page three Proposed development criteria include: - subject to use permit - may be placed only in conjunction with existing host use, and must be within 100 feet of host use - cannot exceed 500 square feet in area - 10 foot maximum height - constructed with durable, waterproof and rustproof materials - internal storage only - maximum 60 dba exterior noise levels - 30 foot setback from residential use if open 24 hours, 10 foot if not (same as permanent structures) - signage: subject to approval of Community Development Director cannot displace existing landscaping - cannot reduce the minimum number of parking spaces required by host use Bulk Vending Machines are already in use in numerous communities for aluminum can collection. Many of these communities require use permits for such facilities. While not expected to be as common as Reverse Vending Machines, Bulk Vending Machines may constitute as much as one quarter~of all collection facilities. The use permit process will tightly control issues such as placement, signage and parking. Large Collection Facilities: A Large Collection Facility is essentially like a reverse retail business, paying customers for the product (container) they bring in. Such a facility could be located in a store front space in a shopping center, or occupy a free standing . building anywhere within the "Convenience Zone". Proposed development criteria include: - subject to use permit - shall not abut a residential use if in a free standing building - must be in enclosed building, outside storage is prohibited - setback, height, lot coverage, parking and landscape requirements are the same as those required of other uses within the same zoning district, unless in an existing storefront (only parking would apply) - maximum 60 dba exterior noise levels - cannot operate between 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. if within 500 feet of residentially zoned property, if in a free standing building signage shall meet the standards of the zone; directional signage subject to approval of Director of Community Development processing of recyclable material is prohibited - 24 hour operation is prohibited Corn rnunity Development Department City Council Report August 17, 1987 Page four A Large Collection Facility is basically a man~e'd operation much like any other retail business. This type of collection facility is expected to be the least common. The proposed development criteria treat it the same as most other retail activities. CO#CLUSIO# Staff believes that the criteria proposed in Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 87-3 will provide for the most common forms of collection facilities while allowing the City to maintain a high level of control over their operation, location and design. -~-Chrlstine ShlngTeton /~ Senior Planner Director of Community/Development SR:pef Attachments: Ordinance No. 993 August 10, 1987 Planning Commission Staff Report, with Exhibits Resolution No. 2424 Comrnunity Development DeparTment 2 ORDINANCE NO. 993 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 3 TUSTIN APPROVING ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 87-3 THEREBY AMENDING SECTIONS 9232.a.2, 9232.b, 4 9233.c, 9244.d, 9244.e.2 an~9297 OF THE TUSTIN MUNICIPAL CODE, TO PERMIT REDEMPTION CENTERS FOR 5 RECYCLABLE BEVERAGE CONTAINERS IN THE C-I, C-2 &- PC, ZONING DISTRICTS, SUBJECT TO ADMINISTRATIVE 6 AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS 7 WHEREAS, on , the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby ordain as follows: $ Section 1: Section 9297 shall be amended to include the following 9 definitions, integrated in alphabetical order, to read as follows: 10 Beverage 1] "Beverage" means beer and other malt beverages, carbonated mineral and soda waters, and' simtlar carbonated soft drinks in 12 llqutd form which are intended for human consumption. ]3 Beverage container ]4 "Beverage container" means the individual, separate bottle, can, jar, carton, or other receptacle, however denominated, in which 15 a beverage is sold, and which is constructed of metal, glass, or plastic, or other material, or any combination of these ]6 materials. "Beverage container" does not include cups or other similar open or loosely sealed receptacles. 1'7 Consumer. "Consumer" means every person who, for his or her use or ]9 consumption, purchases a beverage in a beverage container from a dealer. "Consumer" includes, but is not limited to, a lodging, 20 eating, or drinking establishment, and soft drink vending machines. Mobile Recycling Unit 22 A "Moble Recycling Unit" means an automobile, truck, tratler or 23 van, licensed by the Department of Motor Vehicles, which is used for the collection of recyclable materials. A Mobile Recycling 24 Center also means the bins, boxes or containers transported by trucks, vans, or trailers, and used for the collection of 25 recyclable materials. 26 Processor 27 "Processor" means any person, including a scrap dealer, certified by the State Department of Conservation who purchases 28 ! Ordinance No. 993 2 Page two 4 empty aluminum beverage containers, nonaluminum metal beverage containers, glass beverage containers, plastic beverage 5 containers, or any other beverage containers, Including any one or more of those beverage containers, which have a redemption 6 value established pursuant to thts division, from recycling center in this state for recycling, or, if the container is not- 7 recyclable, not for recycling, and who cancels, or who certifies to the department in a form prescribed by the Department of 8 Conservation of, the redemption value and redemption bonus of these empty beverage containers by processing empty beverage 9 containers, in any manner which the department may prescribe. However, the department shall not take any action regulating 10 scrap dealers or recycling centers who are processors or recycling centers unless authorized by and pursuant to the goals 11 of this division. 12 Recycle; recycled; recycling; recyclable 13 "Recycle," "recycled," "recycling" or "recyclable" means the 14 reuse or refilling of empty beverage containers or the process of sorting, cleansing, treating, and reconstituting empty postftlled beverage containers for the purpose of using the 151 altered form. "Recycle," "recycled," "recycling," "recyclable," does not include merely sorting, shredding, stripping, 161 compressing, storing, landfilting with, or disposing of an empty beverage container. 17 Recyclable Material 18 Recyclable material is reusable material, including but not 19 limited to metals, glass, plastic and paper, which are intended for reuse, remanufacture, or reconstttution for the purpose of 20 using the altered form. Recyclable material does not include refuse or hazardous materials. Recyclable material may include 21 used motor oil collected and transported in accordance with Section 25250.11 and 25143.2(b){4) of the California Health and 22 Safety Code and Orange County Fire and Health Departments. 23 Recycling Facility 24 A Recycling Facility is a center for the collection of recyclable materials. A Certified Recycling Facility means a 25 Recycling Facility certified by the California Department of Conservation as meeting the requirements of the California 26 Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act of 1986. A Recycling Facility does not include storage containers or 27 processing activity located on the premises of a residential, 1 Ordinance No. 993 2 Page three 3 4 commercial, or manufacturing use and used solely for the recycling of material generated by that residential property, 5 business or manufacturer. Recycling Facilities includes the following: 6 A Collection Facility is a center for the acceptance, by ? donation, redemption, or purchase, of recyclable materials from the public. Such a facility does-not use power-driven 8 processing equipment except as indicated in Section 4 Criteria and Standards. Collection Facilities may include 9 the following: 10 1. Reverse Vending Machines which occupy an area of not more than 50 square feet. 11 2. Bulk reverse vending machines occupying no more than 12 500 square feet. 13 3. Large collection facilities which occupy a permanent building or store front. Redemption; redeem "Redemption" and "redeem" means the return to a recycling center 16 of an empty beverage container for a refund of at least the redemption value and any applicable redemption bonus. 17 Vending Machines A Reverse Vending Machine is an automated mechanical device ]9 which accepts at least one or more types of empty beverage containers including, but not limited to aluminum cans, glass 20 and plastic bottles, and issues a cash refund or a redeemable credit slip with a value not less than the container's 21 redemption value as determined by the State. A Reverse Vending Machine may sort and process containers mechanically provided 22 that the entire process is enclosed within the machine. (In order to accept and temporarily store all three container types 23 in a proportion commensurate with their relative redemption rates, and to meet the requirements of certification as a 24 recycling facility, multiple grouping of Reverse Vending Machines may be necessary.) 25 A Bulk Reverse Vending Machine is a Reverse Vending Machine that 26 is'-l~'Fger 'than*SO square feet; is designed to accept more than one container at a time; and will pay by weight instead of by 27 container. 28 ! Ordinance No. 993 2 Page four 4 Supermarket 5 "Supermarket" means a full-line, self-service retail _store with gross annual sales of two million dollars ($2,000,000) or more, 6 and which sells a line of dry grocery, canned foods, or nonfood items and soma perishable items. 7 Section 2: SeCtion 9232.a.2 shall be amended to add Subsection (v) to the 8 list of permitted uses to read as follows: 9 "(v) Reverse Vending Machines subject to the following regulations: 10 (1) Established in conjunction with a supermarket which is in compliance with the zoning, building and fire codes of the 11 City of Tustin; 12 (2) Located within 30 feet of the entrance to the supermarket and shall not obstruct pedestrian or vehicular circulation; 13 {3) Does not occupy parking spaces required by the primary use; (4) Occuppies no more than 50 square feet of floor space per 15 installation, including any protective.enclosure; 16 (5) Maximum height: eight (8)~feet; 17 {6) Constructed and maintained with durable waterproof and rustproof material; 18 (7) Clearly marked to identify the type of material to be 19 deposited, operating instructions, and the identity and phone number of the operator or responsible person to call 20 if the machine is inoperable; 2] (8) Sign area shall be limited to a maximum of four {4) square feet per machine, exclusive of operating instructions; 22 (9) Maintained in a clean, litter-free condition on a daily 23 basis; 24 (10) Operating hours shall be at least the operating hours of the supermarket {host use), but may be 24 hours; 25 (11) Illuminated to ensure confortable and safe operation if 26 operating ~hours are between dusk and dawn; 27 28 Ordinance No. 993 2 Page-five 3 4 (12) Outdoor storage of any kind )S prohibited." 5 Section 3: Section 9232.b shall be amended to add Subsection {u) to the list of conditionally permitted uses to read as follows: 6 "(u) Bulk Vending Machines, subject to the following regulations: 7 (1) Established in conjunction with an existing supermarket 8 which is in compliance with the zoning, building and fire codes of the City of Tustin; 9 (2) No larger than 500 square feet and not occupying any 10 parking spaces required by the primary use; 11 (3) Maximum height: 10 feet; 12 (4) Shall not obstruct pedestrian or vehicular circulation, and shall be located within 100 feet of the host use; 13 (5) Minimum setbacks: 10 feet from any propery line; (6) Accept only glass, metals, plastic containers, papers and 15 reusable items. Used motor oil may be accepted with permission of the Orange County Fire and Health 16 Departments; 17 (7) No power-driven processing equipment except for Reverse Vending Machines shall be used; 18 {8) Containers are constructed and maintained with durable 19 waterproof and rustproof material, secured from unauthorized entry or removal of material and shall be of a 20 capacity sufficient to accommodate materials collected and collection schedule; 21 (9) All recyclable material shall be stored internally; 22 (10) Maintained free of litter, pests, vermin and any other 23 undesirable materials at all times; 24 (11) Not exceed exterior noise levels of 60dBA; 25 (12) Containers for the 24-hour donation of materials shall be at least 30 feet from any property zoned or occupied for restdentta) use unless there is a recognized service 20 corridor and acoustical shielding between the containers and the residential use; 27 28 Ordinance No. 993 2 Page six 4 (13) Containers shall be clearly.marked to identify the type of material which may be deposited; the facility shall be 5 clearly marked to identify the name and telephone number of the facility operator and the hours of operation, and 6 display a notice stating that no material shall be left outside the recycling enclosure or containers; 7 (14) Bulk Vending Machines may have informational signs required 8 by State law pursuant to Section 9272. Other signs including directional signs, bearing no advertising g message, may be installed with the approval of the Community Development Director pursuant to Design Review 10 Section 9272 if necessary to facilitate traffic circulation, or if the'facility is not visible from the 11 public right-of-way. 12 (15) Placement of the facility shall not require removal of existing landscaping; Section 4: Section 9232.b shall be amended to add Subsection (v) to the 14 list of conditionally permitted uses to read as follows: 15 "(v) Large Collection Facilities occupying a permanent building or store front subject to the following regulations: (1) The facility shall not abut a property zoned or planned for 17 residential use if in a free standing building; 18 (2) The facility shall operate in an enclosed building with outside storage prohibited; 19 (3) Setbacks, height, lot coverage, and landscape requirements 20 shall be those provided for in the C-! Zoning District unless it occupies an existing store front or building; 21 (4) Site shall be maintained free of litter, pests, vermin and 22 any other undesirable materials at all times and shall be cleaned of loose debris on a daily basis. 23 (5) Exterior noise levels shall not exceed 60 dBA; (6) If the Facility is located in a free standing building 25 which lies within 500 feet of property zoned, planned or occupied for residential use, it shall not be in operation 26 between 7EO0 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. 27 28 ! Ordinance No. 993 2 Page seven (7) The facility shall display a notice stating that no 4 material shall be left outst~e the recycling containers; 5 (8) The facility shall be clearly marked with the name and phone number of the facility operator and the hours of 6 operation; identification and informational signs shall meet the standards of the C-1 Zoning District; and - ? directional signs, bearing no advertising message, may be installed with the approval of the Community Development 8 Director pursbant to design review, Section 9272, if necessary, to facilitate traffic circulation or if the 9 facility is not visible from the public right-of-way; 10 (9) Power-driven processing, including aluminum foil and can compacting, baling, plastic shredding, or other light 11 processing activities shall be prohibited; 12 (10) 24 hour operation is prohibited." Section 5: Section g244.d shall be amended to add Subsection 6. to the 14 list of permitted uses to read as follows: 15 "6. Reverse Vending Machines subject to standards contained in the C-1 District regulations, section 9232.a.2." 16 17 Section 6: Sections 9233.c shall be amended to add Subsection (aa) to the list of conditionally permitted uses to read as follows: 18 "(aa) Bulk Vending Machines, subject to standards contained in the 191 C-1 District regulations, Section 9232b." 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 ! Ordinance No. 993 2 Page et ght 4 Section 7: Section 9233.c shall be amended ..to add Subsection (bb) to the list of permitted uses to read as follows: 5 "(bb) Large collection facilities, subject to standards contained in · 6 the C-1 District regulations 9232a.2." 7 Section 8: Section 9244 e.2 shall be amended to add Subsection (d) to read 8 as follows: g "(d) In the event, that Bulk Vending Machines and/or a Large Collection Facility is a desirable use on an approved 10 development plan, said uses shall be subject to all standards contained in the C-1 District regulations, Section. 9232 b." 11 12 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tusttn, held on the day of , 1987. 13 14 15 Richard B. Edgar 16 Mayor 17 18 Mary E. Wynn City Clerk 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Planning Commission DATE: AUGUST 10, 1987 SUBJECT: ZONXNG ORD'INANCE APE:#DME)rr NO. 87-3; BEVERAGE CONTAXNER RECYCLING FACILITXES RECOIllENDATXON: Adopt Resolution No. 2424, recommending Clty Counctl approval of Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 87-3. INTRODUCTION: The California Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reducttofl Act was passed by the State Legislature tn 1986. This Act establishes requirements for recycling facilities located within "Convenience Zones", as determined by the State Oepar~ment of Conservation. A "Convenience Zone" is deftned as an area within a one-half mile radius of a supermarket. A "Supermarket", for the purposes of the Act, is deftned as a full-line, self-service retail store with gross annual gales of $2,000,000 or more and which sells a line of dry grocery, canned goods or non-food items and some perishable items. The Oepartment of Conservation has determined that there .are slx (6) "Conven1*ence Zones" ~n the City of Tusttn. They are: Alpha Beta Acme Rarket 14551Rqd Ht11 Avenue Lucky Food Center 13270 Newport Avenue Ralph's Grocery 1140 Irvtne Boulevard Safeway 17662 E. Seventeenth Street Starer Brothers Harket 14171 Red Hill Avenue Von's Market 550 East First Street Commencing September 1, 1987, beverage container manufacturers must properly label any containers (aluminum, glass or plastic) tntended for sale or distribution tn Celtfornta with the redemption value determined by the Oepartment of Conservation. Beginning January 1, 1988, redemption facilities must be operable to accept containers. In order to properly address th& future need for redemption facilities as established by state law, a Zoning Ordinance Amendment needs to be approved and in place by October 1, 1987, or as soon thereafter as possible. Community Development Department Planntng Comwlsston Report August lO, 1987 Page t~o ANALYSIS: The stx (6) "Convenience Zones" 11sted above are located tn the C-! (Retatl Commercial), C-2 (Central Commerctl) and PC (P'lanned Con~nuntty Commercial) zontng districts. As proposed, the Zofltng Ordinance Amendment Includes a 11st of deflnlttons and provtdes fop three (3) types of redemption facilities: (1) Reverse Vendtng Machines, (2) Bulk Vendtng Machtnes and (3) Large Collection Facilities. Zn each Instance, s~aff focused off the Issues of location, design and stgnage. A brtef summary of each type of factllty and 1ts proposed crtterta follows: Reverse Vendln9 Machines: These are automated, mechanical devtces which accept at least one (1) or more Types of empty beverage containers and tssues a cash refund or redeemable credtt sltp. Typically, Reverse Vendtng Hachtnes accept containers one at a ttme (stngle feed), and measure 50 square feet or less - tn size. They are comparable to the water vendtng machtnes commonly found near supermarket entrances (see attached Illustrations, tn £xhtbtt Z). Proposed development crtterla tnclude: - Administrative approval - located wtthtn 30 feet of host use (supermarket) store entrance - cannot occupy requtred parking.spaces - cannot occupy mere than 50 square feet per Installation - 8 foot maxtmum hetght - constructed wtth durable, rustproof matertal - must be clearly marked for type of container tt wtll accept, as well as operettng tnstruttons, etc. - maxtmum stgn area of four (4) square foot per machtne (excluding Instructions) - operating hours at least the same as the host use - outdoor storage of any ktnd ts prohibited Reverse Vendtng Machtnes are anticipated to be the most common or prevalent type of redemption factltty due to thetr convenlent locatlon and ease of operation. Bulk Vendtng Machines: As with Reverse Vendtng Hachtnes, Bulk Vendlng Machtnes are automated mechanical devfces whtch accept one (1) or more types of empty beverage containers, lssutng cash refunds or redeemable credtt slips. These machtnes accept more than one container at a ttme (bulk-feed) rather than single feed. Payment ts based on weight. Such machtnes are larger than 50 square feet and are typically located tn parking areas (see Illustration In Exhtbtt ZZ). Community Development Department Planntng Commtsst on Report August 10, 1987 Page three - Proposed development crtterta tnclude: - · - subject.to use permit - may be placed only tn conjunction w~th exJsttng host use, and must be wtth~n 100 feet of host use - cannot exceed 500 square feet In area - 10 foot maxtmum hetght - constructed wtth durable, waterproof and rustproof materials - tnternal storage only -maxtmum 60 dba extertor notse levels - 30 foot setback from reSidential use tf open ;?4 hours, 10 foot tf not (same as permanent structures) - stgnage: subject to approval of Community Oevelopment 01rector cannot dtsplace extsttng landscaping - cannot reduce the nrintmum number of parking spaces required by host use Bulk Vending Machines are already In use In numerous communities for aluminum can collection. Many of these communities require use permtts for such facilities. ~/htle not expected to be as common as Reverse Vendtng Machines, Bulk Vendtng ~lachtnes may constitute as much as one quarter of all collection facilities. The use permtt process wtll ttghtly control, tssues such as Placement, stgnage and parktng. Large Collect1 on Fact 1 ttt es: A Large CollectJon Factllty ts essentially 11ke a reverse retat1 business, paytng customers for the product (contetner) they brtng tn. Such a factltty could be located tn a store front space' tn a shopping center, or occupy a free standtng butldlng anywhere wtthtn the "Convenience Zone". Proposed development crtterta tnclude: - subject to use permtt - shall not abut a residential use tf tn a free standing butldtng - must be In enclosed building, outstde storage ts prohibited - setback, hetght, lot coverage, parktng and landscape requirements are the same as those required of other uses wtthtn the same zoning district, unless tn an extsttng storefront (only parktng would apply) -maxtmum 60 dba extertor notse levels - cannot operate between 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. tf wlthtn 500 feet of residentially zoned property, tf tn a free standtng butldtng - stgnage shall meet the standards of the zone; directional stgnage subject to approval of Dtrector of Community Development - processing of recyclable matertal ts prohibited - 24 hour operation ts prohtl~tted "~ Community DeveloPment Department- ,/ Planning Commission Report August 10, 1987 Page four A Large Collection Facility is basically a manned operation much like any other retail business. This type of collection facility is expected to be the least common. The proposed development criteria treat it the same as most other retail activities. CONCLUSION: Staff believes that the criteria proposed in Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 87-3 will provide for the most common forms of collection facilities while allowing the City to maintain a high lave) of control over their operation, location and design. Senior Planner Development SR :per Attachments: Resolution No. 2424 Exhibit I £xhi bi t I I Community DeveloPment Department ~ § RESOLUTION NO. 2424 ' '6 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL ? ADOPTION OF ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 87-3 TO PERMIT REDEMPTION CENTERS FOR RECYCLABLE BEVERAGE ~ CONTAINERS IN'THE C-i, C-2 & PC, ZONING DISTRICTS. 9 The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as 10 follows: 111 I. The Planning Commission finds as follows: 12 A. A public hearing before the Planning Commission to consider Zontng Ordinance Amendment 87-3 establishing development 13 standards and regulations for recyclable beverage container redemption centers in the C-1 (Retail Commercial), C-2 (Central 14 Commercial) & PC (Planned Community) zoning districts was duly · ' called, noticed and held on August 10, 1987. B. The Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act was 16 passed in 1986 to establish a system to promote the recycling and reuse of beverage containers sold in the State of 17 California. Redemption centers for said containers are to be located in "Convenience Zones" established by the State 18 Department of Conservation. 19 C. Reasonable development standards and regulations are necessary to address the following issues: 20 1. Location (including storage): 2. Design (where visible from the street); and 21 3. Stgnage. 22 D. A Negative Declaration has been prepared in conformance with the California Environmental Quality Act; no significant, adverse 23 impacts are associated with this Zoning Ordinance Amendment. Future facilities will be reviewed for environmental impact on 24' an individual basis. 26 27 28 1 Resolution No. 2424~ page two 2 3 ZI. The 'Plannfng Commission hereby recommends to'the City Council approval of Zoning Ordinance Amendme~ 87-3, the following amendments 4 to the Tustin Municipal Code: 5 A. Sectton 9297 .shall be amended to include the following definitions, '6 tntagrated fn alphabetical order, to read as follows: ? Beverage 8 "Beverage". means ..beer and other malt beverages, carbonated mineral and soda waters, and stmtlar carbonated soft drinks in 9 liquid form which are intended for human consumption. 10 Beverage container "Beverage container" means the individual, separate bottle, can, 11 jar, carton, or other receptacle, however denominated, in which ]2 a beverage is sold, and which is constructed of metal, glass, or plastic, or other material, or any combination of these materials. "Beverage container" does not include cups or other 13 similar open or loosely sealed receptacles. 14 Consumer 15 "Consumer" means every person who, for his or her use or consumption, purchases a beverage in a beverage container from a 16 dealer. "Consumer" includes, but is not limited to, a lodging, eating, or drinking establishment, and soft drink vending 17 machines. 18 Mobile Recycling Unit 10 A "Moble Recycling Unit" means an automobile, truck, trailer or van, licensed by the Department of Motor Vehicles, which is used 20 for the collection of recyclable materials. A Mobile Recycling Center also means the bins, boxes or containers transported by 21 trucks, vans, or trailers, and used for the collection of recyclable materials. Processor "Processor" means any person, including a scrap dealer, 24' certified by the State Department of Conservation who purchases empty aluminum beverage containers, nonalumtnum metal beverage 25 containers, glass beverage containers, plastic beverage containers, or any other beverage containers, including any one 26 or more of those beverage containers, which have a redemption value established pursuant to this division, from recycling 27 center in this state for recycling, or, if the container is not recYclable, *not for recycling, and who cancels, or who certifies 28 Resolution No. 2424 ! page three ' 2 3 to the department in a form prescribed by the Department of Conservation of, the redemption-*value and redemption bonus of 4 these empty beverage containers by processing empty beverage containers, tn any manner which the department may prescribe 5 However, the department shall not take any action regulating scrap dealers or recycling centers, who are processors or 6 recycling centers unless authorized by and pursuant to the goals of .this division. ? Recycle; recycled; recyclin§; recyclmble 8 "Recycle," "recycled," "recycling" or "recyclable" means the 9 reuse or refilling of empty beverage containers or the process of sorting, cleansing, treating, and reconstituting empty 10 postftlled beverage containers ~or the purpose of using the altered form. "Recycle," "recycled," "recycling," "recyclable," 11 does not include merely sorting, shredding, stripping, compressing, .storing, landftlltng with, or disposing of an empty 12 beverage container. 13 Recyclable Hatertal 14 Recyclable material is reusable material, including but not limited to metals, glass, plastic and paper, which are intended 15 for reuse, remanufacture, or reconstitution for the purpose of using the altered form. Recyclable material does not include 10 refuse or hazardous materials. Recyclable material may include used motor oil collected and transported in accordance with 17 Section 25250.11 and 25143.2(b)(4) of the California Health and Safety Code and Orange County Fire and Health Departments. 18~ 19 Recycling Facility A Recycling Facility is a center for the collection of 20 recyclable materials. A Certified Recycling Facility means a Recycling Facility certified by the California Department of 21 Conservation as meeting the requirements of the California Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act of 1986. 22 A Recycling Facility does not include storage containers or processing activity located on the premises of a residential, 23 commercial, or manufacturing use and used solely for the recycling of material generated by that residential property, 24 business or manufacturer. Recycling Facilities includes the following: A Collection Facility is a center for the acceptance, by 26 donation, redemption, or purchase, of recyclable materials from the public. Such a facility does not use power-driven 1 Resolution No. 2424 page four 2 3 processing equipment except as indicated in Section 4 4 Criteria and Standards. Collection Facilities may include the following: [. Reverse Vending Machines which occupy an area of not 6 more than 50 square feet. ? 2. Bulk reverse vendi.ng machines occupying no more than 500 square feet. 8 9 3. LargebutldtngCOllectiOnor store facilities front, which occupy a permanent 10 Redemption; redcca ]] "Redemption" and "redeem" means the return to a recycling center of an empty beverage container for a refund of at least the 12 redemption value and any applicable redemption bonus. 1~ Yendtng Rachtnes ]4 A Reverse Vending Hachtne is an automated mechanical device · ' wht'~'l~ accepts at least one or more types of empty beverage ]5 containers including, but not limited to aluminum cans, glass and plastic bottles, and issues a'cash refund or a redeemable :1.6 credit slip wtth a value not less than the container's redemption value as determined by the State. A Reverse Vending 17 Machtne may sort and process containers mechanically provided that the entire process is enclosed within the m~chine. (In ]8 order to accept and temporarily store all three container types in a proportion commensurate with their relative redemption ]9 rates, and to meet the requirements of certification as a recycling facility, multiple grouping of Reverse Vending 20 Machines may be necessary.) p~! A Bulk Reverse Vending Machine is ~ Reverse Vending Machine that ts--T~ger than 50 square feet; is designed to accept more than 22 one container at a time; and will pay by weight instead of by container. Supermarket "Supermarket" means a full-line, self-service retail store with 25 gross annual sales of two million dollars ($2,000,000) or more, and which sells a line of dry grocery, canned foods, or nonfood 26 items and some perishable items. 1 Resolution No. 2424 2 page ftve 3 4 A. Section 9232.a.2 shall be amended to-add Subsection iv) to the 11st of permitted uses to read as follows: 5 "iv) Reverse Vendtng Machtnes subject to the following regulations: 6 (1) Estabtshed in conjunction with a supermarket which t's in - ? compliance with the zoning, building and fire codes of the City of Tusttn; 8 (2) Located within 30 feet of the entrance to the supermarket g and shall not obstruct pedestrian or vehicular circulation; 10 (3) Does not o6cupy parking spaces required by the primary use; ]1 (4) Occuppies no more than 50 square feet of floor space per installation, including any protective enclosure; 12 (5) Maximum height: eight (8) feet; (6) Constructed and maintained with durable waterproof and 14 rustproof material; 1§ (7) clearly marked to identify the type of material to be deposited, operating instructions, and the identity and 16 phone number of the operator or responsible person to call if the machine is inoperable; 17 (8) Sign area shall be limited to a maximum of four (4) square 18 feet per machine, exclusive of operating instructions; 19 (g) Maintained in a clean, litter-free condition on a daily basis; 20 (10) Operating hours shall be at least the operating hours of 21 the supermarket (host use), but may be 24 hours; 22 (11) Illuminated to ensure confortable and safe operation if operating hours are between dusk and dawn; 23 (12) Outdoor storage of any kind is prohibited." B. Section 9232.b shall be amended to add Subsection (u) to the list of 25 conditionally permitted uses to read as follows: 26 "(u) Bulk Vending Machines, subject to the following regulations: 27 (1) Established in conjunction with an existing supermarket which is in compliance with the zoning, building and fire codes of the City of Tustin; 28 Resolution No. 2424 2 Page six 3 (2) No larger than 500 square feet and not occupp~ng any 4 parktng spaces required by the primary use; 5 (3) Maxlmum height: 10 feet; 6 (4) Shall not obstruct pedestrian or vehicular circulation, and' shall be located wtthtn [00 feet of the host use; 7 (5) Minimum setbacks: 10 feet from any propery line; 8 (6) Accept only glass, metals, plasttc containers, papers and 9 reusable items. Used motOr oil may be accepted with permission of the Orange County Fire and Health 10 Departments; 11 (7) No power-driven processing equipment except for Reverse Vending Machines shall be used; 12 (8) Containers are constructed and maintained with durable waterproof and rustproof material, secured from !3: unauthorized entry or removal of matertal and shall be of a capacity sufficient to accommodate materials collected and 14 collection schedule; 15 (9) All recyclablematertal shall be stored internally; 16 (10) Maintained free of 11tier, pests,' vermin and any other undesirable materials at all times; 17 ([1) Not exceed exterior noise levels of 60dBA; 18 ([2) Containers for the 24-hour donation of materials shall be 19 at least 30 feet from any property zoned or occupied for residential use unless :here Is a recognized service 20 corridor and acoustical shielding between the containers and the residential use; 2! ([3) Containers shall be clearly marked to tdenttfy the type of 22 matertal which rn~y be deposited; the faclllty shall be clearly marked to Identify the name and telephone number of 23 the facility operator and the hours of operation, and dtsplay a nottce atatlng that no material shall be left 24 outside the recycling enclosure or containers; 25 (14) Bulk Vending Machines may have informational signs required by State:law pursuant to Section 9272. Other signs 26. including directional signs, bearing no advertising ~ message, may be installed with the approval of the 27) Community Development Director pursuant to Design Review Section 9272 if necessary to facilitate traffic 28 circulation, or if the facility is not visible from the public right-of-way. ! Resolution No. 2424 2 page seven 3 (15) Placement of the facility shall not require removal of ~ existing landscaping; 5 (16) No additional parking spaces will be required for customers of a Bulk Vending Machine located within an established- 6 parking lot of a host use." C. section g232.b shall be amended to add Subsection (v) to the list of 8 conditionally permitted uses to read as follows: 9 "(v) Large Collection Facilities occupying a permanent building or store front subject to the following regulations: 10 (1) The facility shall not abut a property zoned or planned for 11 residential use if in a free standing building; 12 (2) The facility shall operate in an enclosed building with outside storage prohibited; (3) Setbacks, height, lot coverage, and landscape requirements 14 shall be those provided for in the C-1 Zoning District unless it occupies an existing store front or building; 15 (4) Site shall be maintained free of litter, pests, vermin and 16 any other undesirable materials at all times and shall be cleaned of loose debris on a daily basis. 17 (5) Exterior noise levels shall not exceed 60 dBA; 18 (6) If the Facility is located in a free standing building 19 which lies within 500 feet of property zoned, planned or occupied for residential use, it shall not be in operation 20 between 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. 2] (7) The facility shall display a notice stating that no material shall be left outside the recycling containers; 22 (8) The facility shall be clearly marked with the name and 23 phone number of the facility operator and the hours of operation; identification and informational signs shall 24 meet the standards of the C-1 Zoning District; and directional signs, bearing no advertising message, may be 25 installed with the approval of the Community Development Director pursuant to design review, Section 9272, if 26 necessary, to facilitate traffic circulation or if the facility is not visible from the public right-of-way; 27 (g) Power-driven processing, including aluminum foil and can compacting, baling, plastic shredding, or other light 28 processing activities shall be prohibited; 1 Resolution No. 2424 page eight 2 3 (10) 24 hour opera~1on is prohibited.!' D. Section 9244.d shall be amended to add Subsection 6. to the list of § Permitted uses to read as follows: 6 "6. Reverse Vending Machines subject to standards contained in the C-! District regulations, section g232.a.2." 7 8 E. Sections 9233.c shall be amended to add Subsection (aa) to the list of conditionally permitted uses to read as follows: 9 "(aa)Bulk Vending Machines, subject to standards contained in the C-! ZO Dtstrict regulations, Section 9232b." 1] F. Section 9233.c shall be amended to add Subsection (bb) to the ltst of permitted uses to read as follows: ]2. "(bb)Large collection facilities, subject to standards contained in ]3 the C-1 District regulations g232a.2." G... Section 9244e.2 shall be amended to add Subsection (d) to read as ]5 follows: ]G "(d) ~n the event, that Bulk Vending Machines and/or a Large Collection Facility is a desirable use on an approved 17 development plan, said uses shall be subject to all standards contained in the C-l'Dtstrict regulations, Section 9232b." 18 19 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular.~e.e, ting of the_Plannin~ Commission of the City of Tustin, held on the ~ day 20 23 /," ~' Chairman Recordfng Secretary 26 27 28