HomeMy WebLinkAboutReports #3 8-17-87AG E~'~ DA ~ NO. REPORTS 3 _ ~/7 7~__ 8-17-87 -Inter - Cum DATE: AUGUST 17, 1987 TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY tIANAGER FROM: COHHUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPART)lENT SUBJECT: NORTH THSTIN SPECIFZC PLAN RECOI~ENDATION: City Counctl action as deemed appropriate. BACKGROUND: At the request of the Mayor, support for the North Tustin Specific Plan was · requested at the City Council's meeting on August 3rd. Prior to taking any action on this matter, the City 'Council requested time to review the North Tustin Specific Plan. Said copies are attached for the City Council's informatton. OC~;te~[to~eo~h~:glmm~tn~y Oevellpment CAS: pef Attachment: North Tustin Specific Plan " SJ.OIELLSIQ :::ISR QNV-! North Tustin Specif' plan Land Use Regulal~ons ulSTRICTS RSF RMF RGO POP OSR I~V - Permitted Principal Uses o Cm~un~ty care facilities · ervtn, , or fever ~ l~:V - Accessory Uses Permitted ° Signs per Ch. 6 De[eted Accessory Uses Permitted ° Temporary stands for the sale of horticultural produc~s Sro, ect. ~ - Uses Prohibited .~e storase of vehtc[e, equtpmenL, or produc~s rela~ed Co · c=erc,,1 ~ activity no~ peri,Ced in chis district Deleted - Pe~i~ed Primary Use ° H°rCiculture o General famin~ of I~ri- cultural crops in ~he land & srazint, bu~ no~ includ- ini any poultry or animal raisin~ en~erprise conducted on co~erciil basis :° 'duc''i°nal ln''i'u'iOnSsE, US, ,E~lT ~ ~ ° Professional O~ices (lis~ed) '--'EE USE PE~IT / ~/ MODIFICATIONS TO S~TE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ADOITION USES NOT NEw.BuT SITE DEVELOPMENT DELETION O PERMITS OR USE ~J~MITS ARE NEW. 'NOR..T{:t TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE REGULATIONS COl qUED... DISTRICTS I RSF I RMF I RGO [-PQP I OSR NEW - Principal Uses Permitted Subject to a Site Development Permit Ch. & · Grading/excavation per ZC 7-9-139 '~- o Day nurseries or 0 nurser7 schools o Public or private utility ,tructure, 0 ~[~ ~ 0 o Multi-family projects of 0 $ or more per ZC o Public Co~nunity centers 0 · Public recreation centers /facilities 0 o Police/fire stations O NEW - Principal Uses Permitted Subject to a Use Permit Per Ch. & Per Zoning Admin: o Apiaries ~ o Co~dnity care facilities eervins ~ ~ 7 to 12 per ZC ?-9-1&l Per Planning C~ission: '~urches 0 ~ 0 · Educational Institutions 0 0 0 · Mobilehomes per 0 ZC 709-1&9 o Residenti&l Condo., Stock cooperatives, & 0 Com~nity apt. projects per ZC 7-9-1&7 · Professional offices O (listed) · NORTH TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE REGULATIONS CO! NUED... Modified Site Dev¢~lopment Standards DISTRICTS RSF RMF RGO PQP OSR o Landscaping/Screening per Ch. 5 o No si~n shall exceed 6 sq. ft. in area unless oChervise provided for by an approved use permit or site development permit ° Setbacks' 20' min. from any public st .... · Bldg. site coverage: 10%max. o Trash & StoraEe enclosed ... such areas shall not be w/in tbs front or exterior side of the bldg. or v/in 25' of an abutting residential district ° LandscapinE/Screenin~ per ZC 7-9-132 NORTH TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN DIVISION II1: LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS With Revisions Annotated Amendment 86-1 April 30, 1986 Attachment 4 TABLE OF CONTemPTS NORTH TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS . . Page · he~e~ -lv ~RWM~.9 3 Chapter ~ 1. GENERAL PURPOSE AND APPLICATION 4 Chapter ~ 2. GENERAL PROVISIONS 5 Chapter 4 3. DISTRICT REGULATIONS A. RSF Residential Single Family District 7 B. ~ Residential Multiple Family District 11 C. RGO Residential Garden Office District 17 D. PQP Public/Quasi-Public District 25 E. OSR Open Space Recreation District 28 F._:** ~, ¢I Co.solidatio. Ince.tive (overlay district) 36 G._= lt~GO Garc~en Offi=e (overlay c~ietrict) 39 Chaste= % _4. PROCEDURES 47 AT f~'ee Beve~epmete,e Peem~'e P~eeedu~es eRd Requ~remeR~eo BT Va~.eeee P~eeedu~ee Chapter 5. LANDSCAmING~ aUFFERING~ AND SCREENINO 54 Chapter 6. SIGNS 56 Chapter 7. BUILDING ORIENTATION AND CHARACTER 57 PP07-1 III-2 6085 L"Aeee fegu3.e,~*one ace adep~ed pufeuen'e ~e ~he eaL*fffn*a ~ee~ne e~ev ~9-~6 ~ ~he e~f~ed ~d~naneee ~ ~an~e e~n~yv deve~en~ ~h~n ~he N~h ~ue~n 8~e~e P~en eeee. As ~e ~ded ~ ifad use and deve~en~ o*andaede neeeeoaeM *e eneuee ~he* *he deve~en*T ~h ~he hea~hT oafe~ and ~faee ~ ~e eee~den~e ~ eeanoe e~n~ an~ ~e e~e~o~en~ ~h ~he ~e~eo end ~e~e ~ ~he ~neee~ P~an ~ ~he e~n~ ~ ~anoe~ CHAPTER ~ 1. GENERAL PURPOSE AND APPLICATION A. G$,eral Purpose The North Tustin Specific Plan Land Use aegulati~ns are adopted Government Code Sections 65450 through 65457 and Zoning Code Section 7-9-156 for the purpose of promoting the health, safety and general welfare of residents of the North Tustin community, Orange County, and the future residents of this community. More specifically, these regulations are intended to provide the standards, criteria and procedures necessary to achieve the following objectives. 1. Implement the intent and purpose of the elements of the General Plan of the County of Orange as carried out by the North Tustin Specific Plan. 2. PrOvide maximem opportunities for innovative community design and site planning, consistent with orderly development and compatible with existing community character, with a logical and timely sequence of community and government review and input. 3. Improve the visual image and general aesthetics within the North Tustin c~muunity. B. Application The interpretation and application of the North Tustin Specific Plan shall be accomplished in accordance.with the following provisions: 1. The land use and development regulations shall be applied only in the co~munity of North Tustin as defined by the specific plan boundary. 2. When any issue, condition or situation arises or occurs that is not covered or provided for by this division of the North Tustin Specific Plan, those regulations of the Zoning Code that are applicable for the most similar issue, condition or situation as determined by the Director, EMA, shall apply. 3. If any portion of these regulations is, for any reason, declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or ineffective in whole or in part, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof. The Board of Supervisors hereby declares that it would have enacted these regulations and each portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more portions be declared invalid or ineffective. 4. For the purpose of carrying out the intent and purpose of these regulations, words, phrases and terms are deemed to have the meanings ascribed to them in Sections 7-9-21 through 7-9-47 of the County of Orange Zoning Code, except as otherwise provided by these land use zegulations. III-4 CHAPTER ~ 2. GENERAL PROVISIONS Ay A~L uoee Re~ ~e~ed eo Pe~u*~ed ~eee iR each uae die~fie~ ere B. All building sites shall c~ply with the pr~isions of Section 7-9-126 Building Site le~ir~ents of the Orange County Zoning C~e. C. Set~cks shall ~ measured fr~ ~e ultimate street right-of-way line wkeee D. All ~=king =e~iremen~s shall ~ply w~th the p=ov~s~ons of Section 7-9-145, Off-S~:ee~ PeEking ~gulat~ons of ~he O=ange County Zoning Co~e ex~ep~ as p=ov~e~ ~n ~hese =egula~ons. E. All o.-s~e l~gh~ng shall ~ ~es~gne~ a-d l~a~e~ so as ~o ~nf~ne ~i:ec~ =ays to the p=emises. PT A~&ee~&~ f~ ~ee*e.eee ~e ~he e&~e deve~e.~ e~e.daedo ~ ~heee G. Ail ~t=uction and develo~en~ within ~he North Tustin S~cific Plan shall c~ply with applicable p=ovisions of the Uniform Building Code and the va=ious rela~e~ mechanical, elect=ica1, pl~n~ codes, and ~he G=ad~ng Sign C~es, as cu==en~ly adopted by the ~a=d of Su~rviso=s. Any ~naitions, =e~iremen~s, o= s~a.~arSs, ind~ca~e~ ~=aphica~y o= w=~ing, ~ha~ are a ~=~ of an app=oved a=ea plan, si~e develo~e.~ ~=m~ o= de,ail plan, approve~ in ~mpl~ance w~=h these =e~ula~o.s shall have ~he s~e fo=ce an~ ef~ec= as ~hese =egula~ons. Any use o= ~evelo~en~ established as a =esul~ of such a~=~e~ ~ o= plan bu~ .o~ in c~pliance wi~h all app=oved ~.di~io.s shall ~ An viola=Aon of ~he Tus~in S~cific Plan and su~jec~ ~o Zonin~ C~e section 7-9-154~ Enforcemen~ p=ovisions. These S~cific ~lan Land Uae aegula~ions fo= =esiden~ial develo~en= a=e An~ended ~o facili~a~e ~he l~a~ion of affo=dable hous~n~ in ~he No=~h Tus~in ~A~y by lmpl~en~i.~ ~he inclusiona=y housing p=~isions of ~he Housi.~ El~en~ of the O=ange County General Plan. J. The Ho=th ~usti. S~cific Plan may ~ ~emded by the s~e pr~edu=e as was o=iginally adop=ed. Each ~e.~e.~ shall include all sections ~=tions of ~e S~cific ~lan tha~ a=e affected by ~he chan~e. ~ ~en~en~ uy ~ initia~ed by ~he ~a=d o~ Su~=v~so=s, ~he Planning C~iss~on, o= a p=o~=~y o~e=, in ~pliance w~h ~he provisions of Sec~o. 7-9-156 of O=an~e Coun=y Zo.~.~ C~e. K. ~rary s~cial ~A=y events, such as ~=a~es, ~ge~s, ~y fsi=s, a~hle~ic ~.~es~s, car.~vals, and o~he= s~mila= uses, may ~ed in any a=ea of ~e North ~stin S~cific Plan by app=~a~ of =he Dl=ec~o=, ~, u~n applica~ion fo= a ce=~Afica~e of use and ~cu~ncy Section 7-9-152 o~ ~e O=a.~e C~.~y Zoning C~e. III-5 Al~y person, firm or corporation, whether as principal, agent, employee or otherwise, violating any provisions of these regulations shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conyiction thereof shall be punishable'by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500) or by imprisonment in the County Jail of Orange for a term not exceeding six (6).~onths or by both such fine and imprisonment. Such person, firm or corporation shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day during any portion of which any violation of this article is co~mitted, continued or permitted by such person, firm or corporation and shall be punishable ss herein provided. Enforcement of these regulations shall be per Section 7-9-154 of the Orange County Zoning Co~e. III-6 CHAPTER 4 3. DISTRICT REGULATIONS A. RSF - Residential Single Family District 1. Purpose and Intent: The RSF District is intended to createe, preservee and enhances neighborhoods where permanent, one household, residential uses are predominant. The detached dwellings and large private yards of RSF areas allow for maximum privacy where desired, and opportunities for outdoor living, Only those additional uses are permitted thst are ¢o~plimentary to, and can exist in harmony with, such a single-family residential neighborhood. 2. Permitted Pe&maey Principal Uses: Any of the following ~&meey principal uses are permitted on each building site in compliance with the site development standards contained herein. a. Single-family detached dwelling, one (1) per building site, or single-family n~bilehome ~ eem~l~e~ee w&eh eke pee~%s~e ~oning Code Section 7-9-149.5 e~ ~he 9~an~e ee~y ~e~§ eode, one (1) per building site. b. P~b~&e Parks and playgrounds (nonconu~ercial). c. Riding and hiking trails. d. Community care facilities serving six (6) or fewer ~ersons. epe~a~eesT eHeep~e es p~ev&ded ~e~ by Seee~ee 4-A-S--~ e~ eheee ~T ehu~ehes? ~emp~ee? eqehe~ p~eeee of warship ~M~e~mum Asea - 4e?oee ee~eee 3. Principal uses permitted subject to a site develo~ent permit, The following principal uses are Permitted sub~ect to the approval of site development permit per Cha~ter 4. ~T a_.~. Public or private utility structures and uses rendering direct service to the public ~n the local area. b._= Grading and excavation over 5~000 cubic yards per Zonin~ Code section III-7 4_:.. Princi~al Uses ~ermitted subject to a use permit. az Zonin~ Administrator The following principal uses are permitted subject to ~he approval o[ a use Permit by the Zoning Administrator per Chapter 4. (1} Apiaries. (2) Com~unit~ care facilities servin~ seven (7) to twelve (12) ~ersons Per Zoning Code section 7-9-141. h_~. Planning Commission The following principel uses are permitted subject to the approval of a use Permit by the Planning Cc~mission Per Chapter 4. Churchesf temples and other places of worship (minimum buildin~ site area - 40f000 sc~uare feet). (2) Educational institutions. (3) Planned (unit) develo~ents for residential uses Per Zonin~ Code section 7-9-110 and Chapters 5~ 6~ and 7 herein with 28 feet maxLmum building height~ and a 25 foot setback where it is abutting a single family district. ~T 5. Temporary Uses and Structures: Any of the following temporary uses are allowed, except as provided in other subsections herein, &n ee~l&e~ee w%th per Zonin~ Code Section 7-9-136. e~ the eee~§e ee~ty a. Model homes, temporary real estate offices and related signs within subdivisions. b. Temporary use of mobilehome residence during construction. c. Continued use of an existing building during construction of a new building on the same building site. 4. 6~ Accessory Uses Permitted: ~y e~ ~he ~e~ev&,~ e~eee~aey ~ U..ses and structures when customarily associated with and subordinate to a permitted principel use on the same building site per Zoning Code section 7-9-137 which includes: a. Garages and carports, %~ ee~&a~ee b. Swimming pools, &~ eemt~&a~ee eeet&e~ ~-9-~g.4 e~ the eea~e III-8 c. Fences and walls, &e eemp~&eeee _ a. ~gns ~ Cha~te= 6. b. Nonc~erc~al keep~n~ of ~ts an~ an~maIs' ~= Zon~n~ C~e section 7-9-146.3 Oee~&~ ~-~46T6 ~ ~he e~enge Zoning C~e sec~oa 7-9-146.6. eT ~he kee~e~ ~ e~ne ae&~Lo f~ ~ve~ev n~-e~eee~e~ ~eee ~ ~aed asset ~e ~a~ adage e~&eee' are ~em~eeed ~ a eh~eaed ~v099~ o~eee ~eee ~ ~aed asset ~e ~ edd~e~ene~ o~eee ~eee ~ Med ~ ~eeoed e~e~u~e ~aed &e She e~ee~eeeT · he ~fo~e~ ~ eueh seamers eha~ eue~e~ ~ee~deeea~ aed aeeeoe~ eeo~deee~e~ ~oe ~ee ne e~eee~eL ~ ~Y Gues~ouses (one (1) ~ building s~te) ~n ~n~o~ance w~th setback ~egulations fo~ the main building. ~ueed ~ She ~e~eee ~ded She ·hee eec ~k~oeed ~ieTeee~ e~eee ~eee Red ~eee e~ u~ eke ~a~~e' fie area ~ eke o~aed eha~ o~eee ~4~~he Mee ehe~L fete ~fl uoeT Ill-9 ~ A~ uses no~ ~m~e~ able aFe The establ~sh~nt, ~at~on an~ ~ntenance of ~e uses ~rm~tte~ the ~F D~str~ct shall be ~n co~l~ance w~ ~e follow~ng~ a. BuL~L~ sL~e a~ea= ~en ~ousan~ (~0,00O) ~ua~e ~ee~ F~LFe~ un,ess a ~a~ee ee m~ee eeea *e o~eFvLse s~cL~e~ · he d~e~e~e~ ~& on ~e ~an~ use ~s~Lc~ ~p o~ ~e S~i~ic Plan. bv Buil8i~ site wid~ No minimum r~uire~nt unless otherwise ~ecifi~ by ~e ~&e~ e~ e~ ~e ~e~ use district ~p of ~e Nor~ ~stin S~cific Plan. b~ Building height: ~irty-five (35) feet ~xim~ unless otherwise s~cified by ~e ~&et~t ~ on ~e land use district ~p of the Nor~ ~stin S~cific Plan. c. Se~acks. ~enty-five (25) feet minimum from any public street~ o~erwise= ~ (1) Front setback: ~enty-five (25) feet minimum r~uired ~e~ eT ~ Rea~ se~ack: ~en~7-~LYe (25) ~ee~ m~m~ ~T (3) S~e se~ack: ~en (~0) ~cen~ o~ ~e average v~ o~ ~e buL~Lng s~e - ~xLm~ ~ven~ (20) ~ee~. (4) ~ panhandle building site ~e minimum se~ack from any pro~rty line shall be ten (10) feet. Off-street parking: Pe~ ~e~ Mee~ veh&e~eo oh8~ ~6~ by ~t~ ~-9-A4S of ~e e~e~e eeu~y Per Zoning section 7-9-145. e~Building site ~verage= Fifty (50) ~rcent ~x~ bu&&d&~o ~ ~e e6~e. III-10 B. ~ - Residential Multiple Family District 1. Purpose and Intent.' The ~ District is intended to creates, preserves and enhances areas where two or more dwelling units on the same building site are predominant. The ~ District compliments the P~F District by providing for an additional =ange of housing types to meet the varying needs of different individuals and f~milies within the specific plan boundary. Only those additional uses are pe~mitted that are complimentary to, and can exist in harmony with, such a residential neighborhood. 2. Permitted ~4~me~y Princi~al Uses; Any of the following ~&meey principal uses are permitted on a building site in compliance with the site develoI~ent standards contained herein. a. Community care facilities serving six (6) or fewer persons. b. Single-family dwellings~ attached and detached. c. Mohilehomes per Zoning Cooke section 7-9-149. d. Multifamily projects of four (4) or less dwelling units. Parks~ playgrounds~ and athletic fields (noncommercial). peo~ee+-s? end eow~Aun&/ay epae/a~en+- pee~ee+-eT ~e~eee,~e~ pee,.~ee'as eye eub,.jee+- +-e +-he eequ~eemeP~+-e es+- ,fee+-h &n Oee+-&en ~-9--~4-~ e,~ +.he a e~eee~aL end ~ey~e~nds ~ n~ &ne~ud~n~ ~ee~n~ ~eke ~ ~hee ~eke ~ · e~eee~a~ na~uee~ III-11 The following uses are ~ermitted subject to the approval of a site development ~ermit ~er Chapter 4. q. a_~. Public or private utility structures and uses rendering direct service to the public in the local area. b. Multifamily projects of five (5) or more .dwelling units (except condominiumr stock cooperativer and come, unity apartment projects) ~e~ Zoning Code section 7-9-146.7. 4_~. ~rinci~al uses ~ermitted subject to a use ~ermit. a. Zoning Administrator. ~ The following principal uses are permitted subject to the approval of a use ~ermit by the Zoning Administrator per Chapter 4. (1) Cc~mtmity care facilities serving seven I7} to twelve (12) persons per Zoning Code section 7-9-141. b~ Planning Conunission The following principal uses are permitted subject.to the approval of a use permit by the Planning Commission per Chapter 4. (1) Churches, temples~ and other places of worship (minimum building site area - 40~000 sc/uare feet). .(2) Educational institutions. (3) Mobilehome parks and mobilehome subdivisions per Zoning Code section 7-9-149. (4) Residential condominium~ stock cooperatives~ and community apartment projects Der Zoning Code section 7-9-147. (5) Planned (unit) develo~nent for residential uses per Zoning Code section 7-9-110 and Chapter 5, 6, and 7 herein with 28 feet maximum building height. ~T 5~ Temporary Uses and Structures~ Any of the following temporary uses are allowed, except as provided in other subsections herein, &~ eem[~t&e~ee w~tk per Zoning Code Section 7-9-136. e~ the e~e~e ee~y a. Temporary use of ~obileheme residence during construction. b. Continued use of an existing building during construction of a new building on the same building site. c. Model homes, temporary real estate offices and related signs.within subdivision. d. ~ee~ ee~e~e e&~e~ II1-12 4T 6_~. Accessory Uses Permitted:. A~y o~ ~he fe~tLew~R§ eue~emeey u U~es and structures ~en cust~ar~ly ass~ated with and su~rd~nate to a ~rm~ed princ~l use on the bu~ld~n~ s~te. ~r Zoning Code section 7-9-137 which ~nclude~ b. Sw~ng ~ls, &e e~eeee ~h ~he ee~uLe~&~e ~de~ ~e c. Fences ~ walls~ ~e e~eeee ~eh ~he eeguLe~o ~de~ ~e 8eee~ ~-9-~46T6 ~ ehe 9eae~e e~ee~ ~ ~oning C~e section 7-9-~46.6. e~ Signs ~ Chap~e~ 6. ~ Non~eFc~al keep~n~ o~ ~ts an~ animals ~ ~onin~ C~e section 7-9-~46.3. eT ~e kee~e~ ~ ~ee ~ a e~ eeed~ e~eee~f~e~e es euoe~ee~ ~ee~dee~ei and aeeeee~ eee ~e~eeed eee~dene~e~ uee ~ee ne e~ee~e~ aee~v~ey &e ~ev~vedv ~ . Aeeeeo~y ~eee eed eee~ee~eee eeeeoeae2 end e~e~ee~2 e~eT ~ 7. Uses Prohibited: a_~. All uses not permitted by subsections B-~? B-~ end B-4 above are prohibited. b. The storage of vehicles~ equi~ent~ or products related to a coeu~ercial activity not ~ermitted in this district. 6~ 8~ Site Develo~ent Standards~ The establ~s~ent, o~rakion and maintenance of uses ~rmitted ~n the ~ District shall ~ in c~pl~ance with the foll~ing~ ~&e~e, a. Building site area= Ten ~ousand (10,000) s~are fee2 minim~ re~i=ed unless · qeeetee ~ ~eeeee eeee &o otherwise s~cified by %kc d&eef&ee e~ on the l~d use district map of ~e North Tustin S~cific Plan. III-13 b. Area per unit: Eighteen hundred (1,800) square feet e~ minimum net land area m&n%mum per dwelling unit unless e ~eeetef e~ ~eeeee asea &e otherwise specified ~f *ks d*e*e~e* ey~t on the land use ~ district map of the North Tustin Specific Plan. c. Building site width= Seventy-five (75) rfeet minimum required unless eym~t on the land use district map of the North Tustin Specific Plan. d. Building site coverage: Sixty (60) percent maximum permitted. e. MeH&m~m Building height: Two (2) stories and not to exceed thirty- five (35) feet maximum. f_~. Setbacks. Twenty (20) feet minimum fro~ any public street~ otherwise= ~ (1) Front setback: Twenty (20) feet minimum required ~e~ e~y ~%~q. Any main building or portion thereof and any accessory building or portion thereof ~n excess of eighteen (18) feet in height shall be set back a minimum twenty-five (25) feet from an abutting I~SF district. (2) Rear setback= Twenty-five (25) feet minimum required. me&~ ~&&~&~ Any accessory building o= portion thereof in excess of eighteen (18) feet in height shall be set back a minimum twenty-five (25) feet from an abutting RSF district. (3) Side setback: Five (5) feet minimum required ~e~ b~&E~&~. Any main building or portion thereof and any accessory building or portion thereof in excess of eighteen (18) feet in height shall he set back a minimum of fifteen (15) feet from an abutting RSF District. Distance between main buildings= el~ eeme ~%~§ s&te- Ne e~ ewahee me~ k~d~ e~ ee~e~ oe ~eee*ee heath* e~ ne me~ bu~d~ *we ~a~ o*ee~ee ~ he~§k* eka~ be e~eeee *he~ Fifteen (15) feet *e e~ e,bee me~ b~id~ minimum. ~T Peem~*~ed e~e foe deve~opme~e of e~ve ~5~ o~ meee dwe~ ~ ~eo ~ e&~e-eaeed ee ese ~i+ deub~e-eeeed e~y *he fl.me and add. ese e~ ~he develepmen,? Re/a e~eeed~n~ ~we~,~-~e~, ~a4 equeee fee* ~n asea fee each ~eeeT e~e ~den*i~ee*&en e%~e eke~ be peem&**ed a&e~ any e/eke, e*eee~ elOh*-e~-we~ upe4~ whisk *he peepee~ he. dee&~ned ee an ~n*e§eei pee, ee *he ~a~ Peculated o~o e~ ~he mean e~y pe~n~ ee e~e~ eny e~ehe~ pub~e o~eee~ e~h~-ef-wa~ oheli ee~ eHeeed o~ ~6+ ~ee~ ~e he~h~ ~ee~ud~e~ any eeeeh beem? pedee~a~? beee oe e~m~ee o~eue~uee upe~ wl~eh ~he o~R may be me~n~edT He~h~ ~e ~ep o~ O~gn eha~L be neeoueed ~ee~ *he ~ep of eueb fee ~he ad~eeen~ eeee pee~a*n*ng e~iM ~e ~he oa&ev Lease oe h*ee e~ ~he ~4~ ORe ~i~ unlighted7 ee-o~e? ~empeeaey ~dee~f~ea~e~ end ad~ee~o~n~ e~n:no~e eHeeed~ eee hu~deed ~99~ oqueee fee~ ~R eeeaT ee~d a~§n she~L be peen~ed ~ee · pee~e~i e~ ~me se~ ~e e~eeed e~ ~6+ ue~ho a~dmey be eenewed ~ee e~e ~ o~H-me~h pe~edv Se~d e~ oheLL pee~e~n e~ ~e deve&eleuen* e,~ *he peepee~MT h. Lan~scapin~. Pez Chap~ez 5. bT Requ*eed ~e~deeape eeee. ~andeeepe~v A landscaped eeea eha~i ee~to~s~ e~ ~eeee? e~ee *he ~endv ~a, Requ*eed ~eadeeape oha~ be eeeea~ed e~ *he e*~e es epee~**e~ &a ~he ee~u~a~eee ee~e~aed heee~, end An aeeeede.ee w~h e de~e~ landscape p~en appeeve~ ef Law.eT weed*n~v eemeva~ e~ ~eev ~ee~e~a~? eep~eeeme~ of pLe~e when neeeeseeM? and ~he ee~u~ee ~4~ Ne ~endseepe ~mpeevemeR~e cheil be p-teee~ v~o~en e,~ de~veee eed~ee pedeeee~ene~ ~S~ HH~S~n~ me,aec ~eeee ahaL~ be ~he ~andoeape p~an wheeevee peeo~b~e~ BH~e~ me~uee ~eeee which aec eemeq, ed aa pee~ e,~ a~e deveLep~e~ ahe~ be eep-]:eee~ a~ a u-in~uum ease e~ e~e <~+ opee~men of ~wen~-~e~e ~4+ ~eh bee( e~ee pee e~e ~+ ma~aee ~eee eemevedv ~6+ ~a~deeap~ e~ oe~bee#e eLe~ pe~mee~? melee oeeel~dee~ ee~ee~e~8 designated oft ~ke Has,ce okeLL eeee~e a peekwe~ eppeeee~ee wh~ek eeup-~me~e ~ke. III-15 ·eee pee~eeu ~e aef~eP~ and oeeeen e~deo~ea~e v~e~ e~aaee ~h ~k~o ee~eemen~ okaL~ ~ ~n e~menee ~h · he ee~ee~a ~ded ~R ehe~ee ~T 8ee~ A ~ ~heoe ~ eand~y ge~d ~e eeea~e aR ~nf~me~ ~ aa~uee~ eheeae~eeT · eeee ohe~ ~ ~*ded e~ e ease ~ n~ ieee ~heR ~e ~ ~eee e~eee~ i*~h~sv f*ee hMdea.~e a~d de~vewayev ~e~ Peeking eeeas oha~ ~ ~a~ed a~ · ease ~ ~e ~i~ ~eee ~e ~e ~h~eand ~099~ o~aee ~ee~ ~ ~e~*ng aeee oue~eee~ ~e~ ~ees ~n ~en~n~ aeeae ~h~ ~e~ eeeae she~ ~ ~ded iT i~ 0~-s~ee~ ~k~ng: ~f-a*eee~ ~ek*n~ o~eeev eee~e ~ ~eee~ee ahem* ~ ~dedv es ee~eed *n ~e~ ~onin~ C~e Section 7-9-14~, ~ ~he ~a,ge e~n,~ 6~&flg e~e, except that all ~rkin~ shall ~ on the rear half of the building site. III-16 1. Purpose and intent The R~O District is intended to ee~ab~&e~ed ~e provide areas for the development of professional and administrative offices and related uses in locations in close proximity to resident%aI areas. Development of properties in the RGO District w&~ create a suitable environment for professional and administrative uses including office buildings of a residential appearance especially designed for such uses with low traffic generation, located on sites la=ge enough to provide roc~ for landscaped open space, off-street parking facilities and buffering of abutting residential areas. The district is located along Newport Avenue to a point approximately 200 feet northeasterly of Warren Avenue and designed to intervene between the arterial highway and residential areas · e ~he ~ee~ *n e~de~ ~e and reduce the impacts of the arterial traffic on the residential areas. 2. Principal uses permitted sub~ect to a site develoLm~ent ~ermit. The following uses are ~ermitted sub~ect to the approval of a site develo~muent permit per Chapter 4. a. Public and private utility buildings and structures. ees~L*enee w&~h ~he e%~e deve~epmen~ end deo&gn e~ende~de ee.~e*ned 3~ Pcincipal uses permitted subject t° a use permit. The followin~ uses are permitted subject to the approval of a use permit by the Planning Commission per Chapter 4. a. Professional offices for: (1) Accountants (2) Attorneys ~octors, dentists, o~tometrists, oculists, chiropractor and others licensed by the State of California to practice the healing arts, but not including veterinary hosmitals fo= overnight animal care. (4) Engineers, architects, surveyors and planners. (5)' Other professional services requicing State licens~ng or certification. > III-17 b. Advertising agency offices. ¢. Insurance agents. - d. Studios for interior decorators, photographers, tailor~, seamstresses, artists and draftsmen. e. Telephone answering services. f. Travel agencies. g. Typing and addressing services. h. Stockbroker offices. i. Escrow offices. j. Secretarial services. k. Real estate offices. 0T 4._~. Temporary Uses and Structures= The following temporary Uses are permitted, except as provided in other subsections herein, *n ee~a~l&eRee w~h ~er Zoning. Code Section 7-9-136 ~r Rea~ ee~e~e e~§neT a. Cc~mercial coaches. 5. Accesso£y Uses. Accessory uses and structures ace permitted when cust~acily associated with and subordinate to a ~erm~tted principal use on the same bu~ldin~ s~te L3e£ Zonin~ Code section 7-9-137 which £ncludes= a. Detached buildin~s, b_.=. Fences and walls. c. Signs pec Chapter 6. Ili-18 4. 6. Prohibited Uses: &ll uses not permitted b~ Seethes e-~ and e-~ above are prohibited. · . 9_=. 6e.eea~ Re~*.emente end Site Deveiopment Standards: a. Building site area: Ten thousand (10,000) square feet minimum required. b. Building site coverage: ~he meK&mum b~d~n§ n&te eeweee~e ~o~ e~eeed thirty-five (35) percent maximum o~ ~he b~&~d&n§ e~e. C. Building height: Two'(2) stories and not to exceed thirty-five (35) feet maximum unless otherwise specified by the d~et~et nymb~l on the land use district map of the North Tustin Specific Plan. Buildings within Parcels 401-211-61 and 401-211-63 shall be limited to one (1) story and not exceed eighteen (18) feet in height. Building site width: M&~&mum Seventy-five (75) feet minimum required. e. Setbacks: Twenty ~20) feet minimum from any ~ublic street~ otherwise: e~ (11 Front setback: Twenty (20) feet average ~o~ me~ the me&. bu%~d*n~ ehe~ be and fifteen (15) feet minimum. fT (2) Side setback: ~&~ (a) Ten (10) feet minimum required from any private street. eLe*~e~e e~h~-e~-wey &&ne? ee un&ess e~heew&se speeCh&ed heee&~v (b) Five (5) feet minimum resulted from any abutting aGO district. (c) Fifteen (15) feet minimum required from an ~SF or ImF district. Any main building or ~ortion thereof in excess of eighteen (18) feet in height shall be set back a minimum twenty-five (25) feet from an abutting RSF district. ~T (3) Rear setback: Twenty-five (25) feet minimum required eee ~e&n be*&d&~. Any building or portion thereof in excess of eighteen (18) feet in height shall be setback a minimum thirty- five (35) feet from any abutting nSF district. f. h~ Off-street parking: eee-oteeet peek&.~ obeY& be p~e~&ded ee -- eeq~eed ~. Per Zonin~ Code Section 7-9-145 e~ ~he eeaK~e ~e~g Se~ev except that all parkin~ shall be on the rear half of the building site. 9. ~v Vehicular access standards: Vehicular access shall be provided to and on the site in compliance with section 7-9-145 of the Orange County Zoning Code and a vehicular access detail plan approved by the Director, ~4A, as provided in section 5-A of these regulations. The vehicular access detail plan shall be in substantial conformity with the following= ~ (1) The first street opening from an intersection should be a minimum of one hundred fifty (150) feet from the point of intersection of the ultimate right,of-way lines of the abutting streets. (2) Any additional street openings should be a minimum of three hundred (300) feet, from center to center, from any other street opening. (3) Any access driveway, parking aisle, or private roadway shall 'not be closer than ten (10) feet to the boundary of a residential district. (4) No street opening shall be permitted within the southern frontage of Warren Avenue. Reciprocal ingress and egress easements shall be established where needed to permit access to Newport Avenue for those parcels with legal access to Warren. At the time of approval of the vehicular access detail plan, said parcels shall submit to Orange County, an irrevocable offer of dedication of vehicular access rights to Warren Avenue. The vehicular access detail plan shall be submitted to the Director, EMA, for his approval prior to the issuance of a building permit or grading permit. The Director shall weigh each application on its merits and may grant a modification of any of the above guidelines if he finds that the efficiency of the arterial highway system will be maintained and that conditions or terrain indicate .it is impractical or inadvisable to comply with the requirements, or if these requirements will create or result in undue hardship to the abutting property. h. ~ Lighting= Ail lighting shall be designed and located so as to confine direct rays to the premises. i_.L. kY Trash and storage area= All storage of cartons, containers and trash shall be enclosed by ek&e&de~ ~eom w&eww%th~ a building or w~k~ a~ eeea e~e~eeed ~y a wall not less than six (6) feet in height. Suc~ areas shall not be within the front or exterior side of the building ee~ek ~&~ee or within twenty-five (25) feet of an abuttin~ residential district. ~. ~ Enclosed uses: All uses shall, unless otherwise specified by an approved site development ~ermit or use ~ermlt, be contained entirely within a completely enclosed structure. k. Screenin~ and LandscaPing. Per Chapter 5. III-20 Reechoed :tendoeepe Landeea~dv A Landeea~d aeea ohe~ v~eov g~nd e~eev ~ en~ e~ne~ ~hefe~T '~ndeee~d eeee ohe~ n~ ~ne~ude ~d~n~ev Re~*eed ~endoea~ shell ~ a~eenged ~ ~he o*~e as e~e~f~ed *n ~he eegu~e~*~e ~e*ned heee*n end *n eee~denee ~h e de~e~L Lendeea~ ~an a~ed ~n e~*anee ~h ~he B~edeey ieedeee~e~ ~e ee~eed ~ · ~e~ de~h ~ ~ee eke eeee ee~eed f~ eeeeee ~e~e~e en~ ~ke aeee ~O~ ~eee ~ e~ehee e~de ~ oeeeee Re~eed ~endeee~nO ehe~ ~ ~eee~ned ~ ~aees when eeeeesae~T and ehe eegu~ee Pee~eeee ~eee~e~ ~ae~e~ee ehe~ ~ ~ded ~ e~ ~emdoee~d aeeae~ ehe ~eedeea~ ~ae wheeevee ~e~eT Bm~ee~e~ ~e~ee eeeee which eec eem~ed em ~ee ~ e~ee de~e~ee eha~ ~ ee~eee~ ~ o~ee ~e ~e ~+ meeuee eeee eem~edv ~edeey ~aedeea~e~ e~ ~ey end ~ ee~ee~a~e dee~ee~ed ~ ~he ~eeee P~ee ~ Aeeee~e~ H~hweye ehe~ eeeeee e ~e~wey e~eeeeee ~eh e~eee ehe e~e~eee ~ ehe e~ee deepen and ~ee~dee · oeeee~ eeee ~eem ee o~eee end eeeeee ~edee~ee~e ~eweT ee~ee~ee ohe~ ~ ~n oe~eaee~a~ e~eee ~h ~he ee~eee~e ~ded ~e eha~ee ~ Seee~ AT ~ eheee Seeeee ~eees L~eeed ~ ~he ~e~weye ~ eend~ ge~d ee eeeeee an &n~mei ~ eee~ee~ eheeeeeee~ ~eeee ehe~ ~ ~&ded ee · eeee ~ e~ ~eee ehee ~e ~+ eeee oeeeee ~hee~ ~ee hydeeeee an~ de~ve~e~ 111-21 -~-19-)- Paek,J:i,,ej adeeae aha.13- be p-ta~eed a/e a ea/ee e,~ e~e -~-t-). 4~eee pee ei.~e *.heueand .~.Lv999.)- equaee ,~ee/e e~ -~-1-t-)- L, eeee ,~n -tendeeepe eeeae w~/ah,~n pae#-~ne~ afeee oha~-t be p~e~,tded .- es(eeed.iMj *eh ..(~L9~- opeeee ~Ln ~enej/ah-r -~:a.). bendoeep,~ng ai:el.~§ aL~: e~eee~e end beundee*ee · e a he~:ejh/a o~ ne~ meee ~han 'aheee end efle-ha~ -(0 ~L;~G.). ~ee'e 8~0~ AR~ ~andoee~d eeea ed~eeen~ veh*eu~ee eeee ~ a ~ · riches h,ghee ~hen ~he ed~eeen~ veh*eu~ee aeee~ ~3~ ~ ~endeee~d aeea ohe~ ~ oe~ee~ed rem eR ed~eeen~ ~hen ~he ad~aeee~ veh*euLee aeeeT ~ A ~a~eee~ ~ee kav~n~ a m~*m~ ~d~h ~ e~gh~ ~8~ fee~ ees~den~a& d~a~e~T ~he ~ee eheL~ ~ dee~gned as an ~n~ee~ ~e~ ~ ~he de~e*~ ~andoee~ ~a~ ~he ~endoea~ ~f~ee ohe~L ~ ~ded ~que ~ e~o~eue~ed ~ e~eee~eT ~h~ek+ ~he ~e~ he~h~ ~ ~he ~ii ~6+ feee e~ m~e ehee eevee ~+ feee ee meeeueed ~e~ ehe e~e ~h ehe h~hee~ ohe~v ~eeee ohe~ ~ o~eed · ~m~ ee~ee eRd eeea~e eR ~e oeeeen e~e ~ee~v e~e~ ~ oeeeeRed ~ use ~ evee~eeen ~en~ ~eee~e~s ~n e~e~ · ~ ~4~ ~neheo ~h~ek and ~hfee ~3~ ~ee~ :* Ill-22 <~, Peneeev eo.t,.Lel,- A ao.t,.Ld *eaee eha&~ ~ e~e*eae~e~ ~ ~v · heee *$+ *ce* *a he*~h~v e~ed ~,h ~a~ Meee~a~s *e f~m an ~e eeeeen ~ a~ ~4, Beem~ Bee*h me~ee*e~ ~eR used es e aeeeeR ohe~ ~ seeded he~h~ ehe&L have a m~a~M he*~h~ ~ eheee ~a* fee~v Geeeen~n~ .he~ ~ ~a*ed ne e~ *hen ~en ~9+ fee~ ~f~ any ~ L~ne ~eee ~dee ~afldoee~ng *e e~*eed~ 1~ Buil~in~ Character and OFientation: Pe~ Chapte~ 7 and Division Chaptez 1. ehe~ have · ~*~ ~eh ~ ~e <~+ f~ ~ e,se ~e ~heee Dee~n e~u~e f~ ~e~ ~h~e e~andaed ~ne~udev ~ e~e i~ed ~ e~eae o~y ~fldMT o~h~97 ~e eeeee~e deeP,Red es an ~n~e~ee~ ~e~ ~ ~he ~d~R~7 ~eeeeeed ~4, A~ e~ e~*~* ehe~& ~ 8eeeened *e~ ~ewv ~e eeeee~&~ M~ee~a~ ohe~ ~ ~n hee~y ~h ~d~n~ ~neev e~T S~e~e~ e~o~deee~ ~ ~ o~en ~o meehen~ee~ · ~he ~d~O e~e <~ehed f~7 i~e~ed e~ ~eede and oeeeened ~e~ ~ewT ~ ~e~ed ~ ~eade ~en eeeeeo~e eu~eeeeneen ~k~n~ fee~ee ~ · ~ek~n~ e~ue~uee~ ~nd~ev ~f~ev end ~ved eue~aeee+ ohe~ ~ ~a~ed ~ devices es ~e~heR~ev e~R~ST ~ee~L~eeev ~en~n~e end e~m~ee *ee~ueesv qv ~ed I11-23 ~ ~he n~e end add.ess ~ ~he deveL~n~T n~ ~eeed*ng ~n~y-~ ~i4~ o~e~e fee~ *n e~ee f~ eeeh face. ~e o~eee* e*gh~-~-~ u~ ~*eh ~he-~e~ has ~e~e~e ~d~flg each e~ee~ ~e~ege eHeeeds ~h~ee hundeed ekaLi ~ e~eee~ed ~k*n ~en~ ~eee*e~e ~ a~eehed ~e end dee*shed eo en *n~egea~ ~e~ ~ ~he ~*e o~eee~ e*gk~-vey oke~ ~ eHeeed O*H ~G~ eee~ *n 8*gn oheL~ ~ measured ~ ~he ~ ~ eu~b ~ ~he ed~eeee~ ~a~ ~e ~i~ unlighted o~g~ n~ ~e e~eeed ~ve ~ia~ o~e~e fee~ ~n e~ee ~e~e~fl~flg ~y ~O ~he oe~eT ~eeee ~ h*~e ~ ~he ~4~ ~e ~ u~*~h~edT ~-e*~ev ~em~eey *den~ee~ and edvee- deve~n~ ~ ~he n~ ~ ~nd~v~due~ ~e~neoeee ~h~n ~he ~d~n~v Hash ehaL~ n~ ~eeed e*~ ~6~ e~eee fee~ *n eeea ~ eeeh ~d e~gns ehe~ n~ ~ ~e~ed e~e ~he e~ ~ee~e~ 8hei~ n~ III-24 D. I~P - Public/Quasi-Public District 1. Purpose and Intent~ The PQP District is established to provide for ~h~ eeqe~at&e~s which - w&&i peem&~ the establis~ent and maintenance of c~unity services and facilities in l~ations which will ~st serve ~e ~esidents of the North Tust[n S~cif~c Plan area and [~ediately surrounding c~unity. intended that ~unity services and facilities ~ ~m~[ble w~h the basic ~rm[~ted uses of ~y land use district, and ~ l~ated so ~at the s~cif~c plan area may ~ eff~ciently serviced. 2. Pe~itted ~ey Princi~l Uses subject to a s~te develo~ent Anyof the f 'ng es are rm~ te · e~ ~'~ to a site 4evelo~ent ~it ~r Chapter 4. a. Public c~ity centers. ~ublic recreation centers and facilities including but not limited to parks, playgrounds, clubhouses and o~er similar uses. CdT Pol~ an~ f~e d~ e~ Day ~ ~%~he nurseries or nu=sery sch~ls. Utility buildings, structures, and facilities &~e~ud&~ &~eed to e~ee~e*ee~v veneer oewe~ev ~e~e~e ea~ ~e&e~ee~v a~d 3. ~=i,cipal uses ~=mi~e~ subjec~ ~o a use ~=m~. The ~ollowin~ p=incipal uses ace ~=mi~ed subjec~ ~o ~he app=oval of a use ~Fmi~ bM ~he Plannin~ C~ission ~= Chap=er 4. a. Chu=chesr ~ples~ and o~he= places of worship. b~ Educational insti~utions. 0T 4~ T~=a=y Uses an~ S~=uc~u=es: T~=a=y uses ace all~ed e=ep~ as p=~ided in o~he= subsections he=sin, &fl e~*enee ~h ~= Zo,in~ Code Section 7-9-136 ~ ~ 5~ Accesso=y Dses Accessory uses an~ structures are ~rmitte~ when cust~artly ass~iate~ with an~ su~r~inate to a ~rmitte~ principal use of the s~e s~te ~= Zoning Co~e section 7-9-137 which Includes: a. Detached buildin~s. b. Fences and walls. c. Signs per Chagter 6. 6~. P=ohibi~ed Uses: a. All ~.~us~=ial uses. All ~er=~a~ uses. Reside.t~al uses R~ de~e~m*sed ~e ~ e ~u&~e~ eeeeose~y use. d. Ma~n=enan=e yar~s a~ a~y ass~a~e~ s~o=a~e areas. e. Original ~un~ aFea. All uses .o~ ~rm~e~ a=e prohibited. 7~. s~e Develo~en~ The es~abl~s~e~, o~ra~io~ and maifl=e~a~=e of ~he uses the.~ d~strict shall ~ in =~plian=e with ~he follow~.~ ~=ov~sio~s. a. Bu~ldin~ height: ~y-eigh~ (28) fee~ maxim~ ~m&~e~. b. Buildi~ site area: Ten thousa~ (10,000) s~a=e ~ee~ red,red. c. Building site width: One h~d~ed (100) feet minim~ re~ired. d. Landscaping and screening: Per Zonin~ C~e section 7-9-132. he~see~g e~e~ In addit[on~ a twenty (20) ~rcent landsca~d area i~ re~ired. A landsca~d area shall consist of trees, shrubs, vines, grasses, ground cover, other orn~ental plants, or any combination ~ereof arranged on the building site accordance with · ~e~e&~ ~e~see~ ~e~ e~e~ %he ~e&~e ~ Chapter 5v ~eet~ A of these regulations. Landsca~d area will not include buildings, ~ving, swiming ~ls, gravel or any other assemblage of building materials u~n or over the land~ III-26 Setbacks. ~enty (20) feet minimum f=~ any public streetr otherwise = ff=ont set~ck= ~enty (20) feet =~nim~ S~e set~ck= Ten (10) feet =~n~m~ (3) Rear setback= ~enty-fi~ (25) feet m~nim~ off-street ~=king: ~-~ee~ ~ek~ eha~ e~ia.ee w~h Per ~onin9 Co~e Se=tion 7-9-145 III-2? lo Purpose and ~ntent: -" The OSR District is established to protect and preserve natu£al resources, per~!t outdoor recreation and e~ucation, and pr~ote heal~ ~d safety. 2. Pe~tted ~meey P~inc~l uses: in c~pl[ance ~kh khe site deve~o~ent standards contained herein. a. ~e~ea~te~e7 Fa~in~ and ho~ticulture. b. Parks, and playgrounds, ~ey~e (non~ercial). c. Biking trails. d. Green~lt and ~nservation e. Nature study areas. f. ~blic ~ity center. 3~ Accessor~ uses. Accessory uses and structures which are cust~aril~ ass~[ated with and su~rdinate to a ~rm[tted princi~l use on the s~e buildin~ site and which are consistent with the put,se and intent of this district are ~rmitEed ~r Zonin~ Code section 7-9-137. ~ 4. Prohibited Uses: a. ~y industrial uses. b. ~y ~ercial uses. c. All [esidential uses. d. Maintenance yards and any ass~iate~ storage areas. e. Utility buildings, structures, and facilities ~y use not ~=mitted by eu~ee~*~ n-a a~ve is prohibited. ~ 5. Si=e Develo~ent Standa=ds: The establis~ent, o~ra~ion and maintenance the ~a dist=ict shall ~ in c~pliance with ~he foll~ing provisions. a. Building height: Eighteen (18) feet maxim~ all~ed. 111-28 b. Building site area: No minimum required. c. Building site width: No minimum required. d. Building site coverage: Ten (10) ~ercent maximum. eequ~eedv A iandoea~d aeea ohe~ ~e~e~ ~ ~eeov oh~u~v ~neov e. Building set~cks: P~ ~n ~ld~n~e Ten (10) feet minim~ ee~ek e~&anee ~h Pe~ Zonin~ C~e Section 7-9-145 ~ *he ~enge G~.*2 ~ Signs. ~o si~n shall e~eed six (S) s~are ~eet in area unless otherwise provided ~o~ ~y an a~oved use ~m~t o~ site de~e~o~ent ~it. III-29 Pv Pe - PLanned Deve3.e~,uen,~ i~e'~e,~e'~ feo*den~*e& use *ne~e~*ng des*ss ~ee~ufes ~*eh te~e edven~ege m~een o~e ~a~n~n~ ~eehn~ea ~e ~uee an ~n~egee~d d~e~e~ ~ee* ~d~n~ an eRv~e~n~ ~ a~a~ev deeiee~e eheeee*ee ~he fegu~e~o ~ ~h~s d*a~f*e~ e~e *n~ended ~e ~uee ~ee*deR~*e~ ~enned deve~en~ ~ee~o ~eh mee~ e~andaede ~ ~ o~eev e~d e,eT end dene*~y ~ ~end use vh*eh ~*de f~ ~ee use ~ eeeaeT ~n o~ee and ~f~e~ ~ek*~g ~ae*i*~*eeT and ~*de oefe end eff*e*en~ veh*eu&ee-end ~dee~e*e~ e*eeu&e~*~ ~heee eegu~e~*~e ese *n~ended ~e ~ u~*~*~ed ~y f~ *neeg~e~ed eee*den~*e~ ~e~ned deveL~n~ ~ee~e end eh~&d n~ ~ u~*&*fed ~ ~he ee~e~ &*e~n~ ~ *nd*~*due~ eee*den~e~ uses ~ o~eue~ueee un~eee ~hey ~e~e eR *n~e~a~ ~e~ ~ an e~e~ng ~a~ed deve~e~v a ~* ~ each e~7 ~he ~e~eee I~17 eee*den**e~ ~enned deve~en~ ~ee~o abaci ~ ~em*~ed ou~ee~ *e ~he eeguLa~*~s ~ ~h*e oee~T Pe~ ~e~ed ~ e~ ~ee~den~e~ ~eRRed de~e~n~ 9T ~oeo Pe~m~ed~ ~ded ~n ~e~e~ ST eee~ A ~ ~heoe fe~uLe~sT ~u~eoT e~u~ end o~e~ hei~sT ~sy~e~dsT ~e~de end ~e eLL ~ e~Ree~ ~ feo~den~e~ ~e~Re~ de~e~e~ 4T ~oeo eT ~L uses n~ ~e~ed ~ Bee~ P-~ e~eT III-30 A&~ eee~den~e~ pLa~ed deve~epmee~ pee,3ee~s sha~ Send aeee ~e mee~ ~he eb~ee~vee ee~ ~h ~n Seeei~ eeeeT ~he ~ee~ ne~ asea eha~ ~ uoedv- H~eveeT ~idi.~ o*~e eeee ee~*eed ~ *he ~ee d&o~e*e~ ee~u~e~*~e ~ es e~ue~ee deve*~e *~ eeo~de~*e* uae ~ ~*e h~e i~e ohe~ ~ de~ee~eed ~ ~he seaweed use ~e~ ~eae~ ~p ~ ~he ~enned deveL~eR~ ~ee~ ~e~ned deve~en~ ~ee~ ohe~ ~ e~eeed ~ eke ~eee eec ~eed eeeev 8~e~ ~e eka~ e~ ~ e~e&~eeea dee~e~ ~efleed de~e~eee ~ee~ ohe~ ~ de~ee~eed ~ee~ ~ She m~e~mum eeee ~e dwe~e~ ue~e ee dee~ee~ed ~e~ eke d~e~e~ee e~ apda end eee~ed ~e ~eeeekeeee ~he ~eee me~ eeee d~ded ~ ~he ~e~m~ eeee d*~ee*~ed ~ She ee~*eed a*ee deve~eee ~eee d*eeaeee ~eweee ~&d~e~e end d*eeeeeee ~e~ eeeeeee eed de*veweyeT See~eke f~ ~*e ~*~d*ege e~ *e cheese ~ e*gheeee <~8~ fees *e he~ghe eed ~e o~ee seed e~ meee eegu~ee*~e ~ ~ deeeem*eed ~ ~ ~*eee ~e ohe~ ~ eeee~*ehed ~ ~he a~ed e*ee deve~eee ~m~T Aey ma*e d~e~e~e~v XII-31 f.v S~eRde~do ~ee o~.ee~o end eeeeoewe~.o~ ~ana~ deve~n~ ohe~ ~de ede~e~e ~eu~e~ f~ ~he deveL~ee~ aed ~ ~he eeea ~h~R <~ Veh~eu~ee aad ~deo~e~eR e~eeuLe~ oheL~ ~ oe~ee~ed wheeevee ~e~e ~ ~he deve~e~ deo~nT e~o~deea~ eha~L ~ g~en ~e ~d~u~ ade~e~e : ~a~ Ace.s de~ve~ end e~eee~ ~e~e cheil ~ d~ne~ed ~he fe~eed ~ane ~ne~ud~n~ d~e~anee ~en de~veve~e e~eee~e end d*o~anee ~em en~ a~*ng ~P ~4~ 9*gneT ee*eed Md*easT ea~eed *e~ande ~ ~h~ o*~e deve~e~ fea~ueeo *n~ended ~e e~e~ veh*euiae aeeeos ~e end o~eee~e e~*ng ~he ~*Ld*fl~ e*~e ehe~ ~ d*mene*~ed e~d ~he~e ~e~e desee*~d ~ ~he ee~*eed ~e ~-e~eee~ ~ek~a~ ee~eeae~e f~ eeeh eee~dea~e~ ~he eee~e e~n~ ~&~ e~e~ ~e ee~&ee~ ~ek~ e~eeev · he ~e~e e~n~ u~n~ e~e and ~&ded ~be ~e~e aec oe~ ~h ~ ~he ~ens euchred ~h ~he e~e deveL~e~ e~ee~ hT Aeeeoo~y e~eue~eee ~ ~ P~ eeoiden~e~ ~eaaed de~e~n~ ~ee~s &n eeeiden~ie~ ~ee d~e~e~e~ev ~he eeeeee~ o~eue~eeeo e~d ~ edd~e ~o~ed ~ded ~ee~ ~e~e here ~eR ou~ed a~d e~ed es ~he ~eee~v ~v ~ded ae&d ~ans eee ~n ~a~ee w~h a~ed ~eeL III-32 e~e deve~t ~em~ ~ ~he eee~de~a~ ~ee~ ~v Re~eed ~endoee~ aeee~ u~ ~ ~ee ~he Re~eed ~endeee~ ohaLL ~ aeee~ged ~ ~he o~e ~n ~e ee~u~a~e e~a~ned heee~a a~d ~R aeeeedaaee w~h ~he iesdeea~ ~a~ a~ed aa ~e~ ~ ~he f~ ~he ~en~e when neeeeoae~7 end ~he ee~u~ae He ~andeea~ ~m~emeR~e ohe~L ~ ~aeed ee ee ~e which aec ee~ed ee ~e~ ~ e~e deveL~e~ eba~ ~ ee~eee~ ~ e,se ~e ~e ~i, macvee ~eee ee~e~v B~daey ~a~doee~a~ ~e ee~*eed *~ a ~&m~ de~h ~ ~e~ *he aeee ee~eed ~ o~eee* ~a*~e e~d ~he eeee ~h&. ee~ ~i9, fee* ~ e~*bee o~de ~ e~eee~ ~+ ~eadeee~.~ e~ ~&~Yv ne~ end oee~deey ae*ee*eLe aa~ed ~ ~he Mae~ee PLan ~ Ae~ee~e~ H~hways eha&& eeea~e · ~ekway e~eeaaee ~&eh e~*me~e ~he aeeh~eee~ea~ eha~ee ST 9ee~*~ A ~ *heee ~8, ~eee ehe&~ ~ ~ded ~h&~ ~he ~deey ie~deea~ a~ a ~&m~m ease ~ ~e ~ ~eee ~e ~wen~y-~ve ne~uea~ ehaeee~eev oea~d aeeee ~ e~anee w~h an ~ee~a~ ~an e~e~ es III-33 , he Meeee ef oefe'a ,? e eee eee8 ~i~+ Paek~n~ eeeee oheLL ~ ~en~ed e~ a ease ~ ~e ~+ ~eee ~e ~h~oand ~veoo~ o~aee f~ ~ ~e~flg ae~ eu~eeev veh~eu~ee eeee ~ e ~ ~ eueb e* Leae~ e~ ~6+ ~ae ~he ad~eeee~ veh~euLee eeeev ~eeo *~n~ &~ ace.s and ~e~ *he ~ee*7 end · deve~n~ ~em~ f~ ~he kv ~d~ng ~en~e~ end ehaeee~ee~ An eeeh~ee~uee~ ~an ~Re~ud~n~ e~e ~aRT e~eva~s and eee~e ~n ~eeee ~k ~ke eegeLe~e e~e~n~ h~e~n 8heL~ oe~ed end a~ed eo ~e~ ~ ~he e~e dev~eR~ ' ~he R~e abeL& ~ o~dv ~ · h~ ge~e ~ eked ~ ~h e ~n~m~ ~eh ~ ~e ~i~ ~ ~ e~ee ~e ~heee ~3~ fee~ eee~d e~y ~n~ngev ~nd~ov ~e~eev a*e~eve~ev e*e~ewe~ ~and~n~e ~ ~hee eeeh~ee~uee~ fee~ueee oke~L ~ · v Pee~ e~ne f~ deve~R~e ~ e~ve ~S~ ~ n~e d~L~n~ o~On e~ ~he ~n ~n~ ~ en~e~ ~e ~he deve~n~T ~y ~he n~ end eddeeeo ~ ~he deve~en~ n~ exeeed~nO ~den~f~ee~ e~n ekei~ ~ ~e~ed ei~ any ~hee.'~e XXX-34 111-15 _. ~ C! - Consolidation IncentiveDistrict (overlay) 1. Purpose and Intent= The CI District establishes me%ke~e and e~andeeds wke~eby an incentive in the form of an increased number of dwelling units e~ · b~iid*n§ siee san be ~een~ed when problems of arterial access, structural obsolescence, and incumpatibility of land use with traffic and noise conditions are corrected by e residential development which, through merger or consolidation of contiguous parcels of irregular shape produces an integrated development project providing an environment of stable, desirabIe character which will be in harmony with existing and potential development of the surrounding neighborhood. The incentives of this district are intended to encourage the merger or consolidation of contiguous parcels of irregular shape in order to create a building site of a size whereby the land may be developed utilizing design features which take advantage of modern residential site planning techniques. The regulations of this district are intended to produce residential planned development projects which meet standards of open space, light and air, and density of land use which provide for better use of common areas, open space and off-street parking facilities, and provide for safe and efficient vehicular and pedestrian circulation. These regulations are intended to be utilized only for integrated residential planned development projects on building sites resulting frc~ merger or consolidation of parcels and ehe~id shall not be utilized for the establishment of individual residential uses or structures. 2. Application: The CI District overlay shall only be applied in the RSF District. In the RSF District, where the district symbol is followed by, as part of such symbol, the letters "CI", parcel merger or consolidation shall be permitted and encouraged subject to the regulations of this section. The RSF District shall constitute the "base district" and the (CI) suffix shall constitute the "overlay district", ind&ee~in~ %he dens,ay deve~epmen~ s~andeeds peee~ded &R ~k&e eee~ee and ~he peev~s~ens ef ~he s&~e deve~elepmen~ peem~ ~equ~eed fee ail eeeee-]:~de~ee ~neen~ve ~e~eeee~ Participation in the overlay district in those locations where it is applied shall be optional. As such, the provisions of the overlay dis- trict shall be in effect only a~ seek ~&me as · s&ee deweieismen~ when provided for by an approved use permit has been &~ewed in sem~t&en~e w~eh 8ha~ee ~? Bee~ie~ A e~ ~heee eegele~e~s and a final tract map e~ewe~. Prior to the provisions of the overlay district being in effect, use of the building site shall be in compliance with the base district. 111-36 The ~nclusionary housing program of the Rousing Element of the Orange County General Plan shall be implemented through the schedule of permitted dwelling units established in the site development standards of this section. Increased density above that established_by the schedule will not be permitted for residential development projects participating in the overlay district. Furthermore, Section 7-9-140 of ~he Orange County Zoning Code shall not be applicable concurrently with the other incentives of this overlay district. 3. Parcel Consolidation Procedures= Building sites for residential development projects shall be created according to any of the following procedures. a. Merger of lots in compliance with the Subdivision Map Act. b; Easement, deed restrictions or other means, approved by the Planning Co~mission, resulting in coordinated development of contiguous parcels in compliance with the provisions of these regulations provided recording of same is completed prior to approval of the final tract map. 4. Principal uses permitted subject to a use ~ermit. The followin~ princi~al uses are ~ermitted subject to the approval ofa use ~ermit b~ the Planning Commission ~er Chapter 4. (a) All uses ~ermitted b~ the RSF DiStrict. (b) Residential condominiums. Any e~ ~he fe,-t~ew*n~ uses ese peem&~ed e~ a b~u&~d*n§ s*~e ia ~he *neea~ivee e,~ ~h~e d&o*e~e~ eub.~ee~ ~e eppee.,e~ deve~op~e.~ peem&~ ae peevided ia ehep'~ee S? See~&e~ A e,f *hese eT pe&ve~e Peeks? eeeeee~&e~ eeeee? eeeeee~&e4~ buildeR,s e~ s*eue~eee? p.,tay~&e~ds? p.tay§ee~nda and ow%n~a&n~ pea-ts a~ ee~nee~&ee, w~h eee*den~*e& pt:armed deveLepmene pee.~ee~e wh&eh have eeee*ved · dene*~y &neene&ve tee pee~&e&pe~%en &n ~he peeee~ eenee.t&da~&e~ *neen~*ve pee~ee~e? e~ee# eee~eea~*ve pee~ee~e and ee~aun~y pee~ee~e~ 5. Prohibited Oses= All uses not permitted b./ 8ee~e~e 6-4 above. III-37 Site Developuent Standa£ds: The following site develo~ent standards are in addition to the site develo~xnent standards of the RSF District unless otherwise stated below. ~o~*e~ ~e~ey~v eHee~ es ~*ded a. nui~ing si~e area: For ~r~ses o~ ~e~e~ining ~he building si~e a~ea, ~he pro~e~ ne~ area sha~ ~ use~. H~ever, in no case ~e ~*Ld*~g s*~e ~ pro~e~ ne~ area ~ ~ess ~an ~wen~y-~ive ~housan~ (2~,000) s~ere ~ee~. b. Building si~e width: MLn~n~ ~ hundred (200) ~ee~ re~i~ed. H~r o~ ~e~in9 units ~m*~ed: The maxim~ n~r o~ ne~ area by ~he "~an~ a~ea ~ ~ve~n~ uni~' s~o~ ~ow ~sed ~he schedule ~ ~*~d*ng o*~e e~ee end ~equ*~ed e~ee ~ dwe~&*~ ee~*eed eeea ~e d~*ng un*~ w~ ~*de · ~*en~ wh*eh *e ~e~ing ~ni~s ~ A~e Reqs~ed A~ee S~e A~ee (Reference) Pe~ ~eL~R~ , Pro~e=~ ~nd Area Per Ne~ A=ea ~ellin~ less ~a~ 0.75 acre 4.5 8,200 0.75 to 1.20 ac=es ~.5 7,400 s.[. 1.21 to 1.65 acres 6.5 6,500 s.f. 1.66 ~o 2.10 acres 7.5 5,600 s.f. 2.11 to 2.55 acres 8.9 5,000 s.f. greater than 2.55 acres 9.5 4,500 s.f. deve~n~ ~en~ efta ~he f&ne~ ~fee~ ~p eee d. S~an~a=~s fo= s~ree~s a.~ accessways: The ~es~gn a.~ l~a~on of ac=ess d=~veways shall ~.s~ae= p=o=i~ing fu~u=e ac=ess ~o an~ abu~in~ ~rcel w~=h~n the ore=lay ~ist=~=~ but ~ ~n the ~.=en~ve pFog=~ at the t~me of s~te ~evelo~ent ~=m~ app=~al. The Pi~n~n~ C~ss~on may =e~=e ~e s~e ~evelo~en~ ~n~=ess/~=ess easements a~ s~=~fi= l~a~on ~o sa~ ~=cels. e. Bu~l~n~ S~e Set~=k: 25 feet m~nim~ w~e=e ~ ~s abu~=in~ a single f~ily ~istrict. 111-38 GO - Garden Office District (overlay) '1. Purpose and Intent: The GO District overlay provides a method whereby residential property may be e~ass~f~ed and used for garden p~e~ese~e~a~ office and aelm~n~e~ee~ve use with low traffic ~eneration if uses and structures are in compliance with specific site develol~ent provisions and requirements for coordinating vehicular access and On-site circulation, prohibiting direct line of sight into adjoining residential properties and regulating the design of main and accessory buildings so that a residential character is achieved which is compatible with adjoining residential properties. 2. Application: The GO District overlay shall be applied in residential districts only. In any residential district where the district symbol is followed by, as part of such symbol, the letters "GO", development of garden pro- fessional office and administrative uses shall be permitted subject to the regulations in this section. The residential district shall consti- tute the "base district" and the (GO) suffix shall constitute the Participation in the overlay district in those locations where it is applied shall be at the option of the property owner(s). As such, the provisions of the overlay district shall be in effect only at eueh eo · s&te deve~e~unent when provided for by an approved,use permit~ has beer a~ewed ~n compliance w~th ~he~ee ~? Seee%e~A e~ these the provisions and requirements of the overlay district being in effect on any subject property, use of the building site shall be in compliance with the provisions and regulations of the base district. 3. Principal ~ uses Permitted sub~ect to a use ~ermit= The followin~ princi~al uses are ~ermitted sub~ect to the approval of a use ~ermit bZ the Plannin~ Co, mission ~er Chapter 4. a. Ail uses L~ermitted b~ the base district. ~n the oveeley d~eteiet sub~eet te ep~ee~e~ e~ · s~te devele~M~ent as peov~ded &n ehep~ee ST 8eet~en A e~ these ee§e~at~e~e an~ ~n eob- eT b. ~ro~essional offices (1) Accountants III-39 (2) Attorneys (3) Engineers, architects, surveyors and planners. ~ C_~. Advertising agency offices. dj Insurance agents. e_L. Telephone answering se=vices. f__~. Travel agencies. g. Typing and addressing;services. h_~. Stockbroker offices. kT i._L. ESCROW offices. J. Secretarial services. k. Real estate offices. · ~6 e~ ~he ~e~ge ~e~n~y ~e~%~ ~edev ~e · pe~ne~pe~ pees~ed use end ~he p,~ev&e~e~e e~ eee~ ~-9-~ . &n~en~ ~ ~ke ~eden e~ee evee~ey 4. Accesso~M uses ~i~ed. The ~oll~in~ accesso~z uses aris s~uc~u~es a~e ~i~e~ when cus~a~i~y ass~ia~ed on ~he s~e buildin~ si~e. a. ~ses ~r Zonin~ C~e section 7-9-137 which include: (2~ Fences and walls b~ Signs ~ Chapter 6. c. Accessorz uses and s~uc~ures ~ich ~he Direc~ozr ~r ~inds consis~en~ wi~h ~he put.se an~ in~en~ o~ 4. PFohibibed Uses: Ail uses no~ ~rmA~e~ ~ 8eee*~e H-9 a~ve. III-40 5. GeneeeL Requirements end Site Development Standards The followin~ site development standards are in addition to those of the RGO district: a. Building site area: Twenty-five thousand (25,000) net square feet minimum required. b. Building site coverage: ~he iReH~mum b,l%~d*~ e~e sewerage ehe~ no~ eHeee~ Thirty (30) percent maximum e~ %he bu&&d~R~ c. Building height: Two (2) stories and not to exceed twenty-eight (28) feet maximum unless a lesser height is specified by d~e~e~ee symbol on the land use district map of the North Tustin Specific Plan. d. Building site width: M~%mmm sO_ne hundred (100) feet minimum required. e. Front setback: Twenty (20) feet average fee me&R bu&~%~? · he~ ~he s~n~m~m eequ%ee~ se~bee~ ~e~ uny pe~%e~ e~ ~he b~d~R~ eha~ be and fifteen (15) feet minimum. f. Side setback: (1) Ten (10) feet minimum required from any ultimate right-of-way line, unless otherwise specified herein. · (2) Five (5) feet minimum required from any abutting RGO district. d~e~e~e~ (3) Fifteen (15) feet minimu~ required from an I~SF or mv~ district. Any main building or portion thereof in excess of eighteen (18) feet in height shall be setback a minimum forty-five (45) feet from an abutting RSF district. g. Rear setback= Twenty-five (25) feet minimum~ eee/u~eea fee e.~ me~. IMS~d~R~T Any building or portion thereof in excess of eighteen (18) feet in height shall be setback a minimum~h~e~y-~ve fortz-five (451 feet from any abutting RSF district. h. Off-street Parking= e~f-e~eee~ peek%.~ sbe~ be ~e~ded es eee~u~eed ~n Per Zonin~ Code Section 7-9-145 e~ ~he 9faRce 60~R~ ee, ie, except that all ~erkin~ shall be on the rear half of the building site. i. Vehicular access standards: Vehicular access shall be provided to and on the site kB eesp~eaee w'~h per Zoning Code section 7--9--145T4 ef ~he Seance ee~n~ ~en~fl§ eede an~ the vehicular access plan required within the e~e deve~e~me.~ use Permit approved by the Planning Co..'~ission ee pee~ided ~. oee~e~ S-A ef ~hese III-41 ~a a~&~e~ ~e ~be eee~ee~ea*s e~ ~a~ee ~v ~ee~e~ Ay The vehicular access plan of the s&~e ~eve&e~me~ use ~zmi~ shall ~ in c~pliamce wl~h ~he ~oll~ing= (1) Fo~ the g~oup of p~o~rtiea in the overlay district f~onting Ne~rt Avenue an~ to the south of V~de=liP Avenue ~nsidered in the aggregate and including assessor ~rcels 401-191-29, 401-191-30, 401-191-31 and 401-181-22, a ~xim~ of t~ (2) access driveways or street o~nings to Ne~rt A~nue will ~ ~rmitte~ for the entire group. A min~ one hundred fifty (150) feet, measured center to center, shall ~ maintained ~tween these o~nings and fr~ these o~nings to any other street o~ning. 'Each e~e ~e~e~e~ appr~ed use ~rmit application shall include a condition for a =ecorded recipr~al ingress-~ress easement along interior pro~rty lines with adjoining pro~rties within ~e overlay district and an i=rev~able offer of dedication of ~hicular access rights in c~pliance with the vehicular access plan of ~he approved e%te ~ewe~e~ use ~rmit prior to the issuance of buildin~ ~its. (2) For ~e group o[ pro~rties in the overlay district fronting Ne~rt Avenue and Vanderlip Avenue and to the north of Vanderlip A~nue, considered in the aggregate and including assessor ~rcels 401-091-11, 401-091-12, 401-091-64, 401-091- 66, 401-091-69, 401-091-70 and 401-091-71, a maxim~ of three (3) driveways or street o~nings to Ne~rt Avenue and one (1) additional access o~ning to Vanderlip A~nue will ~ ~rmitted for the entire group of pro~rties. These access driveways shall ~ l~ated as foll~s: (a) The ~irst street o~nin~ fr,.an intersection shall ~ a minim~ of one hundred fifty (150) feet fr~ the ~int of intersection of ~e ult~ate =ight-of=way lines of ~e abutting streets.~ (b) ~y additional street o~nings shall ~ a minim~ of three hundred (300) feet, measure~ center to center, fr~ any other street o~ning. (c) Any access dri~way, ~rking aisle, or private roa~ay shall not ~ closer than ten (10) feet to the ~unda=y of a =esidential district. Each e~e ~ewe~e~ use ~rmit application shall include a ~ndition for a recorded reciprocal ingress-egress easement along internal pro~rty lines with adjoining pro~rties within the overlay district and an irrevocable offer of dedication of ~hicular access =ights in ~mpliance with ~e vehicular access plan of the approved e&~e ~ewe&~t use ~it prior to the issuance of building ~rmits. ~e Planing C~ission shall weigh each application o~ its merits and may grant a ~ification of any of the a~ve provisions if ~e C~ission finds ~at the efficiency of the a=terial highway system will ~ maintained and that conditions III-42 o£ te£rain indicate it is impractical or inadvisable to comply with the requirements, or if these requirements will create o£ result in undue hardship to the abuttinq property. &.each and s*eeeee asea. Ail e,eee~e of eee,e~s? ee~*e&neee and eneteeed by · well ne~ Lees *hen o&x ~G~ fee* &n he&~h*, eseh asea, shell ne~ be w~,h&n the fee~* ee ex*es&es olde Requ&eed ~endeeepe Aeee. A n&~&mum of f&f*een ~S+ pences* of b~&td~n~ e~*e shell be geeve~ ee any ,thee eesem~a§e e~ be~Ld~n§ metes&ale epee ee eves *he Land. Required Lands,ape shell be aeean~ed e~ *he e&*e es &n *he ~egsLet&e~e een*e~ned he~e&n and &n ese,ed.nee v&*h e appt*eet&e~ and eppeeved &nee. apL~anee v&th ~he peer&elsie ~Le~ fee* el.n§ ail peepeet~ ~&nes ebe*t~n~ eeeee*e exeep~ fee · he eeea eequ~ed fee eteee*epen&n~s an~ *he eeee ~Le, fee* en el*hen s~de of s,ese* hee&*hy ee~d~*&e~v ~h~s shall &~eLsde peeps. e~ Lewes? veed&n~? seas?eL of L&*tee? fee*~L&s&n~? eep~aeement of p-ten*o when neeeeseeyv end ~be eequLee va*es&n§ Peemenen* wa~ee&n~ fee&t~*&ee shell be peev&ded fee eli Lend- 0,sped eeessv B~&e**h§ ~a*see **eeo shaL~ be peeeeeved and &ri,essa,ed · he Land*nape plan wbeeevee peos~b.teT ~&e*&n~ at · it. in&rosa sate of e~e ~L~ epee&men of tve~ty-feee ~a4+ ~flek be~ 0&se pen e~e ~+ ma*see *see Bevnde~y iendseep~n~ eLe~ pe&mee~ end me~ee dee&snared e~ the 14astee plan of Ae~ee*eL h*ghwe~s obe~ 111-43 a pae#vay appearance wh,~el~ eea~.~en*e ·~a~ee ~h ~h~o eequ~eeme~ eha~ ~f~nee w~h ~he ee~ee~e ~ded &~ ehe~ee. Sv See~ A ~ ~heee ee~u~e~e end D~v~e~ ~7 0~e~ ~eeeo ~e~ed ~ ~he ~e~we~o a~ Ne~ Avenue eha~ ~e ~he *e~eeee~ ~ ~*e ea*e~yv e*eee~ ~eeee ehe~ ~ ~en~ed · ~n~m~ ~ e~ne~-~ve ~a~ ~eee *e~ ehe ~nn~n~ ~ eueb oeeeee ~eev f~ee h~deaneo and de~ve~e. ~9+ Peek~e~ eeees oha~ ~ ~eeeed ee · eeee ~ ~eeee ie ~eedeee~ ~eee ~eh~e ~ek~e~ aeeas ohe~ ~ ~ded eee ~fl~ ~ evee~ ~eh ~ek~n~ e~ee emeeed~e~ eec ~ e~eee ~n - ~i~ ~ndeea~n~ e~ a~ o~eee~e end ~ndee~ee ~e · he~h~ ~ e~ ~e ehee ~heee meal ~e-ket~ ~e~ A veh~eu~ee t~ef~m~ e de~ve~ end e eeeeee~ ~ A veh~eu~ae ~ee~f~e~ ~ de~v~ end · e~de~ end <e~ ~ <e~ ~ ~e veh~eu~ee ~fe~M~ST de,re.ye e~eee~eT ~e~ ~ ~andeee~d aeee ohe~ ~ ee~eeee~ ~e~ ee ed~eeeee ~h~eu~ee eeea ~ · ~ ~ ceeb ee ~eeee e~m ~6~ ~nehee h~hee · hae ehe ad~aeeee ~eh~eu~ee eeee~ ~ A Lefldeee~ ~ee hev~eo e m~e~m~ e~ee e eeo~deee~e~ d~eee~e~T ~e en ~eeeoee~ ~ee ~ ehe iendeee~ ~a~ ~he ~eedeee~ ~ffe~ ehe~ ~ ~de8 ~e ~une~ ~h an <6+ f~e e~ ~e eham oevee ~+ feee ae ~eueed ~e~ ehe e~de ~eh ehe h~heee e~evae~. 1II-44 · ~-3.)- baadseepe me*eeAa-~e v~th-~n ~he ~ee eka~ ~ae~e ~eeee ee~*ee ea~ eeea*e a~ ~e eeeeea a~e ~e ~ eha~ ~ eee~ne~ ~ use ~ evee~eee~ ~a~* ~ee&e~e ~h ~e ~ ~e ~ ~he Wa~oe A ~ ehe~ e~o~e~ ~ e~ed e~eee*ev f~e ~4+ ~ehee ~h~ek eRd e~. ~ees~ ~heee ~+ ~ee~ h~h ~ m~e ~ha~ ~heee and ~e-ha~f ~3-~a+ ~ee~ PeR~o~ o~de A e~d feRee ehe~ ~ e~e~eu~e~ ~heee ~0+ fee~ ~n he~h~ ~ fl~ n~e ~hefl ~heee e~d ~e-he~ ~ Pe~eeoT ~. A~ ~e~e ~ mesh ~ ee~ee 8ke~ ~eeo~ ~heee ~9~ eee~ ~ ke~h~ ~ ~ ~e ~ke~ ~heee ~4+ e~me BeeCh ~eee~e~ ~ee used aee eeeeee ohe~ ~ eee~e~ ~eh geese ~ ~eeeed w~eh ee e,ee~eeee ~e~e~ e~eeT he~he ehe~ have · ~e~ he~he ~ eheee ~ ~eeeT eed ehe~ e~ emceed eheee aed ~e-he~f ~i~+ ~eee ~e 9eeeee~e~ ohe~ ~ L~eeed ee e~ee ehee ese ~e~ fees ~ee~ ~ee wheee ~dee ~eedeee~e~ ~e ~ Bu~d~e~ ~ee~ end ehaeee~eee ehe~ have · ~e~ ~eeh ~ ~e ~ e~ ~ e~ee fees ~ sue eed ehe~ here e ~m~m~ ~eh ~ ~e ~eed~e~e ~ ~hee eeeh~eee~eeL ~eeeueee 8he~ ~ dee*geed ee ee *ee~ee~ ~ee ~ She ~*~diegT eeeeeeed ~ed~T ~ B~d~n~e 8he~ ffee~e · eee~dee~e~ e~eeemee ~ek eke dee*ge gu*deC,see eed ee*eee*e ~ eke ~eh 1II-45 · ~4~. A~& eee~ ee~,~paen~ aha&& ~ oeeeeaed oeeeened ~e~ v~e~ ~ ~a~ed ~e ee~ee~v~ ~ e~ e~ed aue~eeee <~&ov e~ev v~nd~e7 ~e~ev end ~ved euefeeee+ ehe~ eee~ueee~ · ~n~--~f ~4+ e~eee ~ee~ used ~e ~i~Re~e ~e~ed ~ fee~ ~n he~k~ ~Re~ud~ any eee~h aeee ~e~a&n~no ~ ~e ~he advee~*e~ng a*gn n~ eHeeed~n~ ~e kundeed eHeeed o*H <6+ ~he end ~ deve~fl~ ~ ~he asea f~ eeeh ~eee end ahe~ 1II-46 CHAPTER ~ 4. PI~0CEDURES All discretionary ~ermits (e.g., use ~ermitsr site develoLmnent ~rm~ts~ va=~ance ~rm~ts) shall ~ subject to an~ ~rocesse~ ~r Zon~n~ C~e section · 7-9-150. H~ever ~ a site develo~ent ~it a~licat~on shall ~ acte~ u~, b~ ~e Zonin~ A~inistrator at a ~ublic hear~n~ if re~este~ by the North Tustin The D~rector~ ~ shall forwar~ all ~scret~onary ~t applications to the ~rth Tust~n ~C for =eview an~ c~ent at least twenty-one ~=~or to final action b~ the approving authority. All ~iscret~onary ~rmits shall achieve substantial 'confo~nce to the design criteria an~ ~ui~elines containe~ ~n Division II~ Chapte~ 1. ~&s oee~*~ ~*des ~he ~edu~es end ~e~&~eme.~s o&~e de~e~e.~ ~em~ and de~a~ ~a. a~ee~s eRd ~he ee~ee~e end e~d~&~e e~e&dee~ ~e ~ .eeeeaae~ se ~he~ e~ eeeuee~e au~h~y~ ~he ee~&eene.~ ~ o~e deveL~eR~ ~em~o e~eeeed ~he~h ~s ~ev ~e&ee and oa~ee~ ~e~y and a~ e,ghee geen~ed ~ ~he e~e~ ~ a o~e ~*e~e and ee~ee~n~e ~ a ~e~ ~ ~en cee ~eoed new ~e~ Mee ~e~ ~heee ~e e ehen~e ~ eT Afeee e e&~e d~e~n~ ~ ~ de~e*~ ~e. e~&ee~&~ aec ~e. e~edT ee~e~&oh~ ~ee~&~ end ~%n~e~enee III-47 gT Be/aab~ehme~/~ end e~ea~$oR e~ · o~z~e deve~opue~/~ ~en e~ed ~eeuea~ ~e ~heee ee~u~e~o ehe~ ~ ~n ~aaee o*~e devei~en~ ~em*~ ~*dee a ~ee*ee ~an ~ deve~en~ · he uses ~e~ed ~ ~he e~ee~e d&e~e~e~ ee~*eed heee~flT ~he ee~*eed *nf~*~ ehe~ ~ ~*ded ~neeT ~m and e~en~ ee~*eed heee~nT ~ ~he ~*e~o ~ oee~*~ ~n a~on ~o ~he ~e~emen~s o~ section 7-9-~50 o~ ~e ~on~n~ Co~e~ s~e ~eve~o~en~ an~ use ~m~ ap~ca~o~s sha~ ~nc~u~e a~ infomatio, ~e~i~e~ herein: (1) A l~al ~esc~ipti0n o~ ~e p~o~tM included in the site ~evelo~ent ~mit application and a ~unda~2 map showin~ the dimensions o~ the p~o~tM, easements existing on the p~o~rt~, an~ the n~e and distance to the nearest c~oss street. (2) ~istin~ to~zaphy o~ ~e p~o~zt~ with ~ntouEs at not mo~e than tw~t intezvals. (3) ~he ~zoss lan~ a~ea and pzo~ect net azea~ the p~esent land use ~ist~ict classification the~eo~ and the land use distzict. classi~ication on ~e suzzoundin~ (4) Ail existing stzuctuzes and land uses on the pzo~t2 and the i~ation o~ an2 uses and at~uctuzes on the adjoimin~ (5) A pEo~sed develo~ent plan with at least the ~oll~ing details ~h~ to scale and ~imemsione~: (a) ~ati~ an~ use o~ uses pro~sed ~o~ each existin~ stEuctuze in ~e suMject p~o~ztM, the n~ o~ stozies~ ~il~in~ height, ~zoss ~1~ a~ea and buildin~ coverage. XIX-48 (b) A topographic map of the property with typical cross sections or sketches showing the proposed grading for adapting the project to the site including the relationship to uses and structures on adjoining properties. . (c)' All existing and proposed curb cuts, driving lanes, parking areas, loading areas, storage areas, and trash storage. (d) All pedestrian walks and open areas for use by the occupants of the proposed development and the public. (e) Types of surfacing proposed for all walks, driveways and other accessways. : : (f) A pee~imi,a~y landscape plan for the project including the epp~e~ima~e height~ materials~ and location of all fences and walls, the location, type and size of plant materials and the method by which the landscaping, fences and walls will be preserved and maintained. Where landscapin~ i.s rec/uired as a buffer for ad~oining residential districts, a cross section showing the relationship of the uses and structures proposed for the subject property, the buffer planting and the uses and structures on the ad~oining residential property shall also be included. (g) A eeneept plan showing all existing or proposed facilities and features such as hydrants, utility structures, wells, sewage disposal facilities, outside lighting and recreation facilities, and a statement setting forth the method by which these facilities and structures are to be removed, relocated, preserved and maintained. (h) ~ee~p[lans, i,cludin~ cross sections and elevations of each type of structure to indicate architectural type, materials of construction and relationship to uses and structures on adjoining properties. (i) A pee~imineey drainage plan showing the method for control and disposal of all waters flowing into, across and from the project and the effects upon uses and structures on adjoining properties of the methods to be applied upon. (j) A vehicular access plan showing the location of access driveways to public rights-of-way and any existing or proposed access easements to adjoining properties within the same land use district including a description of the manner in which the easements are to be used and dedicated or recorded. (k) A statement of how the proposed development will avoid direct line of sight into adjoining residential properties and structures. (1) Location, lighting, material, copy, dimensions and design of signs. III-49 dy Real peepoe~y ,my be developed foe a d*ffeeen4~ uoe oe peo~ee/a /aha/a ehM e'A eR eppeewed e*4~e PLan ee o*'ee deve~Lopmen'a pern.;z'a7 p~evtded eueh uae ee peo,~ee/a tn · penni/a/ned ,toe ef ,kbe Land uoe die'aeie/a? hevevee7 when peeper/ay *e deve~:eped fee /abe on_me nee weLLs shaLL eeup~M W/ah /abe appeeq, ed plan ee peflti/av eT Al/nee 4~be de,~e of fine3, de/~eruine/ele~ unless o'aberv*oe peeeided by /aheee reguLa/aienev en appeeved ei/ae PLan ee si/an deve~Lopuen,a peen*', abeL3, be eppLieel~e ,~e /abe peepee'ey included vi/ahin /abe boundaries of /abe peemi/a en/e~ such 4a,~me ee /abe peem~/a ,J:e emended ee 'abe eppLieabLe Lend uee d*e/arie/a reuse:La/niece are eevioed oe /aha/a e,~/ae deve~:epuene peem.i:/a is no~ iLe~ger vet:~d, Oubeequen/a /an /abe ~Lmpeevemen/ae ohaAL be in eeupLianee vi/ah /abe eurren'a.Ly appeeeed obe.L~L be requ.ired+ · ~L.)- P*na-~- iandeeape PLan and · e/ae/aemen/a ee/a,i, nej fee/ah /abe by wh,.Leh ouch ~endeeep.*ng ohe~:L be Peeeerved and obeY.3, be eubm.i/a/aed /au and appeoved by /abe l~ree/aee? RHAT · ~i-)- A eempLe/ae trrieSe/aie~ p-ten fee ~he :l:endoeep'Lng; end e be peeeeeved end mein/aeined nbeL3, be nubmi/a4,.ed 'an end epa, ne?ed A/fmpLe/ae dreinae.~e PLan shewing ,abe me,hoe fee een*ee4 and d~LepeeeA of eA~: wa/aero f~ewing in/anT eeeeee end feem ,abe pee,j, ee/av end · e~e/eemen'a ee,~/,*.ine$ leech ~he me/abed by which fee'J:~:~:'~*ee ebeL~ be peeeeeved end me*n/an*ned? ehe~l:~: be nulMui/a/aed '~e end eppeoved by "abe l~ee/aee? RMAT 4T De<..e~:3* eT Pt:erie ~e~eeeing epee..J:f.i:e o~enderde ee de,~aei3.n in eemp,~*ienee vi~h · peeeie*e~ ee eequ*remene of *heee ree.~u-~a/eieee are eeneideeed ~ee be de,niL PLaneT 8ueh plane eke:L3, incLude? be~ ne~ be ~imi~ed iandeeep,J~ne.~ end ,J~rr~ga/e,J~ee planer perking ,e,-tenr7 veh,~eu.]:ar eeeerr plenty eeeeeninej end beffeeine, r planer eeehieee+.eee.]: plane and dea~nege AppLiea'a,J:e~n fee de/naiL plenr rbe3.3, be peeeereed *n eeaplienee w~/ah ee~uLa~ene? by /abe peev.~zo,J:enr of ree/a~:e~ :;-9-~SOv.P.-~d.)- end by /abe :Lofeeme4a~e~ eequ.~red by ,~be eppLieab~e dte'~rie,~ reou3.e*&en? ~be eeeeme~e~ eRd ~he n~e a~d d&a~e~ee ~e d*e*e*e~ eLeeo&f*ee~*~ ~heee~v and *he ~ek~n~ fee~e8 end ~he ~e~ ~ ~he seaweed de~a~ e**ee~ed ~ ~e de*a*i deveL~e~ e~aRdaede ~ ~he e~ee~e d~o~e~e~ ~ee~a~a and ~e~ ~ e~ ~eeeh o~a~e eeeaev fences ~ed f~ a~ ~ksv de~veweye and aeeeeewayoT a~d e fences ~ ~ ~eoeeved end ~R~e*nedT ~eee eeo~den~e~ d*e~e*e~ev a ee~e eee~ ee~a~*~eh*p ~ ~he uses afld e~eue~eeee ~ed ou~ee~ ~e~v ~he ~ee ~en~*n~ end. She ueee end ~ P~ a de~a*~ veh*euLee eeeeee ff ~ek~ ~en. ~he · ~ae*~ ~ e~ eeeeeo de~veve~ ~e ~ed ~ek~ng fae~L~ee ~ ~he ou~ ~e~v end eH~o~n~ ~ ~e~ assess eeee~a~s *~e~ud*~ e eee~e- ~ ~ *he ~anee ~eee~ *he eeeemefl~e ded&ee~edv ~e* P~ e de*e*i dee*na~e ~ea. ~e aee~e and e~eve~&~s ~ ~eh *~ ~ e~eueeuee ~e · ad,eaSe aeeh*~ee~uee~ ~v ~ee~a~o ~es *fle~ed*n~ ~h~s used *e ev~d d*eee~ III-S1 <e~ Pee e~hee de~e~L p~ess wh~eh maybe eequ~eed ~he tR~eemai~en fequ½eemenle ahe~ dv If an appro~d de~e~ pl~ is found to ~ in~nsistent with the ~nkent and provis~ons of the General Plan, ~e North Tust~n S~cific Plan, applicable district regulation, o~ any other plan or p~oject officially approved at a public hea~ing by the Pla~ing C~ission or the B~rd of Su~rvisors, such ~e~e~ plan shall not ~ approved. ee~ng ~he de~e~ ~en eT A~ee ~he dele ~ f,rieL de~eem*na~*~T ~ e~*ee~e ~e ~he ~ee~ ~ne~uded ~a~ un~*l ouch ~*me as ~he ~an ia ~ended ~ ~he a~*ee~e d*e~e*e~ eegu&a~*~e eee eevieed ee ~gee veL*dT 8u~e~e~ geed*nqT deve~en~ and *m~emen~e ehe~ · he eueeen~y e~ed de~e*~ ~ ~he N~h ~o~n S~e~e P~en aRd eheli enfeeee ~he deve~en~ ee~ee~e a~ gu~e~es e~e~ned · he deve~ee~ o~eede~ds eec eeoute~e ~n eha~ee 4 ~ ~heee Vee~enee ~e~ Vee~anees fe~ e~ee~e ei~e deve~en~ e~endeede meF ~ e~ed f~ · ~d~no o~eT A vae~enee ohei~ fl~ ~ a~edT en~ · vae~enee e~ea~en shall n~ ~ acceded ~eh ~d e~eaolF eu~hee~ued ~ ~he iand uoe eeoule~s a~ee~e te · o~e~e ~edueal ee~ee~a~e ~ ~heee e~u~ee~e aee n~ ou~ee~ ~e · ~ee~anee ~L vae~e~ee a~ee~s ehe~ ~ ~eeeed ~R e~eflee ~h ~he ~- eMee~ ~he~v wheaevee khe D&eee~v ~ de~eem&aeo ~he~ *he ~&e ~ be III-52 w~e~ ~beee. ~e a e~aa~e ~ ~eee~*~ A~ee a vae&a~ee e~edv eo~a~e~en~v ~ea~ earl ma~n~eeanee a~ed ~e~v ~ded ~he uoe ~o ee~a~ohed ~h~n ~he ~ek ~ke ~e~ ~e VeL~dT '" ~he ~e~ ~ ~ne ~n vh~ek e use ~en~ed ~ vae~enee ee~e~ohed oke~ ~ ~ke ~me o~e&f~ed ~ ~he dee~e~ eu~h~y ~ ~he ~ed ~ o~e~T ~ ne ouch ~ ~e~ ~o e~e~ed as ~e~ ~ ~he a~e~ ae~v ~he e~ei ae~ ohei~ ~e~ e ~ee~enee e~ee~ ~e a~edT ~he a~e~ ~ ~en oha~ ~ ~ee~ee ~an ~ de~eL~en~v end ee~e~e~v me~n~eRe~ee ~he uoe ~ ueee ~em~ed ~ ~he a~e~ ~ ~he e~ee~*~ ohe*& A*~ee a ~ee&a~ee e~&ea~&~ has ~ea e~edv ~ ehanges aec ~e~ eegaed~ ~he i~a~ ~ e~eea~ ~ e~y uoe ~ e~eue*uee~ e eha~ed ~e~ e~e~ an~ ~R~en~ ~ ~he a~e~ ee~T and ~ha~ ~he ee~ ~ have e~e ~he ehaR~ed ~an w&~h~ ee~f~n~ · new ~e III-)3 CHAPTER 5. LARDSCAPINGr BUFFERINGr AND SCREENING A_~. Landscaping The RC~ and GO districts~ planned (unit) develo~ments~ and multifamil~ projects of five or more units shall be subject-to Zoning Code section 7-9-132.2 and the following landscaping rec/uirements: 1_~. A minimtm~ of fifteen (15} ~ercent (and twenty (20) ~ercent for planned developments} of building site or pro~ect net area shall be landscaped. A landscaped area shall consist of treesr shrubs~ vines~ ground covert or any Combination thereof. Landscaped area shall not include buildings, paving, swimming po~ls~ gravel or any other assemblage of building materials u~on or over the land. 2..~. Existing mature trees shall be preserved and integrated into the landscape plan wherever ~ossible. Existing mature trees which are removed shall be replacea at a minimum rate of one (1). specimen of twenty-four (24} inch box size ~er one (1} mature tree removed. 3. Boundary landscaping along primary and major arterial highways shall create a parkway appearance which softens/screens undesirable views. Street trees shall be randomly grou~ed to create an informal or natural character and be provided at a rate of not less than one (1) tree twenty-five (25) feet of road frontage. 4_~. In the interest of public safetyf street trees shall be planted a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet from the beginning of curb returns at intersections and a minimum of ten (10) feet from street lightsf fire hydrants and driveways. 5~ Outdoor off-street ~arking areas shall be planted at a rate Of one (1) tree ~er one thousand (lr000) sc/uare feet of parking area surface and at a minimum of every fifth parking space in parking bays exceeding ten {1O) s~aces in length. 6. The rec~ired use ~ermit or site development ~ermit shall include a landscape plan in compliance with the above rec/uirements. B. Buffering from Residential Areas The RGO and GO districts shall be subject to the following rec/uirements where an interior property line abuts a residential district/area. 1~ Satisfy "a" and 'b" below. a_~. Provide and maintain a landscape buffer at least eight (8) feet wide. ~andsca~e materials within the buffer shall include trees and shrubs. Trees shall be spaced a maximum of twenty (20) feet on center and create an o~ac~ue screen above the wall within twenty-four (24) ~onths from initial installation. Shrubs shall achieve.a mature height of between two {2} and six (6) feet. Such landscapinq shall be in compliance with Zoning Code section 7-9-137.5, 'Fences and walls." III-54 b__~. Provide solid mason~ wall per ~oning Code section 7-9-132.1. 2..~. Such buffer or o~ac/ue screen shall be included on the rec/uired landscape plan. C_~. Screening Parking Areas The RGO and GO districts shall screen outdoor perking areas from public streets by use of evergreen plant materials in combination with one or more of the following: 1. Walls: A wall shall consist of colored concrete~ stonet brickt tile or -- similar type of solid masonry material a minimum of four (4) inches thick and three 13) feet high but not more than three and one-half 1/2} feet high. 2. Fences~ solid: A solid fence shall be constructed of woo~ masonry or other materials to form an ope~ue screen of at least three (3) feet in height hut not more than three and one-half (3-1/2) feet high. 3. Fences~ open: An open-weave or mesh t~e fence shall be combined with plant materials to form an o~ac/ue screen of at least three (3) feet in height but not more than three and one-half (3-1/2) feet high. 4. Berm: Earth material when used as a screen shall be seeded with grass -- or planted with an evergreen ground cover. The berm height shall have a mi~m height of three (3) feet but not more than three and one-half <3-i/2) feet high. III-55 C~APTER 6. SIGNS The North Tustin S~ecific Plan shall be subject to Zoning Code section 7-9-144. Business signsr outdoor advertising signs, roof signs, and pro~ect[ng signs shall be prohibited. Additionally~ planned (unit) developmentsr multifamily projects of five or mor~ Unitsr the RGOr P~P~ and GO districts shall be subject to the following regulations. 1_~. Only two (2) single-faced or one (1) double-faced identification sign at the main ~oint of entry to the development containing only the name and address of the develo~mentr not exceeding twenty-four (24) s~/uare feet in area for each face shall be ~ermitted. One (1) additional twenty- four (24) square foot single-faced identification ~ign shall be ~ermitted along any public street right-of-way upon which the propoerty has frontage providing such street frontage exceeds three hundred thirty (3301 feet. Said signs shall not have internal lighting. External lighting fixtures used to illuminate ~ermitted signs shall be concealed within plant materials or attached to and designed as an integral part of the sign. 2. Permitted signs at the main entry ~oint or along any other public street right-of-wa~ shall not exceed six (6) feet in height including any earth berm~ padestal~ base or similar structure u~on which the sign may be mounted. Height to top of sign shall be measured from the top of curb for the adjacent public street. 3. Wall signs shall not exceed six (6) square feet in area. Said signs shall not be located above the roof facia or eavesr shall not have internal lighting and shall be made of a material compatible with the materials of the building. III-56 CHAPTER 7. BUILDING ORIENTATION AND CHAI{ACTER : In &ddition to the general guidelines contained in Division II~ Chapter i of this specific planf the following standards shall be incorporated in project desic~n. 1_~. Roofs shall be slopedf of hipr gable or shed design. Roofs shall have a minimum pitch of one (1) foot of rise to three (3) feet of run and shall have a maximum pitch of one Il) foot of rise to one (1) foot of run. 2.~. Direct line of site to abuttin~ residential districts from second story openings~ windows~ balconies{ stairwaysf stairway landings or other architectural features shall be prohibited. Design solutions for meetin~ this standard include~ but are not limited to~ clear story windows, skylights, opaque screens designed as an integral ~art of the building, recessed windows{ setback of the second story~ and building sitin~ or orientation. Landscape materials mai be used in combination with but not as a substitution for an architectural design solution. 3.~. Buildin~s shall create a residential appearance in conformity with the design ~uidelines and criteria of the North Tustin S~ecific Plan. 4..~. Ail roof ec/ui~ment shall.be screened from view. The screening material shall be in harmony with buildin~ lines~ materials and color. S~ecial consideration will be given to mechanical equipment typically located on the roof bein~ enclosed within the buildin9 attic (pitched roof)~ located at ~rade and screened frum viewf or located below ~rade when accessible from subterranean parking facilities or a ~arking structure. 5_~. The reflectivity of all exposed surfaces (walls~ roofs~ windows{ framesr and paved surfaces} shall be mitigated b~ such devices as overhan~s{ awnings~ trellises~ plantings and similar features. FM=emwPP07-1 III-57 6098 NORTH TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN DIVISION II1: LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS Amendment 86-1 April 30, 1986 Attachment 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS NORTH TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ~ .. Page Chapter 1. GENERAL PURPOSE AND APPLICATIO~ 1 Chapter 2. GENEI~AL PROVISIONS 2 Chapter 3. DISTRICT REGULATIONS A. RSF Residential Single Family District 4 B. I~F Residential Multiple Family District 7 C. RGO Residential Garden Office District 11 D. PQp Public/Quasi-Public District 15 E. OSR Open Space Recreation District 17 F'. CI Consolidation Incentive (overlay district) 19 G. GO Garden Office' (overlay district) 22 Chapter 4. PROCEDURES 26 Chapter 5. LANDSCAPING, BUFFERING, AND SCREENING 28 Chapter 6. SIGNS 30 Chapter 7. BUILDING ORIENTATION AND CHARACTER 31 PP18-2 III-i 6108 CHAPTER 1. GENERAL PURPOSE AND APPLICATION A. ~eneral Purpose The North Tustin Specific Plan Land Use Regulations are adopted per Govermuent Code Sections 65450 through 65457 and Zoning Code Section 7-9-156 for the purpose of pro~oting the health, safety and general welfare of residents of the North Tustin Co~eunity, Orange County, and the future residents of this cc~munity. More specifically, these regulations are intended to provide the standards, criteria and procedures necessary to achieve the following objectives. -- 1. Implement the intent and purpose of the elements of the General Plan of the County of Orange as carried out by the North Tustin Specific Plan. 2. Provide maximu~ opportunities for innovative co~nnunity design and site planning, consistent with orderly development and compatible with existing community character, with a logical and timely sequence of ccenuunity and government review and input. 3. Improve the visual image and general aesthetics within the North Tustin c~unity. B. Application The interpretation and application of the North Tustin Specific Plan shall be accomplished in accordance with the following provisions~ 1. The land use and development regulations shall be applied only in the CO~unity of North Tustin as defined by the specific plan boundary. 2. When any issue, condition or situation arises or occurs that is not covered or provided for by this division of the North Tustin Specific Plan, those regulations of the Zoning Code that are applicable for the most similar issue, condition or situation as determined by the Director, ~, shall apply. 3. If any portion of these regulations is, for any reason, declared by a court of ccmpetent jurisdiction to be invalid or ineffective in whole or in part, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof. The Board of Supervisors hereby declares that it would have enacted these regulations and each portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more portions be declared invalid or ineffective. 4. For the purpose of carrying out the intent and purpose of these regulations, words, phrases and terms are deemed to have the meanings ascribed to them in Sections 7-9-21 through 7-9-47 of the County of Orange Zoning Code, except as otherwise provided by these land use regulations. II1-1 CHAPTER 2. GENERAL PROVISIONS A. ~11 building sites shall comply with the provisions of Section 7-9-126, Building Site Requirements of the Orange County-Zoning Code. B. Setbacks shall be measured from the ultimate street right-of-way line. C. All perking requirements shall comply with the provisions of Section 7-9-145, Off-StreetParking Regulations of the Orange County Zoning Code except as provided in these regulations. D. Ail on-site lighting shall be designed and located so as to confine direct rays to the premises. E. All construction and development within the North Tustin Specific Plan shall comply with applicable provisions of the Uniform Building Code and the various related mechanical, electrical, plumbing code~, and the Grading and Sign Codes, as currently adopted by the Board of Supervisors. F. Any conditions, requirements, or standards, indicated graphically or in writing, that are a pert of an approved area plan, site development permit or detail plan, approved in compliance with these regulations shall have the same force and effect as these regulations. Any use or development established as a result of such approved permit or plan but not in compliance with all approved conditions shall be in violation of the North Tustin .Specific Plan and subject to Zoning Code section 7-9-154, Enforcement provisions. G. These Specific Plan Land Use Regulations for residential development are intended to facilitate the location of affordable housing in the North Tustin c~mmunity by implamenting the inclusionary housing provisions of the Housing Element of the Orange County General Plan. H. The North Tustin Specific Plan may be amended by the same procedure as it was originally adopted. Each amendment shall include all sections or portions of the Specific Plan that are affected by the change. An amendment may be initiated by the Board of Supervisors, the Planning Co~u~ission, or a property owner, in compliance with the provisions of Section 7-9-156 of the Orange County Zoning Code. I. Temporary special community events, such as parades, pegeants, community fairs, athletic contests, carnivals, and other similar uses, may be permitted in any area of the North Tustin Specific Plan by approval of the Director, EMA, upon application for a certificate of use and occupancy per Section 7-9-152 of the Orange County Zoning Code. J. Any person, firm or corporation, whether as principel, agent, employee or otherwise, violating any provisions of these regulations shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500) or by imprisonment in thelCounty III-2 Jail of Orange for a term not exceeding six (6) months or by both such fine and haprisonment. Such person, firm or corporation shall be deemed guilty Of a separate offense for each and every day during any portion of which any ~iolation of this article is co~aitted, continued or permitted by such person, firm or corporation and shall be punishable as herein provided. Enforcement of these regulations shall be per Section 7-9-154 of the Orange County Zoning Code. III-3 CHAPTER 3. DISTRICT REGULATIONS A. RSF - Residential Single Famil~ District 1. Purpose and Intent: The RSF District is intended to create, preserve and enhance neighborhoods where permanent, one household, residential uses are predominant. The detached dwellings and large private yards of I~SF areas allow for maximum privacy where desired, and opportunities for outdoor living. Only those additional uses'are permitted that are complimentary to, and can exist in harmony with, such a single-family residential neighborhood. 2. Permitted Principal Uses: Any of the following primary principal uses are permitted on each building site in compliance with the site development standards contained herein. a. Single-family detached dwelling, one (1) per building' site, or single-family mobilehome per Zoning Code Section 7-9-149.5 , one (1) - per building site. b. Parks and playgrounds (noncommercial). c.. Riding and hiking trails. d. Community care facilities serving six (6) or fewer persons. 3. Principal Uses permitted subject to a site development permit. The following principal uses are permitted subject to the approval of a site development permit per Chapter 4. a. Public or private utility structures and uses rendering direct service to the public in the local area. b. Grading and excavation over 5,000 cubic yards per Zoning Code section 7-9-139. 4.Principal Uses permitted subject to a use permit. a. Zoning Administrator The following principal uses are permitted subject to the approval of a use permit by the Zoning A~inistrator per Chapter 4. (1) Apiaries. (2) Cc~nunity care facilities serving seven (7) to twelve {~2) persons per Zoning Code section 7-9-141. III-4 b. Planning Ca~mission The following prin.cipal uses are permitted subject to ~he approval of a use permit by the Planning Co~u~ission per Chapter 4. (1) Churches, temples and other places of worship (minimum building site area - 40,000 square feet). (2) Educational institutions. (3) Planned (unit) developments for residential uses per Zoning Code section 7-9-110 and Chapters 5, 6, and 7 herein with 28 feet maximum building height, and a 25 foot setback where it is abutting a single family district. 5. Temporary Uses and Structures: Any of the following temporary uses are allowed, except as provided in other subsections herein, per Zoning Code Section 7-9-136. a. Model homes, temporary real estate offices and related signs within subdivis ions. b. Temporary use of mobilehume residence during construction. c. Continued use of an existing building during construction of a new .building on the same building site. 6. Accessory Uses Permitted: Uses and structures when customarily associated with and subordinate to a permitted principal use on the same building site per Zoning Code section 7-9-137 which includes: a. Garages and carports. b. Swiming pools. c. Pences and walls. d. Signs per Chapter 6. e. Noncommercial keeping of pets and animals per Zoning Code section 7-9-146.3. f. Home occupations, per Zoning Code section 7-9-146.6. g. Guesthouses (one (1) per building site) in conformance with the setback regulations for the main building. 7. Uses Prohibited: a. All uses not pe£mitted above are prohibited. III-5 b. The storage of vehicles, equi~ent, or products related to a co~uercial activity not permitted in this district. Site Development Standards: The establishment, operation and maintenance-of the uses permitted in the RSF District shall be in ¢cmDliance with the following: a. Building site area: Ten thousand (10,000) square feet minimum required unless otherwise specified on the land use district map of the North Tustin Specific Plan. Building site width: No minimum requirement unless otherwise specified by the use district map of the North Tustin Specific Plan. b. Building height: Thirty-five (35) feet maximum unless otherwise specified on the land use district map of the North Tustin Specific Plan. c. Setbacks. (1) Front setback: Twenty-five (25) feet minimum required. (2) Rear setback: T~enty-five (25) feet minimum required. (3) Side setback: Ten (10) percent of the average ultimate net width of the building site - maximum twenty (20) feet. (4) On panhandle building site the minimum setback from any property line shall be ten (10) feet. d. Off-street parking: Per Zoning Code section 7-9-145. e. Building site coverage: Fifty (50) percent maximum. III-6 B. ~ - Residential ldultiple Family District 1. Purpose and Intent: The ~ District is intended to create, preserve and enhance areas where two or more dwelling units on the same buil~'[ng site are predominant. The ~ District compliments the RSF District by providing for an additional range of housing types to meet the varying needs of different individuals and families within the specific plan boundary. Only those additional uses are permitted that are ccmplflnentary to, and can exist in harmony with, such a residential neighborhood. 2. Permitted Principal Uses= Any of the following principal uses are permitted on a building site in co~pliance with the site development standards contained herein. a. Community care facilities serving six (6) or fewer persons. b. Single-family dwellings, attached and detached. c. Mobilehomes per Zoning Code section 7-9-149. d. Multifamily projects of four (4) or less dwelling units. e. Parks, playgrounds, and athletic fields (noncommercial). 3. Principal uses permitted subject to a site development permit. The following uses are permitted subject to the approval of a site develo~ent permit per' Chapter 4. a. Public or private utility structures and uses rendering direct service to the public in the local area. b. Multifamily projects of five (5) or more dwelling units (except condominium, stock cooperative, and ccennunity apartment projects) per Zoning Code section 7-9-146.7. 4. Principal uses permitted subject to a use permit. a. Zoning Administrator. The following principal uses are permitted subject to the approval of a use permit by the Zoning Administrator per Chspter 4. (1) Cor~munity care facilities serving seven (7) to twelve (12) persons per Zoning Code section 7-9-141. III-7 b. Planning C~.ission The following principal uses are permitted subject to ~he approval of a use permit by the Planning Ccamuission per Chapter 4. (1) Churches, temples, and other places-of worship (minimum building site area - 40,000 square feet). (2) Educational institutions. (3) Mobilehcme parks and mobilehome subdivisions per Zoning Code section 7-9-149. (4) Residential condominium, stock Cooperatives, and Community apartment projects per Zoning Code section 7-9-147. (5) Planned (unit) development for residential uses per Zoning Code section 7-9-110 and Chapter 5, 6, and 7 herein with 28 feet maximum building height. 5. Temporary Uses and Structures: Any of the following temporary uses are allowed, except as provided in other subsections herein, per Zoning Code Section 7-9-136. a. Temporary use of mobilehc~e residence during construction. b.. Continued use of an existing building during construction of a new building on the same building site. c. Model homes, temporary real estate offices and related signs within subdivision. 6. AScessory Uses Permitted: Uses and structures when customarily associated with and subordinate to a permitted principal use on the same building site. per Zoning Code section 7-9-137 which include: a. Garages and carports. b. Swimming pools. c. Fences and walls. d. H~me occupations, per Zoning Code section 7-9-146.6. e. Signs per Chapter 6. ~ f. Noncommercial keeping of pets and animals per Zoning Code section 7-9-146.3. III-8 7. Uses Prohibited: a. All uses not permitted by subsections 8-2, B-3 and B-4above are prohibited. b. The storage of vehicles, equipment, or products related to a co~ercial activity not permitted in this district. 8. Site Development Standards= The establishment, operation and maintenance of uses permitted in the RMF District shall be in compliance with the following: a. Building site area= Ten thousand (10,000) square feet minimum required unless otherwise specified on the land use district map of the North Tustin Specific Plan. b. Area per unit= Eighteen hundred (1,800) square feet minimum net land area per dwelling unit unless otherwise specified on the land use district map of the North Tustin Specific Plan. c. Building site width= Seventy-five (75) feet minimum required unless otherwise specified on the land use district map of the North Tustin Specific Plan. d. Building site coverage= Sixty (60) percent maximum permitted. e. 'Building height= Two (2) stories and not to exceed thirty-five (35) feet maximum. f. Setbacks. Twenty (20) feet minimum from any public street, otherwise= (1) Front setback= Twenty (20) feet minimum required. Any main building or portion thereof and any accessory building or portion thereof in excess of eighteen (18) feet in height shall be set back a minimum twenty-five (25) feet from an abutting RSF district. (2) Rear setback: Twenty-five (25) feet minimum required. Any accessory building or portion thereof in excess of eighteen (18) feet in height shall be set back a minimum twenty-five (25) feet from an abutting RSF district. (3) Side setback: Five (5) feet minimum required. Any main building or portion thereof and any accessory building or portion thereof in excess of eighteen (18) feet in height shall be set back a minimum of fifteen (15) feet from an abutting RSF District. g. Distance between main buildings: Fifteen (15) feet minimum~. III-9 h. Landscaping. Per Chapter 5. i. Off-street parking= Per Zoning Co~e Section 7-9-145, except that = al~ parking shall be on the rear half of the building site. III-10 C. RGO - Residential Garden Office District 1. Purpose and intent The RGO District is intended to provide areas for the development of professional and administrative offices and related uses in locations in clo~e proximity to residential areas. Development of properties in the RGO District create a suitable environment for professional and administrative uses including office buildings of a residential appearance especially designed for such uses with low traffic generation, located on sites large enough to provide room for landscaped open space, off-street parking facilities and buffering of abutting residential areas. The'diStrict is located along Newport Avenue to a point approximately 200 feet northeasterly of Warren Avenue and designed to intervene between the arterial highway and residential areas and reduce the impacts of the arterial traffic on the residential areas. 2. Principal uses permitted subject to a site develol~ent permit. The following uses are permitted subject to the approval of a site . development permit per Chapter 4. a. Public and private utility buildings and structures. 3. Principal uses permitted subject to a use permit. The following uses are permitted subject to the approval of a use permit by the Planning Cc~mission per Chapter 4. a. Professional offices for: (1) Accountants (2) Attorneys (3) Doctors, dentists, optometrists, oculists, chiropractor and others licensed by the State of California to practice the healing arts, but not including veterinary hospitals for overnight animal care. (4) Engineers, architects, surveyors and planners. (5) Other professional services requiring State licensing or certification. b. Advertising agency offices. c. Insurance agents. d. Studios for interior decorators, photographers, tailors, seamstresses, artists and draftsmen. e. Telephone answering services. .' III-11 f. Travel agencies. g. T~ping and addressing services. : h. Stockbroker offices. i. Rscrow offices. J. Secretarial services. k. Real estate offices. 4. Temporary Uses and StructUres= The following temporary uses are permitted, except as provided in other subsections herein, per Zoning Code Section 7-9-136. a. C~nmercial coaches. 5. Accessory Uses. Accessory uses and structures are permitted when customarily associated with and subordinate to a permitted principal use on the same building site per Zoning Code section 7-9-137 which includes: a. Detached buildings. b. Fences and walls. c. Signs per Chapter 6. 6. Prohibited Uses= All uses not permitted above are prohibited. 7. Site Development Standards: a. Building site area= Ten thousand (10,000) square feet minimum required. b. Building site coverage: Thirty-five (35) percent maximum. c. Building height= Two (2) stories and not to exceed thirty-five (35) feet maximum unless otherwise specified on the land use district map of the North Tustin Specific Plan. Buildings within Parcels 401- 211-61 and 401-211-63 shall be limited to one (1) story and not exceed eighteen (18) feet in height. d. Building site width= Seventy-five (75) feet minimum required. e. Setbacks= Twenty (20) feet minimum from any public street, otherwise= III-12 (1) Front setback: T~enty (20) feet average and fifteen (15) feet minimum. (2) Side setback: (a) Ten (10) feet minimu~ required frae any private street. (b) Five (5) feet minimum required frae any abutting RGO district. (c) Fifteen (15) feet minimum required frae an RSF or ~ district° Any main building or portion thereof in excess of eighteen'(18) feet in hel~t shall be set back a minhaum twenty-five (25) feet from1 an abutting I~SF district. (3) Rear setback: Twenty-five (25) feet minimum required. Any building or portion thereof in excess of eighteen (18) feet in height shall be setback a minimum thirty-five (35) feet frc~ any abutting RSF district. f. Off-street parking: Per Zoning Code Section 7-9-145 except that all parking shall be on the rear half of the building site. g. Vehicular access standards: Vehicular access shall be provided to and on the site in compliance with section 7-9-145 of the Orange County Zoning Code and a vehicular access detail plan approved by the Director, ~lA, as provided in chapter 4 of these regulations. 'The vehicular access detail plan shall be in substantial conformity with the following: (1) The first street opening from an intersection should be a minimum of one hundred fifty (150) feet frum the point of intersection of the ultimate right-of-way lines of the abutting streets. (2) Any additional street openings should be a minimum of three hundred (300) feet, from center to center, from any other street opening. (3) Any access driveway, parking aisle, or private roadway shall not be closer than ten (10) feet to the boundary of a residential district. (4) No street opening shall be permitted within the southern frontage of Warren Avenue. Reciprocal ingress and egress easements shall be established where needed to permit access to Newport Avenue for those parcels with legal access to Warren. At the time of approval of the vehicular access detail plan, said parcels shall submit to Orange County, an irrevocable offer of dedication of vehicular access rights to Warren Avenue. ? III-13 The vehicular access detail plan shall be submitted to the Director, EMA, for his approval prior to the issuance of a building permit or grading permit. The Director shall weigh each application on its merits and may grant a modification of any of the above guidelines if he finds that the efficiency of the arterial highway system will be maintained and that conditions or terrain indicate it is impractical or inadvisable to comply with the requirements, or if these requirements will create or result in undue hardship to the abutting property. h. Lighting: All lighting shall be designed and located so as to confine direct rays to the premises. i. Trash and storage area: All storage of cartons, containers and trash shall be enclosed by a building or wall not less than six (6) feet in height. Such areas shall not be within the front or exterior side of the building or within twenty-five (25) feet of an abutting residential district. j. Enclosed uses: All uses shall, unless otherwise specified by an approved site development permit or use permit, be contained entirely within a completely enclosed structure. k. Screening and Landscaping. Per Chapter 5. 1. Building Character and Orientation: Per Chapter 7 and Division II, Chapter 1. 111-14 D. P~P - Public/~uasi-Public District 1. Purpose and Intent: The PQP District is established to provide for the establishment and ~ maintenance of co~unity services and facilities in locations which will best serve the residents of the North Tustin Specific Plan area and immediately surrounding coenuunity. It is intended that co~suunity services and facilities be compatible with the basic permitted uses of any land use district, and be located so that the specific plan area may be efficiently serviced. 2. Permitted Principal Uses subject to a site development permit. Any of the following uses are permitted subject to a site development permit per Chapter 4. a. Public community centers. b. Public recreation centers and facilities including but not limited 10) percent maximum. e. Building setbacks= Ten (10) feet minimum. f. Off-street parking: Per Zoning Code Section 7-9-145. g. Signs. No sign shall exceed six (6) sc/uare feet in area unless otherwise provided for by an approved use ~ermit or site development ~ermit. y uses are allowed except as provided in other subsections herein, per Zoning Code Section 7-9-136. 5. Accessory Uses Permitted: Accessory uses and structures are permitted when custcmarily associated with and subordinate to a permitted principal use of the same building site per Zoning Code section 7-9-137 which includes: a. Detached buildings. b. Fences and walls. c. Signs per Chapter 6. II1-15 6. Prohibited Uses: a. All industrial uses. b. All commercial uses. c. Residential uses. d. Haintenance yards and any associated storage areas. e. Original impound area. f. All uses not permitted are prohibited. 7. Site Development Standards: The establishment, operation and maintenance of' the uses permitted in the PQP district shall be in compliance with the following provisions. a. Building height: Twenty-eight (28) feet maximum. b. Building site area: Ten thousand (10,000) square feet minimum required. c. Building site width: One hundred (100) feet minimum =equired. d. Landscaping and screening: Per Zoning Cede section 7-9-132. In addition, a twenty (20) percent minimum landscaped area is 'required. A landscaped area Shall consist of trees, shrubs, vines, grasses, ground cover, other ornamental plants, or any combination thereof arranged on the building site in accordance with Chapter 5 of these regulations. Landscaped area will not include buildings, paving, swinging pools, gravel or any other assemblage of building materials upon or over the land. e. Setbacks. Twenty (20) feet minimum from any public street, otherwise= (1) Front setback= Twenty (20) feet minimum required. (2) Side setback: Ten (10) feet minimum required. (3) Rear setback: Twenty-five (25) feet minimum required. f. Off-street parking: Per Zoning Code Section 7-9-145. III-16 E. OSR - O~en S~ace/Recreation District 1. Purpose and Intent: The OSR District is established to protect and preserve natural resources, permit outdoor recreation and edg~ation, and promote health and safety. 2. Permitted Principal uses: Any of the following principal uses are permitted in compliance with the site development standards contained herein. a. Farming and horticulture. b. Parks, and playgrounds, (noncommercial). c. Biking trails. d. Greenbelt and conservation corridors. e. Nature study areas. f. Public community center. 3. Accessory uses. Accessory uses and structures which are customarily associated with and subordinate to a permitted principal use on the same building site and which are consistent with the purpose and intent of this district are permitted per Zoning Code section 7-9-137. 4. Prohibited Uses: a. Any industrial uses. b. Any commercial uses. c. All residential uses. d. Maintenance yards and any associated storage areas. e. Utility buildings, structures, and facilities. f. Any use not permitted above is prohibited. 5. Site Development Standards: The establishment, operation and maintenance of the uses permitted in the OSR district shall be'in compliance with the following provisions. a. Building height: Eighteen (18) feet maximum allowed. b. Building site area: No minimum required. III-17 c. Building site width: No minimum required. d. Building site ooverage: Ten (10) percent maximum. = e. Building setbacks: Ten (10)'feet minimum. f. Off-street parking: Per Zoning Co~e See~ion 7-9-145. g. Signs. No sign shall exceed six (6) square feet in area unless otherwise provided for by an approved use permit or site development permit. III-18 F. C! - Consolidation Incentive District loverla~) 1. Purpose and Intent: The CI District establishes an incentive in the form of an increased number of dwelling units when problems of arterial access, structural obsolescence, and incompatibility of land use with t~affic and noise conditions are corrected by a residential development which, through merger or consolidation of contiguous parcels of irregular shape produces an integrated development project providing an environment of stable, desirable character which will be in harmony with existing and potential development of the surrounding neighborhood. The incentives of this district are intended to encourage the merger or consolidation of contiguous parcels of irregular shape in order to create a building site of a size whereby the land may be developed utilizing design features which take advantage of modern residential site planning techniques. The regulations of this district are intended to produce residential plahned development projects which meet standards of open space, light and air, and density of land use which provide for better use of common areas, open space and off-street parking facilities, and provide for safe and efficient vehicular and pedestrian circulation. These regulations are intended to be utilized only for integrated residential planned development projects on building sites resulting from merger or consolidation of parcels and shall not be utilized for the establishment of individual residential uses or structures. 2. Application: The CI District overlay shall only be applied in the B~F District. In the RSF District, where the district symbol is followed by, as part of such symbol, the letters "CI", parcel merger or consolidation shall be permitted and encouraged subject to the regulations of this section. The RSF District shall constitute the "base district" and the (CI) suffix shall constitute the "overlay district". Participation in the overlay district in those locations where it is applied shall be optional. As such, the provisions of the overlay district shall be in effect only when provided for by an approved use permit and a final tract map. Prior to the provisions of the overlay district being in effect, use of the building site shall be in compliance with the base district. The inclusionary housing program of the Housing Element of the Orange County General Plan shall be implemented through the schedule of permitted dwelling units established in the site development standards of this section. Increased density above that established by the schedule will not be permitted for residential development projects participating in the overlay district. Furthermore, Section 7-9-140 of the Orange County Zoning Code shall not be applicable Concurrently with the other incentives of this overlay district. 111-19 3. Parcel Consolidation Procedures: Building sites for residential development projects shall be created accordingto any o~ the following procedures. a. Merger of lots in compliance with the Sub~ivision Map Act. b. Easement, deed restrictions or other means, approved by the Planning Cc~enission, resulting in coordinated development of contiguous parcels in compliance with the provisions of these regulations provided recording of same is ccampleted prior to approval of the final tract map. 4. Principal uses permitted subject to a use permit. The following principal uses are permitted subject to the approval of a use permit by the Planning Co~n~tssion per Chapter 4. a. All uses permitted by the RSF District.. b. Residential condominiums. 5. Prohibited Uses: -~ Ail uses not permitted above. 6. Site Development Standards: The'following site development standards are in addition to the site development standards of the RSF District unless otherwise stated below. a. Building site area= For purposes of determining the building site area, the project net area shall be used. However, in no case shall the project net area be less than twenty-five thousand (25,000) square feet. b. Building site width= Minimum two hundred (200) feet required. c. Number of dwelling units: The maximum number of dwelling units permitted in any residential development project shall be determined by dividing the project net area by the "land area per dwelling unit" shown below. Project Dwelling Units per Acre Land Area Per Net Area (Reference) Dwelling Unit less than 0.75 acre 4.5 8,200 s.f. 0.75 to 1.20 acres 5.5 7,400 s.f. 1.21 to 1.65 acres 6.5 6,500 s.f. 1.66 to 2.10 acres 7.5 5,800 s.f. 2.11 to 2.55 acres 8.9 5,000 s.f. greater than 2.55 acres 9.5 4,500 s.f. III-20 d. Standards for streets and accessways: The design and location of access driveways shall consider providing future access to and from abutting parcel within the overlay district but not participating in the incentive program at the time of site development permit approval. The Planning C~=,dssion may require the site developaent permit to be accompanied by an irrevocable offer of reciprocal ingress/egress easements at specific location to said abutting parcels. e. Building Site Setback= 25 feet minimumwhere it is abutting a single family district. 1II-21 G. GO - Garden Office District (overla~) 1. Purpose and Intents The GO District overlay provides a method whereby residential property may be used for garden office use with low traffic generation if uses and structures are in compliance with specific site development provisions and requirements for coordinating vehicular access and on- site circulation, prohibiting direct line of sight into adjoining residential propert£es and regulating the design of main and accessory buildings so that a residential character is achieved which is co~patible with adjoining residential properties. 2. Application= The GO District overlay shall be applied in residential districts only. In any residential district where the district symbol is followed by, as part of such symbol, the letters 'GO", development of garden pro- fessional office and administrative uses shall be permitted subject to the regulations in this section. The residential district shall consti- tute the 'base district' and the (GO) suffix shall constitute the 'overlay district.' Participation in the overlay district in those locations where it is applied shall be at the option of the property owner(s). As such, the provisions of the overlay district shall be in effect only when provided for by an approved use permit. Prior to the provisions and requirements of the overlay district being in effect on any subject property, use of the'building site shall be in compliance with the provisions and regulations of the base district. 3. Principal uses Permitted subject to a use permit= The following principal uses are permitted subject to the approval of a use permit by the Planning Co~mission per Chapter 4. a. All uses permitted by the base district. b. Professional offices for~ (1) Accountants (2) Attorneys (3) Engineers, architects, surveyors and planners. c. Advertising agency offices. Insurance agents. e. Telephone answering services. f. Travel agencies. Ill-22 g. Typing and addressing services. h. Stockbroker offices. -- i. Escro~ offices. J. Secretarial services. k. Real estate offices. 4. Accessory uses permitted. The follc~eing accessory uses and structures'are permitted when custo~arily associated with and subordinate to a permitted principal use on the same building site. a. Uses per Zoning Co~e section 7-9-137 which include: (1) Detached buildings (2) Fences and walls b. Signs per Chapter 6. c. Accessory uses and structures which the Director, EMA, finds consistent with the purpose and intent of this district. 5. Prohibited Uses: All uses not permitted by above. 6. Site Development Standards The following site development standards are in addition to those of the RGO district: a. Building site area: Twenty-five thousand (25,000) net square feet minimum required. b, Building site coverage: Thirty (30) percent maximum. c. Building height: Two (2) stories and not to exceed twenty-eight (28) feet maximum unless a lesser height is specified on the land use district map of the North Tustin Specific Plan. d. Building site width: One hundred (100) feet minimum required. e. Front setback: Twenty (20) feet average and fifteen (15) feet minimum. f. Side setback: (1) Ten (10) feet minimum required fro~ any ultimate right-of-way line, unless otherwise specified herein. III-23 (2) Five (5) feet minimum required from any abutting R~O district. (3) Fifteen (15) feet minimum required from an RSF or I~F district. Any main building or portion thereof in' excess of. eighteen (18) = feet in height shall be setback a minimum forty-five (45) feet frc~ an abutting RSF district. g. Rear setback~ Twenty-five (25) feet minimum. Any building or portion thereof in excess of eighteen (18) feet in height shall be setback a minimum forty-five (45) feet from any abutting I~SF district. h. Off-street Parking: Per Zoning Co~e Section 7-9-145, except that all parking shall be on the =ear half of the building site. i. Vehicular access standards: Vehicular access shall be provided to and on the site per Zoning Code section 7-9-145 and the vehicular access plan required within the use permit approved by the Planning Co~nuission. The vehicular access plan of the use permit shall be in compliance with the following: (1) For the group of properties in the overlay district fronting Newport Avenue and to the south of Vanderlip Avenue considered in the aggregate and including assessor parcels 401-191-29, 401-191-30, 401-191-31 and 401-181-22, a maximum of two (2) access driveways or street openings to Newport Avenue will be permitted for the entire group. A minimum one hundred fifty (150) feet, measured center to center, shall be maintained between these openings and from these openings to any other street opening. Each approved use permit application shall include a condition for a recorded reciprocal ingress-egress easement along interior property lines with adjoining properties within the overlay district and an irrevocable offer of dedication of vehicular access rights in compliance with the vehicular access plan of the approved use permit prior to the issuance of building permits. (2) For the group of properties in the overlay district fronting Newport Avenue and Vanderlip Avenue and to the north of Vanderlip Avenue, considered in the aggregate and including assessor parcels 401-091-11, 401-091-12, 401-091-64, 401-091- 66, 401-091-69, 401-091-70 and 401-091-71, a maximum of three (3) driveways or street openings to Newport Avenue and one (1) additional access opening to Vanderlip Avenue will be permitted for the entire group of properties. These access driveways shall be located as follows~ (a) The first street opening from an intersection shall be a minimum of one hundred fifty (150) feet from the point of intersection of the ultimate right-of-way lines of the abutting streets. III-24 (b) Any additional street openings shall be a minimum of three hundred (300) feet, measured center to center, from any other street opening. (c) Any access driveway, parking aisle, or private roadway shall not be closer than ten (10) feet to the boundary of a residential district Each use permit application shall include a condition for a recorded reciprocal ingress-egress easement along internal property lines with adjoining properties within the overlay district and an irrevocable offer of dedication of vehicular access rights in compliance with the vehicular access plan of the approved use permit prior to the issuance of building'permits. The Planning Co~ission shall weigh each application on its merits and may g~ant a modification of any of the above provisions if the C~mmission finds that the efficiency of the arterial highway system will be maintained and that conditions or terrain indicate it is impractical or inadvisable to comply with the requirements, or if these requirements will create or 'result in undue hardship to the abutting property. 111-25 C~APTER 4. PROCEDURES Ail discretionary permits (e.g., use permits, site develol~uent permits, and variance permits) shall be subject to and processed per Zoning Co~e section 7-9-[50. However, s site development permit application shall be acted upon by the Zoning Administrator at a public hearing if rec/B, ested by the North Tustin MAC. The Director, EMA, shall forward all discretionary permit applications to the North TustinMAC for review and co~ent at least twenty-one (21) calendar days prior to final action by the approving authority. All discretionary permits shall achieve substantial conformance to the design criteria and guidelines contained in Division II, Chapter 1. In addition to the requirements of Section 7-9-150 of the Zoning Code, site develol~nent and use permit applications shall include all information required by the district regulations and the additional information required herein= (1) A legal description of.the property included in the site development permit application and a boundary map showing the dimensions of the property, easements existing on the property, and the name and distance to the nearest cross street. (2) Existing topography of the property with contours at not more than two- foot intervals. (3) The.gross land area and project net area, the present land use district classification thereof, and the land use district classification on the surrounding properties. (4) All existing structures and land uses on the property and the location of any uses and structures on the adjoining properties. (5) A proposed development plan with at least the following details shown to scale and dimensioned: (a) Location and use or uses proposed for each existing or proposed structure in the subject property, the number of stories, building height, gross floor area and building coverage. (b) A topographic map of the property with typical cross sections or sketches sho~ing the proposed grading for adapting the project to the site inclu~ing the relationship to uses and structures on adjoining properties. (c) All existing and proposed curb cuts, driving lanes, parking areas, loading areas, storage areas and trash storage. (d) All pedestrian walks and open areas for use by the occupants of the proposed development and the public. (e) Types of surfacing proposed for all walks, driveways and ot~er accessways. III-26 (f) A landscape plan for' the project including the height, materials, and location of all fences and walls, the location, type and size of plant materials and the method by which the landscaping, fences and walls will be prese£ved and maintained. Where landscaping is required as a buffer for adjoining residential districts, a cross section showing the relationship of the uses and structures proposed for the subject property, the buffer planting and the uses and structures on the adjoining residential property shall also be included. (g) A plan showing all existing or proposed facilities and features such as hydrants, utility structures, wells, sewage disposal facilities, outside lighting and ~ecreation facilities, and a statement setting forth the method by which these facilities and structures are to be removed, relocated, preserved and maintained. (h) Plans, including cross sections and elevations of each type of structure to indicate architectural type, materials of construction and relationship to uses and structures on adjoining properties. (i) A drainage plan showing the method for control and disposal of all waters flowing into, across and from the project and the effects upon uses and structures on adjoining properties of the methods to be applied upon. (j) A vehicular access plan showing the location of access driveways to public rights-of-way and any existing or proposed access easements to adjoining properties within the same land use district including ' a description of the manner in which the easements are to be used and dedicated or recorded. (k) A statement of how the proposed development will avoid direct line of sight into adjoining residential properties and structures. (1) Location, lighting, material, copy, dimensions and design of signs. If an approved plan is found to be inconsistent with the intent and provisions of the General Plan, the North Tustin Specific Plan, applicable district regulations, or any other plan or project officially approved at a public hearing by the Planning Commission or the Board of Supervisors, such plan shall not be approved. III-27 CHAPTER 5. LANDSCAPING~ BUFFERING~ AND SCREENING A. Landscaping · he RGO and GO districts, planned (unit) developments, and multifamily projects of five or more units ahall be subject to Zoning Code section 7-9-132.2 and the following landscaping requirements~ 1. A minimum of fifteen (15) percent (and twenty (20) percent for planned developments) of building site or project net area shall be landscaped. A landscaped area shall consist of trees, shrubs, vines, ground cover, or any combination thereof. Landscaped area shall not include buildings, paving, swimming pools, gravel or any other assemblage of building materials upon or over the land. 2. Existing mature trees shall be preserved and integrated into the Iandscape plan wherever possible. Existing mature trees which are removed shall be replaced at a minimum rate of one (1) specimen of twenty-four (24) inch box size Per one (1) mature tree removed. 3. Boundary landscaping along primary and major arterial highways shall create a parkway appearance which softens/screens undesirable views. Street trees shall be randomly grouped to create an informal or natural character and be provided at a rate of not less than one (1) tree per twenty-five (25) feet of road frontage. 4. In the interest of public safety, street trees shall be planted a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet from the beginning of curb returns at intersections and a minimum of ten (10) feet frau street lights, fire hydrants and driveways. 5. Outdoor off-street parking areas shall be planted at a rate of one (1) tree per one thousand (1,000) square feet of parking area surface and at a minimum of every fifth parking space in Parking bays exceeding ten (10) spaces in length. 6. The required use permit or site development Permit shall include a landscape plan in compliance with the above requirements. B. Buffering from Residential Areas The RGO and GO districts shall be subject to the following requirements where an interior property line abuts a residential district/area. 1. Satisfy ~a~ and ~b~ below. a. Provide and maintain a landscape buffer at least eight (8) feet wide. Landscape materials within the buffer shall include trees and shrubs. Trees shall be spaced a maximum of twenty (20) feet on center and create an opaque screen above the wall within twenty-four (24) months from initial installation. Shrubs shall achieve a mature height of between two (2) and six'(6) feet. Such landscaping shall be in compliance with Zoning Code section 7-9-137.5, "Fences and walls.' III-28 b. Provide solid masonry wall per Zoning Code section 7-9-132.1. 2. Such buffer or opaque screen shall be ~ncluded on the required landscape plan. C. Screening Parking Areas The RGO and GO districts shall screen outdoor parking areas from public streets by use of evergreen plant materials in combination with one or more of the following: 1. Walls: A wall shall consist of colored concrete, stone, brick, tile or similar type of solid masonry material a minimum of four (4) inches thick and three (3) feet high but not more than three and one-half (3- 1/2) feet high. 2. Fen=es, solid: A solid fence shall be constructed of wood, masonry or other materials to form an opaque screen of at least three (3) feet in height but not more than three and one-half (3-1/2) feet high. 3. Fences, open: An open-weave Or mesh type fence shall be combined with plant materials to form an opaque screen of at least three (3) feet in height but not more than three and one-half (3-1/2) feet high. 4. Berm: Earth material when used as a screen shall be seeaed with grass or planted with an evergreen ground cover. The berm height shall have a minimum height of three (3) feet but not more than three and one-half (3-1/2) feet high. Ill-29 CHAPTER 6. SIGNS The North Tustin Specific Plan shall be subject to Zoning Code section 7-9-144. Business signs, outdoor advertising signs, roof signs, and projecting signs shall be prohibited. Additionally, planned (unit) developments, multifamily projects of five or more units, the RGO, PQP, and GO districts shall be subject to the following regulations. 1. Only two (2) single-faced.or one (1) double-faced identification sign at the main point of entry to the development Containing only the name and address of the development, not exceeding twenty-four (24) square feet in area for each face shall be permitted. One (1) additional twenty- four (24) square foot single-faced identification sign shall be permitted along any public street right-of-way upon which the propoerty has frontage providing such street frontage exceeds three hundred thirty (330) feet. Said signs shall not have internal lighting. External lighting fixtures used to illuminate permitted signs shall be concealed within plant materials or attached to and designed as an integral part of the sign. 2. Permitted signs at the main entry point or along any other public street right-of-way shall not exceed six (6) feet in height including any earth berm, pedestal, base or similar structure upon which the sign may be mounted. Height to top of sign shall be measured frum the top of curb for the adjacent public street. 3. Wall signs shall not exceed six (6) square feet in area. Said signs shall not be located above the roof facia or eaves, shall not have internal lighting and shall be made of a material compatible with the materials of the building. III-30 CHAPTER 7. BUILDING ORIENTATION AND C~ARAOr=R In_addition to the general guidelines contained in Division II, Chapter 1 of this specific plan, the following standards shall be incorporated in project desert. 1. Roofs shall be sloped, of hip, gable or sh~ddesign. Roofs shall have a minimum pitch of one (1) foot of rise to three (3) feet of run and shall have a maxfluum pitch of one (1) foot of rise to one (1) foot of run. 2. Direct line of site to abutting residential districts fro~ second story openings, windows, balconies, stairways, stairway landings or other architectural features shall be prohibited.- Design solutions for meeting this standard include, but are not limited to, clear story windows, skylights, opaque screens designed as an integral part of the building, recessed windows, setback of the second story, and building siting or orientation. Landscape materials may be used in combination with but not as a substitution for an architectural design solution. 3. Buildings shall create a' residential appearance in conformity with the design guidelines and criteria of the North Tustin Specific Plan. 4. All roof equipment shall be screened from view. The screening material shall be in harmony with building lines, materials and color. Special consideration will be given to mechanical equipment ty~ically located on the roof being enclosed within the building attic (pitched roof), located at grade and screened from view, or located balc~e grade when accessible from subterranean parking facilities or a parking structure. 5. The reflectivity of all exposed surfaces (walls, roofs, windows, frames, and paved surfaces) shall be mitigated by such devices as overhangs, awnings, trellises, plantings and similar features. FM~emwPP18-1 III-31 6111  NORTH TUSTIN MUNICIPAL ADVISORY COUNCIL I~OST O~FICE BOx TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 92681 October 25, ]985 OCT ~9 Supervisor Eager Stanton Ha[! of Administration ]0 C~v~c Center Santa Aha, California 9270] Dear Supervisor Stanton: The North Tust~n Hun~c~pa! Advisory Council requests that the North Justin Specific ?!an be amended so as [o correct om~ss~ons and d~screpanc~es. The fettering ~s a pre]tm~nary ]~st of areas that ~e fee[ require changes: The references be]o~ al! are ~n D~¥~s~on [. Chapter 6, A, 2, d-g--should not be [~sted under '?erm~t:ed Primary Uses," but under a sepnrate sec:ton that ~ou]drequ~re a d~scret~onary permit. 2. Chapter 6, A, 6, e--th~s and ~thr references to the keeping of equine animals ~n the Plan should be amended'so as to have the same standards as the Zoning Code. 3. Chap[er 6, A, 6, t--delete. 6. Chapter 6, ~, 2, b and f--de[ere= g--dt~cret~onary permit. 5. C~apter A, F~ 5, e--add setback requtremn~s for developments abutting RSF D~str~ct--]O£ee[ s~de, 25 feet rear. Th~s affect Chapter 6, G'6. 6. Chapter &, H, 5o g--should read: ~n exces~ of [8 £eet ~n height sha!! be setback a minimum of 65 ft. (This ~s standard that the the ~oard a[~proved.) 7. Chapte~ 6, H, n, 2--the !asr sentence should read: The total height of the ~a!! sba]! not be ]ess than s~x feet from the s~de ~th ~he h~ghest elevation nor more than seven feet as measured from the s~de ~th the !ouest e!evatton. This language had been tn ear!~er drafts. 8. Discrepancies bet.een the Land Use Map and extst~ng conditions Attachment 6 should be corrected. For example, there are existing lots - with 87 ft frontage that have been placed in the RSF~IO0 District. Thank you for the opportunity to make these recommendation. Sincerely ~ne Brace, Chair Land Use Committee NORTH TUSTIN ~IUNICIPAL ADVISORY CO:.~I~'[EEE File: NTSP A~ dment 86-1 ENVIRONHENTAL NANAGEHEN? AGENCY REPORT DA.TE: April 14, 1986 TOt Orange County Planning C~ission - FRG~(~ EHA Plannins/ProJect Planning Division SUBJKCT~ North Tustin Specific Plan Amendment 86-1 COBTA~PKRSOH: Narti Guerra Naram (X5374) ~GROUI~ The Board of Supervisors adopted the North Tustin Specific Plan (NTSP) by Resolution Number 82-1469 and Ordinance Number 3348 on September 29, 1982. Amendment 86-1 to the NTSP was authorized by the Board of Supervisors by Ninute Order dated December 10, 1985. This directive responded to a'request by the North Tustin Nunicipal Advisory Council (NT~AC) that certain revisions in the specific plan development regulations be considered. Further, in processing chanses to the resulations, EHA staff from the Project Planning and the Current Planning and Development Assistance Divisions have incorporated changes to standardize the format and processing requirements of the plan in response to your Commission's action of November 19, 1985. Attachment 1 is a Location Hap and Attachment 2 is the Land Uae and Development Regulations Nap which is included for information only. No map changes are proposed by this amendment. Attachment 3 s~wn~arizes the major modifications proposed to the Land Use and Development Regulations. Attachment 4 contains the complete Land Use and Development Regulations with revisions annotated. STABDARDIZATIOH TO ZOHING CODE AHD STu~A)~IJFIE OF LAHDUSE ~m,ATIOBS: Procedures for discretionary permits are currently specified within the NTSP itself. The proposed amendment removes most of Chis unique language in favor of Zoning Code Section 7-9-150. l~here the NTSP required specific information for a permit, or was otherwise unique, the NTSP language has been retained. The Specific Plan Land Use and Development Regulations currently allow outright uses c~only requiring discretionary permits. Treatment of these uses is proposed to be standardized to conform to the Zoning Code. The result will be that uses such as educational institutions, places of worship, large multi-family projects, etc., will require use permits in the districts where they are allowed. Attachment 7 -2- Co~-~unity care facilities serving six or fewer persons are added as Principal Permitted Uses in the RSF, Residential Single Family ~nd the RI~F, Residential Hulti-Family Districts, and those serving seven to 12 persons are added, subject to a use permit in the RSF and-the ~ Districts. This addition cgnfor~s to State law and the Zoning Code. Additionally, selected Site Development Standards have been modified to accomplish the standardization noted above. The PD Planned Development District, a NTSP overlay district, has been deleted and replaced by the comparable overlay District in the Zoning Code. PD requirements unique to the NTSP are identified in appropriate sections of the RSF and ~ District .Regulations. In/addition, all references to Landscaping and Buffering, Signs and Building Orientation and Character have been rearranged and placed in new chapters (Chapters 5, 6 and 7). Relevant Zoning Code sections are referenced in the Landscaping and Buffering and Sign chapters as well. ]OkiaTUSTIRNUNICIPAL ADVISORY CO~CI.L A letter from the NTHAC, dated October 25, 1985, requesting certain revisions in the NTSP is contained in Attachment 5. The issues were addressed both by changes in the specific plan and by the process of standardization to the Zoning Code described above. The following is a su,~ary of the changes m-de in response to the letter (references are to the items numbered in the letter). 1. Items 1 and 4, These were addressed by: 1) allowing Educational insti£utions and public and private utility structures only by discretionary permit (pursuant to the Zoning Code) rather than as Principal Permitted Uses in the RSF and RI~ Districts; 2) deleting horticulture of all types as a Principal Permitted Use in the R$¥ District; and 3) deleting general farming and agriculture in the District. Item 2 was addressed by allowing aquine animals only subject to the provisions of the Zoning Code. 3. Item 3 was addressed by deleting provisions for temporary stands for the sale of horticultural products in the RSF District. 4. Item 5 was addressed by requiring a 25' setback along a Planned Unit Development where it abuts a single family development. 5. Item 6 was addressed by changing the rear setback in the GO, Garden Office District, from 35' to 45'. This change addresses what the NT~IAC feels is an apparent error which occurred when the NTSP was printed. 6. Item 7 related to wall heights was addressed by adding a reference to Zoning Code Section 7-9-137.5, Chart 198(b). 7. Item 8: Ail i~ tified discrePencies between he NTSP Land Use Map and existing cond~ions were found to be non-conforminS uses which existed prior CO adoption of the ~pecific plan. S~IeFI~eTINC$1FITRNO~"II~TUS~INNUNIClPALADVlSOIy COUIICIL~ Staff met vi~h ~he ~C on ~rch 5, March 11, ~rch 19, April 2 and April 7 =~o discuss Zhe revisions Zo ~he Land Use and Developmen~ Re~ulations. ~e workins sessions were very info~ive ~nd produc~ive. ~e revised Land Use and Developmen~ Re~ula~ions presented ~o'your C~ission for approval are ~he resul~ o~ ravisions based on Zhe N~C input. A~ the ~ime of ~he s~aff report's prepara~ion, Zhe N~C had no~ met to ~ke an official rac~enda~ion. A represen~ative is expected to ~es~i~y at the public hearins. ~e amendment does no~ include one i~em which was requested by members the N~C. ~e ~ollowin~ lansuase was developed and discussed a~ lensth as an addition Zo the "Uses Prohibi~ed' section o~ the RSF '~e frequen~ s~orase of the foll~in~, i~ iZ can be viewed ~rom a public s~reet: mechanical equipmen~, appliances and vehicles (excep2 vehicles parked in Zhe driveway or sarase/carpor~ and not under repair)." E~ staff has not included ~his item in the proposed amendmen~ only because iC seems ~o be an issue beyond ~he scope of ~he current ~endment. Nesa~ive Declaration No. 86-011 has been prepared and finalized per CEQA [or the project. I~ is a~ached for your considera~ion on ~he project and mus~ be found adequate by decision makers to satisfy ~he requirements CBQA. See AttachmenZ 6 for Nesa~ive Declara~ion. 1. Receive staff presentation 2. Receive public comment 3. Adopt the attached Resolution (Attachment 7) which will approve Negative Declara~ion No. 86-011 and recon~end adoption of Amendment No. 86-1 to the Board of Supervisors. R. L. Rends, l~anager Project Planning Division .A~tachments: 1. Location Map 2. Land Use and Development Regulations Map 3. Table of Major Modifications to Land Use Districts ~. Revised Land Use and Development Regulations 5. NTt/AC Letter, dated October 25, 1985 : 6. Negative Declaration, posted March 17, 1986 7. Draft Planning Commission Resolution HGH:pr(UEPla/042) RESOLUTION OF THE ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION RES. NO. 86-13 COUNTY OF ORANGE, CALIFORNIA DATE OF ADOPTION: RE: North Tustin Specific Plan'Amendment 86-1 April 14 19 86 On motion of Commissioner Wooden , duly seconded and carried, the following Resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, the State of California Government Code provides for the preparation and adoption of specific plans; and WHEREAS, the North Tustin Specific Plan was adopted by Board Resolution No. 82-2469 on September 29, 1982 and by Ordinance No. 3348 on September 29, 1982; and N~IEREAS, said Specific Plan provides detailed guidance policies for the Land Use Element, Housing Element, Transportation Element, Noise Element, Recreation Element, and Resources Element of the Orange County General Plan; and W~IEREAS, this Co~nission has duly considered Specific Plan Amendment No. 86-1 and all revisions recommended thereto; and ~qiEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the revised Land Use and Development Regulations which include the standardization of the permit process and minor revisions 'to site development standards to conform to the County's. Zoning Code; and kntlEREAS, compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act has been met by Negative Declaration No. IP-86-011; finalized on Hatch 31, 1986; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Commission finds that the North Tustin Specific Plan as amended was prepared pursuant to the provisions of the Government Code, Section through 65450 through 65533, governing the adoption of Specific Plans. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Commission finds that Negative Declaration No. IP-86-011 satisfies the requirements of CEQA for this project and is therefore approved. It was considered and found adequate in addressing the environmental impacts and mitigations for the project prior to its approval. The project will not have a significant effect on the environment. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Comission approves the North Tustin Specific Plan Amendment No. 86-1, dated April 14, 1986, and approves the amended plan as the guidance an4 regulatory document for planning and development within the North Tustin Specific Plan boundary, and recommends that the Board of Supervisors adopt the North Tustin Specific Plan Amendment No. 86-1 dated April 14, 1986. Attachment 8 -2- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of the Environmental Management Agency Report and this Resolution of the Orange County Planning Commission be transmitted to the Board of Supervisors. AYES~ COHHISSIONERS Wooden~ Leavenworth~ Hoody NOES: COI~fISSIONERS None ABSENT: COI~fISSIONERS Coen~ Osborne I HEREBY CERTIFY that the £oregoing Resolution No. 86-13 was adopted on &-14-86 by the Orange County Planning Com~.~ssion. Di~_~tor of Planning Environmental Management Agency HGH:pr(UEP1a/041) DRAFT RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA J APRIL 30, 1986 On motion of Supervisor , duly seconded and carried, the folloving Resolution vas adopted: WHEREAS, the State of California Government Code provides for the preparation and adoption of specific plans; and : NItEREAS, the North Tustin Specific Plan was adopted by Board Resolution No. 82-2469 on September 29~ 1982 and by Ordinance No. 3348 on September 29, 19821 and NItEREAS, said Specific Plan provides detailed guidance policies for the Land Use Element, Housing Element, Transportation Element, Noise Element, Recreation Element~ and Resources Element of the Orange County General Plan; · and WHEREAS, the Orange County Planning Commission has reviewed the revised Land Use and Development Regulations which include the standardization of the permit process and minor revisions to site development standards to conform to the County's Zoning Code and recommended their adoption by Planning Commission Resolution No. 86-13; and WHEREAS, this Board has duly considered Specific Plan Amendment No. 86-1 and all revisions recommended thereto; and I~IEREAS, compliance vith the California Environmental Quality Act has been met by Negative Declaration No. IP-86-011; finalized on Hatch 31, 1986; NOW, THEREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED that the Board finds that the North Tustin Specific Plan as amended vas prepared pursuant to the provisions of the Gbvernment Code, Section through 65450 through 65533~ governing the adoption of Specific Plans. BE IT FURTRER RESOLVED, that this Board finds that Negative Declaration No. IP-86-011 satisfies the requirements of CEQA for this project and is therefore approved. It vas considered and found adequate in addressing the environmental impacts and mitigations for the project prior to its approval. The project viii not have a significant effect on the environment. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Board approves the North Tustin Specific Plan Amendment No. 86-1, dated April 14, 1986, and approves the amended plan as the guidance and regulatory document for planning and development vithin the North Tus~in Specific Plan boundary~ and hereby adopts the North Tustin Specific Plan Amendment No. 86-1 dated April 14, 1986. Attachment 9 AYES: SUPERVISORS NOES: SUPERVISORS ABSENT: SUPERVISORS LINDA D. ROBERTS~ Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Orange County, California~ hereby certify that the above and foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted by the said Board at a regular meeting therof held on the 30th day of Aprils 1986~ and passed by a vote of said Board. IN WITNESS I~tEROF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 30th day of April. LINDA D. ROBERTS Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Orange County, Cali[ornia MGM:pr(UEPla/041) ORDINANCE NO. AN oRDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF ORANGE, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO THE STATE PLANNING AND ZONING LAW, AI~NDING THE NORTH TUSTIN SPECIFIC'PLAN. The Board of Supervisors of the County of Orange, California, does ordain as'follows~ SECTION 1. The first amendment to the Land Use Regulations Division III as set forth in Amendment 86-1, dated April 14, 1986, to the North Tustin Specific plan is hereby adopted. SECTION 2. Notwithstanding the adoption of this ordinance, descretionary use permits, site plans and variances approved prior to the passage of this amendment will be allowed to establish their respective uses in the manner set forth in their approving action, provided the use can be established within the time period spgcified in each permit. If an extension of time to establish any of 'these uses is required, the subject project will then have to comply with the requirements of this ordinance. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force thirty (30) days from and after its passage and, before the expiration of fifteen '15) days after the passage thereof, shall be published once in the , a newspaper published in the County of Orange, State of California, together with the names of the members of the Board of Supervisors voting for or against the same. Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Orange County, California SIGNED AND CERTIFIED THAT A COPY OF TIiIS DOCUMENT IL~S BEEN DELIVERED TO THE CRAIRMAN OF THE BOARD LINDA D. ROBERTS Clerk of the Board of Supervisors County of Orange, California STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE Attachment 1 0 I, LINDA D. ROBERTS, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, do hereby certify that at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Orange County, Califo~nia, held on the day of , 19 ~ the foregoing ordinance containing 3 (three) sections vas pas~ed and adopted by the folloving vote: AYES= SUPERVISORS NOES; SUPERVISORS ABSENT: SUPERVISORS IN WITNESS I~IEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Orange, State of California, this __ day of , 1986. LINDA D. ROBERTS Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Orange County, California (UEPlc/013) IlAR 1 7 19 ' ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AGENCY 1:2 CIVIC CENTER PLAZA P.O. BOX 4048 SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA 92702 NEGATIVE DECLARATION In accordance with Orange County Board of Supervisor's policies regarding implementation of the California Environmental Quali~ Act, the County of Orange has conducted an Initial Study to determine whether the following project may have a significant adverse effect on the environment and on the basis of that study hereby finds: ]'~ The proposed project will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, it does not require the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report. Although the proposed project could have a significant adverse effect on the environment, there will l"---I not be a significant adverse effect in this case because the Mitigation Measures described the on reverse side of this sheet have been added to the project. An Environmental Impact Report is therefore not required. The environmental documents which constitute the Initial Study and provide the basis and reasons for this '--~rmination are attached and hereby made a part of this document. PROJECT: Title: North Tustin Specific Plan~ Amendment: 86-1 File No: IP 86-011 Location: Unincorporat:ed Norl:h Tusl:in Description: Amendment- t:o the Norl:h Tusl:in Specific Plan t:ext: and related exhibit:s Project Proponent: Count:}, of Oranse Division/Department Responsible for Proposed Project: El'iA/Pro.jec~: Plannin~ Division Contact Person: liar~:i Guerra Iiaram Telephone: NOTICE: This document and supporting attachments are provided for review by the general public. This is an information clocument about environmental effects only. Supplemental information is on file and may be reviewed in the Environ- mental Analysis Division offices, 12 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Aha, CA. The decision-making body will review this document and potentially many other sources of information before considering the proposed project. This Negative Declaration may become final unless~ an appeal is received by the Manager, Environmental Analysis Division by 4:30 p.m. on~ If you wish to appeal the _ appropriateness or adequacy of this document; address your written comments to our finding that the project will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment: (1) identify the environmental effect(s), why they would occur, and why they would be significant, and (2) suggest any mitigation measures which you believe would eliminate or reduce the effect to an acceptable level. Regarding item (1) above, explain the basis for your comments and submit any supporting data or references. Attachment 1 1  P. O. BOX 4048 - '~ ~, l'p 86-011 ENVIRONMENTAI~"~,,,4NAGEMENT AGENCY PROJ. lIEF. GPA 86-3. SANTA &NA, G&LIFORNIA 02702 4048 · ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS CHECKLIST -) IN ~CCORDANCE WITH THE POLICIES OF THE ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF $UPERVI$ORI REGARDING IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAl. QUALITY ACT OF 1970, THIS DOCUMENT COMBINED WITH THE AT'rACHED -ENVI- RONMENTAL INFORMATION*' FORM AND SUI~ORTING DATA CONSTITUTES THE INITIAL STUDY ON THE SUBJECT PROJECT. THIS INITIAL STUDY PROVIDES THE BASIS FOR THE DETERMINATION WHETHER THE PROJECT MAY HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ~) EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. IF IT I$ DETERMINED THAT THE PROJECT MAY HAVE A SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON THE · ENVIRONMENT. AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPO~IT WILL BE PIqEPAIqED WHICH FOCUSES ON THE AREAS OF CON- CERN IDENTIFIED ~Y 13415 INITIAL STIJOY, A. UNSTABLE E~411'fl CONOITIQNS Ot IH e db. CflANGIr Ill THE 01VEIISITT Of CeWiG('S IN &~'OLOGIC SUBSTRUCTURES? SPECIES, OR NU~qiEl Of MIT SPeCIeS I. 01 SPLAC('IM#TS, LOGIC O( PHTSiCAL FEATUI~St ~ltAl~ 01~ ('NOJ, NGERE0 SPIC:lES Of i)~.MTS EROSION 04' SOILS, ElmER Mi 0il OFP ~ ~C. I#?IO0~CTI~I4 AG& I CULTUIKAI. CROP? A. INCREASED &ri E#ISSIONS MI 0[* CLEAT i~4 OIUI~CT I~.E A. INCREASf IN TM lATE DP USs. O~ HINTS, IN EITflEI miNE Mi PIES# · AASTi4~TIC&LLT OI'I'E#SIVl SITE ~E# ,,,,,..,.. ,., · C. ALTI'IATIGNS TO T#E CQUIISE OI · Of IfUEL hm ~NEaGTt ! . OISCHARG~ iHT0 t. LAND USE MILL 1~ ~IOPOSAL Qf Qf GIOU~ ~ -- ' I. CCNFLICT VlTN aOdACENT, EXIST- G. CNM&[ IN TM q~ANTITI' 0i (~JAL- E~FECTS [ItSTIN& '" "" A. DOES ,THE FMOUECT NAVE THE FOTENTIAL T~'EGtAD[ TN[ qUALITY Of T,E . * z 'ENVZRO~ENT, SUBST~TI~LY REDUCE THE ).~,~ITAT OF X FISH OR WILDLIFE POPULATI~ TO DROP BELOg SELF-SUSTAIN~-~. LEVELS, THREATEN TO [LIN- INATE A PL~T OR ~$NAL C~UNiTY~ RE~E THE NUNBER OR RESTRICT THE R~GE OF A RARE ENDANGERED P~T OR ANIHAL OR ELIHINAT[ %NPORT~T. EX~PLES OF THE ~OR ~ERIODS OF CALIFORNIA H3STORY OR PREHISTORY? e. DOES THE PROJECT ~VE T~ POTENTIAL T~ ACHIEVE 5HORT-TERH, TO THE DiS~V~TAGE OF L~G-TERH, ENV%RONHENTAL GOALS? CA SHORT-T[RH . INPACT ~ THE ENVI~HENT iS ~E WHICH OCCURS iN A RESTIVELY INTO T~ FUTURE.) ~ C. DOES THE PROdECT NAVE ~HPACTS WHICH ARE ~ND~V~DUALLY L~HZTED, BUT~ CUHU~TZVELY C~SZDERABLE? CA PROdEC~Y ZHP~T ~ T~ OR HORE ~ SEPARATE RES~RCES ~ERE THE IHPACT ~ EACH RES~RCE iS RELATZVELY SHALL~ BUT gHERE THE EFFECT OF THE TOTAL OF THOSE ZHPACTS ~ THE ~ ENVgR~HENT ~S SIGNiFZC~T.) *~ ~ D. DOES THE PROdECT HAVE E~ZR~HENTAL EFFECTS ~CH ~LL CAUSE SUB-~ * ST~T~AL ~VERSE EFFECTS ~ HU~ BEZNC~, E~TflER D~RE~TLY OR ~N- ~ DETERMINAT N: cl J ~ ! FINO THE F~ED FA~ECT C~LD NOT NAVE A SI~NIFICMT EFFECT ~ THE I FIND THAT J[T~{N THE ~E~ED ~E~ECT C~D NAVE A SI~NIFI~T EFFECT ~ THE ~NVII~NT~ TNEIE ~1~ NOT BE · SI~NiFICMT ~FF[CT IN THIS IlC~SI TN[ ~ITl{lTla ilIS~llS D[JCllI[D ~ ~ ATTACHED SHEET NAVE BEEN ~DED TO THE PROJECT. A NEGATIVE ~CLARATI~ WILL BE PREPARED. ~ FiND THE PROPOSED PROJECT HAY ~VE A SiGNIFI~T EFFECT ~ T~ ENVZR~- ~NT~ ~ M ENViR~ENTAL I~ACT'~EPORT iS REqUiRED. ' ~ . e .,~ I.S.,~,IP 86-011 ·  .:,. PROJ. REF. CPA 86-1 ENVRONMENTAL MANA~ AGENCY P.O. BOX 4048 SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA 92702 El /I RON M EN'IAL N LYSIS EXPLANATIONS/MITIGA'HON" DISCUSSION ~ TO Ct-IECKLIST FORM NO. F0250--3,~ Project Sugary - The proposed North Tustin Specific Plan (NTSP) Amendment 86-1 incor orates changes in the regulatory language for the Residential Single Famil' Residential Hultiple Family (RNF), Planned Development Overlay (PD)' and Garden Office Overlay (GO) Districts and related exhibits, plus incqrporation of Discretionary Permits a~d Procedures per Section 7-9-150 o£ the Orange County Zoning Code. Other changes will be made in order to be in conformance with the O. C. Zoning Code format. The proposed amendment will ser~e to strengthen regulations by requiring discretionary permits currently~,not required for some uses. These changes to the NTSP will not result in a significant impact on the environment.