HomeMy WebLinkAboutPH 1 INCREASE PLNG FEES 3-2-87DATE: MARCH 2, 1987 PUBLIC HEARING NO. 1 3-2-87 Inter- Com TO: FROM: SU BJ ECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, cI'rY RANAGER CHRISTINE SHI#GLETON, DIRECTOR OF CO~UNII'Y DEVELOPHENT INCREASES IN PLANNING FEES RECOI~IE#DAT[ON: It is recommended that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 87-27 imposing new fees for planning services based on estimated costs. BACKGROUND: The City's planning fees have not been modified since 1981 (see Attachment I, Resolution 81-53). Unfortunately, increases recommended in 1981 were arbitrarily established without a comprehensive analysis of actual departmental costs for processing each application. Since the passage of Proposition 13 and 4 most jurisdictions have developed a philosophy of "fees for service" in order to recover costs. In Tustin an example of this application has been the raising of recreation class and facility fees to recover costs experienced by the Community Services Department. Pursuant to the California Government Code no local agency can increase an existing fee or service charge to an amount which exceeds the estimated amount required to provide the service for which the fee or service charge is levied (Attachment II). Appropriately, the department has completed a comprehensive cost analysis to determine the estimated hourly costs of reviewing and processing planning projects and applications. The methodology used for this analysis was to divide estimated costs over the next year for specific cost categories by total available professional staff hours. This methodology as shown on Attachment III determined an average hourly rate of $39.10 for planning and $46.72 for building review. As a second step in the analysis the department has monitored and estimated the actual average number of productive hours spent on each specific type of planning action (see Attachment IV). These hours were then multiplied by average hourly rates shown in Attachment III to determine the average cost of review and processing of specific planning actions. Attachment IV also identifies the current fee structure for each planning action and based upon the proceeding cost analysis identifies recommended fees. Attachment V provides information on current fees imposed by various jurisdictions throughout Orange County and selected cities within the County of Los Angeles. J CHRISTINE SHINGLETON, Director of Community Development 1 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 2? 28 RESOLUTION NO. 81-53 A 9ESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 80-28 PERTAINING TO '~ ESTABLISHMENT OF FEES AND SERVICE CHARGES. The City Council of ~he City of Tustin, resolve as follows: California, does hereby Subdivision B of Section 1 of Resolution No. 80-28 of the City Council of t_ha City of Tustin is amended =o read as follows: "B. SPECIAL SERVICE ~S Applications' ~o t_he License and Permit Board Application Fee Vehicle Inspec~ion Blnqo Semi-Annual Review Fingerprinting and policerecord clearance for ]mkulance drivers, taxicab drivers, to~ ~_~uck drivers, entertainers, and others as required Finperprin~ing, Courtesy Police Clearance Letter Tear Gas Permits Concealed Weapons Special Policing Service: Police ~eea=ve Police 0ffficer Police Agent Police Supervisor Zone Change Variance Use Permit Council Appeals Presoning Environmental Impact Report Evaluation 40.00 $ 10.00/vehicle for each initial and annual inspection $ 5. O0 $ 5.00/person plus fee charged by State for fingerprint and record check $ 5.00/person $ 2.50 $ 20.00 plus fee to $ 25.00 plus fee to State · Actual hourly rate* 'Plus 25% Admin. fee $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $ 50.00 $ .00 $250.00 1 2 4 § ? 9 10 I1 12 !4 15 17 18 19 2O 21 22 2~ 24 25 26 27 28 29 50 $2 RESO~.U'FZON NO. 81-53 Paqe 2 tion I G. Assessment of EIR ~uirement $ 25.00 Negative Declare=ion' ~Initial Study) $10Q.00 General Plan Amendment $250.00 Notwi~hstanding provisions in ~his Subdivision ~ to ~he con- trary, no application fee shall be required fro~ any applicant to ~he License and Permit Board for any activity when t_he aDglican= is an institution or organization which is conducted, managed and car- ried on wholly for t. he benefit of charitable, religious, eleemos¥- nar~ or ~enevolent 9ux~oees and from which no 9ro~it is derived for the benefit of any individual.' Sec=ion 1 of Resolution No. 80-28 is hereby amended by adding Sec- and Section I H. ~o reed as follows= SU~OIVISION'FEES Tentative Trac~ or Ten~ative Parcel Map $300.00 per map olus $ 5.00 per each numbered or lettered parcel 9250.00 per map Final Trac~ Map Final Parcel Map Plan Check Fee for Trac~ and $ 7.00 per lot Parcel Maps Improv~mn~ Plan Check and Inspection Fees Reversion to Acreage Certificate of Compliance Lo~ Line Adjustment MICROFILM ~'m= FOR BUILDING DOC~MENT~ Sheets exceedinq 8-1/2" x 14" $ 1.00 per sheet Sheets 8-1/2' x 14" and smaller $ .30 per sheet" City of Tustin, California, held on ~he __ $150.00 per map (as shown in Section D, Resolution 80-28) $250.00 per applica- tion $250.00 per applica- tion 50.00 oer apolica- ~ion PASS~n AND ADOPTED at a .regular meeting of the Ci~ Council of the 18th day of ~ay , 1~81. MAYOR STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) MARX E- W~N, Clt~ Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the CiTy Council of the CiTy of Tustin, California, does hereby ceL~cify t_hat =he whole number of =he members of =he CiTy Council' of the CiTy of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution NO. 81-53. was duly and regularly introduced, passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 18th day of Mag, 1981 by the fo 1lowing v~te: AFES : COUNCT~,PERSONS: Sharp, Noesterey, Edgar, Kennedy, Saltarelli NOES : ~E~S: None ~S~T: ~C~D~S: None MARX E. WYNN, Cl~lerk. 0 City of Tustin, CaIifornia AI'FACHMENT II 54992. NEW OR INCREASED LEVIES; MEETINGS; NOTICE; ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION; COSTS {a) Prior to levying a new fee or service charge, or prior to approving an increase in an existing fee or service charge, a local agency shall hold at least one public meeting, at which oral or written presentations can be made, as part of a regularly scheduled meeting. Notice of the time and place of the meeting, including a general explanation of the matter to be considered, and a statement that the data required by this section is available, shall be mailed a~ least 14 days prior to the meeting to any interested party who files a written request with the local agency for mailed notice of the meeting on new or increased fees or service charges. Any written rquest for such mailed notices shall be valid for one year from the date on which it is filed unless a renewal request is filed. Renewal requests for such mailed notices shall be filed on or before April 1st of each year. The legislative body may establish a reasonable annual charge for sending such notices based on the estimated cost of providing such a service. At least 10 days prior to the meeting, the local agency shall make available to the public data indicating the amount of cost, or estimated cost, required to provide the service for which the fee or service charge is levied and the revenue sources anticipated to provide the service, including general fund revenues. Unless there has been voter approval, as prescribed by Section 54990 or 54991, no local agency shall levy a new fee or service charge or increase an existing fee or service charge to an amount which exceeds the estimated ~unt required to provide the service for which the fee or service charge is vied. If, however, the fees or service charges create revenues in excess of actual ~ost, those revenues shall be used to reduce the fee or service charge creating the excess. {b) Any action by a local agency to levy a new fee or service charge or to approve an increase in an existing fee or service charge shall be taken only by ordinance or resolution. {c) Any costs incurred by a local agency in conducting the meeting or meetings required pursuant to subdivision {a) may be recovered from fees charged for the services which were the subject of the meeting. ATTACIg4ENT III COMMUNITY DEYELOP~ENT DEPARTMENT COMPREHENSIVE PERSONNEL COST ANALYSIS FOR P~VIEW OF OISCRETIONARY PROJECTS 1986-87/1987-88 PLANNING DIVISION COSTS DOLLAR NO. OF TOTAL ANNUAL COIMPUTATION POSITIONS AVAILABLE HOURS SALARY OF AVERAGE HOURLY RATE PLANNING STAFF Director 1 1832 ()) Senior Planner 2 3664 (1) (detail (detail not Associate Plaqner 2 3664 (1) not shown) shown) Assistant Planner 1 1832 (1) Contract Planner 1 1880 (1) -'"/ ~ ~(2) $2o.92 CLERICAL STAFF Administrative Sec. I (3) (detail (detail not Clerk Typists 2 (3) not shown) shown) FRINGE BENEFITS Miscellaneous Benefits(3) NA Deferred compensation NA & car allowance NA NA 12,872 (4) 53,500 (detail not 4,700 shown) 58,200 -$-4.52 SUPPLIES & SERVICES NA 12,872 (4) 44,140 $ 3.43 SUBTOTAL OF COSTS 12,872 (4) 440,100 $34.18 CITY OVERHEAD COST A . AL $ 4.92 BUILDING DIVISION COSTS BUILDING STAFF (5) Building Official Building Planchecker 1832 (detail not 1832 shown) 3664 79,410 $21.67 CLERICAL SUPPORT Building Technician I NA NA FRINGE BENEFITS NA 3664 (4) 33,500 $ 9.14 SUPPLIES & SERVICE NA 3664 (4) 11,200(6) $ 3.06 SUBTOTAL OF COSTS 3664 (4) 149,560 $40.82 CITY OVERHEAD COST A 14. % 0 B AL $ 5.90 (1) holiday and general leave hours excluded. (2) includes adjustments effective 12/22/86 and contract commitments for 3.5% increase during 1987-88 {3) health insurance, life insurance, workers compensation, Medicine, unemployment, Pers, etc. (4) function of total available hours of planning staff for a unit cost comparison (5) only those staff active in review of discretionary actions are included (6) excludes contract services NA not appllcabel CAS 2/10/87 ATI'ACUM£NT Z¥ CITY OF TUSTIN COHHUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING FEE ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDED FEE SCHEDULE TYPE OF ACTION Zoning Administrator actions 2.0 (I) Temporary Use Permit 2.0 (1) Use Interpretation 3.0 Variance Minor 7.5 (1) Major 13.5 (1) Conditional Use ABC license 5 Minor 13.5 Major 26.5 Zone Change 20.0 Zoning Code Amendment 20.0 Design Review Signs 1.5 Minor remodel 7.0 Major remodel 13.0 Minor new 10.0 Major new 20.0 General Plan Revisions Minor textural 15.0 Major textural 40.0+ Land Use map 20.0 Tract Maps Tentative ET-per sector 120.0 Tentative ET-per project 56.0 Tentative Standard 24.0 Final map 27.0- Parcel Maps Tentative 24.0 Final 22.5 AVERAGE AVERAGE CURRENT RECOI~IENDEO STAFF TItlE COST TO CITY FEE ($) FEE ($) 102 no fee 75 102 25 75 117 no fee 100 297 250 300 531 250 525 (1) 531 (1) 1040 782 782 250 25O 250 250 250 2OO 525 1000 750 750 (1) 61 no fee 50 (1) 276 no fee 275 (1) 510 no fee 500 (1) 393 no fee 400 {1) 784 no fee 775 250 250 250 586 1560 782 300+5/lot 300+5/lot 300+5/lot 250+7/lot 4692 2190 948 1056 948 879 300+5/lot 150+5/lot base map fee + 50 250 Vesting map varies varies vari es Reversion to Acreage varies 575 1500 min.dep(2) 775 4500 2150 95O 1050 950 875 base map fee + 50 base map fee + 50 Lot line adjustment 5.0 196 50 200 Lot merger 4.0 156 no fee 150 page two TYPE OF AVERAGE AVERAGE CURRENT RECO~ENDED ACTION STAFF TIME COST TO CITY FEE FEE Certificate of Compliance 2.0 78 250 75 CC&R review 4.0 156 no fee 150 Environmental Initial study 2.0 78 no fee 75 Negative Declaration 2.5 97 100 100 Minor 45.0+ 1760 250 1750 Major 80.0+ 3128 250 3100 min.dep(3) Other Miscellaneous {4) document preparation 4 59 no fee 150 Appeals varies 50 1/2 of filing fee (1) includes cursory review of applications by building staff. (2) additional actual production costs to be reimbursed at hourly rate of $39.10 {3) minimum deposit is for city review only - additional actual time spent by staff will be reimbursed on an hourly rate of $39.10. Applicant to also deposit actual costs for consultant preparation of EIR, when required. (4) examples are parking agreements CAS 2/10/87 ATTACHMENT V SURVEY OF SELECTED JURISDICTIONS Community Development Department TYPE OF ACTION CITIES 1. ZONING ADMINISTRATION ACTIONS [1] 2. TEMPORARY USE PERMIT [1] 3o USE PERMIT Major: Minor: 350+$20/acre 200 VARIANCE Major: Minor: 350+$20/acre 2OO 5. DESIGN REVIEW [1] 6. ZONE CHANGE 450+$20/acre 7. ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 450+$20/acre 8. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 450+$20/acre TRACT MAPS a. Tentative b. Final 350+$10/lot 75/+350/lot 10. PARCEL MAPS a. Tentative b. Final 375 1,000 E3] 11. VESTING MAP [I] 12. REVERSION TO ACREAGE 200 13. LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 120 14. LOT MERGER 120 15. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE 75 16. CC&R REVIEW [1] 17. ENVIRONMENTAL a. Initial Study [1] b. Neg. Dec. $50 c. EIR Major 500- Minor 18. DOCUMENT PREPARATION [1] 19. APPEALS 1/2 filing fee Footnotes: [[] fee not applicable to city [2] same cost as parcel map [3] deposit (refundable less cost for plancheck) [4] hourly fee Brea lO0 30O [1] 485+$15/acre [1] 150 per acre 250+2/lot 100+2/lot lO0+2/lot 100+2/lot [1] 100 [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] 2O0 300+lO/lot [1] [1] ,ha Park [1] 55O 45O 250 500 500 500 400 400+lO/lot 400 400+lO/lot [1] [1] 85 [1] 400 100 100 500 [1] 50% of fee TYPE OF ACTION CITIES Grove Huntington Beach ' ~tne 1. ZONING ADMINISTRATION ACTIONS [1] 2. TEMPORARY USE PERMIT 20 3. USE PERMIT Major: 400 Minor: 115 25 350 All fees based on hourly rate of $60 per hour with minimum deposits VARIANCE Major: Minor: 395 1SO 5. DESIGN REVIEW 400 55 6. ZONE CHANGE 600 450 7. ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 600 357 8. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 800 325 [3] TRACT MAPS a. Tentative SOO+lO/lot b. Final 350+25/lot 38S+5/lot 247 10. PARCEL MAPS a. Tentative 500+10/lot b. Final 200+50/lot 115 150 11. VESTING MAP [1] [1] 12. REVERSION TO ACREAGE 500+lO/lot 165 13. LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 500+lO/lot 115 14. LOT MERGER 500+lO/lot [2] 15. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE [1] 38.50 16. CC&R REVIEW (1] [1] 17. ENVIRONMENTAL a. Initial Study b. Neg, Dec. c. EIR Major Minor 150 150 · 115 115 2,500 18. DOCUMENT PREPARATION [1] El] 19. APPEALS SO 165 Footnotes: [1] fee not applicable to city [2] same cost as parcel map [3] deposit (refundable less cost for plancheck) [4] hourly fee TYPE OF ACTION CITIES I na Beach La Nabra Palm 1. ZONING ADMINISTRATION ACTIONS 2. TEMPORARY USE PERMIT 2O [1] [1] [1] 3. USE PERMIT Major: Minor: 175 3O5 4. VARIANCE Major: Minor: 5. DESIGN REVIEW 6. ZONE CHANGE 2S0 5O 750 295 35O 350 350 380 7. ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 750 8. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 900 350 380 TRACT MAPS .a. Tentative b. Final 450+20/lot same 350 125/12.S0/lot 365 225/5/lot 10. PARCEL MAPS a. Tentative b. Final 100+20/lot 100 plus [4] 250 100 325 225+5/lot 11. VESTING MAP [1] [1] [1] 12. REVERSION TO ACREAGE [1] 13. LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT [1] 14. LOT MERGER [1] [2] 90 [2] [1] [1] [1] 15. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE 16. CC&R REVIEW [1] 295 [i] [1] [1] 17. ENVIRONMENTAL a. Initial Study b. Neg. Dec. 20 c. EIR Major 3,000 [3] Minor 60 85 810 80 80 390 18. DOCUMENT PREPARATION [1] [1] 19. APPEALS 150 50 150 Footnotes: [1] fee not applicable to city [2] same cost as parcel map [3] deposit ('refundable less cost for plancheck) [4] hourly fee TYPE OF ACTION CITIES L~ 'l~mttos Newlmrt Beach 1. ZONING ADMINISTRATION ACTIONS 2. TEMPORARY USE PERMIT Iii 645 Eli 150 [1] USE PERMIT Major: Minor: 200 688 485 150 4. VARIANCE Major: Minor: 5. DESIGN REVIEW 6. ZONE CHANGE 100 100 250 688 199 1,419 485 150 75 485+5/acre 7. ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 250 1,419 485+5/acre 8. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 150 1,419 400+20/acre TRACT MAPS a. Tentative b. Final 50+4/lot 1SO+3/lot 1,419 [1] 485+5/lot 250+15/lot 10. PARCEL MAPS a. Tentative b. Final 11. VESTING MAP 35 per lot 25 per lot [1] 355 [1] [~] 25O 2SO+lS/lot [1] 12. REVERSION TO ACREAGE [2] [1] 3s 13. LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT [2] 199 100 14. LOT MERGER [2] 355 100 15. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE [2] 16. CC&R REVIEW [1] [1] 75 [1] [1] 17. ENVIRONMENTAL a. Initial Study b. Neg. Dec. c. EIR Major Minor 25 [1] Contract 10% of consult fee 25 [1] 10% of consult fee SO0 18. DOCUMENT PREPARATION [1] [1] Eli 19. APPEALS 1/2 filing fee 258 100 Footnotes: [1] fee not applicable to city [2] same cost as parcel map [3] deposit (refundable less cost for plancheck) [4] hourly fee TYPE OF ACTION P' mtla CITIES 1. ZONING ADMINISTRATION ACTIONS [2] 2. TEMPORARY USE PERMIT [1] USE PERMIT Major: gO0 Minor: 75 VARIANCE Major: Minor: 21S 5. DESIGN REVIEW 200+25/acre 6. ZONE CHANGE 475 7. ZONING CODE AMENDMENT [1] 8. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 475+25/acre TRACT MAPS a. Tentative b. Final 400+S/lot 10. PARCEL MAPS a. Tentative b. Final 250 11. VESTING MAP [1] 12. REVERSION TO ACREAGE [2] 13. LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 200 14. LOT MERGER 200 1S. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE [1] 16. CC&R REVIEW [1] 17. ENVIRONMENTAL a. Initial Study 200 b. Neg. Dec. 200 c. EIR Major 1,500 Minor 18. DOCUMENT PREPARATION [1] lg. APPEALS 35 Footnotes: [1] fee not applicable to city [2] same cost as parcel map [3] deposit (refundable less cost for plancheck) [4] hourly fee San Clemente [1] 750 [3] 750 [3] 2,500 815 815 815 1,500 [3] 1,500 [3] [1] [1] 237 [2] [1] 40O 150 3,500 100 Sa__r "man Caplstrano [1] [1] 1,000 500 1SO 1,500 560/acre 560/acre 1,ooo 2,000+250/lot 1,000+lO0/lot 2,000 1,000+lO0/lot [1] 250 [1] [1] [1] 270 [i] 2,0oo [3] 25 TYPE OF ACTION CITIES Si Aha Seal Beach ,nton 1. ZONING ADMINISTRATION ACTIONS 2. TEMPORARY USE PERMIT 200 50 [1] [1] [1] [1] USE PERMIT Major: Minor: 1,000 500 250 400 4.' VARIANCE Major: Minor: 5. DESIGN REVIEW 6. ZONE CHANGE 1,000 500 SO 500 25O 500 350 36O 360+lO/unit 30O 7. ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 35O 300 8. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 500 350 300 TRACT MAPS a. Tentative b. Final 750+15/1ot SOO+lO/lot lO0+20/lot 400 80+lO/lot 10. PARCEL ~UkPS a. Tentative b. Final 11. VESTING MAP 12. REVERSION TO ACREAGE 13. LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 14. LOT MERGER SOO+iS/lot [2] 300+lO/lot 500+lO/lot 100+20/lot [1] lO0 200 4OO 125 [1] [1] [1] [1] 15. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE [1] 100 [1] 16. CC&R REVIEW SOO [1] [1] 17. ENVIRONMENTAL a. Initial Study 50 b. Neg. Dec. 200 c. EIR Major SO0 Minor 18. DOCUMENT PREPARATION 250 19. APPEALS 250 10 250 SO+cost [1] SO 8O lO0 cost 1/2 of filing fee Footnotes: [1] fee not applicable to city [2] same cost as parcel map [3] deposit (refundable less cost for plancheck) [4] hourly fee TYPE OF ACTION T~ n CITIES i. ZONING ADMINISTRATION ACTIONS 250 2. TEMPORARY USE PERMIT 25 USE PERMIT Major: Minor: 2S0 VARIANCE Major: Minor: 250 DESIGN REVIEW [1] 6. ZONE CHANGE 250 7. ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 250 8. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 250 TRACT MAPS a. Tentative b. Final 300+5/lot 250+7/lot 10. PARCEL MAPS a. Tentative b. Final 300+5/lot 150+7/lot 11. VESTING MAP [1] 12. REVERSION TO ACREAGE 250 13. LOT LIN~ ADJUSTMENT 50 14. LOT MERGER [1] 15. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE 250 16. CC&R REVIEW [1] 17. ENVIRONMENTAL a. Initial Study 2S b. Neg. Dec. 100 c. EIR Major 250 Minor DOCUMENT PREPARATION El] 19. APPEALS $0 Footnotes: [1] fee not applicable to city C2] same cost as parcel map [3] deposit (refundable less cost for plancheck [4] hourly fee Villa Park Eli [1] 3OO 300 7OO 750 75O 1,000+8/lot [1] 500+50/lot [4] [I] £2] 150 [2] [1] [1] 700+50/lot filing fee minster [1] 200 200 200 300 30O 300 225 50+3/lot 150 ?5/lot [1] [2] 45 [1] 45 [1] 50 50 cost [1] 1/2 of filing fee TYPE OF ACT[ON Yf Ltnda 1. ZONING ADMINISTRATION ACTIONS [1] 2. TEMPORARY USE PERMIT [1] USE PERMIT Major: Minor: 300 4o VARIANCE Major: Minor: 100 5. DESIGN REVIEW 250 6. ZONE CHANGE 200 7. ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 200 8. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 200 TRACT MAPS a. Tentative b. Fi hal 300+5/lot 250+5/lot 10. PARCEL MAPS a. Tentative b. Final 200 250+15/lot 11. VESTING MAP [1] 12. REVERSION TO ACREAGE [1] 13. LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 100 14. LOT MERGER [2] 15. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE [1] 16. CC&R REVIEW [1] 17. ENVIRONMENTAL a. Initial Study 25 b. Neg. Dec. 100 c. EIR Major 400 Minor 18. DOCUMENT PREPARATION 50 lg. APPEALS 25 Footnotes: [1] fee not applicable to city [2] same cost as parcel map [3] deposit (refundable less cost for [4] hourly fee CITIES )lancheck) Orange County 875 [1] 1.060 8OO 7OO s,ooo [31 s,ooo [33 s,ooo [3] 2,925+20/lot 1,SO0+20/lot 2,080 1,100 [1] 200 95 [2] 35 [13 155 310 2,500 [1] 370 TYPE OF ACT[ON C 1. ZONING ADMINISTRATION ACTIONS [1] CITIES 2. TEMPORARY USE PERMIT 50 USE PERMIT Major: Minor: 200 VARIANCE Major: Minor: 2OO 5. DESIGN REVIEW 1,000 [3] 6. ZONE CHANGE 300 7. ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 300 8. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 300 TRACT MAPS a. Tentative b. Final 50/lot 800+25/lot 10. PARCEL MAPS a. Tentative b. Final 50/lot 800+25/lot 11. VESTING MAP [i] 12. REVERSION TO ACREAGE [1] 13. LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT [2] 14. LOT MERGER [2] 15. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE [1] 16. CC&R REVIEW [1] 17. ENVIRONMENTAL a. Initial Study [1] b. Neg. Dec. [1] c. EIR Major 100 Minor 18. DOCUMENT PREPARATION [1] 19. APPEALS SO Footnotes: [1] fee not applicable ~o city [2] same cost as parcel map [3] deposit (refundable less cost for plancheck) [4] hourly fee Lake~ood 150 200 [1]. 25O [1] [1] 1,100 32O 475 17S [1] 29O 29O 150 38O $0 [3] [1] 35 ~9,,Beach 100 35 1,300 360 500 1,750 [1] 60O 1,000+35/lot 1,100+10/lot 2,000 1,100+10/lot [1] [1] 325 325 275 [1] 35 2,450 3,500 700 CITIES TYPE OF ACTIOM )~ tlk 1. ZONING ADMINISTRATION ACTIONS [1] 2. TEMPORARY USE PERMIT 25 USE PERMIT Major: Minor: -3OO VARIANCE Major: Minor: 300 DESIGN REVIEW 300 6. ZONE CHANGE 450 7. ZONING CODE AMENDMENT [1] 8. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 400 TRACT MAPS a. Tentative 400 b. Final [1] 10. PARCEL MAPS a. Tentative 300 b. Final [1] 11. VESTING MAP [1] 12. REVERSION TO ACREAGE [1] 13. LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 100 14. LOT MERGER [1] 15. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE [1] 16. CC&R REVIEW [1] 17. ENVIRONMENTAL a. Initial Study [1] b. Neg. Dec. [1] c. EIR Major [1] Minor 18. DOCUMENT PREPARATION [1] 19. APPEALS 1/2 filing fee ~ootnotes: [1] fee not applicable to city [2] same cost as parcel map [3] deposit (refundable less cost for plancheck) [4] hourly fee 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ~0 ~3 ~5 26 27 RESOLUTION NO. 87-27 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ESTABLISHING PLANNING RELATED FEES AND SERVICE CHARGES The City Council of the City of Tustin, California does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1. Planning Fees and Service Charges are hereby established as shown in Exhibit A and supercede any existing fee and shall be applied uniformly except where, in the discretion of the City Manager, reduced fees are justified by special circumstances. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, held on the 2nd day of March, 1986. DONALD J. SALTARELLI, Mayor Attest: MARY E. WYNN, City Clerk EXHIBIT A City OF TUSTIN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT FEE SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE March 2, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION Zoning Administrator actions Femporary Use Permit Use Interpretation Variance Minor Conditional Use ABC license Minor r~jor Zc :hange Zoning Code Amendment Design Review Signs Minor remodel Major remodel Minor new Major new General Plan Revisions Minor textural ~ajor textural Land Use map Tract Maps Tentative ET-per sector Tentative ET-per project Tentative Standard Final map Parcel Maps Tantative .1 RECOMMENDED FEE ($) 75 75 lO0 300 525 2OO 525 1000 750 750 50 275 500 400 775 575 1500 min.dep(2) 775 4500 2150 950 1050 950 875 )e two TYPE OF ACTION Vesting map Reversion to Acreage Lot line adjustment Lot merger Certificate of Compliance CC&R review RECOMMENDED FEE ($) base map fee + 50 base map fee + 50 200 150 75 150 Environmental Initial study 75 -- Negative Declaration 100 EIR Minor 1750 Major 3100 min.dep(3). Other Miscellaneous (4) document preparation Appeals 150 1/2 of filing fee (1)' includes cursory review of applications by building staff. (2) additional actual production costs to be reimbursed at hourly rate of $39.10 (3) minimum deposit is for city review only - additional actual time spent by sta be reimbursed on an hourly rate of $39.10. Applicant to also deposit actual for consultant preparation of EIR, when required. {4) examples are parking agreements CAS 2/10/87 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ~6 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 87-27 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ESTABLISHING PLANNING RELATED FEES AND SERVICE CHARGES The City Council of the City of Tusttn, California does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1. Planning Fees and Service Charges are hereby established as shown in Exhibit A .and supersede any existing fee and shall be applied uniformly except where, in the discretion of the City Manager, reduced fees are justified by special circumstances. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, held on the 2nd day of March, 1986. DONALD J. SALTARELLI, Mayor Attest: MARY E. WYNN, City Clerk EXHIBIT A dITY OF TUSTIN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT FEE SCHEOULE EFFECTIVE Rarch 2, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION Zoning Administrator actions Temporary Use Permit Use Interpretation Variance Minor Major Conditional Use ABC license Minor Major Change Zoning Code Amendment Design Review Signs Minor remodel Major remodel Minor new Major new General Plan Revisions Minor textural Major textural Land Use map Tract Maps Tentative ET-per sector Tentative ET-per project Tentative Standard Final map Parcel Maps Tentative 'inal RECOMMENDED FEE ($) 75 75 lO0 300 525 2OO 525 1000 75O 750 50 275 500 400 775 575 1500 min,dep(2) 775 450O 2150 950 1050 950 875 page two TYPE OF. ACTION Vesting map Reversion to Acreage Lot line adjustment Lot merger Certificate of Compliance CC&R review RECOHHENDED FEE-($) base map fee + 50 base map fee + 50 2O0 150 75 150 Environmental Initial study 75 Negative Declaration 100 EIR Hinor 1750 Major. 3100 min.dep(3) Other Miscellaneous (4) document preparation Appeals 150 1/2 of filing fee (1) includes cursory review of applications by building staff. (2) additional actual production costs to be reimbursed at hourly rate of $39.10 (3) minimum deposit is for city review only - additional actual time spent by sta be reimbursed on an hourly rate of $39.10. Applicant to also deposit actual for consultant preparation of EIR, when required. (4) examples are parking agreements CAS 2/10/87