HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Hearing #3 10-07-87 , ~UBLIC HEARING ~'~' ~' -7~ O, 3 DATE: OCTOBER 7, 1987 · TO: HONORABLE HAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: CO.UNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTHENT SUBJECT: PROPOSED ANNEXATION NO. 146 1TrH STREET/LAURINDA tiAY RECOmmENDATION: Adopt Resolution No. 87-107 which petitions the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) to proceed with proposed Annexation No. 146 17th St./Laurinda Way. BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: The Cortese-Knox Local Government Reorganization Act of 1985 authorizes the City Council to make application to LAFCO for the annexation of territory after the adoption of a resolution. In the past it has been City Council policy to initiate annexations when citizens of the area have filed a petition with the City. In this case a petition was filed by 21% of the registered voters in the area. This area also qualifies as an inhabited "island" annexation because it is surrounded by the City of Tustin on three sides. The hearing before the City Council is an information hearing to provide an opportunity for the residents of the area to express their concerns and views on the resolution of application. This is not a protest hearin~ and the filing of a protest at this hearing has no validity as to the status of the annexation proposal. The area is bounded on the north by current City boundary (which is 1000 feet northerly of 17th Street), current City boundary on the east (which is 100 feet easterly of Laurinda Way), and extends to Prospect Avenue 470 feet northerly of 17th Street for 200 feet and returns to a point 100 feet easterly of Laurinda Way, and current City boundary on the west (which is 100 feet westerly of Laurinda Way). (See attached map.) The area consists of 18 single-family residences, the Gerber Pre-School and one professional office building. The zoning is E-4-100 (Estate Residential) and PA (Professional Office). According to the O~ange County Regtstrar's office, there are 43 registered voters in the area with an estimated population of approximately 68. City Council Report October 7, 1987 Annexation No. 146 Page two If the City Council adopts the attached resolution, the Local Agency Formation Commission then conducts a fact finding hearing to determine if the subject proposal meets the requirements of the Government Code. Upon LAFCO's determination, the matter is referred to the City Council as the "conducting authority" for a protest hearing. In the case of the inhabited "island" territory, if less than $0~ of the registered voters of the area file a protest then the "conducting" authority orders the annexation completed. If more than 50~ of the registered voters protest, then the annexation would be terminated. A Fiscal Impact Analysis of recent annexation proposals has been completed for the Council's information and is attached to the report for Annexation No. 144 Fatrhaven Avenue. Christine A.' Shtn~leton Associate Planner Director of Comm(fntty Development MAC:CAS:ts:pef Attachments: Resolution 87-107, Map, Legal Corn rnunity Development Depariment ~" 1 2: RESOLUTION NO. 87-107 ' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, MAKING APPLICATION FOR THE 4 INHABITED "ISLAND" ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY KNOWN AS 17TH STREET/LAURINDA WAY ANNEXATION NO. 146 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Tustin on its own motion has 6 initiated preliminary proceedings for the annexation of certain inhabited territory; and 7 WHEREAS, the City of Tustin has the ability to extend the full range 8 of municipal services to the subject territory to better serve the needs of the residents of the area; and 9 WHEREAS, the City Council on October 7, 1987 did adopt a resolution 10 of application for annexation of the subject territory to the City of Tustin; and 11 WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the proposed annexation 12 is a Categorical Class 19 exemption from the requirement of CEQA; 13 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Tusttn, California that: 1. The proposal for the 17th Street/Laurinda Way Annexation No. 146 15 to the City of Tusttn is made pursuant to Part 3, Chapter 1 of the Cortese-Knox Local Government Reorganization Act of 1985. 16 2. The proposed change of organization consists of the annexation 17 of 8.9 acres of inhabited territory, surrounded by the incorporated limits of the City of Tustin and the County of !$ Orange, and said territory will derive benefits of full municipal services as a result of the annexation. 19 3. The subject territory is bounded by Seventeenth Street on the 20 south, present City boundary on the west (which is 100 feet westerly of Laurinda Way), present City Boundary on the north 21 (which is 1000 feet northerly of Seventeenth Street), present City boundary on the east (which is 100 feet easterly of 22 Laurinda Way), and extends to Prospect Avenue 470 feet northerly of Seventeenth Street for 200 feet and returns to a point 100 23 feet easterly of Laurtnda Way. 24 4. The proposed annexation is made for the purpose of increasing the econon~y and efficiency of government services by 25 incorporating territory within the City's sphere of influence. Resolution No, 87-107 Page two 3 5 5. The appllcatlon for annexation ts submitted by the Ctty Council of the City of Tusttn on its own'motion along with a~ request 6 from vartous owners tn the area. ? 6. The Local Agency Formation Commission is hereby requested to undertake annexation proceedings pursuant to Part 2, Chapter 3 8 of the Cortese-Knox Local Government Reorganization Act of 1985. 9 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California on the~ day of , 1987. 10 Richard B. Edgar Mayor 14 Mary E. Wynn City Clerk 17 18 19 20 stIllY 17th STREET- LAURINDA WAY ANNEX. NO. 146 · TO T#E CITY O~ TUITIN, CALIFORNIA , PASSED ANI ADDPTED BY RES, NO _DATID ClllTIIrliD BY THE BICIIETAIY IlL' DTATR.. LEGEND AREA ..... I'ilSTIN& CITY llr TUSTIN BOUNDARY //~ ~ I.sO ACRES '~'--"------PDIPOSED CiTY 05 TUSTIN IAUNIAIY LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR I?TH STREET -- LAURINDA I~AY ANNEXATION NO. 146 TO TIlE CITY 'OF TUSTIN, COUNTY OF ORANGE, CALIFORNIA 1 BEGINNING AT AN ANGLE BOINT IN THE EXISTING BOUNDARY OF TIlE CITY OF 2 TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AS ESTABLISHED BY THE SEVENTEENTH STREET - LAURINDA ' 3 WAY ANNEXATION NO. 96 PER RESOLUTION NO. ~ PASSED AND 4 ADOPTED ~ SAID POINT BEING ON THE CENTERLINE OF 17Tit ~' STREET BEING DISTANT SOUTH 88° 50' 54" WEST 71.30 PEET FRON THE INTER- 6 SEcTION OP TR~- c~r~LIREs oF ~?TH S{~E~r AND PROSPEcT ^VENUE (SOUTH)~ 8 9 THENCE NORTH OO° 04' 21" WEST ALONG SAID CITY OF TUSTIN BOUNDARY AND ~0 ALONG THE SOUTHERLY PROLONGATION OF TNE WESTERLY BOUNDARY LINg OF TRACT 11 NO. 2834, AS 'PER HAP RECORDED IN BOOK 84, PAGES 35 AND 36 OF NISCEL- ~2 LANEOUS HAPS, RECORDS OF SAID ORANGE COUNTY AND ALONG SA'ID ~ESTERLY 13 BOUNDARY LINE,, A DISTANCE OF 1003.22 PEET TO AN ANGLE POINT IN THE ~4 EXISTING BOUNDARY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFOENIA~ AS ESTABLISHED BY 15 THE PROSPECT-CARLSBAD ANNEXATION NO. 75 PER RESOLUTION NO. 72-24~ PASSED 16 AND ADOPTED HAY ~, 1972, AND BY TNE HALENA DRIVE ANNEXATION, PER ORDIN- 17 ANCE NO. 2,~4, PASSED AND ADOPTED HAY 4, 1964, SAID POINT ALSO BEING TIlE 18 NORTNI~ST CORNER OF SAID TRACT NO. 2834~ 19 20 TIIENCE NORTH 89° 19' O1" EAST ALONG SAID CITY OF TUSTIN BOUNDARY AND 21 ALONG THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID TRACT NO. 2834 A DISTANCE OF 319.09 92 FEET TO THE NORTNEAST CORNER OF SAID TRACT NO. 283~ AND TO AN ANGLE 23 POINT IN THE EXISTING BOUNDARY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN PER SAID PROSPEcT- 24 CARLSBAD ANNEXATION NO. 75{ 25 26 THENCE SOUTH O0° 06..' 21" FAST ALONG SAID CITY OF TUSTIN BOUNDARY AND 27 ALONG THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID TRAcT NO. 2836.. A DISTANCE OF 336,.09 28 FEET TO TH{;: .NORTHI,T~ST CORNER OF PARCEL 2, AS PER ~ RECORDED IN BOOK 29 27, PAGE .50 OF PARCEL HAPS, RECORDS OF SAID OEANCE COUNTY, AND TO AN 30 ANGLE POINT IN TH'e EXISTING BOUNDARY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN pER SAID PROS- ~1 PEcT-CARLSBAD ANNEXATION NO. 7.5; 32 1 THENCE SOUGH 89° 51' O~" EAST ALONG SAID CITY OF T~.STIN BOUNDARY AND 2 ALONG THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID PARCEL 2 AND THE EASTERLY EXTENSION 3 OF SAID NORTHERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF 344.56 FEET TO THE CENTERLINE OF 4 PROSPECT AVENUE; 6 THENCE SOUTH 03° 29' 15" WEST ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF PROSEECT AVENUE ? A DISTANCE OF 206./+9 FEET TO THE POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH TIlE EASTERLY 8 PROLONGATION OF THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 2; SAID POINT ALSO 9 BEING AN ANGLE POINT IN THE EXISTING BOUNDARY LINE OF THE CITY OF 'fUSTIN 10 CALIFORNIA AS ESTABLISHED BY THE PROSPECT AVENUE- SEVENTEENTH STREET 11 ANNEXATION NO. 119; 12 I~3 THENCE NORTH 88° 05' 5/+" ~EST ALONG SAXD CITY OF TUSTIN BOUNDARY A DIS- 14 TANCE OF 331.9/+ FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT NO. 15 28't/+ AND TO AN ANGLE POXNT IN THE EXISTXNC BOUNDARY OF THE CXTY OF 16 TUSTXN PER SAID PROSPECT AVENUE - SEVENTEENTH STREET ANNEXATXON NO. 119; 18 THENCE SOUT~ GO° O/+' 2X" EAST ALONG SAID CITY OF TUSTXN BOUNDARY AND 19 ALONG SAXD EASTERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF 470.01 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT XN 90 THE EXISTXNG CXTY OF THSTIN BOUNDARY PER SAID PROSPECT AVENUE - SEVEN- 2~ TEENTH STREET ANNEXATION NO. 119 AND BY MEREDITH ANNEXATXON NO. 69 PER 22 ORDINANCE NO. 512~ PASSED AND ADOPTED AUGUST 24, 1971. SAID POINT ALSO 23 BEING A POINT ON TIlE CENTERLINE OF I?TH STREET BEING DISTANT SOUTH 880 24 /+3' 39" NEST 303.93 F~ET ~ROH THE INTERSECTION OF THE CENTERLINES OF 25 PROSPECT AVENUE (NORTH) AND 17TH STREET; 28 27 THENCE SOUTH 88° /+3' 39" WEST ALONG SAID CITY OF TUSTIN BOUNDARY AND 98 ALONG THE CENTERLINE 'OF 17TH STREET A DISTANCE OF 2/+7.84 FEET; 29 30 THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID CITY OF TUSTIN BOUNDARY AND ALONG THE CEN- t1 TERLINE OF 17TH STREET SOUTH 88° 50" 54" WEST A DISTANCE OF 71.30 FEET 32 TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 8.90 ACRES. --" 165-01-146 ' / ANNA M. BEAL, L.S. /+955 { ~ { REGISTRATION EXPIRATION DATE: 12-31-89}~ ~ No. 4955 \ \Expires 12/31/89