HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES 12-01-86O6 5t'679'21~[$ JO J. NflOk~ ~1~ NI 'rlO~J~¥d :10 NOIJ.V'JIJ[J.~RI 69'Tt, S'~6Z'~S JO J. NflOl~ ~HJ. N! SOIA~3~ :10 1VAO~kklV °Z 9NItq3~ B¥'lrt93~ '986[ 'Z! B39W3AON - S;3.LJ1N~I .-10 'I~AOiMdV "T -uo:) eJ.L:&ue eqq:~ ~)AOJd~ 03, '~Cpauue~ ,(q pepuO:~S 'J~bP3 .4;q pa, om $~ =! 's,Cep 5u.tdaaa$ ~.aaJ=s uo uo~.~,ol,.J?,$au Bu[xaed .UIdNI 3l'l~d 'aUON 'IA *A ,-' S~JN I W3FI ~rl~d 'Al :~uasqv suosuKIL~=UnO3 :~uasaad suosuadL~ouno3 -~LLaJe~LeS eoue~Ball¥ ~o aBPaLd auj. 'Xe~ te~uue~ue3 00~ '$JaClUJeq3 L~ouno'j YI#BO~I1V'J 'NI.LSfLL :mo JLLI9 3I'LL .40 ll:)NflO:) Al. lO ~ ~O ~NIX33,1W'IffJ3B V .40 S3JJ1NIN 'III 'I -! NOIldOfl~ IKI:I t31~IgllO 'Ilia -auoN NOIJ.,TdI~OILUil IlO:l ~'~:~l~NlgllO *IIA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 3, 12-1-86 oU) BuSz NESS None. SPECIAL RECOGNITION COUNCIL AC~IEVEHE](TS Mayor Saltarellt took a moment to announce that Councilwoman Ursula E. Kennedy wes honored by the City Council and staff this evening with a corsage on her passing the California State Bar examination. The audi- ''- once Joined Council in applauding her achievement. Mayor Saltarelli announced that he wes honored with a boutonniere for serving the longest consecutive term on the City Council. ~ NLq~ BU~INE.~ 1. SL~/ENTEENTH STREL'T a YI)RSA STREET (SOUllI)/CAJU~OLL WAY INTERSECTION As recommended in the inter-cee dated November 18, lg86, prepared the Public Works Oepartfl~nt/Engineering Division, it was moved I~ Edgar, seconded by ~enned), to authorize staff to proceedw-~T~l~ the intersection modifications to: ~) Provide dual left,turn, lanes from northbound Yorba to westbound Seventeenth Street and cooedtnate said work with the proposed A.H.F.P. project a)ong Seventeenth Street: and 2) Authorize a supplemental budget appropriation in the amount of $6,325. · The Oteector of Public Works eesp~de~to Councilman Kelly that the modifications will merely rmplace theLlOops that already exist. He concurred with Councilman Kelly. and:~'stated that "0o Not Block IntersectiOn" signs will be in~lu_ded ~hen the dual left-turn move- ment is implemented. The motion carried 5-0. 94 As recoelaended by the Public Works Oepartraent/Englneerlng Otvision in the inter-tom dated NoveflW~er 18, 1986, it was moved by Hoestereyt seconded by Kennedy, to amend the Fiscal Year 1986-87 Budget as follows: l) Include two Capital Improvement Projects; and S.B..82! Pedestrian Projects S14,944.00 Sierra Vista Orive, Karen Way, and Jan Marie Place, Pavement Rehabilitation/ Storm Oratn Improvements $2~4,700.00 2) Include one Public Works Departmental OPerating Account: Street Light Energy/Maintenance Operations Account No. $225 $20,800.00 At Councilman ~dgar's request, the DirectOr of Public Works pro- vlded a timetable for the storm drain improvement projects. Motion carried 5-0. 29 3. ~ OI= CO~ FOR ANNUAL PAVE)lENT PaL~KIN{~ PROGIL4)I Bids for subject project were received on November 20 as follows: J and S Sign Coil,)any. Orange S24,780.05 Safety Striping, Fillmore $29,020.55 Traffic Operations, Whittier S30,970.40 Orange County Striping, Orange $44,579.00 CITY COUNCIL MI. Page 4. 12-1-86 - II. III. 3e Pursuant to the recommendation contained in the inter-cam dated November 25, 1986, prepared by the Public Works Oedartment/Engi. nearing Division, it was moved by Kennedy, seconded by ~, to award the contract for subject project to J & S Sign Company, Orange, for an annual amount of $2¢,780.05. In response to Councilmen Kelly, the Director of Public Works stated that all firms that submitted a bid did combly or indicated they would, co~ly ~th the minimum insurance requirements. Once the contracts are signed, the City will not execute the contract until the certificate of Insurance has been submitted and approved by the City Attorney's oretor. The motion carried 5-0. g) 4. CONSIOF. I~TIOII OF Cll~' PARTICIPATION IN ~ ORANGE COUNTY CITIES iiSI li~#AGENE/IT NJTHOI~I~ GENERN. A/il) AI~TOHOBILE LIABILITY POOl. - Follaming consideration of the inter-cam dated November 26, 1986, prepared by the Finance Oepartment, it' was moved by Kennedy, sec- onded by Kelly, to continue consideration of the following to December 15, 1986: RESOI.UTIOIt NO. 86-140 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN THE ORANGE COUNTY CITIES RISK MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY LIABILITY RISK SHARING POOL Carried 5-0. 5g 1. I~IINg ~I$SIOM ACTIONS:: NOVEMBER 24. 1986 It was moved by Saltare111t seconded by Hoesterey, to ratify the entire Planning Co~m~ission ActiOn_Agenda of November 2¢, 1986. Motion carried 5-0. ,~: ~'~ 80 Io CALIFGRIIXA PARKLANgS ACT OF lg8~ - RESOLUTION NO. 86-139 The City Manager presented the staff report and recommendation as contained in the inter-cam dated November 25, 1986, prepared by the Commnity and Administrative Services Department. It was moved by Kennedyt seconded b,y Hoesterey, to adopt the following: RESg~.UllO# NO. 86-139 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNOS UNDER THE COM- MUNITY PARKLANDS ACT OF 1986 FOR THE TUSTIN AREA SENIOR CENTER/ PEPPERTREE PARK RENOVATION After a brief question-and-answer period, the motion carried 5-0. 41 REQUEST FOR O. OSED :~SSION The City Manager requested that following the Redevelobment Agency meeting, the City Council recess to a Closed Session to meet with its designated representatives regarding labor relations matters pursuant to Government Code Section 54967.6. CONGRATULATIONS TO COUNCILWOI~ LILSULA E. KENNEDY Councilman Kelly extended his personal congratulations to Council- woman Kennedy on her passing the California State Bar examination. TREE LZG~TIN6 CEREMONY - ~CEI~ER 5, 1986 Councilwoman Kennedy noted that the City's Tree Lighting Ceremony featuring the All-American Boys Chorus will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, December 5, 1986. She expressed regret that she will be out of town. She encouraged everyone to attend the event. CITY 'Cig MINUTES Page ;, L2-I-86 ~$ ~ COUNCIL~MAN ~I.A E. ~NNrny Councilman Edgar echo~ congratulations to Councilwman Kennedy on her achiev~flt. Couflctlmfl ~dgar not~ that ~o~tng the Redevelo~eflt Agency mting, ~ke muld ~ serv~ in mcognitton of Hayor Sa!tarell ~ongest consecutive semite to the C~ty as a mer of the C~ty Council since April 18, lgTZ. · ~e M~yor noC~ CheC ~FC0 will condu~ ~ public hemrtng regarding subjK% ~nnex~Ctan ~ t~s Dec.er 3, 1986, meeting ~ 2:00 p.m. Ha2or Salta~111 thank~ s~aff for responding qutckl~ when he celTs ~o ~o~ Cha~ the ~ra~f~c stgnals a~ ~h111 and ~he San~a Ana Fray ~-ra~ a~ ~ of synchrontzaClon. ~e Mayor announc~ that the Ho~h Tustin Municipal Advtso~ Coun- t11 (N~C) ~11 conduct a ~ttng on 0~er 4 In the Htgh School cafeteria at 7:30 ~e Hayor ~tll dtscuss advantages/d~sadvantages of annexing to t~e CJt~. A speaker from the ~nt~ ~ill dtscuss ham~f~cat~ons r~Jntng ~s ~e~ of th~-unSncorpo~at~ co~n~ty. A third speaker fr~ Villa Park ~tll dts~uss ~vantages of ~ncorporatton. He fnv~t~ ~eryone to attend sub~t ~eting. ~e Otrector of Pub11¢ ~or~s re~ond~ to ~ayor Saltarel]~ t~at staff is pr~ar~ng a ~po~ ~ ~dlfy~ng ~an islands to acco~o- date ~ v~lcl~ ~n left-tu~ pockets at busy ~nte~ectlons. Sub~t ~o~ should ~ agendlzed ~ later t~an the January lg87. ~unct1 ~ttng. N~T AT Counc~l~n Edgar r~uest~ that the O~rector of Public ~orks inves- tigate the n~ to ~tfy the trafftc signals at Ne~po~ Avenue and Hath Street. and ~po~ Avenue and Bryan Avenue, to increase t~e p~estrtan phasing cycle for safer crossing ~y persons ~alking subject area. Counc~l~n Kenn~y concurr~. Councilw~n Kenn~y express~ concem that she is unsure whether annexation ~uld be acc~plish~ in phases, at all, or in one fell swoop. She r~tnded Council of her desire to conduct a straw vote tn that area to dateline how the silent majority feels on the m~tter. It's possible t~at they could co~ out in protest during the City's public hearing, after ~'ve p~oceeded under the illusion that ~ majorit~ want~ annexation. ~e M~yor stat~ that N~AC reject~ the idea of polling through water billing. ~e Oece~er 4 meeting is their attempt to gauge c~ntty suppo~ for incorporation, status quo, or potential annexation. If they favor annexation, they will approach t~e City with a program of what they would like, and the City will have to ~ke a decision on that. If they want to incorporate, once again they will have to co~ to the City to discuss same. The City can take a position either in support or opposition, or discuss what the boundaries of that incorporation might be. If they decide to r~ain status quo, then nothing will occur. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 6, 12-1-86 Councilman Edgar stated that Council has accurately conveyed to NTM&C that it is definitely opposed to a major annexation in one fell swoop. The Mayor confirmed Mayor Pro Tem Hoesterey's position that the Council by a majority vote (emphasizing it was not unani- mous) would be inclined to welcome an annexation program if it was phased over a period of time which would be feasible financially, politically, socially, etc. The Council is not taking a pro-active approach at this time, and is not encouraging one method or 'another. Council discussion followed. The Mayor explained to Helen Edgar in the audience that if a group representing North Tusttn presents petitions for annexation equal to 50% or more of the existing population, a vote would be ~equired by law. If small contiguous boundar~ parcels are annexed over the next 10-[5 years, certainly no vote is necessary or advisable. 24 XlIl. EEl;ESS - REI)EVELO~IIT; CLO_'a~JD SESSION - A~dOURNI~'IIT At 7:34 p.m., it was merci by Hoesterey, seconded by ~dgar, to recess to the Redevelopment Agency; thdnce to a Closed Session of the City Council to meet with its designated representatives regarding labor relations matters pursuant to Government Code Section 54967.6; and thence adjourn to the next Regular Meeting on Monday, December 15, [g86, at 7:00 p.m. Carried 5-0. ./~'RAYOR MINUTES OF A REGULAR I~EETING dF THE REDEVELOPNENT AGENCY OF THE CIl"~ ) TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA DECEMBER 1, 1986 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:34 p.m. by Chairman Saltarelli in the City Council Chambers; 300 Centennial Way. Tustin, California. ROLL CALL Agency.*.Membe~'s Present: Donald J. Saltarelli, Ch~irman Ronald B. Hoesterey, Chairman Pro Tem Richard B. Edgar John Kelly Ursula E. Kennedy Agency Members Absent: None Others Present: William A. Huston, Exec. Director/City Manager James G. Rourke, City Attorney Mary E. Wynn, Recording Secretary Robert S. Ledendecker, Director of Public Works Ronald A. Nault, Finance Director Royleen A. White, Oir. of Com. & Admin. Services Christine Shingleton, Com. Oev. Oirector Eva A. Nava, Deputy City Clerk Janet M. Hpster, Administrative Secretary Approximately 10 in the audience APPROVAL OF MINUTES - NOVENBER 17, 1986;.. REGULAR )EETING It was moved by Hoestere¥, seconded by Edgar, to 'approve Minutes of the November 17, 1986, Regular Meeting. ·Motion carried 5-0. 4. APPROVAL OF DE]qANDS It was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Edgar, to approve Demands for the *month of October, 1986, in the amount of $448,053.91 as recommended by the Finance Department. After a brief question-and-answer period, the motion carried 5-0. ~ 5. Oll4~ BUSINESS None. 6. ADOOURNNENT It was moved by.Hoestere¥, seconded by Saltarelli, to adjourn at 7:35 p.m. to the next Regular Meeting on Monday, December 15, 1986, at 7:00 p.m. Carried 5-0. CH~TRMAN