HomeMy WebLinkAboutConsent Calendar #8 9-08-87 qf >_27. NO.g_8_87CO"SENT CA'END^R8
Inter- Corn
Approval of the tree removals:
°At th'e twenty-one individual locations
°Adjacent to the library buildi~§
°On the Berkshire Circle cul-de-sac.
Defer the request for tree removals on the Coco Palm cul-de-sac until January,
1989 after another re-evaluation of the trees.
Staff has received twenty-one (21) individual requests and two (2) group requests
for street tree removals at various locations throghout the City. Additionally, a
resident has requested that the ficus trees adjacent to the library buildings be
reviewed for potential conflict/damage to the structure.
The attached tree division staff report indicates support for removal and
replacement of the street trees at all twenty-one individual locations as well as
the ficus trees adjacent to the library structure. Additionally, staff recomends
the removal of five ficus trees on the Berkshire Place cul-de-sac and the
replacement of trees only where adequate space is available.
A~ indicated the trees on Coco Palm were heavily pruned recently which should
preclude the exessive dropping of berries which has been the major source of
complaint. It is suggested that this request for removal be denied and reassessed
the first part of 1989.
Director of Public WOrks/City Engineer
BL/1 g
cc: Dan Hartman
: Inter- Com
DATE: August 26, .1987
TO: Dan Hartman - Field Services Manager
FROM: Rick Nease - Maintenance Foreman
SUBJECT: Status Report - Tree Removals
The tree at 1871 Royal Oak is a Ficus ~0% mature with surface
roots causing cement damage to surrounding areas. The tree has
overgrown a 2½ foot parkway. Recommendation: Removal, replace
with slow growing tree, Magnolia or Crepe Myrtle. Ninety percent
of citizens polled voted yes, one was no response.
The tree at 1272 Lance Drive is a Ficus it is 30% mature having
some surface roots with cement damage. Recommendation: Removal,
replace with a moderate growing tree rather than fast growing.
Two responded yes, three no response.
The tree at 14861 Bridgeport isa Eucalyptus Citridora, it has
grown trunk wise within 6 inches of the surrounding cement. Future
damage is apparent. Recommendation: Removal, with slow growing tree,
Magnolia or Crepe Myrtle. There were three yes responses for removal
and one no.
The tree at 13711Farmington is a Ficus. The tree has been heavily
topped. Due to the type of tree and existing surface roots, and slight
damage to the surrounding cement; Recommendation: removal and replacement
with moderate growing tree. Three yes responses, one no.
The tree at 14641Danberry Circle is a Yew Pine. Its trunk size has
outgrown the 2½ foot parkway. Recommendation: removal, and replace
with Magnolia or Crepe Myrtle. Three yes.
The tree at 14812 Attoboro is a Liquid Amber. The tree has surface root
problems, is diseased and has been removed from the City approved tree
list. Recommendation: removal, replace with Magnolia or Crepe Myrtle.
Three yes responses only.
The tree at 17322 Anglin is a Carrot Wood. The tree has some surface
roots and is misshapened from wind damage. Recommendation: remove
and replace with same type of tree for conformity. Three responded yes.
August 26, 1987
Tree Removal Status Report
The tree at 13371 Coral Reef is a Ficus. It has been pruned properly
through the years but surface roots have caused cement damage.
'Recommendation: Remove and replace with moderate growing tree.
All citizens polled responded yes.
The tree at 17621 Miller Drive.is a Carrot Wood. It has been
severely damaged by wind and has been heavily pruned but will never
have branch structure condus'ive to a nice looking tree. Recommendation:
removal and no replacement tree due to small area. Responses, three
yes, one no.
The thirteen homeowners on Coco Palm Drive, cul de sac, have petitioned
for removal of the City trees in front of each of their homes. AT1 the
trees have been cut back heavy within the last 30 days. The major
complaint is the excessive dropping of berries. Due to the heavy pruning,
the berry droppings should be greatly lessened for a period of no more
than one and a half years. Recommendation: denial of removal, situation
to be reassesed after the time period has elapsed.
The five homeowners of Berkshire Place have petitioned the removal of
the five Ficus trees in front of their homes. Due to cement damage,
small parkways and drains, removal is recommended. Replacement only where
space is available. The Maintenance Department concurs with the request
for removal.
The tree at 13161Laburnumn is a Ficus, it is 95% mature. There has been
excessive damage to curb and gutter making it necessary to remove the
tree as soon as possible. Three persons responded yes.
The tree at 14541Emerywood is a 50% mature Ficus which has overgrown
the limited parkway. The tree should be removed and replaced with a
Magnolia or Crepe Myrtle. Two yes responses were recieved.
The tree at 14772 Ridgeborough is a 50% mature Ficus. There is sidewalk
damage due to surface roots. Recommendation: replace with a Magnolia
or Crepe Myrtle, due to the small parkway. Three yes responses, only.
The tree at 13421Falmouth is a mature Ficus tree. The tree has. ruined
the homeowners sprinklers and the city curb due to roots. Recommendation:~
removal and replace with a moderate growing tree. Four yes responses.
The trees at 17581Brent Lane are Ficus, 35% mature. Due to soil conditions
and lack of deep watering, some surface roots have caused damage to the
curb line. Recommendation: remove and replace with suitable moderate
growing trees. Three responses, yes.
August 26, 1987
Tree Removal Status Report
The tree at 13672 Carroll Way is a 40% mature Ficus. It has been
severely topped, roots cut, sidewalk repaired, however due to type
of tree and future root growth the tree should be removed, low priority.
Recommendation: replacment should be any moderate growing tree. Four
responded yes.
The tree at 14812 Briarcliff is a Ficus. It has outgrown the parkway
due to excessive watering the tree over produces berries, causing a
hazard to pedestrians. Recommendation: remove and replace with
slow growing tree. Four yes responses.
The tree at 14262 Heatherfield is a Rusty Leaf Fig. Due to excessive
surface root growth there has been some damage to sidewalk, driveway
apron and possibly homeowners fence. Recommendation, remove and replace
with a moderate growing tree. Three yes, one no.
The trees around the County Libraryin the City'Complex which face
Main St. are Ficus Benjaminias. They were planted by the contractor
who originally landscaped the complex. Due to the closeness to the
wall of the Library these trees should be removed and replaced with
Italian Cypress which do not have the excessive surface root problems
of the existing trees.
The tree at 14631 Mimosa Lane is a 30% mature Ficus. Although removal
is necessary due to future root problems removal is low priority at
this time. Replace with medium-to slow growing tree. Three yes, one
The tree at 13621Charloma is a relatively young Ficus. Removal is
necessary due to future root problems. This is low priority. Three
yes, one no. Replace with slow tomoderate growing tree.
The tree at 14821Branbury is a miSshapened weak Orchid tree in a declined
condition. This is not on the approved tree list. Remove and replace
with a slow growing tree. Four yes, one no.
The tree at 17641 Miller Drive is a 40% mature Carrot Wood. Due to some
surface roots and the characteristics of.the branch structure being
quite weak removal is recommended with a replacement tree of the appropriate
size of the parkway. Two yes responses.
Councilw~,mn Ursula Kennedy .
City of Tustin
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92680
June 27, 1987
Dear Councilw~nan Ker~]edy:
We,- the u~ersigned of Berkshire Place in Tustin Meadows, ask you to have the
City to re,~ve the trees which are planted in the tree lawns in front of each
of our h~nes.
We don't ,~ake this request frivolously out of mere aesthetics: rather, our
request is predicated 'upoh concern for:
* the phyiscal safety of ourselves, our children, visitors and
passersby; and, ~
* the continuing d~%ge to both private and public properties; and,
* the liability exposure of the City of Tustih.
~]e attach~l pages of photographs and captions illustrate and explain our
We ask you to have the City to move quickly in removing the trees before some
serious personal- injury occurs and before tile existing proporty damage and
unsightliness grow worse.
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