HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Hear #1 10-07-87 Annex~'~ ~ ~; I DA PUBLIC HEARING DATE: OCTOBER 7, 1987 * TO: HONORABLE NAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: COI~IUNZTY DEVELOPHERT DEPARTRENT SUBJECT: PROPOSED ANNEXATION NO. 144 - FAIRHAVEN AVENUE RECOF1NEHDATION: Adopt Resolution No. 87-105 which petitions the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) to proceed with proposed Annexation No. 144 - Fatrhaven Avenue. 8ACI~GROUND AND DISCU$SIO#: The Cortese-Knox Local Government Reorganization Act of 1985 authorizes the City Council to make application to LAFCO for the annexation of territory after the adoption of a resolution. In the past it has been City Council policy to initiate annexations when citizens of the area had filed a petition with the City. In this case a petition was filed by approximately 8% of the registered voters in the area. This area also qualifies as an inhabited "island" annexation because it is surrounded by the City of Tustin on three sides. The hearing before the City Council is an information hearing to provide an opportunity'for the residents of the area to express their concerns and views on the resolution of application. This is not a protest hearth. 9 and the filing of a protest at this hearing has no validity as to the status of the annexation proposal. The area is bounded by Fairhaven Avenue on the north, Prospect Avenue on the east, on the south by Santa Clara and present City limits and on the west by present City limits which are 100 feet easterly of Marshall Lane-(see attached map). The area of 160 acres consists of 451 single family residences and the zoning classifications include R-l, E-4 100 and E-4 80. According to the Orange County Registrar's Office there are 1209 registered voters in the area with an estimated population of approximately 1713. If the City Council adopts the attached resolution, the Local Agency Formation Commision then conducts a fact finding hearing to determine if the subject proposal meets the requirements of the Government Code. Upon LAFCO's determination, the matter is referred to the City Council as the "conducting Ct ty Counct1 Report October 7, 1987 Annexation No. 144 Page two authority" for a protest heartng. In the case of Inhabited territory, tf less than 25~ of the registered voters of the area f~le a protest then the "conducting" authority orders the annexation completed. If more than 25~ and less than 50~ of the registered voters file a wrttten protest then an elect~on must be held. If more than 50~ of the registered voters ~lle a written protest, then the annexation would be terminated. A F~scal Impact Analys~s of recent annexation proposals has been completed and ~s attached for the Council's information. Christine Shingle/t~b'n Rssoclate Planner Director of Comm~lty Oevelopment MAC:per Attachments:Resolutlon No. 87-105 Hap Legal OescrtptJon Fiscal Impact Analysts ~ Corn munity Development Department ~' 1 2 RESOLUTION NO. 87-105 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, MAKING APPLICATION FOR THE INHABITED ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY KNOWN AS FAIRHAVEN 4 ANNEXATION NO. 144 5 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Tustin on its own motion has initiated preliminary proceedings for the annexation of certain inhabited 6 territory; and ? WHEREAS, the City'of Tustln has the ability to extend the full range of municipal services to the subject territory to better serve the needs of 8 the residents of the area; and 9 WHEREAS, the City Council on October 7, 1987 did adopt a resolution of application for annexation of the subject territory to the City of 10 Tustin; and 11 WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the proposed annexation is a Categorical Class 19 exemption from the requirement of CEQA; 12 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of 13 Tustin, California that: 14 1. The proposal for the Fairhaven Annexation No. 144 to the City of Tustin is made pursuant to Part 3, Chapter 1 of the Cortese-Knox 15 Local Government Reorganization Act of 1985. 10 2. The proposed change of organization consists of the annexation of 160 acres of inhabited territory, surrounded by the 17 incorporated limits of the City of Tustin, the City of Orange and the County of Orange, and said territory will derive 18 benefits of full municipal services as a result of the annexation. 3. The subject territory is bounded by Fairhaven Avenue on the 20 north, Prospect Avenue on the east, Santa Clara on the south along present City boundaries and present City boundaries on the 21 west (which is 100 feet easterly of Marshall Lane). 22 4. The proposed annexation is made for the purpose of increasing the econom~ and efficiency of government services by 23 incorporating territory within the City's sphere of influence. 1 2 Resolution No, 87-105 Page two 5 5. The application for annexation is submitted by the City Council of the City of Tustin on its own motion along with a request 6 from various owners in the area. 7 6. The Local Agency Formation Commission is hereby requested to undertake annexation proceedings pursuant to Part 2, Chapter 3 $ of the Cortese-Knox Local Government Reorganization Act of 1985. 9 PASSED AND ADOPTED. at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California on the day of , 1987. 10 11 12 Richard B. Edgar Mayor Mary E. Wynn City Clerk 17 18 19 20 FAIRHAVEN AVENUE ANNEXATION NO. 144 TI) TIlE I~ITY OF TUI;TI#. EALIFI)II#IA PASSED ADO ADOPTEO I'll DES. liD. OATEn__ ~:EDTIFII~O B'~ TH~. S~I~DSTAKY DF STATE ACRE~ FISCAL IHPACT ANAJ.YSIS PROPOSED ANNEXATTONS 144, 145, 1.46 cI'rY OF TUSTZN OCTOBER, 1987 [. SIIPlARY The City of Tustln is currently considering the potential annexation of three (3) additional areas in the North Tusttn Area (Annexation No.s 144, 145, and 146) aS shown on Figure 1. A fiscal impact analysts has been completed of these annexations In order to project estimated costs and revenues to be encountered by the Ctty. Results of the ftscal Impact analysts have revealed the following: Annexation 144 is the major threshold that results in significant additional City costs being incurred due to the cumulative impacts of previously approved annexations and the actual size and location of Annexation 144. 2. During fiscal year 1988-89, annual revenue for proposed Annexation 144 is projected at $152,127 and annual costs at $199,178 resulting in a net deficit in fiscal year 1988-89 for the proposed annexations of $47,051 {See Table 2). Revenues over costs realized for fiscal year 1988-89 for Annexation 145 and 146 will result in excess revenues of $959 and $2,918 respectively. 3. The fiscal impact analysis only has identified actual financial impacts on personnel and operating costs. It is known at this time that capital improvement expenditures are required in annexation areas which could clearly result in substantially larger financial liabilities to the City. 4. Personnel, vehicle and equipment costs have been prorated, as appropriate to the City's existing operations or to proposed needs in East Tustin. In the case of East Tusttn the General Fund will carry the East Tustin's prorated share or balance sooner than would otherwise be the case. II. GENERAL BACKGROUND INFORfqATIO# General background information on each annexation area evaluated in this fiscal impact report is presented in Table 1. Figure 1 graphically illustrates each annexation area. -1- 1" = 800' TABLE ! NORTH I:us'rIN ANNEXATION AREAS SUP~qARY OF GENERAL BACKGROUND ZNFO~ATZON 144 145 146 Total acres 160.28 16.49 8.9 Total square miles .250 .026 .014 Current population estimate 1713 201 68 Estimated persons per household 3.8 3.8 3.8 Registered voters (prel.) 1209 123 43 Existing land uses Single Family 451 53 18 -' Office 1 Pre-school 1 Curb miles 10.3 1.1 0.4 1987 - 88 Current Assessed Value $37,206,662 $3,664,637 $2,335,009 1988 - 89 Projected Assessed Value $37,950,795 $3,811,222 $2,381,709 III. FI~JU. IMPACT ASSIJHPTIONS AND METHODOLOGY A. FISCAL I#PACT ASSUHPTIONS The following major assumptions were used tn developing the ftscal impact analysts: ° ~ll revenue estimates are based on the most current popula=lon, economic and land use data available. The analysts ts presented tn constant 1986-1987 dollars wtth no adjustments for Inflation. ° Costs were directly estimated for Ctty departments. ° The analysts does not tnclude actual capital Improvement expenditures needed In annexation areas although It ts expected that said Improvements could represent significant future costs. ° The analysis looks at the first possible full fiscal year after which the annexations would be completed for determining costs and revenues. B. METHODOLOGY The following discussion defines estimation methodologies used in projecting various City revenues and costs resulting from annexation of the study area. i. REVENUES Property Tax Under the Master Property Tax Transfer Agreement, the City receives approximately 45~ of the County share and the share of affected special districts. Tusttn's share of the basic levy under this Agreement would be approximately 13~. Property Transfer Tax The City receives an allocation of $.55 per [,000 valuation of property sold, excluding the ortgtnal equtty on property and existing financing assumed by a buyer. A .[0 turnover rate is assumed with an .80 consideration rate for equity and financing. Motor Vehicle [n-Lieu $28.89 per capita -2- Cigarette Tax $1.50 per capita plus a $400 base Gas Tax Section 2106 - $4.56 per capita Section 2107 - $8.54 per capita Vehicle Code Fines $3.76 per capita Municipal Fines $.62 per capita Community Development (Building and Plan Check) fees Revenue estimates assume that the majority of single family homes are at least 20 years old and .05 of these units will be reroofed per year as deferred maintenance. The average permit for a reroof is $60. It is also assumed that .01 of total single family units will see interior or exterior remodeling per year at a ratio of 75~ major remodels and 255 minor remodels. Valuations of each of these improvement types is an average of $25,000 and $10,000 respectfully. These valuations were then applied against the City's current plan check and building permit fee schedules. Homeowners Property Tax Relief .0276 multiplier times total property tax Inte~st 2.55 of all projected recurring revenues 2. COSTS Police Department Police Department costs were directly estimated based on personnel and operational needs for Annexation Area 144. It has been determined that Annexation Areas 145 and 146 will have no impact on the Police Department. -3- TABLE 2 CZTY OF TUSTZN A DE'rAIL OF COST/REVENUE PROdECTIONS · FOR ANNEXATZONS FISCAL YEAR 1988-89 Recurrln9 Revenues 144 145 146 Tota]s Property tax 49,277 4,955 3,096 57,328 Property tax transfer 1,668 168 105 1,941 Motor Vehicle Zn-11eu 49,489 5,807 1,965 57,261 Cigarette tax 2,970 702 502 4,174 Gas tax 22,440 2,634 890 25,964 Vehicle code fines 6,441 756 226 7,423 Municipal fines 5,670 230 42 5,942 Community Development (Bldg & plan check)fees 10,462 1,052 657 12,171 Homeowner's property tax relief 3,710 408 187 4,305 [nterest Total Revenues 152,127 16,712 7,670 176,509 RecurrJn9 Costs Poltce '~-sonnel 40,000 :rattng 2,000 Subtotal 42,000 Public ~orks (1) Personnel 13,695 Operating 53,650 5,755 2,135 61,540 Subtotal 67,345 5,755 2,135 61,540 Fire contract (2) 79,555 8,792 375 88,722 Liability insurance 10,278 1,206 408 11,892 Subtotal 89,833 9,998 783 100,614 TOTAL COSTS 199,178 15,753 2,918 217,849 Difference bel~een Recurrtn~ Revenue/Costs {1) (-47,051) 959 4,752 (-41,340) All figures are shown in 1987-88 dollars. (1) Please note that actual financial costs can be determined at this time only for _~operations and personnel. It is known that significant capital improvements are · equtred that could result in larger financial liabilities. Public Works Oepartment Public Works costs'are estimated for four major line divisions that would be service impacted by proposed annexations - Streets, Trees, Yehicles. Increases in operational costs for each of these divisions was estimated based on the relationship of curb miles to be added by the annexations to total City curb miles (11.8/150.2 ~ .079%). This percentage was then applied against total estimated line division operational costs projected for each division in the fiscal year lg87-88 budget. Personnel and capital vehicle and equipment costs were directly estimated based on input from the Public Works Oepartment. However, it was assured that personnel and capital costs for street sweeping could be prorated for use in the East Tustin development at a rate of 15~ to annexation area 144. It was assumed that street sweeping to annexations 14S and 146 could be absorbed into the current operation. While it is difficult to determine tha actual costs of capital improvement that will be required in Annexation Area 144, the Public Works Department has identified needed capital improvement areas for street maintenance that will eventually be required at significant cost including: ° A.C. overlays on streets - About 75~ of the streets will require an A.C. overlay within the next 3-$ years; routine slurry seals will be needed on the remaining streets. Sidewalks - About 35~ of the streets do not have sidewalks. ° Stret Lights - About 30% of the streets do not have street lighting. ° Major street widening improvements are deficient on: - West side of Yorba Street between Santa Clara and Fairhaven Avenues - East side of Yorba Street between Rainier and Fairhaven Avenues - West side of Prospect Avenue between Santa Clara and Fatrhaven Avenues All roads within Area 145 have been recently overlayed and should pose no major problems for the next ten years. Laurtnda Way in Area 146 will require an A.C. overlay within the next three years. Street lights are non-existent in either Area 145 or 146. Annexation Area No. 145 also does not contain any sidewalks. -4- Ftre Tncreases Stnce 1978 Tus~cln has received fire protection and suppression servtces through the Orange County Fire Otstrtct. Fire protection costs to contracting ctttes are based on an allocation of the F~re Dtstrtct budget. Removing certain unique expenditures, an adjusted total ts allocated to each contracting ctty based on assessed valuation of Improvements and unsecured valuation, number of calls for servtce tn preceding year., population and area In square mtles. It ts assumed that structural ftre protection costs per Captta wtll be approximately $29.87, $614 costs per mtllton of assessed valuation and $22,186 per square mtle served, along with a 5~; increase tn the base rate due to current labor negotiations underway at the County. The City's projected Increases In ftre contract costs are expected to be the worse case. Ltabtllt7 :Znsurance Assumes an Increase of $5 per capita. 1988-89 FISCAL IMPACTS Table 2 indicates estimated revenue and costs for annexation areas during Fiscal ,)[ear 1988-89. .,mual revenues for Annexation Area 144 are projected at $152,127 and annual costs are projected at $199,178, resulting In a deftcit between revenues in 1988-89 of $47,051. As noted earlier, however, tt ts known that significant capital improvements are required that could, depending on schedu~ing, result tn larger financial 11abi~1tles on the City over ttme. Annual revenues for Annexation Areas 145 and 145 are projected at $15,712 and $7,570 respectively and annual costs at $15,753 and $2,918 resulting tn excess of revenues for Annexation Area 145 of $959 for Annexation 146 $2,918. CAS :per LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR FAIRHAVENAVENUE ANNEXATION NO. TO 1 .... CITY OF TUSTIN, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STA1. JF CALIFORNIA 1 BEGINNING AT AN ANGLE POINT IN THE EXISTINC CITY BOUNDARY OF THE CITY 2 OF TUSTIN, COUNTY OF ORANGE~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS ESTAHLISHED BY THE 3 THE MARSHALL ANNEXATION PElt ORDINANCE NO. 145, PASSED AND ADOPTED 4 FEBRUARY 16, 1961, SAID POINT BEING TIlE NORTtI~EST CORNER OF TRACT NO. 6' 3697, RECORDED IN BOOK 129, PAGES 8 AND 9 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORR~ 6 OF SAID ORANGE COUNTY, SAID POINT ALSO BEING A POINT IN THE EXI'STING ? CITY BOUNDARY OF THE CITY OF ORANGE, CALIFORNIA, AS ESTABLISHED BY CITY 8 OF ORANGE ANNEXATION NO. 227, PER ORDINANCE NO. 56-64, PASSED AND 9 ADOPTED DECEMBER 10, 1964; 10 11 THENCE NORTH' 8?° 4?' 48" EAST ALONG SAID CITY OF TUSTIN AND CITY OF 49 ORANGE BOUNDARY AND ALONG THE NORlqlERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID TRACT NO. 3697 13 A DISTANCE OF 430.21 FEET TO TME NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID TRACT NO. 44 369?, SAID POINT BEING ON THE ~EST LINE OF LOT 10 OF TRACT NO. 1816, 15 RECORDED IN BO01~ 55, PA~E 24 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS RECORDS OF SAID 16 ORANGE COUNTY; 48 ~Iq~ENCE DEPARTING FROM SAID CITY OF TUSTIN BOUNDARY ~t~D ALONG SAID CITY 49 OF ORANOE BOUNDARY NORTH O00 23' 15" ~EST ALONG SAID CITY HOUNDARY OF ~0 THE CITY OF ORANGE AND ALONG THE ~EST LINE OF SAID LOT 10 OF SAID TRACT 91 NO. 1816 A DISTANCE OF 22.46 PEET TO A POINT 30.00 FEET SOUTH OP TIlE ~ CENTERLINE OF PAIRHAVEN AVENUE AS MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES; 2~ 24 TDENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID CITY OF ORANGE BOUNDARY NORTli 89° 52' 39" ~S EAST ALONG A LINE THAT IS PARALLEL WITH AND DISTANT 30 FEET SOUTHERLY 28 FROM THE CENTERLINE OF FAIltflAVRN AVENUE A DISTANCE OF 320.20 PEET TO THE 2~ NORTHEAST CORNE~t OF LOT I OF SAID TRACT NO. 1816; ~8 ~9 THENCE CONtiNUING ALONG SAID CITY OF ORANGE BOUNDARY NORTH 10 FEET, MORE ~0 oR LESS; 31 ~ THENCE CONTINUINO ALONG SAID CITY OF ORANOE BOUNDARY NORTH 890 52' 39" 1 EAST ALONG A LINE THAT IS PARALLEL WITH AND DISTANT 20 FEET SOUTHERLY 2 FRO~ THE CENTERLINE OF I~AIRUAVEN AVENUE AS HEASURED ~ RIGHT ANGLES 190 ~3 FEET, HORE OR LESS, TO A POINT 30 FEET EAST OF THE CENTERLINE OF YORBA 4 STREET AND 20 FEET SOUTH OF TIlE CENTERLINE OF FAIRHAVEN AVENUE; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID CI'~Y OF ORANGE BOUNDARY NORTH 00° O7* 21'* ? WEST ALONG A LINE THAT IS PARALLEL WITH AND DISTANT 30 FEET EASTERLY FROH THE CENTERLINE OF YORBA STREET, A DISTANCE OF 20 FEET TO TIlE CENT- 9 ERLINE OF 'FAxRHAvEN AVENUE, SAID POINT AL~O BEING A POINT ON TIlE NORTH 10 LiNE OF FI~C~xoNAL SECTION' 4, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 9 WEST; 12 THENCE DEPARTING FROH SAID CITY OF ORANGE BOUNDARY NORTH 89° S2' 39" 13 EAST ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF FAIREAVEN AVENUE AND SAID NORTH LINE A 14 DISTANCE OF 2207.90 FEET TO TIlE INTERSECTION OF THE CENTERLINES OF FAIR- 15 HAVEN AVENUE AND PROSPECT AVENUE, SAID POINT ALSO BEING A POINT ON TIlE 16 EAST LINE OF FRACTIONAL SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP S SOUTH, RANGE 9 ~EST; 17 18 THENCE DEPARTING FltOH THE CENTERLINE OF FAIREAVEN AVENUE AND SAID NORTH 19 LINE SOUTH 03° 07' 49" ~EST ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF PROSPECT AVENUE AND 90 ALONG SAID EAST LINE A DISTANCE OF 2225.18 FEET TO THE INTERSECTION OF 21 TEE CEI~ERLINES OF PROSPECT AVENUE AND SANTA CLARA AVENUE~ 22 2~3 THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE CENTERLXNE OF PROSPECT AVENUE AND SAID EAST 94 LINE SOUTH 03° 07' 6,9" WEST A DISTANCE OF 25.04 FEET TO THE INTERSECTION 25 OF THE CENTERLINE OF PROSPECT AVENUE AND THE EASTERLY PROLONGATION OF 26 THE HOST NORTHERLY BOUNDARY OF THE REVISED SANTA CLARA ANNEXATION PER 27 ORDINANCE NO. 266. PASSED AND ADOPTED JANUARY 7, 1965; 28 29 TllENCE DEPARTING FROH THE CENTERLINE OF PROSPECT AVENUE AND SAID EAST 30 LINE SOUTN 89° 6,§' 6,9" WEST ALONG SAID EASTERLY PROLONGATION A DISTANCE 31 OF 25 FEET, HORE OR LESS, TO AN ANGLE POINT IN THE EXISTING CITY OF ~ ~32 TUSTIN BOUNDARY AS ESTABLISHED BY SAID REVISED SANTA CLARA ANNEXATION, P~E ~0 1 SAID POINT BEING THE HOST NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID R~VISED SANTA CLARA ANNEXATION; ., · THENCE SOUTH 89° 45' 4.9" WEST ALONG SAID CITY OF TUSTIN BODND~J{Y A DIS- TANCE OF 353 FEET, MORE OR LESS TO AN ANGLE POINT IN TIlE F~ISTING CITY 6 OF TUNTIN BOUNDARY AS ESTABLISHED BY SAID REVISED SANTA CLAP~A ANNEXATION; 7 8 THENCE SOUTH O0° 21' 16" WEST ALONG SAID CITY OF TUSTIN BOUNDARY A DIS- 9 TANCE ~F !5.00 PEET TO AN ANGLE POINT iN THE EXISTING CITY OF TUSTIN 10 BOUNDARY AS ESTABLISHED BY SAID REVISED SANTA CLARA ANNEXATION; 12 THENCE SOUTH 89° 45' 49" WEST ALONG SAID CITY OF .TUSTIN BOUNDARY A DIS- 13 TANCE 0P 407.09 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 1 OF TRACT NO. 3465, 14 RECORDED IN BOOK 120, PAGES 14 AND 15 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF 15 SAID ORANGE COUNTY, SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE NORTllEAST CORNER OF YORBA 16 STREET ANNEXATION NO. 2 PER ORDINANCE NO. 139, PASSED AND ADOPTED 17 OCTOBER 10, 1960; 19 THENCE CONTINUING S~UTH 890' &5' 49" ' WEST ALONG SAID CITY OF TUSTIN 20 BOUNDARY A DISTANCE OF 1278.59 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT IN THE EXISTING 21 CITY-~F T~-~TIN BOUNDARY AS ESTABLISHED BY SAID YORBA STREET ANNEXATION 22 NO. 2, SAID POINT BEING A POINT ON THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF 23 YOE~A STI~ET; 24 25 THENCE SOUTH O0° 17' 07" EAST ALONG SAID CITY OF TUSTIN BOUNDARY AND 26 SAID EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE A DISTANCE OF 465.10 FEET TO AN ANGLE 27 POINT IN THE EXISTING CITY OF TUSTIN BOUNDARY AS ESTABLISllED BY SAID 28 YORBA STREET ANNEXATION NO. 2; 29 ~0 TRENCE DEPARTING I~OM SAID EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE SOI.FrH 8~° ~§* 49" 31 WEST ALONG SAID CITY OF TUSTIN BOUNDARY A DISTANCE OF 365 FEET, MOEE 0E 32 LESS, TO AN ANGLE POINT IN THE EXISTINC CITY OF TUSTIN BOUNDARY AS PAGE THREE I ESTABLISHED BY SAID YOEBA STREET ANNEXATION NO. 2 AND THE AFOREHENTIONED 2 HARSHALL ANNEXATION, PER' ORDINANCE NO. 139, PASSED AND ADOPTED OCTOBER 10~ 1960, SAID POINT BEING ON TIlE HOST EASTERLY LINE OF SAID HARSEALL ANNI~ATION; THENCE NORTH O0° 22" 55" I~EST ALONG SAID CITY OF TUSTIN BOUNDARY A DIS- TANCE OF I75o08 FEET TO THE SOUTNEAST CORNER OF TIlE FAIRNONT I~AY ANNEXA- TION, PER ORDINANCE NO. 308, PASSED AND ADOPTED OCTOBER 10, 1960~ 1 THENCE CONTINUING NORTH OOO 22* 5~~ ~EST ALONC SA~[~D CITY OF TUSTIN 11 BOUNDARY AND TIlE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID FAIRHONT WAY ANNEXATION A DIS- 12 TANCE OF 330°02 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT IN THE F.~ISTINC CITY OF TUSTIN 1'1 BOUNDARY AND TO THE CENTERLINE OF SANTA CLARA AVENUE, SAID ANGLE POINT 14 BEY. NC THE NORTIIEAST CORNER OF SAID FAIRNONT WAY ANNEXATION; 16 THENCE CONTINU'rNC SOOTH 89° 45" &9" WEST ALONG SAID CITY OF TUSTIN 17 BOUNDARY AND ALONG SAID CENTERLINE OF SANTA CLARA AVENUE A DISTANCE OF 18 156~./+3 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF TIlE SANTA CLARA AVENUE AND FAIR- 19 HONT ~/AY ~NNEXAT~'ON PER RESOLUTION NO. 420, PASSED AND ADOPTED, 20 OCTOBER 29, 1968; 21 22 THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 89° ~.5~ /~9' WEST ALONG SAID CITY OF TUST1N 23 BOUNDARY AND ALONG SAID CENTEHLINE OF SANTA CLARA AVENUE A DISTANCE OF 94 3~6.52 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT IN THI~ EXISTING CITY OF TUSTIN BOUNDARY 25 AS ESTABLISHED BY THE HARSHALL ANNEXATION BY ORDINANCE NO. 145, PASSED 26 AND ADOPTED JANUARY 16) 1961; 27 28 THENCE DEPART~N(~ FROH SAID CENTEItLINE OF SANTA CLARA AVENUE AND CONTINU- 29 ING ALONG SAID CITY OF TUSTIN BOUNDARY NORTH O0° 24' 21" WEST A DISTANCE 30 OF 1~.00 FEET TO TIlE HOST ~/ESTERLY SOUTI[~EST CORNER OF TRACT NO. 1520, 31 RECORDED IN BOOK 74, PAGES 8 AND 9 OF MISCELLANEOUS HAPS, RECORDS OF 32 SAID ORANGE COUNTY~ PACE FOUR ,. , 1 THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID CITY OF TUSTIN BOUNDARY NORTH O0° 24' 21" 2 ~/EST ALONG THE HOST 14ESTERL¥ LINE OF SAID TRACT NO. 1520 A DISTANCE OF 3 906.19 FEET TO THE NoItTH~EST CORNER OF SAID TRACT NO. 1520 AND THE 4 SOUTH~ES'g CORNER OF TRACT NO. 3612, RECORDED IN BOOK 125, PACES 24 AND S' 25 OF MISCELLANEOUS HAPS, RECORDS OF SAID ORANGE COUNTY; $ ? THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID CITY OF TUSTIN BOUNDARY NORTII O0° 24' 21" 8 ~EST ALONG THE ~/ESTERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT NO. 3612 A DISTANCE OF 258°80 9 FEET TO TIlE NORTI~EST CORNER OF SAID TRACT NO. 3612, SAID POINT BEING 10 ON THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF TRACT NO. 3697, RECORDED IN BOOK 129, 11 PAGES 8 AND 9-OF HISCELLANEOUS HAPS, RECORDS OF SAID ORANGE COUNTY~ 13 THENCE CONTINUINO ALONG SAID CITY OF TUSTIN BOUNDARY SOUTI! 89° 49~ 14" 14 ~EST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF TRACT NO. 3697 A DISTANCE OF 15 68.70 FEET TO TIlE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID TRACT NO. 3697; 16 17 TIlENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID CITY OF TUSTIN BOUNDARY NORTII OO° 24~ 21" 18 ~4ES~ ALONG TIlE ~/ESTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID TRACT NO. 3697 A DISTANCE 19 OF 839.46 FEE~ TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. 20 21 CONTAINING 160.28 ACRES. 25 ANNA H. BF.M,, L.S. 4955 No. 4955 RE:GISTEATION EXPIRATION DAT£.- 13-31-89 Expires 12/3118~. ~8 ~0 3~ 165-01-144 JUNE 30~, 1987 PACE FIVE