NO. 2
FEBRUARY 10, 1987
· Inter- Corn
For the City Council meeting of March 16, 1987.
Pleasure of the City Council.
The residents of Heatherfield Drive surfaced several concerns as outlined in the
Engineering Division memo dated 9-17-86 and marked as Attachment "A". Prior to
.finalizing this study, staff coordinated the pertinent parking problems with the
Police Department and received a response as outlined in their memo dated 9-19-86
and marked as Attachment "B". The residents concerns were presented to the City
Council on 10-6-86 and staff was directed to send a letter questionnaire to all
potentially affected residents along Heatherfield Drive to determine as to whether
they would be in favor of the proposed permit parking program. The letter
questionnaire is marked as Attachment "C".
The letter questionnaire dated October 7, 1986 was mailed to sixteen residences
along Heatherfield Drive. The following is a recap of responses of this survey:
For the permit parking program ................. 11 (68.8%)
Against the permit parking program ............. 2 (12.5%)
No response .................................... 3 (18.7%)
Total ~
Prior to this item returning to the City Council for final
1986, the Police Department surfaced new concerns about
parking program within the City as follows:
action on November 3,
implementing a permit
Initiation of a precedent for regulation of on-street parking that could
be utilized Citywide.
o Manpower impacts to provide adequate enforcement on a Citywide basis.
The Poli~e Department completed a survey of night time on-street parking
Heatherfield Drive for a seven day period of 11-6-86 through 11-12-86.
results of this survey are outlined in the Police Department memo dated 11-13-86
and marked as Attachment "D".
FEBRUARY 10, 1987
On December 17, 1986, a meeting was held with the neighborhood resident's, Police
Department staff and the City's Consultant Traffic Engineer to discuss each
group's concerns, etc. As a result of this meeting, it was determined thab a
second letter questionnaire be. mailed to the residents to determine if they would
be in favor or against total on-street parking restrictions between 2:00 a.m. and
6:00 a.m. a'long both Heatherfield Drive and Sandwood Place. A copy of this second
letter questionnaire is attached and marked as Attachment "E" and was sent to
sixteen residences along Heatherfield Drive and eight residences along Sandwood
Place as shown on the attached map marked Attachment "F". The results of the
survey indicate the following:
For the restricted parking between
2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. - .......................... 4 (16.7%)
Against the restricted parking between
2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. - .......................... 14 (58.3%)
No response ......................................... 6 (25.0%)
Total ~
The detailed results and comments of the 1-9-87 questionnaire and letters received
from residents are attached and marked as Attachment "G".
A 'recap of the alternatives studied to date include:
1. Implementation of a permit parking program.
2. Implementation of restricted on-street parking between the hours of 2:00
a.m. and 6:00 a.m.
3. No action, which results in a status quo situation and no change to
current parking regulations.
Director of Public Works/City Engineer
An on-street parking prohibition for all vehicles between the
hours of 2:00 A.M. and 6:00 A.M. be instituted on Heatherfield
The parking situation on Heatherfield as described in the attached
memos from the police department and the engineering department,
indicate that there are three potential courses of action that may
be taken by Council:
1. Implement a parking prohibition between the hours
2:00 A.M. and 6:00 A.M.
2. 'Implement a permit parking process.
3. No action, parking to continue, taking no action.
A parking prohibition would eliminate the usage of Heatherfield
for overnight parking. The availability of parking until 2:00
A.M. would leave the street available for those residents who have
guests to have on-street parking. This prohibition is enforceable
in that the hours of enforcement are those hours which are
typically low calls for service times for the police department.
Option #2, permit parking, will not bring the relief the
neighborhood desires in that the heaviest enforcement time, which
by necessity would be of a low priority, is during the highest
activity times the police department experiences.
Alternative #3, no action, is not an option at this point.
It is recommended Council adopt a parking prohibition for Heather-
field Drive.
Chief of Police
A on-street parking-prohibition for all vehicles between the hours
of g:00 A.M. and 6:00 A.M. be instituted on Heatherfield.Drive.
On December 17, 1986, Heatherfield residents, a representative of
the public works department, and representatives of the police
department met to discuss the parking issues. The discussion was
positive and productive. The Heatherfield residents expressed
their frustration over having few available parking spots on their
street during the evening hours. The feeling~ was that the
available parking was being utilized by non-residents. Their
desire was to free the on-street parking for use by residents
only. Their suggested method of accomplishing this was the
implementation of the permit parking process. They requested this
permit parking to be instituted 7 days a week between the hours of
8:00 P.M. and 6:00 A.M., with 2 on-street guest parking permits
per residence.
The police department discussed its concerns with the proposed
solution, permit parking. Between the hours of 8:00 P.M. and 3:00
A.M. are the police department's h~ghest calls for service time
span, particularly with emergency calls for service. Violations
of the permit parking would be of low priority. There are also no
parking control officers on duty during these particular hours due
to a lack of need. The department would not be able to
consistently provide the service desired in the enforcement of the
permit parking regulations that the residents of Heatherfield
would rightfully .expect and demand, due to other' calls for
service. It was further explained that a prohibition of all
parking on the street between 2:00 A.M. and 6:00 A.M. was, for the
police department, a most viable solution. Each resident on
Heatherfield has 4 off-street parking spaces, 2 in the garage, 2
on the driveway. A parking prohibition between the hours of 2:00
A.M. and 6:00 A.M. would provide the opportunity for residents and
guests to utilize on-street parking until 2:00 A.M. Non-residents
utilizing the street as an all night parking lot, would be unable
Page 2
Heatherfield Permit Parking
to do so because of the total parking prohibition. There are
16 residences on Heatherfield which would be affected, and 24
available on-street parking spaces. Two on-street guest
parking permits issued per residence would be impossible to
accomplish if there w~s a need for more than 24 parking spaces.
After much discussion, residents agreed that the parking
prohibition between the hours of 2:00 A.M. and 6:00 AM was the
best solution. It was also agreed that the traffic engineer
would re-evaluate the red curb areas on Mitchell Street, with
the view of shortening them to allow for more on-street
parking. Based on this discussion, I am surprised at the
current reversal of the expressed position of the residents at
the end of this meeting.
Other Cities' Experience
History and experience by other jurisdictions has shown permit
parking to be, at best, a necessary evil when there is no other
solution. The permit parking process has been used by
jurisdictions with facilities that attract a large influx of
non-residents into a given area. Anaheim (Anaheim Stadium and
the Convention Center areas), Costa Mesa (Fairgrounds and
Amphitheater), Fullerton (Cal State University), and beach
cities have found permit parking to be necessary to provide
residents a place to park. In the beach cities area, this was
because off-street parking was not available. Permit parking
was the only available method to provide residents any parking
and is uti-i-Fi-zed only in problem areas.
All jurisdictions utilizing the permit parking process report
the same problems: excessive administrative time for issuance
of permits, voiding citations, and addressing citizen
dissatisfaction when service levels do not meet their
expectations. This is particularly when citations are not
voided because residents or guests forget to display their
parking permit. Each jurisdiction viewed the permit parki~g
process as a necessary evil. It was utilized and beneficial
because of the clearly apparent unique circumstances.
Permit parking is not a viable solution to the concerns
expressed by the. Heatherfield residents. The one thing worse
than the current problems would be to have a mechanism in place
(permit parking) which could not be enforced to the level of
Page 3
Heatherfield Permit Parking
expecation. In this situation, that would be the case. Permit
parking would create significant administrative and enforcement
work without the desired results.
Additionally, permit parking (during concerned hours) places
all parking authorization in the control of the resident. No
one would be able to park without first obtaining a guest
parking permit from one of the residents on Heatherfield. In.
essence, the street parking becomes private controlled and
public maintained.
A parking prohibition between the hours of 2:00 A.M. and 6:00
A.M. would be manageable and enforceable with existing
resources and addresses the residents' concerns. I believe
this to be the best course of action.
C. R. THAYE~/_
Chief of P~qice
January 14, 1987
Carol and Lou Bone
14312 Heatherfield Drive
Tustin, California, 92680-6328
JAN 191987
The Honorable Donald J. Saltarelli
Mayor, City of Tustin
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, California, 92680
Re: Permit Parking on Heatherfield Drive
Dear Mr. Saltarelli:
On October 7, 1986, the Department of.Public Works/Engineering
sent out a survey to the residents of Heatherfield Drive asking
them to vote on permit parking. On December 11, 1986, the
Department of Public Works issued a letter stating the results of
the vote. The results were: 68.8% for permit parking, 12.5%
against, and 18.7% no response. The letter also stated that the
Police Department had "surfaced a concern regarding the
implementation of the permit program.'~
On December 17, 1986, a meeting was called by the Police
Department to discuss their concerns with the residents. The
concerns as we understood them were as follows:
1. The parking problem would be moved elsewhere.
2. Residents would be upset with the Police Department if
they or their guests received a ticket by forgetting to
put the permit sign in the car window.
3. The police would not have enough personnel to enforce
a 24 hour parking permit program.
4. If Heatherfield ~as granted permit.parking, the rest of
the city would want it.
5. Only one other city iN Orange County. has permit parking,
and that city's police department does not like ii..
As for concerns ~1, #2, and #3, these were voiced a few years ago
~hen the residents of Heatherfield asked the couacil for, and
received, signs prohibitin~ parking on street-s~eepi~g m¢,~.nings.
These fears turned oui to be groundless,
Also concerning point #3, we only wanted overnight p,,rmit i,arking
from 8:00 P.M. to 6:00 A.M. Chief Thayer said he had enough
personnel to enforce an overnight parking ban.
Regarding concern #4, we believe that crime would be reduced'if
the whole city had permit parking, as it is difficult to flee the
scene of a crime without an automobile. Furthermore, at our
Neighborhood Watch meetings, the police told us to be wary of
cars that did not belong in the neighborhood. A few years ago
Tustin had a no parking ordinance from 2:00 A.M. to 6:00 A.M.,
which was not enforced. Chief Thayer told us that it was no
longer an ordinance.
On point #§, we know people in Los Angeles County cities who have
permit parking with which they are very happy and it seems to
work very well.
The residents of Heatherfield have mulled over the meeting
discussion points, and we would like permit parking on
Heatherfield Drive. The Police Department's own s~rvey for a
seven-day period in November showed that 70% of parked cars on
Neatherfield did not belong to residents.
What we are asking for is:
1. Implementation of the Public Works/Engineering
Department's recommendation for permit parking,
approved by a 68.8% majority of the residents.
2. Permit parking seven days a week from 8:00 P.M. to 6:00
3. Two permit parking cards issued to each residence on a
yearly basis, issued only to vehicles which would take
up no more than one parking space. Large trucks and
mobile homes which would take up more than one space
could not have permits.
We feel that the city of Tustin is a great place to live and that'
we have a fine Police Department. We are concerned ~ith the
safety and appearance of our neighborhood. Permit parking has
helped in these areas in other cities outside of Or'ang,~ Count)'.
We would like to ask you and the Council to supiort the Public
Works Department's recommendation to al]o~,' permit parking on
H~,at, herfield Drive. We look for~,'ard to hearing f~'om 5-,~u on this
Mr. Huston, City Manager
Mr. Tha.¥er, Chief of 'Po]ice
Mr. Ledendecker, Director of Public R'ork~
{Mr. Crabill, Traffic Engine'er
January 20,1987
Department of Public Works/Engineering
Mr. Bob Ledendecker
Director of Public Works/City Engineer
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, Ca. 92680
... clVbb
· ,,~o ~ ~: ~F~,
JAN 2119B?
Dear Mr. Ledendecker:
This letter is written in response to the revised recon~n'endations for
parking control along Heatherfield Drive and Sandwood Place as referenced
in your letter dated 1/9/87.
There are four (4} residents in the household, and all four are driving
a vehicle. We'utilize both places in the garage, and park one vehicle
off the street on an area next to the driveway. Therefore there is one
vehicle that needs to be parked on the street and the permit parking
would be the most logical and we feel the most easily workable method
to play musicai cars ana cnecKers wltntne venicies to maneuver =nem
in and out of the driveway whenever we have to use the automobiles.
When we have guests we do try and put their vehicles in our driveway
as it is very difficult for anyone to park on the street under the
present conditions of having everyone BUT the residents use the parking
spaces at the front and side of our home.
We do not feel that the proh'ibition of on street parking from 2 to 6
in the morning {2:00am to 6:00a.m.)would be feasible in the neighborhood.
We would like to have the enforcement of the permit system as passed
by the .mesidents of our neighborhood in October of 1986.
Georgia o ey,, /
14332 Heather(_ield Drive
Tustin, California 92680
January 21, 1987
~'lJ~TM pH IF' ,~,,e
JAN 2 3 1987
Mr. R. Ledendecker ~
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Weidner
Letter dated January 9, 1987, reference 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. Restriction
The Weidner family has resided on Heatherfield since February, 1973. The current
parking problem has escaled since the curbs on Mitchell were painted red a few
years ago. The red curbs caused non-resident cars to seek parking on Heatherfield.
Non-resident parking led to signs prohibiting parking on Monday mornings to permit
street sweeping. Now we are plagued with visual pollution in the form of signs.
Here are a few examples of the problems we have had which requi.red the police to
1. A large camper (almost R.V. size} parked in front of our house
from Friday night until Sunday night.
2. A man living in his car and parked in front of our house all
3. People working on cars at odd hours making noise and leaving
trash on the street and lawn areas.
4. Cars parked over the 72 hour limit; by the time the pol, ice
marked these cars, often times five days had elapsed. He are
sure other residents have had, and are having, problems similar
to the~e. )
The ~eidner family still wants permit parking on Heat~erfield. We have thought
about our problem and what the 2 to 6 restriction will cause us to endure. Here
are five of the disadvantages that will affect us. There are more, these are only
the first few that occurred to us. Other residents, no doubt, have objections
that are pertinent to their situations.
1. Police cars ticketing offenders in the wee hours of the morning
with attendant police car noise of engines running, doors slamming,
and radios routed through the car's public address system.
2. Non-residents starting their cars and slamming doors prior to the
2 a.m. prohibition, thus awakening residents.
3. Family and visiting guests/relatives not being able to park all
night in front of our house.
4. Sometimes we prefer to park a car in the street in front of our
house overnight, we do not have this option with the 2 to 6
5. Non-residents parking until 2 a.m. -- strangers walking through
our neighborhoods.
The number of small chi'ldren that live on Heatherfield has increased. We want
street conditions that are safe for our children. We do not want to have to
worry about the increasedauto traffic and foot traffic from non-residents. ~ie
do not want to be awakened needlessly at odd hours of the night. We do not want
strangers walking through our neighborhood when our children are outside. We
want permit parkinq.
Ji n, cerely yours,,, '
nr.andMrs. Kobert D. 14eidner
14321 Heatherfield
Tustin, CA 92680
TUSTIN, CA 92680
January 20, 1987
Mr. Bob Ledendecker
Director of Public Works/
City Engineer
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92680
Dear Mr. Ledendecker:
JAN 2 21987
Attached is my response regarding parking restrictions on Heather-
field and Sandwood between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. I am not
against parking in the street but I would like to see signs posted
street sweeping.
Thank you.
Very truly yours,
Ellen Goodwin
For the City Council meeting of October 6, 1986.
Direct staff to send a l'etter questionnaire to all potentially affected residents
along Heatherfield Drive to determine how many residents would be in favor of the
permit parking program.
Residents. of Heatherfield Drive have requested that a cul-de-sac be constructed on
Heatherfield Drive just southerly of Mitchell Avenue. This request is a result of
the following concerns that were expressed by the residents:
On-street parking overflow on Heatherfield Drive from the residents
of the condominiums and apartments located along Mitchell Avenue.
° Speed violations of eastbound Mitchell Avenue to southbound
Heatherfield Drive.
Failure of vehicles to obey stop signs on Mitchell Avenue.
An additional concern, which was expressed but not related to Heatherfield, was
the truck traffic on Mitchell Avenue.
Staff has reviewed the entire area with respect to the closure of Heatherfield
Drive by the construction of a cul-de-sac and recommends,against any such street
closure for the following reasons:
1. Closure would create a 1,600 foot long cul-de-sac street with only one
outlet to Walnut Avenue, which would be in conflict with current City
development standards.
2. Potential 'delay for emergency type vehicles servicing the residents of
HeatheFfield Drive, Sandwood Place and Cloverbrook Drive.
An emergency access could be maintained to Mitchell Avenue which could be
gated or blocked with a chain type barrier. However, some delays would
be experienced by emergency vehicles in opening the gates or cutt!ng the
SEPTEMBER 17, '1986
3. Inconvenience to residents desiring to take access to Mitchell Avenue
directly. All trips would have to be routed southerly to Walnut Avenue.
In lieu of. a street ~losure, staff is suggesting the following:
1. Immediate police enforcement for speed violations and failure to stop at
the designated stop signs.
2. "Initiation of a permit parking system'for residents and guests along both
sides of Heather'field Avenue.
The permit parking could be applied to the entire length of Heatherfield Drive
between Mitchell Avenue and Sandwood Place, as shown in blue on the attached map.
In the event any additional adjacent area experienced on-going problems, this
permit parking area could be extended. The system would provide for parking
permits to be issued to each affected resident or their guest for display on the
drivers side of the dashboard. Any vehicle parking on the street and not
displaying a permit would be cited. This parking permit program has been reviewed
with the Police Department and they have 'indicated that they concur with the
In the event enforcement can not reduce the excessive speeds as they relate to
eastbound Mitchell Avenue to southbound Heatherfield Drive, it may be necessary to
ins'tall pavement delineation as shown below:
· SEPTEMBER 17,'1986
This type of delineation would restrict vehicles to a narrower lane to complete
their right turn movement resulting in a smaller turning radius and hopefully
.reduced speeds. This type of installation would require removal of on-street
parking in front of each corner residence on Heatherfield Drive at Mitchell
Avenue. It is not recommended that this delineation be implemented at this time,
but only if the excessive turning speeds persist.
In the event a parking permit system is initiated it will be necessary to adopt an
Ordinance pertaining to same.
The additional issue related to truck traffic on'Mitchell Avenue is most likely
due to the limitation of trucks on Walnut Avenue. It is suggested that no
specific action be taken on this item at this time, but that staff continue to
monitor Mitchell Avenue for any increases in truck useage.
Bob Ledend~cker
Director of Public Works/City Engineer
j TT.~CJ-{IV[£#T ".A"
TO: Bob Ledendecker, Engineering
Sgt. H. Shan~an, Traffic Section
Permit Parking Proposal
On 9-17-86 Jerry Crabil and I discussed ~he proposed'permit parking for some
residential areas as a means of eliminating long standing parking problem
I think that if properly worded and used in selected areas, that this type
of restricted parking arrangements would be beneficial to not only the area
residents ~at are directly affected, but it would help from an enforcement
point of view as well.
As a'point of personal reference, I lived in several areas in the midwest
where this arrangement was very conmon and it was an effective tool in
eliminating both parking problems and enforcement efforts. I would be
Please keep us informed as to the progress on this issue, as we would be
happy to assist in whatever way possible to help with it's implementation.
Hike Shanahan
Traffic Supervisor
cc: Jerry Crabill
SEP 19 1986
October 7, 1986
· Department of Public Works/Engincrring
Tustin, CA 92680
Dear Residenti
Over the past few years, the City has received various complaints regarding
overflow parking on HeatnerTield Urive. This overtlow parking is a result oT the
Mitchell Avenue condominium and apartment residents utilizing Heatherfield Drive
due to insufficient parking within their own developments.
In order to alleviate this parking problem, staff is recommending the initiation
of a permit parking program on both sides of Heatherfiel'd Drive between Mitchell
Avenue and Sandwood Place. This permit parking program would include the
installation of notification signing on each side of the street. The program
would also provide for parking permits to be issued to residents and their guests
to display on the drivers side of the dashboard of the vehicles. Any vehicle
parking on the street and not displaying a permit would be cited.
Prior to considering implementation of this program, the City Council has directed
staff to send a letter questionnaire to each of the affected residents along
Heatherfield Drive to determine how many residents would be in favor of the permit
parking program. Letters are being sent to all residents along Heatherfield Drive
as marked in blue on the attached map.
Please indicate your preference on this matter in the space .below and return one
copy of this letter in the self-addressed stamped envelope by October 24, 1986.
In the event there are any questions on this matter, please call me at anytime
(544-8890, ext. 280}.
Very truly yours,
'Bob Ledendecker
Director of Public Works/City Engineer
In favor of the implementation of a permit parking program along
[]] Heatherfield Drive between Ilitchell Avenue and Sandwood Place.
Against the implementation of a permit parking program along
[]] Ileatherfield Drive between Ilitchell Avenue and Sandwood Place·
300 C¢,~tennial Way Tustin, Cahfornia.°2680 · (714) 54,~-8590
Chief C. R. Thayer
Captain Fred.Wakefield
SUBJECT: Heatherfield Parking
A survey of nighttime on-str.eet parking on Heatherfield has been
completed to determine the extent of the problem. The survey was
fo6 seven days, 11/06/86 through 11/12/86. Two counts were made.
daily at 7:00 p.m. and 1:00 a.m. Daily averages and range of
parked vehicle numbers are as follows:
Daily Average
Total Vehicles
16 23-8
,R/O Heatherfield
5 8-2
R/O Other Tustin
1 (6%) 4-0
R/O Other 6 (38%) 11-3
Parking Spaces Available
24 Full Size
Parking does not, appear to be a problem from a legal'standpoint.
Illegally parked vehicles were not found during the survey
period. There is adequate spaces for the vehicles.
Permit parking would not solve a problem. In this area, it would
create one. There is nowhere for the overflow of vehicles from
Mitchell Street to go for parking. At best, this program will be
a displacement of a perceived problem and creation of an
enforcement problem for the Police Department where none currently
Fred Wakefield, Captain
Commander, Operations Division
January 9, 1987
Department bf Public Works/En,,qinccrin,~
Tustin, CA 92680
Dear Resident:
This letter is intended as a follow-up to recent discussions concerning the
control of unwanted parking along Heatherfield Drive and Sandwood Place. As you
know, a parking permit system was evaluated by the ,City's Traffic Engineering
section with intentions of being submitted to Council with a recommendation for
implementation. However, concerns as to enforcement of the system were raised by
the Police Department and the above submittal to Council was postponed.
A subsequent meeting was held at Tustin City Hall wherein the Traffic Engineer
summarized the permit parking evaluation and the Police Department expressed their
v~ews as to enforcement problems. While numerous issues were discussed, another
alternative was suggested by the Police to replace the permit system. This
alternative calls for the installation of signs on both Heatherfield and
Sandwood that would prohibit all on-street parking from two to six in the morning
(2 a.m. to 6 a.m.).
Since a residential poll was conducted as part of the permit system, it was
requested that a similar procedure be performed for this alternative. Therefore,
should you be in favor or against the measure (total on-street' parking
prohibition from 2 a.m. to 6 a.m.), please so indicate in the spaces below.
Very truly yours,
Director of Public Works/City Engineer
In favor of total on-street parking restrictions between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m.
(along Heatherfield and Sandwood)
Against total on-street parking restrictions between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m.
(along Heatherfield and Sandwood)
300 Centennial Way Tustin, Cahforma 92680 · (714) 544-8890
~.~2~ ~---~ '