HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 5 ANALYSIS I-5 ETC 12-15-86 NE~'I BUSINESS NO. 5 DATE' DECENBER 10, 1986 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM HUSTON, CITY HANAGER PUBLIC WORKS DEPAR1)4ENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONNENTAL ANA4.YSIS OF I-$/EA~STERN ll~NSPORTATION CORRIDOR (ETC) INTERCHANGE RECOMMENDATION: For the City Council meeting of December 15, 1986. That the City Council approve the firm of R.B.F. and Associates to perform engineering and environmental analysis of the I-5/ETC interchange and authorize a supplemental budget appropriation in the amount of $39,400.00 for Tustin's share of said work. BACKGROUND: In a Memorandum of Understanding between the cities of Irvine and Tustin dated March 19, 1986, it was agreed by both cities that the ETC should be aligned to the east of the Irvine Ranch Agricultural Headquarters. It was further agreed by both cities that two distinct interchange locations with the I-5 freeway would be considered. These two locations are as follows: 1. Current location of the Jamboree Road (formerly Myford Road) freeway interchange identified as Alternative H-5. 2. A location approximately 500 feet easterly of the Jamboree Road (Myford) interchange identified as Alternative G-4. The purpose of the study is to provide environmental information and preliminary engineering to allow the selection of an interchange location and design that will address the needs and concerns of each City. Major issues to be studied are noise impacts to existing residential developments, impacts/right-of-way requirements to existing developments and effects on arterial street systems. The intent of the two cities with this analysis is to include it with and have it considered with the Phase II ETC Route Location Study analysis currently being prepared by the County. DISCUSSION: The initial concept of this analysis was to be a three party effort between the City of Irvine, The Irvine Company and City of Tustin with each agency assuming one-third the costs. Since the receipt of the proposals, the Irvine Company has informed both City agencies that their maximum participating amount would be limited to $10,000.00. Each City staff has indicated that the study should be funded equally or that it should be a City study only with Irvine and Tustin assuming a full 50% share. DECEMBER 9, 1986 PAGE TWO The staff's of both Irvine and Tustin solicited proposals to two firms, Robert Bein, William Frost and Associates (R.B.F.) and Van Dell and Associates {VA). The firm of R.B.F. completed all of the previous studies and alignment alternatives for The Irvine Company, City of Irvine and Tustin to date. The firm of V.A. is currently working for the County of Orange as the consultant for the Phase II Route Location Study. Proposals were received as follows: Robert Bein, William Frost and Associates ............. $78,800.00 Van Dell and Associates ............................... $64,600.00 Both City staffs recommend the firm of R.B.F. to perform the work based upon the past performance on previous studies related to the analysis and the understanding of both communities needs, desires and concerns. Copies of both proposals are attached for reference. This study is currently an unbudgeted item and will require a supplemental 1986-87 fiscal year budget appropriation from general fund revenues. Funding requirements with and without Irvine Company participation is recapped below: Agency Irvine Company City of Irvine ~ity of Tustin Inclusive of Irvine Company Parti ci pati on Exclusive of Irvine Company Participation $10,000.00 $ -0- $34,400.00 $39,400.00 $34,400.00 $39,400.00 The City of Irvine Council will be considering this item at their meeting of December 16, 1986. Irvine staff is recommending the study be awarded to R.B.F. and Associates in the amount of $78,800.00. Additionally, they will be recommending that the cost be shared by both cities equally and that The Irvine Company not be included within the study as a participating agency. Director of Public Works/City Engineer BL:jm Attachment Ct ben CBei t,cWilliam c ssOciates PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, PLANNERS & SURVEYORS November 7, 1986 JN 23822 (Second Revision) Mr. George Divine Principal Transportation Analyst Transportation Services - Advance Planning City of Irvine 17200 Jamboree Road Irvine, California 92713 Subject: Engineering and Environmental Analysis of I~5/ETC Interchange Dear George: In accordance with your request, Robert Bein, William Frost & Associates (RBF) is pleased to submit this revised proposal for consulting transportation planning and environmental services to further the development of the I-5/Eastern Transportation Corridor (ETC) interchange. In a Memorandum of Understanding between the cities of Irvine and Tustin dated March 19, 1986, both cities agreed that the ETC should be aligned to the east of the Irvine Ranch Agricultural Headquarters. In previous negotiations between the two cities, two distinct interchange configurations were considered. Those two concepts, one at the current Myford interchange location (H-5) and one approximately five hundred feet east (G-4), are intended to be the subject of this detailed analysis. Also to be examined is the alignment of adjacent arterial streets that would be impacted by the Corridor Alignment, particularly Harvard from Irvine Center Drive to Myford. The goal of this study is to provide preliminary engineering and environmental information that will, when considered with the Phase 2 ETC Route Location Study analysis currently being prepared by the County of Orange,. provide the basis for selecting an interchange location and design. This study will examine issues raised in previous planning efforts by the cities of Irvine and Tustin as well as the County of Orange and Caltrans. A major issue identified by both cities is noise impacts on local existing residential development. The limits of Our study will be Irvine Boulevard to the north, the A.T. & S.F. Railroad to the south, Jamboree Boulevard to the west and Culver Drive to the east. PO 8OX 2590 · !401 QUAIL STREET · NEWi~ORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92660 · (714) 27403 YNEZ ROAD · SUITE 201 · RANCHO CALIFORNIA. CALIFORNIA 92390 · 4714) 676-8042 WORK PROGRAM The following is an -outline of the specific work tasks anticipated under this contract as we have defined the work program in response to your requests: TASK 1: - PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING FUNCTIONS 1.1 DATA COLLECTION Prepare composite topographic base maps at a scale of 1" = 200' utilizing available design drawings, topographic mapping, and aerial photography prepared by us and others under separate contracts. Obtain the most recent design drawings for the I-5 Widening, Myford/I-5 Interchange Reconstruction Project, the realignment and extension of Myford Road from Michelle to Irvine Center Drive, and the realignment of Myford Road from I-5 to Irvine Boulevard. These projects will be utilized as a base for design products produced in this study. 1.2 DESIGN STANDARDS Identify design standards of the City of Irvine, County of Orange and Caltrans that will be utilized as a part of this study. Any requirement for modifications to the design standards shall be identified by RBF and approved by the Directors of Public Works prior to application. 1.3 FACILITY SIZING AND ANALYSIS Determine interchange ramping needs, related arterial requirements, and number of lanes, based upon detailed computer modeling techniques and analysis provided by the City. The City of Irvine will provide computerized travel forecasts using the ITAP model and will generate forecast volumes of through traffic and turning movements for all alternative network configurations. Design volumes will be provided for AM and PM peak periods for two alternative network scenarios. Additional configurations will be examined as de-med appropriate by the City for an additional fee. Analyze the computer modeling results. Products of the analysis will include: e Two exhibits identifying lane requirements for ETC and I-5 mainlines, freeway to corridor and corridor to freeway ramps, arterial interchange ramps, frontage roadways, and any arterial streets in the vicinity of the interchange and interfacing with ETC and I-5, including the potential realignment of Harvard Avenue. Type and location of proposed HOV facilities. 3. Calculations of mainline, ramp, and arterial operating -2-' peak period to insure adequacy. Associates). (Austin-Foust e Calculations of corridor and ramp weaving and merging volumes to provide appropriate distances and levels of operation. (Austin-Foust Associates) 1.4 PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING DESIGN Prepare preliminary engineering design drawings at a scale of one inch equals two hundred feet (1"=200') for two alternative network configurations analyzed in 1.3 above. This will include profiles for ramps, the Eastern Transportation Corridor, and Harvard Avenue. The budget amount for this task is in addition to the budget amount of $5,300 expended in preparation of preliminary plans of the Eastern Transportation Corridor for The Irvine Company under separate contract. GEOMETRY Establish the preliminary geometric configurations based on applicable design standards defined in Task 1.2 and lane requirements identified in Task 1.3 for interchange G-4 and H-5. 1.5 MEETINGS AND CONSULTATION Attend meetings during the completion of this work scope. budget maximum of forty (40) hours has been established for this work effort. Any additional meeting attendance, if requested, will be completed on an hourly basis for an additional fee. TASK 2: - ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES Robert Bein, William Frost & Associates will perform preliminary environmental analyses for the two alternative Network Configurations identified under Task 1.3 of this Scope of Work. The purpose of this preliminary environmental analysis will be to provide an environmental evaluation of noise and aesthetics which will allow decisionmakers to compare impacts associated with each of the alternatives on a preliminary basis. This environmental analysis will be informational in nature and will not be prepared as a formal Environmental Impact Report for public review, CEQA processing, NEPA processing or certification. RBF will confer with the Orange County Environmental Management Agency Study Group on the Eastern Transportation Corridor to facilitate compatibility of the environmental reviews. -3- 2.1 NOISE ASSESSMENT An acoustical analysis will be prepared as a part of this study. A comparison of short-term and long-tea~L acoustical impacts for each interchange configuration will be performed. Impacts upon existing residential and recreational areas, including determination of probable noise contours, will be identified within the Study Area as detailed below: Existin~ Environment On-site measurements will be made in the project area to determine existing ambient noise levels. Noise measurements will be made at 8 sites. The FHWA highway noise model ("FHWA Highway Traffic Noise Prediction Model", FHWA-RD-77-108) in conjunction with the monitoring results will be used to describe existing noise levels in the project vicinity. Existing noise levels will be described in terms of CNEL for the County/City requirements, and in terms of peak hour Leg noise levels for Caltrans requirements. The existing noise section of the report will describe applicable noise standards, the noise measurement survey methodology, survey results, other significant noise sources in the area (i.e., aircraft and train), and the existing noise levels. Potential Impacts The potential noise impacts can be divided into short te~m construction noise, and impacts on surrounding land uses. Short term noise 'impacts associated with the roadway construction will be addressed in terms of the type of equipment to b~ utilized and the typical noise levels generated by these equipment. Hours of construction and estimated duration will be presented. The applicability of controlling the construction noise with the noise ordinances of the local jurisdictions will be discussed. Long term noise impacts will be described for each of the project alternatives. For each scenario the FHWA Model will be run to project the resultant noise levels. CNEL noise levels will be developed and contours presented for each of the alternatives. The projections of CNEL noise levels will be compared to the local jurisdiction's noise standards. The peak hour Leg analysis will be performed for specific site locations. The noise projections will be compared to existing levels. Additionally, the projections will be compared to local, state, and Federal criteria. Impacted areas will be identified for each scenario, and the need for mitigation identified. -4- Mitigation Measures Mitigation will be considered for the project case and alternatives, as necessary. Areas will be identified for which a noise barrier would be required to comply with either City, County or State standards. Height requirements for such barriers will be identified based on preliminary roadway design information. Caltrans also requires that when a barrier is needed, the benefit of various barrier heights be determined. Therefore, a benefit analysis of various barrier heights will be done. Final noise barrier design will be done as part of the environmental work, and should be done as a part of the final design study. 2.2 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS A project description and analysis will be completed as part of the environmental study. Existing environmental conditions, impacts and potential mitigation measures will be identified and analyzed as a part of the environmental study for the following areas: 2.2.1 Noise Analysis Based upon the acoustical report, the consultant will prepare an environmental analysis and comparison of each interchange alternative. The technical report -will be su~LuL~arized by environmental analysts and presented in the environmental study. 2.2.2 Aesthetics An analysis of the interchange visibility from adjacent areas will be performed. This analysis will include a photo survey of existing site conditions and a descriptive discussion of the area and potential impacts. In addition a visual analysis depicting alternatives on photos using an overlay technique will be provided for three views of the interchange. This visual analysis will entail layout control points of the interchange location, surveying, a site visit by a graphics photo team, illustration of a "ghost image" and hardline drawings. The budget amount includes 1 view each for the two alternative interchange configurations. Additional views will be provided for an additional fee. 2.3 ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT The above two studies will be documented through the preparation of a technical report and included as an appendix to the Project Report. Ten (10) review copies of the environmental document will be provided. -5- TASK 3: - PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND FINAL REPORT 3.1 PROGRESS REPORTS The consultant will prepare up to five (5) monthly progress reports summarizing the engineering and. environmental analysis, additional data requirements, and significant issues affecting the study. These progress reports will indicate the percentage of work completed and will be consistent with the monthly invoices. 3.2 MEETINGS AND PRESENTATIONS The consultant will meet and confer with City (Irvine and Tustin) and Irvine Company staff, as necessary, to review progress and results of the study. The consultant shall also present the results of the study to the Transportation Commission and City Councils. It is anticipated that there will be two (2) such presentations. The consultant will prepare appropriate printed handouts, slides, and exhibits for use in the presentations, which summarize specific issues, analysis, and results of the study as deemed necessary. Time for meeting attendance and presentation graphics has been budgeted to a maximum of 80 hours for this work task. Should work necessitate time beyond this amount, additional time will be provided under a separate scope of work for an additional fee. 3.3 FINAL REPORT The consultant will prepare and submit ten (10) copies of a draft final report. The report shall document all information, data, assumptions, analysis, findings, and recommendations of the study. The City of Irvine, City of Tustin and The Irvine Company will review the draft report for content, accuracy, and consistency of information, and will make changes as necessary. The consultant shall make required changes and submit ten (10) copies of the final document. Upon approval, the consultant shall provide twenty (20) additional copies of the report. COMPENSATION RBF will complete all services outlined herein in accordance with a time and material billing system based on 2.75 times the wages spent for all personnel actually working on the project subject to a maximum budget of $73,800 as detailed in the fee schedule, -6- plus a budget amount of $5,000 for the direct cost of blueprinting and reproduction. WORK TASK FEE Task 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 ENGINEERING FUNCTIONS DATA COLLECTION $ 1,500 DESIGN STANDARD $ 800 FACILITY SIZING AND ANALYSIS $ 7,500 PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING DESIGN $ 36,800 MEETINGS AND CONSULTATION $ 3,000 Subtotal Professional Fees - Task 1 Blueprint and Reprographics Budget Amount - Task 1 Total Task 1 Task 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES NOISE ASSESSM~ENT ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 2.2.1 Noise Analysis 2.2.2 Aesthetics ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT Subtotal Professional Fees - Task 2 Blueprint and Reprographics' Budget Amount - Task 2 Total Task 2 $ 49,600 $ 2,500 $ 52,100 $ 5,700 $ 50O $ 3,000 $ 3,000 $12,200 $ 500 $12,700 Task 3 PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND FINAL REPORT 3.1 .PROGRESS REPORTS $ 1,2-00 3.2 MEETINGS AND PRESENTATIONS $ 4,000 3.3 FINAL REPORT $ '6,800 Subtotal Professional Fees - Task 3 $ 12,000 Blueprint and Reprographics Budget Amount - Task 3 $ 2,000 Total Task 3 Total Professional Fees Total Blueprint and Reprographics Amount Total 14,000 73,800 5,000 78,800 Progress billings will be forwarded to the City to be paid on a monthly basis. These billings will include the fees earned for the billing period plus all direct costs advanced by us. -7- The Standard Provisions of Agreement are attached hereto and made a part hereof (see Exhibit "A" attached). We appreciate the opportunity to submit our contract proposal on this project. Work will commence upon receipt of a signed Purchase Order which will also serve to acknowledge approval of the terms contained herein. Robert Carley~r. Senior Vice P~esident Planning / Attachment RC/jeb cc: Bob Ledendecker, City of Tustin Brent Muchow, City of Irvine John Boslet, The Irvine Company Doug Frost, RBF Larry Wilson, RBF Barbara Eljenholm, RBF Gary Warkentin, RBF -8- 400 Col~oJ Moll. Suite 232. Soc,ome~o. CA (916) 444.3060 Form BM 82-1C o 1973 by' California Council of Civil I~nL~neers and Land Surveyors A STANDARD PROVISIONS OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN CLIENT AND CONSULTANT p~ 30. 32. ~ ~ffe ~t ~ ~ic b~i~Jfrom ~l~t Mcbut m ~ ~h~' I~ ~ ~ cbnt ~le chem m~ ~ (10}~ f~ the ~M °f~[e pt °f such Proposal for ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS OF I-5/ETC INTERCHANGE CITY OF IRVINE Submitted bY: VAN DELL and ASSOCIATES, INC. with Phillips Brandt Reddick and Mestre Greve November 7, 1986 Van Dell and Associates, Inc. 17aO1 Cam,,nght ir~a~.e Caltfc ,n-.'.~ 92714 714/474- 14CC November 7, 1986 Mr. George Divine Principal Transportation Analyst City of Irvine 17200 Jamboree Road I~vine, CA 92713 PROPOSAL FOR ENGINRRRING AND ENVIRO~NTAL ANALYSIS OF I--5/ETC INTERCHANGE Dear George: We are pleased to submit the attached proposal for engineering and environmental analysis of the I-5/ETC interchange in response to your request of October 30, 1986. We have included four copies of our proposal for your purposes. As you are aware,.the proposed study team is currently working on the subject interchange for EMA, as part of the Eastern Transportation Corridor study. Although this makes us obvious candida~es for the work, our selection could introduce a perceived conflict of interest for the consultants. Therefore, in an attempt to prevent this; we have included "proposal conditions" which requires full knowledge and concurrence of all parties associated with the work. We trust that this will be acceptable. Based on the Scope of Work, .we have derived what we believe are an appropriate schedule and an adequate budget for the project. The Schedule we proposed indicates a duration of 3 to 4 months depending upon the review process and presentation requirements. The Cost Summary indicates the budget we propose for each of the tasks. The assumptions and limitations relevant to these budgets are noted in the Work Program. We thank you for considering us for this work and hope that our proposal meets with your approval. Sincerely, VAN DELL AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Don B. McDougald Project Manager DBM:dw Enclosure Proposal for ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS OF I-5/ETC INTERCHANGE Table of Contents INTRODUCTION PROPOSAL CONDITION STUDY TEAM WORK PROGRAM SCHEDULE COST SUMMARY APPENDICES RFP and Scope of Work Resumes Rate Schedules PBR Proposal Page 1 1 1 2 4 5 Proposal for ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS OF I-5/ETC INTERCHANGE INTRODUCTION This proposal is prepared in response to the City of Irvine's request dated October 30, 1986 and the accompanying Scope of Work. Copies of these documents are appended to this proposal. PROPOSAL CONDITION Van Dell and Associates, Inc. (VA) is currently working on Phase II of the ETC Route Location Study for the County of Orange EMA. This project includes an analysis of interchange geometrics and noise impacts for the considered ETC alignments including alternatiTes for an interchange with I-5 in the vicinity of Myford Road. This ETC work is being done using OCTAM traffic data provided by EMA and using a scale of 1"-500' for the geometrics. Because of the similarities between the ETC study and the proposed project, there are obvious advantages for the same consultant to do both projects. However, because of potential differences in results and clients' points of view, the consultant may be placed in an awkward position unless there is full accord .among the parties involved. Therefore, a condition of this proposal is that Van Dell and Associates, Inc. will undertake the assignment only with the County's full knowledge and concurrence. STUDY TEAM The proposed study team is comprised of personnel from three of the firms working on the ETC Route Location Study. These firms are: Van Dell and Associates, Inc., the prime consultant with responsibility for the engineering functions Phillips Brandt Reddick, a subconsultant with responsibility for the environmental services Mestre Greve Associates, a subconsultant with responsibility for the noise aspects of the project From Van Dell and Associates, Inc., the key individuals assigned to the proposed project will be= Don McDougald, a senior engineer-economist, who will be the Project Manager Ray Allard, a senior civil engineer, who will be the project engineer Ron Jonas, a traffic engineer, who will direct the transportation analysis From Phillips Brandt Reddick, Tom Holm, a senior planner, will direct the environmental analysis. From Mestre Greve Associates, Vincent Mestre, a specialist in environmental engineering, will direct the noise analysis. Resumes for the individuals named above are appended to this document. Other individuals from the personnel resources of the three firms will be used as required. WORK PROGRAM TASK 1: ENGINEERING FUNCTIONS 1.1 Data Collection - As per the Scope of Work with no exceptions or additions - Assumes two meetings 1.2 Design Standards - Prepare draft for review and approval by the City of Irvine - Finalize report after the review is complete - Assumes that the City of Irvine will process the design standards through the County and Caltrans 1.3 Facility Sizing and Analysis - Arterial sizing will be based on daily volumes with consideration to peak hours in the vicinity of freeway ramps - Interchange ramp volumes and arterial sizing will be within the area bounded by Irvine Boulevard, Irvine Center Drive, Old Tustin Ranch Road, and Culver Drive - Freeway and ramp sizing will be based on peak period projections providea by the City of Irvine - Ramp metering design capacities will not be evaluated unless specifically identified in lieu of operating capacities - Ail weaving and merging requirements will be calculated based on criteria in the California Highway Design Manual - HOV lane facilities will be qualitatively considered and quantitatively estimated 1.4 Preliminary Engineering Design - Prepare base sheets with data from Task 1.1 - Prepare conceptual design in plan view only showing geometric layout and ramp grades - Obtain approval for conceptual design - Complete the preliminary engineering design at a scale of 1"-200' including one sheet with plan view and two sheets with profiles for each alternative 1.5 Meetings and Consultation - Assumes six meetings attended by up to four engineering specialists TASK 2: ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES 2.1 Noise Assessment - An acoustical analysis will be done in accordance with the Scope of Work 2.2 Environmental Analysis - Noise analysis will be based on the acoustical report - Aesthetic analysis will include three photos with overlays for the two considered interchange configurations 2.3 Environmental Document - The environmental analysis will be sununarized and presented in the environmental document including graphics and photo overlays - Assumes ten review copies TASK 3: PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND FINAL REPORT 3.1 Progress Reports - Assumes three monthly progress reports will be required 3.2 Meetings and Presentations - Assumes a total of six meetings with up to four consultants in attendance 3.3 Final Report - Based on 10 draft final reports, 10 final reports for approval, and 20 approved final reports SCHEDULE TASK 1: ENGINEERING FUNCTIONS 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Data Collection Design Standards Facility Sizing Preliminary Engineering Meetings TASK 2: ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES 2.1 2.2 2.3 Noise Assessment Environmental Analysis Environmental Document TASK 3: PROJECT MANAGEMENT 3.1 3.2 3.3 Progress Reports Presentations Final Report XX XXXX XXXXXX XXXX X X X X Months 2 3 XX XXXXXXXZ <XXX X X X XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXi XXXX XXXX X X XXXXXX X X X COST SUMMARY The budget for the proposed project as tabulated below was derived by estimatin~ the time required by employee classification and applying the appropriate hourly rate in accordance with the appended rate schedules. Reimbursables were estimated on the basis of anticipated reprographic requirements. TASK 1: ENGINEERING FUNCTIONS 1.1 Data Collection 1.2 Design Standards 1.3 Facility Sizing 1.4 Preliminary Engineering 1.5 Meetings TASK 2: ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES 2.1 2.2 2.3 Noise Assessment Environmental Analysis Environmental Document TASK 3: PROJECT MANAGEMENT 3.1 3.2 3.3 Progress Reports Presentations Final Report Reimbursables $ 2,930 1,200 6,130 22,460 2,700 5,720 5,100 3,680 1,280 4,600 4r800 $60,600 4r000 Total $64,600 APPENDICES City of Irvine. 172C0 jarn,~soree Road. P.O. Box 19575, !rvine, California 92713 (714) 660-3600 October 30, 1986 Mr. Don B. McDougald Project Manager Van Dell & Associates, Inc. 17801 Cartwright Road Irvine, CA 92714 SUBJECT: Engineering and Environmental Analysis Interchange - Request for Proposal of Z-5/ETC Dear Don: The City of Irvine, in conjunction with the City of Tustin and The Irvine Company, is soliciting proposals for the attached scope of work. Considering your involvement in the ETC Study, we felt this might be a project you would be interested in. Please deliver your proposal to my office no later than Friday, November 7, 1986. Should you have any questions about the attached, please contact me at 660-3638. Very truly yours, Principal Transportation Analyst GD:GA:pl Attachment cc: Dennis Wilberg Bob Ledendecker, City of Tustin John Boslet, The Irvine Company SCOPE OF WORK ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS OF I-5/ETC INTERCHANGE INTRODUCTION This scope of work is the first step t'owards satisfying the directive of the Irvine City Council on March 25, 1986, to "pursue the necessary preliminary engineering and environmental work to further the development" of the I-5/ETC interchange. In the Memorandum of Understanding between the cities of Irvine and .Tustin, both cities agreed that ~he ETC should be aligned to the east of the Irvine Ranch Agricultural Headquarters and that Irvine would decide the location of arterial highways south of I-5. In previous negotiations between the two cities, two distinct interchange configurations were considered. Those two concepts, one at the current Myford interchange location and one approximately five hundred feet east, are intended to be the subject of this analysis. PURPOSE OF ANALYSIS The goal of this study is to provide preliminary engineering and environmental information that will assist in the selection of an interchange location and design. The study will examine issues raised in previous planning efforts by the cities of Irvine and Tustin as well as the County of Orange and Caltrans. A major issue identified by both cities is noise impacts on local existing residential development. TASK 1: - ENGINEERING FUNCTIONS 1.1 DATA COLLECTION Prepare composite topographic base maps at a scale of 1" = 200' utilizing available design drawings, topographic mapping, and aerial photography. Obtain the most recent design drawings for the I-5 Widening, Myford/I-5 Interchange Reconstruction Project, the realignment and extension of Myford Road from Michelle to Irvine Center Drive, and the realignment of Myford Road from I-5 to Irvine Boulevard. These projects will be utilized as a base for design products produced in this study. 1.2 DESIGN STANDARDS Identify design standards of the City of Irvine, County of Orange, and Caltrans that will be utilized as a part of this study. Any requirement for modifications to the design standards shall be identified by the consultant and approved by the Directors of. Public Works prior to application. -1- 1.3 FACILITY SIZING AND ANALYSIS Determine interchange ramping needs, related arterial require- ments, and number of lanes, based upon detailed computer modeling. techniques and analysis provided by the City. The City of Irvine will provide computerized travel forecasts using the ITAP model and will generate forecast volumes of through traffic and turning movements for all alternative network configurations. Design volumes will be provided for AM and PM peak periods for two alternative network scenarios. Analyze the computer modeling results. will include: Products of the analysis Two exhibits' identifying lane requirements for ETC and I-5 mainlines, freeway to corridor and' corridor to freeway ramps, arterial .interchange ramps, frontage roadways, and any arterial streets in the vicinity of the interchange and interfacing with ETC and I-5, including the potential realignment of Harvard Avenue. Type and location of proposed HOV facilities. Calculations of mainline, ramp, and arterial operatingA peak period to insure adequacy. (AusLi~ Fcust As~c -- ciates). Calculations of corridor and ramp weaving and merging volumes to provide appropriate distances and levels of operation. ~Auutin Ucust Asacciatcs} 1.4. PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING DESIGN Prepare preliminary engineering design drawings at a scale of one inch equals two hundred feet (1"=200') for two alternative network configurations analyzed in 1.3 above. This will include profiles for only depressed ETC alignments, including profiles for ramps. GEOMETRY Establish the preliminary geometric configurations based on applicable design standards defined in Task 1.2 and lane require- ments identified in Task 1.3 for interchange G-4 and H-5 for a depressed ETC alignment. 1.5 MEETINGS AND CONSULTATION Attend meetings as necessary during the completion of this work scope. TASK 2: - ENVIKONMENTAL ISSUES 2.1 NOISE ASSESSMENT An acoustical analysis will be prepared as a part of this study. A comparison of short-term and long-term acoustical impacts for each interchange configuration will be performed. Impacts upon existing residential and recreational areas, including determination of probable noise contours; will be identified within the Study Area~ as detailed below: Existing Environment On-site measurements will be made in the project area to · determine existing ambient noise levels. Noise measurements will be made at 8 sites. The FHWA highway noise model ("FHWA Highway Traffic NoiSe Prediction Model", FHWA-RD- 77-108) in conjunction with the monitoring results will be used to describe existing noise levels in the project vicinity. Existing noise levels will be described in terms of CNEL for the County/City requirements, and in terms of peak hour Leg noise levels for Caltrans requirements. The existing noise section of the report will describe applicable noise standards, the noise measurement survey methodology, survey results, other significant noise soures in the area (i.e., aircraft and train), and the existing noise levels. Potential Impacts The potential noise impacts can be divided into short term construction noise, and impacts on surrounding land uses. Short term noise impacts associated with the roadway con- struction will be addressed in terms of the type of equipment to be utilized and the typical noise levels generated by these equipment. Hours of construction and,estimated dura- tion will be presented. The applicability of controlling the construction noise with the noise ordinances of the local jurisdictions will be discussed. Long term noise impacts will be described for each of the project alternatives. For each scenario the FHWA Model will be run to project the resultant noise levels. CNEL noise levels will be developed and contours presented for each of the alternatives. The projections of CNEL noise levels will be compared to the local jurisdiction's noise standards. The peak our Leg analysis will be performed for specific site locations. The noise projections will be compared to existing levels. Additionally, the projections will be compared to local, State, and Federal criteria. Impacted areas-will be iden- tified for each scenario, and the need for mitigation iden- tified. -3- 2.2. Mitigation Measures Mitigation will be considered for the project case and alternatives, as necessary. Areas will be identified for which a noise barrier would be required to comply with either City, County,or State standards. Height require- ments for such barriers will be identified based on preli- minary roadway design information. Caltrans also requires that when a barrier is needed, the benefit of various barrier heights be determined. Therefore, a benefit analysis of various barri~.r heights will be done. Final noise barrier design will'~be done as part of the environmental work, and should be done as part of the final design study. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS A project description and analysis will be completed as part of the environmental study. Existing environmental conditions, impacts and potential mitigation measures will be identified and analyzed as a part of the environmental study for the fol- lowing areas: 2.2.1 Noise Analysis Based upon the acoustical report, the consultant will prepare an environmental analysis and comparison of each interchange alternative. The technical report will be summarized by environ- mental analysts and presented in the environmental study. 2.2.2 Aesthetics An analysis of the interchange visibility from adjacent areas will be performed. This analysis will include a photo survey of existing site conditions and a descriptive discussion of the area and potential impacts. In addition, a visual analysis depicting alternatives on photos using an oyerlay technique should be provided for the interchange. 2.3 ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT The above two studies will be documented through the preparation of a technical report and included as an appendix to the Project Report. Ten (10) review copies of. the environmental document will be provided. TASK 3: - PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND FINAL REPORT 3.1 PROGRESS REPORTS The consu'ltant will prepare monthly progress reports summarizing the engineering and environmental analysis, additional data requirements, and significant issues affecting the study. These progress reports will indicate the percentage of work completed and will be consistent with the monthly invoices. -4- 3.2 MEETINGS AND PRESENTATIONS The consultant will meet and confer with City (Irvine and Tustin) and Irvine Company staff, as necessary, to review progress and results of the study. The consultant shall also present the results of the study to the Transportation Commission and City Councils. It 'is anticipated that there will be two (2) such presentations. The consultant will prepare appropriate printed handouts, slides, and exhibits for use in the presentations, which summarize specific issues,' analysis, and results of the study as deemed necessary. 3.3 FINAL REPORT The consultant will prepare and submit ten (10) copies of a. draft final report. The report'shall document all information, data, assumptions, analysis, findings,' and recommendations of the study. The City of Irvine, City of Tustin and The Irvine Company will review the draft report for content, accuracy, and consistency of information, and will make changes as necessary. The consul- tant shall make required changes and submit ten (10) copies of the final dccument. Upon approval, the consultant shall provide twenty (20) additional copies of the report. -5- DON~r.~ B. McDOUGAT.~ V~n Del~ =nd Assoc~es. Lnc. EXPERIENCE ENGINEER-ECONOMIST Van Dell and Associates, Inc. Responsible for engineering eqonomic studies, financial feasibility, and benefit-cost analyses for a broad range of project types. Recently completed a study for the Solid Waste Association of Orange County which was to evaluate the levels of services and associated rates for Solid Waste Collection in Orange County. Currently serving as Project Manager for the Eastern Transportation Corridor Alignment Study. SENIOR ENGINEER-ECONOMIST/SYSTEMS ANALYST Swan Wooster Engineering Company Ltd. Vancouver, British Columbia Consulted with international clientele, performing feasibility and cost-benefit analyses for transportation and port development related projects including marinas, port improvements, and import/export terminals. As manager of the Planning and Economics Group, supervised and participated in business development, client liaison, project administration, and report preparation. Additionally, experience included engineering design, construction supervision, and computer program development for civil, industrial, and marine projects, specific projects included, the Port of Vancouver, 1st Narrows Dredging Study; miscellaneous British Columbia Coast port improvement projects; Forest products terminal planning in New Zealand and Indonesia; and coal and miscellaneous product terminal planning in Canada, Brazil, Australia and USA. LECTURER, ENGINEERING ECONOMICS UBC Center for continuing Education Vancouver, British Columbia Taught courses in discounted cash flow analysis in Vancouver and other locations throughout the province for 15 years as part of the University of British Columbia's continuing education program. EDUCATION STANFORD UNIVERSITY M.S., Engineering Economic Planning, 1969 UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA B.A.Sc., Civil Engineering, 1968 Van Den and A~oc~ates, ~-c. DONAT.n B. MCDOUGAT.~ ( Continued ) PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION Registered Professional Engineer, British Columbia ~7818 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Member, Association of Professional Economists of British Columbia Member, Canadian Association of Business-Economists Vcm Del/=nd Associctes, Inc. ~P~I~CE SENIOR CIVIL ENGINEER Van Dell and Associates, Inc. Irvine, California Mr. Allard is responsible for civil engineering design applications and data management for all types of design projects and for training and consulting services to firms in computer- aided design and data management techniques. His experience includes all aspects of preliminary and final engineering design including grading, street, storm drain, and sewer and water systems. Projects have been varied throughout Orange County with emphasis in the Irvine area. Past projects include major arterial highway and freeway projects, for which Mr. Allard served as design engineer. In addition, he served as project manager of highway design for the Eastern Corridor Route Location Study; design engineer for the Foothill Transportation Corridor Study; and designer for the Alton Parkway/I-5 overcrossing and the resurfacing of runways at John Wayne Airport. His previous experience includes a position as a.field superintendent and estimator for an established Orange County grading and paving contractor. Direct construction supervision has included projects throughout Los Angeles, Orange, and Riverside counties such as subdivision work, major slope repair, harbor levee construction, and pipeline work. Specifically, these construction assignments have included the patching of various runways on the E1 Toro Marine Corps Air Station in E1 Toro; the widening of Ford Road in Irvine and Dale Street in Anaheim; slope repair in Anaheim Hills; slope and freeway reconstruction on 1-15 in Corona; and levee construction in Long Beach Harbor. He is familiar in working with a variety of agencies including cities, counties, Caltrans, Flood Control districts, and the Army Corps of Engineers. EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Irvine, California Bachelor of Science (Civil Engineering), 1980 PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION California Civil Engineer 36052 RON~?.r~ J. JONAS V=n DeU =nd A~oci~es. inc. SENIOR TRANSPORTATION ENGINEER Van Dell and Associates, Inc. Irvine, California Project Engineer for traffic and transportation analysis, evaluation, and report preparation. Site impact transportation planning and analysis. Liaison with public works and other governmentaI agencies. ASSOCIATE ENGINEER Kunzman Associates Irvine, California Responsible for technical traffic impact analysis on mote than 75 site development, General Plan, Area-wide, Specific Plan areas which ranged form 2 to 10,500 acres in size. Other studies included arterial roadway improvement projects, freeway and interchange needs and design criteria, parking demand studies, speed zoning studies, and signal timing and progression studies. SENIOR PROGRAM ENGINEER The Irvine Company Newport Beach, California Technical liaison with jurisdictional agencies and consultants in the management and planning of site specific and general plan level circulation studies, site plan development and review, and arterial highway improvement projects. Coordinated right-of-way, lease transfer, adjacent site and roadway improvement projects, and improvement funding. PROJECT ENGINEER HNB Consulting Engineers Denver, Colorado; Cheyenne, Wyoming Project Engineer fo~ Airport Master Plans for General Aviation and Third Level Air Carrier airports, and for the Cheyenne Transit Study. Van Dell and A.~cc~ate$, In¢~ RON~T.n J. JONAS (Continued) ~n~UCATION UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Berkely, California Master of Science (Civil Engineering, Transportation), 1973 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES (UCLA) Los Angeles, California Bachelor of Science (Engineering), 1972 PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION California Traffic Engineer 1201 California Civil Engineer 396~4 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Institute of Transportation Engineers American Society of Civil Engineers THOKAS F. HOLN, AICP DIRECTOR EDUCATION M.A., Architecture and Urban Plan- ning, University of California,. Los Angeles, 1976 B.A., Political Science, Univers)ty of California, Irvine, 1973 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS American Institute of Certified Planners American Planning Association Association of Environmental Professionals Director, Natural History Foundation of Orange County, California EXPERIENCE Phillips Brandt Reddick - Senior Project Manager Jack G. Raub Company - Manager of Resource Planning California Energy Commission - Research Assistant Urban Innovations Group - Planner RESPONSIBILITIES/qUALIFICATIONS SPECIAL SKILLS Environmental Analysis Policy Planning Coastal Planning Community Planning and Processing As Director of PBR's Environmental Planning Division, Mr. Holm is respon- sible for a variety of environmental, community planning and feasibility studies. Among recent assignments, he is currently PBR Project Manager for the Eastern Transportation Corridor Alignment Study EIR, has super- vised various specific plan/EIRs and preparation of natural systems com- ponents for the Route 71 Transportation Corridor EIR/EIS, contributed' to policy planning studies for the 18,000-acre East Orange sphere of influ- ence, and directed a multi-phase, Economic Development Study for the City of San Diego. Prior to joining PBR, Mr. Holm supervised numerous environmental studies and advance planning projects for the Planned Communities of Aliso Viejo and Mission Viejo in Orange County, California. He was a key member of the original community design and processing team for Aliso Viejo. In this capacity he assisted in environmental analysis of transportation cor- ridor proposals and the Master EIR for the planned community, and prepared elements of a local coastal plan, and urban runoff management plans. His other accomplishments included supervision of use and management plans for a 5,300-acre greenbelt system including sensitive resources, and assis- tance with community theme and streetscape master plans. With the California Energy Commission, Mr. Holm performed research for an EIS on Outer Continental Shelf oil development leasing plans, and prepared oil spill contingency plans and legislative recommendations. Coursework leading to his Master's degree at UCLA emphasized environmental systems planning and management. Owing to his experience in project management and resource management studies, Mr. Holm is currently serving on the Board of Directors of the Natural History Foundation of Orange County. ¢INCENT MESTRE, P.Eo NOISE CONTROL AIR QUALITY ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING EXPERIENCE : Has over eight years experience in environmental engineering analysis. Included in this experience is project management, pro~ram analysis, client coordination, and extensive computer modeling anaJysis. Specialties include the mathematical and computer modeling of environmental impacts for use in noise, air quality, and environmental impact analyses. Most recently noise and vibration control and architectural acoustics have been emphasized. Previous experience i~cludes the following: Project Manager and coordinator for the noise analysis for the Alternative Airport Site Selection Study conducted by the Southern California Association of Governments. Study included generating noise contours and land use impact comparisons for 8 alternative sites for a new major regiona) airport in Southern California. ..Project Manager for the noise analysis, including noise measurements and computer modeling of noise generated by E1 Toro Marine Corps Air Station. Follow on work included the design, specification, installation, calibration, and start-up of a 3 year continuous noise ~monitoring program. Aircraft noise consultant for FAA sponsored Airport Noise Land Use Compatibility (ANCLUC) Studies at Salt Lake International Airport, Reno International Airport, and Wiley Post Airport (Oklahoma City). More recently, the project .manager for ANCLUC studies done for Harlingen International Airport {Texas), Lawton Airport, donesboro Airport and Tulsa International Airport {Oklahoma). Project Engineer for airport environmental studies (noise and air quality) for Master Plan updates at Hollywood-Burbank Airport, Los Angeles International Airport (Over Oceansl Operations), Palm Springs International Airport, Hemet Airport and Max Westhiemer Airport (Norman, Oklahoma). ' Project Engineer for the noise study done for Air Installation Compatible Use Zone Study (AICUZ) done for Alameda Naval Air Station. Project Manager for 'Noise Elements done for the Cities of Irvine, Victorville and Palm Springs. The Palm Springs Element included noise analyses, measurements and modeling, of the Palm Springs International Airport. The Victorville Element included comprehensive noise measurements and definition of the noise impacts of George Air Force Base. EDUCATION : Received a Master of Science Degree in 1975 from the University of '-California, Irvine in Engineering, and a Bachelor of Science _ Degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering in 1973 from the Universit~ of California. Irvine. ' REGISTRATION : Registered California (Mechanical #18786) Professional Engineer in the State of RELEVANT PUBLICATIONS : "A Monitoring System For Long Term Aircraft Noise Measurements," Sound and Vibration, February 1982 Handbook of Environmental Impact Analysis , co-authored Noise Chapter with D.C. Wooten, McGraw-Hill, 1980 "The California General Plan Noise Elements," with D.C Wooten, Inter-Noise 74 Proceedings, Washington, D.C., October 1974 "Anechoic University June 1977 Chamber for Transportation Noise Research," with D.C. Wooten, of California, Irvine, Environmental and Resources Engineering, Van De~l and. A.~ocia'te$, Inc. VAN DELL AND ASSOCIATES, INC. FEE SCHEDULE Effective June 12, 1986 Classification ENGINEERING/TRANSPORTATION Senior Project Manager Project Manager Senior Engineer, Senior Transportation Engineer Design Engineer Associate Engineer, Designer Associate Transportation Engineer Assistant Engineer, Design Drafter Assistant Transportation Engineer Drafter, Intern SURVEYING Survey Manager Senior Land Surveyor Land Surveyor Associate Land Surveyor Assistant Land Surveyor Two-Man Survey Crew Three-Man Survey Crew PLANNING Planning Manager Senior Planner Associate Planner Assistant Planner Research Assistant LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Senior Landscape Architect Senior Designer, Landscape Architect Associate Designer, Associate Landscape Architect Assistant Designerl Assistant Landscape Architect SUPPORT Senior Progrsmmer/Analyst Progrs-~er Graphics Coordinator Clerical, Messenger Hourly Pates 90.00 80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 50.00 40.00 40.00 30.00 80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 123.00 160.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 70.00 40.00 40.OO 30.00 V~m Dell ~nd A~soci~es, L~c. FEE SCHEDULE (continued) e Computer-aided design, such as COGO, will be charged at $15.00 per terminal hour. Computer-aided drafting will be charged at $25.00 per terminal hour. Reproduction and other reimbursables will be surcharged 15% and billed in addition to the above rates. 3. Billing will be every four weeks. Invoices are due and payable on presentation. A finance charge will be applied to any unpaid balance commencing thirty days after the date of the original invoice at the maximum interest rate allowed by law. 4. The use of company or employee vehicles for extraordinary trips will be billed at $0.25 per mile. 5. Overtime, when requested by the client, will be surcharged. 6. Travel time, not within regular eight-hour work day, will be billed at 50% of regular rates. e This rate schedule is subject to change due to the granting of wage increases and/or other employee benefits to field or office employees during the lifetime of this agreement. PHILLIPS BRANDT R DICK RATE SCHEDULE Effective January 1, 1986 Office President Principals Associates/Directors Project Managers Project Planners/Designers Graphic Designers/Research Analysts Graphic Production/Administrative Assistants/ Word Processing Clerical Per Hour $150 $11o-$95 $90-$75 $75-60 $6o-$5o $45-$35 $35-$28 $30 Note: 1. Travel, reproduction, materials, and other non-wage costs at cost plus 15 percent administrative charge. Rates for consulting in connection with appearance before courts and/or commissions and councils for litigation will be $150.00 per hour (four hour minimum}. Invoices are payable within thirty days of receipt. Payments not received within thirty days will be charged interest at the rate of 1.5 percent per month for an effective annual rate of 18 percent. PLANNING · ARCHITECTURE. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 18012 SKY PARK CIR~C~E. IRVINE, CA 92714: (714) 261-8820 C~I_?'__O_RN_I~ NovemDer 5, 1986 Mr. Don McDougald Van Dell and Associates 17801Cartwrlgnt Road Irvine, CA 92714 SuDject= Proposal for Environmental Interchange Studles Services - I-5/ETC Dear Don= We nave reviewed t~e scope of work for the above named study and In conjunction wit~ Mestre-~reve Associates are pleased to submit t~e following proposal for your consideration= PBR Estimated Fee - Tasl<s 2.2, 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2 $12,000 Mestre-~reve Associates - TasKs 2.1, 3.2 $ 5~720 TOTAL NOT-TO-EXCEED FEES $17,7~0 PBR's work product will incorporate the nolse assessment anO aesthetic analysls In draft and flnal environmental documents wnlcn utilize effective graphics (Including photo overlays), text and evaluation tecnnlques (e,g. matrices) to convey anticipated lmpacts, I wlll De Project Olrector for t~e environmental analysis, wlll be supported Oy PBR research staff and graphic designers who are nlgnly famlllar wltn the Eastern Transportation Route Locatlon Study, Attendance at up to slx (6) team meetlngs and/or client conferences and two (2) presentations ls lncluded In ~e PBR proposal. PLANNING · ARCHITECTURE · LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE · ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 18012 S~KY PARK CIRCLE. IRVINE, CA 92714 ' (714) 261-8820 CALIFORNIA COLORADO HAWAII If desired, PBR w111 also prepare grapnlc alsplays, slldes or handouts for presentations on a ~lme and materials Oasls as requested, P~o~o enlargements wl~n conceptual Interchange over- lays coula be coordinated wl~n ~ne flela work for ~ne aesthetic analysis and maQe available for presentations, Please le~ me know If you have any questions. Sincerely, PHILLIPS BRANOT REDDiCK TFH:cw