HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES 02-02-87Ill. IV. The ~tng was ca¥1ed t:o order by Hayor Saltarelll at 7:01. p.m. ~n cbc ¢tty Counctl Cheerers, 300 Centennial ~ay. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor-Pro Tea Hoestarey. and :be Invocation was given by Counct 1man Edgar'. Counctl pef'~ons Present: ¢ounct 1 per~ons Absent.: Other~ P~ant: S;~:~AL ~ESENI'AT[ONS 1o Donald- J. Salta~ell~, Mayor Ronald $. ~estarey, Mayor Pro Tea Rtc~ard 8o Edgar John Kel 1 y Ursula E. Kenn~y ~ne ~1111~ A. ~ston, Ct'W Manager j~ ~. Rour~e, C1:7 At:orney ~r~st~ne Shtngleton, ~. ~v. 01 ~aeles R. ~aye?, Chtef of.Police Royl~ A. ~tte, Die. of C~. a A~ln. Laura Pgc&ua, Assistant Planner Janet M. Hestar, A~tntstraC~ve Secretary ~p~xl~tely 50 In :~e A~enca PROCLN~I'[ON - TUSI'IN HIGIi ffi TILLE~ 8ASEBAU. TEA~, 1986 Hayer Saltarelll ~t a proclamation congratulating One tg86 rusctn H~gtt School T~llees ~aseba11 t~ea on :hetr ftrs: place flnis~ In one ~98a ~ncu~ League. a feat w~l~ has not ~ acc~l~sh~ sl~e ~98~. P~ L~n~, Principal, and C~c~ Wnca ~, ~geess~ ~anks ~e Hayer p~se~ a Ca~t~1'ca~a o~ ~ecognt~on ~o ~ae~aca Shaw ~ ~stgn~ ~e logo us~ ~o~ ~e ~g86 Tus~ln Ttl]ec S~a~ ~g~ss~ ~e aggrect&~lon ~a ~e Council. CountdOwn Kelly proudly p~asen~K H~. 0zzte Fee~a~ wt~ ~e CO~ctl~' Kal l y ~d ~e Councl ]. ~Ol ~LIOATIOI- ~OI~ ~. 980 & ~OL~IOI ~. 87-17 C1~7 Council a~p~ad ~esolu~lon Ho. 87-[~ on January [0. [~87, sa~- ~tng ~e ~ar ~o~ puOltc ~ear~ng tn o~er ~o ~ear from ~11 ~er- sons 1nCeresC~ in or o~ec:~ng co the propos~ consolidation of ale~tons. ' ~e public hearing was ~en~ ~y Mayor Sal~rel~i a: 7:[~ ~acX ~11er, [7352 Parker Or~ve, s:at~ :~at ~e benefl:s of con- ductlng local elections, i.e., maintaining a close w1:~ Council, lowa~ ~ndidata cos:s, and responsiveness of Council, am wo~ :he a~dl:tonal cos: ~s oapos~ :o elec:~on consolida:ion. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Pa~e' 2, 2-g-87 Councilman Hoesterey was informed that the City Clerk wouTd retain control' of nomination papers, candidate statements, payment of fees, and publication of various resolutions. Councilmen *~dgar and Hoeatarey voiced support of election consoli- dation. They believed tt would ~ee~ Tustin In tune with other Orange County cities.. They did not feel tt would lessen Council's responsiveness to the c~munity, stnce a large'portion o1' the elec- tion would s~ill be administered at the City level. Il: was moved b)~ Hoeatere)~r seconded ~))' Kelly, that Ordinance No. 980 ~ave flrst reading by title only. Councilwoman Kenned7 was strongly opposed to consolidation. She felt t~e cost of retaining the A~ril municipal election is minor. She noted that the. indirect result of consolidation will be that large campaign contributors wtll determine w~o is elected to Coun- cil, t.e., developers, sign manufacturers, and liquor lobeyists. The greatest single danger is that Tusttn will not have Council- roamers that simply want to re~resent its residents, but t~a busi- ness c~mmunity as an addition. Local ~;onse will dimtnish w~en Council is elected by huge numeerS of voters who know candidates only by the et)tntc backgrouncl of surnames and occupation and reiteratnd steadfasi oppo$ttion to consol idati on. Councilman Kelly disagreed wit}~ t}~e applause to Councilwoman ~ennedy's comments, stating it is not the sentiment of the true Tuattnite. He disputed by stating t}iat money is not the mast inte- gral part of a successful camf)atgn and t~ere will be unt~orm voting in all City precincts t~rough consolidation; Mayor' Saltarelll concurred with Councilwoman Kennedy t~at candidate costs will increase. However, he thought t~at wit~ today's media races a~ future City gro~h, tt will be inmossible to get elected wtthou~ g~ass roots support fF~,~ voters. Twanty-t~ree of 26 Orange County cities have consolidated, and t~eir Council reorganizations arm bold in Novex~)er. He felt it would also be a good time for Tusttn tO reorganize. He believed that to ~old an election in an ofl'-tima with only a lO-~g% voter' turnout is to say Council s~ould be elect-a by an "aristocracy of voters,' or "a group of people who are more concerned~" or wild are~ more excited about a particular cancUdate a: a particular time. CandSdates will continue to be elected on the pasts of t~etr- platform. He disagreed ~at consoli- dation will turn't~e Council over to special interest groups. l:ustln will maintain its small atmosphere, but it's destined to grow, and costs will escalate no matter what. The motion carried 5-0. 48 Following first r~adtng by title only of Ordinance No. 980 by t~e City Clerk, it was moved by Hoesterey, seconded b), Kelly, that Oedt nonce No. gBO be introcluced as roi 1 ows: O~[NMIIC~ NO. 981)- AN OROINANCI~ OF' THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE cITY OF TLL~T~N. CAL~FORMIA, REQUIRING ITS G~NERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE CONSOLIDATED WITH THE STATEWIDE GENERAL ~LECTION HELD IN NOVEMBER OF ~/EN-NUMBERED YEARS. PURSUANT TO SECTION 36503.5 OF THE GOVERN- MENT COI)~ Motion carried ~-l, Kennedy opposed. It was moved bZ Hoastere~, seconde~ Kelly, to adopt t~e following: RF..~OLbrrIo#NO. 87-17 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL O~ THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, REQUESTING THE BOARD QF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ORANGIi TO CONSOLIDATE THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION WITH THE STAT~WIOE G~NERAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON ~OVEMBER 8, L988, PUR- SUANT TO SECTION 23302 OF THE ELECTIONS CODE The motion carried ¢-1, Kennedy opposed. 44) CITY COUNCIL M[NUT[$ Page 3, 2-Z-87 on :he. dmm~own parking structure renovation. The C~ty s:a~ :hat dr~lltng has b~ c~let~ !nto ~t~ ca, les wtll tnse~ for tensioning. ~e Otis:or of C~unlt7 ~velop~n: add~ that the pro]a~ ~as gone t~rou~ c~leta plan c~, and butldtng ~mtts for ~nova:l~ ~re tssuad on January 30. Con- stn~l~ wtll be unde~ay s~oe:ly, a~ :~aora~ fencing can ~e ~de a ~ndt:ton of ~e but'ldtng pe~t: Jf n~. ~e C~:y has n~' a~ do~ n~ tnte~ :o bear expenses for :he ~novat~on. HoDe- fu11~, ~r~ ~ ~e ~c:u~ ~11 ~e c~let~ ~n ~0 days. (~) ~.. Vtnt~. ~nde~ lf':~e :l:y ts conslde~ng put:hosing any sue- Mayor ~l:a~llt ~spond~ C~aC scoff Is co~ucClng thorough ' ~ea~' on ~ maC:er. ~ assur~ Mr. Vtntng :hoc everything pos- A ~o~ f~ staff and 1~al counsel ts axpec:~ w~:~ln :he next Hr. V1nlng ~press~ sp~tftc cQnce~S wtt~ ~u~ton of.~en s~ace t~tng 1tiro consideration ~e sale of t~e ~SO offtcas ~or to const~lon of t~ adjacent Sentor C[tiz~ Cen- tar. ~ :hank~ Mr. Vlntng for ~ts c~nts. dlltve~ ~ ~e Ctty ~nager's off~ca ~ January gQ or Z~, :987. ~e le~ add~s~ C~ ma~or concer~s. ~e f1~C conca~ tatn~ ~ stde~lk c~latton ~ :he ~n side of ~e sCr~C, from ao~X~Cely 50 f~C east of ~le, continuing west on St~t, ~ :he ~sa of :he 65 T~ ~ond a~a ~ ~nce~ ~s ~e ~ for proper sCo~ dratns :he Sm vicinity. ~e existing dratns a~ greC~ and ~ec~ bl~, ~t~ ~uses flooding a~ sCagna:~ ~Car. ~a sw~ ~n~ do rcs ]o~ ~ause v~tcl~ a~ par~ on the a~ ~e a~a ts ~C ~sC~ for strut ~::ptng days. ~e ~yar ~k~ M~. R11ey, ~d the ~CCar was ~ferred Co for a ~o~ CO Count11. 86 Item NO. 15 was removed from the Consent Calenaar by Kelly. Tt was moved by Edgart seconded by Kenn~, :o agprove cna r~ainder of the Consent Calendar. The ~tion carrt~ lo. APP~OYAL ~ MINU1T. S - JANUARY lg, 1987, REGULAR M~ETTNG 2. A~lqtl)Y~ OF ~ IN ~E ~OUNT OF Sl,302,7~.0~ ~TTFT~ON ~ PR~ IN ~E ~OUNT OF $~55,7Z5.98 60 3. ~E~ ~ ~I~ ~. 87-1; ~I~T: SIG~ ~IN~, I~.; ~ ~ ~: 6/27/86; ~ FIL~ WI~ CI~: 1/2/87 R~t~ subject claim for pavia1 ind~nity on a comparative fault basis, contribution, costs of suit and cou~ costs, and reaso~able attorney*s 'fees in an unknown ~ount as ~co~eflUed by the City Attorney. ~ CITY COUNCIL HINuTES Pag.e ¢, 2-Z-87 ¢, R~IECTIO# OF Q.AIN ltD'. 86-58; CLAIMANT: JACQUELIN£ M. ANOEP~ON; · 0~1~ OF UL~: g/Lg/8~; D~T~ FILED ~I~l CITY: 121~1~ R~ subJ~ claim fo~ alleg~ violation of c~vll ~tgh~s a~ ~tonal distress t~ ~e a~u~ of $100,000.00 as racom- ~nd~ By ~e City; AtCo~ey. ~ 5. ~ ~ ~x~ ~. 87-Z; ~x~: ~v]o & ~o~Y ~; R~ sub~ clatm for ~re~al tn~u~es In ~he ~oufl~ of $SO0,OOO.~ as ~nd~ by ~e Ct~y A~omey. ~ ~ ~: 10/~/~; ~. ~ ~ CI~: ~1/21/~ R~ su~ claim for prope~ damage in an unknown ~oun~ as ~nd~ b~ ~e City Ac:omen, ~ R~K=~ subl~[ clatm for p~pe~y damage In ~e ~unC of $gs.o0 as ~d~ by ~e Cl~y i~orney. ~ 8~. ~ FOR _P~'~__<~_II~ OF PMIKII~ CITATIONS Approv~ suD~t ag~ wtt~ Tu~o Oa~a Sys~s, Inc., T~n, for ~he proclsst~ of Tus~tn Police O~art~fl~ parking cttaClonsi and ~Chortz~ the ~yor ~d Ctty Clark Co ~ute s~ ~ ~d~ by ~e Police Oepart~nC. 45; 87-11 ~. ~I~ ~. 8~-11 - i RE$OLUTIO~ OF ~f CI~ COUNCIk OF ~E CITY ~oO~ ~asolu~lon ~o. ~7-~Z pucsua~ ~o a pro~as~ ~eaclng duc~ ~ ~ns Ct~7 Cou~ctl on Jaguar7 ~9, ~987., w~areio i~ foun~ ~a~ pro~as~s filed did ~o~ ~cae~ aS~ of ~a ~gis~a~ed vo~a~, ~s rec~nd~ ~ ~a C~uni~7 Oavelo~n~ lob ~011 NO. 87-15 - A RESOLUTION OF THE cITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA,' APPROVING PLANS ANO SPECIFICATIONS FOR ASSF.~.~qENT OISTRICT 85'1 IMPROVEI~ENTS, RANCHWO00 STORM DRAIN FACIL- ITY FO7P08 Adopted Resolution No. 87-L5; an~ authorized advertisement for btds for SUb~:: pr~ec~, as ~cmmended By t~e Pui~ltc ;~orks Oeda r~ment / Engl neert ng Division. g5 Approved t~e. necessary accounting procedure allowing :~e City of Tus:ln t~ collect Redevelome~c fees for a parking agreement as '~o.~ended by the Coa~untty Development Oedactme~t. (Reference.Redevelopment Agency Agenda Item mo. ¢.) 50 12. RF. SOLUTION HO. 87-13 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF. THE CITY OF ~STIN, CRLIFORNIA, OROERING TERRITORY OESIGNATEO AS REORGANIZA- TION NO. gl ANNEXEO TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Adopted Resolution No. 87-13 as authorized by the Local Agency Pormatton Commission (LAFCO) on Oecemt~er 3, 1986, and as recom- · encled by :he Community Oevetopraent Oepartment. 13. El. I~NA,,-IRYINE CIIANNEI,. IMPROVENENT$..ASSESS~EIIT OISTRICT ~. 85-1 (PRO~E~T HQ. 10) , Approved K.E.¢. Company's request far a 30-day time extension to tt~e El Modena-Irvtne Channel contract for Project lO of the East Tush:tn Assessment District mo. 85-1, and amended the con- tract cobble:ton date from January 15, tgS'7, to March t, 1987, as recmmended by the Puhlic ~orks Oepartment/Engineering Oivi sion. 25 ~¢. RE~ION NO. 87-~ - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH.E CITY OF TUSTIN ~PPORTING THE TUSTIN RANCH ROAO INTERCHANGE AT THE FREE~AY PRO~ECT AS A LOCALLY FUNOEO PROJECT Aclogted Resolution No. 87-i&; and directed staff :o suOmit suB- ject project fora to the Orange County Transportation Co. is- sion as recommended by the Public Norks Oepartment/Engineer~ng 01vlslon. 54 CITY COUNCIL ~[NUTE$ Page 5, 2-2-87 [6. O~Cl. NIATIQII ~F ~JRPL~ VEtlICLE$ As ~nd~ by ~e Pu~ltc ~rks 0epa~nt/Engtn~rtng Otvt- s~on~ ?o~ ~ha~ the ?ollowtng vehicles a~ not ?~u~r~ for _publtc ~e ~d ~at ~e) ~ d~lared as su~lus vehicles: 1975 Ecolotec S~r (~tmat~ Value $4,500.00), [97B'F~ Swee~er ([s~l~ Value $[,500.00), and [982 Cushman Scoota~ (Estt- ~t~ Value $750.00). 87 Autbortz~ the purchase of a d~ truc~ fr~ Raffe~y Interna- tional, ~a~etm, in t~e a~unt of $43,370.30 for use in the ~:ee Otvislon ~ ~nd~ by the Public ~r~s Oepa~nt/ [~in~rtng Otvision. 87 Aut~e~z~ a~ a Rusty Leaf Fig ~td~ts due ~ haza~ous condition caus~ by tP~ ~:s and u mc~ne~ by the Public ~rks O~a~nt/Engineertng Oivi- sion. ~. ~ ~. 87-[8 - A RESOLUTION ~ ~E C[TY COUNCIL OF ~E CITY OF ~STIN ~ORIZING ~E ~[CUTION ~0 ~LI~Y OF A ~pPL[MEHTAL [~EN~ ~ ~UST$ ~K[~ C[RTAZN FINOIN~ W[~ REPRO ~ERETOi ACC[PT[~ ~ OPINION OF 80~ ~U~EL ~ ~RIZING C[RTAIN ~tK Resolution No. 87-[8 in order to ~nder a rating on the ~ses~t Ots:rtc: Ne..8S-[ 8on~ issu~ August, :986, Stan- da~ a Poors ~uest~ o~ginal t~cu~. C_._~ :ale~dar'Ztem Ne. IS - '~' Stre~t Par~ing Limitations Councilman &ally felt that ~en' the parking s~ructure is c~glet~ and uttltza:t~ Is ~atn~, any par~ing pro~l~s' on. *'C" Street will be a11eviaC~. Co~ctlman [dgar felt ~e inaccessibility of :he ~r~ing structum is trmle~ant since t: is over ~ blocks away. ~ felt those par~ing a~acen: ~ P~fl~r~ Pa~ a~ doing ~ ~ause of its p~ximity offt~ s:~ctu~ along Ftc: an~ '~' Stoats. The pro~os~ ~ar~ing limitation ~uld allow u:ilizatton of ~e ~rk on ~ekdays by t~QSe have b~ p~lbtt~ fr~ doing so because s~one w~ wor~s nea~y par~K t~em all ~y. ~ ~riQUSly douet~ that t~e s~ situation exts~ on Sou~ "C' It was ~v~ )y Edgart s~ond~ by Hoestere~, to ~;~rove t~e following: Aut~ortz~ r~e ~s:lng of a ~rking limitation along t~e erly side of *C" $t~ adjacent to Peppe~ree Pa~ consisting of ~-heur pa~ing, 8:00 a.m. ~ 6:~ p.m., ~ekends and holi- days exceptS, as r~o~end~ by the Public ~rts D~artment/ [ngln~ring Oivision. The Ol~toe of C~ntty apd A~inis:rative Semites cespond~ Mayor Pro T~ Hoestemy t~at no events a~ held at Peppertr~ on a ~ular basis ~tc~ ~uld ~uire perone :o par~ longer t~an two hours. H~ever, :~e~ will be sortie1 events fr~ time to ti~ w~icn could be ~anUleU on an ~ceptlon basis. The ~tter ~ay ~ave to be ~vt~ wh~ the Senior Citizen Center is constructed. The ~:lon carri~ 5-0. 75 VII. ORBINAM(~.$ ~1 IlflllOffil~TION None. VIII. 08BIN~C£$ ~R N)OPTION None. CITY COUNCIL NINUTES' Page 6, 2-2-87 IX. Per, trig of largo t~ucks has become a significant prohlen in certatn areas of the. City. ~e Pol~ce Oepa~C ~o~ends thaC a comps- . h~s~ve approa~ co address Chis p~elm :h~ughouC the City ~e tfltt~at~. ~ ~ tn ~e ln:er-~ dat~ ~anuary Z6, L987, prepared b~ the Pollce O~a~flt, t: was ~v~. b~ ~eflfl~r second~ ~ Edgar, to 0~ ~e Ctty A~o~e~ ~ ~vtse Tusttfl C~ty O~1flaflca No. 9S2, Par~lng of C~rctal V~tcles, to a11~ :~away for vtolaCtofl; ~) A~oe~ze ~ tncrease tn ~tl for vtota~ofl, of Tus:tn Ct:y Oedtflance ~. gSZ, Par~t~ of C~rc~al Ve~tcles, ~rm $27.00 ~tctpal ~u~ sueje~ ~ncrease In ~at1 scAPula a~ ocAe~ as ~~ ~y ~e Tus:tn Police Departs:; 3)' AuC~rtze. ~e ~sttflg of stgfls at ~ch ~traflce to the Cfty, i~ Jn ~ts:tng groOl~ areas, a~vtslng of the c~rcial ~ruc~ pa~tng ~rtc:tons; and 4) Au:~ar~ze a supgl~ntal ~dtCu~ of S5,gO0.OO fr~ unagpeo- pr~a:~ .~e~e funds. ~e Chtef of Police eesgond~ to ~unctlman Kelly c~at If parting on ~O~ Avenue a~ :he San:a ~a ~ay becomes a new proOl~ area, addt:lonel sign posttng w111 address :~e p~l~, stnca :he mechanics far s~ ~11 a~reaay ~ tn place. The Chief added ~at Tus:tn has ~ g7% f~ne collec:1~ rate. ~e ~t ~ carr~ ~ S-O. 75 RF..9OLUI~O# NO. 87-~4 - SL~ORTZN~ (3~F. ATIO# 01: ~ ~IG P~K/ SubJ~ ~luClon was g~ga~ as ~s:~ at the January Lg, ~g87, Ctty ~uncll ~Ctng Jn ~sgonse ~ correspond~ca from the Ct~ of Lag~a Beach. It was ~v~ bZ Kenn~Z~ s~ond~ ~ ~d~ar, to adopt the roll.lng: R~ ~. 87-~4 - A RESOLUTION OF ~E C~TY COUNCIL OF ~E CITY OF ~ST]N ~C~NG ITS ~PPORT ~R ~T~ON ~ AN ~A~[C PARK/ NAT~O~ PRES~VE (~E AR~ P~P~NO[CU~ ~ THE NOR~ERN~ST ANO SOUtheaST ~aTS ~ ~aTA ~TAL~ :S~NO ~ ~E COAST OF ORANG~ COUa~) In response to Counctlm~n ~elly's c~nCs Chat the ~actar should he left ~ ~vt~nmen:alls:s,'ana nat governmen:al'~odies, Counctl- ~n ~enn~ pravid~ ~ts~r~cal ~ac~gcound on ~ Tus:in beca~ ~nvolv~ tn :he~ ~t:er and :~e adverse ~moac:s oi~ exploration ~uld ~ave on Orange Coun~ beaches. Fol1~tng Council d~cussion, ~he ~:~on ca~r~ed 3-L, ~el~y oppose, ~l:a~lli ~s:atn~. 38 At a joint sesstan of :~e City Council/Planning Co~tsston ~eld on S~t~er 29, ~986, Parents ~o Care ~de a presentation ~gardtng regulation of alcoholic beverage sales establishments. As a ~sult, staff was d~rected to prepare r~o~endat~ons on same. Bas~ on detatl~ anaiys~s and info.at, on collected, rec~enda- t~ons have been taJ]ored to ~et the n~S within the C~ty. CI~ ~UNCIL ~NUT~5 Page 7, ~-~-87 %n response to Councllwm~an Kennedy, the Community 0evelopment 01re.or outlined ~- the zoning c~e '~endments and ~e policy gu~del~nK ~solu~ton ~11 be handled as zontng' code m~nts would ~ut~ pu011c ~ear~ng b~ su~t:~ ~ ~E Pl~nntng C~tsston ~:e~ ~o Count11 ~o~ constders~ton tn conjunc~ton ~t~ ~e code ~ far ~o~ton of ~ fom~l ~ollcy msolu~ton. 1~elllgen~ ~s: ~o mn~ c~ gmu~ on ~e tssue. ~ sends a clear ~sage ~at ~uncil do~s no~ want ~n abundance of alco- holic beverage astaalts~nts in t~e c~unit7, yet it does not allow for ~y mtstnte~tmtions. Jack ~llir, ~senCtng Paints ~o Ca~, stated that they are vl~ plels~ .with what has b~ done. ~ exprass~ appreciation Ctt). ~. also ~p~ss~ ~p~laCton to Laura PtcXup, Assistant Planni~ a~ the C~uniC~ Oev~lo~c Oeda~nC In p~aring sug- g~Ctons for ~tng ~s ~d guidelines. ~r.'~ller ~d~ ~aC Che~ are a~as ~e~ Parents ~o Care ~uld bt delig~ wt~ sllg~ changes. ~ unde~tand t~e~ will be ' ~po~uflittes ~ ~flslder t~osa areas in g~a~ar de~atl, ~ich t~ey lo~ fo~a~ ~ doing. ~ offer~ r~ognittofl to t~e Council for its willingness ~ be leaders tn c~sidering n~ a~p~aches to questto~ ~ alco~l a~use. ~ ~~ In t~e tflter-c~ dat~'Fed~ar7 the ~ity ~velopm~t 0epa~, ~ogflizing ~at t~ere will be futu~ oppo~uniti~s for Parents ~ Ca~ and any ot~e~ to r~ ~ publtc ~artflgs tna~ will bm ~o~nc~ing, by ~d~r, s~ond~ by Ke~n~7, tO: ~) Inttta~ p~os~ zoning code ~fl~flts ~gulating alcoholic ~erage ~1~ ~lts~s; and Z) P~a~ a p~pos~ ~soluttofl ~tablis~tflg policy guidelines for r~i~.~ alcoholic b~era~ sal~ esta~lis~flts. The ~oflca~rt~ 5-0. AWAI~ OF BID - ~¥[]ll~Nil( ~m IM~ROVEI~'Nll BET~iE~ TH~ COSTA St~ t~v~Cs will generally consist of r~oval/reglac~nt of 3tariorat~ pav~t ac various locations; r~val/replac~ant of d~ag~ cu~ a~ gutter at various locations; installation of rais~ ~ians wit~ d~orative ~nc~ta betw~n ~isting ~ians and P~s~ Avefl~ (No~); asphaltic concrete overlay on entire ~tr~; and traffic ~igning/striping eno ~oval of on-street park- ing along Seve~nCn Street bacon the Costa Mesa Fr~wa7 and P~o~pe~ Avenue. (No~)'. S~I~ bids for subj~t proj~t ~re opened on January 27, 1987, as follows: Blair Paving Conq=any, Anaheim Vernon Paving Company, Anaheim Sully-Miller Contracting Company,.Oranga Grtfftth Company, Santa Aha $355,308.20 $377,690.58 $383,918.17 $399,994.73 AS r~commendeU by the Public Worts Department/Engineering Division in t~e inter-tom dated Januar7 2B, 1987, it was moved by Edgar, seconded b~ Kennedy, to award the contract for subject project to the IOW 0idder, Blair Paving, Anaheim, in the amount of $355,308.Z0; and authorize a supplemental budget appropriation from gasoline tax revenues in the amount of $59,200.00. CIT:f COUNCIL MINUTES Page 8, 2-2-87 After a question-and-answer period, :he.motion carried 5-0. It was ~v~ b~ Hoesta~y~ s~ond~ by Edgar, to rattfy :~e Planning C~isslon Ac:lon Agenda of ~anuary g6, 1987. Co~ctlm, ~enn~y ~glt~C~ ~e Planning C~tsston ~ :heir ~n~ltng of Sign Pt~tl ~. ~8~0'~ I~lgls for..Nal~. ~030 Co~ctlm~ K~lly ~ats~ ~ncem ~ar~tng the ~C:er of t~e ~al. 0utldtng wht~ Is ~n~ and operaC~ ~y a o~antzatton, ~tng leas~ to The Learning Village ~tc~ Is a for- p~ftt o~antzaC~on (p~school), ~e City At:o~ sCat~ staff ~u14 ~vtw ~e l~altty.of the ~CCer ~d ~po~ ~c~ Co Council. CtCy ~ctl p~vt~sly r~uesC~ scarf study C~e feasibility of t~calling s:~C ltg~Ctng along "C" Strut ~C~n ~tn ~Cr~C and ~ted SC~, ~ evaluation a~ cos~ esclmaCu ~ave ~e~ by ~aff. Following ~nsid~a:~on of :~e t~er~oe da~ danua~y Z1, ~987, p~pa~. ~y the Public ~r~s 0~a~nC/ingineer]ng 01vision, ~s ~v~ by ~en~y? sKond~ ~ Edgar, co authorize Installation of t~rN slree~ lights aC an escimaC~ cost of $6,950.00 on St~C ~ loll'oWe: a) T~'ltg~s ~ ~e ~sCerl~ side ~C no~herl~ of C~e school ~ts:ri~ parting 1~ a~ lust no~ of ~ain S:~t; and ~) One llg~ on ~e easter1~ sl~ ~ t~e ca,,~a lo~ line ~etw~n 3~ ~ 335 "C" SCLC. Co~ctl~ ~ally ~s~atn~ ~ ~hs ~er and ~s advis~ ~yor n~ ~o pa~tctpa~i tn dts~sston. ~e OtZar of Pu~ltc ~s lnfo~ Counctl~n Edgac cha~ s~aff ts tn ~l ~ds~ of upda~tng ~a ~O showing areas wtc~tn ~e Tuslln ka~sca~ and ktg~gtng Otslric~. i~aff ts awat~ng finalization of ~ss~ton of ~e ~un~y Ltg~tng Olslr~c~. T~e Cl~y ~anager s~a~ ~hl cos~ could ~e ~o~e wt~h R~svelo~en~ funds. ~owevar, t~ ~uld ~ve ~o ~ ~roug~ p~per p~c~ures. i~ Kelly, 330 f~ C~tno Real, ~ues~ ~aC C~a one llgh~ e~arly side on C~a c~n lo~ ltne ~eC~n 3Z5 an~ 335 "C" ~e ,mv~ ~ ~ ~s~a~ty stda. The ~yor suggas~ ~a~ ~r. lally ~view c~e ~po~ and ~C wi~ b~ug~ ug ~ga~lng' :ne location, Council wi1 ~consider :~e -Cee, The ~cton carr~ ~-.~., ~ally ~sCalnH. Cl~y Count11 ~ad r~uesC~ scarf Investigate the ~ Co ~dlfy ~es:r~an p~ase of :raff~c signal :~min9 a: ~C~ N~o~ Avenue ~tn S:~t an~ N~o~ Avenue a: ~ryan Avenue. Following consideration of :~e in:er-c~ da:ed January 22, Lg87, p~ar~ ~y :he public ~rks 0eva~:~n:/Engineer~ng o~vision, was ~v~ ~y ~enn~y, seconded b~ Edgar, ~o receive a~ file same. Carrt~ 5-0. g5 Page g, Z-~437 ~s~, ~e~ ~ea by unant~us lnfo~a.1 consent. ~fs ~as sae . ~ ~e G~ty's ~ues~ ~a~ ~11~ts of ~e ~-53~ .over p~l~t~' ~ of Tus~tn ~e dtscan~tnu~ un~tl ~ po~lac~ a~a~ ~e ~-S3; ts ~e only atrc~a~t ac c~ base mtlst~, N Ch~ ~11 g~11y ~e o~ locnclons ?or ILS ~t~ ~ ~ ~n Air Fo~l 8asa. ~. ~yor ~d~ ~aC ~ of ~e ~-~3E sq~d~ns locate' tn TusCtn ~ ~lac~ ~ a ~urrtng.g~bl~. He feels far ~re conftd~C ~ ts n~ ~ ~C~Iy d~e~ situation. ~I~ will ~e ~ ~.~ ~lt~a~ pefloflnel ~. ~u~ one ~clng, ~tch aC ~ ~nt~- ~e ~tt~H. ~a~. She ~g~s~ dettg~ In ~tlng ~t~ ~ ~ ~ a~ sCaC~ S~ 10Q~S ?o~a~ CO readt~ ~un~l ~cXn~l~g~ ~aig~ of ~e S~on~ Oua~ae (~td-Yea~ ~n~ct~l R~la~ ~:~ Janua~ 30, ~g87, ~m~ama ~y ~e Flnanca O~a~. 0tscusston ~s defer~ ~n~lng ~vi~ of s~e. ~uncllman ~elly 1~ dtscusst~ ~a~tng the inter-c~ dat~ P~a~ Z. ~87, p~ga?~ ~Y t~e C~7 ~anage? ~n ~sgonse to hls ~u~ for a ~ntnly ~pefldttu~ ~o~ which ~uld provide great ?~z~ ~ntnJy ~genditu?e ~o~ ~y dega~t ana ?und a~ a oF S~-~8001 and to pee~a~ the af~fdav~t o? d~ands ?e~o~ d~a~ a~ a cas~ of S3OO-SBO0. Mayor P~ T~ Hoesterey was ~gose~ co ~fo~aCtin~ the affidavit of d~nds ~y dega~nt r~the? t,~n cur?ently ]~s~ ~n ~etlcal o~e? ~y vendor. Counct~m~ers Edgar and ;annOy con- cur~. ~unct~ deOate follo~. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 10, 2-2-87 A substitute motion was made by Hoesterey, seconded by Kennedy, to direct staff to prepare only the summarized monthly expenditure report by department and fund at a cost of $300-$800; and to leave the affidavit of demands in it~ present alphabetical format by ven- dor. The substitute motion carried-3-2, Kelly and Saltarelli opposed. 50 XII. OTNER BUSINESS 1. COUNCIL LIAISON TO AVIATION NOISE AJATEMElfr C01~IITllEE Mayor Pro Tem Hoesterey raised discussion regarding Council's appointment of Donald Belveal to the Aviation Noise Abatement Com- mittee at its January 19 meeting. It was moved by Hoesterey~ sec- onded by Saltarellt, to appoint Councilman Richard B. Edgar to act as Council liaison with Mr. Donald Belveal. In response to Councilwoman Kennedy, Councilman Edgar offered assurance that he would remain alert to airport issues and bring matters of policy decision to Council for appropriate action. Councilwoman Kennedy al so requested that Mr. Belveal provide Coun- cil with minutes of Committee meetings. The Mayor stated the City's goals to 1) gain participation in whichever agency is selected by the Board of Supervisors to act as the study team for a new airport location, and 2) pursue noise abatement by attempting to continubusly move flights over the 55 Freeway. Motion carried 5-0. 101 Z. REPLACEMENT OF WAVIGATIOI~L DEVICE AT JONN WAYNE AIRPORT Mayor Pro Tem Hoesterey reported that Tustin' suffered a setback recently in its perseverance to move flights over the 55 Freeway. He noted that the VOR (Very-high-frequency Omnidirectional Range) navigational transmitter used primarily by pilots on visual flight rules flying over the 55 Freeway, was recently shutdown at John Wayne Airport because of a building being constructed in Santa Ana's Hutton Center. With the disabling of subject device, pilots must now use the ILS (Instrument Landing System) approach which takes them right over Tustin. He suggested Tustin take aggressive steps to activate replacement of the VOR navigational device to mitigate overflights in Tustln. He also suggested strong review of procedures which allow building permits and other development in the area to occur when it so greatly impacts neighboring communities such as Tustin. The Mayor referred the matter to staff for review with a report to Council agendized for the February 17 meeting. 101 3. RECEIPT OF APPLICATION TO SERVE AS ALTERNATE ON AVIATION NOISE ASATENENT Councilwoman Kennedy reported Council received an application from James Brush to serve as alternate on the Aviation Noise Abatement Committee. The matter was deferred until February 17 pending receipt of additional applications, and then Council will take the matter into consideration at a future meeting. 101 4. STREET SWEEPING ON WALNUT AVENUE Councilwoman Kennedy reported that Walnut Avenue appears to have not had street sweeping between the old Pantry store and Red Hill Avenue. g5 5. KUOOS TO TUSTIN i~)LICE DEPA~ll~ENT CANINE UNITS Councilwoman Kennedy noted recent excellent press coverage given to Tustin Police Department canines which have performed commendably in apprehending crime suspects. She reflected on Chief Thayer's accomplishment in instituting canine units in Tustin. 82 6. ~ 'TUS'rZN PAF, E ~un¢tt'mafl Edgar raised'an tssue discussed several mont~S agO ttve ~ c~e~alllztng ~ounc~l goals for Columbus Tus'ctn Park. paf.~tcu1~rl~ ~n te~ of' same ~:yge of ~ou~h facility. ~e r~quested Wet the fled'cee be acjendtzad' ~'or ~e Feeruary ].7 ~eettncJ. He also r~ques~ed ~hat staff pregar~ a ~go~ u~attng Counctl on what ~as ~¢~r~r'~d. In ~l"~us Tus~tn Park ~lattv~ e.o t~s ~utu~ gro~h ~n tl~ ~ ~c~11t~es~ ~dtng, ~ha~ ~ ~ looking eo~ a st~m ~o ~lOca~e ~e ~alla ~use a~o~m wt~ ~he leue ag~efl~. ~e' Mayoe s~aC~ he ~ ~m to ~he ~yor's sugg~tofl ~ha~ ~e C~ty ~nager be ~ ~ ~pat~ a staff ~e~ CO s~e ~ subj~ ~t1~ Kenn~ sta~ s~ ~ul~ ft~ ltke ~o r~yl~ the ~1~ ~t~. Involve. S~ wtll mgo~ ~C~ ~ Council on s~ ~s ~le ~ se~e ~n ~aC ~pect~7. ~ S~slon' ~ ~nst~er ~onnel ~C~e~ pu~ ~o ~ove~C ~e ~ton At a:45 p~., t~ wes ~v~ b~ ~s:e~, s~ond~ b7 ~a~,' ~o ~ess co ~ R~elog~ ~enc7; and thence Co a cios~ ~ess~on Co ~nsl~er pefl~nel ~t~l~ pu~ua~ ~o ~ove~ Code S~ofl 5496~'; a~ ~eflce at 7:00 p~. ~ttan car~t~ OF ~ R~'YELOP~NT ~NCY OF FEBRUN~Y Z, 1987 ~ ~tlng wu call~ i:o order at 8:¢$ p.m. b; Chairmen Seltarelli in t~e City Council Cha, W~ers. 300 Centennial Way, rustln, California. Agency Mmml)ers Present: Agency ~enbers Absofl~: Others Prms~flt: Oonald d.. Saltarmlli, Chairman Ronald 8. Hoosterey, Chairmen Pro Tern Richard 8. John Xolly U~ula E. ~nn~y Wtlltam A. Hustun, Ex~. Old. or/City Manager ~ E. ~nn, R~ording J~s G. Rour~a. City Attorney Ro~e~ S. ~er, Public ~rks Director Chat sttne ~ n~] eton, C~. Oev. Ol rector ~mrles R. ~myer, ~ief of Police Roneid A. Nmult, Finance Oi~ctor Roylm A. ~ltm, Oir. of C~. & A~in. Services ~ur~ Pickup, Assistant Planner j~ Henter, ~lntstrattv~ S~retary A~p~xi~tmly 30 tn t~e audience ~VN. OF MINUTE~ - JNIIJ~T 19, 1987, RE6UI.~ I,,~llN6 It wes ~v~ bz ~fl~Tt s~ond~ bz Edgar, to approve Minutes of the Jenua~ ~9, L987, ~gular M~Cing. ~cion c~rrt~ Th~ Agency app~ved 4 parking agrmement for 333 E1 Camino Reel on Januar~ ~g, ~987. ~e City ~ctl ag~ to ~capC fees ~ ~alf of t~e R~vel~ A~cy ~ ~ held in t~st foe use by t~e Agency. (Refer- ~cm City ~cll ~nuces. AS ~ tn ~ntty ~velo~t O~e~nt, it was ~v~ by Hoeste~ second~ by ~, ~ ~t~Pize ~e City ~unctl Co approve c~etion of t~e n~essary ac~u~ ~ acc~: paints, for the Agency pu~uanC Co t~e pre- vtousty ~p~ ~rttng ~C ~C~ Rtcha~ R~gel ~or 333 E~ Cmtno R~I. ~e ~Cton car~ 5~. 'At 8:~ p.m.. it wes nmved b~ Ed~er~ seconde~ bz Hoesterey, that the meet- ing be ~journe~l to t~e next A~jou~nc~ Re<Jular ~eting on TuesdaT, . Feb~ary 17, L987, aC 7:00 p.m.