HomeMy WebLinkAboutConsent Calendar #13 9-08-87DATE: AUGUST 28, 1987 TO: WILLIAH HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTI4ENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF EA~EHENTDEED AT ENTRANCE TO TUSTIN HEIGHTS SHOPPING CENTER (IRVINE BLVD.) RECOMMENDATION: That the Tustin City Council accept the easement deed from RREEF-IV, IncOrporated for highway and traffic signal purposes at the entrance to Tustin Heights Shopping Center on Irvine Blvd. BACKGROUND: The City/Redevelopment Agency has been pursuing the modification of the driveway entrance to the Tustin Heights Shopping Center in the vicinity of Old Irvine Blvd. over the past 2-3 years. The RREEF Corporation, owner/manager of the Center is now proceeding with said modifications. These modifications will consist of a street type entrance to the site which will require the additional dedication of street right-of-way to accomodate the improvements. The fun~ing of these improvements is a joint effort between the RREEF Corporation and the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency. Director of Public Works/City Engineer BL/1 g cc: Ron Wolford Jerry Otteson RI£('..OROtNG RE~Qt.IE~$T[D BY "*"' ['-cITY OF TUSTIN ,Ct t'y/Clef~k's ,Office . ";:;eTusttn, CA 92680 Title Order No. ~crow No. .Mary g. Wynn, City Clerk ~e unde~igned decla~ thai the d~umentary tr~nsIer tax is g..~...C~.SJ:~.~.~.~.i.o~ .................................... and ~ ~mputed on the full value ~ ~mput~ on thc full value l~ the value of liens or encumbrances remaining thereon at thc time o( ~le. ~e land, ~ tenemen~ or ~alty is located in ~ unimi~r~rated area ~ city of ... ~-~ ...................................................................... and FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, r~ipt o[ which is hereby acknowledged,. ~EF-IV, INC., a Delaware Corporation a corporation organized under the laws of the State of California hereby GRANT(S) to the City o~ TusCtn, a muntclpa~ corporation ~ easement for htgh~ay and :raflic signal purposes over, under, along, across and ~h~ough the following d~ri~d real pro~rty in the Cloy o[ Tusttn .C state of ~lilornia: County oi Orange , I( Description attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof. ~EF-IV, INC., ' a Delaware Corporation ~ Daled August 24, 1987 BY: ~EEF ~AG~E~ CO~, --' ~t~ Corporation COUN~ ~ ~o~ngeles ~ ~r~nal~ k~ ~ me o~ pr~ ~ ~ ~ I~ ~ ~ ~lislaclo~ Vice pr e s iden c / Re ~i~ ~_ ~r ~e to ~ tho . ~l~_ . Pmsi~enL ~ ......... MML TAX ~ATEMENT5 TO PARTY $11OWN ON FOI.I.O~IN6 LINK; IF NO PMurY ~O SI[OWN, MIll. IS ~IIIKCrE~ MIOYg PAGE I OF 3 E~HIBIT "&~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION Than ~or=ion of =he Nor=hwes=erl~. one-half:of of Irwin.'. Subdivision, .. shown on 8~8 of ~iscsllaneous ~aps. Records of Orange ~al~f~rn~a, Described-as follows: , .... ~, ~cace o~ Coam~ncin$ aC =he incers~cCion of =he Northwesterly line of said Lo= 1 with the can=afl.ins ~f Irvtne Boulevard (100.00 fee= wide) as des~ribed in the deed ~ecorded 'September 2, 1959- in Book 4867, Paie 169, of Official Re~ords of said County; ' ~u.o= reek to the be~innl~ of a =an~en= curve Kherein, said curve bein~ concave Sou=hsrly and ~avin$ a radius of 1200.00 feet; ' T2 Cs South 00°23'2~ Ess= alon$ a radial line of said curve a dl..ance of ~0.00 fee~ =o ~he be$1nnin~ of a curve in ~he Sou=herly Riiht-of-Wa? line of said Irvine Boulevard, said curved Southerly' R/iht-of-Way line bein$ concentric wi~h said ce=ratline and havla$ a radius of llJO.O0 fee=; Thence Easterly alon$ ~he arc of 'said curved $ou~he ==sca=ce of 3?0.89 fee= Co =he. TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence con=lnuin$ Eas=srly and Sou=hea~=erly alon$ =he arc of said curved-Southerly Rl~h=-of-Vay llne =hro of 05o49'54" a distance of 117 ~ --=- - u~h a cen=ral an~le · ~ ~e= co a range== point of cusp wf=h ~ curve concave Sou=heas=erly and herin a radius Thence Wes=erly, Sou=hwes=erly. and ~ou=herl alon~ =he arc o~ las= said curve through a can=tel an~le of 89~§~'37,, a disCs=ce of 18.57 feet; Thence Notch 72°04'~4" Wes=, a discS=ce of 8.$4 fee=; Thence Souch 17°5~'2~" ~esc. a disC-- - be'-'nln$ of a non-Can,eric curve ~:a~~ .I1.83 feec to =he ........ · $ou=herlT, havin~ a re. as o= AAZ~.AY fee~, and bein$ concentric wi=h said Southerly Right-of-Way line of Irvine Boulevard; PAGE I OF 3 Thence Vescerl7 alone the arc of Iasc said concentric'curve,. from an initial radial line bearing NotCh 19°25'~9" Ease, Chroush a ceuCral an$Ie of 01°30~33" a distance of 29.66 feeC~ Thence Norc~ 17°5~'26" Ecsc alon$ a radial'line o£ Iasc said curve.a distance of 11.83 feec co the be$innin~ of a non-tangent curve Concave Soucherely, 1158.00 feet, and heine concentric wi~TM a radius o£ ~kghc-of-Vay line of Irvine B~u~evard~ said Southerly Thence ~escerly alon$ the arc ol Iasc said concentric curve Chrouih a central an$1e of 02°&3'39" a distance of 5&.17-feec co the be~innin$ of a non-tangent curve concave ~o~chwes~erly and havinl a radius..of 11.83 Thence ~or~herlF, ~or~hwesCerl~, and ~escarly along :he arc said curve~ from a initial radial line bear:ng Nor:h l$°ll'&?" Ecsc Chrough~ central angle ot 91007'08" distance o~ 18.~1 feec co the true point o~ beginning, being a p~n~ of cusp in said $ouCherl! RithC-of-~a7 line. A~ as more particularly described 'on Exhibit "~" aC:ached hereto and, ~y re~erence, made a parc hereof. Approved as to Form & Description: A.P. NO. ,~-/'o~ -~_ ~T~ON/,e //,/ Z,V'D. S.R NO. TRA~,T NO.~ r~gG ~ ~g~' _ /Y;_/.~3. ' · · BOOK .