HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 COUNTY 800 MHZ 08-04-03AGENDA REPORT Agenda Item 4 Reviewed: ~ City Manager Finance Director MEETING DATE: AUGUST 4, 2003 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER ~ 800 MHZ COST SHARING AGREEMENT SUMMARY An amendment to the 1996 800 MHz Communications System agreement is proposed for allocating costs to maintain the backbone components of the system. RECOMMENDATION That 'the City Council approve an amendment to the Joint Agreement for the Implementation and Operation of the 800 Megahertz (800 MHz) Countywide Coordinated Communications System. To meet the obligations of the amendment, it is also recommended that $50,379 be appropriated from the unappropriated General Fund reserve and $3,040 from the unappropriated Water Fund reserve. BACKGROUND In 1996 the City of Tustin ("the City"), County and all other Orange County cities entered into an agreement to jointly implement a new integrated police, public works and fire communications system. All jurisdictions paid a proportionate share of the $100 million system. It is completed and fully operational. The 1996 agreement included a provision that at a later date the cities and County would negotiate an arrangement for sharing the cost to maintain the 800 MHz system "backbone." The backbone system includes components common to all agencies needed to operate the communications system. This includes microwave equipment, computer systems, a 24-hour per day monitoring system, etc. The backbone system cost $21 million. The City has 148 radios in the Police Department and 98 radios in other departments (Public Works, Water, etc.). These radios and the computer aided dispatch center in the Police Department can only operate through the Countywide backbone system. The backbone system also provides the interoperability feature which enables all jurisdictions to communicate on common radio frequencies. FISCAL IMPACT: The City has budgeted $1.5 million in prior fiscal years to cover the cost to purchase 246 radios and the base stations. Based on the formula set forth in the amendment to the 800 MHz agreement, the City's fiscal year 2003-04 share of backbone system maintenance will be $53,419. The cost will be allocated to the General Fund and Water Fund and adjusted in future fiscal years based on the formula contained in the amendments to the 800 MHz agreement. DISCUSSION The 800 MHz Governance Committee (the Tustin City Manager is a member) which provides oversight of the communications system had decided to delay the issue of backbone system joint cost sharing until the 800 MHz system was fully implemented. That allowed all involved jurisdictions to focus on the primary goal of installing the new system and working through technical problems encountered due to the complexity of the 800 MHz system. It is a highly complex, state-of-the-art system. The proposed amendments to the agreement establish a formula for allocating among jurisdictions the cost to annually operate and maintain the backbone system. The backbone system is under the jurisdiction of the Orange County Sheriff's Department Communications Division. The City contracts with the Communications Division to maintain all City radios and radio dispatch equipment. Having one jurisdiction own, operate and maintain the backbone system is more cost-effective and ensures security of a highly sensitive communications system. AMEND1Vn*.NT TO JOINT AGREEMENT FOR ~ IMPLEMENTATION AND OPERATION OF ORANGE COUNTY 800 MEGAlt'ERTZ COUNTYWIDE COORDINATED COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM DATED JANUARY 30, 1996 WHEREAS, the parties hereto previously entered into that JOINT AGREEMENT FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION AND OPERATION OF THE ORANGE COUNTY 800 MEGAHERTZ COUNTYWIDE COORDINATED COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM dated January 30, 1996 and fully executed April 24, 1996 (hereinafter referred to as "Joint Agreement"); and WHEREAS, Section 15 of the Joint Agreement which addresses the issue of Cost Sharing for thc 800M]-Iz Backbone System expenses, provides in material part: "the Governance Committee shall ~pecify the appropriate costs to be included in this cost sharing an'angement and the formula on how these costs shall be distributed to the Parties to the Agreement. This distribution of costs shall be included as an amendment to this agreement after the mutual approval of the Parties to the Agreement."; and WHEREAS, the parties to the Joint Agreement have now reached consensus on the appropriate costs and how these cost shall be distributed to the parties, and intend this document to be the Amendment to the Joint Agreement in which that consensus is set fo~ch. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: .1. Delete Section 15 SYSTEM MODIFICATIONS AND COST SHARING located on Page 13 of the Joint Agreement, and substitute the following in its place: "15 SYSTEM MODIFICATIONS AND COST SHARING 15.1 System Modifications System modifications ~ay be needed' from time-to-time to meet the changing need~ of Participating Agencies,. System modifications, expansions or enhancements will not be allowed without technical review by the County and approval by the Governance COmmittee. System modifications recommended by County and agreed to by the Governance Committee will then be forwarded to Governing Authorities for approval, as. appropriate, and implemented by County. Cost sharing of future System Backbone modifications shall bc determined based On thc benefit to be derived by individual Participating Agencies., Thc cost for any modification intended for the sole use and support of a single Participating Agency shall bc borne by that Participating Agency. The cost for any modification intended to improve service for an identifiable group of Participating Agencies in a local area or Net shall be shared by those Participating Agencies in a manner agreeable to those Participating Agencies. The cost-sharing formula for future System modifications involving all Participating Agencies will be developed by the Governance Committee and agreed to by the Governing Authorities. 15.2 Co~t Sl~aring Beginning July 1, 2002 A. Effective Date/Percentage Shar~ The Cities and Orange 'County Fire Authority (OCFA) will commence System Backbone cost sharing payments as of July 1, 2002. The following table represents the respective aggregate obligations for the cost of the System Backbone expressed as a percentage of the total cost: ' ' 1. FY 02-03 a. County's share of cost 51% b. Cities'/OCFA's share of cost 49% 2. FY 03-04 a. County's share of cost 45.6% b. Cities'/OCFA's share of cost 54.4% 3. FY 04-05 and thereafter a, County's share of cost 40.18% b. Cities'/OCFA's share of cost 59.82% The individual obligations for the cost of the System Backbone, as approved by the Governance Committee, for each of the Cities and OCFA shall be determined by dividing the number of radios that each of the Cities and the OCFA, respectively, are operating on the System by the total number of radios that the Cities and OCFA are collectively operating on the System. The resulting ratios shall each be multiplied by the aggregate percentage obligations of the Cities and OCFA for each fiscal year as set forth above. The resulting products shall be the Cities' and OCFA's individual pementage obligations for the cost of the System Backbone in each a~plicable fiscal year. 15.3 Cities/OCFA Payment of FY 02-03 Backbone Costs 15.4 County is authorized to transfer from the County's Site Development and Infrastructure Fund to the County General Fund, an amount equal to the Cities' and OCFA's FY 02-03 share of cost for System Backbone operations. The purpose of this transfer is to finance Cities' and OCFA's FY 02-03 share of the System Backbone costs and to allow cities and OCFA to pay said costs over a period of time. Furthermore, it allows the County to receive said amount'in its General Fund as was budgeted for FY 02-03. J~aeh city and OCFA will amortize its share of the FY 02-03 System Backbone costs, interest free, over a period of 5 years, commencing July 1, 2003, by paying back to County 20% of its share of the FY 02- 03 System Backbone cost each year thereafter for five years. Each city and OCFA shall make this payment to County along with its regular System Backbone cost-sharing expense payment for that particular fiscal year. Annual Payment Commencing July 1, 2003, and continuing each year thereafter, each city and OCFA will contribute 100% of its allocated share of the System Backbone costs based on the fon~mla set forth in 15.2.A above. Said payments shall be made on a quarterly basis in advance within thirty days of billing. 15.5 New Site Development and Infrastructure Fund The County will place the approximately $4.1 million currently in the County's Site Development and Infrastructure Fund, less the amount County is allowed to deduct from that fund pursuant to 15.3.A. above, into a separate Site Development and Infrastructure Fund. This fund will be controlled by the 800 MHz Governance Committee. Each project financed from this fund will require prior 800 MHz Governance Committee approval. Each expenditure from the Site Development and Infrastructure Fund must be utilized for County's share of site development and/or infrastructure costs. On June 30, 2008, any remaining balance in the Site Development and Infrastructure Fund shall be administratively transferred to the County General Fund without further approval by the 800 MHz Governance Committee, cities or the OCFA. 15.6 Exclusive Backbone System Costs Unless otherwise authorized by separate agreement or an amendment to thc Joint A~fr, cnt for thc Implementation and Operation of the 800_- MHz CCCS (thc "800 MHz CCCS Joint A~reement"), none of the cost clements covered thereunder shall be included in other service agreements between thc County of Orange and thc Cities or OCFA. 15,7 No Change to Governance Structure 15.8 15.9 15,10 Thc Govcmancc Committee sUucturc set forth in Section 18 of thc 800 MI-Ix CCCS Joint Agreement, to oversee thc cost of operations, projects financed from thc Site Development and Infrastructure Fund, and to set policies regarding usc of thc System, is not changed by this Amcndrncnt. Ne~w Users of CCCS New users of the System shall be charged pursuant to thc policy established by the Govcmance Committee under Section 16 of thc 800 MHz CCCS Joint Agreement. Budget/Year-End Settlement A. The System budget and allocation of expenses will be submitted for approval to the Governance Committee ninety (90) days in advance of each fiscal year and communicated to the Cities/OCFA for purposes of including same in their budgets for the next fiscal year. As soon as practicable following the end of each fiscal year, a final accounting shall be performed to determine the actual cost of backbone system operations, infrastructure and maintenance costs for that fiscal year. Thereafter, to the extent there have been contributions made by the county, each city, each participating agency and the OCFA which exceed the actual cost of operations and maintenance, the amount of said excess contributions shall be credited to each party in the same proportion as was used to create the excess. In the event of a shortfall, each party shall be billed its pro-rata share of the shortfall, which shall be paid in the first quarter payment for the next fiscal year following the fiscal year of the shortfall. 800 MHz CCCS Site Revenues In the event County decides to generate revenues from the commercial, non-governmental sector by leasing space at the County's radio sites, the following shall apply: A. The use of said radio sites shall not interfere with or degrade the efficiency of the System. B. The net revenues generated from such use shall be shared among the parties to this 800 MHz CCCS Joint Agreement in the same proportion as each party contributed to the maintenance and repair of the radio site(s) for the fiscal year the revenue is generated, up to the amount of' each party's contribution, for maintenance and repair of the base radio site(s) from which the revenue is generated. All additional net revenues shall go to the County. 15.11 Effective Date The effective date of this Amendment to the $00 MHz CCCS Joint Agreement shall be July 1, 2003." 2. All other provisions contained in the 800 MHz CCCS Joint Agreement shall remain unchanged. IN WITNESS WHER.EOF, the Parties hereto have set their hands and seals on the date set forth . opposite their respective signatures on identical counterparts of this Amendment, each which shall for all purposes be deemed an original thereof. COUNTY OF OKANGE Approved As to Fo.,s: County Counsel By fK,~-L.c~ ~ Dated: SIGNED AND CERT1FI£Z ' ": : THIS IX)C, UME#T I~$ S~ ~-~: .~.**: :$ DARLE~ 3, BLt'~ CITY OF: A'FTEST: By: By: City Clerk Dated: Approved As To Form: City Attorney