HomeMy WebLinkAboutConsent Calendar #5 9-08-87 DATE: AUGUST 28, 1987 TO: WILLIAt4 HUSTON, CITY HANAGER FROM: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARllqENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENT DEED AT ENTRANCE TO TUSTIN HEIGHTS SHOPPING ~ CENTER (IRVINE BLVD.) RECOMMENDATION: That the Tustin City Council accept the easement deed from RREEF-IV, IncOrporated for highway and traffic signal purposes at the entrance to Tustin Heights Shopping Center on Irvine Blvd. BACKGROUND: The City/Redevelopment Agency has been pursuing the modification of the driveway entrance to the Tusti-n Heights Shopping Center in the vicinity of Old Irvine Blvd. over the past 2-3 years. The RREEF Corporation, owner/manager of the Center is now proceeding with said modifications. These modifications will consist of a street type entrance to the site which will require the additional dedication of street right-of-way to accomodate the improvements. The funding of these improvements is a joint effort between the RREEF Corporation and the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency. B6b Ledendecker Director of Public Works/City Engineer BL/lg cc: Ron Wolford Jerry Otteson ""~ ~CI~i' OF TUSTIN c.~. t300 ~ntenni~l Way .."..-:. · ,-/Tustin, CA g~680 · itle Order No. ~crow FREE RECORDING Requested Under sPAcg AUOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USS co, orporation Orant Deed Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk ~e un~e~i~ned ~ c~mput~ on the full value of the interest or property conveyS, or ~ computed on the full value 1~ the value of liens or encumbren~ remaining ther~n at the time of sale. The land, tenements or ~alty is located ~ unlncor~rated area ~ city of ..~.~ ................................................................... and FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, : RREEF-IV, INC., a Delaware Corporation a corporation organized under the laws of the State of California hereby GRANT(S) to the City of Tustin, a municipal corporation An easement for highway and traffic aigna~ purposes over, under, along, across and through the following described real property in the City of Tustin County of Orange , stme of Calilornla: Description attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a parc hereof. RREEF-IV, INC., a Delaware Corporation Dated Au_guSt 24, 1987 BY: RREEF MANAGEMENT COMPANY, a California Corooration STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTYOF I.q.~.~Angeles . ss. B~Y: i.~:L~o-~/~', ~ personally known lo me or proveci to me on lhe basis ol satislactory *'~rian~. 'ee~rsen evidence to ~e the ~J~'~ ........ Presk~e~t, and ........... Vice Pr e s id e n t / Re g _lo._n_a. _l_ ._l~_n_a ~e.r__ ~0~/~,4~ __ ~, __~:i~. persona#y known tO me o~ SUCh corporation executeO me wimin instrument pu,s~anl Io its ~-Iaws ~~?~,~,~ S~.~.~ Signature ot Notary MAIL 'FAX STATEMI'.'NTS TO I'AIITY $110WN ON I,'OLI.OWIN(; LINE: IF NO I'AItTY SO SIIOWN, MAII.,IS DIRF. CI'ED AIIOYE Name Street Addrc-~s City & Slate CAL-2 (Rev 9-82) PAGE 1 OF 3 LEGAL DESCHIPTION That Pot=ion of the Nor=hwes=erl~.one-balf"of Lot 1 of Irv ' in Block 12 .... l~e s Subdivi~ion, as shown on map filed in Book 1, Pa~e' oo of M~scellaneous Maps, Records of Orange Coun=7, $=a=e ~f California, Described-as follows. Comm~ncing at :he in:erse'c:ion of :he Nor:hwes:erl7 line of said Lot 1 with the centerline 'of Irvine Boulevard (100.00 fee: wide) a~ described in :he deed recorded 'September 2, 1.959, in Book 4867, Page 169, of Official Re~ords of said Coun:y, Thence NotCh 89036'35" gas: along said can:afl.ina a dis=ance of 340.85 fee= :o the beginning of a tangen= curve therein, said curve being concave Sou=herly and having a radius of 1100.00 fee=; T~ence Sou:h 00°23'25 East along a radial line of said curve a · ~stance of 50.00 fee: Co :he beginning of a curve in therl~ ~igh=-of-ga~ line of said Irvine Boulevard, said =.;red Sou=herl~ Rlgh=-of-Wa~ line being concert:tic with said cen=erline an.d having a radius of 1150.00 feet; Thence Easterly along :he arc of'said curved $ou:herl Rlgh:-of- ar line =hrou :m.ntral augle dis=ance of 300.89 fee: :o :ne-TKUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence continuing Easterly and Southea~=erly along :he arc said curved-Sou=herly Hight-of-~ay line throu h a central angle of 05°.4~54" a dis:ante 9f 117.05 fe~= :o ~ :angen: point of cusp w~t~ ~ curve concave $ou=heas:erly and haven a radius 11.83 fee=, g ' of Thence Wes=erly, Sou=hwes=erly, and ~outherlI along the arc of las= said cur~e through a central angle of 89056'37'' a dis:ance of 18.57 fee:, Thence Nor=h 72o04'34'' ~est, a dis=ance of 8.34 feet; Thence Sou=h 17o55'26" Wes=, a dis:ante of 11.83 fee: :o the beginning of a :on-:angen: curve concave SoutherlT, having a radius of 1126.17 f d being concentric wi:h said S'~-'~herly Righ=-°f'wayeffn; ~ Irvine. Boulevard; PAGE 2 OF 3 Thence Westerly along ~he arc of last said concentric'curve,. from an ini~ial radial line bearing North 19°2~'59" Eas~, throush a central angle of 01°30.'33" a distance of 29.66 feet; Thence North 17°5~'26" East along a radial'line of las~ said curve a distance of 11.83 fee~ to the beginning of a non-tangent curve concave $outherely, having a radius of 1138.00 feet, and being concentric with said Southerly R~gh~-of-~ay line of Irvine B~u~evard; Thence Westerly along the arc of last said concentric curve through a central angle of 02°A3'39" a distance of §~.17 fee~ to the beginning of a aon-~angen~ curve concave 8ou~hwes'~erl? an~ having a radius..of 11.83 fee~; Thence Nor=herly, Nor=hwes=srl~, and ~esterlI along ~he arc of said curve, from an initial radial line bearin~ Nor=h 15°ll'&?" East through a can=tel angle of 91°07'08" a dis=ance of 18.81 feet to the true point o~ beginning, being a ~an~en= poin~ of cusp in said Southerly Righ=-of-~a7 line. '1 as more par~icularl7 described 'on Exhibi= "B" a==ached ~rato and, by reference, made a par= hereof. Approved as to Form & Description: PAGE 3 OF 3 / , ..~.-~' ~' 18.81'