HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES 12-15-86OF ~ CI~ COUNCIL ~ ~"rlE CI~ ~ ~Sl'IH, CALIFORNIA DEC£MBER 15, 1986 CALL TO (lie}ER/PLEDGE OF ALL£GIANCE/INVOCATION ~'ne m~ting was called to order by MayOr Sal~arelli at 7:01'p.m. in the ,City ~unci) Ch~e~, 300 Ce~ennla] Way. Re P.)edge of Allegiance wes led by Councilman Edgar, and the Invocati~ was given by Council- ~an KennY?. Councilpersons Present: Counctlpersons Absent: Others Present: III. SPECIAL ~MI'ATION Donald J. Saltarelli, Mayor Ronald 8. )(oesterey, Mayor Pro Tam Richard 6. Edgar John Kelly Ursula E. Kennedy None William A. Huston, City Manager Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk Suzanne Atkins, Deputy City Attorney Christine Shtngleton, Com. Dev. Director Charles R. Thayer, Chief oF Police Ronald A. Nault, Finance Olrector Royleen A. White, Otr. of Com. & Admin. Styes. Susan Jones, Recreation Superintendent Mary Ann Chamberlain, Associate Planner ~onda 8uckley, ~minlstrative Assistant Janet Hester, Administrative Secretary ApprOximately ~7 in the Audience PLAQUE F~R OAV]O EDGAR, CHAIRMAN, TUSTIN TZLL£R OATS PARAOE Mayor S&ltarelli presented a plaque to Oavid Edgar in appreciation For his dedicated service as Chairman of the ~g86 Tustin Tiller Days Parade sponsored by the Tustln daycees. Mr. Edgar thanked the Council and staff menfoeri For their coopera- tion in t~e annual ~arade. On behalf of the Tustin Jaycees, Mr. Edgar p~esented each Council men~oer with a cardholder whic~ tom- 'me m orates t~e annual event. 84 Councilwomen Kennedy noted that Tustin Tiller Days Faire and Parade will be aired on Oecam~er 17 and lg at 6:30 p.m. on cable Channel IV. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON O]MPANY TO THE CIl~( OF TUSTIN Pat Buttress, on behalf of Southern California Edison Company, pre- sented a Centennial Scroll to the City o( Tustin as a valued cus- tomer. Re Scroll recognizes that on July 4, 1886, the first of Edison's predecessor companies, the partnership of Holt & Krupp, switched on 40 electric arc light lamps as part of Visa)ia's Independence Day celebration. That evening 100 years ago mar~ed the beginning of the First enterprise that would later become the Southern California Edison Company. ~ PROPOSED DIA~ONO ~/GAR~NO ANNEXATION NO. 137 PROllE~-T HEJU~ING Subject annexation was initiated by Tustin City Council on August 4, IgDS. The territory contains approximately ~6.9 acres and consists of two parcels. Parcel 1 is located north of Bryan, east of Red Hill Avenue {approximately 22.4 acres). Parcel 2 is west of Red Hill Avenue nort~ and south of Garland Avenue {approxi- mately 4.5 acres). CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2, 12-1B-86 The staff report and recommendation were presented by the Director of Community Oevelopment as contained in the inter-rom dated December 1E, 1986, prepared by the C~m~unity Development Depart- The Oirector responded to Councilman Edgar that .two written pro- tests were recelved from Nancy R. Gamson and Robert Gamson, 15A2 Kalua Lane. Councilman Edgar clarified that the annexation was initiated by the City a: the request of a resident. The Mayor opened the public hearing at 7:11 p.m. There were no speakers on the matter, and the public hearing was closed. It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kelly, to direct staff to pre- pare a resolution ordering the territor~ annexed without an '~lec-' rich, based upon the finding that the value o? written protests filed is less than 50% of the registered voters within the affected territory. Motion carried 5-0. 24 z. t3Ta ~A~ A~tXCATION IN T~ CO~NZTY ~VELOP<~T ~OCK ~A~T ~a (~C=) A citizen participation meeting was held on December 5, 1986. The City proposes to submit an application to the County o? Orange ?or HCO funds as follows: 1) Public Facilities Improvements - $~50,000.00 (Funds for Street Improvements in the Annexation No. ~3S Area); 2) Public Facilities Improvements - $100,000.00 {Funds for Street improvements in t~ Orange Street Area); 3) Rehabilitation of Housing Stoc~- $100,000.00 (Low Interest Loan and Grants to Allow Continuation of our Rehab Program); and 4) Senior Citizen Community Center - $I00,000.00 {Funds for the Construction of a new Senior Citizen Center). Council/staff dicussion followed regarding public facilities improvements in the Laguna-Tusttn East Annexation NO. 135 area. The public hearing was opened by Mayor Saltarelli at 7:~8 p.m. There were no speakers on the matter, and the public hearing was closed. It was m~ved by Kennedy, seconded by Hoesterey, to approve by Minute Order, submitta] o? the 13th Year CDBG application for Fiscal Year 1987-88, as listed above. Carried 5-0. 81 )MJBLIC INPUT - None. Consem: Calendar Items ¢ and 5 were removed frcm the Consent Calendar by Kelly. ~t ~as moved by Edgar, seconded by Hoesterey, tO ~pprove the remainder of the Consent ~alendar. Motion carried ~-Q. I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - DECEMBER l, 1986, REGULAR MEETING 2. APPROVAL OF DE. NOS IN THE AMOUNT OF $146 RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,116,890.24 50 3. AGREEMENT FOR DI~SIGN OF N~IG~IBORHO00 PARK TRACT NO. 12345 Approve the agreement for professional services with the FORMA Corporation, Newport 8each, to complete park design, bid docu- ments, and specifications for a 4.25-acre neighborhood park site in East Tustin Tract No. t2345 at a cost not to exceed $50,000; and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same as recommended by the Co~unity Services Department. 45; 86-68 ~. FIRE ~3rRVIC~S AGREEMENT Approve the'agreement with the County of Orange for fire ser- vices for the period July 1, 1986, through June 30, :991, at a cost based on the County's Cost Allocation Plan; and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same. as recommended ~y the City Manager. 45; 8~-&g ulTY COUNCIL ~'IINUTES Page 3, X2-~5-86 7. EF.~EiL~. DF CIlf~C C~NTER Cl)NPi. EX LM6)~;CAPE ~i, INTENANCE CONTRACT Authorize the annual mnewal of the landscape maintenance con- tract for the Civic Center Complex with Porshia Alexander of America, Inc., Covina, at an estimated cost of $2g,81).80 as recommnded by the Public Works Department/Engineeri~g Oivi- sion. 39 8. EE~UTION NO. 86-142- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY C~UNCIL OF l~E CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING T~NTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 12763 (East.Tustin Specific Plan/Sectors 10 and [1) Adopt Resolution No. 86-142 as ~ecommended by the Planning Cam- mission. 99 9. CITI~q~N (~)NC£RN AT 15912 S4)UTH MYRTLE MENU[ - REQUEST FOR TREE * Aut)lortze renmval, of the ficus tree at 15912 Myrtle Avenue and replacement of a tree in a new location with a species that would provide minimal impact to the curb/gutter and sidewalk as ~commended by the Public Works Oepartment/Engineerlng Divi- sion. 86.1 ~mseflt ~lefldar Item No. 4 - T~ Rmovals & R~ P~ntng at Various L~tl~s - After a brief question-and-answer period, it was ~ g.enn~ s~ond~ by Edgar, ~ ~prove Consent Calendar Item No. 4 as f o11 Cwo: 4. ~Z~TIOg ~ ~EE ~V~ A ~T ~UNI~ AT V~ZOUS TIO~ 8e~ ~ane; 20~1 Fallen Leaf: ~339~ O~a~ond Head; ~79~ 17491 Village Orive; 14911 Bridgeport; I4722 Hillsboro; and authorize staff to prune tr~ ~ots at ~3672 Famington as ~c~nd~ by the Public Works Department/Engineering Divi- sion. The ~tton carH~ 5-0. ~.~ C~$~nt ~lendar Item NO. 5 - Arterial Highway Financing Program (A~FP) S~tttal - Councilman Kelly ~s desirous of accelerating t~e project and ~uestlng that staff inquire wit~ the ~FP as to the feasibility of the City front-ending t~e AHFP potion of funding and r~uesting reimurs~nt after July 1, 1987. Councilman Edgar and the City Manager ~sponded t~at t~e first step ~u)d ~ filing, S~ond st~ would be approval of the County and then ~ ~uld c~ ~ck to the Council on t~e question of ~ether to accel- erate the p~oJect. It w~s moved by Hoesterey, second~ by Edgar, to approve Consent Cal- endar It~ No. 5 as follows: ~. ~[~ION ~. 86-~ - RESOLUTION OF ~E CITY COUNCIL OF ~E CITY OF ~STIN, ~LIFORNIA, REQUESTING ~E ~UNTY OF ORANGE TO INCLUDE WI~IN ~E ARTERIAL HIGHWAY FINANCING PROGR~ THE IMPROVEMENT OF ~E ~RTHEASTERLY ~RNER OF RED HILL AVENUE AHO WALNUT AVENUE Adopt Resolution No~ 86-[44 requesting the County of Orange to include within the ~FP t~e improvement of t~e northeasterly corner of Red Hill Avenue and Walnut Avenue: and approve the City.'s Fiscal Year 1987-88 application for said improvement project in the amount of S67,900 as reco~end~ by the Public Works Depart~nt/[ngi neeri ng Di vi si on. Carri~ 5-0. g5 VII. ORDINANCES FOR INll~ODUCTION - None. VIII. ORBINANCE$ FOR ADOPTION - None. CITY COUNCIL MINUTEs Page 4, 12-15-86 IX. l. CONTINUED CONSIDERATION OF ORANGE COUNTY CITIES RISK HANAGEHENT NITI~.ITY (OCCRgA) LIABILITY - RESOLUTION NO. 86-140 The staff report: )and recommendation were presented by the City Manager as contained in the inter-tom dated December 10, 1986, pre- pared by the Finance Depart:men[. [t was m~ved ~)y Edgar, seconded §Z Ke'nned¥, to adopt the following resolution authorizing the City of Tusttn to participate in the Orange County Risk Management Authority liability and automobile excess insurance pool:. IIE~OLIJT]ON NOD 86-140- A RE$OI:'UTIO~ OF THE CItY '[OUNC[L OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN THE ORANGE COUNTY CITIES RISK MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY LIABILITY RISK SMARING POOL Mayor Pro Tern Hoesterey stated that joining the OCCRMA liability risk sharing pool is Tustin's best op,:ton available. The Finance Director responded to Councilwoman Kennedy that the City is com- mitted for a period of three years. Thereafter, one year'S notice is required to terminate pari:i¢tpatlon. Mayor Ssi[are]It felt that: the City would be in a better position to e~tablish its own fund, deposit the premium amount into same, and administer the program ttself or have It administered by third pa~'cy. Council debate followed. The motion carried 3-2. Kelly and Saltarellt opposed. 59 l. CONVERSION OF PF. RgIS$IVE LEFT TURNS TO PROTECTED LEFT TURNS Conversion aC various intersections as follows: Irvtne 8oulevard at Yorb&; McFadden Avenue at .Pasadena; McFadden Avenue at Will tams; McFadden Avenue at Tustin Village Ney: McFadden Avenue at Rttchey; Red Hill Avenue at [rvine 8oulevard; Red Hill Avenue at Nalnut; Nil1 Avenue at Sycamore; and Red Hill Avenue at Carnegie. Staff recommends a supplemental FY [986-$7 budget appropriation in amount of $20.000 for the conversion of sub,eot intersections uCillztng pemltssive lei1: turn phasing ~o full protecl:ed lef~ tums. (Reference Redevelopment Agency Agenda, Item No. 4) Mayor Saltare111 requested Chat subjecl: item be continued Co the ,January $, 1987. meeting when the D1recl:or of Public Norks would be present to respond to Council quest:iOnS. Ne stated that Counct~ direction was 'to standardize existing pea'missive left-turn move- ments SO that the green arrow would appear either at the beginning or end of the green phase. It was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar, to continue sub~ect item to"January 5, [987. Councll~mnan Kennedy noCed Croat the~'e was to be discussion between Police and Engineering s?:affs, and she did not know if t~e ~epor~: was a result of such discussion. After fu~'~:~er Council/staff dis- cussion, the motion carried ~-0. 94 2. AGREE)lENT FOR PAYMENT OF COSTS FOR [NFRAq/K(JCTURE [MPROVE~NTS - EAST TUSTZN ASSESS)lENT O[STR[CT NO. 86-Z AsSessment Olstr~ct No. 86-2 covers t~e remaining area norl:l~er~y of · [rvine 8oulevard ~t~tn the £asC Tusttn Specific Plan. The pro- posed Infrastructure pro~ects include roadway improvements, ¢on- strucl:~on of traffic signs! improvements, and f~ood control t~es. The total p~'eltminary cos[ estimate ~s As recorrmended in the inter'-cOm dated December 9, [986, prepared by tt~e Public Norks Oepart~n~n.'./c.~gi~,~.ring DiviSion, ~t was moved by £d~ar, seconded by Kenn.~y, ~o approve Che Agr-eemenC for' Payment of CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 5, Costs for [nfrestructure Improvements - East Tusttn Assessment Dis- trtc~ No. 86-Z with The Ervine Company; and authorize the ~ayor and City Clerk to execute same. Motion carried 5-0. 45; 86-70 B%~4AI~ - SIDEWALK/WHEELCHAZR RA~PS - EL C~[NO REAL/T1JSTIN RANC~ Bids for subject project were received on 0ecember 9 as follows: B-[ Enterprise, Rancho Cucamonga, Mobest,[nc., ~estminster Josip Kovac, Huntington Beach Pinto, Pomona Dudley Masonry, Anaheim · Arm & Haea~er, Tusti~ OeAm~)nd Construction, Fontana Oamon Construction, Sardena Bruce Paving, Gardena $ g2,160.00 5 97,536.00 5 97,920.00 5105,216.00 $107,904.00 5108,288.00 5112,896.00 5127,872.00 S138,2¢0.00 4. BID RI&ECl'ION - F. MBOSSEO CONCREte. ~OIAN PAVING I~PROVF. MENTS It was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Edgar, to reject the sole bid from Nobest Construc:ion for embossed concrete median paving at various locations within the City of Tusttn which was 42.7% over the budgeted amount; and re-advertise at a later date as recom- mended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Otvision in the Inter-cpm dated Decent)er 9, 1986. The motion carried 5-0. 92 EI~INEERIIli ~10 EIe/IRO~IfrAL AJ~LYSIS OF I-$/~RN-TRANSPDRTA- TION CORRI[~I~ (ETC) IN~EROL~raE Councilman Edgar felt it i~ortant that the Eastern Corridor traf- fic flow analysis be an i~egral part to the design of this environmental analysis. He recommended approval with the condition that traffic mow counts derived from the Eastern Corridor analysis be included in subject analysis, even if it requires a traffic flow study for Re eflttre Corridor rather than just the portion of road between Irvtne and Tusttn at additional cost. He felt it appro- priate that Council understand that before co.irking to a particu- lar intersection in a specific environmental review. It was moved by Edqar, seconded by Kennedy, to approve the firm of Robert Beth, William Frost & Associates (RSF) to perform engineer- ing and environmental analysis of the [-5/ETC interchange with the condition that the Eastern Corridor traffic flow analysis be an integral part to the design of subject analysis; and to authorize a supplemental budget appropriation in the .amount of $39,¢00 for Tustin's share {50%) of said work as recommended by the PuO)ic Works Department/Engineering Oivision. Mayor Pro Tem Hoesterey felt the City should reserve the right to recover the costs for the study from the JPA since the results of this analysis will probably offset engineering costs that would have bet~ incurred by the JPA in the future. Council concurred. The motion carried 5-0. 45; 86-71 100 AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR TI[LECO~MUNIKw~TIONS EQUIP~NT - RESOLUTION NO. 86-143 Pursuant to the recommendation contained in the inter-cpm dated December 15, ~g86, prepared by the City Manager. it was moved b? Kennedy, seconded by Edgar, to adopt the following: It was moved by Kennedyt seconded by Kelly, to award the bid for sidewalk and v~leelchatr ramps at E1 Camino Real and Tustin Ranch Road to the low bidder. B-I Enterprise Corporation, Rancho Cuca- monga, in ~e ~unt of $92,160 as reco~a~ended in the inter-cpm dated Oecea~)er g, 1986, prepared by the Public Works Oepartment/ Engineering Oivision. Carried 5-0. 92 XI. XII. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page B, 12-1B-86 ' RE3OLUTION NIl. 86-143- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CDUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, APPROVING A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR TELECOMMUNI- CATIONS SYST~)4 FOR THE CITY OF TUSTIN ANO DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS The motion carried 5-0. -.- 7. INTERNAl. PRQC~!I)UNES FSR IIeU. EMENTATION OF T14E RALPH M. BROWN ACT EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1987 Zt was moved by Edgar, seconded by Hoestere~, to approve and adopt by Mlnu~'e Order the procedures for implementation of the Ralph Brown Act effective January 1, 1987, as contained in the inter-tom dated Oecember 12, 1986, prepared by the City Attorney. The motion carried REPORTS 38 1. PLAN#IN60)~I~ISSION A~TIONS - DECF~ER 8, 198~ It was moved by Hoesterey, seconded Kelly, to ratify the entire Planning Commission Act(on Agenda obF Oecember 8, 1986. Carried INVEST~ SCNEDULE AS OF NOVEI~BER 30, 1986 It was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Edgar, to receive and file subject r~port dated December 10, ).986, prepared by t)~e Finance Department. The motion carried 5-0. 50. OT~ER ~USINESS 1. REQUEST IR)R C~OSED ~SSION The City Manager requeste~ that following the Redevelopment Agency meeting, the City Council recess to a Closed Session to meet with its designated representatives regarding labor relations matters pursuant to Government Code Section 54967.5. 2. POTERTIAL ANNEXATION OF N~RT)4 TUSTIN AREA Mayor Pro Tam Moesterey reported that the December ¢ meeting of the North Tustin Municipa1 Advisory Council (NTMAC) did not provide any clear direction or consensus of what those residents desire in the future for their area., He reiterated Council's traditional position of not actively encouraging annexation until a solid proposal is presented to which Council then ~acts and takes under consideration. He stated that Council departed fr~rn that policy somewhat by perhaps encouraging that it would actively consider potential annexation of the North Tusttn area whic~ may have put Tustin in a difficult position as this transpired. The __m~tion by Hoesterey to retain Council's traditional policy of not actively encouraging annexation until a specific proposal is presented, and to protect its sphere of influence died for lack of a second. Mayor Saltarelli stated that it may be necessary for the city to file same annexations to protect its sphere of influence, barticu- ' larly if incorporation petitions are in circulation. Tustin requested and received its sphere of influence a number of years ago at great expense in time and money in the planning ProcesS. Even in this case, it was NTMAC w~o came to Tustin requesting views on large annexations. The Mayor felt Council's traditional policy is basically intact. He was concerned that if it is made concrete, then someone could come back and say Tustin should withdraw its sphere of influence because it is not going to initiate any annex- ation unless a request is submitted. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 7. 12-15-B6 Councilman Edgar stated that although he shares ~any of Mayor Pro Tem Hoeste~ey's feelings, he is not anxious to take any action that would close doors in the future. Lengthy Council debate on the matter followed. ' Councilman Edgar stated that Council should authorize the Mayor to present Council's posttion against a formal incorporation request wtthout a rational boundary, without a service plan, and without an~ preliminary dlalog with the City. The Mayor stated that NTNAC will present a petition to the East Orange County Water Olstrict on December I8. He felt Tusttn should be represented at subject meeting to oppose the incorporation peti- tlon on the basis that boundaries have not been discussed with Tustin, it is a major encroachment into our sphere of influence, they have not passed a petition to show significant interest, nor have th~ presented facts on what the cost to residents would be. The City Manager reported that there has been absolutely no contact via correspondence or telephone from the Water Oistrict on what the City's position is on the matter. The only thing staff has seen from the Water District is ,a draft resolution which calls for all of Co~unity Service Area S to be incorporated, which would totally eliminate Tustin's sphere of influence. Subject resolution was obtained informally throug~ a Board member. It was moved ~ Edgar, s~conded by Hoesterey. to au(horize the Mayor and City Manager to express the Tdsttn City Council's formal opinion at the Oecember 18 meeting of the East Orange County Water District that incorporation p)ans for the entire Community Service Area 5 without a rational boundary, without a financial plan, and without any preliminary dialog with the City of Tustin is unaccept- able. The motion carried 5-0. 2¢ 3. REQU~%'T FOR F~OliTH~Y DEPARTI~NTAL E3CPENOITUR£ REPORTS In response to Councilman Kelly, the Finance Director indicated that staff w~uld provide a copy of the monthly departmental expen- diture reports whi~ would provide additional financial visibility. 4. STATUS OF I~)8ILE ~}UNO.HONITORS Councilman' Kelly asked about the status of the mobile sound moni- tOrS for aircraft. The City Manager responded that he and the Mayor would be talking about the strategy of approaching the County on this matter. 101 5. GRAFFITI ALONG NEWPORT AVENUE Councilwoman Kennedy reported graffiti at the I-5 freeway and Newport Avenue and across the street on the well beside the Sizzler Restaurant. 6. ~L~VI$ION P.~T£ INCREASE Councilwoman Kennedy asked about the rate change in the transition ?rom Communicom to American Cable Systems. Monda Buckley responded that the proposal includes an increase in service availability of channels and yet a decrease in the premiums going from Communicom to American. They have such a broad base, they can afford to do this. There is nothing confirmed, it has just been discussed. Mr. Coleman has been very responsive to our concerns when we get co~laints. In r.~ecking with the cities he has worked with. he has maintained that posture throughout his service. 7. PIPFJ. INE B~F.J~K The City Manager responded to Councilwoman Kennedy that there is a procedure where we can file a claim to recover costs of Police time invol.ved in the pipeline break within an easement in the vicinity north of the railroad tracks and south of the industrial area. It CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 8, 12-15-86 was suggested that we send a letter of :hanks to the OC Sanitation Otstrict, the Fire Oept., and any other agencies involved in the :1earl up. It was ao example of all the agencies working together to avoid a very serious situation. 7. I-6/55 INTERSECTION ~IDENING Councilmen Edgar satd that he was very pleased to hear Chat the Intersection widening-of I-6/$6 w11! ~nclude the renovation of :he over:tossing of Newport Avenue which means Chat in another Cwo years tNey w~11 be tntClatlng some of Chat construction. 101 R~C~SS - REOEVELOPt~ENT; CLOSEO S~SS[ON - AIX]OURNMENT At 8:¢1 p.m., It was moved by Ke~seconded by Edgar, to recess to the Redevelopment Agency; thence to a Cl'~ed Session of the City Coun- t11 to meet wtth Its designated representatives regarding Tabor rela- tions matters pursuant to Government Code SeCtion 54967.5: and :hence adjourn in memory of Oran Co:bran and James .McCalla, to :he next Regular Meeting dn Monday, January S, ~987, at 7:00 p.m. Carried 6-0. 1. ~ TO ORDER MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE C%TY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA DECEHBER 15, 1986 The meeting was called to order at 8:41 p.m. by Chairman Saltarelli in the City Council Chambers, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California. Agency Members Present: Agency ~bers ~4)sent: Others Present: Oonald d. Saltarelli, Chairman Ronald B. Hoestarey, Chairman Pro Tam Richard B. Edgar John Kelly · Ursula E. Kennedy None Wtlliam A. Huston, Exec. Director/City Manager ~ E. ~nn, Recording Secretary Suzanne Atklns, Oeputy City Attorney Christine Shingleton, Com. Dev. Oirector Charles R. Thayer, Chief of Police Ronald A. Moult, Finance Director Royleen A. White, Otr. of Com. & Admin. Services Susan Jones, Recreation Superintendent Ma~y Ann Chamberlain, Associate Planner Monde 8uckley, Administrative Assistant Janet Hasler, Administrative Secretary Approximately 15 in the audience 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - OECE~BER 1, 1986, REGULAR MEETING It was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Edgar, to approve Minutes of the December l, ~986, Regular Meeting. Motion carried 5-0. 4. CONVERSION OF ~IU~I~IVE LLrFT TURNS TI) PROTI~CTED LEFT TURNS Conversion at intersections located within the Town Center Project area as follows: Irvine Boulevard at Prospect Avenue; Irvine Boulevard at Holt Avenue; Newport Avenue at Holt Avenue; Newport Avenue at Bryan Avenue; and Newport Avenue at Main Street. Staff recommends a supplemental FY 1986-87 budget appropriation in the amount of $11,000 for the conversion of sub- ject traffic signals within the project area and that the City of Tustin Engineering Otviston be designated to design and perform contract adminis- tration for safd work. (Reference Council Agenda, New Business Item No. 1.) In accordance with Council action on reference matter, it was moved b~ Hoestere)t seconded by Kennedy, tO continue subject item to January 5, 1987. ~tton carried S-O. g4 RENEWAL OF l~E ANNUAL LARO$CARE MAINTENANCE CONTACT FOR El. CAiqING REAL It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Hoesterey, to authorize .the annual renewal of the' landscape maintenance contract for E1 Camino Real wit~ Porshia Alexander of America, Inc., Covina, at an estimated cost of $~1,888.40 as recommended by the Public Works Department/EnQineering Divi- sion in the inter-tom dated Oecember 10, 1986. Carried 5-0. 39 6. OTME~ BUSINESS - None. 7. AO,,iOURNMENT It was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Edgar, to adjourn at 8:¢2 p.m. to the next Regular Meeting on Monday, January 5, L987, at 7:00 p.m. Car- tied ~-0. ~/C.~A [ RMAN