HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1 MINUTES 02-17-87MINUTES OF A REGULAA ~ETING OF Tile CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIl~f OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA FEBRUARY 2, 1987 CALL TI) ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/INVOCATION The meeting was called to order by Mayor Saltarelli at 7:01 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 300 Centennial Way. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Pro Tem Hoesterey, and the Invocation was given by Councilman Edgar. Councilpersons Present: Councilpersons Absent: Others Present: III. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS' Donald J. Saltarelli, Mayor Ronald B. Hoesterey, Mayor Pro Tem Richard B. Edgar John Kelly Ursula E. Kennedy None William A. Huston, City Manager James G. Rourke, City Attorney Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk Christine Shingleton, Com. Dev. Director Robert S. Ledendecker, Public Works Director Charles R. Thayer, Chief of Police Royleen A. White, Dir. of Com. & Admin. Srvcs. Laura Pickup, Assistant Planner Janet M. Hester, Administrative Secretary Approximately 50 in the Audience IV. 1. PROCLAMATION - TUSTIN HIGH SCHOOL TILLERS BASEBALL TEAM,.. 1986 CENTURY LEAGUE CHAMPIONS Mayor Saltarelli read a proclamation congratulating the 1986 Tustin High School Tillers baseball team on their first place finish in the 1986 Century League, a feat which has not been accomplished since 1982. Peggy Lynch, Principal, and Coach Vince Brown, expressed thanks to the Council. 84 2. CERTIFICAllE OF RECOGNITION - BARBA~RA SHAW, DESIGNER OF llJSTIN TILLER DAYS LOGO The Mayor presented a Certificate of Recognition to Barbara Shaw who designed the logo used for the 1986 Tustin Tiller Days. Ms. Shaw expressed her appreciation to the Council. 84 3. TOASTNASTER OF THE YEAR - OZZIE FERRAR0 Councilman Kelly proudly presented Mr. Ozzie Ferraro with the "Toastmaster of the Year" trophy. Mr. Ferraro graciously thanked Councilman' Kelly and the Council. 84 PUBLIC HEARING 1. ELECTION CONSOLIDATION - ORDINANCE NO. 980 & RESOLUTION NO. 87-17 City Council adopted Resolution No. 87-11 on January 19, 1987, set- ting the matter for public hearing in order to hear from all per- sons interested in or objecting to the proposed consolidation of elections. The public hearing was opened by Mayor Saltarelli at 7:14 p.m. Jack Miller, 17352 Parker Drive, stated that the benefits of con- ducting local elections, i.e., maintaining a close relationship with Council, lower candidate costs, and responsiveness of Council, are worth the additional cost as opposed to election consolidation. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2, 2-2-87 Councilman Hoesterey was informed that the City Clerk would retain control of nomination papers, candidate statements, payment of fees, and publication of various resolutions'. Councilmen Edgar 'and Hoesterey voiced support of election consoli- dation. They believed it would keep Tustin in tune with other Orange County cities. They did not feel it would lessen Council's responsiveness to the community, since a large portion of the elec- tion would still be administered at the City level. It was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Kelly, that Ordinance No. 980 have first reading by title only~ Councilwoman Kennedy was strongly opposed to consolidation. She felt the cost of retaining the April municipal election is minor. She noted that the indirect result of consolidation will be that large campaign contributors will determine who is elected to Coun- cil, i.e., developers, sign manufacturers, and liquor lobbyists. The greatest single danger is that Tustin will not have Council- members that simply want to represent its residents, but the busi- ness community as an addition. Local response will diminish when Council is elected by huge numbers of voters who know candidates only by the ethnic background of surnames and occupation and reiterated steadfast opposition to consolidation. Councilman Kelly disagreed with the applause to Councilwoman Kennedy's comments, stating it is not the sentiment of the true Tustinite. He disputed by stating t~at money is not the most inte- gral part of a successful campaign~ and there will be uniform voting in all City precincts through consolidation. Mayor Saltarelli concurred with Councilwoman Kennedy that candidate costs will increase. However, he thought that with today's media races and future City growth, it will be impossible to get elected without grass roots support from voters. Twenty-three of 26 Orange County cities have consolidated, and their Council reorganizations are held in November. He felt it would also be a good time for Tustin to reorganize. He believed that to hold an election in an off-time with only a 10-12% voter turnout is to say Council should be elected by an "aristocracy of voters," or "a group of people who are more concerned," or who are more excited about a particular candidate at a particular time. Candidates will continue to be elected on the basis of their platform. He disagreed that consoli- dation will turn the Cduncil over to special interest groups. Tustin will maintain its small atmosphere, but it's destined to grow, and costs will .escalate no matter what. The motion carried 5-0. Following first reading by title .only of Ordinance No. 980 by the City Clerk, it was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by 'Kelly, that Ordinance No. 980 be introduced as follows: ORDIFLA~ICE NO. 980 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, REQUIRING ITS GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE CONSOLIDATED WITH THE STATEWIDE GENERAL ELECTION HELD IN NOVEMBER OF EVEN-NUMBERED YEARS, PURSUANT TO SECTION 36503.5 OF THE GOVERN- MENT CODE Motion carried 4-1, Kennedy opposed.. It was moved by Hoesterey, seconded Kelly, to adopt the following: RESOLUTION NO. 87-17 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, REQUESTING THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ORANGE TO CONSOLIDATE THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION WITH THE STATEWIDE GENERAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 8, 1988, PUR- SUANT TO SECTION 23302 OF THE ELECTIONS CODE The motion carried 4-1, Kennedy opposed. 44t ~ITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 3, 2-2-87 Vo PUBLIC INPUT 1. STATUS OF DOwh"rOWN PARKING STRUCTURE Richard Vining, 400 West Main Street, received a progress report on the downtown parking structure renovation. The City Attorney stated that drilling has been completed into which c~bles will be inserted for tensioning. The Director of Community Development added that the project has gone through complete plan check, and building permits for renovation were issued on January 30. Con- struction will be underway shortly, and temporary fencing can be made a condition of the building permit if needed. The City has not and does not intend to bear expenses for the renovation. Hope- fully, work on the structure will be completed in 60 days. 6O 2. POSSIBLE SALE OF SURPLUS SITES BY TUSTIN UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT (TUSO) Mr. Vining wondered if the City is considering purchasing any sur- plus school sites for conversion to City parks. Mayor Sal'tarelli responded that staff is conducting thorough research on the matter. He assured Mr. Vining that everything pos- sible will be done to preserve open space within the City limits. A report from staff and legal counsel is expected within the next two weeks. Mr. Vining expressed specific concerns with reduction of open space at Peppertree Park. The Mayor informed Mr. Vining that staff is taking into consideration the sale of the TUSD administration offices prior to construction of the adjacent Senior Citizen Cen- ter. He thanked Mr. Vining for his comments. 90 3. CONCERNS RE SIDEWALKS AND STORM DRAINS ON M~ST HAIN STREET Margaret Riley, 715 West Main Street, read a letter which was delivered to the City Manager's office on January 20 or 21, 1987. The letter addressed two major concerns. The first concern per- tained to sidewalk completion on the north side of the street, from approximately 50 feet east of Myrtle, continuing west on Main Street, to the base of the 55 Freeway. The second area of concern was the need for proper storm drains in the same vicinity. The existing drains are grated and become blocked, which causes flooding and stagnated water. The street sweeper cannot do its job because vehicles are parked on the street and the area is not posted for street sweeping days. The Mayor thanked Mrs. Riley, and the matter was referred to staff for a report to Council. 86 VI. CONSENT CALENBAR Item No. 15 was removed from the Consent Calendar by Kelly. It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kennedy, to approve the remainder of the Consent Calendar. The motion carried 5-0. APPROV~ OF MINUTES - JANUARY 19, 1987, REGULAR MEETING APPROVAL OF DEMANDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,302,748.04 RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL IN THE AMOUNT OF $155,725.98 5O REJECTION OF CLJ~IM NO. 87-1; CLAIMANT: SIGNAL HAINTENANCE, INC.; DATE OF LOSS: 6/27/85; DATE FILED WIll4 CITY: 1/2/87 Rejected subject claim for partial indemnity on a comparative fault basis, contribution, costs of suit and court costs, and reasonable attorney's fees in an unknown amount as recommended by the City Attorney. 40 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4, 2-2-87 e REJECTION OF CLAIM NO. 86-58; CLAIMANT: JACQUELINE M. ANDERSON; DATE OF LOSS: 9/19/86; DATE FILED WITH CITY: 12/29/86 Rejected subject claim for alleged violation of civil rights and emotional distress in the amount of $100,000.00 as recom- mended by the City Attorney. 40 Se REJECTION OF CLAIM NO. 87-2; CLAIMANT: DAVID & DOROTHY HAUSER; OATE OF LOSS: '11/3/86; DATE FILEO WITH CITY: 1/5/87 Rejected subject claim for personal injuries in the amount of $500,000.00 as recommended by the City Attorney. 40 REJECTION OF CLAIM NO. 86-55; CLAIMANT: ROBIN M. NEGENOANK; DATE OF LOSS: 10/21/86; DATE FILED WITH CITY: 11/21/86 Rejected subject claim for property damage in an unknown amount as recommended by the City Attorney. 40 REJECTION OF CLAIM NO. 86-48; CLAIMANT: ERIC S. GWINUP; DATE OF LOSS: 10/20/86; DATE FILEO WITH CITY: 10/20/86 Rejected subject claim for property damage in the amount of $95.00 as recommended by the City Attorney. 40 8. AGREEMENT FOR PROCESSING OF PARKING CITATIONS Approved subject agreement, with Turbo Datal Systems, Inc., Tustin, for the processing of Tustin Police Department parking · citations; and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same as recommended by the Police Department. 45; 87-11 9. RE~LIFFION NO. 87-12 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "ANNEXATION NO. 138 - RANCHWOOD/BELLEWICK" ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Adopted Resolution No. 87-12 pursuant to a protest hearing con- ducted by the City Council on January 19, 1987, wherein it was found that protests filed did not exceed 25% of the registered voters, as recommended by the Community Development Department. 24 10. RESOLUTION NO. 87-15 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 85-1 IMPROVEMENTS, RANCHWOOD STORM DRAIN FACIL- ITY FO7P08 Adopted Resolution No. 87-15; and authorized advertisement for bids for subject project as reco,,~ended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. 25 11. ACCOUNTING PROCEDURES FOR PARKING AGREEMENT, 333 EL CAMINO REAL Approved the necessary accounting procedure allowing the City of Tustin to collect Redevelopment fees for a par~ing agreement as recommended by the Community Development Department. (Reference Redevelopment Agency Agenda Item No. 4.) 50 12. RESOLUTION. NO. 87-13 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS REORGANIZA- TION NO. 91 ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Adopted Resolution No. 87-13 as authorized by the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) on December 3, 1986, and as recom- mended by the Community Development Department. 24 13. EL NOOEILR-IRVINE C~LRNNEL IMPROVEMENTS, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO, 85-1 (PROJECT NO. 10) Approved K.E.C. Company's request for a 30-day time extension to the E1 Modena-Irvine Channel contract for Project 10 of the East Tustin Assessment District No. 85-1, and amended the con- tract completion date from January 15, 1987, to March 1, 1987, as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Divi- sion. 25 14. RESOLUTION NO. 87-16 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN SUPPORTING THE TUSTIN RANCH ROAD INTERCHANGE AT THE I-5 FREEWAY PROJECT AS A LOCALLY FUNDED PROJECT Adopted Resolution No. 87-16; and directed staff to submit sub- ject project form to the Orange County Transportation Commis- sion as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. 54 ~TY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 5, 2-2-87 16. OECLA~J~TION OF SURPLUS VEHICLES As recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Divi- sion, found that the following vehicles are not required for public use and that they be declared as surplus vehicles: 1975 Ecolotec Sweeper (Estimated Value $4,500.00), 1978 FMC Sweeper (Estimated Value $1,500.00), and 1982 Cushman Scooter (Esti- mated Value $750.00). 87 17. AUll(ORITJ~TION ll) PURCHASE DUMP TRUCK FOR WAlleR DIVISION Authorized the purchase of a dump truck from Rafferty Interna- tional, Anaheim, in the amount of $43,370.30 for use in the -Water Division as recommended by the Publio Works Department/ Engineering Division. 87 18. AUll(ORI/J~TION FOR TREE REMOVES Authorized the removal of a Liquid Amber tree at 1671 Amherst and a Rusty Leaf Fig tree at 15401 Williams as requested by residents due to hazardous condition caused by tree roots and as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Divi- sion. 86.1 19. R£SOLtFFION NO. 87-18 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A SUPPLEMENTAL INDENTURE OF TRUST; MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS WITH REGARD THERETO; ACCEPTING AN OPINION OF BOND COUNSEL AND AUTHORIZING CERTAIN RELATED MATTERS Adopted Resolution No. 87-18 in order to render a rating on the Assessment District No. 85-1 Bonds issued August, 1986, Stan- dard & Poors requested that certain amendments be made to the original indenture. 25 C~nsent Calendar Item No. 15 - 'C' Street Parking Limitations - C'ouncilman Kelly felt that when the parking structure is completed and utilization is regained, any parking problems on "C" Street will be alleviated. Councilman Edgar felt the inaccessibility of the parking structure is irrelevant since it is over two blocks away. He felt those parking adjacent to Peppertree Park are doing so because of its proximity to office structures along First and"C" Streets. The proposed parking limitation would allow utilization of the park on weekdays by those who have been prohibited from doing so because someone who works nearby is parked there all day. He seriously doubted that the same situation exists on South "C" Street. It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Hoestere¥, to approve the following: 15. 'C' STREET PARKING LIMITATIONS Authorized the posting of a parking limitation along the west- erly side of "C" Street adjacent to Peppertree Park consisting of two-hour parking, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., weekends and holi- days excepted, as recommended by the Public Works Department/ Engineering Division. The Director of Community and Administrative Services responded to Mayor Pro Tem Hoesterey that no events are held at Peppertree on a regular basis which would require persons to park longer than two hours. However, there will be special events from time to time which could be handled on an exception basis. The matter may have to be reviewed when the Senior Citizen Center is constructed. The motion carried 5-0. 75 · VII. VIII. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION None. ORDINRNCES FOR ADOPTION None. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 6, 2-2-87 Xe IX. OLD BUSINESS 1. COI~IERCIAL TRUCK PARKING Parking of large trucks has become a significant problem in certain areas of the City. The Police Department recommends that a compre- hensive approach to address this problem throughout the City be initiated. As recommended in the inter-com dated January 26, 1987, prepared by the Police Department, it was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Edgar, to 1) Direct the City Attorney to revise Tustin City Ordinance No. 952, Pa6king of Commercial Vehicles, to allow tow-away for violation; Authorize an increase in bail for violation of Tustin City Ordinance No. 952, Parking of Commercial Vehicles, from $27.00 to $55.00; and direct the City Attorney to coordinate with the Municipal Court subject increase in bail schedule, and others as recommended by the Tustin Police Departmgnt; 3) Authorize the posting of signs at each entrance to the City, and in existing problem areas, advising of the commercial truck parking restrictions; and 4) Authorize a supplemental expenditure of $5,900.00 from unappro- priated reserve funds. The Chief of Police responded to Councilman Kelly that if parking on Newport Avenue at the Santa Ana Freeway becomes a new problem area, additional sign posting will address the problem, since the mechanics for same will already be in place. The Chief added that Tustin has a 97% fine collection rate. The motion carried 5-0. 75 NEW BUSINESS 1. RESOLUTION NO. 87-14 - SUPPORTING CREATION OF AN OCEANIC PARK/ NATIONAL'PRESERVE Subject resolution was prepared as requested at the January 19, 1987, City Council meeting in response to correspondence from the City of Laguna Beach. It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Edgar, to adopt the following: RESOLUTION NO. 87-14 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN DECLARING ITS SUPPORT FOR CREATION OF AN OCEANIC PARK/ NATIONAL PRESERVE (THE AREA PERPENDICULAR TO THE NORTHERNMOST AND SOUTHERNMOST POINTS OF SANTA CATALINA ISLAND TO THE COAST OF ORANGE COUNTY) In response to Councilman Kelly's comments that the matter should be left to environmentalists, and not governmental bodies, Council- woman Kennedy provided historical background on how Tustin became involved in the matter and the adverse impacts oil exploration would have on Orange County beaches. Following Council discussion, the motion carried 3-1, Kelly opposed, Saltarelli abstained. 38 2. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE SALES ESTABLISHMENTS At a joint session of the City Council/Planning Commission held on September 29, 1986, Parents Who Care made a presentation regarding regulation of alcoholic beverage sales establishments. As a result, staff was directed to prepare recommendations on same. Based on detailed analysis and information collected, recommenda- tions have been tailored to meet the needs within the City. ~TY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 7, 2-2-87 In response to Councilwoman Kennedy, the Community Development Director outlined how the zoning code amendments and the policy .guidelines resolution will be handled as two separate issues. The zoning code amendments would require public, hearing format by both the Planning Commission and the City Council. The policy resolu- tion would not requfre formal public hearings, but the matter would be submitted to the Planning Commission, who would then submit the matter to Council for consideration in conjunction with the code amendments for adoption of a formal policy resolution. Councilman Edgar stated that the proposed recommendation is an intelligent thrust to reach common ground on the issue. It sends a .clear message that Council does not want an abundance of alco- holic beverage establishments in the community, yet it does not allow for any misinterpretations. Jack Miller, representing Parents Who Care, stated that they are very pleased with what has been done. He expressed appreciation for Council's concern, interest and involvement on issues that are important to the health, safety, and welfare of everyone in the City. He also expressed appreciation to Laura Pickup, Assistant Planner, and the Community Development Department in preparing sug- ge~tions for zoning amendments and guidelines. Mr. Miller added that there are areas where Parents Who Care would be delighted with slight changes. They understand there will be opportunities to consider those areas in greater detail, which they look forward to doing. He offered recognition to the Council for its willingness to be leaders in considering new approaches to questions on alcohol abuse. · As recommended in the inter-com dated February 2, 1987'. prepared by the Community Development Department, recognizing that there will be future opportunities for Parents Who Care and any others to respond to public hearings that will be forthcoming, it was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kennedy, to: 1) Initiate proposed zoning code amendments regulating alcoholic beverage sales establishments; and 2) Prepare a proposed resolution establishing policy guidelines for review of alcoholic beverage sales establi~ments. The motion carried 5-0. 81 AW~bRD OF BID - SEVENTEENTH Sll~EET IMPROVEMENTS ~TWEEN ll~E COSTA MESA FI~EEWAY & PROSPECT AVENUE {NORTH) Street improvements will generally consist of removal/replacement of deteriorated pavement at various locations; removal/replacement of damaged curb and gutter at various locations; installation of raised medians with decorative concrete between existing medians and Prospect Avenue (North); asphaltic concrete overlay on entire street; and traffic signing/striping and removal of on-street park- ing along Seventeenth Street between the Costa Mesa Freeway and Prospect Avenue (North). Sealed bids for subject project were opened on January 27, 1987, as follows: Blair Paving Company, Anaheim Vernon Paving Company, Anaheim Sully-Miller Contracting Company, Orange Griffith Company, Santa Aha $355,308.20 $377,690.58 $383,918.17 $399,994.73 As recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division in the inter-com dated January 28, lg87, it was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kennedy, to award the contract for subject project to the low bidder, Blair Paving, Anaheim, in the amount of $355,308.20; and authorize a supplemental budget appropriation from gasoline tax revenues in the amount of $59,200.00. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 8, 2-2-87 XI. After a question-and-answer period, the motion carried 5-0. 95 REPORTS PLANNING COI~ISSION ACTIONS - JANUARY 26, 1987 It was moved by Hoestere~, seconded by Edgar, to ratify the entire Planning Commission Action Agenda of January 26, 1987. Councilwoman Kennedy complimented the Planning Commission on their handling of Sign Permit No. 1830, Images for Hair, 1030 Irvine Boulevard. Councilman Kelly raised concern regarding the ma%ter of the War Memorial building which is owned and operated by a non-profit organization, being leased to The Learning Village which is a for- profit organization (preschool). The City Attorney stated staff would review the legality of the matter and report back to Council. The motion carried 5-0. 8O 2. REQUESTS FOR STREET LIGHTING - "C" STREET City Council previously requested staff study the feasibility of installing street lighting along "C" Street between Main Street and Third Street. An evaluation and costs estimates have been prepared by staff. Following.consideration of the inter-com dated January 21, 1987, prepared by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division, it was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Edgar, to authorize, installation of three street lights at an estimated cost of $6,950.00 on "C" Street as follows: a) Two lights on the westerly side just northerly of the school distric~ parking lot and just north of Main Street; and b) One light on the easterly side on the common lot line between 325 and 335 "C" Street. Councilman Kelly abstained on the matter and was advised by the Mayor not to participate in discussion. The Director of Public Works.informed Councilman Edgar that staff is in the midst of updating the map showing areas within the Tustin Landscape and Lighting District. Staff is awaiting finalization of assumption of the County Lighting District. The City Manager stated the cost could be borne with Redevelopment funds, however, it would have to go through proper procedures. Greg Kelly, 330 E1Camino Real, requested that the one light on the easterly side on the common lot line between 325 and 335 "C" Street be moved to the westerly side. The Mayor suggested that Mr. Kelly review the report and meet with the Public Works Director on same. If significant concerns are brought up regarding the location, Council wil reconsider the mat- ter. The motion carried 4-1, Kelly abstained. 63 3. ll~AFFIC SIGNAJ_ TIMING (PEDESTRIAN PHASING) City Council had requested staff investigate the need to modify the pedestrian phase of traffic signal timing at both Newport Avenue at Main Street and Newport Avenue at Bryan Avenue. Following consideration of the inter-com dated January 22, 1987, prepared by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division, it was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Edgar, to receive and file same. Carried 5-0. 95 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 9, 2-2-87 4. RESPONSE FROg PARINE CORPS REGARDING THE CH-53E HELICOPTER Council received and filed the letter dated January 23, 1987, from Brigadier General D.E.P. Miller, Commander, U. S. Marine Corps Air Bases, Western Area by unanimous informal consent. This was in response to the City's request that flights of the CH-53E over populated areas of Tustin be discontinued until its air-worthiness has been evaluated. Mayor Saltarelli stated that General Miller contacted his office and requested a meeting. Also in attendance were Councilwoman Kennedy, the City Manager, Colonel MacAvoy (base commander), and commanders of the two helicopter squadrons. He reported that the meeting was a very open and candid discussion of the issues. It was learned that all helicopters have auto rotation capability which means if power is lost in any of the three engines, it still can set down safely. There has never been a helicopter set down in a populated area. The CH-53E is the only aircraft at the base with "Instrument Landing Approach" Capabilities, and there are approxi- mately 20-25/month that use the pattern into John Wayne Airport. They have agreed that this is not a major part of their training mission, and they will generally use other locations for ILS prac- tice such as March Air Force Base. It has been agreed that there will be no overflights over Tustin except in approved corridors. The Mayor asked that staff corres- pond with Congressman Badham's office to request a copy of the House Armed Forces Committee report relative to the CH-5~ when it is available. The Mayor added that one of the CH-53E squadrons located in Tustin has been accident-free. It has been determined that accidents were not related to a recurring problem. He feels far more confident there is not a~ extremely dangerous situation. There will be very few flights of the CH-53E over populated areas of Tustin and less than 25% of aircraft stationed at the base are that particular model. Councilwoman Kennedy reported she was surprised and very impressed with how open military personnel were during the meeting, which at times had heated discussion and debate. It was agreed that the lines of' communication are open. They .sincerely feel there has been no proof that the CH-53E is dangerous. She and the Mayor, as civilians, will reserve judgment until Congressman Badham's office has printed the Committee report. She expressed delight in meeting with the Marine Corps and stated she looks forward to reading the Committee report. 103 5. SECOND QUARTER (MID-YEAR) FINANCIAL REVIEW Council acknowledged receipt of the Second Quarter (Mid-Year) Financial Review dated January 30, 1987, prepared by the Finance Department. Discussion was deferred pending review of same. 50 6. REPORT FROH COUNCILI~AN KELLY - FINANCIAL REPORTING Councilman Kelly led discussion regarding the inter-com dated February 2, 1987, prepared by the City Manager in response to his request for a monthly expenditure report which would provide great financial management visibility. After a Council/staff question-and-answer period, it was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Kelly, to direct staff to prepare a summa- rized monthly expenditure report by department and fund at a cost of $300-$800; and to prepare the affidavit of demands report by department at a cost of $300-$800. Mayor Pro Tem Hoesterey was opposed to reformatting the affidavit of demands by department rather than currently listed in alpha- betical order by vendor. Councilmembers Edgar and Kennedy con- curred. Council debate followed. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 10, 2-2-87 A substitute motion was made by Hoesterey, seconded by Kennedy, to direct staff to prepare only the summarized monthly expenditure report by department and fund at a cost of $300-$800; and to leave the affidavit of demands in its present alphabetical format by ven- dor. The substitute motion carried 3-2, Kelly and Saltarelli opposed. 50 XII. OTHER BUSINESS COUNCIL LIAISON ll) AVIATION NOISE N~m~TEMENF CO~II'~EE Mayor Pro Tem'Hoesterey raised discuSsi, on regarding Council's appointment of 'Donald Belveal tO the Aviation Noise Abatement Com- mittee at' its January 19 meeting. It was moved by Hoesterey, sec- onded by Saltarelli, to appoint Councilman Richard B. Egar to act as Council liaison'with Mr. Donald Belveal. In response to Councilwoman Kennedy, Councilman Edgar offered assurance that he would remain alert to airport issues and bring matters of policy decision to Council for appropriate action. Councilwoman Kennedy also requested that Mr. Belveal provide Coun- cil with minutes of Committee meetings. The Mayor stated the City's goals to 1) gain participation in whichever agency is selected by the Board of Supervisors to act as the study team for a new airport location, and 2) pursue noise abatement by attempting to continuously move flights over the 55 Freeway. Motion carried 5-0. 2. REPLACEMENT OF NAVIGATIONAL DEVICE AT JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT 101 Mayor Pro Tem Hoesterey reported that Tustin suffered a setback recently in its perseverance to move -flights over the 55 Freeway. He noted that the VOR (Very-high-frequency Omnidirectional Range) navigational transmitter used primarily by pilots on visual flight rules flying over the 55 Freeway, was recently shutdown at John Wayne Airport because of a building being constructed in Santa Ana's Hutton Center. With the disabling of subject device, pilots must now use the ILS (Instrument Landing System) approach which takes them right over Tustin. He suggested Tustin take aggressive steps to activate replacement of the VOR navigational device to mitigate overflights in Tustin. He also suggested strong review of procedures which allow building permits and other development in the area to occur when it so greatly impacts neighboring communities such as Tustin. The Mayor referred the matter to staff for review with a report to Council agendized for the February 17 meeting. 101 RECEIPT OF APPLICATION TO SERVE A~S ALllERI~U~TE ON AVIATION NOISE ABATEMENT CO,Il-FEE Councilwoman Kennedy reported Council received an application from James Brush to serve as alternate on the Aviation Noise Abatement Committee. The matter was deferred until February 17 pending receipt of additional applications, and then Council will take the matter into consideration at a future meeting. 101 4. STREET SWEEPING ON WALNUT AVENUE Councilwoman Kennedy reported that Walnut Avenue appears to have not had .street .sweeping between the old Pantry store and Red Hill Avenue. 95 5. KUDOS TO TUSTIN POLICE DEPA~Rll4ENT CJ~NINE UNITS Councilwoman Kennedy noted recent excellent press coverage given to Tustin Police Department canines which have performed commendably in apprehending crime suspects. She reflected on Chief Thayer's accomplishment in instituting canine units in Tustin. 82 uITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 11, 2-2-87 XIII. 6. COLUFIBUS llJSTIN PARK CoUncilman Edgar raised an issue discussed several months ago rela- tive to crystallizing Council goals for Columbus Tustin Park, particularly in terms of some type of youth facility. He requested that the matter be agendized for the February 17 meeting. He also requested that staff prepare a report updating Council on what has occurred in Columbus Tustin Park relative to its future growth in terms of facilities, funding, etc. Mayor Saltarelli reported that' Bob McCalla called to notify Council that they are looking for a site to relocate, the McCalla house in accordance with the lease agreement. ~he Mayor stated he informed Mr. McCalla that there presently is not a compelling need. 77 7. LIAISON COMMITTEE TO OP~ANGE COUNTY OFFICE OF PROTOCOL In response to the Mayor's suggestion that the City Manager be empowered to appoint a staff member to serve on subject committee, Councilwoman Kennedy stated she would first like to review the time commitment involved. She will report back to Council on whether she is able to serve in that capacity. 38 RECESS - CLOSED SESSION; REDEVELOPI~NT - ADJOURNHENT Mayor Saltarelli announced that the City Council will recess to a Closed Session to consider personnel matters pursuant to Government Code Section 54957. At 8:45 p.m., it was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Edgar, to recess to the Redevelopment Agency; and thence to a Closed Session to consider personnel matters pursuant to Government Code Section 54957; and thence adjourn to an Adjourned Regular Meeting on Tuesday, February 17, 1987, at 7:00 p.m. Motion carried 5-0. MAYOR CITY CLERK